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22 Ways To Become More Positive - How To Become Positive
Whenever we think of the word "positive" then most of us think of the word
"happy" in the mind. However, happiness is not the only positivity. There are many
ways to be positive in life and it can happen even when you are experiencing grief,
anger or difficulties. Research suggests that we have the ability to "choose" the
positive emotions and ways of thinking There is merit. In fact, our emotions bring
changes in our body to the cellular level. Many of our experiences in life are the
result of what is happening around us There is also how we analyze it and what is
our response to it. Fortunately, instead of trying to suppress negative emotions or
to get rid of it, we can analyze them in a different way and also choose to give their
reaction to them differently. You will find that some practice, patience, and
perseverance can make you more positive.
Method 1 - Start with yourself
1. Accept it as you are:
If you cannot (or will not) identify the problem, then you cannot change the way
you think. If you accept that your thinking and emotions are negative and you are
not happy with your current reaction towards them, then you can help yourself to
start the process of change.
Do not try to make any conclusions about yourself based on your thoughts
and feelings:
Remember, whatever thoughts come into your mind or whatever emotions you
experience are not "good" or "bad" in themselves. , They are mere thoughts and
emotions What you can "control" in this matter is that the way you analyze them
and the reaction you have on it.
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Accept the thing about yourself that you cannot even change.
For example, if you are an introverted person who needs to spend some time in
solitude to be "re-charging" then in such a situation, if you always try to show your
outward appearance, then you will probably be squeezed and Feeling unhappy will
start. You accept whatever you are and whatever you are at this time. By doing so,
you will begin to feel completely independent of changing the present person
inside of you to a very positive person (which you can become).
2. Set the Goal:
The goal gives us a more positive outlook on life. Research indicates that even if
you cannot achieve the goal immediately, but you can immediately feel more
confident and hopeful. If goals are determined in such a way that they are
meaningful and in the direction of your life values, it will help you to achieve them
and move on in your life.
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Start with small goals.
Do not aim for the moon immediately. It is well known that the race can be won at
a slow and regular pace. To get started, make your goal specific. The goal
"Become more positive" can be a great goal, but it is so vast that you probably will
not understand where to start. It is, therefore, better to set small and specific goals
such as "meditation twice a week" or "laugh in a strange situation once a day".
Express your goals in positive words.
Research shows that if you make a positive expression of your goals then they will
be more likely to get you. In other words, determine your goals in the same
direction as "the direction in which you are striving" and not "the direction you are
avoiding". For example, "Stop eating junk food" is a goal that you cannot get any
help from. Failure to achieve such goals can create shame or guilt in you. "Three
servings of fruits and vegetables per day of food" is a specific and positive goal.
Set your goals based on your own actions.
Remember that you cannot control the actions performed by others. If you set a
goal that requires a certain response from other people in achieving, then you will
feel very sad if you do not adapt the work to your expectations. So it would be
better if you set the goal based on your strengths or actions that you can control,
which is your own performance.
3. Practice love and compassionate meditation:
Such meditation, also known as Metta Bhavana or compassion-meditation, is
found in the Buddhist traditions. This gives us the education that as much love as
we do with our immediate family members, the same love should be done to other
people of the world. This improves your relationships within a few weeks, in your
flexibility, your ability to get out of negative experiences, and your relationships
with others. You will have a positive effect in such a short time as in five minutes
You can see only by giving.
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Courage-meditation courses are done in many places. If you wish, you can watch
some guided MP3s online credits online. The Center for Contemplative Mind in
Society and the UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center both have free
downloadable charity and loving-kindness meditations.
It has also been found that love and compassionatemeditation is also good for your
mental health. Research indicates that compassion-meditation reduces the
symptoms of depression inside you, which suggests that learning to give
compassion to others helps you to express yourself to compassion.
4. Keep a diary:
New research suggests that there is actually a mathematical formula for
positiveness, according to which three positive emotions for each negative emotion
seem to be the factor in making you a healthy balance. Keeping the diary gives you
a whole day To see all of your emotional experiences and to know that any kind of
adjustment is needed in proportion to your own feelings or At the same time, learn
helps. It also helps you to concentrate on your positive experiences so that they
later become more likely to remember them.
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The purpose of keeping a diary is not just to make a list of things which you just do
not like. Research suggests that focusing on negative emotions and experiences in
the diary gives them more emphasis on which you become more negative.
It would be better if you decided without right and wrong, just write what you felt.
For example, a negative experience might look like this: "When my coworker
joking about my weight, I was very hurt."
Then think about your reaction. What was your reaction at that moment? Now,
how would you like to react after some time? For example, "At that moment I
thought of such a terrible thing about myself that I am a worthless person. Now
that I think back, then I feel that my coworker has said such insensitive things all
about. How can I or someone else define my personality? This work can only be
done by me. "
Try to think about how to use these experiences as experiences to be able to learn.
How can you use it for your personal progress? What will you do next time? For
example, "For the next time if someone tells me the word hurtful, then I will
remember that his decision does not define me. I must tell my coworker that his
words are insensitive and hurt my feelings so that I remember how important my
emotions are to me."
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Include positive things in your daily book too. Take some time to write such a
story, such as kindness shown by a stranger, a beautiful sunset or a fun talk with
friends so that you can become a collection of memories that you can read later. As
long as you do not focus on these experiences, it is more likely that they will pass
without any attention.
5. Practice active gratitude:
Gratitude is more than a "feeling". It has something to do many kind of research
show that gratitude is good for you. This alters your attitude almost immediately,
and the more you practice it, the higher its reward is. Gratitude helps you to feel
more positive, to improve your relationships with other people and to promote
compassion in you, and you will be happy in the spirit of happiness. It grows.
In some people, "attribute of gratitude" which we call the natural state of being
grateful, naturally happens more. However, without bringing this into account that
at the level of natural expression "thankfulness" you can follow, you can follow the
attitude of gratitude.
In relationships and circumstances, you should never behave in a way that shows
that you are the "official" of getting something from them. It does not mean "it is
not" that you believe that you are not worth anything and that does not mean that
you are presenting everyone with abusive or insulting ways. It only means that you
do any work with no special feeling like "official" of a particular result, action, or
Share your gratitude with others.
