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“Deeds, Not                                                                                      A P R I L   2 0 1 3

                    NEWS FROM THE FRONT
                               2 n d   B a t t a l i o n ,   2 2 n d   I n f a n t r y   R e g i m e n t

                        Commander’s Corner
Greetings to all!

As a battalion, we have now been in Afghani-
stan for approximately 75 days, and it has been
busy for everyone. We departed Fort Drum in
some pretty difficult weather conditions, and
they followed us all the way to FOB Warrior.
We successfully assumed the responsibility of
the area for Gelan and Muqor districts of
Ghazni Province on 9 February 2013. Addi-
tionally we have now handed over control of
COP Muqor to the Afghans, and we no longer
have elements of B/2-22 in Muqor. B/2-22
did a great job in this difficult task. A/2-22
has been rotating through many missions here
at Warrior, and they continue to excel. E/2-22
is taking care of the battalion very well, with regards to maintenance, transportation, ammunition,
food, and fuel. Finally, HHC has done very well with the difficult task of maintaining Warrior and
clearing the routes in our Area of Operations. The Battalion is doing great and as you look across our
battle space you can clearly see that we are having a positive effect and improving the security. I am
very proud of all our units and our Soldiers. It is clear our hard work back at Fort Drum is paying

Changes are ahead. We have already conducted a Change of Command in A/2-22 between CPT Dan
Braner and CPT Jeb Townsend. The next change will be in HHC/2-22 where CPT Ross Pixler will
hand over the guidon to CPT Dan Braner. Another change is in B/2-22 where CPT Austin Miller will
hand over the guidon to CPT William McMurray. As a last note, the Majors in the battalion will swap
out in the coming weeks and months.

I want to say thank you to all our soldiers who are giving everything they have to accomplish the mis-
sion in Afghanistan. I would also like to thank all the spouses and family members whose, love, sup-
port, and sacrifice allow us to stay focused. All of our jobs are very difficult, but as a team and a part
of the Triple Deuce Family, we can accomplish anything.


Courage 6

“Deeds, not Words!”
April Update- OEF XIII

APRIL 2013                                                                    Page 2

                Words from the CSM

   Team Courage,
      Greetings from FOB Warrior! As we prepare for the Afghan Security
   Forces to assume control of Afghanistan’s security, we are increasingly
   aware of the importance of our mission and the heroes of this great Battal-
   ion are exceeding the expectations. Across the board, our Soldiers are do-
   ing great things, staying motivated, and adding to the great legacy of 2-22.
      In the two-plus months that we have been in country, we have success-
   fully assumed authority from 1st 503rd, transferred FOB Muqor over to the
   ANSF (Afghan National Security Force), greatly improved the living condi-
   tions and security posture of OP Goeke, modified the Battalion Headquar-
   ters and Company CPs, conducted a change of command for A-Company,
   welcomed two babies into the Courage family and reenlisted 22 of our
     As March comes to an end, I am looking forward to an exciting April.
   Upcoming events include the promotion board, an NCO/Soldier of the
   Month board, a three-on-three basketball competition, movement into a
   more spacious worshiping center, movie night, and the warmer weather.
      I want to thank the Rear Chain of Command and Soldiers, the FRG,
   and, most importantly, our families and loved ones. It is because of the
   great support that we have at Fort Drum that allows us to continue to do
   outstanding things over here.
     I am honored to serve with such great leaders and Soldiers. Continued
   success and let’s remain diligent, alert, and forever at the ready.
   Courage 7
April Update- OEF XIII
APRIL 2013                                                                                      Page 3

                                as we continue to hone and      safe, secure, and
                                perfect our individual and      morale is high.
                                collective skills.
                                                                Whether we are
                                Your Soldiers are working       fabricating a Null
                                hard and it shows. The FOB      Modem Cable for
                                is changing every day, taking   the TOCNET, con-
                                on our personality and build-   ducting     casualty
Hell Hound Company is in        ing capacity for progress.      evacuation training,
the full swing of the deploy-   Although not a day goes by      or simply going on
ment.     We have hit the       that we are not thinking of     patrol...your  love,
ground running here at FOB      our loved ones back home,       support and prayers
Warrior, Afghanistan. The       let your mind be at ease        are our strength.
training never seems to stop    knowing that we are well,       Thank you!

HHC Medics work side-by-        Station) at COP Moqur suc-
side with the FST (Forward      cessfully and have already      learn    from
Surgical Team), doing any-      set the standard on medical     the very ex-
thing from chest tubes for a    training doing everything       perienced
wounded ANA Soldier to          from basic sick call proce-     leadership at their disposal.
shaving their heads in          dures and MASCAL exercises
support of a coworker with      to helping with full surgical
cancer.                         procedures with the FST.

