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It's been such fun and a great privilege
working with you over the past two years. Collectively,
you have brought about a significant change in culture
to the Sixth Form through your determination that
years 13 and 12 should be more cohesive. As head of
the year below you, I am very grateful for the welcome
you extended to the younger students fresh out
of uniform and apprehensive of the greeting they would
get from you. You exceeded all expectations and set the
tone for hopefully years to come.
I loved the alternative Sports Day you organised; the
games/challenges were exceptionally imaginative and
provided lots of great photo opportunities, a selection of
which I hope have found their way into subsequent
There are so many great people amongst your number
that it is perhaps unfair to mention any one person
individually but I feel I must do it anyway. From the
moment Harry Moore first played to the Sixth Form, I
knew we were watching/listening to someone with a
truly incredible talent. I have a strong
feeling he will be one of a number of
people we will be hearing of in the
Wishing you the very best of luck for
whatever you decide to do in the
future; I know you will go on to do
great things. Mike Toogood
The Class of 2013
You really are an exceptional team and I count myself very
blessed to have had the opportunity to work with you this
year. Working in my jelly baby-encrusted gold-fish bowl I
have had the pleasure of seeing you slaving away to achieve
your goals – or spinning creatively on the Learning Curve
chairs. Thank you for taking me by the scruff of my neck and
inducting me into the Gordano Sixth Form way of doing
things. You have amazing energy (usually!), humour, and an
exceptional capacity to work as a team and to consume
anything that is not nailed down.
I wish you every success; you deserve it!
Mrs Fairs My Lovely year group,
I still can’t believe how quickly these two years have gone,
but with them I have gained some wonderful memories and I
feel so fortunate to have been your Head of Year, There
were at times a few challenges, but you all faced these with
a positive outlook helping you to mature into the lovely
young adults you now are.
Some of my favourite memories include chats in the common
room, finding out about the socials, the wonderful games
organised by Joe and Adam, the debates, a great sports day,
an amazing two RAG weeks, the welcome to the new Year
12, the amazing individual talents you had, EPQs, Caring for
Christmas and the joy I have had teaching some of you not
only in Sixth Form, but also in the early years.
It is tradition in my family that in any celebration my dad
will toast two things, Health and Happiness and it seems only
right to pass these wishes on to you. The world is at your
doorstep and it is now time to see what a waits, but
remember your Gordano friends are only a phone call away.
Good Luck and remember to just drop us an email now and
again to let us know how you are doing
Miss G
Winston Ellis: Yo the name’s Winston, not Churchill but Ellis. Sixth Form was an
awesome experience with many fun moments. The socials were great and the
banter in critical thinking was too good. My friends will be missed but hopefully
it won’t be the last time I see them. In 5 years time I will have hopefully finished
studying at university and found a fun occupation. Good luck all!
Connor Symes: ‘A procrastinator’s
work is never done’
Catherine Matthews:
Studied Mathematics,
Chemistry and Statistics
Naomi Shallcross: Best memory: During a swap of tutors, Mr Stokes
taught us a lesson on pregnancy and the best part was Laurie learning the
difficulties that a condom could bring to someone. In 5 years I hope to be
teaching primary school children in a hot, foreign, English speaking country.
Three words people would use to describe me: Pleasant, Positive,
Noelle Finch: “Noelle is a classic blonde, flirty QT. She pretty much lives in
the Learning Curve where she frantically does her work while singing. Being
her friend is great when we eventually get to see her after booking months in
advance. By the way Noelle, your hair is getting absurdly long! Love you QT
from Blair, Hannah and Ellen. Going to miss MOL-ing on a river with Emily
Hallett whilst being looked after by mother Manse and Ellie T in Slappy-T!”
Ewan McGowan: “Yo, it’s MC Goog right here. Putting the MC
in McGowan since '95. Been the freshest man in the school for a
decade now, don't mess. You won't forget the name!”
Zoe Haysom: “Best Memory of Sixth Form: Year 12 Rag Drag. Where do
you see yourself in the future? I would like to be an accountant as well as
a Mummy!! How would you describe yourself? Conscientious, patient
Laurie Carey: “Best memory? Year 12 Rag Drag: I have never laughed so
much in my life yet never been able to look at Will Alvarez in the same way
(those legs!). Where do you see yourself the future? As a culture and
heritage manager with a heritage trust while being a mummy!”
Harry Lawrence: “The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his
passion for adventure.”
Jess Burr: Studied Sociology, Psychology and
English Language A-Level.
Tash Marks: Studied Psychology, English
Literature and Business Studies A-Level.
Kieran Mingle: Studied English Language,
History and Government and Politics A-Level.
Eleanor Thornhill:
Best memory of Sixth Form- Costa Rica, Slapton and Berlin were definite
highlights. Putting the world to right with the girls every morning and the
most hilarious three-legged race during alternative sports day with Amelia.
Where I see myself in the future - Hopefully I will be finishing a History
degree and being very happy.
3 words to describe me - Glittery, funny and high-maintenance.”
Ash Baker:
Best memory: Christmas Review '12
Where I see myself in the future: Working as a solicitor. :)
3 words that describe me: Honest, loyal and friendly.
Liam Bailey:
Hi, I’m Liam. I had a good time at Sixth Form, especially the socials and
trips, maybe not so much the learning. My favourite moment was the two
weeks where I went on the Berlin and Ski trip with the school. So many
funny memories: Chicken Lady and Ashley “Spritzer” Wookey. After I
leave I plan on getting a degree in Chemistry.
Amelia Landon:
Best Memory - Laura Shipp falling out of Rehab on our first night in town.
Where do you see yourself in the future? - Hopefully working as a successful
actress in films and theatre as well as being Beyoncé’s BFFL.
How would people describe you in three words?- Funny, Diva, Fun loving.
Ashley Wookey:
I have thoroughly enjoyed Sixth Form over the past two years
with tons of memories to come away with. There is no doubt
about it that maths was the highlight of my Sixth Form life with so
many great moments, such as the Lizzie quotes. I can't wait for
freshers ‘week so I can drink plenty of white wine spritzers.
Luke Dermody: Wants to be the next ‘Noah’, herding sheep as a farmer all
across the Welsh highland, if all that fails then an officer in the Royal Navy.
Isobel Marshall:
Despite not being able to handle her drink, showing frequent PDAs in the
"Learning Curve" and falling asleep on nights out, Izzy is amazing. She is a
kind, lovely and funny person. Dedicated, determined and adventurous, I
know she will achieve her goals in the future and I feel privileged to have
met her.
Ryan Jemmott:
“Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday” -Don Marquis
Having been a Sixth Form tutor for 15 years, I can honestly say that you have been one of the most
enjoyable groups to work with. As a group we have approached all tasks with energy and enthusiasm
and made hugely significant contributions to both Sixth Form and the wider school. Mornings were
never dull and I could always guarantee that at least one of you would make me laugh. The scientist
and author Jacob Bronowski described 13AF perfectly when he said ‘It is important that students bring
a certain ragamuffin, barefoot irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship what is known, but
to question it.’ It has been a privilege to witness the progress that you have all made and it is obvious
that as you prepare to take the next step you are all ready for whatever challenges lie ahead.
Wherever you go and whatever you do, I wish you all the best of luck and hope that you will keep in
touch and let me know how you are getting on, but don’t forget, ‘The world doesn’t owe you a living…it
was here first.’
Mr Francis
Lizzie Walmsley:
Within my two years of Sixth Form, I have met my greatest friends and
have made some memories that I’ll cherish forever. Even though in the next
few years I’ll preferably be somewhere abroad, hopefully making
something out of a Germanic Studies degree, I’ll always remember my
amazing teachers and the great experience Gordano has given me. Bye for
Rosie Clough:
Also known as RoRo, Rosie is one of the most academically modest people
in Sixth Form, along with being kind and thoughtful too. However in Sixth
Form she has developed a talent for scathing one liners and her friends have
found that once she has a few drinks in her, a completely hilarious but
different side comes out.
Zoe Nicholls:
Who wants to sleep in a city that never wakes up? Not me, hence why I
want to study Physiotherapy in Manchester. After uni all I want to do is
travel, I want to go everywhere and see everything before I'm too old. I
plan on living life as it should be, until the end. Thanks for the
Sasja Chivers:
She’s renowned for having her blonde moments but never fails to amaze us
with her amazing exam results, all the hard work obviously pays off! We’re
sure she will do well in the career she’s always wanted. Outside Sixth
Form, she loves to socialise and is the life and soul of the party with her
weird and wonderful dance moves. Love Becky, Megan, Holly and Amelia
Jack Stevenson:
Steeevvvooooooooo has been a ‘valued’ member of Sixth Form. Whether
you’ve seen his ridiculous dance moves, or heard his banter, or been blinded
by his massive head, you must have certainly known Jack Stevenson. Jokes
apart Stevo has been a great mate and has certainly livened up everyone’s
time at sixth form, he will definitely be missed.
Harriet Milnes:
I have loved every minute of being at Gordano Sixth Form, my teachers are
fantastic and I have made loads of new friends. Hopefully in ten years time
I'll be a very successful project manager and will be organising the biggest
reunion Gordano has ever seen! Good luck everyone xx
Ryan Faulkner:
Faulks has had a large influence on people throughout his time in
Gordano. For some, this was a positive thing, but for many... not so great.
A keen @MathOrMathematician and salesman, he’s developed into a
confident person who’s liked by many. I’m sure he’ll go far in life.
Overall, a fantastic lad and an even better mate. Love Lazen
Matt Lazenby:
Matt has been a large part of the year; whether you like it or not, he’s
always there. Talking in class, smashing his drums, or drinking too much in
town; he’s always having a laugh. Sensitive and honest at heart combined
with a unique social life has meant he's been moulded into a well-
grounded person. A great mate, love Faulks.
Coralie Leighton:
Although I only joined Gordano in Year 12, I have made some amazing
friends and great memories in my time here. It will be sad when we all
go our separate ways and move on with our lives, but I hope to always
stay in touch with all of my friends here.
Adam Grey:
“Arrogant b*****d, the worst Head Boy Gordano has ever had” are words
seldom heard in the Sixth Form. More responsible than the rest of us (except
that one messy social), he is looked up to as a role model with his position
as Head Boy and offer from Oxford to study medicine. Intelligent and funny,
we wish him the best.
Jack Williams:
Jack is an independent, thoughtful member of Sixth Form. He always has a
smile on his face, making constant jokes – funny or not. I can see him
becoming the chief constable of the Police, even though he’s still incredibly
immature. Everyone will remember when Jack turned up to Vibe in a state
and only lasted half an hour!
Tim David:
'Tim is the most mature, friendly and considerate guy I know and can
depend on him always. I trust Tim with my life but never my food ‘cause
that boy can eat for friggin’ England. He is the only person who can
possibly miss half a year due to a knock to the head... But looking forward
to seeing him drunk in Kavos!!'
James Henry:
Average dance moves and witty banter pretty much sums James up. James
has been a good mate since 2011 and a good betting partner. He is
impatient and hates waiting so for the future don’t go out with James
where queuing in going to happen. All in all James is a top lad and will be
dearly missed at Gordano. 
Bethany Rigby: 
Being a rookie to the ways of Gordano, I was more than apprehensive about 
what to expect, but thanks to loads of great people, I have hugely enjoyed 
Sixth Form! Everyday has been a laugh, from socials to D of E, so thanks for 
the fun, and just to confirm, I’m not related to Alex. Much love and luck for 
the future, Beth  xxx  
Lulu Tsagurnis:
“I’m going on an adventure!” - Bilbo Baggins
Sarah Reardon:
I might not have enjoyed A Levels, but I've enjoyed Sixth Form, and that's all
down to my peachy friends. This summer I'm making my way around India
and Thailand with my big sis and next year I hope to be either lying on
Copacabana beach, or stuck in a dark library doing a degree in something or
the other.
Reuben Murphy:
Reuben has made an incredible contribution to life at Sixth Form. His
punctuality and attendance to tutor has been impeccable and provides
an example for everyone to follow. His effort in school, can only be
matched by his commitment to Fifa and his bare football tekkers…
#filthy and #disgusting have become his trademark, and we can’t think
of 60 words.
Frankie Toft:
Since I've known Frankie she has struggled with drugs, she is dependent on
them. Although it is only insulin I still worry for her. Her style is fabulicious
and she has a love hate relationship with her twitter followers. It has been
rumoured that Frankie is amazing, but there have been no official sources
found to verify this. Big legend.
Rosie Potts:
Studied English Literature, English Language and Media Studies
Belinda Brusoni:
“You’ll remember me as that girl who spoke four languages and tended
to be bluntly honest. Gordano Sixth Form were two interesting years and
helped me develop as a person; I hope to take those lessons into my
future. I’m hoping to study English Literature at university and then we’ll
see how it goes! Best of luck to everyone else!”
