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January 2006
 Issue # 95

The King of Them All

Interview with the full cast

                Sports Maniacs

                All About African cup
                      Of Nations
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THIS ISSUE   January 2006
Ahmed Raafat
Alaa Jalal
Ali Nasser
Amr Reda
Dina Wahba
Doaa Samy
Esraa Hegazy
Ingy Yehia
Jean Piere
Kareem AbdelMoniem
Mahi Ahmed
Maggie Balbaa
Mai Ibrahim
MennatAllah Ahmed
Mohamed Bahar
Mohamed Khater
Nahla Salam
Noha Samara
Omar Mostafa
Radwa Nour
Rasha El Komy
Reem Ahmed
Sadeem El Nahas
Shady Sadat
Simon Adly
Sondos Shabayek
Yasser Abbas
Hi TS,

I liked the December issue a lot and I
wanted to give some feedback on some
1. Aregica: It’s just great :) I'd like it
to get more and more involved in local
politics in the same sarcastic way!
2. FlashBack: It’s amazing! Maybe you
can merge the history/political part
into it...I think that would be cooler.
3. The Egypt Like You Have Never Seen
section by Tarek Rakha...the pics are
very nice...though the article was kind
of an advertisement-like
article...anyway, my regards to him.
4. The Scorpions coverage was lovely.
I suggest you interview more                               Hey Teen Stuff,
rockmetal Egyptian bands like you did
with 4 Sticks for example. I guess this                    This is the third issue I've read up to now. I used to hear about
will enrich Egyptian rockmetal                            Teen Stuff magazine everywhere but I had never read it. When
music...and you can sponsor their gigs                     I did, I really found that it's a fantastic magazine! I'd like to
somehow if they get that famous.                           thank all the staff for their efforts in writing and forming
My regards to all the staff,                               this magazine and all the ideas they come up with. I bet I
Yours faithfully,                                          missed wonderful issues but I hope the coming ones will be
                              Mohamed                      more and more exciting! Thank you all and keep it up!!

Dear Mohamed,                                                                                              Islam Sherif, 16

Thank you so much for your feedback.                       Dear Islam,
I’m sure you’ve thrilled many teens
with your comments on their sections.                      It’s always great to have new friends. We’re so pleased you
We’re glad that the magazine has                           like the magazine and we hope you keep on mailing us and
gained your praise. As for interviewing                    helping with your feedback. If you’d like to get any of the
Egyptian rock bands, we promise that                       previous issues you missed then don’t miss our booth in the
you’ll find it soon in the magazine.                       Cairo Book Fair; you’ll find all the back issues with amazing
Thanks again and keep your mail                            prices. Thanks for your kind feedback and welcome aboard.

Hi Teen Stuff,                               real champion, but everyone is          Dear Roshan,
                                             saying that I’m too old for that, but
First, I want to thank you for your          I’m a really talented teenager. I was   Thank you dear for your sweet
nice work. This is my first time to          depressed and upset all day and         words and I’m sure Abdel Bary will
write to you and also to buy and             night because of this. Nobody can       be happy to read your comment on
read your wonderful magazine. I              feel me; nobody believes that one       his article. As for your problem, if
never bought it before but I promise         day I can be a great glory…'c9          you truly believe in your talent then
to be your FAITHFUL READER!                  maybe after only two years and this     you shouldn’t listen to what others
Second, I’d like to introduce myself.        is my only dream in life. But the       say. Do your best to pursue your
My name’s Roshan El Boghdady.                worst thing that happened was when      dream by any means possible and
Don’t be astonished coz it simply            my mother insisted that I don’t play    even if it doesn’t work out, you still
means ‘small angel’; it’s Turkish and        during studies. It seems that I’ll      would have gained the honor of
I’m Moslem. On January 1st, I’ll be          repeat this year in my faculty coz      trying and practicing a sport that
18 so you have to tell me ‘Happy             I stopped studying coz I’m really       you really love. However, you
Birthday’ and ‘Happy New Year’ at            upset.                                  shouldn’t let your trials affect your
the same time.                               Finally, it would be really great to    studies because that would make
I really want to thank Mohamed               see my email published as my            your mum insist more on her
Abdul Bary for his exciting article          birthday present day! I’ll be waiting   attitude. You should first try to work
coz I felt that he was talking about         for your reply.                         things out about your studies and
me. I started playing tennis when            Bye teens!                              grades then talk with your mother
I was 17 and I know this is too late,                                  Roshan, 17    openly and try making her
but to tell you the truth, I have the                                                understand how important this
fitness required and my level of                                                     dream is so she would allow you to
concentration is very high. I really                                                 continue your passion for tennis. I
love tennis more than myself even                                                    wish you all the best and hope you
and I have the willingness to be a                                                   get all that your heart desires.

         December 2005 . TeenStuff
Rules of
the Game
It’s no doubt that we’re gifted with
a country that is and has always
been more unique than others in
everyway. In this land, you
experience wonders that you might
never even think of in other places.
Together we’ll review a few of those
wonders or if others might like to
call them ‘downsides’ in hope of
finding some way to reform
ourselves and along with our
Welcome to our exclusive recount
of the marvels of the Mother of all
lands… EGYPT!

Golden Rules of the                4- Steal cows and goats from
                                   your counterpart and slaughter
Parliamentary                      them on Friday after prayers     6- When choosing the
Elections:                         and distribute the meat in the
                                                                    neighborhood, pick one where
                                                                    most of the people are
1- Go register your name in                                         illiterate; the rest hungry and
the Parliamentary elections like   5- Print the dollar picture on   the remaining stoned.
the citizen Sa Sa.                 several notes
“Men3’er da3aya wala e3lanat       of paper and
Sa Sa 7ay7’aleeko te3eesho         distribute it to
fe tabat we nabat” – without       families, shop
publicity or ads Sa Sa will make   keepers and
you live happily ever after…       store owners
                                   in the
2- After you register your
name, buy a small van and get
one of those common singers
with a deep husky voice and
ask him to chant your slogan
in your neighborhood “ya welad
ya welad tente7’boo meen 3am
amin men3’er seen wala geem”
and “Mimo 7abeeb el malayeen
7aykebloko la7ma ya 7elween.”

3- Ask your singer to greet the
officers of the Ministry of
Interior and thank them for
their efforts in providing the
Egyptian people with peace
and security.

   January 2006 . TeenStuff                                         
10- Distribute            the elections, by 24 hours, hire
                                              pictures of               some stout men and order
                                              televisions and           them to pass by each house
                                              refrigerators to          and threaten their inhabitants
                                              people in the             that if they don’t vote for you,
                                              neighborhood and          they’ll never eat meat or see
                                              promise them the          their children married.
                                              real thing after the
                                              elections.                18- On the day of the elections,
                                                                        leave your Porsche in the
                                                                        garage and ride the public bus
                                              11- Buy thousands         and wait in line for bread and
                                              of sand sacks and         beans and as soon as you reach
                                              mix them with rotten      the neighborhood, loudly
                                              flour and tell your       announce “ana men el sha3eb!”
                                              beloved people that
                                              you have imported         19- Assign boys to bribe citizens
                                              wheat from the land       before they reach the boxes
                                              of dreams.                with money (the printed
                                              12- Provide young
                                              men, who are unable       20- Replace one of the boxes
                                              to marry, with adult      with another…and you know
                                              dolls called “ El Arosa   the rest.
                                              eli bebalash” to solve
                                              the marriage              21- When you win, forget about
                                              problem.                  all the promises you made
                                                                        along with those 22 Golden
                                                    13- Convince        Rules ‘we kol ente7’abat we
                                                    the spinsters       ento tayebeen!’

      After you
                                                    that God has
                                                    chosen to
                                                    assign them a       Sondos, my conscience doesn’t

  win, forget about
                                                    noble role in       allow me to fool you. I’m now
                                                    life; to serve      20 awaiting your sympathies
                                                    their country       at…

    the promises
                                                    and its people
                                                    and offer them               Sondos Shabayek, 20
                                                    jobs in your

      you made
                                                    new shopping
                                                    mall.                    Leave your Porsche in
                                                                            the garage and ride the
                                                    14- Invent           public bus and wait in line for
                                                    education pills;               bread and
                                                    pills for each             beans and as soon
                                    syllabus that students can take     as you reach the neighborhood,
7- Build a soft drink factory and   instead of taking private                   loudly announce
tell your people that you have      lessons.                                 “ana men el sha3eb!”
invested your money in a
developmental project that will     15- Put the name ‘American’ in
help improve the country’s          the middle of every State-run
economy and provide 20000           school to
work positions for fresh            show the
graduates.                          people how
                                    you have
8- Build another American fast      introduced
food chain and create a             the modern
campaign ‘3alashnek ya baladi’      system of
to encourage Egyptian products      education.
and services.
9- For the sake of the              Distribute
‘3alashanek ya baladi’              cook books
campaign, encourage more            to all
Chinese traders to sell their       housewives
products in Egypt by providing      and
them with free accommodation        husbands.
and selling outlets.
                                    17- Before                                                        TeenStuff . January 2006
Do You Remember January 1960?
It’s the swingin’ sixties baby, yeah!
                                                                           to continue the project alone and
                                                                           use the revenues coming from the
                                                                           Suez Canal to help pay for
                                                                           construction. But in the struggle
                                                                           for influence in Africa, the USSR
                                                                           stepped in, in 1958 and possibly
                                                                           one third of the cost of the dam
                                                                           was paid for as a gift. They also
                                                                           provided technicians, heavy
                                                                           machinery, and supplied designs
       From Slavery to Legendary                                           for the dam. Construction began
                                                                           January 9th, 1960, with the first
                           The Sixties                                     stage wrapping up in 1964. The
                           latest                                          reservoir began filling in 1964
                           Fashion                                         while the dam was still under
                                                                           construction and first reached
                           Trends                 was not in its water     capacity in 1976.
                                                  combat/ or power         The Aswan High Dam is 3,600m
                                                  production               in length, 980m wide at the base,
                                                  functionality, but       40m wide at the crest and 111m
                                                  rather in what it        high. It contains of material. At
                                                  symbolized as an act     maximum, 11,000 m•'5f of water
                                                  of defiance against      can pass through the dam every
                                                  two superpowers,         second. There are further
                                                  the US and UK and        emergency spillways for an extra
                                                  its significance is      5000 m•'5f per second and the
                                                  proof that Egypt is      Toshka Canal links the reservoir
                                                  still standing on its    to the Toshka Depression. The
                                                  feet and has             reservoir, named , is 480 km long
                                                  managed to survive       and 16km at its widest with a
                                                  a turbulent era in its   surface area of 6,000 km•'5f and
                                                  long politically         holds 150 to 165 km•'5f. With
                    The                           charged history.         hydroelectric output of 2.1
                    importance                                             gigawatts, the dam holds twelve
                    of the Aswan     Initially to be financed with the     generators each rated at 175
                    High Dam to      help of the US and the UK with a      megawatts. Power generation
                    Egyptians        loan of $270 million, both nations    began in 1967. When the dam first
                    living in        backed off in July 1956 for           reached peak output it produced
                    Egypt during     undisclosed reason, although an       around half of Egypt's entire
                    the 1960s        arms deal between Egypt and the       electricity production (about
                    and 1970s        USSR, which was in the middle of      15percent by 1998) and allowed
                                     a post WWII Cold War with the US      for the connection of most
                                     back then, and Egypt’s recognition    Egyptian villages to electricity for
                                     of the Communist People’s             the first time. The effects of
                                     Republic of China, are cited as       dangerous floods in 1964 and 1973
                                     reasons. In an attempt to restore     and of threatening droughts in
                                     Egyptian morale and secure his        1972–73 and 1983–84 were
                                     new regime's position, Nasser         mitigated.
                                     nationalized the Suez Canal , with
                                     the intention of using tolls to

                                                                           1960 Film
                                     subsidize the High Dam project.
                                     The controversial move sparked
                                     negative reactions from many
                                     nations and shortly after Britain
                                     and France had signed a treaty to
                                                                           (Information from
                                     hand over the Suez Canal to Egypt,
                                     they formed a coalition that          1. Swiss Family Robinson (Disney)
                                     attacked Egypt and occupied the       2. Psycho (Paramount/Universal)
                                     Suez Canal, precipitating the Suez    3. Spartacus (Universal)
                                     crisis , in 1956. The , US and USSR   4. Exodus (United Artists)
                                     forced the invaders to withdraw       5. The Alamo (United Artists)
                                     and the canal was left in Egyptian
                                     hands.                                * It is nearly impossible to obtain
                                                                           box office charts for specific
                                     The Egyptian government intended

January 2006 . TeenStuff                                                   
Maertens injured his foot during
                                    a skiing holiday in Bavaria, little
                                    did he know that the Orthopaedic
                                    shoe he designed for himself
                                    would not only still be going until
                                    today, but also become a trend
                                    setter, let alone be an archetypal
                                    boot of rebellion. While
                                    recuperating, Dr. Maertens
                                    designed improvements to the
                                    boots. He designed a shoe that
                                    was made of soft and softer, air-
                                    padding. In 1958, the Grigg family
                                    acquired rights to the air
 months for years                   cushioned sole and started making      footwear manufacturer and still
 before 1986. Apologies for the     boots at their factory in Wollaston,   represent what seems to be a
 inconvenience.                     England. The first boot was            never dying fashion trend.
                                    produced on April 1st, 1960, and

