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A CEO Global Program 2
02	 Overview of CEO Global
03	 Our Impact
04	 University Partnerships
05	 Summer Programs
08	 TWTS Overview
09	 TWTS Course Profile
14	 Lecturer Profiles
17	 Mentor profiles
18	 Partnering Together
from Frances Lee.
I’ve spent my professional
career navigating and
observing the business
world, and as I welcomed
its youngest generation
into the workplace, I
noticed something vital
was missing.
I observed that while our young
people are able to get hired, anxiety,
depression, low self-esteem and a
lack of integrity and personal purpose
held them back from functioning
well in their job and reaching their
full potential.
Our achievement-driven society has
left them isolated and without role
models to encourage, develop, and
inspire them to service. Yet, to be truly
successful young employees need to
do more than execute tasks well, they
need skills that have been taken for
granted for too long.
In 2004, the Vice Chairman of the
China Soong Ching Ling Foundation
nominated me to address this
growing concern amongst our young
people. Commissioned with this task
and my own burden for what I had
observed I set out on a journey to
find a viable solution for developing
the next generation of leaders.
With the right leadership and
support, young people can learn
how to manage themselves, cope
with stress, work well with others,
and maintain relationships that are
nourishing instead of challenging.
That’s what inspired me to start
CEO Global and has attracted so
many successful business leaders,
educational institutions and
mentors to our programs. As a
result, universities and companies
have invited us to influence their
communities world-wide.
I look forward to the possibility of
forming new partnerships and invite
you to join us in our journey to
develop servant leaders of integrity.
Together, we can transform an
entire generation.
Overview of CEO Global
Our unique approach to developing leaders.
CEO Global trains university students
for leadership through holistic
development programs. We believe
that when students are affirmed in their
strengths, driven with purpose, and
inspired to serve those around them,
they become leaders who bring positive
transformation to the global community.
We seek to develop such leaders with an
approach that emphasizes:
•	Servanthood: Adding value to
others by serving with an attitude of
unselfish concern.
•	Integrity: Having a consistency of
character that is demonstrated by an
alignment of words and actions.
•	Leadership: Developing leaders who
add value to their sphere of influence.
Using these concepts, CEO Global
created a family of educational programs
called The Way To Success (TWTS).
TWTS programs share a core curriculum
that seeks first to allow students to
discover their purpose, then to relate
compassionately to the world around
them. Students realize their passions
and strengths, grow in their creativity,
and begin to discover the kind of things
that spark joy and excitement within.
A servant leader also realizes that adding
value to others brings the highest degree
of personal and corporate success.
CEO Global’s programs address three
core areas of personal transformation.
Illustrated metaphorically, we believe
that change begins in a person’s mind as
their understanding of integrity increases,
then flows to the heart as they develop
personal convictions based on values,
and finally to the hands as they reach
out in compassion to serve others.
TWTS is structured to reflect these
stages: experiential learning, small group
discussion, mentorship, and service
projects complement classroom lectures
to create a holistic learning experience.
Personal transformation can only
succeed in the context of relationships.
That’s why we place such importance
on creating a culture of family within
TWTS programs. The deep, authentic
relationships among our educators,
mentors and students contribute to
effective and lasting change.
The team designing TWTS comes from
varied backgrounds, including seasoned
business executives and higher education
experts. TWTS originates from our
practical experiences in the workplace.
We hope that through TWTS, we can
pass on our experience in leadership and
true success to the next generation.
About CEO Global
CEO Global is an
educational non-profit
that specializes in
leadership development
with an emphasis on
servanthood, integrity,
and soft skills training.
Human capital plays a central role
in determining whether a company
is successful and wealthy. Yet many
companies are facing difficulties in
finding suitable employees with the
personal character that can succeed in
a professional workplace environment.
“Hired for skills but fired for character”
is not uncommon. A lack of interpersonal
skills, integrity, and personal resilience
attributes to the high turnover
experienced by many companies.
Our schools, in general, focus almost
exclusively on students’ academic
achievements with little time spent on
developing morals, values, character,
emotional and social intelligence.
The leaders of tomorrow are the
youth of today. The world needs
the next generation of leaders to be
globally minded, compassionate,
guided by integrity and have a solid
moral foundation.
Frances Lee
Adding value to others by serving with
an attitude of unselfish concern.
Having a consistency of character that is demonstrated
by an alignment of thoughts, words, and action.
Developing leaders who add value
to their spheres of influence.
A CEO Global Program 4
Our Impact
Transforming young lives.
About CEO Global
Young Leaders
University Students
Since 2005, we have
impacted over 60,000 young
leaders through our life
transforming programs.
More than 18,000 students
have completed our
dynamic training program,
The Way To Success.
University Partners
We currently partner with
24 leading universities in Asia
to deliver The Way To Success
program with an additional 2
associate universities in the US.
Universities We Work With
24 partner and 2 associate universities.
About CEO Global
Beijing Shanghai Xian
Tsinghua University Shanghai Lixin University Of Commerce Northwestern Polytechnical University
Peking University Shanghai University Of Engineering Science Hong Kong
Beijing Jiao Tong University
East China University Of Political Science
and Law
Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology
China Agricultural University Shanghai Institute of Visual Art Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Capital Normal University Fudan University University of Hong Kong
Minzu University of China Tong Ji University Taiwan
University of Science
and Technology Beijing
Donghua University National Taiwan University
Beijing Institute of Technology East China Normal University
Shanghai Jiao Tong University USA Associate Universities
Shanghai International Studies University University of Arkansas
Shanghai Institute Of Foreign Trade University of Texas-Dallas
A CEO Global Program 6
About CEO Global
CEO Global Summer Programs
Hands-on leadership experience.
Sunshine International
Program (SIP)
Sunshine International Program (SIP)
operates as a 10 day intensive version
of The Way To Success (TWTS), and is
fully accredited by a number of partner
institutions ranked within China’s top
100 universities. Each partner institution
selectively invites a small group of high
achieving students to represent the
school at Sunshine International Program.
Also present at SIP are international
students and volunteers, and CEO Global
students completing their Advanced
Leadership Training practicum.
Sunshine Program is conducted in English
and builds upon the themes of the
TWTS courses - life purpose, EQ, servant
leadership, excellence and integrity - with
an increased emphasis on relationships
between participants, especially
cross-culturally. These cross-cultural
elements are designed to equip Chinese
students for success in an increasingly
globalized world while also giving
international students and volunteers
opportunity for cultural exchange.
CEO Global’s summer
programs provide
opportunities for Chinese
university students and
marginalized youth
to foster servanthood,
cultivate integrity,
grow in leadership and
develop soft skills.
CJ Youth Camp
CJ Youth Camp is a week-long summer program for
marginalized youth in China’s rural areas. Its curriculum
echoes TWTS themes emphasizing self esteem, building
emotional resilience and affirming campers of their unique
value. It is also an opportunity for English language
exposure, team building and soft skills development. Each
of our 5,500 young people has completed our program
with affirmed value and strengthened resilience to better
face future challenges.
CJ Youth Camp is also the Service Learning Project
component for our extracurricular program, Advanced
Leadership Training (ALT), in which students become part
of the program’s leadership team. We strategically invite
international volunteers to serve alongside ALT students
to create a cross-cultural experience and allow them to
practice the skills and values they have learned during
the Sunshine Program and TWTS university course. CJ
Youth Camp is an instance of learning by doing, exposing
university students both to the needs of the community
and the power of each individual to create positive change.
Advanced Leadership Training (ALT)
Advanced Leadership Training (ALT) is an extra-curricular
extension of our Chinese university accredited program,
The Way To Success (TWTS), in which graduates continue
to develop leadership skills through classroom sessions
and on-site practicums. During the spring semester, ALT
students undergo several day-long trainings, then assume
leadership roles in CEO Global’s Sunshine Program and
CJ Youth Camp summer programs as a practicum. Training
sessions build on the themes of self-understanding, servant
leadership, and cross-cultural communication learned in
TWTS, with an extra emphasis on specific program roles.
During the summer programs, ALT students serve as small
group coaches and program facilitators. This practical
experience not only solidifies students’ understanding of
servant leadership but also exposes them to the needs
of the community and demonstrates the power of the
individual’s ability to make a positive difference.
A CEO Global Program 8
The Way
To Success
Consistently does the right
thing and does it well.
Has a positive self-image
and outlook on life and the
world around them.
Equipped with soft skills
to work and socialize well
with others.
Inspired to make a
positive contribution to
their community.
An increased ability to
manage adversity and
overcome life’s challenges.
The Way To Success
Course overview.
TWTS teaches students how to be successful
leaders. Structured thematically around topics
such as self-understanding, positive values, servant
leadership, EQ, and cross-cultural communication,
TWTS focuses on students’ holistic development.
Seasoned business executives and experts in
international education collaborate to build
the TWTS curriculum and teach TWTS courses,
resulting in a program rich in practical experience,
real-world professional skills, and mentorship
Graduates have a solid understanding of
themselves as significant and responsible
individuals, and understand their personal and
corporate responsibility to others. They become
positive influencers in their daily lives and chosen
professions, and are recognized for their personal
character, employability, social responsibility, and
cross-cultural skills.
