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Audience Research
Target Audience Profile
• Mountain biking is a very popular sport with a very wide age range of users, but it does have one very
dominant age bracket, that being 25 to 44, this being because of the ability that this age bracket has to be
able to mountain bike. They’re old enough to drive so they can go where they want, most are out of
education and only have a job, freeing up weekends for out of work activities and one important aspect it
that their physical fitness is not only starting to deteriorate yet, it is still able to improve, so mountain
biking is still a possible sport for them to do. My product very loosely will try to appeal to the whole
mountain biking scene, but because of the style of the bike and what it will primarily used for means that
it will have a smaller target audience. The idea for the bike that I will supposedly advertising is a type of
bike that facilitates riding steep and technical descents while putting forwards the fun and joyful side over
pure speed. This type of riding is possibly considered up there with the most dangerous type of mountain
biking so this limits the type of audience. The type of audience that the bike will appeal to the most will be
the age range of 16 to 30, 35 at a push. This age range is typically quite a wide age range but compared to
the overall age range of cyclists, it narrows it down a lot.
• This, 16 to 30, maybe 35 age range will be who I have to tailor my advertisement for to create the most
effective advert for the bike that I will be advertising.
Target Audience Profile
• Just like the age range, mountain biking is very open to all genders. There’s isn’t anything stopping anyone
from trying to mountain bike at all, so you do see a mixture of all genders out on the trail. But sadly
mountain biking is a very male dominated sport, and this probably because of the lack of pro female
coverage on social media. Looking at an article written by Jeff Barber for the internet mountain bike forum
‘Singletracks’ he talks that out of all the users of Singletracks, only 13% of their users are women, and
according to other mountain bike based web forums, this is a high number so that shows that although
women are definitely involved in the mountain bike world, their number is nowhere near as high as the
men’s. Linking that to my own project, the type of riding that the bike is made for, although, it definitely
has a mix of women and men who ride within this class of mountain biking, again, it’s very male
dominated which then creates the argument that if you were a fully professional company creating this ad,
do you save the money and only hire a male rider to allow the male audience to feel as if the ad is more
relatable, or do you spend more money and hire a male rider AND a female rider, then to make both
genders feel as if this bike and style of riding is open to both gender, plus the add will then feel more
relatable to women as well and up the price. In an ideal world I’d like to include a male rider and female
rider in my own but I simply don’t have the facilities as I don’t personally know any female riders that
would volunteer. So that leaves me to only be able to appeal to the male side of the target audience.
Taken from the article on singletracks by Jeff
Target Audience Profile
• Social Status
• Unlike the last two, the social status of mountain bikers is quite dominated by the NRS social grade “skilled
working class” and lower. But that doesn’t mean that the higher social grades aren’t involved, and it seems
yearly now that this statistic become more diverse, most likely due to the increased popularity in
mountain biking increasing the average price of a mountain bike. Although the average social grade of
mountain bikers are the C2 class and lower, there’s still a very big audience full of C1 all the way up to even
A. The lower classes like C2 and below will be the type of rider that you see with basic kit, usually the
same kit being worn every time they ride and they will only have one bike, maybe a second but one won’t
be very high end. But the B class and upwards will predominantly be the target audience for my advert.
This is simply because the type of bike that I will be advertising wouldn’t be good for your just one every
kind of riding bike. Its geometry and wheels won’t be the best for different types of riding, so this bike that
I’ll be advertising will be the kind of bike that is a second bike for someone who can afford multiple well
specked bikes. This mean that my adverts don’t need to try and show that the bike can do everything, as
there would be no need for the bike to do that, then I can spend more time putting more detail into
showing what it can do. This means that my target audience will be the NRS Social grade B upwards and
that’s who I need to tailor my advertisements for, this could mean prioritising the higher spec models
more than the lower ones as one, they cost mor money which is better for the brand and two because
they fit the social grades needs better.
Target Audience Profile
• Geodemographics
• Mountain biking is a very popular sport now, all over the world, some more than others but almost every
country will have a mountain bike scene. It just depends on what I said in the last slide, the social status of
the riders which can be heavily effected by the country that they live in. For example, surprisingly, Jamaica
has a very big mountain bike scene considering the size of the island and the fact it’s a very poor country.
But working off of that, the fact that they are a very poor country, everyone who does ride there is running
kit that is many years old, potentially 5 years old or more. So the type of bike that I’ll be advertising, like I
said in the last slide, the bike will be advertised towards the B NRS social grade and higher. So poor
countries would be a waste of time and money to try and advertise towards simply as there’s a such
smaller target audience in those countries, it would make more sense to use the money to advertise the
bike in richer countries and heavily mountain biker populated countries like Canada, America, The UK and
New Zealand. When it comes to geodemographics, I believe it will only be effected by the average social
grade in the country and the other aspects, like age or gender won’t make a difference within the
The three riders at the front of the frame are
English rider, looking at their gear compared to
the Jamaican riders at the back, you can see a
clear difference, just in the bikes in fact, the
English riders are riding expensive new bikes
and the three Jamaican riders at the back are
riding cheaper and older bikes.
Audience Research
Social media research by age:
Looking at this graph I can tell that the way I am planning on advertising the bike, through social media platforms
like Instagram, YouTube and Facebook, will be effective for my target audience as the graph shows that my target
audience is actually the age range with the biggest number of people who use social media. This backs up my
plans and ideas for creating my advertisement and publishing it on social media and I now know it will be
effective. But I also know what secondary audience I could target too, 16 year old to 20 is also a big age range for
users who use social media as well a 35-44 year old's which gives me the knowledge to know who who else my
advertisement could be reaching and potentially how to tailor certain parts to try and advertise to those age
ranges as well.
Audience Research
Social media research by Gender:
Looking at this graph I can tell that probably the most effective social media platforms for my advertisement
would be Instagram and Facebook as they’re almost even, although mountain biking is a highly male dominated
sport, the bike I’ll be advertising is made for both women and men, so I want to advertise on social media
platforms that as an equal amount of male to female users, or as close as I can get. You could argue that
snapchat is a possibly good social media platform for advertising the bike, but I can say after being being a user
myself, the way snapchat is used wouldn’t be the right fit for the length of advertisement, it’s used to flick
through stories quickly, not watch long videos.
Audience Research
Men to Female amount of cyclists research:
Studying this graph, I can see that it proves that cycling is a heavily male dominated sport. Progressing off of the
back of that information collected, it tells me that my advertisement may be more effective if I focus on trying to
appeal to the male side of the target audience than the female side of the target audience. If there’s less women
than men cycling, then with common sense, we know that there will be less women interested in the bike I will
be advertising compared to the men interested in the bike. Although cycling is clearly very male dominated, it
doesn’t mean that no women cycle at all, we can see very clearly that some women do cycle meaning that it
wouldn’t be completely useless to target women in the target audience, if there’s a chance of women seeing the
advertisement for the new bike, which we can see that there is, it would be beneficial to advertise to women too.
Audience Research
Cycling for leisure research by age:
Studying this graph, I can see that it proves that the age range sixteen to thirty, which is the target audience for
the bike that I will be advertising, are one some the biggest age ranges that ride a bike for pleasure. Which
increases the chance of my advertisement scheme for the bike that I will be advertising more effective simply
due to the fact that the bike I will be advertising is simply built for pleasure. Progressing with the collected data,
it allows me to realise that there is no significant reason for me to tailor certain aspects of the advertisement
scheme for a secondary audience. We can see that there is also age ranges outside of my target audience that
enjoy cycling for pleasure so there’s on obvious secondary audience, they just don’t need to be advertised
towards as strongly as I initially considered.
Audience Research
After analysing my collected audience research, collected from the statistic website called Statista, it reinforces my
initial ideas and plans for tailoring my products to try and appeal to my target audience. It proves that my plans for
creating my advertisement scheme to be published on social media would be effectives as my target audience for
the bike can be seen as being the largest age range to use social media. Continuing with social media, I can also see
that social media is very even when it comes to what genders use it. Which increases the amount of social media
platforms that would be effective for the advertisement as there wouldn’t be certain social media platforms that
held a larger amount of users of one gender compared to the other gender. Knowing that virtually all social media
platforms have a very even ratio of male to female users, I’ll know that when it comes to publishing, all social media
platforms will be effective. The social media platforms ratio being almost equal between male to female leads us
onto the average amount of men who cycle compared to the average amount of women who cycle. We can see
from my research, it backs my initial thoughts that cycling is very male dominated and being as I only have the
budget and capabilities for one actor in my own product, it makes sense for me to choose aa male actor as cycling is
a very male dominated sport, the effect will be that if there’s more men than women seeing my advertisement
scheme, which statistically shown will be, the men will find it more relatable if they’re watching a male actor instead
of female. Like I’ve said before, if I had the capabilities to have a male and female actor, I definitely would. After
analysing the collected data for cycling for leisure by age, I found that I wasn’t as correct as I initially imagined, I was
correct in the fact that the targeted age range for my advertisement scheme being 16 to 30
Market Research
Existing Products
Existing Product
IFHT Films- Trek Slash|Tattoo It On Your Face
This product was created by a production company outside of the Trek company, but
hired by trek. They approached creating the add from a different angle that you
wouldn’t expect, using comedy to portray the enjoyment the owners of the product
have instead of trying to inform the audience all about the bike. Compared to the
other ads you see on the internet, it really isn’t that informative. But they still chose
to use the same cinematic techniques that are used in other mountain bike adverts.