Sharing your gratitude with others helps you to save those feelings in your
memory. It can also generate positive emotions in those people from whom you are
grateful. Just think if you have a friend who will become your "gratitude partner"
You can share, for which both of you are grateful to each other.
Try to recognize all those small things that are happening throughout the day.
Write them in the diary, take a photo for the instagram, write about them on
Twitter - write anything that will help you identify and memorize these small
things, which you feel grateful to. For example, if your blueberry pancakes are
good or you do not face poor traffic while going to work or a friend has
appreciated your clothes, then note those things. All these things get added quickly.
Enjoy these nice things.
There is a bad habit in humans, focusing on negative things and visualizing
positive things. When you take note of the positive things of your life, then take
some time to pay attention and accept it. Try to store all those things in your
memories. For example, if you see a beautiful garden of flowers while strolling
under your daily routine, then stay there for a moment and say to yourself, "This is
a beautiful moment and I want to remember that I am at this moment how grateful
I am for the experience. "Try taking a mental" snapshot "of that moment. By doing
this, later whenever you are going through hard times or experiencing a negative
experience, then you will be happy to remember these things.
6. Accept self-acceptance:
Self-approval may seem a little less effective, but research suggests that its
influence is at the baseline level and because of this, new "positive thoughts" can
actually create neuron clusters. Remember: Your brain likes to adopt short-cut, so
the paths used to be the most in your life, Brain starts using short cut for all those
paths. If you put a regular habit of saying sympathy for yourself, then your brain
looks at it as a "standard". Positive self-statement and self-acceptance can reduce
your stress and disappointment, Can boost your immune system and can increase
your skills to face your challenges.
Choose such approvals that matter to your own. You can choose such self-
recognition that show sympathy towards your body and your own thoughts or
remind you of your spiritual traditions. Do the work you get from the feeling of
positiveness and peace.
For example, you can say something like "My body is healthy and my heart is
beautiful." Or "Today I will do my best to be kind." Or "Today my God / Spiritual
image will be with me all day. "
If you are struggling in a particular area, then actively try to find positive sanctions
related to that area. For example, if your problem is with your physical image then
try to say something like this, "I'm pretty and strong" or "in the way I love others, I
can learn to love myself too "Or" I am eligible for love and respect "
7. Developmental optimism:
Researchers around 1970 were known to know that such people who had got their
lottery (an incident that most of us consider unbelievably positive), after one year,
compared to those people. Those who did not get the lottery were not much
happier. This is because of the hedonistic adaptation: There is a baseline of
happiness inside humans where we come back after an external event (good or
bad). However, if You can actively develop optimism even if your natural baseline
level is very low. Being optimistic increases your self-esteem, the feeling of good
health, and your relationships with other people.
Optimism is a way of interpreting the world. It is so thankful that you can learn the
various properties of the human brain's flexibility that you can interpret. The
pessimistic approach sees the world as an integral and inherent ingredient:
"Everything is inappropriate," "It will never be able to change, " " My life is
useless and it is my fault. "While an optimistic approach sees the world as flexible
and limited conditions.
For example, a pessimistic person might think and think about the cello playing
next week, "Right now I play a very bad guy. Because of me, the program will be
wasted only. It is better that I continue to play Nintendo. "This statement is based
on the assumption that your skill of playing a cell is innate and permanent, not
something that you can improve with strict practice. Your statement, "Right now I
play a very bad box", there is a global condemnation statement on your own -
which indicates that your cello-skill is a personal failure by not being a thing that
can be corrected by practice.. This disappointing approach can mean that you do
not want to practice the play because you consider it worthless or you are feeling
guilty by thinking that you are "bad" in something. Both of these things are not
right and you will not get any benefit from any of them.
An optimist will say something like this in this case:
"The big event of piano playing is going to happen next week and I am not happy
with the levels of playing today's skills. Now I will do an extra hour of exercise
every day till the event and I will give my best. So much so that I can do it and by
doing so I will be satisfied that I did whatever I could. "Optimism does not say that
the challenges and negative experiences are not something that is a real thing and
is a hypothetical thing. He then chooses to interpret things in a different way.
There is a huge difference in real optimism and "blind" optimism.
Blind optimism can expect from you that if you pick up Selo first time, you can get
admission in the same school for the talented people of Selo who take admission to
get training. It is beyond reality and such expectations will fill you with despair.
True optimism accepts your situation and prepares you to face it. A true optimistic
viewpoint might possibly require you to work harder for years to learn about your
cell playing and even after "maybe" that you do not get admission in the school of
your dreams, You did everything you could to achieve it.
8. Learn to re-frame your negative experiences:
The mistakes people usually make are to avoid negative experiences or ignore
them. At some level, it sounds fine because they are tragic. However, suppressing
these experiences or ignoring them also damages the ability to deal with them. It
would be better if you re-frame those experiences. Can you learn something from
them? Can you see them from a different perspective?
For example, the 2012 lecture given by inventor Mishkin Ingawale in which he had
told how he invented a technique to save pregnant women of rural India. His initial
32 attempts to make the equipment were unsuccessful. Frequently, he had a
situation of interpreting his experience in the form of failure so that he could do
this work. Even after this, they felt better to learn positively from their experiences
and previous challenges and today their invention has helped reduce the death of
pregnant women of rural India by 50%.
The second example is Dr. Viktor Frankl, who was imprisoned during the war in
the Nazi concentration camp. In spite of facing the worst conditions of humanity,
he chose to interpret his situation based on his own terms and wrote, "Any person
can be stripped of everything except leaving only one thing and that is human The
freedom to choose your attitude or the freedom to choose your own path in a given
special situation. "
Instead of allowing yourself to react negatively to any challenge or negative
experience, take a break and assess the situation. What went wrong? What is the
thing at stake? Can you learn something from this to next time to do something
different? Has this experience taught you to be more compassionate, generous,
intelligent and stronger than before? Rather than looking at this self-negative look,
it will help you reinvent it by stopping a moment and looking at your experience
9. Use your body:
both your body and mind are connected to the inner like you are intimate friends. If
you have to struggle to feel positive, then it may be due to your body that is acting
against you. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy has shown that your posture can also
affect the level of the stress-hormones present in your body. Try to stand straight
away. Make your shoulders backward and sew forward. Make your eyes look
forward. And, make a little space. This is called a "power pose" and it can actually
help you feel more confident and optimistic.
