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The usefulness of ERP systems for effective

                                     Charalambos Spathis
                                     Department of Economics, Aristotle's University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki,
                                     Sylvia Constantinides
                                     Mediterranean ECS, University Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece

Keywords                                                                                              necessary tool for companies to survive this
Resource management, Benefits,         Introduction                                                   highly competitive business environment.
Problem solving, Greece
                                     In this highly automated, IT-led business                           The next section discusses the relevant
Abstract                             environment, companies are forced to keep                        literature followed by the research questions
Enterprise resource planning         up-to-date with the new technologies to                          and the methodology adopted. Thereafter, the
(ERP) systems offer distinct                                                                          research findings are presented. The final
advantages in this new business
                                     remain competitive (Palaniswamy and
                                     Frank, 2000; Siriginidi, 2000a; Al-Mashari,                      section discusses the conclusions drawn
environment as they lower
operating costs, reduce cycle        2001). ERP systems provide distinct                              from this research including potential issues
times and (arguably) increase        advantages to companies adopting them as                         for future research.
customer satisfaction. This paper
examines, via a questionnaire, the   they can integrate business applications
underlying reasons why               using real-time information. Therefore, ERP
companies choose to adopt ERP        systems provide the means for management                          Previous research
systems, their impact on
                                     to respond to the increasing business needs                      ERP systems evolved from advanced
management process including
implementation problems              in more effective and efficient ways. The                        manufacturing technologies (AMT) both of
encountered. The empirical           main benefits of ERP systems are seen as the                     which were developed as a response to the
evidence confirms a number of        production of real-time data shared across                       increasingly competitive environment. In
benefits derived from ERP systems
particularly for management          the organization and consequently the                            particular, their purpose has been to increase
process but also, problems           integration and automation of business                           quality, lower inventory levels and enhance
encountered. Results provide the     processes. This is particularly important in                     customer service mainly via improved
basis for future research on the                                                                      manufacturing flexibility (Slack, 1991; Drury,
                                     this new business environment where
potential of ERP systems, for more
                                     automation, effectiveness and efficiency in                      1996; Palaniswamy and Frank, 2000;
effective business integration.
                                     operations and real-time data are important                      Siriginidi, 2000b; Huang and Palvia, 2001).
                                     factors for business success. The provision of                   Others report the year 2000 problem,
                                     timely information improves the                                  currency consolidation (Euro), integration of
                                     decision-making process, planning and                            all business functions and processes and
                                                                                                      Internet interface as additional motives for
                                     control of ERP adopters. Consequently,
                                                                                                      ERP applications (Gupta, 2000; Scott and
                                     higher effectiveness and efficiency in
                                                                                                      Kaindl, 2000). Within an ERP environment,
                                     operations and improved customer
                                                                                                      transactions are treated as part of the
                                     satisfaction are the ultimate benefits derived
                                                                                                      inter-linked business processes (Gupta, 2000).
                                     from ERP systems (Duff and Jain, 1998;
                                                                                                      In essence, business processes are integrated
                                     Gupta, 2000).
                                                                                                      and automated whilst, data is shared across
                                       This study examines, via a questionnaire,
                                                                                                      departments and particularly, real-time
                                     the motives for companies adopting ERP                           information (Nah et al., 2001; Themistocleous
                                     systems, the benefits derived including the                      et al., 2001). Therefore, one may expect that a
                                     problems encountered. In essence, the aim is                     ``complete'' ERP system would incorporate
                                     to evaluate the usefulness of ERP systems in                     ``modules'' relating not only to the traditional
                                     meeting company needs in this demanding                          accounting information system but also,
                                     business environment; that is, the success of                    stock control, MRP, and logistics. EDI
                                     ERP systems in improving management                              systems and e-commerce might also be
                                     process. The evidence presented would then                       additional dimensions of an ERP system
                                     help to establish the best way forward in fully                  (Duff and Jain, 1998; Hardy and Reeve, 1999).
Industrial Management &
Data Systems                         exploiting ERP systems' potential as a                           Nicolaou (2002) reports on the effectiveness
103/9 [2003] 677-685
# MCB UP Limited                     The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at   The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
[ISSN 0263-5577]
[DOI 10.1108/02635570310506098]         

                                                                                                                                                                   [ 677 ]
Charalambos Spathis and   in cost management systems of JIT and EDI             ERP applications and assist management to
Sylvia Constantinides     systems' use. Overall, the application of ERP         achieve their full potential.
The usefulness of ERP                                                             In conclusion, the current study
systems for effective     systems leads to increased efficiency and
management                effectiveness in business processes                   determines the usefulness of ERP systems for
Industrial Management &   permeating management decision-making at              an effective management function including
Data Systems              all levels (Duff and Jain, 1998; Shang and            the problems encountered as an explanation
103/9 [2003] 677-685
                          Seddon, 2000; Hayes et al., 2001). Although           of the former. As at the heart of an ERP
                          ERP system benefits have been examined in             system is the accounting module, emphasis is
                          the past, their impact on management                  given on management accounting aspects.
                          process per se has not been considered.
                          Further, the motives for adopting ERP
                          systems including users' evaluation of ERP             Research questions
                          systems are issues that remain unexplored.            The literature review discussed the
                          Consequently, this study examines these               advantages and the limitations of ERP
                          issues via a questionnaire.                           systems highlighting issues that warrant
                             In terms of the problems encountered in            further consideration. This study examines
                          ERP implementations, researchers report on            the following research questions based on
                          technical factors (Scott and Kaindl, 2000;            evidence obtained via a questionnaire send
                          Siriginidi, 2000a; Lang et al., 2001; Light et al.,   to managers of companies (ERP adopters)
                          2001; Themistocleous et al., 2001). Others            operating in Greece:
                          report softer factors for ERP system success            RQ1. Why do companies choose to adopt
                          such as organizational culture (Al-Mashari                     ERP systems?
                          and Zairi, 1999; Stefanou, 1999; Aladwani,
                                                                                  RQ2. What are the benefits derived from
                          2001; Krumbholz and Maiden, 2001). Readers
                                                                                       the adoption of ERP systems on
                          are referred to the works of Stefanou (1999),
                                                                                       accounting information and
                          Bradford and Roberts (2001) and Krumbholz
                                                                                       management process?
