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Deep Social
The Next Phase of Social Media
The consumer mindset
What is Deep Social and how do I get there?
Why Ogilvy?
Where are you now? A diagnostic
Table of contents
The consumer mindset
What is Deep Social and how do I get there?
Why Ogilvy?
Where are you now? A diagnostic
Today we connect in more
ways than ever before
hours per day spent
on social media by
the average person
hours per day spent on
a smartphone by the
average person
of the world’s
population use a
61%6.1 3.7
These connections
have changed us.
We have new ways of
making decisions,
large and small.
of Millennials use their mobile devices
to complete at least one task when
looking to purchase a car.
of female shoppers turn to message
boards or blogs to inspire fashion-
related purchase decisions.
But many people now feel
They are burdened by
information from friends,
publishers and companies.
of social media users plan to stop or
take a break/“vacation” due to
irrelevant updates on social networks
Brands aggravate the situation by pandering to:
Aiming for likes or shares, brands
undertake awkward (and ultimately
failed) attempts at relevance where it is
not appropriate.
Technology or technique are seen as
an end, not a means. Brands also
recycle old ideas coming off as "me
too" players.
Still operating in broadcast mode,
brands fail to recognize the importance
of understanding the audience.
Brands aggravate the situation by pandering to:
Aiming for likes or shares, brands
undertake awkward (and ultimately
failed) attempts at relevance where it is
not appropriate.
Technology or technique are seen as
an end, not a means. Brands also
recycle old ideas coming off as "me
too" players.
• Newsjacking/Trendjacking
• Taking a stance in a zone where the brand lacks relevance or credibility
Case Study: DiGiorno Pizza
Eager to look relevant around an emergent online conversation, DiGiorno Pizza made a
humorous attempt at joining the trending #WhyIStayed conversation. #WhyIStayed was a serious
discussion about domestic violence. DiGiorno did not take into account that the topic was off
brand and that their post was highly offensive. Plenty of engagement on the topic, but all negative.
Still operating in broadcast mode,
brands fail to recognize the importance
of understanding the audience.
• Joining a platform or use of technology with no strategic relevance or business impact
• Mistaking a listening platform, content studio or other technology as a strategy. Brands fail when
they do not look at the business impact they are trying to achieve
Case Study: NYPD
By promoting the hashtag #MyNYPD, the New York Police Department aimed to build community
connections through images of people sharing images of their favorite local policeman. The
hashtag resonated with Twitter users, but mainly to showcase police brutality. The NYPD owned
the hashtag, but not in a way that they wanted.
Brands aggravate the situation by pandering to:
Aiming for likes or shares, brands
undertake awkward (and ultimately
failed) attempts at relevance where it is
not appropriate.
Technology or technique are seen as
an end, not a means. Brands also
recycle old ideas coming off as "me
too" players.
Still operating in broadcast mode,
brands fail to recognize the importance
of understanding the audience.
Brands aggravate the situation by pandering to:
Aiming for likes or shares, brands
undertake awkward (and ultimately
failed) attempts at relevance where it is
not appropriate.
Technology or technique are seen as
an end, not a means. Brands also
recycle old ideas coming off as "me
too" players.
Still operating in broadcast mode,
brands fail to recognize the importance
of understanding the audience.
• Content created by the brand for reasons that make sense to the brand, rather than the
• Idea forced onto the platform
• Brand banter
Case Study: Audi
Audi’s forced attempt at implementing their #PaidMyDues campaign on Instagram with no
thought of the audience’s interests faced an onslaught of criticism. Fans insisted the Instagram
feed go back to car images.
These activities result in
Aimless Connections
Social efforts disjointed from the brand
and customer journey that result in
problems or missed opportunities.
Superficial Content
Content that does not build the brand,
business, reputation or bring value to
For self-preservation, people are
retreating into smaller, private
networks and blocking ads, while
social platforms tighten their filtering
year-on-year growth in mobile
messaging app usage worldwide
decline in organic reach on Facebook
of B2C content goes unnoticed
by consumers.
Now everyone is filtering more
and seeing less. We only look at
what we want, when we want it.
Brands are challenged to break through
How do I maintain RELEVANCE
and RESONANCE at the pace of
How do I EXCITE potential
customers in the era of
How do I ENGAGE and BOND
with customers spoiled for choice
and holding little loyalty?
Brands are challenged to break through
How do I maintain RELEVANCE
and RESONANCE at the pace of
How do I EXCITE potential
customers in the era of
How do I ENGAGE and BOND
with customers spoiled for choice
and holding little loyalty?
