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Greater China
Salary Guide 2011
Welcome to the Adecco Greater China Salary Guide 2011.
    本指南為 Adecco 2011 年首版的大中華區薪資指南,針對大                                   經濟表現及觀感皆在水準之上,預計2011年各產業將持續成
    中華區薪資趨勢及職缺整理製作出各產業的薪資概況。近幾                                          長,平均薪資預計將成長約3.6%。為因應本地及全球擴展營
    年多數企業皆積極至大中華地區拓展業務,而大中華區之求                                          業需求,一般認為前線職缺也將會增加。而海外的人力外派
    才市場需求因此蓬勃成長。企業雇主必須提供具競爭性的薪                                          仍是控制資本開支及維持成長的首要方法。預期2011年香港
    資福利,才能網羅並留住優秀人才。有鑑於此,Adecco彙整                                       企業將面臨網羅與留住人才的挑戰。
    提供資訊,針對會計財務、金融、行政管理、業務行銷、產                                          台灣招募概況
    品採購與物流、醫藥、資訊科技與工程技術等八項產業進行                                          台灣就業市場在2010年已見復甦,預期2011年仍能穩健成
    分析,提出未來一年的薪資期望及薪資預報之數據。                                             長。兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)簽署後,外商投資已有
    中國招募概況                                                              醫療器材、財政金融等許多產業,依然呈現專業人才短缺的
    中國已晉升為世界第二大經濟體,2010年中國經濟快速成                                         現象。越來越多跨國公司在中國設立營運後勤支援單位。
    長,因此人才招募需求仍不斷上升。外資企業亦持續在當地                                          而當地大型企業尋求能助其邁向全球化的跨國人才。由此可
    進行直接投資,顯示外資信心十足,中國各大產業前景看                                           知,未來的一年,留住及網羅人才對台灣企業雇主而言將是
    好,預計多數企業在2011年將增聘更多員工。然而,由於人                                        關鍵。
    香港招募概況                                                              參考工具。如有任何人資相關需求,請與我們聯絡,我們將

The world of work is
轉變中的工作世界                                                        changing.
    We are pleased to present our first version of the Adecco Greater   The hiring environment in Hong Kong
    China salary guide 2011, a comprehensive reference tool on
                                                                        Most businesses in Hong Kong performed up to expectations
    the salary trends and job titles across industries in Greater
                                                                        or better than expected in 2010. Hong Kong's overall economic
    China region. While most companies are seeking to expand
                                                                        performance and sentiment remained high and is expected to
    their business or extend their operation, recruitment market
                                                                        grow in 2011 across different industries. The average salary is
    will have a consistent growth in Greater China. Employers must
                                                                        expected to increase by around 3.6%. Front-line positions are
    offer competitive compensation to secure and retain the top
                                                                        expected to increase to harmonize business expansion locally
    talents. Adecco derives from our employers and candidates
                                                                        and globally. Offshore outsourcing remains the primary tool to
    in the professional labour market in China, Hong Kong and
                                                                        control capital expenses and maintain growth. Talent retention
    Taiwan to provide the hiring expectation, salary forecasts over
                                                                        and attraction will be the main challenge for companies in
    the coming year and covers 8 industries such as Accounting
    & Finance, Banking, Office, Sales & Marketing, Merchandising
    & Logistics, Pharmaceutical, Information Technology and
                                                                        The hiring environment in Taiwan
    Technical Engineering.
                                                                        Taiwan recruitment market has picked up in 2010 and expected
                                                                        continue growing smoothly in 2011. Foreign investment in
    The hiring environment in China                                     Taiwan has been increase after the signing of the cross-
    China's economy grew to be the second largest in the world and
                                                                        strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA).
    hiring has continued to maintain an uptrend due to the nation's
                                                                        Talent shortage in professional level in many fields, such as
    strong economic growth in 2010. Foreign companies have
                                                                        optoelectronics, green energy, semiconductors, Bio-technology,
                                      continued to make direct
                                                                        cloud computing, Medical Equipment, finance, ...etc. More
                                      investments, indicating that
                                                                        multinational companies are setting up reporting line of
                                      confidence remains high.
                                                                        business and back office function in China. Local big firms
                                      This is spread across all
                                                                        are looking cross-broader talent to assist company to be
                                      sectors and most companies
                                                                        globalized. Talent retention and attraction will be critical to
                                      are expected to continue
                                                                        companies in 2011.
                                      to hire new staff in 2011.
                                      However, as the talent pool       We hope the Adecco Greater China salary guide will be useful
                                      remains limited, the main         in your staffing efforts and valuable in helping for what's going
                                      challenge facing companies        to happen next from the Greater China vision. We welcome
                                      will not only be the difficulty   your feedback and do not hesitate to contact us for further
                                      of attracting new talent but      information.
                                      also on retaining their own
                                      best employees.
                                                                        Cynthia Chew / CEO of NE Asia Adecco
Be ready 你準備好了嗎?
    to move forward
                關於Adecco                                                                             About Adecco
                Adecco是全球最大的國際性人力資源服務公司,總部設                                                          Adecco, based in Zurich, Switzerland, is the world's
                                                                                                     leading provider of HR solutions. We have more than 5500
                於瑞士的蘇黎世,目前全球已有5500多家分公司。我                                                            offices servicing a range of clients through an integrated
                們的服務內容廣泛,根據企業的需求提供最好的長短期                                                             suit of workforce solutions. The services offered fall into
                人力派遣服務、專業正式人員招募服務、派遣及外包服                                                             the broad categories of temporary staffing, permanent
                                                                                                     placement, outsourcing, consulting and outplacement.
                                                                                                     The Adecco Group is a Fortune Global 500 company.
                誌 (Fortune) 評為世界前500大企業。
                                                                                                     Adecco Greater China
                大中華區                                                                                 We are connected to thousands of jobs at reputable
                                                                                                     companies in almost every major city in the Greater
                                                                                                     China region. With the widest and most comprehensive
                合作,掌握千萬份工作機會。目前在業界中擁有最廣泛                                                             range of staffing services in the industry, Adecco
                且完整的人力資源服務範圍,未來Adecco將持續與大中                                                          continues to form strong and long-term relationship with
                                                                                                     our clients throughout the region to provide effective
                                                                                                     staffing solutions on a local and regional basis.

The information provided are average salaries derived from positions that Adecco recruited throughout the year of 2010. The salaries exclude overtime, payment, commissions, allowances and bonuses.
The salary guide is representative of data collected and compiled from clients and candidates by Adecco China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The information should be used as a guideline and should not be
reproduced without written prior permission of Adecco.

會計及財務領域 Accounting & Finance
                                                                        China               Hong Kong                  Taiwan
          職位                     條件要求                所需年資          (月薪/人民幣)                 (月薪/港幣)                (月薪/新台幣)
         Position               Qualification       Experience   Monthly Salary in RMB   Monthly Salary in HK$   Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                      (年)        最低薪資        最高薪資        最低薪資        最高薪資        最低薪資        最高薪資
                                                     In Years     Min.        Max.        Min.        Max.        Min.        Max.

  會計 Accounting

會計經理                        財務與會計學位                    8+          18,000       25,000     35,000      60,000      60,000      125,000
Accounting Manager          Degree in Finance and

資深主辦會計                      大學以上                       5+           9,000       16,000     30,000      50,000      45,000       70,000
Chief Accountant            Degree+

資深會計                        會計學學位                      5+           8,000       15,000     25,000      40,000      40,000       65,000
Senior Accountant           Degree in Accounting

成本會計                        會計學學位                      3-5          7,000       12,000     22,000      35,000      35,000       70,000
Cost Accountant             Degree in Accounting

會計人員                        會計學學位                      3-5          6,000       10,000     20,000      28,000      30,000       55,000
Accountant                  Degree in Accounting

會計助理                        會計學學位                      2-4          3,000        5,000     15,000      20,000      25,000       45,000
Assistant Accountant        Degree in Accounting

資深帳務員                       會計學學位                      1-2          2,000        4,000     12,000       16,000     25,000       40,000
Senior Account Clerk        Degree in Accounting

帳務員/ 帳務助理                   會計學學位                      <1           2,000        3,500     10,000       14,000     20,000       30,000
Account Clerk/Assistant     Degree in Accounting

  審計 Audit

審計長                         CIA證照、主修會計                 10+         40,000       60,000     70,000      170,000    130,000     220,000
Head of Audit               與財務
                            CIA license, major
                            in Accounting and

審計經理                        CIA證照、主修會計                 8+          30,000       50,000     35,000      60,000      65,000      110,000
Audit Manager               與財務
                            CIA license, major
                            in Accounting and

審計副理                        CIA證照、主修會計                 5+          25,000       40,000     30,000      40,000      55,000       80,000
Assistant Audit Manager     與財務
                            CIA license, major
                            in Accounting and

審計主管                        CIA證照、主修會計                 3-5         18,000       30,000     23,000      30,000      45,000       65,000
Audit Supervisor            與財務
                            CIA license, major
                            in Accounting and

 2   Greater China Salary Guide 2011
Greater China Salary Guide 2011

會計及財務領域 Accounting & Finance
                                                                      China                Hong Kong                    Taiwan
           職位                  條件要求                所需年資          (月薪/人民幣)                  (月薪/港幣)                  (月薪/新台幣)
          Position            Qualification       Experience   Monthly Salary in RMB    Monthly Salary in HK$     Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                    (年)        最低薪資        最高薪資         最低薪資        最高薪資          最低薪資         最高薪資
                                                   In Years     Min.        Max.         Min.        Max.          Min.         Max.

  審計 Audit

資深審計師                     CIA證照、主修會計                 3-5         18,000       30,000      20,000      28,000        38,000       65,000
Senior Auditor            與財務
                          CIA license, major
                          in Accounting and

審計員                       主修會計與財務                    2-4         15,000       25,000      15,000      20,000        35,000       55,000
Auditor                   Major in Accounting
                          and Finance

初級審計員                     主修會計與財務                    1-2         10,000       20,000      13,000       16,000       30,000       40,000
Audit Junior              Major in Accounting
                          and Finance

內部稽核師                     CIA證照、主修會計                 2-4         15,000       25,000      20,000      45,000        38,000       55,000
Internal Auditor          與財務
                          CIA license, major
                          in Accounting and

查帳員                       主修會計與財務                    <1           5,000        8,000      12,000       18,000       28,000       35,000
Audit Clerk               Major in Accounting
                          and Finance

  財務 Finance

財務長                       財務或會計企業管理                 5-20         50,000       120,000     50,000      80,000       100,000      300,000
Financial Controller      碩士
                          MBA Degree
                          in Finance and

財務暨行政經理                   財務與會計學位                    5-10        25,000       50,000      35,000      45,000        70,000      200,000
Finance & Admin Manager   Degree in Finance and

財務經理                      財務或會計企業管理                  5-10        25,000       50,000      30,000      60,000        80,000      140,000
Finance Manager           碩士
                          MBA Degree
                          in Finance and

財務分析師                     財務與會計學位                    3-6         18,000       30,000      25,000      38,000        45,000       110,000
Financial Analyst         Degree in Finance and

財務助理                      財務與會計學位                    2-3          8,000        16,000     13,000       17,000       28,000       40,000
Finance Assistant         Degree in Finance and

財務暨行政辦事員                  財務與會計學位                    1-5          6,000        15,000     12,000       15,000       30,000       75,000
Finance & Admin Clerk     Degree in Finance and

財務儲備幹部                    財務與會計學位                    <1           3,000        5,000       11,000      15,000       20,000       30,000
Financial Management      Degree in Finance and
Trainee                   Accounting

會計及財務領域 Accounting & Finance
                                                                                                     China                            Hong Kong                                 Taiwan
              職位                              條件要求                     所需年資                  (月薪/人民幣)                               (月薪/港幣)                              (月薪/新台幣)
             Position                        Qualification            Experience           Monthly Salary in RMB                 Monthly Salary in HK$                 Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                                          (年)              最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資
                                                                         In Years           Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.