                          and Maiden (2001) for ``critical success
                          factors'' in ERP system implementations.                RQ3. Why do (not) companies
                          Substantial cost and time overruns,                          implementing an ERP system have
                          organizational problems including employee                   received substantial benefits from it?
                          resistance to change also appear important                   What were the problems encountered
                          barriers for ERP system success (Nah et al.,                 in introducing ERP systems? To what
                          2001; Themistocleous and Irani, 2001;                        extent did they apply?
                          Themistocleous et al., 2001). Business process
                          re-engineering (BPR), the appropriateness of
                          business and IT legacy systems, management             Methodology
                          culture, top management support and                   Preliminary interviews with managers in
                          communication are thought of as critical              companies adopting ERP systems were
                          success factors in implementing ERP systems           conducted in order to cater for the limited
                          (Gupta, 2000; Al-Mashari and Zairi, 2000; Nah         empirical evidence available as well as, the
                          et al., 2001). Spathis and Ananiadis (2002)           lack of underlying theories in this context.
                          examined the impact of ERP systems on                 Therefore, exploratory interviews were used
                          management accounting information                     as a facilitator of the research process and
                          systems at the Aristotle's University of              particularly for the questionnaire design
                          Thessaloniki. Evidence shows that, users'             (Sieber, 1973).
                          perceptions in descending order of                      Interviews with two major ERP providers
                          importance are focused on the following               and four companies adopting ERP systems
                          factors:                                              have helped establishing the relevant issues
                          .   managerial;                                       and determining the direction of this
                          .   IT infrastructure; and                            research. Using open-ended questions the
                          .   operational.                                      interviews covered the following issues:
                          In brief, researchers have identified a
                                                                                .  ERP system adoption motives;
                          number of problems associated with ERP
                                                                                .  ERP benefits; and
                                                                                .  problems encountered in ERP system
                          applications as well as critical success factors
                                                                                   implementations (Spathis and
                          in ERP implementations. However, this
                                                                                   Constantinides, 2003).
                          study further examines those problems in the
                          Greek environment attempting to relate                Interviews, together with the literature
                          those problems to the managers' perceived             review, have generated a list of variables
                          success of ERP systems. This would then help          relating to ERP benefits and problems
                          to determine the best way forward in future           encountered (Teo and King, 1999). The
[ 678 ]
Charalambos Spathis and   questionnaire includes multiple-choice             Table I
Sylvia Constantinides     questions on a seven-point Likert-type. The        Demographic characteristics
The usefulness of ERP
systems for effective     latter, aims at eliciting respondents' attitudes
management                regarding the extent of the impact of ERP
Industrial Management &   systems on accounting information and              A: Respondents                             Per cent
Data Systems
                          management processes (Oppenheim, 1992;             Position in the firm
103/9 [2003] 677-685                                                           Information technology                     71.1
                          Nachmias and Nachmias, 1996; Riley et al.,
                                                                               Accounting                                 20.0
                                                                               Information technology and accounting       4.4
                             The sampling frame of this study was
                                                                               Administration                              4.4
                          generated after consultation with major ERP                                                    100.0
                          providers in Greece who provided us with a         Gender
                          client list. Using probability sample design,        Male                                       96.0
                          systematic sampling was applied drawing a            Female                                      4.0
                          sample of 98 companies. Following telephone                                                    100.0
                          conversations with contact persons                                                           Mean(years)
                          (managers of companies adopting ERP                Age                                          35
                          systems in Greece) in charge of ERP-systems,       Total work experience                        11
                          45 agreed to participate in the study. The         Current post                                  5
                          questionnaire forms were send via post, fax        B: Companies                               Per cent
                          or e-mail. All questionnaires were returned        Type of industry
                          completed (45.9 per cent).                           Manufacturing                              60.0
                             The empirical evidence is solely obtained         Commerce                                   28.9
                          via the questionnaire however; the                   Services                                    8.9
                          triangulation of research methods                    Other                                       2.2
                          (interviews and postal questionnaire)                                                          100.0
                          enhances the reliability, validity and the         Type of company
                          generalizability of the results (Kirk and            Independent                                73.3
                                                                               Associate                                  13.3
                          Miller, 1986; Gildchrist, 1992; Nachmias and
                                                                               Parent                                     11.1
                          Nachmias, 1996). Additional confirmatory
                                                                               Other                                       2.2
                          evidence on the validity of the scale used is                                                  100.0
                          presented in the following sections on the
                                                                             Company size                                 Mean
                          factor analysis results. Further, regarding
                                                                               Number of employees                       215
                          the reliability of those factors, Cronbach's
                                                                               Total assets (millions Euros)              37.56
                          alpha is estimated.                                  Total annual sales (millions Euros)        37.27
                             The demographic characteristics of the
                          respondents are presented in Table I.
                             As shown in Table I above, the average age       Results and discussion
                          of the respondents is 35, most of them are
                                                                             The survey results are presented in two main
                          male (96.0 per cent) and working in the IT
                                                                             sections namely:
                          department (71.1 per cent). They have              1 ERP system benefits which, examines
                          relatively an extensive experience and work           RQ1 and RQ2; and
                          in the manufacturing sector. The                   2 ERP system implementation problems
                          respondents work in relatively big                    exploring RQ3.
                          organizations and the majority of the
                          companies are independent (73.3 per cent). It      ERP system benefits on accounting
                          should also be noted that, the companies are       information and management processes
                          both Greek and foreign companies                   The most highly rated perceived benefits
                          (associates) operating in Greece. Overall,         achieved via ERP systems involve:
                          sample details indicate its                        .  increased flexibility in information
                          representativeness and therefore the ability          generation;
                          to draw generalizations from the survey
                                                                             .  improved quality of reports-financial
                          findings with one caveat. That is, as some of         statements;
                          these companies have only recently
                                                                             .  increased integration of applications;' and
                                                                             .  easy maintenance of databases.
                          introduced ERP systems (average 18.5
                          months), one should expect that more               This clearly suggests that ERP systems have
                          benefits are accrued in the future for those       an important if not a decisive impact on
                          companies but also, implementation                 legacy systems and particularly on
                          problems to become less important.                 accounting ones. Further, the evidence also
                                                                                                                           [ 679 ]
Charalambos Spathis and   reinforces the argument that ERP systems                 information on operating modules in ERP
Sylvia Constantinides     have been successful in fulfilling their                 environment is presented in Table III.