Make a smile.
Research suggests that when you are smiling, whether you are feeling "happy" or
not, your brain can improve your mood. This is especially true when you use that
special smile Makes your eyes and mouth issues active. The reports show that
those who smile during those medical procedures also feel less pain than those who
do not smile.
Wear clothes that display your personality correctly.
The effect of your clothes also affects the way you feel. A research has shown that
those who did a simple work by wearing a coat that was worn in the laboratory,
they did that work much better than those who did not wear the coat, even if the
difference was only to wear coats And not to wear, but it was a matter of how
important it was. Pick clothes for which you can feel good about yourself
regardless of this F people about him say. Do not be too upset about the size of
your clothes, because size is determined arbitrarily, the number 4 in a store can be
of 12 in the second store. Remember, The size of any random number cannot be
10. Do some exercise:
When you exercise, your body releases powerful endorphins, which are naturally
"good-feeling" chemicals in your body. Exercise allows you to Can help to fight
the feeling of anxiety and depression. Research has also shown that by exercising
regular and moderate levels, there is an increase in your feeling of peace and
feeling healthy.
Set the goal of doing moderate physical exercise for at least 30 minutes daily.
You do not have to be a body-builder to gain the benefits of exercise. The fact is
that only moderate exercise, such as jogging, swimming or gardening, can help you
to feel more positive overall.
Such exercises, which include meditation, such as Yoga and Tai Chi, can also give
you greater positivity and can improve your overall health.
11. Generate vibrancy inside yourself:
If you want to be more successful, then look at all your things in which you have
already achieved success. And,If you want to get more love, then focus on all those
who care about you, as well as think about the ocean of love that you want to share
with others. If you wish for better health then think all the time that you are healthy
etc. and so on.
12. Do not be disturbed for small things:
Every person in his life sometimes encounters things which seem very important at
that particular time but when we look at them in the "right perspective" There was
no problem in them. Research also shows that you are not happy even if you find it
difficult to get rid of all the physical things you are struggling to get, and if you do
not get them if they actually get you. The fact is that when you focus on some
things, sometimes it is actually a way that you compensate for your incomplete
desires. Research suggests that in our lives To get fruit requires five basic things:
 Positive emotions
 To do the right thing to do
 Relationship with other people
 meaning
 Availability
Remember that you can define what the above things mean in your life. You do not
have to worry about how others have defined "meaning" or "achievement".
Whatever you do and whatever you do, if you do not see any meaning for yourself
then you will not get any pleasure after doing it. Material things such as fame and
wealth will actually give you a little more happiness.
Method 2 - Keep yourself surrounded by positive effects
1. Use the law of attraction:
Our works and thoughts are like a magnet. As long as we try to avoid solving any
problem, the problem remains intact or sometimes worse. Our own negativity
affects the entire day. But the more positively we think, the more we will be able to
work proactively, achieve our goal, and win over the positive choices and we will
be rewarded and doing all these things will reward us. In fact, positive thoughts
can boost your immune system too.
2. Do the same thing that you like to do:
It sounds very easy to hear but it is difficult to follow them many times. Your
routine may be very busy, but include some of those tasks that keep you happy.
They may include the following:
Listen to music.
Listen to the style of music you like.
Reading is good for you.
It can also give you an education of sympathy. Also, if you are reading non-fiction
literature you can also gain knowledge about the world's new information and
o A creative expression such as painting, writing, origami, etc.
o Sports, Hobbies, etc.
Inspirational awe:
Research indicates that there are some wonderful experiences you experienced
while roaming in the lap of nature, looking at an amazing painting or listening to
your favorite symphony, etc. are very good for both your health, physical and
physical condition. Therefore, whenever you can try to include these small things
in your life.
3. Keep yourself surrounded by friends:
Appreciate those who have supported you in the time of every happiness and
misery of your life. Make a list of their support so that they can help you to
become more positive and in the process, you can help them too. The friends who
are friends help each other in both happiness and misery.
Research has shown that such people are more likely to be more happy and
positive in their lives, who live between friends who share their own similarities
and perspectives, rather than those who do not.
When you talk to people whom you love, your brain releases neurotransmitters that
give you pleasure (dopamine) and relax (serotonin). By spending time with your
friends and family you experience more happiness and positivity at the chemical
You can encourage your friends and family to become your gratitude partner. If
you create a network and share those things which are indicative of your gratitude,
think about how much positivity you can develop in each other.
4. Express gratitude towards others:
It is compassionate to show kindness to someone, especially if that person is less
comfortable with you. It can actually boost your positivity. For example, research
shows that when a person donates in the form of philanthropy, in fact, he feels the
same happiness as if he would get himself on the money. This is not only good for
others but also It will be great for your own health too.
Every goodness gives rise to another goodness. If we do something good for
someone else, especially if it is unexpected, then it is more likely that the person
can give you a favor for your favor, maybe not giving it to anyone else. Ultimately,
whether directly or any other way, the reward of that good will reach us again.
Some people call it karma Regardless of the name given to it, scientific research
indicates that the principle of "pay it forward" is a reality in the context of favor.
Try to teach and self-service or ask any service-institute how you can work in their
Offer a small loan to a needy person. A small loan given to a person in a
developing country can also help him increase his business or can help him
become financially self-reliant. It is worth noting here that in cases of small loans,
repayment has been found to be more than 95%.