Move from a marketing
mindset to a publisher mindset
Brands are challenged to break through
How do I maintain RELEVANCE
and RESONANCE at the pace of
How do I EXCITE potential
customers in the era of
How do I ENGAGE and BOND
with customers spoiled for choice
and holding little loyalty?
Move from a marketing
mindset to a publisher mindset
Transform from superficial
content to great stories and
Brands are challenged to break through
How do I maintain RELEVANCE
and RESONANCE at the pace of
How do I EXCITE potential
customers in the era of
How do I ENGAGE and BOND
with customers spoiled for choice
and holding little loyalty?
Move from a marketing
mindset to a publisher mindset
Transform from superficial
content to great stories and
Shift from aimless
connections to meaningful
conversations and advocacy
The consumer mindset
What is Deep Social and how do I get there?
Why Ogilvy?
Where are you now? A diagnostic
Deep Social
• Move from marketing mindset
to publisher mindset
• Transform superficial content
to great stories and
• Shift from aimless connections
to meaningful conversations
Deep Social
• Move from marketing mindset
to publisher mindset
• Transform superficial content
to great stories and
• Shift from aimless connections
to meaningful conversations
Transforms brands from marketers
or broadcasters to culturally
relevant publishers.
Builds brands through a strategic
approach to content
development and engagement.
Uses data and social analytics to
ensure strategies are brand-driven
and audience-informed.
Move from marketing mindset to publisher mindset.
• Move from marketing mindset
to publisher mindset
• Transform superficial content
to great stories and
• Shift from aimless connections
to meaningful conversations
Deep Social
Transform superficial content to great stories and experiences.
Excite customers through insights, inspiration and innovation.
Use data and social analytics to
help brands connect naturally with
the right audience in the right place
at the right time.
Brands express themselves
through creative and effective
culturally relevant storytelling and
Cut through to distracted
audiences by doing things first
or differently.
• Move from marketing mindset
to publisher mindset
• Transform superficial content
to great stories and
• Shift from aimless connections
to meaningful conversations
Deep Social
Shift from aimless connections to meaningful conversations.
Spark conversations that build trust through precision and bonding, and are backed by measurement.
Move from broad demographics to
micro targeting at scale by elevating
behavior, interests and friendships.
Move from community management to
customer bonding, shifting focus from
risk mitigation to revenue
opportunities through customer
acquisition, leads and sales.
Success measured through
relevant harder business metrics
like leads, sales, brand
performance, loyalty and
Deep Social
• Move from marketing mindset
to publisher mindset
• Transform superficial content
to great stories and
• Shift from aimless connections
to meaningful conversations
Publisher Mindset
American Express
Consistently create content to build brand
relevance among Prospects and
Cardmembers, while improving upon
efficiencies in content production to create a
uniform brand experience globally.
Established a process for planning, producing,
publishing, and analyzing content on a global scale.
This included 12 content toolkits per year, two
evergreen toolkits, learnings reports, and two
narrative themes informed by consumer insights,
built once and coordinated across 52 markets with
visuals, videos, and connected stories.
Brand content consistently outperformed or
equaled KPI benchmarks every
month. Improved efficiencies led to a 128%
(YoY) increase in the number of markets using
Central Brand Content, a 246% (YoY) increase
in the amount of Central Brand Content used
along with considerable financial savings.
Stories and Experiences
Insights: VisitBritain
China is one of the UK’s fastest-growing
markets for inbound tourism, but Britain has
lost market share in recent years. Chinese
tourists saw Britain as emotionally and
geographically distant as well as insufficiently
welcoming. Britain needed to shift this
perception to become the most talked about
destination through earned influence, in a
market where everybody else buys it.
Britain needed to find a way to speak the language of
the Chinese tourists and engage in new ways with
young and wealthy independent travellers. Social
listening highlighted the difficulty Chinese people
have pronouncing and remembering British place
names. For launch, Britain’s Ambassador to China
called on the Chinese to vote on Chinese names for
101 British points of interest. Places could be named
by visiting the attraction in person, uploading names
and photos to social media, and using the campaign
More than 13,000 names came in, including Highland
Games as “strong men’s skirt party”, Stilton as
“porcelain cheese” and Savile Row as “street of the
tall, rich and handsome.” More than two million
people visited the campaign pages, 27 million
watched the launch video and more than 260 media
reported on the campaign that reached 300 million
potential Chinese tourists to Britain. Following the
campaign, visits to Britain from China spiked 20%, a
record increase.
