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Favorite Pieces
3rd and 4th Grade Anthology
River Islands Writing and Technology Workshop 2014
Table of Contents
Arveen ................................................................................................................................................4
Ashlyn .................................................................................................................................................5
Dominic........................................................................................................................................... 10
Eli........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Evani................................................................................................................................................. 12
Grace............................................................................................................................................... 13
Haley ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Harshvir........................................................................................................................................... 15
James.............................................................................................................................................. 16
Josslynn.......................................................................................................................................... 17
Krish.................................................................................................................................................. 18
Lauren ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Manreet .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Osman............................................................................................................................................. 21
Owen................................................................................................................................................ 22
Payton ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Tristan............................................................................................................................................. 24
I’m going to write about football. To me football is
phenomenal because I like the action and the feeling that your
team is winning I am obsessed with football because I am
really good at the sport. In a few weeks I am going to play on
a team I don’t know what team I am going to be on but I am
going to be on a team. It is for 2 months and I think I am going
to be a skilled player and the greatest player the team ever
had! The position I want to be in is quarterback. I want to be
a quarterback because I am terrific at throwing and running
fast with the ball. I have a lot of acrowce and a lot of
stamina. I can run 3 miles endless running but I can run 16
miles including jogging. The teams I want to be on when I get
older are the 49ers, Saints, Broncos, or the Panthers. I want to
be on those teams because they are good at football and my
family likes those teams. I am also hoping I will be an
amazing player like Colin Kaepernick. Colin Kaepernick is a
good player because he gets a lot of touchdowns and he is a
good influence and he never got in jail. If I don’t get drafted I
would shriek like a baby or if I do get drafted I would be so
ecstatic and my reaction would be like if my mom won the
lottery, got a million dollars, and got a job!
Dance is my most favorite thing to do all the time. It also
helps me stay in good balance and I can have enjoyable time
practicing my dance too. I like to dance by myself because I
can make up my own moves. Sometimes I look at the music
videos and I borrow some of the moves. I use those moves in
my dance routine fdd. I look at Bollywood music videos and
listen to the music. I notice the moves they make to match the
rhythm of the music. My number one move is when I put my
hands up side to side at the same time and I move side to
side. I am also in an all-girl group Indian dance. When I am in
a group dance, my teacher makes the moves for my group.
There are usually 10 to 12 girls in my group dance. When I am
by myself at home, I get to make my own moves and practice
in the kitchen so my mom can gaze up at me dancing while
she cooks dinner or washes the dishes. My mom gives me
awesome feedback about how to sharpen my dance moves.
In high school, my mom used to do a group Indian dance with
her friends. In the future I would like to teach Bollywood Indian
dances to other children that are obsessed about learning
magnificent dancing! I hope I will always love dance forever!
“Marine World”
I will tell you about one time that I was ecstatic. So one
time when my family and I were driving and my sisters and I
were trying to guess where we were going and I guessed the
circus. Two of my sisters did not get a chance to guess
because one of my sisters guessed it. WE WERE GOING TO
MARINE WORLD! I am going to tell you all about when I got
there. I saw huge rides. There was a lot of circle shaped
loopty loops on big roller coasters. I went on all of the
ginormous rides. They all were different from each other.
Some of the rides were huge water rides and some of the
water rides were tiny. I was brave and went by myself. My little
sisters did not get to go on all of the big rides because they
were too small but my older sister and I could. When it was
time to go I had gone on all of the rides. I had a really
awesome time!
“The Movie Theaters”
I love going to the movie theater. The movie theater is fun. We
get to have popcorn with butter on it and our own cherry
flavored slurpees. My family waited in their seats until my
cousins, aunties and uncles came there so we could watch
Rio2. Rio2 is the awesomest movie ever! It is awesome
because I have watched it too many times. The movie theater
is so amazing. I like to do stuff at the movie theater like doing
a word search and arts and crafts. The movie theater was
empty. We got to have the whole place to ourselves. We got
to sit in the front. The TV was enormous. It was loud because
people were talking and everybody was saying sh sh. Then the
movie started.
“The Evil Hat on Hatty”
Hatty was a very nice person to all of his friends. Until
one day my friend Hatty and I crashed our ship on a
mysterious island. The island had a creepy cat statue with
glowing eyes and a dirty theater inside. The evil cat statue
guards took Hatty and put the evil hat on him! Now, Hatty was
forcing his friends to do dangerous stuff for the cat people.