The usefulness of ERP
systems for effective     purpose for the business as a whole as                      In specific, although all companies are
management                discussed in the earlier sections. That is, the          operating financial and management
Industrial Management &   integration of applications, the production of           accounting modules, not all of them operate
Data Systems              real-time information and particularly                   fixed asset register, costing and
103/9 [2003] 677-685
                          information for decision making are clearly              stock/purchases modules. It is also
                          affecting not only company's accounting                  surprising that only 13 companies (29 per
                          information systems but also, business                   cent) operate the payroll module.
                          operations in general. In addition, ``increased             A link between ERP system modules
                          user-friendliness of information systems'',              operated and the perceived benefits achieved
                          time reductions for accounts closure and                 relates to the underlying reasons for
                          preparation of financial statements are also             adopting such systems. Increased demand for
                          perceived as benefits derived from ERP                   real time information, information
                          applications. Further, ``improved                        generation for decision making and
                          decision-making process'', ``improved                    integration of applications are reasons for
                          co-ordination between departments'' and                  adopting ERP systems indicated by the
                          ``improved internal communication'' have                 majority of the respondents. This finding
                          also been highly rated further reinforcing the           reinforces the argument that ERP systems
                          above argument. Additional information on                have been successful in fulfilling adopters'
                          the benefits achieved is summarized in                   needs. Additional information on reasons for
                          Table II.                                                adopting ERP systems is presented in
                             Overall, the benefits achieved by ERP                 Table IV.
                          adopters are strongly influencing accounting
                          information but also, organizational                     Table III
                          planning and decision making at all levels.              Operating modules in the ERP environment
                          Nonetheless, there is still room for
                                                                                                                     Number Per cent
                          improvement as individuals' perceptions are
                          not that strong on the above benefits.                   Financial accounting                 45          100
                          Further, as production and logistics modules             Management accounting                45          100
                          are operated by half or less of the                      Fixed asset register                 42           93
                          respondents (23 and 22 companies
                                                                                   Costing                              42           93
                                                                                   Stock ± purchases                    41           91
                          respectively) might also provide an
                                                                                   Production                           23           51
                          explanation for this. That is, not all business
                                                                                   Logistics                            22           49
                          operations have been integrated yet,
                                                                                   Payroll                              13           29
                          suggesting further room for improvement
                                                                                   Quality management                    4            9
                          and particularly more changes in the                     E-commerce                            1            2
                          accounting information. Additional

                          Table II
                          ERP systems benefits
                                                                                                         Mean        Standard deviation
                          Increased flexibility in information generation                                5.60                0.86
                          Improved quality of reports ± statements                                       5.33                0.93
                          Increased integration of applications                                          5.31                1.06
                          Easy maintenance of databases                                                  5.16                1.07
                          Increased user-friendliness of IS                                              4.89                1.23
                          Reduction of time for issuing of reports ± statements                          4.87                1.14
                          Improved decision-making process                                               4.82                1.30
                          Improved co-ordination between departments                                     4.64                1.17
                          Reduction in errors in logistics                                               4.51                1.47
                          Increased internal communication                                               4.49                1.29
                          Reduction of time for transaction processing                                   4.40                1.18
                          Improved delivery times                                                        4.27                1.42
                          Reduction of stock levels                                                      3.91                1.49
                          Increase in stock turnover                                                     3.78                1.29
                          Reduction of total operating and administration costs                          3.67                1.41
                          Notes: 1 = not at all; 2 = very low degree; 3 = low degree; 4 = average; 5 = high degree; 6 = very high degree;
                          7 = perfect

[ 680 ]
Charalambos Spathis and             Table IV
Sylvia Constantinides               Reasons for ERP implementation
The usefulness of ERP
systems for effective                                                                                     Number             Per cent
Industrial Management &             Increased demand for real-time information                              44                  98
Data Systems                        Information generation for decision making                              41                  91
103/9 [2003] 677-685                Integration of applications                                             38                  84
                                    Business process re-engineering                                         22                  49
                                    Cost reduction                                                          22                  49
                                    Increase sales                                                          16                  36
                                    Taxation requirements                                                   15                  33
                                    Introduction of EURO                                                    10                  22
                                    Application of new business plan                                         9                  20
                                    Competition                                                              8                  18
                                    Development of activities into new areas with business contacts          7                  16
                                    Internet development                                                     6                  13
                                    Integration of information systems                                       4                   9
                                    Stock Exchange requirements                                              3                   7
                                    Year 2000 problem                                                        3                   7
                                    Government funding ± subsidization                                       2                   4

                                    In essence, Table IV confirms that, ERP                  indicated 5.56 for 16 in total. Statistically
                                    system implementations were initiated for                significant correlations exist between,
                                    the ``correct reasons'' and that, the benefits           modules operated and perceived benefits but
                                    derived are in line with ERP adopters'                   also between the latter and reasons for
                                    expectations. Additional information on ERP              adopting ERP systems. These findings
                                    system benefits, modules operated and                    further confirm the strong link between
                                    reasons for adopting ERP is provided in                  these variables in this context. However, the
                                    Table V and VI.                                          cost of ERP systems and firms' assets are not
                                      As shown in Table V, the sum of perceived              correlated with the sum of benefits. Company
                                    benefits of ERP systems is 69.64 (for a                  size and the cost of ERP systems are not
                                    maximum value of 89). The average number                 related to the number of modules that ERP
                                                                                             adopters choose to operate.
                                    of modules operated is almost seven out of
                                                                                                Booth et al. (2000), report on ERP users'
                                    ten and the average number of reasons
                                                                                             perceptions of the quality of accounting
Table V                                                                                      information systems in financial and
Descriptive statistics on ERP benefits, ERP modules adopted, reasons for                     management accounting as ``adequate'' in
ERP implementations, cost of ERP systems and company assets (n = 45)                         terms of reporting and decision support and
                                                                                             ``good'' in terms of transaction reporting.
                            Mean         Standard deviation      Minimum         Maximum
                                                                                             Therefore, the empirical results between the
Benefits                    69.64              10.95              41              89         two studies are comparable indicating that
Modules                      7.04               1.38               4              10         there are still benefits accrued for ERP
Reasons                      5.56               1.89               3              10         adopters (see also Spathis and
Cost                         1.26               1.43               0.10            9         Constantinides, 2003). Stefanou (2002) also
Assets                      37.58              92.41               3.22          585.22      reports that the integration of accounting
Notes: Benefits: sum of perceived benefits scale; Modules: number of modules;                applications, information exchange and
Reasons: number of reasons for ERP implementation; Cost: percentage of acquisition           reporting capabilities are notable
and installation cost to sales; Assets: total assets in millions Euros                       advantages/strengths of ERP systems.