Pollyanna Shaw: “Polly is a lovely artistic blubbery person. Who is a tad vain
at time and a slight cradle snatcher but is a good laugh and knows all and eve-
rything Disney. Polly's fashion sense is unique and she is known for her vibrant
ginger hair. She loves Jeff Buckley and Phil Collins and her favourite song of his
is "Two Worlds One Family" 
Nic Dumine: Studied Double PE BTEC and Applied Business Studies
Lazy but loving? A great descrip on from one of my tutees! We excel at apathy. Dis nc on 
in disinterest. Ac vely passive. My favourite memory? 13HBP storming the room like a 
swat team ge ng right in our faces to gee us up like some kind of American cheer leader/
boot camp combo. Didn’t work, but a nice try. Thanks for a low‐key two years guys! Lots of 
lovely and likeable people. You did good, just quietly, that’s all. Ben Higgs  
Katie Parlour: “I have enjoyed my time in Sixth Form, although it has been stressful at
times there have been very memorable moments, such as hiding under the desks so Mrs
Claxton would think no one was in. Also after learning the hard way that lots of revision
is needed, I have managed to achieve the grades I have wanted.”
Michaela Walker: “Kayla is a Disney-holic babe, who’s known to have the cutest
feet around! She's loud and sometimes irritating, especially when she's skiving
media, but we damn well love her to bits! Her singing and booty shaking never
fails to please us, even when she gets carried away in the depths of her glorious
art work or her endless phone calls. <3”
Kennedy Marlow: "Kennedy is a bubbly, crazy girl who has the tendency to not
know her limits ;) Throughout two years Kennedy has made a transformation from
hardly showing last year to now being a model student! She has a ditsy side, spec-
tacularly shown through not knowing JLO and Jennifer Lopez are the same person!
She is lovely, smart and a great friend"
Józef McLaughiln:
All you need to know about Józef is this- he once carried two bergens through a
rainstorm for two kilometres whilst wrestling a bear to the ground (exaggerated, it
was only one bergen). Nothing we could say could do our steak bake fuelled man
of Nickel Chromium justice in 60 words, but as the man himself would say: ‘…’
Courtney Lloyd:
'Archduchess of Pill.' Forever making people laugh with her geographic
incompetence "is India in Africa?" Will most likely spend the rest of her Enrique-
grooming days trapped in a Utopia of felines... That, or ruling a metropolis of
male business teachers. Love from BFF and future maid of honour, Hanny! x
Hannah Price:
When Hannah is at school…(rare occasion) she is always making everyone laugh
with her crude remarks! She is a vampire wannabe; completely gym obsessed
and will never turn down a free Michael Kors watch from a random American
man! Love you Hanny, from thou art duchess of Pill, Courtney! xxx
Gemma Gullock: Despite being stressful (with all that work stuff we do), Sixth Form has
been great and I’m able to leave with many funny memories including
hiding under science tables, lining up along the windows outside our maths
class when our teacher left, and people playing ‘sports’ in the training room.
However, I think Rag Drag may permanently scar me forever!
Albert Bielecki: Studied AS Level Business Studies, A-Level Product Design
and Art
Spencer Grant: For many years I thought Spencer’s surname was McGrant
as he never cleared this up for me. However, we got past this and after a
few dodgy nicknames I came up with the genius Suspence. I also once
chipped his tooth which he always made a big deal out of.
Dom Ambler: “Sixth Form has definitely been an eventful two years for me, I’ve
transformed in more ways than one. I’ve become the person I’ve wanted to be, and
I couldn’t have done it without a better year group. I’ve made friends over these
two years that I hope to have forever. And remember, “Just be true to who you
are.” D x”
Charlotte Trueman: "Ever since year 7 Charlotte Trueman has been commonly
described as 'slow'. Those long locks of blonde hair are blonde for a reason ;) She
once asked me "Beth why are the clouds moving?" a favourite of mine! Honestly
even though the common sense may be missing at times, she is a beautiful, kind,
funny girl :)"
April Matthews: "April, better known as "prilly" easily fools people with
her innocent appearance, throughout the two years Prilly has shocked
people with her slightly crude sense of humour and scared people with her
real-life stories! Prilly is a lovely girl who is always sporting the latest
fashions and a great member of the Sixth Form!"
Beth Hawker: "Beth is a bubbly character, who is hard to be missed! After her no-
show in tutor and having a record breaking 6 appearances the question "Beth
who?" is commonly used in the mornings. Even though she lacks the ability to
think before she speaks, and be a little ditsy, Beth is beautiful, banterous and a
smart girl!"
Steve Wise: "Steven is the campest straight guy you'll ever meet, with per-
sonal hobbies including: shopping, gossiping with the girls and dressing up.
He is well known to be a joker who has a unique talent of being able to fit a
50p coin inside his belly button! Steve is a lovely, funny person and a great
friend to have!"
Phil Brown: Studied BTEC Level 3
Sports and A-Level Psychology
Ian Abernethy: One of the nicest guys in Sixth Form, proved
by walking the streets of Bristol barefoot so Lottie could wear
his shoes! Wishing you the best of luck in the future!!
Scott Morgan is thought to be a bit of a workaholic. He’s well known for his sporting
ability and has been described by his friends as “hench”. He will be remembered for
his witty and sarcastic comments and dare we say for being whipped… We all wish
Scott the best in the future.
Jason Neale: The whole of sixth form will remember Jason as
“the worst driver in the year group”. People also seem to
comment on his cooking skills, but apparently it should be his
football skills!
Jordan Pearch: His language leaves a lot to be desired! He is known for his
frequent trips to the gym and also for his love of Chemistry coursework. The
tutor group will remember him best for his bromance with Howard! Jordan is a
bit of a realist which will take him far in life.
Tessa Mathieson - Tessa’s always right, especially about the
small things! She’s a bit of a politics nerd and will be remem-
bered by the tutor group for being a bit dopey. She’s very caring
and concerned for others. She has got involved with many things
over the years and often spends tutor time doing last minute
homework. Tessa’s just quietly brilliant!
Howard Sheers: Howard is the star of the tutor group and always turns up with a
smile that cheers everyone else up! Everyone thinks that Howard is extremely polite
and is a real gentleman. He’s always willing to help people out and cheer people up
when they are feeling down. You don’t get much lovelier than Howard!
Sam Smith: Sam is generally a very funny person who has a
brilliant taste in music, except for her obsession with Jennifer
Lawrence! She is known for turning the common room into a fair
ground during her frees – playing dodgems with the wheelie
chairs! Teapot-babe!
Katie Steward: She always laughing and is very intelligent. She has
awesome gangsta’ skillz and is very fond of doughnuts. She’s known
for being rather disorganised and really needs to tidy her bag before it
walks away on its own! She is our resident owl as it’s not unusual for
her to fall asleep at any time during the day.
Rachel Steward: Rachel is extremely funny and has the ability to make anything into
an innuendo, hence her title the Innuendo-Queen! She’s slightly inappropriate at times
and likes to think she is a train. She will be remembered for her many quotes, most of
which should not be written down!
Esme Tuttiett: Esme is a big pan fan and is known to be the party animal of Sixth Form!
As Deputy Head Girl she is a fantastic role model… well, so we’d like to think! Perhaps
Esme could do with a new alarm clock – is she really at a meeting or is she in bed?!
Known by many as 5 T Tuttiett.
Hannah Waite: Hannah is our resident artist and can always be relied on to make us
look better on dress up days. She may be quiet but she’s always there and will
always check that everyone is ok. She will always be remembered for being kind
and friendly and for her cheeky giggle.
Dave Leech: Dave is the most inappropriate member of the tutor group and is
known for being a bit of a player. The only time the tutor achieved top marks in
their tutor group news quiz was when Dave was in charge – unbelievable! For
Dave waking up for school is the second hardest thing in the morning.
Isabella Langheim: lsabella is a quiet member of the group perhaps best known for her
ability to speak a number of languages. Many will remember her for being such an
excellent cook – especially her lemon drizzle cake and her pancakes! She loves goldfish
and penguins and is a star when it comes to English Language.
Izzy Ferris - Izzy is a very happy person who will be remembered for her excellent
organisation and keeping the tutor group motivated. She has been a key member of
the Sixth Form – organising socials and helping with various other events. The tutor
group describe her as their bread eating, veggie Queen. Izzy is our budding
Evy Gardener - Evy is the girl with five colours in her hair. She
throws the best house parties time and time again! She will be re-
membered for being so kind and happy and for regularly strolling
into tutor late! There is never a dull moment with Evy around and
not just because of her clothes!
Charlie Flux - Having read his classmates initial blurb about him,
Charlie decided that it wasn’t funny and so is writing this. You may
remember me as loud and obnoxious, most likely because I am. Expect to see me on the
news in 15 years with the caption ‘drug-fuelled sex heart attack?’ and a graphic image of
my cold, grinning, satisfied corpse.
Lily Francis - Lily is predicted to be the most successful in the tutor group. She’s always
willing to help out and join in and she does it with a smile on her face. She’s always there
for a hug and makes some crazy faces! She is well known for her fruit cutting as she likes
to carve faces in her pears!
Will Alvarez - Will is our resident Mexican cross dresser. He’ll be remembered for his su-
perb performance in Miss Rag Drag 2012, gaining the tutor group their first “RAG Queen”.
Everyone thinks Will is one of the happiest people and is always up for a good laugh – if
everyone’s not busy laughing at him! Will is definitely Gordano’s gain and Clevedon’s
Lizzie Ashley - Lizzie is like a spoonful of sugar – always there for other people and one
of the nicest people we have encountered. She’s always willing to join in and brings a
smile with her. She’s one of the fittest people we know and her ability to get up at 6 in
the morning to attend exercise classes never fails to amaze us.
Nestor Bigwood - Although we haven’t seen much of Nestor over the years he
hasn’t gone unnoticed (perhaps due to his height!). He’s an excellent basketball
player despite his old age and we all wish him well in the future.
Becca Edwards - Becca is our teacher of the future. She’s unnaturally organised and her
random giggles will not be forgotten. She’s described by her friends as a “choir
goddess” who is addicted to ducks. Becca always helps out and contributes to
everything we do. She’s a genuinely lovely person who is amazing at nail art.
Ella Goodliffe: Ella is known for being directionally challenged, even when she has got
maps on her phone! She is genuinely a lovely person and quietly gets on with everything.
Ella’s quote of the year is to never be forgotten: “If you are pregnant and go on a plane,
do you have to buy two tickets?”.
13LXW are a bunch of marvellous young people with bright and interesting futures ahead of
them. Thank you for the RAG weeks, the Sporcle, the humour and the hard work, and all those
creative costumes. I wish you all the very best for the future – keep in touch! - Ms Webber
Lewis Johnson:
I’ve plenty of stories to tell, but in sixty words I’ve few things to say, and as a
lyricist once said- ‘These stories don’t mean anything if you’ve got no-one to tell
them to’. So rather than any insight I can offer, remember me for how I was- an
arrogant, over-talkative b******d who became slightly more bearable towards
the end.
Peter Leaman:
“Across my time in this Sixth Form I have learnt many things. I have grown
from the kitten I was. Don’t eat yellow snow, or yellow ground, yellow
anything really… Unless it’s that yellow rice, that’s pretty decent. Now, I
must join my people, excuse me as I transform into a cat. Meow.”
Alex King:
Hi I’m Alex. I’ve had a great time in Sixth Form. When I leave I am hoping to join
the military (RAF or navy). My favourite moments in Sixth Form have been the
socials, although the pre-drinks were always much better. Good luck everyone in
whatever you’re doing!
Alex Colyer: Alex Colyer is wonderful Year 13 student who absolutely
adores Media Studies and a stripper once tried to punch him in town. Hoping
to be a detective when he’s older he’s asked his mum for a magnifying glass
for his birthday to he can catch all the badees. Alex has a couple of friends
and wears ridiculously tight jeans”.
Ria Harrison: “Ria Harrison is a fab girl, who just cannot get enough of her
artwork!!!! Ria is dreaming of being a creative marketing director. Ria is loved
by everyone for having the best bum in the year and the brightest smile of
them all. Lots of love bestie Alex Colyer x x x x x x”
Joe Thompson: “I woke up with a loved one's eyes upon me/ Loved one's arms
around me/She's my one and only/I grew up in the bosom of my family/Eight
strong arms around me/from the seed they've grown me/And I thank those/
Those who kept me company/ They are a wall of arms around me/it is they who
are my army”
Sara Boothby: “I’ve had great opportunities whist at Gordano to pursue a career in
Primary school education; but my most memorable experience was being left to
decorate hundreds of the Year 7’s cupcakes during activities week, no small task
when they needed to be finished for them to sell in just under an hours’ time!”
Hollie Allen: Sixth Form has felt like a drag but now it’s nearly over I’m
realising it’s actually been great! Some of my favourite memories include: the
dance-off with the “Beyoncé guy” at Thekla; being petrified by the chicken-
wing lady in Berlin; and having a crazy ‘sausage’ themed party with the
girls. I wish everyone luck in their future, going to miss you! H X
Cori Clough: What we have learnt about Cori… NEVER sit in her chair or call her
Cori ‘Cloff’. Be warned, if you do, abuse WILL be hurled at you. She’s a right party
animal with events such as using Rosie as a second form of ID and being sick out
of her nose! She’s always a laugh to be around. Written by Georgia & Lizzie :)
Bill Squires: "Acquire currency; disregard females"
Maddie Watkinson:
Maddie’s an average girl, I’ve
had average times with her.’
