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Spark vs Flink
Rumble in the (Big Data) Jungle
München, 2016-04-20
Konstantin Knauf Michael Pisula
The Big Data Ecosystem
Apache Top-Level Projects over Time
2008 2010 2013 2014 2015
The New Guard
Berkeley University Origin TU Berlin
2013 Apache
02/2014 Apache Top-
databricks Company data Artisans
Scala, Java, Python, R Supported
Java, Scala, Python
Scala Implemented
Stand-Alone, Mesos,
Cluster Stand-Alone, Mesos, EC2, YARN
Lightning-fast cluster
Teaser Scalable Batch and Stream
Data Processing
The Challenge
Real-Time Analysis of a Superhero Fight Club
hitter: Int
hittee: Int
hitpoints: Int
id: Int
name: String
segment: String
name: String
gender: Int
birthYear: Int
noOfAppearances: Int
hitter: Int
hittee: Int
hitpoints: Int
hitter: Int
hittee: Int
hitpoints: Int
hitter: Int
hittee: Int
hitpoints: Int
hitter: Int
hittee: Int
hitpoints: Int
hitter: Int
hittee: Int
hitpoints: Int
hitter: Int
hittee: Int
hitpoints: Int
hitter: Int
hittee: Int
hitpoints: Int
id: Int
name: String
segment: String
gender: Int
birthYear: Int
noOfAppearances: Int
The Setup
AWS Cluster
Stream ProcessingBatch Processing
Combining Stream and Batch
Segment Detail Data Generator
Round 1
Setting up
compile "org.apache.flink:flink-java:1.0.0"
compile "org.apache.flink:flink-streaming-java_2.11:1.0.0"
//For Local Execution from IDE
compile "org.apache.flink:flink-clients_2.11:1.0.0"
//Batch (DataSetAPI)
ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
//Stream (DataStream API)
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment()
//Processing Logic
//For Streaming
compile 'org.apache.spark:spark-core_2.10:1.5.0'
compile 'org.apache.spark:spark-streaming_2.10:1.5.0'
Skeleton Batch
SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(appName).setMaster(master);
// Batch
JavaSparkContext sparkContext = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
// Stream
JavaStreamingContext jssc = new JavaStreamingContext(conf,
// Processing Logic
jssc.start(); // For Streaming
First Impressions
Practically no boiler plate
Easy to get started and play around
Runs in the IDE
Hadoop MapReduce is much harder to get into
Round 2
Static Data Analysis
Combine both static data parts
Read the csv file and transform it
JavaRDD<String> segmentFile = sparkContext.textFile("s3://...");
JavaPairRDD<Integer, SegmentTableRecord> segmentTable = segmentFile
.map(line -> line.split(","))
.filter(array -> array.length == 3)
.mapToPair((String[] parts) -> {
int id = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]);
String name = parts[1], segment = parts[2];
return new Tuple2<>(name, new SegmentTableRecord(id, name, segment));
Join with detail data, filter out humans and write output
.mapValues(tuple -> {
SegmentTableRecord s = tuple._1();
DetailTableRecord d = tuple._2();
return new Hero(s.getId(), s.getName(), s.getSegment(),
d.getGender(), d.getBirthYear(), d.getNoOfAppearances());
.map(tuple -> tuple._2())
.filter(hero -> hero.getSegment().equals(HUMAN_SEGMENT))
Loading Files from S3 into POJO
DataSource<SegmentTableRecord> segmentTable = env.readCsvFile("s3://...")
