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GPC 3Q 13
A Letter from Mark
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Dear Friends,
In the middle of August, while most of Europe was on their summer holiday, I boarded a long haul flight to Australia to
spend a week in one of the most creative cities in the world, where I had the honor of chairing the 3Q13 Global
Product Committee meeting. Two dozen other Burnetters made the pilgrimage to Sydney, and every morning,
this jet-lagged cast gathered bleary-eyed on a sunny dock to board a boat, which ferried us across the harbor
to a conference room overlooking a serene stretch of coastline. We spent four days in that room, painstakingly
reviewing Leo Burnett’s creative product over the last few months, and offering up suggestions for improving
and refining strategies, ideas, and executions. We culled hundreds of submissions down into a small shortlist of
7+ work, a collection we all ultimately felt deeply proud of. When the meeting concluded, each of us departed
slightly changed, as the work and the city both left marks on us. Sydney deftly seduces all who see it, all who
walk along its sculpted waterfront, marveling at how the light plays along the waves while gazing in awe at the
harbor bridge and the city’s iconic opera house. The place captivates people’s imaginations, and it certainly
captured ours. This 3Q13 edition of Pencil Shavings is an extended love letter of sorts to LB/Sydney and its
people, who through dogged determination and an uncompromising passion for good ideas and immaculate
craft have forged a relentless culture in the agency that demands greatness. There is a proud and playful spirit
in this shop that is infused into everything they do, and all of us could learn a lot from how they operate. I invite
you all to take a deep dive in the following pages into the workings of one of Leo Burnett’s hottest shops, to
see for yourself why Leo Burnett Sydney is consistently ranked as one of the world’s most creative agencies.
GPC 3Q 13
There are a few recurring themes I keep coming across whenever I visit our best performing agencies. Although
Leo Burnett retains the same culture and DNA across all markets, each agency is a slightly different iteration
of our core essence. We share the same rich heritage, and our HumanKind ethos provides us with a common
creed and approach that colors how we operate and shapes the work we produce. Every single Burnett office
is full of hard-working, talented people, but the best shops have something beyond that. They have an attitude,
and a certain swagger to their stride, backed up with impeccable credentials and fueled by an insatiable hunger
for great ideas. They are driven, focused, and willing to fight tooth and nail for what they believe in. They take
bold risks. They rock the boat. They push themselves beyond their comfort zone and pull their clients along with
them. They prioritize people and product before profits, and as a consequence, they retain superlative talent,
produce outstanding work, and grow revenues. These agencies occasionally stumble and fall, like all of us, but
they never stop striving, evolving, and innovating. This is the kind of company you find when you walk through
the colorful halls of Leo Burnett Sydney. Even the walls drip with attitude and style. Everything is by design.
This mentality is why LB/Sydney has won Agency of the Year twelve times on a local, regional, and global
level in just the last 5 years. This is why every year, Andy DiLallo and his team climb up on stage at Cannes to
gather a fresh batch of lions to add to their already large collection. This level of sustained success takes more
than just talent; it takes a team-first mentality, the right strategic framework, visionary leadership, the right role
players, and the right attitude. LB/Sydney has all this in spades, and uses it to deliver ideas that have impact.
Another stellar agency with a similar outlook is Leo Burnett Toronto, our network’s Agency of the Year for both
2011 & 2012. Last month while visiting Judy John’s office, I saw a sign on her wall capturing this frame of mind
perfectly. The sign read: “we are the network agency that walks like an independent. We are on a mission to
show the world a level of creativity, design excellence, digital innovation, and teamwork that will blow people’s
minds.” That’s a concise summation of a vision that everyone at LB/Toronto buys into. The agency doesn’t see
itself as a branch of a large global corporation; instead, it regards itself as a self-sufficient, self-sustaining idea
factory driven by creative ambition. The team in LB/Sydney thinks along similar lines, and bills itself as “a boutique
multinational”, positioning itself as a versatile and nimble full service shop that is largely autonomous but is still
supported by a sophisticated global network. In both these cases, the agencies are characterized by a strong
independent entrepreneurial spirit. They are hungry, opportunistic, prolific, effective, and future-facing. They
believe in making their fortunes on the strength of their creative product. This entrepreneurial drive and single-
minded focus on great work is one reason why these agencies consistently rank among the world’s best.
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
A Multinational That Walks Like An Independent
GPC 3Q 13
Companies rise and fall on the strength of their leadership. You can have brilliant, talented people in the rank
and file of any agency, but unless they are directed, challenged, and led in a way that encourages personal and
professional growth, the company will not fire on all cylinders. The people at the top provide guidance, nurture
and develop teams and talent, and set the agenda and tone for the entire organization. When you have smart,
charismatic, effective leaders in place, who lay out a clear vision for the future, the agency builds momentum,
and soon success becomes a self-perpetuating cycle. You can see this unfolding clearly in LB/Sydney, where
a brilliant management team has laid solid foundations for sustained growth. It all starts with the right people.
Todd Sampson is one of Australia’s most influential business executives. He’s also a dynamic industry celebrity,
serving as a panelist on a popular TV show, and in recent years he’s become a trusted and highly visible media
personality. It can’t hurt your agency’s profile to see your stylish CEO nominated as GQ’s Man of the Year.
Peter Bosilkovsi (or ‘Boz’ to his friends) is LB/Sydney’s resident client-whisperer. His unparalleled ability to sell
award-winning ideas to clients has made him a legend over the course of his career. He is the pitch partner that
most creatives would kill to have, and no one in the industry is better at shepherding a good idea through the
harsh gauntlet of the client approval process. ‘Boz’ is arguably the best Client Service Director in the business.
Andy DiLallo is LB/Sydney’s Chief Creative Officer. He is a passionate advocate for ideas, and his high standards
and expectations bring out the very best in everyone around him. His work over the years has won every major
creative award, and in 2010, Campaign Magazine ranked Andy as the #1 ECD in the Asia Pacific region.
Amir Mireskandari is LB/Sydney’s Group Operations Director. A former commercial photographer and designer,
Amir has a long track record of building and managing collaborative teams that produce award-winning work.
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
We Are Only As Good As Our People
Todd Sampson
Peter Bosilkovski
Client Services Director
Andy DiLallo
Chief Creative Officer
Amir Mireskandari
Group Operations Director
GPC 3Q 13
Every Leo Burnett agency in the world is faced with the routine
task of pulling together credentials for new business pitches,
and trying to find fresh ways to tell our story to prospective
clients. Sydney does this better than most. Click the images
on this page to see examples of their work.
LB/Sydney took the apples that sit on every reception desk in
every Leo Burnett office in the world and pressed them into
a crisp, refreshing cider, and promoted it to Australia’s new
businesses in an attention-getting activation campaign.
In 2011 the agency delivered a symbolic ‘apple box’ to new
business prospects. The box’s contents and intricate craft
ultimately earned the agency a silver design lion at Cannes.
To bring to life the agency’s creed of delivering ‘ideas with
MAXIMUM IMPACT,’ Sydney crafted the stunning credentials
book below, with an astonishing visualization of the power of an
idea rippling outwards on its cover. This is how ideas amplify.
These pieces demonstrate how a world class agency ought
to present itself, and they’re a big reason why LB/Sydney
won a record 18 straight new business pitches.
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
LB/Sydney’s Simple Offerings For A Hungry World
GPC 3Q 13
In the pages that follow you’ll see some great 7+ work from LB/Sydney, all of which perfectly illustrates why
we hold this agency in such high regard. The quality of their work speaks for itself, and the talent they bring to
bear on each and every piece of business in their portfolio is amazing. Another agency that really stood out this
quarter was LB/ Tailor Made from São Paulo. Their brilliant work demonstrates real HumanKind understanding,
and their strong 7+ tally this quarter is full of innovative, future facing ideas. São Paulo this year are the most
awarded agency in the LB network, a testament to their remarkable passion and appetite for breakthrough
work. Congratulations to our friends in Brasil, and all the other offices that scored a 7 during our debates. Well done!
I want to thank the incomparable Dani Simonds for all the hours she put in to make the Sydney GPC memorable
and enjoyable for all of us. Dani is the lynch pin of Sydney’s creative department, and a key player that rarely
gets the credit she deserves for juggling clients, deadlines, egos, and money with grace, good humor, and a
no-nonsense approach that always gets things done. She’s a star and she makes everyone around her better.
I also want to thank the LB/Sydney team for being gracious hosts and good company. Andy DiLallo, Vince
Lagana, Grant McAloon, and Kieran Ots made essential contributions to the GPC’s debates and discussions.
They’re each vital components of the greater whole, and fine representatives of the kind of brilliance safely
tucked away within the walls of LB/Sydney. Our network is a vibrant tapestry of incredibly talented individuals,
and after each GPC, I always come away impressed with the quality of our people.
As we step into the next chapter of the Leo Burnett story, I look forward to new challenges ahead. As the
number one creative agency network in the Publicis Groupe, we stand alongside some of the world’s greatest
creative companies. Our task now is the same as it ever was, to produce outstanding work for our clients that
distinguishes itself from that of our peers and competitors, and retains the quality thinking and underlying HumanKind
signature that the world has come to expect from Leo Burnett.
As we move forward, I hope you all take some lessons from the 3Q13 7+ work featured here. I also urge you to
identify the opportunities you have available to you to produce something indisputably brilliant that moves the
dial forward for us as a company. It’s important that we’re doing our best work for our biggest clients, and if
each one of our offices could produce just one world-class campaign for a blue chip client, we’d be on our way
to the top. Search through your portfolio and find that one gem, that one beautiful diamond in the rough that
you can chip away at and polish until it’s a brilliant, shining light that illuminates your entire agency. If we can all
develop and craft one idea of this caliber, one campaign executed to perfection, we’ll take our network to the
next level. This is the task at hand. The march to Cannes 2014 has already begun, and we need everyone to put
something on the table that we can stand behind and be proud of.
Thank you all for your hard work and passion. I look forward to the 4Q13 GPC and seeing what else you’ve all
been working on. Let’s end 2013 on a high note.
Kind regards,
Mark Tutssel
Chief Creative Officer
Leo Burnett Worldwide
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
GPC 3Q 13
We see people as partners,
their passions as fuel,
obstacles as opportunities,
and human insights as tools.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
The 3Q13 Global Product Committee 	 8
The Black Couch Series: Coca-Cola’s “Small World Machines” 	 9
Leo Burnett Wins @ The Kinsale Shark Awards	 10
Leo Burnett Wins @ the 2013 Spikes Asia Festival of Creativity	 11
The 3Q13 8-Balls	 12
The 3Q13 7+ Gallery	 25
Appendix: Cultural Fuel: 3Q13 Australia	 44
“Part and parcel of the spirit which we like to feel exists in this shop is for the pursuit
of excellence - “Reaching for the Stars”. It is this spirit which I think has made many
of us work long hours, which makes us carry the thought of our work with us wherever
we go, which makes us lay aside good work for better work.
	 It is an endless curiosity-searching, throwing away and trying again. I believe it
is a treasure to be nourished and safeguarded.
	 Laziness will wither it. Dogmatism and frozen-mindedness will smother it.
