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Getting to Launch

Howard Ratner
Chairman, ORCID Inc.
CTO, EVP, Nature Publishing Group
ORCID: 0000-0002-2123-6317
Are these two names referring to the same person?
Who is collaborating? inventing?
Why do I have to re-enter this data every time I move?
How can we accurately benchmark research strengths
and impact?
How do we keep our repository up to date?
How can we find reviewers?
How can we track people who participated in our

The Problem: Connecting
Research with Researchers
Without a way to discretely identify those participating in
research across disciplines, organizations, and countries,
the research community lacks the ability to
accurately and easily identify and link researchers
and scholars with their professional activities.

Will the real Dr. Wang please stand up?
•  About 92.8 million Chinese names transliterated to “Wang”
  –  A look at the 2008 literature shows Dr. Wang to be most prolific…
    •  PubMed has 27,339 papers published by Wang
    •  Web of Science holds 65,592 papers

•  The issue is global
  –  Nguyen is the surname for nearly 40% of Vietnamese
  –  9.9 million Kims in Korean
  –  2.4 million Smiths in the U.S.
  –  Nearly 300k Johanssons in Sweden
                                                               * 2009 data
Drivers for scope and principles
“Because a numbering system would be for the ages, some
say it shouldn’t be in private hands or held by a single
I would be very worried if an individual publisher
controlled this.
… much more comfortable if it were operated by
… a broad group … whose membership includes
… open-access publishers and scientific societies…”
                                 - Cliff Lynch, Director, CNI

Genesis of ORCID
2007-2009         CrossRef discusses Contributor ID/CrossReg
July 2009         NPG and TR discuss best way to solve name
                  disambiguation problem. First mention of
                  ORCID name
9 November 2009 NPG and TR call for Name Identifier Summit
                alongside CrossRef Annual Member meeting
                  21 groups attend ACM, AIP, APA, British
                  Library, CrossRef, Elsevier, EMBO, Microsoft,
                  MIT, NPG, PLOS, Rutgers, Sage, Springer,
                  Thomson-Reuters, UC London, University of
                  Manchester, University of Vienna, Wellcome
                  Trust, Wiley-Blackwell
Name Identifier Summit
November 9, 2009

                   Confidential – do not distribute   7
Meeting Attendees
Wayne Graves       ACM                        Director of Information Services
Bernard Rous       ACM                        Deputy Director of Publications
Tim Ingoldsby      AIP                        Director of Strategic Initiatives and Publisher Relations
Linda Beebe        APA                        Senior Director, PsycINFO
Andrew MacEwan     British Library            Head of Collection Processing
Geoff Bilder       CrossRef                   Director of Strategic Initiatives
Ed Pentz           CrossRef                   Executive Director
Karen Hunter       Elsevier                   Senior Vice President
Chris Shillum      Elsevier                   Vice President Product Management, Platform and Content
Bernd Pulverer *   EMBO                       Head of Scientific Publications
Mike Jones         Microsoft                  Senior Program Manager
MacKenzie Smith    MIT Libraries              Associate Director for Technology
Timo Hannay *      NPG                        Publishing Director,
Howard Ratner      NPG                        Chief Technology Officer
Mark Patterson *   PloS                       Director of Publishing
Carol Richman      SAGE Publications          Director of Licensing
Travis Brooks      SLAC/Stanford              Manager, IS & SPIRES/INSPIRE SLAC National Accelerator Lab. Lib.
Ray Colón          Springer                   Director of Business and Journal Development
Reynold Guida      Thomson Reuters            Director, Product Management
Dave Kochalko      Thomson Reuters            Vice President, Strategy
Michelle Lin       Thomson Reuters            Assistant General Counsel
Keith MacGregor    Thomson Reuters            Executive Vice President
Mary Phillips *    Univ. College London       Director of Research Planning
Amanda Hill        University of Manchester   Names Project, Mimas
Juan Gorraiz*      University of Vienna       Library and Archive Services, Physics Lib, Head of Bibliometrics Dept
Wolfgang Mayer *   University of Vienna       Library and Archive Services, Head of eResource Department
Robert Kiley*      Wellcome Trust             Head of Digital Services & Acting Head of Library
Craig Van Dyck     Wiley-Blackwell            Vice President, Global Content Management
Tim Ryan           Wiley-Blackwell            Director of Author Services                                           8

                                                                                            * Participating by teleconference
We saw many initiatives with weak connective
links and no critical mass