The MED platoon is now at       All of the Medics are very              Medics scrub-in to
full strength after closing     excited for the upcoming               treat a wounded Af-
down an FAS (Forward Aid        months and are eager to                        ghan soldier

On 8 March 2013, three Soldiers                             crisp cool breezes of the early
took the opportunity to reaffirm                            morning Afghan air.
their commitment to the United
States Army and their comrades                              “Each of these Soldiers por-
in arms by reenlisting. Special-                            tray our Army Core Values
ist Bradley Roth, Specialist An-                            with extreme passion,” said
drew Miller, and Sergeant Jer-                              SGT John Porteous who pre-
emy Duncan (in order as they                                pared the site and proudly
appear) all received the oath of                            witnessed the private cere-
reenlistment while enjoying the                             mony. -Continued on pg4
April Update- OEF XIII

APRIL 2013                                                                                                   Page 4

                                           Not depicted in these pictures
                                           are two additional Hell Hound
                                           Soldiers who reenlisted: SFC
                                           Edward Harmes and SPC Travis
                                           Munsell.       SFC Harmes re-
                                           enlisted shortly after leaving
                                           Fort Drum en route to FOB
                                           Warrior. SPC Munsell recently
                                           signed his reenlistment paper-
                                           work. His reenlistment cere-
                                           mony will occur shortly in the
                                           upcoming week. Congratula-
                                           tions to all newly reenlisted.                  CPT Ross Pixler and
 Specialist Bradley Roth recit-
                                                                                           SGT Jeremy Duncan
 ing the oath of reenlistment.

                                                    TEDDs and their handlers are       fectively. TEDD teams are an
                                                    a team utilized for detecting      essential asset to the battle-
                                                    explosives on routes, open ar-     field and contribute by saving
                                                    eas, and inside or outside of      Soldiers lives. These teams
                                                    buildings, in order to allow       are an excellent deterrent for
                                                    freedom of movement for dis-       enemies who wish to cause
                                                    mounted patrols and convoys.       harm by emplacing impro-
                                                    TEDD Teams train constantly,       vised explosive devices.
                                                    keeping the K9’s ready to          Training the Medics is a pri-
                                                    search and are prepared to         ority, so that the clinical man-
                                                    conduct any mission on a mo-       agement of military working
                                                    ment’s notice. The handler         dogs is successfully achieved
                                                    gives commands to the K9 in        in the absence of veterinary
                                                    order to search areas more ef-     personnel.

                                 LEARNING AFGHAN CULTURE
The last Afghan holiday of note was       that day, which doesn’t quite cap-     mated by the New Year resolution
Eid al-Narooz in mid-March, which         ture the heart of the New Year         to slaughter and subsequently bar-
celebrates the coming of a new year.      spirit, and most of the time has the   becue many a sheep. This is the
By some standards that is 2.5 months      opposite effect. This year, how-       way that Afghans tend to celebrate
late, but better late than not cele-      ever, was relatively quiet and anti-   ceremonious occasions, so while
brated. Besides, this is an opportunity   climactic compared to former cele-     they won’t let unclean infidels like
to slaughter as many animals as possi-    brations.                              ourselves put an end to a sheep’s
ble, and at least make an attempt to                                             life, we certainly will have the op-
eat the meat. Its significance for most   We at FOB Warrior are determined       portunity to turn dead sheep into
Americans is that the insurgents man-     for this “New Year” in southern        skewered sheep, which sounds like
age to shoot “fireworks” at US bases on   Ghazni to be one of Afghan-            a civilized American compromise.
                                          American understanding, consum-        -Cheers!
April Update- OEF XIII


                               ANVIL COMPANY
Friends and Family of Anvil Company,              the advising team, and force protection. Needless to say, the company is split pretty thin but
                                                  the guys are working their butts off.
     After departing the Ft. Drum Rapid
Deployment Facility (RDF) in late January,              Thus far Anvil has been successful in keeping the ball rolling from the previous unit
the Company touched down in Ireland to            that was here. Anvil has conducted multiple Key
refuel and refit before flying to Air Force       Leader Engagements (KLE) in the surrounding
Bases in Kyrgyzstan and Bagram for a few          villages with the elders, putting a face and name to
days of classes and to meet some final train-     the new unit working with their Afghan Security
ing requirements. Anvil Company reached its       Forces. In early March, one of the Security Pla-
final destination at zero dark thirty on a Feb-   toons and an advising team conducted a mission to
ruary morning and has since hit the ground        clear a village with an Operational Detachment-
running. The Company operates bilaterally         Alpha Team (ODA) and Afghan Local Police to
with Afghan National Security Forces              build checkpoints. The 2-day operation was com-
(ANSF), specifically Afghan National Civil        prised of many elements and attachments ranging
Order Police (ANCOP) and the local Gelan          from dog teams to Air Force Joint Tactical Air Con-
District Police. The objective here is to hand    trollers (JTAC) with F16s. The element was able to
off the fight to the Afghans and, through the     secure an advising team enabling ANSF to build a
use of advising teams, we will enable their       few checkpoints to help deter some of the Taliban
logistical, intelligence, maintenance, and        fighters during the upcoming spring season.
operational capabilities so that they are able
to operate autonomously.                               Many of our great Soldiers have selected to re-
                                                  up their commitment to the US Army by re-
     Additional responsibilities outside of       enlisting in country. Anvil Company thus far has
the ANSF mission set include: manning an          had 8 infantrymen extend their contracts as the
Observation Post that overwatches some key        Company has several achievements to commemorate and has already conducted a reenlist-
areas, providing a Quick Reaction Force for       ment, promotion, and deployment patching ceremonies within the first couple months.
the Battalion area of operations, security for
                                                              It is with full hearts that we bid farewell to our Company Commander (CO), CPT
                                                          Daniel Braner, as he moves on to take a second command of Headquarters & Head-
                                                          quarters Company (HHC). At the same time, we continue forward as we welcome
                                                          CPT Jeb Townsend as the new CO. Additional changes include 1LT Matt Golubski
                                                          assigned to be the Platoon Leader of 3PLT, replacing 1LT Daniel Dross who is mov-
                                                          ing to an advising team. SSG Medina is also an addition to 3PLT, replacing SSG Staf-
                                                          ford as a Squad Leader.