                                                                                                The variables concerning the benefits of
                                                                                             ERP systems were also factor analysed using
Table VI
                                                                                             principal component analysis (PCA) with
Pearson correlations on ERP benefits, ERP modules adopted, reasons for
                                                                                             varimax rotation as a commonly used
ERP implementations, cost of ERP systems and company assets
                                                                                             technique for summarizing a set of variables
Variables                           Benefits   Modules    Reasons         Cost      Assets   into independent subsets (Tabachnick and
Benefits                           1.000                                                     Fidell, 1996). The results are presented in
Modules                            0.339*       1.000                                        Table VII.
Reasons                            0.420**      0.208         1.000                             PCA revealed five dimensions involving:
Cost                               0.086        0.132         0.178     1.000                1 effective logistics function;
Assets                             0.093        0.000         0.023    ±0.121       1.000    2 effective communication function;
                                                                                             3 effective decision-making process;
Notes: * Significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed); ** Significant at the 0.01 level        4 efficient data processing; and
                                                                                             5 information systems.
                                                                                                                                     [ 681 ]
Charalambos Spathis and   Table VII
Sylvia Constantinides     Factor analysis of ERP system benefits
The usefulness of ERP
systems for effective                                                                Loadings   Per cent of variance   Cronbach's alpha
Industrial Management &   Factor 1: Effective logistics                                               21.868                0.922
Data Systems                Improved delivery times                                    0.884
103/9 [2003] 677-685        Increase in stock turnover                                 0.859
                            Reduction in errors in logistics                           0.855
                            Reduction of stock levels                                  0.851
                          Factor 2: Effective communication function                                  19.261                0.838
                            Increased internal communication                           0.898
                            Improved co-ordination between departments                 0.865
                            Increased integration of applications                      0.670
                          Factor 3: Effective decision-making process                                 14.220                0.693
                            Improved quality of reports ± statements                   0.814
                            Increased flexibility in information generation            0.745
                            Improved decision-making process                           0.633
                          Factor 4: Efficient data processing                                         12.570                0.697
                            Reduction of time for transaction processing               0.842
                            Reduction of total operating and administration costs      0.734
                            Reduction of time for issuing of reports ± statements      0.584
                          Factor 5: Effective information systems                                     10.394                0.646
                            Easy maintenance of databases                              0.899
                            Increased user-friendliness of IS                          0.667
                          Total variance explained (per cent)                                         78.313
                          KMO                                                          0.655
                          Bartlett's test of sphericity
                            Approx. 2                                               447.003
                            df                                                       105
                            Significance                                               0.000

                          The factors are clearly reflecting the main               benefits have not been fully achieved by the
                          reasons for adopting ERP systems but also,                companies concerned. It may also provide an
                          their impact on accounting and management                 insight of the potential of ERP systems.
                          processes.                                                However, respondents rated implementation
                            The factors explain over 78 per cent of the             problems at a low or average degree not
                          variance and the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin                       raising any issues of concern. The two major
                          measure of sampling adequacy is high                      problems arising relate to delays in
                          suggesting that factor analysis is appropriate            implementation and employee resistance to
                          for this data set. Bartlett's test of sphericity is       change both of which are in accord with the
                          large and the associate significance level is             literature findings (Al-Mashari and Zairi,
                          small (zero) therefore, it is unlikely that the           1999; Aladwani, 2001). Additional information
                          population matrix is an identity. Further, the            on the ERP implementation problems are
                          factors have high alpha values confirming                 presented in Table VIII.
                          their high reliability. PCA results further                  It is also evident that, personnel training,
                          confirm that the adoption of ERP systems has              increased costs, adaptation and integration
                          successfully fulfilled its purpose                        problems are the most prevalent ones (Nah
                          demonstrating a significant impact on the                 et al., 2001; Themistocleous and Irani, 2001;
                          accounting information and management                     Themistocleous et al., 2001). Implementation
                          processes.                                                problem variables were also factor analysed
                            The next section examines the problems                  using PCA with varimax rotation resulting
                          encountered in ERP implementations,                       in four factors reinforcing the above (see
                          possibly explaining the relatively low rating             Table IX).
                          on the benefits of ERP systems.                              All factors have high alpha values
                                                                                    confirming their reliability and the total
                          ERP implementation problems                               variance explained is over 74 per cent. The
                          The previous section discussed the benefits               results suggest that problems in ERP
                          derived from the application of ERP systems               implementations may be classified as
                          focusing on the accounting information and                technical, financial and organizational.
                          management processes. Examining the                       Therefore, a close co-operation both within
                          problems encountered in implementing ERP                  the organization and between the
                          systems may explain why ERP system                        organization and the ERP provider is
[ 682 ]
Charalambos Spathis and   Table VIII
Sylvia Constantinides     ERP system implementation problems
The usefulness of ERP
systems for effective                                                                                     Mean        Standard deviation
Industrial Management    Delays in implementing the ERP system                                           4.20              1.44
Data Systems              Employee resistance to change                                                   4.13              1.58
103/9 [2003] 677-685      Difficulties in transferring data from previous applications                    3.98              1.73
                          Personnel training in ERP environment                                           3.96              1.26
                          Increased costs in operating the ERP systems                                    3.84              1.45
                          Difficulties in adapting applications to the ERP environment                    3.80              1.59
                          Cost overruns in acquiring and installing the ERP system                        3.76              1.61
                          Increased difficulties in using the new system                                  3.64              1.23
                          Difficulties in integrating existing applications with the ERP system           3.44              1.56
                          Difficulties in restructuring personnel                                         3.44              1.32
                          Delays in installing the system                                                 3.36              1.57
                          Friction with the ERP provider                                                  3.00              1.85
                          System security                                                                 3.00              1.58
                          Friction within the board of directors                                          3.00              1.78
                          Increased errors                                                                2.62              1.01
                          Notes: 1 = not at all; 2 = very low degree; 3 = low degree; 4 = average; 5 = high degree; 6 = very high degree;
                          7 = perfect

                          Table IX
                          Factor analysis of ERP systems implementation problems
                                                                                           Loadings Per cent of variance Cronbach's alpha
                          Factor 1: Friction and delays                                                   29.229              0.912
                            Friction with ERP provider                                        0.845
                            Friction with the board of directors                              0.845
                            Delays in implementing                                            0.773
                            Delays in installing                                              0.729
                            Cost overruns in acquisition and installation                     0.711
                            System security                                                   0.643
                            Increased costs in operating ERP                                  0.630
                          Factor 2: Personnel                                                             18.914              0.842
                            Difficulties in restructuring personnel                           0.847
                            Employee resistance to change                                     0.800
                            Personnel training in ERP                                         0.708
                            Increased errors                                                  0.566
                          Factor 3: Integration                                                           13.395              0.801
                            Difficulties in transferring data from previous applications      0.851
                            Difficulties in integrating existing applications                 0.813
                          Factor 4: Adaptation                                                            12.698              0.719
                            Difficulties in adapting applications                             0.796
                            Difficulties in using the new system                              0.762
                          Total variance explained (per cent)                                             74.236
                          KMO                                                                 0.767
                          Bartlett's test of sphericity
                            Approx. 2                                                     462.248
                            df                                                             105
                            Significance                                                     0.000

                          essential in achieving a smooth ERP                         focusing on the latter's impact on accounting
                          implementation (Gupta, 2000; Al-Mashari and                 information and management processes.
