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Audrey Butcher
Dr. Tripodi
Work Experience II
2 September, 2016
A. Job title: Food and Beverage intern
B. Job Description: Server in the dining room, working special events, pool-side
service, was the Dining Room Manager on Mondays during lunch as my project.
C. Name of Establishment: Riverside Yacht Club
D. Location of Establishment: Riverside, Connecticut
E. List five (5) specific goals/objectives sought while undertaking the fieldwork,
which are also listed in your fieldwork agreement. Were they reached?
1. Expand my knowledge of the club industry. Having only worked at one
club, my experience and familiarity with the entire industry was very
2. Gain practical experience and take on a leadership position to directly
implement what I have learned at school about management.
3. Build upon everything I learned at my previous internship; become more
confident in my abilities, work on my overall professionalism, continue
to become more comfortable interacting with members.
4. Pay particular attention to the differences between a country club and a
yacht club. Every club is different, but recognize the differences in
membership, events, the environment, and how management styles
could vary based on these differences.
5. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable; challenge myself, don’t
become complacent. Ask questions when I don’t understand how or why
things are done a certain way.
Heading into my internship at RYC, I did not really know what to expect. I was initially
scared it would just be a repeat of my previous summer; serving in a la carte and working
banquets, occasionally doing something slightly different like serving at the cabana or driving
the beverage cart at golf outings. While there was nothing wrong with this experience at all- it
was a perfect introduction into clubs and was very hands-on and service-oriented like it was
supposed to be, I wanted to expand what I was doing and take on more responsibility. During the
tour on my first day I was immediately relieved to find that the experience was much different.
There would be tours of other clubs, seminars, and my special project would be to run the dining
room on Mondays. There would still be a lot of serving of course and events, but I was exposed
to a lot more than I had been last year (i.e. club tours, a wine seminar, a CCMA event and
speaker). I was constantly held to higher standards at RYC, and there were expectations of the
interns and the internship as a whole that allowed me to easily meet all of my objectives, and
then some. I would say each of my goals are still goals I should have as I continue down this
path, but I definitely met them this summer.
F. Provide four (4) personal observations regarding benefits derived from your
fieldwork experience.
1. I definitely became more aware of the industry this summer. One main
reason for this is the fact we got to get tours of 4 other clubs in the area
(Innis Arden, Woodway Country Club, Fairmount Country Club, and a
quick tour of Indian Harbor Yacht Club), during which we got to talk
extensively with the other managers and gain a lot of insight. Another
reason is that every day at RYC our management made a point to turn
everything into a learning opportunity. More so than my first summer,
they made a point to always relate what we were doing to a lesson we
could take away and apply to other situations. I feel like I got a much
better grasp on how a club is run, and the various types of clubs there
2. I became more comfortable interacting with members. This may have to
do with the type of membership at RYC; many were casual, friendly,
and accustom to having interns around every summer. With that being
said, not all members are like that, and even when they are more laid-
back it is still important to remain professional interacting with all of
them. I think being more comfortable was a product of being more
confident in myself. I not only gained confidence in my serving abilities,
but I was surrounded by a dining room manager and other servers who
always readily helped me and answered my questions, which translated
into being more confident with the membership.
3. Every Monday I got to be the dining room manager for lunch, as well as
help on the floor for a few days one weekend when our dining room
manager was away. This was my first experience in any type of
leadership role at my internships, and while I always had a great group
of people around to help and answer questions, it was still a totally new
challenge that I had to get accustom to. I definitely benefitted from this
project because now I have that bit of experience on which to look back,
and I got a lot of great insight from my managers every Monday that I
can apply to whatever management positions I have going forward
4. Last summer I was the only intern at Doylestown Country Club, which
wasn’t always the worst thing, but it was a less structured internship
experience. This year there were four other interns, from different
universities, different states, and who all brought different perspectives
and personalities to the club. Since I lived with them we spent a lot of
time together, for which I am grateful because I was constantly learning
from, and with, them. Having a group of people going through the same
experience with you is a luxury I probably won’t have often, and their
support was more than welcome. Not only did I benefit from the other
interns, but the full-time staff was extremely helpful, friendly, and
welcoming. I was surrounded by great people than made it fun to work,
conducive to learn, and the optimal environment to grow!
G. Write personal observations regarding three (3) fieldwork experience problems
encountered during the fieldwork experience.
1. The biggest initial problem I faced during this fieldwork, was learning
the nuances of serving at Riverside as compared to DCC. There are
many broad similarities, but also quite a few differences in the way clubs
in general, and dining rooms in particular, are run. It was difficult for me
at first to get out of the habits I had developed the previous year, because
the same thing can be done a slightly different way and make a huge
difference. Getting used to all the details was the challenging part, but
once I got accustom to them serving became much easier.
2. A large portion of the full-time staff at Riverside is Filipino, which was
an unexpected situation I had never really had to deal with before. As it
turns out they are the most welcoming, generous, and helpful people I
have ever met. At first, though, it was a bit of a culture shock as I had to
learn how to be more patient when they didn’t understand what I was
asking, or if I didn’t understand what they were asking of me. I expect
there will be many instances throughout my career in which I have to
interact with people- be that guests or other employees- that are different
than I am. While this was a “problem,” it was easily solved with
patience and time, and I ended up learning a great deal from all of them.
3. My favorite part about hospitality and the clubs is interacting with
people! That is also my least favorite part at times. While this may seem
contradictory, it has been the truth thus far. I understand that I am there
to serve the members or guests to the best of my ability, and make their
experience the best it can possibly be. I truly enjoy that, even if it means
I’m sweating, and running around, and at the end of the night exhausted
in all forms. What I do need to work on, however, is dealing with those
people who I find so rude, inconsiderate, and ungrateful. I realize it’s my
job to help them with a smile regardless of their attitude, but sometimes
it’s extremely difficult. I need to learn to not take how they act
personally, and try and do my best to make them happy in spite of their
best efforts to no be.
H. Provide three (3) examples of how you used problem solving skills on the job.
1. One of the few issues I had to deal with on my Monday’s, and was an
ever present issue the managers had to address, was the heat, and which
rooms (if any) needed to be air conditioned. There were a few very hot
days this summer, and due to the fact that the dining room (Sailor’s
Roost) is completely open to the decks, we couldn’t put air conditioning
on most days without having to shut the doors. Shutting the doors took
away a large part of the appeal of the dining experience. People came to
eat with a view right on the water, and the uniqueness of the Sailors
Roost was that it made you feel like you were outside without eating on
the decks themselves. There was usually a nice breeze from the ocean
which made the rooms bearable, so the doors were hardly ever closed-
except for when it rained. Our other dining area, the Brace Room,
became the back-up plan if members needed to be seated in air
conditioning on particularly hot days. All the doors and windows around
it were closed, and the AC was turned on just in that room. The brace
room wasn’t open to the decks and didn’t have a view of the water, so it
was a less desirable room for members, but was much more practical to
turn the air on, without having to take away anything. I never really had
to make an executive decision on this, but I did have to deal with
members asking about the heat, if there was anything air conditioned,
where the coolest spot was, etc. I had to figure out ways to
accommodate, or reassure them that there’s a great breeze in the shade
and they would have a lovely lunch despite the heat.
2. A problem I also had to deal with on Mondays was the bridge ladies. It
helps to have had the back story on the air conditioning, because many
of their concerns revolved around getting to play bridge or eat in a cool
area. They came in at 11:30/12:00 on Mondays, and I had to
accommodate them the best I could. One day, when they called and
asked specifically for an air conditioned room, we decided to put them in
a smaller room (the Commodore’s room) which got cool the fastest and
kept us from having to air condition the entire brace room for four
people (which we wouldn’t do anyway). When they were playing bridge
I went to them and let them know that we could serve them lunch in
there, or we could walk over to the sailor’s roost and see if they were
comfortable eating there, where there was a nice breeze. Another time,
we didn’t have an air conditioned room, so I walked them around until
we found a spot with the best cross. In these instances I wanted to give
them the impression they were ultimately in charge of making a decision
about where to go, even though I would insinuate what I thought the best
option was and they tended to agree.
3. There were little problems throughout the course of every one of my
days. If we ran out of something, what do I tell the table, if someone is
allergic to something, if someone doesn’t like their meal, or in the case
of one member and her daughter (who shall remain nameless) who had
endless and sometimes bizarre requests. These are all common problems
that can be fixed with a patient attitude, and by showing the members
your willingness to remedy the situation the best you can. Some days it
is harder than others, but one must endeavor to persevere.
