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Interview:You should document the process of getting your interview. You should produce a range of questions and also a list of interviewees.
You should provide an unedited transcript of the interview as well as at least one draft of it.
Interviews can be written in whatever style you prefer.
Disclaimer: No Questions in this Interview are targeting any certain person/persons besides gamers.
1.What games are you looking forward to and why? (not yet released)
2.What system has the best exclusives and why? (Xbox, PlayStation, PC, Switch, etc...)
3.What’s your all time favourite game, how come?
4.Do you prefer to play with others or to play alone? why is that?
5.What’s the most money you have spent on a game, do you regret it? If so, how come?
6.What effect do you feel that playing video games has on you, why do you think that is? (Relaxed, calmed, angered, annoyed, etc)
7.Do you get competitive when playing multiplayer games? If so, why is that?
8.Has it helped you, how? (Escapism, relaxation, fun, etc...)
*End of interview*
Thank you for your time. You contribution will help immensely to creating my fanzine. If this interview is not used in the final version of
the fanzine, please know that it still helped during its production.
= Interview questions,
disclaimer and closing
= Interviewee’s answers
Disclaimer: No Questions in this Interview are targeting any certain person/persons besides gamers.
1.What games are you looking forward to and why? (not yet released)
The games I am looking forward our fifa 19 as I've brought every fifa game for last how many years and it's one of my favourites also another I'm looking
forward to is black ops 4 as black ops is my fav call of duty franchise
2.What system has the best exclusives and why? (Xbox, PlayStation, PC, Switch, etc...)
All systems have great exclusives but I personally believe that Xbox has the edge on the other platforms
3.What’s your all time favourite game, how come?
My favourite game is most likely either the original spyro game from ps1 or command and conquer on ps1 as I played those games as I grown up so I've
grown to love them
4.Do you prefer to play with others or to play alone? why is that?
I prefer playing games with friends as it can be a real good laugh and it makes it unexpected with loads of people all playing the same game also it's fun
recording games together
5.What’s the most money you have spent on a game, do you regret it? If so, how come?
I spend £120 On the black ops 2 limited edition and it was a good decision as it came with juggernaught minifridge which looks amazing and it now
sells for double the price I I paid for the whole game edition
6.What effect do you feel that playing video games has on you, why do you think that is? (Relaxed, calmed, angered, annoyed, etc)
Playing video games is a rollercoaster of emotions from happy to sad to raging anger and frustration most definitely but with games I play it's usually
happy and anger and the games I always play our online games
7.Do you get competitive when playing multiplayer games? If so, why is that?
I get seriously competitive when playing online as I always want to win and never lose and not play to my best
8.Has it helped you, how? (Escapism, relaxation, fun, etc...)
Playing video games helps me relax and just to chill out when I'm feeling down or just in need of a pick me up
*End of interview*
Thank you for your time. You contribution will help immensely to creating my fanzine. If this interview is not used in the final version of the fanzine, please know that
it still helped during its production.
Name: Leah
Age: 18
1.What games are you looking forward to and why? (not yet released)
Smash bros, Pokémon.
2.What system has the best exclusives and why? (Xbox, PlayStation, PC, Switch, etc...)
PC, because you can get so many more indie games that are free, or cheaper than every other and you can find new
3.What’s your all time favourite game, how come?
Sly Cooper 2:Band of Thieves. Because it is creative, uses many basic ideas, but expands on them throughout and lets the player
have fun. There is almost a side quest on every level of finding all the bottles, but it is a possible one unlike most as they make
the signature sound.
4.Do you prefer to play with others or to play alone? why is that?
Alone because I know few people who like to play the same games as me.
5.What’s the most money you have spent on a game, do you regret it? If so, how come?
Around £15. I do not regret it as I only buy games that I enjoy and do not buy in game purchases.
6.What effect do you feel that playing video games has on you, why do you think that is? (Relaxed, calmed, angered, annoyed,
to just play a nice game. I often feel annoyed as I keep dying or getting stuck in an area, although many times it is very relaxing
7.Do you get competitive when playing multiplayer games? If so, why is that?
Yes I do, as I have grown up with very competitive family that it makes me want to win the games.
8.Has it helped you, how? (Escapism, relaxation, fun, etc...)