                                                          We really can't stress how much it means to have your support; receiv-
                                                          ing packages and letters are always a morale boost. Anvil Company has
                                                          deployed to Afghanistan with some of the best Soldiers 2-22IN Battal-
                                                          ion has to offer. We really can’t say enough about the caliber and qual-
                                                          ity of men that are surrounding this Company. It is definitely a hum-
                                                          bling position for the leaders within the Company and they are doing
 Members of 2PLT pose around a check point built in a     everything in their power to train, take care of, and protect your broth-
 local village after an operation.                        ers/sons/husbands/fathers.

                                                  Anvil Company after reenlistment ceremony.

     Since departing Fort Drum in Janu-            The SFAATs (Security Force Advise and Assist Team) have become an integral
ary 2013, the men of Bushmaster Com-          and beloved part of Bushmaster Company over the past few months. Now referred
pany have constantly been on the move.        to as “Blue 2” and “Green 2”, the SFAATs are the focal point around which the
After weeks of being stranded in one of       Company operates as we switch our focus to pushing the Afghan Forces to the front
the worst snowstorms in Afghan history,       of the fight. Early on, Blue 2 received a change of mission to stand up a new Mobile
the men finally arrived at                                                           Strike Force for eastern Afghanistan. Since
COP Muqor ready to work.                                                             then, the new additions of CPT Wampler and
Life at the company outpost                                                          MAJ Siegfried have seamlessly incorporated
was both challenging and                                                             their teams into the Bushmaster Family.
rewarding; the men never
once complained about the                                                                “CHANGE OF MISSION”
additional requirements and                                                                   2-22 Infantry Regiment and Bush-
strains associated with COP                                                          master Company are no strangers to the
life: pulling KP, rotating                                                           phrase, “Change of Mission.” In recent his-
through guard shifts, eating                                                         tory, Bushmaster Company has executed a
MREs, sleeping in a tent                                                             number of tasks on short notice to include:
with 20+ other men, going                                                            deploying to Fort Bragg, NC, to participate in
without a shower (good                                                               a complex airfield seizure exercise (JUN 12);
thing we trained for that at                                                         testing for the Expert Infantryman’s Badge
NTC), or doing 1SG                                                                   (JUN 12), deploying to the National Training
Harmon’s “mayor cell” duties. Through         Center, CA (SEP 12), deploying to Afghanistan in support of OEF XIII (JAN 13),
it all, the Company managed to effort-        and closing COP Muqor (MAR 13). Indeed, Bushmasters have demonstrated that
lessly balance two competing missions:        they have a unique ability to adapt and succeed when given the toughest missions.
to provide security for the SFAATs and to     Again, Bushmaster Company has received a “Change of Mission.” The details are
meet the 1 April deadline of closing COP      still being worked out, but one thing is certain: a new platoon will be formed. In
Muqor. As we began the retrograde, it         order to better organize ourselves to be more versatile in the current operating en-
astonished us how much junk had accu-         vironment, 13 Soldiers from 3rd Platoon under SSG Saddoris and 11 Soldiers from
mulated in an area the size of a couple of    2nd Platoon under SSG Davis will join forces to create a new platoon. Until further
football fields over the course of 5 years.   notice, 1LT Rowen will dual-hat PL and XO duties for the platoon. There will be no
Every time we thought progress was be-        change to FRG rosters!
ing made, something seemed to ooze out
of another orifice in the COP. Neverthe-
less, on 18 March 2013—two weeks ahead
of schedule—COP Muqor was transferred
to the Afghan National Army and the
Bushmasters were relocated to FOB War-
rior alongside the rest of 2-22 IN.

                                                Promotions: (PVT to PV2): Hoover, (PFC to SPC): Stricker, Reese, Pittman,
                                                Loncaric, Richard, Connelly, Turner, Stanley, Marshall; (SPC to CPL): Garcia,
                                                Newton, Silva, Parimore, McTighe, Stokes, Sandrik, Harris, Burnett; (CPL to
                                                SGT): SGT Garden.

                                                Re-enlistments: SPC Stricker (4 yrs, FT. Carson), SSG Ollis (6yrs., FT. Drum, College
                                                Incentive), SPC Stanley (4yrs, FT. Drum, AASLT School, College Incentive).