I. Provide three (3) examples of how you used interpersonal skills on the job.
1. Essentially, my whole job this summer (and last) was one big
interpersonal interaction. That is the nature of hospitality; interacting
with people. What I enjoyed most was becoming familiar with the
membership, as it became easier and friendlier as the summer went on.
While always remaining professional while serving them, I enjoyed
getting to know the families rather than just serving strangers. I also had
to deal with non-members, either as guests of members, or in large
groups for various events. When there were non-member events at the
club, the people were generally harder to please, more impatient, and
less friendly. Almost every event that consisted of guests as opposed to
members was more stressful and less pleasant to work. That’s not to say
I didn’t enjoy any of them; my favorite event of the summer was a
benefit for Greenwich hospital with 400 non-members. However, people
that weren’t from RYC didn’t seem to have the same appreciation for
the staff or the events like the members always did! I think that says
more about Riverside’s grateful membership than it does about anything
2. I understandably had to also use interpersonal skills interacting with all
the employees. Like I had mentioned, there were a lot of Filipinos
working at RYC, as either full-time or part-time staff. This was an
interesting dynamic for me to get used to, because they were all very
close and had been at the club for a long time. I adapted quickly though,
and came to really enjoy working with them; they were always helpful
and readily answered my questions to the best of their ability. Everyone
had a different personality that worked in the dining room and kitchen,
so learning how to work with each individual so that things went
smoothly was something I had to work on. Once you get used to how
people work; their strengths and weaknesses, preferences, etc., then the
work environment became more cohesive because everyone was on the
same page. If you have unreasonable expectations of the people with
whom you are working, then there are going to be miscommunications
and more stress than necessary.
3. When I was the floor manager on Mondays, the manner in which I
interacted with members, as well as the employees, shifted a bit. I would
be dressed the part of manager, and would be the first person they see
before they go to their table. I would be the one they would talk to if
they had an issue with their seat, their food, or any other issues. Just the
way members talked to me when I was in this position changed; there
was a different level of respect to some extent, which I gladly embraced.
I also had to delegate responsibilities to the people that were working in
the dining room that day. I enjoyed this part less, because while I would
not exactly tell people what to do (it was more like a request), it seemed
a bit odd to me and I was hesitant at first to ask anything of anyone.
However, I worked with great people who were always understanding
and more than willing to do whatever I asked, because they knew I was
always asking something reasonable. The worst part on Mondays was
choosing a person to defrost the ice cream machine, because no one
really ever wanted to do that.
J. Provide three (3) examples of how you used time management skills on the job.
1. All servers at dinner had to wear buzzers, that would be buzzed once
when the food was coming up on the line, and again when the food was
about to be taken out to the dining room. Servers were in charge of
getting their own appetizers and desserts. This was new to me, as I was
used to running my own entrees, but in this busy environment that would
have been extremely difficult to do. Serving is all about time
management; when you have multiple tables of various sizes you have to
balance all of them at once. This involves knowing when to fire entrees,
when to check on the table, offer more drinks, run to the back to prepare
the appetizers without being gone too long and neglecting one of the
other tables. Generally members are understanding, especially when
they can see how busy it is, but they do expect a certain level of service
that you have to meet, and that requires goof time management!
2. What was good about being the DRM on Mondays was that it allowed
me to see the dining room from a different perspective. I was in charge
of giving tables to servers and in that delegating process I had to use
time management; who could handle a table at that moment, who has
three tables, but they all have their food or their chits, etc. I also had to
be aware of everyone’s tables, not just my own like when I’m a server,
to keep the floor plan updated and know if I needed to help anyone at
any point.
3. Time management was essential while working events as well. It was
important during set up as well as during the event itself. Deciding when
to poor the water, put out bread, serve the salads or entrees, clear the
food; these were all decisions that required time management,
particularly with larger events. Getting all entrees out as quickly as
possible was always a factor, so that people weren’t waiting around
while other tables have had their food. Giving the guests ample time to
eat before clearing, but not letting dirty plates sit around tables for too
long. Events were one big time table and it was important to stick to it so
that things went smoothly.
K. Provide three (3) examples of how you used stress management skills on the job.
1. Almost every day was stressful working. However, stress doesn’t
necessarily indicate chaos or inefficiency. After serving in the dining
room at Riverside this year, I can’t believe I was ever actually stressed
working a la carte last year at DCC. The comparison isn’t even possible,
I had never been as busy working than I was almost every night of the
week this summer- especially Friday and Sunday nights. The least busy
night each week this year was probably around the same number of
covers as the busiest night of the week last year. I think I managed my
stress by just not stopping. Once you stop to think about how tired you
are, you’re done. The trick is to just keep going, doing the best and most
you can, and not being afraid to ask for help or being able to tell them
you can’t take another table right now. An honest and open line of
communication is so important to running the dining room smoothly.
2. I often would be stressed working events, because I would be hesitant to
make any decisions or do anything without checking a million times to
make sure I was doing something right. I lacked the confidence to do
tasks without getting explicit direction, because there’s nothing worse
than spending your time doing something, just to have to re-do it, or
worse, someone else having to re-do it later. Obviously, the more events
I worked, there more comfortable I got with where thing were, how
tables and rooms were to be set, etc. Again, I managed this by not
hesitating to ask questions, but also trying to have more confidence in
my judgement.
3. Pool-side service gave me a bit of stress, particularly when it was really
hot. I sweat more this summer at work than I ever imagined possible,
and that gave me quite a bit of anxiety. The walk from the kitchen to the
pool to deliver food was long, and while I consider myself a strong
person, it was extremely tiring at times. Serving at the pool was a little
more difficult only because you can’t just run to the server’s stations or
kitchen to grab something; it was a long trip and if I was busy with a lot
of people ordering, very inconvenient. I had to really focus on using my
time efficiently, and trying to enjoy being in the sun outside rather than
considering it too hot.
L. Provide three (3) examples of how you used organizational skills on the job.
1. Regardless of where I was working, it was important to stay organized.
In a la carte, it was important to keep the serving station in the sailor’s
roost organized, and well-stocked. This was essential for a variety of
reasons. If it wasn’t stocked with enough coffee cups, side plates, silver
wear, folded napkins, or polished glasses, among other things, then it
made our lives more difficult as servers, because we couldn’t quickly
grab whatever we needed, we would have to run back to the kitchen and
look for more, which takes too much time. It was beneficial to everyone
to stock the sailors roost and make sure there were extra things folded
and polished in the staff room. It was also important to keep the station
neat and organized because it was right in the dining room, so members
could see if it was clean and orderly, or a big mess.
2. During set-up for events, organization was critical. For our benefit for
Greenwich Hospital, where there would be 400 people, the set up was
long and tedious, because everything had to be done in a certain order.
We also had half our chairs, tables, silver, linens, and glasses, and half
rented ones. So, it was essential that we followed the floor plan made
that indicated where the rentals went, and where our stuff went to ensure
an efficient cleanup. If we hadn’t polished enough glasses and silver, or
folded enough napkins in advance, it would make set-up even longer and
more stressful than it needed to be.
3. The way in which we executed events needed to be organized as well,
especially for larger events. Again, for Greenwich Hospital, the tables
were split up into about 5 sections. All servers were put into “pods,”
with each pod in charge of one section of tables. There was a pod leader
for each, and there was a manager that would be in charge of directing
two or three pods. This organization made serving and clearing much
more structured and efficient. The chain of commands also allowed for
there to be less confusion; the manager would tell the pod leader, and
they would then tell the members in their pod. Even with smaller events,
it was important that everyone was on the same page.
M. Provide three (3) examples of how you used conflict resolution skills on the job.
1. This topic is difficult because I didn’t really experience any conflicts
with any people this summer; be that with members, staff, or managers.
Unlike last year there wasn’t a cantankerous server that wanted
everything her way, the kitchen wasn’t as hostile and the chefs didn’t
ever have a yelling match with any of the servers. There are a few
instances where I had to deal with unsatisfied guests from outside
companies, though, which was unpleasant.
2. One group came in for a seminar and then Q&A with a panel of others
from their industry. They were not a big group; they had a small
breakfast buffet, and then they had wraps and coleslaw for lunch. I
remember this vividly because of what a jerk they guy in charge was.
When he saw the trey of wraps, he was completely unsatisfied with the
number- even though there were 80 half wraps for 40 people (what he
ordered). He literally made me physically count them. He would not let
it go, and even though he got what he ordered, we had the kitchen made
more wraps on the spot. I’m not sure why he kept incessantly bothering
me in particular about it, but I did my best to reassure him we gave what
he ordered, and make them happy despite their attitude.