It does generally help me, as it gives me some enjoyment and helps to distract me, and give me a little bit of an escape from
my daily life.
Disclaimer: No Questions in this Interview are targeting any certain person/persons besides gamers.
1.What games are you looking forward to and why? (not yet released)
I am looking forword (sc) to fallout 76 and also red dead redemptiom2 (sc)
2.What system has the best exclusives and why? (Xbox, PlayStation, PC, Switch, etc...)
PlayStation has the most exclusives because there are lots of games that are PS4 exclusive such as god of war.
3.What’s your all time favourite game, how come?
My faveruit (sc) game is fifa 19. people think that it is exactly the same but it isnt (sc) there is better graphics, and also they have just
made the game so much better. the game moads (sc) are better like squad battles and the new game moad devision rivles. (sc)
4.Do you prefer to play with others or to play alone? why is that?
I like playing on my own because you get a better game expirience. (sc)
5.What’s the most money you have spent on a game, do you regret it? If so, how come?
The most money i have payed for a game is £80 because i wanted to get the extra benifits. (sc)
6.What effect do you feel that playing video games has on you, why do you think that is? (Relaxed, calmed, angered, annoyed, etc)
Gameing (sc) makes me feel relaxed and calm if i am playing a game like fifa. but if I playing a game of call of duty it makes me angry if I
7.Do you get competitive when playing multiplayer games? If so, why is that?
yes i do get really competitve (sc) when i play multiplater (sc) games
8.Has it helped you, how? (Escapism, relaxation, fun, etc...)
it relaxes me when i get angry or I dont (sc) want to talk to anyon. (sc)
*End of interview*
Thank you for your time. You contribution will help immensely to creating my fanzine. If this interview is not used in the final version of
the fanzine, please know that it still helped during its production.
Name: Luke
Age: 17
All the other written elements of your fanzine are up to you but should be documented here. If you decide to write a
review, a polemic, an article or anything else, it needs to be documented here.
Drafts are good so it is worth writing a first draft then producing a second which not only checks for spelling and grammar
errors but also ensures that your work has a consistent style, quality and structure.
Recording your research, as and when it happens, is also a very strong idea. If you need to look up a fact or read an article,
record that.
10th page: Video Game Addiction
Video game addiction is a very real issue. It comes in the form of
excessive use of Video games. I think its probably more common
then you might think. The hard part is realizing when you have the
reacted the point of being addicted. Some people ae just spend a
lot of their time playing games. This isn’t video game addiction,
the difference is your priorities. If someone's finds that they would
prioritize video games over responsibilities and other important
things, they might be addicted. This can be hard to notice
happening, as it can be such a slow and gradual shift.
It can seem simple, if some plays then a game a lot then they are
addicted right? As far I can tell, a fair few people seem to think
this. I think it is primarily set in someone’s priorities. Hopefully this
issue will come into the spotlight more, and get the attention it
needs. In my opinion, I don’t think it should be a mental disorder,
as it can go away. But this can take a lot of time, patience and
I think it’s something you have to monitor yourself, like other
things that can lead to addiction. This could be Alcohol, drugs,
social media, Television, etc. Sure, others might be able to see a
difference in their friends and relatives, but a some addictions can
sometimes be well hidden. Hopefully giving it more of spotlight
will help remind people of the struggle it can bring.
6th Page: Games coming in 2018
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey - October 5th
This is going to be an action role-playing game (RPG), developed
by Ubisoft Quebec. It’s set in Greece, in the year 431 BCE. You
get to play as either Alexios or Kassandra, fictional descendants
of king Leonidas. The features but is not limited to; stealth,
combat, exploration, collecting, looting, player choices and a
morality system.
Forza Horizon 4 – October 2nd
This is going to be an open world racing game, developed by
Playground Games. Your character is custom made, using the in-
game character creation. The game features but is not limited to;
over 450 licensed cars, route creator, online shared world of 72
players, offline mode, purchasable properties, weather system
with changing seasons.
The Occupation – October 9th
This is going to be a single-player stealth game, developed by
White Paper Games. It’s set on the 24th o October 1987, it starts
at 3:27pm. You play as a private detective/investigator. Its set
completely within a British government building. The game
feature but is not limited to; gathering information, dynamic
artificial intelligence, time punishment, stealth system. You only
get 4 hours to piece it all together.