But they did also use some techniques such as lighting to for comedic effect as well
as overexaggerating. Some techniques that they used that are used across the board
for mountain bike adverts consist of angles that can show the bike doing something
impressive while at the same time allowing the audience to have a clear view of the
bike, as shown in the bottom left picture. A usual mountain bike advert feature is the
location being woods simply as that is the usual place for mountain biking, but with
this product, the production company used this to their advantage for the comedic
effect. The head popping out of the ground wouldn’t be feasible with a different
ground surface such as concrete or even grass. Composition is clearly considered
within each shot for the acting part, and even in the riding part of the advert,
composition is clearly thought of. In the acting scenes, each shot has objects in the
frame to create depth and add more to the frame so it feel more comfortable for the
audience. Not one shot had the main subject in the front of the frame, they either
used the other actor or the surrounding like plants to be at downstage, then the main
subject at centre stage and more objects like plants at upstage. When their was
multiple character talking, it was often that the character being talked to would be
placed either downstage left or downstage right to add depth and context as to who
the talking character was talking to. Composition within the riding segment was used
to for tracking shots as having an unfocused object like a tree passing quickly through
the frame in between the rider and camera enhanced the feeling of speed which in
this instance, is what they want to advertise to the audience. The way they chose to
try and sell the bike to the audience was through the comedy used to portray the
good times that the bike can facilitate. Unlike usual bike adverts trying to portray that
the bike can turn the rider into some sort of pro and amazing rider, they focused
simply on trying to show the good times that it can create which in the long run, is
why most people mountain bike.
Existing Product
Trek- Trek Slash
Compared to the last product I looked at, this has many of the same techniques but
does use different techniques resulting in a very different overall tone and mood for
the whole product. Angles, location and costumes. But they use techniques like
lighting, colours and composition very differently. This ad, although advertising the
same product as the last research, tries to portray at something completely different.
The over all lighting and colours are surprisingly quite dark and not necessarily bland,
because some are very vibrant like the greens and yellow but they don’t have as
much pop. Lighting again has been used in shots that are show casing the bike, but
with this ad, the lighting was simply used to try and make the bike well visible and as
appealing as possible, not for comedic effect or to overexaggerate. Composition was
conducted in a very different way. It was hardly ever that there was another object in
between the rider and the camera, this will be because this ad is purely about trying
to get the bike out there to as many people as possible, they want to showcase it as
much as they can doing technical features that could be a selling point, so having
trees or plants in between the bike and the camera doesn’t allow the audience to
inspect the bike as easily as having nothing in between the camera and the bike. As
they’re missing out on being able to have objects in between the rider and camera to
increase the feeling of speed, angles became more important they have used angles
to enhance this feeling very well. For example, having the camera either outside of a
corner or inside allows the camera to capture the speed of the rider coming almost
directly towards the camera, then whipping the camera around the corner following
the rider either just showing the bike in frame which increases the feeling of speed as
well as showcasing the bike or blurring the bike and rider which enhances the feeling
too, to then capture the rider leavening almost directly in front of the camera. This
angle is a very commonly used one within the mountain bike world as it really helps
showcase the speed. In this add trek decided to used techniques that showcase the
bike the best as well as not only portraying the speed that the bike can go but also
portraying the bike as going faster than it actually is. As the bike is predominantly
made for speed and racing, this is what Trek chose to focus on when advertising the
bike, which in the long run, could actually cause them to decreases the amount of
people who feel influenced to buy the bike after seeing the ad compared to the last
ad we looked at.
Existing Product
Sven Martin- STEVIE’S YEAR
This product published by Misspentsummers and taken by Sven Martin uses techniques to beautifully portray
the emotions, vibe and mood that is happening. The composition is a very key part as to why this product is so
good. The very high angle allows the excitement to build as you progress from downstage to upstage, or from
the bottom of the photo to the top. As it starts with the other photographers at the bottom, it rises to reveal the
words “HECKLE FEST”, then at the time and now a very famous mountain biker and then finishing with the very
joyful and excited crowd at the top. The angle paired with the usage of the fish eye lens helps capture the
physical size of the event happening as well as actually helping portray the vibe and mood. A fisheye lens can be
used for many different mental effects on work, but with this piece, it’s used to enhance the feeling of
informality and partying which is clearly happening on the rock. Going back to talking about how the excitement
rises as you go up the picture, this is due to the composition used for the photo, Sven the photographer
purposefully decided to include the photographers below him to give this feeling of business on one side and
then part on the other, it captures the feeling of a downhill mountain bike race and perfectly captures the feeling
in people that riding creates, never mind whether you're riding or watching.
Existing Product
Misspentsummers- Tea & Biscuits – A very British Mountain Bike Film
This product is different to the rest but at the same time manages time combine the
style of all three last products. It combines techniques for comedic effect, techniques
to help portray the skill of the riders as well as putting portraying the tone, vibe and
mood overall more important. Techniques like lighting and colouring was clearly not a
very detailed thought when it came to producing this product, that being said, it’s not
that the lighting and colouring is bad at all, there has clearly been some basic
adjustments, my feeling is just on the camera to produce a good looking video but
not any to try and improve any shots. Like I said, the main aspect of the product is
clearly to portray the feelings and moods that were had whilst filming. Tom Caldwell,
the only camera operator and editor for this film has a very clear style that he uses
for all of his work, that being work for misspentsummers or other broadcasters like
Vital MTB. He is very fond of a very wide angle, letting the rider come into frame
from a far and using a quick pan with the rider as they pass the camera and watching
them ride out of frame. We can see this a lot in his work and especially this film, it’s
not only the most predominately used angle through the film, it’s that dominant that
you don’t notice many others. But when he does use others, they often seem to have
a bit more technical flare about them, like the top shot and bottom shot that I have
included, the top having composition being involved, the camera far away from the
focus point but zoomed in through shrubbery, allowing the rider to enter the frame
and exit it not being in the frame long portraying the riders speed as being a lot faster
than it probably is, plus it’s used for the last clip in a segment so it aesthetically closes
everything in the segment off. And the bottom shot includes a very professional
piece of equipment, a cable cam, which allows for this shot to have loads of riders in,
all the riders in that segment, in fact, all the riders in that segment. Not only. Does it
show off some of Tom Caldwell’s technical skills, it helps his usual style, portraying
the mood and tone of everyone in the clip as it enables the audience to have this
very open view of all. The riders jumping around and having fun. It appeals very
strongly to a British mountain bike audience because a lot of the riders in the film a
very popular and famous British mountain bikers, that then combined with the
overall portrayal of fun and good times, the audience likes to see these very big and
famous athletes having fun and joking around instead of the usual mountain bike film
which is very serious and often doesn’t have a lot of dialogue.
Existing Product
Andrew Leinster - Out of the “Bike” collection
This product published and taken by Andrew Leinster uses techniques to create an overall very aesthetically pleasing
picture. It uses a simple but clever techniques to allow the camera to capture the rider, rather clearly, through what is
essentially a wooden boardwalk. As well as that we can see that time was taken in post to add to the photo to make it just
that bit more technically detailed and aesthetically pleasing. The photo clearly taken outside, very cleverly is taken from
the backside of what is called a “wallride”, a wooden boardwalk built on an angle to allow the riders to ride up it and use it
for a “catch” in a corner so they can go round it faster. With the camera being behind the wallride and pointing up, allows
the rider to take up a large part of the frame. To create this effect where us the audience is actually looking through the
wallride, it’s been done by keeping the camera close to the wooden structure and tracking the rider as they go past at,
almost at the exact speed of the rider. With the camera tracking the rider, it capture the rider through the gaps in the
beams of wood blurring everything that isn’t being tracked or horizontal. In post, techniques clearly have been used to
create this black and white effect, but Andrew has really darkened the shadows, almost until they’re black, and increased
the whites until they’re simply just white patches. It creates this almost halo effect over the rider as it’s dark each side of
them which looks aesthetically pleasing. I feel as if the way that this piece appeals to the audience is through what the
technical skills used open up aspects of the photo.
Existing Product
Misspentsummers- HURY BURLY 5 2021
This product created by Misspentsummers combines technical skills in post,
portraying the speed of riders with technical skill and trying to portray the mood and
vibe of the subject whilst being informative at the same time. The HURLY BURLY
magazine combines photography, print and information about the downhill world cup
season. Misspentsummers uses their usual style of taking photos that portray the
mood and vibe, mainly the riders as they are the key subject of the whole book. They
use skills that you can see in the middle left like writing on paper and scanning it onca
printer to be used on a page, scanning allows you to write and use it on a computer
in good quality. The usage of the small images overlapping each other on pages
creates the feeling of it being hand made and almost scrap book when in matter off
fact, it’s professionally made. On the informative side of the book, they have
segments for each round of. The downhill world. Cup season, and t the end of each
round’s segment, they finish it off with the time sheets of the men's, women and
even junior men and junior women allowing you to compare the times of each rider,
and even has highlighted parts to show you who was the fastest rider through each
split ( a split is each segment of the track after it’s been broken down so times can be
compared mid run when the race is live). Following the idea that the idea is to
portray the mood and vibe of the subject at hand, it’s noticeable that if the photo or
text is about something joyful and exciting, the colouring of those pages are very
solid and bright, but if the photo or text is about something sad or down in mood the
colours, again, represent that. I feel as if the book is tailored to the target audience
through the choice of colours and the fact that the ratio of pictures to text, if not
even is higher on the side of the pictures. This is because the idea of a lot of the
pictures used in the book aren’t apart of an article or piece of text, they’re used as
the main subjects on certain pages. For example some pages are just double page
spreads of one image. This is probably because the target audience are types of
people that are interested in the images just as much as they are in the text because
of the ways the photos are taken, like art, they’re taken in a way to almost tell a story,
portray the vibe and mood and I feel as if that’s a very strong selling point
Existing Product
Steel City Media – This is Peaty SEASON 1
This is Peaty has quite a lot of technical aspects from a lot of the other products we
have looked at but used for a different outcome. The documentary series follows the
Santa Cruz Syndicate downhill team but more closely, the very famous British
downhill rider Steve Peat and his downhill world cup season. The idea is to capture
riding segments of the team, give a look into the behind the scenes of the team, as
well as Steve Peats life whilst giving you comedic parts from the team, rider and
production company. Same again like a lot of mountain bike videos or films, not many
technical skills are involved in producing them, often more in post then filming. For
example, the two screenshots in the middle on the left show the production value to
the opening credits, you can’t tell but these actually have a degree of animation to
them which increases the look of professionality to the production company. A usual
angle and camera technique that we’ve seen in these products, the wide angled shot.