3. The only other time I can think if that I had to use conflict resolution (as
opposed to problem-solving) was not between myself and anyone else,
but between me and myself. One of my first weekends as a server I was
carrying a cocktail tray to a table (like I had done countless time last
summer) with three drinks- one of them wine. I proceeded to lose all
concentration and the wine spilled all over this one lady, who was of
course wearing white pats. I was distraught. I had literally never ever
spilled anything in front of members, let alone on them. I was mortified,
and essentially ran away and cried in the staff room. I was going to
N. Provide three (3) examples of attitudes you developed on the job which improved
your individual professionalism.
1. One major attitude I developed was that people have different ways of
doing things, and that there may not be a best way. When I initially got
to Riverside, I struggled to get used to the way certain things were done
in comparison to my last internship. Even with regards to training with
different servers, they had their own ways of approaching the same task.
This was only beneficial because it allowed me to see that there are
various solutions to the same problem, and while it is important to have
some consistency, it’s also good to have some variation.
2. One of my favorite insights shared with me was when I was on my first
club tour. When we went to a seminar and took a tour of Innis Arden,
the manager told us to never take ourselves as seriously as the members
do. There are serious instances, but know when and what to stress over,
and what isn’t worth it. Always remain professional, but keep in mind
it’s not life and death, and most things can be resolved. I have a
tendency to overreact or care too much, but it will save me a lot of
energy if I can better control how I react.
3. This time around I got the opportunity to develop a little bit as a
manager, and getting to work from that perspective allowed me to learn
about myself and how I act in that position. While I was never truly
alone or in charge of anything exclusively, as far as the members knew
when they came in for lunch on Mondays, I was the one they would talk
to if there was a problem or they needed something. Being in this
position made me have to act like I could take care of them, even if I
wasn’t always sure if I had the answers for them. I think this epitomizes
“fake it until you make it,” mentality, because the more I acted
confident, the more confident I eventually felt. I’m eventually going to
be put into a management position at a new place and I’m probably
going to have to employ this technique at first as well.
O. Additionally- to be answered by PDS 4 students— Provide three (3) examples of
how law impacted hospitality management at your job.
1. One legal issue that came up this past summer that is probably an issue
at a lot of properties is serving underage. One server gave drinks to two
young men that were 20 years old, and it wasn’t until our manager saw
them that they were reprimanded and that intern was informed of their
mistake. This is a difficult area because the intern who served them isn’t
yet 21, and neither am I, so it’s difficult to card anyone. I don’t want to
be rude by asking for their ID’s and presuming they are ordering fully
aware they aren’t legal, and then have them actually be 21. The
managers and full time staff have the advantage of knowing all of the
kids and knowing who is 21 and not. It’s a difficult situation to be put it
in for young servers to card people obviously right around 21.
2. When all the interns had a seminar with the pool manager, we learned a
lot about procedure and the fact that there are a lot of codes they have to
follow. One of the major ones is that a lifeguard must always be on duty.
While this wasn’t directly anything I had to deal with, the pool is part of
the club, and if anything went wrong and there were no lifeguards
paying attention then it would impact my job as a manager. Safety is of
utmost importance, whether that is at the pool, at the docks, or in the
kitchen/dining room.
3. The clubhouse also has to be up to code in the kitchen and dining room.
There are health codes and fire regulations, which are things I wish I got
to learn more about. The fire marshal comes to inspect the building, and
health and sanitation people must as well. This is an important aspect of
being a hospitality manager, and also a stressful one I am sure.
1. Describe the “on the job training” you received (or didn’t receive) at your job.
i. Do you feel the job was effective? Please provide two (2) examples to support
your answer.
a. The first night I was at Riverside I was put to work right away, working
with our busser. Pouring water, serving bread, and bringing back trays.
We were told this was to learn dining room basics, because in the past
there had been issues with going right into serving without the interns
knowing their responsibilities. From there we trained with a server for a
few days, trained with the food runner for a night, and eventually had a
“test” day where we were shadowed by one of our managers to make sure
we could handle being on our own. This was a bit different than me just
being thrown into working Memorial Day weekend at the cabana last year,
and different than how I was trained in a la carte as well. I never was a
busser, and we didn’t have food runners. I think it is a great point that if
you don’t know the busser or the runner’s responsibilities, how will you
know all your duties as a server?
b. When I was training as DRM, the first week I walked around with
Courtney so she could show me step by step what to do in the mornings. I
took notes and then she left me basically alone when the lunch shift
started. She also walked me around after lunch to show what I do to close
the shift. The next week Gary took me around to see what I retained from
the previous week, and to also offer up some more valuable insight. I was
left alone for lunch to run the floor. Every week after, for the most part, I
opened alone, but Gary would go around to spot anything I missed. It was
always the little things that got me; a light to be turned on, a chair in
certain places, etc. I got it perfect my last Monday there, go figure. I liked
how I was left “on my own” during lunch, so I could kind of navigate the
waters of running the floor without someone looking over my shoulder the
whole time. However, Mondays were when I got some of the best advice
and insight from my managers, so I appreciated when they took the time to
go over what to do with me.
ii. What changes would you make in the training you received and why? Please
address the previous two (2) examples.
a. I’m pretty sure I said this last year, but I would love a rotation at the bar. I
want to become more comfortable serving alcohol, because that is such a
large part of clubs. Often times during a shift where I was doing pool side,
I would be the only server left in between lunch and dinner, serving drinks
to the pool, and the bartender would be busy and not be at the bar. I felt
comfortable making a lot of our most popular cocktails and pouring wines
that were already out, or just the basics, but that’s about it. I would love
just a slow day or two to get the whole run down of being behind the bar
(not just one afternoon for half an hour).
b. We were supposed to have a seminar with the accounting office, which
ended up not happening because there was an auditor there. Since I left the
day after this was cancelled, I was actually a little bummed. I would have
really liked to get the run-down of what exactly accounting is in charge of,
what their average day looks like, and if they apply anything I learned in
my 3 different accounting classes I’ve had to take in college. That’s the
one aspect I think I missed out on of the club.
2. Describe the physical environment where you worked.
i. What changes would you make in the work place to make work flow better, or to
make the job easier or more efficient for the employees?
One change that I think every manager at RYC would make if they could, would be
to re-do the sliding doors that open the sailors roost to the south and west decks. They
were incredibly finicky and difficult to lock, and not made of the most durable
material. When I was in charge of opening it and closing it on Mondays, I was
extremely sweaty and tired afterwards. I was told every week that they went for a
cheaper version of the doors, when they should’ve gone for the better ones that would
last and were more efficient.
ii. Describe the costs which you believe would be associated with making these
changes. This should be a qualitative (concerning quality) discussion.
Because the doors do their job, aren’t seen when they are open, and don’t necessarily
look bad when they are closed, it is, I’m sure, not on the top of the to-do list.
However, I’m sure it is something they would all like to improve upon eventually,
especially because of how popular the dining room has become. With that being said,
people will continue to dine there regardless of how nice the door is (they come for
the view of the water not the sliding door), so again, it probably isn’t a priority. I just
know if I had to open and close that door every day, it would become a priority to me.
3. Describe what you would do as a manager to assist the line-level employees in
performing their job.
i. Technically—job streamlining, improved efficiency and productivity, etc.
One thing (once again from last summer), that was particularly difficult at times was
how late the schedule for the week came out. I was on a tight schedule to get my 400
hours, so I didn’t plan to request any days off, and I lived at the club so nothing was
really too inconvenient, but we weren’t given our schedule until late Sunday night or
Monday morning. This aloud little time to plan your week, and made it impossible to
plan anything in advance. I think making the schedule for two weeks at a time would
be one way to solve this, just to give the employees a bit more certainty in their
schedule. I realize most full-time staff have a set schedule, but for those who don’t I
think it would be beneficial. I might use the two week schedule, and if there are
things still up in the air, I would let the employees know if something was tentative.
ii. Motivationally—employee rewards system, benefits packages
Over the summer when there were new wines of the month, or there was a food
special that needed to be sold, our manager would make a little bit of a competition.
Whoever sold the most of product x, got something. Sometimes it was a meal off the
menu from the kitchen, sometimes it was something else. It didn’t necessarily matter
what the incentive was, just that it was there and made the night a little different. I
think I would employ this if I were a manager, because I enjoyed it myself, and
definitely made us go out of our way to get members to try whatever it was.
iii. Qualitative—Fully detail the estimated costs associated with A&B
There’s essentially no cost associated with the actions in A or B. Taking the time to
plan out a two week schedule may be a bit stressful, but once you are used to doing it
that way I’m sure it becomes easier, and the employees would appreciate it. I would
definitely enjoy doing B, seeing the friendly competition and rewarding the employee
who embraces the challenge.