Stories and Experiences
Inspiration: British Airways
British Airways aimed to increase growth of
US business by 10% in North America. Flights
to and from the United Kingdom generated
the most revenue, but were not expected to
grow dramatically.
Analyzing available data and over 1,400 worldwide
airline routes revealed an untapped opportunity in the
route between North America and India. To build
awareness, a short film was created, telling the story
of an expat son’s surprise visit to his mum in India
after a separation of 15 years. The touching reunion
between mother and son, made possible by British
Airways, was distributed exclusively online, and
coupled with social and search-intent data.
The video received over a million views on YouTube
and over 125,000 shares on Facebook. Ticket sales
from North America to India on increased by
65%. British Airways’ share of the North America to
India route increased from 5% to 38%.
Stories and Experiences
Innovation: Ron Brugal
Brugal Rum wanted to launch a new shaped
bottle, but their customers are notoriously
difficult to reach through traditional channels.
Also, Spain does not permit commercial
communication around alcohol on TV or
other conventional media. The challenge was
to find a new way to integrate content with an
alcoholic beverage while complying with all
legal restrictions.
To build a modern, emotional and distinctive
connection, we linked Brugal to one of their
customers' most emotive touchpoints: electronic
music. We created the “Bottle Music Machine”, a
unique DJ mixing table made from 72 Brugal bottles
fitted with sensors. Creation was documented in real
time videos and the blueprints were shared on social
With a very low budget spent, the idea caused a
considerable stir. More than 17,300 references to the
project appeared in blogs and websites. The
documentary series registered more than 400,000
views. And, most importantly, consumers turned
Brugal into Spain’s top-selling rum in that period.
Consistently create content to build brand
relevance among Prospects and
Cardmembers while improving upon
efficiencies in content production to create a
uniform brand experience globally.
Meaningful Conversations
Precision: Philips
Implement micro-targeting at scale to grow
brand preference, consideration and
knowledge through a flow of relevant,
appealing content, catalysing the desire to
know more about Philips and buy products
Put in place a Real Time Marketing Center
that operates from Philips Headquarters in
Amsterdam. A team of seven experts supported
distribution and amplification of content across key
markets. Leveraging advanced socio-demo + passion
targeting and identification of Customer Lookalikes,
we re-engaged active prospects with additional
content and re-targeted paid advertising to site
visitors who haven’t signed-up, generating more
quality leads.
An Always-On Engagement Program identified
prospects for male grooming products and drove
them through the funnel. Campaign on Philips
shavers generated 2.3 millions views on brand
content, 126,000 shares and decreased the cost per
lead by 800%. On a separate campaign for Father's
Day, social delivered 23% lower CPL than the
average and saw a longer visit time than on any other
Meaningful Conversations
Bonding: Nespresso
Increase revenue generated from existing
clients while maximizing the social ROI with a
more effective paid media strategy.
Segment existing clients by product and
consumption rate with one creative designed for
each. A paid strategy micro-targeting content to
individual segments delivered a more personalized
brand experience.
386% return on investment in social, with each $
invested in media generating $4.89 of sales. By
extending the email strategy to social we drove
better performance, growing loyalty of existing Club
Members through a flow of personalized content,
resulting in increased advocacy and repurchases.
Coordinating Facebook ads with email campaigns
drove 77% more reach than email-only.
Meaningful Conversations
Measurement: SmartCar
Buying a car in China is high touch and
resource intensive, with an average purchase
cycle of 204 days. SmartCar wanted to sell
more cars, quickly. To do this, we needed a
targeted social communication strategy that
reduced the cycle and changed consumer
A high profile engagement strategy launched over
mobile instant messaging platform WeChat, to reach
China’s younger wealthy consumers. The plan
included a unique 360° view of the car’s interior and
media buys to support the first ever sale of cars via
mobile phones in China.
Within a matter of weeks, 388 cars were sold. More
important, however, was overcoming the first and
hardest step of a car sale: getting potential
customers out for a test drive. Through the campaign
more than 6,700 direct connections were made to
potential SmartCar buyers in a hard-to-reach market,
many of whom expressed eagerness to take a test
Consistently create content to build brand
relevance among Prospects and
Cardmembers while improving upon
efficiencies in content production to create a
uniform brand experience globally.