                          Zairi, 2000; Nah et al., 2001).                             Although researchers have examined the
                                                                                      benefits and the problems of ERP systems,
                                                                                      this was done on an ad hoc basis. Further,
                           Conclusions and recommendations                            studies have not adequately focused on ERP
                          This study has presented evidence from                      systems' impact on accounting and
                          Greece on companies adopting ERP systems                    management processes. In addition, except
                                                                                                                                   [ 683 ]
Charalambos Spathis and   from the study of Stefanou (2002), this is the     nowadays, need to have good IT skills in
Sylvia Constantinides     first evidence available on ERP systems in         order to retain their role in this constantly
The usefulness of ERP     Greece. The survey results confirm that the
systems for effective                                                        changing IT-led work environment.
management                benefits derived from companies adopting           Therefore, examining these new skills and
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Data Systems              expectations but not that strongly. In             with this demanding role, might also be an
103/9 [2003] 677-685      specific, increased flexibility in information     issue that warrants further research.
                          generation, improved quality of reports,
                          integration of applications and, easy              References
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6. The Usefulness Of Erp Systems For Effective Management

  • 1. The usefulness of ERP systems for effective management Charalambos Spathis Department of Economics, Aristotle's University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece Sylvia Constantinides Mediterranean ECS, University Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece Keywords necessary tool for companies to survive this Resource management, Benefits, Introduction highly competitive business environment. Problem solving, Greece In this highly automated, IT-led business The next section discusses the relevant Abstract environment, companies are forced to keep literature followed by the research questions Enterprise resource planning up-to-date with the new technologies to and the methodology adopted. Thereafter, the (ERP) systems offer distinct research findings are presented. The final advantages in this new business remain competitive (Palaniswamy and Frank, 2000; Siriginidi, 2000a; Al-Mashari, section discusses the conclusions drawn environment as they lower operating costs, reduce cycle 2001). ERP systems provide distinct from this research including potential issues times and (arguably) increase advantages to companies adopting them as for future research. customer satisfaction. This paper examines, via a questionnaire, the they can integrate business applications underlying reasons why using real-time information. Therefore, ERP companies choose to adopt ERP systems provide the means for management Previous research systems, their impact on to respond to the increasing business needs ERP systems evolved from advanced management process including implementation problems in more effective and efficient ways. The manufacturing technologies (AMT) both of encountered. The empirical main benefits of ERP systems are seen as the which were developed as a response to the evidence confirms a number of production of real-time data shared across increasingly competitive environment. In benefits derived from ERP systems particularly for management the organization and consequently the particular, their purpose has been to increase process but also, problems integration and automation of business quality, lower inventory levels and enhance encountered. Results provide the processes. This is particularly important in customer service mainly via improved basis for future research on the manufacturing flexibility (Slack, 1991; Drury, this new business environment where potential of ERP systems, for more automation, effectiveness and efficiency in 1996; Palaniswamy and Frank, 2000; effective business integration. operations and real-time data are important Siriginidi, 2000b; Huang and Palvia, 2001). factors for business success. The provision of Others report the year 2000 problem, timely information improves the currency consolidation (Euro), integration of decision-making process, planning and all business functions and processes and Internet interface as additional motives for control of ERP adopters. Consequently, ERP applications (Gupta, 2000; Scott and higher effectiveness and efficiency in Kaindl, 2000). Within an ERP environment, operations and improved customer transactions are treated as part of the satisfaction are the ultimate benefits derived inter-linked business processes (Gupta, 2000). from ERP systems (Duff and Jain, 1998; In essence, business processes are integrated Gupta, 2000). and automated whilst, data is shared across This study examines, via a questionnaire, departments and particularly, real-time the motives for companies adopting ERP information (Nah et al., 2001; Themistocleous systems, the benefits derived including the et al., 2001). Therefore, one may expect that a problems encountered. In essence, the aim is ``complete'' ERP system would incorporate to evaluate the usefulness of ERP systems in ``modules'' relating not only to the traditional meeting company needs in this demanding accounting information system but also, business environment; that is, the success of stock control, MRP, and logistics. EDI ERP systems in improving management systems and e-commerce might also be process. The evidence presented would then additional dimensions of an ERP system help to establish the best way forward in fully (Duff and Jain, 1998; Hardy and Reeve, 1999). Industrial Management & Data Systems exploiting ERP systems' potential as a Nicolaou (2002) reports on the effectiveness 103/9 [2003] 677-685 # MCB UP Limited The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at [ISSN 0263-5577] [DOI 10.1108/02635570310506098] [ 677 ]
