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From the Ground Up

      505th Engineer Combat Battalion                                                         September 2012

“Make no little plans.
They have no magic to          We have indeed had a         tasks at hand. This huge     fessional development is
stir men's blood ... Make      busy month. Thankfully,      undertaking is the larg-     a must!
big plans; aim high in
                               we are seeing tempera-       est single project in this
hope and work ..."
     - Daniel Burnham
                               tures moderate as we         battalion’s history and is   Sustain healthy commu-
                               continue to learn our        the most important mili-     nication both here and
“The germ of gossip may        jobs, conduct engineer       tary construction mis-       with your friends and
be likened to the germ of      operations, and              sion in theater.             family back home. As
cancer – as the latter con-    “improve our foxholes”.                                   busy as we are, it is easy
taminates and rots the         We all knew when we          Projects in Kuwait are       to get caught up in the
healthy flesh, so the for-     deployed that world          also critical and impor-     “rumor mill” when the
mer contaminates and           events would ebb and         tant to the US mission.      true answer can simply
rots the social fabric, har-   flow beyond our con-         505th Soldiers are all       be had by asking a ques-
mony, and happiness of         trol. The current situa-     over the area of respon-     tion through the chain of
the unit.”                     tion with the embassy                                     command. Regular com-
                                                            sibility and remain en-
    – Officers Manual,
                               attacks around the Mid-      gaged and busy. Several      munication with our
1917 ed., Major J.A.
                               dle East and the height-     upcoming projects are        families also keeps us
Moss                           ened tensions, however,      vital and of the highest     grounded and con-
“Don’t sweat the things        serve to underscore the      priority to ASG-Kuwait       nected; assuaging fears
you can’t control”             importance of what is in     and the host nation.         or false impressions and
    - Robert Wilks             our control. We have the                                  bolstering mutual sup-
                               control to remain vigi-      Among the many things        port.
                               lant; retain situational     that we are tracking is
                               awareness, communi-          Soldier education. We        We have the right to be
                               cate, pursue self-           have been fortunate to       proud of the work we
Content               Page     improvement, and look        get several Soldiers to      have done so far; of our-
BN CDR                1        to our battle buddies,       the Warrior Leader           selves, our companies,
875 EN CO             2/3      leadership, and families     Course and have made a       and the 505th. Under-
                               for support and guid-        big push to fulfill indi-    stand that you are work-
FSC                   4/5
                               ance.                        vidual on-line Struc-        ing important, enduring,
497 EN CO             6/7                                   tured Self Development       historic missions.
HHC                   8/9      CSM Scott and I had the      requirements. There are
882 EN CO             10       good fortune to travel to    many Soldiers pursuing       Keep improving, keep
                               Afghanistan to visit our     civilian education on        communicating, and
Birthdays             11
                               soldiers there. The mis-     line as well. The battal-    keep up the hard
927 SDT               12       sion is going very well      ion is also finalizing       work!
BN Staff              13       considering its con-         plans for the “Engineer
Photos of Kuwait      14/15    straints; leaders and sol-   Academy” to further our      “FROM THE
                               diers alike are motivated    education as engineers       GROUND UP!”
544 EN CO             16/17
                               and dedicated to the         between missions. Pro-       Castle 6
BN Maintenance Shop   18
and 544 (last shot)
Page 2 Engineers: From the Ground UP!

                                          1st Platoon’s second
                                      month has been as busy as
                                      the first. They have com-
                                      pleted an ammo pad, spread
                                      reclaimed asphalt at the
                                      Kuwait Naval Base, built a
                                      pad for the veterinarians,
                                      and repaired several roads
                                      and yards on Camp Arifjan.
                                      Soldiers are becoming more
                                      experienced at operating
                                      heavy equipment everyday.
                                      As shown to the right, SPC
                                      Martin is operating one of
                                      the more skill-required
                                      pieces, the motor grader.
      Many of our Soldiers are becoming so proficient enough
      that the platoon is able to complete missions days ahead of
      schedule. LT Robinson states, “We have our sights set on                     SPC Martin operating the grader for the
      many more projects ahead and look forward to the coming                        W7A yard improvement project.
      months. in Afghanistan.”

      2nd Platoon, Construction at Camp John Pratt, Afghanistan
          2nd PLT worked tirelessly in their                                                                “New missions are
      first few weeks in Afghanistan battling
      the unfamiliar terrain, constant climate                                                                given daily and
      changes, unforgiving dust storms and
      being away from their loved ones in                                                                    Soldiers are never
      NC. During 2PLT’s short time at
      Camp John Pratt, they have worked on                                                                    doing the same
      12 different sites and completed three
      projects. They work two shifts a day
                                                                                                              thing as the day
      dedicated to completing the mission                                                                      before.” -1LT
      and representing the Workhorse repu-
      tation.                                                                                                     Morrison
      SSG Hardenberger operating the

                                                                875th’s Maintenance... Defining “Busy”
                                                            The maintenance crew has       movement forward to Afghanistan later
                                                        put in relentless hours in order   this month and has packed containers
                                                        to fix and maintain the neces-     with spare parts, oil, and lubrication.
                                                        sary equipment to complete the     They have truly came together as a
                                                        engineer missions in Kuwait        team and have made all of the missions
                                                        and in Afghanistan.                possible. After all, nothing can be done
                                                            The equipment in Kuwait is     with equipment that won’t run!
                                                        up to 90% mission capable,
                                                        which is a huge turn around
                                                        from when the team (shown
                                                        left) arrived two months ago.
                                                        The maintenance team in Af-
                                                        ghanistan is working an aver-
                                                        age of 15 hours each day to
                                                        improve the initial mission
       From left: SPC Shoaf, SPC Dennison, PFC          capability of 30% when they
       Wyatt, SPC Highsmith, SSG Creighton, SPC         arrived one month ago.
       Avalos, SGT Grogg, SGT Faw, PFC Jones,
       and PFC Jarman.                                     The crew in Kuwait is           SPC Mitchell from 2PLT operating
                                                        making preparations for their      the pan.
3                                                                                Engineers: From the Ground UP! Page 3

3rd Platoon, Ready To WORK! Camp John Pratt, Afghanistan
                                                                                    3rd Platoon is working with 2nd platoon to
                                                                                 complete three large projects and several
                                                                                 smaller projects in Afghanistan. Each day
                                                                                 brings a new challenge and 3rd Platoon is hard
                                                                                 at work for two shifts each day.
                                                                                    3rd platoon’s main project, the 110 acre
                                                                                 motor pool is being constructed by rough
                                                                                 grading existing soil, laying two inch rock,
                                                                                 and then capping it off with base material.
                                                                                 They are also preparing many tent pads as
                                                                                 part of this project which must be between at
                                                                                 3% grade.
                                                                                     As a whole, 3rd platoon has adapted to the
                                                                                 challenge of living and working in Afghani-
                                                                                 stan and is working seven days a week.

Members of 3rd Platoon working with Red Horse on a hasty Entry Control Point .

Commander’s Comments
    This month has seen Work-       been working on a variety of pro-
horse Soldiers going full speed     jects improving roads and prepar-
ahead in both Afghanistan and       ing grounds for future construction
Kuwait. Our Soldiers in Af-         on Camp Arifjan and the Kuwaiti
ghanistan have hit the ground       naval base. October looks to be
running and have been working       even busier as we will begin 24
on preparing motor-pools that       hour operations on our project sites
will be used in retrograding        in Afghanistan.
equipment out of Afghanistan,
                                       I am also excited to say that our
preparing grounds for a new
                                    whole company will soon be united
American dining facility and
                                    in Afghanistan and will continue to
digging a storm-water retention
                                    uphold our tradition of excellence
                                    that we have become known for.
    Our Soldiers in Kuwait have

                                                                            CPT William M. Dudley, Company Commander
Soldiers from 3rd Platoon working at the LOCGAP site.
Page 4 Engineers: From the Ground UP!

                The Alpha Dawgs have now been in country for a little over two months. Time for most of us is flying by. The
      Alpha Dawgs have settled into a battle rhythm and work is steady. Below is just a portion of what we do and have been
      doing to support “From the Ground Up”
                The Distribution Platoon has been supporting a two front mission with troops in Afghanistan and Kuwait. Their
      fuel handlers have pumped over 20,000 gals of fuel between the two locations, and with the start of our third month,
      their truck drivers (88Ms), have become very familiar with all the Kuwaiti roads. They have driven in excess of 15,000
      miles in our short time here.
                The Field Feeding section of the Alpha Dawgs has been tasked out to several locations, where they manage food
      service operations that have resulted in an average of 100,000 meals a month being served. SSG Duckworth and SGT
      Hinks are working on their Contracting Officer Representative certification so they can help manage the food service
      contracts and ensure the contractors follow the proper contracting rules and guidelines. This certification also ensures
      that the Government receives the most cost effective solutions to feeding our soldiers. Other duties include PV2 Geor-
      ges and SPC Jones inspecting and certifying the connex shipments coming into the DFACS (dining facilities also known as
      mess halls). SPC Palmer serves as the Fire Marshal ensuring compliance with the fire codes and that the DFACS have
      emergency plans in case of fire.
                The Maintenance Platoon has fully inspected all equipment left from the departing unit and is showing the rest of
      Arifjan how real maintenance is done! They have repaired over 105 vehicles from a non-mission capable status to fully
      mission capable. In addition, we have supported six other Companies with their maintenance work load. The welding
      section of the maintenance platoon has completed 14 jobs to date and is currently working on six more. The jobs have
      ranged from fabrication and installation of a flag pole to the fabrication and installation of load bearing supports for build-
      ing structures.
                This is only a small portion of what this Company does to support our Battalion and sister units. Know this;
      that the Alpha Dawgs are staying busy and doing a great job to support our mission. Once again, I want to say thanks to
      all our loved ones and friends back home. As I’ve said before, our support here is what we do for our country; the sup-
      port our family and loved ones send are for our drive to come home and to finish this deployment with great pride. Un-
      til next month, know the Alpha Dawgs are leading the pack! GO ALPHA DAWGS!!!

