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1 Woman: I’m not swimming in the lake unless it warms up outside today.
Man: me neither. Unfortunately I think it's supposed to stay as cold all day.
Q: What can be inferred about the speakers?
2 man: that sweater is so unusual, and yet it looks familiar. Did I just see you wearing it yesterday?
Woman: well, not me. But . . . see, it belongs to my roommate Jill, and she is in your chemistry
Q: What does the Woman imply?
3 Woman: this toothache is killing me! I was hoping it would just go away but it's getting worse by
the minute. What did you say the name of your dentist was?
Man: I told you last week to make that appointment.
Q: what does the Man imply?
4 Man: you wanna go to a lecture tonight over in the science auditorium? It’s some guy who spent a
year living in Antarctica.
Woman: no kidding! I’m doing a report on Antarctica for my geography class. Maybe I can get
some good information to add to it.
Q: what does the Woman mean?
5 Woman: I’d really like to learn how to play chess, but it looks so complicated. it seems like it will
take a really long time to learn.
Man: well, it takes a long time to get good at it. But we can go over the basics the afternoon if you
Q: what does the Man imply?
6 Man: d you think u can lend me that novel when you are finished with it? I've been looking all
over for a copy, but apparently it sold out at all the bookstores.
Woman: oh, it's not mine. It belongs to Alive. But I’ll see what she says.
Q: what will the Woman probably do?
7 Woman: umm . . . are you going to try some of this chocolate pudding? It’s incredible.
Man: well, to be honest with you, I’ve never been a big fan of chocolate.
Q: what does the Man imply?
8 Woman: why don't we go catch the new Italian film at the Pin Street cinema?
Man: that's a little out of the way, doesn’t u think? It’s playing just up the street of the Grow of Two,
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you know.
Q: what does the Man suggest they do?
9 Woman: hi, I know Doctor Wilson's out of town at a conference, but I was wondering. . . um. . .
since she won't be back till next week, if u. . . if u could check in your computer records "n"(and)
find out how I did on her mid-term exam?
Man: I’m sorry, miss. But I’m not authorized to give out that kind of information.
Q: what does the Man mean?
10 Man: you wouldn't believe the line at the auto inspection center. I waited more than two hours to
get through it.
Woman: that's what u get for waiting until the last day of the month.
Q: what does the Woman imply?
11 Woman: you know, I’ll be conducting my psychology experiment this Sat. and I’m going to have
my hands full. So I was wondering if you could help me. Maybe you could register the subjects and
ask 'em (them) a few questions as they come in.
Man: I’ve got some work of my own to do. But I guess I can make some time. Just let me know
what I’m supposed to do.
Q: what does the Man mean?
12 Woman: did you ever get around to cashing that refund check from the bookstore?
Man: oh, gosh! You know what, I must've misplaced that in my desk somewhere. But thanks for
reminding me. My funds are running low, so I’d better in it soon.
Q: what will the Man probably do?
13 Woman: it sounds like Kare isn't happy at all with her new roommate. Did she say why?
Man: believe me, I tried to find out. But I simply couldn't pin her down.
Q: what does the Man mean?
14 Woman: oh, Professor Jackson, I was wondering . . . but uh . . . well, if uh . . . if I had a chance
yet to uh . . . look at my thesis proposal?
Man: well, I know you gave it to me over a week ago, but to be honest, I have been swamped with
other things.
Q: what does the professor imply?
15 Woman: that's a shame about your car. Talk about bad timing!
Man: yeah. And just a few months ago I put 400 dollars into it and I hoped it would make it through
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another year.
Q: what can be inferred about the Man's car?
16 Man: this stew is delicious. I’d love to be able to make it myself
Woman: why not? You can get all the ingredients at any supermarket. Here, let me get a pencil and
Q: what will the Woman probably do next?
17 Woman: so how was the drama club's new production last night? Did I miss out on anything
Man: hardly, I kept looking at my watch the whole time.
Q: what does the Man mean?
18 Woman: I feel you haven't gotten that program to run on your computer yet. Want me go over the
instruction Manual with you?
Man: that would be great. You need a Ph. D. to understand it.
