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Types of Friends Essay
There are a lot of important things in life. However, one of the most important things for people
to survive in this world is friendship. Without friendship, people can die of loneliness. What do
you think about your friends? Do you like your friends? There are a lot of different types of
friends. There are friends that I like and some friends with whom I do not get along. Friends with
positive characteristics such as reliable, trustworthy and faithful whom I usually get along with are
the one that tend to have more friends and the negative one whom I usually not get along with tend
to be alone. However, friends with negative characteristic can also give us some good examples of
seeing double sides of something, like, a character can more content...
They can learn to get some confidence because confidence is really important in order to perform
better. Being an overconfident person is also beneficial, as we won't get nervous easily and our
performances will be better. This kind of person isn't scared to take some risks as they have trust
and confidence in themselves. This kind of person has potential to be a really successful person in
the future. I have a friend that is really confident that when he performed for a speech competition at
school, he can speak fluently without any hesitation that made him the winner of the competition.
We can learn a lot from this kind of person. I learn that correct proportion of something, even the
thing we take as something bad, before, can turn into something good. We have to be able to
measure how confident we can be while with friends and when the confidence is really needed.
Being a competitive person can be advantageous, as this kind of person wants to be the best in
everything. As they want to be the best in everything, they will work and study harder than any
other people. They will try as hard as they can to be the best. As a result, they will get good marks
on test or get an extremely good job in the future. It is beneficial for them. For Example: I know
that being a competitive person can be advantageous as I have a friend that is competitive. She is
so competitive that in every test, she will study as hard as she can. In every test, she managed to get
the best scores
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Different Types of Energy Essay
Energy Paper
There are many forms of energy. The types of energy that can affect the toy car are potential energy,
kinetic energy, and work of friction. Potential is the energy of an object due to its position. Kinetic
energy is the energy due to motion. Friction plays a part because it shows how much energy is needed
for the car to move. All these energies are intertwined in the toy car.Potential energy is the energy
that is stored in the toy car. When an object is not moving the object has a mass potential of energy.
There are also different types of potential energy i.e.: elastic, gravitational, hydroelectric, and
chemical (Demlin, 2000–2007). The type of potential energy that affected the toy car was
gravitational more content...
Friction allows the car's wheels to spin across the floor without just sliding across the floor.
Friction is also present in the gear box of the toy car. Friction is present because the gears have to
rotate against each other in order for the toy car to obtain potential energy. The toy car only
produces rolling friction, which is present when the wheels rotate against the floor. Rolling also
appears in the gearbox. Friction while not energy affects the energy in the toy car in two ways.
Friction causes kinetic energy to be lost while the car is moving. Kinetic energy is lost when the
wheels rotate against the floor because the wheels are using kinetic energy to move. The energy
is then lost when because of rolling friction heat is produced. In a shorter sense the wheels
because of friction convert some of the kinetic energy into thermal energy (heat). Energy is also
lost when the gears in the gear box rotate against each other. Some energy would be lost because
of the friction of the gears some potential energy would be converted to thermal energy affect
making less potential energy available. While friction causes a loss to energy, rolling friction
allows less work to be able to overcome friction ("About Friction", 2003). Friction while not energy
plays a part in both energies that affect the toy car. The toy has uses two main energies, Kinetic and
Potential. Potential energy is made by the pulling back of the car. Kinetic is made when after the car
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Essay about Three Types of Friends
There are many types of people in the world and many types of friends. Knowing that, it becomes
all the more important to select the right people so that one might have the correct friends, but
which types of friends are required? There are ten different types of friends that everybody should
have, each fitting into one of three categories: the occasional friends, the benefactors and the greats.
The first category, the occasional friends, encompasses three friend types. The first one is the
grenade. This type of friend is usually annoying and tough to be around but they serve a critical
purpose. They make you look better by comparison. Slightly better than the grenade, is the jerk with
the heart of gold. Like the grenade they more content...
They are the people who help you get through the school or work day that you never really see
anywhere else. As the name suggests, occasional friends are not the type of people one would hang
out with every day.
There are only two types of friends in the benefactors. They are the giver and the loan friend. The
hard to find giver is the type of friend who is always willing to pay the bill and brings presents just
for the sake of bringing presents. They are indeed rarer and should not be taken for granted if found.
The second kind, the loan friend, is that one friend who has everything that you would want to buy
and is usually willing to lend you whatever you ask for. Benefactor friends are named for the direct
benefits they provide over you.