                                                Baby Bushmasters: PFC Allen (boy) 14 Mar 2013 - Ryker Logan Allen 7lbs, 4oz.; SPC
                                                Parimore (boy) 21 Mar 2013 - Roland Dean Parimore 8lbs, 11oz.; SGT Wright (boy) 25
                                                Mar 2013 -Jackson Lee Wright 7lbs, 4oz.
April Update- OEF XIII


                            EAGLE COMPANY
          I’ve never seen a group of sol-                 LOGISTICAL SUPPORT
diers so dedicated to their work. The
results have begun to show from their                Since their arrival in January, Eagle Forward Support Company has hit
many days of hard work, the nights they     the ground running, taking over all logistical support on FOB Warrior. As daunt-
got home late, the                                                            ing as this task is, soldiers of this amazing com-
weekends in the field,                                                        pany have taken every assignment given to them
and the rotation in the                                                       in stride proving not only that they have been
desert of California.                                                         well trained, but also that they are beyond a
Those countless hours                                                         shadow of a doubt the best for the job at hand.
of hard work and train-                                                       Everyday this group of elite soldiers continue to
ing are paying off, as                                                        maintain vehicles, refuel aircraft, feed the FOB
this exceptional team                                                         and move supplies around the battlefield. It is no
continues to astonish                                                         surprise to their leaders, that the fruits of their
me every day. I could-                                                        labor over the previous 18 months are paying off.
n't be more proud of                                                          Eagle Company soldiers are ready for anything
the team assembled                                                            that may come their way! Many of the tasks that
here on FOB Warrior. I                                                        Eagle Company has fallen in on are not the
want thank each and                                                           “typical” Light Infantry FSC missions. You
every spouse continu-                                                         wouldn’t know it, however, because despite these
ing to march on without the assistance      slight changes Soldiers of Eagle Company, learned their new duties, adapted and
of your loved ones. You are truly strong    soldiered on as they have continuously done. There’s a long road ahead, but Eagle
and committed and I do not envy your        Company are up to any challenge that should present itself.
task at hand. I can speak for all of us
here when I say, none of this is possible      EAGLE COMPANY RECEIVES THE 10TH MOUNTAIN
without your love and support. Thank                    DIVISION COMBAT PATCH
you, from the bottom of my heart. You
provide the motivation our soldiers
need to continue to do the amazing job      On February 22, 2013, Eagle Forward Support Com-
they do everyday. YOU are the heart-        pany received its 10th Mountain Infantry Division
beat of this Company. Again, thank you      Combat Patch and became part of a history extend-
all for all you have done, and continue     ing back to World War I. The Combat Patch is worn
to do. Before I close I’d like to make a    on the right arm and           “From this day on, Eagle
special announcement regarding a new        signifies that soldier        Company will be part of a
addition to the Eagle Company Family.       has served in a com-     Triple Deuce History...A part
I’m happy to announce that Nichole and      bat zone.                 of a brotherhood for years to
I will be having our second child!                                                  come..” - LTC Funck
(Nichole, sorry but I couldn’t resist!)

                                                       Eagle Company soldiers attached to Bushmaster Company, 2-22IN had to
                                              support of a very difficult mission. These soldiers were separated from the rest of the
                                              company and lived with B Co, 2-22IN in less than favorable conditions with minimal
                                              equipment and yet still found a way to go above and beyond their scopes and duties to
                                              cook and maintain vehicles.

                                                 “That SPC Lehman can fix just              “CPT Fisher, your cooks are doing
                                                    about anything...I have no                really well. The guys love them!
                                                          idea how he does it!”              They’re some real hard workers.
                                                                   CPT Miller                              Can we keep them?”
                                                 (Bushmaster Co. Commander)               -1SG Harmon (Bushmaster Co. 1SG)
APRIL 2013                                                                                                       Page 8

                   Chaplain’s Corner
                                     to be a somewhat             parachute covering both the
                                     historical landmark          walls and ceiling of the
                                     for the FOB: it was          Chapel. This is a very unique
                            FOB      built a number of            design for a FOB Chapel, and
                            Warrior years ago by the Pol-         we are blessed to have it for a
                            Chapel   ish, and the interior        time during our deployment.
                                     depicts Polish inte-
                                     rior design. The pic-
                                     ture to the left shows
To our surprise, the 2-22 IN the exterior of the Chapel.
Unit Ministry Team (UMT) The picture to the right
was blessed to have a solid shows the interior of the                                               Inside the Chapel
structure for our worship Chapel.       Notice the hard                                             at FOB Warrior
services. The chapel seems wooden benches, and the

                                                                                                    Each of you should
Blessings From The                                                                                  give what you have
                                                                                                        decided in your

States (Free X)                                                                                       heart to give, not
                                                                                                          reluctantly or
                                                                                                     under compulsion,
God is good, all the time, all   is lifted when mail enters the                                          for God loves a
the time, God is good. We        FOB. Soldiers know they are                                            cheerful giver.”
are so blessed to have sup-      receiving packages from fam-
port from the American peo-      ily and loved ones. But they                                        ~2Corinthians 9:7
ple.                             also know there are packages     the Free X (as in free ex-
                                 that will be shared that are     change).    We are
First, our family and friends    sent from various US organi-     certainly   blessed
have been extremely gener-       zations. The Chaplains office    with goodies. Keep
ous by sending packages to       has an area where these free     ’em coming!!
individual Soldiers. Morale      items are placed. It is called

Muqor Protestant Service
                                  God has provided many           tant service I offer is
                                  opportunities to us to offer    only one of the many
                                  various services to the 2-22    worship opportunities.
                                  Soldiers. The Unit Ministry     Currently we have 5
                                  Team (UMT) is dedicated to      different services that
                                  serve God and Country. By       comprise of Protestant,
                                  doing this we ensure the        Catholic, and Ladder
                                  free exercise of religion is    Day Saints (LDS) ser-
                                  upheld and granted to all       vices.
                                   our Soldiers. The Protes-                                   Protestant Service
Doctor Nick Drakos at a service                                                                    at Muqor
April Update- OEF XIII

       “Deeds, Not Words”
                                       This publication is for the friends and family
Deployment Address:
                                  members of 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment.
Last Name, First Name               We continually strive to inform those in the US of
Company, Task Force 2-22           our current mission, and everyday way of life while
FOB Warrior, Afghanistan            deployed. Each company has told their stories in

APO AE, 09311
                                        this newsletter for that particular month.

