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35 Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Flying
Overcome Your Fear of Flying - Do you want to stay away from places without
distraction or panic attack and see the world? If you are afraid of aviophobia or air
travel, then there are ways through which you can prevent it from putting negative
effects on your life. Keeping the information, using the techniques of rest, and
planning your trip are all the ways in which you can come out of fear and be free to
roam the world. A fact that can lead you out of this fear and move forward: the
probability of being killed in your aerial accident is only one of 11000000. This
means that only 0.00001% of the chances are that there will be some major
disruption in your airplane.
Flying can be a fast and easy way to get to your destination, but there are sp many
people which are not able to get on an airplane without overcoming their fear of
flying. The fear of flying is also known as Aviophobia, Aerophobia, or flying
Some people acknowledge a fear of flying as an irrational fear which considering
you have a 1 in 7 million chance of dying on a U.S. commercial flights, but this
does not comfort those who were suffer from the fear. Having a fear of flying is a
very serious phobia that many suffer from. According to the National Institute of
Mental Health, 7% of the Americans have a fear of flying.
Part 1 - Equip yourself with knowledge about airplanes
1. Know how safe airplanes are:
Knowledge of the figures can probably not be kept completely safe after you leave
your plane's runway. But when you think that flying in an airplane is really safe,
you can let yourself be more comfortable in your flight and on the way to the
airport. The fact of the matter is that air travel is really "very, very" safe. It is the
safest means of transportation with a big difference somewhere.
The probability of your dying in a plane crash is only one of 11 million. Meaning
is only 0.00001% of the chances that something will happen.
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2. Compare the safety of aircraft travel with other hazards:
There are so many experiences in life that we often do not think twice. Many times
they find that they are more dangerous than flying in the airplane. These dangers
are not being brought to knowledge to worry about them. Instead, the intention to
tell them is to explain that your worries about air travel are worthless! Know these
figures, write them down, and whenever you are worried about what will happen
on the next flight, repeat them in front of themselves.
The probability of your being killed in a motor vehicle accident is 1 out of 5000.
This means that the most dangerous part of your flight is your road trip to the
airport. Once you thank Venus when you reach the airport by road. Right now you
have come out of the most dangerous part of your flight.
The probability of your dying from food poisoning is more than dying in aerial
accident, once in three million.
The possibility of snake bite, lightning, falling too hot water, the possibility of
death due to falling from the bed is also higher than the possibility of aerial
accident. If you work with the left hand, using the right-hand tools will also bring
you more risk of death than an air accident.
The probability of dying in your own airplane is more than an aerial accident. (fear
of flying)
3. Expect the motions and stimuli:
The big part of being fearful is to be unaware of what is going to happen next.
Why is the plane running so fast? Why is there a sensation in my ears? And why
are the feathers of airplanes showing up? And, why are we being kept in the seat
belt? When faced with an unfamiliar situation, our first reaction is to think the
worst. To reduce this, learn how to fly and how airplanes work in this case. The
more you learn, the less uncertainty to worry about. Some things you should know
are the following:
Airplane needs to reach at a certain speed to fly. So you may find that the plane is
running very fast. Once the plane gets up from the ground, you will not feel the
speed of the plane.
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If you move towards the plane up or down, feel uncomfortable due to changes in
the air pressure in your ears.
Moving between certain parts of the wings during the flight is part of the flight.
This is quite natural.
4. Find out what can be expected from atmospheric turbulence:
When the plane flies from low pressure to high pressure area then there is
atmospheric turbulence, which makes you feel like a shock in travel. Turbulence is
like driving on a rocky path.
Atmospheric disturbances (Turbulence) rarely cause injury, which is usually due to
the wearing of seat belts of passengers or falling objects towards the passengers.
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5. Learn more about how the aircraft works:
You can learn the secret of this process by getting information about the internal
work of the plane, which scares you so much. Studies show that 73% of people
who are afraid of air travel, due to their fear, have mechanical problems during the
journey. Therefore, the more you know about how aircraft works, the more you are
comfortable during this process will feel. Instead of asking, "there are some things
that you should know, rather than asking yourself" Why is the plane doing this? “
Four forces work to blow an aircraft: gravity, pull, upturn and push. The purpose of
these forces is to make your flight as natural and easy as walking As a pilot has
said, "airplanes are most happy in the air." If you want to take your knowledge to
the next level, then you can read the science that works behind these forces.
