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Academic Year 2013-2020
Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Study
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Bandung, Mei 2021
Ketua Program Studi Teknik
Dr. Mont. Kania Dewi, ST. MT
NIP: 197208281997022001
1. Dr. Mont. Kania Dewi, ST., MT
2. Dr. Benno Rahardyan, ST., MT.
3. Dr. Qomarudin Helmy, S.Si., MT.
4. Dr. Ing. Marisa Handajani, S.T, M.T
5. Haryo Satriyo Tomo, S.T, M.T
6. Suharyanto, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D
7. Dr. I Made Wahyu Widyarsana, ST., MT.
8. Ir. Ahmad Soleh Setiyawan, S.T, M.T, Ph.D.
9. Ir. Yuniati Zevi, MT., M.Sc., Ph.D
10.Dr. Ir. Katharina Oginawati, MS
11.Emenda Sembiring, S.T, M.T, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D
12.Dr. Ir. Dwina Roosmini, M.S.
13.Ir. Arief Sudradjat, S.T., MIS., Ph.D
14.Dr. Mariana Marselina S., ST., MT.
15.Nadiyatur Rahmatikal Wasi'ah, S.T, M.T
16.Dr. Dyah Wulandari Putri, S.T, M.T.
17.Dr. Peni Astrini Notodarmojo, S.Si., M.Si
18.Dr. Adyati Pradini Yudison ST,MT
19.Dr. Muhammad Sonny Abfertiawan, ST.,MT
20.Seny Damayanti, S.T, M.T.
21.Dinda Annisa Nurdiani, S.T., M.T.
Table of Contents
VERIFICATION.......................................................................................................................... 1
.................................................................................................................................................. 1
Team ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents....................................................................................................................... 3
Program Student Outcomes Assessment Report....................................................................... 5
Academic Year 2013-2015......................................................................................................... 5
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering............................. 5
b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data ... 7
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability ....................................................................................... 9
d. an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams .................................................................10
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems .......................................11
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility ................................................12
g. an ability to communicate effectively..................................................................................13
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context ..........................................................14
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning .........................16
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues..................................................................................17
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice. .............................................................................................................18
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................19
Program Student Outcomes Assessment Report......................................................................22
Academic Year 2016-2020........................................................................................................22
1. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve environmental problems by applying the principles of
engineering, science, and mathematics.................................................................................23
2. Ability to apply analysis and synthesis in producing engineering designs needed in
environmental conservation by considering public health, security and welfare as well as
global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors..................................................25
3. Ability to communicate effectively with various parties regarding water, air, and land
environmental problems and the technology needed to solve them.......................................26
4. Ability to apply ethical and professional responsibilities through consideration of the issue
of environmental degradation and the impact of a technology on the environment locally,
regionally, and globally, including social and economic aspects. ...........................................28
5. Ability to work effectively in a team by prioritizing leadership to create collaborative and
comprehensive conditions in setting goals, targets, and plans needed to manage the
environment for reducing degradation and increasing conservation. .....................................30
6. Ability to identify problems, develop and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data,
and use judgment to draw conclusions in the field of environmental conservation.................31
7. Awareness of the need for continuous learning to enrich knowledge and apply it, evaluate,
integrate, and apply this knowledge appropriately in accordance with the development........33
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................35
Sample of Outcomes Measurement Report...........................................................................48
Program Student Outcomes Assessment Report
Academic Year 2013-2015
Student outcome attainment based on rubric assessment represents achievement of
students in each course. The achievement of students is resulted from lecturer’s
assessment that represents certain student outcome. Afterward, the attainment of each
student outcome is obtained from average number of entire courses with some weighting
in the calculation based on cognitive level of courses (Appendix: SOP Outcomes
Assesment). In addition to rubric assessment, student outcome attainment also was
measured based on course questionnaire is obtained from surveys conducted to
students. The objective of the survey is to collect student’s perception of himself or herself
towards attainment of each course. Students are given series of questions that related
to student outcome as well as courses. Two other survey namely graduate and employer
survey were also conducted to measure the outcomes and would be input for continous
improvement such as developing new and adaptive curriculum.
The attainment of student outcome use numerical score from 1 (poor) to 4 (excellent)
grading scale based on rubric assesment. If The attainment of student outcomes is less
than 2.5, the outcomes were considered to be not a good performing that still requires
improvements. Meanwhile if the attainment of student outcomes is greater than 2.5, they
were considered to be adequate, need to be maintained but can also be improved.
However, the improvement is discretionary based on faculty load.
For the 2013-2015 academic year, Env Eng implemented 11 student outcomes based on
abet criteria. In general, to reach PEO/APP, Env. Eng. program and staff must be
committed to continually measure the progress of students and the impact of resources
and services provided. In the initial review, Env Eng expected that the minimum level of
student outcomes achievement is met in between apprentice to proficient to match the
regulation of ITB. The measurable student outcomes needed to be aligned to PEO/APP
and benchmarks needed to be established. Then it was decided that the quantitative
student outcome is 2.5 (out of 4) as the minimum threshold of achievement. fulfillment
criteria/minimum treshold value is determined by faculty meetings based on Academic
Rules in ITB (Rector Decree ITB No: 609/It1.A/Per/2021. Article 37 Point 4 (Appendix
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering
Scientific expertise is one of student outcomes used to measure the achievement of PSO
# 1: "Having basic and skills to scientifically observe, identify, and problem-solving
approach in environmental engineering". Achievement for 3 years in general can be seen
in Figure 1.. The attainment for direct measure that is rubric assessment have passed
the threshold (above 2.5 out of 4) for 3 years. In 2013 achievement reach 2,87, but it
decrease slightly in 2015 to 2.85. In the next year (2015) was higher than before that were
3,38. Indirect measurements were conducted using course questioner, graduates survey
and employer survey. The attainment from course questioner have passed the threshold
(above 2.5 out of 4) for 3 years and tend to fluctuate. In 2013, the attainment reach 3.56,
but it decrease in 2015 until 3.12. In 2015 attainment increase to 3.27. The attainment
from graduate survey have passed the threshold (above 2.5 out of 4) for 2015 and 2015
but in 2013 still below the threshold, nevertheless the trend tend to increase. In 2013,
the attainment only 2.50, but it increase in 2015 until 2.81. In 2015 it also higher than
before that was 3.04. The attainment from employer survey in 2013 have passed the
threshold (above 2.75 out of 4) but in 2015 and 2015 still below the threshold and the
trend tend to decrease. In 2013, the attainment reach 2.81, but it decrease in 2015 until
2.61. In 2015 attainment decrease to 2.53.
Figure 1. Student Outcomes Attainment for a. an ability to apply knowledge of
mathematics, science, and engineering
The evaluation and action plan needed to improve the attainment of this student
outcomes are as follows:
1. The implementation of tutorial activity was conducted in accordance with the
allocation of time and load planned. Tutorial activities have been conducted in the
classroom and the overall presentation conducted continuously so that it can deepen
the understanding and communication skills of students.
a a a a
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and
2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
2. Multimedia props can already be used in the lecture and tutorial activity. In the next
year, the use of multimedia props is expected to be improved in both content and
frequency so that it can improve the understanding level of students about the
3. The group assignment and the classification of groups that based on academic ability
is expected to improve the academic skills of each member so the result of tutorial
final score is evenly distributed.
4. The ability of individuals tends to be affected by the communication and cooperation
abilities among members of the group so that besides the classification by academic
ability, it also needs to consider the background of the students, for example from the
same year group.
5. The main problem in the implementation of the tutorial is its limited time so it can
disrupt the continuity of tutorial, especially at the beginning of the lecture. In the future,
it is expected that all responsible parties be involved in the tutorial scheduling for all
6. Interventions of assistants in the execution of tasks that are too intensive and problem
sets that are too rigid can reduce the independence of students so that problem sets
that are able to develop students independence and creativity needs to be
In the future, tutorial will be planned so that each group will look for the problems in the
field of microbiology that correspond with real conditions more independently and conduct
analysis under the guidance of assistant where in this case the assistant only act as
advisor and measure the targets achievement of tutorial without limiting the idea of
students. Group assignments will be directed to team building with a several tools such
as portfolio, posters, mockups, and or multimedia that created in the group and the work
b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and
interpret data
Based on the rubric assesment as shown in Figure 2, the score were 3.18; 3.04 and
3.34, respectively. It has exceeded threshold value of 2.50. The graduate survey shows
that the alumni perception tend to increase (2.7; 2.93; 3.63). Furthermore, the employer
survey shows that the trends tend to increase (2.85; 2.73; 3.67). It means graduates have
matched with the user expectation or the user expectations are fullfiled with the graduates
Figure 2 Student Outcomes Attainment for b. an ability to design and conduct
experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
Based on rubric assessment, there are some recommended actions comes from the
faculties to improve the achievement of student outcome such as improving tools and
laboratory facilities, upgrading of demo lab, periodic tutorial activities, evaluation of
experimental activities, change of courses and experiment content, module refurbishing,
upgrading of demo lab, as well as evaluation of experimental activities, especially for
Environmental Laboratory, Physical & Chemical Treatments and Environmental
Microbiology Courses. The faculties also recommend content modification and
enrichment of course content; moving class; collaborative learning; and continuous
learning for Biological Process & Engineering course. Integrated task (problem set); quiz;
remedial for low score test; student attendance; and read reference books should be
improved especially for Fluid Mechanics II, Fluid Mechanics I, Physical & Chemical
Treatments courses. Regarding the attainment resulting from course questionnaire,
graduate survey, and employer survey, the action plan is by organizing field trip to another
professional laboratory or accredited laboratory; improving tools and laboratory facilities
as well as laboratory assistant competency; and conducting periodic tutorial activities
b b b b
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to
analyze and interpret data
2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political,
ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
The attainment of Design Abilities Student Outcome based on rubric assesment (see
Figure 3) has exceeded threshold value (above 2.5 out of 4) for 3-years assessment as
follow: 2013 - 3.30; 2015 – 3.16; 2015 – 3,47. The attainment of Design Abilities Student
Outcome based on indirect meaurement is varied. Results from course questionnaire
have been met the threshold for 3-years assessment as follow: 2013 - 3.70; 2015 – 3.85;
2015 – 3.34, even higher than direct measurement. In addition, the attainment resulting
from graduates survey above the threshold as follow: 2013 - 2.50; 2015 – 2.79; 2015 –
3.63. However, the attainment resulting from employer survey is varied as follow: 2013 -
2.70; 2015 – 2.40; 2015 – 3.44.
Figure 3 Student Outcomes Attainment for c. an ability to design a system,
component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as
economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
The faculties who involved in design abilities student outcome team has reviewed the
attainment and has made recommendations for changes in the next academic year.
Based on attainment of student outcome, the faculties concludes that students are:
c c c c
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet
desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic,
environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
a) lack of technical drawing skill;
b) merely show their abilities in designing system and calculating design plan; and
c) have not been well-understand multiple constraints in design.
Even though the attainment has been met, it is necessary to provide example of case
studies in order to improve individual work intensity regarding the introduction-level of
courses. In addition, for reinforce-level of courses, it is necessary to improve teaching
system with problem based learning and collaborative learning in order to overcome
student’s motivation problem.
d. an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
Rubric assessment (Figure 4) for the first 3 years results in the value of 3.62, 3.44, 3.63
(threshold value>2.50). In general, the measured student outcomes for all courses are
satisfactory. there was an increased results of questionnaires from the user and the
alumni survey from the year 2013 to the year 2014 and 2015. This suggests that
graduates’ ability met the expectations of users gradually. Meanwhile, graduates’
understanding in subjects related to these student outcomes had increased. This means
that the students had a greater understanding about the content of the courses.
Figure 4 Student Outcomes Attainment for d. an ability to function on
multidisciplinary teams
d d d d
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
d. an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
Based on the direct measurement, the faculty member who belong to a team teaching to
review the collected questionnaire data in the previous years and make recommendation
to improve the achievement in next academic year. The recommendations to change are
providing more exercise more and more detailed evaluations, recruiting assistant, limiting
classes’ size (ideally one class is consist of 30 PEO/APPple) and last, forming an
evaluation team of Field Work to be 3 classes for each year. In addition, based on the
indirect measurement, recommendation to increase the outcome are having more
teamwork task such as group assignment or report, group discussion and presentation.
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
The attainment of Problem Solving Student Outcome based on rubric assessment
(Figure 5) has exceeded threshold value (above 2.5 out of 4) for 3-years assessment as
follow: 2013 - 3.35; 2014 – 2.88; 2015 – 3.38. However, based on the rubric assessment,
the values from year 2013 to 2015 are varied. Based on the course questionaire chart
(Figure 5), most of students’ marks have exceeded threshold value (above 2.5). In
addition, the attainment resulting from graduates survey above the threshold as follow:
2013 - 2.50; 2015 – 2.82; 2015 – 3.63. However, the attainment resulting from employer
survey is varied as follow: 2013 - 2.85; 2015 – 2.89; 2015 – 3.33. Therefore, based on
graduate survey and employer survey, the graduate can achieve and meet the
requirements for solving engineering problems from the employer.
Figure 5 Student Outcomes Attainment for e. an ability to identify, formulate, and
solve engineering problems
e e e e
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering
2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
The faculties who is involved in problem solving student outcome have discussed that it
is necessary to improve students’ motivation and engagement (i.e. more active class)
through the improvement of syllabus as well as enrichment and updating of courses’
materials. In addition, it is required to make available up-to-date textbooks, especially for
design courses. Students are expected to be more active and motivated during lectures,
such as through reading assignments, discussions, and other assignments. More of
student-centered and collaborative learning methods, in which are based on students’
active engagement (active class) and especially for design courses, are also expected to
be adopted. Furthermore, students should be consistent in note-takings related to
materials given in the classes.
Based on student’s attainment resulting from indirect measurement, the faculties
concludes that it is important to improve the achievement of students. Therefore, it is
necessary to interact with the real-world conditions to improve the mastery levels of
courses’ materials, because there are issues related to individual practices and the
attainment of the problem solving student outcomes through design courses
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Based on the student outcomes attainment chart (Figure 6), most of students’ marks
have exceeded threshold value (above 2.5). However, based on the rubric assessment,
the values from year 2013 to 2015 were varied. From rubric, course questionnaire,
employer survey, graduate survey assessment, the attainment of student outcomes
received a sufficient result (higher than 2.5). the score of attainment from rubric
assessment for 3-years assessment rose gradually as follow: 2013 - 3.6; 2014 – 3.27;
2015 – 3.52. The same patterns were observed for course questionnaire, employer
survey, graduate survey assessment. the attainment resulting from graduates survey
were above the threshold as follow: 2013 - 2.7; 2015 – 2.86; 2015 – 3.36. Then, the
attainment resulting from employer survey was varied as follow: 2013 – 3.17; 2015 – 2.83;
2015 – 3.33
Figure 6 Student Outcomes Attainment for f. an understanding of professional
and ethical responsibility
It would be recommended to give broaden both technical and practical implementation of
professional responsibility and ethics in engineering, also to improve the attainment,
some actions are needed; which are:
1. guest lecture series to broaden both technical and practical implementation of
responsibility and ethics in engineering ;
2. problem-based learning to the latest professional responsibility and ethics
problem (study case); and
3. course content enrichment regarding role and responsibility of environmental
engineering either in government and/or private institutions.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Based on rubric assessment, the score has exceeded threshold value as follow: 2013 -
3.82; 2014 - 3.86; 2015 - 3.86 (see Figure 7) and showed relatively not too different score.
Course questionnaire shows a higher score than the threshold value (4.00; 3.88; 3.31),
but the value tends to decrease in the past three years. Fresh graduate survey shows
that the score is increasing in past two within last three years (2.70; 2.87; 3.18). It shows
the graduates were satisfied and confident about the process of learning that has passed.
Based on the employer survey shown that the trends increased in past three years and
the score reached slightly above the threshold value for the year 2014 (2.94; 2.58; 3.44).
It suggests that graduates had few shortcomings according to the users. It means
f f f f
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
Attainment f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
graduates have not matched with the user expectation or the user expectation higher than
the graduates.
Figure 7 Student Outcomes Attainment for g. an ability to communicate
Based on rubric assessment, the action plan consists of more textbooks to be provided,
academic writing and presentation technique should be delivered to students before 4th
grade. Based on course questionnaire, graduate survey, and employer survey, the action
plan needed such as guest lecture involving practitioners, should be held more frequent
for the related courses. Faculties also have to give adequate opportunities for students to
actively discuss and make a good presentation. Other recommendations which can
support the improvement ofthis student outcome achievement is as follows:
1. More textbooks, which have been listed or read during finishing the seminar
and Final Task, should be well documented.
2. More analytical equipment to be provided.
3. Specific topics of Field Work to be improved and thus it can be matched with
topics in the field.
4. A theater room and a round table room are required.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering
solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
it indicates that the attainment of student outcome from the rubric and the course
questionnaire are relatively higher than the attainment from the graduates survey and the
employer survey. The attainment of Understanding of Engineering Impact, outcome have
g g g g
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
g. an ability to communicate effectively
2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
exceeded the threshold (above 2.5 out of 4) for 3-years assessment from rubric
assessment as follow: 2013 – 3.54; 2015 – 3.46; 2015 – 3.56. The attainment of
Understanding of Engineering Impact, outcome have exceeded the threshold (above 2.5
out of 4) for 3-years (Course Questionnaire and Employer Survey) and for last year
(Graduate Survey) assessment from :
1. Course Questionnaire : 2013 – 3.31; 2015 – 2.81; 2015 – 3.43
2. Graduates Survey : 2013 – 2.40; 2015 – 2.69; 2015 – 3.36
3. Employer Survey : 2013 – 2.95; 2015 – 3.07; 2015 – 3.33
Figure 8 Student Outcomes Attainment for h. the broad education necessary to
understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal context
In order to increase internal achievement, it is necessary to improve quality of the courses.
The improvement should appoint to:
1. the content of the course;
2. the assignment consisting short assignments and long (semester) assignments;
3. application to the related subjects; and
4. field visit
Project-based learning as a method to deliver the content of the course should be
adopted. For each semester, it is necessary to create assignment related to project-based
learning. The assignment is conducted in-group to allow peer teaching among students.