   – Publishers   – Academic Institutions    – Research Orgs      – Scholarly Associations    – Gov’t Funding Agencies

                                                                     * Originally presented by Dave Kochalko,
                                                                     Name Identifier Summit, November 2009
A common, open registry would provide the catalyst




              Open Researcher Contributor Identifier

    – Publishers   – Academic Institutions   – Research Orgs         – Scholarly Associations   – Gov’t Funding Agencies

                                                                          * Originally presented by Dave Kochalko,
                                                                          Name Identifier Summit, November 2009
Build scale through a standard
•  Vision: Create a system-wide standard to facilitate
   identification, collaboration, and validation among all
   participants in the scientific and scholarly research
•  Technology: Leverage the researcher Registry from
   ResearcherID and support links with member organizations
•  Organization: Establish an independent, non-profit
   organization to manage the Registry for the community
•  Financing: Attract member organizations to join and
   fund the non-profit
                                        * Originally presented by Dave Kochalko,
                                        Name Identifier Summit, November 2009
Establish collaborations across
  the research community
                                        Association for Computing Machinery

Research Organizations       Publishers wield               Associations and            Funding Agencies will use
employ the majority of       considerable influence over Societies have large           ORCID to support the grant
potential members and will   individual authors and will be memberships that will be    application process, grant
be critical to successful    important for encouraging important to achieve rapid       review, and to track
adoption. ORCID enables      early adoption of ORCID. adoption. These                   outcomes.
these organizations to       Publishers will use ORCID organizations will use           Professional Networks
identify and measure the     to manage author and           ORCID to improve services   and Communities may
impact of research by        reviewer databases.            and collaboration for       find ORCID services of use
members of their own                                        members.                    to their members.
Decisions to formalize the organization
Outcome of summit:
  •  Increase stakeholder participation
  •  Obtain sponsorships for initial funding
  •  Open the door! Learn from community!
  •  Embrace OPEN and leverage existing technology
Next Steps:
  •  Formalize board
  •  Incorporate organization
  •  Determine principles
  •  Determine sustainable business model
  •  Explore best disambiguation techniques
  •  Create registry                                 13
 350                                      328

 300                                275         November-09
 250                          220
 200                    188
 150                                            February-11
 100            80 85
  50                                            May-12
        20 30

October 2012 – Drive to convert participants into members
Initial steps to formalizing the organization
January 2010   Dave Kochalko and Howard Ratner co-chair
               new ORCID initiative
August 2010    ORCID Inc. is incorporated as not-for-profit
               organization (4 August)
September 2010 First board meeting (teleconference)
October 2010   First in-person board meeting at NPG
               ORCID by-laws adopted
               Geoff Bilder and Thom Hickey recommend TR Researcher ID code
               Stakeholder fund $39K
November 2010 ORCID Mission and Principles created
               TWG Guiding Principles – forum for outreach, mechanism to
               talk about technical progress, to serve as the technical
               community of volunteers that can be pulled into specific
               Survey results in from Participant Survey by Wellcome Trust
ORCID Board (2010-2011)
Liz Allen, Senior Evaluation Adviser, The Wellcome Trust
Amy Brand, Assistant Provost for Faculty Appointments, Harvard University
Martin Fenner, Researcher, Hannover Medical School
Dave Kochalko, Vice President of Strategy and Research Development, Thomson
Reuters IP and Science
Ed Pentz, Executive Director, CrossRef
Bernard Rous, Director of Publications, Association for Computing Machinery
Hideaki Takeda, Professor and Director, Research and Development Center,
National Informatics Institute
MacKenzie Smith, Research Director, MIT Libraries
Craig Van Dyck, Vice President, Global Content Management, Wiley-Blackwell
Thomas Hickey, Chief Scientist, Online Computer library Center
Salvatore Mele, Head, Open Access, CERN
Howard Ratner (Chair) CTO, Executive Vice President, Nature Publishing Group
Chris Shillum, Vice President Product Management, Platform, and Content, Elsevier
Simeon Warner, Associate Librarian, Cornell University
ORCID Mission
ORCID is an international, interdisciplinary,
open, and not-for-profit organization created
for the benefit of all stakeholders, including
research organizations, research funders,
organizations, publishers, and researchers
We aim to transform the research ecosystem by
providing a registry of persistent unique
identifiers for researchers and scholars and
automating linkages to research objects such
as publications, grants, and patents.
10 Principles
1.    ORCID will work to support the creation of a            (subject to the researchers' own privacy
      permanent, clear and unambiguous record of              settings) that is updated once a year and
      scholarly communication by enabling reliable            released under the CC0 waiver.
      attribution of authors and contributors.
                                                        8.    All software developed by ORCID will be
2.    ORCID will transcend discipline, geographic,            publicly released under an Open Source
      national and institutional, boundaries.                 Software license approved by the Open Source
                                                              Initiative. For the software it adopts, ORCID
3.    Participation in ORCID is open to any
                                                              will prefer Open Source.
      organization that has an interest in scholarly
      communications.                                   9.    ORCID identifiers and profile data (subject to
                                                              privacy settings) will be made available via a
4.    Access to ORCID services will be based on
                                                              combination of no charge and for a fee APIs
      transparent and non-discriminatory terms
                                                              and services. Any fees will be set to ensure the
      posted on the ORCID website.
                                                              sustainability of ORCID as a not-for-profit,
5.    Researchers will be able to create, edit, and           charitable organization focused on the long-
      maintain an ORCID ID and profile free of                term persistence of the ORCID system.
                                                        10.  ORCID will be governed by representatives
6.    Researchers will control the defined privacy           from a broad cross-section of stakeholders,
      settings of their own ORCID profile data.              the majority of whom are not-for-profit, and
                                                             will strive for maximal transparency by publicly
7.    All profile data contributed to ORCID by
                                                             posting summaries of all board meetings and
      researchers or claimed by them will be
                                                             annual financial reports.
      available in standard formats for free download