With the rider entering, a fast whip pan as the rider passes and the rider riding out of
frame, sometimes including zoom as the rider gets closer and further away, is used
again for this series’ riding segments most likely because it’s one shot that allows to
capture the the rider doing a lot in frame at the same time representing the speed
they’re going at. All shots are done on location because the production company is
simply following the team around for the year to show the audience what they get up
to during the downhill season. Looking at how the comedic parts of each episode
was captured, obviously there wasn’t any script writing involved, most likely just a lot
of time carrying the camera and equipment anywhere they go, a lot of filming and
just waiting to see what is the funniest bit that they capture, because a lot the
comedic parts is just jokes between each member of the tea and mates outside the
team. I imagine that there was a lot of footage that was recorded and never used. I
feel as if the way that it appeals to the target audience is through the way that they
were always filming, just trying to capture as many comedic parts or interesting parts
about Steve Peat and/or the team, in matter of fact, the riding segments were
probably the least important part of audience appeal, they were just used as a filler
and maybe a bit of transitions as the episode moved from one subject to another. But
filming the riding parts were also a very important part because it’s more often than
you think that the riders crashing, so capturing that, although it doesn’t sound nice,
would help keep the audience intrigued as people get entertained by crashes.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products have?
• A very common feature used within mountain bike filming, and you could say mountain bike photography,
are the use of angles. To be more precise, tracking shots. Tracking sots are clearly a very effective plus easy
was to capture the rider riding past. It doesn’t take too much movement, it allows a multiple feature segment
of. Trail in certain situations to be captured being ridden in one shot and if done correctly, can help the
audience experience the speed of the rider. Another but obvious feature is that everything is shot on location,
an obvious feature but when you consider it with more detail, you realise the challenges that can create when
trying to film, for example just simply the lighting, all it takes is for the sun to go behind one cloud and the
whole lighting for that shot has changed. Another aspect of shooting on location is the unpredictable weather,
especially for my project as it’ll be shot in Britain, you can check as many weather reports as you want but you
can still never be exactly sure what the weather is going to do, which can create a problem if you’re planning
on trying to film over multiple days. A big feature in the products that I looked at was the importance of trying
to portray the mood and vibe of the subject that is either being filmed and photographed. Another common
feature used across all of the products I’ve looked at is the use of colour and lighting. It’s clearly very rare to
create a mountain bike film or ad that has dark colours, as they’re about having fun and good times, the
colours are often very vibrant and bold to fit into that aesthetic style of “fun and good times”.
• What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
• After looking at these existing products, I’ve decided to pull certain aspects out of these products to add to my
own work to fit into the look of professionalism with my finished product. I’d like to use the very clearly
common camera angles that everyone uses, like tracking shots and the close to the ground zoomed in shot as
after watching all of these products, I’ve realised how effective they are for surprisingly easy shots to take.
Looking at the ads for the Trek Slash, both of them used famous professional riders to advertise the bike
because not only does it allow the production company to capture the bike being ridden fast and properly, but
it creates this sense in the audience’s mind that if they get that same bike that they’re watching the pro ride, it
might allow them to ride like the professional. So an idea for me, which will most likely be done in post, is to
some way make my rider seem like a professional.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
Audience research
• Observing my collected research, it proves the idea that mountain biking is a male dominated sport.
Meaning that my recent comments of making my own advertisement tailored for the male audience side
of mountain biking. However, it does show that mountain biking is not only done by the male gender, but
other genders also participate in the sport and are interested in the sport enough to interact with the
social media side of the sport and answer things like surveys.
• Furthering my observation on my collected data, it tells me that my audience is heavily dominated by a
male gender, but that clearly doesn’t mean that the male gender should be the only gender that I try and
target, other genders are still participating my survey so that shows that, although smaller, there is a side
of my target audience that isn’t male so it would obviously be worth trying to tailor my product to appeal
to these genders too as if this advertisement was real, it would miss out on a lot of sales if the product
chopped of a decent sized chunk of the audience that would actually be interested.
• After analysing my collected data, it’s safe to say that if I had to pick one gender to target it would
obviously be the dominating male gender. Working off that, I would really like to use multiple actors of
different gender to try and appeal the product to all genders much more easily, but I only have the ability
to use one male actor simply because I don’t know any female riders willing to act for me. Using the male
actor will help me appeal to the target male side of the target audience but to appeal to the female side,
the advertisement might have to really focus on the bike more than the rider, not advertise that a male
rider is riding the bike, just advertise the bike and use the male rider as a facilitator, to do this I could focus
on close up shots of just the bike, and possibly include a shot or two o just the bike.
Audience research
Audience research
• Observing my collected research, it shows that my estimate for the target audience for my advertisement
was very close but not as exact as I had imagined. There’s an obvious audience of 44-year-old plus that will
see mountain bike advertisement. I believe that it shows me that my initial ideas and plans to advertise to
a younger target audience is still correct, but I should maybe try and add in aspects of my advertisement
that could appeal to the older age range of 44-year-olds and above. But it does show that my dominant
age range is the 18-year-old class and below which will be a key factor when it comes to advertising the
• This tells me that my audience will be who I imaged to target towards but also an age range that I initially
didn’t plan to target towards. One downside of my survey is though is that it’s only 44+, I’m not too clear
on how old they are, plus, the type of bike that I’m hoping to advertise doesn’t have any related questions
in the survey, which was a mistake on my behalf. So, I’m sticking with my initial ideas of the target
audience predominately being the younger age range, as I feel as if it’s a very safe estimate, plus, I do
clearly have a large target audience within that age.
• My target audience will appeal to the younger generation of mountain bikers through the style of
mountain biking I will film; it will be a style predominately popularized by younger riders as it’s a more
dangerous and skill required style of riding. But also to appeal to the older age range that my survey has
detected in my target audience, I feel as if a good idea would to be use a skilled but older rider.
Audience research
Audience research
• Observing my collected research, I can clearly see that the preferred style of mountain bike advertisement
is to have one aspect being informative about the bike being advertised combined with a riding segment,
but I have to say surprisingly, it was close between the informative aspect and the comedic aspect. This
could be taken into consideration when creating my products and possibly push me to combining the two.
If I was going to combine the two, it would still have to be heavier on the side of informative as that was
the preferred style.
• Furthering my observation on my collected data, I can tell that my target audience are more interested in
the bike to enhance their choice in whether to buy the product or not instead of having a laugh when
watching the advertisement. But it also tells me that some people feel as if a comedic style in
advertisement could possibly push them to buy the product just as much as an informative style, maybe
more. This tells me that there is one side to my target audience, the more dominant side, that want to
learn about the product before buying it and another other side that prefer comedic aspects of
advertisement and feel as if that pushes them to buy the product more.
• After analysing my collected data, I know that the stronger more dominant side of my advertisement
should be informative. To do this I’ll have close up shots on certain parts of the bike, possibly in action and
as well as stood still revealing parts that matter the most, i.e., suspension and gears so the audience
knows what will come on that spec level bike. But I might also try and appeal to the comedic side, I’m
hoping to maybe have some B-roll or even bloopers to have comedic aspects.
Audience research
Audience research
• Observing my collected research, I can see that the consistence is that slow-motion is a very popular
techniques that the audience enjoy and find helpful when used in mountain bike advertisement as it helps
them view the bike in action. However, we can see that out of ten, one person has voted the opposite and
that they believe the techniques isn’t helpful, working off of that, I could argue that I maybe got lucky with
who used the survey simply because it wasn’t a large amount, a bigger usage of the survey could’ve
surfaced the fact that it’s a lot more even than I’d expect, I might have to take that into count when
creating my advertisement.
• After observing my data, it tells me that almost all my target audience prefer the usage of slow-motion to
view the bike in action. That then leads me to believe that it would be a very useful skill for me to use
when creating my own advertisement as the target audience find it a useful technique. But it also tells me
that some parts of my target audience doesn’t find it useful, so it could be helpful to remember that when
it comes to how much I use it.
• After analysing my collected data, I have decided that the usage of slow-motion will play a very important
role when advertising the bike. I’m hoping to use it paired with close ups of parts like suspension to help
the audience get a good view of these parts being used. But remembering that some people aren’t fans of
it, I’ll try not to overuse it. Slow-motion could also help me get shots that can allow the audience to get a
better view of the whole bike.