  • 2. Charalambos Spathis and in cost management systems of JIT and EDI ERP applications and assist management to Sylvia Constantinides systems' use. Overall, the application of ERP achieve their full potential. The usefulness of ERP In conclusion, the current study systems for effective systems leads to increased efficiency and management effectiveness in business processes determines the usefulness of ERP systems for Industrial Management & permeating management decision-making at an effective management function including Data Systems all levels (Duff and Jain, 1998; Shang and the problems encountered as an explanation 103/9 [2003] 677-685 Seddon, 2000; Hayes et al., 2001). Although of the former. As at the heart of an ERP ERP system benefits have been examined in system is the accounting module, emphasis is the past, their impact on management given on management accounting aspects. process per se has not been considered. Further, the motives for adopting ERP systems including users' evaluation of ERP Research questions systems are issues that remain unexplored. The literature review discussed the Consequently, this study examines these advantages and the limitations of ERP issues via a questionnaire. systems highlighting issues that warrant In terms of the problems encountered in further consideration. This study examines ERP implementations, researchers report on the following research questions based on technical factors (Scott and Kaindl, 2000; evidence obtained via a questionnaire send Siriginidi, 2000a; Lang et al., 2001; Light et al., to managers of companies (ERP adopters) 2001; Themistocleous et al., 2001). Others operating in Greece: report softer factors for ERP system success RQ1. Why do companies choose to adopt such as organizational culture (Al-Mashari ERP systems? and Zairi, 1999; Stefanou, 1999; Aladwani, RQ2. What are the benefits derived from 2001; Krumbholz and Maiden, 2001). Readers the adoption of ERP systems on are referred to the works of Stefanou (1999), accounting information and Bradford and Roberts (2001) and Krumbholz management process? and Maiden (2001) for ``critical success factors'' in ERP system implementations. RQ3. Why do (not) companies Substantial cost and time overruns, implementing an ERP system have organizational problems including employee received substantial benefits from it? resistance to change also appear important What were the problems encountered barriers for ERP system success (Nah et al., in introducing ERP systems? To what 2001; Themistocleous and Irani, 2001; extent did they apply? Themistocleous et al., 2001). Business process re-engineering (BPR), the appropriateness of business and IT legacy systems, management Methodology culture, top management support and Preliminary interviews with managers in communication are thought of as critical companies adopting ERP systems were success factors in implementing ERP systems conducted in order to cater for the limited (Gupta, 2000; Al-Mashari and Zairi, 2000; Nah empirical evidence available as well as, the et al., 2001). Spathis and Ananiadis (2002) lack of underlying theories in this context. examined the impact of ERP systems on Therefore, exploratory interviews were used management accounting information as a facilitator of the research process and systems at the Aristotle's University of particularly for the questionnaire design Thessaloniki. Evidence shows that, users' (Sieber, 1973). perceptions in descending order of Interviews with two major ERP providers importance are focused on the following and four companies adopting ERP systems factors: have helped establishing the relevant issues . managerial; and determining the direction of this . IT infrastructure; and research. Using open-ended questions the . operational. interviews covered the following issues: In brief, researchers have identified a . ERP system adoption motives; number of problems associated with ERP . ERP benefits; and . problems encountered in ERP system applications as well as critical success factors implementations (Spathis and in ERP implementations. However, this Constantinides, 2003). study further examines those problems in the Greek environment attempting to relate Interviews, together with the literature those problems to the managers' perceived review, have generated a list of variables success of ERP systems. This would then help relating to ERP benefits and problems to determine the best way forward in future encountered (Teo and King, 1999). The [ 678 ]
  • 3. Charalambos Spathis and questionnaire includes multiple-choice Table I Sylvia Constantinides questions on a seven-point Likert-type. The Demographic characteristics The usefulness of ERP systems for effective latter, aims at eliciting respondents' attitudes Panel management regarding the extent of the impact of ERP Industrial Management & systems on accounting information and A: Respondents Per cent Data Systems management processes (Oppenheim, 1992; Position in the firm 103/9 [2003] 677-685 Information technology 71.1 Nachmias and Nachmias, 1996; Riley et al., Accounting 20.0 2000). Information technology and accounting 4.4 The sampling frame of this study was Administration 4.4 generated after consultation with major ERP 100.0 providers in Greece who provided us with a Gender client list. Using probability sample design, Male 96.0 systematic sampling was applied drawing a Female 4.0 sample of 98 companies. Following telephone 100.0 conversations with contact persons Mean(years) (managers of companies adopting ERP Age 35 systems in Greece) in charge of ERP-systems, Total work experience 11 45 agreed to participate in the study. The Current post 5 questionnaire forms were send via post, fax B: Companies Per cent or e-mail. All questionnaires were returned Type of industry completed (45.9 per cent). Manufacturing 60.0 The empirical evidence is solely obtained Commerce 28.9 via the questionnaire however; the Services 8.9 triangulation of research methods Other 2.2 (interviews and postal questionnaire) 100.0 enhances the reliability, validity and the Type of company generalizability of the results (Kirk and Independent 73.3 Associate 13.3 Miller, 1986; Gildchrist, 1992; Nachmias and Parent 11.1 Nachmias, 1996). Additional confirmatory Other 2.2 evidence on the validity of the scale used is 100.0 presented in the following sections on the Company size Mean factor analysis results. Further, regarding Number of employees 215 the reliability of those factors, Cronbach's Total assets (millions Euros) 37.56 alpha is estimated. Total annual sales (millions Euros) 37.27 The demographic characteristics of the respondents are presented in Table I. As shown in Table I above, the average age Results and discussion of the respondents is 35, most of them are The survey results are presented in two main male (96.0 per cent) and working in the IT sections namely: department (71.1 per cent). They have 1 ERP system benefits which, examines relatively an extensive experience and work RQ1 and RQ2; and in the manufacturing sector. The 2 ERP system implementation problems respondents work in relatively big exploring RQ3. organizations and the majority of the companies are independent (73.3 per cent). It ERP system benefits on accounting should also be noted that, the companies are information and management processes both Greek and foreign companies The most highly rated perceived benefits (associates) operating in Greece. Overall, achieved via ERP systems involve: sample details indicate its . increased flexibility in information representativeness and therefore the ability generation; to draw generalizations from the survey . improved quality of reports-financial findings with one caveat. That is, as some of statements; these companies have only recently . increased integration of applications;' and . easy maintenance of databases. introduced ERP systems (average 18.5 months), one should expect that more This clearly suggests that ERP systems have benefits are accrued in the future for those an important if not a decisive impact on companies but also, implementation legacy systems and particularly on problems to become less important. accounting ones. Further, the evidence also [ 679 ]