Community involvement: outreach AND working
Working Groups
       Open to any interested parties in the community
Outreach Meetings
       Held twice per year since 2010 (Boston, London, Boston,
       CERN, Boston, Berlin)
       Invaluable broad community feedback and buy in
       Lead to invited talks (EU, VIVO, STM, PSP, NISO, CERN,
       Switzerland, FDP, AAU, JISC, Stockholm…)
       Four national meetings on researcher identifiers in 2012:
       Vilnius, Lithuania (February), London (March), Barcelona
       (September), Berlin (October), Florence (December)
Working Groups & Committees (2010-2012)
Business Working Group    Craig Van Dyck & Ed Pentz
Technical Working Group   Brian Wilson (Laura Paglione)
Marketing/Outreach WG     Martin Fenner
Legal Working Group       Michelle Lin (Jackie Ewenstein)
Audit Committee           Craig Van Dyck
Privacy Working Group     Bernie Rous
Nominating Committee      Craig Van Dyck

         Working Groups are Open to Everyone!

Funding and specifications for ORCID service
January 2011   Geoff Bilder (CrossRef) Interim ORCID Technical Director
               (January - July 2011; eventually June 2011- June 2012)
               Filed US and EU trademarks
               Mellon Market Research Grant
               via MIT, Harvard and Cornell approved for $50k
               VIVO grant accepted for $25k
               $144K sponsorship from 22 organizations
March 2011     ORCID receives US Federal Tax ID
October 2011   Publishers agree to loans
               Jackie Ewenstein hired as legal counsel
               Alpha sandbox opened to public
               JISC lends us Ben Osteen to work on JISC/ORCID interactions
               Phase 1 beta defined
               $244K sponsorship from 44 organizations                       21
Development begins
June 2011        Perpetual license of TR Researcher ID code!
                 Semantico hired to develop ORCID Registry
August 2011      Semantico development work begins
September 2011   Loan terms set / ratified 10 October
                 Decision on MIT Open Source license
                         for ORCID developed code
                 NSF Eager grant awarded for $200k
                         via Harvard and University of Chicago
                 Raym Crowe presents Market Research (Mellon Grant)
                 Diane Geraci, MIT replaces MacKenzie Smith on board
                 Criteria for launch approved
                 Criteria for trusted sources approved
November 2011    First APIs officially released

ORCID readies for launch
January 2012   First official ORCID Inc. Annual Member meeting held
               Board is re-elected
               ORCID EU is formed to improve outreach and collaboration
               ORCID ID syntax is locked
               Micah Altman, MIT joins the board
March 2012     Agreement to do more usability work on registry
April 2012     Laure Haak starts as Executive Director
               1023 (US tax exempt status) filed

