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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e             GPC 4Q 12

A Letter from Mark
Dear Friends,

The last days of 2012 are upon us. As I look back on the year, I feel wonder and gratitude for the journey we’ve
been on together. I want to thank each and every one of you for all your hard work, and for the talent you bring
to bear on the job we do in our offices all across the planet. I have the privilege of guiding the creative output of
one of the world’s greatest agencies, a diverse and far flung network full of vibrant and gifted people. Leo Burnett
is a family like no other, with a unique culture, and I feel this sense of camaraderie acutely each time the Global
Product Committee convenes. Last month we gathered in Bogotá, Colombia, and spent four days taking stock of
where we are as a company and what lies ahead. As 2012 draws to a close, and pessimists mull over prophecies
about the end of the world, I instead look ahead and see infinite possibilities awaiting us, which leaves me incredibly
excited about what lies around the next corner. In our business, we are used to doomsday scenarios, to harsh
and unforgiving deadlines looming heavily over our lives, and to seemingly indestructible certainties collapsing
all around us. The only constant we can be sure of is change. Every day, we recreate the world anew, to meet
the unexpected challenges that greet us in a landscape that is shifting before our eyes. We are eternal students
of human behavior, and we use the insights we gather to build, to adapt, and to create relationships with people
that endure and evolve. Even as momentous transitions happen all around us, our company’s focus and role in
the world remains steady, because we know that in our business there are ultimately only two things that matter:
people, and their behaviour. As long as we retain this focus, we will remain a creative force to be reckoned with.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e            GPC 4Q 12

Sharing A Roof With Lady Gaga
I want to thank my good friends at Leo Burnett Bogotá for their hospitality
during our week in Colombia. The 4Q12 GPC was a memorable experience
that went far beyond our long days spent in a crowded hotel conference
room, discussing brand strategies and the merits of each campaign and
execution. Our week was filled with unexpected highlights, one of which
was discovering upon our arrival that Lady Gaga and her entourage had
booked up a large block of rooms in our hotel, as she was performing
in Bogotá on the first night of the GPC. Our hotel became ground zero
for a truly surreal spectacle. Dozens of intimidating security personnel
equipped with earpieces and sunglasses suddenly materialized in the
hotel corridors, and outside the building, a throng of dedicated fans assembled in the hopes of catching a glimpse
of one of the world’s most iconic pop idols, who might deign to make an appearance in a meat dress or a feathery
latex corset. We were far too busy working to pay much attention to the glitzy absurdity of the scene outside, but
it still made an impression. One incident stands out: our first afternoon session was briefly interrupted by a loud
commotion just outside the room, at which point Felipe Ruiz from LB/Bogotá slipped out of the meeting to check
on the disturbance. He found himself in the midst of a rabid crowd of fans and paparazzi as Lady Gaga exited the
hotel with practiced flair. The scene was chaotic, but Felipe, in an inspired bit of street theater, assumed an air of
authority and issued a stern admonishment with a finger raised to his lips: “HUSH PLEASE, the GPC is in session.”
She smiled at Felipe and the crowd quieted, then she ducked into a waiting car, and we got on with our business.
It’s a rare day when you can rebuke a rock star for interrupting your meeting.

This incident perfectly illustrates the kind of hospitality we received from our friends at LB/Bogotá. Our hosts
were protective of us, attentive to our needs, generous with their time, and maintained a good sense of humor at
everything that unfolded over the course of the week. I want to thank Olga Lucia Villegas, Christine Sauda, Felipe
Ruiz, Pablo Jamarillo, Juan Franco, and Fernando Bellotti, as well as everyone else at Leo Burnett Bogotá who
made our stay in Colombia so enjoyable. We have much to learn from our brightest stars in Latin America, where
creativity is the currency of life. We have brilliant teams in place throughout the region, which is home to some of
the best minds in our industry, and we have the right plans and structures in place to make a great leap forward.
Together we can create brilliant, infectious communication that rewards people for their time and attention. We
are no longer in the business of making advertising that talks at people: we are in the business of creating content
that enriches people’s lives. Our content must brilliant and interesting enough that it can hold its own amidst the
dominant currents of pop culture. Like Felipe, in the face of Lady Gaga, our work must be able to stand up and
claim its rightful place in the larger cultural landscape. Our creativity takes a backseat to no one.

                                             Olga Lucia Villegas                                 Fernando Bellotti
                                             President                                           Regional CCO
                                             LB / Latin America                                  LB / Latin America
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e            GPC 4Q 12

A White Pencil for Peace
While in Colombia, the GPC saw a range of work produced for pro bono clients
from across the world. One of the most impressive campaigns was a collection of
immaculate design pieces created by Leo Burnett Chicago to promote Peace Day.
This integrated campaign was entitled “Recipeace”, and encouraged people who
were experiencing conflict to break bread together and share a meal on Peace
Day, September 21st. The campaign gave people the tools and opportunities to
set aside their differences and come together over food. While the GPC loved
this work, the campaign got a much stronger endorsement last week. A few days
ago D&AD named LB/Chicago’s “Recipeace” campaign the winner of D&AD’s first
ever White Pencil Award. The White Pencil Award is the first new award created by D&AD in 50 years, and was
initiated with the intention of harnessing the creative power of our industry to develop and honor communication
ideas that have genuine social impact. This is an award given specifically to work that actually makes the world
a better place, and it is judged and bestowed by one the planet’s most discriminating juries. To win the inaugural
White Pencil Award is a remarkable achievement, and the team in Chicago deserves our deepest congratulations.
This is HumanKind work at its finest, as it enriches the lives of the people who engage with it, and ultimately
changes behaviour. This is the kind of work that should make us all deeply proud to be a part of Leo Burnett.

Leo himself always had a passion for work of this nature. In December of 1968, after a tumultuous year in America,
he delivered a speech at the annual LB breakfast speaking directly to the young idealists he had recently hired:

       “Now, if ever, is the time for every man to come to the aid of humanity.

       And now, more than ever before, with the world in frenetic confusion - now, if ever, is the time for
       us to cling like wildcats to the only realities we can swear we have hold of - our own sacred and
       individual integrities - our own refusals to compromise with what we, as sensitive and thinking
       human beings, feel to be the truth, the unreceived truth, the truth we know in our guts to be true.

       If you young people stay true to your creed and continue to recognize Integrity as the unshakable
       rock on which you can stand, I believe you can write, produce and administer better advertising -
       that you can come to work in the morning with a great sense of promise - that you can go home
       at night with a deeper sense of accomplishment. Finally, I believe that, even during this period of
       cataclysmic upheaval, when demonstrations of every kind, in our public halls, on our campuses, in
       our streets, seem to be so much in fashion, you can feel that at least one other variety of demonstration
       - the demonstration of Integrity in your daily job - will make fully as much sense as any, in getting
       on top of your environment and in facing your changing world constructively.

       I believe it can strengthen your sense of self - your sense of purpose.”

Our agency’s sense of purpose can be distilled from Leo’s words. We exist to serve our clients, and to deliver ideas
and creative solutions that grow brands and businesses, but our collective purpose is also focused on serving
people. People are at the heart of everything we do. Winning the inaugural D&AD White Pencil Award affirms one
of our company’s deepest convictions: creativity is a tool that can help humanity build a better world.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e           GPC 4Q 12

While accolades like the White Pencil Award for inspiring pro bono campaigns bring us a certain amount of pride,
it’s important that we continue to do our best work for our biggest clients. Our heritage is also that of an agency
that’s built huge global brands over the course of decades, and it was encouraging to see some of the strong
work in Bogotá produced for big, blue chip multinational clients like Samsung, McDonald’s, Ikea, and Diageo.
This quarter’s 7+ collection also contains impressive campaigns for large national clients like Allstate, Petronas,
Swiss Tourism, and Car One. While the 4Q12 7+ list is not extensive, there are still brilliant and inspiring pieces
well worth learning from, and I hope you take the time to review the 4Q12 7+ collection that defines our global
creative standard and offers us multiple lessons in how to craft engaging communication in service of brands. The
work that didn’t score a 7 also contained seeds that can be developed further, and rich, fertile ideas that will bear
fruit soon. I have absolute confidence that 2013 will be a great year for Leo Burnett Worldwide, as we have many
solid strategic platforms to build on as well as talented people in place ready to pour blood sweat and tears into
the task of bringing fresh ideas to life.

The news about our D&AD White Pencil Award comes on the heels of a steady stream of big wins from across the
world. We picked up a pair of Grand Prix awards at El Ojo in Latin America, a Grand Prix at the Epica Awards in
Europe, and a total of 5 Grand Prix awards at the AdMan and Bangkok Art Directors shows in Thailand. Thanks
to this influx of good news, we are leaving 2012 on a high note, with wind in our sails and a clear line of sight to
our 2013 goals. It’s been a good year, and the horizon looks bright. December is always inspiring for me, because
I look back and take a lot of inspiration from what we’ve accomplished, which helps me look ahead with new
visions and dreams. It calls to mind a famous quote by Colombia’s Nobel-prize winning author, Gabriel Garcia
Marquez: “it is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old; they grow old because they stop
pursuing dreams.”

So dream big, my friends. Stay young and hungry. Wake each day with an ambition to do great things. If you fall
along the way, get up again, and together we’ll pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and work our way up towards
where we’re meant to be.

Thank you again for all that you do, which makes me so proud to be a part of Leo Burnett. I hope you have the
opportunity to cherish your families and loved ones in the coming weeks. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and
happy holiday season, and I look forward to beginning this journey together anew in 2013.

Kind regards,

Mark Tutssel
Chief Creative Officer
Leo Burnett Worldwide

HumanKind work respects people’s time.      GPC 4Q 12

It rewards people for the time they spend
with our communication.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e   GPC 4Q 12

The 4Q12 Global Product Committee 	                                                                      7

2012 Leo Burnett Agency of the Year	                                                                     8

2012’s Top 5: The Best of the Year 	                                                                     9

Young Lions Profile: Fabian Pulido & Juliana Ardila	                                                   10

Eric Cruz: Re-Inventing Asia	                                                                          11

The Black Couch Series:
Anthony Chelvanathan & Steve Persico Discuss the Finer Points of Cheap Beer	                           12

The 4Q12 8-Balls	                                                                                      13

The 4Q12 7+ Gallery	                                                                                   23

               “To say that we face a changing world today is a tedious understatement.
               The world has changed every minute since it first took off around the sun.
               What is so shockingly new about this changing world is that where it once
               changed imperceptibly, it now convulses and heaves and shatters and
               reconstitutes itself before our very eyes.”

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e                                             GPC 4Q 12

The 4Q12 Global Product Committee
                  Mark                              Mauricio                        Carmelo                     Bechara
                  Tutssel                           Sarmiento                       Maselli                     Mouzannar
                  Worldwide                         Bogotá                          Buenos Aires                Beirut

                                 Fabian                            Xavier                          Jennifer                 Virgilio
                                 Pulido                            Beauregard                      Skidgel                  Flores
                                 Bogotá                            Paris                           Chicago                  Caracas

                  Eric                              Fuad                            Justin                      Juliana
                  Cruz                              Ahmad                           Tindall                     Ardila
                  Kuala Lumpur                      Bangkok                         London                      Bogotá

                                 Luis                              Olga                            Steve                    Fernando
                                 Sanchez                           Lucia                           Persico                  Bellotti
                                 Zinny                             Villegas                        Toronto                  Buenos Aires
                                 Buenos Aires                      Bogotá

                  Anthony                           Rosalie                         Susan                       Fernando
                  Chelvanathan                      Geier                           Credle                      Hernandez
                  Toronto                           Chicago                         Chicago                     Bogotá

                                  Juan                                                              Ciro
                                  Garcia-Escudero                                                   Sarmiento
                                  Madrid                                                            Lapíz

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e            GPC 4Q 12

Leo Burnett’s 2012 Agency of the Year:
A Hat-Trick for Toronto
Last week in Chicago, Leo Burnett Worldwide named its Agency of
the Year, to give special recognition to the office who over the course
of 2012 crafted superlative creative product and delivered outstanding
business results. Each year, we honor the agency that sets the bar for
our entire global network, and this year, we are delighted to offer our
congratulations to Leo Burnett Toronto for an incredible performance in
2012. For the third time in its history, LB/Toronto has won our Agency
of the Year competition. More impressively, our Canadian friends have
surpassed all the other offices in our network to collect this prize for the
second year in a row.