Currently TWTS courses operate in 24 leading
universities, including Peking University, Tsinghua
University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong
University, and Hong Kong University. TWTS is
also offered as a workshop series and mentorship
program at our associate universities in the USA.
9 A CEO Global Program A CEO Global Program 10
The Way To Success (TWTS)
Course profile.
The Way To Success Course
TWTS Student
Sample of Assessments
Teaching  Learning
Special Features
Transformational: in their life purpose,
values, principles, attitude, emotion and
mind set; development of social skills.
Group-based Learning: fixed small groups
for mutual learning and building up a long
term relational network.Project-based
Service Learning: Learning of core values,
key principles and skills through a creative
community service project.Interactive 
Multi-Channel Learning: Learning
through interaction between teacher/
students and fellow students.
Experiential Learning: Experiencing and
practicing core values, principles and skills.
Positive: Learning in a positive, joyful,
encouraging environment.
• Class attendance  participation
• Self-reflection paper
• Research paper
• Group presentation
• Service learning project
At the completion of this course students
will have obtained:
• An increased ability to manage adversity
and overcome life’s challenges.
• A positive outlook of themselves and the
world around them.
• Soft skills for working and socializing well
with others.
• Inspiration and strategies to make a positive
contribution to their communities.
• Orientation towards others and away
from self.
Course Description Prospective Students Delivery Method
The Way To Success introduces students
to the concepts of servanthood, integrity
and soft skills leadership in both theory
and practice. The curriculum focuses on
the identification and integration of soft
skills and how these can be utilized to
impact the student personally and their
spheres of influence.
This course is ideal for students who
want to be personally developed to
better equip themselves to achieve their
personal and career goals.
Students who have aspirations to pursue
a career in top tier management will also
benefit greatly from this course.
To accommodate for the specific needs
of each university, The Way To Success is
offered in the following formats:
• Accredited Semester Course
• 6 to 9-Week Workshop Series
• 2-Weekend Intensive
• 1-Week Intensive
• 2-Week Summer Program
• Lectures
• Small group discussions
• Team building activities
• Mentoring
• Service learning project
The Way to Success
University Program No.
of Students Enrolled
Workshops  Mentorship
Credit Courses
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Sample course program.
S = Servanthood I = Integrity L = Leadership
Sample Course Design // The Way To Success Credit Semester Course
Objective	 Key Message
Servant Leadership
Building Your Team
EQ1: Emotional Intelligence
Effective Presentation
Career Development
The Way To Success
SQ: Trust  Integrity
Project Management
EQ3: Family of Origin
Personality Differences
EQ2: Interpersonal
Communicate With Impact
Time Management
CQ: Cultural Intelligence 
Global Mindset
AQ: Failing Forward
Understand  learn servant
leadership  proactive listening.
Understand  learn how to
build a successful team.
Understand the importance of
EQ  how to raise one’s EQ.
Learn to present effectively,
including interviewing skills.
Understand marketplace
requirements for graduates.
Understand the key elements for
a successful life.
Learn the importance of
integrity  how it builds trust.
Understand the importance of 
tools for project management.
Understanding the role family
plays in shaping one’s schema.
Understand ourselves  other
Learn how to wisely handle love
Apply servant leadership
principles in communication.
Learn to manage time  the
importance of prioritizing.
Understand the importance of
CQ  cultivate a global mindset.
Recognize the importance of
failure  learn how to build
Project Brainstorming
Brainstorming for Service Project
to apply concepts learned.
Identify who the project will impact  what their
needs are // Experience teamwork // Apply project
management knowledge and tools.
Build a team mindset // Identify team roles // How
to lead a team // Value of team accountability //
How to work well with others.
Purpose  Vision = Passion = Direction //
Value = Choice // Leadership = Influence.
Understand oneself and skills-sets // Build a
healthy self-image // Have confidence to lead
others // Understand other people’s personalties.
Qualities of a servant leader: others-centered;
sensitive; caring; trusting // Principles  steps to
proactive listening.
Understand audiences background  needs //
Clear objective // Experience different types of
Understand the client’s needs // Learn how to
work together // Bringing the best out of one’s
team members.
Empathize with and focus on others’ needs 
success // Speak from the heart // How to show
interest and ask questions.
Emotional regulation // Conflict management //
Reconciliation // How to improve relationships //
The role EQ plays in effective leadership.
Being a trustworthy person // Foundation of trust
is integrity // Importance of trust in teamwork //
How to build trust // Experience trust.
Different types of love languages // Understanding
the needs of others // How to be a relational
leader // Choosing a life-long partner.
Understanding the value of time // Difference
between urgent  important // How to lead a
successful life without regrets.
Experience real world interviews // Qualities 
talents marketplace is looking for // Need for
career development // Areas for improvement.
Identifying one’s family culture // How family
relationships model love // Recognizing and
maintaining healthy relationships.
Increase cultural sensitivity // Skills required to
work cross-culturally // Appreciating differences in
cultures // Global success requires CQ.
Learning from failure // Skills for developing
resilience // How to manage oneself when faced
with failure // Gaining perspective on failure.
Stage Core Value
11 A CEO Global Program A CEO Global Program 12
TWTS International Program
Developing servant leaders globally.
Real Leadership
Workshops (RLW)
During the academic year, three-hour
workshops constitute the backbone
of Student Chapter activities. These
workshops include active learning
elements, dynamic lectures, and small
group discussions. Topics are drawn
thematically from TWTS and include
components such as “Successful Failure”,
“Servant Leadership”, and “Relationships
and EQ”. Workshops are “catalytic” events:
they propel students to deeper relational
involvement such as the mentor program.
Speakers represent a range of fields,
including finance, engineering, telecom,
and entrepreneurship. Though
speakers’ represent diverse professional
experiences, they all are passionate
about developing a generation of leaders
that focus on their communities and
lead truly successful lives. All speakers
have management and team leading
Real Leadership Retreat
At the end of each academic year, CEO
Global hosts the Real Leadership Retreat
(RLR), a four-day series of workshops in
a relaxed setting. RLR incorporates the
leadership themes, professional training,
and interactive teaching methods of
all TWTS programs, and is open to all
university students. During RLR, volunteer
“coaches” come alongside students to
facilitate learning in small groups and
provide one-on one mentorship.
Mentorship Program
To support TWTS’s holistic learning
goals, CEO Global organizes mentorship
programs for students actively serving
in chapters. Our mentors are local
professionals of all ages who have
a passion for supporting students’
development. Mentors attend workshops
alongside students, guiding small group
discussions and facilitating workshop
activities. Outside of workshops, mentors
meet regularly with small groups of
students. The mentorship program gives
students a valuable source of personal
support, professional input, practical
experience and a professional network
to supplement their academic learning
Career Events
Because CEO Global USA Student
Chapters work heavily with
career-focused graduate students,
our branding incorporates a heavy
employability element. As a result, career
events are a strategic method of attracting
students and increasing awareness of
CEO Global Student Chapter programs.
Student officers take the lead in organizing
career events: the staff team and
community partners will often connect
the students to HR departments and
businesses, but students take the lead
in inviting company representatives and
regulating the format of events. The most
popular career events invite prestigious
companies and include heavy networking
components, as in a career fair.
The Way To Success International Program
In the USA, CEO Global
facilitates student-led
university campus chapters
and hosts leadership and
professional workshops,
leadership retreats and
mentorship programs.
CEO Global USA also recruits and
coordinates international volunteers from
all over the world to participate in the
Sunshine International Program and CJ
Youth Camp in China.
Currently, CEO Global operates
student chapters at UT Dallas and the
University of Arkansas, and is developing
opportunities for expansion to other
TWTS Student Chapters
Our student-led campus organizations,
called “The Way To Success Student
Chapters”, form the core of our
on-campus activities. Student Chapters
collaborate with our staff team to host
a series of professional and leadership
development workshops based on CEO
Global’s TWTS curriculum. Workshops
actively involve students and emphasize
topics such as EQ, cross-cultural
communication, life purpose, and
servant leadership. Workshops are free
of charge and open to all students.
Student Chapters also organize their own
activities during the school year, such as
career networking events and community
service outreaches
“Our team coach, Dave, created a warm
atmosphere for everybody to share their own
experience, led us to realize the importance of
communication in leadership, and encouraged
us to keep exploring what we are really looking
for. Such a wonderful leadership workshop!”
Wushi Li // Real Leadership Workshop
“The Real Leadership Retreat gave me
a great opportunity to communicate
with various people from different
perspectives. I especially liked the
Chinese-American speakers.”
Real Leadership Retreat // 2015
We start with a Campus Talk
at the university to generate
interest amongst students.
Network with student leaders
to start a TWTS Student
Chapter at the university.
Deliver four Real Leadership
Workshops throughout the
academic year.
The workshops conclude with
students attending the Real
Leadership Retreat.
Campus Talk
Student Chapter
Real Leadership Workshop
Real Leadership Retreat
TWTS International Program Model
13 A CEO Global Program A CEO Global Program 14
“What I treasure most is the
friendship built with my
mentors, which I was able to
continue after the program.”
Cheung Chung Yan, Grace
Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
“After hearing some personal
examples from successful
people and through hands-on
experience in class, I now
understand no matter what kind
of job I do, I should respect others,
be honest and keep my promises.”