Q: What can be inferred about the Man?
19 Woman: how do I get one of those green buckets everyone here puts out of the curb of paper
Man: oh, just call up the sanitation department, they’ll deliver a bucket at no charge.
Q: what does the Man suggest the Woman do?
20 Man: there's nothing I like better to get me started in the morning than a big breakfast, eggs,
bacon, home fried potatoes. . .
Woman: not me! All that fatty food will give me a stomachache. I prefer something light, like fruit
or a yogurt.
Q: what does the Woman mean?
21 Woman: what's the problem, Paul? You really look panicked.
Man: I am speaking to a group of high school students about engineering this afternoon. But I have
no idea how I am going to simplify some of the concepts for them.
Q: what can be inferred about the Man?
22 Woman: well, I am never doing this again! Seven courses in one semester is just too much. I
don't have a minute to myself!
Man: well I hate to say this, but . . . I told you so.
Q: what does the Man mean?
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23 Woman: do you think we can use your pickup truck to take the telescopes out to the field again
this weekend?
Man: to be honest, I’ve got a lot of dents in my truck from the last field trip. Maybe someone else
can help out this time.
Q: what does the Man imply?
24 Man: d you think Dr. Luby will lead a theater trip to Broadway in New York City again this
Woman: I don't think so. I know so! And I’ve already signed up for it.
Q: what does the Woman mean?
25 Woman: tomorrow we are having our first test in my history class. I’m really worried about it.
You’ve taken one of Dr. Parker's tests, haven't u? I hear they're impossible to pass.
Man: I don't know who you've been talking to. My experience was just the opposite.
Q: what does the Man imply?
26 Man: I haven't turned on my air-conditioner at all this summer.
Woman: that's surprising, considering how hot it's been lately.
Q: what does the Woman find surprising?
27 Woman: hey, congratulations on winning the essay contest. That thousand-dollar prize money
should really come in handy.
Man: you bet! I’ve already put it aside to cover the increase my landlord just announced for next
Q: what does the Man mean?
28 Woman: you know, we never went over chapter 16 in class. What do you think the odds are that
Dr. Bomb will include it on the test?
Man: he's been long to do things like that. So I wouldn't put it past him
Q: what does the Man say about Dr. Bomb?
29 Woman: I heard that only 20% of summer jobs in this part as the country are advertised. The
other 80% are filled some other way.
Man: really? Then maybe I need to change my job search techniques.
Q: what can be inferred about the Man?
30 Man: I don't remember the assignment off hand, but I’ve got it written down at home. How about
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if I call u tonight?
Woman: if u call before nine, just leave a message with my roommate.
Q: why will the Man call the Woman?
Listen to conversations between two students in the lounge of a college dormitory.
Woman: Hi, Kaven. Your roommate told me that I could find you in the TV lounge. What are
you doing here?
Man: what does it look like I am doing?
Woman: well, it looks like u are watching television. But we have a linear algebra mid-term
tomorrow, so I thought you'd be studying for it and maybe I can study with you.
Man: oh, well, I was just taking a break. This linear algebra stuff gives me a headache if I work
on it too long.
Woman: I know what you mean. I’ve been working on it for three hours through it already. I’m
beginning to go cross. I’d been theorying at the sample problems. I just don't get some of them.
Man: but I can't believe you are coming to me. I mean you do know what I got on the last test,
don't u?
Woman: yeah, I know. You told me. I just thought two heads might be better one.
Man: yeah, that's nice idea. But . . . you know, I wish I knew that person in our class who got a
hundred on the last test. She didn't miss a question. Umm . . . was it Elizabeth?
Woman: oh yeah, Elizabeth! She is a friend of mine. She’d be a big help right now. Why don't
I give her a call?
Man: what! At this hour? It’s already ten thirty. I don't wanna impose on her.
Woman: yeah, I guess you are right. But you know what, she owes me a big favor. Let’s at
least give her a call and see what she says. Maybe going over some of the problems with us would
help her review the material.
Man: it's worth a try.
31 what are the speakers mainly discussing?
32 why is the Man watching television?
33 why is the Man surprised that the Woman wants to study linear algebra with him?
