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ake 25 Organizer’s it
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Table of Contents

	 1	Introduction
	 2	 How to Plan a Take 25 Event
	 4	 Suggested Take 25 Events
	 5	 Media Outreach Steps for Success
	 6	 Event Checklist
	 7	 Talking Points
	8	Resources
	9	Guidelines
it’s all
time... Welcome to the Take 25 Campaign
         Every year, nearly
         800,000 children
         are reported as missing
         to law enforcement.
         That’s more than
         2,000 children per day.
         While many of these children are recovered quickly, there are many
         who never return home. To ensure these children remain in the
         hearts and minds of the public, in 1983, former President Ronald
         Reagan declared May 25th as National Missing Children’s Day.
         This day serves as a time to renew efforts to reunite missing children
         with their families, remember those who are still missing, and make
         child safety a national priority.
         To commemorate this day, the National Center for Missing &
         Exploited Children® (NCMEC) launched Take 25, a national
         grassroots campaign encouraging parents, guardians, communities,
         and others to take 25 minutes to talk to children about safety.
         With a focus on prevention, Take 25 provides families and
         communities with the tools and resources to initiate an on-going
         dialogue with children about safety.
         We invite you to join the thousands of organizations, agencies,
         and individuals who have already brought the Take 25 Campaign
         to communities throughout the United States and abroad. Getting
         started is easy. Enclosed you will find a step-by-step guide to
         help plan your Take 25 event(s) as well as a complete list of FREE
         materials available to event organizers. You will also find Talking
         Points and Guidelines Governing a Take 25 Event. We ask that you
         read and abide by all of these guidelines as you are planning and
         executing your Take 25 event.
         As the Take 25 Campaign continues to grow, involvement of local,
         regional, and national partners is critical. We appreciate your
         participation and look forward to working with you as you plan
         your Take 25 event(s).

                                                                            TAKE 25 EVENT
                       As you begin planning, consider these important steps:

1.	 Choose an event to host
•	 Community or Safety Day                                    •	 Press Conference
•	 Child ID                                                   •	 Proclamation
•	 Safety Presentation                                        •	 Materials Distribution

2.	 Identify local contacts
•	 Include elected and appointed officials,                   •	 Recruit volunteers as needed to support
   media representatives, community leaders,                     the event.
   educators, law enforcement, clergy, and
   other community members.

3.	 Secure the support of local organizations
•	 Host a planning meeting to discuss the                     •	 Include colleges and universities, and
   responsibilities of each participating organization.          encourage their participation in planning
•	 Invite representatives from law enforcement                   and hosting events.
   and the nonprofit, corporate, faith-based,                 •	 If possible, contact potential partners at
   and government sectors.                                       least 60 days prior to your event.
•	 Divide responsibilities among media outreach,
   event planning, and event day details.

4.	 Develop an event strategy
•	 Identify goals for the event, which may                    •	 Research local and national statistics
   include raising awareness, increasing                         involving missing or exploited children. Visit
   community involvement, or highlighting               for national statistics and
   cases of missing children.                                    consult your state clearinghouse to find out
•	 Consider the demographics of your audience                    how the issues are relevant in your community.
   and determine which materials you will
   distribute to attendees.

5.	 Determine a location
•	 Consider where the event will take place.                  •	 Make sure your venue will hold the estimated
   Possible locations include a local community                  number of attendees, has parking, and is
   center, school, or park.                                      accessible by public transportation.
•	 Determine what date and time will allow for                •	 Establish a back-up plan in case of
   maximum participation.                                        inclement weather.
•	 Estimate the number of children and families
   that will attend.

it’s all about time...

6.	 Engage your community
•	 Network with local organizations to promote         •	 Reach out to schools and parent organizations
   the event.                                             to request they notify parents and guardians
                                                          about events in the community.

7.	 Develop a media strategy
•	 Develop a list of media representatives to invite   •	 Promote your event on local community
   to the event, including television and radio           event calendars.
   stations, newspapers, and magazines.                •	 Distribute a media advisory to local media
•	 Designate a spokesperson, such as a                    outlets, along with an invitation to the event.
   community leader, law-enforcement                   •	 Prepare media kits with press releases for
   representative, or local celebrity or athlete          media representatives attending your event.
   to speak on behalf of the event.
                                                       •	 Videotape and/or photograph the event.