In addition, the project must describe the condition in a real locations while the data could
be made up differently for each group. Students should calculate tangible and intangible
advantages from the development of built environment such as green space. Intangible
h h h h
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of
engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and
societal context
2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
advantages could be improving air quality and lowering stress level among residents so
that it reduces health-care cost as well as increases human productivity. The study case
should also consider the mdgs target.
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
The score exceeded threshold value (2013 - 3.95; 2014 - 3.94; 2015 - 3.97) and the trend
in past two years tended to increase. Course questionnaire shown a high score more than
the threshold value (3.29; 3.68; 3.38) and the value changed in past three years. Fresh
graduate survey shown that the score is increasing in past two years within last three
years (3.10; 3.23; 3.27). The students were satisfied and confident about the process of
learning that has passed. Based on the employer survey described that the trends tend
to increase in past two years and the score exceeded the threshold value for the three
year period (3.55; 3.18; 3.22). The outcome attainment was shown by Figure 9.
Figure 9 Student Outcomes Attainment for i. a recognition of the need for, and an
ability to engage in life-long learning
Improve discussion on location of Field Work with the supervisor so that the learning
process can be carried out intensively, The topic of Final Task can have more variety,
include the recent issues related to the topic of design and research in accordance with
Environmental Engineering, Increase the frequency of discussions/tutorials between
students with their supervisors. Necessary to have an initial meeting before Field Work
i i i i
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-
long learning
2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
have been started in order to understand the learning aspects during the process of Field
Work. This initial meeting conducted by coordinator of Field Work and lecturer(s) who
teach the related subject to the topic of Field Work. Also, students should improve the
reading habit of textbooks and use these text books as references in the report of the
Final Task.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
The attainment of Contemporary Issue Outcome based on rubic assessment (see Figure
10) has exceeded the threshold (above 2.5 out of 4) for 3-years assessment as follow:
2013 - 3.37; 2014 – 3.21; 2015 - 3.5. Based on course questionnaire, the attainment of
contemporary issue outcome had a very high value as follow: 2013 - 3.61; 2014 – 3.68;
2015 - 3.43. Based on graduate survey, the attainment of contemporary issue outcome
is increasing within three years as follow: 2013 – 2.40; 2015 – 2.77; 2015 - 3.05. Based
on employer survey, the value is slightly decreasing, but it is still higher than threshold
value. Generally, the graduates are satisfied with the process they had during their
studies. During 2013 – 2016, the trend was increasing based on the questionnaire. Based
on course rubric, the results were also quite promising; the students’ achievement level
exceeded the treshold value for three consecutive years. However, the graduate and
employers’ point of view described that there was slight decrement for students’
understanding on contemporary issues.
Figure 10 Student Outcomes Attainment for j. a knowledge of contemporary
j j j j
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
The action plan needed to improve the achievement of the student outcome is there
should be a point to measure contemporary issues during the students’ fieldwork.
Students should be able to show new knowledge on the actual issues in the field and they
are also able to present it in the report as well as in the presentation. Faculties also have
to enrich contemporary issues in every number mid and final test questions. Increasing
course quality content through improvement of syllabus should be done. Enrichment class
discussion and presentation about contemporary issue also will improve the achievement
of this outcome.
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering practice.
Based on rubric assessment as shown in Figure 11, student attainment has exceeded
threshold value for three year assessment (2013 - 3.27; 2014 – 2.94; 2015 – 3.36),.
Course questionnaire shown a high score more than the threshold value (3.69; 3.30;
3.71), and the value tended to increase in this year. Although, fresh graduate survey for
the year 2013 reached slightly past the threshold value (2.5), but fresh graduate survey
shows that the score was increasing in past three years (2.50; 2.83; 3.27) and has
exceeded threshold value for the past three years. Based on the employer survey, the
trends tended to increase in past three years (2.89; 3.05; 3.5). It suggests that graduates
have many shortcomings according to the users. It means graduates have not matched
with the user expectation or the user expectation higher than the graduates.
Figure 11 Student Outcomes Attainment for k. an ability to use the techniques,
skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
lectures have already been executed properly following the syllabus and lectures unit
(SAP) that has been assigned to the curriculum in 2013, with an adjustment to recent
conditions. The number of course credits is three credits that consist of two credits face-
to-face lectures and one credits (equal 3 hours) laboratory activities. Numbers of face-to-
face lectures are 14 meetings, 11-weeks laboratory activities, a midterm examination, and
a final examination. In addition, students are expected to read more references. To
encourage students to study before classes, quizzes need to be held several times before
classes. In addition, evaluation needs to be held at the end of classes in order to assess
students’ understanding of the class material.
Student outcomes attainment had been measured and evaluated based on treshold value
for three-year assessment (2013, 2014, and 2015). The action plans were also explained
and implemented to improve the student outcomes attainment. Table 1 described the
conclusion of Student Outcomes Attainment in 2013-2015.
Table 1. Conclusion of Student Outcomes Attainment in 2013-2015
Academic Year Conclusion
2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015
a 2,5 2,87 2,85 3,38 complied complied complied
b 2,5 3,18 3,04 3,34 complied complied complied
k k k k
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
Attainment k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering practice.
2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
Academic Year Conclusion
2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015
c 2,5 2,87 2,85 3,38 complied complied complied
d 2,5 3,18 3,04 3,34 complied complied complied
e 2,5 3,30 3,16 3,47 complied complied complied
f 2,5 3,62 3,44 3,63 complied complied complied
g 2,5 3,35 2,88 3,39 complied complied complied
h 2,5 3,60 3,27 3,51 complied complied complied
i 2,5 3,82 3,86 3,86 complied complied complied
j 2,5 3,54 3,46 3,56 complied complied complied
k 2,5 3,95 3,94 3,97 complied complied complied
a 2,5 3,36 3,21 3,51 complied complied complied
b 2,5 3,27 2,94 3,36 complied complied complied
c 2,5 3,56 3,12 3,26 complied complied complied
d 2,5 3,79 3,70 3,32 complied complied complied
e 2,5 3,70 3,85 3,34 complied complied complied
f 2,5 3,82 3,83 3,25 complied complied complied
g 2,5 3,74 3,58 3,26 complied complied complied
h 2,5 3,44 3,38 3,43 complied complied complied
i 2,5 4,00 3,88 3,32 complied complied complied
j 2,5 3,31 2,81 3,43 complied complied complied
k 2,5 3,29 3,68 3,38 complied complied complied
a 2,5 3,61 3,68 3,43 complied complied complied
b 2,5 3,69 3,30 3,26 complied complied complied
c 2,5 2,50 2,81 3,63
complied complied
d 2,5 2,70 2,93 3,63 complied complied complied
e 2,5 2,50 2,79 3,63
complied complied
f 2,5 2,40 2,73 3,27
complied complied
g 2,5 2,50 2,82 3,63
complied complied
h 2,5 2,70 2,86 3,36 complied complied complied
i 2,5 2,70 2,87 3,18 complied complied complied
j 2,5 2,40 2,69 3,36
complied complied
k 2,5 3,10 3,23 3,27 complied complied complied
a 2,5 2,40 2,70 3,36
complied complied
b 2,5 2,50 2,83 3,27
complied complied
c 2,5 2,81 2,61 3,33 complied complied complied
Academic Year Conclusion
2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015
d 2,5 2,85 2,73 3,67 complied complied complied
e 2,5 2,70 2,40 3,44 complied
f 2,5 3,08 2,57 3,56 complied complied complied
g 2,5 2,85 2,89 3,33 complied complied complied
h 2,5 3,17 2,83 3,33 complied complied complied
i 2,5 2,94 2,58 3,44 complied complied complied
j 2,5 2,95 3,07 3,33 complied complied complied
k 2,5 3,55 3,18 3,22 complied complied complied
Program Student Outcomes Assessment Report
Academic Year 2016-2020
For the 2016-2020 academic year, Env Eng implemented 7 student outcomes based on
new cycle abet criteria and new curricula for Env Eng. In general, to reach PEO/APP,
Env. Eng. program and staff must be committed to continually measure the progress of
students and the impact of resources and services provided. In the initial review, Env Eng
expected that the minimum level of student outcomes achievement is met in between
apprentice to proficient to match the regulation of ITB. The measurable student outcomes
needed to be aligned to PEO/APP and benchmarks needed to be established. Then it
was decided that the quantitative student outcome is 63 (out of 100) as the minimum
threshold of achievement. fulfillment criteria/minimum treshold value is determined by
faculty meetings based on Academic Rules in ITB (Rector Decree ITB No:
609/It1.A/Per/2021. Article 37 Point 4 (Appendix 24)). Since 2019, Env Eng ITB has 2
class namely regular class and international class. Both class were assessed using same
standard and methods.
Student outcome attainment based on rubric assessment represents achievement of
students in each course using LOATL ( and see
Appendix: LOATL). The achievement of students is resulted from lecturer’s assessment
that represents certain student outcome. Afterward, the attainment of each student
outcome is obtained from average number of entire courses with some weighting in the
calculation based on cognitive level of courses (Appendix: SOP Outcomes
Assesment). In addition to rubric assessment, student outcome attainment also was
measured based on course questionnaire is obtained from surveys conducted to
students. The objective of the survey is to collect student’s perception of himself or herself
towards attainment of each course. Students are given series of questions that related
to student outcome as well as courses. Two other survey namely graduate and employer
survey were also conducted to measure the outcomes and would be input for continous
improvement such as developing new and adaptive curriculum.
The new attainment of student outcome is different with previous cycle and use numerical
score from 0 (poor) to 100 (excellent) grading scale based on rubric assesment. If The
attainment of student outcomes is less than 63, the outcomes were considered to be not
a good performing that still requires improvements. Meanwhile if the attainment of student
outcomes is greater than 63, they were considered to be adequate, need to be maintained
but can also be improved. However, the improvement is discretionary based on faculty
1. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve environmental problems by applying the
principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
The attainment of ability to identify, formulate, and solve environmental problems by
applying the principles of engineering, science, and mathematics outcome based on rubic
assessment has exceeded the threshold (above 63 out of 100) for 4-years assessment
as follow: 2016 – 85.4; 2017 – 88.86; 2018 -69.97 ; 2019 (reguler) – 70.95; 2019
(international) – 73.13. Based on course questionnaire, the attainment of this outcome
has a very high value as follow: 2016 - 82.95 ; 2017- 89.19; 2018 - 84.36; 2019
(reguler) - 87.78; 2019 (international) - 84.85. Based on graduate survey, the attainment
of within five years as follow: 2016 - 86.90 ; 2017 - 83.97, meanwhile 2018, 2019, and
2020 have not assessed yet because they have not graduated yet. Based on employer
survey, the value is slightly decreasing, but it is still higher than threshold value. It
suggests that graduates few shortcomings according to the users. It means graduates
have not matched with the user expectation or the user expectation higher than the
graduates. Figure 12 below shows the attainment of outcomes no 1.
Figure 12 Student Outcomes Attainment for 1. Ability to identify, formulate, and
solve environmental problems by applying the principles of engineering, science,
and mathematics.
There are needed several improvements. For some lectures of subject that related with
this outcomes need to be conducted appropriately with schedule and need to coordination
with lecturer. Generally, the lectures has implemented well. However, in terms of
1 1 1 1
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
1. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve environmental problems by
applying the principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler)
2019 (Internasional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasional) Treshold Value (>63)
student’s self-learning was perceived still deficient. The actual credit system for self-
learning has not been done by the students. The students have not used homework
assignment as structured learning methods. Moreover, there are only a few students who
want to read reference books presented during lectures. It causes the delivery of course
content relatively slow. students seem quite interested in the subject although they must
have a high endurance because during the lectures they are required to solve some
problems, which requires many calculations with the aid of a calculator.
The approach pattern of course content delivery was not sufficiently adaptive to the
needs. In addition, the student basic knowledge quite diverse. Nevertheless, the form of
course content was vary and good enough. Although the subjects have not been done
completely (100%) as expected, there has been begun two-way dialogue for some of
course content that was taught. In some parts of courses contents that require complex
calculations, students seem quite enthusiastic to ask. In general, because the course
contents much discuss technical problems, the students showed their interest and
curiosity so the discussion going well. In the workmanship exercise, students were asked
to come forward to see how far they understand the material being taught.
recommendations which can support the improvement of this student outcome attainment
are as follows:
1. Improvement action
Generally, enrichment of course content with up-to-date real problems or cases. In
addition, students are expected to read more references. In addition, evaluation
needs to be done at the end of the class to find out how the students understand
the material of the class.
2. Methodology improvement
For several subjects, improved delivery method of the course content is needed.
Student centered learning, self-evaluation and schedule synchronization are also
need to be improved especially for the subject that implement assistance activity.
3. Need to include more case studies as part of learning in the classroom so that
students can better understand scientific expertise aspects from the practical
side.The inclusion of more given case study is expected to support the intensive
discussion process so that teaching and learning activities become more active.
4. The improvements of delivery method also very necessary to bridge the gap
between scientific-based materials (textbook oriented) with an understanding of
individual students. This improvement is expected to improve the application of
science and its application in the real world. Retrofitting the delivery methods,
primarily on the class materials and references to increase student participation
and interaction during class. The satisfactory benefits for students during study
indicates the discrepancy among motivation, effort and the method used by the
student to understand the lecture. It means that the student understanding seems
to be delayed resulting in less satisfying Final Exam’s marks.
5. The development of teaching materials based on student centered learning and
collaborative learning. Other approaches beside teaching material also need to be
more varied with textbook comprehension as well as providing integrated tasks in
order to improve the practical skills in using equations, a particular method or
approach in a number of different problems sets.
2. Ability to apply analysis and synthesis in producing engineering designs needed
in environmental conservation by considering public health, security and welfare
as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors.
The attainment of Ability to apply analysis and synthesis in producing engineering designs
needed in environmental conservation by considering public health, security and welfare
as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors outcome based on
rubic assessment has exceeded the threshold (above 63 out of 100) for 4-years
assessment as follow: 2016 – 87.59; 2017 – 92.80; 2018 - 67.77 ; 2019 (reguler) –0; 2019
(international) – 0 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on course
questionnaire, the attainment of design outcome has a very high value as follow: 2016 –
82.46 ; 2017- 90.97; 2018 – 87.36; 2019 (reguler) –0; 2019 (international) – 0 ; 2020
(reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0.. Based on graduate survey, the attainment of within
five years as follow: 2016 – 86.90 ; 2017 – 83.97. The trend are varied although the value
is still higher than treshold because the students of 2018,2019, and 2020 have not
assessed whole yet due to not taken all the subject and not graduated yet. Figure 13
below shows the attainment of outcomes no 2.
Figure 13 Student Outcomes Attainment for 2. Ability to apply analysis and
synthesis in producing engineering designs needed in environmental
conservation by considering public health, security and welfare as well as global,
cultural, social, environmental and economic factors.
It is necessary to implement problem-based learning methods such as providing real
object or location for major assignment in design courses. In addition, the involvement of
practitioners is necessary, either as guest lecturers or in the assessment process, in order
to improve the student’s understanding of multiple economic, social, and ethic constraints
as well as operation & maintenance. The lectures has been implemented in accordance
to syllabus and SAP in curriculum 2019. Supervision can help students to solve the
problems discussion in a team during design process. To elaborate the knowledge,
students were asked to discuss with their team and defense their design in the end of
semester. Although it is still imperfect, the design process have already taken place as
expected such as implementing the criteria design, selecting some design alternatives
and explaining the design well in a team. Furthermore, students start to discuss about
recent issues especially conditions to reach the SDGs and their constraints.
3. Ability to communicate effectively with various parties regarding water, air, and
land environmental problems and the technology needed to solve them.
The attainment of Ability to apply analysis and synthesis in producing engineering designs
needed in environmental conservation by considering public health, security and welfare
as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors outcome based on
2 2 2 2
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
Attainment 2. Ability to apply analysis and synthesis in producing engineering designs
needed in environmental conservation by considering public health,
security and welfare as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and
economic factors.
2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler)
2019 (Internasional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasional) Treshold Value (>63)
rubic assessment has exceeded the threshold (above 63 out of 100) for 4-years
assessment as follow: 2016 – 95.40; 2017 – 96.40; 2018 - 0 ; 2019 (reguler) – 0; 2019
(international) – 0 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on course
questionnaire, the attainment of communication outcome has exceed the treshold as
follow: 2016 – 81.11; 2017- 88.47; 2018 – 0; 2019 (reguler) –0; 2019 (international) – 0 ;
2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on graduate survey, the attainment of
within five years as follow: 2016 – 71.43 ; 2017 – 76.28. Then based on employer survey,
the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 79.17; 2017 – 83.33. Meanwhile
2018,2019, and 2020 have not assessed yet because they have not taken the subject
and graduated. The trend is increasing therefore it illustrates that the communication skill
of Env Eng Student is better than previous year . Figure 14 below shows the attainment
of outcomes no 3.
Figure 14 Student Outcomes Attainment for 3. Ability to communicate effectively
with various parties regarding water, air, and land environmental problems and
the technology needed to solve them.
Based on rubric assessment, the action plan consists of more textbooks to be provided,
academic writing and presentation technique should be delivered to students before 4th
grade. Based on course questionnaire, graduate survey, and employer survey, the action
plan needed such as guest lecture involving practitioners, should be held more frequent
for the related courses. Faculties also have to give adequate opportunities for students to
actively discuss and make a good presentation. Other recommendations which can
support the improvement ofthis student outcome achievement is as follows:
3 3 3 3
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
3. Ability to communicate effectively with various parties regarding water,
air, and land environmental problems and the technology needed to solve
2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler)
2019 (Internasional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasional) Treshold Value (>63)
- Students should improve the communication skill, which can be enriched by
having more textbooks to be read as references.
- Supporting facility including location/space for doing activities
- Most class discussion is in two ways, but students tend to be passive for not
giving comments or opinions therefore group discussion needs round table or
making schedule for Planary and QnA Session in order to get maximum
presentation skill.