Jet engines are quite straightforward than engines found in a car or lawnmower. A
very less probable incident that a plane in your plane has some problems, the
aircraft can work properly with the rest of the engines.
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6. Be assured that your plane will not open during the flight:
You can also stop the fear that the door can open during the flight. Once reaching
30000 feet height, the pressure of 9000 kg keeps your door closed, so opening the
door is impossible. (fear of flying)
7. Know that airplanes are kept regularly:
Airplanes pass through many repairs and maintenance processes. For every one
hour during which the plane flies in the air, it has to go through 11 hours of
maintenance. This means, if your flight is three hours long, then your aircraft has
gone through 33 hours of maintenance to ensure that everything is working fine!
Part 2 - Managing your dilemma
1. Manage your general business:
Keeping in mind about managing your business in general, makes it easy to
manage an organization that takes place during your flight. First, identify your
identity. How do you start feeling anxious? Do your hands start sweating? Do you
feel headache in your fingers? By identifying the initial symptoms, you can start
exercising to control your body's emotions and start doing it.
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2. Let go let those who can not control:
Many people who are afraid to fly in the air, are afraid that they feel like they are
not under control. People with this phobia may think that they can never have a car
accident because they are in control. They are on the driving seat. For this reason
they can accept the risk of driving rather than flying. Up in the sky, someone is
driving, so the lack of control is often the most scary thing to fly.
Many people experience an organization due to alleged control (or lack thereof) on
a stressful situation.
3. Try relaxing exercises for relief in the community:
Include relaxing exercise in your daily life. When you practice these exercises at
such times when you are not anxious, then you have the resources ready to help
you during your anxiety. You will feel more able to control yourself and calm
yourself. Try yoga and meditation to reduce anxiety in your life.
It is important to remember that fear and engagement/ anxiety can take months to
come out and gain control. (fear of flying)
4. Try to relax your muscles:
Start by understanding what part of the muscles is tight or harsh. Shoulders are a
good example. Often, when we are nervous or anxious, we move our shoulders
upwards towards the throat and make those muscles stiff.
Take a deep breath and leave your shoulders loose. Feel comfortable in your
muscles. Now try it on other parts of the muscles like your face and feet.
5. Use guided imagery:
Think of a place that makes you happy or comfortable. Imagine that you are in the
same place. What have you seen Sniff? Focus on the detailed information of your
chosen location.
There are many guided imagery tapes available that you can buy and download to
6. Take deep breaths:
keep one hand belly. Take a deep breath from your nose. Push as much air as
possible Your stomach should blossom, not chest. Slowly breathe in your mouth
by counting up to 10. Shrink your stomach to take out all the air.
To help you get relief, do this exercise 4-5 times.
7. Take care of yourself:
Think about any such thing you are excited about, or at least something that can
remove your attention from your fears. What will you make for dinner? If you can
go anywhere, where will you go? What will you do there? (fear of flying)
8. Take classes:
There are classes available that can help you get out of your fear of flying. You
may have to pay for such a course, but they are in existence. Types of Courses:
Those that you personally go to and complete with your help with the help of
videos, written material, and counseling sessions. In the classes you attend, you are
familiar with seeing your airport and flight with your class leader and flying about
your flight. The uncontroversial obtained by taking this flight will not go a long
way, as long as you do not keep it by making the air travel again and again.
You can find such group therapy classes in your area.
Classes at your own pace give you more control over the process. And, as the
course material will be with you, you can re-classify your learning of course
material from time to time.
Some courses provide Weekly Group Phone Cancellation without additional fees.
Some classes give you a flight simulator experience. It is an imitation of the flying
experience without leaving the ground.
9. Take flying lessons:
Take your breath directly with flying lessons. There were innumerable stories of
such people who were afraid of anything in life and they had to face them one day.
Then they went to know that the thing which was scared of them was not scary
anyhow, it was not just scary. One way of conquering a Phobia is to put yourself
into something that you know "is a condition". In this case, you are in the presence
of a trained professional.
With the guidance of an instructor, you can reach the conclusion that air travel is
not so scary. Although this is an extreme way, but it can be useful to reduce your
anxiety. (fear of flying)
10. Avoid reading too much about aircraft accidents:
If you want to stay calm on this topic, then do not take the air crashes described in
the news on the heart. These stories will not make you feel better. Instead, it will
increase your anxiety further due to the occurrence of any untoward incident. If
you are already struggling with your engagement / anxiety about flying, then avoid
the temptation to enjoy your fears.