LB/Toronto is firing on all cylinders, winning new business at a rapid clip, and earning accolades all over the planet
for indisputably brilliant work. Their accomplishments over the last 12 months are astonishing:
    · Ranked #1 in Strategy’s 2012 Creative Report Card, scoring 75% higher than its closest competitor

    · Won 67% of all its new business pitches in 2012
    · Won more pencils than any other Canadian agency at The One Show, winning in every single category: 	
      Advertising, Design, Interactive, & Branded Entertainment.

    · Met or exceeded ALL of the agency’s financial commitments

    · Won coveted hardware at the international effectiveness awards, winning gold in all three top global
    shows: the Effies, Jay Chiat, and the David Ogilvy Awards.

Congratulations to our friends in Canada for their long stretch of sustained success. You are a continual
source of inspiration and admiration to Leo Burnetters all over the world. Keep up the great work!

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e                                                            GPC 4Q 12

Top 5 Creative Offices                                                                        Top 5 Most Awarded
1. Toronto                                                                                    1. Detroit - Troy Library “Book Burning Party”
2. Detroit                                                                                    2. Toronto - Raising the Roof
3. Sydney                                                                                     3. Milan - Montblanc “The Beauty of a Second”
4. Milan                                                                                      4. Melbourne - 7-Eleven Slurpee “BYOCD”
5. Melbourne                                                                                  5. Beirut - No Rights. No Woman.
                                                                                              5. Zurich - Swiss Life “Life Turns in a Second”

Top 7 Award Shows in the World

         Cannes                    D&AD                    One Show                    Clio                 Andy’s       Art Directors Club of New York    London International

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e                                                                                                              GPC 4Q 12

Young Lions: Fabian Pulido & Juliana Ardila
Leo Burnett Bogotá is a hotbed of creative talent, full of young,
hungry teams eager to carve out careers worthy of their aspirations.
One team that joined the panel of the 4Q12 GPC earned their
place at the table on the merits of the high praise they won
at the 2012 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity,
where they were awarded Gold Lions in the hotly contested
Young Lions Design competition. Fabian Pulido and Juliana
Ardila are gifted Colombian designers with bright futures
ahead of them, and the GPC was grateful for their insights and
comments over the course of our week in Bogotá.

Juliana and Fabian won the only Gold Lion awarded in the Young Lions competition at Cannes in 2012, for the
work they did below. Congratulations to Fabian & Juliana from the GPC and the entire Leo Burnett network!
We have high hopes for your careers and look forward to seeing future projects you are involved in.

 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS                                                                                                                                      Iphone APP                                   Mug

 One of our objectives was that people recognized in our logo the brand values of the Cannes Lions, in this order, we let ourselves be inspired by
 the most representative element of the festival, the Lion. We found that with this new platform, the graduates would not only be able to upload
 their work but also to knock the doors of one of the biggest creative community. Having this in mind, we decided to use an universal icon to cre-
 ate a strong symbol with a high level of recognition and impact.

 Our logo is mainly an Ideogram that goes along with a wordmark. Being Cannes an international event that receives visitors from all over the
 world, is important that their logos are not tied to an specific language, this is why the logo was designed to evolve into a symbol only, increasing
 globalized markets. Moreover, the logo can be colorized with the requirements of the client, as well as being easy to adapt to many formats and
 surfaces and materials.

                                                                                                                                                         Installation concept for the 2013 Festival

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e       GPC 4Q 12

Eric Cruz: Re-Inventing Asia
                                      Eric Cruz is on a mission. LB/Kuala Lumpur’s gifted new ECD has
                                      spent a good part of the past year refining and delivering a deep,
                                      thought-provoking presentation to industry audiences across the Asia
                                      Pacific region. Eric has crafted a compelling narrative that chronicles
                                      Asia Pacific’s emergence over the last decade as a dominant creative,
                                      economic, and technological force, and he uses his own personal and
                                      professional journey to illustrate how the region is rapidly reinventing
                                      itself. A veteran of innovative agencies like Razorfish and Wieden +
                                      Kennedy / Tokyo, Eric has been at the forefront of a profound shift in
                                      the way agencies operate and function, which he documents as part
                                      of a clear call to action that demands new approaches to how we do
                                      business. The old ways of working cannot continue. Eric notes that
                                      in 2017, the millennial generation will arrive as members of the global
workforce, and he posits that “these digital natives will bring about the next evolution of our world.” We have
no choice but to evolve if we wish to keep up with the imminent changes soon to be ushered into existence
by a generation that has never known a world without the internet. The choice is simple: Re-Invent, or Die.

Eric’s path to Leo Burnett was long and circuitous, and he offers it up to his audiences as an example of
how constant redefinition leads to growth. He began his career as a graphic designer, and later studied
illustration and design in between stints at hot shops in the USA, where he learned digital communication
strategies and cultivated a strong skill set in film and motion graphics. After a revelatory backpacking trip
through China in 2001, Eric relocated to Japan, where he spent several hugely productive years at Wieden
+ Kennedy / Tokyo. In one of the most dynamic and futuristic cities of the world, Eric’s career flourished,
and his convictions about Asia’s leading role guiding the 21st century solidified.

Identities are fluid constructs. Processes mutate. Reverse colonization. Relationships must be redesigned.
These are some of the potent ideas in Eric’s presentation, which ultimately concludes with an overview of
Leo Burnett‘s HumanKind ethos. Eric advocates delivering meaningful, relevant experiences to people that
they can appreciate and engage with. Brands must cultivate a dialogue with people, and do things, instead
of just saying things. The images below are just a few of the slides from Eric’s “Create & Destroy: ReInvention”
presentation, previously presented at AdFest 2012 in Thailand, at the 2012 Spikes Awards in Singapore, and
in Manila at the Mind Museum. Click on them to read more about his presentation. Eric asks his audience
some stark questions that everyone should consider: are you ready for the future? Are you ready for Asia?

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e      GPC 4Q 12

The Black Couch Series:
Anthony Chelvanathan & Steve Persico
Discuss Cheap Beer & Raising the Roof
The 4Q12 GPC was delighted to host Anthony Chelvanathan and Steve Persico of LB/Toronto for the quarterly
Black Couch Series, a master class format in which notable GPC delegates dissect and break down the
creative process behind some of the successful campaigns they’ve worked on. Interviewed by Mark Tutssel,
the teams are given an opportunity to showcase some of the work they’ve produced, while discussing the
journey their ideas have taken from conception to fruition. Anthony and Steve reviewed some of their work
for James Ready, a small Canadian beer company, as well as the award-winning work they’ve produced for
Raising the Roof, an organization supporting the homeless in Canada. As one of Leo Burnett Worldwide’s
most awarded creative teams over the last five years, Anthony and Steve reflected on how they go about
writing both quirky and comedic work for a low-budget brand like James Ready Beer, while also crafting
emotionally led material that delivers strong results for organizations like Raising the Roof. Their ability to
write a diverse amount of powerful material that reaches a wide spectrum of people is one of their signature
strengths. Have a look at some of Anthony and Steve’s award-winning work below.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e                                     GPC 4Q 12

            ball gallery

Peace One Day Recipeace
Leo Burnett / Chicago
Inaugural D&AD White Pencil Award Winner
Category: Integrated

Peace One Day is a massive participation platform that promotes the International Day of Peace, which was originally conceived of in
1982 as a day of global cease-fire. In 2002, the General Assembly of the United Nations declared Peace Day to be:
      “devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples…
      Since its inception, Peace Day has marked our personal and planetary progress toward peace. It has grown to include
      millions of people in all parts of the world, and each year events are organized to commemorate and celebrate this day.
      Events range in scale from private gatherings to public concerts and forums where hundreds of thousands of people participate.
      Anyone, anywhere can celebrate Peace Day. It can be as simple as lighting a candle at noon, or just sitting in silent meditation. Or it
      can involve getting your co-workers, organization, community or government engaged in a large event. The
      impact of millions of people in all parts of the world, coming together for one day of peace, is immense. International Day
      of Peace is also a Day of Cease-fire – personal or political. Take this opportunity to make peace in your own relationships
      as well as to impact the larger conflicts of our time. Imagine what a whole Day of Cease-fire would mean to humankind.”

To encourage people in conflict to set aside their grievances and come together on International Peace Day, Leo Burnett Chicago created
an integrated campaign called “Recipeace.” “Recipeace” was both a beautifully crafted website and a series of sponsored acts, all
of which asked people to come together on the International Day of Peace and break bread with those they oppose. To encourage
people to share a meal together, the beautiful website helps showcase the historical role of food in peacemaking,
and offers people recipes, participating restaurants, and a twitter feed that encourages everyone to weigh in on who they think ought
to bury the hatchet over a meal.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e                                    GPC 4Q 12

            ball gallery

Peace One Day Recipeace
Leo Burnett / Chicago
Category: Integrated / Design

The universal symbol for peace is an olive branch. Leo Burnett Chicago used this insight as the basis for designing multiple elements of the
Recipeace campaign, ranging from a beautiful logo type featuring an olive branch above a table, to functional dining items crafted for actual
Peace Day meals. The agency encouraged people in conflict to come together and share a meal on specially laid out tables in participating
restaurants. These tables were equipped with elegantly designed broadsheet place mats, and sitting between the two conflicted parties at
either end of the table was a meticulously crafted bottle of olive oil, almost like a stake in the ground between warring factions. Diners used
the olive oil bottle to break bread together, and begin a meal as a first gesture towards seeking resolutions to whatever conflicts kept them

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e                        GPC 4Q 12

            ball gallery

Peace One Day Recipeace
Leo Burnett / Chicago
Category: Print / Design

‘Come together over food, this Peace Day, September 21st. Pledge for peace at’

These elegant outdoor posters bring to life the message behind the integrated campaign for International Peace Day.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e                              GPC 4Q 12

            ball gallery

McDonald’s - London 2012 Olympics We All Make the Games / We All Make the Games - Wave 2
Leo Burnett / London
Category: Integrated / Film

As the official restaurant of the London Olympics, McDonald’s chose a radical approach to marketing its brand. Rather than focusing
on the athletes, McDonald’s showcased the real people of London, turning spectators, volunteers, and fans of all ages into the stars of
a campaign that was shot, edited, and released during the course of the games. With a huge media buy across multiple channels, this
massive platform idea was a hugely ambitious success story that set a new bar for Olympic sponsorship advertising. Thie recipient of a
record-breaking 4 8-balls from the GPC over the last two quarters, this brilliantcampaign sets a new standard for McDonald’s marketing.
‘We All Make the Games. Official sponsor of the 2012 London Olympic Games.’