Audience research
Audience research
• Observing my collected research, I can see that the preferred level of rider to advertise the bike by many
was Pro, but surprisingly, there was a larger number voting for an average skilled rider to advertise the
bike than I thought. This could be because some people will find it easier to relate to the product if the
rider advertising the bike wouldn’t be riding it at a skill level or pace that could be unreachable by the
audience. I can also see that out of 10 people, 1 person did vote for below average, but for the rest of the
target audience, it wouldn’t be a great way to advertise the bike.
• It tells me that most of my target audience what to see what the bike can facilitate and what abuse it can
take from the high end, fast and skillful pro riders. The target audience wants to know what the bike’s full
capabilities are so they know what it can do for them if they buy it. But also, some people in the target
audience want to see the bike being ridden on a more relatable level, so that they can see what the bike
could facilitate for them at their level.
• After analysing my collected data, I can see that the preferred skill level of rider is pro, so my idea is to
have my actor come across as a pro rider, this could simply be costume design but in post I’m going to
have a caption appear when we first see the rider which will say his name and a fake world championship
title. I could try and have an aspect that makes the rider come across as in the middle ground of pro rider
and average, so it appeals to both target audience. I could possibly state that the rider was a pro ride
maybe five to 8 years ago, so he’s still a very talented rider, just maybe less talented than the up-to-date pr
Audience research
Audience research
• Observing my collected research, I can see that the obviously preferred time range for a mountain bike
advert should be between two to three minutes. Although that that is the clear choice of preferred length
for a mountain bike advert, it wasn’t as dominant as some of the choices in the last questions. The other
choices, that being one minute to two minutes and three minute to four minutes. I feel as if the two to
three minutes choice was chosen because it gives enough time to advertise the bike being advertised but
doesn’t take so long that it will lose the interest of the audience.
• It tells me that the audience feels as if a video advertising a bike shorter than two minutes wouldn’t give
them enough time to see the bike and find out the information that they need to know before deciding
whether they want to buy the bike. But I can see that the target audience feels as if that a video longer
than three minutes would possibly start to bore them resulting in the audience losing interest in the
advertisement and might lose a number of people wanting to buy the bike being advertised.
• After analysing my collected data, I have a clear time range to work on for my TV advertisement, that
being two to three minutes. Working off of that fact, I will obviously tailor my product to fit the preferred
time range, I’m hoping that if it’s possible, I’ll try and push my advert as close to them maximum of the
time range as possible as I feel as if three minutes would be a good amount of time to get across what the
bike looks like, what it’s capable of whilst not overdoing it and boring the audience.
Audience research
Audience research
• Observing my collected research, I can see that compared to the last questions, the preferred answer to
this question being a “ Fast Riding Segment” as the most enjoyable part of a mountain bike advert, wasn’t
as dominant as the preferred answer for the last question. I can see that out of the four options that I gave
for the most enjoyable part of a mountain bike advert, the winner was fast riding segment with a draw
close behind with a small story line and slow-motion of the suspension working. But with no votes at all
and dead last, dialogue about the bike.
• This tells me that my audience are clearly visual learners as the option for the dialogue about the bike
wasn’t selected at all but the options that were picked, were all options for a visual experience. It shows
that my target audience have a very wide range of favourite aspects of a mountain bike advert and that
instead of trying to tailor the whole project to this one aspect and I can actually use all three aspects
whilst keeping the whole target audience appealed.
• After analysing my collected data, my plan is to use the collected data to my advantage to appeal to my
target audience. Unlike the past questions, there isn’t a dominant and main aspect that my target
audience prefers, it was very close between the three. So my idea is to instead of like the other questions
to appeal to the one option, because my target audience created a very obvious wide range of preferred
aspects of a mountain bike advert, I should include a good range of all three aspects to appeal to the
target audience.
Audience research
Audience research
• Observing my collected research, I can see that there’s, like some of the other questions, a very strong and
dominant preferred option when it came to choosing the least favourite aspect of a mountain bike advert.
The other options have been picked too, but more than half of the people who completed the survey
selected the option for “dialogue about the bike” when it comes to the least favourite aspect of some
mountain bike adverts.
• After observing the results of my survey, I can tell that my target audience prefer to just watch the bike
and what it facilitates instead of listening about it. Going back to the last question this backs up my point
of my target audience being very visual learners and prefer to watch the bike in action instead of listening
about it. Working off of that, it tells me that the target audience would be more interested in watching the
bike which would lead to more sales instead of an advert that speaks about the bike instead.
• After analysing my collected research, I now know that my target audience’s least favourite aspect of a
mountain bike advert is dialogue about the bike. Working off of that, I obviously know not to include that
aspect of some mountain bike adverts into my own and make sure to concentrate on the other aspects of
the preferred aspects. I will need to make sure that because these are the preferred aspects, I will need to
make sure that they are as best as possibly can be to make sure the target audience stays interested.
Interview 1
Q1. What type of bike ad intrigues you most, informative or comedic and why?
Most likely to watch an informative advert, probably after searching for it
Q2. Do you find slow-motion helps you view the bike in action and why?
Slightly but I’m more likely to look for still photographs
Q3. What type of skilled ridder do you prefer to see advertising the bike, Pro or average and why?
I like to see a highly skilled rider (preferably sponsored) putting a bike through it’s paces, but I also enjoy
watching riders at a more “relatable” skill level
Q4. Do you think a mountain bike ad should be 2-3 minutes long and why?
Probably not much more than 2 minutes, I know the brand is going to tell me the bike’s great. I would watch
more just to see the bike in action.
Q5. Do you prefer a small story line or a fast riding segment in a mountain bike ad and why?
I don’t mind either, but my main interest would be to see the bike
Interview 1
I can see from the answers collected by my interview, the answers favour my desired intentions for my
mountain bike advert and the style I would like to create it in. It’s backed all the ideas that I first had and
aspects that I wanted use will be effective. But it also shows me that there will be certain aspects that some
people in the target audience prefers over others. For example, this interview says that they feel as if slow-
motion will help them view the bike in action, but photographs would help them more.
After reviewing the collected answers of the questions in my interview, it tells me that my initial ideas and
target audience research were correct and gives me confidence to start my pre-production with a good idea of
my target audience to try and appeal to. It tells me that my target audience are very visual learners, thewy
prefer to see the bike and watch what it can do rather than read or listen about it, which is a very common trait
of mountain bikers. They also like to see the bike being ridden at, or as close as possible to it’s highest
capabilities to see what it can facilitate.
After analysing my collected answers from my interview, it allows me to confidently tailor the product to the
target audience. To try and tailor the Tv advert to the target audience, my predominant focus will be on getting
good shots, that being fast, steep and technical trails being ridden to get across what the bike can facilitate. I’ll
also use slow-motion to appeal to the target audience but when it comes to my photography side, like it said in
this interview that they think that the bike can be seen working better in photography, that’s what I’ll try and
Interview 2
Q1. What type of bike ad intrigues you most, informative or comedic and why?
Informative because it lets me find out about the bike and lets me decide whether I want to buy it or not.
Q2. Do you find slow-motion helps you view the bike in action and why?
I do because it lets me see the suspension and how the linkage works in certain situations
Q3. What type of skilled rider do you prefer to see advertising the bike, Pro or average and why?
Professional as the riders are really able to push the bikes to the limit and it lets me see what the bike can
Q4. Do you think a mountain bike ad should be 2-3 minutes long and why?
I feel like that would be a good length for mountain bike because it lets me spend enough time seeing whether
I like the bike and what it can do without boring me
Q5. Do you prefer a small story line or a fast riding segment in a mountain bike ad and why?
I prefer a fast riding segment because like I said with the type of rider, a fast riding segment lets me see what
the bike is capable of
Interview 2
I can see from the answers collected by my interview, the answers favour my desired intentions for my
mountain bike advert and the style I would like to create it in. It tells me that my reasons for creating an
informative styled advert would be correct as in it allows the audience to learn about the bike better, as well as
that I know that the time range id like to create it in is correct too, plus other aspects like what skill level the
rider should be and whether the audience likes slow motion and it’s effects.
After reviewing the collected answers of the questions in my interview, it tells me that my target audience
prefers certain aspects of a mountain bike advert that I first thought they would. It tells me that the target
audience are very visual learners and prefer to see the bike and let shots of the bike being used to influence
their own decisions instead of simply being told facts and specifications about the bike. It also tells me that the
target audience can be overwhelmed and bored possibly easier than others, I can tell by the answer of the
question related to the time range and the fact that they said they would get bored if it went over.