8.	 Work out last-minute details
•	 Provide attendees with Take 25 resources.           •	 If you are expecting a large crowd, consider
•	 Plan to meet your participants’ needs and              entertainment for children who are waiting
   ensure their comfort while attending the event.        in line. Face-painting, costumed characters,
                                                          demonstrations, and storytelling are all fun
                                                          ways to keep children engaged.

9.	 Follow up with supporters
•	 Issue surveys to event organizers and attendees.    •	 Keep the issue of child safety at the forefront
•	 Form a task force in your community to work on         of community members’ minds.
   missing and exploited children’s issues.
                                                                          TAKE 25 EVENTS

Distribute Take 25 Materials
•	 Distribute safety materials at events or in family        •	 Display posters and banners in public areas,
   friendly areas throughout the community.                     such as libraries, schools, community centers,
                                                                hospitals, bus stops, and other high-traffic areas.

Organize a Child ID Event
•	 Local law enforcement can often assist                    •	 Personal information obtained should be given
   by producing high-quality photos and                         to parents and guardians to store in a safe
   fingerprints of children that can be given                   place and should not be saved in any database.
   to parents and guardians.

Conduct a Safety Presentation
•	 Parents, guardians, law enforcement, and                  •	 Visit for downloadable
   others can gather in a public setting to discuss             Internet safety presentations.
   protective measures to help keep children safer.

Host a Press Conference
•	 Invite the media to help launch your event and            •	 Invite and recognize those who assisted
   engage the community on child safety issues.                 in the planning process.

Issue a Proclamation
•	 Ask local elected officials to issue a proclamation
   for National Missing Children’s Day, recognizing
   the day, week, or the month of May.

                                                              STEPS FOR SUCCESS

Assemble press kits to distribute to local media. Press kits should include:
•	 Information about your organization                 •	 A personalized copy of the Take 25
•	 Information about National Center for                  press release
   Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)
                                                       •	 Local contact information for press inquiries
   and the Take 25 Campaign

•	 Research contacts at local media outlets.                 •	 Don’t be discouraged. Media contacts are
   Compile contact names, telephone numbers,                    often busy. When contacting them, first ask
   e-mail addresses, and submission deadlines.                  “Is this a good time to talk—are you on
•	 Build relationships with media contacts.                     deadline”? Be flexible and work around
   When contacting the media, ask to speak                      your contact’s schedule.
   to someone in community affairs or events.                •	 Offer all of the available resources. Local media
   If possible, arrange to meet in person prior                 outlets may air public service announcements
   to the event.                                                (PSAs) for your event or publish information in
                                                                their written communications.

•	 Send each media outlet a personalized                     •	 Provide information about your Take 25 event,
   press release.                                               including the best time to have media present
                                                                and specific times when local leaders will be
                                                                in attendance.

•	 Call, e-mail, or fax all contacts. Ensure that they
   received the press release, and attempt to
   secure a commitment for media coverage.

•	 Be persistent. If the story doesn’t run as planned,
   follow up with your contact and send an event
   summary and pictures from the event. Your contact
   may be able to run a post-event story instead.

      Be sure to thank your media contacts after the event and acknowledge their support.

Take 25 Event
                                               Organizer Mini List
           For a full selection of event organizer resources and templates, visit

  Choose an Event                                         Secure Support
•	 Review Take 25 materials, determine your             •	 Engage local agencies and organizations
  audience, and available resources                     •	 Promote your event through local
                                                           media outlets
                                                        •	 Tell your communities about your event and
                                                           recruit volunteers

  Set Goals                                               Take 25 Pre-Event Preparation
•	 Determine interest and investigate                   •	 Anticipate the needs of your audience
   other events near the time of your                   •	 Make sure you have contact information
   proposed event(s)                                       to reach all parties involved on the day
•	 Host a planning meeting to delegate tasks,              of the event
   develop a timeline, and establish the main           •	 Take pictures and/or video the day of
   points of contact for planning, questions, and          your event
   logistics the day of the event

  Register Events                                         Event Follow Up
•	 Visit to log-in and              •	 Survey your participants and event partners
   register your Take 25 event(s). You may track           to determine if you reached your event goals
   the progress of your Take 25 event(s) and            •	 Thank your volunteers, event partners, local
   order materials here. Be sure to also sign-up           media, and any participating local officials
   for the Take 25 e-blast to get the latest
                                                        •	 Share your event successes, challenges,
   campaign updates and safety information.
                                                           stories, press releases, media clips, and
•	 Once your event has been registered and                 pictures. Send them all to
   approved, order FREE event planning
   resources and materials to share with
   children and families. Take 25 resources are
   available in multiple languages and can also                                   May 25
   be downloaded at                                           National    Day