Try to give small and small gifts to the people around you and even strangers. Give
a person a lot of money in the queue. Send something to your friend who you have
made with him in mind. Gifting starts production of Dopamine in your brain, but
the fact is that you can realize a much larger "glow of happiness" than a gifted
5. Find an optimistic proverb or quote and put it in your purse or pocket:
When you are uncertain or feel like "Somebody supports me" then you look for
that reference or quick reference for the quote. Here are some quotes for your start:
How wonder is there that nobody needs to wait even for a moment before the
world is rectified - Anne Frank
The optimist declares that we live in the best world, while pessimism is afraid that
maybe this is true - James Branch Cabell
The greatest invention to date is the thinking that a person can change his future
just by making changes in his attitude - Oprah Winfrey
If there is a voice telling you from within, "You cannot paint: do anything by doing
paint, you will find that the voice will calm down" - Vincent Van Gogh
6. Meet a doctor:
According to a common misconception, there is a "need" of getting people to a
doctor or consultant only when there is something "wrong". But consider: Do not
go to a dentist only when you have cavities in your teeth but also go for cleaning
teeth only. Even if you are not sick, you go to the doctor for an annual check-up.
Meeting a doctor can be a helpful "preventive" technique for you. If you want to
learn how to think and behave more positively, then a doctor or consultant can
identify the disruptive patterns in your thinking and Can help you to develop new
positive strategies.
You can ask your doctor about any such doctor or through an online directory. If
you have made health-insurance, then your service provider can tell you about any
counselor available in your network.
Often less expensive options are also available. You can get online information
about Public Health Counseling Centers run by Mental Health Clinics, Community
Health Centers and even colleges and universities.
Method 3 - Avoiding negative effects
1. Avoid negative influences:
Humans are highly receptive to "emotional attachment" which means that the
feelings of those present around us affect our own feelings. Stay away from bad
behavior and negativity so that it cannot scratch you.
Choose your friends wisely:
Friends among whom we live can put great influence on our view, both good and
bad. If your friends are always negative, then consider sharing their own positivity
with them. You also encourage them to learn to become positive. If after this they
still remain indifferent to being negative then, in your own interest, you should
remove yourself from them.
Do only what you find convenient to do:
If you feel inconvenient to do any work, there is every possibility that you feel bad,
guilty or worried while doing that work. This does not compensate for any positive
experience. Learning "forbidding" by doing what you do not want to do helps you
feel a powerful experience and feel comfortable with yourself. This is true with
friends and loved ones and in the workplace circumstances.
2. Challenge negative thoughts:
It is very easy to swell in "automatic" or habitual negative thinking patterns,
especially if it is about self. You can become your worst critic. Every time you face
a negative thought, you can challenge it by taking the time out. Try to change it in
positive thoughts or find some logic in negative thoughts. If you do this for a long
time, it will be involved in your habit which will make a big difference in your
positive thinking skills. Say "I can" more often than "I cannot". Remember,
everything can be given positively, therefore, keep on striving for it without
For example, if you scream at your friend in an angry way, then your heart will
probably say, "I am a terrible person." It is a cognitive disorder: this is a general
statement about a specific incident. This will create a sense of guilt within you and
you will not be able to learn anything from it.
It is better that you accept the responsibilities of your actions and think about what
you have to do in response. For example: "I shouted at my friend, which probably
hurt his feelings, maybe I was wrong. I will apologize to him and next time we are
talking about a serious topic then I will ask for a break. "By thinking this way, you
will not normally be able to call yourself a horrible person but look like a person.
Who made a mistake, learned from him and went beyond it.
If you find that there are repeated negative thoughts about you or someone else in
you, then find three positive things that you can say about yourself or another
person. For example, if thoughts show that you are "idiots" then challenge that idea
with three positive things: "I have these ideas in my mind that I am stupid. But, last
week I have accomplished that big project for a commendable review. In the past, I
have solved difficult problems. I am a competent person but at this time I am going
through a difficult phase. "
Even when we do not get what we want, we gain valuable experience. Often the
experience is more valuable than physical things. Physical things gradually
diminish, whereas the experience lives with us permanently throughout life and
there is constant growth in them.
Most situations have both positive and negative aspects. We have to choose the
one to focus on. Whenever we are negative, we can try to stop ourselves and try to
think in the opposite direction.
Worrying about negative things does not have any benefit, especially if they cannot
be changed. Some parts of life are "unjust". That's because life is just "there". If we
waste our energy and happiness on those things we cannot change, we simply
disappoint ourselves more.
3. Deal with the traumas of the past:
If you find yourself unhappy, upset, or negatively, then there may be some possible
causes that need to be resolved. Get help from professional people to deal with
trams such as past misbehavior, stress, natural disaster, mourning, and loss, etc.
Find a licensed mental health doctor, especially if you find someone who
specializes in the treatment of trams. It can be painful to treat your trams through a
consultant or doctor, but in the end, you will emerge stronger and more positive.
4. Do not be afraid of failures:
According to the brief interpretation of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the one thing that
we should be afraid of is itself "Fear". We will fall and make mistakes. The thing
that matters is how we stand back. If we expect to be successful and do not fear the
failures, then it means that we always have the best chance of being positive.
When you feel that you are going to break, take a deep breath, count to 10, drink
water and smile. Even if you are smiling forcibly but it will be a smile and you
definitely feel better. Focus on good things.
Look at yourself in the mirror each morning and think of the five good qualities
that are in you.
Do not sit frustrated. With constant efforts, good habits can replace bad habits.
Develop positive thinking with purposeful reasons - to enhance the quality of your
life and to others.
Remember that we can control our thoughts. If we are thinking negatively, then we
can think of any positive thing and change it at any time.
Keep cards and letters from your family and friends in a file. Whenever you feel
disappointed, take that file out and remind yourself that you are important for the
people. These people love you and keep your attention. When you know that you
bring happiness in many people's lives, then it is difficult to be disappointed.
Progress is the only success. If you are taking positive things in your thoughts, in
your thoughts, then there will be no such goal which you cannot progress on. The
goals adopted by us are powerful.
Staying calm will give you more stability and positivity in life.
Do not punish yourself for everything. Do not focus on what has been proven to
work and what not, and remember it the next time.
Remember what you did that someone was pleased or what you did to help
someone. Remember that when you helped a person in his difficult watch or under
normal circumstances. To make you feel like a good person, you can do such a
good thing for someone, not only that person is happy but you also feel good about
Be careful with those who do not want to be positive. Consult only with positive
There will always be people who will continue to assess you for something. Do not
let yourself be disturbed by this attitude of them. Remember that the only person
you want to please is you yourself, nobody else.