The final, and most important, group is the greats. They consist of the most essential of all friends
imaginable. The best friend is first amongst this group. They know you inside and out and are the
type of person you can easily spend the whole day with everyday. Secondly is man's best friend; the
pet that will love you unconditionally in exchange for a little attention and a fresh water dish every
now and then. Third is the significant other. The significant other is known by many names, most
frequently called husband or wife. They are the ones you share your life with. The final type of
friend in the greats is Alex Schnob. Handsome, witty, charming... what more could you want in a
friend? The
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Essay on Types Of Research
Research is done everyday. Research is used in the many different situations managers encounter
everyday. Research is part of the problem–solving manager do to make decisions. Research is
defined as "the process of finding solutions to problem after thorough study and analysis of the
situational factor" (Sekaran, p3, 2003). Managers use research for daily operational problem as well
as bigger problems that can require hired research consultants. Managers who use research are able
to communicate with the hired consultants because they understand the process of inquiry,
investigation, examination, and explanation. Managers are also, capable of understanding the
difference in good and bad studies, and can apply the research done more content...
Applied research is "aimed at solving a currently experienced problem" (Sekaran, p10, 2003). This
research can be as simple as finding solutions to daily operational problems.
One problem managers consistently want research on is the relationship between customer
satisfaction and loyalty. The research found on the relationship of customer satisfaction and loyalty
spans over the past decade. Many researchers argue that there is no relationship between customer
satisfaction and loyalty while others find direct correlations between the two and a business's
profitability. In Roger Hadowell's study, he defines loyalty as both behavioral and attitude while
conducting his research on a banking organization. He states that behaviors including continuance,
increased relationship, and recommendations are all behaviors of loyalty to an organization
(Hadowell, 1996). His research illustrates the "relationship of profitability to customer related
outcomes that managers can influence directly" (Hadowell, 1996). His findings support the
hypothesis that customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty increasing profitability. Hadowell
addresses two difficulties that he encountered during his research. First, work with the organization
in order to develop the ideal measurement system used for the research. Secondly, focus on data
collected over a period of time with strong organizations (Hadowell, 1996).
In the White Page Series, researcher Burke
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Different Types of Lies Essay
"To lie is to state something that one knows to be false or that one does not honestly believe to be
true with the intention that a person will take it for the truth". ( In
other words, lying is a purposeful misleading statement. This statement can be made verbally,
through body language, or even implied through silence. Based on lying being well defined, some
might say that lying is always wrong unless there is a good reason for it. In that case, I would argue
that lying is not always wrong.
There are two different types of lies. The first types of lies are called true falsehoods. These types of
lies are always wrong. The only purpose for telling this type of lie is for one's self interest
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For example: A young girl is driving to the beach with her new boyfriend, they are alone, when
suddenly she feels very uncomfortable and unsafe being alone with this boy. She decides she
wants to go back home, yet she knows that her boyfriend is going to be upset if she tells him the
truth. So instead she decides to tell him that she remembered something she had promised her mom
she would do for her before she got home from work. She knows later on, when she is in a more
controlled environment, that she will tell this boy the truth because she knows he needs to know.
Another simpler yet common example would be misrepresentations of the truth in responding to
the question "How are you doing?" A person's answer would depend on the relationship that they
have with that person. A relationship that is not close at all would most likely bring a response
that would be short and on a positive note like, "everything is fine," even if it was not true. This
response would be given to that person because it may not be appropriate or a good idea to let them
know otherwise.
Another example would be a police officer during a sting operation. Is it correct for her to pose as
a prostitute in order to catch actual prostitutes? This would be considered a lie based on the fact that
the officer is intentionally trying to come across as something other than she really is. It would be
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Types of Personality Essay
Personality is something that is related to the characteristic pattern, thought, feelings and behaviour
of a person (Cherry, 2014). There are many theories that have been stated in order to describe
personality (Cherry, 2014). Everyone has his/her own unique personality. Different person has a
different personality and each kind of personality has its own advantages and weaknesses. Everyone
should appreciate his/her own personality, and also others personality too. It is important to
understand other people so that everyone can easily get along together. However, based on Littauer
(1983), everyone has to understand herself/himself first, before understanding others. Everyone
should know what type of personality that he/she has. more content...