The same applies to movies based on aircraft crashes.
Part 3 - Booking your flight
1. Choose a direct flight:
Although once you control your plane after sitting on the passenger seat of the
aircraft is very limited, there are some things that you can do to avoid your
concerns beforehand. Straighten your destination Select Flight. It's pretty easy. The
lesser the better the air.
2. Select the seat with wings:
The passengers who sit in these seats are the easiest to travel. The area above the
wings is the most permanent and most receptive to the extra activities.
3. Select the seat of the corridor seat or the seat of the exit:
Select a seat in which you feel yourself less trapped in the net. And then select the
seat of the corridor or the exit row.
4. Select Large Flat:
If you have any way to avoid small planes, then adopt it. When you are looking at
the flights, you will find information about the aircraft used. Choose if you can
select large aircraft The larger the plane, the flight will be as easy as possible. (fear
of flying)
5. Choose day-to-day flights:
If you are afraid of flying at night, choose day-to-day flights. Many times you can
feel better because you will be able to see outside the window and also see things
around you. You can feel more agitated in the darkness because you will feel that
you are facing suspicious things.
6. Select the route with the lowest atmospheric storm:
To know the area with the lowest atmospheric turbulence in your country, you can
see a website whose address is Turbulence Forecast. If there is a connecting flight
in your plan, check if you can choose a route that gives you the least problem.
Part 4 - Get ready for flight
1. Travel to the airport at some other time:
Some recommend that you travel to the airport even when you are not planning to
fly. Just spend some time in the terminal and get acquainted with the things there.
It may look great, but this is another way to be comfortable with the flight.
2. Arrive a little quicker:
Arrive early on the airport so that you have time to experience the terminal, go
through safety, find the gate. Late, there will be no time for mental preparation for
things to come, surely you will make you more busy while sitting on your seat.
From the terminal, get acquainted with the oncoming journeys, and the general
atmosphere of the airport. The more you are familiar with this, the better you feel
as you climb the flight. (fear of flying)
3. Know your flight attendants and pilots:
When you arrive in the plane, call your plane attendants and the pilot too high. See
them ready in their uniform and do the work. Pilates receive special training, just
like doctors do, and these are those people who you should respect and believe in
them. If you practice the belief in these people, and understand that your interest in
their mind is paramount and they are capable, then you will feel better about your
Your pilot will experience several hundred hours of flying air. To apply for a job in
any major airlines, they must have at least 1500 hours of flying experience. (fear of
4. Avoid making your own medicine with alcohol:
Many people start ordering wine and alcohol for the first time when they come to
the aircraft attendant for the first time. But this is not a good long-term way to get
rid of your flight or engagement. Alcohol really can make you more anxious about
the lack of control. If you are worried about getting out of the plane at the time of
the crisis, it will affect you especially.
Taking too much will force you to feel very bad, especially when the effects of
alcohol are over.
If you really want to relax your mind, then take only one glass of wine or a beer.
(fear of flying)
5. Take some snacks:
Take your attention on the other side with such a snack or your favorite thing that
takes some time to eat.
6. Engage yourself in the book of a film gossip:
You may find it difficult to focus on your chemistry homework, but it will be
worth reading about the latest scandal of Bollywood.
7. Plunge into the aircraft with the preparation of a nap:
Some people advise that after rising early in the morning you boarded the plane. In
this case, the possibility of getting your sleep will increase slightly during the
flight. What could be the time to pass better time than gold?
Part 5 - Stay in the air
1. Take deep breaths:
Slowly push the air into your nose. Then, resting, counting up to ten, remove all
the air from the lungs. Repeat it as often as you need it.
2. Bleach the upper part of your elbow elbows:
If you are feeling anxious, especially when taking takeoff or landing of an aircraft,
you can get as far as possible from the elbow above your elbows. At the same time,
stretch your stomach muscles, and hold it for 10 seconds. (fear of flying)
3. Put a rubber band on your wrist, and leave it alone when you feel
This small wave of pain will bring you back in reality.
4. Bring the things to be taken away:
If you raise attention as much as possible, then you will feel better as you fly.
