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S€cond Semester NIBA Degree Examination. Dec.20l4/Jan.2015
Business covernment and Society
Tnne: 3 hrs Max. Marks:too
nte: l. tht!.,a t tHRt rf qu.non.JrontQ-o-t t,,Q-t-o-
2.qNo-7ah.l O,-o.8 aru 0t41t1tu4.
a Define corporare eovemnce. (03 r'rkt
b. Dntinguishbc$eenbillofexchaneoxndprorrissorynores (0?rrrk,
.. -Busincss aM gov$inent dotuinate the sEat ma$ olpeople " Explain q,nh the neh ol
doninrnce model OoMrrk,
i Dclirc brllofcxch.nle
b. LplaDbasic $eps o1 en!noDrnental audiriN.
c C.hcaLly explain countervailue fo.ces modcl.lBGS Elanonship.
a Lhrt is coroorare socialresponsibllnrl
b LxplainlhepoNerdimcnsioDsolbusiness.
b. hat are rhe benclits olqold colpoBre eolermnce?
. _Ce.tam
bctds nalie Ihe emplolcc ro ihii* and act i. unethical was-
ycs, eplain rcots oluncihical beha!iour.
Nhxr do you by Aovernmcntl
Biry ou he dnbluish berveen agr.cmcnr and conrmd
Eaplain in detail seven(erenlimnhdnr orbusines.
ErplaiD.oiioBle !o enran.c oblieft o.s
ii) I u a I pDDerrl i(hc itPR,
NIr. Kirn promis.s his son Raman ro get him a bike ifhe get n nr eram Rasan got the
Dnk iD caan butMr.Krandid.!rbnrgrhebikeforRaaan Can Ranran brnrq anacrion in
nenr 'l're
b. 'x b!.,eansolnaudobrainedlion Y s cheque fforldd.nor neeotiabte a.rleoriicashed
dl d ba.lorherthx. rhe drrNee bank Y $red rhcbank torco.e$ion. h rhcbank lable ror
conlcrionl (05 Ntrrkt
c rvlrnoj agrees to pny Suns| Rs 1000 and in consideDrion Surrsh lgEes ro ear 20 mneos
Nrhin nve.rinures k aa id contmdlllycano Slate the reasons (0sNturrr,
d. X drr a cheque payable to Y .r on ordel llnlirrtunarctv $as losr and ,y:
o.s.d Lb..tL
'r). ro! .dre' p:). .. .; c-eq.e. t. rtc b"rL.
dis.hxrscd liom liabiLny) whar rill be tlE consequcn..s ia rhe daiers si{natures kre
CNe St d!:
Angel cd fraNlacluire conpany opcned 6ooking for difercd nodeh of jts proud
sball car Mega in late 2010. Thc co.snmer response Nas ordr'hetmins. Mosr ot rhe
bookings verc for the AC modek. DLE and DIX. The DLE modetacconnrcd toi morethan
?0 perceft ofrhe bookings.
Angel has plamed to mmence delivery of the venicles by earty 2011. Howeler,
delivery schedules for rhe AC models wer upset because olsonc probleB on the roll our
ffmi. Accordi.s lo a report iI tbe Eco,Biz tincs dated Il Marcn 2011. Angelofliciak
attilbulcd the delay to no d ava i lab ility of an co ndnio. ine kits.
Ankel !id. supplies AC kirs the DLE vesion and Delras is the vendor for the DLx
vosion. Incidenlally, Ankel is aho tl[ AC supplier ro Maruti Udyog trd. Ansetoiiciah
contibues, Nc xill be rorced k ask Dcltas to supply kits tur rhc Dt! version roo'. a
co nrpany o fiic ial said.
a wh did Algel and rr.elJin rhe oroblen,..rpptvn.obtcn,rorA( [n']1 ,0!trr,
0. llte,'.srrorJbont'esLDD'ers'e.''o'rlorrhe.rnarer,uirkrln
c. Evalnate tbe edricalis cs inmlrcd inthdcass. (0s uarkt
d. Irlouwere tle CEO ofrhis compan]. ho w rvould yo u h! Dd le th n si$aiion? (0s tu,rkn
second Seme.ler MBA Dcgree Eaminaiion. June 2012
Financial Manasement
.. what arerhc
Drillior in l0l0 whar uar rhe compouM grorh mr. in tulcntus,
. BrienJ explainrh. tactoB aff.dins rhe polic.
rinra. t. A,|wet 4t9i FoLtR lult qzeslio s Ircn ano.l to Q.No.7.