The hat made him take his friends prisoners for the theater.
The evil hat made him sit ALL DAY, ALL DAY, I TELL YOU, ALL
DAY!!! The hat belonged to the real owner of the theater who
died when the cats were normal at that time.
I love puppies. They are very cute. Do you have a puppy?
I do. Have you known that I 200,000 percent love puppies.
Dogs are ok but puppies…very cute. I actually have two
puppies. Well the truth is I do love dogs but like I just said
puppies are cuter. You should buy the cutest, most adorable
puppy in the universe. My dogs names’ are Shorty and
Cooper. I like to play with my dogs because every time I walk
in the living room they look bored or happy. I love my puppies
because they do the puppy eyes when I get mad at them. FYI
one of my dogs does a dance on the floor because he gets
excited when I come home. My dogs attack each other when
they want play. They also put on a biting show and my mom
says “Oh wow!”
“White Tigers”
White tigers are wild animals. They have blue eyes and black
stripes on a white body. My favorite feature is the sky blue
eyes and the white body and the black stripes. The first time I
saw a white tiger was when I was 6 years old. I saw it was at
Six Flags. I wore a white tiger costume and the white tiger was
following me! It moved slowly and was quiet. When I saw it, I
was shocked because it was a white tiger with blue eyes and I
usually see orange tigers! It looked like a regular tiger but with
different features, but it had the same paws, nose, mouth, and
teeth. White tigers live in jungles like regular tigers where there
is food for them. At Six Flags, they made it its own habitat that
is like the jungle with food, plants, and rocks, but the people
feed the tigers. They don’t eat their own food like in the jungle.
Have you seen a white tiger like me when I was 6 years old?
“My Voki”
Hello class, my name is Dominic. I am 8 years old. I swim
very well at home with my big brother Nick. I play soccer at the
park with my cousin Alex. My cousin Alex was on my team the
day we were versing his team. The coaches switch players 4
of my teammates were on the other side 4 of them came on
my team. When my team goes on the field we do exercise. My
team and I run fast to the gate and back. We dribble the ball
to shoot a goal. We do jumping jacks for exercise. I am the
goalie for my team. When you are goalie you can catch the
ball and kick it. Goalies can protect the goal.
“The Best Fishing Trip”
I was fishing at Mossdale Lake with my Dad and brother.
After 20 minutes, I caught a catfish! It was very fat like a big
burrito. It was spiky and a bit sky blue. While I was wrestling
this creature, it tugged
the rod right into the
water! I had to go in
the water to get the
hook off of the rock.
The water was cold
because it was a
breezy day. When I
caught the fish, I
had to pull the hook
out of her plump
tummy. It was a girl
fish and she was
going to have a baby. I felt
the baby fish! It had a lot of scales. The scales
reminded me of alligators.
I relish swimming in clear pools! At first, I didn’t know how
to swim. For safety, I had to stay in shallow water and wear a
life vest. At Lincoln pool, I took swim lessons. I learned how to
float on my back and belly. I also learned how to do a
streamline. A streamline is when you put your hands over your
head like a rocket. We also did breathe holding contests. But, I
had three months break from swimming class so I forgot how
to swim. My sister was on Ripon Sea Lions, a swim team.
Since I went to her swim practice to watch, my parents said I
should try out for the team. I didn’t make the team because I
had to swim across the pool and I didn’t know how to breathe
right. I stood up anxiously to breath. I felt sad, but I wanted to
be on the team with my sister so I kept trying. My mom signed
me up for a swim camp. I learned how to breathe correctly.
You breath by turning your head to either side. I also learned
how to swim without fins. After the camp, I had to do
everything I learned. Then, I made the team. Now, I enjoy
“The Awesome Touch Tank in Nebraska”
I was excited at the Touch Tank in Nebraska with my cousin,
whose name is Jackson. We touched a sea cucumber, it looks spikey
and it was a gooey-like color of a inchworm. It’s eyes were the color of a
sea turtle. When I gave it a carrot, it was like a hungry ,hungry lion
waiting for it’s prey. The Touch Tank had a
baby cucumber and it
was the color of a
wild strawberry tazzy
and the bottom was
the color of a
tumbleweed. It was
the bright color like
hot magenta. When I
was at the fish tank
we held a starfish
and horseshoe. The
starfish was as big
as my hand and
was a tangerine
orange with a shadow black
color .It felt rough on the top and soft on the bottom.