Bring magazines or download an episode of your favorite TV show that you were
looking for later on your computer. You can also watch game games on your
computer. You can also bring work from your office or school.
Find anything that works for you. Watch your flight time as a continuous hour of
engagement or a time of worry rather than a time in which you can work or do the
necessary things. (fear of flying)
Once you have made a policy of defeating your fears on your flight day, travel as
many times as possible. Making a habit of flying will make it a less scary event
and a part of your daily life. Once you get used to it, you will begin to feel more
comfortable in this work. When you have both options for flying and driving,
choose to fly to deal better with your fear. Remember, flying is much safer than
road travel!
Accept that in certain circumstances such as air travel you do not have control.
Risk is a part of life. You never know what will happen next. Due to predicting,
worrying, and trying to control the future, fear is born. Once you have a
compromise with whatever happens that will happen, flying will not be as fearful
for your mental peace as it was before. (fear of flying)
During the flight, bring things that not only entertain you but also force your mind
to think carefully. Some people think that you can go somewhere, what place will
they be and what will you do, although if this does not work for you then you will
go about where you are going and what you will do there. Think about it.
Try to take your attention away from your fear by looking at a movie or napping.
Take sick bands and tablets used during the trip so that they can come to your work
when you feel sick or vomit.
Remember, the captain knows what he's doing. Trust your crew's crew. They've
been flying thousands of times even before this! good luck!!
Avoid viewing outside the window while landing and takeoff. Instead, think of
something to distract, such as what you are going to do when landing the plane. Do
not remove your attention too much, because during the Emergency you may still
need to be alert.
If you think that you face serious levels of engagement or anxiety, then meet a
therapist to talk about the treatment. You can also meet your doctor to take anti-
angiology medicines during the flight. Some over-the-counter medicines are also
available to help in staying calm or sleeping, but still you should meet the doctor to
know the instructions of the doze and their interactions with other medicines.
While many times my panic attacks have never made me not want to fly in a plane,
they have made the experience very uncomfortable at times. Now what I know
that, there are so many options for tackling my fear of flying, I am hopeful about
anxiety-free flights in my future.

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35 tips to overcome your fear of flying - Depression Cure -

  • 1.
  • 2. 35 Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Flying Overcome Your Fear of Flying - Do you want to stay away from places without distraction or panic attack and see the world? If you are afraid of aviophobia or air travel, then there are ways through which you can prevent it from putting negative effects on your life. Keeping the information, using the techniques of rest, and planning your trip are all the ways in which you can come out of fear and be free to roam the world. A fact that can lead you out of this fear and move forward: the probability of being killed in your aerial accident is only one of 11000000. This means that only 0.00001% of the chances are that there will be some major disruption in your airplane. Flying can be a fast and easy way to get to your destination, but there are sp many people which are not able to get on an airplane without overcoming their fear of flying. The fear of flying is also known as Aviophobia, Aerophobia, or flying phobia. Some people acknowledge a fear of flying as an irrational fear which considering you have a 1 in 7 million chance of dying on a U.S. commercial flights, but this does not comfort those who were suffer from the fear. Having a fear of flying is a very serious phobia that many suffer from. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 7% of the Americans have a fear of flying. Part 1 - Equip yourself with knowledge about airplanes 1. Know how safe airplanes are: Knowledge of the figures can probably not be kept completely safe after you leave your plane's runway. But when you think that flying in an airplane is really safe, you can let yourself be more comfortable in your flight and on the way to the airport. The fact of the matter is that air travel is really "very, very" safe. It is the safest means of transportation with a big difference somewhere.