Beth Mitchell: Studied Chemistry, Mathematics and
Biology A-Level.
Georgia Hughes:
Georgia is the best at dressing up, trust me, she’s God….literally. Geor-
gia never turns up to tutor as she loves to sleep, especially for hours dur-
ing a social, missing pretty much everything. She even fell asleep in the
restaurant, half way up a mountain because she has swag! When awake,
she’s so funny, bubbly & her laugh is AMAZING. “YOLO”. Written by
Lizzie Mansell:
Lizzie never fails to make us laugh; her “Lizzie comments” are legendary in the
Sixth Form. An example being the ‘carobonara’ comment (she will hate me for
writing this). She loves colouring in (a.k.a Geography) and she has produced some
cracking dress up outfits the best being the smurf! “Wooohoooo!”
Written by Georgia
Alex King:
Hi I’m Alex. I’ve had a great time in sixth form. When I leave I am hoping to join the
military (RAF or navy). My favourite moments in Sixth Form have been the socials,
although the pre-drinks were always much better. Good luck everyone in whatever
you’re doing!
Andy Brookes:
Hi I’m Andy Brookes. I enjoy both playing and listening to music. After Sixth
Form I am going to Warwick University to study Chemistry. My favourite
moment was the 2012 ski trip, in particular Wookey having a little too much
to drink…ahem, spritzer. Wishing everyone the best.
Kit Lavis: Kit brightened our days with wit, humour and guitar which he plays He
loved a night out, to have a good time and his talent for “winning” was simply
sublime You'd be forgiven for thinking he came from the past But our time with
this hero went way too fast. He's been a legend and a genius but I have to ask
this... How can that young man, have a such a big… Smile? By Johnny Marsh
Alex Rigby: Sixth Form has been a good couple of years. Everything from
organising RAG week, going on the History trip to Berlin and irritating Fairs
with my contagious laugh, many times. My big mouth has put me in a few
awkward situations throughout my time at Sixth Form, but it all worked well in
the end.
Ollie Johnston: The Berlin and the ski trips I have been on were probably the
highlight of my time at Sixth Form. The numerous amounts of chicken wings, as
well as a creepy ghost chair made the trip, the free seconds of food, and
excessive alcohol on the ski trip. In the future I hope to carry on eating loads of
Luke Davie-Young: Studied English Language,
Psychology and Biology A-Level.
Kane Holloway: Studied Physics, Critical Thinking, DT and
Olivia Dean: Single white female who loves partying and getting drunk! Gorgeous,
petite, blonde and ready to mingle. Not looking for love with an idiot who treats her
like sh**. Pretty and fit, this little southern lass, needs a gentleman with a tight
perky a***. Fun, friendly and always there for her friends, puts others before herself
and always has a smile on her face.
Ben Hunter-Craig: HAPPY-GO-LUCKY - 17m, witty with good bum. Wltm
vivacious vixen with explosive powers of seduction for “friendship”. Likes to ride
in spare time, sometimes along roadsides but usually in the woods. Sessions can
last for many hours so good stamina necessary. Also enjoy robotics; if we meet
up you’re welcome to have a go on my autonomous machine. Treat yourself.
“13HBP – have been a great group to tutor since I returned to school after maternity leave in March 2012…they welcomed me
with open arms and I’ve had a great time with them ever since. As a group they are funny, friendly and full of life…individually
they are much the same and will always look out for each other. Every morning I’m greeted with the latest saga in the life of Lil,
an eclectic taste in music from Matt, hilarious tales of nights out from Luke and always a great debate from Johnny. Ellie and Lucy
are incredibly organised with a life plan ahead of them while Hannah always arrives with a beaming smile on her face. Sapphire
is a great influence to all and Will’s theatrical outbursts always bring laughter. Charlotte loves her energy drinks while Aaron and
Kate give me the run around as to their whereabouts in the morning! Tom has been a great leader to the group as Deputy Head
Boy with Aadam turning up fashionably late with a cheeky grin on his face. We welcomed Ben, Harry, Dani and Molly to our
family in October…Ben has amazed me with his electronic wizardry and Harry has mesmerised us all by his incredible guitar
playing. Molly and Dani are some of the most caring students I’ve had the pleasure to tutor. When you leave all I may shed a
tear, we all started at Gordano in 2006 and when you leave a little piece of me will leave with you. I wish you all a fulfilling
future. Enjoy life to the full, be nice to people no matter who they are and stay in touch…good luck x” Mrs Pullen
Harry Moore: NOTORIOUS WOMANISER, 18m, wltm alpha female for heavy petting.
Loves being worshipped and adored. Proficient at all types of fingerstyle. For $1.99 a
month, examples are available online. Can always be found banging hollow objects at
school concerts. Takes a long time to warm up, but performances typically last between
25 and 30 minutes. A real treat.
Johnny Marsh: Insatiable green-blooded semi-Catholic dedicated to Twitter, political
banter and a questionable taste for Disaronno. Unusual fashion sense and a passion
for love and music make this part-time Northerner a treat to spend time with. With a
future in international relations ahead, you know that meeting Johnny could take you
anywhere in the world.
Luke Bailey: EXTRAVAGANT, illustrious BMW driver seeking female to
shower with gifts, and more. Must have a preference for spending
long-awaited nights out on doorsteps. Serial philanderer, open to all
new ideas and techniques, willing to discuss ‘climbing in the boot’.
Burly removal man, experienced at handling larger appliances. Tennis
player, good with balls. Entirely irresistible.
Matt Ravens: Occasional cross dresser with alternative taste in music looking for like-
minded woman. Enjoys long romantic car journeys and not being accepted into clubs. Likes
a good spa day, however simple mindedness can often cause confusion
between an ATM and a parking meter. Brightens the mood of the tutor
every morning with excessive bad singing.
Tom Clough: Male (debateable), 18. All round top guy and hobbies include socialising,
drinking (water of course), working and getting A*s. Friend to everyone, looking for a like
-minded woman to share a passionate night of chess with. Big Simpsons and Family Guy
fan. Fun, laughs and more fun along the way. Call me Mr Flintstone because I can make
your Bedrock.
Sapphire Lake: An ambitious writer, with a successful career ahead of her, but with few organisational
skills, 10/10 would recommend this intelligent and witty female, whose caring and delightful side covers
a stern, iron like demeanour, with a mama-bear like ferocity if one approaches with the intention to argue
ignorant opinions, because seriously, I doubt you’ll even make an attempt.
Ellie Moodie: A meticulously organised character who enjoys planning and chatting
and getting things done. Cake and cocktails are the keys to her heart, and clothes
wouldn't go amiss, either. A sweetheart with a busy social calendar, but she'll still
make time for anyone who needs it. Smart and sharp- direct action is the key to
success and she knows it.
Lucy Butler: She's a reminder of long summers spent run-
ning and laughing and dancing and taking photographs,
and a group of friends who always opened their arms in
welcome. She's a poet and will maybe never know it, but at
least she'll write for herself. She's going to travel the world
one day.
Hannah Dickens: Enjoys drinking tea and getting emotional over fictional
characters. Notorious personal bubble popper. Unashamed. Proud. Always silent
when it matters and loud when it doesn't. Whole-hearted. Beautiful. Listener.
Retains random facts and intricate details, but birthdays are less likely to stick.
Creator. Innovator. Stands up for what she believes in and never backs down.
Blogger. Reader. Best friend. Radiant.
Sam Leigh: 19, of the Dutty HBP moved on circa Easter 2013, following a fatal clash with the
administration. He was born the son of a farmer, but through grafting and toil found success in the stock
market. Sam graduated from Year 12 with honours. He was married to Mary Jane. Funeral
arrangements will be held 25th June, Ashton Court.
Dani Appleford: PASSIONATE SWIMMER: 18f, wltm fit male to “ride the waves”
with. Sessions last about 2 hours at a time and occur 4-5 times a week so be well
prepared before coming on the date: any clothing MUST be skin-tight to avoid
chafing. Usually starts with gentle breaststroke but soon hots up with some intense
front crawl. Severe bruising isn’t uncommon.
Molly Chinn: Molly is a young single woman looking to get
down and have fun; she’s a beautiful brunette who has a lot
to offer a man. If you’re looking for a sweet, kind and crazy woman Molly is the
one for you. Her stunning personality can light up any room and with Molly you
are always guaranteed to have the time of your life.
Will Brown: Dancing friar, he has a strange need to dress up in a suit when Ofsted
are visiting (totally why we were rated outstanding) He is musically talented and
by this I mean he know all the words to Gangnam Style and the dance to Single
Ladies. Despite his egotistical tendencies he never fails to make you laugh when
you’re feeling down.
Kate Watts: 18, female, fun and ambitious, a bubbly blonde with a lot to offer
to a man. Kate will always be there for her friends and will work hard to
achieve her goals. Kate has a strong business head but struggles to get her
head off the pillow in the morning.
Aadam Sarkar: Male, 18. When he’s not tucked himself away in Doctor Sarkar’s
office, he is an integral cog of the Sixth Form machine. Always at the forefront of
the revolution of the motherland, Sixth Form wouldn’t be the same without him.
Providing laughs, entertainment and Dutty HBP banter are just a few of the skills
this man has to offer.
Aaron Todd: Male, 18. Aside from being punched in the face by strippers, he
enjoys the occasional day off, lie-in and gamble on the Norwegian football
league. Any date organised is at your own risk as he is a divisive character
and there is no guarantee he will turn up.
Charlotte Phillips: Fun, excitable and a hilarious drunk! She always makes others
smile with her happy-go-lucky energy and lack of common sense due to lack of
attendance at careers. Known for frequently saying “Come at me bro!” and often
making crass “historical” remarks... She hopes to study History and American
Studies at university.
Harry Croker: Yeah, I’m amazing
and all that…!
Firdaws Nackvi: "Firdaws may seem like a composed and incredibly intelligent
future doctor, but she is a whirlwind of craziness and absurdity. That’s what’s so
adorable and amazing about her! She will make you laugh no matter what and the
inner machinations of her mind are definitely an enigma. I wouldn’t trade her for
anything. Good luck, fellow height defender!" (Laura Shipp)
Steph Croker: There are too many funny stories to tell about Steph, from her inappropriate
morning comments on how to combat stress, to the time you wrote me a personal
statement (definitely want to become a Milkmaid now). You’re one of my favourite
people and I know you’re going have the greatest time at Uni and in life. Good luck!
Helen xoxo
Connor Lock:
Er, I dunno really… !!!
Not wishing to sound arrogant, but some things are facts – 13CJP is the best tutor group in the history
of Gordano. I love the fact that you guys get stuck in, come up with ideas, win all the competitions, and
come out with great little put-downs in completely inappropriate language! I believe that what goes
around comes around, and all the good stuff you have done and will do will come back to reward you
all. Love you all! Pugh
Paige Robinson: Paige is definitely a person. She has a face, four limbs and a mild
case of OCD. In all seriousness though, she has a personality. She is incredibly infuri-
ating because her kindness and compassion makes it very difficult to hate her. Seri-
ously, I’ve tried to hate her but she just laughs and offers to drive me places. (Hannah
Shannon Davidson: Shannon is a quiet person who has a great sense of humour. I will
always remember our Diploma lessons in Years 10 and 11, where we used to draw funny
pictures and laugh a lot. I know she will go on to do great things and achieve a lot. I’ll miss
you lots! Xxxx (Emma)
Ellen Rye: Ellen is an indecisive, animal crazy weirdo who never stops talking about her
rabbit! She has the mental age of a 4 year old and is fascinated by glue guns and coloured
paper which makes her the perfect friend for me! I wish her luck in whatever she ends up
doing, love you long time chickpea! (Hannah)
Emma Fowler: Emma is a light hearted, quirky person who never fails to make you
laugh. She has the mental age of a 5 year old shown in her crackin’ sock collection,
making her perfect for her college course in childcare. Good luck with whatever you
decide to do, will miss you and the stupid comments “help me won’t you!” xxxx
Hannah Sampson: Need an hour of crazy, inside jokes and a friend who loves to
hate? Hannah is definitely the one. With an obsession with YouTube and moments of
pure madness she never fails to make you laugh, whilst still being so caring and
thoughtful. She has passion for everything and isn’t afraid of helping you find your
future either! K BYE! (Paige Robinson)
Matt Howard: Matt is the pocket-sized lad of Sixth Form. He has a reputation
as a party animal, always up for going hard until the early hours of the
morning and finishing the night with an ‘Oooooi Oi!’ chant in the back of a
minibus. If there was an A-level for getting trashed and having a good time,
Matt would have an A*. (James)
Laura Shipp: “Queen of recycling, she is completely insane but her ever-present
smile and upbeat attitude always brighten my day. Her enthusiasm for geography is
almost matched by her Klaine issues. Almost. I’ll miss the chaos you bring to
Monday mornings. She is someone to share my coffee addiction with. And a fellow
height defender.” (Firdaws)
Simon Julyan: “What do you mean it’s going to rain ALL week?” – My answer to
the worst news received during my time at the Sixth Form: that the heavens were
to open on Dartmoor at precisely the start of our DofE Expedition. As it turned out
the expedition was a success and this alongside many other memories will stay
with me for a lifetime.