Subservience, either to a client’s point of view or to that of our own creative committee,
will destroy it.
	 It is a point of view which has a healthy respect for facts but offers some resistance
and challenge to the regimentation of research, the infallibility of “experts” and the
finality of the logician. It is open-mindedness rather than stubbornness, but never
	 Despite the tremendous pressures, let’s keep, at all costs, our wide-eyed
creative curiosity. Let’s continue to be known as an agency which spends more time
trying to improve its theories rather than to defend them.”
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
The 3Q13 Global Product Committee
São Paulo
Asia /
Middle East /
North Africa
GPC 3Q 13
LB/Sydney On Coke’s “Small World Machines”
In this fifth installment of the Black Couch Series, the GPC’s quarterly master class discussion with an award-
winning creative team, Mark Tutssel sat down with Adrian Gunadi, Justin Carew, Iggy Rodriguez, Andy DiLallo,
and Patrick Fileti of LB/Sydney to talk about the ground breaking “Small World Machines” project they created
for Coca-Cola. In this insightful and entertaining conversation, the group reviewed the countless obstacles they
encountered as they went about building the world’s first real-time communication portal between the people
of Indian and Pakistan. The idea began with a desire to create a Coke machine that delivered intimate, one-on-
one communication to people in different countries, via a life-size video feed and an interactive touch-screen.
The technical challenges inherent in building these devices would scare off a lesser agency, but LB/Sydney,
with the help of Leo Burnett’s global network, persisted until they found companies with the technical skills
to build and design these pieces. That proved to be just the beginning. Importing the machines into India and
Pakistan, getting them up and functioning, navigating tricky situations on site, documenting the process on
film, and then keeping the connections running amidst power cuts and communications failures was no small
feat. The fact that this work even exists, against all odds, is a triumph and testament to the perseverance of
the team, who for 18 months poured blood sweat and tears into this project to make it live. The story behind this
work is incredibly inspiring, and a testament to the quality both of our own team and the visionary leadership at
Coke. This is what creativity without borders looks like. Please take the time to watch this extraordinary session.
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
To view the 3Q13 Black Couch interview on Vimeo, click on this page, and when prompted, enter the password leo.
GPC 3Q 13
Leo Burnett Wins @ the Kinsale Shark Awards
Last week, in a beautiful fishing village on the southern coast of Ireland, the Leo Burnett network earned a
record number of prestigious honors at the 51st annual Kinsale International Shark Awards. The Sharks are
the second oldest advertising festival in the world, and in 2013, the festival’s honorary chairman was Sir John
Hegarty, a founding member of BBH and a driving creative force in our industry.
Building on our network’s strong showings at the 2013 AdFest, Golden Drum, MENA Cristal, Andy Awards,
One Show, and the Dubai Lynx Festivals, Leo Burnett Worldwide was once again crowned “Network of the
Year 2013” at the Sharks. Our agency dominated the Festival in every category and amassed an astonishing 65
awards out of the total 195 awarded. The network picked up 21 Gold, 19 Silver and 25 Bronze Shark awards.
16 Leo Burnett offices from around the world contributed to this amazing creative performance - Toronto, London,
Bangkok, São Paulo, Sydney, Lisbon, Paris, Chicago, Melbourne, Frankfurt, Lapiz Chicago, Hong Kong, Zurich,
Buenos Aires, Arc Chicago and Dubai. Our winning work was produced for some of our most important clients,
including Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Fiat, IKEA, Diageo, P&G, Goodyear and Chrysler,
Another bright highlight of the festival was Leo Burnett Toronto winning the title of “Agency of the Year”, after
picking up a remarkable 19 Shark awards, including 5 Golds. Building on the agency’s amazing run of success
over the last few years, LB/Toronto continues to win international recognition for the outstanding quality of its work.
This affirmation of our creative prowess validates our belief in “Creativity Without Borders”, with award-winning
ideas originating from Latin America, MENA, Asia Pacific, Europe and North America. This is a great start to
the fall season, and the start of more good things to come in the next few months. Congratulations to all the
talented teams whose hard work resulted in this outstanding showing. Bravo!
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
GPC 3Q 13
Leo Burnett Wins @ the 2013 Spikes Asia Festival
Every year, the Spikes Asia Festival of Creativity recognizes the best work from the Asia Pacific region across
more than 16 categories. The event draws the brightest minds and the freshest ideas to Singapore, where each
September the winners of the Spikes Asia awards are announced at a spectacular gala.
Last week, Leo Burnett Asia Pacific won a total of 37 prestigious Spikes awards, with 8 Leo Burnett offices
earning awards from tough juries. Leo Burnett’s agencies in Sydney, Melbourne, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Jakarta,
Manila, Bangkok and Tokyo all came away winners. We earned awards for major clients, including Coca-Cola,
McDonald’s, 7-Eleven, Diageo, and Nike.
Leo Burnett Australia performed brilliantly, winning a total of 24 Spikes awards.
LB/Sydney was one of the most awarded agencies in Asia Pacific on the night, picking up a remarkable 19
awards (3 Gold, 7 Silver and 9 Bronze). Sydney picked up 2 Gold’s for Coca-Cola “Small World Machines” in
Outdoor and Media. They won another Gold in Integrated for Diageo’s Bundaberg Rum “Road to Recovery”.
LB/Hong Kong added to the Gold tally by winning in Film Craft for 7-Eleven “Egg Tart, Rice Cooker, Kettle”.
Leo Burnett Colombo earned Sri Lanka’s largest haul of Spikes awards in the festival’s history, winning 2 Silver
and one Bronze for Wijeya Newspaper’s “Unity Paper” in Branded Content & Entertainment, Promo & Activation,
and Media. Other Leo Burnett winners included Hong Kong’s 6 awards, Melbourne’s 5 awards, and Bangkok,
Tokyo, Manila, and Jakarta with one win apiece.
This impressive creative performance at the Spikes is hot on the heels of Leo Burnett Asia Pacific being named
“Network of the Year” at the 2013 AdFest Awards, the other major regional Festival in Asia. Leo Burnett Asia
Pacific continues to produce outstanding work that demonstrates our company’s creative pedigree, and its
ability to create game changing work for our clients.
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Coca-Cola Small World Machines
Leo Burnett / Sydney / Chicago
Winner of 3 Gold, 1 Silver, & 4 Bronze Lions at Cannes 2013
Category: Branded Content
Coca-Cola believes that sharing a simple moment of happiness with
another person helps make the world a better place. LB/Sydney used this
brand belief as the basis for designing a series of innovative machines,
that offered people unexpected encounters with strangers worlds away.
Each machine was equipped with a life-sized video touch screen and was
programmed with flash animations that encouraged hands-on interactions.
One machine was placed in a mall in New Delhi, India, and the other was
placed in a mall in Lahore, Pakistan, two different countries with a long and
troubled history of war and divisive rhetoric. How would people respond?
The public reaction to these machines was universally positive, and people
loved being given an opportunity to engage with someone from across
the border, who they’d likely never have an opportunity to reach without
a device of this nature. This campaign generated headlines in both India
and Pakistan, and earned praise worldwide as a great example of a true
HumanKind act from a brand like Coke, whose appeal transcends borders.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Coca-Cola Faces
Leo Burnett / Sydney
Winner of 1 Silver Outdoor Lion at Cannes 2013
Category: Print / Poster
This series of gorgeous posters for Coca-Cola utilizes stunning photography culled from LB/Sydney’s production trips to India and
Pakistan for Coke’s “Small World Machines” project. The juxtaposition of memorable faces from India and Pakistan, split down the
middle by the brand’s iconic white ribbon, offers up an evocative visual metaphor rich in symbolism. Divided by borders, the people in
these images nonetheless share a smile, joined together by a common humanity, and the ubiquitous appeal of a global brand. These
eye-catching posters elegantly convey Coke’s core brand purpose of spreading happiness to everyone across the entire planet.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Diageo - Bundaberg Rum Road To Recovery
Leo Burnett / Sydney
Winner of 3 Bronze Lions at Cannes 201
Category: Integrated
In 2013, the town of Bundaberg, Australia, was hit for the second
time in two years with devastating floods that displaced 7000
people and rendered 1200 homes uninhabitable. 171 streets
were severely affected by the floods, leaving the local community
struggling as they tried to piece their lives and businesses back
together. Bundaberg Rum, as the city’s oldest resident, decided
to jump start the rebuilding process by launching an integrated
national campaign called “Road To Recovery,” with the intention
of turning the local disaster zone into a tourist destination. They
started by relaunching Bundaberg Rum in specially designed
commemorative bottles, that celebrated each of the 171 flood
affected streets of Bundaberg in a beautifully graphic way. This
special edition rum was only available to buy during a 3-day
event in March, in Bundaberg. The brand then orchestrated a
country-wide campaign across multiple channels encouraging
people to make the journey to Bundaberg the weekend of March
16th to support the local economy. LB/Sydney helped organize
charter buses, flights, and hotel bookings in the area, and gave
Bundaberg businesses campaign collateral in support of “Road
to Recovery.” The event was a unparalleled success, ultimately
injecting $2.5 million Australian dollars into the local economy. In
the face of widespread disaster and despair, Bundy Rum stepped
up to help the people of its hometown reclaim their streets.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Diageo - Bundaberg Rum
Road To Recovery
Leo Burnett / Sydney
Category: Packaging Design
171 streets of Bundaberg were affected by the 2013
Queensland floods. In response to this natural disaster,
LB/Sydney helped Bundaberg Rum craft packaging for
171 different “Road to Recovery” bottles, each one a
unique tribute to an individual street. These limited edition
bottles were only available for purchase in Bundaberg,
and their immaculate design made them highly sought
after pieces, worth traveling halfway across the country
to buy. This packaging was designed and produced in a
matter of weeks to spur the town’s much needed relief
effort. ‘Road to Recovery. Reclaiming what’s ours.’
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Leo Burnett Sydney Leo’s Cider
Leo Burnett / Sydney
Winner of 1 Bronze Design Lion at Cannes 2013
Category: Integrated
This brilliant self-promotional idea from LB/Sydney functions on a
variety of levels. At its most elemental, it’s simply a tasty bottled
beverage that Leo Burnett created which celebrates the agency’s
long and storied relationship with apples. On another level, however,
the cider was created to help position Leo Burnett as the friend
and ally of new businesses. Even though our agency is almost 80
years old, we too were once just a fledgling start-up, fueled by the
dreams of our founder, and looking for whatever help we could
find in a challenging business climate. In this sense, Leo’s Cider is
much more than just a drink: it is a product dedicated to the spirit
of entrepreneurship. The funds raised by the sale of Leo’s Cider in
pubs and restaurants would be used to offer one lucky business
$100,000 worth of free creative and strategic work from LB/Sydney.
The bottles thus give us a fresh way to tell our story, while also
serving as a lure for potential clients. New businesses that want to
win our services could make their pitch to us online, and those that
did would have their names printed on the backs of Leo’s Cider
bottles as well, turning our product into a media channel as well as
a PR device. This brilliant idea has earned the agency lots of free
publicity, and the fact that it’s delicious doesn’t hurt at all.
Leo’s Cider. Cheers to the little guy!