  • 3. The probability of your dying in a plane crash is only one of 11 million. Meaning is only 0.00001% of the chances that something will happen. Click Here To Read:- 20 Ways About How to Calm Yourself During an Anxiety Attack 2. Compare the safety of aircraft travel with other hazards: There are so many experiences in life that we often do not think twice. Many times they find that they are more dangerous than flying in the airplane. These dangers are not being brought to knowledge to worry about them. Instead, the intention to tell them is to explain that your worries about air travel are worthless! Know these figures, write them down, and whenever you are worried about what will happen on the next flight, repeat them in front of themselves. The probability of your being killed in a motor vehicle accident is 1 out of 5000. This means that the most dangerous part of your flight is your road trip to the airport. Once you thank Venus when you reach the airport by road. Right now you have come out of the most dangerous part of your flight. The probability of your dying from food poisoning is more than dying in aerial accident, once in three million. The possibility of snake bite, lightning, falling too hot water, the possibility of death due to falling from the bed is also higher than the possibility of aerial accident. If you work with the left hand, using the right-hand tools will also bring you more risk of death than an air accident. The probability of dying in your own airplane is more than an aerial accident. (fear of flying)
  • 4. 3. Expect the motions and stimuli: The big part of being fearful is to be unaware of what is going to happen next. Why is the plane running so fast? Why is there a sensation in my ears? And why are the feathers of airplanes showing up? And, why are we being kept in the seat belt? When faced with an unfamiliar situation, our first reaction is to think the worst. To reduce this, learn how to fly and how airplanes work in this case. The more you learn, the less uncertainty to worry about. Some things you should know are the following: Airplane needs to reach at a certain speed to fly. So you may find that the plane is running very fast. Once the plane gets up from the ground, you will not feel the speed of the plane. Click Here To Read:- 20 Ways to calm your mind – How to calm your mind If you move towards the plane up or down, feel uncomfortable due to changes in the air pressure in your ears. Moving between certain parts of the wings during the flight is part of the flight. This is quite natural. 4. Find out what can be expected from atmospheric turbulence:
  • 5. When the plane flies from low pressure to high pressure area then there is atmospheric turbulence, which makes you feel like a shock in travel. Turbulence is like driving on a rocky path. Atmospheric disturbances (Turbulence) rarely cause injury, which is usually due to the wearing of seat belts of passengers or falling objects towards the passengers. Click Here To Read:- 20 Ways To Do Meditation – How To Do Meditation 5. Learn more about how the aircraft works: You can learn the secret of this process by getting information about the internal work of the plane, which scares you so much. Studies show that 73% of people who are afraid of air travel, due to their fear, have mechanical problems during the journey. Therefore, the more you know about how aircraft works, the more you are comfortable during this process will feel. Instead of asking, "there are some things that you should know, rather than asking yourself" Why is the plane doing this? “ Four forces work to blow an aircraft: gravity, pull, upturn and push. The purpose of these forces is to make your flight as natural and easy as walking As a pilot has said, "airplanes are most happy in the air." If you want to take your knowledge to the next level, then you can read the science that works behind these forces. Jet engines are quite straightforward than engines found in a car or lawnmower. A very less probable incident that a plane in your plane has some problems, the aircraft can work properly with the rest of the engines. Click Here To Read:- 22 Ways To Become More Positive – How To Become Positive 6. Be assured that your plane will not open during the flight: You can also stop the fear that the door can open during the flight. Once reaching 30000 feet height, the pressure of 9000 kg keeps your door closed, so opening the door is impossible. (fear of flying)
  • 6. 7. Know that airplanes are kept regularly: Airplanes pass through many repairs and maintenance processes. For every one hour during which the plane flies in the air, it has to go through 11 hours of maintenance. This means, if your flight is three hours long, then your aircraft has gone through 33 hours of maintenance to ensure that everything is working fine! Part 2 - Managing your dilemma 1. Manage your general business: Keeping in mind about managing your business in general, makes it easy to manage an organization that takes place during your flight. First, identify your identity. How do you start feeling anxious? Do your hands start sweating? Do you feel headache in your fingers? By identifying the initial symptoms, you can start exercising to control your body's emotions and start doing it. Click Here To Read:- Top 25 Ways To Reduce Stress – How To Reduce Stress 2. Let go let those who can not control: Many people who are afraid to fly in the air, are afraid that they feel like they are not under control. People with this phobia may think that they can never have a car accident because they are in control. They are on the driving seat. For this reason they can accept the risk of driving rather than flying. Up in the sky, someone is driving, so the lack of control is often the most scary thing to fly.