They also use a lot of time in planning during working since they always have high standards in
completing tasks. According to Littauer (1983), there are two main problems of perfect melancholy
which are easily depressed and have low self–esteem. Littauer (1983), also suggested a few ways in
order to overcome these problems. First, to avoid from being depressed, a perfect melancholy
should not look for trouble and second is do not get hurt so easily.
The next type of personality is popular sanguine. A popular sanguine is usually a fun person. They
are talkative and cheerful person. They also easily get along with other people. Usually, a popular
sanguine is a warm person. They love to hug, kiss and stroke their friends and family. They are
good on stage and they make an excellent greeter, host and receptionist due to their attractive
personality. The person with this kind of personality is usually an emotional and demonstrative
person. They are optimistic and enthusiastic over everything. They also get excited easily on
something that is brought to them. They are also curious about everything. They usually want to
know every single thing that happened around them. They are also a helpful person and always
volunteer to do something because they usually seek for popularity. They also creative like the
perfect melancholy. However, a popular sanguine creativeness is more colourful and more fun as
compared to the creativeness of the perfect melancholy. They also can
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Types of Shock Essay
Describe the five different types of shock and include for each, its pathophysiology, clinical
manifestations and treatment.
Shock is described as life threatening medical emergency resulting from insufficient blood flow
through the body (Huether & Mccance, 2012) There are five types of medical shock. These include
septic shock, anaphylactic shock, cardiogenic shock, hypovolemic shock, and neurogenic shock
(Huether & Mccance, 2012). Septic shock results from bacteria that multiply in the blood and then
releases toxins that decrease blood pressure, thus, impairing blood flow to cells, tissues and organs.
It is an acute infection, usually systemic, that overwhelms the body (toxic shock syndrome) (Huether
& Mccance, 2012). more content...
Anaphylactic shock is also an emergency condition. Treatment can include intubation to open the
airway and assist in breathing, epinephrine shot, CPR, and antihistamine (Dugdale, 2012).
Cardiogenic shock is results from damage to the heart such as a heart attack. In cardiogenic shock
the heart is damaged and unable to supply a sufficient amount of blood to the body and the body
cells do not receive enough oxygen (Huether & Mccance, 2012). Symptoms of cardiogenic shock are
chest pain or pressure, coma, decreased urination, fast breathing, fast pulse, heavy sweating and
moist skin, lightheadedness, loss of alertness and ability to concentrate, restlessness, agitation,
confusion, shortness of break, skin that feels cool to touch, pale skin color or blotchy skin, and/or
weak pulse (Dugdale, Cardiogenic Shock, 2012). Treatment of cardiogenic shock includes
medications to increase blood pressure sucj as dobutamine, dopamine, milirione, and more. Urgent
treatment includes electrical shock therapy (defibrillation or cardio version), implanting a temporary
pacemaker and medications given through the vein, pain medicine, oxygen, fluids, and blood or
blood products (Dugdale, Cardiogenic Shock, 2012). Cardiogenic shock
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Types of Intelligence Essay examples
Types of Intelligence The meaning of intelligence is a concept that varies across cultures and
ideologies. According to psychologists "intelligence is the capacity to understand the world, think
rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges." (Feldman, R. S. 2010). Due to
the different types of human capabilities, there are different types of human intelligence. Some
intelligence is expressed mentally as in existential, intrapersonal, and spatial intelligences. Existential
intelligence is the capacity and inclination to consider and question philosophically. People with this
type of intelligence are very comfortable with concepts like the meaning of life, the purpose of death,
and other realities. more content...