•  16-digit number
•  Expressed as an HTTP URI
•  Compatible with ISO 277729 standard
•  Last character is a checksum (ISO/IEC 7064:2006, MOD 11,2)
Final steps to launch
May 2012         Laura Paglione hired as Technical Director
                 Craig Van Dyck appointed chair of Nominating Committee
                 ISNI agrees to reserve block of ISNI to avoid collisions with ORCID
                 Added Grants and Patents as ORCID record elements
                 Reviewed Ithaka Marketing report
                 Privacy settings and levels agreed, Business Model approved
                 New sandbox environment goes live at Semantico
June 2012        Membership opened
July 2012        Launch Partners program announced
September 2012   Membership terms, privacy policy, terms of use, and dispute
                 procedures approved
                 ODIN Project awarded by EC (ORCID EU, BL, Datacite, CERN)
October 2012     ORCID Registry is launched!                                           25
Steps to launch: What is the core ORCID
Focus on core mission: Registry of unique identifiers for
Embedding IDs in research workflows
Providing code to community to develop applications that
interact with and/or consume ORCID data

The ORCID Registry
                           Other IDs
                           •    ResearcherID
                           •    Scopus
                           •    RePec
                           •    SSRN
ORCID Account              •    ArXiv
•    Account Settings
•    Manage Permissions
                                  Research Information Systems (CRIS)
                                  •    Research Institutions
                                  •    Funders
ORCID Record
                                  •    Governments
•    Biography
•    Research Activities

                           •    Manuscript submission
                           •    Grant applications
                           •    Dataset deposition
                           •    Patent applications
Success Factors
•  Broad international community interest in ORCID
•  17 Launch Partners, integrating ORCID IDs in their
   systems prior to launch
•  8 paid members prior to launch, 9 others completing
•  Members from Research Institutions, Funders,
   Government, Publishers and Service Providers
•  ORCID Registry launched!
Thank you!


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Identifying Springer's Author (with ORCID iD) on SpringerLink (H. Aziz)
ORCID at UniKL (P. Hamzah)
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ORCID at UniKL (P. Hamzah)
ORCID Integration Videos
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ORCID Integration Videos
ORCID as a Community Initiative (N. Miyairi)
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ORCID as a Community Initiative (N. Miyairi)
Introduction and Welcome to the 2017 ORCID Malaysia Workshop (N. Miyairi)
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Introduction and Welcome to the 2017 ORCID Malaysia Workshop (N. Miyairi)
MyRID: ORCID Integration in Malaysia (T. Dharmalingam)
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Spreading the ORCID Word: ORCID Communications Webinar (2016.12)
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ORCID @ Khalifa University
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ORCID @ Khalifa University
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Research in a world where machines read (M. Buys)
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Research in a world where machines read (M. Buys)
ORCID Collect & Connect: understanding integrations and the API (M. Buys)
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ORCID Collect & Connect: understanding integrations and the API (M. Buys)
Benefits to researchers who use ORCID (P. Purnell)
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Benefits to researchers who use ORCID (P. Purnell)
Research Management & Publishing (M. Jagerhorn)
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ORCID overview: why your lifelong identifier is important in the digital age ...
ORCID overview: why your lifelong identifier is important in the digital age ...ORCID overview: why your lifelong identifier is important in the digital age ...
ORCID overview: why your lifelong identifier is important in the digital age ...
ORCID in the Publishing Workflow (Mochammad Tanzil Multazam)
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What in the World is ORCID? (Haak)
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What in the World is ORCID? (Haak)
ORCID as a Community Initiative (Miyairi)
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ORCID as a Community Initiative (Miyairi)
ORCID Integration Videos
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The Latest on ORCID API v2
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The Latest on ORCID API v2