  • 7. Many people experience an organization due to alleged control (or lack thereof) on a stressful situation. 3. Try relaxing exercises for relief in the community: Include relaxing exercise in your daily life. When you practice these exercises at such times when you are not anxious, then you have the resources ready to help you during your anxiety. You will feel more able to control yourself and calm yourself. Try yoga and meditation to reduce anxiety in your life. It is important to remember that fear and engagement/ anxiety can take months to come out and gain control. (fear of flying) 4. Try to relax your muscles: Start by understanding what part of the muscles is tight or harsh. Shoulders are a good example. Often, when we are nervous or anxious, we move our shoulders upwards towards the throat and make those muscles stiff. Take a deep breath and leave your shoulders loose. Feel comfortable in your muscles. Now try it on other parts of the muscles like your face and feet. 5. Use guided imagery: Think of a place that makes you happy or comfortable. Imagine that you are in the same place. What have you seen Sniff? Focus on the detailed information of your chosen location.
  • 8. There are many guided imagery tapes available that you can buy and download to practice. 6. Take deep breaths: keep one hand belly. Take a deep breath from your nose. Push as much air as possible Your stomach should blossom, not chest. Slowly breathe in your mouth by counting up to 10. Shrink your stomach to take out all the air. To help you get relief, do this exercise 4-5 times. 7. Take care of yourself: Think about any such thing you are excited about, or at least something that can remove your attention from your fears. What will you make for dinner? If you can go anywhere, where will you go? What will you do there? (fear of flying) 8. Take classes: There are classes available that can help you get out of your fear of flying. You may have to pay for such a course, but they are in existence. Types of Courses: Those that you personally go to and complete with your help with the help of videos, written material, and counseling sessions. In the classes you attend, you are familiar with seeing your airport and flight with your class leader and flying about your flight. The uncontroversial obtained by taking this flight will not go a long way, as long as you do not keep it by making the air travel again and again. You can find such group therapy classes in your area.
  • 9. Classes at your own pace give you more control over the process. And, as the course material will be with you, you can re-classify your learning of course material from time to time. Some courses provide Weekly Group Phone Cancellation without additional fees. Some classes give you a flight simulator experience. It is an imitation of the flying experience without leaving the ground. 9. Take flying lessons: Take your breath directly with flying lessons. There were innumerable stories of such people who were afraid of anything in life and they had to face them one day. Then they went to know that the thing which was scared of them was not scary anyhow, it was not just scary. One way of conquering a Phobia is to put yourself into something that you know "is a condition". In this case, you are in the presence of a trained professional. With the guidance of an instructor, you can reach the conclusion that air travel is not so scary. Although this is an extreme way, but it can be useful to reduce your anxiety. (fear of flying) 10. Avoid reading too much about aircraft accidents: If you want to stay calm on this topic, then do not take the air crashes described in the news on the heart. These stories will not make you feel better. Instead, it will increase your anxiety further due to the occurrence of any untoward incident. If
  • 10. you are already struggling with your engagement / anxiety about flying, then avoid the temptation to enjoy your fears. The same applies to movies based on aircraft crashes. Part 3 - Booking your flight 1. Choose a direct flight: Although once you control your plane after sitting on the passenger seat of the aircraft is very limited, there are some things that you can do to avoid your concerns beforehand. Straighten your destination Select Flight. It's pretty easy. The lesser the better the air. 2. Select the seat with wings: The passengers who sit in these seats are the easiest to travel. The area above the wings is the most permanent and most receptive to the extra activities. 3. Select the seat of the corridor seat or the seat of the exit: Select a seat in which you feel yourself less trapped in the net. And then select the seat of the corridor or the exit row. 4. Select Large Flat: If you have any way to avoid small planes, then adopt it. When you are looking at the flights, you will find information about the aircraft used. Choose if you can select large aircraft The larger the plane, the flight will be as easy as possible. (fear of flying)
  • 11. 5. Choose day-to-day flights: If you are afraid of flying at night, choose day-to-day flights. Many times you can feel better because you will be able to see outside the window and also see things around you. You can feel more agitated in the darkness because you will feel that you are facing suspicious things. 6. Select the route with the lowest atmospheric storm: To know the area with the lowest atmospheric turbulence in your country, you can see a website whose address is Turbulence Forecast. If there is a connecting flight in your plan, check if you can choose a route that gives you the least problem. Part 4 - Get ready for flight 1. Travel to the airport at some other time: Some recommend that you travel to the airport even when you are not planning to fly. Just spend some time in the terminal and get acquainted with the things there. It may look great, but this is another way to be comfortable with the flight. 2. Arrive a little quicker: Arrive early on the airport so that you have time to experience the terminal, go through safety, find the gate. Late, there will be no time for mental preparation for things to come, surely you will make you more busy while sitting on your seat. From the terminal, get acquainted with the oncoming journeys, and the general