Musical/Rhythmic intelligence is also physical intelligence. This form of intelligence is more than
being able to keep accurate rhythm or play an instrument. People with this type of intelligence think
in musical terms, they live musically; music is a part of their being. Naturalist Intelligence: the
ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) and sensitivity to other features of the
natural world (clouds, rock configurations) (Gardner H. n.d.). Although, this type of intelligence was
necessary for hunting and gathering civilizations; I believe that Jacque Cousteau had this type of
intelligence. The more familiar forms of intelligence are linguistic, interpersonal, and logical
/mathematical intelligence. Linguistic intelligence is necessary for authors, attorneys, and anyone
whose bread and butter is made through language. Interpersonal intelligence is defined as the ability
to understand other people. Yet, I find that empathy, and wisdom must be included for the
psychological definition of intelligence to exist, or instead of solutions, problems can be created. I
define wisdom as not just knowing what to do, but actually doing it. Logical or mathematical
intelligence is an innate ability to interact with mathematical and scientific principles. Practical
intelligence is needed for success in careers that involve corporations, the military, and other
structured environments. Practical
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5 Types Of Essays

  • 1. Types of Friends Essay There are a lot of important things in life. However, one of the most important things for people to survive in this world is friendship. Without friendship, people can die of loneliness. What do you think about your friends? Do you like your friends? There are a lot of different types of friends. There are friends that I like and some friends with whom I do not get along. Friends with positive characteristics such as reliable, trustworthy and faithful whom I usually get along with are the one that tend to have more friends and the negative one whom I usually not get along with tend to be alone. However, friends with negative characteristic can also give us some good examples of seeing double sides of something, like, a character can more content... They can learn to get some confidence because confidence is really important in order to perform better. Being an overconfident person is also beneficial, as we won't get nervous easily and our performances will be better. This kind of person isn't scared to take some risks as they have trust and confidence in themselves. This kind of person has potential to be a really successful person in the future. I have a friend that is really confident that when he performed for a speech competition at school, he can speak fluently without any hesitation that made him the winner of the competition. We can learn a lot from this kind of person. I learn that correct proportion of something, even the thing we take as something bad, before, can turn into something good. We have to be able to measure how confident we can be while with friends and when the confidence is really needed. Being a competitive person can be advantageous, as this kind of person wants to be the best in everything. As they want to be the best in everything, they will work and study harder than any other people. They will try as hard as they can to be the best. As a result, they will get good marks on test or get an extremely good job in the future. It is beneficial for them. For Example: I know that being a competitive person can be advantageous as I have a friend that is competitive. She is so competitive that in every test, she will study as hard as she can. In every test, she managed to get the best scores Get more content on
  • 2. Different Types of Energy Essay Energy Paper There are many forms of energy. The types of energy that can affect the toy car are potential energy, kinetic energy, and work of friction. Potential is the energy of an object due to its position. Kinetic energy is the energy due to motion. Friction plays a part because it shows how much energy is needed for the car to move. All these energies are intertwined in the toy car.Potential energy is the energy that is stored in the toy car. When an object is not moving the object has a mass potential of energy. There are also different types of potential energy i.e.: elastic, gravitational, hydroelectric, and chemical (Demlin, 2000–2007). The type of potential energy that affected the toy car was gravitational more content... Friction allows the car's wheels to spin across the floor without just sliding across the floor. Friction is also present in the gear box of the toy car. Friction is present because the gears have to rotate against each other in order for the toy car to obtain potential energy. The toy car only produces rolling friction, which is present when the wheels rotate against the floor. Rolling also appears in the gearbox. Friction while not energy affects the energy in the toy car in two ways. Friction causes kinetic energy to be lost while the car is moving. Kinetic energy is lost when the wheels rotate against the floor because the wheels are using kinetic energy to move. The energy is then lost when because of rolling friction heat is produced. In a shorter sense the wheels because of friction convert some of the kinetic energy into thermal energy (heat). Energy is also lost when the gears in the gear box rotate against each other. Some energy would be lost because of the friction of the gears some potential energy would be converted to thermal energy affect making less potential energy available. While friction causes a loss to energy, rolling friction allows less work to be able to overcome friction ("About Friction", 2003). Friction while not energy plays a part in both energies that affect the toy car. The toy has uses two main energies, Kinetic and Potential. Potential energy is made by the pulling back of the car. Kinetic is made when after the car is Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about Three Types of Friends There are many types of people in the world and many types of friends. Knowing that, it becomes all the more important to select the right people so that one might have the correct friends, but which types of friends are required? There are ten different types of friends that everybody should have, each fitting