2. Qnatio Nt. tl i: to ,?ubo.-.
3. Pt a tFt tuhlestaot h. Proitet.
L Show wotkhtk ttx.s wheNwt ,kcssna.
i) lltou deposir Rs.l0.000 roday ai 60/0 nr olimerey. in ho! irn) !cr6 {ill rhis
i) Strppose lou coDpanr- cLrienrlt hrs 5000 emplolees and this nuhbs is expeded io
gros br- 5% pn r-ear How rnai! enplor"ees silLrou.coinpant have in l0 )€a61
iil) Phoei x lmitd had reveitres ofRs.loo million in 2000 which in ersed ro Rs 1000
!hat do vou ,nern 6! riorer ,nar(er't
l-lxplainrhc {lifiare approrcher to 6nan.iDg *o ng cipital rcqunci1en6.
The PQRcompaiy has the folldsinc capilal nructurc Il'rN1rrch20ll:
Ihe dEres ofthe company sclh tor 120. It is crp.crcd rlft $mlan), il pay ncxr )! a
dividerd ofll per shares ryhich ilLsrcrv ar 7% lo,tv.r A$umc 50% tar rate. You a.e
i) CdDrpuie a weighted ave€ee con ol.apitalb.scd on rh! eisriigcrpil.Linrlurc
ii) Cohptrt the ne seightd avemge con olcapnd ilfi. cor"nr,a cs ar addir.nrl
ol ilo lakh dcbr by hsuing 15% dlbentrfts rhis ouid resuh ln inc,aasi,rg the
erpecrcd dividend ro l:l and leaw the gm rarc und,lngcd, 6ui rh. f.icc ofshar.
Ordi,r.r] sha,$ (r.00.000 share,
What ls capitaL nruciure? Whar 0.e the major astrmptions of clpihL nrudure l tortrhd,
ErpLaiirhedillerenrrr-p.soliivcnmcnrevaludioftechniqus. OrNhrk,
BrielJ- erplaitr the Indian Financial Slsqn
whlt is copnal budgcting?
Discusrheelemenhofgoodcop (0, !h!k,
'lhe slected financialdall lirr X. Y and Z comp.nics tbr rhe tear endcd M.rch 3l mc.s
Variable expenses !! 3 perceDtagc ol salcs
6 2
Pren e node {aenen^ for   ri Z.ompanies
What are marlet value*.ighha hool value *eights?
Exp la in the orsan izotio n of finaDce tuDclio n
Thcconofc4iiaLn l2% C,lcularerlrlbLlowing,
iil) Intemal rrre offttum
iv) Modified inrenrlarcof dun
Descibe thc SEBI guideli'r!on ESOP
o eil,l Ltd has curetrtly an onlinary
shares oa ll00 ca.h. ThE nanagenont
maiorcxPansion prc8mmme, rhmu8h oE
i) EnrLelr tbrouxh odituq shrres
107 v5rk9
share capital o1125 lakh! conskting of25000
is plainins to rrilc rno E lr0 la(hs ro llmncc
ot lour posible fi nancial plans,
ii) ll0lakhsrhrotr-sh odinarr shares aitl a l0lakhs in 3% loneiem loan
iii) 15 hkhsthroushordlnarlsharesand ll5l hs tlrc€h 9% loan (LT)
ir) ll0 hkhs fircugh ordimry shmcs and {10lakhs tluough prctirrenc. Irith 5%
The companyt erpected errnings before inleEn and hles (EBI'j) rvill he l3 tikhs.
Astrmiry , .oe.rate rii d.or50%. d.rcnnln. rhe trPS itr erh ,ltemarive and cornnrenr.
RhichdrcrMrivc h be{ od shy'l (ro }h6,
a. Uhardo you fro.n b) CAPM? Mentbn rny tro aduntqesolCAPM.
b. lvhalareobjedne5otfinancialmlmgemenrl
c Youi comllny has boughr a 1t.25.300 price ofequipnsnr 2 leas ago llsprescm boo[
volue ls t37 000.It... hc sold lodar for r1,25.000 (GtnE iar) Hdrere, ifke|t ii ri[
Ian five more !ea6 ! prodtrce evccrcd cash reloues (nel otexpcis., bclore racs ot
120.000 Ior each olrhe five )c.(. A replarqncnL ma.hinc con I t.80,000 anl is !pecred
ro pmdu.e cash aol (bebre tore, ofllS.000loreachotrhe nexr five ]eam. Snaieht tine
deprecixrion for 5lcrEcan be cmployed aor borh the nely {d drcod ma.htne. rhe k rak
is 15"/o .nd rhc nrms Equired ol rerm is t07o. Funhffrnore rs{me that ncirhcr
mdchinc h! sasgc viltre ln ine1e!6.