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22 ways to become more positive - Depression Cure -

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  • 2. 22 Ways To Become More Positive - How To Become Positive Whenever we think of the word "positive" then most of us think of the word "happy" in the mind. However, happiness is not the only positivity. There are many ways to be positive in life and it can happen even when you are experiencing grief, anger or difficulties. Research suggests that we have the ability to "choose" the positive emotions and ways of thinking There is merit. In fact, our emotions bring changes in our body to the cellular level. Many of our experiences in life are the result of what is happening around us There is also how we analyze it and what is our response to it. Fortunately, instead of trying to suppress negative emotions or to get rid of it, we can analyze them in a different way and also choose to give their reaction to them differently. You will find that some practice, patience, and perseverance can make you more positive. Method 1 - Start with yourself 1. Accept it as you are: If you cannot (or will not) identify the problem, then you cannot change the way you think. If you accept that your thinking and emotions are negative and you are not happy with your current reaction towards them, then you can help yourself to start the process of change. Do not try to make any conclusions about yourself based on your thoughts and feelings: Remember, whatever thoughts come into your mind or whatever emotions you experience are not "good" or "bad" in themselves. , They are mere thoughts and
  • 3. emotions What you can "control" in this matter is that the way you analyze them and the reaction you have on it. Click Here To Read:- 25 Ways To Forget Unwanted Memories – How to Forget a Bad Memory Accept the thing about yourself that you cannot even change. For example, if you are an introverted person who needs to spend some time in solitude to be "re-charging" then in such a situation, if you always try to show your outward appearance, then you will probably be squeezed and Feeling unhappy will start. You accept whatever you are and whatever you are at this time. By doing so, you will begin to feel completely independent of changing the present person inside of you to a very positive person (which you can become). 2. Set the Goal: The goal gives us a more positive outlook on life. Research indicates that even if you cannot achieve the goal immediately, but you can immediately feel more confident and hopeful. If goals are determined in such a way that they are meaningful and in the direction of your life values, it will help you to achieve them and move on in your life. Click Here To Read:- Top 25 Ways To Reduce Stress – How To Reduce Stress Start with small goals. Do not aim for the moon immediately. It is well known that the race can be won at a slow and regular pace. To get started, make your goal specific. The goal "Become more positive" can be a great goal, but it is so vast that you probably will
  • 4. not understand where to start. It is, therefore, better to set small and specific goals such as "meditation twice a week" or "laugh in a strange situation once a day". Express your goals in positive words. Research shows that if you make a positive expression of your goals then they will be more likely to get you. In other words, determine your goals in the same direction as "the direction in which you are striving" and not "the direction you are avoiding". For example, "Stop eating junk food" is a goal that you cannot get any help from. Failure to achieve such goals can create shame or guilt in you. "Three servings of fruits and vegetables per day of food" is a specific and positive goal. Set your goals based on your own actions. Remember that you cannot control the actions performed by others. If you set a goal that requires a certain response from other people in achieving, then you will feel very sad if you do not adapt the work to your expectations. So it would be better if you set the goal based on your strengths or actions that you can control, which is your own performance.
  • 5. 3. Practice love and compassionate meditation: Such meditation, also known as Metta Bhavana or compassion-meditation, is found in the Buddhist traditions. This gives us the education that as much love as we do with our immediate family members, the same love should be done to other people of the world. This improves your relationships within a few weeks, in your flexibility, your ability to get out of negative experiences, and your relationships with others. You will have a positive effect in such a short time as in five minutes You can see only by giving. Click Here To Read:- I Love Panic Attacks 100% Genuine Review Courage-meditation courses are done in many places. If you wish, you can watch some guided MP3s online credits online. The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society and the UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center both have free downloadable charity and loving-kindness meditations. It has also been found that love and compassionatemeditation is also good for your mental health. Research indicates that compassion-meditation reduces the symptoms of depression inside you, which suggests that learning to give compassion to others helps you to express yourself to compassion. 4. Keep a diary: New research suggests that there is actually a mathematical formula for positiveness, according to which three positive emotions for each negative emotion seem to be the factor in making you a healthy balance. Keeping the diary gives you a whole day To see all of your emotional experiences and to know that any kind of adjustment is needed in proportion to your own feelings or At the same time, learn
  • 6. helps. It also helps you to concentrate on your positive experiences so that they later become more likely to remember them. Click Here To Read:- 20 Ways About How to Calm Yourself During an Anxiety Attack The purpose of keeping a diary is not just to make a list of things which you just do not like. Research suggests that focusing on negative emotions and experiences in the diary gives them more emphasis on which you become more negative. It would be better if you decided without right and wrong, just write what you felt. For example, a negative experience might look like this: "When my coworker joking about my weight, I was very hurt." Then think about your reaction. What was your reaction at that moment? Now, how would you like to react after some time? For example, "At that moment I thought of such a terrible thing about myself that I am a worthless person. Now that I think back, then I feel that my coworker has said such insensitive things all about. How can I or someone else define my personality? This work can only be done by me. " Try to think about how to use these experiences as experiences to be able to learn. How can you use it for your personal progress? What will you do next time? For example, "For the next time if someone tells me the word hurtful, then I will remember that his decision does not define me. I must tell my coworker that his
  • 7. words are insensitive and hurt my feelings so that I remember how important my emotions are to me." Click Here To Read:- 25 ways to make your life simple – How to Make Your Life Simple Include positive things in your daily book too. Take some time to write such a story, such as kindness shown by a stranger, a beautiful sunset or a fun talk with friends so that you can become a collection of memories that you can read later. As long as you do not focus on these experiences, it is more likely that they will pass without any attention. 5. Practice active gratitude: Gratitude is more than a "feeling". It has something to do many kind of research show that gratitude is good for you. This alters your attitude almost immediately, and the more you practice it, the higher its reward is. Gratitude helps you to feel more positive, to improve your relationships with other people and to promote compassion in you, and you will be happy in the spirit of happiness. It grows. In some people, "attribute of gratitude" which we call the natural state of being grateful, naturally happens more. However, without bringing this into account that at the level of natural expression "thankfulness" you can follow, you can follow the attitude of gratitude. In relationships and circumstances, you should never behave in a way that shows that you are the "official" of getting something from them. It does not mean "it is not" that you believe that you are not worth anything and that does not mean that you are presenting everyone with abusive or insulting ways. It only means that you
  • 8. do any work with no special feeling like "official" of a particular result, action, or profit. Share your gratitude with others. Sharing your gratitude with others helps you to save those feelings in your memory. It can also generate positive emotions in those people from whom you are grateful. Just think if you have a friend who will become your "gratitude partner" You can share, for which both of you are grateful to each other. Try to recognize all those small things that are happening throughout the day. Write them in the diary, take a photo for the instagram, write about them on Twitter - write anything that will help you identify and memorize these small things, which you feel grateful to. For example, if your blueberry pancakes are good or you do not face poor traffic while going to work or a friend has appreciated your clothes, then note those things. All these things get added quickly.