                                                          We’re On Facebook!
       “Lead With Courage”
                                                      Search for “2nd BN 22nd INF”

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2 22 First Quarter Newsletter (Jan-Mar 13)

  • 1. “Deeds, Not A P R I L 2 0 1 3 Words” NEWS FROM THE FRONT 2 n d B a t t a l i o n , 2 2 n d I n f a n t r y R e g i m e n t Commander’s Corner Greetings to all! As a battalion, we have now been in Afghani- stan for approximately 75 days, and it has been busy for everyone. We departed Fort Drum in some pretty difficult weather conditions, and they followed us all the way to FOB Warrior. We successfully assumed the responsibility of the area for Gelan and Muqor districts of Ghazni Province on 9 February 2013. Addi- tionally we have now handed over control of COP Muqor to the Afghans, and we no longer have elements of B/2-22 in Muqor. B/2-22 did a great job in this difficult task. A/2-22 has been rotating through many missions here at Warrior, and they continue to excel. E/2-22 is taking care of the battalion very well, with regards to maintenance, transportation, ammunition, food, and fuel. Finally, HHC has done very well with the difficult task of maintaining Warrior and clearing the routes in our Area of Operations. The Battalion is doing great and as you look across our battle space you can clearly see that we are having a positive effect and improving the security. I am very proud of all our units and our Soldiers. It is clear our hard work back at Fort Drum is paying dividends. Changes are ahead. We have already conducted a Change of Command in A/2-22 between CPT Dan Braner and CPT Jeb Townsend. The next change will be in HHC/2-22 where CPT Ross Pixler will hand over the guidon to CPT Dan Braner. Another change is in B/2-22 where CPT Austin Miller will hand over the guidon to CPT William McMurray. As a last note, the Majors in the battalion will swap out in the coming weeks and months. I want to say thank you to all our soldiers who are giving everything they have to accomplish the mis- sion in Afghanistan. I would also like to thank all the spouses and family members whose, love, sup- port, and sacrifice allow us to stay focused. All of our jobs are very difficult, but as a team and a part of the Triple Deuce Family, we can accomplish anything. Sincerely, Courage 6 “Deeds, not Words!”
  • 2. April Update- OEF XIII APRIL 2013 Page 2 Words from the CSM Team Courage, Greetings from FOB Warrior! As we prepare for the Afghan Security Forces to assume control of Afghanistan’s security, we are increasingly aware of the importance of our mission and the heroes of this great Battal- ion are exceeding the expectations. Across the board, our Soldiers are do- ing great things, staying motivated, and adding to the great legacy of 2-22. In the two-plus months that we have been in country, we have success- fully assumed authority from 1st 503rd, transferred FOB Muqor over to the ANSF (Afghan National Security Force), greatly improved the living condi- tions and security posture of OP Goeke, modified the Battalion Headquar- ters and Company CPs, conducted a change of command for A-Company, welcomed two babies into the Courage family and reenlisted 22 of our warriors. As March comes to an end, I am looking forward to an exciting April. Upcoming events include the promotion board, an NCO/Soldier of the Month board, a three-on-three basketball competition, movement into a more spacious worshiping center, movie night, and the warmer weather. I want to thank the Rear Chain of Command and Soldiers, the FRG, and, most importantly, our families and loved ones. It is because of the great support that we have at Fort Drum that allows us to continue to do outstanding things over here. I am honored to serve with such great leaders and Soldiers. Continued success and let’s remain diligent, alert, and forever at the ready. Courage 7
  • 3. April Update- OEF XIII APRIL 2013 Page 3 HELLHOUND FAMILY READINESS GROUP HELLHOUND COMPANY as we continue to hone and safe, secure, and perfect our individual and morale is high. collective skills. Whether we are Your Soldiers are working fabricating a Null hard and it shows. The FOB Modem Cable for is changing every day, taking the TOCNET, con- on our personality and build- ducting casualty Hell Hound Company is in ing capacity for progress. evacuation training, the full swing of the deploy- Although not a day goes by or simply going on ment. We have hit the that we are not thinking of patrol...your love, ground running here at FOB our loved ones back home, support and prayers Warrior, Afghanistan. The let your mind be at ease are our strength. training never seems to stop knowing that we are well, Thank you! MEDICS @ WORK HHC Medics work side-by- Station) at COP Moqur suc- side with the FST (Forward cessfully and have already learn from Surgical Team), doing any- set the standard on medical the very ex- thing from chest tubes for a training doing everything perienced wounded ANA Soldier to from basic sick call proce- leadership at their disposal. shaving their heads in dures and MASCAL exercises support of a coworker with to helping with full surgical cancer. procedures with the FST. The MED platoon is now at All of the Medics are very Medics scrub-in to full strength after closing excited for the upcoming treat a wounded Af- down an FAS (Forward Aid months and are eager to ghan soldier FIVE HHC SOLDIERS REENLIST! On 8 March 2013, three Soldiers crisp cool breezes of the early took the opportunity to reaffirm morning Afghan air. their commitment to the United States Army and their comrades “Each of these Soldiers por- in arms by reenlisting. Special- tray our Army Core Values ist Bradley Roth, Specialist An- with extreme passion,” said drew Miller, and Sergeant Jer- SGT John Porteous who pre- emy Duncan (in order as they pared the site and proudly appear) all received the oath of witnessed the private cere- reenlistment while enjoying the mony. -Continued on pg4