      -FSC Company Commander Rodney Woody

                                    SPC Atha and SPC Garner receive Certificates of
                                          Appreciation for their welding skills
Engineers: From the Ground UP!
5                                                                                              Page 5

           PFC Miller and SPC James washing a M916 at the wash rack at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait.

                               A D9 bulldo
                                             zer at the Bat
                                                           talion Motor
Page 6
6          Engineers: From the Ground UP!

By CPT     Greetings Devastator friends and family!    competition and a BBQ. Congratula-        company. This particular project
John        It is difficult for me to believe it has   tions to the mighty 2nd Platoon who       will be great, as it will challenge
Makar      already been a month since I wrote my       won the ultimate football bracket, and    Soldiers and NCOs at all levels to
497th EN
           last article. The time is flying by. On     to Headquarters who took the dodge        complete the work on time and to
           the 1st of September, we had a the whole    ball bracket. It was a great day to get   standard. We are all really looking
           company together for a large ceremony       together as a company for the first       forward to breaking ground.
           in which we awarded “combat patches”        time in four months.                                As always, I want to thank
           to all of our Devastator Soldiers. It was             It hasn’t been all fun and      you all again for the support you
           an awesome event that included some         games though. By the time you all         give us. All of the letters and pack-
           promotions, certificates of achievements,   read this, we will have past the half-    ages that we receive from you moti-
           and coins. The following day we had an      way point of the deployment. It has       vate us to no end. I want to give a
           early celebration of our Company Organ-     been somewhat busy so far, with a lot     special thank you for those who are
           izational Day. The Devastators woke up      of operating time and everyone get-       actively participating in the FRG.
           early and conducted a 7 km company run      ting some valuable experience. Al-        Your help and participation means a
           on Camp Arifjan. Following that, we         though we are over the hump, the fun      lot to both me and Lauren.
           had some friendly platoon-level sports      is far from over. Soon we will begin a
                                                                       large project that will   Devastator 6 Out!
                                                                       involve most of the

                                                                      nation, we managed to       Petro is a very hard charging and
                                                                      pull the entire com-        motivated NCO and we are lucky to
            HQ PLT:                                pany together in one place for two days        have him. Up until now he has been
                      Well another month has       of relaxation and fun. The entire event        applying his leadership to 1st PLT
            come and gone here in Kuwait,          included BBQ, sporting events, awards          and I know that he will be missed
            leaving us a little cooler, a little   and promotion ceremonies. One of the           there. We also welcomed back SSG
            more tired, and ALOT more ready        highlights was the “Patching” ceremony,        Fichter from Afghanistan, and we
            to come home to friends and fam-       officially recognizing your Soldiers sac-      couldn’t be more excited. I am also
            ily. Your Soldiers have spent the      rifice in deploying overseas in the de-        proud to say that HQ has a newly
            last 30 days reintegrating 2nd PLT,    fense of our Country. I had the opportu-       “promotable” Soldier. SPC (P) Wil-
            planning and organizing several        nity to “patch” all the first time deploy-     cox has proven himself to be ready
            big events, and most recently mov-     ers in HQ PLT, proud of their hard work        for the responsibilities and duties of
            ing to another location in support     and tireless efforts. But the best part of     a NCO, demonstrating that fact by
            of a big project. This most recent     the entire month was that realization that     receiving a unanimous recommen-
            move marks the fourth location in      we are half way done. By the time you          dation from a board of Senior
            two countries that HQ has estab-       read this we will have passed the four         NCO’s. Congratulations SPC Wil-
            lished its operations in just fewer    and a half month mark in theater, put-         cox!
            than five months. It just goes to      ting us over the hump and on the way                     As always we are grateful
            show how versatile and resilient       back down. Of course we still have a lot       for the continued support. I know
            these Soldiers really are. One of      of work ahead of us, but the end is in         from experience that these “hump”
            the biggest highlights of the last     sight and we could not be more excited.        months can often be the hardest
            month was the Company Organ-           This last month also brought a lot of          time in a deployment. Your support
            izational Day over the Labor Day       changes to HQ. We received a new               and continued backing are the life
            weekend. After weeks of meticu-        NCO in his place, SGT Petro. SGT               blood that keeps us going.
            lous planning and endless coord-
7                From the Ground UP!                                                                                             Page 7

1ST PLT:                                    friendly strife.                          development and future abilities on con-
           To kick off the month, the                 With the exception of the       struction projects.
Outlaws took a platoon trip to visit        Labor Day trip we have been hard at                 We would like to extend be-
the rest of the company for some            work at Camp Buehring. As Septem-         lated congratulations to PFC Benson
camaraderie, games and food. While          ber comes to a close, the weather is      and SPC Cygan and their families on the
we left the Labor Day picnic event          thankfully beginning to turn the cor-     birth of their children, Alexander Mi-
without any champions in Ultimate           ner from miserable to slightly less       chael Benson and Denver Cygan were
Football or Dodge ball, we realized         miserable. With this change of sea-       born happy, healthy, and eager to join
something even more important while         sons our work hours have increased        the Outlaw team on August 24th! Fi-
visiting the company; “Its not always       and our productivity is at its highest    nally, we would once again like to thank
about winning, sometimes its about          right now. Every Soldier is gainfully     all the family and friends who have been
letting other platoons win so that they     employed working on one of our            so supportive to us throughout our
don’t hate 1st Platoon for being so         multiple projects, and the experience     deployment, you are all the reason we
incredibly awesome”, and that lesson        and equipment hours that the Outlaw       are over here, thank you so much!
was worth surrendering our other-           Soldiers are gaining while over here      Outlaw 1-6
wise assured victories on the fields of     will work wonders towards their

                                        gratulatory notes for
2ND PLT:                                Soldiers who have demonstrated
Hello family and friends of the
                                        excellence through outstanding          3RD PLT:
                                        achievements. Congratulations to        The first half of September has been restful
“Renegade” platoon!                     SGT Fielding for his promotion to E-
                                                                                for 3rd Platoon allowing for some time to re-
                                        5 and SGT Delinois who was also
             The last few weeks have    promoted to SGT earlier during this     cuperate from our projects. During this time
been filled with fun, HEAT, busyness    deployment and recently graduated       some of the platoon has been afforded the
and excitement as we adjust to our      Warrior Leaders Course with the         opportunity to visit some historical sites in
new surroundings in Kuwait. It has      Distinguished Leadership Award.         Kuwait. One of the sites was the Grand
been almost a month since the major-    Also, congratulations to SPC Ku and     Mosque in Kuwait City. The trip proved to be
ity of the Platoon returned from Af-    SPC Harris on their merit-based field   very educational and a great time away from
ghanistan and reunited with each        promotions from PFC to SPC in           the daily tasks on the Camp.
other and the 497th EN Company
                                        Afghanistan.                            The second half of September should prove
Headquarters. To recap some of our
accomplishments as a platoon during                                             to be busy for not only 3rd Platoon but the
                                                  We are proud of all we
the past few months, the Renegade       have accomplished thus far, glad to
                                                                                entire Company. The Devastators have been
Platoon moved over 275,000 cubic        be back, and look forward to the        given a large construction mission that should
yards of earth in just over two         rest of the deployment as we gear       last almost all of the rest of the deployment.
months in Afghanistan – that’s enough   up for another high-priority con-       The mission should be a good learning ex-
dirt to fill an Olympic-size swimming   struction project within our unit’s     perience for all and improve the relationship
pool over 84 times! Back in Kuwait,     area of responsibility. We are proud    between the United States and Kuwaiti gov-
our PLT detachment repaired over        to represent the 497th EN CO,           ernment.
2100 meters of a severely damaged       52nd EN BN, and 505th EN BN as          We are looking forward to the work ahead of
road leading to a fuel farm.            we continue to execute our jobs to      us and will enjoy the construction experience
                                        a very high standard the Renegade
          We’ll end with some con-                                              that we will gain. This project will be the
Page 8
8        Engineers: From the Ground UP!