into one of three categories: the occasional friends, the benefactors and the greats. The first category, the occasional friends, encompasses three friend types. The first one is the grenade. This type of friend is usually annoying and tough to be around but they serve a critical purpose. They make you look better by comparison. Slightly better than the grenade, is the jerk with the heart of gold. Like the grenade they more content... They are the people who help you get through the school or work day that you never really see anywhere else. As the name suggests, occasional friends are not the type of people one would hang out with every day. There are only two types of friends in the benefactors. They are the giver and the loan friend. The hard to find giver is the type of friend who is always willing to pay the bill and brings presents just for the sake of bringing presents. They are indeed rarer and should not be taken for granted if found. The second kind, the loan friend, is that one friend who has everything that you would want to buy and is usually willing to lend you whatever you ask for. Benefactor friends are named for the direct benefits they provide over you. The final, and most important, group is the greats. They consist of the most essential of all friends imaginable. The best friend is first amongst this group. They know you inside and out and are the type of person you can easily spend the whole day with everyday. Secondly is man's best friend; the pet that will love you unconditionally in exchange for a little attention and a fresh water dish every now and then. Third is the significant other. The significant other is known by many names, most frequently called husband or wife. They are the ones you share your life with. The final type of friend in the greats is Alex Schnob. Handsome, witty, charming... what more could you want in a friend? The Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Types Of Research Research is done everyday. Research is used in the many different situations managers encounter everyday. Research is part of the problem–solving manager do to make decisions. Research is defined as "the process of finding solutions to problem after thorough study and analysis of the situational factor" (Sekaran, p3, 2003). Managers use research for daily operational problem as well as bigger problems that can require hired research consultants. Managers who use research are able to communicate with the hired consultants because they understand the process of inquiry, investigation, examination, and explanation. Managers are also, capable of understanding the difference in good and bad studies, and can apply the research done more content... Applied research is "aimed at solving a currently experienced problem" (Sekaran, p10, 2003). This research can be as simple as finding solutions to daily operational problems. One problem managers consistently want research on is the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. The research found on the relationship of customer satisfaction and loyalty spans over the past decade. Many researchers argue that there is no relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty while others find direct correlations between the two and a business's profitability. In Roger Hadowell's study, he defines loyalty as both behavioral and attitude while conducting his research on a banking organization. He states that behaviors including continuance, increased relationship, and recommendations are all behaviors of loyalty to an organization (Hadowell, 1996). His research illustrates the "relationship of profitability to customer related outcomes that managers can influence directly" (Hadowell, 1996). His findings support the hypothesis that customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty increasing profitability. Hadowell addresses two difficulties that he encountered during his research. First, work with the organization in order to develop the ideal measurement system used for the research. Secondly, focus on data collected over a period of time with strong organizations (Hadowell, 1996). In the White Page Series, researcher Burke Get more content on
  • 5. Different Types of Lies Essay "To lie is to state something that one knows to be false or that one does not honestly believe to be true with the intention that a person will take it for the truth". ( In other words, lying is a purposeful misleading statement. This statement can be made verbally, through body language, or even implied through silence. Based on lying being well defined, some might say that lying is always wrong unless there is a good reason for it. In that case, I would argue that lying is not always wrong. There are two different types of lies. The first types of lies are called true falsehoods. These types of lies are always wrong. The only purpose for telling this type of lie is for one's self interest more content... For example: A young girl is driving to the beach with her new boyfriend, they are alone, when suddenly she feels very uncomfortable and unsafe being alone with this boy. She decides she wants to go back home, yet she knows that her boyfriend is going to be upset if she tells him the truth. So instead she decides to tell him that she remembered something she had promised her mom she would do for her before she got home from work. She knows later on, when she is in a more controlled environment, that she will tell this boy the truth because she knows he needs to know. Another simpler yet common example would be misrepresentations of the truth in responding to the question "How are you doing?" A person's answer would depend on the relationship that they have with that person. A relationship that is not close at all would most likely bring a response that would be short and on a positive note like, "everything is fine," even if it was not true. This response would be given to that person because it may not be appropriate or a good idea to let them know otherwise. Another example would be a police officer during a sting operation. Is it correct for her to pose as a prostitute in order to catch actual prostitutes? This would be considered a lie based on the fact that the officer is intentionally trying to come across as something other than she really is. It would be Get more content on