 January 1960
                                    so was christened the 1460. The
                                    1460, in black and later cherry        Beatnik
                                    red, was popular with postmen
                                    and policemen, who were on their       You have probably seen a few
                                    feet for many hours a day. By the      over the years, with flat shoes,
                                    early 60s , Doc Martens were           sandals, and berets- fashion items
                                    ubiquitous among the rising British    that were not from an expensive
                                    rock stars. Sid Vicious was among      fashion house; the message of
                                    the first to wear DM's. Soon, it       the beatniks was loud and clear
                                    seemed all punk fans were              - ‘Be Cool, Man!’ A beatnik is a
                                    wearing them. Doc Martens boots        member of the ‘Beat’ generation
                                    were no longer the footwear of         who is nonconformist in dress and
                                    the working class; they were the       behaviour. A carry over of the late
                                    footwear of rebel youth and the        50's and a big hit through out the
                                    addition of steely toecaps- and        1960s, the beatnik fashion wave
                                    the grievously bodily harm they        has, ironically, inspired fashion
 Music Charts
 (Information from
                                    inflicted- cemented the footwear’s
                                    notorious reputation. DMs are now
                                                                           houses like Christian Dior to
                                                                           design what they had fondly
                                                                           labelled as, ‘beatwear’.
                                    almost a compulsory kit in the
                                    music industry, worn by rock
 1. Running Bear by Johnny          veterans and boy bands alike. The
 Preston                            air cushioned sole and steely
 2. You Got What it Takes by Mary   toecaps have, over the years,
 Johnson                            been adopted by almost every
 3. Way Down Yonder in New                                                                    Ahmed Raafat
 Orleans by Freddy Canon
 4. ElPaso by Marty Robbins
 5. Go Jimmy Go by Jimmy Clanton

 January 1960
 Construction of Aswan High Dam
 Begins in Egypt
 Cameroon Gains its Independence
 Reserve Bank and Commonwealth
 Bank are Created
 State of Emergency is Lifted in
 Kenya as Mau-Mau Rebellion is
 Officially Over

 1960 Fashion
 Doc Martens
 When German medic Dr. Klaus                                                           TeenStuff . January 2006
Be Optimistic!
   Hunt Clouds!
  I bet I can see your eyes already widening in wit amazement at such a striking
  hobby. Exciting and interesting as it may sound, I actually can’t brainstorm to
  find a device to do it with, but how about ‘hunting clouds’ using your brains?
  I was brought up in a ‘frequent traveler’ family and to be on a plane, overlooking
  a glorious white blanket of clouds is a regular sight.

To stress this, my brother, Tarek,      else do you want to learn to be           of questions that must be floating
was on holiday visiting my parents      responsible? Unfortunately, as a          in your mind at this point, if by any
in Kuwait and that left a very lonely   working student, running my own           chance you’re thinking on the right
me in the vast, welcoming country       small business, I’m afraid to say         track and I’m proving any kind of
of Egypt.                               that after college is actually too        success.
                                        late! We go on and about saying           ‘Hunting clouds’ is a hobby, actually
Another point was about my very         things like, ‘we can’t live’; ‘we can’t   a MUST in everyone’s life, where
closest, Suzan. Strangely enough,       get married’; ‘we can’t… we can’t!’       clouds success is the only thing
she too was away on that exact          YES … Because it’s too late.              you’ll be looking up to, and proudly
same week and was only contacting       Hopelessly I took a deep breath,          “hang” in front of you like our
me every now and then via mobile        strong enough to take me out of           ancestors used to hang the heads
style and that was undoubtedly          here for some time to glare at a          of deers and foxes. You too have
very out of time because this was       magical sky where I was startled          to modernly show-off your
surely when I wanted her to be          to notice the clouds, with varying        everlasting successes in various
close. But nevertheless, she really     shapes and sizes, racing each other       fields of life. So simply take some
did her best! Suzan, I’m telling the    in an open-ended sky and                  time to optimistically observe the
world I’m proud of you.                 surprisingly, clouds that went and        clouds in the sky and realize the
                                        never came back!                          speed at which this planet rotates
Moving on, here’s the theory I’m        Why don’t we utilize chances? Why         and the volatility of your current
really talking about; my ‘out-of’       don’t we listen? Why can’t I ‘hunt’       status whatever it is. You’ll then
theory that I sense in people around    that chunky, beautiful cloud and          have the agility to go about
here in Egypt. Everyone is either       keep it, so I can get to see it when      changing this positively and envy
out of money, out of the mood or        I feel like? What do we need to           each ‘hunter’ who is ‘out of’ the
out of temper or even out of            change so we can get that falcon          expedition with a bulkier, more
hodomhom! In such a steamy time         sense of chances to success?              elegant ‘cloud’ than yours – if any
of year and that obviously is leaving                                             actually.
behind a very confusing and vague       Let me present a personal                 That’s the positive, challenging
blur to everything in this society      experience, that doesn’t have to          attitude you must acquire. I’m
which is why psychologically,           be any means obligatory to anyone         sarcastically, out of words and
everything just doesn’t seem in the     but we need to take time out to try       hoping your eagerness for clouds
right place or doesn’t even seem        to vaguely plan mini-strategies for       is keeping you ‘out of’ time to spend
right in the first place!               a vivid, bright future. Teens need        anymore listening to me before you
Talking to a couple of teens during     to try spiritual thinking and so-like     go about re-adjusting your powers
that very empty week just to            derivatives to try and calm down          and heading for a change in life. A
exercise my tongue muscles, I           and integrate into themselves and         change – as simple as it may be,
noticed some were confidently           progress in this large society. Yoga      will always be one on the right
optimistic while others very            might be a practical answer as it         track.
shockingly, were out of words to        helps understanding powers and            But remember, personal
talk about the color black as they      controls and helps people to stop         assessment is a vital part of all this.
see in the future, or simply say        coming up with problems from ‘out         DON’T lie to yourself! Your
anything out of the top of their        of’ the blue and it may be positive       calmness and control will always
heads, sounding so out of mind!         enough to solve existing matters.         judge the rest of the powers you
It’s mind blowing how we go about       You must clearly decide on what           have to excel. I’m now out of here
fighting for freedom and Democracy      you have got and what you don’t           wishing you the best of luck in your
and the right to rule, when simply      have yet, and what you’ll be              future and hoping to see or hear
they can’t ‘rule’ down the              heading to, if you’re planning to         about your ‘clouds’ soon.
framework for a successful future.      get anywhere with your life.
Why do teens here find it out of        Confidence is a talent you’ll acquire.          Sherif Ibrahim Mohamed, 20
Mars to work during college? When       That, I guess will answer a couple

 January 2006 . TeenStuff                                                          
Think Green Government...
                      A +ve Version
 We know that our beloved country is racing to reach somewhere. We’re doing our best
 not to be called a ‘Third-World’ country anymore. But are we really pushing forward? This
 month, an optimistic January 2006 drives us to think positive. There’s no perfection - all
 of us believe - yet, we can sometimes think that we live a hard life while stressing on the
 negatives. However, we can also figure out how it’s worth it to live life with its ups and
 downs on one condition; if we think in a positive way.Green Club brings you Think Green
 Government this month. Each member is elected to be the Minister of a certain Ministry,
 where he/she is required to supply new plans for that Ministry. We’re actually trying to
 think positive! First of all, congratulate every single member of the club for becoming the
                           Minister of a certain ministry! _ Now, you’re most welcome to
                                check out what our new thoughts for the New Year are.
                                                                              Doaa Samy, 18
                                                                   Head of Think Green Club

                                                                        Ministry of Transport: I believe the problem
                                                                        that most citizens really face in their lives
                                                other place that        is transportation and crowded streets that
                                                attracts tourists.      make people miss appointments and students
                                                 These guides will be   skip classes, which also harms the economy.
                                                  responsible for       We’ll start by supplying new buses and
                                                  guiding the           metros that are similar to those in the civilized
                                                  tourists, telling     world…where would I get the money from?
                                                  them about the        I’d increase the role of the private sector
                                                  good places that      that can invest in transportation by having
                                                  they could go to      their own transportation companies and also
                                                 and preventing         posting advertisements in public buses,
                                                 them from being        metros and at the stations. This would
                                                abused by taxi          increase competition and provide people
                                               drivers and people       with convenient means of transportation.
                                              selling them stuff for    Through this, people will lessen the use of
                                             triple the price. I have   their own cars, which will be one step towards
                                             other plans that I can’t   solving the traffic problem. Followed by that,
                                             reveal in the              will be coordination with the local governors
                                             meantime, to keep          to pave roads and reconstruct roads up to
                                             them safe from being       standards because that would be much
                                             stolen (by other           cheaper than paying money each year for
                                             Ministers) until the       fixing the same roads (the problem is that
Ministry of Tourism: My name is Blah         plans are well studied.    certain people can’t get this point). What
Blah and I’m the new Minister of Tourism.    That’s all.                should come next is measuring the efficiency
It’s a funny story why I decided to run               His Excellency,   of the Ministry and applying modern
for this position. It was two months ago        Omar Mohamed, 19        managerial techniques that should focus on
when I was with some German friends                                     progress and development. More decisions
of mine at the Pyramids. We suddenly                                    to be taken soon ------- keep updated!
found a group of kids who were selling
souvenirs. They insisted on selling my
friends some postcards for any price                                                His Excellency, Yasser Abbas, 18
although my friends didn’t want any. So
one of them opened his wallet but only
had L.E.5 and a couple of hundred pound
notes. My friend offered him the L.E.5
but of course the little kid refused. I
told the kid to go away as he had no
change at all, so the kid, knowing that
I’m Egyptian, offered me a deal. He told
me, “Let him give me a hundred and
I’ll split it with you.” Of course what he
told me drove me nuts and I almost hit
the boy. Dreadfully, the people here who
deal with any kind of tourists think that
they’re dealing with tourists from other
planets; they think that these tourists
come to places like Egypt just to be
made fools of. It’s like, “Oh, foreigners!
Let’s take their money.”
By God’s will, I’ll use my position to
change this way of thinking forever. I’m
planning to put tour guides, who work
for the government, in airports, malls,
museums, at the monuments and every

      January 2006 . TeenStuff                                                    
Ministry of Culture: In today’s world being a civilized
    and educated person isn’t only measured by college
    degrees. In any country, being accustomed to art in
    its various kinds refines the quality of its people.        Ministry of Information: Ladies and
    Exchanging ideas and cultural values will allow the         Gentlemen, it’s an honor to be the Minister
    people of the world to open the borders of their            of Information, especially that I spent
    creativity so that they can think together to reach         my whole career as a writer, a poet,
    solutions for the eternal question, “how to make the        sometimes a journalist and also a
    world a better place?”                                      television announcer. I believe in the
    The mission statement of the Egyptian Ministry of           majestic message that all means of media
    Culture is: “Implement programs and projects that           present. The press, the television, and
    serve our goal which is to provide - not only Egypt -       the radio are the elements that I consider
    but also the whole world with educated, civilized and       most effective in everyone’s life.
    refined people who’ll help in making today’s world          Accordingly, I thought of some new things
    better.” The plan I intend to implement as a Minister       that’ll probably help make best use of
    of Culture includes three main projects:                    those mentioned elements. SIS (State
    - Before we encourage the people to read, we should         Information Service) has a big role in the
    educate them first. As a way to help eradicate illiteracy   development as well. Through the press,
    I suggest a program for youth similar to that of a          everyone’s totally free to express one’s
    summer internship. For an amount of money, which            opinion as long as he/she is quite sure
    will be set later, they’ll tour the governorates of Egypt   of the information published; otherwise,
    in order to teach the illiterate adults. They’ll teach      there’ll be stiff penalties for those who
    them a special syllabus as such the trainees will be        just want to have fun. I’ll also give the
    given a special training courses in. They’ll also be        opportunity to school and university
    required to organize awareness programs regarding           students. Special newspapers will be
    various issues.                                             established to let them discuss the topics
    - I’ll also contemplate about a scholarship program         they feel like discussing and are most
    for undergraduates that’ll enable them to continue          concerned with. Television and the radio
    their education in leading American and European            are somewhat related, because they
    universities.                                               present almost the same content, yet,
    - A chain of libraries across the country is essential      the television is wider viewed no doubt.
    for the Egyptian society; libraries which don’t offer       I’ll do my best to expand the local
    books only but also seminars and activities for various     television channels. All the television
    age groups. I’m optimistic, what about you?                 speakers and announcers will have
                                                                technical workshops under the supervision
                          Her Excellency, Dina Wahba, 19        of foreign specialists who already
                                                                succeeded in that. I myself will supervise
                                                                the aired programs and see if they’re
                                                                worthwhile. On the other hand, new
                                                                creative programs will be shown.
                                                                Children’s agenda will be richer and more
                                                                open minded. Nonetheless, important
                                                                talk shows will definitely be aired as well
                                                                as dramatic soap operas, comic shows
                                                                and movies. I won’t forget of course self
                                                                help and programs to awaken awareness.
                                                                What I want to end with is actually
                                                                thanking God that we have such a Ministry
                                                                that a lot of countries don’t really have
                                                                (Trusted Information!)
                                                                         Her Excellency, Doaa Samy, 18