Li Lin-min
Tongji University, Shanghai, China
“In short, this course
benefited me a great deal.
Now I have a clearer goal
and am more confident
about my abilities.”
Chen Chuang
Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xian
A CEO Global Program 16
The Way To Success course draws from our
network of highly qualified professionals.
The secret to the powerful impact of The Way To Success course is the lecturers, mentors and
coaches that not only teach how to build a successful life, but model it. Academically trained and
seasoned with real-world experience, our team of trainers bring a unique experience for students
who will be inspired to think beyond themselves, cultivate empathy for others and develop an
awareness of the needs of their greater community.
The Way To Success Course The Way To Success Course
Lecturer Profiles
Training  equipping the next generation.
Joyce Chen, MS, PhD
Dr. Chen’s broad experience in senior
engineering positions at Bell Labs and
Sun Microsystems combined with her
experience in psychology bring unique
insights to courses that require both a
practical understanding of professional
life and reflections about character and
personal growth. Dr. Chen is the general
manager of Shanghai Care Corner and a
senior counsellor at East China Normal
University Counselling Center. She holds
masters degrees in computer engineering
and marriage and family therapy and
received her PhD in Clinical Psychology at
East China Normal University.
Valiant Cheung, PhD
Dr. Cheung received his PhD in
Environmental Engineering Water
Conservancy and his Bachelors degree
in Civil Engineering at the University
of Hong Kong. He is currently a
Program Director at the CEO Global
Group in Beijing. He was an Honorary
Professor in Tsinghua University and
Honorary Associate Professor at the
University of Hong Kong. Dr. Cheung
worked on policies, regulations, and
strategic development as an Officer of
Environmental Protection at the EPD of
the Hong Kong Government. Dr. Cheung
won the National Award for Science and
Technology Progress in 2010.
Peter Ho, MBA
Mr. Ho is the Course Director for CEO
Global The Way to Success program
in Hong Kong. Born in Hong Kong, he
received an MBA from the University of
Chicago and has worked for Merrill Lynch,
Smith Barney, Capital Markets for Bankers
Trust (Asia) and JP Morgan (HK) and has
served as Executive Director of INFA
Telecom, CEO of New Island Printing
Company, and Managing Director of
Methanex. Mr. Ho is currently the Deputy
General Secretary and Deputy CEO of
The YMCA of Hong Kong.
Lawrence Kwan, MD
Dr. Kwan’s diverse background in
medicine, technology, and health care
management is an asset to this course.
Most recently an assistant clinical
professor at Stanford University School of
Medicine, he has held several leadership
positions and developed a program
that serves and cares for the homeless.
Prior to his career in medicine, Dr. Kwan
was trained in industrial engineering at
U.C. Berkeley and had a career at Apple
Computer, Inc. in product marketing. He
is now an internal medicine physician in
Shanghai while teaching medical students
and undergraduates for CEO Global.
Christine Ip, MBA
Christine is a seasoned banker with more
than 26 years of international experience.
She is currently Managing Director of
International Strategy for United
Overseas Bank Limited (“UOB”)
developing its Greater China strategy.
Christine has held senior management
positions in Hong Kong, the U.S., Canada,
Singapore and China with ANZ, Standard
Chartered Bank and HSBC. She earned
the Asia Retail Congress award for “Best
International Retail Banker” in 2008.
Christine holds a Bachelor Degree of Arts
from University of Hong Kong and MBA
from Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology.
Clement Lam, BA
Clement is the Chief Operations Officer
of CEO Global Education Foundation.
He holds degrees in accounting from
the London Business Association and
economics from the Chinese University
of Hong Kong. He helped found Bowen
Education Technology and acted as its
Managing Director. He was a Partner
of Co Yao Enterprise Consultants and
participated in listing and financing many
overseas enterprises. Clement was a
lecturer at the School of Professional and
Continuing Education at the University of
Hong Kong (HKU SPACE) and is invited to
speak at many international conferences.
17 A CEO Global Program A CEO Global Program 18
Lecturer Profiles Continued...
The Way To Success Course
Marcus Ling, MS, PhD Morley Su, MBA, PhD Mark Ting
Feedback from TWTS
students gave our
lecturers  mentors a
rating of 4.7 out of 5.
Dr. Ling is one of our instructors and
course directors in Shanghai. Dr. Ling
received his Masters of International
Marketing and his Doctorate and
Post-doctorate in Industrial Economics
at Sunderland University, UK. He was a
research specialist and guest professor
in the business school at Sunderland
University teaching economics, PhD and
MBA courses publishing over 50 research
papers and books in his academic
career. He has served as vice chairman
of the Society of International Financial
Practitioners (“SIRFP”) and is now the
CEO of MAMA Electronics.
Dr. Su is the CEO Global Program
Director for Shanghai teaching in The
Way To Success Courses in Universities
throughout China. He received an MBA
from the University of Chicago, an
Advanced Management Certificate from
the Wharton School of Management,
and a PhD in Education from East China
Normal University. With 20 years of
executive experience in international
business at companies including Energy
Systems International, Wongon Paper
Group, Price Waterhouse, and Standard
Oil of Indiana, Dr. Su brings both practical
experience and theory to his teaching.
Mark started his career as an army
officer after his GCE A Levels. During
this time, he successfully commanded
an armour battle group rising to
second-in-command of a divisional
direct support command before he
retired from the service.
He joined Singapore Technologies
Group in 1991, and played a major role
in establishing two new businesses.
He then took a position on the board
and management of DHL Express’s
China joint venture. He is currently
the founder of a supply chain solutions
start-up, as well as industry adviser to
a top global consulting firm.
Chon Tsai, MS, PhD Alan West, MA Jonathan Wong, MA
Since receiving his Ph.D. in Nuclear
Engineering from MIT in 1985,
Dr. Tsai has made many significant
contributions to nuclear reactor
safety in Asia. He has worked for
Westinghouse Elec., Alcoa Inc.,
TriMas/Rieke, and has served as a
United Nations Development Program
consultant to conduct nuclear
technology exchange workshops in
China. Dr. Tsai was the Managing
Director of Norgren Asia Pacific and
advanced to President of IMI Severe
Service China and retired in 2011. He
is currently focusing on promoting
business ethics and integrity among
young people in China.
Alan West is an international educator
and provisional counsellor with over ten
years experience teaching and training
diverse populations in cross-cultural
communication, intercultural relations,
conflict resolution, and counselling.
He received a double majored BA in
International Relations and Intercultural
Communications from the University of
Illinois, completed two years of language
and culture training at Shanghai Jiaotong
University in China, earned a Masters
in International Studies/Education from
Concordia University-Irvine in California,
and completed all course work toward a
Masters in Counselling at the University
of Queensland in Australia.
Originally trained as an occupational
therapist, Jonathan Wong has over
20 years of experience in managing
operations and developing people.
He is a faculty member of Management
Centre Europe and an experienced
consultant for MBTI® Step I  II and
FIRO-B. He has also designed and
delivered over 100 programs in key
management skills including leadership,
problem solving, communication and
team building. He has trained people
from over 75 countries for companies
such as John Deere, Amazon, Microsoft
and Adidas. Jonathan has a Masters
degree in Training from University
of Leicester.
Ling Xiao, MBA
Ling earned her MBA from the University
of Ludwigshafen in Germany and her
Bachelors of Philosophy from Fudan
University. Her experience includes
co-founder and chairman of Hi-Bridge
Consulting GmbH, Vice President of
Achievo Corporation, responsible for
HR management and marketing, and
co-founder and vice president of ICS
Software GmbH, Germany.
Scott Yeh, MBA
Scott earned his MBA from University of
Chicago and Bachelors of Business from
National Taiwan University. He has served
as Senior Adviser  Chairman of the Board
at Pacific Millennium Holdings Corporation
(PMHC) and worked for Pacific Millennium
Group for 26 years as Group Finance
Director, Group Vice President of Human
Resources, and Group General Manager in
Hong Kong and Shanghai Offices.
Douglas Eu, AB, MSc
A.B. Economics (Vassar College, New
York); M.Sc. Business Studies (London
Business School); CEO, Allianz Global
Investors Asia Pacific; Member, the
Advisory Committee of the Securities
and Futures Commission (SFC); Former
Chief Executive, JF Funds Limited.
Jaclyn Jhin, JD
JD (Univ. of Pennsylvania); Founder and
CEO, Hu-nu Activewear Ltd.; Former
COO and CRO, Morgan Stanley (GCM
Asia); Hong Kong In-House Lawyer of the
year (2009).
Mabel Kwan, MBA
Mabel received her MBA of Strategic
Marketing at the Chartered Institute
of Marketing  the University of Hull,
UK. Mabel has worked as a Director of
Communications in East Asia for Special
Olympics International, the Consultant of
Training  Student Affairs in HKU SPACE
at the University of Hong Kong, and the
Executive Director at HK Chamber of
Commerce in China.
Bill Ming, EDP, MBA
Bill Ming earned his EDP at Cheung
Kong Graduate School and his MBA
at Shanghai Maritime University. He
holds a Bachelor of Materials Science
from Shanghai Jiaotong University.