   稅務 Tax

稅務長                                   財務與會計學位                               8+                 40,000            70,000             80,000           120,000             100,000          200,000
Head of Tax                           Degree in Finance and

稅務經理                                  財務與會計學位                               5+                 30,000           50,000              45,000            55,000              65,000           140,000
Tax Manager                           Degree in Finance and

資深稅務會計                                財務與會計學位                               3-5                15,000           25,000              30,000            45,000              40,000            65,000
Senior Tax Accountant                 Degree in Finance and

稅務會計                                  財務與會計學位                               2-4                10,000           20,000              30,000            40,000              30,000            50,000
Tax Accountant                        Degree in Finance and

稅務助理                                  財務與會計學位                               1-2                 5,000            10,000             20,000            25,000              20,000            35,000
Tax Assistant                         Degree in Finance and

   財務 Treasury

財務長                                   財務與會計學位                               5+                 40,000           60,000              80,000           150,000              80,000          220,000
Head of Treasury                      Degree in Finance and

財務經理                                  財務與會計學位                               5+                 30,000           45,000              40,000            60,000              50,000           130,000
Treasury Manager                      Degree in Finance and

資深財務專員                                財務與會計學位                               3-5                18,000           25,000              35,000            45,000              35,000            55,000
Senior Treasury                       Degree in Finance and

財務會計                                  財務與會計學位                               2-4                 8,000           20,000              25,000            40,000              30,000            45,000
Treasury Accountant                   Degree in Finance and

財務專員                                  財務與會計學位                               2-4                 6,000            18,000              18,000           30,000              30,000            45,000
Treasury Officer                      Degree in Finance and

財務辦事員                                 財務與會計學位                               <1                  3,000             5,000              12,000            15,000             25,000            35,000
Treasury Clerk                        Degree in Finance and

1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。
2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建
3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。
1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type.
2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual
3. All salaries are listed in local currency.

  4    Greater China Salary Guide 2011
Greater China Salary Guide 2011

金融 Banking
                                                                    China               Hong Kong                    Taiwan
           職位                   條件要求             所需年資          (月薪/人民幣)                 (月薪/港幣)                  (月薪/新台幣)
          Position             Qualification    Experience   Monthly Salary in RMB   Monthly Salary in HK$     Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                  (年)        最低薪資        最高薪資        最低薪資        最高薪資          最低薪資         最高薪資
                                                 In Years     Min.        Max.        Min.        Max.          Min.         Max.

  消費金融 Consumer Banking

分行經理                       商業學士                    10+         25,000       40,000     40,000      50,000        90,000      180,000
Branch Manager             Bachelor degree in

營運經理                       學士學位                    6+          15,000       30,000     30,000      35,000        90,000      150,000
Operations Manager         Bachelor degree

營運副理                       學士學位                    4+          10,000       18,000     25,000      30,000        65,000       80,000
Assistant Operations       Bachelor degree

客戶關係經理                     學士學位                    8+          18,000       30,000     20,000      25,000        90,000      200,000
Customer Relationship      Bachelor degree

營運主管                       學士學位                    3+           6,000       10,000     18,000      22,000        45,000       55,000
Operation Supervisor       Bachelor degree

個人金融服務專員                   商業學士                    3+           5,000        8,000     15,000      20,000        45,000       60,000
Personal Banking Officer   Bachelor degree in

銀行專員                       商業學士                    6+           6,000        8,000     13,000       18,000       45,000       60,000
Bank Officer               Bachelor degree in

銀行櫃檯出納                     商業學士                    1-2          3,000        5,000     12,000       15,000       30,000       36,000
Bank Teller                Bachelor degree in

中檯專員                       學士學位                    3+           5,000        7,000     13,000       18,000       60,000      150,000
Middle Office Officer      Bachelor degree

客服專員                       學士學位                    1-2          4,000        6,000     12,000       15,000       30,000       38,000
Customer Service           Bachelor degree

銀行助理                       學士學位                    1-2          4,000        6,000     10,000       12,000       28,000       35,000
Bank Assistant             Bachelor degree

金融辦事員                      學士學位                    <1           3,000        5,000      9,000       11,000       30,000       35,000
Banking Clerk              Bachelor degree

金融交易業務人員                   學士學位                    >3          25,000       40,000     40,000      60,000        80,000      200,000
TMU                        Bachelor degree

市場風險經理                     學士學位                    >5          30,000       45,000     50,000      60,000        80,000      160,000
Market Risk                Bachelor degree

金融同業業務經理                   學士學位                    >5          30,000       50,000     40,000      50,000        80,000      160,000
FI Sales                   Bachelor degree

交易支援助理                     學士學位                    1-2         15,000       30,000     40,000      60,000        30,000       35,000
Dealing/Trade Support      Bachelor degree

金融 Banking
                                                                                                     China                            Hong Kong                                 Taiwan
              職位                              條件要求                     所需年資                  (月薪/人民幣)                               (月薪/港幣)                              (月薪/新台幣)
             Position                        Qualification            Experience           Monthly Salary in RMB                 Monthly Salary in HK$                 Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                                          (年)              最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資
                                                                         In Years           Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.

   監察&信用分析 Compliance & Credit Analysis

法規事務經理                                財務或法律學歷,具                             5+                 23,000           38,000              50,000            70,000             120,000           160,000
Compliance Manager                    內部稽核或法規遵循/
                                      Degree in Finance
                                      or Law; experience
                                      in internal audit or

法規事務專員                                財務或法律學歷,具                             2-4                13,000           25,000              30,000            40,000              65,000            80,000
Compliance Officer                    內部稽核或法規遵循/
                                      Degree in Finance
                                      or Law; experience
                                      in internal audit or

授信經理                                  財務/會計學士                               6+                 23,000           35,000              45,000            55,000              80,000           150,000
Credit Manager                        Bachelor degree in

信用審核/核准經理                             財務/會計學士                               10+                30,000           45,000              45,000            55,000             100,000           160,000
Credit Approval Manager               Bachelor degree in

信用核證專員                                財務/會計學士                               8+                 25,000           40,000              25,000            35,000              80,000            90,000
Credit Approval Officer               Bachelor degree in

信貸分析師/專員                              財務/會計學士                               6+                 18,000           25,000              22,000            25,000              65,000            75,000
Credit Analyst/Officer                Bachelor degree in

資深信貸/信用辦事員                            財務/會計學士                               4+                  7,000            13,000              15,000            18,000             45,000            55,000
Senior Credit/Loans Clerk             Bachelor degree in

   證券 Securities

結算部經理                                 學士學位                                  8+                 22,000           50,000              45,000            55,000              80,000          250,000
Settlement Manager                    Bachelor degree

結算部專員                                 學士學位                                  6+                 12,000           25,000              20,000            30,000              65,000           100,000
Settlement Officer                    Bachelor degree

結算部辦事員                                學士學位                                  1-2                 5,000             8,000              15,000           20,000              45,000            65,000
Settlement Clerk                      Bachelor degree

1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。
2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建
3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。
1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type.
2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual
3. All salaries are listed in local currency.

  6    Greater China Salary Guide 2011
Greater China Salary Guide 2011

行政管理 Office
                                                                          China                Hong Kong                    Taiwan
           職位                     條件要求                 所需年資          (月薪/人民幣)                  (月薪/港幣)                  (月薪/新台幣)
          Position               Qualification        Experience   Monthly Salary in RMB    Monthly Salary in HK$     Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                        (年)        最低薪資        最高薪資         最低薪資        最高薪資          最低薪資         最高薪資
                                                       In Years     Min.        Max.         Min.        Max.          Min.         Max.

  人力資源 Human Resources

人資長/人資副總/協理                  大專院校或以上                    10-15+       50,000       150,000     80,000      150,000      120,000      200,000
HR Head/HR Director/VP       Degree and above

區域人資經理/協理                    大專院校或以上                     8+          30,000       60,000      40,000      65,000        80,000      150,000
Regional HR Manager/         Degree and above

人資/招募/薪酬福利經理/                大專院校或以上                    5-8+         18,000       40,000      30,000      60,000        60,000       110,000
人資事業夥伴                       Degree and above
HR/Staffing/C&B Manager/
Business Partner

教育訓練經理/講師                    大專院校或以上                     8+          20,000       50,000      30,000      60,000        65,000      100,000
Training Manager/Trainer     Degree and above

人資副理                         大專院校或以上                    3-5+         12,000       25,000      25,000      30,000        45,000       60,000
HR Assistant Manager         Degree and above

人資專員                         大專院校或以上                     2-4          8,000        18,000     13,000      28,000        30,000       45,000
HR Officer/Specialist/       Degree and above

人資專員/助理                      大專院校或以上                     1-2          5,000        9,000       9,000       13,000       30,000       40,000
HR Administrator/Assistant   Degree and above

人資培訓/人資儲備幹部                  大專院校或以上                     <1           3,500        8,000       9,000       12,000       28,000       35,000
HR Trainee                   Degree and above

  法務 Legal

法務協理                         大專院校或以上,具                    10         35,000       120,000     90,000      140,000      150,000      250,000
Legal Director               證照者優
                             Degree and above;
                             with license preferred

法務經理                         大專院校或以上,具                   5+          20,000       80,000      40,000      100,000       80,000      120,000
Legal Manager                證照者優
                             Degree and above;
                             with license preferred

法務專員                         大專院校或以上                     3+          12,000       30,000      30,000      70,000        45,000       60,000
Legal Officer                Degree and above

  採購 Procurement

區域採購經理                       大專院校或以上                     8+          30,000       60,000      60,000      80,000        80,000      100,000
Regional Procurement         Degree and above

採購經理/資深採購                    大專院校/文憑                     5+          20,000       50,000      30,000      45,000        60,000       70,000
Procurement Manager/Sr.      Degree/ Diploma

行政管理 Office
                                                                                                     China                            Hong Kong                                 Taiwan
              職位                              條件要求                     所需年資                  (月薪/人民幣)                               (月薪/港幣)                              (月薪/新台幣)
             Position                        Qualification            Experience           Monthly Salary in RMB                 Monthly Salary in HK$                 Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                                          (年)              最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資
                                                                         In Years           Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.

   採購 Procurement

採購主管 採購主任                             大專院校/文憑                               3-5                10,000           20,000              25,000            30,000              55,000            65,000
Procurement Supervisor                Degree/ Diploma

採購專員                                  大專院校/文憑                               2-3                 6,000            18,000              18,000           25,000              40,000            50,000
Procurement Officer                   Degree/Diploma

採購助理                                  大專院校/文憑                               1-2                 3,500             8,000              13,000            15,000             30,000            32,000
Procurement Assistant                 Degree/Diploma

   行政管理支援 Administration & Office Support

行政經理/管理部經理/辦公 大專院校                                                          8+                 10,000           30,000              35,000            45,000              70,000            80,000
大樓設備管理經理                Degree
Administrative Manager/
Office Manager/Facility

執行助理                                  大專院校                                  5+                  8,000           45,000              25,000            45,000              50,000            70,000
Executive Assistant                   Degree

行政專員                                  大專院校                                  3-6                 6,000           20,000               15,000           25,000              40,000            60,000
Administrative Officer                Degree

行政助理                                  大專院校                                  1-4                 3,000             6,000              11,000            15,000             30,000            45,000
Administrative Assistant              Degree

櫃臺接待人員                                大專院校/文憑                               1-2                 2,500             8,000              12,000            18,000             25,000            35,000
Receptionist                          Degree/Diploma

辦公室助理                                 大專院校/文憑                               1-2                 2,000             5,000               9,000            10,000             25,000            35,000
Office Assistant                      Degree/Diploma

資料輸入人員                                大專院校/文憑                               <1                  2,000             5,000               8,000            11,000             22,000             25000
Data Entry Clerk                      Degree/Diploma

司機/駕駛                                 大專院校/文憑                               2-4                 3,000            15,000              14,000           20,000              40,000            55,000
Driver                                Degree/Diploma

1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。
2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建
3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。
1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type.
2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual
3. All salaries are listed in local currency.

  8    Greater China Salary Guide 2011
Greater China Salary Guide 2011

行政管理 Office
                                                                     China               Hong Kong                    Taiwan
             職位                   條件要求            所需年資          (月薪/人民幣)                 (月薪/港幣)                  (月薪/新台幣)
            Position             Qualification   Experience   Monthly Salary in RMB   Monthly Salary in HK$     Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                   (年)        最低薪資        最高薪資        最低薪資        最高薪資          最低薪資         最高薪資
                                                  In Years     Min.        Max.        Min.        Max.          Min.         Max.