Amy Smith: Amy has a great reputation for tutor attendance and her punctuali-
ty is second to none. She is a crazy, immature weirdo and is obsessed with
Harry Potter and Doctor Who. I wish her all the luck in the future in whatever
she does. I’ll miss you! Xxxx (Shannon & Emma)
Hannah Smith: Hannah is a creative, mango loving maniac! Since working at an
after school club her inner child has been brought to life and she has picked up
the ability to create her own language which we have learnt to understand.
You’re going to be missed boy! Ewei ewei ewei. (Blair)
Blair Matthews: Blair is a penguin obsessed, amazingly funny person with an
infectious laugh that can’t help but make you smile! The perfect combination of
sensible and immature makes her a brilliant friend and her obsession with
penguins (Kevin ;)) never fails to amuse me! I know that whatever she chooses
to do in life, she will be amazing at it! Good luck in the future chicken ;) (Ellen)
James Taylor: James is a bit of a party animal. Loves to drink Jack Daniels and
loves partying with all the gingers at Pop Confessional. His favourite superhero is
Batman. He has been in love with Emma Fowler through all his
years at Gordano! Finally, he is a great mate and a top lad. (Matt)
Laura Myers: A dedicated, hardworking girl who always has a smile on her
face (as big as Anne Hathaway’s) no matter how stressed she is. Is fun,
kind, loving, awesome and has adorable little thumbs.
Ben Yeaman: Always punctual and with a stunning
sense of direction, he was man-woman enough to be
our eternal Rag Drag Queen
Helen Sleeman: Always made tutor a hilarious time with her “historical banter”
and will make an amazing German milkmaid in the future. Equal parts funny,
sweet and inappropriate, with the amount of times Pugh has caught her swearing
we’re surprised she hasn’t been expelled! (Steph)
Christina Evans: Studied English Literature, English
Language, Media Studies and Sociology.
Lottie Hocking: Famous for her many blonde moments, including “do drug dealers
pay tax?” and “Is Norwegian a country?” Lottie has brought many smiles to many
people, best of luck in the future!
13 Such fabulous bunch of individuals. I think perhaps you should have another name
than ‘DE’ considering you regard me as such an absentee tutor! You all deserve the
credit for your achievements throughout Sixth Form. For the regular attenders in the
morning (you know who you are!) it has been a real privilege to be your tutor over
the past 2 years. I wish you all the very best. THANKS FOR COMING! Mr Eastwood
James Lovatt:
“He gets naked and puts on a
Gets drunk and slips on a rock,
I guess the one thing,
You could say about him,
Is that he has one
(Luke Bennett)
Kerry‐Ann Bentley: In five years  me I would have finished my English lit and 
Crea ve wri ng degree at Royal Holloway (hopefully). 
I hope to live somewhere in North America and be a writer. “Kerry‐Ann has an 
amazing rack.. Of ribs ” 
Luke Bennett: (fluke hairnet)
His drunken antics were a
What's worse is his change of
There's only one thing that
makes up for this,
It’s the way he fingers his…
James Lovatt
Joe Paul: “He's the hero Gordano deserves, but doesn’t
need right now..”
Becky Callaghan: Becky has a passion for music which is also apparent when
she thinks she can sing like Beyoncé after a few drinks. She has the biggest
collection of designer shoes anyone has ever seen but still manages to buy
new ones for every occasion. She says it how it is but never fails to entertain
with her sarcasm #swaggy
Will James: Enjoys working with computers, IT, and will be looking forward to going
to university to study computing. In five years’ time I will hopefully just finished
university and will have a steady job designing and developing websites. Or
working on the development of applications for a software company.
Alex Bray: Alex is quiet and has a good group of friends.
Alice Fews: Alice has lovely hair and has fantastic lips. “She’s beauty and she's
grace she Miss United States” I think Alice will be really successful and rich as she
is so hard working. I really hope she gets good grades at the end of this year as she
deserves it. She is a great friend and I will miss her and her humour lots.
Olly Rance: Over the years I have seen way too much of Olly, as has the rest of
the year. Admittedly ihe is beautiful but nothing was quite as touching as the
mangina and the Borat costume which has been overused for fancy dress. This
guy has no shame - Joe Paul
Polly Snell: She has always been known for her gingerness. We used to have
news Tuesdays where she would tell me any interesting gossip, but then she got
less and less interesting. Nah she's very interesting. Polly is well fun and proper
cool - Joe Paul
Hannah Smith: “Hannah only joined in Year 12, but it feels like she’s been here
forever. Everyone loves to be around her, she is really positive and has a lovely
smile. Hannah loves to party and spend time with her family and friends.”
Holly Beale: She is very funny and a loving friend. She has nice hair that everyone
wants to steal. She is constantly obsessed with different celebrities but Colin Firth
is her number 1 man. She loves horses and wants to be a mounted police officer.
Outside of school she loves to socialise with her friends (with a few cheeky
Ben Skipp: “Had a great time at Gordano Sixth Form . I intend to take a gap year
before starting university in 2014. Would like to give all my gratitude to Miss Griffiths,
without her I would have been unlikely to finish the first year.”
Tom Hillman: Enjoy business studies, been a fun few years at Gordano glad to have
come here and be going to university. In five years’ time I want to have just finished
university the year before and hopefully be in a good job (or getting into one), making
lots of money. It’s been emotional.
Ellie McGurk: Smiley, happy, friendly. Very intelligent and loves to keep fit and
Matt Glover: He’s the pinnacle of humanity. You find a higher man in this soup of
humanity, and I will pay you. Literally, I need someone better, please find someone.
Contact me if you do. Also, Glover is an awesome name, coincidence that he has a
glove fetish.
Hannah Bryant: is always enthusiastic and loud, but how would everyone feel awake
without her? The Sixth Form has been blessed with her presence almost as much so as
Joe Paul's. Some say that she is as graceful as a swan, and her dancing is better than all
of JLS combined. A true inspiration - Joe Paul
Megan Leaker: “Megan is a bubbly and fun-loving friend who is
always laughing. She has a passion for textiles and in the future wants to be the
next Vivienne Westwood. At her 18th, she got so drunk she fell over and almost
knocked herself out. She has loved her time at Sixth Form and has made life-long
friends (obviously Becky and Holly) #slutdrop
Becky Barton: Becky has always been really organised and hardworking in Sixth
Form and is always there for everyone when we need her. She has a really
optimistic outlook on life and always tries hard with everything. She's also very
creative and next year, she will be studying make up and we wish her the best of
Charlotte Actford: Charlotte (if she still goes here) is one cheeky little monkey who’s pleasure
in life are to sleep, go out and avoid all school related tasks. However she is honest and love-
ly, good luck little one.
Charlie Holley: This is the sad and lonely story of the one who had no one to do his
60 words. But being such an amazing fellow he managed to create his own
amazing paragraph! But alas if only he could spell… It is assured that there is much
more than meets the eye, with this DisguisedDeamon. #Yolo #ForeverAlone
My tutor group are wonderful (when you turned up!). You are such a
unique group of individuals who have made me laugh hysterically (often
due to you tube videos and your interesting experiences in life) and feel
like crying on occasions (chasing your absences – I won’t miss that!). I
have enjoyed seeing you each morning and waiting for Matt March to
turn up late with one of his excuses! Rag week was always fun trying to
co-ordinate and motivate – we have never been the most organised
group have we? Thank you to those who turned up every morning
without fail and the usual 6 students who turned up on Fridays, it would
have been lonely without you. I wish you all the success in the future
with your university places, jobs and travel. Have a great future and
always look for the good in other people and in yourself. Shine like stars
and never forget how special each one of you are. Mrs J. x
Josh Clee: Only really got to know Josh in the past couple of years, we have
played football a lot and he is still not any good. On the 3g he likes to think he
knows what he is doing. All in all though Josh is a nice guy who deserves to do
well when he finishes YEAR 14!
Cameron Coetzee: Cameron wants to compete in the Brazil 2016 Olympics. He
learnt to run so quickly by running from lions in South Africa. His overall
attendance in sixth form was generally poor. I mean 63%, not the best is it? He
likes buying tortoises and practising his running by chasing after them. I am
expecting tickets for Olympics with travel paid for!
Ollie Costley: Well, Costley, we only occasionally get to see Costley in tutor as it seems his
bed is more important than education. One benefit of being friends with Oliver is that he
drives and this means free lifts, he says he is a good driver but I beg to differ after seeing
him parallel park, He also nearly killed Jason handbrake turning.
Lauren Fortune: I don’t think I would have been able to get through Sixth Form without
Lauren’s support and constant jokes. Our funniest memory will be the Berlin trip where
we screamed on the snake train, complained a lot and refused to eat anything German.
I know that I have made a lifelong friend who will go on to become a successful
accountant. I’ll miss you! xxxx
Lizzie Gillam: Lizzie is my bestest friend, always there to make you laugh and pick
you up when you’re feeling down. Too sensible for her own good – not! Her clothes
sense is fab! Can’t wait see her brand of clothing when she goes global! Seriously,
whatever you end up doing my lovely, I’m sure you’ll be a success! I’ll miss you!
Emily Hallett: Funny, lazy, thumbsucker, always smiling, party animal and
champion of never have I ever. Enjoys MOLing on a river in Slappy T with Noelle.
Quotes: ‘Does that make sense?’ ‘Do you know what I mean?’ ‘Are Dodos still
alive?’ Love Hannah and Tessa. Xxxxx
Connor Landers: I don’t really have a best moment at Gordano; I just have
averagely good moments. I plan to take up some form of engineering after Sixth
Form which is why, I’ve taken three entirely non science maths or engineering
based subjects. I have a few ideas of what I could do though so I might do
something in engineering.
Millie McArdle: I've known Millie for 6 years and she's one of the strongest people
I know. Although she doesn't always show it she's got the biggest heart and
anyone would be lucky to have her as a friend! Although she's
not always seen eye-to-eye with Sixth Form, we've got some
really good memories and we've got a lot more to come!
Jessie Crichard: Studied English Literature, Psychology and Media Studies
Brice Morgan: With the biggest heart and caring personality, Brice has the
amazing ability to motivate people. However, she hasn’t had much success
celebrating her birthday being sick down herself and her shot cup strapped
around her neck! Although, her passion for “health” and social will be useful
in university studying mental health nursing. We wish her all the best in her
new adventure.
Georgia Phillipou: Georgia always brightens everyone's morning by being
unbeatably positive and smiley! She is friendly and has the biggest heart-anyone
would be lucky to have her as a friend. Unfortunately no hilarious drunken
stories come to mind as Georgia is so well behaved!! Hopefully this will change
on her gap year!! We wish her luck and fun.
Satya Pope: I’ve known you for ages as we were in the same lower school tutor
– seems only yesterday but we have come so far!!! – Taking studying seriously
and wanting to shoot ourselves doing English Literature work. I’m so glad we’re
both with the maddest, loveliest tutor ever – Miss Sell. I wish you luck in future
because you’re bubbly, lovely and so bright.
Ewan Reeder: Where can I start with Ewan? We have been mates since a
young age and have spent all of our 7 years in the same tutor, poor me. The
‘Screamer kid’ as Mrs Hughes calls him hopes for a career in the MOD as an
engineer, Good luck with the drugs test Ewan.
Tom Southey: The legend. From his contribution of inspired intellectual
comments such as “can pregnant women wee?” to his evolution from the
infamous “one-sip Southey” stereotype, he continues to create a positive
impression upon sixth-form life. Perhaps the true source of his fame is his quirky
smile which always brightens the dreary monotony of sixth-form, and will aid
him in his future studying mechanical engineering.
Matt March: is known for a common sense that doesn’t justify his place in
Cambridge shown in the beautiful claim that ‘Cauliflower Cheese is such a
boring vegetable’. His exceptional organisational skills resulted in his EPQ report
being only 5 months late. He is however never stumped by any problems in
maths (except bringing in cake within 5 weeks of his turn).
Jess Leaman is a thoughtful and kind person who always has a smile on her
face. The funniest Sixth Form memory will be when we missed our bus home
and had to spend the night sleeping in London bus station! I can see her
becoming a successful marketing executive in the future. I will miss our morning
tutor sessions!
Yearbook commi ee:
Miss Griffiths 
Belinda Brusoni 
Lizzie Mansell 
Beth Rigby 
Joe Thompson 
Georgia Hughes 
Ma  Ravens 
Steve Wise 
Prom Commi ee:
Gill Gunnell 
Denise Lennon 
Izzy Ferris 
Sarah Reardon 
Ellie Thornhill 
Tessa Mathieson 
Harriet Milnes 
Laura Myers 
Paige Robinson 
Charlo e Phillips  
Lily Francis 
Naomi Shallcross 
Kayla Walker 
Rag Week Bench (who achieved an
amazing £3000 for charity!)