His high-level experience includes:
Founding Partner of Shanghai Rich Stone
Investment Management, Vice President
of VSC Group, and General Manager of
the iSteelAsia Shanghai office.
Paula Pan, MBA
Paula received her MBA at the Royal
Road University, Canada. She was the
General Manager in Oregon Scientific,
Regional Manager in Puma (China) and
Manager at Swire Resources Ltd. (North).
She is currently a volunteer for many
public service projects and is devoting her
life to bringing a positive and meaningful
influence to others.
SC Toh, MA
SC received his Masters of International
Marketing at the University of Western
Ontario, Canada and the University
of Strathclyde, UK and is currently a
consultant at the Advantage Consulting
Firm. Other positions include
Vice-President of Anheuser-Busch and
Tingyi Holding Corporation, and sales
director at Bausch  Lomb Eye-care,
China, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pepsi
Company and Yeo Hiap Seng Limited.
19 A CEO Global Program A CEO Global Program 20
Partnering Together
Victoria CHAN
MA. HK PolyU
Lecturer, English Language Centre, HK PolyU;
Subject Coordinator, School of Design, HK PolyU.
Yang Ping CHOONG
MD  COO of DBS Bank (HK) Ltd
Previously, responsible for technologies, operations
and support functions in HK and North Asia.
Partner of Law Fuori
Previously, taught at University (Law)  Regulator
in Financial sector at Legal Practice.
MBA. U of Michigan
Board Director of YMCA of Hong Kong.
Former Senior Vice President of Exxon Mobil China
Petroleum  Petrochemical Co. Ltd.; Regional
Treasurer of ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Kimberly HO
MBA, U. of Chicago
Former investment banker-corporate finance of CAI
Indosuez; PaineWebber and Prudential Securities.
Peter HO
MBA, U. of Chicago
CEO of YMCA; Former MD of METHANEX China;
Country Head  Senior Client Banker of JP Morgan.
CMA, MBA, U. of Toronto
Former Chief Finance Officer of Tricon Global
Restaurant, Inc.
Christine IP
CEO of United Overseas Bank; Former CEO of
Australia and New Zealand Bank; Former Country
Head of Consumer Banking of China at Standard
Chartered Bank.
Marcelo KITA
Director of Comex Asia
MSc, The University of Leicester
Managing Director, Leadingenes Limited
Former HR Director, DBS Bank.
Clement LAM
B.Soc.Sci., HK Chinese U
COO  Board Director of CEO Global Education
Foundation Supervisor, CNEC Tai Tung Primary School.
Mentor Profiles
Pearl LAM
Solicitor LLB, London School of Economics
Consultant at Withers; Previously with HSBC Legal;
and Johnson Stokes  Master.
Dr. Rowena LEE
PhD, U. of Glasgow
Town Planner, Planning Department, HKSAR Assistant
Town Planner, Land Development Corporation.
Winnie LO
Principal Information Officer
Transport  Housing Bureau, HKSAR.
Teddy Ng
MA China Correspondent of South China
Morning Post; Have worked in the media industry
since 2000, and started focusing on China since 2009.
Nicholas NORRIS
Vincent POON
HKU SPACE Lecturer; Former Vice-President at
Lombard Investments; Former Private Banker at UBS.
CFA, FRM BEng, U. College London
Head of New Business, Nomura
International (Hong Kong) Ltd.; Board Director,
Jian Hua Foundation.
Partner, Ernst  Young Tax Services Limited;
Member of Association of Chartered; Certified
Accountants, Member of The Taxation Institute of
Hong Kong; Associate member of Hong Kong Institute
of Certified Public Accountants.
Christine WANG
BSc, U. of Western Ontario
CertICM (Certificate of International Cash
Management) Former Head of Client Service, Trade
 Supply Chain of HSBC Head of Cash Product,
Transaction Banking, United Overseas Bank.
BA, Dartmouth College
JD/MA Harvard University
Head of Legal Asia at MetLife; Former Regional
General Counsel of UBS; Deputy General Counsel UK
of Deutsche Bank.
Rick Tang
Earned his Juris Doctorate degree; Last job was Senior
VP of GE Capital; Teaches at HKU.
Canny WOO
Certified Counselor of Agape Counseling Centre
Previously, Associate Director of Institutional Business,
Bayerische Vereins Bank.
MBA, Southeastern U
Part-time Professor, Institute of China Business, HKU;
Executive Director, Wooken Investment Fund;
Director and Executive Secretary, Give Back to Community;
Former COO, SAP China; MD, GE Information Service.
Kah On YAP
FCA BSc, London School of Economics
Fellow of Inst. of Chartered Accountant
Board Director of CEO Global Education Foundation;
Board Director of Light of Hope Asia Foundation;
Previously, Investment banker, EVP  Head of Corporate
Finance, Daiwa Securities.
MBA, CERAM Business School, France
Program Director of CEO Global Education Foundation
Former Part-time Lecturer, HKU.
Veronica YEUNG
BA. Fu-jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Former Senior Executive Officer of HKUSPACE and
Tsinghua University
Joint Program Management Centre;
Former Mainland China Projects Coordinator of Open
University of Hong Kong;
General Manager of OUHK Consultants (Shenzhen) Ltd.
Janet HO
LLB, PCLL, U. of HK Solicitor
Board Director of Light of Hope Asia Foundation;
Former Partner of Johnson, Stokes  Master.
Simon CHU
Bsc, U. of Bradford, UK
Director of Operations, Financial Times; Circulation and
Marketing Executive in Asia for International Media Brands.
Carol TANG
MBA, University of Dalhousie
Manager of Group Economics of Hutchison Ports Ltd.;
Manager of Oracle System Implementation of Hutchison
Ports Ltd. Auditor of Deloitte, Touche, Tohmatsu.
Phoebe LAM
MBA Managing Director of Lam Geotechnics
Karen KONG
LLM, U. of Cambridge
BA, Oxford University
Assistant Professor, HKU.
Peter LEE
Finance Director of Lam Construction
Group Ltd.
Randy Welsch
Mr. Welsch is an entrepreneur and
currently the President of Jibu, L3C.
Jibu is pioneering a new for-profit
business model to deliver safe water
to the developing world in a way that
addresses root problems of systemic
poverty and breaks dependency on
western aid. Previously he was CEO of
Master Solutions, a software/system
engineering company that developed
advanced space-based solutions.
Craig Holt
Craig Holt is currently the VP of
Qualis Health Company. Mr. Holt
was the VP at 21 Tech where he
was responsible for leading the sales
team, development and execution
of the company’s business strategy,
and major account management.
He has experience as a Business
Development executive within the
Pacific Northwest for Sierra Systems.
Prior to joining Sierra Systems, Craig
was the national practice director
for Business Transformation Services
with Unisys corporation. He started
with Unisys in 2002 and led the
national team that brought Business
Transformation Services to the State
and Local Government Sector.
Prior to Unisys, Mr. Holt led the State
and Local Government Practice for
Andersen Consulting. This was the
result of the sale of his management
Consulting practice – Managing Total
Performance - which he founded
and grew into a multi-million dollar
enterprise, in 2000.
Ming Chiang
Mr. Ming Chiang is the former Vice
President of Texas Instruments
where he started his professional
career as testing engineer to
support worldwide manufacturing
sites. After building his experience
through various job positions such
as product engineer and design
engineer, he started Mixed-Signal
Design Group to address the
emerging mixed-signal market
which has grown to become the
leader in the industry. Mr. Chiang
was responsible for all advanced
process technology development,
mixed-signal product development
and computing infrastructure
with over 1000 employees in 15
different global design sites. Texas
Instruments is currently one of the
leading suppliers of broadband
communication products in
semiconductor industry.
Elain Kung, BS, MS
Elaine graduated from Cornell with
B.S. in Electrical/ Materials Science
Engineering, from Princeton with
M.S. in Electrical Engineering. Elaine
has been known to have extensive
networking skills in all circles of
influence. Her career at ATT spans
28 years, from technical RD at Bell
Labs and business and marketing in
a wide range of telecom products
and services to service delivery and
Dr. Allan Thompson, PhD
Dr. Thompson was a leadership
professor at ETBU for six years,
developed students in leadership
and community service. Dr.
Thompson currently holds a
PhD in Leadership Studies and is
considered an expert on Servant
Leadership and Values Based
Lecturer  Mentor Profiles
International Speaker Profiles
Dave Anderson, MBA
Express Leadership University,
University President. Dave Anderson -
Anderson Leadership Solutions; West
Point Graduate; Decorated Combat
Veteran; 20 Years with Fortune 50
Company; 15 Years in Leadership
Positions; Highest Sales Leadership
Award 4 Times in 8 Years; Top 9% of
Company Leaders- Gallup Employee
Survey; MBA - Honors in Marketing.
Dave Anderson has been training
and speaking for more than 15 years
on topics that include leadership,
productivity, strategy and sales.
“I learned a lot from
the guest speakers.
I feel so touched by
some of the things they
shared because I had
gone through the same
situation before.”
TWTS Student // Real Leadership Retreat
21 A CEO Global Program
Partnering together
to equip the next
generation of leaders.