4. What operational/technical aspects of the line-level position did you enjoy the most?
Please provide three (3) examples.
1. I loved interacting with the members. When I tell people I worked at a yacht club
they automatically assume that it was a super fancy, pretentious place, and I was
happily surprised at how casual and laid-back most of the membership was
considering they all are decently wealthy. I tried to explain the huge role sailing had,
that it has traditions (colors, commodores, etc.) all tied into that them, but people have
a hard time getting past the term “yacht.”
2. I loved the fast-paced nature of serving this summer. It was a workout, honestly, and
by the end of the night I was sweaty and exhausted. I much prefer that scenario than
standing around, bored for a majority of the night, getting yelled at for standing
around the hostess station (with all the other servers) because we had no tables to
attend to. At the end of the shift I felt accomplished, because I knew I had worked
3. I loved the chance to get to work as a food runner, as pool-side service, front desk,
and waterways. Getting to see the club from various aspects was extremely beneficial,
rather than only seeing it from the perspective of the dining room. There was so much
that goes on at Riverside that it would be shame to only witness one part of it. The
way I got to interact with members in all those scenarios shifted slightly, and I
enjoyed that part of rotating as well.
A. Discuss methods of communication (written, verbal) used by the fieldwork location to
communicate existing or changes in company procedures and policies. Based on
what you have learned about communication please evaluate its effectiveness by
citing an example.
This didn’t really happen frequently (or at all as far as I know), so I’m not quite sure of
the procedure RYC would use to communicate any changes in policy. However, enclosed
in the envelope of one pay check was a memo about harassment in the work-place. This I
suppose is an effective way to let employees know of any issues that have arisen, or
could potentially become an issue and trying to proactively stop it from happening.
B. Discuss methods of communication (written, verbal) used by your manager to
communicate procedure and policies changes in the department. Based on what you
have learned about communication please evaluate its effectiveness by citing an
The serving staff had a pre-meal meeting before dinner each night, and typically at these
Courtney or our DRM Kerri would inform us of any changes. On Fridays we would
sometimes even have a ten question quiz just to keep everyone on their toes. At the
meeting though, they would let us know if the POS system had any changes, and they
would ask us if they should add or change any of the commands to make it more
convenient for us.
A. Examine methods of communication, such as body language, verbal or written
communications or telephone skills used between a guest and an employee. Discuss
a personal encounter in which you used one of these methods to successfully provide
service to a guest.
Every single day I interacted with members verbally, in person. Of course body language
plays a role in this as well, even if inadvertently. I had guests from a reciprocal club one
day point out how tired I was after a day of working poolside. At that point I was truly
exhausted, but most days I don’t let it show and tried to stay upbeat. It must have come
across that way from my body language, because I definitely tried to sound positive.
They were kind and although they kept getting rounds of drinks, compounding my
tiredness, were very understanding.
B. What factors influence the effectiveness of the different methods of
communication? Example: Cultural differences.
Personally, I know I’m pretty good at interacting with guests in person. I like to do it, and
I’ve been fairly successful with it. Working at the front desk, however, is a totally
different story. I am not great at speaking on the phone with people. It made me
incredibly nervous, and gave me anxiety every time someone called the club. So, my own
personal preference definitely influence the effectiveness of how I communicated with
A. Discuss how you or your manager resolved conflict in the following areas and if
he/she was effective and why.
Honestly, I think I am a pretty observant person, but what I can’t remember is any
conflict that a manager had to resolve between a member/employee, between employees,
or between an employee and themselves. Either I entirely wasn’t around when these
occurred, or the managers were good at keeping it under the radar, I’m not sure. Unlike
last year where we had cantankerous servers that wanted everything done their way, hot-
headed chefs that could freak out at any moment, and members that could at an moment
take offense to anything, Riverside seemed calm (in those regards). I’m sure there were
conflicts to resolve, but not within or between the staff as far as I knew.
B. What did you learn about conflict resolution that reinforced or disagreed with skills
discussed in the classroom.
The customer is always right! Or in this case, the members. However, they aren’t actually
always right, so you have to find a delicate way to let them know that they may be
mistaken, or provide them with an alternative. The way to deal with these situations, as to
not offend them, is to make them think they are the ones coming up with the ideas.
Between staff members, while I said I can’t think of any situations where there was a big
conflict, it’s always best to just try and be the bigger person and let go of whatever the
issue is. If it’s too big to let go, and needs to be brought to management, make sure you
have all the facts and details, and it’s for a valid reason.
A. What interpersonal aspects of your job did you enjoy the most and the least?
I enjoyed interacting with the members on a daily basis, and getting to know them as the
summer went on. Member events like Crab Fest were a fun time as well, and very laid-
back and casual. What I found I liked the least were non-member events; when guests
from wherever would come in and have an event. I found that the people who weren’t
members of our club, or any club, came to whatever event at RYC, they just were less
appreciative than our membership. They seemed more impatient, less friendly, and not as
pleasant. This may be more of an indication of how great our membership is than how
rude outsiders were.
B. Would you be interested in pursuing a career that concentrated in this area, such as
Guest Services or Human Resources?
I can see myself in guest services, but I don’t really have an interest in a career in HR.
Human resources is more behind the scenes, 9-5, desk jobs. I have little to no interest in
this line of work. I want to be involved with the members directly. While I realize I have
to have a knowledge of what human resource does (hence the HRTM class “Human
Resource Management” this semester) so that I can do my job, I definitely don’t want
that to be primary focus of mine.
Name of Student: Audrey Butcher Employer: Riverside Yacht Club
Job Position: Food and Beverage Intern
Duties & Responsibilities: Dining room server, special events server, pool-side service, Monday
lunch Dining room manager.
Excellent Very Good Moderate Limited Inadequate
Received practical
experience as it
related to
classroom theory
Opportunities to
use problem
solving skills
matched those
discussed in
Opportunities to
practice stress
Opportunity to
interpersonal skills
Utilized effective
time management
Increased your
ability to develop
& improve
technical skills
Increased your
knowledge of
hospitality industry
Benefited from an
effective model of
management &
Satisfied with
personal training
program and
feedback received
Will proceed with
developing a
hospitality career
No. of Excellent: 6
No. of Very Good: 5
No. of Moderate: 0
No. of Limited 0
No. of Inadequate: 0
1. Overall, were you satisfied with your work experience?
Overall I was extremely satisfied with my work experience. I gained more experience in the
dining room not only as a server, but as a manager as well, which was extremely beneficial. We
got to visit other clubs in the area and get insight from their managers. I got to work a variety
events and see how they differ in the way they are run. We were given seminars on wine, on
dressing professionally, and on managing the pool. I was able to work at the docks, front desk,
and serving poolside. I had a wide range of opportunities to learn and work directly with
managers, and interact with members under quite a few different circumstances.
2. Would you be willing to return to this company in another position?
While I loved working at Riverside, and look forward to getting to work a couple weekends
when soccer season ends, I think it would be most beneficial to do my final internship at a
different property. Just so I get to see and experience as much as possible, I wouldn’t want to
spend two summers at the same club. I already know I like the private, neighborhood club
environment, but I feel like I should branch out an experience something totally different to
validate what direction I really want to take in hospitality. At the very least, I want to experience
a different club, so broaden my knowledge of the club industry.
3. Would you recommend this company to other students seeking an internship?
I definitely would recommend this to other hospitality students seeking an internship, regardless
if you have a particular interest in clubs or not. I think it is a great experience to learn about the
industry and about yourself. I loved working every day, even if it was just serving. I loved the
environment and interacting with members, and I enjoyed that it was structured to include
additional learning opportunities. However, if you do the internship and aren’t as adamant about
it, or as enthusiastic about the work, then it could indicate it’s not the right path for you. This is
equally beneficial to a student because it allows them to then identify what they might rather do.
If they are a hard worker and like to learn in an environment that facilitates both, I highly
recommend Riverside.
4. Were you satisfied with the preparation and support you received from your instructor in the
management of your internship? If yes, please explain what was most helpful, and if not, how
can we improve?
I don’t think anyone could be more invested in making the internship experience the most it
could be than the management at Riverside. Possibly because they have been having interns for
quite a few years, they have the process down and know what works and doesn’t. The
management made it impossible for you not to learn constantly, and provided additional
opportunities (i.e. club tours, wine seminar), that just added to the experience. When a mistake
was made, there was always an explanation as to why, and a solution so it wouldn’t happen
again. Even simple everyday tasks were turned into teaching points, so I got a lot of insight from
all the managers.