There were 12 baby starfish that fit on my hand! Their bottoms were soft
like baby wipes and the tops were like a bear that was fuzzy. There was
a dad starfish which was the color of screamin’ green, it was very large
and a mom starfish that was the color of Wisteria. That starfish was
My favorite one in the touch tank was the sea cucumber
because I thought it was going to be spikey but it was not spikey. I saw
a crab and shrimp. I saw a sea turtle. My favorite fish is a goldfish
because they are cute. This was the best day ever!
“Grand Canyon Mystery”
In the supernatural Grand Canyon I saw a ginormous
mountain lion tramping around our car! The terrorizing
mountain lion blended into the hills. It was so creepy because
the lion was the same dandelion yellow as the mysterious hills.
I had big shivers all over my body and my heart was pounding
like rain in a hail storm!!! The camouflaged lion was hissing
with its huge mouth filled with six feet yellow teeth. His snake
looking tail was like a tongue wagging back and forth. The lion
jumped closer and my family panickly ran away…. into our car
and drove off! It was fun visiting the Grand Canyon but I was
scared for my life!!
“My Cake”
“Happy birthday, Harshvir!” My family yelled. At my 10th birthday
disco, I got the best cake ever! My tremendous cake smelled like canary
yellow bananas. My awesome looking cake was as smooth as a baby's
cheek. The flavor was sweet, sugary, and yummy chocolate. The frosting
was red and blue. My name was spelled in scarlet red block letters. The
frosting also had denim blue flowers. Right when I was going to cut the
cake, Karanjap
pushed the knife out
the way and
smashed my face
quickly into the
delicious cake!
Harrnoop yelled,
was so surprised
that I did not
know what to do.
Then I licked the
snowball white
whipping off my face. That
was the awesomest birthday I ever had so far in my life!
For my next birthday, I am going to have an obstacle course in my
jumper house. I will make sure Karanjap can’t splash my face into my
cake again!
“Grandma Doing Her Thing”
My grandmother is not like others. She is awesome! Most
of the time she’s playing video games with me and my brother.
She's good at them too. When she was younger she would
write books about game cheats, codes and secrets for other
people who want to finish and complete the game. I guess it’s
in our blood. All of us consider ourselves as Pro-Gamers. Her
favorite game is “Legend Of Zelda”. The first game came out
in 1986,when my grandmother was a young teen. She looks
very determined, excited and curious at the same time when
she’s playing. I love my grandmother!
“Birthday Surprise”
“I have a surprise for you Josslynn! Tomorrow, we are
going somewhere special for your birthday!” Mom said
excitedly. When my family and I went camping in the
mountains, we got to feed donkeys! It was really cool that we
got to feed the donkeys! Donkeys can eat pretty much
anything! They can eat juicy fruits, crunchy veggies, and even
jungle green grass. I fed the donkey grass from the crate
beside them. They made silly noises while they ate. The
donkeys tongue tickled my hand when it ate the grass. The
massive donkey’s tongue felt weird when I fed it. It was lumpy
and rough. I wiped it's slobber on its furry, burnt sienna brown
fur! There was a baby donkey that was standing next to the
big donkey too! The baby’s tongue felt smooth and didn't feel
as bumpy and rough as the big donkeys tongue. After we fed
the donkeys we had to leave. That was the best part about
going camping!
“Sand Tunnel”
I was at the beach in
California. On the big
playful beach I was
making a sand tunnel. I
added spiked pinecones
at the top of it because
I couldn't find shells. I
used an unbreakable
blue plastic shovel to
dig in the sand. Then
my dad made a road by
it and my grandpa helped
make the road with 2 plastic rakes that one
broke. My grandpa uses 2 because in the middle there was a
tunnel and he made the road a little close. The sand felt
moist, hard, and sticky. I made more sand tunnels, one had a
big sand castle by it. My nice little brother, Ansh, that is 7,
helped build the sand tunnel and added wet sand and water,
to make a long river tunnel. It was 10 feet and 9 inches.