34 why doesn't the Man want to call Elizabeth?
Questions 35 through 39:
Listen to two students talking about their engineering class.
Woman: hello?
Man: hi, may, this is bill johns.
Woman: oh hi, bill. You weren't in engineering class today, were you?
Man: I have the flu. I was wondering if you could tell me what went on.
Woman: actually we had an interesting class. Dr. Collin talked about a new type of fuel.
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Man: oh, yeah?
Woman: uh-hum. It’s called dimethylether or DME.
Man: oh, I remember reading something a bout DME. It’s mostly used in spray cans, right?
Woman: right. DME doesn't destroy the ozone, so it's been environmentally friendly.
Man: but doesn't DME pollute the air if it's burned in an engine?
Woman: Dr. Collin says something about its exhausts being clear, that it doesn't release as
much pollutants as diesel fuel. And he mentioned something about DME being more efficient than
other alternative fuels.
Man: when will it replace diesel fuel?
Woman: not for a while. It’s not economical to mass produce.
Man: well, thanks for the information. I guess I won't need to borrow your notes.
Woman: well, maybe you should look at them. We are having a test next week.
Man: okay, could u give them to Mike Andrews? I think he is in your psychology class. he is
my roommate.
Woman: sure. I hope you're feeling better soon.
Man: thanks. Me too. Bye!
Woman: bye!
35 what is the conversation mainly about?
36 why is the Woman giving the Man the information?
37 what effect will the increased use of DME instead of diesel fuel probably have?
38 according to the conversation, why won't DME be on the market soon?
39 why does the Woman suggest the Man look at her notes?
Questions 40 through 43:
Okay. Uh . . . you remember that ive mention that it's important to read the assigned poems aloud,
so you can develop and appreciation of the sounds of the poetry: the rhymes, the rhythm, the
repetition of words or sounds, and to get a sense of the interplay between the sounds of the words
and their meaning. This is really critical as we move into modern poetry, especially by writers who
place so much importance on sounds that the meaning becomes all better relevant. Like this line by
Gertrude Stein that I'd like to quote. Listen, listen as I say the words. "Rose is a rose is a rose is a
rose. “Taken literally this would seems to be an empty statement, one which gives us no information.
But the purpose of a poem need not be to inform the reader of anything, but rather to evoke feelings.
To create a sensual as well as phonically pleasing experience. Now Gertrude Stein was better
known for her prose than for her poems. But I’d like to like to quote this line because of its
musicality, and because I think it helps open up our awareness to the unconventional lyricism of
contemporary poets. You’ll see this in your homework tonight as you read the poetry of John
Ashbery, especially if you read it out loud, which I recommend you do. Poets like ashbery don't rely
so much on any formal rhyme scheme or meter as on the musical quality of the individual words
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themselves. As I said, Stein was better known for her non-poetical work. And now I’d like to touch
briefly on her essay entitled "Conversation and Explanation". This work deals with her theory of
writing and will help to explain some of the things we've talking about.
40 what does the professor mainly discuss?
41 what does the professor say about Gertrude Stein as a writer?
42 why does the professor recommend the students do as part of their homework?
43 what does the professor recommend the students do as part of their homework?
Questions 44 through 46
Listen to a talk in a class about United States history.
Last week, you recall, we discussed the early development of railroads in the United States. Today I
want to mention an even earlier form of transportation, one that brought the first European settlers
to America. And that's the wooden sailing ship. From colonial times sailing ships were vital to the
economy. Many coastal towns depended on fishing or whaling for employment and income. This
was especially true in the northeastern states. And there the wood from nearby forests and the skills
of local designers and workers also formed the basis of an important shipbuilding industry. But the
big profits were to be made on trade with far away places. And since sea captains often became part
owners of their ships, they had a strong interest in the commercial success of their voyages. So
these Yankees, that's what US sailor and officers came to be called, they carried on a very profitable
trade with other parts of the world. The high point of this trade came in the mid-19th century with
the introduction of the clipper ship, the enormous Yankee clippers with huge sails reaching nearly
two hundred feet into sky. He’d carry passengers and cargo from New York around South America
to San Francisco in less than three months and clear to China in just half a year. At that time this
seemed unbelievable fast and efficient. But in the 1860s, more reliable steam-powered ship began to
take over. And soon the important role of sailing ships in the US economy would come to an end.
