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CYP Update
 3 September 2012

                         Policy and process news from CNIC for CYP
Inclusion Booklet for Military Programs:
CNIC introduces new the Inclusion Booklet Order Page for Military Programs. A variety of Inclusion resources
have been designed to assist military programs. These resources can be ordered on-line at the KIT Website for
no-cost for Navy Child and Youth Programs.

Communication Journals: A hands–on tool designed to facilitate communication between families and
programs. Designed as a small spiral bound notebook that can be carried in a pocket, the journal serves as a
communication tool to support the child’s experience in a program.

Supporting Children & Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Topics include: Understanding Autism
Spectrum Disorders, Supporting Communication, Supporting Behavior, and Helping Children & Youth
Understand their Peers.

Supporting Children & Youth with Social–Emotional Needs: Topics include: Understanding Social–Emotional
Needs, Exploring Emotions and the Brain, Modeling Control, and Program Supports & Accommodations.

Supporting Children & Youth with Developmental Disabilities: Topics include: Understanding Developmental
Disabilities, Creating Diverse & Accepting Environments, Supporting Inclusion & Social Skills, and Tips for
Facilitating Friendships.

Booklets are centrally funded from CNIC CYP and are provided as resources for CYP Professionals and
families. Submit your order at

                                                           3 September 2012 – Weekly CYP Update| 1
Military Extension Internship Program Highlights & Success
                          Purdue University Military Extension Internship
                          Program positively impacts the lives of interns and
                          CYP Programs alike. Follow Casey Dickinson’s
                          Summer 2012 Internship journey to full time-                MENTORING
                          employment.       Below she highlights how this             “Being a mentor is more
                          opportunity leads to meaningful experiential                than just showing your
                          learning opportunities and jumpstarts her career            intern what your day to day
                          working with military children and families.                job duties are. It is being
                          As a student at any university, you are often               that person that your intern
                          bombarded with emails informing you of different            can come to with questions,
                          opportunities in the community and for professional         ideas, situations and
                          development. Unfortunately for me, most of these            obstacles that they may
opportunities either weren’t in correlation with my career goals, I didn’t            encounter during their time
qualify, or I just wasn’t interested. That was until I received an email from         with you. Sharing
my Psychology advisor about a program called the Military Extension                   experiences with them and
Internship Program. The very second I finished reading the email, I went              letting them know that you
to their website for more information. I quickly became aware that this               have been where they are
program gave people the opportunity to work with military children all                and through dedication and
around the world. As a person that has always been passionate about                   hard work overcome any
working with children, I immediately called my mother to tell her about               obstacles that may come
this amazing program.                                                                 their way. I feel that your
In the weeks to follow I began completing the application, tweaking it a              success as a mentor is not
little here and there to ensure that it was absolutely perfect. After biting          measured by what you do
my nails for months, I finally received an email informing me that the                but by your intern’s
Navy had selected me for an interview and a few days later I did just that.           success!”
I was pretty nervous I was going to get a placement out of my proximity                        -Sarah Hagensick, Mentor
comfort zone, but I remained open-minded. I then received a phone call                                        Pax River
informing me that I had been selected for placement in NAS Patuxent
River, Maryland.
                                      I hadn’t been this excited about an
                                      opportunity since I received my
                                      acceptance to Virginia Tech. My excitement only became more prevalent
      “…my three months with          when my mentor, Sarah Hagensick, got in contact with me. I knew from the
      the Navy and Military
                                      very start that we were going to work very well together. Sarah had asked me
      Extension Internship
      Program were the most           what I wanted my focus to be during the summer. All I knew was that I
      rewarding months of my          enjoyed working with children, mostly younger children, but I wanted the
      professional growth”.           chance to spread my wings and see what else military child and youth
        -Casey Dickinson, Intern      programs had to offer. I had the privilege of going through two weeks of the
                                      best training I’ve ever received, I got to work at Mattapany Day Camp, I was
                                      given the responsibility of the supervision of twenty-eight individuals, I had
                                      the chance to work alongside Phyllis Leighton, the Child Development
Center Director with oversight, on several different projects, I got to work in conjunction with the Missoula
Children’s Theatre, and on top of all of that I volunteered with the Liberty center and I used the available
                                                              3 September 2012 – Weekly CYP Update| 2
resources offered by Fleet and Family to gain some personal and professional development skills. I’ve been
employed since I was sixteen years old and I will honestly say that my three months with the Navy and Military
Extension Internship Program were the most rewarding months of my professional growth.
        As my internship period dwindled down, I started to fear what I was going to do next. After I applied to
what seemed like an infinite amount of jobs, I finally received an interview with Fort Drum, New York for the
position of a Nutritionist for their Child and Youth Programs. Since one of my Bachelor Degrees is Human
Nutrition, Food, and Exercise, this position seemed like the absolute perfect fit for me. I went through two sets of
interviews and I’m proud to say I received the position and will be moving to New York in just a couple short
                                                              weeks. Though I have previous experiences with
                                                              nutrition and child programs and I am passionate
                                                              about this line of work, I say without a doubt, my
                                                              internship with the Navy and the Military Extension
                                                              Internship Program help set me above all the other
                                                              applicants. Before entering this program, I felt lost,
                                                              like I was the only graduate that didn’t know where
                                                              they were going after graduation. Now I am
                                                              confident in where I stand and my options are
                                                              limitless. In the future, I know if I’m involved in
                                                              something that is at least half as extraordinary as
                                                              my internship in Patuxent River, Maryland I will be
completely content and enthused about what life has to offer. Feel free to checkout my internship experience at .