Our youth are our legacy and our mission. If you
share our vision, you know how important it is to
transform our future leaders into servant leaders
who have integrity and are positive influences on
themselves and their communities. There are so
many ways to invest in the next generation, and
we always welcome new partners.
• Offer our course at your university.
• Become a volunteer mentor, lecturer, or coach.
• Help fund our program.
Contact us to explore the possibilities.
Partnering Together
Hong Kong
P: (+852) 2525 1003
F: (+852) 2525 1004
20D World Trust Tower
50 Stanley Street
Central, HONG KONG
P/F: (+86) 010 8476 3922
Room 2-1007
Cameo Center
16 Guang Shun Nan Avenue
Chao Yang District
Beijing 100102, CHINA
P: (+86) 021 8012 3580
9D Tower 3
Strength Plaza
Lane 600 Tian Shan Road
Chang Ning District
Shanghai 200051, CHINA
P: (+1) 719 581 9818
Suite 120
6050 Stetson Hills Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80923, USA
Thank You
We gratefully acknowledge and thank our generous sponsors
and volunteers that give their time, talent and resources to
ensure the ongoing success of CEO Global.

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2015 CEO Global TWTS International Brochure

  • 2. A CEO Global Program 2 Contents 02 Overview of CEO Global 03 Our Impact 04 University Partnerships 05 Summer Programs 08 TWTS Overview 09 TWTS Course Profile 14 Lecturer Profiles 17 Mentor profiles 18 Partnering Together Welcome from Frances Lee. I’ve spent my professional career navigating and observing the business world, and as I welcomed its youngest generation into the workplace, I noticed something vital was missing. I observed that while our young people are able to get hired, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and a lack of integrity and personal purpose held them back from functioning well in their job and reaching their full potential. Our achievement-driven society has left them isolated and without role models to encourage, develop, and inspire them to service. Yet, to be truly successful young employees need to do more than execute tasks well, they need skills that have been taken for granted for too long. In 2004, the Vice Chairman of the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation nominated me to address this growing concern amongst our young people. Commissioned with this task and my own burden for what I had observed I set out on a journey to find a viable solution for developing the next generation of leaders. With the right leadership and support, young people can learn how to manage themselves, cope with stress, work well with others, and maintain relationships that are nourishing instead of challenging. That’s what inspired me to start CEO Global and has attracted so many successful business leaders, educational institutions and mentors to our programs. As a result, universities and companies have invited us to influence their communities world-wide. I look forward to the possibility of forming new partnerships and invite you to join us in our journey to develop servant leaders of integrity. Together, we can transform an entire generation. Overview of CEO Global Our unique approach to developing leaders. CEO Global trains university students for leadership through holistic development programs. We believe that when students are affirmed in their strengths, driven with purpose, and inspired to serve those around them, they become leaders who bring positive transformation to the global community. We seek to develop such leaders with an approach that emphasizes: • Servanthood: Adding value to others by serving with an attitude of unselfish concern. • Integrity: Having a consistency of character that is demonstrated by an alignment of words and actions. • Leadership: Developing leaders who add value to their sphere of influence. Using these concepts, CEO Global created a family of educational programs called The Way To Success (TWTS). TWTS programs share a core curriculum that seeks first to allow students to discover their purpose, then to relate compassionately to the world around them. Students realize their passions and strengths, grow in their creativity, and begin to discover the kind of things that spark joy and excitement within. A servant leader also realizes that adding value to others brings the highest degree of personal and corporate success. CEO Global’s programs address three core areas of personal transformation. Illustrated metaphorically, we believe that change begins in a person’s mind as their understanding of integrity increases, then flows to the heart as they develop personal convictions based on values, and finally to the hands as they reach out in compassion to serve others. TWTS is structured to reflect these stages: experiential learning, small group discussion, mentorship, and service projects complement classroom lectures to create a holistic learning experience. Personal transformation can only succeed in the context of relationships. That’s why we place such importance on creating a culture of family within TWTS programs. The deep, authentic relationships among our educators, mentors and students contribute to effective and lasting change. The team designing TWTS comes from varied backgrounds, including seasoned business executives and higher education experts. TWTS originates from our practical experiences in the workplace. We hope that through TWTS, we can pass on our experience in leadership and true success to the next generation. About CEO Global CEO Global is an educational non-profit that specializes in leadership development with an emphasis on servanthood, integrity, and soft skills training. Human capital plays a central role in determining whether a company is successful and wealthy. Yet many companies are facing difficulties in finding suitable employees with the personal character that can succeed in a professional workplace environment. “Hired for skills but fired for character” is not uncommon. A lack of interpersonal skills, integrity, and personal resilience attributes to the high turnover experienced by many companies. Our schools, in general, focus almost exclusively on students’ academic achievements with little time spent on developing morals, values, character, emotional and social intelligence. The leaders of tomorrow are the youth of today. The world needs the next generation of leaders to be globally minded, compassionate, guided by integrity and have a solid moral foundation. Frances Lee Founder/Chairman Servanthood Adding value to others by serving with an attitude of unselfish concern. Integrity Having a consistency of character that is demonstrated by an alignment of thoughts, words, and action. Leadership Developing leaders who add value to their spheres of influence.
  • 3. A CEO Global Program 4 20 1 3 Our Impact Transforming young lives. About CEO Global 18,000 60,000 Young Leaders University Students Since 2005, we have impacted over 60,000 young leaders through our life transforming programs. More than 18,000 students have completed our dynamic training program, The Way To Success. 24 University Partners We currently partner with 24 leading universities in Asia to deliver The Way To Success program with an additional 2 associate universities in the US. Universities We Work With 24 partner and 2 associate universities. About CEO Global Beijing Shanghai Xian Tsinghua University Shanghai Lixin University Of Commerce Northwestern Polytechnical University Peking University Shanghai University Of Engineering Science Hong Kong Beijing Jiao Tong University East China University Of Political Science and Law Hong Kong University of Science and Technology China Agricultural University Shanghai Institute of Visual Art Hong Kong Polytechnic University Capital Normal University Fudan University University of Hong Kong Minzu University of China Tong Ji University Taiwan University of Science and Technology Beijing Donghua University National Taiwan University Beijing Institute of Technology East China Normal University Shanghai Jiao Tong University USA Associate Universities Shanghai International Studies University University of Arkansas Shanghai Institute Of Foreign Trade University of Texas-Dallas 2
  • 4. A CEO Global Program 6 About CEO Global CEO Global Summer Programs Hands-on leadership experience. Sunshine International Program (SIP) Sunshine International Program (SIP) operates as a 10 day intensive version of The Way To Success (TWTS), and is fully accredited by a number of partner institutions ranked within China’s top 100 universities. Each partner institution selectively invites a small group of high achieving students to represent the school at Sunshine International Program. Also present at SIP are international students and volunteers, and CEO Global students completing their Advanced Leadership Training practicum. Sunshine Program is conducted in English and builds upon the themes of the TWTS courses - life purpose, EQ, servant leadership, excellence and integrity - with an increased emphasis on relationships between participants, especially cross-culturally. These cross-cultural elements are designed to equip Chinese students for success in an increasingly globalized world while also giving international students and volunteers opportunity for cultural exchange. CEO Global’s summer programs provide opportunities for Chinese university students and marginalized youth to foster servanthood, cultivate integrity, grow in leadership and develop soft skills. CJ Youth Camp CJ Youth Camp is a week-long summer program for marginalized youth in China’s rural areas. Its curriculum echoes TWTS themes emphasizing self esteem, building emotional resilience and affirming campers of their unique value. It is also an opportunity for English language exposure, team building and soft skills development. Each of our 5,500 young people has completed our program with affirmed value and strengthened resilience to better face future challenges. CJ Youth Camp is also the Service Learning Project component for our extracurricular program, Advanced Leadership Training (ALT), in which students become part of the program’s leadership team. We strategically invite international volunteers to serve alongside ALT students to create a cross-cultural experience and allow them to practice the skills and values they have learned during the Sunshine Program and TWTS university course. CJ Youth Camp is an instance of learning by doing, exposing university students both to the needs of the community and the power of each individual to create positive change. Advanced Leadership Training (ALT) Advanced Leadership Training (ALT) is an extra-curricular extension of our Chinese university accredited program, The Way To Success (TWTS), in which graduates continue to develop leadership skills through classroom sessions and on-site practicums. During the spring semester, ALT students undergo several day-long trainings, then assume leadership roles in CEO Global’s Sunshine Program and CJ Youth Camp summer programs as a practicum. Training sessions build on the themes of self-understanding, servant leadership, and cross-cultural communication learned in TWTS, with an extra emphasis on specific program roles. During the summer programs, ALT students serve as small group coaches and program facilitators. This practical experience not only solidifies students’ understanding of servant leadership but also exposes them to the needs of the community and demonstrates the power of the individual’s ability to make a positive difference. —————————
  • 5. A CEO Global Program 8 The Way To Success Student Consistently does the right thing and does it well. Integrious Has a positive self-image and outlook on life and the world around them. Optimistic Equipped with soft skills to work and socialize well with others. Employable Inspired to make a positive contribution to their community. Socially Responsible An increased ability to manage adversity and overcome life’s challenges. Resilient The Way To Success Course overview. TWTS teaches students how to be successful leaders. Structured thematically around topics such as self-understanding, positive values, servant leadership, EQ, and cross-cultural communication, TWTS focuses on students’ holistic development. Seasoned business executives and experts in international education collaborate to build the TWTS curriculum and teach TWTS courses, resulting in a program rich in practical experience, real-world professional skills, and mentorship opportunities. Graduates have a solid understanding of themselves as significant and responsible individuals, and understand their personal and corporate responsibility to others. They become positive influencers in their daily lives and chosen professions, and are recognized for their personal character, employability, social responsibility, and cross-cultural skills. Currently TWTS courses operate in 24 leading universities, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Hong Kong University. TWTS is also offered as a workshop series and mentorship program at our associate universities in the USA.