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e                                             GPC 4Q 12

            ball gallery
                                                                                                 Vitoria Futball Club
                                                                                                 My Blood Is Red & Black
                                                                                                 Leo Burnett / Sao Paulo
                                                                                                 Category: Promo & Activation

                                                                                                 People in Brasil bleed futball. It’s a way of life, and
                                                                                                 local passions for the game run deep. Leo Burnett
                                                                                                 Tailor Made used this insight as the basis for an act
                                                                                                 designed to raise awareness of a shortage of blood
                                                                                                 in the state of Bahia. To encourage donations, the
                                                                                                 Vitoria Futball team of Bahia, one of the country’s
                                                                                                 oldest and most revered clubs, removed the iconic
                                                                                                 red from their striped uniforms over the course of
                                                                                                 their season, and only replaced it stripe by stripe
                                                                                                 as blood donations rose to targeted levels. This act
                                                                                                 of changing the uniforms of one of Brasil’s most
                                                                                                 popular teams generated tons of free publicity
                                                                                                 for the blood drive. Essential blood supplies soon
                                                                                                 became available to people in need. This category-
                                                                                                 defying idea won the Titanium Grand Prix at the El
                                                                                                 Ojo de IberoAmerica Festival, and also won a Gold
                                                                                                 Effie in Latin America.
                                                                                                 ‘Vitoria Futball Club. My Blood Is Red & Black.‘

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e   GPC 4Q 12

            ball gallery
Red Cross Colombia - Blood Bank
Alex / Sam / Jack
Leo Burnett / Bogotá
Category: Print

‘One life saves another one. Donate Blood.
Cruz Roja Colombiana.’

This is a beautiful example of exquisite art direction,
a fanatical attention to detail, and potent typography
all coming together to create a visually arresting print
campaign that grabs people by the eyeballs.
Well done!

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e                                  GPC 4Q 12

            ball gallery

Peace One Day - Peace Day Missile For Peace
Leo Burnett / London
Category: Promo & Activation

To support the International Day of Peace, Leo Burnett London created a 20 foot Missile For Peace, and asked the world to fill it with
the hate they wanted to obliterate from the planet. Using twitter and the internet, they armed the missile with a ‘hard drive of hate,’ all
the things that people believe are obstacles to a peaceful world. The eye-catching missile was loaded onto a flatbed truck, and toured
the streets, generating widespread public interest and media stories about the project. On Peace Day, September 21st, the launch of
the missile was webcast, and the hard drive of hate was symbolically destroyed before a worldwide audience online. This symbolic
action marks the beginning of an annual campaign promoting Peace One Day, which will continue in 2013 with provocative acts and a
charity concert designed to raise awareness and support for this cause. This campaign was a finalist for the D&AD White Pencil Award.

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                                                                                             Switzerland Tourism Time
                                                                                             Leo Burnett / Zurich
                                                                                             Category: Film

                                                                                             In this beautifully shot and edited TV commercial promoting
                                                                                             Switzerland as a winter holiday destination, the two local Swiss
                                                                                             farmers who have become the iconic faces of Swiss Tourism
                                                                                             painstakingly travel throughout the country removing clocks
                                                                                             and watches from across the land, all to ensure that your
                                                                                             holiday is unburdened by the anxieties of time. Leave your
                                                                                             worries behind and enjoy the timeless beauty of the Alps.
                                                                                             ‘We do everything for a relaxing winter holiday.
                                                                                             Switzerland. Get Natural.’

Car One - Used Cars Damn License Plates
Leo Burnett / Buenos Aires
Category: Film

This hilarious film from Leo Burnett Buenos Aires uses the insight
that sometimes people inadvertently have words and phrases on
their license plates that don’t quite fit their personalities. A series of
vignettes shows people with funny but ill-fitting words attached to
their fenders, and then points out that Car One can help you over-
come any anxiety you may feel about your license plate. If you show
Car One a “license plate that ashames you,” you could win $10,000
for a new car. This promotional idea is beautifully crafted and fun to
‘Car One. Number one used car dealer.’

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Raise the Roof The Street House
Leo Burnett / Toronto
Category: Promo & Activation

To raise awareness of the plight of homeless people in Canada,
Leo Burnett Toronto worked with the Raise the Roof organization
to create an experiential ambient piece that helped educate the
public about the realities and challenges of people living on the
street. As part of Toronto’s “Doors Open Festival,” when beautiful
spaces that are normally off-limits are opened to the public, LB/
Toronto constructed an amazing “Street House” in a high-traffic
alley, showing people the stigmas, stereotypes, and harsh realities
facing homeless people in Canada. This house forced all those
who encountered it to question their assumptions and examine
their prejudices, as the house makes people confront a reality that
is normally hidden from view. The “Street House” sculpture earned
lots of publicity for Raise the Roof, and the thousands of visitors
who walked through it helped the organization reach its objectives.
This kind of provocative experiential work helped change people’s
attitudes and behaviour towards the homeless in Canada.

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Arts Centre - Spiegel
Box Of Curiosities
Leo Burnett / Melbourne
Category: Design / Direct Mail

Leo Burnett Melbourne was looking for
corporate sponsors for the world famous
Spiegel Tent, a collection of curiosities
and odd performances that defy any
rational explanation. To enlist funding, the
agency devised this ingenious direct mail
piece designed to pique the curiosity of
corporate CEOs. Within the box: an edible
toupee, petrified Arabian toenail clippings,
lady beard soap, and much more. The box
succeeded in its objective, with the show
securing its sponsors in record time.

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IKEA Moving Day 2012
Leo Burnett / Toronto
Category: Promo & Activation

In Montreal, a 19th century local government ordinance
mandates that leases end on July 1st. This results in a
sizable portion of the city’s population moving to new
homes and apartments on the same day. To facilitate
this collective move, Ikea looked for ways to assist
people in their relocation process. A specially-branded
Ikea truck moved around the city dispensing free card-
board moving boxes to the public. Traceable by GPS,
the truck was a roving ad for IKEA, and the boxes
provided also served multiple functions, with coupons
to Ikea printed onto each box’s flaps. This campaign
generated strong public interest, immense goodwill
amongst the target audience, and strong retail sales in
the days after Montreal’s annual “Moving Day.”

IKANO RETAIL ASIA - IKEA 2013 Ikea Catalog Countdown
Leo Burnett / Singapore
Category: Integrated

To build anticipation for the release of the 2013 Ikea catalog, LB/Singapore created an online “Catalog countdown.” A booth was created
in several Ikea stores with furniture laid out to resemble numbers, when seen from above. These display booths changed daily, and the
numbers counted down to the catalog’s release. The booths became the set of an online TV channel that streamed compelling content
to the web: concerts, cooking demonstrations, performances, and more spotlighted “Ikea moments” in people’s lives. As the countdown
progressed, the campaign increased Ikea’s Facebook fans by 20,000, and reached millions through other channels.

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Novescor GMBH - Melicena Ice Cream Unplugged
Leo Burnett / Frankfurt
Category: Design

LB/Frankfurt was tasked with carving out a unique corporate identity for Melicena ice cream, and responded by delivering a unique visual
look for the brand that is articulated in everything from its stationary to its packaging design to its mobile product vendors. This brand
has a look and feel to it that clearly stands out from its competitors.

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Diageo - Bundaberg Red Catfish
Leo Burnett / Sydney
Category: Film

This impeccably shot film transforms a brilliant radio script into an unforgettable TV commercial for Bundaberg Red Rum. A catfish
is seen wallowing in a dark, moldy riverbed, as a voice over takes note of “what must be one of Mother Nature’s worst typos,” the
strange fact that catfish have 18 times more taste buds than humans. Sadly, these noble creatures wallow in the filth of dirty streams
all day, whereas humans can sip undeservedly “on double distilled, red gum tree-filtered Bundy Red Rum.”
‘Bundaberg Red. It’s as smooth as life is rough.’

Diageo - Bundaberg Rum Snakeskin
Leo Burnett / Sydney
Category: Film

The ‘founding fathers of Bundaberg’ have become iconic
brand mascots over the last few years, due to LB/Sydney’s
judicious use of them as recurring characters in the brand’s
marketing. In this short but hilarious spot, a founding father
notes the well-known fact that Bundy rum was originally
created to address a molasses surplus. But what does one
do with a surplus of snakeskin? Make a truly unique fashion
statement, of course, in a pure snakeskin suit! The perfect
comedic timing of this makes this “top shelf thinking!”

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James Ready Beer 50% Awesomer Coasters
Leo Burnett / Toronto
Category: Print

LB/Toronto continues to deliver outstanding tactical pieces for James Ready Beer, without sizable budgets to work with. These brilliantly
crafted bar coasters help make James Ready stand out amongst its competitors in a bar environment, as each James Ready coaster
is “50% awesomer” than those of other brands. Each coaster has a detachable, perforated side to it that contains such useful items
as “reserved” signs, “Beer IOUs”, bar conversation starters, finger hockey games, apologetic note cards for spouses, and much, much
more. The quality craftsmanship and the hilarious writing found on these point of sale pieces make them worthy additions to the outstanding
body of work in LB/Toronto’s James Ready portfolio. Without a lot of money to work with, the agency continues to find opportunities to
connect with drinkers in a way that enriches and entertains.

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                                                                        Bavaria - Club Colombia Colombia Artisans Inspiration
                                                                        Leo Burnett / Bogotá
                                                                        0Category: Design

                                                                        Tasked with designing a new special edition package for Club Colombia beer,
                                                                        LB/Bogotá’s design department delivered a unique case that contains visual
                                                                        elements and motifs rooted in the artistic and craft traditions of the indigenous
                                                                        people of Colombia. These beautifully made cases are a triumph of packaging
                                                                        design, and they honor the heritage of the brand while also giving the cases a
                                                                        sleek, shapely look that makes them stand out from competitors. These limited
                                                                        edition packs were popular and sold quickly.

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McDonald’s - Happy Meals Happy Tales Books
Leo Burnett / Chicago & Arc / Chicago
Category: Design

There are 50.7 million children under 11 years of age in the USA. 31 million of these kids have never owned a children’s book. To
help foster literacy in the United States, McDonald’s worked with Leo Burnett and Arc to provide free children’s books to kids at local
McDonald’s restaurants in Chicago. “Happy Tales” is a series of 8 books, part of a local initiative that aspires to improve children’s
literacy by encouraging parents and kids to read together. The design and craftsmanship of these books is of the highest quality, and
each book brilliantly utilizes familiar characters and storylines from previous McDonald’s communication. This is a fantastic example
of a brand act, that has the potential to expand nationally. The team in Chicago hopes this program will evolve and grow over time. It’s
a striking example of a great HumanKind act that addresses a serious social problem.

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McDonald’s - London 2012 Paralympics
We All Make the Games - Wave 1 / We All Make the Games - Wave 3
Leo Burnett / London
Category: Film

As the London 2012 Olympic games segued into the 2012 Paralympic games, Leo Burnett London continued releasing new installments
of its brilliant “We All the Make the Games” campaign. The agency shot, edited, and released new TV spots featuring real footage of the
games’ audiences, which is a feat to accomplish and truly a labor of love. These beautiful spots feature the same elegant writing, tasteful
camera work, and authenticity that made the original commercials such a popular hit in the UK. Congratulations to Leo Burnett London
for delivering more outstanding McDonald’s TV work, produced on a seemingly impossible timetable, with a warm humanity filling each
frame that is characteristic of the best work done for this brand.
‘McDonald’s. We All Make the Games.’

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                                                                                                 McDonald’s - Great Tastes of the World
                                                                                                 Week 3: Mexico
                                                                                                 Leo Burnett / London
                                                                                                 Category: Film

                                                                                                 McDonald’s “Great Tastes of the World” is a promotion
                                                                                                 featuring menu items from a different country each week.
                                                                                                 In this short ident for McDonald’s promoting the Chili
                                                                                                 and Cheese Mexican sandwich, a series of kitschy items
                                                                                                 with sombreros are paraded on screen, with just the right
                                                                                                 touch of absurdity to the whole spectacle to make film
                                                                                                 quirky and delightful.
                                                                                                 ‘McDonald’s. I’m Loving It.’