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  • 2. PDS CLASSROOM THEORY OBSERVED IN FIELDWORK EXPERIENCE ALL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN PDS 2, 4, & 6 MUST COMPLETE QUESTIONS A-N. A. Job title: Food and Beverage intern B. Job Description: Server in the dining room, working special events, pool-side service, was the Dining Room Manager on Mondays during lunch as my project. C. Name of Establishment: Riverside Yacht Club D. Location of Establishment: Riverside, Connecticut E. List five (5) specific goals/objectives sought while undertaking the fieldwork, which are also listed in your fieldwork agreement. Were they reached? 1. Expand my knowledge of the club industry. Having only worked at one club, my experience and familiarity with the entire industry was very limited. 2. Gain practical experience and take on a leadership position to directly implement what I have learned at school about management. 3. Build upon everything I learned at my previous internship; become more confident in my abilities, work on my overall professionalism, continue to become more comfortable interacting with members. 4. Pay particular attention to the differences between a country club and a yacht club. Every club is different, but recognize the differences in membership, events, the environment, and how management styles could vary based on these differences. 5. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable; challenge myself, don’t become complacent. Ask questions when I don’t understand how or why things are done a certain way. Heading into my internship at RYC, I did not really know what to expect. I was initially scared it would just be a repeat of my previous summer; serving in a la carte and working banquets, occasionally doing something slightly different like serving at the cabana or driving the beverage cart at golf outings. While there was nothing wrong with this experience at all- it was a perfect introduction into clubs and was very hands-on and service-oriented like it was supposed to be, I wanted to expand what I was doing and take on more responsibility. During the tour on my first day I was immediately relieved to find that the experience was much different. There would be tours of other clubs, seminars, and my special project would be to run the dining room on Mondays. There would still be a lot of serving of course and events, but I was exposed to a lot more than I had been last year (i.e. club tours, a wine seminar, a CCMA event and speaker). I was constantly held to higher standards at RYC, and there were expectations of the interns and the internship as a whole that allowed me to easily meet all of my objectives, and then some. I would say each of my goals are still goals I should have as I continue down this path, but I definitely met them this summer. 2
  • 3. F. Provide four (4) personal observations regarding benefits derived from your fieldwork experience. 1. I definitely became more aware of the industry this summer. One main reason for this is the fact we got to get tours of 4 other clubs in the area (Innis Arden, Woodway Country Club, Fairmount Country Club, and a quick tour of Indian Harbor Yacht Club), during which we got to talk extensively with the other managers and gain a lot of insight. Another reason is that every day at RYC our management made a point to turn everything into a learning opportunity. More so than my first summer, they made a point to always relate what we were doing to a lesson we could take away and apply to other situations. I feel like I got a much better grasp on how a club is run, and the various types of clubs there are. 2. I became more comfortable interacting with members. This may have to do with the type of membership at RYC; many were casual, friendly, and accustom to having interns around every summer. With that being said, not all members are like that, and even when they are more laid- back it is still important to remain professional interacting with all of them. I think being more comfortable was a product of being more confident in myself. I not only gained confidence in my serving abilities, but I was surrounded by a dining room manager and other servers who always readily helped me and answered my questions, which translated into being more confident with the membership. 3. Every Monday I got to be the dining room manager for lunch, as well as help on the floor for a few days one weekend when our dining room manager was away. This was my first experience in any type of leadership role at my internships, and while I always had a great group of people around to help and answer questions, it was still a totally new challenge that I had to get accustom to. I definitely benefitted from this project because now I have that bit of experience on which to look back, and I got a lot of great insight from my managers every Monday that I can apply to whatever management positions I have going forward 4. Last summer I was the only intern at Doylestown Country Club, which wasn’t always the worst thing, but it was a less structured internship experience. This year there were four other interns, from different universities, different states, and who all brought different perspectives and personalities to the club. Since I lived with them we spent a lot of time together, for which I am grateful because I was constantly learning from, and with, them. Having a group of people going through the same experience with you is a luxury I probably won’t have often, and their support was more than welcome. Not only did I benefit from the other interns, but the full-time staff was extremely helpful, friendly, and welcoming. I was surrounded by great people than made it fun to work, conducive to learn, and the optimal environment to grow! 3
  • 4. G. Write personal observations regarding three (3) fieldwork experience problems encountered during the fieldwork experience. 1. The biggest initial problem I faced during this fieldwork, was learning the nuances of serving at Riverside as compared to DCC. There are many broad similarities, but also quite a few differences in the way clubs in general, and dining rooms in particular, are run. It was difficult for me at first to get out of the habits I had developed the previous year, because the same thing can be done a slightly different way and make a huge difference. Getting used to all the details was the challenging part, but once I got accustom to them serving became much easier. 2. A large portion of the full-time staff at Riverside is Filipino, which was an unexpected situation I had never really had to deal with before. As it turns out they are the most welcoming, generous, and helpful people I have ever met. At first, though, it was a bit of a culture shock as I had to learn how to be more patient when they didn’t understand what I was asking, or if I didn’t understand what they were asking of me. I expect there will be many instances throughout my career in which I have to interact with people- be that guests or other employees- that are different than I am. While this was a “problem,” it was easily solved with patience and time, and I ended up learning a great deal from all of them. 3. My favorite part about hospitality and the clubs is interacting with people! That is also my least favorite part at times. While this may seem contradictory, it has been the truth thus far. I understand that I am there to serve the members or guests to the best of my ability, and make their experience the best it can possibly be. I truly enjoy that, even if it means I’m sweating, and running around, and at the end of the night exhausted in all forms. What I do need to work on, however, is dealing with those people who I find so rude, inconsiderate, and ungrateful. I realize it’s my job to help them with a smile regardless of their attitude, but sometimes it’s extremely difficult. I need to learn to not take how they act personally, and try and do my best to make them happy in spite of their best efforts to no be. H. Provide three (3) examples of how you used problem solving skills on the job. 1. One of the few issues I had to deal with on my Monday’s, and was an ever present issue the managers had to address, was the heat, and which rooms (if any) needed to be air conditioned. There were a few very hot days this summer, and due to the fact that the dining room (Sailor’s Roost) is completely open to the decks, we couldn’t put air conditioning on most days without having to shut the doors. Shutting the doors took away a large part of the appeal of the dining experience. People came to eat with a view right on the water, and the uniqueness of the Sailors Roost was that it made you feel like you were outside without eating on the decks themselves. There was usually a nice breeze from the ocean which made the rooms bearable, so the doors were hardly ever closed- except for when it rained. Our other dining area, the Brace Room, became the back-up plan if members needed to be seated in air conditioning on particularly hot days. All the doors and windows around 4
  • 5. it were closed, and the AC was turned on just in that room. The brace room wasn’t open to the decks and didn’t have a view of the water, so it was a less desirable room for members, but was much more practical to turn the air on, without having to take away anything. I never really had to make an executive decision on this, but I did have to deal with members asking about the heat, if there was anything air conditioned, where the coolest spot was, etc. I had to figure out ways to accommodate, or reassure them that there’s a great breeze in the shade and they would have a lovely lunch despite the heat. 2. A problem I also had to deal with on Mondays was the bridge ladies. It helps to have had the back story on the air conditioning, because many of their concerns revolved around getting to play bridge or eat in a cool area. They came in at 11:30/12:00 on Mondays, and I had to accommodate them the best I could. One day, when they called and asked specifically for an air conditioned room, we decided to put them in a smaller room (the Commodore’s room) which got cool the fastest and kept us from having to air condition the entire brace room for four people (which we wouldn’t do anyway). When they were playing bridge I went to them and let them know that we could serve them lunch in there, or we could walk over to the sailor’s roost and see if they were comfortable eating there, where there was a nice breeze. Another time, we didn’t have an air conditioned room, so I walked them around until we found a spot with the best cross. In these instances I wanted to give them the impression they were ultimately in charge of making a decision about where to go, even though I would insinuate what I thought the best option was and they tended to agree. 3. There were little problems throughout the course of every one of my days. If we ran out of something, what do I tell the table, if someone is allergic to something, if someone doesn’t like their meal, or in the case of one member and her daughter (who shall remain nameless) who had endless and sometimes bizarre requests. These are all common problems that can be fixed with a patient attitude, and by showing the members your willingness to remedy the situation the best you can. Some days it is harder than others, but one must endeavor to persevere. I. Provide three (3) examples of how you used interpersonal skills on the job. 1. Essentially, my whole job this summer (and last) was one big interpersonal interaction. That is the nature of hospitality; interacting with people. What I enjoyed most was becoming familiar with the membership, as it became easier and friendlier as the summer went on. While always remaining professional while serving them, I enjoyed getting to know the families rather than just serving strangers. I also had to deal with non-members, either as guests of members, or in large groups for various events. When there were non-member events at the club, the people were generally harder to please, more impatient, and less friendly. Almost every event that consisted of guests as opposed to members was more stressful and less pleasant to work. That’s not to say 5