“Monterey Bay”
When I was at Monterey Bay, in the forest fish tank, I spotted
a newborn lovely catfish. It was really little like a penny that
can fit in a baby pocket. It was laser lemon yellow. It was
swimming by itself in the sea green water. In the shadow with
the moonlight and the beautiful stars. It has some spikes and
its eye color was sky blue. It was swimming with its wonderful
fins. There were rocks and a bunch of mushy plants. The
newborn, lovely catfish was incredible!
“My Necklace”
“That’s a beautiful necklace” I said to myself, when I saw
the violet royal box laying on the Chuck. E. Cheeses’ counter.
The sparkling
necklace was
shocking pink and
it had a heart on it.
My necklace had
little jewels and
big jewels. They
wore in a unique
colored and
shaped pattern.
There was a pink
sherbet ribbon on
top of the heart.
There was a razzle dazzle rose string that holds all the jewels
so they don’t fall out. There was a timber wolf colored clip
that snap when I tried to put it on. But it still looked charming, I
would say so myself. The heart is nicely hocked to the razzle
dazzle rose string!
“A Day at the Beach”
“That was thrilling,” I said after the waves splashed me in
the ocean. The waves drenched me while I was swimming in
the cold sea. The waves were so huge that they soaked me!
While I was swimming, there was 10 waves coming at me at
the same time. That was vigorous!! As I was swimming, I saw
one big wave. I tried to swim away as I was shrieking in terror
because the wave was so gigantic, I felt like it was going to
swallow me! The waves were the color of the sky on a bright
sunny day. They were so high that they looked like they were
in the sky. It was unforgettable. My family was with me while I
was swimming. I saw two fish in the water. One fish was green
with red stripes. It had a pattern. That fish was a small fish.
The second fish had red polka dots. It was huge! Almost
bigger than me! I touched the fish. It was my first time
touching a fish. It was awesome! Later, my family came with in
the ocean with me. We splashed each other with water. It
was fun. My family came at me all at the same time and
splashed me with water. My brother came at me from behind,
and my sister came at me from the side. My parents came at
me from the front. I was surrounded. They all splashed me, but
I splashed them back. I love to swim in the ocean because I
think the waves are exciting, only when they come at me one
at a time. I had a great time! I hope I can come back.
“King Dedede”
When I previously played Kirby mass attack, I was stuck
on a certain world called Dedede Resort. The boss is named
King Dedede. He is a blue person with a yellow beak and a
red robe. King Dedede has a candy castle and there is a
hidden room filled with cotton candy! If you throw your Kirbys
at the cotton candy they will eat it. King Dedede hurls bombs
at you from a hot air balloon that is over your head! They look
like bombs that are inside bubbles. They have triangles that
turn red as time passes. The bombs are bouncy and have
timers. You have to calculate when your bomb will blow up so
you can hit it at the right time and beat him. After you do that,
you go to a new world with fire and lava and there’s a fire pig
for the boss.
“Fun Rides at Disneyland”
In Disneyland there is a ride called the Thunder Mountain
Railroad. It is twisty and fast. I feel excited when I am on that
ride. There are fake animals like snakes and nutty squirrels
and chipmunks. The best kind of the fake animals are the
snakes. They are cobras.
The cobras are brown, light brown. The light brown
cobras stand out on the dark brown rocks. The cobra’s head
is interesting. Its head widens up like a fan. I see the scary
cobras on the hilly rocks surrounding the fun ride. It is
awesome when the cart with all the people passes by the cool
cobras. They get up high and then they “hiss!” I think cobras
are cool and interesting and awesome. I can’t wait to go back
on the ride!
“It’s All About Me!”
Hi friends!, my name is Tristan Rio and I am 8 years old.
I have one brother, two sisters, one mom, and one dad. My
brother’s name is Gavin, he is 4, and my sisters names are
Eva and Laine. Eva is 3 and Laine is 6. Most of my hobbies
are sports. Every time I have a chance, I play football, soccer,
baseball, tennis, basketball, swimming, kickball, biking, or
street hockey. Another thing I love to do is to play music
instruments. I enjoy playing the drums, the guitar, and the
Thanks for listening folks!