McDonald’s - Ronald McDonald House Charities
Worried Shoes
Leo Burnett / London
Category: Film

Ronald McDonald House Charities provides free accommodation
to family members of patients in hospitals. Research shows that
children recover faster from ailments when their parents stay with
them in hospitals. This point is driven home by this emotive film
from Leo Burnett London, in which two box-shaped characters
with anxious faces trudge through the clean and sterile halls of a
hospital. With furrowed brows, they examine the food in a vending
machine, and take note of an environment that seems oblivious to
the concerns eating away at them. The film concludes with the box
family leaving the hospital and finding a more comfortable place
to stay, as a voice over notes: “If your child falls ill, your family can
stay close together.”
‘Show your support and help families stay together.
Ronald McDonald House Charities.’

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Allstate Insurance - Teen Driving
Save 11
Leo Burnett / Chicago
Category: Integrated

Every year in America, over 4000 teenagers die in
road accidents. Allstate wanted to fix this ongoing
problem by changing the laws around teen driving,
but could only accomplish such an ambitious goal
by lobbying the federal government to address this.
Faced with political gridlock, Allstate and Leo Burnett
Chicago decided to give this problem a human face
in order to compel Congress to act on it. The agency
pushed this issue by publishing a special addition
to Politico magazine, which featured the real faces
and profiles of actual teenagers who died because
of unsafe driving. The agency wanted to convey the
tragic fact that 11 teens die each day on the road,
and by dramatizing this through a variety of channels,
Leo Burnett and Allstate successfully navigated the
dysfunction of the federal government and convinced
Congress to pass new legislation regarding teen
driving. Only by changing the law could real change
happen on the roads in America, and Allstate and Leo
Burnett are proud to have accomplished this goal,
which will ultimately save the lives of teenagers just
learning how to drive.
‘Save 11. Allstate Insurance.’

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Serbian Committee for Traffic New Driving Tests
Leo Burnett / Belgrade
Category: Interactive

In 2011, 1st year drivers in Serbia caused over 2000 car accidents. Teaching accurate
driving skills to young people has been stymied by government inaction, and so Leo
Burnett Belgrade leaked a fake app that was said to feature official new driving tests that
helped drivers learn the full range of road laws. This app, featuring real footage of genuine
road accidents, quickly went viral, and resulted in widespread news coverage throughout
the country on the state of Serbia’s road safety. Prodded by the release of this app, the
government of Serbia quickly moved to release new tests, and is also considering utilizing
the app as part of a new program to teach youth the full range of road safety laws.

Gazeta Sporturilor Second-Life
Leo Burnett / Bucharest
Category: Integrated

Mihai Nesu is a popular Romanian footballer who experienced a tragic accident that ended his career. In the wake of his accident, he
created a charitable foundation with the intent of raising money for people facing similar challenges. LB/Bucharest worked with one
of Romania’s largest sport publications to come up with “Second Life”, an idea intending to raise charitable money efficiently. They
asked advertisers to donate the cost of one second of their media budgets to good causes. Shortening TV spots from 30 seconds to
29 seconds results in a cheaper media buy, and the money saved was donated to good causes. This program was called “Second
Life”, and resulted in substantial donations to charitable organizations, simply by trimming one second off of TV ads.

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                                                                                                 Petronas - Petronas Motorsport
                                                                                                 Speed of Sound
                                                                                                 Leo Burnett / Kuala Lumpur
                                                                                                 Category: Interactive (Online Game)

                                                                                                 To promote Petronas’ sponsorship of the F1
                                                                                                 Grand Prix race in Malaysia, LB/Kuala Lumpur
                                                                                                 worked with Petronas to create an online game
                                                                                                 powered by the engine noises people could
                                                                                                 make with their mouths. A race car on screen
                                                                                                 navigates a complicated course, but the vehicle
                                                                                                 is powered through it by the engine noises
                                                                                                 coming from each player’s mouth. This game
                                                                                                 was popular online and was played by thousands
                                                                                                 of people in 19 different countries.

7-Eleven Rice Cooker
Leo Burnett China / Hong Kong
Category: Film (Viral Film)

7-Eleven in Hong Kong was promoting a series of miniature
keepsake items that celebrated various aspects of Hong Kong’s
culture. To promote these miniature collectibles, LB/Hong Kong
created a number of charming little films showing tiny, working
versions of each of these items. This tiny rice cooker, which can
only hold a handful of grains, is particularly charming.

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Procter & Gamble - Febreze Salmon / Dog / Cigar
Leo Burnett / Bogotá
Category: Radio

These radio spots feature a narrator telling an entire elaborate story about a subject in one rushed breath.
The rapid-fire delivery of the story eventually concludes with a tag line that notes that if you use Febreze, bad smells don’t last
longer than a single breath.

SFX: Sharp inhale.
Anncr(VO): Salmon are some of the greatest travelers of the earth. Born in freshwater, they spend part of their lives in the ocean.
During mating season they go back to their birthplace. Their brains contain iron particles that serve as a compass to help them
follow the magnetic lines of the earth. On the upstream journey they will have to deal with rapids, avoid bears, and compete with
other salmon. After its titanic crossing, it is caught by a fisherman, who will place it in a pan over high heat, suffusing the whole
kitchen with smoke.
SFX: Sound of a spray.
Anncr(VO): With Febreze, the history of a bad smell doesn’t last longer than a breath.

SFX: Sharp inhale.
Anncr(VO): Kurt, a descendant of the Yorkshire terrier lineage, was the undisputed champion of the Euro Dog Show in 1963, for his
silky hair and his great hunter’s temperament. He conceived Skipper, with great vivacity and intelligence, a 3-time winner of the Top
Breeder’s Award in Ireland. His blood was used to maintain the prize lineage, which was passed on to Blizt, his firstborn, a stud
dog who was sent to South America to improve the race. However, in an encounter with a stray dog, Sparky was conceived, who is
the champion of urinating on the sitting room carpet.
SFX: Sound of a spray.
Anncr(VO): With Febreze, the history of a bad smell doesn’t last longer than a breath.

SFX: Sharp inhale.
Anncr(VO): Exiled from her native Cuba over 40 years ago, “the Wise Candela” has dedicated her life to forecasting the future of
others. Although her own path has been uncertain since the age of 14, her grandmother, sensing her own death, taught Candela
how to read the cigar and the power to know both the past and the future. Today “the Wise Candela” exhales a mouthful of cigar
smoke on my face and predicts my luck, and tells me which dreams that I will achieve and which I won’t. The only thing that she
will not guess is that the smoke from her cigar will stay concentrated in the curtains of my living room.
SFX: Sound of a spray.
Anncr(VO): With Febreze, the history of a bad smell doesn’t last longer than a breath.

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                                                                                                 Fifth Third Bank
                                                                                                 - Bank of Mom & Dad
                                                                                                 Denied / Legal / Products
                                                                                                 Leo Burnett / Chicago
                                                                                                 Category: Film (Viral Films)

                                                                                                 ‘Fifth Third Bank. The Curious Bank.’

                                                                                                 These brilliant idents for Fifth Third Bank
                                                                                                 feature sparkly jingles documenting how your
                                                                                                 parents treat you when you ask them for
                                                                                                 money. Considering that most people start
                                                                                                 life with the “First National Bank of Mom &
                                                                                                 Dad” as their primary financial institution,
                                                                                                 these spots do a great job of differentiating
                                                                                                 Fifth Third Bank from its competitors. The
                                                                                                 humor and universal humanity of these spots
                                                                                                 make this campaign distinctive within the
                                                                                                 financial category.
                                                                                                 This is the first installment of a huge platform
                                                                                                 idea for Fifth Third Bank: the curious bank.

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Fifth Third Bank - Student Banking New Shoes
Leo Burnett / Chicago
Category: Radio

SFX: Phone ringing.
Mom: First National Bank of Mom & Dad, the answer is probably ‘no.’ Mom speaking.
Daughter: Hi Mom!
Mom: Oh, Hi Honey, what is it?
Daughter: Well I have this formal coming up...I could use some money for new shoes...
Mom: But what about your black heels? They go with everything.
Daughter: Mom.
Mom: Let me talk to my colleague, please hold.
SFX: (Hold music) “Ask about our constantly-checking-up-on-you checking account.”
Mom: Your father said, ‘sorry, we’re not an ATM machine.’ Thanks for calling! We miss you.
Anncr(VO): It’s time for a new bank. Find out more at Fifth Third Bank. The curious bank. Member FDIC.

Fifth Third Bank - Consumer - Student Banking 0%
Leo Burnett / Chicago
Category: Print

This print ad for Fifth Third Bank continues to develop the idea of the “First National Bank of Mom & Dad,” by juxtaposing the way money
is treated within the confines of a family to the way Fifth Third Bank treats you. One of these offers sounds a lot better than the other.

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Samsung Malaysia - Galaxy Note
The Sparkle Project
Leo Burnett / Kuala Lumpur
Category: Integrated

“The Sparkle Project” is the world’s first music video that has been shot,
illustrated and created entirely on the Samsung Galaxy Note for the
popular artist Yuna and her fans. This collaborative project let Yuna and
her fans co-create a music video, and what distinguishes this video from
others is that it never plays the same way twice. Each frame changes with
each viewing, and the narrative has been lovingly constructed with the
input of both fans and professional illustrators and designers. Multiple
media channels have been utilized within this campaign to showcase the
Galaxy Note’s capacity as both a creative tool and a device that enables
people to share experiences and engage with content.

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Schibsted Classified Media - Spinning / Cat / Wallpaper
Leo Burnett / Zurich
Category: Film

These short and entertaining films tell quirky little stories about how the needs of people change on a daily basis. A man enjoying his first
spinning class realizes he can now part ways with his trusty mountain bike. A woman desperately trying to coax her cat’s mouth open
realizes she no longer needs her fishbowl. A man arrives home to find that his wife has covered every wall of his favorite spare room with
gaudy floral wallpaper. He won’t be needing his projector anymore.
‘ Classified Ads Online.’

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Yellow Pages NHL Lockout
Leo Burnett / Toronto
Category: Print

‘Yellow Pages has what you’re looking for. Even solutions to NHL lockout negotiations.’
As a contentious labor dispute threatens to disrail the National Hockey League season, LB/Toronto issued this newspaper ad, calling
out the head negotiators involved and asking them to consult the Yellow Pages if they need to find financial advisors, mediators, or
even magicians to ensure that hockey fans are not left without a season to watch.
‘Yellow Pages. Find what you’re looking for.’

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Lurzer’s Archive
World’s Most Beautiful Lost Posters
Leo Burnett / London
Category: Print (Typography)

Lurzer’s Archive is an advertising institution, a
quarterly collection of the world’s best communication
that is essential reading for anyone interested in
creativity in marketing. Over the years, the magazine
has developed a reputation around agencies as
one of the most stolen publications in the world. To
raise awareness of the quality of work found in the
magazine, LB/London devised these “Lost Posters.”
Since they’ve been created by readers of Lurzer’s
Archive, they’re among the world’s most beautiful
lost posters, impeccable in both craft and design.
This is what happens when you read Lurzer’s.

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Livraria Da Vila
The More You Read, The More You Stand Out:
Winston Churchill / Mahatma Gandhi / Malcolm X
Leo Burnett / Sao Paulo
Category: Print

‘Livraria Da Vila. The More You Read, The More You Stand Out.’

Famous historical figures are pictured as young men in group settings,
well before they became the famous figures we know them as today. They
are separated from their peers only by a narrow band. The only thing that
distinguishes them is how much they’ve read.