Zoe Nicholls 
Sarah Reardon  
Council Chair
Lizzie Walmsley 
Hosts for numerous events
(Ant & Dec style)
Joe Paul 
Aadam Sarkar  
Sixth Form Team
Tom Inman 
Jeanne Fairs 
Rebecca Griffiths 
Mike Toogood 
Beth Davis 
Sarah Grant 
Gill Gunnell 
Kim Brookes 
Denise Lennon 
Senior Pupils
Head Boy: Adam Grey 
Head Girl: Ellie Thornhill 
Deputy Head Boy: Tom Clough 
Deputy Head Girl: Esme Tu e  
 And Senior Prefects 
Biggest Gossip 
Tom Clough 
Rear of the Year 
Conchita Alvarez  
Blondest Moment 
Lo e Hocking 
Most Likely to be 
Prime Minister 
Ewan McGowan 
Least Likely to need 
wrinkle cream 
Ashley Wookey 
Most Likely to be living in 
their parents’ a c at 40 
Connor Lock 
Biggest Foghorn 
Alex Rigby 
Biggest Party Animal 
Esme Tu e  
Most Likely to cure 
Adam Grey  
Most Likely to star in 
an adult movie 
Beth Hawker 
Most Likely to be the 
next James Bond 
Tom Southey 
Most Likely to be a 
Ellen Rye 
Best Inbetweeners moment 
Aaron Todd + Alex Colyer 
Heart Of Gold 
Miss Griffiths 
Prom Prince 
Luke Bennet 
Prom Princess 
Izzy Ferris  Prom Queen  
Firdaws Nackvi 
Prom King 
Winston Ellis 
Leading Lady 
Aadam Sarkar 
Leading Lad 
Joe Paul 

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  • 2. It's been such fun and a great privilege working with you over the past two years. Collectively, you have brought about a significant change in culture to the Sixth Form through your determination that years 13 and 12 should be more cohesive. As head of the year below you, I am very grateful for the welcome you extended to the younger students fresh out of uniform and apprehensive of the greeting they would get from you. You exceeded all expectations and set the tone for hopefully years to come. I loved the alternative Sports Day you organised; the games/challenges were exceptionally imaginative and provided lots of great photo opportunities, a selection of which I hope have found their way into subsequent pages. There are so many great people amongst your number that it is perhaps unfair to mention any one person individually but I feel I must do it anyway. From the moment Harry Moore first played to the Sixth Form, I knew we were watching/listening to someone with a truly incredible talent. I have a strong feeling he will be one of a number of people we will be hearing of in the future. Wishing you the very best of luck for whatever you decide to do in the future; I know you will go on to do great things. Mike Toogood The Class of 2013 You really are an exceptional team and I count myself very blessed to have had the opportunity to work with you this year. Working in my jelly baby-encrusted gold-fish bowl I have had the pleasure of seeing you slaving away to achieve your goals – or spinning creatively on the Learning Curve chairs. Thank you for taking me by the scruff of my neck and inducting me into the Gordano Sixth Form way of doing things. You have amazing energy (usually!), humour, and an exceptional capacity to work as a team and to consume anything that is not nailed down. I wish you every success; you deserve it! Mrs Fairs My Lovely year group, I still can’t believe how quickly these two years have gone, but with them I have gained some wonderful memories and I feel so fortunate to have been your Head of Year, There were at times a few challenges, but you all faced these with a positive outlook helping you to mature into the lovely young adults you now are. Some of my favourite memories include chats in the common room, finding out about the socials, the wonderful games organised by Joe and Adam, the debates, a great sports day, an amazing two RAG weeks, the welcome to the new Year 12, the amazing individual talents you had, EPQs, Caring for Christmas and the joy I have had teaching some of you not only in Sixth Form, but also in the early years. It is tradition in my family that in any celebration my dad will toast two things, Health and Happiness and it seems only right to pass these wishes on to you. The world is at your doorstep and it is now time to see what a waits, but remember your Gordano friends are only a phone call away. Good Luck and remember to just drop us an email now and again to let us know how you are doing Miss G
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  • 5. Winston Ellis: Yo the name’s Winston, not Churchill but Ellis. Sixth Form was an awesome experience with many fun moments. The socials were great and the banter in critical thinking was too good. My friends will be missed but hopefully it won’t be the last time I see them. In 5 years time I will have hopefully finished studying at university and found a fun occupation. Good luck all! Connor Symes: ‘A procrastinator’s work is never done’ Catherine Matthews: Studied Mathematics, Chemistry and Statistics A-Level Naomi Shallcross: Best memory: During a swap of tutors, Mr Stokes taught us a lesson on pregnancy and the best part was Laurie learning the difficulties that a condom could bring to someone. In 5 years I hope to be teaching primary school children in a hot, foreign, English speaking country. Three words people would use to describe me: Pleasant, Positive, Perseverance.
  • 6. Andy Hayden: "MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, that'll do." Noelle Finch: “Noelle is a classic blonde, flirty QT. She pretty much lives in the Learning Curve where she frantically does her work while singing. Being her friend is great when we eventually get to see her after booking months in advance. By the way Noelle, your hair is getting absurdly long! Love you QT from Blair, Hannah and Ellen. Going to miss MOL-ing on a river with Emily Hallett whilst being looked after by mother Manse and Ellie T in Slappy-T!” Ewan McGowan: “Yo, it’s MC Goog right here. Putting the MC in McGowan since '95. Been the freshest man in the school for a decade now, don't mess. You won't forget the name!” Zoe Haysom: “Best Memory of Sixth Form: Year 12 Rag Drag. Where do you see yourself in the future? I would like to be an accountant as well as a Mummy!! How would you describe yourself? Conscientious, patient Laurie Carey: “Best memory? Year 12 Rag Drag: I have never laughed so much in my life yet never been able to look at Will Alvarez in the same way (those legs!). Where do you see yourself the future? As a culture and heritage manager with a heritage trust while being a mummy!” Harry Lawrence: “The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure.” Jess Burr: Studied Sociology, Psychology and English Language A-Level. Tash Marks: Studied Psychology, English Literature and Business Studies A-Level. Kieran Mingle: Studied English Language, History and Government and Politics A-Level.
  • 7. Eleanor Thornhill: Best memory of Sixth Form- Costa Rica, Slapton and Berlin were definite highlights. Putting the world to right with the girls every morning and the most hilarious three-legged race during alternative sports day with Amelia. Where I see myself in the future - Hopefully I will be finishing a History degree and being very happy. 3 words to describe me - Glittery, funny and high-maintenance.” Ash Baker: Best memory: Christmas Review '12 Where I see myself in the future: Working as a solicitor. :) 3 words that describe me: Honest, loyal and friendly. Liam Bailey: Hi, I’m Liam. I had a good time at Sixth Form, especially the socials and trips, maybe not so much the learning. My favourite moment was the two weeks where I went on the Berlin and Ski trip with the school. So many funny memories: Chicken Lady and Ashley “Spritzer” Wookey. After I leave I plan on getting a degree in Chemistry. Amelia Landon: Best Memory - Laura Shipp falling out of Rehab on our first night in town. Where do you see yourself in the future? - Hopefully working as a successful actress in films and theatre as well as being Beyoncé’s BFFL. How would people describe you in three words?- Funny, Diva, Fun loving. Ashley Wookey: I have thoroughly enjoyed Sixth Form over the past two years with tons of memories to come away with. There is no doubt about it that maths was the highlight of my Sixth Form life with so many great moments, such as the Lizzie quotes. I can't wait for freshers ‘week so I can drink plenty of white wine spritzers. Luke Dermody: Wants to be the next ‘Noah’, herding sheep as a farmer all across the Welsh highland, if all that fails then an officer in the Royal Navy.
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  • 10. Isobel Marshall: Despite not being able to handle her drink, showing frequent PDAs in the "Learning Curve" and falling asleep on nights out, Izzy is amazing. She is a kind, lovely and funny person. Dedicated, determined and adventurous, I know she will achieve her goals in the future and I feel privileged to have met her.   Ryan Jemmott: “Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday” -Don Marquis Having been a Sixth Form tutor for 15 years, I can honestly say that you have been one of the most enjoyable groups to work with. As a group we have approached all tasks with energy and enthusiasm and made hugely significant contributions to both Sixth Form and the wider school. Mornings were never dull and I could always guarantee that at least one of you would make me laugh. The scientist and author Jacob Bronowski described 13AF perfectly when he said ‘It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship what is known, but to question it.’ It has been a privilege to witness the progress that you have all made and it is obvious that as you prepare to take the next step you are all ready for whatever challenges lie ahead. Wherever you go and whatever you do, I wish you all the best of luck and hope that you will keep in touch and let me know how you are getting on, but don’t forget, ‘The world doesn’t owe you a living…it was here first.’ Mr Francis
  • 11. Lizzie Walmsley: Within my two years of Sixth Form, I have met my greatest friends and have made some memories that I’ll cherish forever. Even though in the next few years I’ll preferably be somewhere abroad, hopefully making something out of a Germanic Studies degree, I’ll always remember my amazing teachers and the great experience Gordano has given me. Bye for now! Rosie Clough: Also known as RoRo, Rosie is one of the most academically modest people in Sixth Form, along with being kind and thoughtful too. However in Sixth Form she has developed a talent for scathing one liners and her friends have found that once she has a few drinks in her, a completely hilarious but different side comes out. Zoe Nicholls: Who wants to sleep in a city that never wakes up? Not me, hence why I want to study Physiotherapy in Manchester. After uni all I want to do is travel, I want to go everywhere and see everything before I'm too old. I plan on living life as it should be, until the end. Thanks for the memories. Sasja Chivers: She’s renowned for having her blonde moments but never fails to amaze us with her amazing exam results, all the hard work obviously pays off! We’re sure she will do well in the career she’s always wanted. Outside Sixth Form, she loves to socialise and is the life and soul of the party with her weird and wonderful dance moves. Love Becky, Megan, Holly and Amelia xxx Jack Stevenson: Steeevvvooooooooo has been a ‘valued’ member of Sixth Form. Whether you’ve seen his ridiculous dance moves, or heard his banter, or been blinded by his massive head, you must have certainly known Jack Stevenson. Jokes apart Stevo has been a great mate and has certainly livened up everyone’s time at sixth form, he will definitely be missed. Harriet Milnes: I have loved every minute of being at Gordano Sixth Form, my teachers are fantastic and I have made loads of new friends. Hopefully in ten years time I'll be a very successful project manager and will be organising the biggest reunion Gordano has ever seen! Good luck everyone xx
  • 12. Ryan Faulkner: Faulks has had a large influence on people throughout his time in Gordano. For some, this was a positive thing, but for many... not so great. A keen @MathOrMathematician and salesman, he’s developed into a confident person who’s liked by many. I’m sure he’ll go far in life. Overall, a fantastic lad and an even better mate. Love Lazen Matt Lazenby: Matt has been a large part of the year; whether you like it or not, he’s always there. Talking in class, smashing his drums, or drinking too much in town; he’s always having a laugh. Sensitive and honest at heart combined with a unique social life has meant he's been moulded into a well- grounded person. A great mate, love Faulks. Coralie Leighton: Although I only joined Gordano in Year 12, I have made some amazing friends and great memories in my time here. It will be sad when we all go our separate ways and move on with our lives, but I hope to always stay in touch with all of my friends here. Adam Grey: “Arrogant b*****d, the worst Head Boy Gordano has ever had” are words seldom heard in the Sixth Form. More responsible than the rest of us (except that one messy social), he is looked up to as a role model with his position as Head Boy and offer from Oxford to study medicine. Intelligent and funny, we wish him the best. Jack Williams: Jack is an independent, thoughtful member of Sixth Form. He always has a smile on his face, making constant jokes – funny or not. I can see him becoming the chief constable of the Police, even though he’s still incredibly immature. Everyone will remember when Jack turned up to Vibe in a state and only lasted half an hour! Tim David: 'Tim is the most mature, friendly and considerate guy I know and can depend on him always. I trust Tim with my life but never my food ‘cause that boy can eat for friggin’ England. He is the only person who can possibly miss half a year due to a knock to the head... But looking forward to seeing him drunk in Kavos!!' James Henry: Average dance moves and witty banter pretty much sums James up. James has been a good mate since 2011 and a good betting partner. He is impatient and hates waiting so for the future don’t go out with James where queuing in going to happen. All in all James is a top lad and will be dearly missed at Gordano. 