  • 6. I didn’t enjoy any of them; my favorite event of the summer was a benefit for Greenwich hospital with 400 non-members. However, people that weren’t from RYC didn’t seem to have the same appreciation for the staff or the events like the members always did! I think that says more about Riverside’s grateful membership than it does about anything else. 2. I understandably had to also use interpersonal skills interacting with all the employees. Like I had mentioned, there were a lot of Filipinos working at RYC, as either full-time or part-time staff. This was an interesting dynamic for me to get used to, because they were all very close and had been at the club for a long time. I adapted quickly though, and came to really enjoy working with them; they were always helpful and readily answered my questions to the best of their ability. Everyone had a different personality that worked in the dining room and kitchen, so learning how to work with each individual so that things went smoothly was something I had to work on. Once you get used to how people work; their strengths and weaknesses, preferences, etc., then the work environment became more cohesive because everyone was on the same page. If you have unreasonable expectations of the people with whom you are working, then there are going to be miscommunications and more stress than necessary. 3. When I was the floor manager on Mondays, the manner in which I interacted with members, as well as the employees, shifted a bit. I would be dressed the part of manager, and would be the first person they see before they go to their table. I would be the one they would talk to if they had an issue with their seat, their food, or any other issues. Just the way members talked to me when I was in this position changed; there was a different level of respect to some extent, which I gladly embraced. I also had to delegate responsibilities to the people that were working in the dining room that day. I enjoyed this part less, because while I would not exactly tell people what to do (it was more like a request), it seemed a bit odd to me and I was hesitant at first to ask anything of anyone. However, I worked with great people who were always understanding and more than willing to do whatever I asked, because they knew I was always asking something reasonable. The worst part on Mondays was choosing a person to defrost the ice cream machine, because no one really ever wanted to do that. J. Provide three (3) examples of how you used time management skills on the job. 1. All servers at dinner had to wear buzzers, that would be buzzed once when the food was coming up on the line, and again when the food was about to be taken out to the dining room. Servers were in charge of getting their own appetizers and desserts. This was new to me, as I was used to running my own entrees, but in this busy environment that would have been extremely difficult to do. Serving is all about time management; when you have multiple tables of various sizes you have to balance all of them at once. This involves knowing when to fire entrees, when to check on the table, offer more drinks, run to the back to prepare 6
  • 7. the appetizers without being gone too long and neglecting one of the other tables. Generally members are understanding, especially when they can see how busy it is, but they do expect a certain level of service that you have to meet, and that requires goof time management! 2. What was good about being the DRM on Mondays was that it allowed me to see the dining room from a different perspective. I was in charge of giving tables to servers and in that delegating process I had to use time management; who could handle a table at that moment, who has three tables, but they all have their food or their chits, etc. I also had to be aware of everyone’s tables, not just my own like when I’m a server, to keep the floor plan updated and know if I needed to help anyone at any point. 3. Time management was essential while working events as well. It was important during set up as well as during the event itself. Deciding when to poor the water, put out bread, serve the salads or entrees, clear the food; these were all decisions that required time management, particularly with larger events. Getting all entrees out as quickly as possible was always a factor, so that people weren’t waiting around while other tables have had their food. Giving the guests ample time to eat before clearing, but not letting dirty plates sit around tables for too long. Events were one big time table and it was important to stick to it so that things went smoothly. K. Provide three (3) examples of how you used stress management skills on the job. 1. Almost every day was stressful working. However, stress doesn’t necessarily indicate chaos or inefficiency. After serving in the dining room at Riverside this year, I can’t believe I was ever actually stressed working a la carte last year at DCC. The comparison isn’t even possible, I had never been as busy working than I was almost every night of the week this summer- especially Friday and Sunday nights. The least busy night each week this year was probably around the same number of covers as the busiest night of the week last year. I think I managed my stress by just not stopping. Once you stop to think about how tired you are, you’re done. The trick is to just keep going, doing the best and most you can, and not being afraid to ask for help or being able to tell them you can’t take another table right now. An honest and open line of communication is so important to running the dining room smoothly. 2. I often would be stressed working events, because I would be hesitant to make any decisions or do anything without checking a million times to make sure I was doing something right. I lacked the confidence to do tasks without getting explicit direction, because there’s nothing worse than spending your time doing something, just to have to re-do it, or worse, someone else having to re-do it later. Obviously, the more events I worked, there more comfortable I got with where thing were, how tables and rooms were to be set, etc. Again, I managed this by not hesitating to ask questions, but also trying to have more confidence in my judgement. 7
  • 8. 3. Pool-side service gave me a bit of stress, particularly when it was really hot. I sweat more this summer at work than I ever imagined possible, and that gave me quite a bit of anxiety. The walk from the kitchen to the pool to deliver food was long, and while I consider myself a strong person, it was extremely tiring at times. Serving at the pool was a little more difficult only because you can’t just run to the server’s stations or kitchen to grab something; it was a long trip and if I was busy with a lot of people ordering, very inconvenient. I had to really focus on using my time efficiently, and trying to enjoy being in the sun outside rather than considering it too hot. L. Provide three (3) examples of how you used organizational skills on the job. 1. Regardless of where I was working, it was important to stay organized. In a la carte, it was important to keep the serving station in the sailor’s roost organized, and well-stocked. This was essential for a variety of reasons. If it wasn’t stocked with enough coffee cups, side plates, silver wear, folded napkins, or polished glasses, among other things, then it made our lives more difficult as servers, because we couldn’t quickly grab whatever we needed, we would have to run back to the kitchen and look for more, which takes too much time. It was beneficial to everyone to stock the sailors roost and make sure there were extra things folded and polished in the staff room. It was also important to keep the station neat and organized because it was right in the dining room, so members could see if it was clean and orderly, or a big mess. 2. During set-up for events, organization was critical. For our benefit for Greenwich Hospital, where there would be 400 people, the set up was long and tedious, because everything had to be done in a certain order. We also had half our chairs, tables, silver, linens, and glasses, and half rented ones. So, it was essential that we followed the floor plan made that indicated where the rentals went, and where our stuff went to ensure an efficient cleanup. If we hadn’t polished enough glasses and silver, or folded enough napkins in advance, it would make set-up even longer and more stressful than it needed to be. 3. The way in which we executed events needed to be organized as well, especially for larger events. Again, for Greenwich Hospital, the tables were split up into about 5 sections. All servers were put into “pods,” with each pod in charge of one section of tables. There was a pod leader for each, and there was a manager that would be in charge of directing two or three pods. This organization made serving and clearing much more structured and efficient. The chain of commands also allowed for there to be less confusion; the manager would tell the pod leader, and they would then tell the members in their pod. Even with smaller events, it was important that everyone was on the same page. M. Provide three (3) examples of how you used conflict resolution skills on the job. 1. This topic is difficult because I didn’t really experience any conflicts with any people this summer; be that with members, staff, or managers. 8