- As the method of delivering the content of the lecture is project-based learning,
presentation skill is very important for defending their opinions.
4. Ability to apply ethical and professional responsibilities through consideration of
the issue of environmental degradation and the impact of a technology on the
environment locally, regionally, and globally, including social and economic
The attainment of Ability to apply ethical and professional responsibilities through
consideration of the issue of environmental degradation and the impact of a technology
on the environment locally, regionally, and globally, including social and economic
aspects outcome based on rubic assessment has exceeded the threshold (above 63 out
of 100) for 4-years assessment as follow: 2016 – 89.48; 2017 – 92.88; 2018 – 75.88 ;
2019 (reguler) – 74.22; 2019 (international) – 78.07 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020
(international) - 0. Based on course questionnaire, the attainment of ethics and
professional responsibilities outcome has exceed the treshold as follow: 2016 – 86.57;
2017- 89.82; 2018 – 89.25; 2019 (reguler) – 92.63; 2019 (international) – 97.50 ; 2020
(reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on graduate survey, the attainment of within
five years as follow: 2016 – 77.38 ; 2017 – 80.13. Then based on employer survey, the
attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 79.17; 2017 – 75.00. Meanwhile 2018,
2019, and 2020 have not whole assessed yet because they have not taken all the subject
and graduated. The trend is varied however it still exceeds the treshold therefore it needs
some improvement to increase the student’s ability in ethics and professional outcomes
while they are considering the constraints in environment. Figure 15 below shows the
attainment of outcomes no 4.
Figure 15 Student Outcomes Attainment for 4. Ability to apply ethical and
professional responsibilities through consideration of the issue of environmental
degradation and the impact of a technology on the environment locally,
regionally, and globally, including social and economic aspects.
To give broaden both technical and practical implementation of professional responsibility
and ethics in engineering, also to improve the attainment, some actions are needed,
which are:
1. guest lecture series to broaden both technical and practical implementation of
responsibility and ethics in engineering;
2. Project-based learning as a method to deliver the content of the course should
be adopted and problem-based learning applies to the latest professional
responsibility and ethics problem (study case). For each semester, it is
necessary to create assignment related to project-based learning. The
assignment is conducted in-group to allow peer teaching among students. In
addition, the project must describe the condition in a real locations while the
data could be made up differently for each group
3. course content enrichment regarding role and responsibility of environmental
engineering either in government and/or private institutions
4 4 4 4
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
Attainment 4. Ability to apply ethical and professional responsibilities through
consideration of the issue of environmental degradation and the impact of
a technology on the environment locally, regionally, and globally, including
social and economic aspects.
2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler)
2019 (Internasional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasional) Treshold Value (>63)
5. Ability to work effectively in a team by prioritizing leadership to create
collaborative and comprehensive conditions in setting goals, targets, and plans
needed to manage the environment for reducing degradation and increasing
The attainment of Ability to work effectively in a team by prioritizing leadership to create
collaborative and comprehensive conditions in setting goals, targets, and plans needed
to manage the environment for reducing degradation and increasing conservation
outcome based on rubic assessment has exceeded the threshold (above 63 out of 100)
for 4-years assessment as follow: 2016 – 91.33; 2017 – 92.80; 2018 – 77.38 ; 2019
(reguler) – 78.49; 2019 (international) – 34.74 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) -
0. Based on course questionnaire, the attainment of teamwork outcome has exceed the
treshold as follow: 2016 – 83; 2017- 89.04; 2018 – 88.01; 2019 (reguler) – 91.17; 2019
(international) – 91.25 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on graduate
survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 76.38 ; 2017 – 80.13. Then
based on employer survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 79.17;
2017 – 75.00. Meanwhile 2018, 2019, and 2020 have not whole assessed yet because
they have not taken all the subject and graduated. The trend is varied however it still
exceeds the treshold therefore it needs some improvement to increase the student’s
ability in working as team. Figure 16 below shows the attainment of outcomes no 5.
Figure 16 Student Outcomes Attainment for 5. Ability to work effectively in a team
by prioritizing leadership to create collaborative and comprehensive conditions in
setting goals, targets, and plans needed to manage the environment for reducing
degradation and increasing conservation.
The recommendations to change are providing more exercise more and more detailed
evaluations, recruiting assistant, limiting classes’ size (ideally one class is consist of 30
PEO/APPple) and last, forming an evaluation team of Field Work to be 3 classes for each
year. In addition, based on the indirect measurement, recommendation to increase the
outcome are having more teamwork task such as group assignment or report, group
discussion and presentation. For each semester, it is necessary to create assignment
related to project-based learning. The assignment is conducted in-group to allow peer
teaching among students
6. Ability to identify problems, develop and conduct experiments, analyze and
interpret data, and use judgment to draw conclusions in the field of environmental
The attainment of Ability to identify problems, develop and conduct experiments, analyze
and interpret data, and use judgment to draw conclusions in the field of environmental
conservation outcome based on rubic assessment has exceeded the threshold (above
63 out of 100) for 4-years assessment as follow: 2016 – 84.04; 2017 – 88.43; 2018 –
5 5 5 5
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
Attainment 5. Ability to work effectively in a team by prioritizing leadership to create
collaborative and comprehensive conditions in setting goals, targets, and
plans needed to manage the environment for reducing degradation and
increasing conservation.
2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler)
2019 (Internasional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasional) Treshold Value (>63)
72.94 ; 2019 (reguler) – 74.94; 2019 (international) – 74.57 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020
(international) - 0. Based on course questionnaire, the attainment of experiment outcome
has exceed the treshold as follow: 2016 – 84.25; 2017- 89.36; 2018 – 83.74; 2019
(reguler) – 86.95; 2019 (international) – 84.32; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) -
0. Based on graduate survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 83.33
; 2017 – 85.90. Then based on employer survey, the attainment of within five years as
follow: 2016 – 83.33; 2017 – 75.00. Meanwhile 2018, 2019, and 2020 have not whole
assessed yet because they have not taken all the subject and graduated. The trend is
varied however it still exceeds the treshold therefore it needs some improvement to
increase the student’s ability in experiments. Figure 17 below shows the attainment of
outcomes no 6.
Figure 17 Student Outcomes Attainment for 6. Ability to identify problems,
develop and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data, and use judgment
to draw conclusions in the field of environmental conservation.
There are some recommended actions comes from the faculties to improve the
achievement of student outcome such as
1. improving tools and laboratory facilities, upgrading of demo lab, periodic tutorial
activities, evaluation of experimental activities, change of courses and experiment
content, module refurbishing, upgrading of demo lab, as well as evaluation of
experimental activities.
6 6 6 6
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
6.Ability to identify problems, develop and conduct experiments, analyze
and interpret data, and use judgment to draw conclusions in the field of
environmental conservation
2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler)
2019 (Internasional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasional) Treshold Value (>63)
2. The content modification and enrichment of course content; moving class;
collaborative learning; and continuous learning
3. Integrated task (problem set); quiz; remedial for low score test; student attendance;
and read reference books should be improved.
4. Organizing field trip to another professional laboratory or accredited laboratory;
improving tools and laboratory facilities as well asl aboratory assistant
competency; and conducting periodic tutorial activities
5. Students are required to conduct experiment individually as well as collectively
within a group and discuss the problems that faced in the experiment. During
exercises, students were asked to move forward the class to see they understand
the material being taught
7. Awareness of the need for continuous learning to enrich knowledge and apply
it, evaluate, integrate, and apply this knowledge appropriately in accordance with
the development
The attainment of Ability to identify problems, develop and conduct experiments, analyze
and interpret data, and use judgment to draw conclusions in the field of environmental
conservation outcome based on rubic assessment has exceeded the threshold (above
63 out of 100) for 4-years assessment as follow: 2016 – 98.04; 2017 – 100; 2018 – 72.11
; 2019 (reguler) – 75.20; 2019 (international) – 78.33 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020
(international) - 0. Based on course questionnaire, the attainment of continous learning
outcome has exceed the treshold as follow: 2016 – 83.86; 2017- 91.18; 2018 – 88.54;
2019 (reguler) – 91.38; 2019 (international) – 93.25; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020
(international) - 0. Based on graduate survey, the attainment of within five years as follow:
2016 – 83.33 ; 2017 – 87.18. Then based on employer survey, the attainment of within
five years as follow: 2016 – 79.17; 2017 – 83.33. Meanwhile 2018, 2019, and 2020 have
not whole assessed yet because they have not taken all the subject and graduated. The
trend is increasing however it still exceeds the treshold therefore it needs some
improvement to increase the student’s ability in continous learning. Figure 18 below
shows the attainment of outcomes no 7.
Figure 18 Student Outcomes Attainment for 7. Awareness of the need for
continuous learning to enrich knowledge and apply it, evaluate, integrate, and
apply this knowledge appropriately in accordance with the development
There are some recommended actions comes from the faculties to improve the
achievement of student outcome such as
1. Improving discussion on location of Field Work with the supervisor so that the
learning process can be carried out intensively.
2. The topic of Final Task can have more variety, include the recent issues related to
the topic of design and research in accordance with Environmental Engineerin.
3. Increasing the frequency of discussions/tutorials between students with their
4. Necessary to have an initial meeting before Field Work have been started in order
to understand the learning aspects during the process of Field Work. This initial
meeting conducted by coordinator of Field Work and lecturer(s) who teach the
related subject to the topic of Field Work.
5. Students should improve the reading habit of text books and use these text books
as references in the report of the Final Task.
6. Improving time management for the students. Students’ progress of Final Task
report has not achieved the expected target due to unevenly workload during its
7 7 7 7
Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey
Attainment 7. Awareness of the need for continuous learning to enrich knowledge and
apply it, evaluate, integrate, and apply this knowledge appropriately in
accordance with the development
2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler)
2019 (Internasional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasional) Treshold Value (>63)
working period. In most cases, intensity of student's activity was extremely
increased near the deadline.
7. Research quality and depth among students were still varied, depends on their
advisor. Distribution of advisory workload among lecturer has not spread evenly.
Seminar and final task needs advisors who are able to encourage students to finish
their tasks on the time. It is expected that minimal frequency or more of advisors
and students meeting can be achieved.
Student outcomes attainment had been measured and evaluated based on treshold value
for three-year assessment (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020). The action plans were
also explained and implemented to improve the student outcomes attainment. Table 2
described the conclusion of Student Outcomes Attainment in 2016-2020.
Table 2. The Conclusion of Student Outcomes Attainment in 2016-2020
Academic Year Conclusion
2016 2017 2018
2016 2017 2018
1 63 85,40 88,86 69,94 70,95 73,13 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied
Have not
asssed yet
Have not
asssed yet
2 63 87,59 92,80 67,77 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
3 63 95,40 96,40 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
4 63 89,48 92,88 75,88 74,20 78,07 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
5 63 91,33 92,80 77,38 78,49 34,74 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
6 63 84,04 88,43 72,94 74,94 74,57 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
7 63 98,89
75,11 75,20 78,33 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
1 63 82,95 89,19 84,36 87,78 84,85 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
2 63 82,46 90,97 87,45 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
3 63 81,11 88,47 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
4 63 86,57 89,82 89,25 92,63 97,50 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
5 63 83,00 89,04 88,01 91,17 91,25 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
6 63 84,25 89,36 83,74 86,95 84,32 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
7 63 83,86 91,18 88,54 91,38 93,25 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
1 63 86,90 83,97 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
Academic Year Conclusion
2016 2017 2018
2016 2017 2018
2 63 82,14 85,90 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
3 63 71,43 76,28 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
4 63 77,38 80,13 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
5 63 76,19 84,62 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
6 63 83,33 85,90 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
7 63 83,33 87,18 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
1 63 83,33 75,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
2 63 75,00 66,67 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
3 63 79,17 83,33 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
4 63 79,17 75,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
5 63 83,33 79,17 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
6 63 83,33 75,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
7 63 79,17 83,33 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
Have not
assessed yet
The table 3 shows the relationship mapping of performance indicators and
course outcomes for each subject in Env Eng ITB. This mapping have been
implemented and applied in LOATL
Table 3 The Relationship Mapping of Performance Indicators and Course
IK 01 (S01): Self Governance
Planning a task under given constraints such as schedule, team members, specific topics
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Hidrologi dan
Mahasiswa mempunyai pemahaman dan pengertian yang
baik tentang hidrologi dasar khususnya siklus hidrologi
dan iklim yang nantinya akan sangat bermanfaat dalam
mata kuliah tingkat lanjut yang terkait dengan bidang TL,
seperti sumber daya air, kaitannya dengan pengaliran dan
emisi limbah
Pengelolaan Sumber
Daya Air
Mahasiswa mampu memahami teori dan aplikasi prinsip-
prinsip pengelolaan sumber air secara kuantitatif dan
Perencanaan dan
Pengelolaan Proyek
Student understand how to make planning and phasing
including scheduling and controlling in any environmental
infrastructure project.
Pencemaran Udara
Mahasiswa memahami pengertian pencemaran udara,
potensi pencemar udara, dampaknya terhadap manusia
serta teknologi pencegahan pencemaran udara
IK 02 (S02): Responsibility
Accomplish and evaluate a tasks under given constraints (schedule, team member, spesific topic)
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
TL3106 Pencemaran Tanah 1
Mahasiswa akan memiliki wawasan dan kemampuan
untuk melengkapi, memperkuat, dan memperkaya
kompetensi dasar bidang pencemaran termasuk
kemampuan prediksi
Perencanaan dan
Pengelolaan Proyek
Student understand how to make planning and phasing
including scheduling and controlling in any environmental
infrastructure project.
Analisis Mengenai
Dampak Lingkungan
Mahasiswa mampu bekerja di dalam tim penyusunan
Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan, mampu
membuat/menyusun laporan AMDAL, bisa membuat
evaluasi dokumen AMDAL khususnya bagian-bagian yang
berkaitan dengan bidang Teknik Lingkungan.
IK 03 (S03): Nationalism
Demonstrate a role as a proud citizen and love the homeland, have an attitude of nationalism and a sense
of responsibility towards society and the country
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
TL3205 Hukum Lingkungan
1 Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat
perhitungan dan perencanaan penyalur air buangan dan
drainase perkotaan serta membuat gambar-gambar
TL4098 Kerja Praktek
1 Mahasiswa memahami instrumen –instrumen pengelolaan
lingkungan hidup yang diterapkan dalam pengendalian
pencemaran, Pemanfaatan Sumber daya Alam dan
Pengendalian Perusakan Lingkungan Hidup
Sewerage & Drainase
1 Mahasiswa mampu mendapatkan informasi teknologi
pengelolaan lingkungan terkini secara mandiri selama
melaksanakan kerja praktek di lapangan..
IK 04 (S04): Contribution
Contribute to improving the quality of life in society and the state based on Pancasila, and contribute to
advancing social welfare
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Analisis Mengenai
Dampak Lingkungan
4 Pemahaman dan mampu melakukan prediksi dampak,
menilai dan memilih opsi tindakan mitigasi dalam
lingkungan termasuk sosial ekonomi budaya dan
Perancangan Teknik
Mahasiswa mampu mengevaluasi aspek keberlanjutan
dan manfaat rekayasa perancangan untuk meningkatkan
kualitas lingkungan.
1 Mahasiswa akan memiliki wawasan dan kemampuan
untuk mengaplikasikan epidemiologi dalam peningkatan
kualitas pengelolaan lingkungan.
IK 05 (S05): Cooperation
Work together in cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural teams and have social sensitivity and concern for
society and the environment
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Perencanaan dan
Pengelolaan Proyek
Mahasiswa memahami perencanaan dan pengelolaan
proyek bidang infrastruktur lingkungan yang melibatkan
muli tim dan lintas disiplin.
Perancangan Teknik
Mahasiswa mampu menghasilkan design teknik
lingkungan pada permasalahan yang nyata dengan
menggunakan standar dan kriteria yang sesuai.
IK 06 (S06): Professional
Understand professional responsibility and ethics, as well as the principles and able to apply it relevantly
to program objectives/goal
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
TL2105 Kesehatan Lingkugan 1
Students can describe the impact of human activities on
public health and the environment, and analyze predicting
health and environmental risks that occur.
Kesehatan Lingkungan
2 Mahasiswa mampu mengindetifikasi, menganalisis aspek-
aspek dalam lingkungan kerja yang dapat memberikan
efek-efek bahaya terhadap kesehatan dan mampu untuk
melakukan pencegahan dan kontrol terhadap efek
Kebijakan dan Hukum
1 Mahasiswa memahami instrumen –instrumen pengelolaan
lingkungan hidup yang diterapkan dalam pengendalian
pencemaran, Pemanfaatan Sumber daya Alam dan
Pengendalian Perusakan Lingkungan Hidup
IK 07 (S07): Professional ethics
Understand role and code of conduct as an environmental engineer either in the society, government or
private institution
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Pengantar Rekayasa &
1 Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan keterlibatan berbagai
profesi dalam penyelesaian masalah rekayasa dan desain
Menggambar Teknik
2 Student able to do practical work in the drawing studio, as
well as using commercial CAD software
Teknik Penyediaan Air
1 Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kebutuhan air bersih.
Mampu merancang suatu sistem penyediaan air minum,
dari transmisi sampai distribusi.
Sewerage & Drainase
Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat
perhitungan dan perencanaan penyalur air buangan dan
drainase perkotaan serta membuat gambar-gambar
IK 08 (S08): Sosial ethics
Evaluate ethical problem in Environmental Engineering work and make decisions
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Manajemen Teknik
Mahasiswa aapat membedakan dan menjelaskan peran
dan fungsi manajemen dan perencanaan dalam
pengambilan keputusan.
Perencanaan dan
Pengelolaan Proyek
Mahasiswa memahami aspek ekonomis, legalitas, teknik,
etika lingkungan dan etika sosial dalam pengelolaan
IK 09 (P01): Basic Science
Describe mathematical, physical, chemical and biological relations for given facts/occurences in
environmental engineering
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Pengolahan Fisik dan
1 Mahasiswa memahami proses fisik dan kimia dalam
pengolahan cair, padat dan gas dalam bidang keteknik
lingkungan, misal aplikasi dalam pengolahan air bersih
dan pengolahan limbah cair, padat dan gas
Rekayasa dan Proses
1 Mahasiswa memahami aplikasi bioproses dalam bidang
Teknik Lingkungan menguasai prinsip-prinsip rekayasa
bioproses memahami faktor-faktor/parameter-parameter
yang mempengaruhi kinerja bioproses dalam berbagai
jenis bioreaktor.