  • 4. April Update- OEF XIII APRIL 2013 Page 4 FIVE HHC SOLDIERS REENLIST! Not depicted in these pictures are two additional Hell Hound Soldiers who reenlisted: SFC Edward Harmes and SPC Travis Munsell. SFC Harmes re- enlisted shortly after leaving Fort Drum en route to FOB Warrior. SPC Munsell recently signed his reenlistment paper- work. His reenlistment cere- mony will occur shortly in the upcoming week. Congratula- tions to all newly reenlisted. CPT Ross Pixler and Specialist Bradley Roth recit- SGT Jeremy Duncan ing the oath of reenlistment. TACTICAL EXPLOSIVE DETECTION DOG (TEDD) TEAMS PROVIDE TRAINING TEDDs and their handlers are fectively. TEDD teams are an a team utilized for detecting essential asset to the battle- explosives on routes, open ar- field and contribute by saving eas, and inside or outside of Soldiers lives. These teams buildings, in order to allow are an excellent deterrent for freedom of movement for dis- enemies who wish to cause mounted patrols and convoys. harm by emplacing impro- TEDD Teams train constantly, vised explosive devices. keeping the K9’s ready to Training the Medics is a pri- search and are prepared to ority, so that the clinical man- conduct any mission on a mo- agement of military working ment’s notice. The handler dogs is successfully achieved gives commands to the K9 in in the absence of veterinary order to search areas more ef- personnel. LEARNING AFGHAN CULTURE The last Afghan holiday of note was that day, which doesn’t quite cap- mated by the New Year resolution Eid al-Narooz in mid-March, which ture the heart of the New Year to slaughter and subsequently bar- celebrates the coming of a new year. spirit, and most of the time has the becue many a sheep. This is the By some standards that is 2.5 months opposite effect. This year, how- way that Afghans tend to celebrate late, but better late than not cele- ever, was relatively quiet and anti- ceremonious occasions, so while brated. Besides, this is an opportunity climactic compared to former cele- they won’t let unclean infidels like to slaughter as many animals as possi- brations. ourselves put an end to a sheep’s ble, and at least make an attempt to life, we certainly will have the op- eat the meat. Its significance for most We at FOB Warrior are determined portunity to turn dead sheep into Americans is that the insurgents man- for this “New Year” in southern skewered sheep, which sounds like age to shoot “fireworks” at US bases on Ghazni to be one of Afghan- a civilized American compromise. American understanding, consum- -Cheers!
  • 5. April Update- OEF XIII ANVIL FAMILY READINESS GROUP ANVIL COMPANY Friends and Family of Anvil Company, the advising team, and force protection. Needless to say, the company is split pretty thin but the guys are working their butts off. After departing the Ft. Drum Rapid Deployment Facility (RDF) in late January, Thus far Anvil has been successful in keeping the ball rolling from the previous unit the Company touched down in Ireland to that was here. Anvil has conducted multiple Key refuel and refit before flying to Air Force Leader Engagements (KLE) in the surrounding Bases in Kyrgyzstan and Bagram for a few villages with the elders, putting a face and name to days of classes and to meet some final train- the new unit working with their Afghan Security ing requirements. Anvil Company reached its Forces. In early March, one of the Security Pla- final destination at zero dark thirty on a Feb- toons and an advising team conducted a mission to ruary morning and has since hit the ground clear a village with an Operational Detachment- running. The Company operates bilaterally Alpha Team (ODA) and Afghan Local Police to with Afghan National Security Forces build checkpoints. The 2-day operation was com- (ANSF), specifically Afghan National Civil prised of many elements and attachments ranging Order Police (ANCOP) and the local Gelan from dog teams to Air Force Joint Tactical Air Con- District Police. The objective here is to hand trollers (JTAC) with F16s. The element was able to off the fight to the Afghans and, through the secure an advising team enabling ANSF to build a use of advising teams, we will enable their few checkpoints to help deter some of the Taliban logistical, intelligence, maintenance, and fighters during the upcoming spring season. operational capabilities so that they are able to operate autonomously. Many of our great Soldiers have selected to re- up their commitment to the US Army by re- Additional responsibilities outside of enlisting in country. Anvil Company thus far has the ANSF mission set include: manning an had 8 infantrymen extend their contracts as the Observation Post that overwatches some key Company has several achievements to commemorate and has already conducted a reenlist- areas, providing a Quick Reaction Force for ment, promotion, and deployment patching ceremonies within the first couple months. the Battalion area of operations, security