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LB/Malaysia / Mercy Malaysia
Yasmin - How You Know?
Leo Burnett / Kuala Lumpur
Category: Integrated

Yasmin Ahmad is a legend. The longtime
ECD of LB/Kuala Lumpur, who passed
away from a sudden stroke in July of
2009, left behind a rich, lasting legacy that
extends through Asia and beyond. Yasmin
was far more than just the leader of an
agency. She was a writer and filmmaker,
and a cultural icon whose voice grew
stronger and more distinctive with every
passing year. To honor her legacy, LB/
Malaysia has released “Yasmin - How You
Know?” This book celebrates Yasmin’s life
and work, and has been publicized using
a variety of intriguing devices that are
entirely in line with the ethos and aesthetic
Yasmin stood for. Stickers, entertaining
posters, and beautifully designed eye-
catching visuals all serve to drive people
to the book, which is a celebration of
Yasmin and the work she labored so long
and hard over. Proceeds from the sale of
the book go to Mercy Malaysia, one of
Yasmin’s favorite charities.

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LB/Malaysia / Mercy Malaysia Yasmin - How You Know?
Leo Burnett / Kuala Lumpur
Category: Design (Book)

One of the recurring themes in the work of Yasmin Ahmad was her belief in the “beauty of imperfection.” This repeatedly came up in her
films and writing, and Leo Burnett Malaysia wanted to ensure that this was a central focus in the design and layout of a book created in
her honor. With that in mind, they crafted a publication that feels raw and unrefined compared to the slick, polished books produced by
most commercial publishers. This book looks almost unfinished, but beneath its unimpressive cover are gems of hard-won wisdom
and stories worth treasuring. Much like Yasmin herself, the book is more than what it appears to be at first glance. Pick it up and dive in.
Yasmin’s work was a precursor of LB’s HumanKind ethos, and everything she did celebrated humanity and the bonds that make us one
large family. The deliberate design of this book is a worthy tribute to one of Leo Burnett’s brightest stars, who has since left this world to
join higher realms.
RIP to a true original. Honor her memory by asking: ‘Yasmin-how you know?’


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Pencil Shavings: 4Q12 GPC, Bogota

