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Access Control Systems &
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Topics to be covered
 Overview                 Tokens/SSO
 Access control           Kerberos
  implementation           Attacks/Vulnerabilities/Monitori
 Types of access control   ng
 MAC & DAC                IDS
 Orange Book              Object reuse
 Authentication           TEMPEST
 Passwords                RAS access control
 Biometrics               Penetration Testing

What is access control?
 Access controls are the collection of mechanisms that
  specify what users can do on the system, such as what
  resources they can access and what operations they can
   • The ability to allow only authorized users, programs or
     processes system or resource access
   • The granting or denying, according to a particular security
     model, of certain permissions to access a resource
   • An entire set of procedures performed by hardware,
     software and administrators, to monitor access, identify
     users requesting access, record access attempts, and grant
     or deny access based on pre-established rules.

The Big Three
    An attack on confidentiality is when an entity, such as a
     person, program, or computer, gains unauthorized access
     to sensitive information.

    An attack on integrity occurs when an unauthorized entity
     gains access and tampers with a system resource.
     Another type of integrity attack occurs when an
     unauthorized entity inserts objects into the system or
     performs an unauthorized modification.

    An attack on availability is when an asset on the system is
     destroyed, rendered unavailable, or caused to be
Access control Cont…
    Process through which one proves and verifies certain
    Process through which one ascertains the identity of
     another person or entity
Separation of Duties
    A process is designed so that separate steps / operations
     must be performed by different people.
    Collusion is an agreement among two or more people to
     commit fraud.
Least Privilege
    A policy that limits both the system’s users and processes
     to access only those resources necessary to perform
     assigned functions.
How can AC be implemented?
  • Application
  • Protocol (Kerberos, IPSec…)
Logical (policies)

Access Control Protects
 Data - Unauthorized viewing, modification or copying
 System - Unauthorized use, modification or denial of
 It should be noted that nearly every network operating
  system (Win2K, NT, Unix, Vines, NetWare…) is based
  on a secure physical infrastructure
 Protection from Threats
 Prepares for minimal Impact
 Accountability

Proactive access control
 Awareness training
 Background checks
 Separation of duties
 Split knowledge
 Policies
 Data classification
 Effective user registration
 Termination procedures
 Change control procedures

Physical Control
 Guards
 Locks
 Mantraps
 ID badges
 CCTV, sensors, alarms
 Biometrics
 Fences - the higher the voltage the better
 Card-key and tokens
 Guard dogs

Technical (Logical) Controls
 Access control software, such as firewalls, proxy
 Anti-virus software
 Passwords
 Smart cards/biometrics/badge systems
 Encryption
 Dial-up callback systems
 Audit trails
 Intrusion detection systems (IDSs)

Administrative Control
   Policies and procedures
   Security awareness training
   Separation of duties
   Security reviews and audits
   Rotation of duties
   Procedures for recruiting and terminating employees
   Security clearances
   Background checks
   Alert supervision
   Performance evaluations
   Mandatory vacation time
AC & privacy issues
Expectation of privacy
Monitoring activity, Internet usage, e-mail
Login banners should detail expectations of
 privacy and state levels of monitoring

Types of Access Control
 Mandatory (MAC)
 Discretionary (DAC)
 Lattice / Role Based / Task Based
 Formal models:
   Bell-La Padula - Focuses on the confidentiality of
    classified information
   Biba - Rules for the protection of Information Integrity
   Take/Grant – A directed Graph to specify the rights that
    a subject can transfer to, or take from, another subject
   Clark/Wilson – The Integrity Model based on Well
    Formed Transactions
Mandatory Access Control
 Assigns sensitivity levels, AKA labels
 Every object is given a sensitivity label & is accessible
  only to users who are cleared up to that particular
 Only the administrators, not object owners, make
  change the object level
 Generally more secure than DAC
 Orange book B-level
 Used in systems where security is critical, i.e., military
 Hard to program for and configure & implement