44 what aspect of United States history does the professor mainly discuss?
45 According to the professor, what may be one reason for the success of the merchant ships of the
United States?
46 what does the professor say about clipper ships?
Questions 47 through 50:
Listen to part of a talk in a class on early childhood education. The professor is discussing
penmanship: the quality of one's handwriting. As you prepare to become elementary school teachers,
you'll be hearing a lot of discussion about the relevance of teaching penmanship. Now years ago
when I was studying education in college, reading writing and arithmetic were the basics of
elementary school education. It went without saying that writing meant first and foremost
penmanship. That is, the neatness of a child's handwriting. Back then, penmanship was often taught
as a separate subject from the fist grade right up through the sixth grade long after the children had
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moved from writing in block capital letters to cursive script. It was considered so important that
sometimes prizes were even awarded for the best handwriting. But when we move ahead a few
decades into the 1980s, we see teachers and administrators and even parents telling us that teaching
penmanship is waste of time. With computers, they said, children can successfully manipulate the
keyboard or mouse of their home computers before they can even hold a pencil. This change in
attitude had an impact on the classroom. In your homework for this week you'll be looking at what
statewide curriculum standards in the US say about penmanship. You’ll see that in many states
penmanship has been de-emphasized in a required curriculum, especially in the later years of
elementary school. In California, for example, the curriculum calls for fourth-grade students to . . .
and I quote, "write fluently and legibly in cursive or grades. But after this, the curriculum makes no
further mention of penmanship in grade five, six or beyond, any higher level of quality or neatness
is simply not among the curricular objectives. Your assignment is to look at what the curricular
standards say for all fifty states say about penmanship.
47 what is the professor's main point about penmanship in early childhood education?
48 why does the professor mention prizes?
49 what will the students read about for homework?
50 what does the professor quote from California's curriculum requirements?

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2000 05 script

  • 1. Mời bạn vào để xem thông tin về tài liệu mới 2000-05 1 Woman: I’m not swimming in the lake unless it warms up outside today. Man: me neither. Unfortunately I think it's supposed to stay as cold all day. Q: What can be inferred about the speakers? 2 man: that sweater is so unusual, and yet it looks familiar. Did I just see you wearing it yesterday? Woman: well, not me. But . . . see, it belongs to my roommate Jill, and she is in your chemistry class. Q: What does the Woman imply? 3 Woman: this toothache is killing me! I was hoping it would just go away but it's getting worse by the minute. What did you say the name of your dentist was? Man: I told you last week to make that appointment. Q: what does the Man imply? 4 Man: you wanna go to a lecture tonight over in the science auditorium? It’s some guy who spent a year living in Antarctica. Woman: no kidding! I’m doing a report on Antarctica for my geography class. Maybe I can get some good information to add to it. Q: what does the Woman mean? 5 Woman: I’d really like to learn how to play chess, but it looks so complicated. it seems like it will take a really long time to learn. Man: well, it takes a long time to get good at it. But we can go over the basics the afternoon if you want. Q: what does the Man imply? 6 Man: d you think u can lend me that novel when you are finished with it? I've been looking all over for a copy, but apparently it sold out at all the bookstores. Woman: oh, it's not mine. It belongs to Alive. But I’ll see what she says. Q: what will the Woman probably do? 7 Woman: umm . . . are you going to try some of this chocolate pudding? It’s incredible. Man: well, to be honest with you, I’ve never been a big fan of chocolate. Q: what does the Man imply? 8 Woman: why don't we go catch the new Italian film at the Pin Street cinema? Man: that's a little out of the way, doesn’t u think? It’s playing just up the street of the Grow of Two,