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Australian Bureau of Statistics - Census Run That Town
Leo Burnett / Sydney
Category: Interactive (Cell Phone Gaming App)
Data can be difficult for ordinary people to decipher. The Australian Bureau
of Statistics wanted to help people understand the importance of the census
data they gathered, and show the public how this information impacts lives
and communities. With that in mind, LB/Sydney created an interactive cell
phone game called “Run That Town,” which gives people the opportunity
to run a virtual version of their town. Feel like your neighborhood could use
a new airport? A casino? A park? You can initiate these projects and many
others in the game, but you will have to deal with the consequences of what
your city feels about your decisions. If property values decline in a popular
suburb because you’ve decided to build a prison next door, you’ll likely be
hearing from a crowd of irate homeowners, and the virtual newspaper in
town will document the consequences of your actions by publishing scathing
editorials about your decisions. The use of real census data to underpin this
game gives users a rich sense of who they live amongst, and provides them
with a clearer picture of their town and its potential future. “Run That Town”
is tailored to each postal code in Australia, and interprets the available data
of each place to paint a vivid, experiential picture for people to engage with.
This brilliantly crafted app manages to make census data interesting.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Carrefour Recycling Bags
Leo Burnett Tailor Made / São Paulo
Category: Promo & Activation
In Brasil, people use plastic supermarket bags as trash bags.
They rarely separate recyclable materials from their garbage,
and consequently Brasil generates more waste per person
than other countries. Leo Burnett Tailor Made realized that
people would support recycling if the practice was easier to
do. Since many people do not have space in their homes for
recycling bins, Leo Burnett Tailor Made realized the best way
to encourage a behavior change would be to create a series of
color-coded shopping bags that would enable people to easily
sort out their recyclables from their trash. The agency worked
with Carrefour, one of Brasil’s largest supermarket chains, to
redesign their shopping bags, creating biodegradable bags
with a specific color code that makes it easy for people to
separate out their glass, plastic, metal, and paper waste from
the rest of their trash. This initiative has already reduced the
environmental impact of participating Carrefour stores, and the
idea has a lot of room to grow and evolve. The GPC praised
the impact of this and hopes to see it spread worldwide.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Fiat Hero Hug
Leo Burnett Tailor Made / São Paulo
Category: Design
In Brasil, the main cause of childhood
mortality is traffic accidents, which
wouldn’t be the case if more kids wore
seat belts. To change the attitude of
kids towards buckling in, the agency
worked with Fiat and DC comics to
craft fabric superhero hands that attach
to seat belts, and give kids the feeling
that they’re safely wrapped up in a
hero’s hug each time they’re buckled in.
This simple and brilliant design idea
was popular with children and will
likely save lives in the future.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Fiat Come to the Streets (“Vem Pra Rua”)
Leo Burnett Tailor Made / São Paulo
Category: Integrated
In Brasil, advertising frequently becomes a part of pop culture. In June of
this year, to position Fiat as a champion of the Brasilian people during the
2013 FIFA Confederations Cup Football Championships, Fiat launched
a beautiful spot called “Come to the Streets”, with a hugely catchy pop
song recorded by popular singer Falcão. The song “Vem Pra Rua (Come
to the Streets)” invited all of Brasil to watch the games and party together in
the streets, the only place that can fit the entire nation. The spot went viral,
quickly becoming Brasil’s most watched car commercial ever. Shortly after
the release of this song, massive protests swept across Brasil. The public
was deeply angry with the government, for a number of reasons, and took
to the streets to make their voices heard. The protests used Fiat’s song
“Come to the Streets” as their movement’s anthem, a call to action asking
people to join them in solidarity. Fiat’s role in Brasil as ‘the people’s car’
has never been more explicitly showcased than in these protests. The power
of the song continues to grow, and when the FIFA World Cup arrives in
Brasil in 2014, this anthem will likely be one of the event’s official songs,
and thus become part of the audio fabric of the most widely watched
sporting event in the world. Congratulations to the team at Leo Burnett
Tailor Made for weaving a brand message into pop culture, and perfectly
timing it to affect this year and the events of 2014.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Alpha Therm Systems - Solar Therm Solar Pandol
Leo Burnett / Colombo
Category: Promo & Activation
Alpha Therm is Sri Lanka’s largest manufacturer of solar power systems. During Vesakha, one of Buddhism’s holiest days, Alpha
Therm demonstrated the potential of solar power to provide solutions to Sri Lanka’s ongoing issues with fluctuating electricity costs.
During this holiday, individuals and organizations erect pandols, large, traditional displays that educate the public about Buddhist
principles using highly stylized visuals. Pandols are colorful and very brightly lit, and Alpha Therm used this opportunity to create the
world’s first solar-powered Pandol, which attracted immense amounts of attention on the street and also earned the brand invaluable
PR that led to a 50% increase in sales within just one month. This pandol dramatically showcases solar power in a locally relevant way.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Coleman Outdoor Resort
Beacon / Leo Burnett Tokyo
Category: Integrated
To counter public perception that camping is a rough, challenging experience, Beacon Tokyo helped Coleman re-imagine its category
by asking people to “create your own outdoor resort.” They gave 60 key influencers access to the entire Coleman catalog and asked
them to construct a customized resort out of any Coleman products. The unique content these lifestylists and influencers created was
used in e-commerce, blogs, and social networking sites. The agency also pushed this “outdoor resort” idea out in print and in the
2013 Coleman catalog, and then brought the idea to life by building a huge outdoor resort in the middle of a Tokyo park, which 18000
people visited over a single weekend. The “outdoor resort” campaign has boosted sales and continues to evolve as people reconsider
how comfortable they can be outside. ‘Coleman. The Outdoor Company.’
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
K.C. Wheel & Tyre Co. - Prada 4X4
The Never Ending Adventure Tyre
Leo Burnett / Bangkok
Category: Promo & Activation
Leo Burnett Bangkok employed local artisans to hand-
carve elaborate and detailed stories into the surface
of 20 Prada 4X4 tyres. These immaculately designed
tyres were then placed on rotating display stands that
were showcased in retail stores. These beautiful, eye-
catching pieces attracted a great deal of attention and
resulted in the sale of 10,000 Prada tyres in the shops
where they were placed.
‘Prada 4X4. The Journey Never Ends.’
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Goodyear - Tires The Wet Grip Experience
Leo Burnett / Frankfurt
Category: Ambient
To dramatize the way Goodyear tires grip the road even under
wet conditions, Leo Burnett Frankfurt traveled to Germany’s
Hamburg harbor and converted a famous paddle-wheeled
steamer into a spectacle seemingly powered by a giant Goodyear
tire. As the boat moved through the harbor, people couldn’t help
but notice the “best grip on wet” message affixed to the side of
the boat, as the gigantic Goodyear wheel propelling the boat
forward. This remarkable product demonstration earned the
brand a lot of free PR and media impressions.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Bundesamt Für Gesungheit Bag
The Decision - A Cliffhanger
Leo Burnett / Zurich
Category: Film
In this quirky film from Leo Burnett Zurich, two friends in the
front seat of a car find themselves accidently dangling off a
precipice after they’ve driven a little too close to a cliff edge.
Staring mortality in the face, they start an odd conversation
debating the merits and reasons why one should sign an
organ donor card. The subject quickly moves from being a
theoretical consideration to an act that will in fact save lives in
the real world. The entertaining dialogue of this film explores
people’s resistance to signing an organ donor card in an
elegant and memorable way. Ultimately, both friends come to
the realization that it’s probably in their best interests to sign
an organ donor card right away. Unfortunately, it might be just
a little too late.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Clube Sangue Bom The Donor Cable
Leo Burnett Tailor Made / São Paulo
Category: Promo & Activation
How many times has your smart phone run out of power? In a world full of people increasingly
dependant on their mobile devices, Leo Burnett Tailor Made decided to use this insight to start
a conversation about a slightly different subject. The agency designed a useful, attention-getting
‘donor cable’ that would enable one person to ‘donate’ power from their phone to the phone
of a friend in need. Placed in popular restaurants, these “donor cables” let people share their
battery power simply by connecting two phones. These devices provided a visceral analogy to
what happens when someone chooses to donate blood to another human being - you are giving
your power and vitality to another person. This device helped raise awareness and boost the
supplies of local blood banks.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Staedtler MEmoji
Leo Burnett China / Hong Kong
Category: Interactive (Cell Phone App)
In Asia, ‘emoji’ are emoticons that people add to SMS messages to express ideas, emotions and tone in their texts. Staedtler wanted
to empower people to be more creative, so they developed a cell phone app that lets users draw their own ‘MEmoji,’ customized
emoticons that you can use in your text messages. This app let people devise their own texting vocabulary, and personalize all their
communication with unique MEmoji characters they could create themselves. The app resulted in a 10% sales increase for Staedtler
and within a week of its release, 2000 new ‘MEmoji’ had been created by users.
‘Staedtler. Emoji, now with real emotions.’
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Staedtler Architecture
Leo Burnett China / Hong Kong
Category: Print (Newspaper)
‘Staedtler. Where it all begins.’
This beautiful print ad, featuring some of the world’s most iconic skyscrapers, is a stunning follow-up to the 7+ print work LB/Hong Kong
produced last year for Staedtler. There is painstaking attention to detail and impeccable craft on clear display here, and these miniature
renditions of iconic buildings sculpted onto pencil tips represents art direction at its very best.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Samsung - Galaxy Note II State of the -Ation
Barnes, Catmur & Friends - Leo Burnett / Auckland
Category: Film (Online Film)
In this hugely entertaining 3-minute film for Samsung, Kiwi actor, director, and comedian
Taika Waititi offers up a memorable discourse on life, success, and creativity. In between
shots of him using his Samsung Galaxy Note II to paint terrible portraits, make abstract
synth music, and design improbable buildings, he offers up some hilarious lines in a
memorable and offbeat monologue, which is excerpted below:
“...When I won the great ovarian egg search of 1975 I never thought I’d amount to much.
But in a piddly four decades, I’ve achieved some pretty incredible things. For example,
I’ve owned 28 pairs of sunglasses, two diskmen, raised an owl from birth, broken this,
won that, fixed this, predicted the resurgence of faux-Versacci men’s wear, and become
the proud owner of a 1989 Citroen BX 60. Gangster! Impressive stuff. But what was it
that drove me towards these successes? Was it money? Was it women? Yep. But also,
I had an innate desire to create. You see, creation is at the root of all ‘ations’ and from it
stem many many more....As you can see, I’ve done a lot of amazing things, but without
a little help, all those ideas would still be locked away up here, in my head prison. How
did I break these ideas out? I did it with the sequel to the Samsung Galaxy Note, the
Samsung Galaxy Note Part II. Not only is it a shiny rectangle, it’s also a phone, computer,
networking device, personal assistant, and creative tool... It does everything, and in this
shallow materialistic world, that’s all I need, everything. Samsung.”