  電話客服 Call Centre

電話客服經理                        大專院校                  8+          15,000       30,000     45,000      60,000        60,000       90,000
Call Centre Manager           Degree

副理                            大專院校                  4-7         10,000       20,000     35,000      45,000        50,000       70,000
Assistant Manager             Degree

主任/組長                         大專院校                  2-4          7,000       10,000     16,000      24,000        40,000       50,000
Supervisor/Team Leader        Degree

資深電話客服人員                      大專院校                  2-3          6,000       10,000     12,000       15,000       40,000       55,000
Senior Call Centre            Degree

客服熱線專員                        大專院校/文憑               1-3          2,000        6,000      9,000       13,000       28,000       40,000
Helpdesk/Hotline Officer      Degree/Diploma

電話客服助理                        大專院校/文憑               1-3          2,000        5,000      9,000       13,000       28,000       40,000
Call Centre Assistant         Degree/Diploma

  客戶服務 Customer Service

客服經理                          大專院校                  8+          10,000       20,000     35,000      45,000        60,000       80,000
Customer Service Manager      Degree

客服主任                          大專院校                  5+           6,000       12,000     20,000      25,000        50,000       70,000
Customer Service              Degree

客服專員                          大專院校                  3-5          2,000        6,000     15,000      20,000        35,000       50,000
Customer Service Specialist   Degree

客服專員                          大專院校                  3-5          2,000        6,000     14,000       18,000       35,000       50,000
Customer Service Executive    Degree

客服助理                          大專院校                   1            1,800       5,000      9,000       14,000       28,000       35,000
Customer Service Assistant    Degree

  秘書 Secretarial

執行秘書                          大專院校                  7+          10,000       45,000     30,000      40,000        60,000       70,000
Executive Secretary           Degree

資深秘書                          大專院校                  4-6         10,000       45,000     28,000      35,000        50,000       70,000
Senior Secretary              Degree

秘書                            大專院校                  2-4          5,000       10,000     18,000      28,000        35,000       50,000
Secretary                     Degree

助理秘書                          大專院校                  1-2          3,000        5,000     12,000       14,000       28,000       40,000
Junior Secretary              Degree

業務&行銷 Sales & Marketing
                                                                                                     China                            Hong Kong                                 Taiwan
              職位                              條件要求                     所需年資                  (月薪/人民幣)                               (月薪/港幣)                              (月薪/新台幣)
             Position                        Qualification            Experience           Monthly Salary in RMB                 Monthly Salary in HK$                 Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                                          (年)              最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資
                                                                         In Years           Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.

   廣告 Advertising

業務總監/資深客戶經理                           學士或以上                                 6+                 30,000           40,000              40,000            50,000              80,000           130,000
Account Director                      Bachelor or above

業務經理/客戶經理                             學士或以上                                 4+                 15,000           25,000               18,000           24,000              60,000            80,000
Account Manager                       Bachelor or above

業務副理/客戶副理                 學士或以上                                             3+                  8,000           20,000               15,000            18,000             30,000            50,000
Assistant Account Manager Bachelor or above

平面設計師                                 學士或以上                                 2-4                 8,000           20,000                8,000            18,000             30,000            55,000
Graphic Designer                      Bachelor or above

業務主任/客戶主任                             學士或以上                                 1-2                 5,000            15,000              10,000            15,000             35,000            45,000
Account Executive                     Bachelor or above

執行製作                                  學士或以上                                 2-4                15,000           30,000                8,000            12,000             25,000            40,000
Production Executive                  Bachelor or above

初級平面設計師                               學士或以上                                 1-2                 4,000            10,000               8,000            10,000             25,000            30,000
Junior Graphic Designer               Bachelor or above

製作助理                                  學士或以上                                 1-2                 8,000            15,000               8,000            10,000             20,000            30,000
Production Assistant                  Bachelor or above

   行銷 Marketing

行銷總監                                  商業管理碩士                                10+                30,000           50,000              40,000            60,000             150,000          200,000
Head of Marketing                     MBA

行銷經理                                  學士或以上                                 8+                 20,000           40,000              30,000            40,000             100,000           150,000
Marketing Manager                     Bachelor or above

行銷副理                                  學士或以上                                 6+                 15,000           25,000              22,000            30,000              50,000            80,000
Assistant Marketing                   Bachelor or above

產品行銷經理                    學士或以上                                             3-5                12,000           25,000               18,000           25,000              70,000           100,000
Product Marketing Manager Bachelor or above

資深行銷企劃人員                              學士或以上                                 2-3                10,000           20,000               13,000            18,000             40,000            60,000
Senior Marketing Executive            Bachelor or above

行銷企劃人員                                學士或以上                                 1-2                 5,000            10,000              10,000            13,000             30,000            45,000
Marketing Executive                   Bachelor or above

資料庫行銷人員                               學士或以上                                 2-3                 8,000           20,000               18,000           25,000              40,000            60,000
Database Marketing/CRM                Bachelor or above

網站企劃行銷人員                     學士或以上                                          2-3                 5,000             8,000              15,000            18,000             40,000            60,000
Internet Marketing Executive Bachelor or above

1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。
2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建
3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。
1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type.
2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual
3. All salaries are listed in local currency.

 10 Greater China Salary Guide 2011
Greater China Salary Guide 2011

業務&行銷 Sales & Marketing
                                                                       China               Hong Kong                    Taiwan
           職位                    條件要求               所需年資          (月薪/人民幣)                 (月薪/港幣)                  (月薪/新台幣)
          Position              Qualification      Experience   Monthly Salary in RMB   Monthly Salary in HK$     Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                     (年)        最低薪資        最高薪資        最低薪資        最高薪資          最低薪資         最高薪資
                                                    In Years     Min.        Max.        Min.        Max.          Min.         Max.

  行銷 Marketing

活動企劃人員                      學士或以上                     2-3          5,000        8,000     15,000       18,000       40,000       60,000
Event Marketing Executive   Bachelor or above

市場研究員                       學士或以上                     0-2          3,000        8,000      8,000       12,000       33,000       55,000
Market Researcher           Bachelor or above

行銷企劃助理                      學士或以上                     0-2          3,000        6,000      8,000       12,000       25,000       38,000
Marketing Assistant         Bachelor or above

電話行銷員                       學士或以上                     <1            1,500       3,500        N/A         N/A        20,000       25,000
Telemarketer                Bachelor or above

  公關 Public Relations

公關經理                        學士或以上                     5+          20,000       50,000     30,000      60,000        66,000      120,000
PR Manager                  Bachelor or above

企業行銷傳播經理                    學士或以上                     5-10        20,000       50,000     30,000      50,000        80,000      150,000
Corporate Communication     Bachelor or above

公關專員                        學士或以上                     3-5          8,000       15,000     15,000      20,000        45,000       60,000
PR Specialist               Bachelor or above

公關專員/代表                     學士或以上                     3-5          5,000       12,000     12,000       15,000       30,000       50,000
PR Officer/Representative   Bachelor or above

公關助理                        學士或以上                     1-2          5,000       10,000      8,000       12,000       25,000       35,000
PR Assistant                Bachelor or above

  零售 Retail

品牌經理                        學士或以上,具商業                 4+          18,000       30,000     50,000      65,000        80,000      130,000
Brand Manager               碩士學位者優
                            Bachelor or above;
                            prefer MBA

零售營運經理                      學士或以上                     10+         20,000       50,000     40,000      50,000        70,000      130,000
Retail Operations Manager   Bachelor or above

店面經理                        專科或以上                     8+          15,000       25,000     25,000      40,000        45,000       80,000
Shop/Store Manager          College or above

營運副理                        專科或以上                    4-6+           1,000      20,000     20,000      30,000        40,000       80,000
Assistant Operations        College or above

櫃檯經理                        高中或以上                     4+           8,000       18,000     25,000      30,000        30,000       65,000
Counter Manager             High school or above

品牌專員                        專科或以上                     1-2          5,000       10,000     10,000       13,000       35,000       50,000
Brand Executive             College or above

店長                          高中或以上                     2-4          8,000       15,000     18,000      22,000        30,000       65,000
Shop/Store Supervisor       High school or above

業務&行銷 Sales & Marketing
                                                                      China               Hong Kong                  Taiwan
            職位                  條件要求               所需年資          (月薪/人民幣)                 (月薪/港幣)                (月薪/新台幣)
           Position            Qualification      Experience   Monthly Salary in RMB   Monthly Salary in HK$   Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                    (年)        最低薪資        最高薪資        最低薪資        最高薪資        最低薪資        最高薪資
                                                   In Years     Min.        Max.        Min.        Max.        Min.        Max.

  零售 Retail

業務專員                       高中或以上                     1-2          4,000        8,000     10,000       15,000     35,000       45,000
Sales Representative       High school or above

美容講師                       專科或以上                     2-4          6,000       15,000     20,000      30,000      40,000       80,000
Beauty Trainer             College or above

美容顧問                       高中或以上                     1-2          2,000        5,000     10,000       13,000     25,000       50,000
Beauty Advisor             High school or above

  消費性產業 FMCG

業務總監                       碩士學歷                      10+         15,000       30,000     65,000      75,000     100,000      150,000
Head of Sales              Master

區業務經理                      學士或以上                     10+         15,000       25,000     50,000      60,000      80,000      100,000
Area Sales Manager         Bachelor or above

業務/銷售通路區經理                 學士或以上                     8+          15,000       25,000     40,000      50,000      50,000       70,000
Sales/Channel Sales Area   Bachelor or above

業務經理                       學士或以上                     5+          10,000       25,000     30,000      40,000      60,000      120,000
Sales Manager              Bachelor or above

服務執行經理                     學士或以上                     5+          10,000       25,000     25,000      35,000      60,000      100,000
Service Delivery Manager   Bachelor or above

策略/主要客戶業務經理                學士或以上                     5+          20,000       40,000     25,000      35,000      60,000      100,000
Strategic/Major Account    Bachelor or above

業務副理                       學士或以上                     3-5         15,000       25,000     20,000      30,000      40,000       70,000
Assistant Sales Manager    Bachelor or above

資深業務專員                     專科或以上                     2-4         10,000       20,000     15,000      20,000      35,000       55,000
Senior Sales Executive     College or above

業務專員                       專科或以上                     1-2          7,000       15,000     10,000       13,000     30,000       50,000
Sales Executive            College or above

業務聯絡                       專科或以上                     1-2          4,000       10,000     10,000       13,000     25,000       40,000
Sales Co-coordinator       College or above

業務助理                       專科或以上                     1-2          3,000        8,000      9,000       12,000     25,000       35,000
Sales Assistant            College or above

促銷人員                       高中或以上                     <1            1,500       5,000      8,000       9,000      20,000       50,000
Promoter                   High school & Above

電話行銷人員                     高中或以上                     <1           2,000        5,000      8,000       9,000      20,000       25,000
Telemarketer               High school & Above

 12 Greater China Salary Guide 2011
Greater China Salary Guide 2011

產品採購&物流 Merchandising & Logistics
                                                                                                     China                             Hong Kong                                Taiwan
              職位                              條件要求                     所需年資                  (月薪/人民幣)                               (月薪/港幣)                              (月薪/新台幣)
             Position                        Qualification            Experience           Monthly Salary in RMB                 Monthly Salary in HK$                 Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                                          (年)              最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資
                                                                         In Years           Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.

   採購 Merchandising

採購經理                                  大專院校/文憑                            8 - 10+               15,000           40,000              40,000            50,000              70,000           120,000
Merchandising Manager                 Degree/Diploma

採購副理                                  大專院校/文憑                               8+                 10,000           30,000              30,000            40,000              55,000            70,000
Assistant Merchandising               Degree/Diploma

資深採購                                  大專院校/文憑                              5-8+                 8,500           25,000              20,000            30,000              45,000            65,000
Sr. Merchandiser                      Degree/Diploma

採購人員                                  大專院校/文憑                               3-5                 7,000            15,000              14,000            18,000             35,000            55,000
Jr. Merchandiser                      Degree/Diploma

採購助理                                  文憑                                    1-3                 5,000            10,000               8,000            14,000             24,000            32,000
Merchandising Assistant               Diploma

   運送/ 物流 Shipping / Logistics

物流經理                                  大專院校/文憑                              5-8+                15,000           30,000              30,000            40,000              65,000           120,000
Logistics Manager                     Degree/Diploma

物流副理                        大專院校/文憑                                         3-8                12,000           20,000              23,000            35,000              55,000            80,000
Assistant Logistics Manager Degree/Diploma

船務主任                                  大專院校/文憑                               3-5                 9,000            15,000              18,000           23,000              45,000            55,000
Shipping Supervisor                   Degree/Diploma

船務人員                                  大專院校/文憑                               2-4                 7,000            10,000              13,000            15,000             32,000            40,000
Shipping Specialist                   Degree/Diploma

物流專員                                  大專院校/文憑                               2-4                 5,000             8,000              13,000            15,000             32,000            40,000
Logistics Specialist                  Degree/Diploma

   品質控管 Quality Control

品管經理                                  大專院校/文憑                               10+                15,000           30,000              45,000            55,000              80,000           100,000
Quality Control Manager               Degree/Diploma

品管副理                                  大專院校/文憑                               5-8                13,000           25,000              35,000            45,000              55,000            70,000
Assistant QC Manager                  Degree/Diploma

品管專員                                  大專院校/文憑                               3-5                 8,000            15,000              18,000           25,000              40,000            60,000
Quality Control Specialist            Degree/Diploma

1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。
2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建
3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。
1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type.
2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual
3. All salaries are listed in local currency.