  • 2. Mời bạn vào để xem thông tin về tài liệu mới you know. Q: what does the Man suggest they do? 9 Woman: hi, I know Doctor Wilson's out of town at a conference, but I was wondering. . . um. . . since she won't be back till next week, if u. . . if u could check in your computer records "n"(and) find out how I did on her mid-term exam? Man: I’m sorry, miss. But I’m not authorized to give out that kind of information. Q: what does the Man mean? 10 Man: you wouldn't believe the line at the auto inspection center. I waited more than two hours to get through it. Woman: that's what u get for waiting until the last day of the month. Q: what does the Woman imply? 11 Woman: you know, I’ll be conducting my psychology experiment this Sat. and I’m going to have my hands full. So I was wondering if you could help me. Maybe you could register the subjects and ask 'em (them) a few questions as they come in. Man: I’ve got some work of my own to do. But I guess I can make some time. Just let me know what I’m supposed to do. Q: what does the Man mean? 12 Woman: did you ever get around to cashing that refund check from the bookstore? Man: oh, gosh! You know what, I must've misplaced that in my desk somewhere. But thanks for reminding me. My funds are running low, so I’d better in it soon. Q: what will the Man probably do? 13 Woman: it sounds like Kare isn't happy at all with her new roommate. Did she say why? Man: believe me, I tried to find out. But I simply couldn't pin her down. Q: what does the Man mean? 14 Woman: oh, Professor Jackson, I was wondering . . . but uh . . . well, if uh . . . if I had a chance yet to uh . . . look at my thesis proposal? Man: well, I know you gave it to me over a week ago, but to be honest, I have been swamped with other things. Q: what does the professor imply? 15 Woman: that's a shame about your car. Talk about bad timing! Man: yeah. And just a few months ago I put 400 dollars into it and I hoped it would make it through
  • 3. Mời bạn vào để xem thông tin về tài liệu mới another year. Q: what can be inferred about the Man's car? 16 Man: this stew is delicious. I’d love to be able to make it myself Woman: why not? You can get all the ingredients at any supermarket. Here, let me get a pencil and paper. Q: what will the Woman probably do next? 17 Woman: so how was the drama club's new production last night? Did I miss out on anything good? Man: hardly, I kept looking at my watch the whole time. Q: what does the Man mean? 18 Woman: I feel you haven't gotten that program to run on your computer yet. Want me go over the instruction Manual with you? Man: that would be great. You need a Ph. D. to understand it. Q: What can be inferred about the Man? 19 Woman: how do I get one of those green buckets everyone here puts out of the curb of paper recycling? Man: oh, just call up the sanitation department, they’ll deliver a bucket at no charge. Q: what does the Man suggest the Woman do? 20 Man: there's nothing I like better to get me started in the morning than a big breakfast, eggs, bacon, home fried potatoes. . . Woman: not me! All that fatty food will give me a stomachache. I prefer something light, like fruit or a yogurt. Q: what does the Woman mean? 21 Woman: what's the problem, Paul? You really look panicked. Man: I am speaking to a group of high school students about engineering this afternoon. But I have no idea how I am going to simplify some of the concepts for them. Q: what can be inferred about the Man? 22 Woman: well, I am never doing this again! Seven courses in one semester is just too much. I don't have a minute to myself! Man: well I hate to say this, but . . . I told you so. Q: what does the Man mean?