Meaningful Conversations
Precision: Lexus
[To complete once more info is received from
Social Lab]
First, we segmented the audience based on interests,
and used Lookalike audience modelling to target
‘twins’ of those who had already expressed an
interest in Lexus. Next we tailored several messages
for each audience, and used A/B testing to optimize
content types, and ensured that we served the
highest preforming content to each respective
Of the entire digital budget for this campaign, 1%
was allocated to social targeting. This 1% delivered
72% of all test drives. Facebook was the best driver
of conversion, and achieved an 88% lower cost per
test drive than other channels.
The consumer mindset
What is Deep Social and how do I get there?
Why Ogilvy?
Where are you now? A diagnostic
Sounds good, but now what?
Hmmm… I want to
understand the setting –
my social landscape and
opportunities – and create
ways to follow how it’s
Business Ambition
Here we go! I’m defining
my customer’s journey. I
want to find more value in
them by understanding
their social roles.
Customer Experience
I know the players. But
what are the platforms,
content, technologies,
processes and people I
need to make them really
Social Architecture
Now I have a great plan.
I’m writing briefs. So I
need specific go-to-
market programs to
execute across partners,
teams and regions.
The Solution
Our work is in market! I
should harness my
results to drive better
performance for my
program and my
Hmmm… I want to
understand the setting –
my social landscape and
opportunities – and create
ways to follow how it’s
Business Ambition
Here we go! I’m defining
my customer’s journey. I
want to find more value in
them by understanding
their social roles.
Customer Experience
I know the players. But
what are the platforms,
content, technologies,
processes and people I
need to make them really
Social Architecture
Now I have a great plan.
I’m writing briefs. So I
need specific go-to-
market programs to
execute across partners,
teams and regions.
The Solution
Our work is in market! I
should harness my
results to drive better
performance for my
program and my
The consumer mindset
What is Deep Social and How Do I Get There?
Why Ogilvy?
Where are you now? A diagnostic
Social media is used on a campaign and tactical
basis only.
Focus is on platform presence, not social
Community management is uncoordinated with
enterprise customer service, sales or CRM teams
and platforms.
CREATIVELY: Emphasis is on channels with
smaller ideas that tend to be tactical, stunt-driven
or opportunistic.
Social media integrates with the business,
but in an ad hoc manner.
Social is seen as a communication channel,
but is not always tied to business outcomes.
Social is considered in some parts of the
customer journey.
CREATIVELY: Social remains an
afterthought, with ideas wedged into social
(or social wedged into ideas).
Social media builds brands, business and
reputation through a range of approaches, tools
and techniques.
Impact of social beyond platforms is taken into
Social has been considered throughout every
step of the customer journey and brand
CREATIVELY: Ideas reign supreme, with
channels in service of ideas.
From Social To Deep Social
Thomas Crampton
Global Managing Director, Social@Ogilvy
Hannah Law
Vice President, Regional
Thomas Crampton
Global Managing Director
Andrew Thomas
Asia Lead

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  • 1. Deep Social The Next Phase of Social Media
  • 2. The consumer mindset What is Deep Social and how do I get there? Why Ogilvy? Where are you now? A diagnostic 4 16 28 31 Table of contents
  • 3. The consumer mindset What is Deep Social and how do I get there? Why Ogilvy? Where are you now? A diagnostic 4 16 28 31
  • 4. Today we connect in more ways than ever before hours per day spent on social media by the average person SOURCE: EMARKETER 2015, LATIN AMERICA AND EUROPE hours per day spent on a smartphone by the average person SOURCE: COMSCORE, NETMARKETSHARE, PANDORA, FACEBOOK, FLURRY ANALYTICS 2015; US CONSUMERS of the world’s population use a smartphone SOURCE: EMARKETER 2015 61%6.1 3.7
  • 5. These connections have changed us. We have new ways of making decisions, large and small. of Millennials use their mobile devices to complete at least one task when looking to purchase a car. SOURCE: EMARKETER 2015 of female shoppers turn to message boards or blogs to inspire fashion- related purchase decisions. SOURCE: NETBASE 2013 62%80%
  • 6. But many people now feel overwhelmed. They are burdened by information from friends, publishers and companies. 41% of social media users plan to stop or take a break/“vacation” due to irrelevant updates on social networks SOURCE: MARKETING TECH BLOG 2013
  • 7. Brands aggravate the situation by pandering to: Audience Aiming for likes or shares, brands undertake awkward (and ultimately failed) attempts at relevance where it is not appropriate. Technology Technology or technique are seen as an end, not a means. Brands also recycle old ideas coming off as "me too" players. Self Still operating in broadcast mode, brands fail to recognize the importance of understanding the audience.