Congratulations to our Fall 2012 Interns! We are pleased to welcome Fall 2012 Interns for placements during
September-December 2012 in the following regions: Europe, Hawaii, Japan, Midwest, NDW, Southeast and

•   EUROPE/NS Naples:
      o Mentor: Chris Kasparek
      o Intern: Ebony Ellis, University of Northern Iowa
•   EUROPE/Rota:
      o Mentor: Renee Montadon
      o Intern: Morgan Marquette, Oklahoma State University
•   HAWAII/Joint Base Perl Harbor-Hickam
      o Mentor: Lisa Jerome and Rachel Morel
      o Intern : Kelsey Wise, Washington State University
•   JAPAN/CFA Sasebo:
      o Mentor: Christina Sparks
      o Intern: Danielle Blyden, University of Georgia
•   JAPAN/CFA Yokosuka:
      o Mentor: Eric Barge
      o Intern: Seamus Corry, Temple University
•   MIDWEST/NSA Great Lakes
      o Mentor: Carmen Hood
      o Intern : Nicole Pederson, Washington State University
•   NDW/PAX River:

                                                            3 September 2012 – Weekly CYP Update| 3
o Mentor: Sarah Hagensick
      o Intern: Colby Dillard, Old Dominion University
•   SOUTHEAST/Guantanamo Bay Cuba
      o Mentor: Christina Murcin
      o Intern: Bridget O’Connel, University of Illinois
•   SOUTHEAST/Panama City
      o Mentor: Heather Steinzor
      o Intern: Stephanie Brown, University of Illinois
•   SOUTHWEST/Point Loma
      o Mentor: Phyllis Williams
      o Intern: Dawn Garrigus, Kendall College

Did you know mentoring others can support your professional and career development? Applications for Spring
2013 Internships close soon and we will be working with Regions to identify upcoming placements and mentors.
Mentors will be required to participate in an orientation and training the week of January 13-18, 2013. POC:
Rikki Leigh, DSN: 882.6692 COM: 901.874.6692 or

JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Did you know CNIC can help promoting career opportunities at the National Association
for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Career Forum online at . CYP
Managers are encouraged to submit hard-to-fill positions or critical vacancies to Rikki Leigh at for posting and promotion.

Are you in the know? Looking for leadership, management, or training positions? Are you ready?
Opportunities are now available around the globe. Be sure you are frequently checking
Careers and CNIC Regional pages . Jobs are currently
available both CONUS and OCONUS.


NAFCC Conference:
                                                   The National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC)
                                                   held its 22nd annual conference in Atlanta, GA July 25-28,
                                                   2012. Forty-Two CDH professionals attended this
                                                   professional development event taking advantage of the
                                                   opportunity to learn about the most up to date information
                                                   in the field of family child care and connecting with other
                                                   professionals in the field.

                                                   During the luncheon, several Navy participants gathered
                                                   for a group photo.

                                                        3 September 2012 – Weekly CYP Update| 4
NAFCC Accreditation update: Keep up the good work! Navy CDH programs have increased
the number of providers involved in NAFCC Accreditation from 89 to 115 since December 2011!