After analysing my collected answers from my interview, it allows me to confidently tailor the product to the
target audience. It will appeal to my target audience by keeping it within the two to three minute time range as
well as using features that the target audience clearly prefers. For example, creating the advert in an
informative style instead of a comedic style and slow-motion shots
1. Dan Richardson. (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 30/03/2022)
2. Mark James Richardson. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 24/04/2022)
3. IFHT Films. (2021) Trek Slash|Tattoo it on your face
4. Trek. (2021) Trek Slash
5. Sven Martin. (2013) Stevie’s Year
6. Misspentsummers. (2020) Tea & Biscuits – A Very British Mountain Bike Film
7. Andrew Leinster. (2018) out of the “Bike” collection
8. Misspentsummers. (2019). HURLY BURLY. Newbury: misspentsummers. 227.
9. Steel City Media. (2012) “This is Peaty” season 1

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Digital Artefact 1 - Tiny Home Environmental Design

2. Research.pptx

  • 3. Target Audience Profile • AGE • Mountain biking is a very popular sport with a very wide age range of users, but it does have one very dominant age bracket, that being 25 to 44, this being because of the ability that this age bracket has to be able to mountain bike. They’re old enough to drive so they can go where they want, most are out of education and only have a job, freeing up weekends for out of work activities and one important aspect it that their physical fitness is not only starting to deteriorate yet, it is still able to improve, so mountain biking is still a possible sport for them to do. My product very loosely will try to appeal to the whole mountain biking scene, but because of the style of the bike and what it will primarily used for means that it will have a smaller target audience. The idea for the bike that I will supposedly advertising is a type of bike that facilitates riding steep and technical descents while putting forwards the fun and joyful side over pure speed. This type of riding is possibly considered up there with the most dangerous type of mountain biking so this limits the type of audience. The type of audience that the bike will appeal to the most will be the age range of 16 to 30, 35 at a push. This age range is typically quite a wide age range but compared to the overall age range of cyclists, it narrows it down a lot. • This, 16 to 30, maybe 35 age range will be who I have to tailor my advertisement for to create the most effective advert for the bike that I will be advertising.
  • 4. Target Audience Profile • GENDER • Just like the age range, mountain biking is very open to all genders. There’s isn’t anything stopping anyone from trying to mountain bike at all, so you do see a mixture of all genders out on the trail. But sadly mountain biking is a very male dominated sport, and this probably because of the lack of pro female coverage on social media. Looking at an article written by Jeff Barber for the internet mountain bike forum ‘Singletracks’ he talks that out of all the users of Singletracks, only 13% of their users are women, and according to other mountain bike based web forums, this is a high number so that shows that although women are definitely involved in the mountain bike world, their number is nowhere near as high as the men’s. Linking that to my own project, the type of riding that the bike is made for, although, it definitely has a mix of women and men who ride within this class of mountain biking, again, it’s very male dominated which then creates the argument that if you were a fully professional company creating this ad, do you save the money and only hire a male rider to allow the male audience to feel as if the ad is more relatable, or do you spend more money and hire a male rider AND a female rider, then to make both genders feel as if this bike and style of riding is open to both gender, plus the add will then feel more relatable to women as well and up the price. In an ideal world I’d like to include a male rider and female rider in my own but I simply don’t have the facilities as I don’t personally know any female riders that would volunteer. So that leaves me to only be able to appeal to the male side of the target audience. Taken from the article on singletracks by Jeff Barber sport-of-mountain-biking-lacks-diversity/
  • 5. Target Audience Profile • Social Status • Unlike the last two, the social status of mountain bikers is quite dominated by the NRS social grade “skilled working class” and lower. But that doesn’t mean that the higher social grades aren’t involved, and it seems yearly now that this statistic become more diverse, most likely due to the increased popularity in mountain biking increasing the average price of a mountain bike. Although the average social grade of mountain bikers are the C2 class and lower, there’s still a very big audience full of C1 all the way up to even A. The lower classes like C2 and below will be the type of rider that you see with basic kit, usually the same kit being worn every time they ride and they will only have one bike, maybe a second but one won’t be very high end. But the B class and upwards will predominantly be the target audience for my advert. This is simply because the type of bike that I will be advertising wouldn’t be good for your just one every kind of riding bike. Its geometry and wheels won’t be the best for different types of riding, so this bike that I’ll be advertising will be the kind of bike that is a second bike for someone who can afford multiple well specked bikes. This mean that my adverts don’t need to try and show that the bike can do everything, as there would be no need for the bike to do that, then I can spend more time putting more detail into showing what it can do. This means that my target audience will be the NRS Social grade B upwards and that’s who I need to tailor my advertisements for, this could mean prioritising the higher spec models more than the lower ones as one, they cost mor money which is better for the brand and two because they fit the social grades needs better.
  • 6. Target Audience Profile • Geodemographics • Mountain biking is a very popular sport now, all over the world, some more than others but almost every country will have a mountain bike scene. It just depends on what I said in the last slide, the social status of the riders which can be heavily effected by the country that they live in. For example, surprisingly, Jamaica has a very big mountain bike scene considering the size of the island and the fact it’s a very poor country. But working off of that, the fact that they are a very poor country, everyone who does ride there is running kit that is many years old, potentially 5 years old or more. So the type of bike that I’ll be advertising, like I said in the last slide, the bike will be advertised towards the B NRS social grade and higher. So poor countries would be a waste of time and money to try and advertise towards simply as there’s a such smaller target audience in those countries, it would make more sense to use the money to advertise the bike in richer countries and heavily mountain biker populated countries like Canada, America, The UK and New Zealand. When it comes to geodemographics, I believe it will only be effected by the average social grade in the country and the other aspects, like age or gender won’t make a difference within the geodemographic. The three riders at the front of the frame are English rider, looking at their gear compared to the Jamaican riders at the back, you can see a clear difference, just in the bikes in fact, the English riders are riding expensive new bikes and the three Jamaican riders at the back are riding cheaper and older bikes.
  • 7. Audience Research Social media research by age: Looking at this graph I can tell that the way I am planning on advertising the bike, through social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube and Facebook, will be effective for my target audience as the graph shows that my target audience is actually the age range with the biggest number of people who use social media. This backs up my plans and ideas for creating my advertisement and publishing it on social media and I now know it will be effective. But I also know what secondary audience I could target too, 16 year old to 20 is also a big age range for users who use social media as well a 35-44 year old's which gives me the knowledge to know who who else my advertisement could be reaching and potentially how to tailor certain parts to try and advertise to those age ranges as well. /looking-at-social-media-sites-or-apps-in- the-united-kingdom-uk-by-age-group/
  • 8. Audience Research 28/gender-distribution-of-active-social- media-users-worldwide-by-platform/ Social media research by Gender: Looking at this graph I can tell that probably the most effective social media platforms for my advertisement would be Instagram and Facebook as they’re almost even, although mountain biking is a highly male dominated sport, the bike I’ll be advertising is made for both women and men, so I want to advertise on social media platforms that as an equal amount of male to female users, or as close as I can get. You could argue that snapchat is a possibly good social media platform for advertising the bike, but I can say after being being a user myself, the way snapchat is used wouldn’t be the right fit for the length of advertisement, it’s used to flick through stories quickly, not watch long videos.
  • 9. Audience Research Men to Female amount of cyclists research: Studying this graph, I can see that it proves that cycling is a heavily male dominated sport. Progressing off of the back of that information collected, it tells me that my advertisement may be more effective if I focus on trying to appeal to the male side of the target audience than the female side of the target audience. If there’s less women than men cycling, then with common sense, we know that there will be less women interested in the bike I will be advertising compared to the men interested in the bike. Although cycling is clearly very male dominated, it doesn’t mean that no women cycle at all, we can see very clearly that some women do cycle meaning that it wouldn’t be completely useless to target women in the target audience, if there’s a chance of women seeing the advertisement for the new bike, which we can see that there is, it would be beneficial to advertise to women too. /376596/cycling-distance-in- england-uk-by-age-and-gender/
  • 10. Audience Research Cycling for leisure research by age: Studying this graph, I can see that it proves that the age range sixteen to thirty, which is the target audience for the bike that I will be advertising, are one some the biggest age ranges that ride a bike for pleasure. Which increases the chance of my advertisement scheme for the bike that I will be advertising more effective simply due to the fact that the bike I will be advertising is simply built for pleasure. Progressing with the collected data, it allows me to realise that there is no significant reason for me to tailor certain aspects of the advertisement scheme for a secondary audience. We can see that there is also age ranges outside of my target audience that enjoy cycling for pleasure so there’s on obvious secondary audience, they just don’t need to be advertised towards as strongly as I initially considered. s/589095/share-of-people- cycling-recreational-or-utility-at- least-once-a-month-by-age-group- england/
  • 11. Audience Research Evaluation After analysing my collected audience research, collected from the statistic website called Statista, it reinforces my initial ideas and plans for tailoring my products to try and appeal to my target audience. It proves that my plans for creating my advertisement scheme to be published on social media would be effectives as my target audience for the bike can be seen as being the largest age range to use social media. Continuing with social media, I can also see that social media is very even when it comes to what genders use it. Which increases the amount of social media platforms that would be effective for the advertisement as there wouldn’t be certain social media platforms that held a larger amount of users of one gender compared to the other gender. Knowing that virtually all social media platforms have a very even ratio of male to female users, I’ll know that when it comes to publishing, all social media platforms will be effective. The social media platforms ratio being almost equal between male to female leads us onto the average amount of men who cycle compared to the average amount of women who cycle. We can see from my research, it backs my initial thoughts that cycling is very male dominated and being as I only have the budget and capabilities for one actor in my own product, it makes sense for me to choose aa male actor as cycling is a very male dominated sport, the effect will be that if there’s more men than women seeing my advertisement scheme, which statistically shown will be, the men will find it more relatable if they’re watching a male actor instead of female. Like I’ve said before, if I had the capabilities to have a male and female actor, I definitely would. After analysing the collected data for cycling for leisure by age, I found that I wasn’t as correct as I initially imagined, I was correct in the fact that the targeted age range for my advertisement scheme being 16 to 30
  • 13. Existing Product IFHT Films- Trek Slash|Tattoo It On Your Face This product was created by a production company outside of the Trek company, but hired by trek. They approached creating the add from a different angle that you wouldn’t expect, using comedy to portray the enjoyment the owners of the product have instead of trying to inform the audience all about the bike. Compared to the other ads you see on the internet, it really isn’t that informative. But they still chose to use the same cinematic techniques that are used in other mountain bike adverts. But they did also use some techniques such as lighting to for comedic effect as well as overexaggerating. Some techniques that they used that are used across the board for mountain bike adverts consist of angles that can show the bike doing something impressive while at the same time allowing the audience to have a clear view of the bike, as shown in the bottom left picture. A usual mountain bike advert feature is the location being woods simply as that is the usual place for mountain biking, but with this product, the production company used this to their advantage for the comedic effect. The head popping out of the ground wouldn’t be feasible with a different ground surface such as concrete or even grass. Composition is clearly considered within each shot for the acting part, and even in the riding part of the advert, composition is clearly thought of. In the acting scenes, each shot has objects in the frame to create depth and add more to the frame so it feel more comfortable for the audience. Not one shot had the main subject in the front of the frame, they either used the other actor or the surrounding like plants to be at downstage, then the main subject at centre stage and more objects like plants at upstage. When their was multiple character talking, it was often that the character being talked to would be placed either downstage left or downstage right to add depth and context as to who the talking character was talking to. Composition within the riding segment was used to for tracking shots as having an unfocused object like a tree passing quickly through the frame in between the rider and camera enhanced the feeling of speed which in this instance, is what they want to advertise to the audience. The way they chose to try and sell the bike to the audience was through the comedy used to portray the good times that the bike can facilitate. Unlike usual bike adverts trying to portray that the bike can turn the rider into some sort of pro and amazing rider, they focused simply on trying to show the good times that it can create which in the long run, is why most people mountain bike.