產品採購&物流 Merchandising & Logistics
                                                                                                     China                            Hong Kong                                 Taiwan
              職位                              條件要求                     所需年資                  (月薪/人民幣)                               (月薪/港幣)                              (月薪/新台幣)
             Position                        Qualification            Experience           Monthly Salary in RMB                 Monthly Salary in HK$                 Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                                          (年)              最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資
                                                                         In Years           Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.

   供應鍊 Supply Chain

供應鍊經理                                 大專院校/文憑                             8-10+                20,000           50,000              45,000            55,000              75,000           130,000
Supply Chain Manager                  Degree/Diploma

供應鍊副理                                 大專院校/文憑                              5-8+                18,000           35,000              30,000            45,000              60,000            80,000
Supply Chain Assistant                Degree/Diploma

供應鍊規劃/需求規劃人員                          大專院校/文憑                                5                 13,000           25,000              20,000            35,000              40,000            75,000
Supply Chain Planner/                 Degree/Diploma
Demand Planner

供應鍊專員                                 大專院校/文憑                               3-5                10,000            15,000              15,000            18,000             30,000            50,000
Supply Chain Executive                Degree/Diploma

供應鏈配置人員                               大專院校/文憑                               2-4                 8,000            12,000              13,000            15,000             30,000            45,000
Supply Chain Coordinator              Degree/Diploma

供應鍊助理                                 大專院校/文憑                               1-2                 6,000            10,000              10,000            11,000             25,000            32,000
Supply Chain Assistant                Degree/Diploma

   倉儲 Warehouse

倉儲經理                                  大專院校/文憑                               8+                 15,000           25,000              30,000            38,000              55,000            75,000
Warehouse Manager                     Degree/Diploma

倉儲副理                                  大專院校/文憑                               5-8                12,000           20,000              23,000            30,000              45,000            60,000
Warehouse Assistant                   Degree/Diploma

倉儲主管                                  文憑                                    3-5                10,000            15,000              18,000           25,000              40,000            55,000
Warehouse Supervisor                  Diploma

倉儲專員                                  文憑                                    1-2                 7,000            12,000              14,000            18,000             30,000            38,000
Warehouse Officer                     Diploma

1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。
2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建
3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。
1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type.
2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual
3. All salaries are listed in local currency.

 14 Greater China Salary Guide 2011
Greater China Salary Guide 2011

醫藥 Pharmaceutical
                                                                          China               Hong Kong                    Taiwan
           職位                      條件要求                所需年資          (月薪/人民幣)                 (月薪/港幣)                  (月薪/新台幣)
          Position                Qualification       Experience   Monthly Salary in RMB   Monthly Salary in HK$     Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                        (年)        最低薪資        最高薪資        最低薪資        最高薪資          最低薪資         最高薪資
                                                       In Years     Min.        Max.        Min.        Max.          Min.         Max.

醫療事業經理                        醫藥學士或同等學歷                  8-10        20,000       30,000     60,000      80,000       200,000      300,000
Medical Affairs Manager       MBBS or equivalent

臨床研究經理                        大專院校,藥學或醫                  5+          20,000       30,000     40,000      50,000       130,000      200,000
Clinical Research Manager     學工程或生命科學領
                              Degree, preferable
                              from Pharmaceutical,
                              Medical Engineering,
                              or Life Science field

產品經理                          大專院校,藥學或醫                  3-5         15,000       25,000     30,000      45,000       130,000      200,000
Product Manager               學工程或生命科學領
                              Degree, preferable
                              from Pharmaceutical,
                              Medical Engineering,
                              or Life Science field

法規事務專員                       大專院校,藥學或醫                   3-5          8,000       15,000     20,000      40,000        50,000       80,000
Regulatory Affairs Executive 學工程或生命科學領
                             Degree, preferable
                             from Pharmaceutical,
                             Medical Engineering,
                             or Life Science field

區域業務經理                        大專院校,生命科學                  8-10        20,000       30,000     50,000      60,000       150,000      300,000
Regional Sales Manager        領域者優
                              Degree, preferable
                              from a Life Science

地區業務經理                        大專院校,生命科學                  5-8         10,000       20,000     40,000      50,000        80,000      150,000
Area Sales Manager            領域者優
                              Degree, preferable
                              from a Life Science

藥房通路業務經理                      B.S degree, familiar       5-8         20,000       30,000     40,000      50,000        60,000      120,000
OTC/Drugstore Sales           with OTC/Drugstore
Manager                       channels

產品登記專員                        大專院校,藥學或醫                  3-5          6,000       10,000     20,000      35,000        45,000       70,000
Product Registration          學工程或生命科學領
Specialist                    域者優
                              Degree, preferable
                              from Pharmaceutical,
                              Medical Engineering,
                              or Life Science field

醫藥銷售專員                        大專院校,生命科學                  2-4          5,000        8,000     20,000      30,000        40,000       60,000
Medical Sales Executive       領域者優
                              Degree, preferable
                              from a Life Science

臨床研究助理                        理學院學位,製藥相                  1-2          5,000        8,000     18,000      22,000        35,000       50,000
Clinical Research Assistant   關者優
                              Degree from a Science
                              field, preferably

資訊科技 Information Technology
                                                                     China                Hong Kong                  Taiwan
           職位                     條件要求            所需年資          (月薪/人民幣)                  (月薪/港幣)                (月薪/新台幣)
          Position               Qualification   Experience   Monthly Salary in RMB    Monthly Salary in HK$   Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                   (年)        最低薪資        最高薪資         最低薪資        最高薪資        最低薪資        最高薪資
                                                  In Years     Min.        Max.         Min.        Max.        Min.        Max.

資訊長                          理科/資訊相關碩士/             10+         50,000       150,000    150,000     300,000     200,000     500,000
Chief Information Officer    企業管理碩士/博士
(CIO)                        學位

資訊技術協理                       理科/資訊相關學士/             8+          35,000       60,000     100,000      210,000    150,000     400,000
IT Director/VP               碩士/博士學位

資訊技術經理/資訊管理                  大專院校/文憑                5+          20,000       35,000      60,000      80,000      90,000      150,000
經理                           Degree/Diploma
IT/MIS Manager

亞太區域業務經理/協理                  大專院校/文憑                8+          60,000       120,000    125,000      160,000    250,000     500,000
Regional Sales Manager/      Degree/Diploma

業務開發經理/協理                    大專院校以上                 6+          30,000       60,000      80,000      125,000    180,000     400,000
Business Development         Degree above

業務經理/協理                      大專院校/文憑                5+          25,000       60,000      50,000      70,000     120,000     350,000
Sales Manager/Director       Degree/Diploma

客戶關係經理                       大專院校以上                 5+          25,000       50,000      40,000      60,000     100,000     200,000
Sales Account Manager        Degree above

產品經理                         大專院校以上                 5+          20,000       50,000      60,000      80,000     100,000      180,000
Product Manager              Degree above

(解決方案)專案經理                   大專院校以上                 5+          25,000       50,000     100,000      125,000    120,000     250,000
(Solution) Program/Project   Degree above

解決方案經理                       大專院校以上                 5+          20,000       50,000      60,000      100,000    100,000     250,000
Solution Implementation      Degree above

網路管理部經理                      大專院校以上                 6+          20,000       50,000      60,000      90,000     150,000     250,000
Architect/Infrastructure     Degree above

系統分析師                        大專院校以上                 3+          15,000       30,000      30,000      80,000      80,000      150,000
System Analyst               Degree above

軟體開發人員/ 程式設計師                大專院校以上                 2+           8,000        17,000     20,000      70,000      80,000     200,000
Software Developer/          Degree above

網絡/系統工程師                     大專院校以上                 1- 3         8,000       25,000      17,000      35,000      60,000      120,000
Network/System Engineer      Degree above

網絡/系統管理人員                    大專院校以上                 1- 3         6,000        15,000     17,000      30,000      50,000       80,000
Network/Systems              Degree above

 16 Greater China Salary Guide 2011
Greater China Salary Guide 2011

資訊科技 Information Technology
                                                                                                     China                             Hong Kong                                Taiwan
              職位                              條件要求                     所需年資                  (月薪/人民幣)                               (月薪/港幣)                              (月薪/新台幣)
             Position                        Qualification            Experience           Monthly Salary in RMB                 Monthly Salary in HK$                 Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                                          (年)              最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資
                                                                         In Years           Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.

客服工程師                                 大專院校/文憑                               2+                  6,000            12,000              12,000           25,000              50,000            80,000
Helpdesk Support                      Degree/Diploma

技術諮詢人員/顧問                             大專院校以上                                2+                 10,000           25,000              40,000            80,000              80,000           150,000
Technical Consultant                  Degree above

技術支援人員                                大專院校/文憑                               2+                  8,000           20,000               15,000           28,000              60,000           100,000
Technical Support                     Degree/Diploma

資料庫管理師/分析師                            大專院校/文憑                               2-8                 8,000           25,000              25,000            60,000              60,000           120,000
Database Administrator/               Degree/Diploma

網站管理員                                 大專院校/文憑                               2+                  8,000           25,000               15,000           35,000              50,000            80,000
Web Master                            Degree/Diploma

網站開發人員/設計人員                           大專院校/文憑                               2+                  8,000            18,000              17,000           35,000              60,000           100,000
Web Developer/Web                     Degree/Diploma

1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。
2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建
3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。
1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type.
2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual
3. All salaries are listed in local currency.

工程技術 Technical Engineering
                                                                                                     China                            Hong Kong                                 Taiwan
              職位                              條件要求                     所需年資                  (月薪/人民幣)                               (月薪/港幣)                              (月薪/新台幣)
             Position                        Qualification            Experience           Monthly Salary in RMB                 Monthly Salary in HK$                 Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                                          (年)              最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資                最低薪資              最高薪資
                                                                         In Years           Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.                Min.              Max.

(大型公共建設) 專案工程師 電子工程、機械工程                                                  3 - 6+                8,000            15,000                 N/A               N/A             80,000           150,000
Transportation/Construction 或土木工程
Project Engineer            BS/MS/PhD - EE, ME,
                            Civil Engineering

(大型公共建設) 專案經理               電子工程、機械工程                                       5+                 12,000           20,000                  N/A               N/A            150,000          300,000
Transportation/Construction 或土木工程
Project Manager             BA/MS/PhD - EE, ME,
                            Civil Engineering

(LED產業)供應商開發工                         機械工程、電子工程                             5+                 10,000           20,000              20,000            28,000             100,000          200,000
程師                                    ME,EE
LED Supplier Development

(LED產業)供應商品質工               機械工程、電子工程                                       5+                 10,000           20,000              20,000            25,000             100,000          200,000
程師                          ME,EE
Automobile Supplier Quality

(LED產業) 技術支援工程師                       電子工程、工業工程                             3+                  8,000            15,000              15,000           25,000             100,000          200,000
LED Field Application                 EE, Industrial
Engineer                              Engineering

(LED產業) 業務工程師                         電子工程、工業工程                             3-5                 8,000            15,000              15,000           25,000              80,000           150,000
LED Sales Engineer                    EE, Industrial

(LED產業)技術銷售經理                         電子工程                                  8+                 15,000           25,000              30,000            50,000             150,000          300,000
LED Technical Sales                   EE

(TFT-LCD產業) 製造總部主管 電子工程、工業工                                                 8+                 15,000           25,000              40,000            60,000             200,000          350,000
Head of Production 程、機械工程
                   BS/MS/PhD - EE, IE,

(TFT-LCD產業) 研發部主管                     電子工程、工業工                              8+                 20,000           35,000              50,000            80,000             300,000          600,000
Head of R&D                           程、機械工程
                                      BS/MS/PhD - EE, IE,

(TFT-LCD產業) 業務開發部主 電子工程、工業工                                                 8+                 15,000           30,000              50,000            80,000             250,000          500,000
管 Head of Sales    程、機械工程
                   BS/MS/PhD - EE, IE,

(電子/半導體產業) 採購主                        電子工程、工業工                              8+                 15,000           30,000              35,000            70,000             200,000          500,000
管 Head of Procurement                 程、機械工程
                                      BS/MS/PhD - EE, IE,

(電子/半導體產業) 品保主                        電子工程、工業工                              8+                 15,000           25,000              35,000            70,000             180,000          300,000
管 Head of Quality                     程、機械工程
                                      BS/MS/PhD - EE, IE,

1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。
2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建
3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。
1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type.
2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual
3. All salaries are listed in local currency.