.pojoType(SegmentTableRecord.class, "id", "name", "segment");
Join and Filter
DataSet<Hero> humanHeros = segmentTable.join(detailTable)
.with((s, d) -> new Hero(,, s.segment,
d.gender, d.birthYear, d.noOfAppearances))
.filter(hero -> hero.segment.equals("Human"));
Write back to S3
humanHeros.writeAsFormattedText(outputTablePath, WriteMode.OVERWRITE,
h -> h.toCsv());
Terasort1: Flink ca 66% of runtime
Terasort2: Flink ca. 68% of runtime
HashJoin: Flink ca. 32% of runtime
(Iterative Processes: Flink ca. 50% of runtime, ca. 7% with
2nd Round Points
Generally similar abstraction and feature set
Flink has a nicer syntax, more sugar
Spark is pretty bare-metal
Flink is faster
Round 3
Simple Real Time Analysis
Total Hitpoints over Last Minute
Configuring Environment for EventTime
StreamExecutionEnvironment env =
ExecutionConfig config = env.getConfig();
Creating Stream from Kafka
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("bootstrap.servers", KAFKA_BROKERS);
properties.put("zookeeper.connect", ZOOKEEPER_CONNECTION);
properties.put("", KAFKA_GROUP_ID);
DataStreamSource<FightEvent> hitStream =
env.addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer08<>("FightEventTopic",
new FightEventDeserializer(),
Processing Logic
hitStream.assignTimestamps(new FightEventTimestampExtractor(6000))
.timeWindowAll(Time.of(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS),
Time.of(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
.apply(new SumAllWindowFunction<FightEvent>() {
public long getSummand(FightEvent fightEvent) {
return fightEvent.getHitPoints();
Example Output
3> (1448130670000,1448130730000,290789)
4> (1448130680000,1448130740000,289395)
5> (1448130690000,1448130750000,291768)
6> (1448130700000,1448130760000,292634)
7> (1448130710000,1448130770000,293869)
8> (1448130720000,1448130780000,293356)
1> (1448130730000,1448130790000,293054)
2> (1448130740000,1448130800000,294209)
Create Context and get Avro Stream from Kafka
JavaStreamingContext jssc = new JavaStreamingContext(conf,
HashSet<String> topicsSet = Sets.newHashSet("FightEventTopic");
HashMap<String, String> kafkaParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
kafkaParams.put("", "xxx:11211");
kafkaParams.put("", "spark");
JavaPairInputDStream<String, FightEvent> kafkaStream =
KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(jssc, String.class, FightEvent.class,
StringDecoder.class, AvroDecoder.class, kafkaParams, topicsSet);
Analyze number of hit points over a sliding window -> tuple._2().getHitPoints())
.reduceByWindow((hit1, hit2) -> hit1 + hit2,
Durations.seconds(60), Durations.seconds(10))
.foreachRDD((rdd, time) -> {
rdd.saveAsTextFile(outputPath + "/round1-" + time.milliseconds());"Hitpoints in the last minute {}", rdd.take(5));
return null;
20:19:32 Hitpoints in the last minute [80802]
20:19:42 Hitpoints in the last minute [101019]
20:19:52 Hitpoints in the last minute [141012]
20:20:02 Hitpoints in the last minute [184759]
20:20:12 Hitpoints in the last minute [215802]
3rd Round Points
Flink supports event time windows
Kafka and Avro worked seamlessly in both
Spark uses micro-batches, no real stream
Both have at-least-once delivery guarantees
Exactly-once depends a lot on sink/source
Round 4
Connecting Static Data with Real
Time Data
Total Hitpoints over Last Minute Per Gender
Read static data using object File and map genders
JavaRDD<Hero> staticRdd = jssc.sparkContext().objectFile(lookupPath);
JavaPairRDD<String, String> genderLookup = staticRdd.mapToPair(user -> {
int genderIndicator = user.getGender();
String gender;
switch (genderIndicator) {
case 1: gender = "MALE"; break;
case 2: gender = "FEMALE"; break;
default: gender = "OTHER"; break;
return new Tuple2<>(user.getId(), gender);
Analyze number of hit points per hitter over a sliding window
JavaPairDStream<String, Long> hitpointWindowedStream = kafkaStream
.mapToPair(tuple -> {
FightEvent fight = tuple._2();
return new Tuple2<>(fight.getHitterId(), fight.getHitPoints());
.reduceByKeyAndWindow((hit1, hit2) -> hit1 + hit2,