  • 14. Existing Product Trek- Trek Slash Compared to the last product I looked at, this has many of the same techniques but does use different techniques resulting in a very different overall tone and mood for the whole product. Angles, location and costumes. But they use techniques like lighting, colours and composition very differently. This ad, although advertising the same product as the last research, tries to portray at something completely different. The over all lighting and colours are surprisingly quite dark and not necessarily bland, because some are very vibrant like the greens and yellow but they don’t have as much pop. Lighting again has been used in shots that are show casing the bike, but with this ad, the lighting was simply used to try and make the bike well visible and as appealing as possible, not for comedic effect or to overexaggerate. Composition was conducted in a very different way. It was hardly ever that there was another object in between the rider and the camera, this will be because this ad is purely about trying to get the bike out there to as many people as possible, they want to showcase it as much as they can doing technical features that could be a selling point, so having trees or plants in between the bike and the camera doesn’t allow the audience to inspect the bike as easily as having nothing in between the camera and the bike. As they’re missing out on being able to have objects in between the rider and camera to increase the feeling of speed, angles became more important they have used angles to enhance this feeling very well. For example, having the camera either outside of a corner or inside allows the camera to capture the speed of the rider coming almost directly towards the camera, then whipping the camera around the corner following the rider either just showing the bike in frame which increases the feeling of speed as well as showcasing the bike or blurring the bike and rider which enhances the feeling too, to then capture the rider leavening almost directly in front of the camera. This angle is a very commonly used one within the mountain bike world as it really helps showcase the speed. In this add trek decided to used techniques that showcase the bike the best as well as not only portraying the speed that the bike can go but also portraying the bike as going faster than it actually is. As the bike is predominantly made for speed and racing, this is what Trek chose to focus on when advertising the bike, which in the long run, could actually cause them to decreases the amount of people who feel influenced to buy the bike after seeing the ad compared to the last ad we looked at.
  • 15. Existing Product Sven Martin- STEVIE’S YEAR This product published by Misspentsummers and taken by Sven Martin uses techniques to beautifully portray the emotions, vibe and mood that is happening. The composition is a very key part as to why this product is so good. The very high angle allows the excitement to build as you progress from downstage to upstage, or from the bottom of the photo to the top. As it starts with the other photographers at the bottom, it rises to reveal the words “HECKLE FEST”, then at the time and now a very famous mountain biker and then finishing with the very joyful and excited crowd at the top. The angle paired with the usage of the fish eye lens helps capture the physical size of the event happening as well as actually helping portray the vibe and mood. A fisheye lens can be used for many different mental effects on work, but with this piece, it’s used to enhance the feeling of informality and partying which is clearly happening on the rock. Going back to talking about how the excitement rises as you go up the picture, this is due to the composition used for the photo, Sven the photographer purposefully decided to include the photographers below him to give this feeling of business on one side and then part on the other, it captures the feeling of a downhill mountain bike race and perfectly captures the feeling in people that riding creates, never mind whether you're riding or watching.
  • 16. Existing Product Misspentsummers- Tea & Biscuits – A very British Mountain Bike Film This product is different to the rest but at the same time manages time combine the style of all three last products. It combines techniques for comedic effect, techniques to help portray the skill of the riders as well as putting portraying the tone, vibe and mood overall more important. Techniques like lighting and colouring was clearly not a very detailed thought when it came to producing this product, that being said, it’s not that the lighting and colouring is bad at all, there has clearly been some basic adjustments, my feeling is just on the camera to produce a good looking video but not any to try and improve any shots. Like I said, the main aspect of the product is clearly to portray the feelings and moods that were had whilst filming. Tom Caldwell, the only camera operator and editor for this film has a very clear style that he uses for all of his work, that being work for misspentsummers or other broadcasters like Vital MTB. He is very fond of a very wide angle, letting the rider come into frame from a far and using a quick pan with the rider as they pass the camera and watching them ride out of frame. We can see this a lot in his work and especially this film, it’s not only the most predominately used angle through the film, it’s that dominant that you don’t notice many others. But when he does use others, they often seem to have a bit more technical flare about them, like the top shot and bottom shot that I have included, the top having composition being involved, the camera far away from the focus point but zoomed in through shrubbery, allowing the rider to enter the frame and exit it not being in the frame long portraying the riders speed as being a lot faster than it probably is, plus it’s used for the last clip in a segment so it aesthetically closes everything in the segment off. And the bottom shot includes a very professional piece of equipment, a cable cam, which allows for this shot to have loads of riders in, all the riders in that segment, in fact, all the riders in that segment. Not only. Does it show off some of Tom Caldwell’s technical skills, it helps his usual style, portraying the mood and tone of everyone in the clip as it enables the audience to have this very open view of all. The riders jumping around and having fun. It appeals very strongly to a British mountain bike audience because a lot of the riders in the film a very popular and famous British mountain bikers, that then combined with the overall portrayal of fun and good times, the audience likes to see these very big and famous athletes having fun and joking around instead of the usual mountain bike film which is very serious and often doesn’t have a lot of dialogue.
  • 17. Existing Product Andrew Leinster - Out of the “Bike” collection This product published and taken by Andrew Leinster uses techniques to create an overall very aesthetically pleasing picture. It uses a simple but clever techniques to allow the camera to capture the rider, rather clearly, through what is essentially a wooden boardwalk. As well as that we can see that time was taken in post to add to the photo to make it just that bit more technically detailed and aesthetically pleasing. The photo clearly taken outside, very cleverly is taken from the backside of what is called a “wallride”, a wooden boardwalk built on an angle to allow the riders to ride up it and use it for a “catch” in a corner so they can go round it faster. With the camera being behind the wallride and pointing up, allows the rider to take up a large part of the frame. To create this effect where us the audience is actually looking through the wallride, it’s been done by keeping the camera close to the wooden structure and tracking the rider as they go past at, almost at the exact speed of the rider. With the camera tracking the rider, it capture the rider through the gaps in the beams of wood blurring everything that isn’t being tracked or horizontal. In post, techniques clearly have been used to create this black and white effect, but Andrew has really darkened the shadows, almost until they’re black, and increased the whites until they’re simply just white patches. It creates this almost halo effect over the rider as it’s dark each side of them which looks aesthetically pleasing. I feel as if the way that this piece appeals to the audience is through what the technical skills used open up aspects of the photo.