Exchanging ideas and cultural
 values will allow the people
   of the world to open the
  borders of their creativity                                                     TeenStuff . January 2006
Today’s students have trouble
                               to college because they’re not used to
                                         being independent
 Ministiry of Education and Higher Education: As the
 new assigned Minister of Education and Higher Education,
 I hereby grant a permanent vacation to all schools and
 universities... (Just kidding! But I’ve always wanted to say
 that or at least have this said to me. Wouldn’t it feel great?)
 I feel that education here in Egypt deeply needs reformation.
 The first order of business is to alter and modify school
 curriculums. Also, schools aren’t going to be just for learning.
 They’re going to be fun facilities that a student looks forward
 to go to each day. By achieving this, the student won’t be
 locked up in a classroom eight hours a day listening to
 teachers. NO! Forty percent of the curriculum should be
 activities (research, creative assignments, group
 projects…etc.). Today’s students have trouble adjusting to
 college because they’re not used to being independent.
 But certain courses and programs will be set in their last
 year to prepare them for their university life. New educational
 systems will be established especially in areas where poverty
 prevails. Like the educational system organized by UNICEF
 that depends on the idea of self-teaching with no teachers
 - just observers to help guide them. They participate in all
 activities and attend conferences. It’s quite a successful         Ministry of Agriculture: Since the
 system; all it needs is to be spread in Egypt.                     ancient Egyptians, Egypt has been
 Concerning teachers, every teacher, before applying to a           known to be a perfect region for
 new school, will go through a training program that                agriculture. But as I said... that was in
 introduces new and creative teaching techniques. These             ancient Egypt! We have the perfect
 techniques will create the new drastic change known as             fertile soil that any agricultural
 the ‘fun learning experience.’ Extra supervision will be set       environment would need. But,
 in each school to observe how this plan is being implemented.      unfortunately, we’re going for the
 Winning the fight against private lessons isn’t just by            chemicals which damage our land’s
 declaring it but by actually trying to fix what goes on in         fertility. We’re also able to farm any
 schools rather than outside. The facilities also need to be        kind of fruit, vegetable or even raw
 fixed. If the government is having financial problems, then        material like cotton during any time of
 fundraisers like huge dinner parties or concerts will be held      the year which actually results in a
 to help dozens of schools that really need to be improved.         different taste or smell! Again, in the
 In order to cut back on expenses, the government won’t             old days people used to know the
 produce millions of textbooks each year nor will parents           different taste and the smell of any fruit
 pay hundreds of pounds on books. The books will already            or vegetable upon entering the house!
 be the property of the school; each student will return his        Are you aware of what has happened?!
 book at the end of the year to be later used by other              Now as for the coming years, I’ll stop
 students. But certain fees will be paid to compensate any          replacing fertile land with built areas.
 damaged books.                                                     And this will help to bring back the old
 Last but not least, as the Minister for Higher Education           quality of agriculture. I’ll also start
 also, I hereby declare the opening of dozens of private            exporting goods that we have in our
 universities each year. Next year I’m proud to announce            land instead of importing many goods,
 the opening of SUC (Sudan University in Cairo), PIUT               in other words, we’ll encourage our
 (Private International University in Tanta), MPCA (Misr            industry. Farmers will have their own
 Public College in Alexandria), CAA (The Contemporary               lands again. Factories will be established
 Academy in Assuit) and most importantly the AGM (A7la              remote areas as a means of making
 Gam3a fe Masr College) Good luck in your exams!                    use of the wide empty desert and also
                                                                    to avoid pollution. Specialists will look
                           Her Excellency, Esraa Hegazy, 18         into the lands which have been treated
                                                                    with chemicals and start treating them
                                                                    and refreshing them to start farming in
                                                                    a normal way again.
                                                                    Farmers who’ve been forced to leave
                                                                    their lands and go to the city will be
                                                                    rewarded to come back and will be paid
                                                                    by the government. This will lessen the
                                                                    unemployment rate and improve our
                                                                    agriculture. We’ll build more green
                                                                    houses, to supply an even better
                                                                    environment for plants and greenery.
                                                                    Monthly inspectors will pass by all lands,
                                                                    checking and reporting any problems.
                                                                    These inspectors are employed in each
                                                                    area. As the Minister of Agriculture, I’ll
                                                                    assure you healthy fruits and vegetables
                                                                    by the end of the coming five years…I,
                                                                    myself, miss that pure taste!
                                                                     Her Excellency, Reem Ahmed, 15

January 2006 . TeenStuff                                                 
Ministry of Youth and Sports: Qad Qam al
   captain Lotfy be shar7 barnamgho!
   All the clubs will be under the supervision of our
   Ministry. No club manager will have the right to
   go on TV and insult millions of people. There’ll
   be a committee called The Supports Committee.
   This committee will be there to help all new clubs
   that are still growing or current clubs that have
   financial or managerial problems to solve those
   problems. The goal of this committee is to create
   fair competition between all clubs for the whole
   season, so as not to have the league’s winner
   determined after the first week; so the competition
   will not only be between Ahly and Zamalak.
   There’ll be more concern about individual sports,
   which have proven to get better results than
   team sports.
   So it is obvious, that we’re having the phenomena
   of free riding in teams, which is having each
   member depend on his colleague and not doing
   his work well. And for the first time in the history
   of Egyptian matches, fans will be treated as
   humans in football matches and all other matches
   as well. They’ll have the right not to be hit on
   their heads, nor strip naked in the inspection
   area when they enter. You’ll also be able to watch
   the matches on your own TV. You won’t have to
   go to the cafeteria, to watch a match and buy a
   cup of tea for L.E.5 and some ‘tasaly (leb w
   sodany)’ for another L.E. 4 plus the 10 percent
   tax which makes a total of L.E.10 but you’ll have
   to leave the rest of the L.E.20 you paid anyway
   because this is the minimum charge. More courts         Ministry of Finance: Everybody knows,
   and fields will be built for all amateurs to play       the Ministry of Finance is at the end of
   in, rather than the streets. We’ll be doing our         a recession. So we took it as our liberty
   best to arrange World Cup 3010; I guarantee             to oppose and come up with the new tax
   that it’ll be either held in Egypt or it won’t be       return policies. We’ve spent much on
   held at all! We’ll be looking forward to have           advertising so please pay up. You’ve seen
   healthier youth with healthy bodies. We’ll do our       our advertisement on television more
   best to make our children set sports as one of          than once so that proves we’re using
   their highest priorities in their daily lives because   your money in the right way and you
   of its huge importance. For healthier bodies …Let’s     shouldn’t lose confidence in our institution.
   play sports!                                            We’ve explained on our website
                                                  the whole
           His Excellency, Mohamed Bahar, 19               process but in a certain way for you just
                                                           not to understand, so please just co-
                                                           operate and pay us more money.
                                                           What you read above may be pinpointing
                                                           some negatives. On the other hand, you
                                                           might not be concerned with anything
                                                           except some words like ‘pay up’ and ‘pay
                                                           us more money.’ Anyway…let’s see what
                                                           can be done for improvement.
                                                           We have also developed a plan for the
                                                           average Egyptian to become a millionaire
                                                           and get a second chance in life. The plan
                                                           goes as follows: Each Egyptian will pay
                                                           one (1) Egyptian pound everyday. A
                                                           lottery will then be held, bearing in mind
                                                           that the lottery tickets hold the name of
                                                           every Egyptian citizen, and one citizen
                                                           will be chosen as the winner of the lottery
                                                           - after excluding taxes of course – and
                                                           takes the whole sum. This program is
                                                           guaranteed 100 percent to get everyone
                                                           in the country rich by the year 22666,
                                                           when Egypt becomes a world power and
                                                           proves for once and for all that we were
                                                           right all along and that our government
  We have also developed                                   system has no flaws what so ever! No
           a plan for
  the average Egyptian to                                  His Excellency, Mohamed Khater, 19

           become a
 millionaire and get a second
         chance in life                                                   TeenStuff . January 2006
Ministry of Foreign Affairs:, I’d like to             ZOOMing in on the Arabic music scene is a very
  express my happiness and honor in being               voguish, trendy,and innovative channel, "ZOOM".
  among you and to be your representative.              Brought to you by the creators of Mazzika TV,
  My forthcoming plans are going to be                  Mohsen and Mostafa Gaber. ZOOM will be uncovering
  necessarily held with your contribution. As           the latest gossip, news, and releases in the Arabic
  the Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] said, that                music business through interesting ,exciting and
  in order to gain security and freedom in              interactive programming. On zoom, tune in to the
  your country, you should settle things up             hottest, and hippest programs, talk shows, events
  and reconcile with other countries so that
  will be my first plan. I’ll be endeavored to          and concerts in the music industry. Get it now on
  this truce through organizing an annual               Nile sat at     Frequency: 11900 Ghz
  festival for peace. It’ll take place at the                           Polarization: vertical
  Pyramids in which I’ll invite all the presidents,                     Symbol Rate: 27500
  kings and queens in addition to prime and
  foreign ministers all over the world. My next                         FEC: 3/4
  step will be to interact youth who are well-
  acquainted with the various problems in                  ZOOM….. "Arabic music exposed"
  their countries and introduce these problems
  to the other country and then put a strategy
  which can be followed to solve these
  problems and send another alternative youth
  group from the hosted country to apply the
  strategy. This swap will promote our intention
  in peace and increase the prevailed
  production rate in the economical, agricultural
  and educational field. Besides that, political
  affairs will be adjusted and smoothened and
  terrorism will be annihilated. I’ll also cry out
  to reduce the number of youth who have
  immigrated abroad for work because they
  should serve their country and be proud of
  it. Finally, I’ll ask for every country’s aid to
  compose one international peace anthem
  so that we’ll be one hand and in the same
  range and sphere. May God grant me
         Her Excellency, Mahie Ahmed, 20

After going through our different thoughts and
plans for the New Year,
we hope we delivered our purpose which is to let
you, dear readers,
to always to keep in mind the negative points but
think in a different way that will help improve
 Don’t say, “I don’t like such and such” but instead,
you’d better say, “I have an idea to improve such
and such!”
                              Doaa Samy, 18
                    Head of Think Green Club
                Best Wishes for the New Year

   January 2006 . TeenStuff

Courts and gardens in El Sehaymi were designed
environmentally, to adapt to the climate changes in
Egypt and also provide a pleasant place to live.

   "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people
   who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all."
                                                                                                   Dale Carnegie

El Darb El Asfar
 Most of you who are                       Economic and Social Development;
                                           a grant of approximately four
                                                                                    Khrasaty. Sehaymi is the biggest.
                                                                                    It was built in 1648 with additions
 reading this, do not                      million US dollars.                      in 1796, designed to give
 know about this alley                     The Governor aided the project of
                                                                                    importance to Islamic social
                                                                                    patterns and family values.
 and the treasures that                    restoring the alley and decided that     Strongly adapted to its surrounding
                                           it will be restricted to pedestrians     environment, the house is
 it hosts. But do not                      only and the streets to be paved         considered one of Cairo’s historical
 blame yourself, people                    in stone. The local residents shared
                                           in this event and helped in the
                                                                                    valued treasures. Its restoration
                                                                                    program started in January 1994
 who were born there                       pavement process and also all the        and the amount of garbage
 do not know too!                          main piping systems were either
                                           changed or restored. All the
 It is true! Youth actually did not        building facades were studied and
 know about the history that this          developed to be evolved into a
 alley has yet to unfold for them,         harmonious exterior for the place,
 as they only knew about haunted           bonding the local community with
 houses and garbage dumps. Until           their context, and understanding
 Dr.Asa’ad Nadim, owner of El              the historic value of their alley. So,
 Mashrabeya Institute in Cairo,            what does this alley hold for them?
 undertook the responsibility of
 documentation, restoration and            The alley has a historical well called
 conservation of the alley using a         Ketas and three important historical
 grant offered by The Arab Fund for        houses: El Sehaymi, Ga’far and El
                                                                                    Plumbing and re-wiring the whole alley
                                                                                    was done with aid of the local residents
                                                                                    making the process easier and smoother.

   January 2006 . TeenStuff                                                            
The alley before and after.

                                                                          El Sehaymi is now a tourist attraction and even
                                                                          more a cultural center for children. Children are
                                                                          seen drawing details of rooms in the house as
                                                                          part of their art class.

                                                                         it was done and restoration problems tackled
                                                                         were from weak bearing walls to plumbing
                                                removed from it was      issues.
The entrance to the court of the restored       equivalent to the
El Sehaymi looks beautiful. This was            capacity of a hundred    The project was completed on June 26, 2000.
housing in old Cairo for a family; this         trucks!                  A booklet of recommendations was handed
was us in the past.                                                      on how to preserve the area, but alas! Nothing
                                                El Khrasaty, however,    of what was recommended has been done
                                                is not considered a      and maintenance had to be taken care of
                                                heritage house,          every six month under the supervision of Dr.
                                                because it was           Asa’ad and a book is currently being written
                                                modified drastically.    about the whole restoration process.
                                                But the restoration      ‘Restoration’ as a concept is really a debatable
                                                program was              one. Do people love the way they lived before?
                                                concerned with the       Is replacing old windows with new ones the
                                                value beyond that. It    solution? Is restoring only meant for tourist
                                                was joined to other      attraction and its benefits? All these questions
                                                houses and its           are left for you to decide but visiting such a
                                                removal would have       place will teach you, not just about its history,
                                                strongly endangered      but about a community that learned to work
                                                the other houses. Plus   with each other, sacrifice and give efforts for
                                                there were many          their cause. If each alley, street and area
                                                other problems to be     bonds this way, what would be the result?
                                                faced. The house was
                                                actually homing more                                     Tarek Rakha, 20
                                                than 20 families! This
                                                was a problem but
                                                was solved through
                                                offerings and
                                                negotiations with its
                                                residents. It took a
                                                long time to convince
                                                them to move out but