  • 1. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 A Letter from Mark Dear Friends, The last days of 2012 are upon us. As I look back on the year, I feel wonder and gratitude for the journey we’ve been on together. I want to thank each and every one of you for all your hard work, and for the talent you bring to bear on the job we do in our offices all across the planet. I have the privilege of guiding the creative output of one of the world’s greatest agencies, a diverse and far flung network full of vibrant and gifted people. Leo Burnett is a family like no other, with a unique culture, and I feel this sense of camaraderie acutely each time the Global Product Committee convenes. Last month we gathered in Bogotá, Colombia, and spent four days taking stock of where we are as a company and what lies ahead. As 2012 draws to a close, and pessimists mull over prophecies about the end of the world, I instead look ahead and see infinite possibilities awaiting us, which leaves me incredibly excited about what lies around the next corner. In our business, we are used to doomsday scenarios, to harsh and unforgiving deadlines looming heavily over our lives, and to seemingly indestructible certainties collapsing all around us. The only constant we can be sure of is change. Every day, we recreate the world anew, to meet the unexpected challenges that greet us in a landscape that is shifting before our eyes. We are eternal students of human behavior, and we use the insights we gather to build, to adapt, and to create relationships with people that endure and evolve. Even as momentous transitions happen all around us, our company’s focus and role in the world remains steady, because we know that in our business there are ultimately only two things that matter: people, and their behaviour. As long as we retain this focus, we will remain a creative force to be reckoned with. 1
  • 2. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 Sharing A Roof With Lady Gaga I want to thank my good friends at Leo Burnett Bogotá for their hospitality during our week in Colombia. The 4Q12 GPC was a memorable experience that went far beyond our long days spent in a crowded hotel conference room, discussing brand strategies and the merits of each campaign and execution. Our week was filled with unexpected highlights, one of which was discovering upon our arrival that Lady Gaga and her entourage had booked up a large block of rooms in our hotel, as she was performing in Bogotá on the first night of the GPC. Our hotel became ground zero for a truly surreal spectacle. Dozens of intimidating security personnel equipped with earpieces and sunglasses suddenly materialized in the hotel corridors, and outside the building, a throng of dedicated fans assembled in the hopes of catching a glimpse of one of the world’s most iconic pop idols, who might deign to make an appearance in a meat dress or a feathery latex corset. We were far too busy working to pay much attention to the glitzy absurdity of the scene outside, but it still made an impression. One incident stands out: our first afternoon session was briefly interrupted by a loud commotion just outside the room, at which point Felipe Ruiz from LB/Bogotá slipped out of the meeting to check on the disturbance. He found himself in the midst of a rabid crowd of fans and paparazzi as Lady Gaga exited the hotel with practiced flair. The scene was chaotic, but Felipe, in an inspired bit of street theater, assumed an air of authority and issued a stern admonishment with a finger raised to his lips: “HUSH PLEASE, the GPC is in session.” She smiled at Felipe and the crowd quieted, then she ducked into a waiting car, and we got on with our business. It’s a rare day when you can rebuke a rock star for interrupting your meeting. This incident perfectly illustrates the kind of hospitality we received from our friends at LB/Bogotá. Our hosts were protective of us, attentive to our needs, generous with their time, and maintained a good sense of humor at everything that unfolded over the course of the week. I want to thank Olga Lucia Villegas, Christine Sauda, Felipe Ruiz, Pablo Jamarillo, Juan Franco, and Fernando Bellotti, as well as everyone else at Leo Burnett Bogotá who made our stay in Colombia so enjoyable. We have much to learn from our brightest stars in Latin America, where creativity is the currency of life. We have brilliant teams in place throughout the region, which is home to some of the best minds in our industry, and we have the right plans and structures in place to make a great leap forward. Together we can create brilliant, infectious communication that rewards people for their time and attention. We are no longer in the business of making advertising that talks at people: we are in the business of creating content that enriches people’s lives. Our content must brilliant and interesting enough that it can hold its own amidst the dominant currents of pop culture. Like Felipe, in the face of Lady Gaga, our work must be able to stand up and claim its rightful place in the larger cultural landscape. Our creativity takes a backseat to no one. Olga Lucia Villegas Fernando Bellotti President Regional CCO LB / Latin America LB / Latin America 2
  • 3. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 A White Pencil for Peace While in Colombia, the GPC saw a range of work produced for pro bono clients from across the world. One of the most impressive campaigns was a collection of immaculate design pieces created by Leo Burnett Chicago to promote Peace Day. This integrated campaign was entitled “Recipeace”, and encouraged people who were experiencing conflict to break bread together and share a meal on Peace Day, September 21st. The campaign gave people the tools and opportunities to set aside their differences and come together over food. While the GPC loved this work, the campaign got a much stronger endorsement last week. A few days ago D&AD named LB/Chicago’s “Recipeace” campaign the winner of D&AD’s first ever White Pencil Award. The White Pencil Award is the first new award created by D&AD in 50 years, and was initiated with the intention of harnessing the creative power of our industry to develop and honor communication ideas that have genuine social impact. This is an award given specifically to work that actually makes the world a better place, and it is judged and bestowed by one the planet’s most discriminating juries. To win the inaugural White Pencil Award is a remarkable achievement, and the team in Chicago deserves our deepest congratulations. This is HumanKind work at its finest, as it enriches the lives of the people who engage with it, and ultimately changes behaviour. This is the kind of work that should make us all deeply proud to be a part of Leo Burnett. Leo himself always had a passion for work of this nature. In December of 1968, after a tumultuous year in America, he delivered a speech at the annual LB breakfast speaking directly to the young idealists he had recently hired: “Now, if ever, is the time for every man to come to the aid of humanity. And now, more than ever before, with the world in frenetic confusion - now, if ever, is the time for us to cling like wildcats to the only realities we can swear we have hold of - our own sacred and individual integrities - our own refusals to compromise with what we, as sensitive and thinking human beings, feel to be the truth, the unreceived truth, the truth we know in our guts to be true. If you young people stay true to your creed and continue to recognize Integrity as the unshakable rock on which you can stand, I believe you can write, produce and administer better advertising - that you can come to work in the morning with a great sense of promise - that you can go home at night with a deeper sense of accomplishment. Finally, I believe that, even during this period of cataclysmic upheaval, when demonstrations of every kind, in our public halls, on our campuses, in our streets, seem to be so much in fashion, you can feel that at least one other variety of demonstration - the demonstration of Integrity in your daily job - will make fully as much sense as any, in getting on top of your environment and in facing your changing world constructively. I believe it can strengthen your sense of self - your sense of purpose.” Our agency’s sense of purpose can be distilled from Leo’s words. We exist to serve our clients, and to deliver ideas and creative solutions that grow brands and businesses, but our collective purpose is also focused on serving people. People are at the heart of everything we do. Winning the inaugural D&AD White Pencil Award affirms one of our company’s deepest convictions: creativity is a tool that can help humanity build a better world. 3
  • 4. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 While accolades like the White Pencil Award for inspiring pro bono campaigns bring us a certain amount of pride, it’s important that we continue to do our best work for our biggest clients. Our heritage is also that of an agency that’s built huge global brands over the course of decades, and it was encouraging to see some of the strong work in Bogotá produced for big, blue chip multinational clients like Samsung, McDonald’s, Ikea, and Diageo. This quarter’s 7+ collection also contains impressive campaigns for large national clients like Allstate, Petronas, Swiss Tourism, and Car One. While the 4Q12 7+ list is not extensive, there are still brilliant and inspiring pieces well worth learning from, and I hope you take the time to review the 4Q12 7+ collection that defines our global creative standard and offers us multiple lessons in how to craft engaging communication in service of brands. The work that didn’t score a 7 also contained seeds that can be developed further, and rich, fertile ideas that will bear fruit soon. I have absolute confidence that 2013 will be a great year for Leo Burnett Worldwide, as we have many solid strategic platforms to build on as well as talented people in place ready to pour blood sweat and tears into the task of bringing fresh ideas to life. The news about our D&AD White Pencil Award comes on the heels of a steady stream of big wins from across the world. We picked up a pair of Grand Prix awards at El Ojo in Latin America, a Grand Prix at the Epica Awards in Europe, and a total of 5 Grand Prix awards at the AdMan and Bangkok Art Directors shows in Thailand. Thanks to this influx of good news, we are leaving 2012 on a high note, with wind in our sails and a clear line of sight to our 2013 goals. It’s been a good year, and the horizon looks bright. December is always inspiring for me, because I look back and take a lot of inspiration from what we’ve accomplished, which helps me look ahead with new visions and dreams. It calls to mind a famous quote by Colombia’s Nobel-prize winning author, Gabriel Garcia Marquez: “it is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old; they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.” So dream big, my friends. Stay young and hungry. Wake each day with an ambition to do great things. If you fall along the way, get up again, and together we’ll pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and work our way up towards where we’re meant to be. Thank you again for all that you do, which makes me so proud to be a part of Leo Burnett. I hope you have the opportunity to cherish your families and loved ones in the coming weeks. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy holiday season, and I look forward to beginning this journey together anew in 2013. Kind regards, Mark Tutssel Chief Creative Officer Leo Burnett Worldwide 4
  • 5. HumanKind work respects people’s time. GPC 4Q 12 It rewards people for the time they spend with our communication. 5
  • 6. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 Contents The 4Q12 Global Product Committee 7 2012 Leo Burnett Agency of the Year 8 2012’s Top 5: The Best of the Year 9 Young Lions Profile: Fabian Pulido & Juliana Ardila 10 Eric Cruz: Re-Inventing Asia 11 The Black Couch Series: Anthony Chelvanathan & Steve Persico Discuss the Finer Points of Cheap Beer 12 The 4Q12 8-Balls 13 The 4Q12 7+ Gallery 23 “To say that we face a changing world today is a tedious understatement. The world has changed every minute since it first took off around the sun. What is so shockingly new about this changing world is that where it once changed imperceptibly, it now convulses and heaves and shatters and reconstitutes itself before our very eyes.” 6
  • 7. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 The 4Q12 Global Product Committee Mark Mauricio Carmelo Bechara Tutssel Sarmiento Maselli Mouzannar Worldwide Bogotá Buenos Aires Beirut Fabian Xavier Jennifer Virgilio Pulido Beauregard Skidgel Flores Bogotá Paris Chicago Caracas Eric Fuad Justin Juliana Cruz Ahmad Tindall Ardila Kuala Lumpur Bangkok London Bogotá Luis Olga Steve Fernando Sanchez Lucia Persico Bellotti Zinny Villegas Toronto Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Bogotá Anthony Rosalie Susan Fernando Chelvanathan Geier Credle Hernandez Toronto Chicago Chicago Bogotá Juan Ciro Garcia-Escudero Sarmiento Madrid Lapíz 7
  • 8. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 Leo Burnett’s 2012 Agency of the Year: A Hat-Trick for Toronto Last week in Chicago, Leo Burnett Worldwide named its Agency of the Year, to give special recognition to the office who over the course of 2012 crafted superlative creative product and delivered outstanding business results. Each year, we honor the agency that sets the bar for our entire global network, and this year, we are delighted to offer our congratulations to Leo Burnett Toronto for an incredible performance in 2012. For the third time in its history, LB/Toronto has won our Agency of the Year competition. More impressively, our Canadian friends have surpassed all the other offices in our network to collect this prize for the second year in a row. LB/Toronto is firing on all cylinders, winning new business at a rapid clip, and earning accolades all over the planet for indisputably brilliant work. Their accomplishments over the last 12 months are astonishing: · Ranked #1 in Strategy’s 2012 Creative Report Card, scoring 75% higher than its closest competitor · Won 67% of all its new business pitches in 2012 · Won more pencils than any other Canadian agency at The One Show, winning in every single category: Advertising, Design, Interactive, & Branded Entertainment. · Met or exceeded ALL of the agency’s financial commitments · Won coveted hardware at the international effectiveness awards, winning gold in all three top global shows: the Effies, Jay Chiat, and the David Ogilvy Awards. Congratulations to our friends in Canada for their long stretch of sustained success. You are a continual source of inspiration and admiration to Leo Burnetters all over the world. Keep up the great work! 8
  • 9. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 Top 5 Creative Offices Top 5 Most Awarded 1. Toronto 1. Detroit - Troy Library “Book Burning Party” 2. Detroit 2. Toronto - Raising the Roof 3. Sydney 3. Milan - Montblanc “The Beauty of a Second” 4. Milan 4. Melbourne - 7-Eleven Slurpee “BYOCD” 5. Melbourne 5. Beirut - No Rights. No Woman. 5. Zurich - Swiss Life “Life Turns in a Second” Top 7 Award Shows in the World Cannes D&AD One Show Clio Andy’s Art Directors Club of New York London International 9
  • 10. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 Young Lions: Fabian Pulido & Juliana Ardila Leo Burnett Bogotá is a hotbed of creative talent, full of young, hungry teams eager to carve out careers worthy of their aspirations. One team that joined the panel of the 4Q12 GPC earned their place at the table on the merits of the high praise they won at the 2012 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, where they were awarded Gold Lions in the hotly contested Young Lions Design competition. Fabian Pulido and Juliana Ardila are gifted Colombian designers with bright futures ahead of them, and the GPC was grateful for their insights and comments over the course of our week in Bogotá. Juliana and Fabian won the only Gold Lion awarded in the Young Lions competition at Cannes in 2012, for the work they did below. Congratulations to Fabian & Juliana from the GPC and the entire Leo Burnett network! We have high hopes for your careers and look forward to seeing future projects you are involved in. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Iphone APP Mug One of our objectives was that people recognized in our logo the brand values of the Cannes Lions, in this order, we let ourselves be inspired by the most representative element of the festival, the Lion. We found that with this new platform, the graduates would not only be able to upload their work but also to knock the doors of one of the biggest creative community. Having this in mind, we decided to use an universal icon to cre- ate a strong symbol with a high level of recognition and impact. Our logo is mainly an Ideogram that goes along with a wordmark. Being Cannes an international event that receives visitors from all over the world, is important that their logos are not tied to an specific language, this is why the logo was designed to evolve into a symbol only, increasing globalized markets. Moreover, the logo can be colorized with the requirements of the client, as well as being easy to adapt to many formats and surfaces and materials. Installation concept for the 2013 Festival 10