  • 13. Bethany Rigby:  Being a rookie to the ways of Gordano, I was more than apprehensive about  what to expect, but thanks to loads of great people, I have hugely enjoyed  Sixth Form! Everyday has been a laugh, from socials to D of E, so thanks for  the fun, and just to confirm, I’m not related to Alex. Much love and luck for  the future, Beth  xxx   Lulu Tsagurnis: “I’m going on an adventure!” - Bilbo Baggins Sarah Reardon: I might not have enjoyed A Levels, but I've enjoyed Sixth Form, and that's all down to my peachy friends. This summer I'm making my way around India and Thailand with my big sis and next year I hope to be either lying on Copacabana beach, or stuck in a dark library doing a degree in something or the other. Reuben Murphy: Reuben has made an incredible contribution to life at Sixth Form. His punctuality and attendance to tutor has been impeccable and provides an example for everyone to follow. His effort in school, can only be matched by his commitment to Fifa and his bare football tekkers… #filthy and #disgusting have become his trademark, and we can’t think of 60 words. Frankie Toft: Since I've known Frankie she has struggled with drugs, she is dependent on them. Although it is only insulin I still worry for her. Her style is fabulicious and she has a love hate relationship with her twitter followers. It has been rumoured that Frankie is amazing, but there have been no official sources found to verify this. Big legend. Rosie Potts: Studied English Literature, English Language and Media Studies
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  • 16. Belinda Brusoni: “You’ll remember me as that girl who spoke four languages and tended to be bluntly honest. Gordano Sixth Form were two interesting years and helped me develop as a person; I hope to take those lessons into my future. I’m hoping to study English Literature at university and then we’ll see how it goes! Best of luck to everyone else!” Pollyanna Shaw: “Polly is a lovely artistic blubbery person. Who is a tad vain at time and a slight cradle snatcher but is a good laugh and knows all and eve- rything Disney. Polly's fashion sense is unique and she is known for her vibrant ginger hair. She loves Jeff Buckley and Phil Collins and her favourite song of his is "Two Worlds One Family"  Nic Dumine: Studied Double PE BTEC and Applied Business Studies Lazy but loving? A great descrip on from one of my tutees! We excel at apathy. Dis nc on  in disinterest. Ac vely passive. My favourite memory? 13HBP storming the room like a  swat team ge ng right in our faces to gee us up like some kind of American cheer leader/ boot camp combo. Didn’t work, but a nice try. Thanks for a low‐key two years guys! Lots of  lovely and likeable people. You did good, just quietly, that’s all. Ben Higgs  
  • 17. Katie Parlour: “I have enjoyed my time in Sixth Form, although it has been stressful at times there have been very memorable moments, such as hiding under the desks so Mrs Claxton would think no one was in. Also after learning the hard way that lots of revision is needed, I have managed to achieve the grades I have wanted.” Michaela Walker: “Kayla is a Disney-holic babe, who’s known to have the cutest feet around! She's loud and sometimes irritating, especially when she's skiving media, but we damn well love her to bits! Her singing and booty shaking never fails to please us, even when she gets carried away in the depths of her glorious art work or her endless phone calls. <3” Kennedy Marlow: "Kennedy is a bubbly, crazy girl who has the tendency to not know her limits ;) Throughout two years Kennedy has made a transformation from hardly showing last year to now being a model student! She has a ditsy side, spec- tacularly shown through not knowing JLO and Jennifer Lopez are the same person! She is lovely, smart and a great friend" Józef McLaughiln: All you need to know about Józef is this- he once carried two bergens through a rainstorm for two kilometres whilst wrestling a bear to the ground (exaggerated, it was only one bergen). Nothing we could say could do our steak bake fuelled man of Nickel Chromium justice in 60 words, but as the man himself would say: ‘…’ Courtney Lloyd: 'Archduchess of Pill.' Forever making people laugh with her geographic incompetence "is India in Africa?" Will most likely spend the rest of her Enrique- grooming days trapped in a Utopia of felines... That, or ruling a metropolis of male business teachers. Love from BFF and future maid of honour, Hanny! x Hannah Price: When Hannah is at school…(rare occasion) she is always making everyone laugh with her crude remarks! She is a vampire wannabe; completely gym obsessed and will never turn down a free Michael Kors watch from a random American man! Love you Hanny, from thou art duchess of Pill, Courtney! xxx Gemma Gullock: Despite being stressful (with all that work stuff we do), Sixth Form has been great and I’m able to leave with many funny memories including hiding under science tables, lining up along the windows outside our maths class when our teacher left, and people playing ‘sports’ in the training room. However, I think Rag Drag may permanently scar me forever! Albert Bielecki: Studied AS Level Business Studies, A-Level Product Design and Art
  • 18. Spencer Grant: For many years I thought Spencer’s surname was McGrant as he never cleared this up for me. However, we got past this and after a few dodgy nicknames I came up with the genius Suspence. I also once chipped his tooth which he always made a big deal out of. Dom Ambler: “Sixth Form has definitely been an eventful two years for me, I’ve transformed in more ways than one. I’ve become the person I’ve wanted to be, and I couldn’t have done it without a better year group. I’ve made friends over these two years that I hope to have forever. And remember, “Just be true to who you are.” D x” Charlotte Trueman: "Ever since year 7 Charlotte Trueman has been commonly described as 'slow'. Those long locks of blonde hair are blonde for a reason ;) She once asked me "Beth why are the clouds moving?" a favourite of mine! Honestly even though the common sense may be missing at times, she is a beautiful, kind, funny girl :)" April Matthews: "April, better known as "prilly" easily fools people with her innocent appearance, throughout the two years Prilly has shocked people with her slightly crude sense of humour and scared people with her real-life stories! Prilly is a lovely girl who is always sporting the latest fashions and a great member of the Sixth Form!" Beth Hawker: "Beth is a bubbly character, who is hard to be missed! After her no- show in tutor and having a record breaking 6 appearances the question "Beth who?" is commonly used in the mornings. Even though she lacks the ability to think before she speaks, and be a little ditsy, Beth is beautiful, banterous and a smart girl!" Steve Wise: "Steven is the campest straight guy you'll ever meet, with per- sonal hobbies including: shopping, gossiping with the girls and dressing up. He is well known to be a joker who has a unique talent of being able to fit a 50p coin inside his belly button! Steve is a lovely, funny person and a great friend to have!" Phil Brown: Studied BTEC Level 3 Sports and A-Level Psychology Ian Abernethy: One of the nicest guys in Sixth Form, proved by walking the streets of Bristol barefoot so Lottie could wear his shoes! Wishing you the best of luck in the future!!
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  • 20. Scott Morgan is thought to be a bit of a workaholic. He’s well known for his sporting ability and has been described by his friends as “hench”. He will be remembered for his witty and sarcastic comments and dare we say for being whipped… We all wish Scott the best in the future. Jason Neale: The whole of sixth form will remember Jason as “the worst driver in the year group”. People also seem to comment on his cooking skills, but apparently it should be his football skills! Jordan Pearch: His language leaves a lot to be desired! He is known for his frequent trips to the gym and also for his love of Chemistry coursework. The tutor group will remember him best for his bromance with Howard! Jordan is a bit of a realist which will take him far in life. Tessa Mathieson - Tessa’s always right, especially about the small things! She’s a bit of a politics nerd and will be remem- bered by the tutor group for being a bit dopey. She’s very caring and concerned for others. She has got involved with many things over the years and often spends tutor time doing last minute homework. Tessa’s just quietly brilliant!
  • 21. Howard Sheers: Howard is the star of the tutor group and always turns up with a smile that cheers everyone else up! Everyone thinks that Howard is extremely polite and is a real gentleman. He’s always willing to help people out and cheer people up when they are feeling down. You don’t get much lovelier than Howard! Sam Smith: Sam is generally a very funny person who has a brilliant taste in music, except for her obsession with Jennifer Lawrence! She is known for turning the common room into a fair ground during her frees – playing dodgems with the wheelie chairs! Teapot-babe! Katie Steward: She always laughing and is very intelligent. She has awesome gangsta’ skillz and is very fond of doughnuts. She’s known for being rather disorganised and really needs to tidy her bag before it walks away on its own! She is our resident owl as it’s not unusual for her to fall asleep at any time during the day. Rachel Steward: Rachel is extremely funny and has the ability to make anything into an innuendo, hence her title the Innuendo-Queen! She’s slightly inappropriate at times and likes to think she is a train. She will be remembered for her many quotes, most of which should not be written down! Esme Tuttiett: Esme is a big pan fan and is known to be the party animal of Sixth Form! As Deputy Head Girl she is a fantastic role model… well, so we’d like to think! Perhaps Esme could do with a new alarm clock – is she really at a meeting or is she in bed?! Known by many as 5 T Tuttiett. Hannah Waite: Hannah is our resident artist and can always be relied on to make us look better on dress up days. She may be quiet but she’s always there and will always check that everyone is ok. She will always be remembered for being kind and friendly and for her cheeky giggle. Dave Leech: Dave is the most inappropriate member of the tutor group and is known for being a bit of a player. The only time the tutor achieved top marks in their tutor group news quiz was when Dave was in charge – unbelievable! For Dave waking up for school is the second hardest thing in the morning. Isabella Langheim: lsabella is a quiet member of the group perhaps best known for her ability to speak a number of languages. Many will remember her for being such an excellent cook – especially her lemon drizzle cake and her pancakes! She loves goldfish and penguins and is a star when it comes to English Language.
  • 22. Izzy Ferris - Izzy is a very happy person who will be remembered for her excellent organisation and keeping the tutor group motivated. She has been a key member of the Sixth Form – organising socials and helping with various other events. The tutor group describe her as their bread eating, veggie Queen. Izzy is our budding journalist. Evy Gardener - Evy is the girl with five colours in her hair. She throws the best house parties time and time again! She will be re- membered for being so kind and happy and for regularly strolling into tutor late! There is never a dull moment with Evy around and not just because of her clothes! Charlie Flux - Having read his classmates initial blurb about him, Charlie decided that it wasn’t funny and so is writing this. You may remember me as loud and obnoxious, most likely because I am. Expect to see me on the news in 15 years with the caption ‘drug-fuelled sex heart attack?’ and a graphic image of my cold, grinning, satisfied corpse. Lily Francis - Lily is predicted to be the most successful in the tutor group. She’s always willing to help out and join in and she does it with a smile on her face. She’s always there for a hug and makes some crazy faces! She is well known for her fruit cutting as she likes to carve faces in her pears! Will Alvarez - Will is our resident Mexican cross dresser. He’ll be remembered for his su- perb performance in Miss Rag Drag 2012, gaining the tutor group their first “RAG Queen”. Everyone thinks Will is one of the happiest people and is always up for a good laugh – if everyone’s not busy laughing at him! Will is definitely Gordano’s gain and Clevedon’s loss! Lizzie Ashley - Lizzie is like a spoonful of sugar – always there for other people and one of the nicest people we have encountered. She’s always willing to join in and brings a smile with her. She’s one of the fittest people we know and her ability to get up at 6 in the morning to attend exercise classes never fails to amaze us. Nestor Bigwood - Although we haven’t seen much of Nestor over the years he hasn’t gone unnoticed (perhaps due to his height!). He’s an excellent basketball player despite his old age and we all wish him well in the future. Becca Edwards - Becca is our teacher of the future. She’s unnaturally organised and her random giggles will not be forgotten. She’s described by her friends as a “choir goddess” who is addicted to ducks. Becca always helps out and contributes to everything we do. She’s a genuinely lovely person who is amazing at nail art. Ella Goodliffe: Ella is known for being directionally challenged, even when she has got maps on her phone! She is genuinely a lovely person and quietly gets on with everything. Ella’s quote of the year is to never be forgotten: “If you are pregnant and go on a plane, do you have to buy two tickets?”.
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  • 24. 13LXW are a bunch of marvellous young people with bright and interesting futures ahead of them. Thank you for the RAG weeks, the Sporcle, the humour and the hard work, and all those creative costumes. I wish you all the very best for the future – keep in touch! - Ms Webber Lewis Johnson: I’ve plenty of stories to tell, but in sixty words I’ve few things to say, and as a lyricist once said- ‘These stories don’t mean anything if you’ve got no-one to tell them to’. So rather than any insight I can offer, remember me for how I was- an arrogant, over-talkative b******d who became slightly more bearable towards the end. Peter Leaman: “Across my time in this Sixth Form I have learnt many things. I have grown from the kitten I was. Don’t eat yellow snow, or yellow ground, yellow anything really… Unless it’s that yellow rice, that’s pretty decent. Now, I must join my people, excuse me as I transform into a cat. Meow.” Alex King: Hi I’m Alex. I’ve had a great time in Sixth Form. When I leave I am hoping to join the military (RAF or navy). My favourite moments in Sixth Form have been the socials, although the pre-drinks were always much better. Good luck everyone in whatever you’re doing!
  • 25. Alex Colyer: Alex Colyer is wonderful Year 13 student who absolutely adores Media Studies and a stripper once tried to punch him in town. Hoping to be a detective when he’s older he’s asked his mum for a magnifying glass for his birthday to he can catch all the badees. Alex has a couple of friends and wears ridiculously tight jeans”. Ria Harrison: “Ria Harrison is a fab girl, who just cannot get enough of her artwork!!!! Ria is dreaming of being a creative marketing director. Ria is loved by everyone for having the best bum in the year and the brightest smile of them all. Lots of love bestie Alex Colyer x x x x x x” Joe Thompson: “I woke up with a loved one's eyes upon me/ Loved one's arms around me/She's my one and only/I grew up in the bosom of my family/Eight strong arms around me/from the seed they've grown me/And I thank those/ Those who kept me company/ They are a wall of arms around me/it is they who are my army” Sara Boothby: “I’ve had great opportunities whist at Gordano to pursue a career in Primary school education; but my most memorable experience was being left to decorate hundreds of the Year 7’s cupcakes during activities week, no small task when they needed to be finished for them to sell in just under an hours’ time!” Hollie Allen: Sixth Form has felt like a drag but now it’s nearly over I’m realising it’s actually been great! Some of my favourite memories include: the dance-off with the “Beyoncé guy” at Thekla; being petrified by the chicken- wing lady in Berlin; and having a crazy ‘sausage’ themed party with the girls. I wish everyone luck in their future, going to miss you! H X Cori Clough: What we have learnt about Cori… NEVER sit in her chair or call her Cori ‘Cloff’. Be warned, if you do, abuse WILL be hurled at you. She’s a right party animal with events such as using Rosie as a second form of ID and being sick out of her nose! She’s always a laugh to be around. Written by Georgia & Lizzie :) Bill Squires: "Acquire currency; disregard females" Maddie Watkinson: Maddie’s an average girl, I’ve had average times with her.’ Beth Mitchell: Studied Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology A-Level.