Detcmine tlr rclclan! cash nors lbr ca.h alternarile.
A profom. $r shectofa.ompan] providcs rlE lotto$iig panicu a6:
El.m.nlsot.on Amounlpsrunir(I)
Thetirllosingtu herpani.ula^rrervailable
i) Rr! mt$ in nock on an .verage tor one monrh
ii) Rarv materiak aft in proce$ on an av$.ge lor halla hoith.
iii) Fi"khed eoods xre in nock otr an avorase lbrone
'nonrhiv) Credil rlloRed by supplie6 n one monrh.
v) Lag in prlme oluge! n r+treeks.
vi) Lag in paymEit ofovenr.ds ioie mo h.
'il) +T' outpur is soLd aga tr$ cash
vili) Cmh in hand and at batrk is crpecred ro I'e 125,000.
ir) Credii xllo$ed h cuno'ncr N. d. hs
You arc requned to prcpare ! (lieNnr shosi'rg theNorking capnatn.edcd
le!el of .crivityoll.01.000 unirs olprdddion.
You may astrme lhlt prcdu.tioi is caricd otr evenlr- rhotrghoui rhe !err.
ov.rheadsaccnE similarl) i,rd alimc p&lod of.l Neeks nequivatent ro a Drnrh.
Second Semesler MB4 Degree Exahioaaioo. Dec
Financlal Management
A.No.71. Ans*el ah, Fout lutt qu.sttons f.M ONo.l to
2. Qaestion No. I is coi,palso,!
3- Ase oftine eatu. tables is pemiuz.l.
Distingnisn ooney mdkel Irom capiral nartet.- 0
Erplain the role of fmnce neagets in lhe curent economic $endio.O
wtar do you ner oy '.rm Ll m.nasemenr? t,
vrite a note on corporale gov.mmce in India. (0? M,k)
i) If you delosir Rs,8000 loday al 3% rate of inreiesl, ia how amy yem Nill rhis
aho@t double, under Rule ?2 dd Rule 69?
ii) Mr.XwillinveslRs.5000atrheendofeactydarlor6yeds.Calculaieiktut@value
if intcrest rare is 12% per annum
iii) An employee is about to reliE. IIis enployei has otrered him lwo posl Etnenenl
options: mualpensionoaRs 100004long she liles edalmpsm paynent of
Rr.60000 il cmployee expecrs 1o live for 15 yeds ud 6te ofi erest l5%. Wlich
alternaiive should he select? 110 Mrk)
a. rrba. 's ! apibl nructe' ,torvrk,
b .n cd l) evrld.pol'r rd -ealrl mdi!$of aorCeizrj.n t!io-vrk,
c Acodp y has sales ofRs.5,00,000, varisble cost ofRs.3,00,000, fired cosl ofRs.1,00.000
and lonC tem loms of Rs.4,00.000 al l0% rate of ifie&sl, Calculale lhe opealing, financial
and conbiled leverase.
a. whai do you oean ESOI?
b. Explain rhe laotors aEecling dividend policy ofe org&iation
c. PEpae d eslimale oi worring cEpitll requirDenl fod 1ir rbilo$ing
Prcjcded amual sal$ 100000 uils
Selling! @!s dn Rs I
Percentase of nel prc6l to sales 25%
Average credil period aUowed lo custoDers 8 weeks
Avemge clcdil pcriod allow.d by supplios 4 weeks
AeaCe qo.k holo ing .n rems ol sal$ requi"n"lr I)w-.. '
ALl, w 10"" lo-.onrn8encres.20.000 ui6:old on.dn.
b. Explain ihe vaiou cunent ssels tnocing polioies.
c rYZLld.ha Lhe tollowin8book clre copikl:hcM:
tu. lciore,
Equry caDilal Ghd6 of Rs.lo eeh) 15
12% lrefelence capilal (sntres of Rs. I 00 each) I
Rerained emings 20
ll.s% Debentues (Rs.l00 each) l0
ll%Temloans 125
I .f2
The rcxl expected divid.nd on equir, shes is Rs.3.60 per shmi ihe divideid per share is
exp.cted io srcw al the rale of ?%. The odket pnce per snd€ is R3.40. Pref*nce shds
re'lemabt rner l0 y@ is crendy selling at Rs.75 per shm. D.b.nn&s EdeeD.ble
afi.r six y@s de sellirg al Rs,80 per debonne. TIe in@ne l ofrhe coopey is 40%.