  • 9. Enjoy these nice things. There is a bad habit in humans, focusing on negative things and visualizing positive things. When you take note of the positive things of your life, then take some time to pay attention and accept it. Try to store all those things in your memories. For example, if you see a beautiful garden of flowers while strolling under your daily routine, then stay there for a moment and say to yourself, "This is a beautiful moment and I want to remember that I am at this moment how grateful I am for the experience. "Try taking a mental" snapshot "of that moment. By doing this, later whenever you are going through hard times or experiencing a negative experience, then you will be happy to remember these things. 6. Accept self-acceptance: Self-approval may seem a little less effective, but research suggests that its influence is at the baseline level and because of this, new "positive thoughts" can actually create neuron clusters. Remember: Your brain likes to adopt short-cut, so the paths used to be the most in your life, Brain starts using short cut for all those paths. If you put a regular habit of saying sympathy for yourself, then your brain looks at it as a "standard". Positive self-statement and self-acceptance can reduce your stress and disappointment, Can boost your immune system and can increase your skills to face your challenges.
  • 10. Choose such approvals that matter to your own. You can choose such self- recognition that show sympathy towards your body and your own thoughts or remind you of your spiritual traditions. Do the work you get from the feeling of positiveness and peace. For example, you can say something like "My body is healthy and my heart is beautiful." Or "Today I will do my best to be kind." Or "Today my God / Spiritual image will be with me all day. " If you are struggling in a particular area, then actively try to find positive sanctions related to that area. For example, if your problem is with your physical image then try to say something like this, "I'm pretty and strong" or "in the way I love others, I can learn to love myself too "Or" I am eligible for love and respect " 7. Developmental optimism:
  • 11. Researchers around 1970 were known to know that such people who had got their lottery (an incident that most of us consider unbelievably positive), after one year, compared to those people. Those who did not get the lottery were not much happier. This is because of the hedonistic adaptation: There is a baseline of happiness inside humans where we come back after an external event (good or bad). However, if You can actively develop optimism even if your natural baseline level is very low. Being optimistic increases your self-esteem, the feeling of good health, and your relationships with other people. Optimism is a way of interpreting the world. It is so thankful that you can learn the various properties of the human brain's flexibility that you can interpret. The pessimistic approach sees the world as an integral and inherent ingredient: "Everything is inappropriate," "It will never be able to change, " " My life is useless and it is my fault. "While an optimistic approach sees the world as flexible and limited conditions. For example, a pessimistic person might think and think about the cello playing next week, "Right now I play a very bad guy. Because of me, the program will be wasted only. It is better that I continue to play Nintendo. "This statement is based on the assumption that your skill of playing a cell is innate and permanent, not something that you can improve with strict practice. Your statement, "Right now I play a very bad box", there is a global condemnation statement on your own - which indicates that your cello-skill is a personal failure by not being a thing that can be corrected by practice.. This disappointing approach can mean that you do not want to practice the play because you consider it worthless or you are feeling guilty by thinking that you are "bad" in something. Both of these things are not right and you will not get any benefit from any of them. An optimist will say something like this in this case:
  • 12. "The big event of piano playing is going to happen next week and I am not happy with the levels of playing today's skills. Now I will do an extra hour of exercise every day till the event and I will give my best. So much so that I can do it and by doing so I will be satisfied that I did whatever I could. "Optimism does not say that the challenges and negative experiences are not something that is a real thing and is a hypothetical thing. He then chooses to interpret things in a different way. There is a huge difference in real optimism and "blind" optimism. Blind optimism can expect from you that if you pick up Selo first time, you can get admission in the same school for the talented people of Selo who take admission to get training. It is beyond reality and such expectations will fill you with despair. True optimism accepts your situation and prepares you to face it. A true optimistic viewpoint might possibly require you to work harder for years to learn about your cell playing and even after "maybe" that you do not get admission in the school of your dreams, You did everything you could to achieve it. 8. Learn to re-frame your negative experiences: The mistakes people usually make are to avoid negative experiences or ignore them. At some level, it sounds fine because they are tragic. However, suppressing these experiences or ignoring them also damages the ability to deal with them. It would be better if you re-frame those experiences. Can you learn something from them? Can you see them from a different perspective?