                                            Paving of the roads                                                               TeenStuff . January 2006
Woo Woooo Woooooooo!!                                                            freely move but have upper and
Oh my God,                                                                       lower limits. We also would visit all
Oh my God,                                                                       the world countries. Not to worry,
OH MY GOD!!                                                                      nobody would stop you to ask for
I remember the last time I went                                                  a passport simply because he
to Dream Park about two or                                                       wouldn’t be able to keep standing
three years ago. Never mind                                                      still on the country’s border! He’d
about how the day was, even                                                      be moving and traveling himself.
though it was marvelous! When                                                    Consequently, we wouldn’t need
I went back home after a                                                         airplanes. We can manage going
physically tiring day, I was                                                     anywhere that might otherwise
eager to get to sleep after                                                      take us a life-time; as we’d be
having a quick shower. Pretty                                                    moving in slow motion. Never mind,
normal I think!                                                                  the most important thing is to arrive
I lost consciousness as soon I                                                   anyway no matter when! And all
placed my head on the comfy                                                      people would be able to practice
pillow. Now, tell me, what do                                                    ballet and gymnastics. We’d badly
you expect then? Ummm, come                                                      need that to move properly and in
on…it’s not that complicated.                                                    all directions.
Ok, stop now. I’ll tell you myself
what happened. But                                                 Thursday      Oh gravity! …is it really that
first…make sure that you’re              by                     meeting          significant?
fond of treacherous                      around the flying tree over there       Sometimes we’re not aware of the
adventures!                              to get ready for ‘winging’ to the       gifts we’re given until they vanish!
                                         club at night, hehe!” (I wonder         True. 100 percent true! At least we
I was walking, walking strangely,        what they could do there;)              never happen to think about those
actually! I don’t know how. To take      All what we know about gravity are      gifts or even consider them as
a step forward, you must have one        the moves an astronaut makes            gifts...
foot on the floor while picking up       while on a spaceship. We see how
the other one, moving it slightly        funny it is to be hung in air, moving   Have you ever tried mixing honey
upwards, then finally situating it       everywhere always! I’m really           with lemon before? I personally
Logical enough? I think so! But          eager to explore a new non-gravity      live to do that I love eating -or
what if you have BOTH legs               life. Let’s think together.             whatever verb you choose- honey
upwards at once?                                                                 with squeezed lemon. What I want
A normal person would probably           How would we walk around, excuse        to mention is the process itself.
say, “I’d sure be jumping!”              me, I mean ‘move around’ lol! What      When you try it (cause, you must!)
Well…maybe!                              about cars…you know what? I think       you’ll have to wait a while to let
If I come again and tell you to          that would help solve the traffic       the lemon juice particles interact
knock out that jumping option off        problem!! Yeah, believe me, if your     with the honey’s. If you leave it for
your estimations, what would you         way is stuck, just move under the       a while after you mix them, you
say?                                     car in front of you or even above       find them separating again. Honey
I’m now certain that you all know        it; it’s your choice! But you got to    at the bottom and the lemon juice
what’s going on in my mind! Again,       take most care not to hit anything      on top. I’m using conditional if
if I’m walking with both feet not        doing the same action however.          “zero type-present simple” as it is
touching the ground and not              Then we’d find cars with four sided-    a true fact!
jumping either...flying? uh-huh          mirrors; two on both sides, one
guys! But I wasn’t pushing               reflecting top ways, and another        Back to our subject, to mix living
upwards. I was doing nothing at          reflecting bottom ways,                 human beings with their place of
all---I suddenly found myself            nonetheless, I have no idea how         living, GRAVITY is the magical
caught in the middle in between          can those top/bottom ones               solution!
the ground and the sky…'c9can’t          function? Hey you guys, studying
get down nor investigate above.          engineering over there…think about      Really had fun writing this, hope
Moving my hand was a big deal. I         it and tell me!                         you had fun reading it as well!
felt like I was swimming in an                                                   Waiting for your sweet comments
everlasting box full of water. You       When it comes to sleeping, tell me      and usual feedbacks at
know that feeling when water lifts       please what’s your preferred  
you up? Exactly! But what actually       position? You can sleep standing,       Wishing you a very Happy New
differs is that you, when swimming       with your back bent, curled up on       Year for 2006, willingly. Take care
wherever, can simply get out of          your legs, stretching your arms         till I see you next month (My special
the sea when you feel like doing         upwards, upside down or even            month where I celebrate my
so but it’s not the case here yet.       horizontally!! There’s a big smile      birthday!)
You can’t get out of your whole          on my face now just imagining
universe if it lacks GRAVITY!            anybody sleeping horizontally and                               Faithfully,
                                         going on like that between people!                          Doaa Samy, 18
My sister was studying in the same       Don’t forget that nothing can stop
room while I was writing this article.   them.                                   (It’s the last time I’ll write 18 beside
She told me a funny comment that                                                 my name. I’ll convert that eight
I’d like to share. “If there was no      We wouldn’t have a place to live        into nine on the first day next
gravity,” she said, “my friends and      in, except if we were locked in a       month)
I would likely hangout on a typical      room or a home where we could

     January 2006 . TeenStuff                                                      
What Do You Know
                         about Political Parties?
One of the things that you,             share, to a great extent, similar          - Arab Democratic Nasserist
                                        ideas. The only difference is that         Party or Nasserist Party
as an Egyptian citizen,                 political parties aim at obtaining         - Liberal Party (Hizb al-
should be fully aware of is             power. The formal definition is: A         Ahrar)
the political system of your            political party is a political             - Tomorrow Party (Hizb al-
                                        organization subscribing to a certain      Ghad)
country. How does the                   ideology or formed around very             - Solidarity Party
government work? One                    special issues with the aim to             - Democratic Union Party
important aspect of the                 participate in power, usually by           - Umma Party
                                        participating in elections.                - National Concord Party
government is ‘political                                                           - Egypt 2000 Party
parties.’ We asked teens                Political parties in Egypt:                - Constitutional Party
what do they know about                 After the revolution in 1952, the          - Egyptian Arab Socialist
                                        revolutionary regime had dissolved         Party
them and these were their               all political parties in January of the    - Pride Party(Hizb al-
answers:                                following year. Gamal Abdel Nasser         Karama) - Isn't granted or
                                        introduced a new political system          full-licensed yet
•Actually I have never attended one.    that was named Arab socialism, with
•Hahaha! Obviously I know there         a one-party system. Nasser's
                                                      successor, Anwar El
                                                      Sadat, carried out a
                                                      limited political
                                                      liberalization and an
                                                      economic and diplomatic
                                                      ‘infitah’ (open door
                                                      policy) to the West.
                                                      Nowadays, Egypt is a
                                                                                    Big Words
                                                      one party dominant
                                                      state. The National
                                                      Democratic Party (Al-
                                                      Hizb Al-Watany Al-
                                                      Demoqraty) is the
                                                      current ruling political
                                                      party in Egypt, led by        Cultural Relativism
                                                      President Hosni
                                                      Mubarak. Its political
                                                      ideology is Socialism;        Ethnocentrism. "The
                                                      Social Democracy.             tendency to view one's own
                                                      Opposition parties are        culture as best and to judge the
                                                      allowed but are widely        behavior and beliefs of people
                                                                                    in other societies by one's own
                                                      considered to have no         standards." Many claim that
                                                      real chance of gaining        ethnocentrism occurs in every
                                        power. The political system is based        society; ironically, ethnocentrism
are a lot of political parties. But I   on a multi-party system. According          may be something that all
am not interested in politics.          to the Egyptian Constitution, political     cultures have in common. Within
• When a group of politicians gather    parties are allowed to exist but            this context, individuals will
under the umbrella of joined            religious political parties are banned      judge other groups in relation
interests from a rally to express       from being formed in Egypt. Also            to their own particular ethnic
their views in it.                      banned are political parties that           group or culture, especially with
• Political parties are the places      encourage militia formations or that        concern to language, behavior,
where you can go to and talk freely     have an agenda that is contradictory        customs, and religion.
about politics with NO limits or        to the Constitution or threaten the
barriers!!                              country's stability, such as the            Cultural relativism. The idea
• I know that the main man of one       national unity between Muslims and          that one should try to evaluate
of the parties is Tony Blair and he     the Coptic sect in Egypt. Presently,        and understand another
is the Prime Minister of England.       there are 18 political parties in Egypt.    culture/society on its own terms
There are three main parties in                                                     and relative to its own values
England, each one represents a                                                      and beliefs. According to this
                                                                                    belief, in studying another
different class of people. For
example, the Labor party represents
                                        The Parties:                                culture we need to suspend
the working class.                                                                  judgment, empathize and try
                                                                                    and understand the way that
• Maybe it is when people meet in       - National Democratic Party                 particular culture sees the world.
a place and begin talking about          (Hizb al Dimuqratiyah al
politics and other stuff about it!      Wataniyah)
                                        - New Wafd Party (Hizb al-
Political parties are just like any     - Progressive National
other groupings as in your school       Unionist Party (Hizb al
or college. They are groups of people   Tajamaa al Wataniyah al                                       Dina Wahba, 19
who have similar interests and          Tagadamm al Wahdwa)

     January 2006 . TeenStuff                                                      
    In Search for a Definition
Though the word itself is very                                                   "The roots of the Abu Gharib prison
familiar, still, its meaning remains                                             scandal lie not in the criminal
vague. Up till now the world's                                                   inclinations of a few army reservists
greatest politicians and leaders                                                 but in a decision, approved by former
cannot find an exact meaning for it.                                             Secretary of Defense Donald
And as this word is becoming of                                                  Rumsfeld, to expand a highly secret
great importance in today's world,                                               operation, which had been focused
then we should dig deeper and try                                                on the hunt for Al Qaeda, to the
to find out what does this intriguing                                            interrogation of prisoners in Iraq."
word mean.                                                                       The New Yorker Magazine.
By definition ‘terrorism’ is:                                                    US Apache helicopters were reported
 1. A terrorizing use of terror and                                              to be attacking civilian neighborhoods
violence to intimidate, subjugate,                                               in Falloujah. (FSRN, April 6) On April
etc., especially as a political weapon                                           7,US forces in Falloujah were
or policy.                                                                       reported to be bombing a mosque.
2. Intimidation and subjugation so                                               Local hospital officials now report
produced (from Webster's New                                                     280 dead, with many hastily buried
Universal Unabridged Dictionary). A                                              in the town's soccer field as residents
terrorist is a person who uses                                                   were barred by the military siege
violence for political purposes.                                                 from reaching the cemetery.
                                                                                 “The name of today's military
These are the linguistic definitions.                                            operation is Enduring Freedom. We
Let's have a closer look and view        result of the invasion.”                defend not only our precious
some of the applications of this word    From a study published in The Lancet    freedoms, but also the freedom of
in the real world through the one        dated October 30th                      people everywhere to live and raise
person who- if I may call him- is the                                            their children free from fear.”
most frequent user of this word          “The oppressed people of Afghanistan    George W. Bush
today, George W. Bush. Maybe then        will know the generosity of America
we will understand why a simple          and our allies. The United States of
word such as ‘terrorism’ can cause       America is a friend to the Afghan       Does that mean that it is true that
so much confusion. The following         people."                                ‘one man's freedom is another man's
are extractions from journals, reports   Bush's Treaty Room statement.           freedom fighter?’ The meaning of
and statements from President Bush:                                              the word so simple and obvious and
                                         “US forces in Afghanistan have          the only problem is that it is severely
"America and our friends and allies      arbitrarily detained civilians, used    misused!
join with those who want peace and       excessive force during arrests of non   I hope you are not as confused as I
security in the world, and we stand      combatants and mistreated               am. And after I have stated all the
together to win the war against          detainees.” This concludes that the     facts, I will let you decide on what
‘TERRORISM.’                             US-administered system of arrest        the meaning of terrorism is and who
Bush in his Address to the Nation        and detention in Afghanistan            is the ‘real terrorist.’
speech.                                  functions outside the rule of law.
                                         Human Rights Watch new report.          Dina Wahba, 19
"We know that the war was not just
illegal and unnecessary but is turning
into the bloodiest war involving
Britain for a long time. Most of the
deaths are from air strikes, which
puts the action of the US and British
governments in the category of war
                                         Shockingly True
crimes, on a par with the deliberate
targeting of civilians at Guernica in    A UN ‘peacekeeping’ mission in
1937 and at Dresden in 1944."            the Congo in 1961 included the
Lindsey German, convener of the          bombing of hospitals and many
UK's Stop the War Coalition, as she      other defenseless civilian
told the Weekly.                         targets.
                                          Since the UN - man's best hope
"The Iraqi people are meeting            for peace - was founded in 1945
hardships and challenges like every      there have been over 140 wars.
nation that has set out on the path      Josef Stalin, the leader of the
of democracy. Yet their future           USSR was from Georgia.
promises lives of dignity and freedom    Adolph Hitler was Austrian.
and that is a world away from the        The first Secretary General of
squalid, vicious tyranny they have       the UN was a U.S. citizen who
known. Across Iraq, life is being        was also Soviet spy.
improved by liberty."                    Of the first 14 UN
George W. Bush                           Undersecretaries who controlled
                                         the UN's military, all 14 of them were Communists.
“The findings of the first scientific
study of civilian casualties in Iraq     Yasser Abbas, 18
reveal that at least 100,000 Iraqi
civilians, mostly women and children,
have died in only 17 months as a                                                             TeenStuff . January 2006
Check Out Our Latest ‘Movie’ Review:
“Syria at a Crossroad…will it be         in the affairs of other countries           There was no evidence of any urgent
another Iraq?”                           claiming the need for saving the            threat to peace.
                                         world from terrorism and evil states        There had been no complaint from
                                         – as they like to call them. This           the country whose integrity and
Syria is under the spotlight!            French eye found the need for               security is threatened as the
                                         developing the situation into a thriller,   resolution claims. On the contrary,
All of a sudden the whole                a movie that millions all over the          the Lebanese representatives had
world media has shifted its              world would watch and one that will         communicated to the Council their
focus onto a small country               bring in magnificent profit!                opposition to consideration of the
in the Middle East called                                                            Resolution.
Syria. Everyone is suddenly              The movie starts in 2004 with a             Besides, the text was addressing the
                                         sudden French concern over Lebanon          wrong threat. If there was a threat
concerned with the                       and the realization of the need for         to Lebanon, that was well known, it
internal affairs of Syria and            Syrian troops to withdraw from              did not arise from Syria.
its relation with Lebanon;               Lebanon, as they were of no use
explosions,                              then. Also realizing the threat of          Secretary-General of the Ministry of
                                         Hezbollah, there was a call then for        Foreign Affairs of Lebanon, Mohamed
demonstrations,                          disarming it and turning it from being      Issa, rejected the other part of the
assassination, revolutions,              a military group to a normal political      Resolution by saying that there were
threats and more. It is a                party with no arms or weapons.              no militias in Lebanon. There was
breath catching package                  The second actor then - which is the        only the National Lebanese
that is coming to a theater              U.S - appears and agrees with France        Resistance, which appeared after
                                         that the Syrian troops are of threat        the Israeli occupation and which
near you…maybe to your                   to peace and security and should            would remain so long as Israel
own theater. But who                     leave Lebanon immediately.                  remained.
                                          (Although the movie shows you that         More importantly, the United Nations
                                          a few months back,                         had never interfered in such a matter
                                          French/American relations were             with regard to any other state. There
                                          tense as France opposed the U.S.           was no justification for the
                                          led war against Iraq!)                     Resolution, which constituted
                                          The two then (France and America)          interference in the internal affairs of
                                          go to the rest of the characters and       a member state of the United
                                          talk about the situation when they         Nations.
                                          propose that the whole group will
                                          ask Syria formally to withdraw from        This, in short proves that such a
                                          Lebanon which results in a United          Resolution was not enough. Here, is
                                          Nations Security Council Resolution        introduced the rule of the director
                                          (1559) that calls upon all remaining       of the movie, where he thinks of
                                          ‘FOREIGN’ forces to withdraw from          accelerating the events by having a
                                          Lebanon. (Caring to protect Syrian         peak that will change the path of
                                          feelings and not mentioning Syria          events, resulting in more thrilling
knows when?                              by name).                                   incidents where actors can have the
                                                                                     freedom to use their rules and
The origins of this movie go back to     The first episode of the movie was          release their talents.
the 70’s, when Syria sent its troops     not a success because not many
to engage in the Lebanese civil war      people paid attention to it, as it was
that arose then. Syria intervened to     not strong and had some mistakes;
save the lives of the Maronite           particularly a Security Council
Christians whose existence was           resolution that cannot exist in the
deeply threatened.                       real and just world that we had
Although the civil war was over,         hoped to be living in.
Syrian troops and intelligence bodies
stayed in Lebanon and did not return     UNSC Resolution 1559:
back which raised doubt over Syrian
interests in Lebanon that were,          By a vote of nine in favor to none
actually, many.                          against, with six abstentions (those
After the Israeli invasion of Lebanon    who refused to vote) Resolution 1559
in 1982, Hezbollah was formed to         passed in the Security Council
fight Israel and to free Lebanese        focusing mainly on the withdrawal
territories from occupation, till they   of all foreign forces from Lebanon
eventually reached this target in        (referring to Syria) and disarmament
2000 when Israel withdrew from the       of Lebanese and non-Lebanese                That was in the beginnings of 2005,
occupied Southern Lebanon.               militias (referring to Hezbollah).          so what was this peak?
                                         The problems with the Resolution            If you have an idea about it, share
This is a normal situation that you      can be summarized in what the               it with me at:
can find occurring in many parts of      Pakistani speaker (who abstained  
the globe that have even much more       from voting) said after the Resolution      If you do not know, then wait for
complex conflicts that seem              was passed:                                 February where you will find the
impossible to solve.                                                                 review of the second episode in this
But a smart French eye, inspired by      The Resolution is not equivalent with       astonishing sequel.
the U.S. actions after the attacks of    the Security Council’s functions and
September 11th; in particular the        responsibilities.
aggressiveness and the interference                                                                      Yasser Abbas, 18