  • 4. Mời bạn vào để xem thông tin về tài liệu mới 23 Woman: do you think we can use your pickup truck to take the telescopes out to the field again this weekend? Man: to be honest, I’ve got a lot of dents in my truck from the last field trip. Maybe someone else can help out this time. Q: what does the Man imply? 24 Man: d you think Dr. Luby will lead a theater trip to Broadway in New York City again this year? Woman: I don't think so. I know so! And I’ve already signed up for it. Q: what does the Woman mean? 25 Woman: tomorrow we are having our first test in my history class. I’m really worried about it. You’ve taken one of Dr. Parker's tests, haven't u? I hear they're impossible to pass. Man: I don't know who you've been talking to. My experience was just the opposite. Q: what does the Man imply? 26 Man: I haven't turned on my air-conditioner at all this summer. Woman: that's surprising, considering how hot it's been lately. Q: what does the Woman find surprising? 27 Woman: hey, congratulations on winning the essay contest. That thousand-dollar prize money should really come in handy. Man: you bet! I’ve already put it aside to cover the increase my landlord just announced for next year. Q: what does the Man mean? 28 Woman: you know, we never went over chapter 16 in class. What do you think the odds are that Dr. Bomb will include it on the test? Man: he's been long to do things like that. So I wouldn't put it past him Q: what does the Man say about Dr. Bomb? 29 Woman: I heard that only 20% of summer jobs in this part as the country are advertised. The other 80% are filled some other way. Man: really? Then maybe I need to change my job search techniques. Q: what can be inferred about the Man? 30 Man: I don't remember the assignment off hand, but I’ve got it written down at home. How about
  • 5. Mời bạn vào để xem thông tin về tài liệu mới if I call u tonight? Woman: if u call before nine, just leave a message with my roommate. Q: why will the Man call the Woman? Listen to conversations between two students in the lounge of a college dormitory. Woman: Hi, Kaven. Your roommate told me that I could find you in the TV lounge. What are you doing here? Man: what does it look like I am doing? Woman: well, it looks like u are watching television. But we have a linear algebra mid-term tomorrow, so I thought you'd be studying for it and maybe I can study with you. Man: oh, well, I was just taking a break. This linear algebra stuff gives me a headache if I work on it too long. Woman: I know what you mean. I’ve been working on it for three hours through it already. I’m beginning to go cross. I’d been theorying at the sample problems. I just don't get some of them. Man: but I can't believe you are coming to me. I mean you do know what I got on the last test, don't u? Woman: yeah, I know. You told me. I just thought two heads might be better one. Man: yeah, that's nice idea. But . . . you know, I wish I knew that person in our class who got a hundred on the last test. She didn't miss a question. Umm . . . was it Elizabeth? Woman: oh yeah, Elizabeth! She is a friend of mine. She’d be a big help right now. Why don't I give her a call? Man: what! At this hour? It’s already ten thirty. I don't wanna impose on her. Woman: yeah, I guess you are right. But you know what, she owes me a big favor. Let’s at least give her a call and see what she says. Maybe going over some of the problems with us would help her review the material. Man: it's worth a try. 31 what are the speakers mainly discussing? 32 why is the Man watching television? 33 why is the Man surprised that the Woman wants to study linear algebra with him? 34 why doesn't the Man want to call Elizabeth? Questions 35 through 39: Listen to two students talking about their engineering class. Woman: hello? Man: hi, may, this is bill johns. Woman: oh hi, bill. You weren't in engineering class today, were you? Man: I have the flu. I was wondering if you could tell me what went on. Woman: actually we had an interesting class. Dr. Collin talked about a new type of fuel.
  • 6. Mời bạn vào để xem thông tin về tài liệu mới Man: oh, yeah? Woman: uh-hum. It’s called dimethylether or DME. Man: oh, I remember reading something a bout DME. It’s mostly used in spray cans, right? Woman: right. DME doesn't destroy the ozone, so it's been environmentally friendly. Man: but doesn't DME pollute the air if it's burned in an engine? Woman: Dr. Collin says something about its exhausts being clear, that it doesn't release as much pollutants as diesel fuel. And he mentioned something about DME being more efficient than other alternative fuels. Man: when will it replace diesel fuel? Woman: not for a while. It’s not economical to mass produce. Man: well, thanks for the information. I guess I won't need to borrow your notes. Woman: well, maybe you should look at them. We are having a test next week. Man: okay, could u give them to Mike Andrews? I think he is in your psychology class. he is my roommate. Woman: sure. I hope you're feeling better soon. Man: thanks. Me too. Bye! Woman: bye! 35 what is the conversation mainly about? 36 why is the Woman giving the Man the information? 