  • 8. Brands aggravate the situation by pandering to: Audience Aiming for likes or shares, brands undertake awkward (and ultimately failed) attempts at relevance where it is not appropriate. Technology Technology or technique are seen as an end, not a means. Brands also recycle old ideas coming off as "me too" players. Examples: • Newsjacking/Trendjacking • Taking a stance in a zone where the brand lacks relevance or credibility Case Study: DiGiorno Pizza Eager to look relevant around an emergent online conversation, DiGiorno Pizza made a humorous attempt at joining the trending #WhyIStayed conversation. #WhyIStayed was a serious discussion about domestic violence. DiGiorno did not take into account that the topic was off brand and that their post was highly offensive. Plenty of engagement on the topic, but all negative. Self Still operating in broadcast mode, brands fail to recognize the importance of understanding the audience.
  • 9. Examples: • Joining a platform or use of technology with no strategic relevance or business impact • Mistaking a listening platform, content studio or other technology as a strategy. Brands fail when they do not look at the business impact they are trying to achieve Case Study: NYPD By promoting the hashtag #MyNYPD, the New York Police Department aimed to build community connections through images of people sharing images of their favorite local policeman. The hashtag resonated with Twitter users, but mainly to showcase police brutality. The NYPD owned the hashtag, but not in a way that they wanted. Brands aggravate the situation by pandering to: Audience Aiming for likes or shares, brands undertake awkward (and ultimately failed) attempts at relevance where it is not appropriate. Technology Technology or technique are seen as an end, not a means. Brands also recycle old ideas coming off as "me too" players. Self Still operating in broadcast mode, brands fail to recognize the importance of understanding the audience.
  • 10. Brands aggravate the situation by pandering to: Audience Aiming for likes or shares, brands undertake awkward (and ultimately failed) attempts at relevance where it is not appropriate. Technology Technology or technique are seen as an end, not a means. Brands also recycle old ideas coming off as "me too" players. Self Still operating in broadcast mode, brands fail to recognize the importance of understanding the audience. Examples: • Content created by the brand for reasons that make sense to the brand, rather than the audience • Idea forced onto the platform • Brand banter Case Study: Audi Audi’s forced attempt at implementing their #PaidMyDues campaign on Instagram with no thought of the audience’s interests faced an onslaught of criticism. Fans insisted the Instagram feed go back to car images.
  • 11. These activities result in Shallow Social Aimless Connections Social efforts disjointed from the brand and customer journey that result in problems or missed opportunities. Superficial Content Content that does not build the brand, business, reputation or bring value to customers.
  • 12. For self-preservation, people are retreating into smaller, private networks and blocking ads, while social platforms tighten their filtering algorithms. year-on-year growth in mobile messaging app usage worldwide SOURCE: FLURRY “THE AGE OF LIVING MOBILE”, 2014 decline in organic reach on Facebook SOURCE: OGILVY, ANALYSIS OF 100+ BRAND PAGES GLOBALLY FROM OCT 2013-FEB 2014 FOR MORE SEE THE SOCIAL@OGILVY PAPER “FACEBOOK ZERO” 50%316%
  • 13. of B2C content goes unnoticed by consumers. SOURCE: BRIGHTEDGE CONTENT ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2015 Now everyone is filtering more and seeing less. We only look at what we want, when we want it. 80%
  • 14. Brands are challenged to break through How do I maintain RELEVANCE and RESONANCE at the pace of culture? How do I EXCITE potential customers in the era of distraction? How do I ENGAGE and BOND with customers spoiled for choice and holding little loyalty?