      January 2006 . TeenStuff                                                       

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  • 1.
  • 2. January 2006 Issue # 95 The King of Them All KONG! EXCLUSIVE Interview with the full cast Sports Maniacs Booklet All About African cup Of Nations
  • 3. ‫ﻃﺒﻘﺎ ﻟﻘﻮﺍﻧﲔ ﺍﳌﻠﻜﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻔﻜﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫א‬ ‫א‬ ‫א‬ ‫.‬ ‫אא‬ ‫א‬ ‫)ﻋـﱪ ﺍﻻﻧﱰﻧـﺖ ﺃﻭ‬ ‫א‬ ‫אא‬ ‫ﻟﻠﻤﻜﺘﺒــﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﻟﻜﱰﻭﻧﻴــﺔ ﺃﻭ ﺍﻷﻗــﺮﺍﺹ ﺍﳌﺪﳎــﺔ ﺃﻭ ﺍﻯ‬ ‫א‬ ‫ﻭﺳﻴﻠﺔ ﺃﺧﺮﻯ (‬ ‫א‬ ‫א‬ ‫.‬ ‫.‬ ‫א א‬
  • 4. THIS ISSUE January 2006
  • 5. Ahmed Raafat Alaa Jalal Ali Nasser Amr Reda Dina Wahba Doaa Samy Esraa Hegazy Ingy Yehia Jean Piere Kareem AbdelMoniem Mahi Ahmed Maggie Balbaa Mai Ibrahim MennatAllah Ahmed Mohamed Bahar Mohamed Khater Nahla Salam Noha Samara Omar Mostafa Radwa Nour Rasha El Komy Reem Ahmed Sadeem El Nahas Shady Sadat Simon Adly Sondos Shabayek Yasser Abbas
  • 6. Hi TS, I liked the December issue a lot and I wanted to give some feedback on some articles. 1. Aregica: It’s just great :) I'd like it to get more and more involved in local politics in the same sarcastic way! 2. FlashBack: It’s amazing! Maybe you can merge the history/political part into it...I think that would be cooler. 3. The Egypt Like You Have Never Seen section by Tarek Rakha...the pics are very nice...though the article was kind of an advertisement-like article...anyway, my regards to him. 4. The Scorpions coverage was lovely. I suggest you interview more Hey Teen Stuff, rockmetal Egyptian bands like you did with 4 Sticks for example. I guess this This is the third issue I've read up to now. I used to hear about will enrich Egyptian rockmetal Teen Stuff magazine everywhere but I had never read it. When music...and you can sponsor their gigs I did, I really found that it's a fantastic magazine! I'd like to somehow if they get that famous. thank all the staff for their efforts in writing and forming My regards to all the staff, this magazine and all the ideas they come up with. I bet I Yours faithfully, missed wonderful issues but I hope the coming ones will be Mohamed more and more exciting! Thank you all and keep it up!! Dear Mohamed, Islam Sherif, 16 Thank you so much for your feedback. Dear Islam, I’m sure you’ve thrilled many teens with your comments on their sections. It’s always great to have new friends. We’re so pleased you We’re glad that the magazine has like the magazine and we hope you keep on mailing us and gained your praise. As for interviewing helping with your feedback. If you’d like to get any of the Egyptian rock bands, we promise that previous issues you missed then don’t miss our booth in the you’ll find it soon in the magazine. Cairo Book Fair; you’ll find all the back issues with amazing Thanks again and keep your mail prices. Thanks for your kind feedback and welcome aboard. coming. Hi Teen Stuff, real champion, but everyone is Dear Roshan, saying that I’m too old for that, but First, I want to thank you for your I’m a really talented teenager. I was Thank you dear for your sweet nice work. This is my first time to depressed and upset all day and words and I’m sure Abdel Bary will write to you and also to buy and night because of this. Nobody can be happy to read your comment on read your wonderful magazine. I feel me; nobody believes that one his article. As for your problem, if never bought it before but I promise day I can be a great glory…'c9 you truly believe in your talent then to be your FAITHFUL READER! maybe after only two years and this you shouldn’t listen to what others Second, I’d like to introduce myself. is my only dream in life. But the say. Do your best to pursue your My name’s Roshan El Boghdady. worst thing that happened was when dream by any means possible and Don’t be astonished coz it simply my mother insisted that I don’t play even if it doesn’t work out, you still means ‘small angel’; it’s Turkish and during studies. It seems that I’ll would have gained the honor of I’m Moslem. On January 1st, I’ll be repeat this year in my faculty coz trying and practicing a sport that 18 so you have to tell me ‘Happy I stopped studying coz I’m really you really love. However, you Birthday’ and ‘Happy New Year’ at upset. shouldn’t let your trials affect your the same time. Finally, it would be really great to studies because that would make I really want to thank Mohamed see my email published as my your mum insist more on her Abdul Bary for his exciting article birthday present day! I’ll be waiting attitude. You should first try to work coz I felt that he was talking about for your reply. things out about your studies and me. I started playing tennis when Bye teens! grades then talk with your mother I was 17 and I know this is too late, Roshan, 17 openly and try making her but to tell you the truth, I have the understand how important this fitness required and my level of dream is so she would allow you to concentration is very high. I really continue your passion for tennis. I love tennis more than myself even wish you all the best and hope you and I have the willingness to be a get all that your heart desires. December 2005 . TeenStuff
  • 7. Rules of the Game It’s no doubt that we’re gifted with a country that is and has always been more unique than others in everyway. In this land, you experience wonders that you might never even think of in other places. Together we’ll review a few of those wonders or if others might like to call them ‘downsides’ in hope of finding some way to reform ourselves and along with our country. Welcome to our exclusive recount of the marvels of the Mother of all lands… EGYPT! Golden Rules of the 4- Steal cows and goats from your counterpart and slaughter neighborhood. Parliamentary them on Friday after prayers 6- When choosing the Elections: and distribute the meat in the neighborhood. neighborhood, pick one where most of the people are 1- Go register your name in illiterate; the rest hungry and the Parliamentary elections like 5- Print the dollar picture on the remaining stoned. the citizen Sa Sa. several notes “Men3’er da3aya wala e3lanat of paper and Sa Sa 7ay7’aleeko te3eesho distribute it to fe tabat we nabat” – without families, shop publicity or ads Sa Sa will make keepers and you live happily ever after… store owners in the 2- After you register your name, buy a small van and get one of those common singers with a deep husky voice and ask him to chant your slogan in your neighborhood “ya welad ya welad tente7’boo meen 3am amin men3’er seen wala geem” and “Mimo 7abeeb el malayeen 7aykebloko la7ma ya 7elween.” 3- Ask your singer to greet the officers of the Ministry of Interior and thank them for their efforts in providing the Egyptian people with peace and security. January 2006 . TeenStuff
  • 8. 10- Distribute the elections, by 24 hours, hire pictures of some stout men and order televisions and them to pass by each house refrigerators to and threaten their inhabitants people in the that if they don’t vote for you, neighborhood and they’ll never eat meat or see promise them the their children married. real thing after the elections. 18- On the day of the elections, leave your Porsche in the garage and ride the public bus 11- Buy thousands and wait in line for bread and of sand sacks and beans and as soon as you reach mix them with rotten the neighborhood, loudly flour and tell your announce “ana men el sha3eb!” beloved people that you have imported 19- Assign boys to bribe citizens wheat from the land before they reach the boxes of dreams. with money (the printed dollars). 12- Provide young men, who are unable 20- Replace one of the boxes to marry, with adult with another…and you know dolls called “ El Arosa the rest. eli bebalash” to solve the marriage 21- When you win, forget about problem. all the promises you made along with those 22 Golden 13- Convince Rules ‘we kol ente7’abat we the spinsters ento tayebeen!’ After you that God has chosen to assign them a Sondos, my conscience doesn’t win, forget about noble role in allow me to fool you. I’m now life; to serve 20 awaiting your sympathies their country at… the promises and its people and offer them Sondos Shabayek, 20 jobs in your you made new shopping mall. Leave your Porsche in the garage and ride the 14- Invent public bus and wait in line for education pills; bread and pills for each beans and as soon syllabus that students can take as you reach the neighborhood, 7- Build a soft drink factory and instead of taking private loudly announce tell your people that you have lessons. “ana men el sha3eb!” invested your money in a developmental project that will 15- Put the name ‘American’ in help improve the country’s the middle of every State-run economy and provide 20000 school to work positions for fresh show the graduates. people how you have 8- Build another American fast introduced food chain and create a the modern campaign ‘3alashnek ya baladi’ system of to encourage Egyptian products education. and services. 16- 9- For the sake of the Distribute ‘3alashanek ya baladi’ cook books campaign, encourage more to all Chinese traders to sell their housewives products in Egypt by providing and them with free accommodation husbands. and selling outlets. 17- Before TeenStuff . January 2006
  • 9. Do You Remember January 1960? It’s the swingin’ sixties baby, yeah! to continue the project alone and use the revenues coming from the Suez Canal to help pay for construction. But in the struggle for influence in Africa, the USSR stepped in, in 1958 and possibly one third of the cost of the dam was paid for as a gift. They also provided technicians, heavy machinery, and supplied designs From Slavery to Legendary for the dam. Construction began January 9th, 1960, with the first The Sixties stage wrapping up in 1964. The latest reservoir began filling in 1964 Fashion while the dam was still under construction and first reached Trends was not in its water capacity in 1976. preservation/drought combat/ or power The Aswan High Dam is 3,600m production in length, 980m wide at the base, functionality, but 40m wide at the crest and 111m rather in what it high. It contains of material. At symbolized as an act maximum, 11,000 m•'5f of water of defiance against can pass through the dam every two superpowers, second. There are further the US and UK and emergency spillways for an extra its significance is 5000 m•'5f per second and the proof that Egypt is Toshka Canal links the reservoir still standing on its to the Toshka Depression. The feet and has reservoir, named , is 480 km long managed to survive and 16km at its widest with a a turbulent era in its surface area of 6,000 km•'5f and long politically holds 150 to 165 km•'5f. With The charged history. hydroelectric output of 2.1 importance gigawatts, the dam holds twelve of the Aswan Initially to be financed with the generators each rated at 175 High Dam to help of the US and the UK with a megawatts. Power generation Egyptians loan of $270 million, both nations began in 1967. When the dam first living in backed off in July 1956 for reached peak output it produced Egypt during undisclosed reason, although an around half of Egypt's entire the 1960s arms deal between Egypt and the electricity production (about and 1970s USSR, which was in the middle of 15percent by 1998) and allowed a post WWII Cold War with the US for the connection of most back then, and Egypt’s recognition Egyptian villages to electricity for of the Communist People’s the first time. The effects of Republic of China, are cited as dangerous floods in 1964 and 1973 reasons. In an attempt to restore and of threatening droughts in Egyptian morale and secure his 1972–73 and 1983–84 were new regime's position, Nasser mitigated. nationalized the Suez Canal , with the intention of using tolls to 1960 Film subsidize the High Dam project. The controversial move sparked negative reactions from many nations and shortly after Britain and France had signed a treaty to Releases: (Information from hand over the Suez Canal to Egypt, they formed a coalition that 1. Swiss Family Robinson (Disney) attacked Egypt and occupied the 2. Psycho (Paramount/Universal) Suez Canal, precipitating the Suez 3. Spartacus (Universal) crisis , in 1956. The , US and USSR 4. Exodus (United Artists) forced the invaders to withdraw 5. The Alamo (United Artists) and the canal was left in Egyptian hands. * It is nearly impossible to obtain box office charts for specific The Egyptian government intended January 2006 . TeenStuff
  • 10. Maertens injured his foot during a skiing holiday in Bavaria, little did he know that the Orthopaedic shoe he designed for himself would not only still be going until today, but also become a trend setter, let alone be an archetypal boot of rebellion. While recuperating, Dr. Maertens designed improvements to the boots. He designed a shoe that was made of soft and softer, air- padding. In 1958, the Grigg family acquired rights to the air months for years cushioned sole and started making footwear manufacturer and still before 1986. Apologies for the boots at their factory in Wollaston, represent what seems to be a inconvenience. England. The first boot was never dying fashion trend. produced on April 1st, 1960, and January 1960 so was christened the 1460. The 1460, in black and later cherry Beatnik red, was popular with postmen and policemen, who were on their You have probably seen a few feet for many hours a day. By the over the years, with flat shoes, early 60s , Doc Martens were sandals, and berets- fashion items ubiquitous among the rising British that were not from an expensive rock stars. Sid Vicious was among fashion house; the message of the first to wear DM's. Soon, it the beatniks was loud and clear seemed all punk fans were - ‘Be Cool, Man!’ A beatnik is a wearing them. Doc Martens boots member of the ‘Beat’ generation were no longer the footwear of who is nonconformist in dress and the working class; they were the behaviour. A carry over of the late footwear of rebel youth and the 50's and a big hit through out the addition of steely toecaps- and 1960s, the beatnik fashion wave the grievously bodily harm they has, ironically, inspired fashion Music Charts (Information from inflicted- cemented the footwear’s notorious reputation. DMs are now houses like Christian Dior to design what they had fondly labelled as, ‘beatwear’. almost a compulsory kit in the music industry, worn by rock 1. Running Bear by Johnny veterans and boy bands alike. The Preston air cushioned sole and steely 2. You Got What it Takes by Mary toecaps have, over the years, Johnson been adopted by almost every 3. Way Down Yonder in New Ahmed Raafat Orleans by Freddy Canon 4. ElPaso by Marty Robbins 5. Go Jimmy Go by Jimmy Clanton January 1960 News Headlines Construction of Aswan High Dam Begins in Egypt Cameroon Gains its Independence Reserve Bank and Commonwealth Bank are Created State of Emergency is Lifted in Kenya as Mau-Mau Rebellion is Officially Over 1960 Fashion Trends: Doc Martens When German medic Dr. Klaus TeenStuff . January 2006