for It is with full hearts that we bid farewell to our Company Commander (CO), CPT Daniel Braner, as he moves on to take a second command of Headquarters & Head- quarters Company (HHC). At the same time, we continue forward as we welcome CPT Jeb Townsend as the new CO. Additional changes include 1LT Matt Golubski assigned to be the Platoon Leader of 3PLT, replacing 1LT Daniel Dross who is mov- ing to an advising team. SSG Medina is also an addition to 3PLT, replacing SSG Staf- ford as a Squad Leader. We really can't stress how much it means to have your support; receiv- ing packages and letters are always a morale boost. Anvil Company has deployed to Afghanistan with some of the best Soldiers 2-22IN Battal- ion has to offer. We really can’t say enough about the caliber and qual- ity of men that are surrounding this Company. It is definitely a hum- bling position for the leaders within the Company and they are doing Members of 2PLT pose around a check point built in a everything in their power to train, take care of, and protect your broth- local village after an operation. ers/sons/husbands/fathers. Anvil Company after reenlistment ceremony.
  • 6. BUSHMASTER FAMILY READINESS GROUP BUSHMASTER COMPANY 2) COMMANDER’S CORNER SFAAT 8 (BLUE 2) AND SFAAT 9 (GREEN Since departing Fort Drum in Janu- The SFAATs (Security Force Advise and Assist Team) have become an integral ary 2013, the men of Bushmaster Com- and beloved part of Bushmaster Company over the past few months. Now referred pany have constantly been on the move. to as “Blue 2” and “Green 2”, the SFAATs are the focal point around which the After weeks of being stranded in one of Company operates as we switch our focus to pushing the Afghan Forces to the front the worst snowstorms in Afghan history, of the fight. Early on, Blue 2 received a change of mission to stand up a new Mobile the men finally arrived at Strike Force for eastern Afghanistan. Since COP Muqor ready to work. then, the new additions of CPT Wampler and Life at the company outpost MAJ Siegfried have seamlessly incorporated was both challenging and their teams into the Bushmaster Family. rewarding; the men never once complained about the “CHANGE OF MISSION” additional requirements and 2-22 Infantry Regiment and Bush- strains associated with COP master Company are no strangers to the life: pulling KP, rotating phrase, “Change of Mission.” In recent his- through guard shifts, eating tory, Bushmaster Company has executed a MREs, sleeping in a tent number of tasks on short notice to include: with 20+ other men, going deploying to Fort Bragg, NC, to participate in without a shower (good a complex airfield seizure exercise (JUN 12); thing we trained for that at testing for the Expert Infantryman’s Badge NTC), or doing 1SG (JUN 12), deploying to the National Training Harmon’s “mayor cell” duties. Through Center, CA (SEP 12), deploying to Afghanistan in support of OEF XIII (JAN 13), it all, the Company managed to effort- and closing COP Muqor (MAR 13). Indeed, Bushmasters have demonstrated that lessly balance two competing missions: they have a unique ability to adapt and succeed when given the toughest missions. to provide security for the SFAATs and to Again, Bushmaster Company has received a “Change of Mission.” The details are meet the 1 April deadline of closing COP still being worked out, but one thing is certain: a new platoon will be formed. In Muqor. As we began the retrograde, it order to better organize ourselves to be more versatile in the current operating en- astonished us how much junk had accu- vironment, 13 Soldiers from 3rd Platoon under SSG Saddoris and 11 Soldiers from mulated in an area the size of a couple of 2nd Platoon under SSG Davis will join forces to create a new platoon. Until further football fields over the course of 5 years. notice, 1LT Rowen will dual-hat PL and XO duties for the platoon. There will be no Every time we thought progress was be- change to FRG rosters! ing made, something seemed to ooze out of another orifice in the COP. Neverthe- less, on 18 March 2013—two weeks ahead of schedule—COP Muqor was transferred to the Afghan National Army and the Bushmasters were relocated to FOB War- rior alongside the rest of 2-22 IN. PROMOTIONS, RE-ENLISTMENTS, AND BABIES Promotions: (PVT to PV2): Hoover, (PFC to SPC): Stricker, Reese, Pittman, Loncaric, Richard, Connelly, Turner, Stanley, Marshall; (SPC to CPL): Garcia, Newton, Silva, Parimore, McTighe, Stokes, Sandrik, Harris, Burnett; (CPL to SGT): SGT Garden. Re-enlistments: SPC Stricker (4 yrs, FT. Carson), SSG Ollis (6yrs., FT. Drum, College Incentive), SPC Stanley (4yrs, FT. Drum, AASLT School, College Incentive). Baby Bushmasters: PFC Allen (boy) 14 Mar 2013 - Ryker Logan Allen 7lbs, 4oz.; SPC Parimore (boy) 21 Mar 2013 - Roland Dean Parimore 8lbs, 11oz.; SGT Wright (boy) 25 Mar 2013 -Jackson Lee Wright 7lbs, 4oz.