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Procter & Gamble - Max Factor Face ID Face-ID
Atelier / London
Category: Interactive
Max Factor was a legendary artist who revolutionized the beauty industry. One of his inventions was a “beauty calibrator”, which he
created to measure an individual’s unique facial structure, in order to create personalized approaches to enhancing their beauty through
makeup. In the 1930’s this was way ahead of its time, and didn’t catch on. Today, however, Atelier London has collaborated with Max
Factor to create Face-ID, a website that offers users a virtual make-up consultation. Simply submit a photograph that clearly shows
your face, or describe your features in detail, and the site offers you an in-depth consultation with make up experts on a variety of looks
specifically tailored to you. ‘Max Factor. Because glamour isn’t something you’re born with - it’s something you create.’
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Kellogg’s - Special K Role Model
Leo Burnett / Chicago
Category: Film
In this gorgeous, understated spot for Kellogg’s Special K, a newborn baby is wheeled into a hospital nursery, and in the first few
moments of its life, it is placed on a scale to be weighed and measured. From the instant we come into the world, we are defined
by numbers. But the quantity of a life measured by a machine cannot begin to capture the quality of a life lived. As the film ends, a
mother is seen whispering sweet words into her infant child’s ear, and we’re left with a touching smile crossing the face of the baby,
who is feeling safe, secure, and beloved in the warmth of its mother’s arms.
Special K.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
McDonald’s Parallel Lives
Leo Burnett / London
Category: Film
A warm realism graces this lovingly observed spot for McDonald’s
from Leo Burnett London. A young man and an old man reside in
the same housing complex, but live vastly different lives. The film
documents the way their existences run parallel to each other, and
although they may occupy the same city block, they run in separate
circles and their paths rarely cross. Only in the film’s final frames do
we find them both sitting at a McDonald’s, where they each pour out
a box of fries onto their trays with perfectly mirrored movements.
Only then do their eyes happen to meet, and they share a smile of
recognition from across the room.
‘We all have McDonald’s in common.’
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Boundary Road Brewery
- Honesty Box Cider
Great Kiwi Honesty Test
Barnes, Catmur & Friends - LB/Auckland
Category: Integrated
To launch new Honesty Box Cider in New
Zealand, Barnes, Catmur & Friends created
a compelling campaign that challenged New
Zealanders to prove exactly how honest they
were. The “Great Kiwi Honesty Test” used
print, outdoor, and online channels to poll
the public on a number of pointed personal
questions, such as “have you ever lied for
sexual gain?” The brand promised people
an opportunity to “win a season’s worth
of cider”, if they engaged and answered
truthfully, and ultimately made good on their
promise after the polling was completed. The
brand delivered the cider to people in boxes
emblazoned with the declaration that “This
box does not contain cider.” This playful self-
mocking tone between frank honesty and
blatant duplicity marked every element of this
campaign, including a funny case video that
pokes fun at the conceits of case studies.
‘Honesty Box Cider. Best served with a clean
conscience. (And ice).’
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Leo Burnett Sydney Leo’s Cider
Leo Burnett / Sydney
Winner of 1 Bronze Design Lion at Cannes 2013
Category: Design & Packaging
Leo Burnett the man was once just a daring entrepreneur willing to take risks on what he believed were good ideas. In honor of the
agency’s founder, and to pay tribute to the ‘apple story’ that plays a central role in the story of our company’s founding, LB/Sydney
created and bottled ‘Leo’s Cider’. This crisp, refreshing drink was launched as part of an initiative called ‘Help from Leo’, designed to
attract attention and to support new start up businesses looking for a leg up on the competition. New companies thirsty for success
were given an opportunity to win $100,000 worth of creative and strategic advice from LB/Sydney, or to have their name, phone number,
or website printed on the backs of Leo’s Cider bottles, which were then distributed to restaurants and bars. The retro elements of
this design work are matched with a modern sensibility, a difficult balance to achieve but perfectly executed here. The GPC had the
pleasure of sampling Leo’s Cider, and hopes to see it exported to Leo Burnett offices worldwide. This brilliant idea perfectly captures
the entrepreneurial spirit that characterized Leo Burnett the man.
‘Leo’s Cider. Cheers to the little guy!’
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e ea q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Diageo - Bundaberg Rum
Road to Recovery
Leo Burnett / Sydney
Category: Design / Posters
‘Nature Will Never Take Away What Binds Us.’
‘Road to Recovery.’
These elegantly designed posters were part of
the Bundaberg “Road to Recovery” campaign,
which aimed to provide essential flood relief
to the town of Bundaberg by transforming the
disaster area into a tourist destination. These
posters utilize the street maps of Bundaberg
to drive home the fact that 171 streets in the
town were affected by the floods, and each
needed assistance to recover. These stunning
posters were strategically placed throughout
Australia in the weeks following the floods, and
served to encourage people to make the trip
up to Bundaberg on March 16th to buy “Road
To Recovery” rum and give the local economy
a much-needed boost.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Diageo - Bundaberg Rum Flat Mail
Leo Burnett / Sydney
Category: Direct Mail
‘Relive History. Turn this waste into Rum.’
‘Now you can re-create history by swapping this for a new vessel
at the Bundaberg Distillery.’
The story of Bundaberg Rum starts in 1888, when a band of sugar
millers in Queensland decided to convert their surplus molasses
waste into rum. Bundy Rum wanted to celebrate this brand story
by giving people an opportunity to do a historical recreation, and
convert waste into rum. They waste they selected? Used Bundy
cans, which were crushed and then sent out as direct mail pieces.
The crushed cans could then be redeemed for Bundy rum at the
Bundaberg Distillery.
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Department Of Transport - Drink Driving Pub Loo Shocker
Leo Burnett / London
Category: Film (Online Film)
This viral film from Leo Burnett London got the whole world talking upon its release.
The video shows security camera footage of unsuspecting men walking into a pub
bathroom, using the toilet, and then washing their hands. As they are finishing up, a
sudden screech fills the room and the mirror in front of them shatters, with a bloody
head appearing in its very middle amidst a web of cracks. The men in the video are so
startled they fall down and curse, and then can’t begin to fathom what just happened.
They flee in shock and terror. The film concludes with a question: “what impact could a
drink have on your night out?”
‘Think! Don’t drink and drive.’
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e ea q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Guitar Player Magazine Guitar News
Leo Burnett Tailor Made / São Paulo
Category: Radio
Guitar Player magazine observed that its readership was notoriously uninterested in current events and public affairs, a situation that it
believed presented an opportunity to educate and inform. Working with Leo Burnett Tailor Made, the magazine hired professional bands
and musicians to deliver a unique news break on KISS FM, one of Brasil’s most popular rock radio stations, performed live and with the
daily headlines serving as song lyrics in funny improvised jam sessions. These ‘Guitar News’ breaks, with their unexpected lyrics, got a
lot of people’s attention, and raised the profile of a publication that had grown synonymous with disaffected, uninformed musicians. As
the radio host points out every day as he introduces the segment, “it’s easier to change the world when you know what’s going on in it.“
‘Guitar Player Magazine. The world becomes less boring with rock.’
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Walt Disney Company Brasil Toy Movies
Leo Burnett Tailor Made / São Paulo
Category: Design & Packaging
This brilliant initiative from Leo Burnett Tailor Made was
implemented to address the problematic slump of DVD
sales in recent years. Big studios like Walt Disney were losing
money from piracy and online movie streaming, so Leo Burnett
identified an opportunity for the studio to recoup some
money by offering the DVD movies as files built into collectible
action figures. Recognizing that toys and movie memorabilia
remain extraordinarily popular, the agency designed action
figures from Walt Disney movies with USB sticks incorporated
into their figures. Imagine removing Iron Man’s head or
Thor’s hammer and plugging it into your laptop to watch the
film. Take off the Hulk’s huge green hand and plug it into
your TV to watch the movie. These figures are for sale in
Brasil only. The panel loved this design work and hopes to
see the idea spread worldwide, with new iterations..
GPC 3Q 13
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Emmentaler Schweiz AOC The Swiss Wrestling Emmentaler
Leo Burnett / Zurich
Category: Design / Packaging
Wrestling is Switzerland’s national sport. In 2013, the annual wrestling championships take place in the home of Emmentaler cheese.
This was reason enough to dedicate a very special edition of Emmentaler cheese to the sport: the Swiss Wrestling Emmentaler.
Swiss Artist Thomas Ott used the classic scratchboard technique to illustrate this gigantic wheel of cheese. His pictures show the
eight main holds used in Swiss-style wrestling together with the sport’s most important gesture: the pre-bout handshake signaling respect
and fairness. This beautifully designed packaging, for a cheese wheel about 1m across, is a triumph of craft, with masterful illustration.
GPC 3Q 13
Appendix: Creative Fuel - 3Q13 Australia
We are eternal students of human behaviour.
Every country in the world contains a deep well of human stories, and the GPC firmly believes in digging
through bookshelves, record stores, and movie collections in every country it visits, to learn from the distinct
way each culture expresses itself. In this spirit, Pencil Shavings will now feature a short appendix filled with
cultural fuel from the GPC’s host country, locally-sourced inspiration worth noting and sharing. If we are truly
trying to understand a culture, we must pore over its art. You can’t know a place till you know its stories.
a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
Directed by Ted Kotcheff
Believed lost for more than thirty years,
this stunning film - recently fully restored
- is the story of a bonded teacher who
arrives in a town for a simple overnight,
and then plunges headlong into alcohol
towards his own destruction.
Directed by Tony Krawitz
The son of an orthodox rabbi has to
choose, when his father dies, between Faith
and Temptation. The hand-held camera
work beautifully depicts his hesitations on
a chaotic walk towards Freedom.
Directed by Peter Weir
A group of young girls inexplicably vanish
on Hanging Rock, during a Valentine’s day
picnic at an ancient volcano outcropping.
This is an example of masterful storytelling
with an unanswerable mystery at its core.
Directed by Rob De Heer
A comet, a pure gem, something that
will look like no other movie you have
ever seen. This film offers a hilarious and
deeply human glimpse into Aboriginal life,
centuries before the European settlement.
Directed by Sarah Watt
Meryl imagines disaster coming from every
direction - train crashes, man-eating
sharks, baby-eating killer whales... And
then there’s Nick. A subtle human comedy
with an Aussie twist in the storytelling.
5 Great Australian Films & A Book
Movies Selected by Bechara Mouzannar (CCO LB/MENA), Book selected by Fuad Ahmad (LB/Bangkok)
Written by Bill Bryson
Released in Australia under the title “Down
Under”, this entertaining and informative
memoir documents one American writer’s
extensive love affair with Australia’s history,
it’s geography, and it’s people. This travelogue
leaves readers laughing from start to finish.