  • 11. Be Optimistic! Innovative! Hunt Clouds! I bet I can see your eyes already widening in wit amazement at such a striking hobby. Exciting and interesting as it may sound, I actually can’t brainstorm to find a device to do it with, but how about ‘hunting clouds’ using your brains? I was brought up in a ‘frequent traveler’ family and to be on a plane, overlooking a glorious white blanket of clouds is a regular sight. To stress this, my brother, Tarek, else do you want to learn to be of questions that must be floating was on holiday visiting my parents responsible? Unfortunately, as a in your mind at this point, if by any in Kuwait and that left a very lonely working student, running my own chance you’re thinking on the right me in the vast, welcoming country small business, I’m afraid to say track and I’m proving any kind of of Egypt. that after college is actually too success. late! We go on and about saying ‘Hunting clouds’ is a hobby, actually Another point was about my very things like, ‘we can’t live’; ‘we can’t a MUST in everyone’s life, where closest, Suzan. Strangely enough, get married’; ‘we can’t… we can’t!’ clouds success is the only thing she too was away on that exact YES … Because it’s too late. you’ll be looking up to, and proudly same week and was only contacting Hopelessly I took a deep breath, “hang” in front of you like our me every now and then via mobile strong enough to take me out of ancestors used to hang the heads style and that was undoubtedly here for some time to glare at a of deers and foxes. You too have very out of time because this was magical sky where I was startled to modernly show-off your surely when I wanted her to be to notice the clouds, with varying everlasting successes in various close. But nevertheless, she really shapes and sizes, racing each other fields of life. So simply take some did her best! Suzan, I’m telling the in an open-ended sky and time to optimistically observe the world I’m proud of you. surprisingly, clouds that went and clouds in the sky and realize the never came back! speed at which this planet rotates Moving on, here’s the theory I’m Why don’t we utilize chances? Why and the volatility of your current really talking about; my ‘out-of’ don’t we listen? Why can’t I ‘hunt’ status whatever it is. You’ll then theory that I sense in people around that chunky, beautiful cloud and have the agility to go about here in Egypt. Everyone is either keep it, so I can get to see it when changing this positively and envy out of money, out of the mood or I feel like? What do we need to each ‘hunter’ who is ‘out of’ the out of temper or even out of change so we can get that falcon expedition with a bulkier, more hodomhom! In such a steamy time sense of chances to success? elegant ‘cloud’ than yours – if any of year and that obviously is leaving actually. behind a very confusing and vague Let me present a personal That’s the positive, challenging blur to everything in this society experience, that doesn’t have to attitude you must acquire. I’m which is why psychologically, be any means obligatory to anyone sarcastically, out of words and everything just doesn’t seem in the but we need to take time out to try hoping your eagerness for clouds right place or doesn’t even seem to vaguely plan mini-strategies for is keeping you ‘out of’ time to spend right in the first place! a vivid, bright future. Teens need anymore listening to me before you Talking to a couple of teens during to try spiritual thinking and so-like go about re-adjusting your powers that very empty week just to derivatives to try and calm down and heading for a change in life. A exercise my tongue muscles, I and integrate into themselves and change – as simple as it may be, noticed some were confidently progress in this large society. Yoga will always be one on the right optimistic while others very might be a practical answer as it track. shockingly, were out of words to helps understanding powers and But remember, personal talk about the color black as they controls and helps people to stop assessment is a vital part of all this. see in the future, or simply say coming up with problems from ‘out DON’T lie to yourself! Your anything out of the top of their of’ the blue and it may be positive calmness and control will always heads, sounding so out of mind! enough to solve existing matters. judge the rest of the powers you It’s mind blowing how we go about You must clearly decide on what have to excel. I’m now out of here fighting for freedom and Democracy you have got and what you don’t wishing you the best of luck in your and the right to rule, when simply have yet, and what you’ll be future and hoping to see or hear they can’t ‘rule’ down the heading to, if you’re planning to about your ‘clouds’ soon. framework for a successful future. get anywhere with your life. Why do teens here find it out of Confidence is a talent you’ll acquire. Sherif Ibrahim Mohamed, 20 Mars to work during college? When That, I guess will answer a couple January 2006 . TeenStuff
  • 12. Think Green Government... A +ve Version We know that our beloved country is racing to reach somewhere. We’re doing our best not to be called a ‘Third-World’ country anymore. But are we really pushing forward? This month, an optimistic January 2006 drives us to think positive. There’s no perfection - all of us believe - yet, we can sometimes think that we live a hard life while stressing on the negatives. However, we can also figure out how it’s worth it to live life with its ups and downs on one condition; if we think in a positive way.Green Club brings you Think Green Government this month. Each member is elected to be the Minister of a certain Ministry, where he/she is required to supply new plans for that Ministry. We’re actually trying to think positive! First of all, congratulate every single member of the club for becoming the Minister of a certain ministry! _ Now, you’re most welcome to check out what our new thoughts for the New Year are. Doaa Samy, 18 Head of Think Green Club Ministry of Transport: I believe the problem that most citizens really face in their lives other place that is transportation and crowded streets that attracts tourists. make people miss appointments and students These guides will be skip classes, which also harms the economy. responsible for We’ll start by supplying new buses and guiding the metros that are similar to those in the civilized tourists, telling world…where would I get the money from? them about the I’d increase the role of the private sector good places that that can invest in transportation by having they could go to their own transportation companies and also and preventing posting advertisements in public buses, them from being metros and at the stations. This would abused by taxi increase competition and provide people drivers and people with convenient means of transportation. selling them stuff for Through this, people will lessen the use of triple the price. I have their own cars, which will be one step towards other plans that I can’t solving the traffic problem. Followed by that, reveal in the will be coordination with the local governors meantime, to keep to pave roads and reconstruct roads up to them safe from being standards because that would be much stolen (by other cheaper than paying money each year for Ministers) until the fixing the same roads (the problem is that Ministry of Tourism: My name is Blah plans are well studied. certain people can’t get this point). What Blah and I’m the new Minister of Tourism. That’s all. should come next is measuring the efficiency It’s a funny story why I decided to run His Excellency, of the Ministry and applying modern for this position. It was two months ago Omar Mohamed, 19 managerial techniques that should focus on when I was with some German friends progress and development. More decisions of mine at the Pyramids. We suddenly to be taken soon ------- keep updated! found a group of kids who were selling souvenirs. They insisted on selling my friends some postcards for any price His Excellency, Yasser Abbas, 18 although my friends didn’t want any. So one of them opened his wallet but only had L.E.5 and a couple of hundred pound notes. My friend offered him the L.E.5 but of course the little kid refused. I told the kid to go away as he had no change at all, so the kid, knowing that I’m Egyptian, offered me a deal. He told me, “Let him give me a hundred and I’ll split it with you.” Of course what he told me drove me nuts and I almost hit the boy. Dreadfully, the people here who deal with any kind of tourists think that they’re dealing with tourists from other planets; they think that these tourists come to places like Egypt just to be made fools of. It’s like, “Oh, foreigners! Let’s take their money.” By God’s will, I’ll use my position to change this way of thinking forever. I’m planning to put tour guides, who work for the government, in airports, malls, museums, at the monuments and every January 2006 . TeenStuff
  • 13. Ministry of Culture: In today’s world being a civilized and educated person isn’t only measured by college degrees. In any country, being accustomed to art in its various kinds refines the quality of its people. Ministry of Information: Ladies and Exchanging ideas and cultural values will allow the Gentlemen, it’s an honor to be the Minister people of the world to open the borders of their of Information, especially that I spent creativity so that they can think together to reach my whole career as a writer, a poet, solutions for the eternal question, “how to make the sometimes a journalist and also a world a better place?” television announcer. I believe in the The mission statement of the Egyptian Ministry of majestic message that all means of media Culture is: “Implement programs and projects that present. The press, the television, and serve our goal which is to provide - not only Egypt - the radio are the elements that I consider but also the whole world with educated, civilized and most effective in everyone’s life. refined people who’ll help in making today’s world Accordingly, I thought of some new things better.” The plan I intend to implement as a Minister that’ll probably help make best use of of Culture includes three main projects: those mentioned elements. SIS (State - Before we encourage the people to read, we should Information Service) has a big role in the educate them first. As a way to help eradicate illiteracy development as well. Through the press, I suggest a program for youth similar to that of a everyone’s totally free to express one’s summer internship. For an amount of money, which opinion as long as he/she is quite sure will be set later, they’ll tour the governorates of Egypt of the information published; otherwise, in order to teach the illiterate adults. They’ll teach there’ll be stiff penalties for those who them a special syllabus as such the trainees will be just want to have fun. I’ll also give the given a special training courses in. They’ll also be opportunity to school and university required to organize awareness programs regarding students. Special newspapers will be various issues. established to let them discuss the topics - I’ll also contemplate about a scholarship program they feel like discussing and are most for undergraduates that’ll enable them to continue concerned with. Television and the radio their education in leading American and European are somewhat related, because they universities. present almost the same content, yet, - A chain of libraries across the country is essential the television is wider viewed no doubt. for the Egyptian society; libraries which don’t offer I’ll do my best to expand the local books only but also seminars and activities for various television channels. All the television age groups. I’m optimistic, what about you? speakers and announcers will have technical workshops under the supervision Her Excellency, Dina Wahba, 19 of foreign specialists who already succeeded in that. I myself will supervise the aired programs and see if they’re worthwhile. On the other hand, new creative programs will be shown. Children’s agenda will be richer and more open minded. Nonetheless, important talk shows will definitely be aired as well as dramatic soap operas, comic shows and movies. I won’t forget of course self help and programs to awaken awareness. What I want to end with is actually thanking God that we have such a Ministry that a lot of countries don’t really have (Trusted Information!) Her Excellency, Doaa Samy, 18 Exchanging ideas and cultural values will allow the people of the world to open the borders of their creativity TeenStuff . January 2006
  • 14. Today’s students have trouble adjusting to college because they’re not used to being independent Ministiry of Education and Higher Education: As the new assigned Minister of Education and Higher Education, I hereby grant a permanent vacation to all schools and universities... (Just kidding! But I’ve always wanted to say that or at least have this said to me. Wouldn’t it feel great?) I feel that education here in Egypt deeply needs reformation. The first order of business is to alter and modify school curriculums. Also, schools aren’t going to be just for learning. They’re going to be fun facilities that a student looks forward to go to each day. By achieving this, the student won’t be locked up in a classroom eight hours a day listening to teachers. NO! Forty percent of the curriculum should be activities (research, creative assignments, group projects…etc.). Today’s students have trouble adjusting to college because they’re not used to being independent. But certain courses and programs will be set in their last year to prepare them for their university life. New educational systems will be established especially in areas where poverty prevails. Like the educational system organized by UNICEF that depends on the idea of self-teaching with no teachers - just observers to help guide them. They participate in all activities and attend conferences. It’s quite a successful Ministry of Agriculture: Since the system; all it needs is to be spread in Egypt. ancient Egyptians, Egypt has been Concerning teachers, every teacher, before applying to a known to be a perfect region for new school, will go through a training program that agriculture. But as I said... that was in introduces new and creative teaching techniques. These ancient Egypt! We have the perfect techniques will create the new drastic change known as fertile soil that any agricultural the ‘fun learning experience.’ Extra supervision will be set environment would need. But, in each school to observe how this plan is being implemented. unfortunately, we’re going for the Winning the fight against private lessons isn’t just by chemicals which damage our land’s declaring it but by actually trying to fix what goes on in fertility. We’re also able to farm any schools rather than outside. The facilities also need to be kind of fruit, vegetable or even raw fixed. If the government is having financial problems, then material like cotton during any time of fundraisers like huge dinner parties or concerts will be held the year which actually results in a to help dozens of schools that really need to be improved. different taste or smell! Again, in the In order to cut back on expenses, the government won’t old days people used to know the produce millions of textbooks each year nor will parents different taste and the smell of any fruit pay hundreds of pounds on books. The books will already or vegetable upon entering the house! be the property of the school; each student will return his Are you aware of what has happened?! book at the end of the year to be later used by other Now as for the coming years, I’ll stop students. But certain fees will be paid to compensate any replacing fertile land with built areas. damaged books. And this will help to bring back the old Last but not least, as the Minister for Higher Education quality of agriculture. I’ll also start also, I hereby declare the opening of dozens of private exporting goods that we have in our universities each year. Next year I’m proud to announce land instead of importing many goods, the opening of SUC (Sudan University in Cairo), PIUT in other words, we’ll encourage our (Private International University in Tanta), MPCA (Misr industry. Farmers will have their own Public College in Alexandria), CAA (The Contemporary lands again. Factories will be established Academy in Assuit) and most importantly the AGM (A7la remote areas as a means of making Gam3a fe Masr College) Good luck in your exams! use of the wide empty desert and also to avoid pollution. Specialists will look Her Excellency, Esraa Hegazy, 18 into the lands which have been treated with chemicals and start treating them and refreshing them to start farming in a normal way again. Farmers who’ve been forced to leave their lands and go to the city will be rewarded to come back and will be paid by the government. This will lessen the unemployment rate and improve our agriculture. We’ll build more green houses, to supply an even better environment for plants and greenery. Monthly inspectors will pass by all lands, checking and reporting any problems. These inspectors are employed in each area. As the Minister of Agriculture, I’ll assure you healthy fruits and vegetables by the end of the coming five years…I, myself, miss that pure taste! Her Excellency, Reem Ahmed, 15 January 2006 . TeenStuff