  • 6. 9 A CEO Global Program A CEO Global Program 10 The Way To Success (TWTS) Course profile. The Way To Success Course TWTS Student Enrollments Sample of Assessments Teaching Learning Activities Special Features Transformational: in their life purpose, values, principles, attitude, emotion and mind set; development of social skills. Group-based Learning: fixed small groups for mutual learning and building up a long term relational network.Project-based Service Learning: Learning of core values, key principles and skills through a creative community service project.Interactive Multi-Channel Learning: Learning through interaction between teacher/ students and fellow students. Experiential Learning: Experiencing and practicing core values, principles and skills. Positive: Learning in a positive, joyful, encouraging environment. • Class attendance participation • Self-reflection paper • Research paper • Group presentation • Service learning project Objectives At the completion of this course students will have obtained: • An increased ability to manage adversity and overcome life’s challenges. • A positive outlook of themselves and the world around them. • Soft skills for working and socializing well with others. • Inspiration and strategies to make a positive contribution to their communities. • Orientation towards others and away from self. Course Description Prospective Students Delivery Method The Way To Success introduces students to the concepts of servanthood, integrity and soft skills leadership in both theory and practice. The curriculum focuses on the identification and integration of soft skills and how these can be utilized to impact the student personally and their spheres of influence. This course is ideal for students who want to be personally developed to better equip themselves to achieve their personal and career goals. Students who have aspirations to pursue a career in top tier management will also benefit greatly from this course. To accommodate for the specific needs of each university, The Way To Success is offered in the following formats: • Accredited Semester Course • 6 to 9-Week Workshop Series • 2-Weekend Intensive • 1-Week Intensive • 2-Week Summer Program • Lectures • Small group discussions • Team building activities • Mentoring • Service learning project The Way to Success University Program No. of Students Enrolled Workshops Mentorship Credit Courses 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 0 500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 Sample course program. S = Servanthood I = Integrity L = Leadership S I L S I L S L S L S L S I L S L S I L S I L S L S L S L S I L S I L L L Module Sample Course Design // The Way To Success Credit Semester Course Objective Key Message Servant Leadership Building Your Team EQ1: Emotional Intelligence Effective Presentation Career Development The Way To Success SQ: Trust Integrity Project Management EQ3: Family of Origin Personality Differences EQ2: Interpersonal Relationships Communicate With Impact Time Management CQ: Cultural Intelligence Global Mindset AQ: Failing Forward Understand learn servant leadership proactive listening. Understand learn how to build a successful team. Understand the importance of EQ how to raise one’s EQ. Learn to present effectively, including interviewing skills. Understand marketplace requirements for graduates. Understand the key elements for a successful life. Learn the importance of integrity how it builds trust. Understand the importance of tools for project management. Understanding the role family plays in shaping one’s schema. Understand ourselves other people. Learn how to wisely handle love relationships. Apply servant leadership principles in communication. Learn to manage time the importance of prioritizing. Understand the importance of CQ cultivate a global mindset. Recognize the importance of failure learn how to build resilience. Project Brainstorming Brainstorming for Service Project to apply concepts learned. Identify who the project will impact what their needs are // Experience teamwork // Apply project management knowledge and tools. Build a team mindset // Identify team roles // How to lead a team // Value of team accountability // How to work well with others. Purpose Vision = Passion = Direction // Value = Choice // Leadership = Influence. Understand oneself and skills-sets // Build a healthy self-image // Have confidence to lead others // Understand other people’s personalties. Qualities of a servant leader: others-centered; sensitive; caring; trusting // Principles steps to proactive listening. Understand audiences background needs // Clear objective // Experience different types of presentations. Understand the client’s needs // Learn how to work together // Bringing the best out of one’s team members. Empathize with and focus on others’ needs success // Speak from the heart // How to show interest and ask questions. Emotional regulation // Conflict management // Reconciliation // How to improve relationships // The role EQ plays in effective leadership. Being a trustworthy person // Foundation of trust is integrity // Importance of trust in teamwork // How to build trust // Experience trust. Different types of love languages // Understanding the needs of others // How to be a relational leader // Choosing a life-long partner. Understanding the value of time // Difference between urgent important // How to lead a successful life without regrets. Experience real world interviews // Qualities talents marketplace is looking for // Need for career development // Areas for improvement. Identifying one’s family culture // How family relationships model love // Recognizing and maintaining healthy relationships. Increase cultural sensitivity // Skills required to work cross-culturally // Appreciating differences in cultures // Global success requires CQ. Learning from failure // Skills for developing resilience // How to manage oneself when faced with failure // Gaining perspective on failure. TEAMBUILDINGPROJECTDEVELOPMENTSOFTSKILLSLEADERSHIPDEVELOPMENT Stage Core Value
  • 7. 11 A CEO Global Program A CEO Global Program 12 TWTS International Program Developing servant leaders globally. Real Leadership Workshops (RLW) During the academic year, three-hour workshops constitute the backbone of Student Chapter activities. These workshops include active learning elements, dynamic lectures, and small group discussions. Topics are drawn thematically from TWTS and include components such as “Successful Failure”, “Servant Leadership”, and “Relationships and EQ”. Workshops are “catalytic” events: they propel students to deeper relational involvement such as the mentor program. Speakers represent a range of fields, including finance, engineering, telecom, and entrepreneurship. Though speakers’ represent diverse professional experiences, they all are passionate about developing a generation of leaders that focus on their communities and lead truly successful lives. All speakers have management and team leading experience. Real Leadership Retreat (RLR) At the end of each academic year, CEO Global hosts the Real Leadership Retreat (RLR), a four-day series of workshops in a relaxed setting. RLR incorporates the leadership themes, professional training, and interactive teaching methods of all TWTS programs, and is open to all university students. During RLR, volunteer “coaches” come alongside students to facilitate learning in small groups and provide one-on one mentorship. Mentorship Program To support TWTS’s holistic learning goals, CEO Global organizes mentorship programs for students actively serving in chapters. Our mentors are local professionals of all ages who have a passion for supporting students’ development. Mentors attend workshops alongside students, guiding small group discussions and facilitating workshop activities. Outside of workshops, mentors meet regularly with small groups of students. The mentorship program gives students a valuable source of personal support, professional input, practical experience and a professional network to supplement their academic learning experiences. Career Events Because CEO Global USA Student Chapters work heavily with career-focused graduate students, our branding incorporates a heavy employability element. As a result, career events are a strategic method of attracting students and increasing awareness of CEO Global Student Chapter programs. Student officers take the lead in organizing career events: the staff team and community partners will often connect the students to HR departments and businesses, but students take the lead in inviting company representatives and regulating the format of events. The most popular career events invite prestigious companies and include heavy networking components, as in a career fair. The Way To Success International Program In the USA, CEO Global facilitates student-led university campus chapters and hosts leadership and professional workshops, leadership retreats and mentorship programs. CEO Global USA also recruits and coordinates international volunteers from all over the world to participate in the Sunshine International Program and CJ Youth Camp in China. Locations Currently, CEO Global operates student chapters at UT Dallas and the University of Arkansas, and is developing opportunities for expansion to other campuses. TWTS Student Chapters Our student-led campus organizations, called “The Way To Success Student Chapters”, form the core of our on-campus activities. Student Chapters collaborate with our staff team to host a series of professional and leadership development workshops based on CEO Global’s TWTS curriculum. Workshops actively involve students and emphasize topics such as EQ, cross-cultural communication, life purpose, and servant leadership. Workshops are free of charge and open to all students. Student Chapters also organize their own activities during the school year, such as career networking events and community service outreaches “Our team coach, Dave, created a warm atmosphere for everybody to share their own experience, led us to realize the importance of communication in leadership, and encouraged us to keep exploring what we are really looking for. Such a wonderful leadership workshop!” Wushi Li // Real Leadership Workshop “The Real Leadership Retreat gave me a great opportunity to communicate with various people from different perspectives. I especially liked the Chinese-American speakers.” Real Leadership Retreat // 2015 We start with a Campus Talk at the university to generate interest amongst students. 1 2 3 4 Network with student leaders to start a TWTS Student Chapter at the university. Deliver four Real Leadership Workshops throughout the academic year. The workshops conclude with students attending the Real Leadership Retreat. Campus Talk Student Chapter Real Leadership Workshop Real Leadership Retreat TWTS International Program Model