 18 Greater China Salary Guide 2011
Greater China Salary Guide 2011

工程技術 Technical Engineering
                                                                      China               Hong Kong                    Taiwan
          職位                     條件要求              所需年資          (月薪/人民幣)                 (月薪/港幣)                  (月薪/新台幣)
         Position               Qualification     Experience   Monthly Salary in RMB   Monthly Salary in HK$     Monthly Salary in NT$

                                                    (年)        最低薪資        最高薪資        最低薪資        最高薪資          最低薪資         最高薪資
                                                   In Years     Min.        Max.        Min.        Max.          Min.         Max.

(電子/半導體產業)                  電子工程、工業工                 10+         20,000       40,000     50,000      80,000       250,000      500,000
業務主管                        程、機械工程、企業
Semiconductor Equipment     管理碩士
Sales Head                  EE, IE, ME, MBA

(自動化產業) 業務經理                電子工程、工業工                 8+          18,000       30,000     30,000      45,000       120,000      300,000
Automation Field Business   程、企業管理碩士
Manager                     EE, Industrial
                            Engineering, MBA

(製造業)廠長/總經理                 工程相關科系                   8+          25,000       40,000     30,000      50,000       150,000      300,000
Industrial Manufacturing    Engineering related
- Plant Manager/General

(製造業)製造工程部門管                工程相關科系                   7+          18,000       28,000     30,000      40,000       100,000      150,000
理階層                         Engineering related
Industrial Manufacturing
- Production Engineering
Management Level

(製造業)品管部門管理階層               工程相關科系                   7+          18,000       28,000     30,000      40,000       120,000      180,000
Industrial Manufacturing    Engineering related
- Quality Control
Management Level

(製造業)製造部門管理階層               工程相關科系                   7+          18,000       28,000     25,000      40,000       100,000      150,000
Industrial Manufacturing    Engineering related
- Manufacturing
Management Level

(化學應用) 產品經理                 化學,化學工程和材                7+          20,000       40,000        N/A         N/A       120,000      250,000
Chemical Application -      料科學
Product Manager             Chemistry/Chemical
                            Engineering and
                            Material Science

(化學應用)業務經理/協理               化學,化學工程和材                5+          20,000       35,000        N/A         N/A       120,000      300,000
Chemical Application -      料科學
Sales Manager/Director      Chemistry/Chemical
                            Engineering and
                            Material Science

事業部負責人                      電子工程、企業管理                12+         25,000       40,000     60,000      100,000      250,000      500,000
Business Unit Head          碩士
                            EE, MBA

IC營運總監/協理                   電子工程、機械工                 10+         20,000       40,000     40,000      60,000       200,000      350,000
IC/Components Operation     程、工業工程
VP or Director              EE, ME, IE

IC業務經理/協理/總監                電子工程、工程相關                5+          10,000       30,000     25,000      60,000       150,000      350,000
IC/Components Sales         科系
Manger/Director/VP          EE or engineering

IC採購(資深)經理                  電子工程、工程相關                7+          15,000       35,000     30,000      40,000       200,000      400,000
IC/Components (Sr.)         科系
Procurement Manager         EE or engineering

2011 adecco gc salary guide
2011 adecco gc salary guide
2011 adecco gc salary guide