  • 9. Unlike last year there wasn’t a cantankerous server that wanted everything her way, the kitchen wasn’t as hostile and the chefs didn’t ever have a yelling match with any of the servers. There are a few instances where I had to deal with unsatisfied guests from outside companies, though, which was unpleasant. 2. One group came in for a seminar and then Q&A with a panel of others from their industry. They were not a big group; they had a small breakfast buffet, and then they had wraps and coleslaw for lunch. I remember this vividly because of what a jerk they guy in charge was. When he saw the trey of wraps, he was completely unsatisfied with the number- even though there were 80 half wraps for 40 people (what he ordered). He literally made me physically count them. He would not let it go, and even though he got what he ordered, we had the kitchen made more wraps on the spot. I’m not sure why he kept incessantly bothering me in particular about it, but I did my best to reassure him we gave what he ordered, and make them happy despite their attitude. 3. The only other time I can think if that I had to use conflict resolution (as opposed to problem-solving) was not between myself and anyone else, but between me and myself. One of my first weekends as a server I was carrying a cocktail tray to a table (like I had done countless time last summer) with three drinks- one of them wine. I proceeded to lose all concentration and the wine spilled all over this one lady, who was of course wearing white pats. I was distraught. I had literally never ever spilled anything in front of members, let alone on them. I was mortified, and essentially ran away and cried in the staff room. I was going to N. Provide three (3) examples of attitudes you developed on the job which improved your individual professionalism. 1. One major attitude I developed was that people have different ways of doing things, and that there may not be a best way. When I initially got to Riverside, I struggled to get used to the way certain things were done in comparison to my last internship. Even with regards to training with different servers, they had their own ways of approaching the same task. This was only beneficial because it allowed me to see that there are various solutions to the same problem, and while it is important to have some consistency, it’s also good to have some variation. 2. One of my favorite insights shared with me was when I was on my first club tour. When we went to a seminar and took a tour of Innis Arden, the manager told us to never take ourselves as seriously as the members do. There are serious instances, but know when and what to stress over, and what isn’t worth it. Always remain professional, but keep in mind it’s not life and death, and most things can be resolved. I have a tendency to overreact or care too much, but it will save me a lot of energy if I can better control how I react. 3. This time around I got the opportunity to develop a little bit as a manager, and getting to work from that perspective allowed me to learn about myself and how I act in that position. While I was never truly alone or in charge of anything exclusively, as far as the members knew 9
  • 10. when they came in for lunch on Mondays, I was the one they would talk to if there was a problem or they needed something. Being in this position made me have to act like I could take care of them, even if I wasn’t always sure if I had the answers for them. I think this epitomizes “fake it until you make it,” mentality, because the more I acted confident, the more confident I eventually felt. I’m eventually going to be put into a management position at a new place and I’m probably going to have to employ this technique at first as well. PDS 4 AND 6 STUDENTS MUST ALSO ANSWER QUESTIONS O&P. O. Additionally- to be answered by PDS 4 students— Provide three (3) examples of how law impacted hospitality management at your job. 1. One legal issue that came up this past summer that is probably an issue at a lot of properties is serving underage. One server gave drinks to two young men that were 20 years old, and it wasn’t until our manager saw them that they were reprimanded and that intern was informed of their mistake. This is a difficult area because the intern who served them isn’t yet 21, and neither am I, so it’s difficult to card anyone. I don’t want to be rude by asking for their ID’s and presuming they are ordering fully aware they aren’t legal, and then have them actually be 21. The managers and full time staff have the advantage of knowing all of the kids and knowing who is 21 and not. It’s a difficult situation to be put it in for young servers to card people obviously right around 21. 2. When all the interns had a seminar with the pool manager, we learned a lot about procedure and the fact that there are a lot of codes they have to follow. One of the major ones is that a lifeguard must always be on duty. While this wasn’t directly anything I had to deal with, the pool is part of the club, and if anything went wrong and there were no lifeguards paying attention then it would impact my job as a manager. Safety is of utmost importance, whether that is at the pool, at the docks, or in the kitchen/dining room. 3. The clubhouse also has to be up to code in the kitchen and dining room. There are health codes and fire regulations, which are things I wish I got to learn more about. The fire marshal comes to inspect the building, and health and sanitation people must as well. This is an important aspect of being a hospitality manager, and also a stressful one I am sure. PDS 2, 4 & 6 CLASSROOM THEORY OBSERVED DURING FIELDWORK EXPERIENCE OPERATIONS: 1. Describe the “on the job training” you received (or didn’t receive) at your job. 10
  • 11. i. Do you feel the job was effective? Please provide two (2) examples to support your answer. a. The first night I was at Riverside I was put to work right away, working with our busser. Pouring water, serving bread, and bringing back trays. We were told this was to learn dining room basics, because in the past there had been issues with going right into serving without the interns knowing their responsibilities. From there we trained with a server for a few days, trained with the food runner for a night, and eventually had a “test” day where we were shadowed by one of our managers to make sure we could handle being on our own. This was a bit different than me just being thrown into working Memorial Day weekend at the cabana last year, and different than how I was trained in a la carte as well. I never was a busser, and we didn’t have food runners. I think it is a great point that if you don’t know the busser or the runner’s responsibilities, how will you know all your duties as a server? b. When I was training as DRM, the first week I walked around with Courtney so she could show me step by step what to do in the mornings. I took notes and then she left me basically alone when the lunch shift started. She also walked me around after lunch to show what I do to close the shift. The next week Gary took me around to see what I retained from the previous week, and to also offer up some more valuable insight. I was left alone for lunch to run the floor. Every week after, for the most part, I opened alone, but Gary would go around to spot anything I missed. It was always the little things that got me; a light to be turned on, a chair in certain places, etc. I got it perfect my last Monday there, go figure. I liked how I was left “on my own” during lunch, so I could kind of navigate the waters of running the floor without someone looking over my shoulder the whole time. However, Mondays were when I got some of the best advice and insight from my managers, so I appreciated when they took the time to go over what to do with me. ii. What changes would you make in the training you received and why? Please address the previous two (2) examples. a. I’m pretty sure I said this last year, but I would love a rotation at the bar. I want to become more comfortable serving alcohol, because that is such a large part of clubs. Often times during a shift where I was doing pool side, I would be the only server left in between lunch and dinner, serving drinks to the pool, and the bartender would be busy and not be at the bar. I felt comfortable making a lot of our most popular cocktails and pouring wines that were already out, or just the basics, but that’s about it. I would love just a slow day or two to get the whole run down of being behind the bar (not just one afternoon for half an hour). b. We were supposed to have a seminar with the accounting office, which ended up not happening because there was an auditor there. Since I left the day after this was cancelled, I was actually a little bummed. I would have really liked to get the run-down of what exactly accounting is in charge of, what their average day looks like, and if they apply anything I learned in 11
  • 12. my 3 different accounting classes I’ve had to take in college. That’s the one aspect I think I missed out on of the club. 2. Describe the physical environment where you worked. i. What changes would you make in the work place to make work flow better, or to make the job easier or more efficient for the employees? One change that I think every manager at RYC would make if they could, would be to re-do the sliding doors that open the sailors roost to the south and west decks. They were incredibly finicky and difficult to lock, and not made of the most durable material. When I was in charge of opening it and closing it on Mondays, I was extremely sweaty and tired afterwards. I was told every week that they went for a cheaper version of the doors, when they should’ve gone for the better ones that would last and were more efficient. ii. Describe the costs which you believe would be associated with making these changes. This should be a qualitative (concerning quality) discussion. Because the doors do their job, aren’t seen when they are open, and don’t necessarily look bad when they are closed, it is, I’m sure, not on the top of the to-do list. However, I’m sure it is something they would all like to improve upon eventually, especially because of how popular the dining room has become. With that being said, people will continue to dine there regardless of how nice the door is (they come for the view of the water not the sliding door), so again, it probably isn’t a priority. I just know if I had to open and close that door every day, it would become a priority to me. 3. Describe what you would do as a manager to assist the line-level employees in performing their job. i. Technically—job streamlining, improved efficiency and productivity, etc. One thing (once again from last summer), that was particularly difficult at times was how late the schedule for the week came out. I was on a tight schedule to get my 400 hours, so I didn’t plan to request any days off, and I lived at the club so nothing was really too inconvenient, but we weren’t given our schedule until late Sunday night or Monday morning. This aloud little time to plan your week, and made it impossible to plan anything in advance. I think making the schedule for two weeks at a time would be one way to solve this, just to give the employees a bit more certainty in their schedule. I realize most full-time staff have a set schedule, but for those who don’t I think it would be beneficial. I might use the two week schedule, and if there are things still up in the air, I would let the employees know if something was tentative. ii. Motivationally—employee rewards system, benefits packages Over the summer when there were new wines of the month, or there was a food special that needed to be sold, our manager would make a little bit of a competition. Whoever sold the most of product x, got something. Sometimes it was a meal off the menu from the kitchen, sometimes it was something else. It didn’t necessarily matter 12