Perancangan Proses
Pengolahan Air
1 Mahasiswa dapat memahami, menerangkan secara detail
pengolahan air bersih serta alternatif proses pengolahan
yang sesuai dengan karakteristik air baku.
Perancangan Proses
Pengolahan Limbah Cair
1 Mahasiswa dapat mendisain instalasi pengolahan air
limbah domestic dan menerapkan pengelolaan instalasi
air limbah secara berkelanjutan.
IK 10 (P02): Engineering Science
Recognize basic engineering problems, identify the data, and classify the related knowledge for solution
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
SI2112 Pengetahuan Struktur
1 Mahasiswa mampu memahami karakteristik struktur
bangunan sipil, jenis dan modelisasi beban, serta
kesetimbangan gaya statik.
Pengantar Mekanika
1 Mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman mekanika tanah dalam
bidang sipil dan kemampuan untuk menghitung daya
dukung pondasi dangkal.
Pengantar Sistem
Informasi Geografis
1 Students understand the Basic Concept of Geographic
Information System and its basic applications for
environmental problems
TL2104 Kimia Lingkungan
Mahasiswa memahami fenomena prinsip kimia dasar,
kimia fisika, dan kesetimbangan kimia di lingkungan (air,
tanah, udara).
IK 11 (P03): Application of mathematics
Demonstrate application of differential equation, statistic, probability, calculus-based physics, general
chemistry and other relevant science to solve the problem
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
TL2102 Statistika Lingkungan
Mahasiwa memiliki pemahaman tentang konsep-konsep
dasar statistika parametris elementer dan teori
TL2103 Matematika Rekayasa
1 Mahasiswa mampun menjelaskan hubungan matematis
dalam fakta yang diberikan di bidang teknik lingkungan.
TL2104 Kimia Lingkungan
2 Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan dasar dasar kimia
organik dan biokimia dalam bidang pengelolaan
TL2101 Mekanika Fluida I
1 Mahasiswa memahami aplikasi ilmu dasar-dasar
mekanika fluida (air dan udara) yang dibutuhkan dalam
menunjang mata kuliah keahlian, khususnya yang
berkaitan dengan perancangan yang melibatkan aliran
fluida terutama air pada saluran tertutup.
TL2201 Mekanika Fluida II
1 Students can demonstrate the application of statistical and
empirical equation solution of a given problem
TL2203 Mkrobiologi Lingkungan
Mahasiswa memahami peran mikrobiologi dalam
permasalahan lingkungan
Hidrologi dan
Mahasiswa menguasai beberapa kaidah statistika yang
terkait dengan hidrologi
Mahasiswa dapat menguraikan tiga model dasar
penelitian epidemiologi
TL2206 Pengelolaan Kualitas Air
Mahasiswa memahami prinsip-prinsip reaksi kimia dan
keseimbangan massa dalam lingkungan air
IK 12 (P04): Identification
Formulate the problem and identify key issues/variables
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
TL2102 Statistika Lingkungan
Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prosedur uji hipotesis,
memecahkan persoalan uji hipotesis untuk pengujian satu
sampel, analisis variansi dan regresi korelasi.
TL2206 Pengelolaan Kualitas Air
Mahasiswa dapat memahami prinsip dasar pemodelan
kualitas air permukaan dan air tanah
IK 13 (P05): Problem Recognition
Recognize the need for multiple solutions
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
TL3104 Pengelolaan B3 1
Mahasiswa mampu memahami teknologi yang dapat
diterapkan dalam mengelola bahan berbahaya dan limbah
bahan berbahaya dan beracun, sehingga tidak
menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap kesehatan
manusia dan tidak mencemari lingkungan.
TL3106 Pencemaran Tanah 1
Mahasiswa mampu melengkapi, memperkuat, dan
memperkaya kompetensi dasar bidang pencemaran tanah
termasuk kemampuan prediksi.
Kesehatan Lingkungan
Mahasiswa mampu mengindetifikasi, menganalisis aspek-
aspek dalam lingkungan kerja yang dapat memberikan
efek-efek bahaya terhadap kesehatan dan mampu untuk
melakukan pencegahan dan kontrol terhadap efek
TL3201 Pencemaran Udara 1
Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip interaksi,
pengaruh alam serta akibat-akibat aktivitas yang dilakukan
oleh manusia terhadap kualitas udara.
Pengolahan Limbah
Mahasiswa mampu menganalisa hasil laboratorium untuk
pemilihan teknologi pengolahan akhir.
IK 14 (P06): Analysis
Analyze alternative solutions to an engineering problem
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Manajemen Teknik
Mahasiswa memahami dan dapat menganalisa berbagai
komponen yang terkait dengan ekonomi teknik.
Perencanaan dan
Pengelolaan Proyek
Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi dan memberikan
alternatif solusi atau troubleshooting masalah yang
mungkin terjadi selama proyek berlangsung.
Analisis Sistem
Pengelolaan Lingkungan
1 Mahasiswa memahami dinamika suatu sistem dan
peramalan teknologi (technological forecasting) dari
keadaan lingkungan pada kurun waktu kedepan
Perancangan Teknik
3 Mahasiswa mampu memilih alternatif terbaik berdasarkan
kriteria desain keteknikan.
IK 15 (P07): Problem Solving
Justify a solution to an engineering problem
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Perancangan Teknik
Mahasiswa mampu memilih alternatif terbaik berdasarkan
kriteria desain keteknikan.
Seminar dan Tugas
Akhir 1
Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan hasil riset dan
merumuskan alternatif untuk menentukan kriteria
rekayasa dalam pengelolaan lingkungan.
IK 16 (KU01): Communication
Communicate effectively using written media to various parties regarding water, air, and land
environmental problems and the technology needed to solve those problem
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
TL4096 Perancangan Teknik
5 Mahasiswa mampu memahami karakteristik
permasalahan dan mampu memilih kriteria desain.
TL4201 Perencanaan dan
Pengelolaan Proyek
2 Mahasiswa mampu menyusun deskripsi saintifik hasil
kajian dalam bentuk karya ilmiah.
Seminar dan Tugas
Akhir 1
Mahasiswa mampu menyusun deskripsi saintifik hasil
kajian dalam bentuk karya ilmiah.
IK 17 (KU02): Presentation
Communicate effectively using oral and written using Indonesian and English language
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
TL4098 Kerja Praktik
Mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan laporan kerja
praktek in an appropiate manner.
Analisis Mengenai
Dampak Lingkungan
Mahasiswa memahami proses penilaian laporan AMDAL
yang telah disusun dan mempresentasikan laporan
dihadapan audience.
Seminar dan Tugas
Akhir 3
Mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan karya tugas akhir
sebagai publikasi ilmiah.
Perancangan Teknik
Lingkungan 5
Mahasiswa mampu memahami karakteristik
permasalahan dan mampu memilih kriteria desain.
IK 18 (KU03): Skill development
Understand the benefit of skill development for the future career
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Kerja Praktik
Mahasiswa mengerti proses dalam pengembangan
ketrampilan diri selama melaksanakan kerja praktek di
Seminar dan Tugas
Mahasiswa mampu mengkaji pengembangan atau
implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sesuai
dengan keahliannya dalam rangka menghasilkan solusi,
gagasan, dan desain.
IK 19 (KU04): Lifelong Learning
Identify the need for lifelong learning, including having access to current issues, and being able to
disseminate ideas
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Kerja Praktik
Mahasiswa mampu mendapatkan informasi teknologi
pengelolaan lingkungan terkini secara mandiri selama
melaksanakan kerja praktek di lapangan.
Seminar dan Tugas
Mahasiswa mampu mendapatkan informasi terkini,
memahami kriteria, potensi sumber daya lokal/global dan
pemanfaatan teknologi tersebut.
IK 20 (KU05): Resource Utilization
Identify necessary techniques, skills and tools of modern engineering practice for a given situation
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Pengantar Rekayasa &
Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan bahwa masalah rekayasa
dan desain harus ditinjau secara multi aspek dan multi
Pengantar Sistem
Informasi Geografis
Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan dasar dalam
pengembangan sistem informasi geografis sederhana
menggunakan software GIS.
Manajemen Teknik
Mahasiswa memahami berbagai aspek baik teknis dan
non teknis dalam perencanaan pembangunan
Rekayasa Lingkungan
Pemanfaatan Sumber
Daya Alam 1
Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan teknologi informasi
dalam pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dengan
mempertimbangkan prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan
lingkungan berkelanjutan.
IK 20 (KK01): Formulation
Formulate the problem (identify the need) and analyze constraints
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Perancangan Teknik
Mahasiswa mampu memahami karakteristik
permasalahan dan mampu memilih kriteria desain.
IK 21 (KK02): Evaluation
Establish fitness criteria for evaluating potential solutions and tradeoffs
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Pengolahan Fisik dan
Mahasiswa memahami proses fisik dan kimia dalam
pengolahan cair, padat dan gas dalam bidang keteknik
lingkungan, misal aplikasi dalam pengolahan air bersih
dan pengolahan limbah cair, padat dan gas
Rekayasa dan Proses
Mahasiswa memahami aplikasi bioproses dalam bidang
Teknik Lingkungan menguasai prinsip-prinsip rekayasa
bioproses memahami faktor-faktor/parameter-parameter
yang mempengaruhi kinerja bioproses dalam berbagai
jenis bioreaktor.
Teknik Penyediaan Air
Mahasiswa mengetahui dasar-dasar perencanaan dan
aspek-aspek yang umum ditemui di dalam persoalan
penyediaan air minum.
Sewerage & Drainase
Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan data klimatologi dan
menggunakan persamaan standar sebagai input dalam
desain drainase.
IK22 (KK03): Determination
Generate alternative solutions
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Perancangan Proses
Pengolahan Air
Mahasiswa dapat memahami, menerangkan secara detail
pengolahan air bersih serta alternatif proses pengolahan
yang sesuai dengan karakteristik air baku.
Perancangan Proses
Pengolahan Limbah Cair
Mahasiswa dapat mendisain instalasi pengolahan air
limbah domestic dan menerapkan pengelolaan instalasi
air limbah secara berkelanjutan.
Pencemaran Udara
Mahasiswa mampu memilih teknologi terbaik tersedia
dalam pengendalian pencemaran udara yang tepat
berdasarkan scientific judgment.
Pengolahan Limbah
Mahasiswa mampu menganalisa secara lebih
komprehensif pemilihan alternatif pengolahan limbah
padat dipandang dari berbagai aspek.
Perancangan Teknik
Mahasiswa dapat menemukan alternatif solusi yang
optimal berdasarkan pemasalahan yang ada.
IK23 (KK04): Experiment
Conduct an experiment plan
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
TL2101 Mekanika Fluida I
1 Mahasiswa memahami aplikasi ilmu dasar-dasar
mekanika fluida (air dan udara) yang dibutuhkan dalam
menunjang mata kuliah keahlian, khususnya yang
berkaitan dengan perancangan yang melibatkan aliran
fluida terutama air pada saluran tertutup.
TL2201 Mekanika Fluida II 1 Students can demonstrate the application of statistical and
empirical equation solution of a given problem
TL2203 Mikrobiologi Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa memahami peran mikrobiologi dalam
permasalahan lingkungan
TL3103 Laboratorium
1 Mahasiswa dapat memahami prinsip-prinsip analisa
laboratorium dalam masalah lingkungan, serta mampu
menerapkannya untuk kegunaan evaluasi, rancangan dan
eksperimen beserta interpretasinya untuk kebutuhan
engineering disain.
IK 24 (KK05): Interpretation
Acquire, analyze, and interprete data on appropriate variables
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
TL2101 Mekanika Fluida I
Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan dan interpretasikan
data hasil pengukuran alat ukur debit.
TL2103 Matematika Rekayasa
Mahasiswa mampu mengenali masalah dasar keteknikan,
mengidentifikasi variabel kunci serta mendemonstrasikan
penerapan Persamaan Differential.
TL2201 Mekanika Fluida II
Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan persamaan dalam
mekanika fluida dalam bidang water works seperti
perencanaan drainase dan sewerage dan riol.
TL2203 Mkrobiologi Lingkungan 2
Mahasiswa mengerti cara mengidentifikasi
mikroorganisme serta memahami peran mikroorganisme
dalam pengolahan limbah.
IK 25 (KK06): Comparison
Compare experimental data and results to appropriate theoretical models
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Pengolahan Fisik dan
Mahasiswa mampu menghitung dimensi pada unit operasi
proses fisika dan kimia berdasarkan hasil data percobaan
dan kriteria desain.
Rekayasa dan Proses
Mahasiswa mampu menghitung dimensi pada unit operasi
proses biologi berdasarkan hasil data percobaan dan
kriteria desain.
IK 26 (KK07): Observation
Explain observed differences between model and experiment (incorrect model, incorrect measurements,
noise, etc.)
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Teknologi Konservasi
1 Mahasiswa dapat memberikan usulan dan perencanaan
konservasi suberdaya alam berupa air permukaan, air
tanah, udara, dan pantai.
1 Mahasiswa dapat memahami prinsip-prinsip analisa
laboratorium dalam masalah lingkungan, serta mampu
menerapkannya untuk kegunaan evaluasi, rancangan dan
eksperimen beserta interpretasinya untuk kebutuhan
engineering disain.
Teknik Penyediaan Air
Mahasiswa memahami sistem aliran, kebutuhan pipa dan
peralatan-nya, dapat mengaplikasikan hidrolika aliran
dalam pipa transmisi; dapat menghitung kehilangan
tekanan dan memplotkannya dalam gam-bar hidrolis
sistem transmisi dihubungkan dengan kondisi lapangan
IK 27 (KU05):
Identify necessary techniques, skills and tools of modern engineering practice for a given situation
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Pengantar Sistem
Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan dasar dalam
pengembangan sistem informasi geografis sederhana
menggunakan software GIS
Manajemen Teknik
Mahasiswa memahami berbagai aspek baik teknis dan
non teknis dalam perencanaan pembangunan
IK 28 (KU06): Explanation
Explain the use of specific techniques, skills and tools of modern engineering practice
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
TL3201 Pencemaran Udara 2
Mahasiswa mampu menghubungkan dasar-dasar
pengetahuan dan teknik rekayasa yang dibutuhkan dalam
pengendalian, pemantauan, prediksi dan kebijakan yang
berkaitan dengan pengelolaan kualitas udara.
Pengelolaan Limbah
Mahasiswa mampu menganalisa secara lebih
komprehensif pemilihan alternatif pengolahan limbah
padat dipandang dari berbagai aspek.
Pencemaran Udara
Mahasiswa memahami keseluruhan sistem pengendalian
pencemaran udara serta penggunaan teknologi
pengendalian pencemaran udara .
Pencemaran Udara
Mahasiswa mampu merencanakan sampling udara
ambient dan udara emisi cerobong dan melakukan
pengukuran zat polutan dari udara ambien dan emisi
dengan menggunakan peralatan yang konvensional
(standar) dan peralatan automatik (gas analyzer) dan
melakukan evaluasi data hasil pengukuran.
IK 29 (KU07): Technical Skills
Apply the chosen techniques, skills and tools of modern engineering practice to the given situation
No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
Seminar dan Tugas
Mahasiswa mampu memilih alternatif solusi permasalahan
bidang lingkungan sesuai teknologi terbaik yang tersedia
saat ini.
TL4111 Plambing dan Pompa 1
Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan persamaan dan tabel-
tabel, serta mampu menghitung besaran sistem perpipaan
plambing dan mampu merancang sistem plambing untuk
gedung 4 lantai
Aspek Teknis Daur
Ulang Limbah 1
Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan persamaan matematika
dalam memprediksi pergerakan air dan kontaminan dalam
air tanah.
TL4137 Pemodelan Air Tanah 1
Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan persamaan matematika
dalam memprediksi pergerakan air dan kontaminan dalam
air tanah.
Pengelolaan Limbah
1 Mahasiswa dapat memahami, menganalisa kebutuhan
sistem, menginterpretasikan data untuk perhitungan dan
perancangan sistem pengelolaan limbah industri.
TL4212 Bangunan Air
1 Mahasiswa mampu mendesain bentuk, dimensi dan
memilih material bangunan perlengkapan air minum,
penyaluran air limbah dan drainase perkotaan.
TL4213 Pengolahan Lumpur
1 Mahasiswa mengetahui karakteristik lumpur dan mengerti
prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan dan pengolahannya termasuk
dapat mendisain unit pengental lumpur, unit pengeringan
lumpur serta mengetahui opsi pengolahan bagi lumpur
dari kegiatan industri.
TL4235 Teknik Remediasi
1 Mahasiswa mampu memilih dan menggunakan teknologi
terbaik tersedia dalam melakukan remediasi lahan
terkontaminasi polutan spesifik.
Env Eng Learning Outcomes Assessment (LOATL)
Student Outcomes Measurement of Env. Eng. Is conducted regularly using the LOA
(Learning Outcomes Assessment) platform which can be accessed on the page. In this platform, the planning and course outcomes
of each course are recorded as a whole. With this LOA, the measurement results of each
course (course assessment) can be viewed and calculated for processing to generate
Student Outcomes.
With this LOA, it also can be seen the learning process that have been achieved by
students and graduates from Env. Eng. The output of this LOA is in the form of evaluation
material for student outcome for each individual, semester, batch, and graduate as well
as the course assessment of each subject. Through the output of the Learning Outcomes
Assessment, it can also be seen how the results compare to the standards determined
by the study program. Figures 18 below shows the evaluation of student outcomes for
individual, semester, and batch.
(a) The sample evaluation of student outcomes for individual
(b) The sample evaluation of student outcomes for semester
(c) The sample evaluation of student outcomes for batch
Figure 19 the evaluation of student outcomes for individual, semester and batch.