Mandatory Access Control Cont…
 Downgrade in performance
 Relies on the system to control access
 Example: If a file is classified as confidential, MAC will
  prevent anyone from writing secret or top secret
  information into that file.
 All output, i.e., print jobs, floppies, other magnetic
  media must have be labeled as to the sensitivity level

Discretionary Access Control
Access is restricted based on the
 authorization granted to the user
Orange book C-level
Prime use to separate and protect users from
 unauthorized data
Used by Unix, NT, NetWare, Linux, Vines,
Relies on the object owner to control access

Access control lists (ACL)
A file used by the access control system to
 determine who may access what programs
 and files, in what method and at what time
Different operating systems have different
 ACL terms
Types of access:

Standard UNIX file
  Permission    Allowed action, if object is a   Allow action if object is a directory

R (read)       Reads contents of a file          List contents of the directory

X (execute)    Execute file as a program         Search the directory

W (write)      Change file contents              Add, rename, create files and

Standard NT file permissions
 Permission     Allowed action, if object is          Allow action if object is a
                          a file                             directory

No access       None                            None
List            N/A                             RX
Read            RX                              RX
Add             N/A                             WX
Add & Read      N/A                             RWX
Change          RWXD                            RWXD
Full Control    All                             All
R- Read     X - Execute    W - Write           D - Delete

Discretionary Access Control
  You decided how you want to protect and
   share your data

Mandatory Access Control
   The system decided how the data will be

Problems with formal models
  Based on a static infrastructure
  Defined and succinct policies
  These do not work in corporate systems which
   are extremely dynamic and constantly changing
  None of the formal models deals with:
    Viruses/active content
    Trojan horses
  Limited documentation on how to build these

Orange Book
DoD Trusted Computer System Evaluation
 Criteria, DoD 5200.28-STD, 1983
Provides the information needed to classify
 systems (A,B,C,D), defining the degree of
 trust that may be placed in them
For stand-alone systems only
Windows NT has a C2 utility, it does many
 things, including disabling networking

Orange book levels
A - Verified protection
B - MAC
C - DAC
D - Minimal security. Systems that have
 been evaluated, but failed

The Orange Book Limitations
Based on an old model, Bell-La Padula
Stand alone, no way to network systems
Systems take a long time (1-2 years) to certify
  Any changes (hot fixes, service packs, patches)
    break the certification
Has not adapted to changes in client-server
 and corporate computing
Certification is expensive
For the most part, not used outside of the
 government sector                               24
Red Book
Used to extend the Orange Book to networks
Actually two works:
  Trusted Network Interpretation of the TCSEC
  Trusted Network Interpretation Environments
   Guideline: Guidance for Applying the Trusted
   Network Interpretation (NCSC-TG-011)

Three Types of Authentication:
   Something you know - Password, PIN,
    mother’s maiden name, passphrase…
   Something   you have - ATM card, smart card,
    token, key, ID Badge, driver license,
   Something    you are - Fingerprint, voice scan,
    iris scan, retina scan, DNA…

Multi-factor authentication
 2-factor   authentication. To increase the level
    of security, many systems will require a user
    to provide 2 of the 3 types of authentication.
      ATM card + PIN
      Credit card + signature
      PIN + fingerprint
      Username + Password (NetWare, Unix, NT
    3-factor authentication -- For highest security
     Username + Password + Fingerprint
     Username + Passcode + SecurID token
Problems with passwords
   Insecure - Given the choice, people will choose easily
    remembered and hence easily guessed passwords
    such as names of relatives, pets, phone numbers,
    birthdays, hobbies, etc.
   Easily broken - Programs such as crack, SmartPass,
    PWDUMP, NTCrack & l0phtcrack can easily decrypt
    Unix, NetWare & NT passwords.
     Dictionary attacks are only feasible because users
       choose easily guessed passwords!
   Inconvenient - In an attempt to improve security,
    organizations often issue users with computer-
    generated passwords that are difficult, if not impossible
    to remember
   Repudiable - Unlike a written signature, when a
    transaction is signed with only a password, there is no
    real proof as to the identity of the individual that made   28