                                                                        TALKING POINTS

•	 A campaign of the National Center for Missing            •	 This national child safety campaign encourages
   & Exploited Children® (NCMEC), Take 25 was                  parents and guardians to take 25 minutes to talk
   created in commemoration of National Missing                to their children about ways to stay safer.
   Children’s Day.                                          •	 The goal of Take 25 is to promote an ongoing
•	 Annually honored on May 25th, this day serves               dialogue between children, families, and
   as a reminder to the nation to renew efforts                communities about child safety issues.
   to reunite missing children with their families,
   remember those who are still missing, and make
   child protection a national priority.

•	 According to the U.S. Department of Justice              •	 An estimated 58,200 children are abducted
   (DOJ) an estimated 800,000 children are                     by non-family members each year. About 115
   reported missing in the United States annually,             children each year are the victims of the most
   amounting to approximately 2,000 each day.                  serious, long-term abductions.
   Thankfully, the vast majority are located quickly.

•	 NCMEC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization       •	 To learn more about NCMEC and the issue
   working in cooperation with the U.S. Department      of missing and exploited children, call the
   of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and          toll-free, 24-hour hotline at 1-800-THE-LOST®
   Delinquency Prevention.                              (1-800-843-5678) or visit
•	 NCMEC helps prevent child abduction and
   sexual exploitation; helps find missing children;
   and assists victims of child abduction and
   sexual exploitation, their families, and the
   professionals who serve them.

                  To learn more about the Take 25 Campaign or register an event,

Take 25

Planning Documents
In addition to the resources included in this Kit, the Take 25 Campaign offers several other FREE
materials to help event organizers begin planning their Take 25 event(s). The following resources
are available for download at
•	 Media Advisory                                     •	 Press Release
•	 Outreach Letter                                    •	 Resolution

Event Materials
The Take 25 Campaign also provides event organizers with materials and resources to share with
families, children, and communities during events. These FREE resources are available in multiple
languages and can either be downloaded at or ordered after your Take 25 event is
registered and approved by National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) staff.
•	 Bookmarks                                          •	 Mini-Lessons
•	 Brochures                                          •	 Posters
•	 Child ID Kits                                      •	 Safety Tips
•	 Conversation Starters                              •	 Stickers

                                                 TAKE 25 EVENTS
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) has developed the
  following guidelines to make the Take 25 Campaign as successful as possible.
   By agreeing to follow these guidelines, you help ensure that NCMEC’s Take 25
                       Campaign continues to be a success.

□□ NCMEC’s name and logos are registered trademarks that are wholly owned by NCMEC
   and cannot be displayed or reproduced without NCMEC’s written permission.
□□ If you wish to use NCMEC’s name and/or logos, including the Take 25 logo, in any
   way other than on the printed Take 25 materials provided by NCMEC, you must seek
   written approval from NCMEC before any such use. Until you receive NCMEC’s written
   approval, you cannot use NCMEC’s name or logos in any way other than on the printed
   Take 25 materials.
□□ You will submit for NCMEC’s review and approval any flyers, press releases, or other
   promotional materials that you propose using in connection with the Take 25 event
   before you produce, distribute or publish any such materials.
□□ Your Take 25 event cannot create the impression that NCMEC sponsors, endorses, or
   is affiliated with any individual or entity beyond the scope of the approved Take 25
   event. Your Take 25 event can not place any missing child in a false light or tarnish
   NCMEC’s name or reputation. You will not use NCMEC’s name or logos for any
   commercial purpose.
□□ If your Take 25 event will involve sponsorship, fundraising, and/or donation activities, then
   you must provide information regarding these activities to NCMEC and agree to abide
   by any applicable Better Business Bureau guidelines and/or state fundraising regulations.
□□ NCMEC reserves the right to decline any Take 25 event in its sole discretion upon
   review of the Take 25 event details.
□□ You will obtain all necessary permits, licenses, and insurance for your Take 25 event
   and will be responsible for all expenses relating to and arising from a Take 25 event.
□□ You agree to indemnify and hold NCMEC harmless from all claims and liabilities
   relating to your Take 25 event.