  • 15. Ministry of Youth and Sports: Qad Qam al captain Lotfy be shar7 barnamgho! All the clubs will be under the supervision of our Ministry. No club manager will have the right to go on TV and insult millions of people. There’ll be a committee called The Supports Committee. This committee will be there to help all new clubs that are still growing or current clubs that have financial or managerial problems to solve those problems. The goal of this committee is to create fair competition between all clubs for the whole season, so as not to have the league’s winner determined after the first week; so the competition will not only be between Ahly and Zamalak. There’ll be more concern about individual sports, which have proven to get better results than team sports. So it is obvious, that we’re having the phenomena of free riding in teams, which is having each member depend on his colleague and not doing his work well. And for the first time in the history of Egyptian matches, fans will be treated as humans in football matches and all other matches as well. They’ll have the right not to be hit on their heads, nor strip naked in the inspection area when they enter. You’ll also be able to watch the matches on your own TV. You won’t have to go to the cafeteria, to watch a match and buy a cup of tea for L.E.5 and some ‘tasaly (leb w sodany)’ for another L.E. 4 plus the 10 percent tax which makes a total of L.E.10 but you’ll have to leave the rest of the L.E.20 you paid anyway because this is the minimum charge. More courts Ministry of Finance: Everybody knows, and fields will be built for all amateurs to play the Ministry of Finance is at the end of in, rather than the streets. We’ll be doing our a recession. So we took it as our liberty best to arrange World Cup 3010; I guarantee to oppose and come up with the new tax that it’ll be either held in Egypt or it won’t be return policies. We’ve spent much on held at all! We’ll be looking forward to have advertising so please pay up. You’ve seen healthier youth with healthy bodies. We’ll do our our advertisement on television more best to make our children set sports as one of than once so that proves we’re using their highest priorities in their daily lives because your money in the right way and you of its huge importance. For healthier bodies …Let’s shouldn’t lose confidence in our institution. play sports! We’ve explained on our website the whole His Excellency, Mohamed Bahar, 19 process but in a certain way for you just not to understand, so please just co- operate and pay us more money. What you read above may be pinpointing some negatives. On the other hand, you might not be concerned with anything except some words like ‘pay up’ and ‘pay us more money.’ Anyway…let’s see what can be done for improvement. We have also developed a plan for the average Egyptian to become a millionaire and get a second chance in life. The plan goes as follows: Each Egyptian will pay one (1) Egyptian pound everyday. A lottery will then be held, bearing in mind that the lottery tickets hold the name of every Egyptian citizen, and one citizen will be chosen as the winner of the lottery - after excluding taxes of course – and takes the whole sum. This program is guaranteed 100 percent to get everyone in the country rich by the year 22666, when Egypt becomes a world power and proves for once and for all that we were right all along and that our government We have also developed system has no flaws what so ever! No Comment! a plan for the average Egyptian to His Excellency, Mohamed Khater, 19 become a millionaire and get a second chance in life TeenStuff . January 2006
  • 16. Ministry of Foreign Affairs:, I’d like to ZOOMing in on the Arabic music scene is a very express my happiness and honor in being voguish, trendy,and innovative channel, "ZOOM". among you and to be your representative. Brought to you by the creators of Mazzika TV, My forthcoming plans are going to be Mohsen and Mostafa Gaber. ZOOM will be uncovering necessarily held with your contribution. As the latest gossip, news, and releases in the Arabic the Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] said, that music business through interesting ,exciting and in order to gain security and freedom in interactive programming. On zoom, tune in to the your country, you should settle things up hottest, and hippest programs, talk shows, events and reconcile with other countries so that will be my first plan. I’ll be endeavored to and concerts in the music industry. Get it now on this truce through organizing an annual Nile sat at Frequency: 11900 Ghz festival for peace. It’ll take place at the Polarization: vertical Pyramids in which I’ll invite all the presidents, Symbol Rate: 27500 kings and queens in addition to prime and foreign ministers all over the world. My next FEC: 3/4 step will be to interact youth who are well- acquainted with the various problems in ZOOM….. "Arabic music exposed" their countries and introduce these problems to the other country and then put a strategy which can be followed to solve these problems and send another alternative youth group from the hosted country to apply the strategy. This swap will promote our intention in peace and increase the prevailed production rate in the economical, agricultural and educational field. Besides that, political affairs will be adjusted and smoothened and terrorism will be annihilated. I’ll also cry out to reduce the number of youth who have immigrated abroad for work because they should serve their country and be proud of it. Finally, I’ll ask for every country’s aid to compose one international peace anthem so that we’ll be one hand and in the same range and sphere. May God grant me success! Her Excellency, Mahie Ahmed, 20 After going through our different thoughts and plans for the New Year, we hope we delivered our purpose which is to let you, dear readers, to always to keep in mind the negative points but think in a different way that will help improve them. Don’t say, “I don’t like such and such” but instead, you’d better say, “I have an idea to improve such and such!” Doaa Samy, 18 Head of Think Green Club Best Wishes for the New Year January 2006 . TeenStuff
  • 17. EGYPT, LIKE YOU’VE NEVER SEEN... Courts and gardens in El Sehaymi were designed environmentally, to adapt to the climate changes in Egypt and also provide a pleasant place to live. "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all." Dale Carnegie El Darb El Asfar Most of you who are Economic and Social Development; a grant of approximately four Khrasaty. Sehaymi is the biggest. It was built in 1648 with additions reading this, do not million US dollars. in 1796, designed to give know about this alley The Governor aided the project of importance to Islamic social patterns and family values. and the treasures that restoring the alley and decided that Strongly adapted to its surrounding it will be restricted to pedestrians environment, the house is it hosts. But do not only and the streets to be paved considered one of Cairo’s historical blame yourself, people in stone. The local residents shared in this event and helped in the valued treasures. Its restoration program started in January 1994 who were born there pavement process and also all the and the amount of garbage do not know too! main piping systems were either changed or restored. All the It is true! Youth actually did not building facades were studied and know about the history that this developed to be evolved into a alley has yet to unfold for them, harmonious exterior for the place, as they only knew about haunted bonding the local community with houses and garbage dumps. Until their context, and understanding Dr.Asa’ad Nadim, owner of El the historic value of their alley. So, Mashrabeya Institute in Cairo, what does this alley hold for them? undertook the responsibility of documentation, restoration and The alley has a historical well called conservation of the alley using a Ketas and three important historical grant offered by The Arab Fund for houses: El Sehaymi, Ga’far and El Plumbing and re-wiring the whole alley was done with aid of the local residents making the process easier and smoother. January 2006 . TeenStuff
  • 18. The alley before and after. El Sehaymi is now a tourist attraction and even more a cultural center for children. Children are seen drawing details of rooms in the house as part of their art class. it was done and restoration problems tackled were from weak bearing walls to plumbing removed from it was issues. The entrance to the court of the restored equivalent to the El Sehaymi looks beautiful. This was capacity of a hundred The project was completed on June 26, 2000. housing in old Cairo for a family; this trucks! A booklet of recommendations was handed was us in the past. on how to preserve the area, but alas! Nothing El Khrasaty, however, of what was recommended has been done is not considered a and maintenance had to be taken care of heritage house, every six month under the supervision of Dr. because it was Asa’ad and a book is currently being written modified drastically. about the whole restoration process. But the restoration ‘Restoration’ as a concept is really a debatable program was one. Do people love the way they lived before? concerned with the Is replacing old windows with new ones the value beyond that. It solution? Is restoring only meant for tourist was joined to other attraction and its benefits? All these questions houses and its are left for you to decide but visiting such a removal would have place will teach you, not just about its history, strongly endangered but about a community that learned to work the other houses. Plus with each other, sacrifice and give efforts for there were many their cause. If each alley, street and area other problems to be bonds this way, what would be the result? faced. The house was actually homing more Tarek Rakha, 20 than 20 families! This was a problem but was solved through offerings and successful negotiations with its residents. It took a long time to convince them to move out but Paving of the roads TeenStuff . January 2006
  • 19. Woo Woooo Woooooooo!! freely move but have upper and Oh my God, lower limits. We also would visit all Oh my God, the world countries. Not to worry, OH MY GOD!! nobody would stop you to ask for I remember the last time I went a passport simply because he to Dream Park about two or wouldn’t be able to keep standing three years ago. Never mind still on the country’s border! He’d about how the day was, even be moving and traveling himself. though it was marvelous! When Consequently, we wouldn’t need I went back home after a airplanes. We can manage going physically tiring day, I was anywhere that might otherwise eager to get to sleep after take us a life-time; as we’d be having a quick shower. Pretty moving in slow motion. Never mind, normal I think! the most important thing is to arrive I lost consciousness as soon I anyway no matter when! And all placed my head on the comfy people would be able to practice pillow. Now, tell me, what do ballet and gymnastics. We’d badly you expect then? Ummm, come need that to move properly and in on…it’s not that complicated. all directions. Ok, stop now. I’ll tell you myself what happened. But Thursday Oh gravity! …is it really that first…make sure that you’re by meeting significant? fond of treacherous around the flying tree over there Sometimes we’re not aware of the adventures! to get ready for ‘winging’ to the gifts we’re given until they vanish! club at night, hehe!” (I wonder True. 100 percent true! At least we I was walking, walking strangely, what they could do there;) never happen to think about those actually! I don’t know how. To take All what we know about gravity are gifts or even consider them as a step forward, you must have one the moves an astronaut makes gifts... foot on the floor while picking up while on a spaceship. We see how the other one, moving it slightly funny it is to be hung in air, moving Have you ever tried mixing honey upwards, then finally situating it everywhere always! I’m really with lemon before? I personally Logical enough? I think so! But eager to explore a new non-gravity live to do that I love eating -or what if you have BOTH legs life. Let’s think together. whatever verb you choose- honey upwards at once? with squeezed lemon. What I want A normal person would probably How would we walk around, excuse to mention is the process itself. say, “I’d sure be jumping!” me, I mean ‘move around’ lol! What When you try it (cause, you must!) Well…maybe! about cars…you know what? I think you’ll have to wait a while to let If I come again and tell you to that would help solve the traffic the lemon juice particles interact knock out that jumping option off problem!! Yeah, believe me, if your with the honey’s. If you leave it for your estimations, what would you way is stuck, just move under the a while after you mix them, you say? car in front of you or even above find them separating again. Honey I’m now certain that you all know it; it’s your choice! But you got to at the bottom and the lemon juice what’s going on in my mind! Again, take most care not to hit anything on top. I’m using conditional if if I’m walking with both feet not doing the same action however. “zero type-present simple” as it is touching the ground and not Then we’d find cars with four sided- a true fact! jumping either...flying? uh-huh mirrors; two on both sides, one guys! But I wasn’t pushing reflecting top ways, and another Back to our subject, to mix living upwards. I was doing nothing at reflecting bottom ways, human beings with their place of all---I suddenly found myself nonetheless, I have no idea how living, GRAVITY is the magical caught in the middle in between can those top/bottom ones solution! the ground and the sky…'c9can’t function? Hey you guys, studying get down nor investigate above. engineering over there…think about Really had fun writing this, hope Moving my hand was a big deal. I it and tell me! you had fun reading it as well! felt like I was swimming in an Waiting for your sweet comments everlasting box full of water. You When it comes to sleeping, tell me and usual feedbacks at know that feeling when water lifts please what’s your preferred you up? Exactly! But what actually position? You can sleep standing, Wishing you a very Happy New differs is that you, when swimming with your back bent, curled up on Year for 2006, willingly. Take care wherever, can simply get out of your legs, stretching your arms till I see you next month (My special the sea when you feel like doing upwards, upside down or even month where I celebrate my so but it’s not the case here yet. horizontally!! There’s a big smile birthday!) You can’t get out of your whole on my face now just imagining universe if it lacks GRAVITY! anybody sleeping horizontally and Faithfully, going on like that between people! Doaa Samy, 18 My sister was studying in the same Don’t forget that nothing can stop room while I was writing this article. them. (It’s the last time I’ll write 18 beside She told me a funny comment that my name. I’ll convert that eight I’d like to share. “If there was no We wouldn’t have a place to live into nine on the first day next gravity,” she said, “my friends and in, except if we were locked in a month) I would likely hangout on a typical room or a home where we could January 2006 . TeenStuff