CDH Reminder
CNIC Database Check
Please remember that the information sent to CNIC for database checks on new providers should contain the
   •   Provider’s First and Last Name

   •   Last 4 digits of SSN only

   •   Spouse names are not necessary unless they are going to be a co-provider; back- up provider or substitute

   •   Please only send NEW applicants; no need to send for re-certification

Protecting PII!!
Since this information is considered PII, it must be sent in the following manner.
   1. Please password protect the document being sent
   2. You must encrypt the email (for problems with encryption, please see your IT people)
   3. Include in the subject line: FOUO- Privacy Sensitive
CDH Billing Cycle-FY 12 & FY 13
The new CDH billing cycle is on the way! Be on the lookout for FY 13 billing cycle.
CORRECTION TO FY 12 Billing cycle- Please note that under “Date Due” September 7th is incorrect and
should read August 31st. Please make appropriate adjustments.

Background checks…again!
CDH programs MUST ensure that ALL CDH providers have completed background checks PRIOR to working
with children. This includes the NACI-with favorable responses. If you have any questions, please contact CDH
Coordinator Deborah Enright at


Youth Sponsorship – Yokosuka S2S Training Video:                                 The S2S team for Kinnick
High School produced a great how not to and how to conduct a Youth Sponsorship Program. Feel free to share
with your Youth Sponsorship Programs:

Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3):                                         The MIC3
website has been up and running for almost 2 years now. During this time it has expanded offering new and

                                                            3 September 2012 – Weekly CYP Update| 5
more varied information, resources and interactive capabilities. MIC3 wants to make sure the information is
heading in the right direction and it has been suggested that we may want to look at making some changes.

Please visit the below link for MIC3 below and take a moment to answer 10 questions:



2012 CYES Training:
It’s hard to believe Child & Youth Education Services (CYES) and our School Liaison Officers have been in
place nearly four years as part of the CYP Team! We're in the final planning stages of the SY12/13 MCEC
training execution guidance to the field for MCEC training. Below is the total amount of CNIC funded
training we have to execute. Region SLOs will be submitting a prioritized list of their needs in September.
We’ve also included a link to the currently {Service-wide} scheduled training—Navy allotments below should
start showing up on the schedule in October.

Total allotments available Navy-wide for SY12/13

   •   8 Transition Counselor Institute (TCI)
   •   18 Student-2-Student (S2S)
   •   41 Junior Student-2-Student (JS2S)*

[*JS2S targeting minimum 6 middle schools at one location, can go down to 4 if we don't have enough Tier I]

MCEC Training Schedule Link:

Army Releases EMC2 Report:                        The Army shared their latest study to develop
recommendations for military leaders and educators: “K12 EDUCATION OF THE MILITARY CHILD IN
THE 21ST CENTURY: Current Dimensions of Educational Experiences for Army Children.” This report
reflects a follow on to the “2001 Secondary Education Transition Study.” Follow the below link to find out


The Exceptional Advocate eNewsletter is here!
The new school year is officially underway. DoDs Office of Community Support for Military Families has ways
to set your children up for success? Check out the article: "Ten Tips to Help Your Child Succeed in School"
included in this month's issue. A therapeutic ice skating program was offered this summer for children enrolled
in the Peterson Air Force Base Exceptional Family Member Program; you can read all about it this month. On
August 31, Dr. Rebecca Posante retired from her position as director of the Office of Military Community
Support for Military Families with Special Needs (OSN). In this issue she says farewell and, in her own words,

                                                          3 September 2012 – Weekly CYP Update| 6
recalls some of her career highlights and personal experiences. You won't want to miss it. You'll find these
articles and much more in the September issue of The Exceptional Advocate. To view the interactive flip
version of The Exceptional Advocate, click on the link below.

You may also view the html version of The Exceptional Advocate by clicking on the link below.