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3Q13 Pencil Shavings

  • 1. GPC 3Q 13 1 A Letter from Mark a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e Dear Friends, In the middle of August, while most of Europe was on their summer holiday, I boarded a long haul flight to Australia to spend a week in one of the most creative cities in the world, where I had the honor of chairing the 3Q13 Global Product Committee meeting. Two dozen other Burnetters made the pilgrimage to Sydney, and every morning, this jet-lagged cast gathered bleary-eyed on a sunny dock to board a boat, which ferried us across the harbor to a conference room overlooking a serene stretch of coastline. We spent four days in that room, painstakingly reviewing Leo Burnett’s creative product over the last few months, and offering up suggestions for improving and refining strategies, ideas, and executions. We culled hundreds of submissions down into a small shortlist of 7+ work, a collection we all ultimately felt deeply proud of. When the meeting concluded, each of us departed slightly changed, as the work and the city both left marks on us. Sydney deftly seduces all who see it, all who walk along its sculpted waterfront, marveling at how the light plays along the waves while gazing in awe at the harbor bridge and the city’s iconic opera house. The place captivates people’s imaginations, and it certainly captured ours. This 3Q13 edition of Pencil Shavings is an extended love letter of sorts to LB/Sydney and its people, who through dogged determination and an uncompromising passion for good ideas and immaculate craft have forged a relentless culture in the agency that demands greatness. There is a proud and playful spirit in this shop that is infused into everything they do, and all of us could learn a lot from how they operate. I invite you all to take a deep dive in the following pages into the workings of one of Leo Burnett’s hottest shops, to see for yourself why Leo Burnett Sydney is consistently ranked as one of the world’s most creative agencies.
  • 2. GPC 3Q 13 2 There are a few recurring themes I keep coming across whenever I visit our best performing agencies. Although Leo Burnett retains the same culture and DNA across all markets, each agency is a slightly different iteration of our core essence. We share the same rich heritage, and our HumanKind ethos provides us with a common creed and approach that colors how we operate and shapes the work we produce. Every single Burnett office is full of hard-working, talented people, but the best shops have something beyond that. They have an attitude, and a certain swagger to their stride, backed up with impeccable credentials and fueled by an insatiable hunger for great ideas. They are driven, focused, and willing to fight tooth and nail for what they believe in. They take bold risks. They rock the boat. They push themselves beyond their comfort zone and pull their clients along with them. They prioritize people and product before profits, and as a consequence, they retain superlative talent, produce outstanding work, and grow revenues. These agencies occasionally stumble and fall, like all of us, but they never stop striving, evolving, and innovating. This is the kind of company you find when you walk through the colorful halls of Leo Burnett Sydney. Even the walls drip with attitude and style. Everything is by design. This mentality is why LB/Sydney has won Agency of the Year twelve times on a local, regional, and global level in just the last 5 years. This is why every year, Andy DiLallo and his team climb up on stage at Cannes to gather a fresh batch of lions to add to their already large collection. This level of sustained success takes more than just talent; it takes a team-first mentality, the right strategic framework, visionary leadership, the right role players, and the right attitude. LB/Sydney has all this in spades, and uses it to deliver ideas that have impact. Another stellar agency with a similar outlook is Leo Burnett Toronto, our network’s Agency of the Year for both 2011 & 2012. Last month while visiting Judy John’s office, I saw a sign on her wall capturing this frame of mind perfectly. The sign read: “we are the network agency that walks like an independent. We are on a mission to show the world a level of creativity, design excellence, digital innovation, and teamwork that will blow people’s minds.” That’s a concise summation of a vision that everyone at LB/Toronto buys into. The agency doesn’t see itself as a branch of a large global corporation; instead, it regards itself as a self-sufficient, self-sustaining idea factory driven by creative ambition. The team in LB/Sydney thinks along similar lines, and bills itself as “a boutique multinational”, positioning itself as a versatile and nimble full service shop that is largely autonomous but is still supported by a sophisticated global network. In both these cases, the agencies are characterized by a strong independent entrepreneurial spirit. They are hungry, opportunistic, prolific, effective, and future-facing. They believe in making their fortunes on the strength of their creative product. This entrepreneurial drive and single- minded focus on great work is one reason why these agencies consistently rank among the world’s best. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e A Multinational That Walks Like An Independent
  • 3. GPC 3Q 13 3 Companies rise and fall on the strength of their leadership. You can have brilliant, talented people in the rank and file of any agency, but unless they are directed, challenged, and led in a way that encourages personal and professional growth, the company will not fire on all cylinders. The people at the top provide guidance, nurture and develop teams and talent, and set the agenda and tone for the entire organization. When you have smart, charismatic, effective leaders in place, who lay out a clear vision for the future, the agency builds momentum, and soon success becomes a self-perpetuating cycle. You can see this unfolding clearly in LB/Sydney, where a brilliant management team has laid solid foundations for sustained growth. It all starts with the right people. Todd Sampson is one of Australia’s most influential business executives. He’s also a dynamic industry celebrity, serving as a panelist on a popular TV show, and in recent years he’s become a trusted and highly visible media personality. It can’t hurt your agency’s profile to see your stylish CEO nominated as GQ’s Man of the Year. Peter Bosilkovsi (or ‘Boz’ to his friends) is LB/Sydney’s resident client-whisperer. His unparalleled ability to sell award-winning ideas to clients has made him a legend over the course of his career. He is the pitch partner that most creatives would kill to have, and no one in the industry is better at shepherding a good idea through the harsh gauntlet of the client approval process. ‘Boz’ is arguably the best Client Service Director in the business. Andy DiLallo is LB/Sydney’s Chief Creative Officer. He is a passionate advocate for ideas, and his high standards and expectations bring out the very best in everyone around him. His work over the years has won every major creative award, and in 2010, Campaign Magazine ranked Andy as the #1 ECD in the Asia Pacific region. Amir Mireskandari is LB/Sydney’s Group Operations Director. A former commercial photographer and designer, Amir has a long track record of building and managing collaborative teams that produce award-winning work. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e We Are Only As Good As Our People Todd Sampson CEO Peter Bosilkovski Client Services Director Andy DiLallo Chief Creative Officer Amir Mireskandari Group Operations Director
  • 4. GPC 3Q 13 4 Every Leo Burnett agency in the world is faced with the routine task of pulling together credentials for new business pitches, and trying to find fresh ways to tell our story to prospective clients. Sydney does this better than most. Click the images on this page to see examples of their work. LB/Sydney took the apples that sit on every reception desk in every Leo Burnett office in the world and pressed them into a crisp, refreshing cider, and promoted it to Australia’s new businesses in an attention-getting activation campaign. In 2011 the agency delivered a symbolic ‘apple box’ to new business prospects. The box’s contents and intricate craft ultimately earned the agency a silver design lion at Cannes. To bring to life the agency’s creed of delivering ‘ideas with MAXIMUM IMPACT,’ Sydney crafted the stunning credentials book below, with an astonishing visualization of the power of an idea rippling outwards on its cover. This is how ideas amplify. These pieces demonstrate how a world class agency ought to present itself, and they’re a big reason why LB/Sydney won a record 18 straight new business pitches. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e LB/Sydney’s Simple Offerings For A Hungry World
  • 5. GPC 3Q 13 5 In the pages that follow you’ll see some great 7+ work from LB/Sydney, all of which perfectly illustrates why we hold this agency in such high regard. The quality of their work speaks for itself, and the talent they bring to bear on each and every piece of business in their portfolio is amazing. Another agency that really stood out this quarter was LB/ Tailor Made from São Paulo. Their brilliant work demonstrates real HumanKind understanding, and their strong 7+ tally this quarter is full of innovative, future facing ideas. São Paulo this year are the most awarded agency in the LB network, a testament to their remarkable passion and appetite for breakthrough work. Congratulations to our friends in Brasil, and all the other offices that scored a 7 during our debates. Well done! I want to thank the incomparable Dani Simonds for all the hours she put in to make the Sydney GPC memorable and enjoyable for all of us. Dani is the lynch pin of Sydney’s creative department, and a key player that rarely gets the credit she deserves for juggling clients, deadlines, egos, and money with grace, good humor, and a no-nonsense approach that always gets things done. She’s a star and she makes everyone around her better. I also want to thank the LB/Sydney team for being gracious hosts and good company. Andy DiLallo, Vince Lagana, Grant McAloon, and Kieran Ots made essential contributions to the GPC’s debates and discussions. They’re each vital components of the greater whole, and fine representatives of the kind of brilliance safely tucked away within the walls of LB/Sydney. Our network is a vibrant tapestry of incredibly talented individuals, and after each GPC, I always come away impressed with the quality of our people. As we step into the next chapter of the Leo Burnett story, I look forward to new challenges ahead. As the number one creative agency network in the Publicis Groupe, we stand alongside some of the world’s greatest creative companies. Our task now is the same as it ever was, to produce outstanding work for our clients that distinguishes itself from that of our peers and competitors, and retains the quality thinking and underlying HumanKind signature that the world has come to expect from Leo Burnett. As we move forward, I hope you all take some lessons from the 3Q13 7+ work featured here. I also urge you to identify the opportunities you have available to you to produce something indisputably brilliant that moves the dial forward for us as a company. It’s important that we’re doing our best work for our biggest clients, and if each one of our offices could produce just one world-class campaign for a blue chip client, we’d be on our way to the top. Search through your portfolio and find that one gem, that one beautiful diamond in the rough that you can chip away at and polish until it’s a brilliant, shining light that illuminates your entire agency. If we can all develop and craft one idea of this caliber, one campaign executed to perfection, we’ll take our network to the next level. This is the task at hand. The march to Cannes 2014 has already begun, and we need everyone to put something on the table that we can stand behind and be proud of. Thank you all for your hard work and passion. I look forward to the 4Q13 GPC and seeing what else you’ve all been working on. Let’s end 2013 on a high note. Kind regards, Mark Tutssel Chief Creative Officer Leo Burnett Worldwide a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
  • 6. GPC 3Q 13 6 We see people as partners, their passions as fuel, obstacles as opportunities, and human insights as tools.
  • 7. GPC 3Q 13 7 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e Contents The 3Q13 Global Product Committee 8 The Black Couch Series: Coca-Cola’s “Small World Machines” 9 Leo Burnett Wins @ The Kinsale Shark Awards 10 Leo Burnett Wins @ the 2013 Spikes Asia Festival of Creativity 11 The 3Q13 8-Balls 12 The 3Q13 7+ Gallery 25 Appendix: Cultural Fuel: 3Q13 Australia 44 “Part and parcel of the spirit which we like to feel exists in this shop is for the pursuit of excellence - “Reaching for the Stars”. It is this spirit which I think has made many of us work long hours, which makes us carry the thought of our work with us wherever we go, which makes us lay aside good work for better work. It is an endless curiosity-searching, throwing away and trying again. I believe it is a treasure to be nourished and safeguarded. Laziness will wither it. Dogmatism and frozen-mindedness will smother it. Subservience, either to a client’s point of view or to that of our own creative committee, will destroy it. It is a point of view which has a healthy respect for facts but offers some resistance and challenge to the regimentation of research, the infallibility of “experts” and the finality of the logician. It is open-mindedness rather than stubbornness, but never subservience. Despite the tremendous pressures, let’s keep, at all costs, our wide-eyed creative curiosity. Let’s continue to be known as an agency which spends more time trying to improve its theories rather than to defend them.”