I am over 18 years old and have read, understand, and agree to follow all the guidelines
on this page in conducting the proposed Take 25 event. I attest that the information
provided in my application is correct and accurately describes the proposed Take 25 event.
I will notify NCMEC as soon as possible if any information provided in my application
changes in any way before the date of the Take 25 event. For more information, contact

Name                                               Date

A program of the

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children®
Charles B. Wang International Children’s Building • 699 Prince Street • Alexandria, VA 22314-3175 • 1-800-THE-LOST® •

Copyright © 2013 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. All rights reserved.

Text Take25 to 20222 and donate $10 towards the Take 25 Campaign.
Must be 18 years or older.

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2013 01 21 take 25 organizers organizers kit

  • 1. ake 25 Organizer’s it a safer y it r of commun ids n umbe you e for our k peopl ence influ 25 es ut min Proudly Sponsored by
  • 2. Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 How to Plan a Take 25 Event 4 Suggested Take 25 Events 5 Media Outreach Steps for Success 6 Event Checklist 7 Talking Points 8 Resources 9 Guidelines
  • 3. it’s all about time... Welcome to the Take 25 Campaign Every year, nearly 800,000 children are reported as missing to law enforcement. That’s more than 2,000 children per day. While many of these children are recovered quickly, there are many who never return home. To ensure these children remain in the hearts and minds of the public, in 1983, former President Ronald Reagan declared May 25th as National Missing Children’s Day. This day serves as a time to renew efforts to reunite missing children with their families, remember those who are still missing, and make child safety a national priority. To commemorate this day, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) launched Take 25, a national grassroots campaign encouraging parents, guardians, communities, and others to take 25 minutes to talk to children about safety. With a focus on prevention, Take 25 provides families and communities with the tools and resources to initiate an on-going dialogue with children about safety. We invite you to join the thousands of organizations, agencies, and individuals who have already brought the Take 25 Campaign to communities throughout the United States and abroad. Getting started is easy. Enclosed you will find a step-by-step guide to help plan your Take 25 event(s) as well as a complete list of FREE materials available to event organizers. You will also find Talking Points and Guidelines Governing a Take 25 Event. We ask that you read and abide by all of these guidelines as you are planning and executing your Take 25 event. As the Take 25 Campaign continues to grow, involvement of local, regional, and national partners is critical. We appreciate your participation and look forward to working with you as you plan your Take 25 event(s). 1
  • 4. HOW TO PLAN A TAKE 25 EVENT As you begin planning, consider these important steps: 1. Choose an event to host • Community or Safety Day • Press Conference • Child ID • Proclamation • Safety Presentation • Materials Distribution 2. Identify local contacts • Include elected and appointed officials, • Recruit volunteers as needed to support media representatives, community leaders, the event. educators, law enforcement, clergy, and other community members. 3. Secure the support of local organizations • Host a planning meeting to discuss the • Include colleges and universities, and responsibilities of each participating organization. encourage their participation in planning • Invite representatives from law enforcement and hosting events. and the nonprofit, corporate, faith-based, • If possible, contact potential partners at and government sectors. least 60 days prior to your event. • Divide responsibilities among media outreach, event planning, and event day details. 4. Develop an event strategy • Identify goals for the event, which may • Research local and national statistics include raising awareness, increasing involving missing or exploited children. Visit community involvement, or highlighting for national statistics and cases of missing children. consult your state clearinghouse to find out • Consider the demographics of your audience how the issues are relevant in your community. and determine which materials you will distribute to attendees. 5. Determine a location • Consider where the event will take place. • Make sure your venue will hold the estimated Possible locations include a local community number of attendees, has parking, and is center, school, or park. accessible by public transportation. • Determine what date and time will allow for • Establish a back-up plan in case of maximum participation. inclement weather. • Estimate the number of children and families that will attend. 2