Join with static data to find gender for each hitter
hitpointWindowedStream.foreachRDD((rdd, time) -> {
JavaPairRDD<String, Long> hpg = rdd.leftOuterJoin(genderLookup)
.mapToPair(joinedTuple -> {
Optional<String> maybeGender = joinedTuple._2()._2();
Long hitpoints = joinedTuple._2()._1();
return new Tuple2<>(maybeGender.or("UNKNOWN"), hitpoints);
.reduceByKey((hit1, hit2) -> hit1 + hit2);
hpg.saveAsTextFile(outputPath + "/round2-" + time.milliseconds());"Hitpoints per gender {}", hpg.take(5));
return null;
20:30:44 Hitpoints [(FEMALE,35869), (OTHER,435), (MALE,66226)]
20:30:54 Hitpoints [(FEMALE,48805), (OTHER,644), (MALE,87014)]
20:31:04 Hitpoints [(FEMALE,55332), (OTHER,813), (MALE,99722)]
20:31:14 Hitpoints [(FEMALE,65543), (OTHER,813), (MALE,116416)]
20:31:24 Hitpoints [(FEMALE,67507), (OTHER,813), (MALE,123750)]
Loading Static Data in Every Map
public FightEventEnricher(String bucket, String keyPrefix) {
this.bucket = bucket;
this.keyPrefix = keyPrefix;
public void open(Configuration parameters) {
populateHeroMapFromS3(bucket, keyPrefix);
public EnrichedFightEvent map(FightEvent event) throws Exception {
return new EnrichedFightEvent(event,
private void populateHeroMapFromS3(String bucket, String keyPrefix) {
// Omitted
Processing Logic
hitStream.assignTimestamps(new FightEventTimestampExtractor(6000))
.map(new FightEventEnricher("s3_bucket", "output/heros"))
.filter(value -> value.getHittingHero() != null)
.keyBy(enrichedFightEvent ->
.timeWindow(Time.of(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS),
Time.of(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
.apply(new SumWindowFunction<EnrichedFightEvent, Integer>() {
public long getSummand(EnrichedFightEvent value) {
return value.getFightEvent()
Example Output
2> (1448191350000,1448191410000,1,28478)
3> (1448191350000,1448191410000,2,264650)
2> (1448191360000,1448191420000,1,28290)
3> (1448191360000,1448191420000,2,263521)
2> (1448191370000,1448191430000,1,29327)
3> (1448191370000,1448191430000,2,265526)
4th Round Points
Spark makes combining batch and spark easier
Windowing by key works well in both
Java API of Spark can be annoying
Round 5
More Advanced Real Time
Best Hitter over Last Minute Per Gender
Processing Logic
hitStream.assignTimestamps(new FightEventTimestampExtractor(6000))
.map(new FightEventEnricher("s3_bucket", "output/heros"))
.filter(value -> value.getHittingHero() != null)
.keyBy(fightEvent -> fightEvent.getHittingHero().getName())
.timeWindow(Time.of(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS),
Time.of(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
.apply(new SumWindowFunction<EnrichedFightEvent, String>() {
public long getSummand(EnrichedFightEvent value) {
return value.getFightEvent().getHitPoints();
.assignTimestamps(new AscendingTimestampExtractor<...>() {
public long extractAscendingTimestamp(Tuple4<...<tuple, long l) {
return tuple.f0;
.timeWindowAll(Time.of(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
Example Output
1> (1448200070000,1448200130000,Tengu,546)
2> (1448200080000,1448200140000,Louis XIV,621)
3> (1448200090000,1448200150000,Louis XIV,561)
4> (1448200100000,1448200160000,Louis XIV,552)
5> (1448200110000,1448200170000,Phil Dexter,620)
6> (1448200120000,1448200180000,Phil Dexter,552)
7> (1448200130000,1448200190000,Kalamity,648)
8> (1448200140000,1448200200000,Jakita Wagner,656)
1> (1448200150000,1448200210000,Jakita Wagner,703)
Read static data using object File and Map names
JavaRDD<Hero> staticRdd = jssc.sparkContext().objectFile(lookupPath);
JavaPairRDD<String, String> userNameLookup = staticRdd
.mapToPair(user -> new Tuple2<>(user.getId(), user.getName()));
Analyze number of hit points per hitter over a sliding window
JavaPairDStream<String, Long> hitters = kafkaStream
.mapToPair(kafkaTuple -> new Tuple2<>(kafkaTuple._2().getHitterId(),
.reduceByKeyAndWindow((accum, current) -> accum + current,
(accum, remove) -> accum - remove,
Join with static data to find username for each hitter
hitters.foreachRDD((rdd, time) -> {
JavaRDD<Tuple2<String, Long>> namedHitters = rdd