7th page: Games coming in 2018
Just Cause 4
This is going to be an open world action-adventure game,
developed by Avalanche Studios. As far as I know its set in the
present day, could be near future though. Its set in a fictional
country, called solis. You play as Rico Rodriguez, aka the scorpion.
The game features but is not limited to; a decent armory of
weapons, intricate grapple system, fluid wingsuit system and
chaos causing tornadoes.
3rd page/ 4th page: Game review
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
-Spoiler warning for the following review for this game-
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a action-roleplaying game. The game starts off by showing you a
introduction called the Mechanical Apartheid. This sets up the story so well, as It was so well made. It
shows the adoption of augmentations into humanity, a huge cyber attack on the augmentations, and
the rejection of people with augments or, Augs for short. It sets up the Naturals vs Augs theme that is
centered throughout the game.
The game starts in the year 2029, following the events of the previous game, Human Revolution. You
start the game in Dubai, intercepting a illegal weapons trade. Mysterious gold-masked operatives
appear and kill almost everyone there. This event worked so well to set up this mysterious opposition.
This combined great with the speech and story choices. As you can take different stances in a
conversation, this might make the character attack you or maybe relax around you. The choices can
directly affect other characters as well. A great example of this is when I came across a character
called Olivie. She was being smuggled by a criminal family, if you choice to confront the family then
she doesn’t get to leave, if you leave the smuggler she does. Many of the games choices play on your
morals, these get harder as the game goes on.
I have to really commend the developers for the level/world design. The use of vents and other useful
paths is great. The way they are weaved most of the game, so well laid out. This sort of multiple paths
and methods to get around the game world helps you grow as you play. You learn pretty soon that
you have to think of possible alternate paths, and challenge the options that are in the foreground.
In summary, I really liked the game’s use of choices and different outcomes, level/world design,
setting, you vs them mentality, environmental storytelling. Edios Montréal made such a good game,
they should proud of their creation.
2nd page: Gaming news- October
Sept 21st
Telltale games is beginning the process of shutting down,
already terminating 275 employees. They are set to finish and
release the last two episodes of the Walking Dead. This is added
to the list of now 10 major game studios that have closed over
the past year.
Sept 26th
Hitman: Blood Money headlines Xbox games with gold for
October. Available from October 16th-31st.
Oct 26th
Friday the 13th headlines PlayStation plus for October, quite
fitting. Available from October 2nd.
Oct 1st
Andrzej Sapkowski, Witcher author, demands $16 million and
6% of revenue of Witcher franchise from CD Projekt Red. He
sold his rights to them quite a few years back for $4000. His
demands are empty, as he has nothing on them, he has already
sold the rights.
3rd page: Gaming news- October
Oct 1st
More features have been revealed for Red Dead Redemption 2. These
are; fishing, robbing banks and trains, collecting money as a loan
shark, holding up stagecoaches, play dominoes, play poker and more.
Oct 1st
Fifa 19 physical launch sales are down by 25% from the previous
game, Fifa 18. For Fifa 19’s sales 64% were on through PlayStation,
35% were through Xbox, and 1% was through the Switch.
Oct 2nd
Seattle police introduce system to help prevent swatting. This has
been a real issue in the gaming/streaming community. The system
works by having streamers register themselves as possible targets for
swatting. If a report is made the streamer can confirm if the report is
real or not. Hopefully preventing tragic deaths due to swatting.
Oct 2nd
Under wraps video of a Harry Potter game was leaked, through a
reddit account called “VapeThisBro”. The video has been taken down
due to warner bros putting out a copyright claim on it.