                                            Warrior leader course
          Warrior Leader Course or WLC is a course given here in            The Situational Training Exercise (STX), which lasted for
         Kuwait for current and future Noncommissioned Officers             three days, was part evaluation and part grand finale for the
         (NCOs) of the U.S. Army. Active duty, National Guard, and          end of WLC. Day one, I was the Opposing Force (OPFOR)
         Reserve Soldiers from all over Theater come together for a         and day two, I was evaluated on Tactical Leadership as a
         two week course given at Camp Buehring, Kuwait to learn the        Squad Leader. I was in charge of Alpha and Bravo team as
         basic skills needed to lead a team of Soldiers. WLC teaches        we maneuvered through a Mobile Urban Training (MOUT)
         Soldiers to lead from the front, while leading by example.         Site to complete our mission. We had a combination of
                                                                            blanks, smoke rounds, and artillery simulators at our dis-
          Upon arrival at WLC, day zero, we staged our bags outside
                                                                            posal. The most important part of the evaluation was not
         the main building and arranged ourselves into several forma-
                                                                            completion of the mission or how well it was completed,
         tions; reserved slots, E-5s not reserved, and lower enlisted not
         reserved. All Soldiers who had a reserved slot began in-
                                                                            but the execution of the Troop Leading Procedures. We had
         processing while everyone else waited for a slot to open. It       to receive a mission, issue a warning order, and prepare our
         was a very swift process compared to the usual “hurry up and       troops accordingly. The third and final day was used as a
         wait” game. We finished in less than an hour. After in-            structured “free-for-all”. When all evaluations were over,
         processing, we had a briefing to meet the Small Group Lead-        we were issued twenty sim-rounds (paint rounds) to engage
         ers (SGLs), review the rules, and meet the Commandant.             the enemy and were divided into platoons with specific
         Then, the First Sergeant                                           tasks to complete the overall mission. One platoon acted as
         called out our names and                                                                           OPFOR, while the other
         our assigned SGLs took                                                                             three were Blue Forces
         over. We took all of our                                                                           (BLUFOR) or Friendly
         bags to our tents and                                                                              Forces. The entire mission
         inventoried our equip-                                                                             lasted an hour and was a
         ment. We had three days                                                                            successful ending to two
         to come up with any                                                                                weeks of evaluations.
         missing equipment or be
         sent home.                                                                                           The day following the STX
                                                                                                             was graduation, the day that
          Following day zero,
                                                                                                             every one longed for from
         week one officially be-
                                                                                                             day one. It meant we were
         gan. The general atmos-
         phere of WLC is depend-
                                                                                                             done and we were ready to
         ent upon the SGL’s per-                                                                             go out and do what NCOs
         sonality. My SGL                                                                                    do, lead. I had an amazing
         wanted to get everything                                                                            squad throughout WLC and
         done in the first week so                                                                           80% graduated at the top of
         we would have ample                                                                                 the Commandant’s List. My
         time to practice Tactical                                                                           squad and I learned to work
         Leadership, Squad Drills,                                                                           together right from the start
         and Physical Readiness Training (PRT), the three most trou-        and our SGLs gave us the latitude to grow and rely on each
         bling evaluations for most. Needless to say, my first week of      other for success. Because of their absence at times, we
         WLC was extremely hectic. Day three was our first written          thought that they did not care, but they were really teaching
         examination and all three Military Writing assignments, the        us that NCOs lead, but they also have to follow and work
         essay about the Soldier’s Creed, and the Oral History brief        together in order to get the job done.
         was due on day five. Our SGL gave us the entire week to
         accomplish these tasks, but with class not finishing until after    I left WLC with a new outlook on what an NCO really is,
         dinner chow, we really had to put forth an effort and stay after   what we stand for, and with a new level of motivation to be
         class to complete all the assignments.                             a better NCO and to help future NCOs better themselves. I
                                                                            came back to Camp Arifjan and started holding classes for
          Sunday, day seven, kicked off the beginning of week two of
                                                                            505th Engineer Battalion Soldiers who want to attend WLC
         WLC. It also marked day one of PRT evaluations. Evalua-
         tions were tough and to go first, even tougher. My partner and
                                                                            while in country. My goal is to give them a firm foundation
         I had no one before us to learn from. We set the stage for eve-    for some of the more important evaluations they will face at
         ryone else. Everyone was allowed a partner so the SGL could        WLC, so when they arrive, they will have the confidence
         evaluate two people at once, but evaluations still took four       and the tools to graduate with honors. I could not imagine
         days. During this time, we also worked on Individual Training      learning more from any othercourse than what I learned
         presentations, prepared for two more written exams, and            from WLC.
         worked on Tactical Leadership for the Situational Training
         Exercise.                                                          -SGT Brittany Swain
9            From the Ground UP!                                                             Page 9

         SGT Brittany Swain at Warrior Leader Course Graduation

   The Warrior Leader course is a demanding and leadership focused class. It helps prepare
      Soldiers to advance to the rank of sergeant and hones the skills of junior NCO's.
   Congratulations to the following Soldiers for completing the Third Army NCO Academy.
                          Command Sergeant Major Carlos V. Scott

        SGT Schoate              544th                                SGT Swain      HHC
        SGT Jones                882nd                                SGT Busick     FSC
        SGT Inman                544th                                SGT Hayes      882nd
        SGT Griffin              882nd                                SGT Hoffman    FSC
        SGT Hervey               544th                                SGT Bogacki    497th
        SGT Mackey               FSC                                  SPC Delinois   497th

                                                Soldiers of the 497th at work
10     Engineers: From the Ground UP!

         Most Soldiers keep up with themselves every
        day without fail. Diet, personal hygiene, and
        physical fitness are all cornerstones of a fit
        and healthy military-minded man or woman.
        Oftentimes, however, they don’t treat their
        equipment and vehicles with the same care.
        Even when they do, different machines,
        trucks, and tools just naturally need periodic
        maintenance. When something breaks, leaks,
        or stops functioning, SFC Tyndall’s team of
        mechanics gets the job done and then some.

         Here at Arifjan, the mechanic shop has been
        full of vehicles on an almost daily basis. The
        goal of the mechanics is to have all vehicular
        or equipment faults fixed in an expedient man-
        ner every time and, as we near our second
        month in country, SSG Honeycutt and others
        have done just that.

        While maintaining vehicles and equipment,          Soldiers from the 882nd work long hours on construction projects at military
                                                           installations around Kuwait.

                                                               our mechanics are also responsible for teaching . This past week,
                                                               they assisted with the driver’s training program which is responsi-
                                                               ble for issuing licenses to soldiers on base. Soldiers are required
                                                               to take the course and have a military-issued license provided
                                                               before they are allowed to drive any vehicle on or off-post.
                                                               In addition to Driver’s Training, the mechanics of the 882 nd have
                                                               been working hard to spread the word about PMCS.

                                                                This could be something as simple as refilling the window
                                                               washer fluid or as complex as lubricating bearings.
                                                               Unfortunately, many younger Soldiers lack the base knowledge to
                                                               perform PMCS and, again, the mechanics are there to help them
                                                               “learn the ropes.”

                                                                Oftentimes, Soldiers overlook their mechanic element until some-
                                                               thing breaks or a tire goes flat, but little do they know the hard
                                                               work and dedication they put in every day at the garage repairing,
                                                               maintaining, and adding functionality to the equipment essential
                                                               to everyone’s mission at the 882nd and for that, we say “thank
       Spc. Naylor repairs the bearings on a 5-ton truck

                                                               Spc. James Benefield Public Affairs Officer 882nd En Co.
11                                                                                                                                    Page
Engineers: From the Ground UP!                                                                                                        11

                                                October Military History
2      1863      President Abraham Lincoln designates the last Thursday in November as "Thanksgiving Day" in re
                 sponse to the vast casualties taken at the Battle of Gettysburg earlier in July.

5      1863      Confederate submersible torpedo boat CSS 'David' damages USS 'New Ironsides' with a spar torpedo off
                 Charleston Harbor in South Carolina.

7      1780      Revolutionary War Battle of King's Mountain, North Carolina, the American “Over the Mountain Boys” defeat
                 Loyalists and British troops led by Colonel Banester Tarelton

9      1942      On Guadalcanal the Marines encircle the Japanese 4th Infantry Regiment near Henderson Field.

13     1944      The Pacific island Peleliu is secured by the 1st Marine Division suffering 1,200 KIA while exterminating the
                 12,000 man Japanese Army garrison.

19     1781      At the Siege of Yorktown British General Lord Cornwallis surrenders to General George Washing ton's Franco-
                 American forces serving as the effective end of the Revolutionary War.

24     1944      Due to severe damage inflicted by Japanese torpedo bombers during the vast naval Battle of Leyte Gulf, the
                 heavily damaged aircraft carrier, the USS Princeton (CVL-23), sinks in spite of the courageous efforts of her
                 surviving crew to keep the ship afloat.

25     1415      On the Feast of Saint Crispin, English King Henry V routs a numerically superior French foe at the Battle of
                 Agincourt . Henry’s motivational speech to his troops, in Shakespeare’s version of the battle, includes the line
                 that they are a band of brothers.

       1943      In the Pacific theater of World War 2, the Battle of Cape St. George rages in which five US destroyers sink 3 of 6
                 Japanese destroyers encountered in open waters.

26     1966      A fire aboard the aircraft carrier the USS Oriskany (CV-34) in the Gulf of Tonkin, off the coast of Vietnam, re
                 sults in the death of 43 American sailors.

                                                                                                                 SSG Crull
PFC Albright                                                                                                     SPC Cygan
SPC Furr                                                                                                         SPC Fitzgerald
LTC Gilbert                                                                                                      SPC Elward
WO3 Knuutila                                                                                                     SGT Doherty
SSG Rodriguez                                                                                                    PFC Jimenez
SGT Chadwick                                                                                                     SPC McCready
OV2 Georges                                                                                                      SGT Mendyka
SPC Harris                                                                                                       SPC Rohr
1LT Richardson                                                                                                   SPC Thate
SPC Shelby, A                                                                                                    PFC Wright
1LT Stocker                                                                                                      SGT Helms
PFC Byrd                                                                                                         PV2 Hendrix
PV2 Pierson                                                                                                      SPC Hopper
PFC Winebarger                                                                                                   SPC Ivester
PFC Kasuke                                                                                                       SPC Maddox
SPC Brogen                                                                                                       SPC Mayberry
SPC Childress                                                                                                    SPC Lawton
PFC Dover                                                                                                        1LT Pelusi
                                           SFC Collings               SPC Cope
MSG Houck                                                                                                        SGT Beck
                                           SSG Prevette               SPC Slater
PFC Humphrey
12     Engineers: From the Ground UP!