  • 15. Brands are challenged to break through How do I maintain RELEVANCE and RESONANCE at the pace of culture? How do I EXCITE potential customers in the era of distraction? How do I ENGAGE and BOND with customers spoiled for choice and holding little loyalty? Move from a marketing mindset to a publisher mindset
  • 16. Brands are challenged to break through How do I maintain RELEVANCE and RESONANCE at the pace of culture? How do I EXCITE potential customers in the era of distraction? How do I ENGAGE and BOND with customers spoiled for choice and holding little loyalty? Move from a marketing mindset to a publisher mindset Transform from superficial content to great stories and experiences
  • 17. Brands are challenged to break through How do I maintain RELEVANCE and RESONANCE at the pace of culture? How do I EXCITE potential customers in the era of distraction? How do I ENGAGE and BOND with customers spoiled for choice and holding little loyalty? Move from a marketing mindset to a publisher mindset Transform from superficial content to great stories and experiences Shift from aimless connections to meaningful conversations and advocacy
  • 18. The consumer mindset What is Deep Social and how do I get there? Why Ogilvy? Where are you now? A diagnostic 4 16 28 31
  • 19. Deep Social • Move from marketing mindset to publisher mindset • Transform superficial content to great stories and experiences • Shift from aimless connections to meaningful conversations
  • 20. Deep Social • Move from marketing mindset to publisher mindset • Transform superficial content to great stories and experiences • Shift from aimless connections to meaningful conversations
  • 21. Transforms brands from marketers or broadcasters to culturally relevant publishers. Builds brands through a strategic approach to content development and engagement. Uses data and social analytics to ensure strategies are brand-driven and audience-informed. Move from marketing mindset to publisher mindset.
  • 22. • Move from marketing mindset to publisher mindset • Transform superficial content to great stories and experiences • Shift from aimless connections to meaningful conversations Deep Social
  • 23. Transform superficial content to great stories and experiences. Excite customers through insights, inspiration and innovation. Insights Use data and social analytics to help brands connect naturally with the right audience in the right place at the right time. Inspiration Brands express themselves through creative and effective culturally relevant storytelling and experiences. Innovation Cut through to distracted audiences by doing things first or differently.
  • 24. • Move from marketing mindset to publisher mindset • Transform superficial content to great stories and experiences • Shift from aimless connections to meaningful conversations Deep Social
  • 25. Shift from aimless connections to meaningful conversations. Spark conversations that build trust through precision and bonding, and are backed by measurement. Precision Move from broad demographics to micro targeting at scale by elevating behavior, interests and friendships. Bonding Move from community management to customer bonding, shifting focus from risk mitigation to revenue opportunities through customer acquisition, leads and sales. Measurement Success measured through relevant harder business metrics like leads, sales, brand performance, loyalty and advocacy.
  • 26. Deep Social • Move from marketing mindset to publisher mindset • Transform superficial content to great stories and experiences • Shift from aimless connections to meaningful conversations
  • 27. Publisher Mindset American Express Challenge: BUILD RELEVANCE THROUGH INCREASED PUBLISHING EFFICIENCY Consistently create content to build brand relevance among Prospects and Cardmembers, while improving upon efficiencies in content production to create a uniform brand experience globally. Solution: FORMALIZED STRATEGY LEADING TO A CONSISTENT BRAND EXPERIENCE GLOBALLY Established a process for planning, producing, publishing, and analyzing content on a global scale. This included 12 content toolkits per year, two evergreen toolkits, learnings reports, and two narrative themes informed by consumer insights, built once and coordinated across 52 markets with visuals, videos, and connected stories. Result: STREAMLINED PROCESSES WITH A BOOST IN KPIs Brand content consistently outperformed or equaled KPI benchmarks every month. Improved efficiencies led to a 128% (YoY) increase in the number of markets using Central Brand Content, a 246% (YoY) increase in the amount of Central Brand Content used along with considerable financial savings.
  • 28. Stories and Experiences Insights: VisitBritain Challenge: MAKE BRITAIN MORE ACCESSIBLE China is one of the UK’s fastest-growing markets for inbound tourism, but Britain has lost market share in recent years. Chinese tourists saw Britain as emotionally and geographically distant as well as insufficiently welcoming. Britain needed to shift this perception to become the most talked about destination through earned influence, in a market where everybody else buys it. Solution: CHINESE TRANSLATE BRITAIN FOR THEMSELVES Britain needed to find a way to speak the language of the Chinese tourists and engage in new ways with young and wealthy independent travellers. Social listening highlighted the difficulty Chinese people have pronouncing and remembering British place names. For launch, Britain’s Ambassador to China called on the Chinese to vote on Chinese names for 101 British points of interest. Places could be named by visiting the attraction in person, uploading names and photos to social media, and using the campaign hashtag. Result: CREATED HIGH IMPACT IN TARGET GROUP More than 13,000 names came in, including Highland Games as “strong men’s skirt party”, Stilton as “porcelain cheese” and Savile Row as “street of the tall, rich and handsome.” More than two million people visited the campaign pages, 27 million watched the launch video and more than 260 media reported on the campaign that reached 300 million potential Chinese tourists to Britain. Following the campaign, visits to Britain from China spiked 20%, a record increase.