1st Page: Contents
1st page: Contents
2nd page: Gaming News- Sept/Oct- Part 1
3rd page: Gaming News- Sept/Oct- Part 2
4th page: Game Review: Deus Ex Mankind Decided- Part 1
5th page: Game Review: Deus Ex Mankind Decided- Part 2
6th page: 1st Interview
7th page 2nd Interview
8th page: Games Coming in 2018- Part 1
9th page: Games Coming in 2018- Part 2
10th page: Video Game Addiction
Back page: Content for next issue

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3. copy v1.3

  • 2. Interview:You should document the process of getting your interview. You should produce a range of questions and also a list of interviewees. You should provide an unedited transcript of the interview as well as at least one draft of it. Interviews can be written in whatever style you prefer. Disclaimer: No Questions in this Interview are targeting any certain person/persons besides gamers. Questions: 1.What games are you looking forward to and why? (not yet released) 2.What system has the best exclusives and why? (Xbox, PlayStation, PC, Switch, etc...) 3.What’s your all time favourite game, how come? 4.Do you prefer to play with others or to play alone? why is that? 5.What’s the most money you have spent on a game, do you regret it? If so, how come? 6.What effect do you feel that playing video games has on you, why do you think that is? (Relaxed, calmed, angered, annoyed, etc) 7.Do you get competitive when playing multiplayer games? If so, why is that? 8.Has it helped you, how? (Escapism, relaxation, fun, etc...) *End of interview* Thank you for your time. You contribution will help immensely to creating my fanzine. If this interview is not used in the final version of the fanzine, please know that it still helped during its production. Key = Interview questions, disclaimer and closing statement. = Interviewee’s answers
  • 3. Interview: Disclaimer: No Questions in this Interview are targeting any certain person/persons besides gamers. Questions: 1.What games are you looking forward to and why? (not yet released) The games I am looking forward our fifa 19 as I've brought every fifa game for last how many years and it's one of my favourites also another I'm looking forward to is black ops 4 as black ops is my fav call of duty franchise 2.What system has the best exclusives and why? (Xbox, PlayStation, PC, Switch, etc...) All systems have great exclusives but I personally believe that Xbox has the edge on the other platforms 3.What’s your all time favourite game, how come? My favourite game is most likely either the original spyro game from ps1 or command and conquer on ps1 as I played those games as I grown up so I've grown to love them 4.Do you prefer to play with others or to play alone? why is that? I prefer playing games with friends as it can be a real good laugh and it makes it unexpected with loads of people all playing the same game also it's fun recording games together 5.What’s the most money you have spent on a game, do you regret it? If so, how come? I spend £120 On the black ops 2 limited edition and it was a good decision as it came with juggernaught minifridge which looks amazing and it now sells for double the price I I paid for the whole game edition 6.What effect do you feel that playing video games has on you, why do you think that is? (Relaxed, calmed, angered, annoyed, etc) Playing video games is a rollercoaster of emotions from happy to sad to raging anger and frustration most definitely but with games I play it's usually happy and anger and the games I always play our online games 7.Do you get competitive when playing multiplayer games? If so, why is that? I get seriously competitive when playing online as I always want to win and never lose and not play to my best 8.Has it helped you, how? (Escapism, relaxation, fun, etc...) Playing video games helps me relax and just to chill out when I'm feeling down or just in need of a pick me up *End of interview* Thank you for your time. You contribution will help immensely to creating my fanzine. If this interview is not used in the final version of the fanzine, please know that it still helped during its production. Name: Leah Age: 18
  • 4. Interview: 1.What games are you looking forward to and why? (not yet released) Smash bros, Pokémon. 2.What system has the best exclusives and why? (Xbox, PlayStation, PC, Switch, etc...) PC, because you can get so many more indie games that are free, or cheaper than every other and you can find new developers. 3.What’s your all time favourite game, how come? Sly Cooper 2:Band of Thieves. Because it is creative, uses many basic ideas, but expands on them throughout and lets the player have fun. There is almost a side quest on every level of finding all the bottles, but it is a possible one unlike most as they make the signature sound. 4.Do you prefer to play with others or to play alone? why is that? Alone because I know few people who like to play the same games as me. 5.What’s the most money you have spent on a game, do you regret it? If so, how come? Around £15. I do not regret it as I only buy games that I enjoy and do not buy in game purchases. 6.What effect do you feel that playing video games has on you, why do you think that is? (Relaxed, calmed, angered, annoyed, etc) to just play a nice game. I often feel annoyed as I keep dying or getting stuck in an area, although many times it is very relaxing 7.Do you get competitive when playing multiplayer games? If so, why is that? Yes I do, as I have grown up with very competitive family that it makes me want to win the games. 8.Has it helped you, how? (Escapism, relaxation, fun, etc...) It does generally help me, as it gives me some enjoyment and helps to distract me, and give me a little bit of an escape from my daily life.