  • 6. Types of Personality Essay Personality is something that is related to the characteristic pattern, thought, feelings and behaviour of a person (Cherry, 2014). There are many theories that have been stated in order to describe personality (Cherry, 2014). Everyone has his/her own unique personality. Different person has a different personality and each kind of personality has its own advantages and weaknesses. Everyone should appreciate his/her own personality, and also others personality too. It is important to understand other people so that everyone can easily get along together. However, based on Littauer (1983), everyone has to understand herself/himself first, before understanding others. Everyone should know what type of personality that he/she has. more content... They also use a lot of time in planning during working since they always have high standards in completing tasks. According to Littauer (1983), there are two main problems of perfect melancholy which are easily depressed and have low self–esteem. Littauer (1983), also suggested a few ways in order to overcome these problems. First, to avoid from being depressed, a perfect melancholy should not look for trouble and second is do not get hurt so easily. The next type of personality is popular sanguine. A popular sanguine is usually a fun person. They are talkative and cheerful person. They also easily get along with other people. Usually, a popular sanguine is a warm person. They love to hug, kiss and stroke their friends and family. They are good on stage and they make an excellent greeter, host and receptionist due to their attractive personality. The person with this kind of personality is usually an emotional and demonstrative person. They are optimistic and enthusiastic over everything. They also get excited easily on something that is brought to them. They are also curious about everything. They usually want to know every single thing that happened around them. They are also a helpful person and always volunteer to do something because they usually seek for popularity. They also creative like the perfect melancholy. However, a popular sanguine creativeness is more colourful and more fun as compared to the creativeness of the perfect melancholy. They also can Get more content on
  • 7. Types of Shock Essay Describe the five different types of shock and include for each, its pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and treatment. Shock is described as life threatening medical emergency resulting from insufficient blood flow through the body (Huether & Mccance, 2012) There are five types of medical shock. These include septic shock, anaphylactic shock, cardiogenic shock, hypovolemic shock, and neurogenic shock (Huether & Mccance, 2012). Septic shock results from bacteria that multiply in the blood and then releases toxins that decrease blood pressure, thus, impairing blood flow to cells, tissues and organs. It is an acute infection, usually systemic, that overwhelms the body (toxic shock syndrome) (Huether & Mccance, 2012). more content... Anaphylactic shock is also an emergency condition. Treatment can include intubation to open the airway and assist in breathing, epinephrine shot, CPR, and antihistamine (Dugdale, 2012). Cardiogenic shock is results from damage to the heart such as a heart attack. In cardiogenic shock the heart is damaged and unable to supply a sufficient amount of blood to the body and the body cells do not receive enough oxygen (Huether & Mccance, 2012). Symptoms of cardiogenic shock are chest pain or pressure, coma, decreased urination, fast breathing, fast pulse, heavy sweating and moist skin, lightheadedness, loss of alertness and ability to concentrate, restlessness, agitation, confusion, shortness of break, skin that feels cool to touch, pale skin color or blotchy skin, and/or weak pulse (Dugdale, Cardiogenic Shock, 2012). Treatment of cardiogenic shock includes medications to increase blood pressure sucj as dobutamine, dopamine, milirione, and more. Urgent treatment includes electrical shock therapy (defibrillation or cardio version), implanting a temporary pacemaker and medications given through the vein, pain medicine, oxygen, fluids, and blood or blood products (Dugdale, Cardiogenic Shock, 2012). Cardiogenic shock Get more content on
  • 8. Types of Intelligence Essay examples Types of Intelligence The meaning of intelligence is a concept that varies across cultures and ideologies. According to psychologists "intelligence is the capacity to understand the world, think rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges." (Feldman, R. S. 2010). Due to the different types of human capabilities, there are different types of human intelligence. Some intelligence is expressed mentally as in existential, intrapersonal, and spatial intelligences. Existential intelligence is the capacity and inclination to consider and question philosophically. People with this type of intelligence are very comfortable with concepts like the meaning of life, the purpose of death, and other realities. more content... Musical/Rhythmic intelligence is also physical intelligence. This form of intelligence is more than being able to keep accurate rhythm or play an instrument. People with this type of intelligence think in musical terms, they live musically; music is a part of their being. Naturalist Intelligence: the ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) and sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations) (Gardner H. n.d.). Although, this type of intelligence was necessary for hunting and gathering civilizations; I believe that Jacque Cousteau had this type of intelligence. The more familiar forms of intelligence are linguistic, interpersonal, and logical /mathematical intelligence. Linguistic intelligence is necessary for authors, attorneys, and anyone whose bread and butter is made through language. Interpersonal intelligence is defined as the ability to understand other people. Yet, I find that empathy, and wisdom must be included for the psychological definition of intelligence to exist, or instead of solutions, problems can be created. I define wisdom as not just knowing what to do, but actually doing it. Logical or mathematical intelligence is an innate ability to interact with mathematical and scientific principles. Practical intelligence is needed for success in careers that involve corporations, the military, and other structured environments. Practical Get more content on