  • 26. Georgia Hughes: Georgia is the best at dressing up, trust me, she’s God….literally. Geor- gia never turns up to tutor as she loves to sleep, especially for hours dur- ing a social, missing pretty much everything. She even fell asleep in the restaurant, half way up a mountain because she has swag! When awake, she’s so funny, bubbly & her laugh is AMAZING. “YOLO”. Written by Lizzie Lizzie Mansell: Lizzie never fails to make us laugh; her “Lizzie comments” are legendary in the Sixth Form. An example being the ‘carobonara’ comment (she will hate me for writing this). She loves colouring in (a.k.a Geography) and she has produced some cracking dress up outfits the best being the smurf! “Wooohoooo!” Written by Georgia Alex King: Hi I’m Alex. I’ve had a great time in sixth form. When I leave I am hoping to join the military (RAF or navy). My favourite moments in Sixth Form have been the socials, although the pre-drinks were always much better. Good luck everyone in whatever you’re doing! Andy Brookes: Hi I’m Andy Brookes. I enjoy both playing and listening to music. After Sixth Form I am going to Warwick University to study Chemistry. My favourite moment was the 2012 ski trip, in particular Wookey having a little too much to drink…ahem, spritzer. Wishing everyone the best. Kit Lavis: Kit brightened our days with wit, humour and guitar which he plays He loved a night out, to have a good time and his talent for “winning” was simply sublime You'd be forgiven for thinking he came from the past But our time with this hero went way too fast. He's been a legend and a genius but I have to ask this... How can that young man, have a such a big… Smile? By Johnny Marsh Alex Rigby: Sixth Form has been a good couple of years. Everything from organising RAG week, going on the History trip to Berlin and irritating Fairs with my contagious laugh, many times. My big mouth has put me in a few awkward situations throughout my time at Sixth Form, but it all worked well in the end. Ollie Johnston: The Berlin and the ski trips I have been on were probably the highlight of my time at Sixth Form. The numerous amounts of chicken wings, as well as a creepy ghost chair made the trip, the free seconds of food, and excessive alcohol on the ski trip. In the future I hope to carry on eating loads of food. Luke Davie-Young: Studied English Language, Psychology and Biology A-Level. Kane Holloway: Studied Physics, Critical Thinking, DT and Chemistry.
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  • 28. Olivia Dean: Single white female who loves partying and getting drunk! Gorgeous, petite, blonde and ready to mingle. Not looking for love with an idiot who treats her like sh**. Pretty and fit, this little southern lass, needs a gentleman with a tight perky a***. Fun, friendly and always there for her friends, puts others before herself and always has a smile on her face. Ben Hunter-Craig: HAPPY-GO-LUCKY - 17m, witty with good bum. Wltm vivacious vixen with explosive powers of seduction for “friendship”. Likes to ride in spare time, sometimes along roadsides but usually in the woods. Sessions can last for many hours so good stamina necessary. Also enjoy robotics; if we meet up you’re welcome to have a go on my autonomous machine. Treat yourself. “13HBP – have been a great group to tutor since I returned to school after maternity leave in March 2012…they welcomed me with open arms and I’ve had a great time with them ever since. As a group they are funny, friendly and full of life…individually they are much the same and will always look out for each other. Every morning I’m greeted with the latest saga in the life of Lil, an eclectic taste in music from Matt, hilarious tales of nights out from Luke and always a great debate from Johnny. Ellie and Lucy are incredibly organised with a life plan ahead of them while Hannah always arrives with a beaming smile on her face. Sapphire is a great influence to all and Will’s theatrical outbursts always bring laughter. Charlotte loves her energy drinks while Aaron and Kate give me the run around as to their whereabouts in the morning! Tom has been a great leader to the group as Deputy Head Boy with Aadam turning up fashionably late with a cheeky grin on his face. We welcomed Ben, Harry, Dani and Molly to our family in October…Ben has amazed me with his electronic wizardry and Harry has mesmerised us all by his incredible guitar playing. Molly and Dani are some of the most caring students I’ve had the pleasure to tutor. When you leave all I may shed a tear, we all started at Gordano in 2006 and when you leave a little piece of me will leave with you. I wish you all a fulfilling future. Enjoy life to the full, be nice to people no matter who they are and stay in touch…good luck x” Mrs Pullen
  • 29. Harry Moore: NOTORIOUS WOMANISER, 18m, wltm alpha female for heavy petting. Loves being worshipped and adored. Proficient at all types of fingerstyle. For $1.99 a month, examples are available online. Can always be found banging hollow objects at school concerts. Takes a long time to warm up, but performances typically last between 25 and 30 minutes. A real treat. Johnny Marsh: Insatiable green-blooded semi-Catholic dedicated to Twitter, political banter and a questionable taste for Disaronno. Unusual fashion sense and a passion for love and music make this part-time Northerner a treat to spend time with. With a future in international relations ahead, you know that meeting Johnny could take you anywhere in the world. Luke Bailey: EXTRAVAGANT, illustrious BMW driver seeking female to shower with gifts, and more. Must have a preference for spending long-awaited nights out on doorsteps. Serial philanderer, open to all new ideas and techniques, willing to discuss ‘climbing in the boot’. Burly removal man, experienced at handling larger appliances. Tennis player, good with balls. Entirely irresistible. Matt Ravens: Occasional cross dresser with alternative taste in music looking for like- minded woman. Enjoys long romantic car journeys and not being accepted into clubs. Likes a good spa day, however simple mindedness can often cause confusion between an ATM and a parking meter. Brightens the mood of the tutor every morning with excessive bad singing. Tom Clough: Male (debateable), 18. All round top guy and hobbies include socialising, drinking (water of course), working and getting A*s. Friend to everyone, looking for a like -minded woman to share a passionate night of chess with. Big Simpsons and Family Guy fan. Fun, laughs and more fun along the way. Call me Mr Flintstone because I can make your Bedrock. Sapphire Lake: An ambitious writer, with a successful career ahead of her, but with few organisational skills, 10/10 would recommend this intelligent and witty female, whose caring and delightful side covers a stern, iron like demeanour, with a mama-bear like ferocity if one approaches with the intention to argue ignorant opinions, because seriously, I doubt you’ll even make an attempt. Ellie Moodie: A meticulously organised character who enjoys planning and chatting and getting things done. Cake and cocktails are the keys to her heart, and clothes wouldn't go amiss, either. A sweetheart with a busy social calendar, but she'll still make time for anyone who needs it. Smart and sharp- direct action is the key to success and she knows it. Lucy Butler: She's a reminder of long summers spent run- ning and laughing and dancing and taking photographs, and a group of friends who always opened their arms in welcome. She's a poet and will maybe never know it, but at least she'll write for herself. She's going to travel the world one day. Hannah Dickens: Enjoys drinking tea and getting emotional over fictional characters. Notorious personal bubble popper. Unashamed. Proud. Always silent when it matters and loud when it doesn't. Whole-hearted. Beautiful. Listener. Retains random facts and intricate details, but birthdays are less likely to stick. Creator. Innovator. Stands up for what she believes in and never backs down. Blogger. Reader. Best friend. Radiant.
  • 30. Sam Leigh: 19, of the Dutty HBP moved on circa Easter 2013, following a fatal clash with the administration. He was born the son of a farmer, but through grafting and toil found success in the stock market. Sam graduated from Year 12 with honours. He was married to Mary Jane. Funeral arrangements will be held 25th June, Ashton Court. Dani Appleford: PASSIONATE SWIMMER: 18f, wltm fit male to “ride the waves” with. Sessions last about 2 hours at a time and occur 4-5 times a week so be well prepared before coming on the date: any clothing MUST be skin-tight to avoid chafing. Usually starts with gentle breaststroke but soon hots up with some intense front crawl. Severe bruising isn’t uncommon. Molly Chinn: Molly is a young single woman looking to get down and have fun; she’s a beautiful brunette who has a lot to offer a man. If you’re looking for a sweet, kind and crazy woman Molly is the one for you. Her stunning personality can light up any room and with Molly you are always guaranteed to have the time of your life. Will Brown: Dancing friar, he has a strange need to dress up in a suit when Ofsted are visiting (totally why we were rated outstanding) He is musically talented and by this I mean he know all the words to Gangnam Style and the dance to Single Ladies. Despite his egotistical tendencies he never fails to make you laugh when you’re feeling down. Kate Watts: 18, female, fun and ambitious, a bubbly blonde with a lot to offer to a man. Kate will always be there for her friends and will work hard to achieve her goals. Kate has a strong business head but struggles to get her head off the pillow in the morning. Aadam Sarkar: Male, 18. When he’s not tucked himself away in Doctor Sarkar’s office, he is an integral cog of the Sixth Form machine. Always at the forefront of the revolution of the motherland, Sixth Form wouldn’t be the same without him. Providing laughs, entertainment and Dutty HBP banter are just a few of the skills this man has to offer. Aaron Todd: Male, 18. Aside from being punched in the face by strippers, he enjoys the occasional day off, lie-in and gamble on the Norwegian football league. Any date organised is at your own risk as he is a divisive character and there is no guarantee he will turn up. Charlotte Phillips: Fun, excitable and a hilarious drunk! She always makes others smile with her happy-go-lucky energy and lack of common sense due to lack of attendance at careers. Known for frequently saying “Come at me bro!” and often making crass “historical” remarks... She hopes to study History and American Studies at university.
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  • 32. Harry Croker: Yeah, I’m amazing and all that…! Firdaws Nackvi: "Firdaws may seem like a composed and incredibly intelligent future doctor, but she is a whirlwind of craziness and absurdity. That’s what’s so adorable and amazing about her! She will make you laugh no matter what and the inner machinations of her mind are definitely an enigma. I wouldn’t trade her for anything. Good luck, fellow height defender!" (Laura Shipp) Steph Croker: There are too many funny stories to tell about Steph, from her inappropriate morning comments on how to combat stress, to the time you wrote me a personal statement (definitely want to become a Milkmaid now). You’re one of my favourite people and I know you’re going have the greatest time at Uni and in life. Good luck! Helen xoxo Connor Lock: Er, I dunno really… !!! Not wishing to sound arrogant, but some things are facts – 13CJP is the best tutor group in the history of Gordano. I love the fact that you guys get stuck in, come up with ideas, win all the competitions, and come out with great little put-downs in completely inappropriate language! I believe that what goes around comes around, and all the good stuff you have done and will do will come back to reward you all. Love you all! Pugh
  • 33. Paige Robinson: Paige is definitely a person. She has a face, four limbs and a mild case of OCD. In all seriousness though, she has a personality. She is incredibly infuri- ating because her kindness and compassion makes it very difficult to hate her. Seri- ously, I’ve tried to hate her but she just laughs and offers to drive me places. (Hannah Sampson) Shannon Davidson: Shannon is a quiet person who has a great sense of humour. I will always remember our Diploma lessons in Years 10 and 11, where we used to draw funny pictures and laugh a lot. I know she will go on to do great things and achieve a lot. I’ll miss you lots! Xxxx (Emma) Ellen Rye: Ellen is an indecisive, animal crazy weirdo who never stops talking about her rabbit! She has the mental age of a 4 year old and is fascinated by glue guns and coloured paper which makes her the perfect friend for me! I wish her luck in whatever she ends up doing, love you long time chickpea! (Hannah) Emma Fowler: Emma is a light hearted, quirky person who never fails to make you laugh. She has the mental age of a 5 year old shown in her crackin’ sock collection, making her perfect for her college course in childcare. Good luck with whatever you decide to do, will miss you and the stupid comments “help me won’t you!” xxxx (Shannon) Hannah Sampson: Need an hour of crazy, inside jokes and a friend who loves to hate? Hannah is definitely the one. With an obsession with YouTube and moments of pure madness she never fails to make you laugh, whilst still being so caring and thoughtful. She has passion for everything and isn’t afraid of helping you find your future either! K BYE! (Paige Robinson) Matt Howard: Matt is the pocket-sized lad of Sixth Form. He has a reputation as a party animal, always up for going hard until the early hours of the morning and finishing the night with an ‘Oooooi Oi!’ chant in the back of a minibus. If there was an A-level for getting trashed and having a good time, Matt would have an A*. (James) Laura Shipp: “Queen of recycling, she is completely insane but her ever-present smile and upbeat attitude always brighten my day. Her enthusiasm for geography is almost matched by her Klaine issues. Almost. I’ll miss the chaos you bring to Monday mornings. She is someone to share my coffee addiction with. And a fellow height defender.” (Firdaws) Simon Julyan: “What do you mean it’s going to rain ALL week?” – My answer to the worst news received during my time at the Sixth Form: that the heavens were to open on Dartmoor at precisely the start of our DofE Expedition. As it turned out the expedition was a success and this alongside many other memories will stay with me for a lifetime.