    the transaction
Classic password rules
 The best passwords are those that are both easy to
  remember and hard to crack using a dictionary
  attack. The best way to create passwords that fulfill
  both criteria is to use two small unrelated words or
  phonemes, ideally with a special character or
  number. Good examples would be hex7goop or
 Don’t use:
    common names, DOB, spouse, phone #, etc.
    word found in dictionaries
    password as a password
    systems defaults
Password management
Configure system to use string passwords
Set password time and lengths limits
Limit unsuccessful logins
Limit concurrent connections
Enabled auditing
How policies for password resets and
Use last login dates in banners

Password Attacks
  John the Ripper
Brute force
Hybrid Attack
  Dictionary and Brute Force
Trojan horse login program
  Password sending Trojans

Authenticating a user via human
Using measurable physical characteristics of
 a person to prove their identification
  signature dynamics
  DNA, blood
Advantages of fingerprint-based
   Can’t be lent like a physical key or token and
    can’t be forgotten like a password
   Good compromise between ease of use,
    template size, cost and accuracy
   Fingerprint contains enough inherent variability to
    enable unique identification even in very large
    (millions of records) databases
   Basically lasts forever -- or at least until
    amputation or dismemberment
   Makes network login & authentication effortless
Biometric Disadvantages
 Still   relatively expensive per user
 Companies      & products are often new &
 No   common API or other standard
 Some      hesitancy for user acceptance

Biometric privacy issues
 Tracking   and surveillance - Ultimately, the
 ability to track a person's movement from hour
 to hour
 Anonymity - Biometric links to databases
 could dissolve much of our anonymity when
 we travel and access services
 Profiling - Compilation of transaction data
 about a particular person that creates a
 picture of that person's travels, preferences,
 affiliations or beliefs
Practical biometric applications
     Network access control
     Staff time and attendance tracking
     Authorizing financial transactions
     Government benefits distribution (Social Security, welfare,
     Verifying identities at point of sale
     Using in conjunction with ATM , credit or smart cards
     Controlling physical access to office buildings or homes
     Protecting personal property
     Prevent against kidnapping in schools, play areas, etc.
     Protecting children from fatal gun accidents
     Voting/passports/visas & immigration
Used to facilitate one-time passwords
Physical card
Smart card
Access token

Synchronous Token

Asynchronous Token

Smart Card

Single sign-on
User has one password for all enterprise
 systems and applications
That way, one strong password can be
 remembered and used
All of a users accounts can be quickly created
 on hire, deleted on dismissal
Hard to implement and get working
Kerberos, CA-Unicenter, Memco Proxima,
 IntelliSoft SnareWorks, Tivoli Global Sign-On,
Part of MIT’s Project Athena
Kerberos is an authentication protocol
 used for network wide authentication
All software must be kerberized
Tickets, authenticators, key distribution
 center (KDC)
Divided into realms
Kerberos is the three-headed dog that
 guards the entrance to Hades (this won’t
 be on the test)
Kerberos Roles
KDC divided into Authentication Server &
 Ticket Granting Server (TGS)
Authentication Server - authentication the
 identities of entities on the network
TGS - Generates unique session keys
 between two parties. Parties then use these
 session keys for message encryption

Kerberos Authentication
User must have an account on the KDC
KDC must be a trusted server in a
 secured location
Shares a DES key with each user
When a user want to access a host or
 application, they request a ticket from the
 KDC via klogin & generate an
 authenticator that validates the tickets
User provides ticket and authenticator to
 the application, which processes them for
 validity and will then grant access.          44
Problems with Kerberos
Each piece of software must be kerberized
Requires synchronized time clocks
Relies on UDP which is often blocked by
 many firewalls
Kerberos v4 binds tickets to a single network
 address for a hosts. Host with multiple NIC’s
 will have problems using tickets