  • 5. Interview: Disclaimer: No Questions in this Interview are targeting any certain person/persons besides gamers. Questions: 1.What games are you looking forward to and why? (not yet released) I am looking forword (sc) to fallout 76 and also red dead redemptiom2 (sc) 2.What system has the best exclusives and why? (Xbox, PlayStation, PC, Switch, etc...) PlayStation has the most exclusives because there are lots of games that are PS4 exclusive such as god of war. 3.What’s your all time favourite game, how come? My faveruit (sc) game is fifa 19. people think that it is exactly the same but it isnt (sc) there is better graphics, and also they have just made the game so much better. the game moads (sc) are better like squad battles and the new game moad devision rivles. (sc) 4.Do you prefer to play with others or to play alone? why is that? I like playing on my own because you get a better game expirience. (sc) 5.What’s the most money you have spent on a game, do you regret it? If so, how come? The most money i have payed for a game is £80 because i wanted to get the extra benifits. (sc) 6.What effect do you feel that playing video games has on you, why do you think that is? (Relaxed, calmed, angered, annoyed, etc) Gameing (sc) makes me feel relaxed and calm if i am playing a game like fifa. but if I playing a game of call of duty it makes me angry if I die. 7.Do you get competitive when playing multiplayer games? If so, why is that? yes i do get really competitve (sc) when i play multiplater (sc) games 8.Has it helped you, how? (Escapism, relaxation, fun, etc...) it relaxes me when i get angry or I dont (sc) want to talk to anyon. (sc) *End of interview* Thank you for your time. You contribution will help immensely to creating my fanzine. If this interview is not used in the final version of the fanzine, please know that it still helped during its production. Name: Luke Age: 17
  • 6. Copy: All the other written elements of your fanzine are up to you but should be documented here. If you decide to write a review, a polemic, an article or anything else, it needs to be documented here. Drafts are good so it is worth writing a first draft then producing a second which not only checks for spelling and grammar errors but also ensures that your work has a consistent style, quality and structure. Recording your research, as and when it happens, is also a very strong idea. If you need to look up a fact or read an article, record that.
  • 7. 10th page: Video Game Addiction Video game addiction is a very real issue. It comes in the form of excessive use of Video games. I think its probably more common then you might think. The hard part is realizing when you have the reacted the point of being addicted. Some people ae just spend a lot of their time playing games. This isn’t video game addiction, the difference is your priorities. If someone's finds that they would prioritize video games over responsibilities and other important things, they might be addicted. This can be hard to notice happening, as it can be such a slow and gradual shift. It can seem simple, if some plays then a game a lot then they are addicted right? As far I can tell, a fair few people seem to think this. I think it is primarily set in someone’s priorities. Hopefully this issue will come into the spotlight more, and get the attention it needs. In my opinion, I don’t think it should be a mental disorder, as it can go away. But this can take a lot of time, patience and persistence. I think it’s something you have to monitor yourself, like other things that can lead to addiction. This could be Alcohol, drugs, social media, Television, etc. Sure, others might be able to see a difference in their friends and relatives, but a some addictions can sometimes be well hidden. Hopefully giving it more of spotlight will help remind people of the struggle it can bring.
  • 8. 6th Page: Games coming in 2018 Assassin’s Creed Odyssey - October 5th This is going to be an action role-playing game (RPG), developed by Ubisoft Quebec. It’s set in Greece, in the year 431 BCE. You get to play as either Alexios or Kassandra, fictional descendants of king Leonidas. The features but is not limited to; stealth, combat, exploration, collecting, looting, player choices and a morality system. Forza Horizon 4 – October 2nd This is going to be an open world racing game, developed by Playground Games. Your character is custom made, using the in- game character creation. The game features but is not limited to; over 450 licensed cars, route creator, online shared world of 72 players, offline mode, purchasable properties, weather system with changing seasons. The Occupation – October 9th This is going to be a single-player stealth game, developed by White Paper Games. It’s set on the 24th o October 1987, it starts at 3:27pm. You play as a private detective/investigator. Its set completely within a British government building. The game feature but is not limited to; gathering information, dynamic artificial intelligence, time punishment, stealth system. You only get 4 hours to piece it all together. 7th page: Games coming in 2018 Just Cause 4 This is going to be an open world action-adventure game, developed by Avalanche Studios. As far as I know its set in the present day, could be near future though. Its set in a fictional country, called solis. You play as Rico Rodriguez, aka the scorpion. The game features but is not limited to; a decent armory of weapons, intricate grapple system, fluid wingsuit system and chaos causing tornadoes.