  • 8. 13 A CEO Global Program A CEO Global Program 14 “What I treasure most is the friendship built with my mentors, which I was able to continue after the program.” Cheung Chung Yan, Grace Polytechnic University of Hong Kong “After hearing some personal examples from successful people and through hands-on experience in class, I now understand no matter what kind of job I do, I should respect others, be honest and keep my promises.” Li Lin-min Tongji University, Shanghai, China “In short, this course benefited me a great deal. Now I have a clearer goal and am more confident about my abilities.” Chen Chuang Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xian
  • 9. A CEO Global Program 16 The Way To Success course draws from our network of highly qualified professionals. The secret to the powerful impact of The Way To Success course is the lecturers, mentors and coaches that not only teach how to build a successful life, but model it. Academically trained and seasoned with real-world experience, our team of trainers bring a unique experience for students who will be inspired to think beyond themselves, cultivate empathy for others and develop an awareness of the needs of their greater community. The Way To Success Course The Way To Success Course Lecturer Profiles Training equipping the next generation. Joyce Chen, MS, PhD Dr. Chen’s broad experience in senior engineering positions at Bell Labs and Sun Microsystems combined with her experience in psychology bring unique insights to courses that require both a practical understanding of professional life and reflections about character and personal growth. Dr. Chen is the general manager of Shanghai Care Corner and a senior counsellor at East China Normal University Counselling Center. She holds masters degrees in computer engineering and marriage and family therapy and received her PhD in Clinical Psychology at East China Normal University. Valiant Cheung, PhD Dr. Cheung received his PhD in Environmental Engineering Water Conservancy and his Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Hong Kong. He is currently a Program Director at the CEO Global Group in Beijing. He was an Honorary Professor in Tsinghua University and Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong. Dr. Cheung worked on policies, regulations, and strategic development as an Officer of Environmental Protection at the EPD of the Hong Kong Government. Dr. Cheung won the National Award for Science and Technology Progress in 2010. Peter Ho, MBA Mr. Ho is the Course Director for CEO Global The Way to Success program in Hong Kong. Born in Hong Kong, he received an MBA from the University of Chicago and has worked for Merrill Lynch, Smith Barney, Capital Markets for Bankers Trust (Asia) and JP Morgan (HK) and has served as Executive Director of INFA Telecom, CEO of New Island Printing Company, and Managing Director of Methanex. Mr. Ho is currently the Deputy General Secretary and Deputy CEO of The YMCA of Hong Kong. Lawrence Kwan, MD Dr. Kwan’s diverse background in medicine, technology, and health care management is an asset to this course. Most recently an assistant clinical professor at Stanford University School of Medicine, he has held several leadership positions and developed a program that serves and cares for the homeless. Prior to his career in medicine, Dr. Kwan was trained in industrial engineering at U.C. Berkeley and had a career at Apple Computer, Inc. in product marketing. He is now an internal medicine physician in Shanghai while teaching medical students and undergraduates for CEO Global. Christine Ip, MBA Christine is a seasoned banker with more than 26 years of international experience. She is currently Managing Director of International Strategy for United Overseas Bank Limited (“UOB”) developing its Greater China strategy. Christine has held senior management positions in Hong Kong, the U.S., Canada, Singapore and China with ANZ, Standard Chartered Bank and HSBC. She earned the Asia Retail Congress award for “Best International Retail Banker” in 2008. Christine holds a Bachelor Degree of Arts from University of Hong Kong and MBA from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Clement Lam, BA Clement is the Chief Operations Officer of CEO Global Education Foundation. He holds degrees in accounting from the London Business Association and economics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He helped found Bowen Education Technology and acted as its Managing Director. He was a Partner of Co Yao Enterprise Consultants and participated in listing and financing many overseas enterprises. Clement was a lecturer at the School of Professional and Continuing Education at the University of Hong Kong (HKU SPACE) and is invited to speak at many international conferences.
  • 10. 17 A CEO Global Program A CEO Global Program 18 Lecturer Profiles Continued... The Way To Success Course Marcus Ling, MS, PhD Morley Su, MBA, PhD Mark Ting Feedback from TWTS students gave our lecturers mentors a rating of 4.7 out of 5. Dr. Ling is one of our instructors and course directors in Shanghai. Dr. Ling received his Masters of International Marketing and his Doctorate and Post-doctorate in Industrial Economics at Sunderland University, UK. He was a research specialist and guest professor in the business school at Sunderland University teaching economics, PhD and MBA courses publishing over 50 research papers and books in his academic career. He has served as vice chairman of the Society of International Financial Practitioners (“SIRFP”) and is now the CEO of MAMA Electronics. Dr. Su is the CEO Global Program Director for Shanghai teaching in The Way To Success Courses in Universities throughout China. He received an MBA from the University of Chicago, an Advanced Management Certificate from the Wharton School of Management, and a PhD in Education from East China Normal University. With 20 years of executive experience in international business at companies including Energy Systems International, Wongon Paper Group, Price Waterhouse, and Standard Oil of Indiana, Dr. Su brings both practical experience and theory to his teaching. Mark started his career as an army officer after his GCE A Levels. During this time, he successfully commanded an armour battle group rising to second-in-command of a divisional direct support command before he retired from the service. He joined Singapore Technologies Group in 1991, and played a major role in establishing two new businesses. He then took a position on the board and management of DHL Express’s China joint venture. He is currently the founder of a supply chain solutions start-up, as well as industry adviser to a top global consulting firm. Chon Tsai, MS, PhD Alan West, MA Jonathan Wong, MA Since receiving his Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from MIT in 1985, Dr. Tsai has made many significant contributions to nuclear reactor safety in Asia. He has worked for Westinghouse Elec., Alcoa Inc., TriMas/Rieke, and has served as a United Nations Development Program consultant to conduct nuclear technology exchange workshops in China. Dr. Tsai was the Managing Director of Norgren Asia Pacific and advanced to President of IMI Severe Service China and retired in 2011. He is currently focusing on promoting business ethics and integrity among young people in China. Alan West is an international educator and provisional counsellor with over ten years experience teaching and training diverse populations in cross-cultural communication, intercultural relations, conflict resolution, and counselling. He received a double majored BA in International Relations and Intercultural Communications from the University of Illinois, completed two years of language and culture training at Shanghai Jiaotong University in China, earned a Masters in International Studies/Education from Concordia University-Irvine in California, and completed all course work toward a Masters in Counselling at the University of Queensland in Australia. Originally trained as an occupational therapist, Jonathan Wong has over 20 years of experience in managing operations and developing people. He is a faculty member of Management Centre Europe and an experienced consultant for MBTI® Step I II and FIRO-B. He has also designed and delivered over 100 programs in key management skills including leadership, problem solving, communication and team building. He has trained people from over 75 countries for companies such as John Deere, Amazon, Microsoft and Adidas. Jonathan has a Masters degree in Training from University of Leicester. Ling Xiao, MBA Ling earned her MBA from the University of Ludwigshafen in Germany and her Bachelors of Philosophy from Fudan University. Her experience includes co-founder and chairman of Hi-Bridge Consulting GmbH, Vice President of Achievo Corporation, responsible for HR management and marketing, and co-founder and vice president of ICS Software GmbH, Germany. Scott Yeh, MBA Scott earned his MBA from University of Chicago and Bachelors of Business from National Taiwan University. He has served as Senior Adviser Chairman of the Board at Pacific Millennium Holdings Corporation (PMHC) and worked for Pacific Millennium Group for 26 years as Group Finance Director, Group Vice President of Human Resources, and Group General Manager in Hong Kong and Shanghai Offices. 4.7/5 Douglas Eu, AB, MSc A.B. Economics (Vassar College, New York); M.Sc. Business Studies (London Business School); CEO, Allianz Global Investors Asia Pacific; Member, the Advisory Committee of the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC); Former Chief Executive, JF Funds Limited. Jaclyn Jhin, JD JD (Univ. of Pennsylvania); Founder and CEO, Hu-nu Activewear Ltd.; Former COO and CRO, Morgan Stanley (GCM Asia); Hong Kong In-House Lawyer of the year (2009). Mabel Kwan, MBA Mabel received her MBA of Strategic Marketing at the Chartered Institute of Marketing the University of Hull, UK. Mabel has worked as a Director of Communications in East Asia for Special Olympics International, the Consultant of Training Student Affairs in HKU SPACE at the University of Hong Kong, and the Executive Director at HK Chamber of Commerce in China. Bill Ming, EDP, MBA Bill Ming earned his EDP at Cheung Kong Graduate School and his MBA at Shanghai Maritime University. He holds a Bachelor of Materials Science from Shanghai Jiaotong University. His high-level experience includes: Founding Partner of Shanghai Rich Stone Investment Management, Vice President of VSC Group, and General Manager of the iSteelAsia Shanghai office. Paula Pan, MBA Paula received her MBA at the Royal Road University, Canada. She was the General Manager in Oregon Scientific, Regional Manager in Puma (China) and Manager at Swire Resources Ltd. (North). She is currently a volunteer for many public service projects and is devoting her life to bringing a positive and meaningful influence to others. SC Toh, MA SC received his Masters of International Marketing at the University of Western Ontario, Canada and the University of Strathclyde, UK and is currently a consultant at the Advantage Consulting Firm. Other positions include Vice-President of Anheuser-Busch and Tingyi Holding Corporation, and sales director at Bausch Lomb Eye-care, China, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pepsi Company and Yeo Hiap Seng Limited.