 Passive attack - Monitor network traffic and then
  use data obtained or perform a replay attack.
    Hard to detect
 Active attack - Attacker is actively trying to break-
    Exploit system vulnerabilities
    Crypto attacks
 Denial of service (DoS) - Not so much an attempt
  to gain access, rather to prevent system operation
    Smurf, SYN Flood, Ping of death
    Mail bombs
  Floods, earthquakes, terrorists, power outage, lightning
  Design Weakness
  Corrupt electronic media, stolen disk drives
  EMR, RF
  Sniffing, Wire Tapping, Radiation
  Social engineering, disgruntled staff
   Network based and Host Based (Signature and Anomaly
 Logs
   System Logs and Audit Logs
 Audit trails
 Network tools
   Network Monitor (Sniffers and SNMP Based Tools)

Intrusion Detection Systems
IDS monitors system or network for attacks
IDS engine has a library and set of signatures
 that identify an attack
Adds defense in depth
Should be used in conjunction with a system
 scanner (CyberCop, ISS S3) for maximum

Object reuse
 Must ensure that magnetic media must not have
  any remanance of previous data
 Also applies to buffers, cache and other memory
 Required at TCSEC B2/B3/A1 level
 Secure Deletion of Data from Magnetic and Solid-
  State Memory
 Documents recently declassified
 Objects must be declassified
 Magnetic media must be degaussed or have
  secure overwrites

Electromagnetic emanations from keyboards,
 cables, printers, modems, monitors and all
 electronic equipment. With appropriate and
 sophisticated enough equipment, data can be
 readable at a few hundred yards.
TEMPEST certified equipment, which encases the
 hardware into a tight, metal construct, shields the
 electromagnetic emanations
WANG Federal is the leading provider of TEMPEST
TEMPEST hardware is extremely expensive and
 can only be serviced by certified technicians
Rooms & buildings can be TEMPEST-certified
TEMPEST standards NACSEM 5100A NACSI 5004
 are classified documents                              51
Banners display at login or connection stating
 that the system is for the exclusive use of
 authorized users and that their activity may be
Not foolproof, but a good start, especially from
 a legal perspective
Make sure that the banner does not reveal
 system information, i.e., OS, version,
 hardware, etc.

RAS access control
 RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User
  Service) - client/server protocol & software that
  enables RAS to communicate with a central
  server to authenticate dial-in users & authorize
  their access to requested systems
 TACACS/TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller
  Access Control System) - Authentication protocol
  that allows a RAS to forward a users logon
  password to an authentication server. TACACS is
  an unencrypted protocol and therefore less
  secure than the later TACACS+ and RADIUS
  protocols. A later version of TACACS is
  XTACACS (Extended TACACS).
    May 1997 - TACACS and XTACACS are                53

     considered Cisco End-of-Maintenance
Penetration Testing
 Basically Measuring the Security of Your Network by Breaking
  Into it
 Identifies weaknesses in Internet, Intranet, Extranet, and RAS
        Discovery and footprint analysis
        Exploitation
        Physical Security Assessment
        Social Engineering
 Attempt to identify vulnerabilities and gain access to critical
  systems within organization
 Identifies and recommends corrective action for the systemic
  problems which may help propagate these vulnerabilities
  throughout an organization
 Assessments allow client to demonstrate the need for
  additional security resources, by translating exiting
  vulnerabilities into real life business risks                     54
Rule of least privilege
 One of the most fundamental principles of infosec
 States that: Any object (user, administrator, program,
  system) should have only the least privileges the
  object needs to perform its assigned task, and no
 An AC system that grants users only those rights
  necessary for them to perform their work
 Limits exposure to attacks and the damage an attack
  can cause
 Physical security example: car ignition key vs. door

Implementing least privilege
 Ensure that only a minimal set of users have
  root access
 Don’t make a program run setuid to root if not
  needed. Rather, make file group-writable to
  some group and make the program run setgid to
  that group, rather than setuid to root
 Don’t run insecure programs on the firewall or
  other trusted host