CNIC CYP Team Points of Contact
CDC = Nichelle Murphy
CDH = Deborah Enright
INSPECTIONS = Janie Heisner

Follow CYP:
(Click on logo)
                             Navy CYP        Navy SLO       Youth         CYP Professional   Navy Teen
                                                            Sponsorship                      Council


Local School Liaison Officer attends PTA Day at White House
JEB Little Creek-Fort Story Public Affairs ALEXANDRIA,VA. Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort
Story JEBLCFS) School Liaison Officer (SLO), Vernell B. Kilpatrick, travelled to the nation’s capital last week
as part of a group of parents and education advocates for an all-day meeting with White House and federal
government leaders on education and other topics facing children. See full story at:

                                                           3 September 2012 – Weekly CYP Update| 7

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2012 09 03 cyp update v1 final

  • 1. CYP Update 3 September 2012 Policy and process news from CNIC for CYP Professionals Inclusion Booklet for Military Programs: CNIC introduces new the Inclusion Booklet Order Page for Military Programs. A variety of Inclusion resources have been designed to assist military programs. These resources can be ordered on-line at the KIT Website for no-cost for Navy Child and Youth Programs. Communication Journals: A hands–on tool designed to facilitate communication between families and programs. Designed as a small spiral bound notebook that can be carried in a pocket, the journal serves as a communication tool to support the child’s experience in a program. Supporting Children & Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Topics include: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders, Supporting Communication, Supporting Behavior, and Helping Children & Youth Understand their Peers. Supporting Children & Youth with Social–Emotional Needs: Topics include: Understanding Social–Emotional Needs, Exploring Emotions and the Brain, Modeling Control, and Program Supports & Accommodations. Supporting Children & Youth with Developmental Disabilities: Topics include: Understanding Developmental Disabilities, Creating Diverse & Accepting Environments, Supporting Inclusion & Social Skills, and Tips for Facilitating Friendships. Booklets are centrally funded from CNIC CYP and are provided as resources for CYP Professionals and families. Submit your order at 3 September 2012 – Weekly CYP Update| 1
  • 2. CAREER FORUM: Military Extension Internship Program Highlights & Success Purdue University Military Extension Internship Program positively impacts the lives of interns and CYP Programs alike. Follow Casey Dickinson’s Summer 2012 Internship journey to full time- MENTORING employment. Below she highlights how this “Being a mentor is more opportunity leads to meaningful experiential than just showing your learning opportunities and jumpstarts her career intern what your day to day working with military children and families. job duties are. It is being As a student at any university, you are often that person that your intern bombarded with emails informing you of different can come to with questions, opportunities in the community and for professional ideas, situations and development. Unfortunately for me, most of these obstacles that they may opportunities either weren’t in correlation with my career goals, I didn’t encounter during their time qualify, or I just wasn’t interested. That was until I received an email from with you. Sharing my Psychology advisor about a program called the Military Extension experiences with them and Internship Program. The very second I finished reading the email, I went letting them know that you to their website for more information. I quickly became aware that this have been where they are program gave people the opportunity to work with military children all and through dedication and around the world. As a person that has always been passionate about hard work overcome any working with children, I immediately called my mother to tell her about obstacles that may come this amazing program. their way. I feel that your In the weeks to follow I began completing the application, tweaking it a success as a mentor is not little here and there to ensure that it was absolutely perfect. After biting measured by what you do my nails for months, I finally received an email informing me that the but by your intern’s Navy had selected me for an interview and a few days later I did just that. success!” I was pretty nervous I was going to get a placement out of my proximity -Sarah Hagensick, Mentor comfort zone, but I remained open-minded. I then received a phone call Pax River informing me that I had been selected for placement in NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. I hadn’t been this excited about an opportunity since I received my acceptance to Virginia Tech. My excitement only became more prevalent “…my three months with when my mentor, Sarah Hagensick, got in contact with me. I knew from the the Navy and Military very start that we were going to work very well together. Sarah had asked me Extension Internship Program were the most what I wanted my focus to be during the summer. All I knew was that I rewarding months of my enjoyed working with children, mostly younger children, but I wanted the professional growth”. chance to spread my wings and see what else military child and youth -Casey Dickinson, Intern programs had to offer. I had the privilege of going through two weeks of the best training I’ve ever received, I got to work at Mattapany Day Camp, I was given the responsibility of the supervision of twenty-eight individuals, I had the chance to work alongside Phyllis Leighton, the Child Development Center Director with oversight, on several different projects, I got to work in conjunction with the Missoula Children’s Theatre, and on top of all of that I volunteered with the Liberty center and I used the available 3 September 2012 – Weekly CYP Update| 2