  • 11. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 Eric Cruz: Re-Inventing Asia Eric Cruz is on a mission. LB/Kuala Lumpur’s gifted new ECD has spent a good part of the past year refining and delivering a deep, thought-provoking presentation to industry audiences across the Asia Pacific region. Eric has crafted a compelling narrative that chronicles Asia Pacific’s emergence over the last decade as a dominant creative, economic, and technological force, and he uses his own personal and professional journey to illustrate how the region is rapidly reinventing itself. A veteran of innovative agencies like Razorfish and Wieden + Kennedy / Tokyo, Eric has been at the forefront of a profound shift in the way agencies operate and function, which he documents as part of a clear call to action that demands new approaches to how we do business. The old ways of working cannot continue. Eric notes that in 2017, the millennial generation will arrive as members of the global workforce, and he posits that “these digital natives will bring about the next evolution of our world.” We have no choice but to evolve if we wish to keep up with the imminent changes soon to be ushered into existence by a generation that has never known a world without the internet. The choice is simple: Re-Invent, or Die. Eric’s path to Leo Burnett was long and circuitous, and he offers it up to his audiences as an example of how constant redefinition leads to growth. He began his career as a graphic designer, and later studied illustration and design in between stints at hot shops in the USA, where he learned digital communication strategies and cultivated a strong skill set in film and motion graphics. After a revelatory backpacking trip through China in 2001, Eric relocated to Japan, where he spent several hugely productive years at Wieden + Kennedy / Tokyo. In one of the most dynamic and futuristic cities of the world, Eric’s career flourished, and his convictions about Asia’s leading role guiding the 21st century solidified. Identities are fluid constructs. Processes mutate. Reverse colonization. Relationships must be redesigned. These are some of the potent ideas in Eric’s presentation, which ultimately concludes with an overview of Leo Burnett‘s HumanKind ethos. Eric advocates delivering meaningful, relevant experiences to people that they can appreciate and engage with. Brands must cultivate a dialogue with people, and do things, instead of just saying things. The images below are just a few of the slides from Eric’s “Create & Destroy: ReInvention” presentation, previously presented at AdFest 2012 in Thailand, at the 2012 Spikes Awards in Singapore, and in Manila at the Mind Museum. Click on them to read more about his presentation. Eric asks his audience some stark questions that everyone should consider: are you ready for the future? Are you ready for Asia? 11
  • 12. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 The Black Couch Series: Anthony Chelvanathan & Steve Persico Discuss Cheap Beer & Raising the Roof The 4Q12 GPC was delighted to host Anthony Chelvanathan and Steve Persico of LB/Toronto for the quarterly Black Couch Series, a master class format in which notable GPC delegates dissect and break down the creative process behind some of the successful campaigns they’ve worked on. Interviewed by Mark Tutssel, the teams are given an opportunity to showcase some of the work they’ve produced, while discussing the journey their ideas have taken from conception to fruition. Anthony and Steve reviewed some of their work for James Ready, a small Canadian beer company, as well as the award-winning work they’ve produced for Raising the Roof, an organization supporting the homeless in Canada. As one of Leo Burnett Worldwide’s most awarded creative teams over the last five years, Anthony and Steve reflected on how they go about writing both quirky and comedic work for a low-budget brand like James Ready Beer, while also crafting emotionally led material that delivers strong results for organizations like Raising the Roof. Their ability to write a diverse amount of powerful material that reaches a wide spectrum of people is one of their signature strengths. Have a look at some of Anthony and Steve’s award-winning work below. 12
  • 13. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 ball gallery Peace One Day Recipeace Leo Burnett / Chicago Inaugural D&AD White Pencil Award Winner Category: Integrated Peace One Day is a massive participation platform that promotes the International Day of Peace, which was originally conceived of in 1982 as a day of global cease-fire. In 2002, the General Assembly of the United Nations declared Peace Day to be: “devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples… Since its inception, Peace Day has marked our personal and planetary progress toward peace. It has grown to include millions of people in all parts of the world, and each year events are organized to commemorate and celebrate this day. Events range in scale from private gatherings to public concerts and forums where hundreds of thousands of people participate. Anyone, anywhere can celebrate Peace Day. It can be as simple as lighting a candle at noon, or just sitting in silent meditation. Or it can involve getting your co-workers, organization, community or government engaged in a large event. The impact of millions of people in all parts of the world, coming together for one day of peace, is immense. International Day of Peace is also a Day of Cease-fire – personal or political. Take this opportunity to make peace in your own relationships as well as to impact the larger conflicts of our time. Imagine what a whole Day of Cease-fire would mean to humankind.” To encourage people in conflict to set aside their grievances and come together on International Peace Day, Leo Burnett Chicago created an integrated campaign called “Recipeace.” “Recipeace” was both a beautifully crafted website and a series of sponsored acts, all of which asked people to come together on the International Day of Peace and break bread with those they oppose. To encourage people to share a meal together, the beautiful website helps showcase the historical role of food in peacemaking, and offers people recipes, participating restaurants, and a twitter feed that encourages everyone to weigh in on who they think ought to bury the hatchet over a meal. 13
  • 14. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 ball gallery Peace One Day Recipeace Leo Burnett / Chicago Category: Integrated / Design The universal symbol for peace is an olive branch. Leo Burnett Chicago used this insight as the basis for designing multiple elements of the Recipeace campaign, ranging from a beautiful logo type featuring an olive branch above a table, to functional dining items crafted for actual Peace Day meals. The agency encouraged people in conflict to come together and share a meal on specially laid out tables in participating restaurants. These tables were equipped with elegantly designed broadsheet place mats, and sitting between the two conflicted parties at either end of the table was a meticulously crafted bottle of olive oil, almost like a stake in the ground between warring factions. Diners used the olive oil bottle to break bread together, and begin a meal as a first gesture towards seeking resolutions to whatever conflicts kept them apart. 14
  • 15. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 ball gallery Peace One Day Recipeace Leo Burnett / Chicago Category: Print / Design ‘Come together over food, this Peace Day, September 21st. Pledge for peace at’ These elegant outdoor posters bring to life the message behind the integrated campaign for International Peace Day. 15
  • 16. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 ball gallery McDonald’s - London 2012 Olympics We All Make the Games / We All Make the Games - Wave 2 Leo Burnett / London Category: Integrated / Film As the official restaurant of the London Olympics, McDonald’s chose a radical approach to marketing its brand. Rather than focusing on the athletes, McDonald’s showcased the real people of London, turning spectators, volunteers, and fans of all ages into the stars of a campaign that was shot, edited, and released during the course of the games. With a huge media buy across multiple channels, this massive platform idea was a hugely ambitious success story that set a new bar for Olympic sponsorship advertising. Thie recipient of a record-breaking 4 8-balls from the GPC over the last two quarters, this brilliantcampaign sets a new standard for McDonald’s marketing. ‘We All Make the Games. Official sponsor of the 2012 London Olympic Games.’ 16
  • 17. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 ball gallery Vitoria Futball Club My Blood Is Red & Black Leo Burnett / Sao Paulo Category: Promo & Activation People in Brasil bleed futball. It’s a way of life, and local passions for the game run deep. Leo Burnett Tailor Made used this insight as the basis for an act designed to raise awareness of a shortage of blood in the state of Bahia. To encourage donations, the Vitoria Futball team of Bahia, one of the country’s oldest and most revered clubs, removed the iconic red from their striped uniforms over the course of their season, and only replaced it stripe by stripe as blood donations rose to targeted levels. This act of changing the uniforms of one of Brasil’s most popular teams generated tons of free publicity for the blood drive. Essential blood supplies soon became available to people in need. This category- defying idea won the Titanium Grand Prix at the El Ojo de IberoAmerica Festival, and also won a Gold Effie in Latin America. ‘Vitoria Futball Club. My Blood Is Red & Black.‘ 17
  • 18. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 ball gallery Red Cross Colombia - Blood Bank Alex / Sam / Jack Leo Burnett / Bogotá Category: Print ‘One life saves another one. Donate Blood. Cruz Roja Colombiana.’ This is a beautiful example of exquisite art direction, a fanatical attention to detail, and potent typography all coming together to create a visually arresting print campaign that grabs people by the eyeballs. Well done! 18
  • 19. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 ball gallery Peace One Day - Peace Day Missile For Peace Leo Burnett / London Category: Promo & Activation To support the International Day of Peace, Leo Burnett London created a 20 foot Missile For Peace, and asked the world to fill it with the hate they wanted to obliterate from the planet. Using twitter and the internet, they armed the missile with a ‘hard drive of hate,’ all the things that people believe are obstacles to a peaceful world. The eye-catching missile was loaded onto a flatbed truck, and toured the streets, generating widespread public interest and media stories about the project. On Peace Day, September 21st, the launch of the missile was webcast, and the hard drive of hate was symbolically destroyed before a worldwide audience online. This symbolic action marks the beginning of an annual campaign promoting Peace One Day, which will continue in 2013 with provocative acts and a charity concert designed to raise awareness and support for this cause. This campaign was a finalist for the D&AD White Pencil Award. 19
  • 20. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 ball gallery Switzerland Tourism Time Leo Burnett / Zurich Category: Film In this beautifully shot and edited TV commercial promoting Switzerland as a winter holiday destination, the two local Swiss farmers who have become the iconic faces of Swiss Tourism painstakingly travel throughout the country removing clocks and watches from across the land, all to ensure that your holiday is unburdened by the anxieties of time. Leave your worries behind and enjoy the timeless beauty of the Alps. ‘We do everything for a relaxing winter holiday. Switzerland. Get Natural.’ Car One - Used Cars Damn License Plates Leo Burnett / Buenos Aires Category: Film This hilarious film from Leo Burnett Buenos Aires uses the insight that sometimes people inadvertently have words and phrases on their license plates that don’t quite fit their personalities. A series of vignettes shows people with funny but ill-fitting words attached to their fenders, and then points out that Car One can help you over- come any anxiety you may feel about your license plate. If you show Car One a “license plate that ashames you,” you could win $10,000 for a new car. This promotional idea is beautifully crafted and fun to watch. ‘Car One. Number one used car dealer.’ 20
  • 21. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 ball gallery Raise the Roof The Street House Leo Burnett / Toronto Category: Promo & Activation To raise awareness of the plight of homeless people in Canada, Leo Burnett Toronto worked with the Raise the Roof organization to create an experiential ambient piece that helped educate the public about the realities and challenges of people living on the street. As part of Toronto’s “Doors Open Festival,” when beautiful spaces that are normally off-limits are opened to the public, LB/ Toronto constructed an amazing “Street House” in a high-traffic alley, showing people the stigmas, stereotypes, and harsh realities facing homeless people in Canada. This house forced all those who encountered it to question their assumptions and examine their prejudices, as the house makes people confront a reality that is normally hidden from view. The “Street House” sculpture earned lots of publicity for Raise the Roof, and the thousands of visitors who walked through it helped the organization reach its objectives. This kind of provocative experiential work helped change people’s attitudes and behaviour towards the homeless in Canada. 21
  • 22. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 ball gallery Arts Centre - Spiegel Box Of Curiosities Leo Burnett / Melbourne Category: Design / Direct Mail Leo Burnett Melbourne was looking for corporate sponsors for the world famous Spiegel Tent, a collection of curiosities and odd performances that defy any rational explanation. To enlist funding, the agency devised this ingenious direct mail piece designed to pique the curiosity of corporate CEOs. Within the box: an edible toupee, petrified Arabian toenail clippings, lady beard soap, and much more. The box succeeded in its objective, with the show securing its sponsors in record time. 22
  • 23. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + IKEA Moving Day 2012 Leo Burnett / Toronto Category: Promo & Activation In Montreal, a 19th century local government ordinance mandates that leases end on July 1st. This results in a sizable portion of the city’s population moving to new homes and apartments on the same day. To facilitate this collective move, Ikea looked for ways to assist people in their relocation process. A specially-branded Ikea truck moved around the city dispensing free card- board moving boxes to the public. Traceable by GPS, the truck was a roving ad for IKEA, and the boxes provided also served multiple functions, with coupons to Ikea printed onto each box’s flaps. This campaign generated strong public interest, immense goodwill amongst the target audience, and strong retail sales in the days after Montreal’s annual “Moving Day.” IKANO RETAIL ASIA - IKEA 2013 Ikea Catalog Countdown Leo Burnett / Singapore Category: Integrated To build anticipation for the release of the 2013 Ikea catalog, LB/Singapore created an online “Catalog countdown.” A booth was created in several Ikea stores with furniture laid out to resemble numbers, when seen from above. These display booths changed daily, and the numbers counted down to the catalog’s release. The booths became the set of an online TV channel that streamed compelling content to the web: concerts, cooking demonstrations, performances, and more spotlighted “Ikea moments” in people’s lives. As the countdown progressed, the campaign increased Ikea’s Facebook fans by 20,000, and reached millions through other channels. 23
  • 24. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + Novescor GMBH - Melicena Ice Cream Unplugged Leo Burnett / Frankfurt Category: Design LB/Frankfurt was tasked with carving out a unique corporate identity for Melicena ice cream, and responded by delivering a unique visual look for the brand that is articulated in everything from its stationary to its packaging design to its mobile product vendors. This brand has a look and feel to it that clearly stands out from its competitors. 24
  • 25. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + Diageo - Bundaberg Red Catfish Leo Burnett / Sydney Category: Film This impeccably shot film transforms a brilliant radio script into an unforgettable TV commercial for Bundaberg Red Rum. A catfish is seen wallowing in a dark, moldy riverbed, as a voice over takes note of “what must be one of Mother Nature’s worst typos,” the strange fact that catfish have 18 times more taste buds than humans. Sadly, these noble creatures wallow in the filth of dirty streams all day, whereas humans can sip undeservedly “on double distilled, red gum tree-filtered Bundy Red Rum.” ‘Bundaberg Red. It’s as smooth as life is rough.’ Diageo - Bundaberg Rum Snakeskin Leo Burnett / Sydney Category: Film The ‘founding fathers of Bundaberg’ have become iconic brand mascots over the last few years, due to LB/Sydney’s judicious use of them as recurring characters in the brand’s marketing. In this short but hilarious spot, a founding father notes the well-known fact that Bundy rum was originally created to address a molasses surplus. But what does one do with a surplus of snakeskin? Make a truly unique fashion statement, of course, in a pure snakeskin suit! The perfect comedic timing of this makes this “top shelf thinking!” 25
  • 26. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + James Ready Beer 50% Awesomer Coasters Leo Burnett / Toronto Category: Print LB/Toronto continues to deliver outstanding tactical pieces for James Ready Beer, without sizable budgets to work with. These brilliantly crafted bar coasters help make James Ready stand out amongst its competitors in a bar environment, as each James Ready coaster is “50% awesomer” than those of other brands. Each coaster has a detachable, perforated side to it that contains such useful items as “reserved” signs, “Beer IOUs”, bar conversation starters, finger hockey games, apologetic note cards for spouses, and much, much more. The quality craftsmanship and the hilarious writing found on these point of sale pieces make them worthy additions to the outstanding body of work in LB/Toronto’s James Ready portfolio. Without a lot of money to work with, the agency continues to find opportunities to connect with drinkers in a way that enriches and entertains. 26