  • 5. it’s all about time... 6. Engage your community • Network with local organizations to promote • Reach out to schools and parent organizations the event. to request they notify parents and guardians about events in the community. 7. Develop a media strategy • Develop a list of media representatives to invite • Promote your event on local community to the event, including television and radio event calendars. stations, newspapers, and magazines. • Distribute a media advisory to local media • Designate a spokesperson, such as a outlets, along with an invitation to the event. community leader, law-enforcement • Prepare media kits with press releases for representative, or local celebrity or athlete media representatives attending your event. to speak on behalf of the event. • Videotape and/or photograph the event. 8. Work out last-minute details • Provide attendees with Take 25 resources. • If you are expecting a large crowd, consider • Plan to meet your participants’ needs and entertainment for children who are waiting ensure their comfort while attending the event. in line. Face-painting, costumed characters, demonstrations, and storytelling are all fun ways to keep children engaged. 9. Follow up with supporters • Issue surveys to event organizers and attendees. • Keep the issue of child safety at the forefront • Form a task force in your community to work on of community members’ minds. missing and exploited children’s issues.
  • 6. SUGGESTED TAKE 25 EVENTS Distribute Take 25 Materials • Distribute safety materials at events or in family • Display posters and banners in public areas, friendly areas throughout the community. such as libraries, schools, community centers, hospitals, bus stops, and other high-traffic areas. Organize a Child ID Event • Local law enforcement can often assist • Personal information obtained should be given by producing high-quality photos and to parents and guardians to store in a safe fingerprints of children that can be given place and should not be saved in any database. to parents and guardians. Conduct a Safety Presentation • Parents, guardians, law enforcement, and • Visit for downloadable others can gather in a public setting to discuss Internet safety presentations. protective measures to help keep children safer. Host a Press Conference • Invite the media to help launch your event and • Invite and recognize those who assisted engage the community on child safety issues. in the planning process. Issue a Proclamation • Ask local elected officials to issue a proclamation for National Missing Children’s Day, recognizing the day, week, or the month of May. 4
  • 7. MEDIA OUTREACH STEPS FOR SUCCESS ONE MONTH BEFORE YOUR Event Assemble press kits to distribute to local media. Press kits should include: • Information about your organization • A personalized copy of the Take 25 • Information about National Center for press release Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) ® • Local contact information for press inquiries and the Take 25 Campaign THREE WEEKS BEFORE YOUR Event • Research contacts at local media outlets. • Don’t be discouraged. Media contacts are Compile contact names, telephone numbers, often busy. When contacting them, first ask e-mail addresses, and submission deadlines. “Is this a good time to talk—are you on • Build relationships with media contacts. deadline”? Be flexible and work around When contacting the media, ask to speak your contact’s schedule. to someone in community affairs or events. • Offer all of the available resources. Local media If possible, arrange to meet in person prior outlets may air public service announcements to the event. (PSAs) for your event or publish information in their written communications. ONE WEEK BEFORE YOUR EVENT • Send each media outlet a personalized • Provide information about your Take 25 event, press release. including the best time to have media present and specific times when local leaders will be in attendance. TWO DAYS BEFORE YOUR EVENT • Call, e-mail, or fax all contacts. Ensure that they received the press release, and attempt to secure a commitment for media coverage. AFTER THE EVENT • Be persistent. If the story doesn’t run as planned, follow up with your contact and send an event summary and pictures from the event. Your contact may be able to run a post-event story instead. Be sure to thank your media contacts after the event and acknowledge their support. 5
  • 8. Take 25 Event Organizer Mini List For a full selection of event organizer resources and templates, visit Choose an Event Secure Support • Review Take 25 materials, determine your • Engage local agencies and organizations audience, and available resources • Promote your event through local media outlets • Tell your communities about your event and recruit volunteers Set Goals Take 25 Pre-Event Preparation • Determine interest and investigate • Anticipate the needs of your audience other events near the time of your • Make sure you have contact information proposed event(s) to reach all parties involved on the day • Host a planning meeting to delegate tasks, of the event develop a timeline, and establish the main • Take pictures and/or video the day of points of contact for planning, questions, and your event logistics the day of the event Register Events Event Follow Up • Visit to log-in and • Survey your participants and event partners register your Take 25 event(s). You may track to determine if you reached your event goals the progress of your Take 25 event(s) and • Thank your volunteers, event partners, local order materials here. Be sure to also sign-up media, and any participating local officials for the Take 25 e-blast to get the latest • Share your event successes, challenges, campaign updates and safety information. stories, press releases, media clips, and • Once your event has been registered and pictures. Send them all to approved, order FREE event planning resources and materials to share with children and families. Take 25 resources are available in multiple languages and can also May 25 Missing be downloaded at National Day Children’s 6