  • 3. resources offered by Fleet and Family to gain some personal and professional development skills. I’ve been employed since I was sixteen years old and I will honestly say that my three months with the Navy and Military Extension Internship Program were the most rewarding months of my professional growth. As my internship period dwindled down, I started to fear what I was going to do next. After I applied to what seemed like an infinite amount of jobs, I finally received an interview with Fort Drum, New York for the position of a Nutritionist for their Child and Youth Programs. Since one of my Bachelor Degrees is Human Nutrition, Food, and Exercise, this position seemed like the absolute perfect fit for me. I went through two sets of interviews and I’m proud to say I received the position and will be moving to New York in just a couple short weeks. Though I have previous experiences with nutrition and child programs and I am passionate about this line of work, I say without a doubt, my internship with the Navy and the Military Extension Internship Program help set me above all the other applicants. Before entering this program, I felt lost, like I was the only graduate that didn’t know where they were going after graduation. Now I am confident in where I stand and my options are limitless. In the future, I know if I’m involved in something that is at least half as extraordinary as my internship in Patuxent River, Maryland I will be completely content and enthused about what life has to offer. Feel free to checkout my internship experience at . Congratulations to our Fall 2012 Interns! We are pleased to welcome Fall 2012 Interns for placements during September-December 2012 in the following regions: Europe, Hawaii, Japan, Midwest, NDW, Southeast and Southwest. • EUROPE/NS Naples: o Mentor: Chris Kasparek o Intern: Ebony Ellis, University of Northern Iowa • EUROPE/Rota: o Mentor: Renee Montadon o Intern: Morgan Marquette, Oklahoma State University • HAWAII/Joint Base Perl Harbor-Hickam o Mentor: Lisa Jerome and Rachel Morel o Intern : Kelsey Wise, Washington State University • JAPAN/CFA Sasebo: o Mentor: Christina Sparks o Intern: Danielle Blyden, University of Georgia • JAPAN/CFA Yokosuka: o Mentor: Eric Barge o Intern: Seamus Corry, Temple University • MIDWEST/NSA Great Lakes o Mentor: Carmen Hood o Intern : Nicole Pederson, Washington State University • NDW/PAX River: 3 September 2012 – Weekly CYP Update| 3
  • 4. o Mentor: Sarah Hagensick o Intern: Colby Dillard, Old Dominion University • SOUTHEAST/Guantanamo Bay Cuba o Mentor: Christina Murcin o Intern: Bridget O’Connel, University of Illinois • SOUTHEAST/Panama City o Mentor: Heather Steinzor o Intern: Stephanie Brown, University of Illinois • SOUTHWEST/Point Loma o Mentor: Phyllis Williams o Intern: Dawn Garrigus, Kendall College Did you know mentoring others can support your professional and career development? Applications for Spring 2013 Internships close soon and we will be working with Regions to identify upcoming placements and mentors. Mentors will be required to participate in an orientation and training the week of January 13-18, 2013. POC: Rikki Leigh, DSN: 882.6692 COM: 901.874.6692 or JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Did you know CNIC can help promoting career opportunities at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Career Forum online at . CYP Managers are encouraged to submit hard-to-fill positions or critical vacancies to Rikki Leigh at for posting and promotion. Are you in the know? Looking for leadership, management, or training positions? Are you ready? Opportunities are now available around the globe. Be sure you are frequently checking Careers and CNIC Regional pages . Jobs are currently available both CONUS and OCONUS. CHILD DEVELOPMENT HOME (CDH) NEWS: NAFCC Conference: The National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) held its 22nd annual conference in Atlanta, GA July 25-28, 2012. Forty-Two CDH professionals attended this professional development event taking advantage of the opportunity to learn about the most up to date information in the field of family child care and connecting with other professionals in the field. During the luncheon, several Navy participants gathered for a group photo. 3 September 2012 – Weekly CYP Update| 4