Sample of Outcomes Measurement Report
Sample of Outcomes Measurement Reports are on the next page

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  • 1. Academic Year 2013-2020 PROGRAM STUDENT OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT REPORT Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Study Program Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • 2. 1 VERIFICATION Bandung, Mei 2021 Mengetahui, Ketua Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Dr. Mont. Kania Dewi, ST. MT NIP: 197208281997022001
  • 3. 2 Team 1. Dr. Mont. Kania Dewi, ST., MT 2. Dr. Benno Rahardyan, ST., MT. 3. Dr. Qomarudin Helmy, S.Si., MT. 4. Dr. Ing. Marisa Handajani, S.T, M.T 5. Haryo Satriyo Tomo, S.T, M.T 6. Suharyanto, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D 7. Dr. I Made Wahyu Widyarsana, ST., MT. 8. Ir. Ahmad Soleh Setiyawan, S.T, M.T, Ph.D. 9. Ir. Yuniati Zevi, MT., M.Sc., Ph.D 10.Dr. Ir. Katharina Oginawati, MS 11.Emenda Sembiring, S.T, M.T, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D 12.Dr. Ir. Dwina Roosmini, M.S. 13.Ir. Arief Sudradjat, S.T., MIS., Ph.D 14.Dr. Mariana Marselina S., ST., MT. 15.Nadiyatur Rahmatikal Wasi'ah, S.T, M.T 16.Dr. Dyah Wulandari Putri, S.T, M.T. 17.Dr. Peni Astrini Notodarmojo, S.Si., M.Si 18.Dr. Adyati Pradini Yudison ST,MT 19.Dr. Muhammad Sonny Abfertiawan, ST.,MT 20.Seny Damayanti, S.T, M.T. 21.Dinda Annisa Nurdiani, S.T., M.T.
  • 4. 3 Table of Contents VERIFICATION.......................................................................................................................... 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 1 Team ......................................................................................................................................... 2 Table of Contents....................................................................................................................... 3 Program Student Outcomes Assessment Report....................................................................... 5 Academic Year 2013-2015......................................................................................................... 5 a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering............................. 5 b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data ... 7 c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability ....................................................................................... 9 d. an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams .................................................................10 e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems .......................................11 f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility ................................................12 g. an ability to communicate effectively..................................................................................13 h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context ..........................................................14 i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning .........................16 j. a knowledge of contemporary issues..................................................................................17 k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. .............................................................................................................18 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................19 Program Student Outcomes Assessment Report......................................................................22 Academic Year 2016-2020........................................................................................................22 1. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve environmental problems by applying the principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.................................................................................23 2. Ability to apply analysis and synthesis in producing engineering designs needed in environmental conservation by considering public health, security and welfare as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors..................................................25 3. Ability to communicate effectively with various parties regarding water, air, and land environmental problems and the technology needed to solve them.......................................26 4. Ability to apply ethical and professional responsibilities through consideration of the issue of environmental degradation and the impact of a technology on the environment locally, regionally, and globally, including social and economic aspects. ...........................................28
  • 5. 4 5. Ability to work effectively in a team by prioritizing leadership to create collaborative and comprehensive conditions in setting goals, targets, and plans needed to manage the environment for reducing degradation and increasing conservation. .....................................30 6. Ability to identify problems, develop and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data, and use judgment to draw conclusions in the field of environmental conservation.................31 7. Awareness of the need for continuous learning to enrich knowledge and apply it, evaluate, integrate, and apply this knowledge appropriately in accordance with the development........33 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................35 LOATL...................................................................................................................................38 Sample of Outcomes Measurement Report...........................................................................48
  • 6. 5 Program Student Outcomes Assessment Report Academic Year 2013-2015 Student outcome attainment based on rubric assessment represents achievement of students in each course. The achievement of students is resulted from lecturer’s assessment that represents certain student outcome. Afterward, the attainment of each student outcome is obtained from average number of entire courses with some weighting in the calculation based on cognitive level of courses (Appendix: SOP Outcomes Assesment). In addition to rubric assessment, student outcome attainment also was measured based on course questionnaire is obtained from surveys conducted to students. The objective of the survey is to collect student’s perception of himself or herself towards attainment of each course. Students are given series of questions that related to student outcome as well as courses. Two other survey namely graduate and employer survey were also conducted to measure the outcomes and would be input for continous improvement such as developing new and adaptive curriculum. The attainment of student outcome use numerical score from 1 (poor) to 4 (excellent) grading scale based on rubric assesment. If The attainment of student outcomes is less than 2.5, the outcomes were considered to be not a good performing that still requires improvements. Meanwhile if the attainment of student outcomes is greater than 2.5, they were considered to be adequate, need to be maintained but can also be improved. However, the improvement is discretionary based on faculty load. For the 2013-2015 academic year, Env Eng implemented 11 student outcomes based on abet criteria. In general, to reach PEO/APP, Env. Eng. program and staff must be committed to continually measure the progress of students and the impact of resources and services provided. In the initial review, Env Eng expected that the minimum level of student outcomes achievement is met in between apprentice to proficient to match the regulation of ITB. The measurable student outcomes needed to be aligned to PEO/APP and benchmarks needed to be established. Then it was decided that the quantitative student outcome is 2.5 (out of 4) as the minimum threshold of achievement. fulfillment criteria/minimum treshold value is determined by faculty meetings based on Academic Rules in ITB (Rector Decree ITB No: 609/It1.A/Per/2021. Article 37 Point 4 (Appendix 24)) a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering Scientific expertise is one of student outcomes used to measure the achievement of PSO # 1: "Having basic and skills to scientifically observe, identify, and problem-solving approach in environmental engineering". Achievement for 3 years in general can be seen
  • 7. 6 in Figure 1.. The attainment for direct measure that is rubric assessment have passed the threshold (above 2.5 out of 4) for 3 years. In 2013 achievement reach 2,87, but it decrease slightly in 2015 to 2.85. In the next year (2015) was higher than before that were 3,38. Indirect measurements were conducted using course questioner, graduates survey and employer survey. The attainment from course questioner have passed the threshold (above 2.5 out of 4) for 3 years and tend to fluctuate. In 2013, the attainment reach 3.56, but it decrease in 2015 until 3.12. In 2015 attainment increase to 3.27. The attainment from graduate survey have passed the threshold (above 2.5 out of 4) for 2015 and 2015 but in 2013 still below the threshold, nevertheless the trend tend to increase. In 2013, the attainment only 2.50, but it increase in 2015 until 2.81. In 2015 it also higher than before that was 3.04. The attainment from employer survey in 2013 have passed the threshold (above 2.75 out of 4) but in 2015 and 2015 still below the threshold and the trend tend to decrease. In 2013, the attainment reach 2.81, but it decrease in 2015 until 2.61. In 2015 attainment decrease to 2.53. Figure 1. Student Outcomes Attainment for a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering The evaluation and action plan needed to improve the attainment of this student outcomes are as follows: 1. The implementation of tutorial activity was conducted in accordance with the allocation of time and load planned. Tutorial activities have been conducted in the classroom and the overall presentation conducted continuously so that it can deepen the understanding and communication skills of students. 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 a a a a Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering 2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
  • 8. 7 2. Multimedia props can already be used in the lecture and tutorial activity. In the next year, the use of multimedia props is expected to be improved in both content and frequency so that it can improve the understanding level of students about the subjects. 3. The group assignment and the classification of groups that based on academic ability is expected to improve the academic skills of each member so the result of tutorial final score is evenly distributed. 4. The ability of individuals tends to be affected by the communication and cooperation abilities among members of the group so that besides the classification by academic ability, it also needs to consider the background of the students, for example from the same year group. 5. The main problem in the implementation of the tutorial is its limited time so it can disrupt the continuity of tutorial, especially at the beginning of the lecture. In the future, it is expected that all responsible parties be involved in the tutorial scheduling for all subjects. 6. Interventions of assistants in the execution of tasks that are too intensive and problem sets that are too rigid can reduce the independence of students so that problem sets that are able to develop students independence and creativity needs to be rearranged. In the future, tutorial will be planned so that each group will look for the problems in the field of microbiology that correspond with real conditions more independently and conduct analysis under the guidance of assistant where in this case the assistant only act as advisor and measure the targets achievement of tutorial without limiting the idea of students. Group assignments will be directed to team building with a several tools such as portfolio, posters, mockups, and or multimedia that created in the group and the work presentation b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data Based on the rubric assesment as shown in Figure 2, the score were 3.18; 3.04 and 3.34, respectively. It has exceeded threshold value of 2.50. The graduate survey shows that the alumni perception tend to increase (2.7; 2.93; 3.63). Furthermore, the employer survey shows that the trends tend to increase (2.85; 2.73; 3.67). It means graduates have matched with the user expectation or the user expectations are fullfiled with the graduates ability.
  • 9. 8 Figure 2 Student Outcomes Attainment for b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data Based on rubric assessment, there are some recommended actions comes from the faculties to improve the achievement of student outcome such as improving tools and laboratory facilities, upgrading of demo lab, periodic tutorial activities, evaluation of experimental activities, change of courses and experiment content, module refurbishing, upgrading of demo lab, as well as evaluation of experimental activities, especially for Environmental Laboratory, Physical & Chemical Treatments and Environmental Microbiology Courses. The faculties also recommend content modification and enrichment of course content; moving class; collaborative learning; and continuous learning for Biological Process & Engineering course. Integrated task (problem set); quiz; remedial for low score test; student attendance; and read reference books should be improved especially for Fluid Mechanics II, Fluid Mechanics I, Physical & Chemical Treatments courses. Regarding the attainment resulting from course questionnaire, graduate survey, and employer survey, the action plan is by organizing field trip to another professional laboratory or accredited laboratory; improving tools and laboratory facilities as well as laboratory assistant competency; and conducting periodic tutorial activities 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 b b b b Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data 2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
  • 10. 9 c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability The attainment of Design Abilities Student Outcome based on rubric assesment (see Figure 3) has exceeded threshold value (above 2.5 out of 4) for 3-years assessment as follow: 2013 - 3.30; 2015 – 3.16; 2015 – 3,47. The attainment of Design Abilities Student Outcome based on indirect meaurement is varied. Results from course questionnaire have been met the threshold for 3-years assessment as follow: 2013 - 3.70; 2015 – 3.85; 2015 – 3.34, even higher than direct measurement. In addition, the attainment resulting from graduates survey above the threshold as follow: 2013 - 2.50; 2015 – 2.79; 2015 – 3.63. However, the attainment resulting from employer survey is varied as follow: 2013 - 2.70; 2015 – 2.40; 2015 – 3.44. Figure 3 Student Outcomes Attainment for c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability The faculties who involved in design abilities student outcome team has reviewed the attainment and has made recommendations for changes in the next academic year. Based on attainment of student outcome, the faculties concludes that students are: 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 c c c c Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability 2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
  • 11. 10 a) lack of technical drawing skill; b) merely show their abilities in designing system and calculating design plan; and c) have not been well-understand multiple constraints in design. Even though the attainment has been met, it is necessary to provide example of case studies in order to improve individual work intensity regarding the introduction-level of courses. In addition, for reinforce-level of courses, it is necessary to improve teaching system with problem based learning and collaborative learning in order to overcome student’s motivation problem. d. an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams Rubric assessment (Figure 4) for the first 3 years results in the value of 3.62, 3.44, 3.63 (threshold value>2.50). In general, the measured student outcomes for all courses are satisfactory. there was an increased results of questionnaires from the user and the alumni survey from the year 2013 to the year 2014 and 2015. This suggests that graduates’ ability met the expectations of users gradually. Meanwhile, graduates’ understanding in subjects related to these student outcomes had increased. This means that the students had a greater understanding about the content of the courses. Figure 4 Student Outcomes Attainment for d. an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 d d d d Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment d. an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams 2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
  • 12. 11 Based on the direct measurement, the faculty member who belong to a team teaching to review the collected questionnaire data in the previous years and make recommendation to improve the achievement in next academic year. The recommendations to change are providing more exercise more and more detailed evaluations, recruiting assistant, limiting classes’ size (ideally one class is consist of 30 PEO/APPple) and last, forming an evaluation team of Field Work to be 3 classes for each year. In addition, based on the indirect measurement, recommendation to increase the outcome are having more teamwork task such as group assignment or report, group discussion and presentation. e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems The attainment of Problem Solving Student Outcome based on rubric assessment (Figure 5) has exceeded threshold value (above 2.5 out of 4) for 3-years assessment as follow: 2013 - 3.35; 2014 – 2.88; 2015 – 3.38. However, based on the rubric assessment, the values from year 2013 to 2015 are varied. Based on the course questionaire chart (Figure 5), most of students’ marks have exceeded threshold value (above 2.5). In addition, the attainment resulting from graduates survey above the threshold as follow: 2013 - 2.50; 2015 – 2.82; 2015 – 3.63. However, the attainment resulting from employer survey is varied as follow: 2013 - 2.85; 2015 – 2.89; 2015 – 3.33. Therefore, based on graduate survey and employer survey, the graduate can achieve and meet the requirements for solving engineering problems from the employer. Figure 5 Student Outcomes Attainment for e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 e e e e Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems 2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
  • 13. 12 The faculties who is involved in problem solving student outcome have discussed that it is necessary to improve students’ motivation and engagement (i.e. more active class) through the improvement of syllabus as well as enrichment and updating of courses’ materials. In addition, it is required to make available up-to-date textbooks, especially for design courses. Students are expected to be more active and motivated during lectures, such as through reading assignments, discussions, and other assignments. More of student-centered and collaborative learning methods, in which are based on students’ active engagement (active class) and especially for design courses, are also expected to be adopted. Furthermore, students should be consistent in note-takings related to materials given in the classes. Based on student’s attainment resulting from indirect measurement, the faculties concludes that it is important to improve the achievement of students. Therefore, it is necessary to interact with the real-world conditions to improve the mastery levels of courses’ materials, because there are issues related to individual practices and the attainment of the problem solving student outcomes through design courses f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility Based on the student outcomes attainment chart (Figure 6), most of students’ marks have exceeded threshold value (above 2.5). However, based on the rubric assessment, the values from year 2013 to 2015 were varied. From rubric, course questionnaire, employer survey, graduate survey assessment, the attainment of student outcomes received a sufficient result (higher than 2.5). the score of attainment from rubric assessment for 3-years assessment rose gradually as follow: 2013 - 3.6; 2014 – 3.27; 2015 – 3.52. The same patterns were observed for course questionnaire, employer survey, graduate survey assessment. the attainment resulting from graduates survey were above the threshold as follow: 2013 - 2.7; 2015 – 2.86; 2015 – 3.36. Then, the attainment resulting from employer survey was varied as follow: 2013 – 3.17; 2015 – 2.83; 2015 – 3.33
  • 14. 13 Figure 6 Student Outcomes Attainment for f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility It would be recommended to give broaden both technical and practical implementation of professional responsibility and ethics in engineering, also to improve the attainment, some actions are needed; which are: 1. guest lecture series to broaden both technical and practical implementation of responsibility and ethics in engineering ; 2. problem-based learning to the latest professional responsibility and ethics problem (study case); and 3. course content enrichment regarding role and responsibility of environmental engineering either in government and/or private institutions. g. an ability to communicate effectively Based on rubric assessment, the score has exceeded threshold value as follow: 2013 - 3.82; 2014 - 3.86; 2015 - 3.86 (see Figure 7) and showed relatively not too different score. Course questionnaire shows a higher score than the threshold value (4.00; 3.88; 3.31), but the value tends to decrease in the past three years. Fresh graduate survey shows that the score is increasing in past two within last three years (2.70; 2.87; 3.18). It shows the graduates were satisfied and confident about the process of learning that has passed. Based on the employer survey shown that the trends increased in past three years and the score reached slightly above the threshold value for the year 2014 (2.94; 2.58; 3.44). It suggests that graduates had few shortcomings according to the users. It means 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 f f f f Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility 2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
  • 15. 14 graduates have not matched with the user expectation or the user expectation higher than the graduates. Figure 7 Student Outcomes Attainment for g. an ability to communicate effectively Based on rubric assessment, the action plan consists of more textbooks to be provided, academic writing and presentation technique should be delivered to students before 4th grade. Based on course questionnaire, graduate survey, and employer survey, the action plan needed such as guest lecture involving practitioners, should be held more frequent for the related courses. Faculties also have to give adequate opportunities for students to actively discuss and make a good presentation. Other recommendations which can support the improvement ofthis student outcome achievement is as follows: 1. More textbooks, which have been listed or read during finishing the seminar and Final Task, should be well documented. 2. More analytical equipment to be provided. 3. Specific topics of Field Work to be improved and thus it can be matched with topics in the field. 4. A theater room and a round table room are required. h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context it indicates that the attainment of student outcome from the rubric and the course questionnaire are relatively higher than the attainment from the graduates survey and the employer survey. The attainment of Understanding of Engineering Impact, outcome have 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 g g g g Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment g. an ability to communicate effectively 2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
  • 16. 15 exceeded the threshold (above 2.5 out of 4) for 3-years assessment from rubric assessment as follow: 2013 – 3.54; 2015 – 3.46; 2015 – 3.56. The attainment of Understanding of Engineering Impact, outcome have exceeded the threshold (above 2.5 out of 4) for 3-years (Course Questionnaire and Employer Survey) and for last year (Graduate Survey) assessment from : 1. Course Questionnaire : 2013 – 3.31; 2015 – 2.81; 2015 – 3.43 2. Graduates Survey : 2013 – 2.40; 2015 – 2.69; 2015 – 3.36 3. Employer Survey : 2013 – 2.95; 2015 – 3.07; 2015 – 3.33 Figure 8 Student Outcomes Attainment for h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context In order to increase internal achievement, it is necessary to improve quality of the courses. The improvement should appoint to: 1. the content of the course; 2. the assignment consisting short assignments and long (semester) assignments; 3. application to the related subjects; and 4. field visit Project-based learning as a method to deliver the content of the course should be adopted. For each semester, it is necessary to create assignment related to project-based learning. The assignment is conducted in-group to allow peer teaching among students. In addition, the project must describe the condition in a real locations while the data could be made up differently for each group. Students should calculate tangible and intangible advantages from the development of built environment such as green space. Intangible 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 h h h h Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context 2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
  • 17. 16 advantages could be improving air quality and lowering stress level among residents so that it reduces health-care cost as well as increases human productivity. The study case should also consider the mdgs target. i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning The score exceeded threshold value (2013 - 3.95; 2014 - 3.94; 2015 - 3.97) and the trend in past two years tended to increase. Course questionnaire shown a high score more than the threshold value (3.29; 3.68; 3.38) and the value changed in past three years. Fresh graduate survey shown that the score is increasing in past two years within last three years (3.10; 3.23; 3.27). The students were satisfied and confident about the process of learning that has passed. Based on the employer survey described that the trends tend to increase in past two years and the score exceeded the threshold value for the three year period (3.55; 3.18; 3.22). The outcome attainment was shown by Figure 9. Figure 9 Student Outcomes Attainment for i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning Improve discussion on location of Field Work with the supervisor so that the learning process can be carried out intensively, The topic of Final Task can have more variety, include the recent issues related to the topic of design and research in accordance with Environmental Engineering, Increase the frequency of discussions/tutorials between students with their supervisors. Necessary to have an initial meeting before Field Work 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 i i i i Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life- long learning 2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
  • 18. 17 have been started in order to understand the learning aspects during the process of Field Work. This initial meeting conducted by coordinator of Field Work and lecturer(s) who teach the related subject to the topic of Field Work. Also, students should improve the reading habit of textbooks and use these text books as references in the report of the Final Task. j. a knowledge of contemporary issues The attainment of Contemporary Issue Outcome based on rubic assessment (see Figure 10) has exceeded the threshold (above 2.5 out of 4) for 3-years assessment as follow: 2013 - 3.37; 2014 – 3.21; 2015 - 3.5. Based on course questionnaire, the attainment of contemporary issue outcome had a very high value as follow: 2013 - 3.61; 2014 – 3.68; 2015 - 3.43. Based on graduate survey, the attainment of contemporary issue outcome is increasing within three years as follow: 2013 – 2.40; 2015 – 2.77; 2015 - 3.05. Based on employer survey, the value is slightly decreasing, but it is still higher than threshold value. Generally, the graduates are satisfied with the process they had during their studies. During 2013 – 2016, the trend was increasing based on the questionnaire. Based on course rubric, the results were also quite promising; the students’ achievement level exceeded the treshold value for three consecutive years. However, the graduate and employers’ point of view described that there was slight decrement for students’ understanding on contemporary issues. Figure 10 Student Outcomes Attainment for j. a knowledge of contemporary issues 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 j j j j Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment j. a knowledge of contemporary issues 2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
  • 19. 18 The action plan needed to improve the achievement of the student outcome is there should be a point to measure contemporary issues during the students’ fieldwork. Students should be able to show new knowledge on the actual issues in the field and they are also able to present it in the report as well as in the presentation. Faculties also have to enrich contemporary issues in every number mid and final test questions. Increasing course quality content through improvement of syllabus should be done. Enrichment class discussion and presentation about contemporary issue also will improve the achievement of this outcome. k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. Based on rubric assessment as shown in Figure 11, student attainment has exceeded threshold value for three year assessment (2013 - 3.27; 2014 – 2.94; 2015 – 3.36),. Course questionnaire shown a high score more than the threshold value (3.69; 3.30; 3.71), and the value tended to increase in this year. Although, fresh graduate survey for the year 2013 reached slightly past the threshold value (2.5), but fresh graduate survey shows that the score was increasing in past three years (2.50; 2.83; 3.27) and has exceeded threshold value for the past three years. Based on the employer survey, the trends tended to increase in past three years (2.89; 3.05; 3.5). It suggests that graduates have many shortcomings according to the users. It means graduates have not matched with the user expectation or the user expectation higher than the graduates.