         CAMP ARIFJAN –

         Greetings from Kuwait! We are now closing in on
         two months ‘boots on ground’ here at Camp Arifjan.
         The extreme summer heat of August seems to be ta-
         pering off and has averaged out to around 110 degrees
         near the middle of September. While getting used to
         this heat is near impossible, these ‘cooler’ days seem
         to make it more bearable.
         Our team has been busy with survey projects all
         throughout Kuwait and as well as Afghanistan. We
         sent three Soldiers to Camp Marmal, Afghanistan
         nearly three weeks ago to provide additional survey
         support for other construction units within the battal-
         ion. Those individuals have been working very hard
         to keep up with the workload.
                  Back in Kuwait, we have sev-
         eral projects located on or near Camp
         Arifjan and also a few projects in the
         works near Camp Buehring. Our pro-
         jects disbursed throughout Kuwait also
         allow us to get off base and see some                      Top:
         of the country, which our Soldiers                         927th Soldiers that
                                                                    completed the Pa-
         definitely make the most out of if
                                                                    triot’s Day 5K run
         you’re checked out our Facebook
         page.                                                      Left:
                  Overall, morale is high and the                   PFC Tyler Kasuske
                                                                    works hard staking
         living conditions are comfortable. The                     out a job site
         dining facility provides as good, if not
         better, than some of the military dining                   Bottom:
                                                                    PFC Kasuske spends
         facilities that we’ve been to before.                      a long day taking
         There are also numerous amounts of                         ground shots
         fast-food establishments, theaters,
         gyms, and basketball courts for us to
         take advantage of.
                  During the past month, some of our Soldiers
         have participated in some 5K runs to include Labor
         Day and Patriot’s Day. T-shirts are awarded for par-
         ticipating in these events and it’s almost turned into a
         friendly competition between the team members on
         who can collect the most t-shirts.
                  All in all, things are going smoothly and we’re
         starting to grind it out for the long haul. All of us
         from the 927th want to thank all the family and friends
         that continue to show support. All the care packages,
         letters, emails, and skyping are what keep us going.

         Thank you!!                      By
                                          SPC Antonmarchi
13             From the Ground UP!

                                     505 Staff: Battalion Chaplain

O      ur nation has faced the war on terrorism for eleven years from today (9/11/2001). The hatred from many wishes the
       worst upon the United States. However, I am reminded what King David wrote in Psalm 27: 1-3. “1 The LORD is my
light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? 2 When the
wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall.3 Though an army besiege
me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.” I encourage everyone to take a
moment and remember the fallen, the courageous, and the sacrifices America has taken to fight for our freedom and liberty
for us all! I pray, “May God continue to bless our great nation and in God we trust.”

                                   505 Staff: Battalion Aid Station
The Soldiers who make up the Battalion Aid Station have been providing medical care since we hit the ground in
Kuwait. Our days are filled with evaluating and treating conditions including skin rashes, musculoskeletal issues,
gastrointestinal infections, respiratory illnesses, and much more. We are also thrilled to have so many Soldiers
come in and request assistance with smoking cessation. Our medics are always ready and able to impart their
knowledge on the environmental dangers and preventative measures that can be taken to keep our Soldiers mis-
sion ready. We also recently completed a very successful immunization exercise (SHOTEX) to get Soldiers
caught up on their required vaccinations. Our next SHOTEX for the influenza vaccine will be coming up in the
                                                                             next few weeks and we are looking
                                                                             forward to 100% of Soldiers being
                                                                             vaccinated. Of course, our medics
                                                                             are also staying abreast of the con-
                                                                             stant changes in medical care
                                                                             through weekly education and train-
                                                                             ing exercises. As we head into the
                                                                             cold weather months, we may see
                                                                             different medical issues but we wel-
                                                                             come the challenge. It’s what we
                                                                             do…….keeping our Soldiers “in the
                                                                             fight”.— Battalion Physician’s As-
                                                                             sistant, 1LT Jerome Menendez
From left to right: SPC Justin Torres, SPC Erin Woodruff, SPC Sarah Bennett,
SSG Melinda Hamilton, SPC Tiffany White, PFC Shannon Lee, 1LT Jerome
       Engineers: From the Ground UP!

        Upcoming Races

        October 10 - Navy 5k
        Zone 1 MWR

        October 21 - Army 10
        Miler at Camp Buehring

        October 30 - Halloween
        5k Zone 1 MWR

                                        SSG Tobin and SPC Paganetti participate in one of the many 5k runs on Camp
                                                              Arifjan at the Zone 1 MWR.

        Rear: CPT Sigmon, SGT Burgess, SPC Arnold, SSG Kopczinsky, 1LT Waweru, SSG Rodriguez, MSG Smith, CPT
                                            Lane, CW2 Hutchins, PFC Degree
                     Front: SSG Gibson, 1SG Rogers, SGT Tilley, SPC Dalton, MAJ Moody, CPT Gauldin

                                                                                    3rd Platoon, 497th Engi-
                                                                                    neer Company at the
                                                                                    Grand Mosque in Kuwait
                                                                                    city on an MWR trip.
Engineers: From
15                     the Ground UP!                                                                       15

Mail Call for HHC 505 EN BN, SPC Robinson and SPC Bigelow unloading packages.

                                BMO, Chief Jay Hutchins, demonstrates a proper sandstorm driving posture.

               PUSHING SAND. A member
               of the 497 Engineer Company
                   at work with a grader.
16        Engineers: From the Ground UP!
                                                                  544th Engineer Company
                     Commander's Corner                            The Soldiers are starting to consider the        couldn’t make it all happen without the
                     CPT Tyler J. Scheidt                          possibility of pulling out their running         headquarters and maintenance sections
                                                                   jackets as the morning temperatures con-         keeping everything moving.
                     As we prepare to cross the half-way           tinue to drop. Although we are still in
                     point in this deployment, I want to           the mid-70s each morning, the cool air is        This month’s focus was on career pro-
                     let you know that the Soldiers of the         a welcome addition and only a small step         gression planning as well as proper
                     Spartan family are making major               in the direction of preparing for the frigid     counseling and evaluation procedures.
                     contributions across multiple coun-           temperatures we expect in Colorado dur-          Leaders at all levels are benefitting
                     tries. Our mission in Afghanistan             ing our return in February.                      from these opportunities to further their
                     has changed slightly and the Sol-                                                              professional development and really
                     diers there are doing what they do            3rd platoon is doing a great job covering        learn what they can do to be successful
                     best to drive on and complete the             all vertical projects for the northern           in the military.
                     mission. The remainder of the                 camps while 1st and 2nd platoons balance
                     company eagerly awaits their return           work between two of the southern camps.          Thanks again for all you do to keep us
                     to both share stories on project ex-          The quality of work and craftsmanship            going. I look forward to bringing eve-
                     perience and to recognize them for            coming from all of our Soldiers is at such       ryone home to their friends,
                     their significant contributions.              a level that multiple units continue to          family, and loved ones.
                                                                   request us by name. And of course we                                           Spartan 6

                                                                                     Greetings to the family and friends of the Operations, Supply, and
                                                                                     Maintenance sections!

                                                                                     The Soldiers and NCOs continue to work tirelessly week after week
                                                                                     to support the company’s construction activities. Operations proc-
                                                                                     essed over one hundred trip tickets to keep the platoons and leader-
                                                                                     ship moving around the area of operations to all of our construction
                                                                                     sites. They also prepared Soldiers from across the company for
                                                                                     schools, to include Combatives Levels I and II, the Warrior Leader
                                                                                     Course, and many other classes. The Supply section continues to keep
                                                                                     the company well-stocked with tools and materials so we can com-
                                                                                     plete all of our missions. The Field Maintenance Team has consis-
                                                                                     tently kept the platoons rolling, repairing and servicing generators,
                                                                                     vehicles, and anything else that needs fixing.
1st Platoon Soldiers install tin roofing on a building. Soldiers utilize full body
harnesses and tethers for safety when working off the ground.                        As always, we appreciate your support.

                                                                                     1LT Peter Friedewald, Spartan 5

                                                                                     Hello Families of First Platoon!
                                                                                     First platoon has been busy over the last month completing construc-
                                                                                     tion projects at several different camps throughout Kuwait. First
                                                                                     squad built a great looking guard shack and second squad built offices
                                                                                     for the leadership of an aviation task force out here. Both projects
                                                                                     really demonstrated how far the platoon has come with its construc-
                                                                                     tion skills. SGT Keen and SPC Amaro helped out 2nd Platoon with
                                                                                     their skills as plumbers during a large scale project installing latrines.
                                                                                     3rd Squad has been wrapping up their projects in Afghanistan and
                                                                                     should be joining the rest of the platoon in Kuwait soon.

                                                                                     The platoon welcomed PV2 Retzlaff to 1st Squad, where he has al-
                                                                                     ready been an asset in assisting with the completion of projects. The
                                                                                     platoon also has a few new members at home: the Wells family and
                                                                                     Holmes family each grew by one with the birth of babies. A big con-
CPL Gange trims plywood for guard shack wall sheathing                               gratulations to SSG Jach and SPC Kropp on their promotions this
                                                                                     month. SPC Otieno graduated Combatives Level I and SPC Taylor
                                                                                     graduated from Combatives Level II, both are impressive accomplish-
Engineers: From
17                            the Ground UP!                                                                                           17

2nd Platoon Family and Friends,

We have been hard at work this
past month working on a number
of construction projects across
Kuwait. We completed a major
upgrade to an operations center,
demonstrating our abilities in car-
pentry finishing and detailed elec-
trical work. We’ve also completed
a number of shower and latrine
trailer renovations for one of the
camps – not the most glamorous
work, but vitally important!