.map(joinedTuple -> {
String username = joinedTuple._2()._2().or("No name");
Long hitpoints = joinedTuple._2()._1();
return new Tuple2<>(username, hitpoints);
.sortBy(Tuple2::_2, false, PARTITIONS);
namedHitters.saveAsTextFile(outputPath + "/round3-" + time);"Five highest hitters (total: {}){}",
namedHitters.count(), namedHitters.take(5));
return null;
15/11/25 20:34:23 Five highest hitters (total: 200)
[(Nick Fury,691), (Lady Blackhawk,585), (Choocho Colon,585), (Purple Man,539),
15/11/25 20:34:33 Five highest hitters (total: 378)
[(Captain Dorja,826), (Choocho Colon,773), (Nick Fury,691), (Kari Limbo,646),
15/11/25 20:34:43 Five highest hitters (total: 378)
[(Captain Dorja,1154), (Choocho Colon,867), (Wendy Go,723), (Kari Limbo,699),
15/11/25 20:34:53 Five highest hitters (total: 558)
[(Captain Dorja,1154), (Wendy Go,931), (Choocho Colon,867), (Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
Yahoo Streaming Benchmark
5th Round Points
Spark makes some things easier
But Flink is real streaming
In Spark you often have to specify partitions
The Judges' Call
Compared to Hadoop, both are awesome
Both provide unified programming model for diverse scenarios
Comfort level of abstraction varies with use-case
Spark's Java API is cumbersome compared to the Scala API
Working with both is fun
Docs are ok, but spotty
Testing distributed systems will always be hard
Functionally both can be tested nicely
The Judge's Call
It depends...
Use Spark, if
You have Cloudera, Hortonworks. etc support and depend on it
You want to heavily use Graph and ML libraries
You want to use the more mature project
Use Flink, if
Real-Time processing is important for your use case
You want more complex window operations
You develop in Java only
If you want to support a German project
Benchmark References
Thank You!

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21.04.2016 Meetup: Spark vs. Flink

  • 1. Spark vs Flink Rumble in the (Big Data) Jungle , München, 2016-04-20 Konstantin Knauf Michael Pisula
  • 3. The Big Data Ecosystem Apache Top-Level Projects over Time 2008 2010 2013 2014 2015
  • 5. Berkeley University Origin TU Berlin 2013 Apache Incubator 04/2014 02/2014 Apache Top- Level 01/2015 databricks Company data Artisans Scala, Java, Python, R Supported languages Java, Scala, Python Scala Implemented in Java Stand-Alone, Mesos, EC2, YARN Cluster Stand-Alone, Mesos, EC2, YARN Lightning-fast cluster computing Teaser Scalable Batch and Stream Data Processing
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 9. Real-Time Analysis of a Superhero Fight Club Fight hitter: Int hittee: Int hitpoints: Int Segment id: Int name: String segment: String Detail name: String gender: Int birthYear: Int noOfAppearances: Int Fight hitter: Int hittee: Int hitpoints: Int Fight hitter: Int hittee: Int hitpoints: Int Fight hitter: Int hittee: Int hitpoints: Int Fight hitter: Int hittee: Int hitpoints: Int Fight hitter: Int hittee: Int hitpoints: Int Fight hitter: Int hittee: Int hitpoints: Int Fight hitter: Int hittee: Int hitpoints: Int Hero id: Int name: String segment: String gender: Int birthYear: Int noOfAppearances: Int {Stream {Batch
  • 10. The Setup AWS Cluster Kafka Cluster Stream ProcessingBatch Processing Heroes Combining Stream and Batch Segment Detail Data Generator Avro Avro
  • 12. Dependencies compile "org.apache.flink:flink-java:1.0.0" compile "org.apache.flink:flink-streaming-java_2.11:1.0.0" //For Local Execution from IDE compile "org.apache.flink:flink-clients_2.11:1.0.0" Skeleton //Batch (DataSetAPI) ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); //Stream (DataStream API) StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment() //Processing Logic //For Streaming env.execute()
  • 13. Dependencies compile 'org.apache.spark:spark-core_2.10:1.5.0' compile 'org.apache.spark:spark-streaming_2.10:1.5.0' Skeleton Batch SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(appName).setMaster(master); // Batch JavaSparkContext sparkContext = new JavaSparkContext(conf); // Stream JavaStreamingContext jssc = new JavaStreamingContext(conf, Durations.seconds(1)); // Processing Logic jssc.start(); // For Streaming