  • 20. 19 Figure 11 Student Outcomes Attainment for k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. lectures have already been executed properly following the syllabus and lectures unit (SAP) that has been assigned to the curriculum in 2013, with an adjustment to recent conditions. The number of course credits is three credits that consist of two credits face- to-face lectures and one credits (equal 3 hours) laboratory activities. Numbers of face-to- face lectures are 14 meetings, 11-weeks laboratory activities, a midterm examination, and a final examination. In addition, students are expected to read more references. To encourage students to study before classes, quizzes need to be held several times before classes. In addition, evaluation needs to be held at the end of classes in order to assess students’ understanding of the class material. Conclusion Student outcomes attainment had been measured and evaluated based on treshold value for three-year assessment (2013, 2014, and 2015). The action plans were also explained and implemented to improve the student outcomes attainment. Table 1 described the conclusion of Student Outcomes Attainment in 2013-2015. Table 1. Conclusion of Student Outcomes Attainment in 2013-2015 Assessment Student outcomes Treshold Value (>2,5) Academic Year Conclusion 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 Rubric Assessment a 2,5 2,87 2,85 3,38 complied complied complied b 2,5 3,18 3,04 3,34 complied complied complied 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 k k k k Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. 2013 2014 2015 Treshold Value (>2,5)
  • 21. 20 Assessment Student outcomes Treshold Value (>2,5) Academic Year Conclusion 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 c 2,5 2,87 2,85 3,38 complied complied complied d 2,5 3,18 3,04 3,34 complied complied complied e 2,5 3,30 3,16 3,47 complied complied complied f 2,5 3,62 3,44 3,63 complied complied complied g 2,5 3,35 2,88 3,39 complied complied complied h 2,5 3,60 3,27 3,51 complied complied complied i 2,5 3,82 3,86 3,86 complied complied complied j 2,5 3,54 3,46 3,56 complied complied complied k 2,5 3,95 3,94 3,97 complied complied complied Course questionaire a 2,5 3,36 3,21 3,51 complied complied complied b 2,5 3,27 2,94 3,36 complied complied complied c 2,5 3,56 3,12 3,26 complied complied complied d 2,5 3,79 3,70 3,32 complied complied complied e 2,5 3,70 3,85 3,34 complied complied complied f 2,5 3,82 3,83 3,25 complied complied complied g 2,5 3,74 3,58 3,26 complied complied complied h 2,5 3,44 3,38 3,43 complied complied complied i 2,5 4,00 3,88 3,32 complied complied complied j 2,5 3,31 2,81 3,43 complied complied complied k 2,5 3,29 3,68 3,38 complied complied complied Graduate Survey a 2,5 3,61 3,68 3,43 complied complied complied b 2,5 3,69 3,30 3,26 complied complied complied c 2,5 2,50 2,81 3,63 not complied complied complied d 2,5 2,70 2,93 3,63 complied complied complied e 2,5 2,50 2,79 3,63 not complied complied complied f 2,5 2,40 2,73 3,27 not complied complied complied g 2,5 2,50 2,82 3,63 not complied complied complied h 2,5 2,70 2,86 3,36 complied complied complied i 2,5 2,70 2,87 3,18 complied complied complied j 2,5 2,40 2,69 3,36 not complied complied complied k 2,5 3,10 3,23 3,27 complied complied complied Employer Survey a 2,5 2,40 2,70 3,36 not complied complied complied b 2,5 2,50 2,83 3,27 not complied complied complied c 2,5 2,81 2,61 3,33 complied complied complied
  • 22. 21 Assessment Student outcomes Treshold Value (>2,5) Academic Year Conclusion 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 d 2,5 2,85 2,73 3,67 complied complied complied e 2,5 2,70 2,40 3,44 complied not complied complied f 2,5 3,08 2,57 3,56 complied complied complied g 2,5 2,85 2,89 3,33 complied complied complied h 2,5 3,17 2,83 3,33 complied complied complied i 2,5 2,94 2,58 3,44 complied complied complied j 2,5 2,95 3,07 3,33 complied complied complied k 2,5 3,55 3,18 3,22 complied complied complied
  • 23. 22 Program Student Outcomes Assessment Report Academic Year 2016-2020 For the 2016-2020 academic year, Env Eng implemented 7 student outcomes based on new cycle abet criteria and new curricula for Env Eng. In general, to reach PEO/APP, Env. Eng. program and staff must be committed to continually measure the progress of students and the impact of resources and services provided. In the initial review, Env Eng expected that the minimum level of student outcomes achievement is met in between apprentice to proficient to match the regulation of ITB. The measurable student outcomes needed to be aligned to PEO/APP and benchmarks needed to be established. Then it was decided that the quantitative student outcome is 63 (out of 100) as the minimum threshold of achievement. fulfillment criteria/minimum treshold value is determined by faculty meetings based on Academic Rules in ITB (Rector Decree ITB No: 609/It1.A/Per/2021. Article 37 Point 4 (Appendix 24)). Since 2019, Env Eng ITB has 2 class namely regular class and international class. Both class were assessed using same standard and methods. Student outcome attainment based on rubric assessment represents achievement of students in each course using LOATL ( and see Appendix: LOATL). The achievement of students is resulted from lecturer’s assessment that represents certain student outcome. Afterward, the attainment of each student outcome is obtained from average number of entire courses with some weighting in the calculation based on cognitive level of courses (Appendix: SOP Outcomes Assesment). In addition to rubric assessment, student outcome attainment also was measured based on course questionnaire is obtained from surveys conducted to students. The objective of the survey is to collect student’s perception of himself or herself towards attainment of each course. Students are given series of questions that related to student outcome as well as courses. Two other survey namely graduate and employer survey were also conducted to measure the outcomes and would be input for continous improvement such as developing new and adaptive curriculum. The new attainment of student outcome is different with previous cycle and use numerical score from 0 (poor) to 100 (excellent) grading scale based on rubric assesment. If The attainment of student outcomes is less than 63, the outcomes were considered to be not a good performing that still requires improvements. Meanwhile if the attainment of student outcomes is greater than 63, they were considered to be adequate, need to be maintained but can also be improved. However, the improvement is discretionary based on faculty load.
  • 24. 23 1. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve environmental problems by applying the principles of engineering, science, and mathematics. The attainment of ability to identify, formulate, and solve environmental problems by applying the principles of engineering, science, and mathematics outcome based on rubic assessment has exceeded the threshold (above 63 out of 100) for 4-years assessment as follow: 2016 – 85.4; 2017 – 88.86; 2018 -69.97 ; 2019 (reguler) – 70.95; 2019 (international) – 73.13. Based on course questionnaire, the attainment of this outcome has a very high value as follow: 2016 - 82.95 ; 2017- 89.19; 2018 - 84.36; 2019 (reguler) - 87.78; 2019 (international) - 84.85. Based on graduate survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 - 86.90 ; 2017 - 83.97, meanwhile 2018, 2019, and 2020 have not assessed yet because they have not graduated yet. Based on employer survey, the value is slightly decreasing, but it is still higher than threshold value. It suggests that graduates few shortcomings according to the users. It means graduates have not matched with the user expectation or the user expectation higher than the graduates. Figure 12 below shows the attainment of outcomes no 1. Figure 12 Student Outcomes Attainment for 1. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve environmental problems by applying the principles of engineering, science, and mathematics. There are needed several improvements. For some lectures of subject that related with this outcomes need to be conducted appropriately with schedule and need to coordination with lecturer. Generally, the lectures has implemented well. However, in terms of 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 1 1 1 Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey 1. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve environmental problems by applying the principles of engineering, science, and mathematics. 2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler) 2019 (Internasional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasional) Treshold Value (>63)
  • 25. 24 student’s self-learning was perceived still deficient. The actual credit system for self- learning has not been done by the students. The students have not used homework assignment as structured learning methods. Moreover, there are only a few students who want to read reference books presented during lectures. It causes the delivery of course content relatively slow. students seem quite interested in the subject although they must have a high endurance because during the lectures they are required to solve some problems, which requires many calculations with the aid of a calculator. The approach pattern of course content delivery was not sufficiently adaptive to the needs. In addition, the student basic knowledge quite diverse. Nevertheless, the form of course content was vary and good enough. Although the subjects have not been done completely (100%) as expected, there has been begun two-way dialogue for some of course content that was taught. In some parts of courses contents that require complex calculations, students seem quite enthusiastic to ask. In general, because the course contents much discuss technical problems, the students showed their interest and curiosity so the discussion going well. In the workmanship exercise, students were asked to come forward to see how far they understand the material being taught. recommendations which can support the improvement of this student outcome attainment are as follows: 1. Improvement action Generally, enrichment of course content with up-to-date real problems or cases. In addition, students are expected to read more references. In addition, evaluation needs to be done at the end of the class to find out how the students understand the material of the class. 2. Methodology improvement For several subjects, improved delivery method of the course content is needed. Student centered learning, self-evaluation and schedule synchronization are also need to be improved especially for the subject that implement assistance activity. 3. Need to include more case studies as part of learning in the classroom so that students can better understand scientific expertise aspects from the practical side.The inclusion of more given case study is expected to support the intensive discussion process so that teaching and learning activities become more active. 4. The improvements of delivery method also very necessary to bridge the gap between scientific-based materials (textbook oriented) with an understanding of individual students. This improvement is expected to improve the application of science and its application in the real world. Retrofitting the delivery methods, primarily on the class materials and references to increase student participation and interaction during class. The satisfactory benefits for students during study indicates the discrepancy among motivation, effort and the method used by the student to understand the lecture. It means that the student understanding seems to be delayed resulting in less satisfying Final Exam’s marks.
  • 26. 25 5. The development of teaching materials based on student centered learning and collaborative learning. Other approaches beside teaching material also need to be more varied with textbook comprehension as well as providing integrated tasks in order to improve the practical skills in using equations, a particular method or approach in a number of different problems sets. 2. Ability to apply analysis and synthesis in producing engineering designs needed in environmental conservation by considering public health, security and welfare as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors. The attainment of Ability to apply analysis and synthesis in producing engineering designs needed in environmental conservation by considering public health, security and welfare as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors outcome based on rubic assessment has exceeded the threshold (above 63 out of 100) for 4-years assessment as follow: 2016 – 87.59; 2017 – 92.80; 2018 - 67.77 ; 2019 (reguler) –0; 2019 (international) – 0 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on course questionnaire, the attainment of design outcome has a very high value as follow: 2016 – 82.46 ; 2017- 90.97; 2018 – 87.36; 2019 (reguler) –0; 2019 (international) – 0 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0.. Based on graduate survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 86.90 ; 2017 – 83.97. The trend are varied although the value is still higher than treshold because the students of 2018,2019, and 2020 have not assessed whole yet due to not taken all the subject and not graduated yet. Figure 13 below shows the attainment of outcomes no 2.
  • 27. 26 Figure 13 Student Outcomes Attainment for 2. Ability to apply analysis and synthesis in producing engineering designs needed in environmental conservation by considering public health, security and welfare as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors. It is necessary to implement problem-based learning methods such as providing real object or location for major assignment in design courses. In addition, the involvement of practitioners is necessary, either as guest lecturers or in the assessment process, in order to improve the student’s understanding of multiple economic, social, and ethic constraints as well as operation & maintenance. The lectures has been implemented in accordance to syllabus and SAP in curriculum 2019. Supervision can help students to solve the problems discussion in a team during design process. To elaborate the knowledge, students were asked to discuss with their team and defense their design in the end of semester. Although it is still imperfect, the design process have already taken place as expected such as implementing the criteria design, selecting some design alternatives and explaining the design well in a team. Furthermore, students start to discuss about recent issues especially conditions to reach the SDGs and their constraints. 3. Ability to communicate effectively with various parties regarding water, air, and land environmental problems and the technology needed to solve them. The attainment of Ability to apply analysis and synthesis in producing engineering designs needed in environmental conservation by considering public health, security and welfare as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors outcome based on 0 20 40 60 80 100 2 2 2 2 Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment 2. Ability to apply analysis and synthesis in producing engineering designs needed in environmental conservation by considering public health, security and welfare as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors. 2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler) 2019 (Internasional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasional) Treshold Value (>63)
  • 28. 27 rubic assessment has exceeded the threshold (above 63 out of 100) for 4-years assessment as follow: 2016 – 95.40; 2017 – 96.40; 2018 - 0 ; 2019 (reguler) – 0; 2019 (international) – 0 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on course questionnaire, the attainment of communication outcome has exceed the treshold as follow: 2016 – 81.11; 2017- 88.47; 2018 – 0; 2019 (reguler) –0; 2019 (international) – 0 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on graduate survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 71.43 ; 2017 – 76.28. Then based on employer survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 79.17; 2017 – 83.33. Meanwhile 2018,2019, and 2020 have not assessed yet because they have not taken the subject and graduated. The trend is increasing therefore it illustrates that the communication skill of Env Eng Student is better than previous year . Figure 14 below shows the attainment of outcomes no 3. Figure 14 Student Outcomes Attainment for 3. Ability to communicate effectively with various parties regarding water, air, and land environmental problems and the technology needed to solve them. Based on rubric assessment, the action plan consists of more textbooks to be provided, academic writing and presentation technique should be delivered to students before 4th grade. Based on course questionnaire, graduate survey, and employer survey, the action plan needed such as guest lecture involving practitioners, should be held more frequent for the related courses. Faculties also have to give adequate opportunities for students to actively discuss and make a good presentation. Other recommendations which can support the improvement ofthis student outcome achievement is as follows: 0 20 40 60 80 100 3 3 3 3 Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment 3. Ability to communicate effectively with various parties regarding water, air, and land environmental problems and the technology needed to solve them. 2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler) 2019 (Internasional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasional) Treshold Value (>63)
  • 29. 28 - Students should improve the communication skill, which can be enriched by having more textbooks to be read as references. - Supporting facility including location/space for doing activities - Most class discussion is in two ways, but students tend to be passive for not giving comments or opinions therefore group discussion needs round table or making schedule for Planary and QnA Session in order to get maximum presentation skill. - As the method of delivering the content of the lecture is project-based learning, presentation skill is very important for defending their opinions. 4. Ability to apply ethical and professional responsibilities through consideration of the issue of environmental degradation and the impact of a technology on the environment locally, regionally, and globally, including social and economic aspects. The attainment of Ability to apply ethical and professional responsibilities through consideration of the issue of environmental degradation and the impact of a technology on the environment locally, regionally, and globally, including social and economic aspects outcome based on rubic assessment has exceeded the threshold (above 63 out of 100) for 4-years assessment as follow: 2016 – 89.48; 2017 – 92.88; 2018 – 75.88 ; 2019 (reguler) – 74.22; 2019 (international) – 78.07 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on course questionnaire, the attainment of ethics and professional responsibilities outcome has exceed the treshold as follow: 2016 – 86.57; 2017- 89.82; 2018 – 89.25; 2019 (reguler) – 92.63; 2019 (international) – 97.50 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on graduate survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 77.38 ; 2017 – 80.13. Then based on employer survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 79.17; 2017 – 75.00. Meanwhile 2018, 2019, and 2020 have not whole assessed yet because they have not taken all the subject and graduated. The trend is varied however it still exceeds the treshold therefore it needs some improvement to increase the student’s ability in ethics and professional outcomes while they are considering the constraints in environment. Figure 15 below shows the attainment of outcomes no 4.