  • 11. 19 A CEO Global Program A CEO Global Program 20 Partnering Together Victoria CHAN MA. HK PolyU Lecturer, English Language Centre, HK PolyU; Subject Coordinator, School of Design, HK PolyU. Yang Ping CHOONG MD COO of DBS Bank (HK) Ltd Previously, responsible for technologies, operations and support functions in HK and North Asia. T. C. CHOONG Partner of Law Fuori Previously, taught at University (Law) Regulator in Financial sector at Legal Practice. Sheila CHUANG MBA. U of Michigan Board Director of YMCA of Hong Kong. Former Senior Vice President of Exxon Mobil China Petroleum Petrochemical Co. Ltd.; Regional Treasurer of ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Kimberly HO MBA, U. of Chicago Former investment banker-corporate finance of CAI Indosuez; PaineWebber and Prudential Securities. Peter HO MBA, U. of Chicago CEO of YMCA; Former MD of METHANEX China; Country Head Senior Client Banker of JP Morgan. Lily HSIEH, CMA, MBA, U. of Toronto Former Chief Finance Officer of Tricon Global Restaurant, Inc. Christine IP MBA, HKUST CEO of United Overseas Bank; Former CEO of Australia and New Zealand Bank; Former Country Head of Consumer Banking of China at Standard Chartered Bank. Marcelo KITA Director of Comex Asia Eric KWOK MSc, The University of Leicester Managing Director, Leadingenes Limited Former HR Director, DBS Bank. Clement LAM B.Soc.Sci., HK Chinese U COO Board Director of CEO Global Education Foundation Supervisor, CNEC Tai Tung Primary School. Mentor Profiles Pearl LAM Solicitor LLB, London School of Economics Consultant at Withers; Previously with HSBC Legal; and Johnson Stokes Master. Dr. Rowena LEE PhD, U. of Glasgow Town Planner, Planning Department, HKSAR Assistant Town Planner, Land Development Corporation. Winnie LO Principal Information Officer Transport Housing Bureau, HKSAR. Teddy Ng MA China Correspondent of South China Morning Post; Have worked in the media industry since 2000, and started focusing on China since 2009. Nicholas NORRIS Solicitor Partner of KIRKLAND ELLIS. Vincent POON MBA, HKUST HKU SPACE Lecturer; Former Vice-President at Lombard Investments; Former Private Banker at UBS. John TENG CFA, FRM BEng, U. College London Head of New Business, Nomura International (Hong Kong) Ltd.; Board Director, Jian Hua Foundation. Tami TSANG, CPA, BBA, HKUST Partner, Ernst Young Tax Services Limited; Member of Association of Chartered; Certified Accountants, Member of The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong; Associate member of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Christine WANG BSc, U. of Western Ontario CertICM (Certificate of International Cash Management) Former Head of Client Service, Trade Supply Chain of HSBC Head of Cash Product, Transaction Banking, United Overseas Bank. Kevin WILKEY BA, Dartmouth College JD/MA Harvard University Head of Legal Asia at MetLife; Former Regional General Counsel of UBS; Deputy General Counsel UK of Deutsche Bank. Rick Tang PhD Earned his Juris Doctorate degree; Last job was Senior VP of GE Capital; Teaches at HKU. Canny WOO Certified Counselor of Agape Counseling Centre Previously, Associate Director of Institutional Business, Bayerische Vereins Bank. Ken WOO MBA, Southeastern U Part-time Professor, Institute of China Business, HKU; Executive Director, Wooken Investment Fund; Director and Executive Secretary, Give Back to Community; Former COO, SAP China; MD, GE Information Service. Kah On YAP FCA BSc, London School of Economics Fellow of Inst. of Chartered Accountant Board Director of CEO Global Education Foundation; Board Director of Light of Hope Asia Foundation; Previously, Investment banker, EVP Head of Corporate Finance, Daiwa Securities. Jenny YEUNG MBA, CERAM Business School, France Program Director of CEO Global Education Foundation Former Part-time Lecturer, HKU. Veronica YEUNG BA. Fu-jen Catholic University, Taiwan Former Senior Executive Officer of HKUSPACE and Tsinghua University Joint Program Management Centre; Former Mainland China Projects Coordinator of Open University of Hong Kong; General Manager of OUHK Consultants (Shenzhen) Ltd. Janet HO LLB, PCLL, U. of HK Solicitor Board Director of Light of Hope Asia Foundation; Former Partner of Johnson, Stokes Master. Simon CHU Bsc, U. of Bradford, UK Director of Operations, Financial Times; Circulation and Marketing Executive in Asia for International Media Brands. Carol TANG MBA, University of Dalhousie Manager of Group Economics of Hutchison Ports Ltd.; Manager of Oracle System Implementation of Hutchison Ports Ltd. Auditor of Deloitte, Touche, Tohmatsu. Phoebe LAM MBA Managing Director of Lam Geotechnics Karen KONG LLM, U. of Cambridge BA, Oxford University Assistant Professor, HKU. Peter LEE Finance Director of Lam Construction Group Ltd. Randy Welsch Mr. Welsch is an entrepreneur and currently the President of Jibu, L3C. Jibu is pioneering a new for-profit business model to deliver safe water to the developing world in a way that addresses root problems of systemic poverty and breaks dependency on western aid. Previously he was CEO of Master Solutions, a software/system engineering company that developed advanced space-based solutions. Craig Holt Craig Holt is currently the VP of Qualis Health Company. Mr. Holt was the VP at 21 Tech where he was responsible for leading the sales team, development and execution of the company’s business strategy, and major account management. He has experience as a Business Development executive within the Pacific Northwest for Sierra Systems. Prior to joining Sierra Systems, Craig was the national practice director for Business Transformation Services with Unisys corporation. He started with Unisys in 2002 and led the national team that brought Business Transformation Services to the State and Local Government Sector. Prior to Unisys, Mr. Holt led the State and Local Government Practice for Andersen Consulting. This was the result of the sale of his management Consulting practice – Managing Total Performance - which he founded and grew into a multi-million dollar enterprise, in 2000. Ming Chiang Mr. Ming Chiang is the former Vice President of Texas Instruments where he started his professional career as testing engineer to support worldwide manufacturing sites. After building his experience through various job positions such as product engineer and design engineer, he started Mixed-Signal Design Group to address the emerging mixed-signal market which has grown to become the leader in the industry. Mr. Chiang was responsible for all advanced process technology development, mixed-signal product development and computing infrastructure with over 1000 employees in 15 different global design sites. Texas Instruments is currently one of the leading suppliers of broadband communication products in semiconductor industry. Elain Kung, BS, MS Elaine graduated from Cornell with B.S. in Electrical/ Materials Science Engineering, from Princeton with M.S. in Electrical Engineering. Elaine has been known to have extensive networking skills in all circles of influence. Her career at ATT spans 28 years, from technical RD at Bell Labs and business and marketing in a wide range of telecom products and services to service delivery and operations. Dr. Allan Thompson, PhD Dr. Thompson was a leadership professor at ETBU for six years, developed students in leadership and community service. Dr. Thompson currently holds a PhD in Leadership Studies and is considered an expert on Servant Leadership and Values Based Leadership. Lecturer Mentor Profiles International Speaker Profiles Dave Anderson, MBA Express Leadership University, University President. Dave Anderson - Anderson Leadership Solutions; West Point Graduate; Decorated Combat Veteran; 20 Years with Fortune 50 Company; 15 Years in Leadership Positions; Highest Sales Leadership Award 4 Times in 8 Years; Top 9% of Company Leaders- Gallup Employee Survey; MBA - Honors in Marketing. Dave Anderson has been training and speaking for more than 15 years on topics that include leadership, productivity, strategy and sales. “I learned a lot from the guest speakers. I feel so touched by some of the things they shared because I had gone through the same situation before.” TWTS Student // Real Leadership Retreat
  • 12. 21 A CEO Global Program Partnering together to equip the next generation of leaders. Our youth are our legacy and our mission. If you share our vision, you know how important it is to transform our future leaders into servant leaders who have integrity and are positive influences on themselves and their communities. There are so many ways to invest in the next generation, and we always welcome new partners. • Offer our course at your university. • Become a volunteer mentor, lecturer, or coach. • Help fund our program. Contact us to explore the possibilities. Partnering Together Hong Kong P: (+852) 2525 1003 F: (+852) 2525 1004 E: 20D World Trust Tower 50 Stanley Street Central, HONG KONG Beijing P/F: (+86) 010 8476 3922 Room 2-1007 Cameo Center 16 Guang Shun Nan Avenue Chao Yang District Beijing 100102, CHINA Shanghai P: (+86) 021 8012 3580 9D Tower 3 Strength Plaza Lane 600 Tian Shan Road Chang Ning District Shanghai 200051, CHINA USA P: (+1) 719 581 9818 E: Suite 120 6050 Stetson Hills Blvd Colorado Springs, CO 80923, USA Thank You We gratefully acknowledge and thank our generous sponsors and volunteers that give their time, talent and resources to ensure the ongoing success of CEO Global.