  • 4. Charalambos Spathis and reinforces the argument that ERP systems information on operating modules in ERP Sylvia Constantinides have been successful in fulfilling their environment is presented in Table III. The usefulness of ERP systems for effective purpose for the business as a whole as In specific, although all companies are management discussed in the earlier sections. That is, the operating financial and management Industrial Management & integration of applications, the production of accounting modules, not all of them operate Data Systems real-time information and particularly fixed asset register, costing and 103/9 [2003] 677-685 information for decision making are clearly stock/purchases modules. It is also affecting not only company's accounting surprising that only 13 companies (29 per information systems but also, business cent) operate the payroll module. operations in general. In addition, ``increased A link between ERP system modules user-friendliness of information systems'', operated and the perceived benefits achieved time reductions for accounts closure and relates to the underlying reasons for preparation of financial statements are also adopting such systems. Increased demand for perceived as benefits derived from ERP real time information, information applications. Further, ``improved generation for decision making and decision-making process'', ``improved integration of applications are reasons for co-ordination between departments'' and adopting ERP systems indicated by the ``improved internal communication'' have majority of the respondents. This finding also been highly rated further reinforcing the reinforces the argument that ERP systems above argument. Additional information on have been successful in fulfilling adopters' the benefits achieved is summarized in needs. Additional information on reasons for Table II. adopting ERP systems is presented in Overall, the benefits achieved by ERP Table IV. adopters are strongly influencing accounting information but also, organizational Table III planning and decision making at all levels. Operating modules in the ERP environment Nonetheless, there is still room for Number Per cent improvement as individuals' perceptions are not that strong on the above benefits. Financial accounting 45 100 Further, as production and logistics modules Management accounting 45 100 are operated by half or less of the Fixed asset register 42 93 respondents (23 and 22 companies Costing 42 93 Stock ± purchases 41 91 respectively) might also provide an Production 23 51 explanation for this. That is, not all business Logistics 22 49 operations have been integrated yet, Payroll 13 29 suggesting further room for improvement Quality management 4 9 and particularly more changes in the E-commerce 1 2 accounting information. Additional Table II ERP systems benefits Mean Standard deviation Increased flexibility in information generation 5.60 0.86 Improved quality of reports ± statements 5.33 0.93 Increased integration of applications 5.31 1.06 Easy maintenance of databases 5.16 1.07 Increased user-friendliness of IS 4.89 1.23 Reduction of time for issuing of reports ± statements 4.87 1.14 Improved decision-making process 4.82 1.30 Improved co-ordination between departments 4.64 1.17 Reduction in errors in logistics 4.51 1.47 Increased internal communication 4.49 1.29 Reduction of time for transaction processing 4.40 1.18 Improved delivery times 4.27 1.42 Reduction of stock levels 3.91 1.49 Increase in stock turnover 3.78 1.29 Reduction of total operating and administration costs 3.67 1.41 Notes: 1 = not at all; 2 = very low degree; 3 = low degree; 4 = average; 5 = high degree; 6 = very high degree; 7 = perfect [ 680 ]
  • 5. Charalambos Spathis and Table IV Sylvia Constantinides Reasons for ERP implementation The usefulness of ERP systems for effective Number Per cent management Industrial Management & Increased demand for real-time information 44 98 Data Systems Information generation for decision making 41 91 103/9 [2003] 677-685 Integration of applications 38 84 Business process re-engineering 22 49 Cost reduction 22 49 Increase sales 16 36 Taxation requirements 15 33 Introduction of EURO 10 22 Application of new business plan 9 20 Competition 8 18 Development of activities into new areas with business contacts 7 16 Internet development 6 13 Integration of information systems 4 9 Stock Exchange requirements 3 7 Year 2000 problem 3 7 Government funding ± subsidization 2 4 In essence, Table IV confirms that, ERP indicated 5.56 for 16 in total. Statistically system implementations were initiated for significant correlations exist between, the ``correct reasons'' and that, the benefits modules operated and perceived benefits but derived are in line with ERP adopters' also between the latter and reasons for expectations. Additional information on ERP adopting ERP systems. These findings system benefits, modules operated and further confirm the strong link between reasons for adopting ERP is provided in these variables in this context. However, the Table V and VI. cost of ERP systems and firms' assets are not As shown in Table V, the sum of perceived correlated with the sum of benefits. Company benefits of ERP systems is 69.64 (for a size and the cost of ERP systems are not maximum value of 89). The average number related to the number of modules that ERP adopters choose to operate. of modules operated is almost seven out of Booth et al. (2000), report on ERP users' ten and the average number of reasons perceptions of the quality of accounting Table V information systems in financial and Descriptive statistics on ERP benefits, ERP modules adopted, reasons for management accounting as ``adequate'' in ERP implementations, cost of ERP systems and company assets (n = 45) terms of reporting and decision support and ``good'' in terms of transaction reporting. Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum Therefore, the empirical results between the Benefits 69.64 10.95 41 89 two studies are comparable indicating that Modules 7.04 1.38 4 10 there are still benefits accrued for ERP Reasons 5.56 1.89 3 10 adopters (see also Spathis and Cost 1.26 1.43 0.10 9 Constantinides, 2003). Stefanou (2002) also Assets 37.58 92.41 3.22 585.22 reports that the integration of accounting Notes: Benefits: sum of perceived benefits scale; Modules: number of modules; applications, information exchange and Reasons: number of reasons for ERP implementation; Cost: percentage of acquisition reporting capabilities are notable and installation cost to sales; Assets: total assets in millions Euros advantages/strengths of ERP systems. The variables concerning the benefits of ERP systems were also factor analysed using Table VI principal component analysis (PCA) with Pearson correlations on ERP benefits, ERP modules adopted, reasons for varimax rotation as a commonly used ERP implementations, cost of ERP systems and company assets technique for summarizing a set of variables Variables Benefits Modules Reasons Cost Assets into independent subsets (Tabachnick and Benefits 1.000 Fidell, 1996). The results are presented in Modules 0.339* 1.000 Table VII. Reasons 0.420** 0.208 1.000 PCA revealed five dimensions involving: Cost 0.086 0.132 0.178 1.000 1 effective logistics function; Assets 0.093 0.000 0.023 ±0.121 1.000 2 effective communication function; 3 effective decision-making process; Notes: * Significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed); ** Significant at the 0.01 level 4 efficient data processing; and (two-tailed) 5 information systems. [ 681 ]