  • 5. NAFCC Accreditation update: Keep up the good work! Navy CDH programs have increased the number of providers involved in NAFCC Accreditation from 89 to 115 since December 2011! CDH Reminder CNIC Database Check Please remember that the information sent to CNIC for database checks on new providers should contain the following: • Provider’s First and Last Name • Last 4 digits of SSN only • Spouse names are not necessary unless they are going to be a co-provider; back- up provider or substitute • Please only send NEW applicants; no need to send for re-certification Protecting PII!! Since this information is considered PII, it must be sent in the following manner. 1. Please password protect the document being sent 2. You must encrypt the email (for problems with encryption, please see your IT people) 3. Include in the subject line: FOUO- Privacy Sensitive CDH Billing Cycle-FY 12 & FY 13 The new CDH billing cycle is on the way! Be on the lookout for FY 13 billing cycle. CORRECTION TO FY 12 Billing cycle- Please note that under “Date Due” September 7th is incorrect and should read August 31st. Please make appropriate adjustments. Background checks…again! CDH programs MUST ensure that ALL CDH providers have completed background checks PRIOR to working with children. This includes the NACI-with favorable responses. If you have any questions, please contact CDH Coordinator Deborah Enright at CHILD & YOUTH EDUCATION SERVICES (CYES) Youth Sponsorship – Yokosuka S2S Training Video: The S2S team for Kinnick High School produced a great how not to and how to conduct a Youth Sponsorship Program. Feel free to share with your Youth Sponsorship Programs: LINK: Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3): The MIC3 website has been up and running for almost 2 years now. During this time it has expanded offering new and 3 September 2012 – Weekly CYP Update| 5
  • 6. more varied information, resources and interactive capabilities. MIC3 wants to make sure the information is heading in the right direction and it has been suggested that we may want to look at making some changes. Please visit the below link for MIC3 below and take a moment to answer 10 questions: MIC3 LINK: SUREVY LINK: 2012 CYES Training: It’s hard to believe Child & Youth Education Services (CYES) and our School Liaison Officers have been in place nearly four years as part of the CYP Team! We're in the final planning stages of the SY12/13 MCEC training execution guidance to the field for MCEC training. Below is the total amount of CNIC funded training we have to execute. Region SLOs will be submitting a prioritized list of their needs in September. We’ve also included a link to the currently {Service-wide} scheduled training—Navy allotments below should start showing up on the schedule in October. Total allotments available Navy-wide for SY12/13 • 8 Transition Counselor Institute (TCI) • 18 Student-2-Student (S2S) • 41 Junior Student-2-Student (JS2S)* [*JS2S targeting minimum 6 middle schools at one location, can go down to 4 if we don't have enough Tier I] MCEC Training Schedule Link: calendar-as-of-083112 Army Releases EMC2 Report: The Army shared their latest study to develop recommendations for military leaders and educators: “K12 EDUCATION OF THE MILITARY CHILD IN THE 21ST CENTURY: Current Dimensions of Educational Experiences for Army Children.” This report reflects a follow on to the “2001 Secondary Education Transition Study.” Follow the below link to find out more: LINK: The Exceptional Advocate eNewsletter is here! The new school year is officially underway. DoDs Office of Community Support for Military Families has ways to set your children up for success? Check out the article: "Ten Tips to Help Your Child Succeed in School" included in this month's issue. A therapeutic ice skating program was offered this summer for children enrolled in the Peterson Air Force Base Exceptional Family Member Program; you can read all about it this month. On August 31, Dr. Rebecca Posante retired from her position as director of the Office of Military Community Support for Military Families with Special Needs (OSN). In this issue she says farewell and, in her own words, 3 September 2012 – Weekly CYP Update| 6
  • 7. recalls some of her career highlights and personal experiences. You won't want to miss it. You'll find these articles and much more in the September issue of The Exceptional Advocate. To view the interactive flip version of The Exceptional Advocate, click on the link below. You may also view the html version of The Exceptional Advocate by clicking on the link below. CNIC CYP Team Points of Contact TRAINING & IMPLEMENTATION = Maryann Coutino CDC = Nichelle Murphy SAC/YOUTH/TEEN/YOUTH SPORTS = Brent Edwards CDH = Deborah Enright OUTEACH/EFMP/NACCRRA/CYB-MFLC = Terri Dietrich FACILITIES = Lorie Boyd CAREER DEVELOPMENT: Rikki Leigh INSPECTIONS = Janie Heisner CHILD & YOUTH EDUCATION SERVICES = Chuck Clymer Follow CYP: (Click on logo) Navy CYP Navy SLO Youth CYP Professional Navy Teen Sponsorship Council AROUND THE WORLD IN CYP Local School Liaison Officer attends PTA Day at White House JEB Little Creek-Fort Story Public Affairs ALEXANDRIA,VA. Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story JEBLCFS) School Liaison Officer (SLO), Vernell B. Kilpatrick, travelled to the nation’s capital last week as part of a group of parents and education advocates for an all-day meeting with White House and federal government leaders on education and other topics facing children. See full story at: 001a4bcf887a.html 3 September 2012 – Weekly CYP Update| 7