This month is full of new faces.
First, we would like to welcome    1st Platoon Soldiers install tin roofing on a building. Soldiers utilize full body harnesses and
PV2 Otto, PVT Bright, and SPC      tethers for safety when working off the ground.
Diaz to the platoon. The recently
promoted SSG Haulbrook has also rejoined the pla-
toon has a Squad Leader. Congratulations to SPC
Cruz Bonilla on his recent promotion, as well. Sep-
tember provided a number of excellent training op-
portunities for 2nd Platoon: SGT Hervey and SGT
Schoate both graduated Warrior Leader Course, and
SPC Reinhardt graduated Combatives Level I and
SGT Boyer has just graduated Combatives Level II.

All in all, this month has been filled with individual
and team successes. Be proud of your Soldiers and
know that your support means everything!

1LT Karen DeLoria
Spartan 2-6
                                                           CPL Brefeld and PV2 Luttrell demonstrate fine craftsmanship while upgrad-
                                                           ing electrical fixtures in a command building.

                                                              Over the past month, 3rd Platoon has taken on a multitude of elec-
                                                              trical projects for the benefit of the varying members of the Life
                                                              Support Area (LSA) and Camp Buehring communities. A highlight
                                                              includes the lighting of the Navy Customs Yard in LSA, a once
                                                              shadowy open space structure for Servicemen leaving Kuwait. The
                                                              facility is now illuminated with five times the amount of light and
                                                              contains a state-of-the-art photocell that helps save energy. Another
                                                              is the upgrade of electrical systems in server rooms throughout
                                                              various office facilities in Camp Buehring. These upgrades per-
                                                              form the critical function of protecting computer networks during
                                                              power outages by keeping them connected online. A third project
                                                              was for the Theatre Air Operations Group, where our engineer sol-
                                                              diers installed new lighting in their dark, gloomy offices. It has
                                                              been a pleasure providing our services and contributing to the over-
                                                              arching efforts of Camp Buehring and beyond.

                                                              We would also like to congratulate SGT Falcon, one of our 1 st
                                                              Squad’s team leaders, on achieving promotable status. We’re very
SPC Wile prepares wire connections during a power up-         proud of his success at the Promotion Board and for his notable
grade project.                                                hard work and dedication within 3rd Platoon.
       Engineers: From the Ground UP!

       Members of the maintenance platoons
       from the various companies in the
       Battalion service the tactical vehicles
       and construction equipment used in
       the Battalion’s daily operations. There
       is a wide variety of types and models
       of equipment across the 505th. Our
       maintenance Soldiers have hundreds
       of vehicles and other pieces of equip-
       ment they are responsible for keeping

                                                 ...The End

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505th EN BN September newsletter