  • 9. TAKE 25 TALKING POINTS WHAT IS TAKE 25? • A campaign of the National Center for Missing • This national child safety campaign encourages & Exploited Children® (NCMEC), Take 25 was parents and guardians to take 25 minutes to talk created in commemoration of National Missing to their children about ways to stay safer. Children’s Day. • The goal of Take 25 is to promote an ongoing • Annually honored on May 25th, this day serves dialogue between children, families, and as a reminder to the nation to renew efforts communities about child safety issues. to reunite missing children with their families, remember those who are still missing, and make child protection a national priority. WHY IS TAKE 25 IMPORTANT? • According to the U.S. Department of Justice • An estimated 58,200 children are abducted (DOJ) an estimated 800,000 children are by non-family members each year. About 115 reported missing in the United States annually, children each year are the victims of the most amounting to approximately 2,000 each day. serious, long-term abductions. Thankfully, the vast majority are located quickly. ABOUT THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR MISSING & EXPLOITED CHILDREN • NCMEC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization • To learn more about NCMEC and the issue working in cooperation with the U.S. Department of missing and exploited children, call the of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and toll-free, 24-hour hotline at 1-800-THE-LOST® Delinquency Prevention. (1-800-843-5678) or visit • NCMEC helps prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation; helps find missing children; and assists victims of child abduction and sexual exploitation, their families, and the professionals who serve them. To learn more about the Take 25 Campaign or register an event, visit 7
  • 10. Take 25 Resources Planning Documents In addition to the resources included in this Kit, the Take 25 Campaign offers several other FREE materials to help event organizers begin planning their Take 25 event(s). The following resources are available for download at • Media Advisory • Press Release • Outreach Letter • Resolution Event Materials The Take 25 Campaign also provides event organizers with materials and resources to share with families, children, and communities during events. These FREE resources are available in multiple languages and can either be downloaded at or ordered after your Take 25 event is registered and approved by National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) staff. • Bookmarks • Mini-Lessons • Brochures • Posters • Child ID Kits • Safety Tips • Conversation Starters • Stickers 8
  • 11. GUIDELINES GOVERNING TAKE 25 EVENTS The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) has developed the following guidelines to make the Take 25 Campaign as successful as possible. By agreeing to follow these guidelines, you help ensure that NCMEC’s Take 25 Campaign continues to be a success. □□ NCMEC’s name and logos are registered trademarks that are wholly owned by NCMEC and cannot be displayed or reproduced without NCMEC’s written permission. □□ If you wish to use NCMEC’s name and/or logos, including the Take 25 logo, in any way other than on the printed Take 25 materials provided by NCMEC, you must seek written approval from NCMEC before any such use. Until you receive NCMEC’s written approval, you cannot use NCMEC’s name or logos in any way other than on the printed Take 25 materials. □□ You will submit for NCMEC’s review and approval any flyers, press releases, or other promotional materials that you propose using in connection with the Take 25 event before you produce, distribute or publish any such materials. □□ Your Take 25 event cannot create the impression that NCMEC sponsors, endorses, or is affiliated with any individual or entity beyond the scope of the approved Take 25 event. Your Take 25 event can not place any missing child in a false light or tarnish NCMEC’s name or reputation. You will not use NCMEC’s name or logos for any commercial purpose. □□ If your Take 25 event will involve sponsorship, fundraising, and/or donation activities, then you must provide information regarding these activities to NCMEC and agree to abide by any applicable Better Business Bureau guidelines and/or state fundraising regulations. □□ NCMEC reserves the right to decline any Take 25 event in its sole discretion upon review of the Take 25 event details. □□ You will obtain all necessary permits, licenses, and insurance for your Take 25 event and will be responsible for all expenses relating to and arising from a Take 25 event. □□ You agree to indemnify and hold NCMEC harmless from all claims and liabilities relating to your Take 25 event. I am over 18 years old and have read, understand, and agree to follow all the guidelines on this page in conducting the proposed Take 25 event. I attest that the information provided in my application is correct and accurately describes the proposed Take 25 event. I will notify NCMEC as soon as possible if any information provided in my application changes in any way before the date of the Take 25 event. For more information, contact Name Date 9
  • 12. A program of the The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® Charles B. Wang International Children’s Building • 699 Prince Street • Alexandria, VA 22314-3175 • 1-800-THE-LOST® • Copyright © 2013 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. All rights reserved. Text Take25 to 20222 and donate $10 towards the Take 25 Campaign. Must be 18 years or older.