2. ratner orcid getting to launch v5

  • 1. Getting to Launch Howard Ratner Chairman, ORCID Inc. CTO, EVP, Nature Publishing Group ORCID: 0000-0002-2123-6317
  • 2. Are these two names referring to the same person? Who is collaborating? inventing? Why do I have to re-enter this data every time I move? How can we accurately benchmark research strengths and impact? How do we keep our repository up to date? How can we find reviewers? How can we track people who participated in our programs? 2
  • 3. The Problem: Connecting Research with Researchers Without a way to discretely identify those participating in research across disciplines, organizations, and countries, the research community lacks the ability to accurately and easily identify and link researchers and scholars with their professional activities. 3
  • 4. Will the real Dr. Wang please stand up? •  About 92.8 million Chinese names transliterated to “Wang” –  A look at the 2008 literature shows Dr. Wang to be most prolific… •  PubMed has 27,339 papers published by Wang •  Web of Science holds 65,592 papers •  The issue is global –  Nguyen is the surname for nearly 40% of Vietnamese –  9.9 million Kims in Korean –  2.4 million Smiths in the U.S. –  Nearly 300k Johanssons in Sweden * 2009 data
  • 5. Drivers for scope and principles “Because a numbering system would be for the ages, some say it shouldn’t be in private hands or held by a single company. I would be very worried if an individual publisher controlled this. … much more comfortable if it were operated by … a broad group … whose membership includes … open-access publishers and scientific societies…” - Cliff Lynch, Director, CNI 5
  • 6. Genesis of ORCID 2007-2009 CrossRef discusses Contributor ID/CrossReg July 2009 NPG and TR discuss best way to solve name disambiguation problem. First mention of ORCID name 9 November 2009 NPG and TR call for Name Identifier Summit alongside CrossRef Annual Member meeting 21 groups attend ACM, AIP, APA, British Library, CrossRef, Elsevier, EMBO, Microsoft, MIT, NPG, PLOS, Rutgers, Sage, Springer, Thomson-Reuters, UC London, University of Manchester, University of Vienna, Wellcome Trust, Wiley-Blackwell 6
  • 7. Name Identifier Summit November 9, 2009 Confidential – do not distribute 7
  • 8. Meeting Attendees Wayne Graves ACM Director of Information Services Bernard Rous ACM Deputy Director of Publications Tim Ingoldsby AIP Director of Strategic Initiatives and Publisher Relations Linda Beebe APA Senior Director, PsycINFO Andrew MacEwan British Library  Head of Collection Processing Geoff Bilder CrossRef Director of Strategic Initiatives Ed Pentz CrossRef Executive Director Karen Hunter Elsevier Senior Vice President Chris Shillum Elsevier Vice President Product Management, Platform and Content Bernd Pulverer * EMBO  Head of Scientific Publications Mike Jones Microsoft Senior Program Manager MacKenzie Smith MIT Libraries Associate Director for Technology Timo Hannay * NPG Publishing Director, Howard Ratner NPG Chief Technology Officer Mark Patterson * PloS Director of Publishing Carol Richman SAGE Publications Director of Licensing Travis Brooks SLAC/Stanford Manager, IS & SPIRES/INSPIRE SLAC National Accelerator Lab. Lib. Ray Colón Springer Director of Business and Journal Development Reynold Guida Thomson Reuters Director, Product Management Dave Kochalko Thomson Reuters Vice President, Strategy Michelle Lin Thomson Reuters Assistant General Counsel Keith MacGregor Thomson Reuters Executive Vice President Mary Phillips * Univ. College London Director of Research Planning Amanda Hill University of Manchester Names Project, Mimas Juan Gorraiz* University of Vienna  Library and Archive Services, Physics Lib, Head of Bibliometrics Dept Wolfgang Mayer * University of Vienna  Library and Archive Services, Head of eResource Department Robert Kiley* Wellcome Trust Head of Digital Services & Acting Head of Library Craig Van Dyck Wiley-Blackwell Vice President, Global Content Management Tim Ryan Wiley-Blackwell Director of Author Services 8 * Participating by teleconference
  • 9. We saw many initiatives with weak connective links and no critical mass DAI RID Nature Networ k NCB I Scopus Author Identifier – Publishers – Academic Institutions – Research Orgs – Scholarly Associations – Gov’t Funding Agencies * Originally presented by Dave Kochalko, Name Identifier Summit, November 2009
  • 10. A common, open registry would provide the catalyst Biomed Experts Nature Network ORCID Scopus Author NCBI Identifier Open Researcher Contributor Identifier – Publishers – Academic Institutions – Research Orgs – Scholarly Associations – Gov’t Funding Agencies * Originally presented by Dave Kochalko, Name Identifier Summit, November 2009