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2011 adecco gc salary guide

  • 1. Greater China Salary Guide 2011 2011大中華薪資指南
  • 2. 2011年Adecco大中華薪資指南 Welcome to the Adecco Greater China Salary Guide 2011. 本指南為 Adecco 2011 年首版的大中華區薪資指南,針對大 經濟表現及觀感皆在水準之上,預計2011年各產業將持續成 中華區薪資趨勢及職缺整理製作出各產業的薪資概況。近幾 長,平均薪資預計將成長約3.6%。為因應本地及全球擴展營 年多數企業皆積極至大中華地區拓展業務,而大中華區之求 業需求,一般認為前線職缺也將會增加。而海外的人力外派 才市場需求因此蓬勃成長。企業雇主必須提供具競爭性的薪 仍是控制資本開支及維持成長的首要方法。預期2011年香港 資福利,才能網羅並留住優秀人才。有鑑於此,Adecco彙整 企業將面臨網羅與留住人才的挑戰。 來自中國、香港以及台灣等地專業人才市場的Adecco客戶所 提供資訊,針對會計財務、金融、行政管理、業務行銷、產 台灣招募概況 品採購與物流、醫藥、資訊科技與工程技術等八項產業進行 台灣就業市場在2010年已見復甦,預期2011年仍能穩健成 分析,提出未來一年的薪資期望及薪資預報之數據。 長。兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)簽署後,外商投資已有 所增加。目前光電、綠能、半導體、生物科技、雲端運算、 中國招募概況 醫療器材、財政金融等許多產業,依然呈現專業人才短缺的 中國已晉升為世界第二大經濟體,2010年中國經濟快速成 現象。越來越多跨國公司在中國設立營運後勤支援單位。 長,因此人才招募需求仍不斷上升。外資企業亦持續在當地 而當地大型企業尋求能助其邁向全球化的跨國人才。由此可 進行直接投資,顯示外資信心十足,中國各大產業前景看 知,未來的一年,留住及網羅人才對台灣企業雇主而言將是 好,預計多數企業在2011年將增聘更多員工。然而,由於人 關鍵。 才庫仍舊有限,中國企業面對的最大難題不僅是如何吸引新 希望這份薪資指南能協助您對大中華地區人力市場的薪資動 人才,更包括如何留住現有的優秀員工。 向趨勢的瞭解,有助於您未來在進行企業人才招募時的最佳 香港招募概況 參考工具。如有任何人資相關需求,請與我們聯絡,我們將 揭力為您服務。 香港各大企業在2010年的表現多半符合或優於預期。整體 The world of work is 轉變中的工作世界 changing. We are pleased to present our first version of the Adecco Greater The hiring environment in Hong Kong China salary guide 2011, a comprehensive reference tool on Most businesses in Hong Kong performed up to expectations the salary trends and job titles across industries in Greater or better than expected in 2010. Hong Kong's overall economic China region. While most companies are seeking to expand performance and sentiment remained high and is expected to their business or extend their operation, recruitment market grow in 2011 across different industries. The average salary is will have a consistent growth in Greater China. Employers must expected to increase by around 3.6%. Front-line positions are offer competitive compensation to secure and retain the top expected to increase to harmonize business expansion locally talents. Adecco derives from our employers and candidates and globally. Offshore outsourcing remains the primary tool to in the professional labour market in China, Hong Kong and control capital expenses and maintain growth. Talent retention Taiwan to provide the hiring expectation, salary forecasts over and attraction will be the main challenge for companies in the coming year and covers 8 industries such as Accounting 2011. & Finance, Banking, Office, Sales & Marketing, Merchandising & Logistics, Pharmaceutical, Information Technology and The hiring environment in Taiwan Technical Engineering. Taiwan recruitment market has picked up in 2010 and expected continue growing smoothly in 2011. Foreign investment in The hiring environment in China Taiwan has been increase after the signing of the cross- China's economy grew to be the second largest in the world and strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). hiring has continued to maintain an uptrend due to the nation's Talent shortage in professional level in many fields, such as strong economic growth in 2010. Foreign companies have optoelectronics, green energy, semiconductors, Bio-technology, continued to make direct cloud computing, Medical Equipment, finance, ...etc. More investments, indicating that multinational companies are setting up reporting line of confidence remains high. business and back office function in China. Local big firms This is spread across all are looking cross-broader talent to assist company to be sectors and most companies globalized. Talent retention and attraction will be critical to are expected to continue companies in 2011. to hire new staff in 2011. However, as the talent pool We hope the Adecco Greater China salary guide will be useful remains limited, the main in your staffing efforts and valuable in helping for what's going challenge facing companies to happen next from the Greater China vision. We welcome will not only be the difficulty your feedback and do not hesitate to contact us for further of attracting new talent but information. also on retaining their own best employees. Sincerely, Cynthia Chew / CEO of NE Asia Adecco
  • 3. Be ready 你準備好了嗎? to move forward 關於Adecco About Adecco Adecco是全球最大的國際性人力資源服務公司,總部設 Adecco, based in Zurich, Switzerland, is the world's leading provider of HR solutions. We have more than 5500 於瑞士的蘇黎世,目前全球已有5500多家分公司。我 offices servicing a range of clients through an integrated 們的服務內容廣泛,根據企業的需求提供最好的長短期 suit of workforce solutions. The services offered fall into 人力派遣服務、專業正式人員招募服務、派遣及外包服 the broad categories of temporary staffing, permanent placement, outsourcing, consulting and outplacement. 務、企業訓練與員工轉職等服務。Adecco為《財富》雜 The Adecco Group is a Fortune Global 500 company. 誌 (Fortune) 評為世界前500大企業。 Adecco Greater China 大中華區 We are connected to thousands of jobs at reputable companies in almost every major city in the Greater Adecco在大中華地區多座主要城市與數間知名企業攜手 China region. With the widest and most comprehensive 合作,掌握千萬份工作機會。目前在業界中擁有最廣泛 range of staffing services in the industry, Adecco 且完整的人力資源服務範圍,未來Adecco將持續與大中 continues to form strong and long-term relationship with our clients throughout the region to provide effective 華區客戶建立長期穩固的合作關係,以因地制宜提供有 staffing solutions on a local and regional basis. 效與專業的人力資源服務,滿足客戶的各樣需求。 Disclaimer: 以下數據是由Adecco在2010年期間的各項職缺之平均薪資所得,其超時工資、佣金、各項津貼和獎金,均不列入計算。 本薪資指南內的資訊,係蒐集並彙整中國、香港和台灣Adecco之客戶和求職者。其資料僅供參考,未經本公司同意,嚴禁複製或轉載。 The information provided are average salaries derived from positions that Adecco recruited throughout the year of 2010. The salaries exclude overtime, payment, commissions, allowances and bonuses. The salary guide is representative of data collected and compiled from clients and candidates by Adecco China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The information should be used as a guideline and should not be reproduced without written prior permission of Adecco. 1
  • 4. 會計及財務領域 Accounting & Finance China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 會計 Accounting 會計經理 財務與會計學位 8+ 18,000 25,000 35,000 60,000 60,000 125,000 Accounting Manager Degree in Finance and Accounting 資深主辦會計 大學以上 5+ 9,000 16,000 30,000 50,000 45,000 70,000 Chief Accountant Degree+ 資深會計 會計學學位 5+ 8,000 15,000 25,000 40,000 40,000 65,000 Senior Accountant Degree in Accounting 成本會計 會計學學位 3-5 7,000 12,000 22,000 35,000 35,000 70,000 Cost Accountant Degree in Accounting 會計人員 會計學學位 3-5 6,000 10,000 20,000 28,000 30,000 55,000 Accountant Degree in Accounting 會計助理 會計學學位 2-4 3,000 5,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 45,000 Assistant Accountant Degree in Accounting 資深帳務員 會計學學位 1-2 2,000 4,000 12,000 16,000 25,000 40,000 Senior Account Clerk Degree in Accounting 帳務員/ 帳務助理 會計學學位 <1 2,000 3,500 10,000 14,000 20,000 30,000 Account Clerk/Assistant Degree in Accounting 審計 Audit 審計長 CIA證照、主修會計 10+ 40,000 60,000 70,000 170,000 130,000 220,000 Head of Audit 與財務 CIA license, major in Accounting and Finance 審計經理 CIA證照、主修會計 8+ 30,000 50,000 35,000 60,000 65,000 110,000 Audit Manager 與財務 CIA license, major in Accounting and Finance 審計副理 CIA證照、主修會計 5+ 25,000 40,000 30,000 40,000 55,000 80,000 Assistant Audit Manager 與財務 CIA license, major in Accounting and Finance 審計主管 CIA證照、主修會計 3-5 18,000 30,000 23,000 30,000 45,000 65,000 Audit Supervisor 與財務 CIA license, major in Accounting and Finance 2 Greater China Salary Guide 2011
  • 5. Greater China Salary Guide 2011 會計及財務領域 Accounting & Finance China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 審計 Audit 資深審計師 CIA證照、主修會計 3-5 18,000 30,000 20,000 28,000 38,000 65,000 Senior Auditor 與財務 CIA license, major in Accounting and Finance 審計員 主修會計與財務 2-4 15,000 25,000 15,000 20,000 35,000 55,000 Auditor Major in Accounting and Finance 初級審計員 主修會計與財務 1-2 10,000 20,000 13,000 16,000 30,000 40,000 Audit Junior Major in Accounting and Finance 內部稽核師 CIA證照、主修會計 2-4 15,000 25,000 20,000 45,000 38,000 55,000 Internal Auditor 與財務 CIA license, major in Accounting and Finance 查帳員 主修會計與財務 <1 5,000 8,000 12,000 18,000 28,000 35,000 Audit Clerk Major in Accounting and Finance 財務 Finance 財務長 財務或會計企業管理 5-20 50,000 120,000 50,000 80,000 100,000 300,000 Financial Controller 碩士 MBA Degree in Finance and Accounting 財務暨行政經理 財務與會計學位 5-10 25,000 50,000 35,000 45,000 70,000 200,000 Finance & Admin Manager Degree in Finance and Accounting 財務經理 財務或會計企業管理 5-10 25,000 50,000 30,000 60,000 80,000 140,000 Finance Manager 碩士 MBA Degree in Finance and Accounting 財務分析師 財務與會計學位 3-6 18,000 30,000 25,000 38,000 45,000 110,000 Financial Analyst Degree in Finance and Accounting 財務助理 財務與會計學位 2-3 8,000 16,000 13,000 17,000 28,000 40,000 Finance Assistant Degree in Finance and Accounting 財務暨行政辦事員 財務與會計學位 1-5 6,000 15,000 12,000 15,000 30,000 75,000 Finance & Admin Clerk Degree in Finance and Accounting 財務儲備幹部 財務與會計學位 <1 3,000 5,000 11,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 Financial Management Degree in Finance and Trainee Accounting 3
  • 6. 會計及財務領域 Accounting & Finance China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 稅務 Tax 稅務長 財務與會計學位 8+ 40,000 70,000 80,000 120,000 100,000 200,000 Head of Tax Degree in Finance and Accounting 稅務經理 財務與會計學位 5+ 30,000 50,000 45,000 55,000 65,000 140,000 Tax Manager Degree in Finance and Accounting 資深稅務會計 財務與會計學位 3-5 15,000 25,000 30,000 45,000 40,000 65,000 Senior Tax Accountant Degree in Finance and Accounting 稅務會計 財務與會計學位 2-4 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 30,000 50,000 Tax Accountant Degree in Finance and Accounting 稅務助理 財務與會計學位 1-2 5,000 10,000 20,000 25,000 20,000 35,000 Tax Assistant Degree in Finance and Accounting 財務 Treasury 財務長 財務與會計學位 5+ 40,000 60,000 80,000 150,000 80,000 220,000 Head of Treasury Degree in Finance and Accounting 財務經理 財務與會計學位 5+ 30,000 45,000 40,000 60,000 50,000 130,000 Treasury Manager Degree in Finance and Accounting 資深財務專員 財務與會計學位 3-5 18,000 25,000 35,000 45,000 35,000 55,000 Senior Treasury Degree in Finance and Accounting 財務會計 財務與會計學位 2-4 8,000 20,000 25,000 40,000 30,000 45,000 Treasury Accountant Degree in Finance and Accounting 財務專員 財務與會計學位 2-4 6,000 18,000 18,000 30,000 30,000 45,000 Treasury Officer Degree in Finance and Accounting 財務辦事員 財務與會計學位 <1 3,000 5,000 12,000 15,000 25,000 35,000 Treasury Clerk Degree in Finance and Accounting 註釋: 1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。 2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建 議僅供企業在做薪資政策規劃時之參考。 3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。 Footnote: 1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type. 2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual companies. 3. All salaries are listed in local currency. 4 Greater China Salary Guide 2011
  • 7. Greater China Salary Guide 2011 金融 Banking China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 消費金融 Consumer Banking 分行經理 商業學士 10+ 25,000 40,000 40,000 50,000 90,000 180,000 Branch Manager Bachelor degree in Business 營運經理 學士學位 6+ 15,000 30,000 30,000 35,000 90,000 150,000 Operations Manager Bachelor degree 營運副理 學士學位 4+ 10,000 18,000 25,000 30,000 65,000 80,000 Assistant Operations Bachelor degree Manager 客戶關係經理 學士學位 8+ 18,000 30,000 20,000 25,000 90,000 200,000 Customer Relationship Bachelor degree Manager 營運主管 學士學位 3+ 6,000 10,000 18,000 22,000 45,000 55,000 Operation Supervisor Bachelor degree 個人金融服務專員 商業學士 3+ 5,000 8,000 15,000 20,000 45,000 60,000 Personal Banking Officer Bachelor degree in Business 銀行專員 商業學士 6+ 6,000 8,000 13,000 18,000 45,000 60,000 Bank Officer Bachelor degree in Business 銀行櫃檯出納 商業學士 1-2 3,000 5,000 12,000 15,000 30,000 36,000 Bank Teller Bachelor degree in Business 中檯專員 學士學位 3+ 5,000 7,000 13,000 18,000 60,000 150,000 Middle Office Officer Bachelor degree 客服專員 學士學位 1-2 4,000 6,000 12,000 15,000 30,000 38,000 Customer Service Bachelor degree Representative 銀行助理 學士學位 1-2 4,000 6,000 10,000 12,000 28,000 35,000 Bank Assistant Bachelor degree 金融辦事員 學士學位 <1 3,000 5,000 9,000 11,000 30,000 35,000 Banking Clerk Bachelor degree 金融交易業務人員 學士學位 >3 25,000 40,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 200,000 TMU Bachelor degree 市場風險經理 學士學位 >5 30,000 45,000 50,000 60,000 80,000 160,000 Market Risk Bachelor degree 金融同業業務經理 學士學位 >5 30,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 80,000 160,000 FI Sales Bachelor degree 交易支援助理 學士學位 1-2 15,000 30,000 40,000 60,000 30,000 35,000 Dealing/Trade Support Bachelor degree Assistant 5