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2. access control

  • 1. Access Control Systems & Methodology 98402 99933 1
  • 2. Topics to be covered  Overview  Tokens/SSO  Access control  Kerberos implementation  Attacks/Vulnerabilities/Monitori  Types of access control ng  MAC & DAC  IDS  Orange Book  Object reuse  Authentication  TEMPEST  Passwords  RAS access control  Biometrics  Penetration Testing 2
  • 3. What is access control?  Access controls are the collection of mechanisms that specify what users can do on the system, such as what resources they can access and what operations they can perform. • The ability to allow only authorized users, programs or processes system or resource access • The granting or denying, according to a particular security model, of certain permissions to access a resource • An entire set of procedures performed by hardware, software and administrators, to monitor access, identify users requesting access, record access attempts, and grant or deny access based on pre-established rules. 3
  • 4. The Big Three Confidentiality  An attack on confidentiality is when an entity, such as a person, program, or computer, gains unauthorized access to sensitive information. Integrity  An attack on integrity occurs when an unauthorized entity gains access and tampers with a system resource. Another type of integrity attack occurs when an unauthorized entity inserts objects into the system or performs an unauthorized modification. Availability  An attack on availability is when an asset on the system is destroyed, rendered unavailable, or caused to be unusable. 4
  • 5. Access control Cont… Authentication  Process through which one proves and verifies certain information Identification  Process through which one ascertains the identity of another person or entity Separation of Duties  A process is designed so that separate steps / operations must be performed by different people.  Collusion is an agreement among two or more people to commit fraud. Least Privilege  A policy that limits both the system’s users and processes to access only those resources necessary to perform 5 assigned functions.
  • 6. How can AC be implemented? Hardware Software • Application • Protocol (Kerberos, IPSec…) Physical Logical (policies) 6
  • 7. Access Control Protects  Data - Unauthorized viewing, modification or copying  System - Unauthorized use, modification or denial of service  It should be noted that nearly every network operating system (Win2K, NT, Unix, Vines, NetWare…) is based on a secure physical infrastructure  Protection from Threats  Prepares for minimal Impact  Accountability 7
  • 8. Proactive access control  Awareness training  Background checks  Separation of duties  Split knowledge  Policies  Data classification  Effective user registration  Termination procedures  Change control procedures 8
  • 9. Physical Control  Guards  Locks  Mantraps  ID badges  CCTV, sensors, alarms  Biometrics  Fences - the higher the voltage the better  Card-key and tokens  Guard dogs 9
  • 10. Technical (Logical) Controls  Access control software, such as firewalls, proxy servers  Anti-virus software  Passwords  Smart cards/biometrics/badge systems  Encryption  Dial-up callback systems  Audit trails  Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) 10
  • 11. Administrative Control  Policies and procedures  Security awareness training  Separation of duties  Security reviews and audits  Rotation of duties  Procedures for recruiting and terminating employees  Security clearances  Background checks  Alert supervision  Performance evaluations  Mandatory vacation time 11
  • 12. AC & privacy issues Expectation of privacy Policies Monitoring activity, Internet usage, e-mail Login banners should detail expectations of privacy and state levels of monitoring 12
  • 13. Types of Access Control  Mandatory (MAC)  Discretionary (DAC)  Lattice / Role Based / Task Based  Formal models: Bell-La Padula - Focuses on the confidentiality of classified information Biba - Rules for the protection of Information Integrity Take/Grant – A directed Graph to specify the rights that a subject can transfer to, or take from, another subject Clark/Wilson – The Integrity Model based on Well Formed Transactions 13
  • 14. Mandatory Access Control  Assigns sensitivity levels, AKA labels  Every object is given a sensitivity label & is accessible only to users who are cleared up to that particular level.  Only the administrators, not object owners, make change the object level  Generally more secure than DAC  Orange book B-level  Used in systems where security is critical, i.e., military  Hard to program for and configure & implement 14