  • 11. Build scale through a standard •  Vision: Create a system-wide standard to facilitate identification, collaboration, and validation among all participants in the scientific and scholarly research community •  Technology: Leverage the researcher Registry from ResearcherID and support links with member organizations •  Organization: Establish an independent, non-profit organization to manage the Registry for the community •  Financing: Attract member organizations to join and fund the non-profit * Originally presented by Dave Kochalko, Name Identifier Summit, November 2009
  • 12. Establish collaborations across the research community Association for Computing Machinery Research Organizations Publishers wield Associations and Funding Agencies will use employ the majority of considerable influence over Societies have large ORCID to support the grant potential members and will individual authors and will be memberships that will be application process, grant be critical to successful important for encouraging important to achieve rapid review, and to track adoption. ORCID enables early adoption of ORCID. adoption. These outcomes. these organizations to Publishers will use ORCID organizations will use Professional Networks identify and measure the to manage author and ORCID to improve services and Communities may impact of research by reviewer databases. and collaboration for find ORCID services of use members of their own members. to their members. institutions.
  • 13. Decisions to formalize the organization Outcome of summit: •  Increase stakeholder participation •  Obtain sponsorships for initial funding •  Open the door! Learn from community! •  Embrace OPEN and leverage existing technology Next Steps: •  Formalize board •  Incorporate organization •  Determine principles •  Determine sustainable business model •  Explore best disambiguation techniques •  Create registry 13
  • 14. Participants 350 328 300 275 November-09 December-09 250 220 January-10 200 188 June-10 150 February-11 May-11 100 80 85 November-11 50 May-12 20 30 0 October 2012 – Drive to convert participants into members 14
  • 15. Initial steps to formalizing the organization January 2010 Dave Kochalko and Howard Ratner co-chair new ORCID initiative August 2010 ORCID Inc. is incorporated as not-for-profit organization (4 August) September 2010 First board meeting (teleconference) October 2010 First in-person board meeting at NPG ORCID by-laws adopted Geoff Bilder and Thom Hickey recommend TR Researcher ID code Stakeholder fund $39K November 2010 ORCID Mission and Principles created TWG Guiding Principles – forum for outreach, mechanism to talk about technical progress, to serve as the technical community of volunteers that can be pulled into specific prototyping Survey results in from Participant Survey by Wellcome Trust 15
  • 16. ORCID Board (2010-2011) Liz Allen, Senior Evaluation Adviser, The Wellcome Trust Amy Brand, Assistant Provost for Faculty Appointments, Harvard University Martin Fenner, Researcher, Hannover Medical School Dave Kochalko, Vice President of Strategy and Research Development, Thomson Reuters IP and Science Ed Pentz, Executive Director, CrossRef Bernard Rous, Director of Publications, Association for Computing Machinery Hideaki Takeda, Professor and Director, Research and Development Center, National Informatics Institute MacKenzie Smith, Research Director, MIT Libraries Craig Van Dyck, Vice President, Global Content Management, Wiley-Blackwell Thomas Hickey, Chief Scientist, Online Computer library Center Salvatore Mele, Head, Open Access, CERN Howard Ratner (Chair) CTO, Executive Vice President, Nature Publishing Group Chris Shillum, Vice President Product Management, Platform, and Content, Elsevier Simeon Warner, Associate Librarian, Cornell University 16
  • 17. ORCID Mission ORCID is an international, interdisciplinary, open, and not-for-profit organization created for the benefit of all stakeholders, including research organizations, research funders, organizations, publishers, and researchers We aim to transform the research ecosystem by providing a registry of persistent unique identifiers for researchers and scholars and automating linkages to research objects such as publications, grants, and patents.
  • 18. 10 Principles 1.  ORCID will work to support the creation of a (subject to the researchers' own privacy permanent, clear and unambiguous record of settings) that is updated once a year and scholarly communication by enabling reliable released under the CC0 waiver. attribution of authors and contributors. 8.  All software developed by ORCID will be 2.  ORCID will transcend discipline, geographic, publicly released under an Open Source national and institutional, boundaries. Software license approved by the Open Source Initiative. For the software it adopts, ORCID 3.  Participation in ORCID is open to any will prefer Open Source. organization that has an interest in scholarly communications. 9.  ORCID identifiers and profile data (subject to privacy settings) will be made available via a 4.  Access to ORCID services will be based on combination of no charge and for a fee APIs transparent and non-discriminatory terms and services. Any fees will be set to ensure the posted on the ORCID website. sustainability of ORCID as a not-for-profit, 5.  Researchers will be able to create, edit, and charitable organization focused on the long- maintain an ORCID ID and profile free of term persistence of the ORCID system. charge. 10.  ORCID will be governed by representatives 6.  Researchers will control the defined privacy from a broad cross-section of stakeholders, settings of their own ORCID profile data. the majority of whom are not-for-profit, and will strive for maximal transparency by publicly 7.  All profile data contributed to ORCID by posting summaries of all board meetings and researchers or claimed by them will be annual financial reports. available in standard formats for free download 18