  • 8. 金融 Banking China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 監察&信用分析 Compliance & Credit Analysis 法規事務經理 財務或法律學歷,具 5+ 23,000 38,000 50,000 70,000 120,000 160,000 Compliance Manager 內部稽核或法規遵循/ 法律相關經驗 Degree in Finance or Law; experience in internal audit or compliance/law 法規事務專員 財務或法律學歷,具 2-4 13,000 25,000 30,000 40,000 65,000 80,000 Compliance Officer 內部稽核或法規遵循/ 法律相關經驗 Degree in Finance or Law; experience in internal audit or compliance/law 授信經理 財務/會計學士 6+ 23,000 35,000 45,000 55,000 80,000 150,000 Credit Manager Bachelor degree in Finance/accounting 信用審核/核准經理 財務/會計學士 10+ 30,000 45,000 45,000 55,000 100,000 160,000 Credit Approval Manager Bachelor degree in Finance/accounting 信用核證專員 財務/會計學士 8+ 25,000 40,000 25,000 35,000 80,000 90,000 Credit Approval Officer Bachelor degree in Finance/accounting 信貸分析師/專員 財務/會計學士 6+ 18,000 25,000 22,000 25,000 65,000 75,000 Credit Analyst/Officer Bachelor degree in Finance/accounting 資深信貸/信用辦事員 財務/會計學士 4+ 7,000 13,000 15,000 18,000 45,000 55,000 Senior Credit/Loans Clerk Bachelor degree in Finance/accounting 證券 Securities 結算部經理 學士學位 8+ 22,000 50,000 45,000 55,000 80,000 250,000 Settlement Manager Bachelor degree 結算部專員 學士學位 6+ 12,000 25,000 20,000 30,000 65,000 100,000 Settlement Officer Bachelor degree 結算部辦事員 學士學位 1-2 5,000 8,000 15,000 20,000 45,000 65,000 Settlement Clerk Bachelor degree 註釋: 1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。 2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建 議僅供企業在做薪資政策規劃時之參考。 3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。 Footnote: 1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type. 2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual companies. 3. All salaries are listed in local currency. 6 Greater China Salary Guide 2011
  • 9. Greater China Salary Guide 2011 行政管理 Office China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 人力資源 Human Resources 人資長/人資副總/協理 大專院校或以上 10-15+ 50,000 150,000 80,000 150,000 120,000 200,000 HR Head/HR Director/VP Degree and above 區域人資經理/協理 大專院校或以上 8+ 30,000 60,000 40,000 65,000 80,000 150,000 Regional HR Manager/ Degree and above Director 人資/招募/薪酬福利經理/ 大專院校或以上 5-8+ 18,000 40,000 30,000 60,000 60,000 110,000 人資事業夥伴 Degree and above HR/Staffing/C&B Manager/ Business Partner 教育訓練經理/講師 大專院校或以上 8+ 20,000 50,000 30,000 60,000 65,000 100,000 Training Manager/Trainer Degree and above 人資副理 大專院校或以上 3-5+ 12,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 45,000 60,000 HR Assistant Manager Degree and above 人資專員 大專院校或以上 2-4 8,000 18,000 13,000 28,000 30,000 45,000 HR Officer/Specialist/ Degree and above Executive 人資專員/助理 大專院校或以上 1-2 5,000 9,000 9,000 13,000 30,000 40,000 HR Administrator/Assistant Degree and above 人資培訓/人資儲備幹部 大專院校或以上 <1 3,500 8,000 9,000 12,000 28,000 35,000 HR Trainee Degree and above 法務 Legal 法務協理 大專院校或以上,具 10 35,000 120,000 90,000 140,000 150,000 250,000 Legal Director 證照者優 Degree and above; with license preferred 法務經理 大專院校或以上,具 5+ 20,000 80,000 40,000 100,000 80,000 120,000 Legal Manager 證照者優 Degree and above; with license preferred 法務專員 大專院校或以上 3+ 12,000 30,000 30,000 70,000 45,000 60,000 Legal Officer Degree and above 採購 Procurement 區域採購經理 大專院校或以上 8+ 30,000 60,000 60,000 80,000 80,000 100,000 Regional Procurement Degree and above Manager 採購經理/資深採購 大專院校/文憑 5+ 20,000 50,000 30,000 45,000 60,000 70,000 Procurement Manager/Sr. Degree/ Diploma Buyer 7
  • 10. 行政管理 Office China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 採購 Procurement 採購主管 採購主任 大專院校/文憑 3-5 10,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 55,000 65,000 Procurement Supervisor Degree/ Diploma 採購專員 大專院校/文憑 2-3 6,000 18,000 18,000 25,000 40,000 50,000 Procurement Officer Degree/Diploma 採購助理 大專院校/文憑 1-2 3,500 8,000 13,000 15,000 30,000 32,000 Procurement Assistant Degree/Diploma 行政管理支援 Administration & Office Support 行政經理/管理部經理/辦公 大專院校 8+ 10,000 30,000 35,000 45,000 70,000 80,000 大樓設備管理經理 Degree Administrative Manager/ Office Manager/Facility Manager 執行助理 大專院校 5+ 8,000 45,000 25,000 45,000 50,000 70,000 Executive Assistant Degree 行政專員 大專院校 3-6 6,000 20,000 15,000 25,000 40,000 60,000 Administrative Officer Degree 行政助理 大專院校 1-4 3,000 6,000 11,000 15,000 30,000 45,000 Administrative Assistant Degree 櫃臺接待人員 大專院校/文憑 1-2 2,500 8,000 12,000 18,000 25,000 35,000 Receptionist Degree/Diploma 辦公室助理 大專院校/文憑 1-2 2,000 5,000 9,000 10,000 25,000 35,000 Office Assistant Degree/Diploma 資料輸入人員 大專院校/文憑 <1 2,000 5,000 8,000 11,000 22,000 25000 Data Entry Clerk Degree/Diploma 司機/駕駛 大專院校/文憑 2-4 3,000 15,000 14,000 20,000 40,000 55,000 Driver Degree/Diploma 註釋: 1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。 2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建 議僅供企業在做薪資政策規劃時之參考。 3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。 Footnote: 1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type. 2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual companies. 3. All salaries are listed in local currency. 8 Greater China Salary Guide 2011
  • 11. Greater China Salary Guide 2011 行政管理 Office China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 電話客服 Call Centre 電話客服經理 大專院校 8+ 15,000 30,000 45,000 60,000 60,000 90,000 Call Centre Manager Degree 副理 大專院校 4-7 10,000 20,000 35,000 45,000 50,000 70,000 Assistant Manager Degree 主任/組長 大專院校 2-4 7,000 10,000 16,000 24,000 40,000 50,000 Supervisor/Team Leader Degree 資深電話客服人員 大專院校 2-3 6,000 10,000 12,000 15,000 40,000 55,000 Senior Call Centre Degree Representative 客服熱線專員 大專院校/文憑 1-3 2,000 6,000 9,000 13,000 28,000 40,000 Helpdesk/Hotline Officer Degree/Diploma 電話客服助理 大專院校/文憑 1-3 2,000 5,000 9,000 13,000 28,000 40,000 Call Centre Assistant Degree/Diploma 客戶服務 Customer Service 客服經理 大專院校 8+ 10,000 20,000 35,000 45,000 60,000 80,000 Customer Service Manager Degree 客服主任 大專院校 5+ 6,000 12,000 20,000 25,000 50,000 70,000 Customer Service Degree Supervisor 客服專員 大專院校 3-5 2,000 6,000 15,000 20,000 35,000 50,000 Customer Service Specialist Degree 客服專員 大專院校 3-5 2,000 6,000 14,000 18,000 35,000 50,000 Customer Service Executive Degree 客服助理 大專院校 1 1,800 5,000 9,000 14,000 28,000 35,000 Customer Service Assistant Degree 秘書 Secretarial 執行秘書 大專院校 7+ 10,000 45,000 30,000 40,000 60,000 70,000 Executive Secretary Degree 資深秘書 大專院校 4-6 10,000 45,000 28,000 35,000 50,000 70,000 Senior Secretary Degree 秘書 大專院校 2-4 5,000 10,000 18,000 28,000 35,000 50,000 Secretary Degree 助理秘書 大專院校 1-2 3,000 5,000 12,000 14,000 28,000 40,000 Junior Secretary Degree 9
  • 12. 業務&行銷 Sales & Marketing China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 廣告 Advertising 業務總監/資深客戶經理 學士或以上 6+ 30,000 40,000 40,000 50,000 80,000 130,000 Account Director Bachelor or above 業務經理/客戶經理 學士或以上 4+ 15,000 25,000 18,000 24,000 60,000 80,000 Account Manager Bachelor or above 業務副理/客戶副理 學士或以上 3+ 8,000 20,000 15,000 18,000 30,000 50,000 Assistant Account Manager Bachelor or above 平面設計師 學士或以上 2-4 8,000 20,000 8,000 18,000 30,000 55,000 Graphic Designer Bachelor or above 業務主任/客戶主任 學士或以上 1-2 5,000 15,000 10,000 15,000 35,000 45,000 Account Executive Bachelor or above 執行製作 學士或以上 2-4 15,000 30,000 8,000 12,000 25,000 40,000 Production Executive Bachelor or above 初級平面設計師 學士或以上 1-2 4,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 25,000 30,000 Junior Graphic Designer Bachelor or above 製作助理 學士或以上 1-2 8,000 15,000 8,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 Production Assistant Bachelor or above 行銷 Marketing 行銷總監 商業管理碩士 10+ 30,000 50,000 40,000 60,000 150,000 200,000 Head of Marketing MBA 行銷經理 學士或以上 8+ 20,000 40,000 30,000 40,000 100,000 150,000 Marketing Manager Bachelor or above 行銷副理 學士或以上 6+ 15,000 25,000 22,000 30,000 50,000 80,000 Assistant Marketing Bachelor or above Manager 產品行銷經理 學士或以上 3-5 12,000 25,000 18,000 25,000 70,000 100,000 Product Marketing Manager Bachelor or above 資深行銷企劃人員 學士或以上 2-3 10,000 20,000 13,000 18,000 40,000 60,000 Senior Marketing Executive Bachelor or above 行銷企劃人員 學士或以上 1-2 5,000 10,000 10,000 13,000 30,000 45,000 Marketing Executive Bachelor or above 資料庫行銷人員 學士或以上 2-3 8,000 20,000 18,000 25,000 40,000 60,000 Database Marketing/CRM Bachelor or above 網站企劃行銷人員 學士或以上 2-3 5,000 8,000 15,000 18,000 40,000 60,000 Internet Marketing Executive Bachelor or above 註釋: 1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。 2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建 議僅供企業在做薪資政策規劃時之參考。 3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。 Footnote: 1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type. 2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual companies. 3. All salaries are listed in local currency. 10 Greater China Salary Guide 2011
  • 13. Greater China Salary Guide 2011 業務&行銷 Sales & Marketing China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 行銷 Marketing 活動企劃人員 學士或以上 2-3 5,000 8,000 15,000 18,000 40,000 60,000 Event Marketing Executive Bachelor or above 市場研究員 學士或以上 0-2 3,000 8,000 8,000 12,000 33,000 55,000 Market Researcher Bachelor or above 行銷企劃助理 學士或以上 0-2 3,000 6,000 8,000 12,000 25,000 38,000 Marketing Assistant Bachelor or above 電話行銷員 學士或以上 <1 1,500 3,500 N/A N/A 20,000 25,000 Telemarketer Bachelor or above 公關 Public Relations 公關經理 學士或以上 5+ 20,000 50,000 30,000 60,000 66,000 120,000 PR Manager Bachelor or above 企業行銷傳播經理 學士或以上 5-10 20,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 80,000 150,000 Corporate Communication Bachelor or above Manager 公關專員 學士或以上 3-5 8,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 45,000 60,000 PR Specialist Bachelor or above 公關專員/代表 學士或以上 3-5 5,000 12,000 12,000 15,000 30,000 50,000 PR Officer/Representative Bachelor or above 公關助理 學士或以上 1-2 5,000 10,000 8,000 12,000 25,000 35,000 PR Assistant Bachelor or above 零售 Retail 品牌經理 學士或以上,具商業 4+ 18,000 30,000 50,000 65,000 80,000 130,000 Brand Manager 碩士學位者優 Bachelor or above; prefer MBA 零售營運經理 學士或以上 10+ 20,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 70,000 130,000 Retail Operations Manager Bachelor or above 店面經理 專科或以上 8+ 15,000 25,000 25,000 40,000 45,000 80,000 Shop/Store Manager College or above 營運副理 專科或以上 4-6+ 1,000 20,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 80,000 Assistant Operations College or above Manager 櫃檯經理 高中或以上 4+ 8,000 18,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 65,000 Counter Manager High school or above 品牌專員 專科或以上 1-2 5,000 10,000 10,000 13,000 35,000 50,000 Brand Executive College or above 店長 高中或以上 2-4 8,000 15,000 18,000 22,000 30,000 65,000 Shop/Store Supervisor High school or above 11
  • 14. 業務&行銷 Sales & Marketing China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 零售 Retail 業務專員 高中或以上 1-2 4,000 8,000 10,000 15,000 35,000 45,000 Sales Representative High school or above 美容講師 專科或以上 2-4 6,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 80,000 Beauty Trainer College or above 美容顧問 高中或以上 1-2 2,000 5,000 10,000 13,000 25,000 50,000 Beauty Advisor High school or above 消費性產業 FMCG 業務總監 碩士學歷 10+ 15,000 30,000 65,000 75,000 100,000 150,000 Head of Sales Master 區業務經理 學士或以上 10+ 15,000 25,000 50,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 Area Sales Manager Bachelor or above 業務/銷售通路區經理 學士或以上 8+ 15,000 25,000 40,000 50,000 50,000 70,000 Sales/Channel Sales Area Bachelor or above Manager 業務經理 學士或以上 5+ 10,000 25,000 30,000 40,000 60,000 120,000 Sales Manager Bachelor or above 服務執行經理 學士或以上 5+ 10,000 25,000 25,000 35,000 60,000 100,000 Service Delivery Manager Bachelor or above 策略/主要客戶業務經理 學士或以上 5+ 20,000 40,000 25,000 35,000 60,000 100,000 Strategic/Major Account Bachelor or above Manager 業務副理 學士或以上 3-5 15,000 25,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 70,000 Assistant Sales Manager Bachelor or above 資深業務專員 專科或以上 2-4 10,000 20,000 15,000 20,000 35,000 55,000 Senior Sales Executive College or above 業務專員 專科或以上 1-2 7,000 15,000 10,000 13,000 30,000 50,000 Sales Executive College or above 業務聯絡 專科或以上 1-2 4,000 10,000 10,000 13,000 25,000 40,000 Sales Co-coordinator College or above 業務助理 專科或以上 1-2 3,000 8,000 9,000 12,000 25,000 35,000 Sales Assistant College or above 促銷人員 高中或以上 <1 1,500 5,000 8,000 9,000 20,000 50,000 Promoter High school & Above 電話行銷人員 高中或以上 <1 2,000 5,000 8,000 9,000 20,000 25,000 Telemarketer High school & Above 12 Greater China Salary Guide 2011