  • 9. 3rd page/ 4th page: Game review Deus Ex: Mankind Divided -Spoiler warning for the following review for this game- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a action-roleplaying game. The game starts off by showing you a introduction called the Mechanical Apartheid. This sets up the story so well, as It was so well made. It shows the adoption of augmentations into humanity, a huge cyber attack on the augmentations, and the rejection of people with augments or, Augs for short. It sets up the Naturals vs Augs theme that is centered throughout the game. The game starts in the year 2029, following the events of the previous game, Human Revolution. You start the game in Dubai, intercepting a illegal weapons trade. Mysterious gold-masked operatives appear and kill almost everyone there. This event worked so well to set up this mysterious opposition. This combined great with the speech and story choices. As you can take different stances in a conversation, this might make the character attack you or maybe relax around you. The choices can directly affect other characters as well. A great example of this is when I came across a character called Olivie. She was being smuggled by a criminal family, if you choice to confront the family then she doesn’t get to leave, if you leave the smuggler she does. Many of the games choices play on your morals, these get harder as the game goes on. I have to really commend the developers for the level/world design. The use of vents and other useful paths is great. The way they are weaved most of the game, so well laid out. This sort of multiple paths and methods to get around the game world helps you grow as you play. You learn pretty soon that you have to think of possible alternate paths, and challenge the options that are in the foreground. In summary, I really liked the game’s use of choices and different outcomes, level/world design, setting, you vs them mentality, environmental storytelling. Edios Montréal made such a good game, they should proud of their creation.
  • 10. 2nd page: Gaming news- October Sept 21st Telltale games is beginning the process of shutting down, already terminating 275 employees. They are set to finish and release the last two episodes of the Walking Dead. This is added to the list of now 10 major game studios that have closed over the past year. Sept 26th Hitman: Blood Money headlines Xbox games with gold for October. Available from October 16th-31st. Oct 26th Friday the 13th headlines PlayStation plus for October, quite fitting. Available from October 2nd. Oct 1st Andrzej Sapkowski, Witcher author, demands $16 million and 6% of revenue of Witcher franchise from CD Projekt Red. He sold his rights to them quite a few years back for $4000. His demands are empty, as he has nothing on them, he has already sold the rights. 3rd page: Gaming news- October Oct 1st More features have been revealed for Red Dead Redemption 2. These are; fishing, robbing banks and trains, collecting money as a loan shark, holding up stagecoaches, play dominoes, play poker and more. Oct 1st Fifa 19 physical launch sales are down by 25% from the previous game, Fifa 18. For Fifa 19’s sales 64% were on through PlayStation, 35% were through Xbox, and 1% was through the Switch. Oct 2nd Seattle police introduce system to help prevent swatting. This has been a real issue in the gaming/streaming community. The system works by having streamers register themselves as possible targets for swatting. If a report is made the streamer can confirm if the report is real or not. Hopefully preventing tragic deaths due to swatting. Oct 2nd Under wraps video of a Harry Potter game was leaked, through a reddit account called “VapeThisBro”. The video has been taken down due to warner bros putting out a copyright claim on it.
  • 11. 1st Page: Contents 1st page: Contents 2nd page: Gaming News- Sept/Oct- Part 1 3rd page: Gaming News- Sept/Oct- Part 2 4th page: Game Review: Deus Ex Mankind Decided- Part 1 5th page: Game Review: Deus Ex Mankind Decided- Part 2 6th page: 1st Interview 7th page 2nd Interview 8th page: Games Coming in 2018- Part 1 9th page: Games Coming in 2018- Part 2 10th page: Video Game Addiction Back page: Content for next issue
  • 12. Sources • • money-from-cd-projekt • • • •