  • 15. Mandatory Access Control Cont…  Downgrade in performance  Relies on the system to control access  Example: If a file is classified as confidential, MAC will prevent anyone from writing secret or top secret information into that file.  All output, i.e., print jobs, floppies, other magnetic media must have be labeled as to the sensitivity level 15
  • 16. Discretionary Access Control Access is restricted based on the authorization granted to the user Orange book C-level Prime use to separate and protect users from unauthorized data Used by Unix, NT, NetWare, Linux, Vines, etc. Relies on the object owner to control access 16
  • 17. Access control lists (ACL) A file used by the access control system to determine who may access what programs and files, in what method and at what time Different operating systems have different ACL terms Types of access: Read/Write/Create/Execute/Modify/Delete/Renam e 17
  • 18. Standard UNIX file permissions Permission Allowed action, if object is a Allow action if object is a directory file R (read) Reads contents of a file List contents of the directory X (execute) Execute file as a program Search the directory W (write) Change file contents Add, rename, create files and subdirectories 18
  • 19. Standard NT file permissions Permission Allowed action, if object is Allow action if object is a a file directory No access None None List N/A RX Read RX RX Add N/A WX Add & Read N/A RWX Change RWXD RWXD Full Control All All R- Read X - Execute W - Write D - Delete 19
  • 20. MAC vs. DAC Discretionary Access Control You decided how you want to protect and share your data Mandatory Access Control  The system decided how the data will be shared 20
  • 21. Problems with formal models  Based on a static infrastructure  Defined and succinct policies  These do not work in corporate systems which are extremely dynamic and constantly changing  None of the formal models deals with: Viruses/active content Trojan horses firewalls  Limited documentation on how to build these systems 21
  • 22. Orange Book DoD Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria, DoD 5200.28-STD, 1983 Provides the information needed to classify systems (A,B,C,D), defining the degree of trust that may be placed in them For stand-alone systems only Windows NT has a C2 utility, it does many things, including disabling networking 22
  • 23. Orange book levels A - Verified protection A1 B - MAC B1/B2/B3 C - DAC C1/C2 D - Minimal security. Systems that have been evaluated, but failed 23
  • 24. The Orange Book Limitations Based on an old model, Bell-La Padula Stand alone, no way to network systems Systems take a long time (1-2 years) to certify Any changes (hot fixes, service packs, patches) break the certification Has not adapted to changes in client-server and corporate computing Certification is expensive For the most part, not used outside of the government sector 24
  • 25. Red Book Used to extend the Orange Book to networks Actually two works: Trusted Network Interpretation of the TCSEC (NCSC-TG-005) Trusted Network Interpretation Environments Guideline: Guidance for Applying the Trusted Network Interpretation (NCSC-TG-011) 25
  • 26. Authentication Three Types of Authentication:  Something you know - Password, PIN, mother’s maiden name, passphrase…  Something you have - ATM card, smart card, token, key, ID Badge, driver license, passport…  Something you are - Fingerprint, voice scan, iris scan, retina scan, DNA… 26
  • 27. Multi-factor authentication  2-factor authentication. To increase the level of security, many systems will require a user to provide 2 of the 3 types of authentication.  ATM card + PIN  Credit card + signature  PIN + fingerprint  Username + Password (NetWare, Unix, NT default)  3-factor authentication -- For highest security Username + Password + Fingerprint Username + Passcode + SecurID token 27
  • 28. Problems with passwords  Insecure - Given the choice, people will choose easily remembered and hence easily guessed passwords such as names of relatives, pets, phone numbers, birthdays, hobbies, etc.  Easily broken - Programs such as crack, SmartPass, PWDUMP, NTCrack & l0phtcrack can easily decrypt Unix, NetWare & NT passwords. Dictionary attacks are only feasible because users choose easily guessed passwords!  Inconvenient - In an attempt to improve security, organizations often issue users with computer- generated passwords that are difficult, if not impossible to remember  Repudiable - Unlike a written signature, when a transaction is signed with only a password, there is no real proof as to the identity of the individual that made 28 the transaction