  • 15. Greater China Salary Guide 2011 產品採購&物流 Merchandising & Logistics China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 採購 Merchandising 採購經理 大專院校/文憑 8 - 10+ 15,000 40,000 40,000 50,000 70,000 120,000 Merchandising Manager Degree/Diploma 採購副理 大專院校/文憑 8+ 10,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 55,000 70,000 Assistant Merchandising Degree/Diploma Manager 資深採購 大專院校/文憑 5-8+ 8,500 25,000 20,000 30,000 45,000 65,000 Sr. Merchandiser Degree/Diploma 採購人員 大專院校/文憑 3-5 7,000 15,000 14,000 18,000 35,000 55,000 Jr. Merchandiser Degree/Diploma 採購助理 文憑 1-3 5,000 10,000 8,000 14,000 24,000 32,000 Merchandising Assistant Diploma 運送/ 物流 Shipping / Logistics 物流經理 大專院校/文憑 5-8+ 15,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 65,000 120,000 Logistics Manager Degree/Diploma 物流副理 大專院校/文憑 3-8 12,000 20,000 23,000 35,000 55,000 80,000 Assistant Logistics Manager Degree/Diploma 船務主任 大專院校/文憑 3-5 9,000 15,000 18,000 23,000 45,000 55,000 Shipping Supervisor Degree/Diploma 船務人員 大專院校/文憑 2-4 7,000 10,000 13,000 15,000 32,000 40,000 Shipping Specialist Degree/Diploma 物流專員 大專院校/文憑 2-4 5,000 8,000 13,000 15,000 32,000 40,000 Logistics Specialist Degree/Diploma 品質控管 Quality Control 品管經理 大專院校/文憑 10+ 15,000 30,000 45,000 55,000 80,000 100,000 Quality Control Manager Degree/Diploma 品管副理 大專院校/文憑 5-8 13,000 25,000 35,000 45,000 55,000 70,000 Assistant QC Manager Degree/Diploma 品管專員 大專院校/文憑 3-5 8,000 15,000 18,000 25,000 40,000 60,000 Quality Control Specialist Degree/Diploma 註釋: 1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。 2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建 議僅供企業在做薪資政策規劃時之參考。 3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。 Footnote: 1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type. 2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual companies. 3. All salaries are listed in local currency. 13
  • 16. 產品採購&物流 Merchandising & Logistics China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 供應鍊 Supply Chain 供應鍊經理 大專院校/文憑 8-10+ 20,000 50,000 45,000 55,000 75,000 130,000 Supply Chain Manager Degree/Diploma 供應鍊副理 大專院校/文憑 5-8+ 18,000 35,000 30,000 45,000 60,000 80,000 Supply Chain Assistant Degree/Diploma Manager 供應鍊規劃/需求規劃人員 大專院校/文憑 5 13,000 25,000 20,000 35,000 40,000 75,000 Supply Chain Planner/ Degree/Diploma Demand Planner 供應鍊專員 大專院校/文憑 3-5 10,000 15,000 15,000 18,000 30,000 50,000 Supply Chain Executive Degree/Diploma 供應鏈配置人員 大專院校/文憑 2-4 8,000 12,000 13,000 15,000 30,000 45,000 Supply Chain Coordinator Degree/Diploma 供應鍊助理 大專院校/文憑 1-2 6,000 10,000 10,000 11,000 25,000 32,000 Supply Chain Assistant Degree/Diploma 倉儲 Warehouse 倉儲經理 大專院校/文憑 8+ 15,000 25,000 30,000 38,000 55,000 75,000 Warehouse Manager Degree/Diploma 倉儲副理 大專院校/文憑 5-8 12,000 20,000 23,000 30,000 45,000 60,000 Warehouse Assistant Degree/Diploma Manager 倉儲主管 文憑 3-5 10,000 15,000 18,000 25,000 40,000 55,000 Warehouse Supervisor Diploma 倉儲專員 文憑 1-2 7,000 12,000 14,000 18,000 30,000 38,000 Warehouse Officer Diploma 註釋: 1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。 2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建 議僅供企業在做薪資政策規劃時之參考。 3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。 Footnote: 1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type. 2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual companies. 3. All salaries are listed in local currency. 14 Greater China Salary Guide 2011
  • 17. Greater China Salary Guide 2011 醫藥 Pharmaceutical China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 醫療事業經理 醫藥學士或同等學歷 8-10 20,000 30,000 60,000 80,000 200,000 300,000 Medical Affairs Manager MBBS or equivalent 臨床研究經理 大專院校,藥學或醫 5+ 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 130,000 200,000 Clinical Research Manager 學工程或生命科學領 域者優 Degree, preferable from Pharmaceutical, Medical Engineering, or Life Science field 產品經理 大專院校,藥學或醫 3-5 15,000 25,000 30,000 45,000 130,000 200,000 Product Manager 學工程或生命科學領 域者優 Degree, preferable from Pharmaceutical, Medical Engineering, or Life Science field 法規事務專員 大專院校,藥學或醫 3-5 8,000 15,000 20,000 40,000 50,000 80,000 Regulatory Affairs Executive 學工程或生命科學領 域者優 Degree, preferable from Pharmaceutical, Medical Engineering, or Life Science field 區域業務經理 大專院校,生命科學 8-10 20,000 30,000 50,000 60,000 150,000 300,000 Regional Sales Manager 領域者優 Degree, preferable from a Life Science field 地區業務經理 大專院校,生命科學 5-8 10,000 20,000 40,000 50,000 80,000 150,000 Area Sales Manager 領域者優 Degree, preferable from a Life Science field 藥房通路業務經理 B.S degree, familiar 5-8 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 120,000 OTC/Drugstore Sales with OTC/Drugstore Manager channels 產品登記專員 大專院校,藥學或醫 3-5 6,000 10,000 20,000 35,000 45,000 70,000 Product Registration 學工程或生命科學領 Specialist 域者優 Degree, preferable from Pharmaceutical, Medical Engineering, or Life Science field 醫藥銷售專員 大專院校,生命科學 2-4 5,000 8,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 60,000 Medical Sales Executive 領域者優 Degree, preferable from a Life Science field 臨床研究助理 理學院學位,製藥相 1-2 5,000 8,000 18,000 22,000 35,000 50,000 Clinical Research Assistant 關者優 Degree from a Science field, preferably Pharmacy 15
  • 18. 資訊科技 Information Technology China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 資訊長 理科/資訊相關碩士/ 10+ 50,000 150,000 150,000 300,000 200,000 500,000 Chief Information Officer 企業管理碩士/博士 (CIO) 學位 MS/MBA/PhD 資訊技術協理 理科/資訊相關學士/ 8+ 35,000 60,000 100,000 210,000 150,000 400,000 IT Director/VP 碩士/博士學位 BS/MS/PhD 資訊技術經理/資訊管理 大專院校/文憑 5+ 20,000 35,000 60,000 80,000 90,000 150,000 經理 Degree/Diploma IT/MIS Manager 亞太區域業務經理/協理 大專院校/文憑 8+ 60,000 120,000 125,000 160,000 250,000 500,000 Regional Sales Manager/ Degree/Diploma Director 業務開發經理/協理 大專院校以上 6+ 30,000 60,000 80,000 125,000 180,000 400,000 Business Development Degree above Manager/Director 業務經理/協理 大專院校/文憑 5+ 25,000 60,000 50,000 70,000 120,000 350,000 Sales Manager/Director Degree/Diploma 客戶關係經理 大專院校以上 5+ 25,000 50,000 40,000 60,000 100,000 200,000 Sales Account Manager Degree above 產品經理 大專院校以上 5+ 20,000 50,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 180,000 Product Manager Degree above (解決方案)專案經理 大專院校以上 5+ 25,000 50,000 100,000 125,000 120,000 250,000 (Solution) Program/Project Degree above Manager 解決方案經理 大專院校以上 5+ 20,000 50,000 60,000 100,000 100,000 250,000 Solution Implementation Degree above Manager 網路管理部經理 大專院校以上 6+ 20,000 50,000 60,000 90,000 150,000 250,000 Architect/Infrastructure Degree above Manager 系統分析師 大專院校以上 3+ 15,000 30,000 30,000 80,000 80,000 150,000 System Analyst Degree above 軟體開發人員/ 程式設計師 大專院校以上 2+ 8,000 17,000 20,000 70,000 80,000 200,000 Software Developer/ Degree above Programmer 網絡/系統工程師 大專院校以上 1- 3 8,000 25,000 17,000 35,000 60,000 120,000 Network/System Engineer Degree above 網絡/系統管理人員 大專院校以上 1- 3 6,000 15,000 17,000 30,000 50,000 80,000 Network/Systems Degree above Administrator 16 Greater China Salary Guide 2011
  • 19. Greater China Salary Guide 2011 資訊科技 Information Technology China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 客服工程師 大專院校/文憑 2+ 6,000 12,000 12,000 25,000 50,000 80,000 Helpdesk Support Degree/Diploma 技術諮詢人員/顧問 大專院校以上 2+ 10,000 25,000 40,000 80,000 80,000 150,000 Technical Consultant Degree above 技術支援人員 大專院校/文憑 2+ 8,000 20,000 15,000 28,000 60,000 100,000 Technical Support Degree/Diploma 資料庫管理師/分析師 大專院校/文憑 2-8 8,000 25,000 25,000 60,000 60,000 120,000 Database Administrator/ Degree/Diploma Analyst 網站管理員 大專院校/文憑 2+ 8,000 25,000 15,000 35,000 50,000 80,000 Web Master Degree/Diploma 網站開發人員/設計人員 大專院校/文憑 2+ 8,000 18,000 17,000 35,000 60,000 100,000 Web Developer/Web Degree/Diploma Designer 註釋: 1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。 2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建 議僅供企業在做薪資政策規劃時之參考。 3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。 Footnote: 1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type. 2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual companies. 3. All salaries are listed in local currency. 17
  • 20. 工程技術 Technical Engineering China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. (大型公共建設) 專案工程師 電子工程、機械工程 3 - 6+ 8,000 15,000 N/A N/A 80,000 150,000 Transportation/Construction 或土木工程 Project Engineer BS/MS/PhD - EE, ME, Civil Engineering (大型公共建設) 專案經理 電子工程、機械工程 5+ 12,000 20,000 N/A N/A 150,000 300,000 Transportation/Construction 或土木工程 Project Manager BA/MS/PhD - EE, ME, Civil Engineering (LED產業)供應商開發工 機械工程、電子工程 5+ 10,000 20,000 20,000 28,000 100,000 200,000 程師 ME,EE LED Supplier Development Engineer (LED產業)供應商品質工 機械工程、電子工程 5+ 10,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 100,000 200,000 程師 ME,EE Automobile Supplier Quality Engineer (LED產業) 技術支援工程師 電子工程、工業工程 3+ 8,000 15,000 15,000 25,000 100,000 200,000 LED Field Application EE, Industrial Engineer Engineering (LED產業) 業務工程師 電子工程、工業工程 3-5 8,000 15,000 15,000 25,000 80,000 150,000 LED Sales Engineer EE, Industrial Engineering (LED產業)技術銷售經理 電子工程 8+ 15,000 25,000 30,000 50,000 150,000 300,000 LED Technical Sales EE Manager (TFT-LCD產業) 製造總部主管 電子工程、工業工 8+ 15,000 25,000 40,000 60,000 200,000 350,000 Head of Production 程、機械工程 BS/MS/PhD - EE, IE, ME (TFT-LCD產業) 研發部主管 電子工程、工業工 8+ 20,000 35,000 50,000 80,000 300,000 600,000 Head of R&D 程、機械工程 BS/MS/PhD - EE, IE, ME (TFT-LCD產業) 業務開發部主 電子工程、工業工 8+ 15,000 30,000 50,000 80,000 250,000 500,000 管 Head of Sales 程、機械工程 BS/MS/PhD - EE, IE, ME (電子/半導體產業) 採購主 電子工程、工業工 8+ 15,000 30,000 35,000 70,000 200,000 500,000 管 Head of Procurement 程、機械工程 BS/MS/PhD - EE, IE, ME (電子/半導體產業) 品保主 電子工程、工業工 8+ 15,000 25,000 35,000 70,000 180,000 300,000 管 Head of Quality 程、機械工程 BS/MS/PhD - EE, IE, ME 註釋: 1. 薪資有可能會因地區、人口密度、社會文化、經濟與公司規模、以及行業類型的不同而有所差異。 2. 近年來市場薪資已沒有一個制式的標準。企業通常會因為內部體系的特殊性和組織結構的需求而衡量出可執行的薪資,因此儘管我們以最審慎的態度整合出這份大中華區薪資指南,會因上述原因建 議僅供企業在做薪資政策規劃時之參考。 3. 以上薪資皆以當地幣值為準。 Footnote: 1. Rates may vary due to regional variations, population density, social-culture differences, economic and company size, and industry type. 2. Market rates are becoming much less uniform. While we have taken great care,these salary ranges can only be approximate guides, as there are often specific circumstances relating to individual companies. 3. All salaries are listed in local currency. 18 Greater China Salary Guide 2011
  • 21. Greater China Salary Guide 2011 工程技術 Technical Engineering China Hong Kong Taiwan 職位 條件要求 所需年資 (月薪/人民幣) (月薪/港幣) (月薪/新台幣) Position Qualification Experience Monthly Salary in RMB Monthly Salary in HK$ Monthly Salary in NT$ (年) 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 最低薪資 最高薪資 In Years Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. (電子/半導體產業) 電子工程、工業工 10+ 20,000 40,000 50,000 80,000 250,000 500,000 業務主管 程、機械工程、企業 Semiconductor Equipment 管理碩士 Sales Head EE, IE, ME, MBA (自動化產業) 業務經理 電子工程、工業工 8+ 18,000 30,000 30,000 45,000 120,000 300,000 Automation Field Business 程、企業管理碩士 Manager EE, Industrial Engineering, MBA (製造業)廠長/總經理 工程相關科系 8+ 25,000 40,000 30,000 50,000 150,000 300,000 Industrial Manufacturing Engineering related - Plant Manager/General Manager (製造業)製造工程部門管 工程相關科系 7+ 18,000 28,000 30,000 40,000 100,000 150,000 理階層 Engineering related Industrial Manufacturing - Production Engineering Management Level (製造業)品管部門管理階層 工程相關科系 7+ 18,000 28,000 30,000 40,000 120,000 180,000 Industrial Manufacturing Engineering related - Quality Control Management Level (製造業)製造部門管理階層 工程相關科系 7+ 18,000 28,000 25,000 40,000 100,000 150,000 Industrial Manufacturing Engineering related - Manufacturing Management Level (化學應用) 產品經理 化學,化學工程和材 7+ 20,000 40,000 N/A N/A 120,000 250,000 Chemical Application - 料科學 Product Manager Chemistry/Chemical Engineering and Material Science (化學應用)業務經理/協理 化學,化學工程和材 5+ 20,000 35,000 N/A N/A 120,000 300,000 Chemical Application - 料科學 Sales Manager/Director Chemistry/Chemical Engineering and Material Science 事業部負責人 電子工程、企業管理 12+ 25,000 40,000 60,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 Business Unit Head 碩士 EE, MBA IC營運總監/協理 電子工程、機械工 10+ 20,000 40,000 40,000 60,000 200,000 350,000 IC/Components Operation 程、工業工程 VP or Director EE, ME, IE IC業務經理/協理/總監 電子工程、工程相關 5+ 10,000 30,000 25,000 60,000 150,000 350,000 IC/Components Sales 科系 Manger/Director/VP EE or engineering related IC採購(資深)經理 電子工程、工程相關 7+ 15,000 35,000 30,000 40,000 200,000 400,000 IC/Components (Sr.) 科系 Procurement Manager EE or engineering related 19