  • 1. From the Ground Up 505th Engineer Combat Battalion September 2012 “Make no little plans. They have no magic to We have indeed had a tasks at hand. This huge fessional development is stir men's blood ... Make busy month. Thankfully, undertaking is the larg- a must! big plans; aim high in we are seeing tempera- est single project in this hope and work ..." - Daniel Burnham tures moderate as we battalion’s history and is Sustain healthy commu- continue to learn our the most important mili- nication both here and “The germ of gossip may jobs, conduct engineer tary construction mis- with your friends and be likened to the germ of operations, and sion in theater. family back home. As cancer – as the latter con- “improve our foxholes”. busy as we are, it is easy taminates and rots the We all knew when we Projects in Kuwait are to get caught up in the healthy flesh, so the for- deployed that world also critical and impor- “rumor mill” when the mer contaminates and events would ebb and tant to the US mission. true answer can simply rots the social fabric, har- flow beyond our con- 505th Soldiers are all be had by asking a ques- mony, and happiness of trol. The current situa- over the area of respon- tion through the chain of the unit.” tion with the embassy command. Regular com- sibility and remain en- – Officers Manual, attacks around the Mid- gaged and busy. Several munication with our 1917 ed., Major J.A. dle East and the height- upcoming projects are families also keeps us Moss ened tensions, however, vital and of the highest grounded and con- “Don’t sweat the things serve to underscore the priority to ASG-Kuwait nected; assuaging fears you can’t control” importance of what is in and the host nation. or false impressions and - Robert Wilks our control. We have the bolstering mutual sup- control to remain vigi- Among the many things port. lant; retain situational that we are tracking is awareness, communi- Soldier education. We We have the right to be cate, pursue self- have been fortunate to proud of the work we Content Page improvement, and look get several Soldiers to have done so far; of our- BN CDR 1 to our battle buddies, the Warrior Leader selves, our companies, 875 EN CO 2/3 leadership, and families Course and have made a and the 505th. Under- for support and guid- big push to fulfill indi- stand that you are work- FSC 4/5 ance. vidual on-line Struc- ing important, enduring, 497 EN CO 6/7 tured Self Development historic missions. HHC 8/9 CSM Scott and I had the requirements. There are 882 EN CO 10 good fortune to travel to many Soldiers pursuing Keep improving, keep Afghanistan to visit our civilian education on communicating, and Birthdays 11 soldiers there. The mis- line as well. The battal- keep up the hard 927 SDT 12 sion is going very well ion is also finalizing work! BN Staff 13 considering its con- plans for the “Engineer Photos of Kuwait 14/15 straints; leaders and sol- Academy” to further our “FROM THE diers alike are motivated education as engineers GROUND UP!” 544 EN CO 16/17 and dedicated to the between missions. Pro- Castle 6 BN Maintenance Shop 18 and 544 (last shot)
  • 2. Page 2 Engineers: From the Ground UP! 2 1st Platoon’s second month has been as busy as the first. They have com- pleted an ammo pad, spread reclaimed asphalt at the Kuwait Naval Base, built a pad for the veterinarians, and repaired several roads and yards on Camp Arifjan. Soldiers are becoming more experienced at operating heavy equipment everyday. As shown to the right, SPC Martin is operating one of the more skill-required pieces, the motor grader. Many of our Soldiers are becoming so proficient enough that the platoon is able to complete missions days ahead of schedule. LT Robinson states, “We have our sights set on SPC Martin operating the grader for the many more projects ahead and look forward to the coming W7A yard improvement project. months. in Afghanistan.” 2nd Platoon, Construction at Camp John Pratt, Afghanistan 2nd PLT worked tirelessly in their “New missions are first few weeks in Afghanistan battling the unfamiliar terrain, constant climate given daily and changes, unforgiving dust storms and being away from their loved ones in Soldiers are never NC. During 2PLT’s short time at Camp John Pratt, they have worked on doing the same 12 different sites and completed three projects. They work two shifts a day thing as the day dedicated to completing the mission before.” -1LT and representing the Workhorse repu- tation. Morrison SSG Hardenberger operating the HYEX. 875th’s Maintenance... Defining “Busy” The maintenance crew has movement forward to Afghanistan later put in relentless hours in order this month and has packed containers to fix and maintain the neces- with spare parts, oil, and lubrication. sary equipment to complete the They have truly came together as a engineer missions in Kuwait team and have made all of the missions and in Afghanistan. possible. After all, nothing can be done The equipment in Kuwait is with equipment that won’t run! up to 90% mission capable, which is a huge turn around from when the team (shown left) arrived two months ago. The maintenance team in Af- ghanistan is working an aver- age of 15 hours each day to improve the initial mission From left: SPC Shoaf, SPC Dennison, PFC capability of 30% when they Wyatt, SPC Highsmith, SSG Creighton, SPC arrived one month ago. Avalos, SGT Grogg, SGT Faw, PFC Jones, and PFC Jarman. The crew in Kuwait is SPC Mitchell from 2PLT operating making preparations for their the pan.
  • 3. 3 Engineers: From the Ground UP! Page 3 3rd Platoon, Ready To WORK! Camp John Pratt, Afghanistan 3rd Platoon is working with 2nd platoon to complete three large projects and several smaller projects in Afghanistan. Each day brings a new challenge and 3rd Platoon is hard at work for two shifts each day. 3rd platoon’s main project, the 110 acre motor pool is being constructed by rough grading existing soil, laying two inch rock, and then capping it off with base material. They are also preparing many tent pads as part of this project which must be between at 3% grade. As a whole, 3rd platoon has adapted to the challenge of living and working in Afghani- stan and is working seven days a week. Members of 3rd Platoon working with Red Horse on a hasty Entry Control Point . Commander’s Comments This month has seen Work- been working on a variety of pro- horse Soldiers going full speed jects improving roads and prepar- ahead in both Afghanistan and ing grounds for future construction Kuwait. Our Soldiers in Af- on Camp Arifjan and the Kuwaiti ghanistan have hit the ground naval base. October looks to be running and have been working even busier as we will begin 24 on preparing motor-pools that hour operations on our project sites will be used in retrograding in Afghanistan. equipment out of Afghanistan, I am also excited to say that our preparing grounds for a new whole company will soon be united American dining facility and in Afghanistan and will continue to digging a storm-water retention uphold our tradition of excellence pond. that we have become known for. Our Soldiers in Kuwait have CPT William M. Dudley, Company Commander Soldiers from 3rd Platoon working at the LOCGAP site.
  • 4. Page 4 Engineers: From the Ground UP! 4 FROM THE COMMANDER’S DESK: The Alpha Dawgs have now been in country for a little over two months. Time for most of us is flying by. The Alpha Dawgs have settled into a battle rhythm and work is steady. Below is just a portion of what we do and have been doing to support “From the Ground Up” The Distribution Platoon has been supporting a two front mission with troops in Afghanistan and Kuwait. Their fuel handlers have pumped over 20,000 gals of fuel between the two locations, and with the start of our third month, their truck drivers (88Ms), have become very familiar with all the Kuwaiti roads. They have driven in excess of 15,000 miles in our short time here. The Field Feeding section of the Alpha Dawgs has been tasked out to several locations, where they manage food service operations that have resulted in an average of 100,000 meals a month being served. SSG Duckworth and SGT Hinks are working on their Contracting Officer Representative certification so they can help manage the food service contracts and ensure the contractors follow the proper contracting rules and guidelines. This certification also ensures that the Government receives the most cost effective solutions to feeding our soldiers. Other duties include PV2 Geor- ges and SPC Jones inspecting and certifying the connex shipments coming into the DFACS (dining facilities also known as mess halls). SPC Palmer serves as the Fire Marshal ensuring compliance with the fire codes and that the DFACS have emergency plans in case of fire. The Maintenance Platoon has fully inspected all equipment left from the departing unit and is showing the rest of Arifjan how real maintenance is done! They have repaired over 105 vehicles from a non-mission capable status to fully mission capable. In addition, we have supported six other Companies with their maintenance work load. The welding section of the maintenance platoon has completed 14 jobs to date and is currently working on six more. The jobs have ranged from fabrication and installation of a flag pole to the fabrication and installation of load bearing supports for build- ing structures. This is only a small portion of what this Company does to support our Battalion and sister units. Know this; that the Alpha Dawgs are staying busy and doing a great job to support our mission. Once again, I want to say thanks to all our loved ones and friends back home. As I’ve said before, our support here is what we do for our country; the sup- port our family and loved ones send are for our drive to come home and to finish this deployment with great pride. Un- til next month, know the Alpha Dawgs are leading the pack! GO ALPHA DAWGS!!! -FSC Company Commander Rodney Woody SPC Atha and SPC Garner receive Certificates of Appreciation for their welding skills
  • 5. Engineers: From the Ground UP! 5 Page 5 PFC Miller and SPC James washing a M916 at the wash rack at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. A D9 bulldo zer at the Bat talion Motor Pool.
  • 6. Page 6 6 Engineers: From the Ground UP! By CPT Greetings Devastator friends and family! competition and a BBQ. Congratula- company. This particular project John It is difficult for me to believe it has tions to the mighty 2nd Platoon who will be great, as it will challenge Makar already been a month since I wrote my won the ultimate football bracket, and Soldiers and NCOs at all levels to 497th EN last article. The time is flying by. On to Headquarters who took the dodge complete the work on time and to CO the 1st of September, we had a the whole ball bracket. It was a great day to get standard. We are all really looking company together for a large ceremony together as a company for the first forward to breaking ground. in which we awarded “combat patches” time in four months. As always, I want to thank to all of our Devastator Soldiers. It was It hasn’t been all fun and you all again for the support you an awesome event that included some games though. By the time you all give us. All of the letters and pack- promotions, certificates of achievements, read this, we will have past the half- ages that we receive from you moti- and coins. The following day we had an way point of the deployment. It has vate us to no end. I want to give a early celebration of our Company Organ- been somewhat busy so far, with a lot special thank you for those who are izational Day. The Devastators woke up of operating time and everyone get- actively participating in the FRG. early and conducted a 7 km company run ting some valuable experience. Al- Your help and participation means a on Camp Arifjan. Following that, we though we are over the hump, the fun lot to both me and Lauren. had some friendly platoon-level sports is far from over. Soon we will begin a large project that will Devastator 6 Out! involve most of the nation, we managed to Petro is a very hard charging and pull the entire com- motivated NCO and we are lucky to HQ PLT: pany together in one place for two days have him. Up until now he has been Well another month has of relaxation and fun. The entire event applying his leadership to 1st PLT come and gone here in Kuwait, included BBQ, sporting events, awards and I know that he will be missed leaving us a little cooler, a little and promotion ceremonies. One of the there. We also welcomed back SSG more tired, and ALOT more ready highlights was the “Patching” ceremony, Fichter from Afghanistan, and we to come home to friends and fam- officially recognizing your Soldiers sac- couldn’t be more excited. I am also ily. Your Soldiers have spent the rifice in deploying overseas in the de- proud to say that HQ has a newly last 30 days reintegrating 2nd PLT, fense of our Country. I had the opportu- “promotable” Soldier. SPC (P) Wil- planning and organizing several nity to “patch” all the first time deploy- cox has proven himself to be ready big events, and most recently mov- ers in HQ PLT, proud of their hard work for the responsibilities and duties of ing to another location in support and tireless efforts. But the best part of a NCO, demonstrating that fact by of a big project. This most recent the entire month was that realization that receiving a unanimous recommen- move marks the fourth location in we are half way done. By the time you dation from a board of Senior two countries that HQ has estab- read this we will have passed the four NCO’s. Congratulations SPC Wil- lished its operations in just fewer and a half month mark in theater, put- cox! than five months. It just goes to ting us over the hump and on the way As always we are grateful show how versatile and resilient back down. Of course we still have a lot for the continued support. I know these Soldiers really are. One of of work ahead of us, but the end is in from experience that these “hump” the biggest highlights of the last sight and we could not be more excited. months can often be the hardest month was the Company Organ- This last month also brought a lot of time in a deployment. Your support izational Day over the Labor Day changes to HQ. We received a new and continued backing are the life weekend. After weeks of meticu- NCO in his place, SGT Petro. SGT blood that keeps us going. lous planning and endless coord-