  • 27. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + Bavaria - Club Colombia Colombia Artisans Inspiration Leo Burnett / Bogotá 0Category: Design Tasked with designing a new special edition package for Club Colombia beer, LB/Bogotá’s design department delivered a unique case that contains visual elements and motifs rooted in the artistic and craft traditions of the indigenous people of Colombia. These beautifully made cases are a triumph of packaging design, and they honor the heritage of the brand while also giving the cases a sleek, shapely look that makes them stand out from competitors. These limited edition packs were popular and sold quickly. 27
  • 28. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + McDonald’s - Happy Meals Happy Tales Books Leo Burnett / Chicago & Arc / Chicago Category: Design There are 50.7 million children under 11 years of age in the USA. 31 million of these kids have never owned a children’s book. To help foster literacy in the United States, McDonald’s worked with Leo Burnett and Arc to provide free children’s books to kids at local McDonald’s restaurants in Chicago. “Happy Tales” is a series of 8 books, part of a local initiative that aspires to improve children’s literacy by encouraging parents and kids to read together. The design and craftsmanship of these books is of the highest quality, and each book brilliantly utilizes familiar characters and storylines from previous McDonald’s communication. This is a fantastic example of a brand act, that has the potential to expand nationally. The team in Chicago hopes this program will evolve and grow over time. It’s a striking example of a great HumanKind act that addresses a serious social problem. 28
  • 29. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + McDonald’s - London 2012 Paralympics We All Make the Games - Wave 1 / We All Make the Games - Wave 3 Leo Burnett / London Category: Film As the London 2012 Olympic games segued into the 2012 Paralympic games, Leo Burnett London continued releasing new installments of its brilliant “We All the Make the Games” campaign. The agency shot, edited, and released new TV spots featuring real footage of the games’ audiences, which is a feat to accomplish and truly a labor of love. These beautiful spots feature the same elegant writing, tasteful camera work, and authenticity that made the original commercials such a popular hit in the UK. Congratulations to Leo Burnett London for delivering more outstanding McDonald’s TV work, produced on a seemingly impossible timetable, with a warm humanity filling each frame that is characteristic of the best work done for this brand. ‘McDonald’s. We All Make the Games.’ 29
  • 30. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + McDonald’s - Great Tastes of the World Week 3: Mexico Leo Burnett / London Category: Film McDonald’s “Great Tastes of the World” is a promotion featuring menu items from a different country each week. In this short ident for McDonald’s promoting the Chili and Cheese Mexican sandwich, a series of kitschy items with sombreros are paraded on screen, with just the right touch of absurdity to the whole spectacle to make film quirky and delightful. ‘McDonald’s. I’m Loving It.’ McDonald’s - Ronald McDonald House Charities Worried Shoes Leo Burnett / London Category: Film Ronald McDonald House Charities provides free accommodation to family members of patients in hospitals. Research shows that children recover faster from ailments when their parents stay with them in hospitals. This point is driven home by this emotive film from Leo Burnett London, in which two box-shaped characters with anxious faces trudge through the clean and sterile halls of a hospital. With furrowed brows, they examine the food in a vending machine, and take note of an environment that seems oblivious to the concerns eating away at them. The film concludes with the box family leaving the hospital and finding a more comfortable place to stay, as a voice over notes: “If your child falls ill, your family can stay close together.” ‘Show your support and help families stay together. Ronald McDonald House Charities.’ 30
  • 31. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + Allstate Insurance - Teen Driving Save 11 Leo Burnett / Chicago Category: Integrated Every year in America, over 4000 teenagers die in road accidents. Allstate wanted to fix this ongoing problem by changing the laws around teen driving, but could only accomplish such an ambitious goal by lobbying the federal government to address this. Faced with political gridlock, Allstate and Leo Burnett Chicago decided to give this problem a human face in order to compel Congress to act on it. The agency pushed this issue by publishing a special addition to Politico magazine, which featured the real faces and profiles of actual teenagers who died because of unsafe driving. The agency wanted to convey the tragic fact that 11 teens die each day on the road, and by dramatizing this through a variety of channels, Leo Burnett and Allstate successfully navigated the dysfunction of the federal government and convinced Congress to pass new legislation regarding teen driving. Only by changing the law could real change happen on the roads in America, and Allstate and Leo Burnett are proud to have accomplished this goal, which will ultimately save the lives of teenagers just learning how to drive. ‘Save 11. Allstate Insurance.’ 31
  • 32. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + Serbian Committee for Traffic New Driving Tests Leo Burnett / Belgrade Category: Interactive In 2011, 1st year drivers in Serbia caused over 2000 car accidents. Teaching accurate driving skills to young people has been stymied by government inaction, and so Leo Burnett Belgrade leaked a fake app that was said to feature official new driving tests that helped drivers learn the full range of road laws. This app, featuring real footage of genuine road accidents, quickly went viral, and resulted in widespread news coverage throughout the country on the state of Serbia’s road safety. Prodded by the release of this app, the government of Serbia quickly moved to release new tests, and is also considering utilizing the app as part of a new program to teach youth the full range of road safety laws. Gazeta Sporturilor Second-Life Leo Burnett / Bucharest Category: Integrated Mihai Nesu is a popular Romanian footballer who experienced a tragic accident that ended his career. In the wake of his accident, he created a charitable foundation with the intent of raising money for people facing similar challenges. LB/Bucharest worked with one of Romania’s largest sport publications to come up with “Second Life”, an idea intending to raise charitable money efficiently. They asked advertisers to donate the cost of one second of their media budgets to good causes. Shortening TV spots from 30 seconds to 29 seconds results in a cheaper media buy, and the money saved was donated to good causes. This program was called “Second Life”, and resulted in substantial donations to charitable organizations, simply by trimming one second off of TV ads. 32
  • 33. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + Petronas - Petronas Motorsport Speed of Sound Leo Burnett / Kuala Lumpur Category: Interactive (Online Game) To promote Petronas’ sponsorship of the F1 Grand Prix race in Malaysia, LB/Kuala Lumpur worked with Petronas to create an online game powered by the engine noises people could make with their mouths. A race car on screen navigates a complicated course, but the vehicle is powered through it by the engine noises coming from each player’s mouth. This game was popular online and was played by thousands of people in 19 different countries. 7-Eleven Rice Cooker Leo Burnett China / Hong Kong Category: Film (Viral Film) 7-Eleven in Hong Kong was promoting a series of miniature keepsake items that celebrated various aspects of Hong Kong’s culture. To promote these miniature collectibles, LB/Hong Kong created a number of charming little films showing tiny, working versions of each of these items. This tiny rice cooker, which can only hold a handful of grains, is particularly charming. 33
  • 34. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + Procter & Gamble - Febreze Salmon / Dog / Cigar Leo Burnett / Bogotá Category: Radio These radio spots feature a narrator telling an entire elaborate story about a subject in one rushed breath. The rapid-fire delivery of the story eventually concludes with a tag line that notes that if you use Febreze, bad smells don’t last longer than a single breath. Salmon SFX: Sharp inhale. Anncr(VO): Salmon are some of the greatest travelers of the earth. Born in freshwater, they spend part of their lives in the ocean. During mating season they go back to their birthplace. Their brains contain iron particles that serve as a compass to help them follow the magnetic lines of the earth. On the upstream journey they will have to deal with rapids, avoid bears, and compete with other salmon. After its titanic crossing, it is caught by a fisherman, who will place it in a pan over high heat, suffusing the whole kitchen with smoke. SFX: Sound of a spray. Anncr(VO): With Febreze, the history of a bad smell doesn’t last longer than a breath. Dog SFX: Sharp inhale. Anncr(VO): Kurt, a descendant of the Yorkshire terrier lineage, was the undisputed champion of the Euro Dog Show in 1963, for his silky hair and his great hunter’s temperament. He conceived Skipper, with great vivacity and intelligence, a 3-time winner of the Top Breeder’s Award in Ireland. His blood was used to maintain the prize lineage, which was passed on to Blizt, his firstborn, a stud dog who was sent to South America to improve the race. However, in an encounter with a stray dog, Sparky was conceived, who is the champion of urinating on the sitting room carpet. SFX: Sound of a spray. Anncr(VO): With Febreze, the history of a bad smell doesn’t last longer than a breath. Cigar SFX: Sharp inhale. Anncr(VO): Exiled from her native Cuba over 40 years ago, “the Wise Candela” has dedicated her life to forecasting the future of others. Although her own path has been uncertain since the age of 14, her grandmother, sensing her own death, taught Candela how to read the cigar and the power to know both the past and the future. Today “the Wise Candela” exhales a mouthful of cigar smoke on my face and predicts my luck, and tells me which dreams that I will achieve and which I won’t. The only thing that she will not guess is that the smoke from her cigar will stay concentrated in the curtains of my living room. SFX: Sound of a spray. Anncr(VO): With Febreze, the history of a bad smell doesn’t last longer than a breath. 34
  • 35. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + Fifth Third Bank - Bank of Mom & Dad Denied / Legal / Products Leo Burnett / Chicago Category: Film (Viral Films) ‘Fifth Third Bank. The Curious Bank.’ These brilliant idents for Fifth Third Bank feature sparkly jingles documenting how your parents treat you when you ask them for money. Considering that most people start life with the “First National Bank of Mom & Dad” as their primary financial institution, these spots do a great job of differentiating Fifth Third Bank from its competitors. The humor and universal humanity of these spots make this campaign distinctive within the financial category. This is the first installment of a huge platform idea for Fifth Third Bank: the curious bank. 35
  • 36. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + Fifth Third Bank - Student Banking New Shoes Leo Burnett / Chicago Category: Radio SFX: Phone ringing. Mom: First National Bank of Mom & Dad, the answer is probably ‘no.’ Mom speaking. Daughter: Hi Mom! Mom: Oh, Hi Honey, what is it? Daughter: Well I have this formal coming up...I could use some money for new shoes... Mom: But what about your black heels? They go with everything. Daughter: Mom. Mom: Let me talk to my colleague, please hold. SFX: (Hold music) “Ask about our constantly-checking-up-on-you checking account.” Mom: Your father said, ‘sorry, we’re not an ATM machine.’ Thanks for calling! We miss you. Anncr(VO): It’s time for a new bank. Find out more at Fifth Third Bank. The curious bank. Member FDIC. Fifth Third Bank - Consumer - Student Banking 0% Leo Burnett / Chicago Category: Print This print ad for Fifth Third Bank continues to develop the idea of the “First National Bank of Mom & Dad,” by juxtaposing the way money is treated within the confines of a family to the way Fifth Third Bank treats you. One of these offers sounds a lot better than the other. 36
  • 37. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + Samsung Malaysia - Galaxy Note The Sparkle Project Leo Burnett / Kuala Lumpur Category: Integrated “The Sparkle Project” is the world’s first music video that has been shot, illustrated and created entirely on the Samsung Galaxy Note for the popular artist Yuna and her fans. This collaborative project let Yuna and her fans co-create a music video, and what distinguishes this video from others is that it never plays the same way twice. Each frame changes with each viewing, and the narrative has been lovingly constructed with the input of both fans and professional illustrators and designers. Multiple media channels have been utilized within this campaign to showcase the Galaxy Note’s capacity as both a creative tool and a device that enables people to share experiences and engage with content. 37
  • 38. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + Schibsted Classified Media - Spinning / Cat / Wallpaper Leo Burnett / Zurich Category: Film These short and entertaining films tell quirky little stories about how the needs of people change on a daily basis. A man enjoying his first spinning class realizes he can now part ways with his trusty mountain bike. A woman desperately trying to coax her cat’s mouth open realizes she no longer needs her fishbowl. A man arrives home to find that his wife has covered every wall of his favorite spare room with gaudy floral wallpaper. He won’t be needing his projector anymore. ‘ Classified Ads Online.’ 38
  • 39. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + Yellow Pages NHL Lockout Leo Burnett / Toronto Category: Print ‘Yellow Pages has what you’re looking for. Even solutions to NHL lockout negotiations.’ As a contentious labor dispute threatens to disrail the National Hockey League season, LB/Toronto issued this newspaper ad, calling out the head negotiators involved and asking them to consult the Yellow Pages if they need to find financial advisors, mediators, or even magicians to ensure that hockey fans are not left without a season to watch. ‘Yellow Pages. Find what you’re looking for.’ 39
  • 40. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + Lurzer’s Archive World’s Most Beautiful Lost Posters Leo Burnett / London Category: Print (Typography) Lurzer’s Archive is an advertising institution, a quarterly collection of the world’s best communication that is essential reading for anyone interested in creativity in marketing. Over the years, the magazine has developed a reputation around agencies as one of the most stolen publications in the world. To raise awareness of the quality of work found in the magazine, LB/London devised these “Lost Posters.” Since they’ve been created by readers of Lurzer’s Archive, they’re among the world’s most beautiful lost posters, impeccable in both craft and design. This is what happens when you read Lurzer’s.  40
  • 41. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + Livraria Da Vila The More You Read, The More You Stand Out: Winston Churchill / Mahatma Gandhi / Malcolm X Leo Burnett / Sao Paulo Category: Print ‘Livraria Da Vila. The More You Read, The More You Stand Out.’ Famous historical figures are pictured as young men in group settings, well before they became the famous figures we know them as today. They are separated from their peers only by a narrow band. The only thing that distinguishes them is how much they’ve read. 41
  • 42. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + LB/Malaysia / Mercy Malaysia Yasmin - How You Know? Leo Burnett / Kuala Lumpur Category: Integrated Yasmin Ahmad is a legend. The longtime ECD of LB/Kuala Lumpur, who passed away from a sudden stroke in July of 2009, left behind a rich, lasting legacy that extends through Asia and beyond. Yasmin was far more than just the leader of an agency. She was a writer and filmmaker, and a cultural icon whose voice grew stronger and more distinctive with every passing year. To honor her legacy, LB/ Malaysia has released “Yasmin - How You Know?” This book celebrates Yasmin’s life and work, and has been publicized using a variety of intriguing devices that are entirely in line with the ethos and aesthetic Yasmin stood for. Stickers, entertaining posters, and beautifully designed eye- catching visuals all serve to drive people to the book, which is a celebration of Yasmin and the work she labored so long and hard over. Proceeds from the sale of the book go to Mercy Malaysia, one of Yasmin’s favorite charities. 42
  • 43. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e GPC 4Q 12 7 gallery + LB/Malaysia / Mercy Malaysia Yasmin - How You Know? Leo Burnett / Kuala Lumpur Category: Design (Book) One of the recurring themes in the work of Yasmin Ahmad was her belief in the “beauty of imperfection.” This repeatedly came up in her films and writing, and Leo Burnett Malaysia wanted to ensure that this was a central focus in the design and layout of a book created in her honor. With that in mind, they crafted a publication that feels raw and unrefined compared to the slick, polished books produced by most commercial publishers. This book looks almost unfinished, but beneath its unimpressive cover are gems of hard-won wisdom and stories worth treasuring. Much like Yasmin herself, the book is more than what it appears to be at first glance. Pick it up and dive in. Yasmin’s work was a precursor of LB’s HumanKind ethos, and everything she did celebrated humanity and the bonds that make us one large family. The deliberate design of this book is a worthy tribute to one of Leo Burnett’s brightest stars, who has since left this world to join higher realms. RIP to a true original. Honor her memory by asking: ‘Yasmin-how you know?’ 43