  • 8. GPC 3Q 13 8 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e The 3Q13 Global Product Committee Marcelo Reis São Paulo Mark Tutssel Worldwide Sompat Trisadikun Bangkok Jon King Tokyo Rosalie Geier Chicago Rob Tenconi London Mark Franklin London Masato Mitsudera Tokyo Grant McAloon Sydney Paul Catmur Auckland Andrew Woodhead Melbourne Jennifer Skidgel Chicago Kieran Ots Sydney Brian Capel Jakarta Fuad Ahmad Bangkok Andy DiLallo Sydney Jason Williams Melbourne Sanpathit ‘Golf’ Tavijaroen Bangkok Todd Sampson Sydney Jarek Ziebinski Asia / Pacific Bechara Mouzannar Middle East / North Africa Vince Lagana Sydney
  • 9. GPC 3Q 13 9 LB/Sydney On Coke’s “Small World Machines” In this fifth installment of the Black Couch Series, the GPC’s quarterly master class discussion with an award- winning creative team, Mark Tutssel sat down with Adrian Gunadi, Justin Carew, Iggy Rodriguez, Andy DiLallo, and Patrick Fileti of LB/Sydney to talk about the ground breaking “Small World Machines” project they created for Coca-Cola. In this insightful and entertaining conversation, the group reviewed the countless obstacles they encountered as they went about building the world’s first real-time communication portal between the people of Indian and Pakistan. The idea began with a desire to create a Coke machine that delivered intimate, one-on- one communication to people in different countries, via a life-size video feed and an interactive touch-screen. The technical challenges inherent in building these devices would scare off a lesser agency, but LB/Sydney, with the help of Leo Burnett’s global network, persisted until they found companies with the technical skills to build and design these pieces. That proved to be just the beginning. Importing the machines into India and Pakistan, getting them up and functioning, navigating tricky situations on site, documenting the process on film, and then keeping the connections running amidst power cuts and communications failures was no small feat. The fact that this work even exists, against all odds, is a triumph and testament to the perseverance of the team, who for 18 months poured blood sweat and tears into this project to make it live. The story behind this work is incredibly inspiring, and a testament to the quality both of our own team and the visionary leadership at Coke. This is what creativity without borders looks like. Please take the time to watch this extraordinary session. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e To view the 3Q13 Black Couch interview on Vimeo, click on this page, and when prompted, enter the password leo.
  • 10. GPC 3Q 13 10 Leo Burnett Wins @ the Kinsale Shark Awards Last week, in a beautiful fishing village on the southern coast of Ireland, the Leo Burnett network earned a record number of prestigious honors at the 51st annual Kinsale International Shark Awards. The Sharks are the second oldest advertising festival in the world, and in 2013, the festival’s honorary chairman was Sir John Hegarty, a founding member of BBH and a driving creative force in our industry. Building on our network’s strong showings at the 2013 AdFest, Golden Drum, MENA Cristal, Andy Awards, One Show, and the Dubai Lynx Festivals, Leo Burnett Worldwide was once again crowned “Network of the Year 2013” at the Sharks. Our agency dominated the Festival in every category and amassed an astonishing 65 awards out of the total 195 awarded. The network picked up 21 Gold, 19 Silver and 25 Bronze Shark awards. 16 Leo Burnett offices from around the world contributed to this amazing creative performance - Toronto, London, Bangkok, São Paulo, Sydney, Lisbon, Paris, Chicago, Melbourne, Frankfurt, Lapiz Chicago, Hong Kong, Zurich, Buenos Aires, Arc Chicago and Dubai. Our winning work was produced for some of our most important clients, including Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Fiat, IKEA, Diageo, P&G, Goodyear and Chrysler, Another bright highlight of the festival was Leo Burnett Toronto winning the title of “Agency of the Year”, after picking up a remarkable 19 Shark awards, including 5 Golds. Building on the agency’s amazing run of success over the last few years, LB/Toronto continues to win international recognition for the outstanding quality of its work. This affirmation of our creative prowess validates our belief in “Creativity Without Borders”, with award-winning ideas originating from Latin America, MENA, Asia Pacific, Europe and North America. This is a great start to the fall season, and the start of more good things to come in the next few months. Congratulations to all the talented teams whose hard work resulted in this outstanding showing. Bravo! a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
  • 11. GPC 3Q 13 11 Leo Burnett Wins @ the 2013 Spikes Asia Festival Every year, the Spikes Asia Festival of Creativity recognizes the best work from the Asia Pacific region across more than 16 categories. The event draws the brightest minds and the freshest ideas to Singapore, where each September the winners of the Spikes Asia awards are announced at a spectacular gala. Last week, Leo Burnett Asia Pacific won a total of 37 prestigious Spikes awards, with 8 Leo Burnett offices earning awards from tough juries. Leo Burnett’s agencies in Sydney, Melbourne, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Jakarta, Manila, Bangkok and Tokyo all came away winners. We earned awards for major clients, including Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, 7-Eleven, Diageo, and Nike. Leo Burnett Australia performed brilliantly, winning a total of 24 Spikes awards. LB/Sydney was one of the most awarded agencies in Asia Pacific on the night, picking up a remarkable 19 awards (3 Gold, 7 Silver and 9 Bronze). Sydney picked up 2 Gold’s for Coca-Cola “Small World Machines” in Outdoor and Media. They won another Gold in Integrated for Diageo’s Bundaberg Rum “Road to Recovery”. LB/Hong Kong added to the Gold tally by winning in Film Craft for 7-Eleven “Egg Tart, Rice Cooker, Kettle”. Leo Burnett Colombo earned Sri Lanka’s largest haul of Spikes awards in the festival’s history, winning 2 Silver and one Bronze for Wijeya Newspaper’s “Unity Paper” in Branded Content & Entertainment, Promo & Activation, and Media. Other Leo Burnett winners included Hong Kong’s 6 awards, Melbourne’s 5 awards, and Bangkok, Tokyo, Manila, and Jakarta with one win apiece. This impressive creative performance at the Spikes is hot on the heels of Leo Burnett Asia Pacific being named “Network of the Year” at the 2013 AdFest Awards, the other major regional Festival in Asia. Leo Burnett Asia Pacific continues to produce outstanding work that demonstrates our company’s creative pedigree, and its ability to create game changing work for our clients. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e
  • 12. GPC 3Q 13 12 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e Coca-Cola Small World Machines Leo Burnett / Sydney / Chicago Winner of 3 Gold, 1 Silver, & 4 Bronze Lions at Cannes 2013 Category: Branded Content Coca-Cola believes that sharing a simple moment of happiness with another person helps make the world a better place. LB/Sydney used this brand belief as the basis for designing a series of innovative machines, that offered people unexpected encounters with strangers worlds away. Each machine was equipped with a life-sized video touch screen and was programmed with flash animations that encouraged hands-on interactions. One machine was placed in a mall in New Delhi, India, and the other was placed in a mall in Lahore, Pakistan, two different countries with a long and troubled history of war and divisive rhetoric. How would people respond? The public reaction to these machines was universally positive, and people loved being given an opportunity to engage with someone from across the border, who they’d likely never have an opportunity to reach without a device of this nature. This campaign generated headlines in both India and Pakistan, and earned praise worldwide as a great example of a true HumanKind act from a brand like Coke, whose appeal transcends borders. ballgallery
  • 13. GPC 3Q 13 13 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e Coca-Cola Faces Leo Burnett / Sydney Winner of 1 Silver Outdoor Lion at Cannes 2013 Category: Print / Poster This series of gorgeous posters for Coca-Cola utilizes stunning photography culled from LB/Sydney’s production trips to India and Pakistan for Coke’s “Small World Machines” project. The juxtaposition of memorable faces from India and Pakistan, split down the middle by the brand’s iconic white ribbon, offers up an evocative visual metaphor rich in symbolism. Divided by borders, the people in these images nonetheless share a smile, joined together by a common humanity, and the ubiquitous appeal of a global brand. These eye-catching posters elegantly convey Coke’s core brand purpose of spreading happiness to everyone across the entire planet. ballgallery
  • 14. GPC 3Q 13 14 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e ballgallery
  • 15. GPC 3Q 13 15 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e ballgallery
  • 16. GPC 3Q 13 16 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e ballgallery
  • 17. GPC 3Q 13 17 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e Diageo - Bundaberg Rum Road To Recovery Leo Burnett / Sydney Winner of 3 Bronze Lions at Cannes 201 Category: Integrated In 2013, the town of Bundaberg, Australia, was hit for the second time in two years with devastating floods that displaced 7000 people and rendered 1200 homes uninhabitable. 171 streets were severely affected by the floods, leaving the local community struggling as they tried to piece their lives and businesses back together. Bundaberg Rum, as the city’s oldest resident, decided to jump start the rebuilding process by launching an integrated national campaign called “Road To Recovery,” with the intention of turning the local disaster zone into a tourist destination. They started by relaunching Bundaberg Rum in specially designed commemorative bottles, that celebrated each of the 171 flood affected streets of Bundaberg in a beautifully graphic way. This special edition rum was only available to buy during a 3-day event in March, in Bundaberg. The brand then orchestrated a country-wide campaign across multiple channels encouraging people to make the journey to Bundaberg the weekend of March 16th to support the local economy. LB/Sydney helped organize charter buses, flights, and hotel bookings in the area, and gave Bundaberg businesses campaign collateral in support of “Road to Recovery.” The event was a unparalleled success, ultimately injecting $2.5 million Australian dollars into the local economy. In the face of widespread disaster and despair, Bundy Rum stepped up to help the people of its hometown reclaim their streets. ballgallery
  • 18. GPC 3Q 13 18 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e ballgallery Diageo - Bundaberg Rum Road To Recovery Leo Burnett / Sydney Category: Packaging Design 171 streets of Bundaberg were affected by the 2013 Queensland floods. In response to this natural disaster, LB/Sydney helped Bundaberg Rum craft packaging for 171 different “Road to Recovery” bottles, each one a unique tribute to an individual street. These limited edition bottles were only available for purchase in Bundaberg, and their immaculate design made them highly sought after pieces, worth traveling halfway across the country to buy. This packaging was designed and produced in a matter of weeks to spur the town’s much needed relief effort. ‘Road to Recovery. Reclaiming what’s ours.’
  • 19. GPC 3Q 13 19 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e ballgallery Leo Burnett Sydney Leo’s Cider Leo Burnett / Sydney Winner of 1 Bronze Design Lion at Cannes 2013 Category: Integrated This brilliant self-promotional idea from LB/Sydney functions on a variety of levels. At its most elemental, it’s simply a tasty bottled beverage that Leo Burnett created which celebrates the agency’s long and storied relationship with apples. On another level, however, the cider was created to help position Leo Burnett as the friend and ally of new businesses. Even though our agency is almost 80 years old, we too were once just a fledgling start-up, fueled by the dreams of our founder, and looking for whatever help we could find in a challenging business climate. In this sense, Leo’s Cider is much more than just a drink: it is a product dedicated to the spirit of entrepreneurship. The funds raised by the sale of Leo’s Cider in pubs and restaurants would be used to offer one lucky business $100,000 worth of free creative and strategic work from LB/Sydney. The bottles thus give us a fresh way to tell our story, while also serving as a lure for potential clients. New businesses that want to win our services could make their pitch to us online, and those that did would have their names printed on the backs of Leo’s Cider bottles as well, turning our product into a media channel as well as a PR device. This brilliant idea has earned the agency lots of free publicity, and the fact that it’s delicious doesn’t hurt at all. Leo’s Cider. Cheers to the little guy!