  • 18. Existing Product Misspentsummers- HURY BURLY 5 2021 This product created by Misspentsummers combines technical skills in post, portraying the speed of riders with technical skill and trying to portray the mood and vibe of the subject whilst being informative at the same time. The HURLY BURLY magazine combines photography, print and information about the downhill world cup season. Misspentsummers uses their usual style of taking photos that portray the mood and vibe, mainly the riders as they are the key subject of the whole book. They use skills that you can see in the middle left like writing on paper and scanning it onca printer to be used on a page, scanning allows you to write and use it on a computer in good quality. The usage of the small images overlapping each other on pages creates the feeling of it being hand made and almost scrap book when in matter off fact, it’s professionally made. On the informative side of the book, they have segments for each round of. The downhill world. Cup season, and t the end of each round’s segment, they finish it off with the time sheets of the men's, women and even junior men and junior women allowing you to compare the times of each rider, and even has highlighted parts to show you who was the fastest rider through each split ( a split is each segment of the track after it’s been broken down so times can be compared mid run when the race is live). Following the idea that the idea is to portray the mood and vibe of the subject at hand, it’s noticeable that if the photo or text is about something joyful and exciting, the colouring of those pages are very solid and bright, but if the photo or text is about something sad or down in mood the colours, again, represent that. I feel as if the book is tailored to the target audience through the choice of colours and the fact that the ratio of pictures to text, if not even is higher on the side of the pictures. This is because the idea of a lot of the pictures used in the book aren’t apart of an article or piece of text, they’re used as the main subjects on certain pages. For example some pages are just double page spreads of one image. This is probably because the target audience are types of people that are interested in the images just as much as they are in the text because of the ways the photos are taken, like art, they’re taken in a way to almost tell a story, portray the vibe and mood and I feel as if that’s a very strong selling point
  • 19. Existing Product Steel City Media – This is Peaty SEASON 1 This is Peaty has quite a lot of technical aspects from a lot of the other products we have looked at but used for a different outcome. The documentary series follows the Santa Cruz Syndicate downhill team but more closely, the very famous British downhill rider Steve Peat and his downhill world cup season. The idea is to capture riding segments of the team, give a look into the behind the scenes of the team, as well as Steve Peats life whilst giving you comedic parts from the team, rider and production company. Same again like a lot of mountain bike videos or films, not many technical skills are involved in producing them, often more in post then filming. For example, the two screenshots in the middle on the left show the production value to the opening credits, you can’t tell but these actually have a degree of animation to them which increases the look of professionality to the production company. A usual angle and camera technique that we’ve seen in these products, the wide angled shot. With the rider entering, a fast whip pan as the rider passes and the rider riding out of frame, sometimes including zoom as the rider gets closer and further away, is used again for this series’ riding segments most likely because it’s one shot that allows to capture the the rider doing a lot in frame at the same time representing the speed they’re going at. All shots are done on location because the production company is simply following the team around for the year to show the audience what they get up to during the downhill season. Looking at how the comedic parts of each episode was captured, obviously there wasn’t any script writing involved, most likely just a lot of time carrying the camera and equipment anywhere they go, a lot of filming and just waiting to see what is the funniest bit that they capture, because a lot the comedic parts is just jokes between each member of the tea and mates outside the team. I imagine that there was a lot of footage that was recorded and never used. I feel as if the way that it appeals to the target audience is through the way that they were always filming, just trying to capture as many comedic parts or interesting parts about Steve Peat and/or the team, in matter of fact, the riding segments were probably the least important part of audience appeal, they were just used as a filler and maybe a bit of transitions as the episode moved from one subject to another. But filming the riding parts were also a very important part because it’s more often than you think that the riders crashing, so capturing that, although it doesn’t sound nice, would help keep the audience intrigued as people get entertained by crashes.
  • 20. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? • A very common feature used within mountain bike filming, and you could say mountain bike photography, are the use of angles. To be more precise, tracking shots. Tracking sots are clearly a very effective plus easy was to capture the rider riding past. It doesn’t take too much movement, it allows a multiple feature segment of. Trail in certain situations to be captured being ridden in one shot and if done correctly, can help the audience experience the speed of the rider. Another but obvious feature is that everything is shot on location, an obvious feature but when you consider it with more detail, you realise the challenges that can create when trying to film, for example just simply the lighting, all it takes is for the sun to go behind one cloud and the whole lighting for that shot has changed. Another aspect of shooting on location is the unpredictable weather, especially for my project as it’ll be shot in Britain, you can check as many weather reports as you want but you can still never be exactly sure what the weather is going to do, which can create a problem if you’re planning on trying to film over multiple days. A big feature in the products that I looked at was the importance of trying to portray the mood and vibe of the subject that is either being filmed and photographed. Another common feature used across all of the products I’ve looked at is the use of colour and lighting. It’s clearly very rare to create a mountain bike film or ad that has dark colours, as they’re about having fun and good times, the colours are often very vibrant and bold to fit into that aesthetic style of “fun and good times”. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? • After looking at these existing products, I’ve decided to pull certain aspects out of these products to add to my own work to fit into the look of professionalism with my finished product. I’d like to use the very clearly common camera angles that everyone uses, like tracking shots and the close to the ground zoomed in shot as after watching all of these products, I’ve realised how effective they are for surprisingly easy shots to take. Looking at the ads for the Trek Slash, both of them used famous professional riders to advertise the bike because not only does it allow the production company to capture the bike being ridden fast and properly, but it creates this sense in the audience’s mind that if they get that same bike that they’re watching the pro ride, it might allow them to ride like the professional. So an idea for me, which will most likely be done in post, is to some way make my rider seem like a professional.
  • 23. Audience research • Observing my collected research, it proves the idea that mountain biking is a male dominated sport. Meaning that my recent comments of making my own advertisement tailored for the male audience side of mountain biking. However, it does show that mountain biking is not only done by the male gender, but other genders also participate in the sport and are interested in the sport enough to interact with the social media side of the sport and answer things like surveys. • Furthering my observation on my collected data, it tells me that my audience is heavily dominated by a male gender, but that clearly doesn’t mean that the male gender should be the only gender that I try and target, other genders are still participating my survey so that shows that, although smaller, there is a side of my target audience that isn’t male so it would obviously be worth trying to tailor my product to appeal to these genders too as if this advertisement was real, it would miss out on a lot of sales if the product chopped of a decent sized chunk of the audience that would actually be interested. • After analysing my collected data, it’s safe to say that if I had to pick one gender to target it would obviously be the dominating male gender. Working off that, I would really like to use multiple actors of different gender to try and appeal the product to all genders much more easily, but I only have the ability to use one male actor simply because I don’t know any female riders willing to act for me. Using the male actor will help me appeal to the target male side of the target audience but to appeal to the female side, the advertisement might have to really focus on the bike more than the rider, not advertise that a male rider is riding the bike, just advertise the bike and use the male rider as a facilitator, to do this I could focus on close up shots of just the bike, and possibly include a shot or two o just the bike.
  • 25. Audience research • Observing my collected research, it shows that my estimate for the target audience for my advertisement was very close but not as exact as I had imagined. There’s an obvious audience of 44-year-old plus that will see mountain bike advertisement. I believe that it shows me that my initial ideas and plans to advertise to a younger target audience is still correct, but I should maybe try and add in aspects of my advertisement that could appeal to the older age range of 44-year-olds and above. But it does show that my dominant age range is the 18-year-old class and below which will be a key factor when it comes to advertising the bike. • This tells me that my audience will be who I imaged to target towards but also an age range that I initially didn’t plan to target towards. One downside of my survey is though is that it’s only 44+, I’m not too clear on how old they are, plus, the type of bike that I’m hoping to advertise doesn’t have any related questions in the survey, which was a mistake on my behalf. So, I’m sticking with my initial ideas of the target audience predominately being the younger age range, as I feel as if it’s a very safe estimate, plus, I do clearly have a large target audience within that age. • My target audience will appeal to the younger generation of mountain bikers through the style of mountain biking I will film; it will be a style predominately popularized by younger riders as it’s a more dangerous and skill required style of riding. But also to appeal to the older age range that my survey has detected in my target audience, I feel as if a good idea would to be use a skilled but older rider.
  • 27. Audience research • Observing my collected research, I can clearly see that the preferred style of mountain bike advertisement is to have one aspect being informative about the bike being advertised combined with a riding segment, but I have to say surprisingly, it was close between the informative aspect and the comedic aspect. This could be taken into consideration when creating my products and possibly push me to combining the two. If I was going to combine the two, it would still have to be heavier on the side of informative as that was the preferred style. • Furthering my observation on my collected data, I can tell that my target audience are more interested in the bike to enhance their choice in whether to buy the product or not instead of having a laugh when watching the advertisement. But it also tells me that some people feel as if a comedic style in advertisement could possibly push them to buy the product just as much as an informative style, maybe more. This tells me that there is one side to my target audience, the more dominant side, that want to learn about the product before buying it and another other side that prefer comedic aspects of advertisement and feel as if that pushes them to buy the product more. • After analysing my collected data, I know that the stronger more dominant side of my advertisement should be informative. To do this I’ll have close up shots on certain parts of the bike, possibly in action and as well as stood still revealing parts that matter the most, i.e., suspension and gears so the audience knows what will come on that spec level bike. But I might also try and appeal to the comedic side, I’m hoping to maybe have some B-roll or even bloopers to have comedic aspects.
  • 29. Audience research • Observing my collected research, I can see that the consistence is that slow-motion is a very popular techniques that the audience enjoy and find helpful when used in mountain bike advertisement as it helps them view the bike in action. However, we can see that out of ten, one person has voted the opposite and that they believe the techniques isn’t helpful, working off of that, I could argue that I maybe got lucky with who used the survey simply because it wasn’t a large amount, a bigger usage of the survey could’ve surfaced the fact that it’s a lot more even than I’d expect, I might have to take that into count when creating my advertisement. • After observing my data, it tells me that almost all my target audience prefer the usage of slow-motion to view the bike in action. That then leads me to believe that it would be a very useful skill for me to use when creating my own advertisement as the target audience find it a useful technique. But it also tells me that some parts of my target audience doesn’t find it useful, so it could be helpful to remember that when it comes to how much I use it. • After analysing my collected data, I have decided that the usage of slow-motion will play a very important role when advertising the bike. I’m hoping to use it paired with close ups of parts like suspension to help the audience get a good view of these parts being used. But remembering that some people aren’t fans of it, I’ll try not to overuse it. Slow-motion could also help me get shots that can allow the audience to get a better view of the whole bike.