  • 6. Charalambos Spathis and Table VII Sylvia Constantinides Factor analysis of ERP system benefits The usefulness of ERP systems for effective Loadings Per cent of variance Cronbach's alpha management Industrial Management & Factor 1: Effective logistics 21.868 0.922 Data Systems Improved delivery times 0.884 103/9 [2003] 677-685 Increase in stock turnover 0.859 Reduction in errors in logistics 0.855 Reduction of stock levels 0.851 Factor 2: Effective communication function 19.261 0.838 Increased internal communication 0.898 Improved co-ordination between departments 0.865 Increased integration of applications 0.670 Factor 3: Effective decision-making process 14.220 0.693 Improved quality of reports ± statements 0.814 Increased flexibility in information generation 0.745 Improved decision-making process 0.633 Factor 4: Efficient data processing 12.570 0.697 Reduction of time for transaction processing 0.842 Reduction of total operating and administration costs 0.734 Reduction of time for issuing of reports ± statements 0.584 Factor 5: Effective information systems 10.394 0.646 Easy maintenance of databases 0.899 Increased user-friendliness of IS 0.667 Total variance explained (per cent) 78.313 KMO 0.655 Bartlett's test of sphericity Approx. 2 447.003 df 105 Significance 0.000 The factors are clearly reflecting the main benefits have not been fully achieved by the reasons for adopting ERP systems but also, companies concerned. It may also provide an their impact on accounting and management insight of the potential of ERP systems. processes. However, respondents rated implementation The factors explain over 78 per cent of the problems at a low or average degree not variance and the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin raising any issues of concern. The two major measure of sampling adequacy is high problems arising relate to delays in suggesting that factor analysis is appropriate implementation and employee resistance to for this data set. Bartlett's test of sphericity is change both of which are in accord with the large and the associate significance level is literature findings (Al-Mashari and Zairi, small (zero) therefore, it is unlikely that the 1999; Aladwani, 2001). Additional information population matrix is an identity. Further, the on the ERP implementation problems are factors have high alpha values confirming presented in Table VIII. their high reliability. PCA results further It is also evident that, personnel training, confirm that the adoption of ERP systems has increased costs, adaptation and integration successfully fulfilled its purpose problems are the most prevalent ones (Nah demonstrating a significant impact on the et al., 2001; Themistocleous and Irani, 2001; accounting information and management Themistocleous et al., 2001). Implementation processes. problem variables were also factor analysed The next section examines the problems using PCA with varimax rotation resulting encountered in ERP implementations, in four factors reinforcing the above (see possibly explaining the relatively low rating Table IX). on the benefits of ERP systems. All factors have high alpha values confirming their reliability and the total ERP implementation problems variance explained is over 74 per cent. The The previous section discussed the benefits results suggest that problems in ERP derived from the application of ERP systems implementations may be classified as focusing on the accounting information and technical, financial and organizational. management processes. Examining the Therefore, a close co-operation both within problems encountered in implementing ERP the organization and between the systems may explain why ERP system organization and the ERP provider is [ 682 ]
  • 7. Charalambos Spathis and Table VIII Sylvia Constantinides ERP system implementation problems The usefulness of ERP systems for effective Mean Standard deviation management Industrial Management Delays in implementing the ERP system 4.20 1.44 Data Systems Employee resistance to change 4.13 1.58 103/9 [2003] 677-685 Difficulties in transferring data from previous applications 3.98 1.73 Personnel training in ERP environment 3.96 1.26 Increased costs in operating the ERP systems 3.84 1.45 Difficulties in adapting applications to the ERP environment 3.80 1.59 Cost overruns in acquiring and installing the ERP system 3.76 1.61 Increased difficulties in using the new system 3.64 1.23 Difficulties in integrating existing applications with the ERP system 3.44 1.56 Difficulties in restructuring personnel 3.44 1.32 Delays in installing the system 3.36 1.57 Friction with the ERP provider 3.00 1.85 System security 3.00 1.58 Friction within the board of directors 3.00 1.78 Increased errors 2.62 1.01 Notes: 1 = not at all; 2 = very low degree; 3 = low degree; 4 = average; 5 = high degree; 6 = very high degree; 7 = perfect Table IX Factor analysis of ERP systems implementation problems Loadings Per cent of variance Cronbach's alpha Factor 1: Friction and delays 29.229 0.912 Friction with ERP provider 0.845 Friction with the board of directors 0.845 Delays in implementing 0.773 Delays in installing 0.729 Cost overruns in acquisition and installation 0.711 System security 0.643 Increased costs in operating ERP 0.630 Factor 2: Personnel 18.914 0.842 Difficulties in restructuring personnel 0.847 Employee resistance to change 0.800 Personnel training in ERP 0.708 Increased errors 0.566 Factor 3: Integration 13.395 0.801 Difficulties in transferring data from previous applications 0.851 Difficulties in integrating existing applications 0.813 Factor 4: Adaptation 12.698 0.719 Difficulties in adapting applications 0.796 Difficulties in using the new system 0.762 Total variance explained (per cent) 74.236 KMO 0.767 Bartlett's test of sphericity Approx. 2 462.248 df 105 Significance 0.000 essential in achieving a smooth ERP focusing on the latter's impact on accounting implementation (Gupta, 2000; Al-Mashari and information and management processes. Zairi, 2000; Nah et al., 2001). Although researchers have examined the benefits and the problems of ERP systems, this was done on an ad hoc basis. Further, Conclusions and recommendations studies have not adequately focused on ERP This study has presented evidence from systems' impact on accounting and Greece on companies adopting ERP systems management processes. In addition, except [ 683 ]
  • 8. Charalambos Spathis and from the study of Stefanou (2002), this is the nowadays, need to have good IT skills in Sylvia Constantinides first evidence available on ERP systems in order to retain their role in this constantly The usefulness of ERP Greece. The survey results confirm that the systems for effective changing IT-led work environment. management benefits derived from companies adopting Therefore, examining these new skills and Industrial Management ERP systems have fulfilled individuals' abilities required by accountants to cope Data Systems expectations but not that strongly. In with this demanding role, might also be an 103/9 [2003] 677-685 specific, increased flexibility in information issue that warrants further research. generation, improved quality of reports, integration of applications and, easy References maintenance of databases appear the major Aladwani, A.M. (2001), ``Change management benefits derived from ERP systems. 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