  • 29. Stories and Experiences Inspiration: British Airways Challenge: INCREASE REVENUE ON MOST POPULAR ROUTE British Airways aimed to increase growth of US business by 10% in North America. Flights to and from the United Kingdom generated the most revenue, but were not expected to grow dramatically. Solution: TELL A TOUCHING STORY WITH SIGNIFICANT CULTURAL RELEVANCE Analyzing available data and over 1,400 worldwide airline routes revealed an untapped opportunity in the route between North America and India. To build awareness, a short film was created, telling the story of an expat son’s surprise visit to his mum in India after a separation of 15 years. The touching reunion between mother and son, made possible by British Airways, was distributed exclusively online, and coupled with social and search-intent data. Result: EXCEEDED BUSINESS TARGETS FOR TICKET SALES The video received over a million views on YouTube and over 125,000 shares on Facebook. Ticket sales from North America to India on increased by 65%. British Airways’ share of the North America to India route increased from 5% to 38%.
  • 30. Stories and Experiences Innovation: Ron Brugal Challenge: PROMOTE NEW PRODUCT TO TOUGH TO REACH AUDIENCE Brugal Rum wanted to launch a new shaped bottle, but their customers are notoriously difficult to reach through traditional channels. Also, Spain does not permit commercial communication around alcohol on TV or other conventional media. The challenge was to find a new way to integrate content with an alcoholic beverage while complying with all legal restrictions. Solution: EXCITING EXPERIENCE, USING SOCIAL SHARES FOR DISTRIBUTION To build a modern, emotional and distinctive connection, we linked Brugal to one of their customers' most emotive touchpoints: electronic music. We created the “Bottle Music Machine”, a unique DJ mixing table made from 72 Brugal bottles fitted with sensors. Creation was documented in real time videos and the blueprints were shared on social media. Result: BUZZ AND SALES With a very low budget spent, the idea caused a considerable stir. More than 17,300 references to the project appeared in blogs and websites. The documentary series registered more than 400,000 views. And, most importantly, consumers turned Brugal into Spain’s top-selling rum in that period.
  • 31. Challenge: BUILD RELEVANCY THROUGH INCREASED PUBLISHING EFFICIENCIES Consistently create content to build brand relevance among Prospects and Cardmembers while improving upon efficiencies in content production to create a uniform brand experience globally. Meaningful Conversations Precision: Philips Challenge: INCREASE DESIRE IN A LARGE BUT DISPERSED MARKET Implement micro-targeting at scale to grow brand preference, consideration and knowledge through a flow of relevant, appealing content, catalysing the desire to know more about Philips and buy products online. Solution: RE-ENGAGEMENTS MOVED TO QUALITY LEADS Put in place a Real Time Marketing Center that operates from Philips Headquarters in Amsterdam. A team of seven experts supported distribution and amplification of content across key markets. Leveraging advanced socio-demo + passion targeting and identification of Customer Lookalikes, we re-engaged active prospects with additional content and re-targeted paid advertising to site visitors who haven’t signed-up, generating more quality leads. Result: IMPROVED ENGAGEMENTS AND A DECREASE IN COST PER LEAD An Always-On Engagement Program identified prospects for male grooming products and drove them through the funnel. Campaign on Philips shavers generated 2.3 millions views on brand content, 126,000 shares and decreased the cost per lead by 800%. On a separate campaign for Father's Day, social delivered 23% lower CPL than the average and saw a longer visit time than on any other channels.
  • 32. Meaningful Conversations Bonding: Nespresso Challenge: INSPIRE EXISTING CLIENTS TO BUY MORE Increase revenue generated from existing clients while maximizing the social ROI with a more effective paid media strategy. Solution: DELIVERED EXPERIENCES BASED ON PRODUCT PREFERENCES Segment existing clients by product and consumption rate with one creative designed for each. A paid strategy micro-targeting content to individual segments delivered a more personalized brand experience. Result: INCREASED ADVOCACY AND REPURCHASES 386% return on investment in social, with each $ invested in media generating $4.89 of sales. By extending the email strategy to social we drove better performance, growing loyalty of existing Club Members through a flow of personalized content, resulting in increased advocacy and repurchases. Coordinating Facebook ads with email campaigns drove 77% more reach than email-only.