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3rd and 4th Grade Favorite Pieces Anthology: RITA 2014

  • 1. Favorite Pieces 3rd and 4th Grade Anthology River Islands Writing and Technology Workshop 2014
  • 2. 2 Table of Contents Arjan.....................................................................................................................................................3 Arveen ................................................................................................................................................4 Ashlyn .................................................................................................................................................5 Cailyn..................................................................................................................................................6 Calvin..................................................................................................................................................7 Carlee.................................................................................................................................................8 Darren.................................................................................................................................................9 Dominic........................................................................................................................................... 10 Eli........................................................................................................................................................ 11 Evani................................................................................................................................................. 12 Grace............................................................................................................................................... 13 Haley ................................................................................................................................................ 14 Harshvir........................................................................................................................................... 15 James.............................................................................................................................................. 16 Josslynn.......................................................................................................................................... 17 Krish.................................................................................................................................................. 18 Lauren ............................................................................................................................................. 19 Manreet .......................................................................................................................................... 20 Osman............................................................................................................................................. 21 Owen................................................................................................................................................ 22 Payton ............................................................................................................................................. 23 Tristan............................................................................................................................................. 24  
  • 3. 3 Arjan “Football” I’m going to write about football. To me football is phenomenal because I like the action and the feeling that your team is winning I am obsessed with football because I am really good at the sport. In a few weeks I am going to play on a team I don’t know what team I am going to be on but I am going to be on a team. It is for 2 months and I think I am going to be a skilled player and the greatest player the team ever had! The position I want to be in is quarterback. I want to be a quarterback because I am terrific at throwing and running fast with the ball. I have a lot of acrowce and a lot of stamina. I can run 3 miles endless running but I can run 16 miles including jogging. The teams I want to be on when I get older are the 49ers, Saints, Broncos, or the Panthers. I want to be on those teams because they are good at football and my family likes those teams. I am also hoping I will be an amazing player like Colin Kaepernick. Colin Kaepernick is a good player because he gets a lot of touchdowns and he is a good influence and he never got in jail. If I don’t get drafted I would shriek like a baby or if I do get drafted I would be so ecstatic and my reaction would be like if my mom won the lottery, got a million dollars, and got a job!
  • 4. 4 Arveen “Dance” Dance is my most favorite thing to do all the time. It also helps me stay in good balance and I can have enjoyable time practicing my dance too. I like to dance by myself because I can make up my own moves. Sometimes I look at the music videos and I borrow some of the moves. I use those moves in my dance routine fdd. I look at Bollywood music videos and listen to the music. I notice the moves they make to match the rhythm of the music. My number one move is when I put my hands up side to side at the same time and I move side to side. I am also in an all-girl group Indian dance. When I am in a group dance, my teacher makes the moves for my group. There are usually 10 to 12 girls in my group dance. When I am by myself at home, I get to make my own moves and practice in the kitchen so my mom can gaze up at me dancing while she cooks dinner or washes the dishes. My mom gives me awesome feedback about how to sharpen my dance moves. In high school, my mom used to do a group Indian dance with her friends. In the future I would like to teach Bollywood Indian dances to other children that are obsessed about learning magnificent dancing! I hope I will always love dance forever!
  • 5. 5 Ashlyn “Marine World” I will tell you about one time that I was ecstatic. So one time when my family and I were driving and my sisters and I were trying to guess where we were going and I guessed the circus. Two of my sisters did not get a chance to guess because one of my sisters guessed it. WE WERE GOING TO MARINE WORLD! I am going to tell you all about when I got there. I saw huge rides. There was a lot of circle shaped loopty loops on big roller coasters. I went on all of the ginormous rides. They all were different from each other. Some of the rides were huge water rides and some of the water rides were tiny. I was brave and went by myself. My little sisters did not get to go on all of the big rides because they were too small but my older sister and I could. When it was time to go I had gone on all of the rides. I had a really awesome time!
  • 6. 6 Cailyn “The Movie Theaters” I love going to the movie theater. The movie theater is fun. We get to have popcorn with butter on it and our own cherry flavored slurpees. My family waited in their seats until my cousins, aunties and uncles came there so we could watch Rio2. Rio2 is the awesomest movie ever! It is awesome because I have watched it too many times. The movie theater is so amazing. I like to do stuff at the movie theater like doing a word search and arts and crafts. The movie theater was empty. We got to have the whole place to ourselves. We got to sit in the front. The TV was enormous. It was loud because people were talking and everybody was saying sh sh. Then the movie started.