  • 13. For example, the 2012 lecture given by inventor Mishkin Ingawale in which he had told how he invented a technique to save pregnant women of rural India. His initial 32 attempts to make the equipment were unsuccessful. Frequently, he had a situation of interpreting his experience in the form of failure so that he could do this work. Even after this, they felt better to learn positively from their experiences and previous challenges and today their invention has helped reduce the death of pregnant women of rural India by 50%. The second example is Dr. Viktor Frankl, who was imprisoned during the war in the Nazi concentration camp. In spite of facing the worst conditions of humanity, he chose to interpret his situation based on his own terms and wrote, "Any person can be stripped of everything except leaving only one thing and that is human The freedom to choose your attitude or the freedom to choose your own path in a given special situation. " Instead of allowing yourself to react negatively to any challenge or negative experience, take a break and assess the situation. What went wrong? What is the thing at stake? Can you learn something from this to next time to do something different? Has this experience taught you to be more compassionate, generous,
  • 14. intelligent and stronger than before? Rather than looking at this self-negative look, it will help you reinvent it by stopping a moment and looking at your experience again. 9. Use your body: both your body and mind are connected to the inner like you are intimate friends. If you have to struggle to feel positive, then it may be due to your body that is acting against you. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy has shown that your posture can also affect the level of the stress-hormones present in your body. Try to stand straight away. Make your shoulders backward and sew forward. Make your eyes look forward. And, make a little space. This is called a "power pose" and it can actually help you feel more confident and optimistic. Make a smile. Research suggests that when you are smiling, whether you are feeling "happy" or not, your brain can improve your mood. This is especially true when you use that special smile Makes your eyes and mouth issues active. The reports show that those who smile during those medical procedures also feel less pain than those who do not smile. Wear clothes that display your personality correctly. The effect of your clothes also affects the way you feel. A research has shown that those who did a simple work by wearing a coat that was worn in the laboratory, they did that work much better than those who did not wear the coat, even if the difference was only to wear coats And not to wear, but it was a matter of how important it was. Pick clothes for which you can feel good about yourself regardless of this F people about him say. Do not be too upset about the size of
  • 15. your clothes, because size is determined arbitrarily, the number 4 in a store can be of 12 in the second store. Remember, The size of any random number cannot be evaluated. 10. Do some exercise: When you exercise, your body releases powerful endorphins, which are naturally "good-feeling" chemicals in your body. Exercise allows you to Can help to fight the feeling of anxiety and depression. Research has also shown that by exercising regular and moderate levels, there is an increase in your feeling of peace and feeling healthy. Set the goal of doing moderate physical exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. You do not have to be a body-builder to gain the benefits of exercise. The fact is that only moderate exercise, such as jogging, swimming or gardening, can help you to feel more positive overall. Such exercises, which include meditation, such as Yoga and Tai Chi, can also give you greater positivity and can improve your overall health.
  • 16. 11. Generate vibrancy inside yourself: If you want to be more successful, then look at all your things in which you have already achieved success. And,If you want to get more love, then focus on all those who care about you, as well as think about the ocean of love that you want to share with others. If you wish for better health then think all the time that you are healthy etc. and so on. 12. Do not be disturbed for small things: Every person in his life sometimes encounters things which seem very important at that particular time but when we look at them in the "right perspective" There was no problem in them. Research also shows that you are not happy even if you find it difficult to get rid of all the physical things you are struggling to get, and if you do not get them if they actually get you. The fact is that when you focus on some things, sometimes it is actually a way that you compensate for your incomplete desires. Research suggests that in our lives To get fruit requires five basic things:
  • 17.  Positive emotions  To do the right thing to do  Relationship with other people  meaning  Availability Remember that you can define what the above things mean in your life. You do not have to worry about how others have defined "meaning" or "achievement". Whatever you do and whatever you do, if you do not see any meaning for yourself then you will not get any pleasure after doing it. Material things such as fame and wealth will actually give you a little more happiness. Method 2 - Keep yourself surrounded by positive effects 1. Use the law of attraction: Our works and thoughts are like a magnet. As long as we try to avoid solving any problem, the problem remains intact or sometimes worse. Our own negativity affects the entire day. But the more positively we think, the more we will be able to work proactively, achieve our goal, and win over the positive choices and we will be rewarded and doing all these things will reward us. In fact, positive thoughts can boost your immune system too.
  • 18. 2. Do the same thing that you like to do: It sounds very easy to hear but it is difficult to follow them many times. Your routine may be very busy, but include some of those tasks that keep you happy. They may include the following: Listen to music. Listen to the style of music you like. Reading is good for you. It can also give you an education of sympathy. Also, if you are reading non-fiction literature you can also gain knowledge about the world's new information and attitude.  o A creative expression such as painting, writing, origami, etc. o Sports, Hobbies, etc.
  • 19. Inspirational awe: Research indicates that there are some wonderful experiences you experienced while roaming in the lap of nature, looking at an amazing painting or listening to your favorite symphony, etc. are very good for both your health, physical and physical condition. Therefore, whenever you can try to include these small things in your life. 3. Keep yourself surrounded by friends: Appreciate those who have supported you in the time of every happiness and misery of your life. Make a list of their support so that they can help you to become more positive and in the process, you can help them too. The friends who are friends help each other in both happiness and misery. Research has shown that such people are more likely to be more happy and positive in their lives, who live between friends who share their own similarities and perspectives, rather than those who do not.
  • 20. When you talk to people whom you love, your brain releases neurotransmitters that give you pleasure (dopamine) and relax (serotonin). By spending time with your friends and family you experience more happiness and positivity at the chemical level. You can encourage your friends and family to become your gratitude partner. If you create a network and share those things which are indicative of your gratitude, think about how much positivity you can develop in each other. 4. Express gratitude towards others: It is compassionate to show kindness to someone, especially if that person is less comfortable with you. It can actually boost your positivity. For example, research shows that when a person donates in the form of philanthropy, in fact, he feels the same happiness as if he would get himself on the money. This is not only good for others but also It will be great for your own health too. Every goodness gives rise to another goodness. If we do something good for someone else, especially if it is unexpected, then it is more likely that the person can give you a favor for your favor, maybe not giving it to anyone else. Ultimately, whether directly or any other way, the reward of that good will reach us again. Some people call it karma Regardless of the name given to it, scientific research indicates that the principle of "pay it forward" is a reality in the context of favor. Try to teach and self-service or ask any service-institute how you can work in their objective-fulfillment. Offer a small loan to a needy person. A small loan given to a person in a developing country can also help him increase his business or can help him become financially self-reliant. It is worth noting here that in cases of small loans, repayment has been found to be more than 95%.