  • 7. Engineers: 7 From the Ground UP! Page 7 1ST PLT: friendly strife. development and future abilities on con- To kick off the month, the With the exception of the struction projects. Outlaws took a platoon trip to visit Labor Day trip we have been hard at We would like to extend be- the rest of the company for some work at Camp Buehring. As Septem- lated congratulations to PFC Benson camaraderie, games and food. While ber comes to a close, the weather is and SPC Cygan and their families on the we left the Labor Day picnic event thankfully beginning to turn the cor- birth of their children, Alexander Mi- without any champions in Ultimate ner from miserable to slightly less chael Benson and Denver Cygan were Football or Dodge ball, we realized miserable. With this change of sea- born happy, healthy, and eager to join something even more important while sons our work hours have increased the Outlaw team on August 24th! Fi- visiting the company; “Its not always and our productivity is at its highest nally, we would once again like to thank about winning, sometimes its about right now. Every Soldier is gainfully all the family and friends who have been letting other platoons win so that they employed working on one of our so supportive to us throughout our don’t hate 1st Platoon for being so multiple projects, and the experience deployment, you are all the reason we incredibly awesome”, and that lesson and equipment hours that the Outlaw are over here, thank you so much! was worth surrendering our other- Soldiers are gaining while over here Outlaw 1-6 wise assured victories on the fields of will work wonders towards their gratulatory notes for 2ND PLT: Soldiers who have demonstrated Hello family and friends of the excellence through outstanding 3RD PLT: achievements. Congratulations to The first half of September has been restful “Renegade” platoon! SGT Fielding for his promotion to E- for 3rd Platoon allowing for some time to re- 5 and SGT Delinois who was also The last few weeks have promoted to SGT earlier during this cuperate from our projects. During this time been filled with fun, HEAT, busyness deployment and recently graduated some of the platoon has been afforded the and excitement as we adjust to our Warrior Leaders Course with the opportunity to visit some historical sites in new surroundings in Kuwait. It has Distinguished Leadership Award. Kuwait. One of the sites was the Grand been almost a month since the major- Also, congratulations to SPC Ku and Mosque in Kuwait City. The trip proved to be ity of the Platoon returned from Af- SPC Harris on their merit-based field very educational and a great time away from ghanistan and reunited with each promotions from PFC to SPC in the daily tasks on the Camp. other and the 497th EN Company Afghanistan. The second half of September should prove Headquarters. To recap some of our accomplishments as a platoon during to be busy for not only 3rd Platoon but the We are proud of all we the past few months, the Renegade have accomplished thus far, glad to entire Company. The Devastators have been Platoon moved over 275,000 cubic be back, and look forward to the given a large construction mission that should yards of earth in just over two rest of the deployment as we gear last almost all of the rest of the deployment. months in Afghanistan – that’s enough up for another high-priority con- The mission should be a good learning ex- dirt to fill an Olympic-size swimming struction project within our unit’s perience for all and improve the relationship pool over 84 times! Back in Kuwait, area of responsibility. We are proud between the United States and Kuwaiti gov- our PLT detachment repaired over to represent the 497th EN CO, ernment. 2100 meters of a severely damaged 52nd EN BN, and 505th EN BN as We are looking forward to the work ahead of road leading to a fuel farm. we continue to execute our jobs to us and will enjoy the construction experience a very high standard the Renegade We’ll end with some con- that we will gain. This project will be the way!
  • 8. Page 8 8 Engineers: From the Ground UP! Warrior leader course Warrior Leader Course or WLC is a course given here in The Situational Training Exercise (STX), which lasted for Kuwait for current and future Noncommissioned Officers three days, was part evaluation and part grand finale for the (NCOs) of the U.S. Army. Active duty, National Guard, and end of WLC. Day one, I was the Opposing Force (OPFOR) Reserve Soldiers from all over Theater come together for a and day two, I was evaluated on Tactical Leadership as a two week course given at Camp Buehring, Kuwait to learn the Squad Leader. I was in charge of Alpha and Bravo team as basic skills needed to lead a team of Soldiers. WLC teaches we maneuvered through a Mobile Urban Training (MOUT) Soldiers to lead from the front, while leading by example. Site to complete our mission. We had a combination of blanks, smoke rounds, and artillery simulators at our dis- Upon arrival at WLC, day zero, we staged our bags outside posal. The most important part of the evaluation was not the main building and arranged ourselves into several forma- completion of the mission or how well it was completed, tions; reserved slots, E-5s not reserved, and lower enlisted not reserved. All Soldiers who had a reserved slot began in- but the execution of the Troop Leading Procedures. We had processing while everyone else waited for a slot to open. It to receive a mission, issue a warning order, and prepare our was a very swift process compared to the usual “hurry up and troops accordingly. The third and final day was used as a wait” game. We finished in less than an hour. After in- structured “free-for-all”. When all evaluations were over, processing, we had a briefing to meet the Small Group Lead- we were issued twenty sim-rounds (paint rounds) to engage ers (SGLs), review the rules, and meet the Commandant. the enemy and were divided into platoons with specific Then, the First Sergeant tasks to complete the overall mission. One platoon acted as called out our names and OPFOR, while the other our assigned SGLs took three were Blue Forces over. We took all of our (BLUFOR) or Friendly bags to our tents and Forces. The entire mission inventoried our equip- lasted an hour and was a ment. We had three days successful ending to two to come up with any weeks of evaluations. missing equipment or be sent home. The day following the STX was graduation, the day that Following day zero, every one longed for from week one officially be- day one. It meant we were gan. The general atmos- phere of WLC is depend- done and we were ready to ent upon the SGL’s per- go out and do what NCOs sonality. My SGL do, lead. I had an amazing wanted to get everything squad throughout WLC and done in the first week so 80% graduated at the top of we would have ample the Commandant’s List. My time to practice Tactical squad and I learned to work Leadership, Squad Drills, together right from the start and Physical Readiness Training (PRT), the three most trou- and our SGLs gave us the latitude to grow and rely on each bling evaluations for most. Needless to say, my first week of other for success. Because of their absence at times, we WLC was extremely hectic. Day three was our first written thought that they did not care, but they were really teaching examination and all three Military Writing assignments, the us that NCOs lead, but they also have to follow and work essay about the Soldier’s Creed, and the Oral History brief together in order to get the job done. was due on day five. Our SGL gave us the entire week to accomplish these tasks, but with class not finishing until after I left WLC with a new outlook on what an NCO really is, dinner chow, we really had to put forth an effort and stay after what we stand for, and with a new level of motivation to be class to complete all the assignments. a better NCO and to help future NCOs better themselves. I came back to Camp Arifjan and started holding classes for Sunday, day seven, kicked off the beginning of week two of 505th Engineer Battalion Soldiers who want to attend WLC WLC. It also marked day one of PRT evaluations. Evalua- tions were tough and to go first, even tougher. My partner and while in country. My goal is to give them a firm foundation I had no one before us to learn from. We set the stage for eve- for some of the more important evaluations they will face at ryone else. Everyone was allowed a partner so the SGL could WLC, so when they arrive, they will have the confidence evaluate two people at once, but evaluations still took four and the tools to graduate with honors. I could not imagine days. During this time, we also worked on Individual Training learning more from any othercourse than what I learned presentations, prepared for two more written exams, and from WLC. worked on Tactical Leadership for the Situational Training Exercise. -SGT Brittany Swain
  • 9. Engineers: 9 From the Ground UP! Page 9 SGT Brittany Swain at Warrior Leader Course Graduation The Warrior Leader course is a demanding and leadership focused class. It helps prepare Soldiers to advance to the rank of sergeant and hones the skills of junior NCO's. Congratulations to the following Soldiers for completing the Third Army NCO Academy. Command Sergeant Major Carlos V. Scott SGT Schoate 544th SGT Swain HHC SGT Jones 882nd SGT Busick FSC SGT Inman 544th SGT Hayes 882nd SGT Griffin 882nd SGT Hoffman FSC SGT Hervey 544th SGT Bogacki 497th SGT Mackey FSC SPC Delinois 497th Soldiers of the 497th at work
  • 10. Page 10 Engineers: From the Ground UP! 10 Most Soldiers keep up with themselves every day without fail. Diet, personal hygiene, and physical fitness are all cornerstones of a fit and healthy military-minded man or woman. Oftentimes, however, they don’t treat their equipment and vehicles with the same care. Even when they do, different machines, trucks, and tools just naturally need periodic maintenance. When something breaks, leaks, or stops functioning, SFC Tyndall’s team of mechanics gets the job done and then some. Here at Arifjan, the mechanic shop has been full of vehicles on an almost daily basis. The goal of the mechanics is to have all vehicular or equipment faults fixed in an expedient man- ner every time and, as we near our second month in country, SSG Honeycutt and others have done just that. While maintaining vehicles and equipment, Soldiers from the 882nd work long hours on construction projects at military installations around Kuwait. our mechanics are also responsible for teaching . This past week, they assisted with the driver’s training program which is responsi- ble for issuing licenses to soldiers on base. Soldiers are required to take the course and have a military-issued license provided before they are allowed to drive any vehicle on or off-post. In addition to Driver’s Training, the mechanics of the 882 nd have been working hard to spread the word about PMCS. This could be something as simple as refilling the window washer fluid or as complex as lubricating bearings. Unfortunately, many younger Soldiers lack the base knowledge to perform PMCS and, again, the mechanics are there to help them “learn the ropes.” Oftentimes, Soldiers overlook their mechanic element until some- thing breaks or a tire goes flat, but little do they know the hard work and dedication they put in every day at the garage repairing, maintaining, and adding functionality to the equipment essential to everyone’s mission at the 882nd and for that, we say “thank you.” Spc. Naylor repairs the bearings on a 5-ton truck Spc. James Benefield Public Affairs Officer 882nd En Co.