  • 31. Audience research • Observing my collected research, I can see that the preferred level of rider to advertise the bike by many was Pro, but surprisingly, there was a larger number voting for an average skilled rider to advertise the bike than I thought. This could be because some people will find it easier to relate to the product if the rider advertising the bike wouldn’t be riding it at a skill level or pace that could be unreachable by the audience. I can also see that out of 10 people, 1 person did vote for below average, but for the rest of the target audience, it wouldn’t be a great way to advertise the bike. • It tells me that most of my target audience what to see what the bike can facilitate and what abuse it can take from the high end, fast and skillful pro riders. The target audience wants to know what the bike’s full capabilities are so they know what it can do for them if they buy it. But also, some people in the target audience want to see the bike being ridden on a more relatable level, so that they can see what the bike could facilitate for them at their level. • After analysing my collected data, I can see that the preferred skill level of rider is pro, so my idea is to have my actor come across as a pro rider, this could simply be costume design but in post I’m going to have a caption appear when we first see the rider which will say his name and a fake world championship title. I could try and have an aspect that makes the rider come across as in the middle ground of pro rider and average, so it appeals to both target audience. I could possibly state that the rider was a pro ride maybe five to 8 years ago, so he’s still a very talented rider, just maybe less talented than the up-to-date pr riders.
  • 33. Audience research • Observing my collected research, I can see that the obviously preferred time range for a mountain bike advert should be between two to three minutes. Although that that is the clear choice of preferred length for a mountain bike advert, it wasn’t as dominant as some of the choices in the last questions. The other choices, that being one minute to two minutes and three minute to four minutes. I feel as if the two to three minutes choice was chosen because it gives enough time to advertise the bike being advertised but doesn’t take so long that it will lose the interest of the audience. • It tells me that the audience feels as if a video advertising a bike shorter than two minutes wouldn’t give them enough time to see the bike and find out the information that they need to know before deciding whether they want to buy the bike. But I can see that the target audience feels as if that a video longer than three minutes would possibly start to bore them resulting in the audience losing interest in the advertisement and might lose a number of people wanting to buy the bike being advertised. • After analysing my collected data, I have a clear time range to work on for my TV advertisement, that being two to three minutes. Working off of that fact, I will obviously tailor my product to fit the preferred time range, I’m hoping that if it’s possible, I’ll try and push my advert as close to them maximum of the time range as possible as I feel as if three minutes would be a good amount of time to get across what the bike looks like, what it’s capable of whilst not overdoing it and boring the audience.
  • 35. Audience research • Observing my collected research, I can see that compared to the last questions, the preferred answer to this question being a “ Fast Riding Segment” as the most enjoyable part of a mountain bike advert, wasn’t as dominant as the preferred answer for the last question. I can see that out of the four options that I gave for the most enjoyable part of a mountain bike advert, the winner was fast riding segment with a draw close behind with a small story line and slow-motion of the suspension working. But with no votes at all and dead last, dialogue about the bike. • This tells me that my audience are clearly visual learners as the option for the dialogue about the bike wasn’t selected at all but the options that were picked, were all options for a visual experience. It shows that my target audience have a very wide range of favourite aspects of a mountain bike advert and that instead of trying to tailor the whole project to this one aspect and I can actually use all three aspects whilst keeping the whole target audience appealed. • After analysing my collected data, my plan is to use the collected data to my advantage to appeal to my target audience. Unlike the past questions, there isn’t a dominant and main aspect that my target audience prefers, it was very close between the three. So my idea is to instead of like the other questions to appeal to the one option, because my target audience created a very obvious wide range of preferred aspects of a mountain bike advert, I should include a good range of all three aspects to appeal to the target audience.
  • 37. Audience research • Observing my collected research, I can see that there’s, like some of the other questions, a very strong and dominant preferred option when it came to choosing the least favourite aspect of a mountain bike advert. The other options have been picked too, but more than half of the people who completed the survey selected the option for “dialogue about the bike” when it comes to the least favourite aspect of some mountain bike adverts. • After observing the results of my survey, I can tell that my target audience prefer to just watch the bike and what it facilitates instead of listening about it. Going back to the last question this backs up my point of my target audience being very visual learners and prefer to watch the bike in action instead of listening about it. Working off of that, it tells me that the target audience would be more interested in watching the bike which would lead to more sales instead of an advert that speaks about the bike instead. • After analysing my collected research, I now know that my target audience’s least favourite aspect of a mountain bike advert is dialogue about the bike. Working off of that, I obviously know not to include that aspect of some mountain bike adverts into my own and make sure to concentrate on the other aspects of the preferred aspects. I will need to make sure that because these are the preferred aspects, I will need to make sure that they are as best as possibly can be to make sure the target audience stays interested.
  • 39. Interview 1 Q1. What type of bike ad intrigues you most, informative or comedic and why? Most likely to watch an informative advert, probably after searching for it Q2. Do you find slow-motion helps you view the bike in action and why? Slightly but I’m more likely to look for still photographs Q3. What type of skilled ridder do you prefer to see advertising the bike, Pro or average and why? I like to see a highly skilled rider (preferably sponsored) putting a bike through it’s paces, but I also enjoy watching riders at a more “relatable” skill level Q4. Do you think a mountain bike ad should be 2-3 minutes long and why? Probably not much more than 2 minutes, I know the brand is going to tell me the bike’s great. I would watch more just to see the bike in action. Q5. Do you prefer a small story line or a fast riding segment in a mountain bike ad and why? I don’t mind either, but my main interest would be to see the bike
  • 40. Interview 1 I can see from the answers collected by my interview, the answers favour my desired intentions for my mountain bike advert and the style I would like to create it in. It’s backed all the ideas that I first had and aspects that I wanted use will be effective. But it also shows me that there will be certain aspects that some people in the target audience prefers over others. For example, this interview says that they feel as if slow- motion will help them view the bike in action, but photographs would help them more. After reviewing the collected answers of the questions in my interview, it tells me that my initial ideas and target audience research were correct and gives me confidence to start my pre-production with a good idea of my target audience to try and appeal to. It tells me that my target audience are very visual learners, thewy prefer to see the bike and watch what it can do rather than read or listen about it, which is a very common trait of mountain bikers. They also like to see the bike being ridden at, or as close as possible to it’s highest capabilities to see what it can facilitate. After analysing my collected answers from my interview, it allows me to confidently tailor the product to the target audience. To try and tailor the Tv advert to the target audience, my predominant focus will be on getting good shots, that being fast, steep and technical trails being ridden to get across what the bike can facilitate. I’ll also use slow-motion to appeal to the target audience but when it comes to my photography side, like it said in this interview that they think that the bike can be seen working better in photography, that’s what I’ll try and capture.
  • 41. Interview 2 Q1. What type of bike ad intrigues you most, informative or comedic and why? Informative because it lets me find out about the bike and lets me decide whether I want to buy it or not. Q2. Do you find slow-motion helps you view the bike in action and why? I do because it lets me see the suspension and how the linkage works in certain situations Q3. What type of skilled rider do you prefer to see advertising the bike, Pro or average and why? Professional as the riders are really able to push the bikes to the limit and it lets me see what the bike can facilitate Q4. Do you think a mountain bike ad should be 2-3 minutes long and why? I feel like that would be a good length for mountain bike because it lets me spend enough time seeing whether I like the bike and what it can do without boring me Q5. Do you prefer a small story line or a fast riding segment in a mountain bike ad and why? I prefer a fast riding segment because like I said with the type of rider, a fast riding segment lets me see what the bike is capable of
  • 42. Interview 2 I can see from the answers collected by my interview, the answers favour my desired intentions for my mountain bike advert and the style I would like to create it in. It tells me that my reasons for creating an informative styled advert would be correct as in it allows the audience to learn about the bike better, as well as that I know that the time range id like to create it in is correct too, plus other aspects like what skill level the rider should be and whether the audience likes slow motion and it’s effects. After reviewing the collected answers of the questions in my interview, it tells me that my target audience prefers certain aspects of a mountain bike advert that I first thought they would. It tells me that the target audience are very visual learners and prefer to see the bike and let shots of the bike being used to influence their own decisions instead of simply being told facts and specifications about the bike. It also tells me that the target audience can be overwhelmed and bored possibly easier than others, I can tell by the answer of the question related to the time range and the fact that they said they would get bored if it went over. After analysing my collected answers from my interview, it allows me to confidently tailor the product to the target audience. It will appeal to my target audience by keeping it within the two to three minute time range as well as using features that the target audience clearly prefers. For example, creating the advert in an informative style instead of a comedic style and slow-motion shots
  • 44. Bibliography 1. Dan Richardson. (2018) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 30/03/2022) 2. Mark James Richardson. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 24/04/2022) 3. IFHT Films. (2021) Trek Slash|Tattoo it on your face 4. Trek. (2021) Trek Slash 5. Sven Martin. (2013) Stevie’s Year 6. Misspentsummers. (2020) Tea & Biscuits – A Very British Mountain Bike Film 7. Andrew Leinster. (2018) out of the “Bike” collection 8. Misspentsummers. (2019). HURLY BURLY. Newbury: misspentsummers. 227. 9. Steel City Media. (2012) “This is Peaty” season 1

Editor's Notes

  1. Who is the project for, define age range, demographic info, and psychographic info
  2. Who is the project for, define age range, demographic info, and psychographic info
  3. Who is the project for, define age range, demographic info, and psychographic info
  4. Who is the project for, define age range, demographic info, and psychographic info
  5. Collect examples of audience specific information, e.g. viewing figures, online data, etc to support you audience identification
  6. Collect examples of audience specific information, e.g. viewing figures, online data, etc to support you audience identification
  7. Collect examples of audience specific information, e.g. viewing figures, online data, etc to support you audience identification
  8. Collect examples of audience specific information, e.g. viewing figures, online data, etc to support you audience identification
  9. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  10. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  11. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  12. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  13. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  14. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  15. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  16. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  17. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  18. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  19. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  20. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  21. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  22. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  23. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  24. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  25. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  26. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.