  • 14. First Impressions Practically no boiler plate Easy to get started and play around Runs in the IDE Hadoop MapReduce is much harder to get into
  • 15. Round 2 Static Data Analysis Combine both static data parts
  • 16. Read the csv file and transform it JavaRDD<String> segmentFile = sparkContext.textFile("s3://..."); JavaPairRDD<Integer, SegmentTableRecord> segmentTable = segmentFile .map(line -> line.split(",")) .filter(array -> array.length == 3) .mapToPair((String[] parts) -> { int id = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); String name = parts[1], segment = parts[2]; return new Tuple2<>(name, new SegmentTableRecord(id, name, segment)); }); Join with detail data, filter out humans and write output segmentTable.join(detailTable) .mapValues(tuple -> { SegmentTableRecord s = tuple._1(); DetailTableRecord d = tuple._2(); return new Hero(s.getId(), s.getName(), s.getSegment(), d.getGender(), d.getBirthYear(), d.getNoOfAppearances()); }) .map(tuple -> tuple._2()) .filter(hero -> hero.getSegment().equals(HUMAN_SEGMENT)) .saveAsTextFile("s3://...");
  • 17. Loading Files from S3 into POJO DataSource<SegmentTableRecord> segmentTable = env.readCsvFile("s3://...") .ignoreInvalidLines() .pojoType(SegmentTableRecord.class, "id", "name", "segment"); Join and Filter DataSet<Hero> humanHeros = segmentTable.join(detailTable) .where("name") .equalTo("name") .with((s, d) -> new Hero(,, s.segment, d.gender, d.birthYear, d.noOfAppearances)) .filter(hero -> hero.segment.equals("Human")); Write back to S3 humanHeros.writeAsFormattedText(outputTablePath, WriteMode.OVERWRITE, h -> h.toCsv());
  • 18. Performance Terasort1: Flink ca 66% of runtime Terasort2: Flink ca. 68% of runtime HashJoin: Flink ca. 32% of runtime (Iterative Processes: Flink ca. 50% of runtime, ca. 7% with Delta-Iterations)
  • 19. 2nd Round Points Generally similar abstraction and feature set Flink has a nicer syntax, more sugar Spark is pretty bare-metal Flink is faster
  • 20. Round 3 Simple Real Time Analysis Total Hitpoints over Last Minute
  • 21. Configuring Environment for EventTime StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime); ExecutionConfig config = env.getConfig(); config.setAutoWatermarkInterval(500); Creating Stream from Kafka Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put("bootstrap.servers", KAFKA_BROKERS); properties.put("zookeeper.connect", ZOOKEEPER_CONNECTION); properties.put("", KAFKA_GROUP_ID); DataStreamSource<FightEvent> hitStream = env.addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer08<>("FightEventTopic", new FightEventDeserializer(), properties));
  • 22. Processing Logic hitStream.assignTimestamps(new FightEventTimestampExtractor(6000)) .timeWindowAll(Time.of(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS), Time.of(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) .apply(new SumAllWindowFunction<FightEvent>() { @Override public long getSummand(FightEvent fightEvent) { return fightEvent.getHitPoints(); } }) .writeAsCsv("s3://..."); Example Output 3> (1448130670000,1448130730000,290789) 4> (1448130680000,1448130740000,289395) 5> (1448130690000,1448130750000,291768) 6> (1448130700000,1448130760000,292634) 7> (1448130710000,1448130770000,293869) 8> (1448130720000,1448130780000,293356) 1> (1448130730000,1448130790000,293054) 2> (1448130740000,1448130800000,294209)
  • 23. Create Context and get Avro Stream from Kafka JavaStreamingContext jssc = new JavaStreamingContext(conf, Durations.seconds(1)); HashSet<String> topicsSet = Sets.newHashSet("FightEventTopic"); HashMap<String, String> kafkaParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); kafkaParams.put("", "xxx:11211"); kafkaParams.put("", "spark"); JavaPairInputDStream<String, FightEvent> kafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(jssc, String.class, FightEvent.class, StringDecoder.class, AvroDecoder.class, kafkaParams, topicsSet); Analyze number of hit points over a sliding window -> tuple._2().getHitPoints()) .reduceByWindow((hit1, hit2) -> hit1 + hit2, Durations.seconds(60), Durations.seconds(10)) .foreachRDD((rdd, time) -> { rdd.saveAsTextFile(outputPath + "/round1-" + time.milliseconds());"Hitpoints in the last minute {}", rdd.take(5)); return null; });