  • 7. 7 Calvin “The Evil Hat on Hatty” Hatty was a very nice person to all of his friends. Until one day my friend Hatty and I crashed our ship on a mysterious island. The island had a creepy cat statue with glowing eyes and a dirty theater inside. The evil cat statue guards took Hatty and put the evil hat on him! Now, Hatty was forcing his friends to do dangerous stuff for the cat people. The hat made him take his friends prisoners for the theater. The evil hat made him sit ALL DAY, ALL DAY, I TELL YOU, ALL DAY!!! The hat belonged to the real owner of the theater who died when the cats were normal at that time.
  • 8. 8 Carlee “Puppies” I love puppies. They are very cute. Do you have a puppy? I do. Have you known that I 200,000 percent love puppies. Dogs are ok but puppies…very cute. I actually have two puppies. Well the truth is I do love dogs but like I just said puppies are cuter. You should buy the cutest, most adorable puppy in the universe. My dogs names’ are Shorty and Cooper. I like to play with my dogs because every time I walk in the living room they look bored or happy. I love my puppies because they do the puppy eyes when I get mad at them. FYI one of my dogs does a dance on the floor because he gets excited when I come home. My dogs attack each other when they want play. They also put on a biting show and my mom says “Oh wow!”
  • 9. 9 Darren “White Tigers” White tigers are wild animals. They have blue eyes and black stripes on a white body. My favorite feature is the sky blue eyes and the white body and the black stripes. The first time I saw a white tiger was when I was 6 years old. I saw it was at Six Flags. I wore a white tiger costume and the white tiger was following me! It moved slowly and was quiet. When I saw it, I was shocked because it was a white tiger with blue eyes and I usually see orange tigers! It looked like a regular tiger but with different features, but it had the same paws, nose, mouth, and teeth. White tigers live in jungles like regular tigers where there is food for them. At Six Flags, they made it its own habitat that is like the jungle with food, plants, and rocks, but the people feed the tigers. They don’t eat their own food like in the jungle. Have you seen a white tiger like me when I was 6 years old?
  • 10. 10 Dominic “My Voki” Hello class, my name is Dominic. I am 8 years old. I swim very well at home with my big brother Nick. I play soccer at the park with my cousin Alex. My cousin Alex was on my team the day we were versing his team. The coaches switch players 4 of my teammates were on the other side 4 of them came on my team. When my team goes on the field we do exercise. My team and I run fast to the gate and back. We dribble the ball to shoot a goal. We do jumping jacks for exercise. I am the goalie for my team. When you are goalie you can catch the ball and kick it. Goalies can protect the goal.
  • 11. 11 Eli “The Best Fishing Trip” I was fishing at Mossdale Lake with my Dad and brother. After 20 minutes, I caught a catfish! It was very fat like a big burrito. It was spiky and a bit sky blue. While I was wrestling this creature, it tugged the rod right into the water! I had to go in the water to get the hook off of the rock. The water was cold because it was a breezy day. When I caught the fish, I had to pull the hook out of her plump tummy. It was a girl fish and she was going to have a baby. I felt the baby fish! It had a lot of scales. The scales reminded me of alligators.
  • 12. 12 Evani “Swimming” I relish swimming in clear pools! At first, I didn’t know how to swim. For safety, I had to stay in shallow water and wear a life vest. At Lincoln pool, I took swim lessons. I learned how to float on my back and belly. I also learned how to do a streamline. A streamline is when you put your hands over your head like a rocket. We also did breathe holding contests. But, I had three months break from swimming class so I forgot how to swim. My sister was on Ripon Sea Lions, a swim team. Since I went to her swim practice to watch, my parents said I should try out for the team. I didn’t make the team because I had to swim across the pool and I didn’t know how to breathe right. I stood up anxiously to breath. I felt sad, but I wanted to be on the team with my sister so I kept trying. My mom signed me up for a swim camp. I learned how to breathe correctly. You breath by turning your head to either side. I also learned how to swim without fins. After the camp, I had to do everything I learned. Then, I made the team. Now, I enjoy swimming!