  • 12. atmosphere of the airport. The more you are familiar with this, the better you feel as you climb the flight. (fear of flying) 3. Know your flight attendants and pilots: When you arrive in the plane, call your plane attendants and the pilot too high. See them ready in their uniform and do the work. Pilates receive special training, just like doctors do, and these are those people who you should respect and believe in them. If you practice the belief in these people, and understand that your interest in their mind is paramount and they are capable, then you will feel better about your trip. Your pilot will experience several hundred hours of flying air. To apply for a job in any major airlines, they must have at least 1500 hours of flying experience. (fear of flying) 4. Avoid making your own medicine with alcohol: Many people start ordering wine and alcohol for the first time when they come to the aircraft attendant for the first time. But this is not a good long-term way to get rid of your flight or engagement. Alcohol really can make you more anxious about the lack of control. If you are worried about getting out of the plane at the time of the crisis, it will affect you especially. Taking too much will force you to feel very bad, especially when the effects of alcohol are over. If you really want to relax your mind, then take only one glass of wine or a beer. (fear of flying)
  • 13. 5. Take some snacks: Take your attention on the other side with such a snack or your favorite thing that takes some time to eat. 6. Engage yourself in the book of a film gossip: You may find it difficult to focus on your chemistry homework, but it will be worth reading about the latest scandal of Bollywood. 7. Plunge into the aircraft with the preparation of a nap: Some people advise that after rising early in the morning you boarded the plane. In this case, the possibility of getting your sleep will increase slightly during the flight. What could be the time to pass better time than gold? Part 5 - Stay in the air 1. Take deep breaths: Slowly push the air into your nose. Then, resting, counting up to ten, remove all the air from the lungs. Repeat it as often as you need it. 2. Bleach the upper part of your elbow elbows: If you are feeling anxious, especially when taking takeoff or landing of an aircraft, you can get as far as possible from the elbow above your elbows. At the same time, stretch your stomach muscles, and hold it for 10 seconds. (fear of flying)
  • 14. 3. Put a rubber band on your wrist, and leave it alone when you feel anxiety: This small wave of pain will bring you back in reality. 4. Bring the things to be taken away: If you raise attention as much as possible, then you will feel better as you fly. Bring magazines or download an episode of your favorite TV show that you were looking for later on your computer. You can also watch game games on your computer. You can also bring work from your office or school. Find anything that works for you. Watch your flight time as a continuous hour of engagement or a time of worry rather than a time in which you can work or do the necessary things. (fear of flying) Advice Once you have made a policy of defeating your fears on your flight day, travel as many times as possible. Making a habit of flying will make it a less scary event and a part of your daily life. Once you get used to it, you will begin to feel more comfortable in this work. When you have both options for flying and driving, choose to fly to deal better with your fear. Remember, flying is much safer than road travel! Accept that in certain circumstances such as air travel you do not have control. Risk is a part of life. You never know what will happen next. Due to predicting, worrying, and trying to control the future, fear is born. Once you have a compromise with whatever happens that will happen, flying will not be as fearful for your mental peace as it was before. (fear of flying)
  • 15. During the flight, bring things that not only entertain you but also force your mind to think carefully. Some people think that you can go somewhere, what place will they be and what will you do, although if this does not work for you then you will go about where you are going and what you will do there. Think about it. Try to take your attention away from your fear by looking at a movie or napping. Take sick bands and tablets used during the trip so that they can come to your work when you feel sick or vomit. Remember, the captain knows what he's doing. Trust your crew's crew. They've been flying thousands of times even before this! good luck!! Avoid viewing outside the window while landing and takeoff. Instead, think of something to distract, such as what you are going to do when landing the plane. Do not remove your attention too much, because during the Emergency you may still need to be alert. Warning If you think that you face serious levels of engagement or anxiety, then meet a therapist to talk about the treatment. You can also meet your doctor to take anti- angiology medicines during the flight. Some over-the-counter medicines are also available to help in staying calm or sleeping, but still you should meet the doctor to know the instructions of the doze and their interactions with other medicines. While many times my panic attacks have never made me not want to fly in a plane, they have made the experience very uncomfortable at times. Now what I know that, there are so many options for tackling my fear of flying, I am hopeful about anxiety-free flights in my future.