  • 24. Output 20:19:32 Hitpoints in the last minute [80802] 20:19:42 Hitpoints in the last minute [101019] 20:19:52 Hitpoints in the last minute [141012] 20:20:02 Hitpoints in the last minute [184759] 20:20:12 Hitpoints in the last minute [215802]
  • 25. 3rd Round Points Flink supports event time windows Kafka and Avro worked seamlessly in both Spark uses micro-batches, no real stream Both have at-least-once delivery guarantees Exactly-once depends a lot on sink/source
  • 26. Round 4 Connecting Static Data with Real Time Data Total Hitpoints over Last Minute Per Gender
  • 27. Read static data using object File and map genders JavaRDD<Hero> staticRdd = jssc.sparkContext().objectFile(lookupPath); JavaPairRDD<String, String> genderLookup = staticRdd.mapToPair(user -> { int genderIndicator = user.getGender(); String gender; switch (genderIndicator) { case 1: gender = "MALE"; break; case 2: gender = "FEMALE"; break; default: gender = "OTHER"; break; } return new Tuple2<>(user.getId(), gender); }); Analyze number of hit points per hitter over a sliding window JavaPairDStream<String, Long> hitpointWindowedStream = kafkaStream .mapToPair(tuple -> { FightEvent fight = tuple._2(); return new Tuple2<>(fight.getHitterId(), fight.getHitPoints()); }) .reduceByKeyAndWindow((hit1, hit2) -> hit1 + hit2, Durations.seconds(60), Durations.seconds(10));
  • 28. Join with static data to find gender for each hitter hitpointWindowedStream.foreachRDD((rdd, time) -> { JavaPairRDD<String, Long> hpg = rdd.leftOuterJoin(genderLookup) .mapToPair(joinedTuple -> { Optional<String> maybeGender = joinedTuple._2()._2(); Long hitpoints = joinedTuple._2()._1(); return new Tuple2<>(maybeGender.or("UNKNOWN"), hitpoints); }) .reduceByKey((hit1, hit2) -> hit1 + hit2); hpg.saveAsTextFile(outputPath + "/round2-" + time.milliseconds());"Hitpoints per gender {}", hpg.take(5)); return null; }); Output 20:30:44 Hitpoints [(FEMALE,35869), (OTHER,435), (MALE,66226)] 20:30:54 Hitpoints [(FEMALE,48805), (OTHER,644), (MALE,87014)] 20:31:04 Hitpoints [(FEMALE,55332), (OTHER,813), (MALE,99722)] 20:31:14 Hitpoints [(FEMALE,65543), (OTHER,813), (MALE,116416)] 20:31:24 Hitpoints [(FEMALE,67507), (OTHER,813), (MALE,123750)]
  • 29. Loading Static Data in Every Map public FightEventEnricher(String bucket, String keyPrefix) { this.bucket = bucket; this.keyPrefix = keyPrefix; } @Override public void open(Configuration parameters) { populateHeroMapFromS3(bucket, keyPrefix); } @Override public EnrichedFightEvent map(FightEvent event) throws Exception { return new EnrichedFightEvent(event, idToHero.get(event.getHitterId()), idToHero.get(event.getHitteeId())); } private void populateHeroMapFromS3(String bucket, String keyPrefix) { // Omitted }
  • 30. Processing Logic hitStream.assignTimestamps(new FightEventTimestampExtractor(6000)) .map(new FightEventEnricher("s3_bucket", "output/heros")) .filter(value -> value.getHittingHero() != null) .keyBy(enrichedFightEvent -> enrichedFightEvent.getHittingHero().getGender()) .timeWindow(Time.of(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS), Time.of(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) .apply(new SumWindowFunction<EnrichedFightEvent, Integer>() { @Override public long getSummand(EnrichedFightEvent value) { return value.getFightEvent() .getHitPoints(); } }) Example Output 2> (1448191350000,1448191410000,1,28478) 3> (1448191350000,1448191410000,2,264650) 2> (1448191360000,1448191420000,1,28290) 3> (1448191360000,1448191420000,2,263521) 2> (1448191370000,1448191430000,1,29327) 3> (1448191370000,1448191430000,2,265526)
  • 31. 4th Round Points Spark makes combining batch and spark easier Windowing by key works well in both Java API of Spark can be annoying