  • 30. 29 Figure 15 Student Outcomes Attainment for 4. Ability to apply ethical and professional responsibilities through consideration of the issue of environmental degradation and the impact of a technology on the environment locally, regionally, and globally, including social and economic aspects. To give broaden both technical and practical implementation of professional responsibility and ethics in engineering, also to improve the attainment, some actions are needed, which are: 1. guest lecture series to broaden both technical and practical implementation of responsibility and ethics in engineering; 2. Project-based learning as a method to deliver the content of the course should be adopted and problem-based learning applies to the latest professional responsibility and ethics problem (study case). For each semester, it is necessary to create assignment related to project-based learning. The assignment is conducted in-group to allow peer teaching among students. In addition, the project must describe the condition in a real locations while the data could be made up differently for each group 3. course content enrichment regarding role and responsibility of environmental engineering either in government and/or private institutions 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 4 4 4 4 Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment 4. Ability to apply ethical and professional responsibilities through consideration of the issue of environmental degradation and the impact of a technology on the environment locally, regionally, and globally, including social and economic aspects. 2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler) 2019 (Internasional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasional) Treshold Value (>63)
  • 31. 30 5. Ability to work effectively in a team by prioritizing leadership to create collaborative and comprehensive conditions in setting goals, targets, and plans needed to manage the environment for reducing degradation and increasing conservation. The attainment of Ability to work effectively in a team by prioritizing leadership to create collaborative and comprehensive conditions in setting goals, targets, and plans needed to manage the environment for reducing degradation and increasing conservation outcome based on rubic assessment has exceeded the threshold (above 63 out of 100) for 4-years assessment as follow: 2016 – 91.33; 2017 – 92.80; 2018 – 77.38 ; 2019 (reguler) – 78.49; 2019 (international) – 34.74 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on course questionnaire, the attainment of teamwork outcome has exceed the treshold as follow: 2016 – 83; 2017- 89.04; 2018 – 88.01; 2019 (reguler) – 91.17; 2019 (international) – 91.25 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on graduate survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 76.38 ; 2017 – 80.13. Then based on employer survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 79.17; 2017 – 75.00. Meanwhile 2018, 2019, and 2020 have not whole assessed yet because they have not taken all the subject and graduated. The trend is varied however it still exceeds the treshold therefore it needs some improvement to increase the student’s ability in working as team. Figure 16 below shows the attainment of outcomes no 5.
  • 32. 31 Figure 16 Student Outcomes Attainment for 5. Ability to work effectively in a team by prioritizing leadership to create collaborative and comprehensive conditions in setting goals, targets, and plans needed to manage the environment for reducing degradation and increasing conservation. The recommendations to change are providing more exercise more and more detailed evaluations, recruiting assistant, limiting classes’ size (ideally one class is consist of 30 PEO/APPple) and last, forming an evaluation team of Field Work to be 3 classes for each year. In addition, based on the indirect measurement, recommendation to increase the outcome are having more teamwork task such as group assignment or report, group discussion and presentation. For each semester, it is necessary to create assignment related to project-based learning. The assignment is conducted in-group to allow peer teaching among students 6. Ability to identify problems, develop and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data, and use judgment to draw conclusions in the field of environmental conservation The attainment of Ability to identify problems, develop and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data, and use judgment to draw conclusions in the field of environmental conservation outcome based on rubic assessment has exceeded the threshold (above 63 out of 100) for 4-years assessment as follow: 2016 – 84.04; 2017 – 88.43; 2018 – 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 5 5 5 5 Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment 5. Ability to work effectively in a team by prioritizing leadership to create collaborative and comprehensive conditions in setting goals, targets, and plans needed to manage the environment for reducing degradation and increasing conservation. 2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler) 2019 (Internasional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasional) Treshold Value (>63)
  • 33. 32 72.94 ; 2019 (reguler) – 74.94; 2019 (international) – 74.57 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on course questionnaire, the attainment of experiment outcome has exceed the treshold as follow: 2016 – 84.25; 2017- 89.36; 2018 – 83.74; 2019 (reguler) – 86.95; 2019 (international) – 84.32; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on graduate survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 83.33 ; 2017 – 85.90. Then based on employer survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 83.33; 2017 – 75.00. Meanwhile 2018, 2019, and 2020 have not whole assessed yet because they have not taken all the subject and graduated. The trend is varied however it still exceeds the treshold therefore it needs some improvement to increase the student’s ability in experiments. Figure 17 below shows the attainment of outcomes no 6. Figure 17 Student Outcomes Attainment for 6. Ability to identify problems, develop and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data, and use judgment to draw conclusions in the field of environmental conservation. There are some recommended actions comes from the faculties to improve the achievement of student outcome such as 1. improving tools and laboratory facilities, upgrading of demo lab, periodic tutorial activities, evaluation of experimental activities, change of courses and experiment content, module refurbishing, upgrading of demo lab, as well as evaluation of experimental activities. 0 20 40 60 80 100 6 6 6 6 Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment 6.Ability to identify problems, develop and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data, and use judgment to draw conclusions in the field of environmental conservation Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler) 2019 (Internasional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasional) Treshold Value (>63)
  • 34. 33 2. The content modification and enrichment of course content; moving class; collaborative learning; and continuous learning 3. Integrated task (problem set); quiz; remedial for low score test; student attendance; and read reference books should be improved. 4. Organizing field trip to another professional laboratory or accredited laboratory; improving tools and laboratory facilities as well asl aboratory assistant competency; and conducting periodic tutorial activities 5. Students are required to conduct experiment individually as well as collectively within a group and discuss the problems that faced in the experiment. During exercises, students were asked to move forward the class to see they understand the material being taught 7. Awareness of the need for continuous learning to enrich knowledge and apply it, evaluate, integrate, and apply this knowledge appropriately in accordance with the development The attainment of Ability to identify problems, develop and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data, and use judgment to draw conclusions in the field of environmental conservation outcome based on rubic assessment has exceeded the threshold (above 63 out of 100) for 4-years assessment as follow: 2016 – 98.04; 2017 – 100; 2018 – 72.11 ; 2019 (reguler) – 75.20; 2019 (international) – 78.33 ; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on course questionnaire, the attainment of continous learning outcome has exceed the treshold as follow: 2016 – 83.86; 2017- 91.18; 2018 – 88.54; 2019 (reguler) – 91.38; 2019 (international) – 93.25; 2020 (reguler) – 0; 2020 (international) - 0. Based on graduate survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 83.33 ; 2017 – 87.18. Then based on employer survey, the attainment of within five years as follow: 2016 – 79.17; 2017 – 83.33. Meanwhile 2018, 2019, and 2020 have not whole assessed yet because they have not taken all the subject and graduated. The trend is increasing however it still exceeds the treshold therefore it needs some improvement to increase the student’s ability in continous learning. Figure 18 below shows the attainment of outcomes no 7.
  • 35. 34 Figure 18 Student Outcomes Attainment for 7. Awareness of the need for continuous learning to enrich knowledge and apply it, evaluate, integrate, and apply this knowledge appropriately in accordance with the development There are some recommended actions comes from the faculties to improve the achievement of student outcome such as 1. Improving discussion on location of Field Work with the supervisor so that the learning process can be carried out intensively. 2. The topic of Final Task can have more variety, include the recent issues related to the topic of design and research in accordance with Environmental Engineerin. 3. Increasing the frequency of discussions/tutorials between students with their supervisors. 4. Necessary to have an initial meeting before Field Work have been started in order to understand the learning aspects during the process of Field Work. This initial meeting conducted by coordinator of Field Work and lecturer(s) who teach the related subject to the topic of Field Work. 5. Students should improve the reading habit of text books and use these text books as references in the report of the Final Task. 6. Improving time management for the students. Students’ progress of Final Task report has not achieved the expected target due to unevenly workload during its 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 7 7 7 7 Rubric Assessment Course questionaire Graduate Survey Employer Survey Outcomes Attainment 7. Awareness of the need for continuous learning to enrich knowledge and apply it, evaluate, integrate, and apply this knowledge appropriately in accordance with the development 2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler) 2019 (Internasional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasional) Treshold Value (>63)
  • 36. 35 working period. In most cases, intensity of student's activity was extremely increased near the deadline. 7. Research quality and depth among students were still varied, depends on their advisor. Distribution of advisory workload among lecturer has not spread evenly. Seminar and final task needs advisors who are able to encourage students to finish their tasks on the time. It is expected that minimal frequency or more of advisors and students meeting can be achieved. Conclusion Student outcomes attainment had been measured and evaluated based on treshold value for three-year assessment (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020). The action plans were also explained and implemented to improve the student outcomes attainment. Table 2 described the conclusion of Student Outcomes Attainment in 2016-2020.
  • 37. 36 Table 2. The Conclusion of Student Outcomes Attainment in 2016-2020 Assessment outc ome s tres hold valu e Academic Year Conclusion 2016 2017 2018 2019 (Regul er) 2019 (Intern asiona l) 2020 (Reg uler) 2020 (Inter nasio nal) 2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler) 2019 (Internas ional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasion al) Rubric Assessment 1 63 85,40 88,86 69,94 70,95 73,13 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Have not asssed yet Have not asssed yet 2 63 87,59 92,80 67,77 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 3 63 95,40 96,40 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 4 63 89,48 92,88 75,88 74,20 78,07 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 5 63 91,33 92,80 77,38 78,49 34,74 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Not complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 6 63 84,04 88,43 72,94 74,94 74,57 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 7 63 98,89 100,0 0 75,11 75,20 78,33 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Course questionaire 1 63 82,95 89,19 84,36 87,78 84,85 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 2 63 82,46 90,97 87,45 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 3 63 81,11 88,47 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 4 63 86,57 89,82 89,25 92,63 97,50 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 5 63 83,00 89,04 88,01 91,17 91,25 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 6 63 84,25 89,36 83,74 86,95 84,32 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 7 63 83,86 91,18 88,54 91,38 93,25 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Graduate Survey 1 63 86,90 83,97 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet
  • 38. 37 Assessment outc ome s tres hold valu e Academic Year Conclusion 2016 2017 2018 2019 (Regul er) 2019 (Intern asiona l) 2020 (Reg uler) 2020 (Inter nasio nal) 2016 2017 2018 2019 (Reguler) 2019 (Internas ional) 2020 (Reguler) 2020 (Internasion al) 2 63 82,14 85,90 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 3 63 71,43 76,28 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 4 63 77,38 80,13 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 5 63 76,19 84,62 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 6 63 83,33 85,90 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 7 63 83,33 87,18 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Employer Survey 1 63 83,33 75,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 2 63 75,00 66,67 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 3 63 79,17 83,33 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 4 63 79,17 75,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 5 63 83,33 79,17 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 6 63 83,33 75,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet 7 63 79,17 83,33 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Complied Complied Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet Have not assessed yet
  • 39. 38 LOATL The table 3 shows the relationship mapping of performance indicators and course outcomes for each subject in Env Eng ITB. This mapping have been implemented and applied in LOATL Table 3 The Relationship Mapping of Performance Indicators and Course Outcomes IK 01 (S01): Self Governance Planning a task under given constraints such as schedule, team members, specific topics No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL2204 Hidrologi dan Hidrogeologi 1 Mahasiswa mempunyai pemahaman dan pengertian yang baik tentang hidrologi dasar khususnya siklus hidrologi dan iklim yang nantinya akan sangat bermanfaat dalam mata kuliah tingkat lanjut yang terkait dengan bidang TL, seperti sumber daya air, kaitannya dengan pengaliran dan emisi limbah TL3203 Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air 1 Mahasiswa mampu memahami teori dan aplikasi prinsip- prinsip pengelolaan sumber air secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. TL4201 Perencanaan dan Pengelolaan Proyek 1 Student understand how to make planning and phasing including scheduling and controlling in any environmental infrastructure project. TL4104 Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara 1 Mahasiswa memahami pengertian pencemaran udara, potensi pencemar udara, dampaknya terhadap manusia serta teknologi pencegahan pencemaran udara IK 02 (S02): Responsibility Accomplish and evaluate a tasks under given constraints (schedule, team member, spesific topic) No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL3106 Pencemaran Tanah 1 Mahasiswa akan memiliki wawasan dan kemampuan untuk melengkapi, memperkuat, dan memperkaya kompetensi dasar bidang pencemaran termasuk kemampuan prediksi TL4201 Perencanaan dan Pengelolaan Proyek 1 Student understand how to make planning and phasing including scheduling and controlling in any environmental infrastructure project. TL4101 Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa mampu bekerja di dalam tim penyusunan Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan, mampu membuat/menyusun laporan AMDAL, bisa membuat evaluasi dokumen AMDAL khususnya bagian-bagian yang berkaitan dengan bidang Teknik Lingkungan. IK 03 (S03): Nationalism Demonstrate a role as a proud citizen and love the homeland, have an attitude of nationalism and a sense of responsibility towards society and the country No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL3205 Hukum Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat perhitungan dan perencanaan penyalur air buangan dan
  • 40. 39 drainase perkotaan serta membuat gambar-gambar designnya TL4098 Kerja Praktek 1 Mahasiswa memahami instrumen –instrumen pengelolaan lingkungan hidup yang diterapkan dalam pengendalian pencemaran, Pemanfaatan Sumber daya Alam dan Pengendalian Perusakan Lingkungan Hidup TL3202 Sewerage & Drainase Berkelanjutan 1 Mahasiswa mampu mendapatkan informasi teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan terkini secara mandiri selama melaksanakan kerja praktek di lapangan.. IK 04 (S04): Contribution Contribute to improving the quality of life in society and the state based on Pancasila, and contribute to advancing social welfare No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL4101 Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan 4 Pemahaman dan mampu melakukan prediksi dampak, menilai dan memilih opsi tindakan mitigasi dalam lingkungan termasuk sosial ekonomi budaya dan tataruang. TL4096 Perancangan Teknik Lingkungan 4 Mahasiswa mampu mengevaluasi aspek keberlanjutan dan manfaat rekayasa perancangan untuk meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan. TL2205 Epidemiologi Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa akan memiliki wawasan dan kemampuan untuk mengaplikasikan epidemiologi dalam peningkatan kualitas pengelolaan lingkungan. IK 05 (S05): Cooperation Work together in cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural teams and have social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL4201 Perencanaan dan Pengelolaan Proyek 3 Mahasiswa memahami perencanaan dan pengelolaan proyek bidang infrastruktur lingkungan yang melibatkan muli tim dan lintas disiplin. TL4096 Perancangan Teknik Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa mampu menghasilkan design teknik lingkungan pada permasalahan yang nyata dengan menggunakan standar dan kriteria yang sesuai. IK 06 (S06): Professional Understand professional responsibility and ethics, as well as the principles and able to apply it relevantly to program objectives/goal No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL2105 Kesehatan Lingkugan 1 Students can describe the impact of human activities on public health and the environment, and analyze predicting health and environmental risks that occur. TL3107 Kesehatan Lingkungan Kerja 2 Mahasiswa mampu mengindetifikasi, menganalisis aspek- aspek dalam lingkungan kerja yang dapat memberikan efek-efek bahaya terhadap kesehatan dan mampu untuk melakukan pencegahan dan kontrol terhadap efek tersebut. TL3205 Kebijakan dan Hukum Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa memahami instrumen –instrumen pengelolaan lingkungan hidup yang diterapkan dalam pengendalian pencemaran, Pemanfaatan Sumber daya Alam dan Pengendalian Perusakan Lingkungan Hidup