  • 34. Amy Smith: Amy has a great reputation for tutor attendance and her punctuali- ty is second to none. She is a crazy, immature weirdo and is obsessed with Harry Potter and Doctor Who. I wish her all the luck in the future in whatever she does. I’ll miss you! Xxxx (Shannon & Emma) Hannah Smith: Hannah is a creative, mango loving maniac! Since working at an after school club her inner child has been brought to life and she has picked up the ability to create her own language which we have learnt to understand. You’re going to be missed boy! Ewei ewei ewei. (Blair) Blair Matthews: Blair is a penguin obsessed, amazingly funny person with an infectious laugh that can’t help but make you smile! The perfect combination of sensible and immature makes her a brilliant friend and her obsession with penguins (Kevin ;)) never fails to amuse me! I know that whatever she chooses to do in life, she will be amazing at it! Good luck in the future chicken ;) (Ellen) James Taylor: James is a bit of a party animal. Loves to drink Jack Daniels and loves partying with all the gingers at Pop Confessional. His favourite superhero is Batman. He has been in love with Emma Fowler through all his years at Gordano! Finally, he is a great mate and a top lad. (Matt) Laura Myers: A dedicated, hardworking girl who always has a smile on her face (as big as Anne Hathaway’s) no matter how stressed she is. Is fun, kind, loving, awesome and has adorable little thumbs. Ben Yeaman: Always punctual and with a stunning sense of direction, he was man-woman enough to be our eternal Rag Drag Queen Helen Sleeman: Always made tutor a hilarious time with her “historical banter” and will make an amazing German milkmaid in the future. Equal parts funny, sweet and inappropriate, with the amount of times Pugh has caught her swearing we’re surprised she hasn’t been expelled! (Steph) Christina Evans: Studied English Literature, English Language, Media Studies and Sociology. Lottie Hocking: Famous for her many blonde moments, including “do drug dealers pay tax?” and “Is Norwegian a country?” Lottie has brought many smiles to many people, best of luck in the future!
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  • 37. 13 Such fabulous bunch of individuals. I think perhaps you should have another name than ‘DE’ considering you regard me as such an absentee tutor! You all deserve the credit for your achievements throughout Sixth Form. For the regular attenders in the morning (you know who you are!) it has been a real privilege to be your tutor over the past 2 years. I wish you all the very best. THANKS FOR COMING! Mr Eastwood James Lovatt: “He gets naked and puts on a sock, Gets drunk and slips on a rock, I guess the one thing, You could say about him, Is that he has one massive….heart” (Luke Bennett) Kerry‐Ann Bentley: In five years  me I would have finished my English lit and  Crea ve wri ng degree at Royal Holloway (hopefully).  I hope to live somewhere in North America and be a writer. “Kerry‐Ann has an  amazing rack.. Of ribs ”  Luke Bennett: (fluke hairnet) His drunken antics were a disgrace, What's worse is his change of pace, There's only one thing that makes up for this, It’s the way he fingers his… bass. James Lovatt
  • 38. Joe Paul: “He's the hero Gordano deserves, but doesn’t need right now..” Becky Callaghan: Becky has a passion for music which is also apparent when she thinks she can sing like Beyoncé after a few drinks. She has the biggest collection of designer shoes anyone has ever seen but still manages to buy new ones for every occasion. She says it how it is but never fails to entertain with her sarcasm #swaggy Will James: Enjoys working with computers, IT, and will be looking forward to going to university to study computing. In five years’ time I will hopefully just finished university and will have a steady job designing and developing websites. Or working on the development of applications for a software company. Alex Bray: Alex is quiet and has a good group of friends. Alice Fews: Alice has lovely hair and has fantastic lips. “She’s beauty and she's grace she Miss United States” I think Alice will be really successful and rich as she is so hard working. I really hope she gets good grades at the end of this year as she deserves it. She is a great friend and I will miss her and her humour lots. Olly Rance: Over the years I have seen way too much of Olly, as has the rest of the year. Admittedly ihe is beautiful but nothing was quite as touching as the mangina and the Borat costume which has been overused for fancy dress. This guy has no shame - Joe Paul Polly Snell: She has always been known for her gingerness. We used to have news Tuesdays where she would tell me any interesting gossip, but then she got less and less interesting. Nah she's very interesting. Polly is well fun and proper cool - Joe Paul Hannah Smith: “Hannah only joined in Year 12, but it feels like she’s been here forever. Everyone loves to be around her, she is really positive and has a lovely smile. Hannah loves to party and spend time with her family and friends.”
  • 39. Holly Beale: She is very funny and a loving friend. She has nice hair that everyone wants to steal. She is constantly obsessed with different celebrities but Colin Firth is her number 1 man. She loves horses and wants to be a mounted police officer. Outside of school she loves to socialise with her friends (with a few cheeky drinks). Ben Skipp: “Had a great time at Gordano Sixth Form . I intend to take a gap year before starting university in 2014. Would like to give all my gratitude to Miss Griffiths, without her I would have been unlikely to finish the first year.” Tom Hillman: Enjoy business studies, been a fun few years at Gordano glad to have come here and be going to university. In five years’ time I want to have just finished university the year before and hopefully be in a good job (or getting into one), making lots of money. It’s been emotional. Ellie McGurk: Smiley, happy, friendly. Very intelligent and loves to keep fit and healthy. Matt Glover: He’s the pinnacle of humanity. You find a higher man in this soup of humanity, and I will pay you. Literally, I need someone better, please find someone. Contact me if you do. Also, Glover is an awesome name, coincidence that he has a glove fetish. Hannah Bryant: is always enthusiastic and loud, but how would everyone feel awake without her? The Sixth Form has been blessed with her presence almost as much so as Joe Paul's. Some say that she is as graceful as a swan, and her dancing is better than all of JLS combined. A true inspiration - Joe Paul Megan Leaker: “Megan is a bubbly and fun-loving friend who is always laughing. She has a passion for textiles and in the future wants to be the next Vivienne Westwood. At her 18th, she got so drunk she fell over and almost knocked herself out. She has loved her time at Sixth Form and has made life-long friends (obviously Becky and Holly) #slutdrop
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  • 43. Becky Barton: Becky has always been really organised and hardworking in Sixth Form and is always there for everyone when we need her. She has a really optimistic outlook on life and always tries hard with everything. She's also very creative and next year, she will be studying make up and we wish her the best of luck! Charlotte Actford: Charlotte (if she still goes here) is one cheeky little monkey who’s pleasure in life are to sleep, go out and avoid all school related tasks. However she is honest and love- ly, good luck little one. Charlie Holley: This is the sad and lonely story of the one who had no one to do his 60 words. But being such an amazing fellow he managed to create his own amazing paragraph! But alas if only he could spell… It is assured that there is much more than meets the eye, with this DisguisedDeamon. #Yolo #ForeverAlone #WhatAFaggot My tutor group are wonderful (when you turned up!). You are such a unique group of individuals who have made me laugh hysterically (often due to you tube videos and your interesting experiences in life) and feel like crying on occasions (chasing your absences – I won’t miss that!). I have enjoyed seeing you each morning and waiting for Matt March to turn up late with one of his excuses! Rag week was always fun trying to co-ordinate and motivate – we have never been the most organised group have we? Thank you to those who turned up every morning without fail and the usual 6 students who turned up on Fridays, it would have been lonely without you. I wish you all the success in the future with your university places, jobs and travel. Have a great future and always look for the good in other people and in yourself. Shine like stars and never forget how special each one of you are. Mrs J. x
  • 44. Josh Clee: Only really got to know Josh in the past couple of years, we have played football a lot and he is still not any good. On the 3g he likes to think he knows what he is doing. All in all though Josh is a nice guy who deserves to do well when he finishes YEAR 14! Cameron Coetzee: Cameron wants to compete in the Brazil 2016 Olympics. He learnt to run so quickly by running from lions in South Africa. His overall attendance in sixth form was generally poor. I mean 63%, not the best is it? He likes buying tortoises and practising his running by chasing after them. I am expecting tickets for Olympics with travel paid for! Ollie Costley: Well, Costley, we only occasionally get to see Costley in tutor as it seems his bed is more important than education. One benefit of being friends with Oliver is that he drives and this means free lifts, he says he is a good driver but I beg to differ after seeing him parallel park, He also nearly killed Jason handbrake turning. Lauren Fortune: I don’t think I would have been able to get through Sixth Form without Lauren’s support and constant jokes. Our funniest memory will be the Berlin trip where we screamed on the snake train, complained a lot and refused to eat anything German. I know that I have made a lifelong friend who will go on to become a successful accountant. I’ll miss you! xxxx Lizzie Gillam: Lizzie is my bestest friend, always there to make you laugh and pick you up when you’re feeling down. Too sensible for her own good – not! Her clothes sense is fab! Can’t wait see her brand of clothing when she goes global! Seriously, whatever you end up doing my lovely, I’m sure you’ll be a success! I’ll miss you! Emily Hallett: Funny, lazy, thumbsucker, always smiling, party animal and champion of never have I ever. Enjoys MOLing on a river in Slappy T with Noelle. Quotes: ‘Does that make sense?’ ‘Do you know what I mean?’ ‘Are Dodos still alive?’ Love Hannah and Tessa. Xxxxx Connor Landers: I don’t really have a best moment at Gordano; I just have averagely good moments. I plan to take up some form of engineering after Sixth Form which is why, I’ve taken three entirely non science maths or engineering based subjects. I have a few ideas of what I could do though so I might do something in engineering. Millie McArdle: I've known Millie for 6 years and she's one of the strongest people I know. Although she doesn't always show it she's got the biggest heart and anyone would be lucky to have her as a friend! Although she's not always seen eye-to-eye with Sixth Form, we've got some really good memories and we've got a lot more to come! Jessie Crichard: Studied English Literature, Psychology and Media Studies
  • 45. Brice Morgan: With the biggest heart and caring personality, Brice has the amazing ability to motivate people. However, she hasn’t had much success celebrating her birthday being sick down herself and her shot cup strapped around her neck! Although, her passion for “health” and social will be useful in university studying mental health nursing. We wish her all the best in her new adventure. Georgia Phillipou: Georgia always brightens everyone's morning by being unbeatably positive and smiley! She is friendly and has the biggest heart-anyone would be lucky to have her as a friend. Unfortunately no hilarious drunken stories come to mind as Georgia is so well behaved!! Hopefully this will change on her gap year!! We wish her luck and fun. Satya Pope: I’ve known you for ages as we were in the same lower school tutor – seems only yesterday but we have come so far!!! – Taking studying seriously and wanting to shoot ourselves doing English Literature work. I’m so glad we’re both with the maddest, loveliest tutor ever – Miss Sell. I wish you luck in future because you’re bubbly, lovely and so bright. Ewan Reeder: Where can I start with Ewan? We have been mates since a young age and have spent all of our 7 years in the same tutor, poor me. The ‘Screamer kid’ as Mrs Hughes calls him hopes for a career in the MOD as an engineer, Good luck with the drugs test Ewan. Tom Southey: The legend. From his contribution of inspired intellectual comments such as “can pregnant women wee?” to his evolution from the infamous “one-sip Southey” stereotype, he continues to create a positive impression upon sixth-form life. Perhaps the true source of his fame is his quirky smile which always brightens the dreary monotony of sixth-form, and will aid him in his future studying mechanical engineering. Matt March: is known for a common sense that doesn’t justify his place in Cambridge shown in the beautiful claim that ‘Cauliflower Cheese is such a boring vegetable’. His exceptional organisational skills resulted in his EPQ report being only 5 months late. He is however never stumped by any problems in maths (except bringing in cake within 5 weeks of his turn). Jess Leaman is a thoughtful and kind person who always has a smile on her face. The funniest Sixth Form memory will be when we missed our bus home and had to spend the night sleeping in London bus station! I can see her becoming a successful marketing executive in the future. I will miss our morning tutor sessions!
  • 46. Yearbook commi ee: Miss Griffiths  Belinda Brusoni  Lizzie Mansell  Beth Rigby  Joe Thompson  Georgia Hughes  Ma  Ravens  Steve Wise  Prom Commi ee: Gill Gunnell  Denise Lennon  Izzy Ferris  Sarah Reardon  Ellie Thornhill  Tessa Mathieson  Harriet Milnes  Laura Myers  Paige Robinson  Charlo e Phillips   Lily Francis  Naomi Shallcross  Kayla Walker  Rag Week Bench (who achieved an amazing £3000 for charity!) Zoe Nicholls  Sarah Reardon   Council Chair Lizzie Walmsley  Hosts for numerous events (Ant & Dec style) Joe Paul  Aadam Sarkar   Sixth Form Team Tom Inman  Jeanne Fairs  Rebecca Griffiths  Mike Toogood  Beth Davis  Sarah Grant  Gill Gunnell  Kim Brookes  Denise Lennon  Jackie  Senior Pupils Head Boy: Adam Grey  Head Girl: Ellie Thornhill  Deputy Head Boy: Tom Clough  Deputy Head Girl: Esme Tu e    And Senior Prefects