  • 20. What Do You Know about Political Parties? One of the things that you, share, to a great extent, similar - Arab Democratic Nasserist ideas. The only difference is that Party or Nasserist Party as an Egyptian citizen, political parties aim at obtaining - Liberal Party (Hizb al- should be fully aware of is power. The formal definition is: A Ahrar) the political system of your political party is a political - Tomorrow Party (Hizb al- organization subscribing to a certain Ghad) country. How does the ideology or formed around very - Solidarity Party government work? One special issues with the aim to - Democratic Union Party important aspect of the participate in power, usually by - Umma Party participating in elections. - National Concord Party government is ‘political - Egypt 2000 Party parties.’ We asked teens Political parties in Egypt: - Constitutional Party what do they know about After the revolution in 1952, the - Egyptian Arab Socialist revolutionary regime had dissolved Party them and these were their all political parties in January of the - Pride Party(Hizb al- answers: following year. Gamal Abdel Nasser Karama) - Isn't granted or introduced a new political system full-licensed yet •Actually I have never attended one. that was named Arab socialism, with •Hahaha! Obviously I know there a one-party system. Nasser's successor, Anwar El Sadat, carried out a limited political liberalization and an economic and diplomatic ‘infitah’ (open door policy) to the West. Nowadays, Egypt is a Big Words one party dominant state. The National Democratic Party (Al- Hizb Al-Watany Al- EthnoCentrism Demoqraty) is the current ruling political vs. party in Egypt, led by Cultural Relativism President Hosni Mubarak. Its political ideology is Socialism; Ethnocentrism. "The Social Democracy. tendency to view one's own Opposition parties are culture as best and to judge the allowed but are widely behavior and beliefs of people in other societies by one's own considered to have no standards." Many claim that real chance of gaining ethnocentrism occurs in every power. The political system is based society; ironically, ethnocentrism are a lot of political parties. But I on a multi-party system. According may be something that all am not interested in politics. to the Egyptian Constitution, political cultures have in common. Within • When a group of politicians gather parties are allowed to exist but this context, individuals will under the umbrella of joined religious political parties are banned judge other groups in relation interests from a rally to express from being formed in Egypt. Also to their own particular ethnic their views in it. banned are political parties that group or culture, especially with • Political parties are the places encourage militia formations or that concern to language, behavior, where you can go to and talk freely have an agenda that is contradictory customs, and religion. about politics with NO limits or to the Constitution or threaten the barriers!! country's stability, such as the Cultural relativism. The idea • I know that the main man of one national unity between Muslims and that one should try to evaluate of the parties is Tony Blair and he the Coptic sect in Egypt. Presently, and understand another is the Prime Minister of England. there are 18 political parties in Egypt. culture/society on its own terms There are three main parties in and relative to its own values England, each one represents a and beliefs. According to this belief, in studying another different class of people. For example, the Labor party represents The Parties: culture we need to suspend the working class. judgment, empathize and try and understand the way that • Maybe it is when people meet in - National Democratic Party particular culture sees the world. a place and begin talking about (Hizb al Dimuqratiyah al politics and other stuff about it! Wataniyah) - New Wafd Party (Hizb al- Wafd-al-Jadid) Political parties are just like any - Progressive National other groupings as in your school Unionist Party (Hizb al or college. They are groups of people Tajamaa al Wataniyah al Dina Wahba, 19 who have similar interests and Tagadamm al Wahdwa) January 2006 . TeenStuff
  • 21. Terrorism: In Search for a Definition Though the word itself is very "The roots of the Abu Gharib prison familiar, still, its meaning remains scandal lie not in the criminal vague. Up till now the world's inclinations of a few army reservists greatest politicians and leaders but in a decision, approved by former cannot find an exact meaning for it. Secretary of Defense Donald And as this word is becoming of Rumsfeld, to expand a highly secret great importance in today's world, operation, which had been focused then we should dig deeper and try on the hunt for Al Qaeda, to the to find out what does this intriguing interrogation of prisoners in Iraq." word mean. The New Yorker Magazine. By definition ‘terrorism’ is: US Apache helicopters were reported 1. A terrorizing use of terror and to be attacking civilian neighborhoods violence to intimidate, subjugate, in Falloujah. (FSRN, April 6) On April etc., especially as a political weapon 7,US forces in Falloujah were or policy. reported to be bombing a mosque. 2. Intimidation and subjugation so Local hospital officials now report produced (from Webster's New 280 dead, with many hastily buried Universal Unabridged Dictionary). A in the town's soccer field as residents terrorist is a person who uses were barred by the military siege violence for political purposes. from reaching the cemetery. “The name of today's military These are the linguistic definitions. operation is Enduring Freedom. We Let's have a closer look and view result of the invasion.” defend not only our precious some of the applications of this word From a study published in The Lancet freedoms, but also the freedom of in the real world through the one dated October 30th people everywhere to live and raise person who- if I may call him- is the their children free from fear.” most frequent user of this word “The oppressed people of Afghanistan George W. Bush today, George W. Bush. Maybe then will know the generosity of America we will understand why a simple and our allies. The United States of word such as ‘terrorism’ can cause America is a friend to the Afghan Does that mean that it is true that so much confusion. The following people." ‘one man's freedom is another man's are extractions from journals, reports Bush's Treaty Room statement. freedom fighter?’ The meaning of and statements from President Bush: the word so simple and obvious and “US forces in Afghanistan have the only problem is that it is severely "America and our friends and allies arbitrarily detained civilians, used misused! join with those who want peace and excessive force during arrests of non I hope you are not as confused as I security in the world, and we stand combatants and mistreated am. And after I have stated all the together to win the war against detainees.” This concludes that the facts, I will let you decide on what ‘TERRORISM.’ US-administered system of arrest the meaning of terrorism is and who Bush in his Address to the Nation and detention in Afghanistan is the ‘real terrorist.’ speech. functions outside the rule of law. Human Rights Watch new report. Dina Wahba, 19 "We know that the war was not just illegal and unnecessary but is turning into the bloodiest war involving Britain for a long time. Most of the deaths are from air strikes, which puts the action of the US and British governments in the category of war Shockingly True crimes, on a par with the deliberate targeting of civilians at Guernica in A UN ‘peacekeeping’ mission in 1937 and at Dresden in 1944." the Congo in 1961 included the Lindsey German, convener of the bombing of hospitals and many UK's Stop the War Coalition, as she other defenseless civilian told the Weekly. targets. Since the UN - man's best hope "The Iraqi people are meeting for peace - was founded in 1945 hardships and challenges like every there have been over 140 wars. nation that has set out on the path Josef Stalin, the leader of the of democracy. Yet their future USSR was from Georgia. promises lives of dignity and freedom Adolph Hitler was Austrian. and that is a world away from the The first Secretary General of squalid, vicious tyranny they have the UN was a U.S. citizen who known. Across Iraq, life is being was also Soviet spy. improved by liberty." Of the first 14 UN George W. Bush Undersecretaries who controlled the UN's military, all 14 of them were Communists. “The findings of the first scientific study of civilian casualties in Iraq Yasser Abbas, 18 reveal that at least 100,000 Iraqi civilians, mostly women and children, have died in only 17 months as a TeenStuff . January 2006
  • 22. Check Out Our Latest ‘Movie’ Review: “Syria at a Crossroad…will it be in the affairs of other countries There was no evidence of any urgent another Iraq?” claiming the need for saving the threat to peace. world from terrorism and evil states There had been no complaint from – as they like to call them. This the country whose integrity and Syria is under the spotlight! French eye found the need for security is threatened as the developing the situation into a thriller, resolution claims. On the contrary, All of a sudden the whole a movie that millions all over the the Lebanese representatives had world media has shifted its world would watch and one that will communicated to the Council their focus onto a small country bring in magnificent profit! opposition to consideration of the in the Middle East called Resolution. Syria. Everyone is suddenly The movie starts in 2004 with a Besides, the text was addressing the sudden French concern over Lebanon wrong threat. If there was a threat concerned with the and the realization of the need for to Lebanon, that was well known, it internal affairs of Syria and Syrian troops to withdraw from did not arise from Syria. its relation with Lebanon; Lebanon, as they were of no use explosions, then. Also realizing the threat of Secretary-General of the Ministry of Hezbollah, there was a call then for Foreign Affairs of Lebanon, Mohamed demonstrations, disarming it and turning it from being Issa, rejected the other part of the assassination, revolutions, a military group to a normal political Resolution by saying that there were threats and more. It is a party with no arms or weapons. no militias in Lebanon. There was breath catching package The second actor then - which is the only the National Lebanese that is coming to a theater U.S - appears and agrees with France Resistance, which appeared after that the Syrian troops are of threat the Israeli occupation and which near you…maybe to your to peace and security and should would remain so long as Israel own theater. But who leave Lebanon immediately. remained. (Although the movie shows you that More importantly, the United Nations a few months back, had never interfered in such a matter French/American relations were with regard to any other state. There tense as France opposed the U.S. was no justification for the led war against Iraq!) Resolution, which constituted The two then (France and America) interference in the internal affairs of go to the rest of the characters and a member state of the United talk about the situation when they Nations. propose that the whole group will ask Syria formally to withdraw from This, in short proves that such a Lebanon which results in a United Resolution was not enough. Here, is Nations Security Council Resolution introduced the rule of the director (1559) that calls upon all remaining of the movie, where he thinks of ‘FOREIGN’ forces to withdraw from accelerating the events by having a Lebanon. (Caring to protect Syrian peak that will change the path of feelings and not mentioning Syria events, resulting in more thrilling knows when? by name). incidents where actors can have the freedom to use their rules and The origins of this movie go back to The first episode of the movie was release their talents. the 70’s, when Syria sent its troops not a success because not many to engage in the Lebanese civil war people paid attention to it, as it was that arose then. Syria intervened to not strong and had some mistakes; save the lives of the Maronite particularly a Security Council Christians whose existence was resolution that cannot exist in the deeply threatened. real and just world that we had Although the civil war was over, hoped to be living in. Syrian troops and intelligence bodies stayed in Lebanon and did not return UNSC Resolution 1559: back which raised doubt over Syrian interests in Lebanon that were, By a vote of nine in favor to none actually, many. against, with six abstentions (those After the Israeli invasion of Lebanon who refused to vote) Resolution 1559 in 1982, Hezbollah was formed to passed in the Security Council fight Israel and to free Lebanese focusing mainly on the withdrawal territories from occupation, till they of all foreign forces from Lebanon eventually reached this target in (referring to Syria) and disarmament 2000 when Israel withdrew from the of Lebanese and non-Lebanese That was in the beginnings of 2005, occupied Southern Lebanon. militias (referring to Hezbollah). so what was this peak? The problems with the Resolution If you have an idea about it, share This is a normal situation that you can be summarized in what the it with me at: can find occurring in many parts of Pakistani speaker (who abstained the globe that have even much more from voting) said after the Resolution If you do not know, then wait for complex conflicts that seem was passed: February where you will find the impossible to solve. review of the second episode in this But a smart French eye, inspired by The Resolution is not equivalent with astonishing sequel. the U.S. actions after the attacks of the Security Council’s functions and September 11th; in particular the responsibilities. aggressiveness and the interference Yasser Abbas, 18 January 2006 . TeenStuff