  • 33. Meaningful Conversations Measurement: SmartCar Challenge: SPEED UP CAR PURCHASE CYCLE IN CHINA Buying a car in China is high touch and resource intensive, with an average purchase cycle of 204 days. SmartCar wanted to sell more cars, quickly. To do this, we needed a targeted social communication strategy that reduced the cycle and changed consumer behavior. Solution: REACH A TOUGH AUDIENCE IN A NEW WAY A high profile engagement strategy launched over mobile instant messaging platform WeChat, to reach China’s younger wealthy consumers. The plan included a unique 360° view of the car’s interior and media buys to support the first ever sale of cars via mobile phones in China. Result: GENERATED SALES AND LEADS Within a matter of weeks, 388 cars were sold. More important, however, was overcoming the first and hardest step of a car sale: getting potential customers out for a test drive. Through the campaign more than 6,700 direct connections were made to potential SmartCar buyers in a hard-to-reach market, many of whom expressed eagerness to take a test drive.
  • 34. Challenge: BUILD RELEVANCY THROUGH INCREASED PUBLISHING EFFICIENCIES Consistently create content to build brand relevance among Prospects and Cardmembers while improving upon efficiencies in content production to create a uniform brand experience globally. Meaningful Conversations Precision: Lexus Challenge: GENERATE TEST DRIVES FOR THE NEW LEXUS CT200H [To complete once more info is received from Social Lab] Solution: APPLY A DIRECT MARKETING APPROACH TO SOCIAL MEDIA First, we segmented the audience based on interests, and used Lookalike audience modelling to target ‘twins’ of those who had already expressed an interest in Lexus. Next we tailored several messages for each audience, and used A/B testing to optimize content types, and ensured that we served the highest preforming content to each respective audience. Result: HIGHER TEST DRIVE RATE WITH SOCIAL VS OTHER CHANNELS Of the entire digital budget for this campaign, 1% was allocated to social targeting. This 1% delivered 72% of all test drives. Facebook was the best driver of conversion, and achieved an 88% lower cost per test drive than other channels.
  • 35. The consumer mindset What is Deep Social and how do I get there? Why Ogilvy? Where are you now? A diagnostic 4 15 12 17
  • 36. Sounds good, but now what? Hmmm… I want to understand the setting – my social landscape and opportunities – and create ways to follow how it’s working. Business Ambition Here we go! I’m defining my customer’s journey. I want to find more value in them by understanding their social roles. Customer Experience I know the players. But what are the platforms, content, technologies, processes and people I need to make them really shine? Social Architecture Now I have a great plan. I’m writing briefs. So I need specific go-to- market programs to execute across partners, teams and regions. The Solution Our work is in market! I should harness my results to drive better performance for my program and my business. Effectiveness
  • 37. Hmmm… I want to understand the setting – my social landscape and opportunities – and create ways to follow how it’s working. Business Ambition Here we go! I’m defining my customer’s journey. I want to find more value in them by understanding their social roles. Customer Experience I know the players. But what are the platforms, content, technologies, processes and people I need to make them really shine? Social Architecture Now I have a great plan. I’m writing briefs. So I need specific go-to- market programs to execute across partners, teams and regions. The Solution Our work is in market! I should harness my results to drive better performance for my program and my business. Effectiveness
  • 38. The consumer mindset What is Deep Social and How Do I Get There? Why Ogilvy? Where are you now? A diagnostic 4 16 28 31
  • 39. Basic Social media is used on a campaign and tactical basis only. Focus is on platform presence, not social strategy. Community management is uncoordinated with enterprise customer service, sales or CRM teams and platforms. CREATIVELY: Emphasis is on channels with smaller ideas that tend to be tactical, stunt-driven or opportunistic. Strategic Social media integrates with the business, but in an ad hoc manner. Social is seen as a communication channel, but is not always tied to business outcomes. Social is considered in some parts of the customer journey. CREATIVELY: Social remains an afterthought, with ideas wedged into social (or social wedged into ideas). Transformative Social media builds brands, business and reputation through a range of approaches, tools and techniques. Impact of social beyond platforms is taken into consideration. Social has been considered throughout every step of the customer journey and brand planning. CREATIVELY: Ideas reign supreme, with channels in service of ideas. From Social To Deep Social
  • 40. Thomas Crampton Global Managing Director, Social@Ogilvy
  • 41. Questions? Hannah Law Vice President, Regional Social@Ogilvy @HannahLaw Thomas Crampton Global Managing Director Social@Ogilvy @ThomasCrampton Andrew Thomas Asia Lead Social@Ogilvy @Tommosg