  • 11. 11 Page Engineers: From the Ground UP! 11 October Military History 2 1863 President Abraham Lincoln designates the last Thursday in November as "Thanksgiving Day" in re sponse to the vast casualties taken at the Battle of Gettysburg earlier in July. 5 1863 Confederate submersible torpedo boat CSS 'David' damages USS 'New Ironsides' with a spar torpedo off Charleston Harbor in South Carolina. 7 1780 Revolutionary War Battle of King's Mountain, North Carolina, the American “Over the Mountain Boys” defeat Loyalists and British troops led by Colonel Banester Tarelton 9 1942 On Guadalcanal the Marines encircle the Japanese 4th Infantry Regiment near Henderson Field. 13 1944 The Pacific island Peleliu is secured by the 1st Marine Division suffering 1,200 KIA while exterminating the 12,000 man Japanese Army garrison. 19 1781 At the Siege of Yorktown British General Lord Cornwallis surrenders to General George Washing ton's Franco- American forces serving as the effective end of the Revolutionary War. 24 1944 Due to severe damage inflicted by Japanese torpedo bombers during the vast naval Battle of Leyte Gulf, the heavily damaged aircraft carrier, the USS Princeton (CVL-23), sinks in spite of the courageous efforts of her surviving crew to keep the ship afloat. 25 1415 On the Feast of Saint Crispin, English King Henry V routs a numerically superior French foe at the Battle of Agincourt . Henry’s motivational speech to his troops, in Shakespeare’s version of the battle, includes the line that they are a band of brothers. 1943 In the Pacific theater of World War 2, the Battle of Cape St. George rages in which five US destroyers sink 3 of 6 Japanese destroyers encountered in open waters. 26 1966 A fire aboard the aircraft carrier the USS Oriskany (CV-34) in the Gulf of Tonkin, off the coast of Vietnam, re sults in the death of 43 American sailors. SSG Crull PFC Albright SPC Cygan SPC Furr SPC Fitzgerald LTC Gilbert SPC Elward WO3 Knuutila SGT Doherty SSG Rodriguez PFC Jimenez SGT Chadwick SPC McCready OV2 Georges SGT Mendyka SPC Harris SPC Rohr 1LT Richardson SPC Thate SPC Shelby, A PFC Wright 1LT Stocker SGT Helms PFC Byrd PV2 Hendrix PV2 Pierson SPC Hopper PFC Winebarger SPC Ivester PFC Kasuke SPC Maddox SPC Brogen SPC Mayberry SPC Childress SPC Lawton PFC Dover 1LT Pelusi SFC Collings SPC Cope MSG Houck SGT Beck SSG Prevette SPC Slater PFC Humphrey
  • 12. Page 12 Engineers: From the Ground UP! 12 CAMP ARIFJAN – Greetings from Kuwait! We are now closing in on two months ‘boots on ground’ here at Camp Arifjan. The extreme summer heat of August seems to be ta- pering off and has averaged out to around 110 degrees near the middle of September. While getting used to this heat is near impossible, these ‘cooler’ days seem to make it more bearable. Our team has been busy with survey projects all throughout Kuwait and as well as Afghanistan. We sent three Soldiers to Camp Marmal, Afghanistan nearly three weeks ago to provide additional survey support for other construction units within the battal- ion. Those individuals have been working very hard to keep up with the workload. Back in Kuwait, we have sev- eral projects located on or near Camp Arifjan and also a few projects in the works near Camp Buehring. Our pro- jects disbursed throughout Kuwait also allow us to get off base and see some Top: of the country, which our Soldiers 927th Soldiers that completed the Pa- definitely make the most out of if triot’s Day 5K run you’re checked out our Facebook page. Left: Overall, morale is high and the PFC Tyler Kasuske works hard staking living conditions are comfortable. The out a job site dining facility provides as good, if not better, than some of the military dining Bottom: PFC Kasuske spends facilities that we’ve been to before. a long day taking There are also numerous amounts of ground shots fast-food establishments, theaters, gyms, and basketball courts for us to take advantage of. During the past month, some of our Soldiers have participated in some 5K runs to include Labor Day and Patriot’s Day. T-shirts are awarded for par- ticipating in these events and it’s almost turned into a friendly competition between the team members on who can collect the most t-shirts. All in all, things are going smoothly and we’re starting to grind it out for the long haul. All of us from the 927th want to thank all the family and friends that continue to show support. All the care packages, letters, emails, and skyping are what keep us going. Thank you!! By SPC Antonmarchi
  • 13. Engineers: 13 From the Ground UP! 505 Staff: Battalion Chaplain O ur nation has faced the war on terrorism for eleven years from today (9/11/2001). The hatred from many wishes the worst upon the United States. However, I am reminded what King David wrote in Psalm 27: 1-3. “1 The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? 2 When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall.3 Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.” I encourage everyone to take a moment and remember the fallen, the courageous, and the sacrifices America has taken to fight for our freedom and liberty for us all! I pray, “May God continue to bless our great nation and in God we trust.” 505 Staff: Battalion Aid Station The Soldiers who make up the Battalion Aid Station have been providing medical care since we hit the ground in Kuwait. Our days are filled with evaluating and treating conditions including skin rashes, musculoskeletal issues, gastrointestinal infections, respiratory illnesses, and much more. We are also thrilled to have so many Soldiers come in and request assistance with smoking cessation. Our medics are always ready and able to impart their knowledge on the environmental dangers and preventative measures that can be taken to keep our Soldiers mis- sion ready. We also recently completed a very successful immunization exercise (SHOTEX) to get Soldiers caught up on their required vaccinations. Our next SHOTEX for the influenza vaccine will be coming up in the next few weeks and we are looking forward to 100% of Soldiers being vaccinated. Of course, our medics are also staying abreast of the con- stant changes in medical care through weekly education and train- ing exercises. As we head into the cold weather months, we may see different medical issues but we wel- come the challenge. It’s what we do…….keeping our Soldiers “in the fight”.— Battalion Physician’s As- sistant, 1LT Jerome Menendez From left to right: SPC Justin Torres, SPC Erin Woodruff, SPC Sarah Bennett, SSG Melinda Hamilton, SPC Tiffany White, PFC Shannon Lee, 1LT Jerome Menendez
  • 14. Page 14 14 Engineers: From the Ground UP! Upcoming Races October 10 - Navy 5k Zone 1 MWR October 21 - Army 10 Miler at Camp Buehring October 30 - Halloween 5k Zone 1 MWR SSG Tobin and SPC Paganetti participate in one of the many 5k runs on Camp Arifjan at the Zone 1 MWR. Rear: CPT Sigmon, SGT Burgess, SPC Arnold, SSG Kopczinsky, 1LT Waweru, SSG Rodriguez, MSG Smith, CPT Lane, CW2 Hutchins, PFC Degree Front: SSG Gibson, 1SG Rogers, SGT Tilley, SPC Dalton, MAJ Moody, CPT Gauldin 3rd Platoon, 497th Engi- neer Company at the Grand Mosque in Kuwait city on an MWR trip.
  • 15. Page Engineers: From 15 the Ground UP! 15 Mail Call for HHC 505 EN BN, SPC Robinson and SPC Bigelow unloading packages. BMO, Chief Jay Hutchins, demonstrates a proper sandstorm driving posture. PUSHING SAND. A member of the 497 Engineer Company at work with a grader.
  • 16. 16 Engineers: From the Ground UP! 544th Engineer Company Commander's Corner The Soldiers are starting to consider the couldn’t make it all happen without the CPT Tyler J. Scheidt possibility of pulling out their running headquarters and maintenance sections jackets as the morning temperatures con- keeping everything moving. As we prepare to cross the half-way tinue to drop. Although we are still in point in this deployment, I want to the mid-70s each morning, the cool air is This month’s focus was on career pro- let you know that the Soldiers of the a welcome addition and only a small step gression planning as well as proper Spartan family are making major in the direction of preparing for the frigid counseling and evaluation procedures. contributions across multiple coun- temperatures we expect in Colorado dur- Leaders at all levels are benefitting tries. Our mission in Afghanistan ing our return in February. from these opportunities to further their has changed slightly and the Sol- professional development and really diers there are doing what they do 3rd platoon is doing a great job covering learn what they can do to be successful best to drive on and complete the all vertical projects for the northern in the military. mission. The remainder of the camps while 1st and 2nd platoons balance company eagerly awaits their return work between two of the southern camps. Thanks again for all you do to keep us to both share stories on project ex- The quality of work and craftsmanship going. I look forward to bringing eve- perience and to recognize them for coming from all of our Soldiers is at such ryone home to their friends, their significant contributions. a level that multiple units continue to family, and loved ones. request us by name. And of course we Spartan 6 Greetings to the family and friends of the Operations, Supply, and Maintenance sections! The Soldiers and NCOs continue to work tirelessly week after week to support the company’s construction activities. Operations proc- essed over one hundred trip tickets to keep the platoons and leader- ship moving around the area of operations to all of our construction sites. They also prepared Soldiers from across the company for schools, to include Combatives Levels I and II, the Warrior Leader Course, and many other classes. The Supply section continues to keep the company well-stocked with tools and materials so we can com- plete all of our missions. The Field Maintenance Team has consis- tently kept the platoons rolling, repairing and servicing generators, vehicles, and anything else that needs fixing. 1st Platoon Soldiers install tin roofing on a building. Soldiers utilize full body harnesses and tethers for safety when working off the ground. As always, we appreciate your support. 1LT Peter Friedewald, Spartan 5 Hello Families of First Platoon! First platoon has been busy over the last month completing construc- tion projects at several different camps throughout Kuwait. First squad built a great looking guard shack and second squad built offices for the leadership of an aviation task force out here. Both projects really demonstrated how far the platoon has come with its construc- tion skills. SGT Keen and SPC Amaro helped out 2nd Platoon with their skills as plumbers during a large scale project installing latrines. 3rd Squad has been wrapping up their projects in Afghanistan and should be joining the rest of the platoon in Kuwait soon. The platoon welcomed PV2 Retzlaff to 1st Squad, where he has al- ready been an asset in assisting with the completion of projects. The platoon also has a few new members at home: the Wells family and Holmes family each grew by one with the birth of babies. A big con- CPL Gange trims plywood for guard shack wall sheathing gratulations to SSG Jach and SPC Kropp on their promotions this month. SPC Otieno graduated Combatives Level I and SPC Taylor graduated from Combatives Level II, both are impressive accomplish- ments.
  • 17. Page Engineers: From 17 the Ground UP! 17 2nd Platoon Family and Friends, We have been hard at work this past month working on a number of construction projects across Kuwait. We completed a major upgrade to an operations center, demonstrating our abilities in car- pentry finishing and detailed elec- trical work. We’ve also completed a number of shower and latrine trailer renovations for one of the camps – not the most glamorous work, but vitally important! This month is full of new faces. First, we would like to welcome 1st Platoon Soldiers install tin roofing on a building. Soldiers utilize full body harnesses and PV2 Otto, PVT Bright, and SPC tethers for safety when working off the ground. Diaz to the platoon. The recently promoted SSG Haulbrook has also rejoined the pla- toon has a Squad Leader. Congratulations to SPC Cruz Bonilla on his recent promotion, as well. Sep- tember provided a number of excellent training op- portunities for 2nd Platoon: SGT Hervey and SGT Schoate both graduated Warrior Leader Course, and SPC Reinhardt graduated Combatives Level I and SGT Boyer has just graduated Combatives Level II. All in all, this month has been filled with individual and team successes. Be proud of your Soldiers and know that your support means everything! 1LT Karen DeLoria Spartan 2-6 CPL Brefeld and PV2 Luttrell demonstrate fine craftsmanship while upgrad- ing electrical fixtures in a command building. Over the past month, 3rd Platoon has taken on a multitude of elec- trical projects for the benefit of the varying members of the Life Support Area (LSA) and Camp Buehring communities. A highlight includes the lighting of the Navy Customs Yard in LSA, a once shadowy open space structure for Servicemen leaving Kuwait. The facility is now illuminated with five times the amount of light and contains a state-of-the-art photocell that helps save energy. Another is the upgrade of electrical systems in server rooms throughout various office facilities in Camp Buehring. These upgrades per- form the critical function of protecting computer networks during power outages by keeping them connected online. A third project was for the Theatre Air Operations Group, where our engineer sol- diers installed new lighting in their dark, gloomy offices. It has been a pleasure providing our services and contributing to the over- arching efforts of Camp Buehring and beyond. We would also like to congratulate SGT Falcon, one of our 1 st Squad’s team leaders, on achieving promotable status. We’re very SPC Wile prepares wire connections during a power up- proud of his success at the Promotion Board and for his notable grade project. hard work and dedication within 3rd Platoon.
  • 18. Page 18 18 Engineers: From the Ground UP! Members of the maintenance platoons from the various companies in the Battalion service the tactical vehicles and construction equipment used in the Battalion’s daily operations. There is a wide variety of types and models of equipment across the 505th. Our maintenance Soldiers have hundreds of vehicles and other pieces of equip- ment they are responsible for keeping operational. ...The End