  • 13. 13 Grace “The Awesome Touch Tank in Nebraska” I was excited at the Touch Tank in Nebraska with my cousin, whose name is Jackson. We touched a sea cucumber, it looks spikey and it was a gooey-like color of a inchworm. It’s eyes were the color of a sea turtle. When I gave it a carrot, it was like a hungry ,hungry lion waiting for it’s prey. The Touch Tank had a baby cucumber and it was the color of a wild strawberry tazzy and the bottom was the color of a tumbleweed. It was the bright color like hot magenta. When I was at the fish tank we held a starfish and horseshoe. The starfish was as big as my hand and was a tangerine orange with a shadow black color .It felt rough on the top and soft on the bottom. There were 12 baby starfish that fit on my hand! Their bottoms were soft like baby wipes and the tops were like a bear that was fuzzy. There was a dad starfish which was the color of screamin’ green, it was very large and a mom starfish that was the color of Wisteria. That starfish was medium. My favorite one in the touch tank was the sea cucumber because I thought it was going to be spikey but it was not spikey. I saw a crab and shrimp. I saw a sea turtle. My favorite fish is a goldfish because they are cute. This was the best day ever!
  • 14. 14 Haley “Grand Canyon Mystery” In the supernatural Grand Canyon I saw a ginormous mountain lion tramping around our car! The terrorizing mountain lion blended into the hills. It was so creepy because the lion was the same dandelion yellow as the mysterious hills. I had big shivers all over my body and my heart was pounding like rain in a hail storm!!! The camouflaged lion was hissing with its huge mouth filled with six feet yellow teeth. His snake looking tail was like a tongue wagging back and forth. The lion jumped closer and my family panickly ran away…. into our car and drove off! It was fun visiting the Grand Canyon but I was scared for my life!!
  • 15. 15 Harshvir “My Cake” “Happy birthday, Harshvir!” My family yelled. At my 10th birthday disco, I got the best cake ever! My tremendous cake smelled like canary yellow bananas. My awesome looking cake was as smooth as a baby's cheek. The flavor was sweet, sugary, and yummy chocolate. The frosting was red and blue. My name was spelled in scarlet red block letters. The frosting also had denim blue flowers. Right when I was going to cut the cake, Karanjap pushed the knife out the way and smashed my face quickly into the delicious cake! Harrnoop yelled, “NOOOOO NOT THE BEST CAKE IN THE WORLD!!” I was so surprised that I did not know what to do. Then I licked the snowball white whipping off my face. That was the awesomest birthday I ever had so far in my life! For my next birthday, I am going to have an obstacle course in my jumper house. I will make sure Karanjap can’t splash my face into my cake again!
  • 16. 16 James “Grandma Doing Her Thing” My grandmother is not like others. She is awesome! Most of the time she’s playing video games with me and my brother. She's good at them too. When she was younger she would write books about game cheats, codes and secrets for other people who want to finish and complete the game. I guess it’s in our blood. All of us consider ourselves as Pro-Gamers. Her favorite game is “Legend Of Zelda”. The first game came out in 1986,when my grandmother was a young teen. She looks very determined, excited and curious at the same time when she’s playing. I love my grandmother!
  • 17. 17 Josslynn “Birthday Surprise” “I have a surprise for you Josslynn! Tomorrow, we are going somewhere special for your birthday!” Mom said excitedly. When my family and I went camping in the mountains, we got to feed donkeys! It was really cool that we got to feed the donkeys! Donkeys can eat pretty much anything! They can eat juicy fruits, crunchy veggies, and even jungle green grass. I fed the donkey grass from the crate beside them. They made silly noises while they ate. The donkeys tongue tickled my hand when it ate the grass. The massive donkey’s tongue felt weird when I fed it. It was lumpy and rough. I wiped it's slobber on its furry, burnt sienna brown fur! There was a baby donkey that was standing next to the big donkey too! The baby’s tongue felt smooth and didn't feel as bumpy and rough as the big donkeys tongue. After we fed the donkeys we had to leave. That was the best part about going camping!
  • 18. 18 Krish “Sand Tunnel” I was at the beach in California. On the big playful beach I was making a sand tunnel. I added spiked pinecones at the top of it because I couldn't find shells. I used an unbreakable blue plastic shovel to dig in the sand. Then my dad made a road by it and my grandpa helped make the road with 2 plastic rakes that one broke. My grandpa uses 2 because in the middle there was a tunnel and he made the road a little close. The sand felt moist, hard, and sticky. I made more sand tunnels, one had a big sand castle by it. My nice little brother, Ansh, that is 7, helped build the sand tunnel and added wet sand and water, to make a long river tunnel. It was 10 feet and 9 inches.