  • 21. Try to give small and small gifts to the people around you and even strangers. Give a person a lot of money in the queue. Send something to your friend who you have made with him in mind. Gifting starts production of Dopamine in your brain, but the fact is that you can realize a much larger "glow of happiness" than a gifted person. 5. Find an optimistic proverb or quote and put it in your purse or pocket: When you are uncertain or feel like "Somebody supports me" then you look for that reference or quick reference for the quote. Here are some quotes for your start: How wonder is there that nobody needs to wait even for a moment before the world is rectified - Anne Frank The optimist declares that we live in the best world, while pessimism is afraid that maybe this is true - James Branch Cabell The greatest invention to date is the thinking that a person can change his future just by making changes in his attitude - Oprah Winfrey If there is a voice telling you from within, "You cannot paint: do anything by doing paint, you will find that the voice will calm down" - Vincent Van Gogh
  • 22. 6. Meet a doctor: According to a common misconception, there is a "need" of getting people to a doctor or consultant only when there is something "wrong". But consider: Do not go to a dentist only when you have cavities in your teeth but also go for cleaning teeth only. Even if you are not sick, you go to the doctor for an annual check-up. Meeting a doctor can be a helpful "preventive" technique for you. If you want to learn how to think and behave more positively, then a doctor or consultant can identify the disruptive patterns in your thinking and Can help you to develop new positive strategies. You can ask your doctor about any such doctor or through an online directory. If you have made health-insurance, then your service provider can tell you about any counselor available in your network. Often less expensive options are also available. You can get online information about Public Health Counseling Centers run by Mental Health Clinics, Community Health Centers and even colleges and universities.
  • 23. Method 3 - Avoiding negative effects 1. Avoid negative influences: Humans are highly receptive to "emotional attachment" which means that the feelings of those present around us affect our own feelings. Stay away from bad behavior and negativity so that it cannot scratch you. Choose your friends wisely: Friends among whom we live can put great influence on our view, both good and bad. If your friends are always negative, then consider sharing their own positivity with them. You also encourage them to learn to become positive. If after this they still remain indifferent to being negative then, in your own interest, you should remove yourself from them. Do only what you find convenient to do:
  • 24. If you feel inconvenient to do any work, there is every possibility that you feel bad, guilty or worried while doing that work. This does not compensate for any positive experience. Learning "forbidding" by doing what you do not want to do helps you feel a powerful experience and feel comfortable with yourself. This is true with friends and loved ones and in the workplace circumstances. 2. Challenge negative thoughts: It is very easy to swell in "automatic" or habitual negative thinking patterns, especially if it is about self. You can become your worst critic. Every time you face a negative thought, you can challenge it by taking the time out. Try to change it in positive thoughts or find some logic in negative thoughts. If you do this for a long time, it will be involved in your habit which will make a big difference in your positive thinking skills. Say "I can" more often than "I cannot". Remember, everything can be given positively, therefore, keep on striving for it without tiredness. For example, if you scream at your friend in an angry way, then your heart will probably say, "I am a terrible person." It is a cognitive disorder: this is a general statement about a specific incident. This will create a sense of guilt within you and you will not be able to learn anything from it. It is better that you accept the responsibilities of your actions and think about what you have to do in response. For example: "I shouted at my friend, which probably hurt his feelings, maybe I was wrong. I will apologize to him and next time we are talking about a serious topic then I will ask for a break. "By thinking this way, you will not normally be able to call yourself a horrible person but look like a person. Who made a mistake, learned from him and went beyond it.
  • 25. If you find that there are repeated negative thoughts about you or someone else in you, then find three positive things that you can say about yourself or another person. For example, if thoughts show that you are "idiots" then challenge that idea with three positive things: "I have these ideas in my mind that I am stupid. But, last week I have accomplished that big project for a commendable review. In the past, I have solved difficult problems. I am a competent person but at this time I am going through a difficult phase. " Even when we do not get what we want, we gain valuable experience. Often the experience is more valuable than physical things. Physical things gradually diminish, whereas the experience lives with us permanently throughout life and there is constant growth in them. Most situations have both positive and negative aspects. We have to choose the one to focus on. Whenever we are negative, we can try to stop ourselves and try to think in the opposite direction. Worrying about negative things does not have any benefit, especially if they cannot be changed. Some parts of life are "unjust". That's because life is just "there". If we waste our energy and happiness on those things we cannot change, we simply disappoint ourselves more.
  • 26. 3. Deal with the traumas of the past: If you find yourself unhappy, upset, or negatively, then there may be some possible causes that need to be resolved. Get help from professional people to deal with trams such as past misbehavior, stress, natural disaster, mourning, and loss, etc. Find a licensed mental health doctor, especially if you find someone who specializes in the treatment of trams. It can be painful to treat your trams through a consultant or doctor, but in the end, you will emerge stronger and more positive. 4. Do not be afraid of failures: According to the brief interpretation of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the one thing that we should be afraid of is itself "Fear". We will fall and make mistakes. The thing that matters is how we stand back. If we expect to be successful and do not fear the failures, then it means that we always have the best chance of being positive. Advice
  • 27. When you feel that you are going to break, take a deep breath, count to 10, drink water and smile. Even if you are smiling forcibly but it will be a smile and you definitely feel better. Focus on good things. Look at yourself in the mirror each morning and think of the five good qualities that are in you. Do not sit frustrated. With constant efforts, good habits can replace bad habits. Develop positive thinking with purposeful reasons - to enhance the quality of your life and to others. Remember that we can control our thoughts. If we are thinking negatively, then we can think of any positive thing and change it at any time. Keep cards and letters from your family and friends in a file. Whenever you feel disappointed, take that file out and remind yourself that you are important for the people. These people love you and keep your attention. When you know that you bring happiness in many people's lives, then it is difficult to be disappointed. Progress is the only success. If you are taking positive things in your thoughts, in your thoughts, then there will be no such goal which you cannot progress on. The goals adopted by us are powerful. Staying calm will give you more stability and positivity in life.
  • 28. Do not punish yourself for everything. Do not focus on what has been proven to work and what not, and remember it the next time. Remember what you did that someone was pleased or what you did to help someone. Remember that when you helped a person in his difficult watch or under normal circumstances. To make you feel like a good person, you can do such a good thing for someone, not only that person is happy but you also feel good about yourself. Warning Be careful with those who do not want to be positive. Consult only with positive individuals.
  • 29. There will always be people who will continue to assess you for something. Do not let yourself be disturbed by this attitude of them. Remember that the only person you want to please is you yourself, nobody else.