  • 7. April Update- OEF XIII EAGLE FAMILY READINESS GROUP EAGLE COMPANY COMMANDER’S CORNER EAGLE (FSC) TAKES THE LEAD ON ALL FOB WARRIOR I’ve never seen a group of sol- LOGISTICAL SUPPORT diers so dedicated to their work. The results have begun to show from their Since their arrival in January, Eagle Forward Support Company has hit many days of hard work, the nights they the ground running, taking over all logistical support on FOB Warrior. As daunt- got home late, the ing as this task is, soldiers of this amazing com- weekends in the field, pany have taken every assignment given to them and the rotation in the in stride proving not only that they have been desert of California. well trained, but also that they are beyond a Those countless hours shadow of a doubt the best for the job at hand. of hard work and train- Everyday this group of elite soldiers continue to ing are paying off, as maintain vehicles, refuel aircraft, feed the FOB this exceptional team and move supplies around the battlefield. It is no continues to astonish surprise to their leaders, that the fruits of their me every day. I could- labor over the previous 18 months are paying off. n't be more proud of Eagle Company soldiers are ready for anything the team assembled that may come their way! Many of the tasks that here on FOB Warrior. I Eagle Company has fallen in on are not the want thank each and “typical” Light Infantry FSC missions. You every spouse continu- wouldn’t know it, however, because despite these ing to march on without the assistance slight changes Soldiers of Eagle Company, learned their new duties, adapted and of your loved ones. You are truly strong soldiered on as they have continuously done. There’s a long road ahead, but Eagle and committed and I do not envy your Company are up to any challenge that should present itself. task at hand. I can speak for all of us here when I say, none of this is possible EAGLE COMPANY RECEIVES THE 10TH MOUNTAIN without your love and support. Thank DIVISION COMBAT PATCH you, from the bottom of my heart. You provide the motivation our soldiers need to continue to do the amazing job On February 22, 2013, Eagle Forward Support Com- they do everyday. YOU are the heart- pany received its 10th Mountain Infantry Division beat of this Company. Again, thank you Combat Patch and became part of a history extend- all for all you have done, and continue ing back to World War I. The Combat Patch is worn to do. Before I close I’d like to make a on the right arm and “From this day on, Eagle special announcement regarding a new signifies that soldier Company will be part of a addition to the Eagle Company Family. has served in a com- Triple Deuce History...A part I’m happy to announce that Nichole and bat zone. of a brotherhood for years to I will be having our second child! come..” - LTC Funck (Nichole, sorry but I couldn’t resist!) EAGLE COMPANY SOARS WITH BUSHMASTER COMPANY Eagle Company soldiers attached to Bushmaster Company, 2-22IN had to support of a very difficult mission. These soldiers were separated from the rest of the company and lived with B Co, 2-22IN in less than favorable conditions with minimal equipment and yet still found a way to go above and beyond their scopes and duties to cook and maintain vehicles. “That SPC Lehman can fix just “CPT Fisher, your cooks are doing about anything...I have no really well. The guys love them! idea how he does it!” They’re some real hard workers. CPT Miller Can we keep them?” (Bushmaster Co. Commander) -1SG Harmon (Bushmaster Co. 1SG)
  • 8. APRIL 2013 Page 8 Chaplain’s Corner to be a somewhat parachute covering both the historical landmark walls and ceiling of the for the FOB: it was Chapel. This is a very unique FOB built a number of design for a FOB Chapel, and Warrior years ago by the Pol- we are blessed to have it for a Chapel ish, and the interior time during our deployment. depicts Polish inte- rior design. The pic- ture to the left shows To our surprise, the 2-22 IN the exterior of the Chapel. Unit Ministry Team (UMT) The picture to the right was blessed to have a solid shows the interior of the Inside the Chapel structure for our worship Chapel. Notice the hard at FOB Warrior services. The chapel seems wooden benches, and the Each of you should Blessings From The give what you have decided in your States (Free X) heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, God is good, all the time, all is lifted when mail enters the for God loves a the time, God is good. We FOB. Soldiers know they are cheerful giver.” are so blessed to have sup- receiving packages from fam- port from the American peo- ily and loved ones. But they ~2Corinthians 9:7 ple. also know there are packages the Free X (as in free ex- that will be shared that are change). We are First, our family and friends sent from various US organi- certainly blessed have been extremely gener- zations. The Chaplains office with goodies. Keep ous by sending packages to has an area where these free ’em coming!! individual Soldiers. Morale items are placed. It is called Muqor Protestant Service God has provided many tant service I offer is opportunities to us to offer only one of the many various services to the 2-22 worship opportunities. Soldiers. The Unit Ministry Currently we have 5 Team (UMT) is dedicated to different services that serve God and Country. By comprise of Protestant, doing this we ensure the Catholic, and Ladder free exercise of religion is Day Saints (LDS) ser- upheld and granted to all vices. our Soldiers. The Protes- Protestant Service Doctor Nick Drakos at a service at Muqor
  • 9. April Update- OEF XIII “Deeds, Not Words” This publication is for the friends and family Deployment Address: members of 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment. Last Name, First Name We continually strive to inform those in the US of Company, Task Force 2-22 our current mission, and everyday way of life while FOB Warrior, Afghanistan deployed. Each company has told their stories in APO AE, 09311 this newsletter for that particular month. We’re On Facebook! “Lead With Courage” Search for “2nd BN 22nd INF”