  • 19. 19 Lauren “Monterey Bay” When I was at Monterey Bay, in the forest fish tank, I spotted a newborn lovely catfish. It was really little like a penny that can fit in a baby pocket. It was laser lemon yellow. It was swimming by itself in the sea green water. In the shadow with the moonlight and the beautiful stars. It has some spikes and its eye color was sky blue. It was swimming with its wonderful fins. There were rocks and a bunch of mushy plants. The newborn, lovely catfish was incredible!
  • 20. 20 Manreet “My Necklace” “That’s a beautiful necklace” I said to myself, when I saw the violet royal box laying on the Chuck. E. Cheeses’ counter. The sparkling necklace was shocking pink and it had a heart on it. My necklace had little jewels and big jewels. They wore in a unique colored and shaped pattern. There was a pink sherbet ribbon on top of the heart. There was a razzle dazzle rose string that holds all the jewels so they don’t fall out. There was a timber wolf colored clip that snap when I tried to put it on. But it still looked charming, I would say so myself. The heart is nicely hocked to the razzle dazzle rose string!
  • 21. 21 Osman “A Day at the Beach” “That was thrilling,” I said after the waves splashed me in the ocean. The waves drenched me while I was swimming in the cold sea. The waves were so huge that they soaked me! While I was swimming, there was 10 waves coming at me at the same time. That was vigorous!! As I was swimming, I saw one big wave. I tried to swim away as I was shrieking in terror because the wave was so gigantic, I felt like it was going to swallow me! The waves were the color of the sky on a bright sunny day. They were so high that they looked like they were in the sky. It was unforgettable. My family was with me while I was swimming. I saw two fish in the water. One fish was green with red stripes. It had a pattern. That fish was a small fish. The second fish had red polka dots. It was huge! Almost bigger than me! I touched the fish. It was my first time touching a fish. It was awesome! Later, my family came with in the ocean with me. We splashed each other with water. It was fun. My family came at me all at the same time and splashed me with water. My brother came at me from behind, and my sister came at me from the side. My parents came at me from the front. I was surrounded. They all splashed me, but I splashed them back. I love to swim in the ocean because I think the waves are exciting, only when they come at me one at a time. I had a great time! I hope I can come back.
  • 22. 22 Owen “King Dedede” When I previously played Kirby mass attack, I was stuck on a certain world called Dedede Resort. The boss is named King Dedede. He is a blue person with a yellow beak and a red robe. King Dedede has a candy castle and there is a hidden room filled with cotton candy! If you throw your Kirbys at the cotton candy they will eat it. King Dedede hurls bombs at you from a hot air balloon that is over your head! They look like bombs that are inside bubbles. They have triangles that turn red as time passes. The bombs are bouncy and have timers. You have to calculate when your bomb will blow up so you can hit it at the right time and beat him. After you do that, you go to a new world with fire and lava and there’s a fire pig for the boss.
  • 23. 23 Payton “Fun Rides at Disneyland” In Disneyland there is a ride called the Thunder Mountain Railroad. It is twisty and fast. I feel excited when I am on that ride. There are fake animals like snakes and nutty squirrels and chipmunks. The best kind of the fake animals are the snakes. They are cobras. The cobras are brown, light brown. The light brown cobras stand out on the dark brown rocks. The cobra’s head is interesting. Its head widens up like a fan. I see the scary cobras on the hilly rocks surrounding the fun ride. It is awesome when the cart with all the people passes by the cool cobras. They get up high and then they “hiss!” I think cobras are cool and interesting and awesome. I can’t wait to go back on the ride!
  • 24. 24 Tristan “It’s All About Me!” Hi friends!, my name is Tristan Rio and I am 8 years old. I have one brother, two sisters, one mom, and one dad. My brother’s name is Gavin, he is 4, and my sisters names are Eva and Laine. Eva is 3 and Laine is 6. Most of my hobbies are sports. Every time I have a chance, I play football, soccer, baseball, tennis, basketball, swimming, kickball, biking, or street hockey. Another thing I love to do is to play music instruments. I enjoy playing the drums, the guitar, and the keyboard. Thanks for listening folks!