  • 29. Classic password rules  The best passwords are those that are both easy to remember and hard to crack using a dictionary attack. The best way to create passwords that fulfill both criteria is to use two small unrelated words or phonemes, ideally with a special character or number. Good examples would be hex7goop or -typetin  Don’t use:  common names, DOB, spouse, phone #, etc.  word found in dictionaries  password as a password  systems defaults 29
  • 30. Password management Configure system to use string passwords Set password time and lengths limits Limit unsuccessful logins Limit concurrent connections Enabled auditing How policies for password resets and changes Use last login dates in banners 30
  • 31. Password Attacks Dictionary Crack John the Ripper Brute force l0phtcrack Hybrid Attack Dictionary and Brute Force Trojan horse login program Password sending Trojans 31
  • 32. Biometrics Authenticating a user via human characteristics Using measurable physical characteristics of a person to prove their identification Fingerprint signature dynamics Iris retina voice face DNA, blood 32
  • 33. Advantages of fingerprint-based biometrics  Can’t be lent like a physical key or token and can’t be forgotten like a password  Good compromise between ease of use, template size, cost and accuracy  Fingerprint contains enough inherent variability to enable unique identification even in very large (millions of records) databases  Basically lasts forever -- or at least until amputation or dismemberment  Makes network login & authentication effortless 33
  • 34. Biometric Disadvantages  Still relatively expensive per user  Companies & products are often new & immature  No common API or other standard  Some hesitancy for user acceptance 34
  • 35. Biometric privacy issues  Tracking and surveillance - Ultimately, the ability to track a person's movement from hour to hour  Anonymity - Biometric links to databases could dissolve much of our anonymity when we travel and access services  Profiling - Compilation of transaction data about a particular person that creates a picture of that person's travels, preferences, affiliations or beliefs 35
  • 36. Practical biometric applications  Network access control  Staff time and attendance tracking  Authorizing financial transactions  Government benefits distribution (Social Security, welfare, etc.)  Verifying identities at point of sale  Using in conjunction with ATM , credit or smart cards  Controlling physical access to office buildings or homes  Protecting personal property  Prevent against kidnapping in schools, play areas, etc.  Protecting children from fatal gun accidents  Voting/passports/visas & immigration 36
  • 37. Tokens Used to facilitate one-time passwords Physical card SecurID S/Key Smart card Access token 37
  • 41. Single sign-on User has one password for all enterprise systems and applications That way, one strong password can be remembered and used All of a users accounts can be quickly created on hire, deleted on dismissal Hard to implement and get working Kerberos, CA-Unicenter, Memco Proxima, IntelliSoft SnareWorks, Tivoli Global Sign-On, x.509 41
  • 42. Kerberos Part of MIT’s Project Athena Kerberos is an authentication protocol used for network wide authentication All software must be kerberized Tickets, authenticators, key distribution center (KDC) Divided into realms Kerberos is the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades (this won’t be on the test) 42
  • 43. Kerberos Roles KDC divided into Authentication Server & Ticket Granting Server (TGS) Authentication Server - authentication the identities of entities on the network TGS - Generates unique session keys between two parties. Parties then use these session keys for message encryption 43
  • 44. Kerberos Authentication User must have an account on the KDC KDC must be a trusted server in a secured location Shares a DES key with each user When a user want to access a host or application, they request a ticket from the KDC via klogin & generate an authenticator that validates the tickets User provides ticket and authenticator to the application, which processes them for validity and will then grant access. 44
  • 45. Problems with Kerberos Each piece of software must be kerberized Requires synchronized time clocks Relies on UDP which is often blocked by many firewalls Kerberos v4 binds tickets to a single network address for a hosts. Host with multiple NIC’s will have problems using tickets 45