  • 41. 40 IK 07 (S07): Professional ethics Understand role and code of conduct as an environmental engineer either in the society, government or private institution No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi KU1202 Pengantar Rekayasa & Desain 1 Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan keterlibatan berbagai profesi dalam penyelesaian masalah rekayasa dan desain KU1166 Menggambar Teknik 2 Student able to do practical work in the drawing studio, as well as using commercial CAD software TL3105 Teknik Penyediaan Air Minum 1 Mahasiswa mampu menghitung kebutuhan air bersih. Mampu merancang suatu sistem penyediaan air minum, dari transmisi sampai distribusi. TL3202 Sewerage & Drainase Berkelanjutan 1 Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat perhitungan dan perencanaan penyalur air buangan dan drainase perkotaan serta membuat gambar-gambar designnya IK 08 (S08): Sosial ethics Evaluate ethical problem in Environmental Engineering work and make decisions No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL3204 Manajemen Teknik Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa aapat membedakan dan menjelaskan peran dan fungsi manajemen dan perencanaan dalam pengambilan keputusan. TL4201 Perencanaan dan Pengelolaan Proyek 4 Mahasiswa memahami aspek ekonomis, legalitas, teknik, etika lingkungan dan etika sosial dalam pengelolaan proyek. IK 09 (P01): Basic Science Describe mathematical, physical, chemical and biological relations for given facts/occurences in environmental engineering No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL3101 Pengolahan Fisik dan Kimia 1 Mahasiswa memahami proses fisik dan kimia dalam pengolahan cair, padat dan gas dalam bidang keteknik lingkungan, misal aplikasi dalam pengolahan air bersih dan pengolahan limbah cair, padat dan gas TL3102 Rekayasa dan Proses Biologi 1 Mahasiswa memahami aplikasi bioproses dalam bidang Teknik Lingkungan menguasai prinsip-prinsip rekayasa bioproses memahami faktor-faktor/parameter-parameter yang mempengaruhi kinerja bioproses dalam berbagai jenis bioreaktor. TL4102 Perancangan Proses Pengolahan Air 1 Mahasiswa dapat memahami, menerangkan secara detail pengolahan air bersih serta alternatif proses pengolahan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik air baku. TL4103 Perancangan Proses Pengolahan Limbah Cair 1 Mahasiswa dapat mendisain instalasi pengolahan air limbah domestic dan menerapkan pengelolaan instalasi air limbah secara berkelanjutan. IK 10 (P02): Engineering Science Recognize basic engineering problems, identify the data, and classify the related knowledge for solution No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi
  • 42. 41 SI2112 Pengetahuan Struktur 1 Mahasiswa mampu memahami karakteristik struktur bangunan sipil, jenis dan modelisasi beban, serta kesetimbangan gaya statik. SI2222 Pengantar Mekanika Tanah 1 Mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman mekanika tanah dalam bidang sipil dan kemampuan untuk menghitung daya dukung pondasi dangkal. GD2002 Pengantar Sistem Informasi Geografis 1 Students understand the Basic Concept of Geographic Information System and its basic applications for environmental problems TL2104 Kimia Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa memahami fenomena prinsip kimia dasar, kimia fisika, dan kesetimbangan kimia di lingkungan (air, tanah, udara). IK 11 (P03): Application of mathematics Demonstrate application of differential equation, statistic, probability, calculus-based physics, general chemistry and other relevant science to solve the problem No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL2102 Statistika Lingkungan 1 Mahasiwa memiliki pemahaman tentang konsep-konsep dasar statistika parametris elementer dan teori probabilitas. TL2103 Matematika Rekayasa 1 Mahasiswa mampun menjelaskan hubungan matematis dalam fakta yang diberikan di bidang teknik lingkungan. TL2104 Kimia Lingkungan 2 Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan dasar dasar kimia organik dan biokimia dalam bidang pengelolaan lingkungan. TL2101 Mekanika Fluida I 1 Mahasiswa memahami aplikasi ilmu dasar-dasar mekanika fluida (air dan udara) yang dibutuhkan dalam menunjang mata kuliah keahlian, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan perancangan yang melibatkan aliran fluida terutama air pada saluran tertutup. TL2201 Mekanika Fluida II 1 Students can demonstrate the application of statistical and empirical equation solution of a given problem TL2203 Mkrobiologi Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa memahami peran mikrobiologi dalam permasalahan lingkungan TL2204 Hidrologi dan Hidrogeologi 1 Mahasiswa menguasai beberapa kaidah statistika yang terkait dengan hidrologi TL2205 Epidemiologi Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa dapat menguraikan tiga model dasar penelitian epidemiologi TL2206 Pengelolaan Kualitas Air 1 Mahasiswa memahami prinsip-prinsip reaksi kimia dan keseimbangan massa dalam lingkungan air IK 12 (P04): Identification Formulate the problem and identify key issues/variables No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL2102 Statistika Lingkungan 2 Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prosedur uji hipotesis, memecahkan persoalan uji hipotesis untuk pengujian satu sampel, analisis variansi dan regresi korelasi. TL2206 Pengelolaan Kualitas Air 2 Mahasiswa dapat memahami prinsip dasar pemodelan kualitas air permukaan dan air tanah IK 13 (P05): Problem Recognition Recognize the need for multiple solutions
  • 43. 42 No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL3104 Pengelolaan B3 1 Mahasiswa mampu memahami teknologi yang dapat diterapkan dalam mengelola bahan berbahaya dan limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun, sehingga tidak menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap kesehatan manusia dan tidak mencemari lingkungan. TL3106 Pencemaran Tanah 1 Mahasiswa mampu melengkapi, memperkuat, dan memperkaya kompetensi dasar bidang pencemaran tanah termasuk kemampuan prediksi. TL3107 Kesehatan Lingkungan Kerja 1 Mahasiswa mampu mengindetifikasi, menganalisis aspek- aspek dalam lingkungan kerja yang dapat memberikan efek-efek bahaya terhadap kesehatan dan mampu untuk melakukan pencegahan dan kontrol terhadap efek tersebut. TL3201 Pencemaran Udara 1 Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip interaksi, pengaruh alam serta akibat-akibat aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh manusia terhadap kualitas udara. TL3206 Pengolahan Limbah Padat 1 Mahasiswa mampu menganalisa hasil laboratorium untuk pemilihan teknologi pengolahan akhir. IK 14 (P06): Analysis Analyze alternative solutions to an engineering problem No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL3204 Manajemen Teknik Lingkungan 2 Mahasiswa memahami dan dapat menganalisa berbagai komponen yang terkait dengan ekonomi teknik. TL4201 Perencanaan dan Pengelolaan Proyek 5 Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi dan memberikan alternatif solusi atau troubleshooting masalah yang mungkin terjadi selama proyek berlangsung. TL4135 Analisis Sistem Pengelolaan Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa memahami dinamika suatu sistem dan peramalan teknologi (technological forecasting) dari keadaan lingkungan pada kurun waktu kedepan TL4096 Perancangan Teknik Lingkungan 3 Mahasiswa mampu memilih alternatif terbaik berdasarkan kriteria desain keteknikan. IK 15 (P07): Problem Solving Justify a solution to an engineering problem No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL4096 Perancangan Teknik Lingkungan 3 Mahasiswa mampu memilih alternatif terbaik berdasarkan kriteria desain keteknikan. TL4099 Seminar dan Tugas Akhir 1 Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan hasil riset dan merumuskan alternatif untuk menentukan kriteria rekayasa dalam pengelolaan lingkungan. IK 16 (KU01): Communication Communicate effectively using written media to various parties regarding water, air, and land environmental problems and the technology needed to solve those problem No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL4096 Perancangan Teknik Lingkungan 5 Mahasiswa mampu memahami karakteristik permasalahan dan mampu memilih kriteria desain. TL4201 Perencanaan dan Pengelolaan Proyek 2 Mahasiswa mampu menyusun deskripsi saintifik hasil kajian dalam bentuk karya ilmiah.
  • 44. 43 TL4099 Seminar dan Tugas Akhir 1 Mahasiswa mampu menyusun deskripsi saintifik hasil kajian dalam bentuk karya ilmiah. IK 17 (KU02): Presentation Communicate effectively using oral and written using Indonesian and English language No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL4098 Kerja Praktik 1 Mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan laporan kerja praktek in an appropiate manner. TL4101 Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa memahami proses penilaian laporan AMDAL yang telah disusun dan mempresentasikan laporan dihadapan audience. TL4099 Seminar dan Tugas Akhir 3 Mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan karya tugas akhir sebagai publikasi ilmiah. TL4096 Perancangan Teknik Lingkungan 5 Mahasiswa mampu memahami karakteristik permasalahan dan mampu memilih kriteria desain. IK 18 (KU03): Skill development Understand the benefit of skill development for the future career No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL4098 Kerja Praktik 2 Mahasiswa mengerti proses dalam pengembangan ketrampilan diri selama melaksanakan kerja praktek di lapangan. TL4099 Seminar dan Tugas Akhir 4 Mahasiswa mampu mengkaji pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sesuai dengan keahliannya dalam rangka menghasilkan solusi, gagasan, dan desain. IK 19 (KU04): Lifelong Learning Identify the need for lifelong learning, including having access to current issues, and being able to disseminate ideas No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL4098 Kerja Praktik 3 Mahasiswa mampu mendapatkan informasi teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan terkini secara mandiri selama melaksanakan kerja praktek di lapangan. TL4099 Seminar dan Tugas Akhir 5 Mahasiswa mampu mendapatkan informasi terkini, memahami kriteria, potensi sumber daya lokal/global dan pemanfaatan teknologi tersebut. IK 20 (KU05): Resource Utilization Identify necessary techniques, skills and tools of modern engineering practice for a given situation No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi KU1202 Pengantar Rekayasa & Desain 3 Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan bahwa masalah rekayasa dan desain harus ditinjau secara multi aspek dan multi disiplin GD2002 Pengantar Sistem Informasi Geografis 2 Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan dasar dalam pengembangan sistem informasi geografis sederhana menggunakan software GIS. TL3204 Manajemen Teknik Lingkungan 3 Mahasiswa memahami berbagai aspek baik teknis dan non teknis dalam perencanaan pembangunan infrastruktur.
  • 45. 44 TL4138 Rekayasa Lingkungan Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam 1 Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan teknologi informasi dalam pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dengan mempertimbangkan prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan lingkungan berkelanjutan. IK 20 (KK01): Formulation Formulate the problem (identify the need) and analyze constraints No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL4096 Perancangan Teknik Lingkungan 5 Mahasiswa mampu memahami karakteristik permasalahan dan mampu memilih kriteria desain. IK 21 (KK02): Evaluation Establish fitness criteria for evaluating potential solutions and tradeoffs No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL3101 Pengolahan Fisik dan Kimia 1 Mahasiswa memahami proses fisik dan kimia dalam pengolahan cair, padat dan gas dalam bidang keteknik lingkungan, misal aplikasi dalam pengolahan air bersih dan pengolahan limbah cair, padat dan gas TL3102 Rekayasa dan Proses Biologi 1 Mahasiswa memahami aplikasi bioproses dalam bidang Teknik Lingkungan menguasai prinsip-prinsip rekayasa bioproses memahami faktor-faktor/parameter-parameter yang mempengaruhi kinerja bioproses dalam berbagai jenis bioreaktor. TL3105 Teknik Penyediaan Air Minum 2 Mahasiswa mengetahui dasar-dasar perencanaan dan aspek-aspek yang umum ditemui di dalam persoalan penyediaan air minum. TL3202 Sewerage & Drainase Berkelanjutan 2 Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan data klimatologi dan menggunakan persamaan standar sebagai input dalam desain drainase. IK22 (KK03): Determination Generate alternative solutions No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL4102 Perancangan Proses Pengolahan Air 1 Mahasiswa dapat memahami, menerangkan secara detail pengolahan air bersih serta alternatif proses pengolahan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik air baku. TL4103 Perancangan Proses Pengolahan Limbah Cair 1 Mahasiswa dapat mendisain instalasi pengolahan air limbah domestic dan menerapkan pengelolaan instalasi air limbah secara berkelanjutan. TL4104 Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara 2 Mahasiswa mampu memilih teknologi terbaik tersedia dalam pengendalian pencemaran udara yang tepat berdasarkan scientific judgment. TL3206 Pengolahan Limbah Padat 2 Mahasiswa mampu menganalisa secara lebih komprehensif pemilihan alternatif pengolahan limbah padat dipandang dari berbagai aspek. TL4096 Perancangan Teknik Lingkungan 2 Mahasiswa dapat menemukan alternatif solusi yang optimal berdasarkan pemasalahan yang ada. IK23 (KK04): Experiment Conduct an experiment plan
  • 46. 45 No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL2101 Mekanika Fluida I (TL2101) 1 Mahasiswa memahami aplikasi ilmu dasar-dasar mekanika fluida (air dan udara) yang dibutuhkan dalam menunjang mata kuliah keahlian, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan perancangan yang melibatkan aliran fluida terutama air pada saluran tertutup. TL2201 Mekanika Fluida II 1 Students can demonstrate the application of statistical and empirical equation solution of a given problem TL2203 Mikrobiologi Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa memahami peran mikrobiologi dalam permasalahan lingkungan TL3103 Laboratorium Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa dapat memahami prinsip-prinsip analisa laboratorium dalam masalah lingkungan, serta mampu menerapkannya untuk kegunaan evaluasi, rancangan dan eksperimen beserta interpretasinya untuk kebutuhan engineering disain. IK 24 (KK05): Interpretation Acquire, analyze, and interprete data on appropriate variables No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL2101 Mekanika Fluida I 2 Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan dan interpretasikan data hasil pengukuran alat ukur debit. TL2103 Matematika Rekayasa 2 Mahasiswa mampu mengenali masalah dasar keteknikan, mengidentifikasi variabel kunci serta mendemonstrasikan penerapan Persamaan Differential. TL2201 Mekanika Fluida II 2 Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan persamaan dalam mekanika fluida dalam bidang water works seperti perencanaan drainase dan sewerage dan riol. TL2203 Mkrobiologi Lingkungan 2 Mahasiswa mengerti cara mengidentifikasi mikroorganisme serta memahami peran mikroorganisme dalam pengolahan limbah. IK 25 (KK06): Comparison Compare experimental data and results to appropriate theoretical models No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL3101 Pengolahan Fisik dan Kimia 2 Mahasiswa mampu menghitung dimensi pada unit operasi proses fisika dan kimia berdasarkan hasil data percobaan dan kriteria desain. TL3102 Rekayasa dan Proses Biologi 2 Mahasiswa mampu menghitung dimensi pada unit operasi proses biologi berdasarkan hasil data percobaan dan kriteria desain. IK 26 (KK07): Observation Explain observed differences between model and experiment (incorrect model, incorrect measurements, noise, etc.) No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL4136 Teknologi Konservasi Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa dapat memberikan usulan dan perencanaan konservasi suberdaya alam berupa air permukaan, air tanah, udara, dan pantai. TL3103 Laboratorium Lingkungan 1 Mahasiswa dapat memahami prinsip-prinsip analisa laboratorium dalam masalah lingkungan, serta mampu menerapkannya untuk kegunaan evaluasi, rancangan dan
  • 47. 46 eksperimen beserta interpretasinya untuk kebutuhan engineering disain. TL3105 Teknik Penyediaan Air Minum 3 Mahasiswa memahami sistem aliran, kebutuhan pipa dan peralatan-nya, dapat mengaplikasikan hidrolika aliran dalam pipa transmisi; dapat menghitung kehilangan tekanan dan memplotkannya dalam gam-bar hidrolis sistem transmisi dihubungkan dengan kondisi lapangan IK 27 (KU05): Identify necessary techniques, skills and tools of modern engineering practice for a given situation No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi GD2002 Pengantar Sistem Geografis 2 Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan dasar dalam pengembangan sistem informasi geografis sederhana menggunakan software GIS TL3204 Manajemen Teknik Lingkungan 3 Mahasiswa memahami berbagai aspek baik teknis dan non teknis dalam perencanaan pembangunan infrastruktur. IK 28 (KU06): Explanation Explain the use of specific techniques, skills and tools of modern engineering practice No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL3201 Pencemaran Udara 2 Mahasiswa mampu menghubungkan dasar-dasar pengetahuan dan teknik rekayasa yang dibutuhkan dalam pengendalian, pemantauan, prediksi dan kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan kualitas udara. TL2202 Pengelolaan Limbah Padat 2 Mahasiswa mampu menganalisa secara lebih komprehensif pemilihan alternatif pengolahan limbah padat dipandang dari berbagai aspek. TL4104 Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara 1 Mahasiswa memahami keseluruhan sistem pengendalian pencemaran udara serta penggunaan teknologi pengendalian pencemaran udara . TL4122 Pemantauan Pencemaran Udara 1 Mahasiswa mampu merencanakan sampling udara ambient dan udara emisi cerobong dan melakukan pengukuran zat polutan dari udara ambien dan emisi dengan menggunakan peralatan yang konvensional (standar) dan peralatan automatik (gas analyzer) dan melakukan evaluasi data hasil pengukuran. IK 29 (KU07): Technical Skills Apply the chosen techniques, skills and tools of modern engineering practice to the given situation No Mata Kuliah CPMK Deskripsi TL4099 Seminar dan Tugas Akhir 6 Mahasiswa mampu memilih alternatif solusi permasalahan bidang lingkungan sesuai teknologi terbaik yang tersedia saat ini. TL4111 Plambing dan Pompa 1 Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan persamaan dan tabel- tabel, serta mampu menghitung besaran sistem perpipaan plambing dan mampu merancang sistem plambing untuk gedung 4 lantai TL4121 Aspek Teknis Daur Ulang Limbah 1 Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan persamaan matematika dalam memprediksi pergerakan air dan kontaminan dalam air tanah.
  • 48. 47 TL4137 Pemodelan Air Tanah 1 Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan persamaan matematika dalam memprediksi pergerakan air dan kontaminan dalam air tanah. TL4211 Pengelolaan Limbah Industri 1 Mahasiswa dapat memahami, menganalisa kebutuhan sistem, menginterpretasikan data untuk perhitungan dan perancangan sistem pengelolaan limbah industri. TL4212 Bangunan Air 1 Mahasiswa mampu mendesain bentuk, dimensi dan memilih material bangunan perlengkapan air minum, penyaluran air limbah dan drainase perkotaan. TL4213 Pengolahan Lumpur 1 Mahasiswa mengetahui karakteristik lumpur dan mengerti prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan dan pengolahannya termasuk dapat mendisain unit pengental lumpur, unit pengeringan lumpur serta mengetahui opsi pengolahan bagi lumpur dari kegiatan industri. TL4235 Teknik Remediasi 1 Mahasiswa mampu memilih dan menggunakan teknologi terbaik tersedia dalam melakukan remediasi lahan terkontaminasi polutan spesifik.
  • 49. 48 Env Eng Learning Outcomes Assessment (LOATL) Student Outcomes Measurement of Env. Eng. Is conducted regularly using the LOA (Learning Outcomes Assessment) platform which can be accessed on the page. In this platform, the planning and course outcomes of each course are recorded as a whole. With this LOA, the measurement results of each course (course assessment) can be viewed and calculated for processing to generate Student Outcomes. With this LOA, it also can be seen the learning process that have been achieved by students and graduates from Env. Eng. The output of this LOA is in the form of evaluation material for student outcome for each individual, semester, batch, and graduate as well as the course assessment of each subject. Through the output of the Learning Outcomes Assessment, it can also be seen how the results compare to the standards determined by the study program. Figures 18 below shows the evaluation of student outcomes for individual, semester, and batch.
  • 50. 49 (a) The sample evaluation of student outcomes for individual
  • 51. 50 (b) The sample evaluation of student outcomes for semester (c) The sample evaluation of student outcomes for batch Figure 19 the evaluation of student outcomes for individual, semester and batch.
  • 52. 51 Sample of Outcomes Measurement Report Sample of Outcomes Measurement Reports are on the next page