  • 32. Round 5 More Advanced Real Time Analysis Best Hitter over Last Minute Per Gender
  • 33. Processing Logic hitStream.assignTimestamps(new FightEventTimestampExtractor(6000)) .map(new FightEventEnricher("s3_bucket", "output/heros")) .filter(value -> value.getHittingHero() != null) .keyBy(fightEvent -> fightEvent.getHittingHero().getName()) .timeWindow(Time.of(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS), Time.of(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) .apply(new SumWindowFunction<EnrichedFightEvent, String>() { @Override public long getSummand(EnrichedFightEvent value) { return value.getFightEvent().getHitPoints(); } }) .assignTimestamps(new AscendingTimestampExtractor<...>() { @Override public long extractAscendingTimestamp(Tuple4<...<tuple, long l) { return tuple.f0; } }) .timeWindowAll(Time.of(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) .maxBy(3) .print();
  • 34. Example Output 1> (1448200070000,1448200130000,Tengu,546) 2> (1448200080000,1448200140000,Louis XIV,621) 3> (1448200090000,1448200150000,Louis XIV,561) 4> (1448200100000,1448200160000,Louis XIV,552) 5> (1448200110000,1448200170000,Phil Dexter,620) 6> (1448200120000,1448200180000,Phil Dexter,552) 7> (1448200130000,1448200190000,Kalamity,648) 8> (1448200140000,1448200200000,Jakita Wagner,656) 1> (1448200150000,1448200210000,Jakita Wagner,703)
  • 35. Read static data using object File and Map names JavaRDD<Hero> staticRdd = jssc.sparkContext().objectFile(lookupPath); JavaPairRDD<String, String> userNameLookup = staticRdd .mapToPair(user -> new Tuple2<>(user.getId(), user.getName())); Analyze number of hit points per hitter over a sliding window JavaPairDStream<String, Long> hitters = kafkaStream .mapToPair(kafkaTuple -> new Tuple2<>(kafkaTuple._2().getHitterId(), kafkaTuple._2().getHitPoints())) .reduceByKeyAndWindow((accum, current) -> accum + current, (accum, remove) -> accum - remove, Durations.seconds(60), Durations.seconds(10));
  • 36. Join with static data to find username for each hitter hitters.foreachRDD((rdd, time) -> { JavaRDD<Tuple2<String, Long>> namedHitters = rdd .leftOuterJoin(userNameLookup) .map(joinedTuple -> { String username = joinedTuple._2()._2().or("No name"); Long hitpoints = joinedTuple._2()._1(); return new Tuple2<>(username, hitpoints); }) .sortBy(Tuple2::_2, false, PARTITIONS); namedHitters.saveAsTextFile(outputPath + "/round3-" + time);"Five highest hitters (total: {}){}", namedHitters.count(), namedHitters.take(5)); return null; }); Output 15/11/25 20:34:23 Five highest hitters (total: 200) [(Nick Fury,691), (Lady Blackhawk,585), (Choocho Colon,585), (Purple Man,539), 15/11/25 20:34:33 Five highest hitters (total: 378) [(Captain Dorja,826), (Choocho Colon,773), (Nick Fury,691), (Kari Limbo,646), 15/11/25 20:34:43 Five highest hitters (total: 378) [(Captain Dorja,1154), (Choocho Colon,867), (Wendy Go,723), (Kari Limbo,699),
  • 37. 15/11/25 20:34:53 Five highest hitters (total: 558) [(Captain Dorja,1154), (Wendy Go,931), (Choocho Colon,867), (Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
  • 39. 5th Round Points Spark makes some things easier But Flink is real streaming In Spark you often have to specify partitions
  • 41. Development Compared to Hadoop, both are awesome Both provide unified programming model for diverse scenarios Comfort level of abstraction varies with use-case Spark's Java API is cumbersome compared to the Scala API Working with both is fun Docs are ok, but spotty
  • 42. Testing Testing distributed systems will always be hard Functionally both can be tested nicely
  • 46. The Judge's Call It depends...
  • 47. Use Spark, if You have Cloudera, Hortonworks. etc support and depend on it You want to heavily use Graph and ML libraries You want to use the more mature project
  • 48. Use Flink, if Real-Time processing is important for your use case You want more complex window operations You develop in Java only If you want to support a German project
  • 49. Benchmark References [1] flink-batch-processing/ [2] [3] [4] [5]