  • 20. GPC 3Q 13 20 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e Australian Bureau of Statistics - Census Run That Town Leo Burnett / Sydney Category: Interactive (Cell Phone Gaming App) Data can be difficult for ordinary people to decipher. The Australian Bureau of Statistics wanted to help people understand the importance of the census data they gathered, and show the public how this information impacts lives and communities. With that in mind, LB/Sydney created an interactive cell phone game called “Run That Town,” which gives people the opportunity to run a virtual version of their town. Feel like your neighborhood could use a new airport? A casino? A park? You can initiate these projects and many others in the game, but you will have to deal with the consequences of what your city feels about your decisions. If property values decline in a popular suburb because you’ve decided to build a prison next door, you’ll likely be hearing from a crowd of irate homeowners, and the virtual newspaper in town will document the consequences of your actions by publishing scathing editorials about your decisions. The use of real census data to underpin this game gives users a rich sense of who they live amongst, and provides them with a clearer picture of their town and its potential future. “Run That Town” is tailored to each postal code in Australia, and interprets the available data of each place to paint a vivid, experiential picture for people to engage with. This brilliantly crafted app manages to make census data interesting. ballgallery
  • 21. GPC 3Q 13 21 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e ballgallery Carrefour Recycling Bags Leo Burnett Tailor Made / São Paulo Category: Promo & Activation In Brasil, people use plastic supermarket bags as trash bags. They rarely separate recyclable materials from their garbage, and consequently Brasil generates more waste per person than other countries. Leo Burnett Tailor Made realized that people would support recycling if the practice was easier to do. Since many people do not have space in their homes for recycling bins, Leo Burnett Tailor Made realized the best way to encourage a behavior change would be to create a series of color-coded shopping bags that would enable people to easily sort out their recyclables from their trash. The agency worked with Carrefour, one of Brasil’s largest supermarket chains, to redesign their shopping bags, creating biodegradable bags with a specific color code that makes it easy for people to separate out their glass, plastic, metal, and paper waste from the rest of their trash. This initiative has already reduced the environmental impact of participating Carrefour stores, and the idea has a lot of room to grow and evolve. The GPC praised the impact of this and hopes to see it spread worldwide.
  • 22. GPC 3Q 13 22 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e ballgallery Fiat Hero Hug Leo Burnett Tailor Made / São Paulo Category: Design In Brasil, the main cause of childhood mortality is traffic accidents, which wouldn’t be the case if more kids wore seat belts. To change the attitude of kids towards buckling in, the agency worked with Fiat and DC comics to craft fabric superhero hands that attach to seat belts, and give kids the feeling that they’re safely wrapped up in a hero’s hug each time they’re buckled in. This simple and brilliant design idea was popular with children and will likely save lives in the future.
  • 23. GPC 3Q 13 23 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e Fiat Come to the Streets (“Vem Pra Rua”) Leo Burnett Tailor Made / São Paulo Category: Integrated In Brasil, advertising frequently becomes a part of pop culture. In June of this year, to position Fiat as a champion of the Brasilian people during the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup Football Championships, Fiat launched a beautiful spot called “Come to the Streets”, with a hugely catchy pop song recorded by popular singer Falcão. The song “Vem Pra Rua (Come to the Streets)” invited all of Brasil to watch the games and party together in the streets, the only place that can fit the entire nation. The spot went viral, quickly becoming Brasil’s most watched car commercial ever. Shortly after the release of this song, massive protests swept across Brasil. The public was deeply angry with the government, for a number of reasons, and took to the streets to make their voices heard. The protests used Fiat’s song “Come to the Streets” as their movement’s anthem, a call to action asking people to join them in solidarity. Fiat’s role in Brasil as ‘the people’s car’ has never been more explicitly showcased than in these protests. The power of the song continues to grow, and when the FIFA World Cup arrives in Brasil in 2014, this anthem will likely be one of the event’s official songs, and thus become part of the audio fabric of the most widely watched sporting event in the world. Congratulations to the team at Leo Burnett Tailor Made for weaving a brand message into pop culture, and perfectly timing it to affect this year and the events of 2014. ballgallery
  • 24. GPC 3Q 13 24 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e gallery7+ Alpha Therm Systems - Solar Therm Solar Pandol Leo Burnett / Colombo Category: Promo & Activation Alpha Therm is Sri Lanka’s largest manufacturer of solar power systems. During Vesakha, one of Buddhism’s holiest days, Alpha Therm demonstrated the potential of solar power to provide solutions to Sri Lanka’s ongoing issues with fluctuating electricity costs. During this holiday, individuals and organizations erect pandols, large, traditional displays that educate the public about Buddhist principles using highly stylized visuals. Pandols are colorful and very brightly lit, and Alpha Therm used this opportunity to create the world’s first solar-powered Pandol, which attracted immense amounts of attention on the street and also earned the brand invaluable PR that led to a 50% increase in sales within just one month. This pandol dramatically showcases solar power in a locally relevant way.
  • 25. GPC 3Q 13 25 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e gallery7+ Coleman Outdoor Resort Beacon / Leo Burnett Tokyo Category: Integrated To counter public perception that camping is a rough, challenging experience, Beacon Tokyo helped Coleman re-imagine its category by asking people to “create your own outdoor resort.” They gave 60 key influencers access to the entire Coleman catalog and asked them to construct a customized resort out of any Coleman products. The unique content these lifestylists and influencers created was used in e-commerce, blogs, and social networking sites. The agency also pushed this “outdoor resort” idea out in print and in the 2013 Coleman catalog, and then brought the idea to life by building a huge outdoor resort in the middle of a Tokyo park, which 18000 people visited over a single weekend. The “outdoor resort” campaign has boosted sales and continues to evolve as people reconsider how comfortable they can be outside. ‘Coleman. The Outdoor Company.’
  • 26. GPC 3Q 13 26 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e gallery7+ K.C. Wheel & Tyre Co. - Prada 4X4 The Never Ending Adventure Tyre Leo Burnett / Bangkok Category: Promo & Activation Leo Burnett Bangkok employed local artisans to hand- carve elaborate and detailed stories into the surface of 20 Prada 4X4 tyres. These immaculately designed tyres were then placed on rotating display stands that were showcased in retail stores. These beautiful, eye- catching pieces attracted a great deal of attention and resulted in the sale of 10,000 Prada tyres in the shops where they were placed. ‘Prada 4X4. The Journey Never Ends.’
  • 27. GPC 3Q 13 27 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e gallery7+ Goodyear - Tires The Wet Grip Experience Leo Burnett / Frankfurt Category: Ambient To dramatize the way Goodyear tires grip the road even under wet conditions, Leo Burnett Frankfurt traveled to Germany’s Hamburg harbor and converted a famous paddle-wheeled steamer into a spectacle seemingly powered by a giant Goodyear tire. As the boat moved through the harbor, people couldn’t help but notice the “best grip on wet” message affixed to the side of the boat, as the gigantic Goodyear wheel propelling the boat forward. This remarkable product demonstration earned the brand a lot of free PR and media impressions.
  • 28. GPC 3Q 13 28 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e gallery7+ Bundesamt Für Gesungheit Bag The Decision - A Cliffhanger Leo Burnett / Zurich Category: Film In this quirky film from Leo Burnett Zurich, two friends in the front seat of a car find themselves accidently dangling off a precipice after they’ve driven a little too close to a cliff edge. Staring mortality in the face, they start an odd conversation debating the merits and reasons why one should sign an organ donor card. The subject quickly moves from being a theoretical consideration to an act that will in fact save lives in the real world. The entertaining dialogue of this film explores people’s resistance to signing an organ donor card in an elegant and memorable way. Ultimately, both friends come to the realization that it’s probably in their best interests to sign an organ donor card right away. Unfortunately, it might be just a little too late.
  • 29. GPC 3Q 13 29 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e gallery7+ Clube Sangue Bom The Donor Cable Leo Burnett Tailor Made / São Paulo Category: Promo & Activation How many times has your smart phone run out of power? In a world full of people increasingly dependant on their mobile devices, Leo Burnett Tailor Made decided to use this insight to start a conversation about a slightly different subject. The agency designed a useful, attention-getting ‘donor cable’ that would enable one person to ‘donate’ power from their phone to the phone of a friend in need. Placed in popular restaurants, these “donor cables” let people share their battery power simply by connecting two phones. These devices provided a visceral analogy to what happens when someone chooses to donate blood to another human being - you are giving your power and vitality to another person. This device helped raise awareness and boost the supplies of local blood banks.
  • 30. GPC 3Q 13 30 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e gallery7+ Staedtler MEmoji Leo Burnett China / Hong Kong Category: Interactive (Cell Phone App) In Asia, ‘emoji’ are emoticons that people add to SMS messages to express ideas, emotions and tone in their texts. Staedtler wanted to empower people to be more creative, so they developed a cell phone app that lets users draw their own ‘MEmoji,’ customized emoticons that you can use in your text messages. This app let people devise their own texting vocabulary, and personalize all their communication with unique MEmoji characters they could create themselves. The app resulted in a 10% sales increase for Staedtler and within a week of its release, 2000 new ‘MEmoji’ had been created by users. ‘Staedtler. Emoji, now with real emotions.’
  • 31. GPC 3Q 13 31 gallery7+ a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e Staedtler Architecture Leo Burnett China / Hong Kong Category: Print (Newspaper) ‘Staedtler. Where it all begins.’ This beautiful print ad, featuring some of the world’s most iconic skyscrapers, is a stunning follow-up to the 7+ print work LB/Hong Kong produced last year for Staedtler. There is painstaking attention to detail and impeccable craft on clear display here, and these miniature renditions of iconic buildings sculpted onto pencil tips represents art direction at its very best.
  • 32. GPC 3Q 13 32 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e gallery7+ Samsung - Galaxy Note II State of the -Ation Barnes, Catmur & Friends - Leo Burnett / Auckland Category: Film (Online Film) In this hugely entertaining 3-minute film for Samsung, Kiwi actor, director, and comedian Taika Waititi offers up a memorable discourse on life, success, and creativity. In between shots of him using his Samsung Galaxy Note II to paint terrible portraits, make abstract synth music, and design improbable buildings, he offers up some hilarious lines in a memorable and offbeat monologue, which is excerpted below: “...When I won the great ovarian egg search of 1975 I never thought I’d amount to much. But in a piddly four decades, I’ve achieved some pretty incredible things. For example, I’ve owned 28 pairs of sunglasses, two diskmen, raised an owl from birth, broken this, won that, fixed this, predicted the resurgence of faux-Versacci men’s wear, and become the proud owner of a 1989 Citroen BX 60. Gangster! Impressive stuff. But what was it that drove me towards these successes? Was it money? Was it women? Yep. But also, I had an innate desire to create. You see, creation is at the root of all ‘ations’ and from it stem many many more....As you can see, I’ve done a lot of amazing things, but without a little help, all those ideas would still be locked away up here, in my head prison. How did I break these ideas out? I did it with the sequel to the Samsung Galaxy Note, the Samsung Galaxy Note Part II. Not only is it a shiny rectangle, it’s also a phone, computer, networking device, personal assistant, and creative tool... It does everything, and in this shallow materialistic world, that’s all I need, everything. Samsung.”