  • 19. Community involvement: outreach AND working groups Working Groups Open to any interested parties in the community Outreach Meetings Held twice per year since 2010 (Boston, London, Boston, CERN, Boston, Berlin) Invaluable broad community feedback and buy in Lead to invited talks (EU, VIVO, STM, PSP, NISO, CERN, Switzerland, FDP, AAU, JISC, Stockholm…) Four national meetings on researcher identifiers in 2012: Vilnius, Lithuania (February), London (March), Barcelona (September), Berlin (October), Florence (December) 19
  • 20. Working Groups & Committees (2010-2012) Business Working Group Craig Van Dyck & Ed Pentz Technical Working Group Brian Wilson (Laura Paglione) Marketing/Outreach WG Martin Fenner Legal Working Group Michelle Lin (Jackie Ewenstein) Audit Committee Craig Van Dyck Privacy Working Group Bernie Rous Nominating Committee Craig Van Dyck Working Groups are Open to Everyone! 20
  • 21. Funding and specifications for ORCID service January 2011 Geoff Bilder (CrossRef) Interim ORCID Technical Director (January - July 2011; eventually June 2011- June 2012) Filed US and EU trademarks Mellon Market Research Grant via MIT, Harvard and Cornell approved for $50k VIVO grant accepted for $25k $144K sponsorship from 22 organizations March 2011 ORCID receives US Federal Tax ID October 2011 Publishers agree to loans Jackie Ewenstein hired as legal counsel Alpha sandbox opened to public JISC lends us Ben Osteen to work on JISC/ORCID interactions Phase 1 beta defined $244K sponsorship from 44 organizations 21
  • 22. Development begins June 2011 Perpetual license of TR Researcher ID code! Semantico hired to develop ORCID Registry August 2011 Semantico development work begins September 2011 Loan terms set / ratified 10 October Decision on MIT Open Source license for ORCID developed code NSF Eager grant awarded for $200k via Harvard and University of Chicago Raym Crowe presents Market Research (Mellon Grant) Diane Geraci, MIT replaces MacKenzie Smith on board Criteria for launch approved Criteria for trusted sources approved November 2011 First APIs officially released 22
  • 23. ORCID readies for launch January 2012 First official ORCID Inc. Annual Member meeting held Board is re-elected ORCID EU is formed to improve outreach and collaboration ORCID ID syntax is locked Micah Altman, MIT joins the board March 2012 Agreement to do more usability work on registry April 2012 Laure Haak starts as Executive Director 1023 (US tax exempt status) filed 23
  • 24. The ORCID •  16-digit number •  Expressed as an HTTP URI •  Compatible with ISO 277729 standard •  Last character is a checksum (ISO/IEC 7064:2006, MOD 11,2)
  • 25. Final steps to launch May 2012 Laura Paglione hired as Technical Director Craig Van Dyck appointed chair of Nominating Committee ISNI agrees to reserve block of ISNI to avoid collisions with ORCID Added Grants and Patents as ORCID record elements Reviewed Ithaka Marketing report Privacy settings and levels agreed, Business Model approved New sandbox environment goes live at Semantico June 2012 Membership opened July 2012 Launch Partners program announced September 2012 Membership terms, privacy policy, terms of use, and dispute procedures approved ODIN Project awarded by EC (ORCID EU, BL, Datacite, CERN) October 2012 ORCID Registry is launched! 25
  • 26. Steps to launch: What is the core ORCID deliverable? Focus on core mission: Registry of unique identifiers for researchers Embedding IDs in research workflows Providing code to community to develop applications that interact with and/or consume ORCID data 26
  • 27. The ORCID Registry Other IDs •  ResearcherID •  Scopus •  RePec •  SSRN ORCID Account •  ArXiv •  Account Settings •  Manage Permissions Research Information Systems (CRIS) •  Research Institutions •  Funders ORCID Record •  Governments •  Biography •  Research Activities Workflows •  Manuscript submission •  Grant applications •  Dataset deposition •  Patent applications
  • 28. Success Factors •  Broad international community interest in ORCID •  17 Launch Partners, integrating ORCID IDs in their systems prior to launch •  8 paid members prior to launch, 9 others completing membership •  Members from Research Institutions, Funders, Government, Publishers and Service Providers •  ORCID Registry launched! 28