  • 13. what the incentive was, just that it was there and made the night a little different. I think I would employ this if I were a manager, because I enjoyed it myself, and definitely made us go out of our way to get members to try whatever it was. iii. Qualitative—Fully detail the estimated costs associated with A&B There’s essentially no cost associated with the actions in A or B. Taking the time to plan out a two week schedule may be a bit stressful, but once you are used to doing it that way I’m sure it becomes easier, and the employees would appreciate it. I would definitely enjoy doing B, seeing the friendly competition and rewarding the employee who embraces the challenge. 4. What operational/technical aspects of the line-level position did you enjoy the most? Please provide three (3) examples. 1. I loved interacting with the members. When I tell people I worked at a yacht club they automatically assume that it was a super fancy, pretentious place, and I was happily surprised at how casual and laid-back most of the membership was considering they all are decently wealthy. I tried to explain the huge role sailing had, that it has traditions (colors, commodores, etc.) all tied into that them, but people have a hard time getting past the term “yacht.” 2. I loved the fast-paced nature of serving this summer. It was a workout, honestly, and by the end of the night I was sweaty and exhausted. I much prefer that scenario than standing around, bored for a majority of the night, getting yelled at for standing around the hostess station (with all the other servers) because we had no tables to attend to. At the end of the shift I felt accomplished, because I knew I had worked hard. 3. I loved the chance to get to work as a food runner, as pool-side service, front desk, and waterways. Getting to see the club from various aspects was extremely beneficial, rather than only seeing it from the perspective of the dining room. There was so much that goes on at Riverside that it would be shame to only witness one part of it. The way I got to interact with members in all those scenarios shifted slightly, and I enjoyed that part of rotating as well. PDS 2, 4 & 6 CLASSROOM THEORY OBSERVED DURING FIELDWORK EXPERIENCE INTERPERSONAL/COMMUNICATIONS 1. INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT A. Discuss methods of communication (written, verbal) used by the fieldwork location to communicate existing or changes in company procedures and policies. Based on what you have learned about communication please evaluate its effectiveness by citing an example. This didn’t really happen frequently (or at all as far as I know), so I’m not quite sure of the procedure RYC would use to communicate any changes in policy. However, enclosed in the envelope of one pay check was a memo about harassment in the work-place. This I 13
  • 14. suppose is an effective way to let employees know of any issues that have arisen, or could potentially become an issue and trying to proactively stop it from happening. B. Discuss methods of communication (written, verbal) used by your manager to communicate procedure and policies changes in the department. Based on what you have learned about communication please evaluate its effectiveness by citing an example. The serving staff had a pre-meal meeting before dinner each night, and typically at these Courtney or our DRM Kerri would inform us of any changes. On Fridays we would sometimes even have a ten question quiz just to keep everyone on their toes. At the meeting though, they would let us know if the POS system had any changes, and they would ask us if they should add or change any of the commands to make it more convenient for us. 1. EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT A. Examine methods of communication, such as body language, verbal or written communications or telephone skills used between a guest and an employee. Discuss a personal encounter in which you used one of these methods to successfully provide service to a guest. Every single day I interacted with members verbally, in person. Of course body language plays a role in this as well, even if inadvertently. I had guests from a reciprocal club one day point out how tired I was after a day of working poolside. At that point I was truly exhausted, but most days I don’t let it show and tried to stay upbeat. It must have come across that way from my body language, because I definitely tried to sound positive. They were kind and although they kept getting rounds of drinks, compounding my tiredness, were very understanding. B. What factors influence the effectiveness of the different methods of communication? Example: Cultural differences. Personally, I know I’m pretty good at interacting with guests in person. I like to do it, and I’ve been fairly successful with it. Working at the front desk, however, is a totally different story. I am not great at speaking on the phone with people. It made me incredibly nervous, and gave me anxiety every time someone called the club. So, my own personal preference definitely influence the effectiveness of how I communicated with members. MANAGEMENT FUNCTION ANALYSIS 1. CONFLICT RESOLUTION A. Discuss how you or your manager resolved conflict in the following areas and if he/she was effective and why. Honestly, I think I am a pretty observant person, but what I can’t remember is any conflict that a manager had to resolve between a member/employee, between employees, or between an employee and themselves. Either I entirely wasn’t around when these occurred, or the managers were good at keeping it under the radar, I’m not sure. Unlike 14
  • 15. last year where we had cantankerous servers that wanted everything done their way, hot- headed chefs that could freak out at any moment, and members that could at an moment take offense to anything, Riverside seemed calm (in those regards). I’m sure there were conflicts to resolve, but not within or between the staff as far as I knew. B. What did you learn about conflict resolution that reinforced or disagreed with skills discussed in the classroom. The customer is always right! Or in this case, the members. However, they aren’t actually always right, so you have to find a delicate way to let them know that they may be mistaken, or provide them with an alternative. The way to deal with these situations, as to not offend them, is to make them think they are the ones coming up with the ideas. Between staff members, while I said I can’t think of any situations where there was a big conflict, it’s always best to just try and be the bigger person and let go of whatever the issue is. If it’s too big to let go, and needs to be brought to management, make sure you have all the facts and details, and it’s for a valid reason. INTERPERSONAL ANALYSIS A. What interpersonal aspects of your job did you enjoy the most and the least? I enjoyed interacting with the members on a daily basis, and getting to know them as the summer went on. Member events like Crab Fest were a fun time as well, and very laid- back and casual. What I found I liked the least were non-member events; when guests from wherever would come in and have an event. I found that the people who weren’t members of our club, or any club, came to whatever event at RYC, they just were less appreciative than our membership. They seemed more impatient, less friendly, and not as pleasant. This may be more of an indication of how great our membership is than how rude outsiders were. B. Would you be interested in pursuing a career that concentrated in this area, such as Guest Services or Human Resources? I can see myself in guest services, but I don’t really have an interest in a career in HR. Human resources is more behind the scenes, 9-5, desk jobs. I have little to no interest in this line of work. I want to be involved with the members directly. While I realize I have to have a knowledge of what human resource does (hence the HRTM class “Human Resource Management” this semester) so that I can do my job, I definitely don’t want that to be primary focus of mine. 15
  • 16. FIELDWORK EXPERIENCE STUDENT EVALUATION FORM FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT Name of Student: Audrey Butcher Employer: Riverside Yacht Club Job Position: Food and Beverage Intern Duties & Responsibilities: Dining room server, special events server, pool-side service, Monday lunch Dining room manager. Excellent Very Good Moderate Limited Inadequate Received practical experience as it related to classroom theory x Opportunities to use problem solving skills x Employer expectations matched those discussed in classroom x Opportunities to practice stress management x Opportunity to improve interpersonal skills x Utilized effective time management x Increased your ability to develop & improve technical skills x Increased your knowledge of hospitality industry careers x 16
  • 17. Benefited from an effective model of management & leadership x Satisfied with personal training program and feedback received x Will proceed with developing a hospitality career x No. of Excellent: 6 No. of Very Good: 5 No. of Moderate: 0 No. of Limited 0 No. of Inadequate: 0 1. Overall, were you satisfied with your work experience? Overall I was extremely satisfied with my work experience. I gained more experience in the dining room not only as a server, but as a manager as well, which was extremely beneficial. We got to visit other clubs in the area and get insight from their managers. I got to work a variety events and see how they differ in the way they are run. We were given seminars on wine, on dressing professionally, and on managing the pool. I was able to work at the docks, front desk, and serving poolside. I had a wide range of opportunities to learn and work directly with managers, and interact with members under quite a few different circumstances. 2. Would you be willing to return to this company in another position? While I loved working at Riverside, and look forward to getting to work a couple weekends when soccer season ends, I think it would be most beneficial to do my final internship at a different property. Just so I get to see and experience as much as possible, I wouldn’t want to spend two summers at the same club. I already know I like the private, neighborhood club environment, but I feel like I should branch out an experience something totally different to validate what direction I really want to take in hospitality. At the very least, I want to experience a different club, so broaden my knowledge of the club industry. 3. Would you recommend this company to other students seeking an internship? I definitely would recommend this to other hospitality students seeking an internship, regardless if you have a particular interest in clubs or not. I think it is a great experience to learn about the industry and about yourself. I loved working every day, even if it was just serving. I loved the environment and interacting with members, and I enjoyed that it was structured to include additional learning opportunities. However, if you do the internship and aren’t as adamant about 17
  • 18. it, or as enthusiastic about the work, then it could indicate it’s not the right path for you. This is equally beneficial to a student because it allows them to then identify what they might rather do. If they are a hard worker and like to learn in an environment that facilitates both, I highly recommend Riverside. 4. Were you satisfied with the preparation and support you received from your instructor in the management of your internship? If yes, please explain what was most helpful, and if not, how can we improve? I don’t think anyone could be more invested in making the internship experience the most it could be than the management at Riverside. Possibly because they have been having interns for quite a few years, they have the process down and know what works and doesn’t. The management made it impossible for you not to learn constantly, and provided additional opportunities (i.e. club tours, wine seminar), that just added to the experience. When a mistake was made, there was always an explanation as to why, and a solution so it wouldn’t happen again. Even simple everyday tasks were turned into teaching points, so I got a lot of insight from all the managers. 18