  • 33. GPC 3Q 13 33 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e Procter & Gamble - Max Factor Face ID Face-ID Atelier / London Category: Interactive Max Factor was a legendary artist who revolutionized the beauty industry. One of his inventions was a “beauty calibrator”, which he created to measure an individual’s unique facial structure, in order to create personalized approaches to enhancing their beauty through makeup. In the 1930’s this was way ahead of its time, and didn’t catch on. Today, however, Atelier London has collaborated with Max Factor to create Face-ID, a website that offers users a virtual make-up consultation. Simply submit a photograph that clearly shows your face, or describe your features in detail, and the site offers you an in-depth consultation with make up experts on a variety of looks specifically tailored to you. ‘Max Factor. Because glamour isn’t something you’re born with - it’s something you create.’ gallery7+
  • 34. GPC 3Q 13 34 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e gallery7+ Kellogg’s - Special K Role Model Leo Burnett / Chicago Category: Film In this gorgeous, understated spot for Kellogg’s Special K, a newborn baby is wheeled into a hospital nursery, and in the first few moments of its life, it is placed on a scale to be weighed and measured. From the instant we come into the world, we are defined by numbers. But the quantity of a life measured by a machine cannot begin to capture the quality of a life lived. As the film ends, a mother is seen whispering sweet words into her infant child’s ear, and we’re left with a touching smile crossing the face of the baby, who is feeling safe, secure, and beloved in the warmth of its mother’s arms. Special K.
  • 35. GPC 3Q 13 35 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e gallery7+ McDonald’s Parallel Lives Leo Burnett / London Category: Film A warm realism graces this lovingly observed spot for McDonald’s from Leo Burnett London. A young man and an old man reside in the same housing complex, but live vastly different lives. The film documents the way their existences run parallel to each other, and although they may occupy the same city block, they run in separate circles and their paths rarely cross. Only in the film’s final frames do we find them both sitting at a McDonald’s, where they each pour out a box of fries onto their trays with perfectly mirrored movements. Only then do their eyes happen to meet, and they share a smile of recognition from across the room. ‘We all have McDonald’s in common.’
  • 36. GPC 3Q 13 36 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e gallery7+ Boundary Road Brewery - Honesty Box Cider Great Kiwi Honesty Test Barnes, Catmur & Friends - LB/Auckland Category: Integrated To launch new Honesty Box Cider in New Zealand, Barnes, Catmur & Friends created a compelling campaign that challenged New Zealanders to prove exactly how honest they were. The “Great Kiwi Honesty Test” used print, outdoor, and online channels to poll the public on a number of pointed personal questions, such as “have you ever lied for sexual gain?” The brand promised people an opportunity to “win a season’s worth of cider”, if they engaged and answered truthfully, and ultimately made good on their promise after the polling was completed. The brand delivered the cider to people in boxes emblazoned with the declaration that “This box does not contain cider.” This playful self- mocking tone between frank honesty and blatant duplicity marked every element of this campaign, including a funny case video that pokes fun at the conceits of case studies. ‘Honesty Box Cider. Best served with a clean conscience. (And ice).’
  • 37. GPC 3Q 13 37 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e gallery7+ Leo Burnett Sydney Leo’s Cider Leo Burnett / Sydney Winner of 1 Bronze Design Lion at Cannes 2013 Category: Design & Packaging Leo Burnett the man was once just a daring entrepreneur willing to take risks on what he believed were good ideas. In honor of the agency’s founder, and to pay tribute to the ‘apple story’ that plays a central role in the story of our company’s founding, LB/Sydney created and bottled ‘Leo’s Cider’. This crisp, refreshing drink was launched as part of an initiative called ‘Help from Leo’, designed to attract attention and to support new start up businesses looking for a leg up on the competition. New companies thirsty for success were given an opportunity to win $100,000 worth of creative and strategic advice from LB/Sydney, or to have their name, phone number, or website printed on the backs of Leo’s Cider bottles, which were then distributed to restaurants and bars. The retro elements of this design work are matched with a modern sensibility, a difficult balance to achieve but perfectly executed here. The GPC had the pleasure of sampling Leo’s Cider, and hopes to see it exported to Leo Burnett offices worldwide. This brilliant idea perfectly captures the entrepreneurial spirit that characterized Leo Burnett the man. ‘Leo’s Cider. Cheers to the little guy!’
  • 38. GPC 3Q 13 38 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e ea q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e Diageo - Bundaberg Rum Road to Recovery Leo Burnett / Sydney Category: Design / Posters ‘Nature Will Never Take Away What Binds Us.’ ‘’ ‘Road to Recovery.’ These elegantly designed posters were part of the Bundaberg “Road to Recovery” campaign, which aimed to provide essential flood relief to the town of Bundaberg by transforming the disaster area into a tourist destination. These posters utilize the street maps of Bundaberg to drive home the fact that 171 streets in the town were affected by the floods, and each needed assistance to recover. These stunning posters were strategically placed throughout Australia in the weeks following the floods, and served to encourage people to make the trip up to Bundaberg on March 16th to buy “Road To Recovery” rum and give the local economy a much-needed boost. gallery7+
  • 39. GPC 3Q 13 39 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e Diageo - Bundaberg Rum Flat Mail Leo Burnett / Sydney Category: Direct Mail ‘Relive History. Turn this waste into Rum.’ ‘Now you can re-create history by swapping this for a new vessel at the Bundaberg Distillery.’ The story of Bundaberg Rum starts in 1888, when a band of sugar millers in Queensland decided to convert their surplus molasses waste into rum. Bundy Rum wanted to celebrate this brand story by giving people an opportunity to do a historical recreation, and convert waste into rum. They waste they selected? Used Bundy cans, which were crushed and then sent out as direct mail pieces. The crushed cans could then be redeemed for Bundy rum at the Bundaberg Distillery. gallery7+
  • 40. GPC 3Q 13 40 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e Department Of Transport - Drink Driving Pub Loo Shocker Leo Burnett / London Category: Film (Online Film) This viral film from Leo Burnett London got the whole world talking upon its release. The video shows security camera footage of unsuspecting men walking into a pub bathroom, using the toilet, and then washing their hands. As they are finishing up, a sudden screech fills the room and the mirror in front of them shatters, with a bloody head appearing in its very middle amidst a web of cracks. The men in the video are so startled they fall down and curse, and then can’t begin to fathom what just happened. They flee in shock and terror. The film concludes with a question: “what impact could a drink have on your night out?” ‘Think! Don’t drink and drive.’ gallery7+
  • 41. GPC 3Q 13 41 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e ea q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e Guitar Player Magazine Guitar News Leo Burnett Tailor Made / São Paulo Category: Radio Guitar Player magazine observed that its readership was notoriously uninterested in current events and public affairs, a situation that it believed presented an opportunity to educate and inform. Working with Leo Burnett Tailor Made, the magazine hired professional bands and musicians to deliver a unique news break on KISS FM, one of Brasil’s most popular rock radio stations, performed live and with the daily headlines serving as song lyrics in funny improvised jam sessions. These ‘Guitar News’ breaks, with their unexpected lyrics, got a lot of people’s attention, and raised the profile of a publication that had grown synonymous with disaffected, uninformed musicians. As the radio host points out every day as he introduces the segment, “it’s easier to change the world when you know what’s going on in it.“ ‘Guitar Player Magazine. The world becomes less boring with rock.’ gallery7+
  • 42. GPC 3Q 13 42 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e gallery7+ Walt Disney Company Brasil Toy Movies Leo Burnett Tailor Made / São Paulo Category: Design & Packaging This brilliant initiative from Leo Burnett Tailor Made was implemented to address the problematic slump of DVD sales in recent years. Big studios like Walt Disney were losing money from piracy and online movie streaming, so Leo Burnett identified an opportunity for the studio to recoup some money by offering the DVD movies as files built into collectible action figures. Recognizing that toys and movie memorabilia remain extraordinarily popular, the agency designed action figures from Walt Disney movies with USB sticks incorporated into their figures. Imagine removing Iron Man’s head or Thor’s hammer and plugging it into your laptop to watch the film. Take off the Hulk’s huge green hand and plug it into your TV to watch the movie. These figures are for sale in Brasil only. The panel loved this design work and hopes to see the idea spread worldwide, with new iterations..
  • 43. GPC 3Q 13 43 a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e Emmentaler Schweiz AOC The Swiss Wrestling Emmentaler Leo Burnett / Zurich Category: Design / Packaging Wrestling is Switzerland’s national sport. In 2013, the annual wrestling championships take place in the home of Emmentaler cheese. This was reason enough to dedicate a very special edition of Emmentaler cheese to the sport: the Swiss Wrestling Emmentaler. Swiss Artist Thomas Ott used the classic scratchboard technique to illustrate this gigantic wheel of cheese. His pictures show the eight main holds used in Swiss-style wrestling together with the sport’s most important gesture: the pre-bout handshake signaling respect and fairness. This beautifully designed packaging, for a cheese wheel about 1m across, is a triumph of craft, with masterful illustration. gallery7+
  • 44. GPC 3Q 13 44 Appendix: Creative Fuel - 3Q13 Australia We are eternal students of human behaviour. Every country in the world contains a deep well of human stories, and the GPC firmly believes in digging through bookshelves, record stores, and movie collections in every country it visits, to learn from the distinct way each culture expresses itself. In this spirit, Pencil Shavings will now feature a short appendix filled with cultural fuel from the GPC’s host country, locally-sourced inspiration worth noting and sharing. If we are truly trying to understand a culture, we must pore over its art. You can’t know a place till you know its stories. a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e WAKE IN FRIGHT Directed by Ted Kotcheff Believed lost for more than thirty years, this stunning film - recently fully restored - is the story of a bonded teacher who arrives in a town for a simple overnight, and then plunges headlong into alcohol towards his own destruction. JEWBOY Directed by Tony Krawitz The son of an orthodox rabbi has to choose, when his father dies, between Faith and Temptation. The hand-held camera work beautifully depicts his hesitations on a chaotic walk towards Freedom. PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK Directed by Peter Weir A group of young girls inexplicably vanish on Hanging Rock, during a Valentine’s day picnic at an ancient volcano outcropping. This is an example of masterful storytelling with an unanswerable mystery at its core. TEN CANOES Directed by Rob De Heer A comet, a pure gem, something that will look like no other movie you have ever seen. This film offers a hilarious and deeply human glimpse into Aboriginal life, centuries before the European settlement. LOOK BOTH WAYS Directed by Sarah Watt Meryl imagines disaster coming from every direction - train crashes, man-eating sharks, baby-eating killer whales... And then there’s Nick. A subtle human comedy with an Aussie twist in the storytelling. 5 Great Australian Films & A Book Movies Selected by Bechara Mouzannar (CCO LB/MENA), Book selected by Fuad Ahmad (LB/Bangkok) IN A SUNBURNED COUNTRY Written by Bill Bryson Released in Australia under the title “Down Under”, this entertaining and informative memoir documents one American writer’s extensive love affair with Australia’s history, it’s geography, and it’s people. This travelogue leaves readers laughing from start to finish.