  • 46. Attacks  Passive attack - Monitor network traffic and then use data obtained or perform a replay attack. Hard to detect  Active attack - Attacker is actively trying to break- in. Exploit system vulnerabilities Spoofing Crypto attacks  Denial of service (DoS) - Not so much an attempt to gain access, rather to prevent system operation Smurf, SYN Flood, Ping of death Mail bombs 46
  • 47. Vulnerabilities Physical Natural Floods, earthquakes, terrorists, power outage, lightning Hardware/Software Design Weakness Media Corrupt electronic media, stolen disk drives Emanation EMR, RF Communications Sniffing, Wire Tapping, Radiation Human 47 Social engineering, disgruntled staff
  • 48. Monitoring  IDS Network based and Host Based (Signature and Anomaly Detection)  Logs System Logs and Audit Logs  Audit trails  Network tools Network Monitor (Sniffers and SNMP Based Tools) Tivoli Spectrum OpenView 48
  • 49. Intrusion Detection Systems IDS monitors system or network for attacks IDS engine has a library and set of signatures that identify an attack Adds defense in depth Should be used in conjunction with a system scanner (CyberCop, ISS S3) for maximum security 49
  • 50. Object reuse  Must ensure that magnetic media must not have any remanance of previous data  Also applies to buffers, cache and other memory allocation  Required at TCSEC B2/B3/A1 level  Secure Deletion of Data from Magnetic and Solid- State Memory  Documents recently declassified  Objects must be declassified  Magnetic media must be degaussed or have secure overwrites 50
  • 51. TEMPEST Electromagnetic emanations from keyboards, cables, printers, modems, monitors and all electronic equipment. With appropriate and sophisticated enough equipment, data can be readable at a few hundred yards. TEMPEST certified equipment, which encases the hardware into a tight, metal construct, shields the electromagnetic emanations WANG Federal is the leading provider of TEMPEST hardware TEMPEST hardware is extremely expensive and can only be serviced by certified technicians Rooms & buildings can be TEMPEST-certified TEMPEST standards NACSEM 5100A NACSI 5004 are classified documents 51
  • 52. Banners Banners display at login or connection stating that the system is for the exclusive use of authorized users and that their activity may be monitored Not foolproof, but a good start, especially from a legal perspective Make sure that the banner does not reveal system information, i.e., OS, version, hardware, etc. 52
  • 53. RAS access control  RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) - client/server protocol & software that enables RAS to communicate with a central server to authenticate dial-in users & authorize their access to requested systems  TACACS/TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System) - Authentication protocol that allows a RAS to forward a users logon password to an authentication server. TACACS is an unencrypted protocol and therefore less secure than the later TACACS+ and RADIUS protocols. A later version of TACACS is XTACACS (Extended TACACS). May 1997 - TACACS and XTACACS are 53 considered Cisco End-of-Maintenance
  • 54. Penetration Testing  Basically Measuring the Security of Your Network by Breaking Into it  Identifies weaknesses in Internet, Intranet, Extranet, and RAS technologies  Discovery and footprint analysis  Exploitation  Physical Security Assessment  Social Engineering  Attempt to identify vulnerabilities and gain access to critical systems within organization  Identifies and recommends corrective action for the systemic problems which may help propagate these vulnerabilities throughout an organization  Assessments allow client to demonstrate the need for additional security resources, by translating exiting vulnerabilities into real life business risks 54
  • 55. Rule of least privilege  One of the most fundamental principles of infosec  States that: Any object (user, administrator, program, system) should have only the least privileges the object needs to perform its assigned task, and no more.  An AC system that grants users only those rights necessary for them to perform their work  Limits exposure to attacks and the damage an attack can cause  Physical security example: car ignition key vs. door key 55
  • 56. Implementing least privilege  Ensure that only a minimal set of users have root access  Don’t make a program run setuid to root if not needed. Rather, make file group-writable to some group and make the program run setgid to that group, rather than setuid to root  Don’t run insecure programs on the firewall or other trusted host 56
  • 57. ? 57