37 what effect will the increased use of DME instead of diesel fuel probably have? 38 according to the conversation, why won't DME be on the market soon? 39 why does the Woman suggest the Man look at her notes? Questions 40 through 43: Okay. Uh . . . you remember that ive mention that it's important to read the assigned poems aloud, so you can develop and appreciation of the sounds of the poetry: the rhymes, the rhythm, the repetition of words or sounds, and to get a sense of the interplay between the sounds of the words and their meaning. This is really critical as we move into modern poetry, especially by writers who place so much importance on sounds that the meaning becomes all better relevant. Like this line by Gertrude Stein that I'd like to quote. Listen, listen as I say the words. "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose. “Taken literally this would seems to be an empty statement, one which gives us no information. But the purpose of a poem need not be to inform the reader of anything, but rather to evoke feelings. To create a sensual as well as phonically pleasing experience. Now Gertrude Stein was better known for her prose than for her poems. But I’d like to like to quote this line because of its musicality, and because I think it helps open up our awareness to the unconventional lyricism of contemporary poets. You’ll see this in your homework tonight as you read the poetry of John Ashbery, especially if you read it out loud, which I recommend you do. Poets like ashbery don't rely so much on any formal rhyme scheme or meter as on the musical quality of the individual words
  • 7. Mời bạn vào để xem thông tin về tài liệu mới themselves. As I said, Stein was better known for her non-poetical work. And now I’d like to touch briefly on her essay entitled "Conversation and Explanation". This work deals with her theory of writing and will help to explain some of the things we've talking about. 40 what does the professor mainly discuss? 41 what does the professor say about Gertrude Stein as a writer? 42 why does the professor recommend the students do as part of their homework? 43 what does the professor recommend the students do as part of their homework? Questions 44 through 46 Listen to a talk in a class about United States history. Last week, you recall, we discussed the early development of railroads in the United States. Today I want to mention an even earlier form of transportation, one that brought the first European settlers to America. And that's the wooden sailing ship. From colonial times sailing ships were vital to the economy. Many coastal towns depended on fishing or whaling for employment and income. This was especially true in the northeastern states. And there the wood from nearby forests and the skills of local designers and workers also formed the basis of an important shipbuilding industry. But the big profits were to be made on trade with far away places. And since sea captains often became part owners of their ships, they had a strong interest in the commercial success of their voyages. So these Yankees, that's what US sailor and officers came to be called, they carried on a very profitable trade with other parts of the world. The high point of this trade came in the mid-19th century with the introduction of the clipper ship, the enormous Yankee clippers with huge sails reaching nearly two hundred feet into sky. He’d carry passengers and cargo from New York around South America to San Francisco in less than three months and clear to China in just half a year. At that time this seemed unbelievable fast and efficient. But in the 1860s, more reliable steam-powered ship began to take over. And soon the important role of sailing ships in the US economy would come to an end. 44 what aspect of United States history does the professor mainly discuss? 45 According to the professor, what may be one reason for the success of the merchant ships of the United States? 46 what does the professor say about clipper ships? Questions 47 through 50: Listen to part of a talk in a class on early childhood education. The professor is discussing penmanship: the quality of one's handwriting. As you prepare to become elementary school teachers, you'll be hearing a lot of discussion about the relevance of teaching penmanship. Now years ago when I was studying education in college, reading writing and arithmetic were the basics of elementary school education. It went without saying that writing meant first and foremost penmanship. That is, the neatness of a child's handwriting. Back then, penmanship was often taught as a separate subject from the fist grade right up through the sixth grade long after the children had
  • 8. Mời bạn vào để xem thông tin về tài liệu mới moved from writing in block capital letters to cursive script. It was considered so important that sometimes prizes were even awarded for the best handwriting. But when we move ahead a few decades into the 1980s, we see teachers and administrators and even parents telling us that teaching penmanship is waste of time. With computers, they said, children can successfully manipulate the keyboard or mouse of their home computers before they can even hold a pencil. This change in attitude had an impact on the classroom. In your homework for this week you'll be looking at what statewide curriculum standards in the US say about penmanship. You’ll see that in many states penmanship has been de-emphasized in a required curriculum, especially in the later years of elementary school. In California, for example, the curriculum calls for fourth-grade students to . . . and I quote, "write fluently and legibly in cursive or grades. But after this, the curriculum makes no further mention of penmanship in grade five, six or beyond, any higher level of quality or neatness is simply not among the curricular objectives. Your assignment is to look at what the curricular standards say for all fifty states say about penmanship. 47 what is the professor's main point about penmanship in early childhood education? 48 why does the professor mention prizes? 49 what will the students read about for homework? 50 what does the professor quote from California's curriculum requirements?