Calculare WACC, using booli lalue rciCiris, (r0 Mrrk)
a Dislirrquish {Gl bdker &om,omoo.r.$ mrlei. -t
b. what is NPv? llow h it suledor olo o$d €chniques?
c Ass@i.g that a nm pays lq at 50%, onpure rhe sfte! ld cosr of copilal, in the
i) A pepetual bond sold ai ptr, coupon nte of inteEsl being 7%
ii) A len yetr 8% Rs. 1000 6ond, sold al Rs.950 less 4% udeMiling comBission.
iii) Rs.100 pe lalue, pEfelence share sold at Rs.100 with a 9% dividend ed redenptioD
price of Rs.l 10, ila cohpey redeees i. 5 yeds.
iv) An ordinary shde selling st s cuEent ndket pne ol Rs.120 md paying a cude
dividend of Rr.9 per shEre, vhich is eapecte d to sow al a rate of 8%. (r 0 M sl!')
Wlar do you n@by loEx ddket? €
Wnte a nole on capiral asset pricing nodel.
An invesor hol& rbe fouo*ins .onfoli
what h tne expected 61e of rtm on his poftfolio,
expecled retuh on ha*el porfolio is 15%?
iltte risl Eee k 6 ptEent md lne
I rd. is consid.nng a @w prcject, for th. Eoubcrue of pocket video emcs,
capilal expendnuie ol Rs.600 b$s ed vorkins capilal of Rs 150 lakhs. The
rhe plmi is for an amual !rcducrion ol 12 htn uiis ed capeny uilizalion
2 5 6
tl33 90 100
2 al2
The aveEge price p* uir .f the pmdnci k exlected 10 be Rs200, netting a
contribulion of 40%. ahe mual fixed cosls. excluding depreciation, ee esliaated to be
Rs.480 ia$s per mB ftoa the thiid ye& o.*aids; fo! the fitrt and second ycar it would
be Rs,240 laltu and Rs.369 iatls 6!eoti!ely. Tle avBase rate of deFeciatioh for ld
purposes h 33.33% otr capitll assers. Td nle 35% cosl ofinc capnal is 15%.
At rhe end of rhe lhird y€ar. e additional investnent ofRs.100 latls rould 6e reqnired
for the wolkine capilal, Teminal value ofthe lixcd a$els may bc lalen as 10,/0 and lor
cE€nt assets 100%. Advise usingN?v (r0 Mrrkr)
tr l) B 4 3 i9 l0MBA2-1
Semesrer MBA Dcgree Examination.
Financial Management
Timo:3 hrs
M .Marks:1oo
Note: 1. A,Ntmt FOUR| qz.stioa hone-t to g-_.
z. g-tt is.onputsoa,
3. pt/ tabtes tur b. ptor ed.
1 a. wnai is rioe vduo ot monevz
b . A: Lmr hr " deoo.jr... jo be de a-Jedr ,",. r," -,.""r" _" " i:,Xt:(ohpo@ded ulJ tl I de i^o ro wrLl dmw tu sooo
ri."..*,"" o/olr0 sir )em! rrom now u4Dl s de si7e.r ,lc Jee /so deposl ,nar q:rt prodl.e
I' l'nq.o( he ersrr ,a,f or tr.nre.helr wtucr r. epec.ed
inde" ky ohetueo. 1krern.2,op.a.
r,[e" d orte o depo n , rh o, R.. I too ro lnen rccer.e ,elrr oflr 80oa.pnpdu.tJ sto,,a,ooe" o. **p,.A i,,1.
,l6'o wrr.ulede,a,ol!Ldee.. 1ea,e 0,,n,c,d,. s!0.
. _ - ". -;"ri;;],
c rpam rhe di,Iere ryls oflnanciat de ron lh
finar'.almrn"semenr. "arot'rrerbj(r**",fftr,l:;
2 a. |rhar k co*otcaDjEl,
b. Srocl c,ndr M.rpr*d rtu o. ,8oo
dd a sbdard tr drio,., ,r," .,""_,rJ XJ:.ep(red rc'-r ot j oo ed a quddro o",.arion o. ro,. the@neta.ior beNeen rne &"s o(ts F 0 2r I )ou bn d ponloti. v here Jou pdr rO!o o. )ou ;;;;;,; ;;;;;;:;.;wrrar s rheetp(ttd Ehrn Md st&dedd*Dl,.; f... n.,.r..-i,g,",r."."p,,.
"*;;)J;'.,1,' : II;i"f.rr,,,
Eqliry shres t I o,0oo sh@s ofRs.1oo .&h) - tohoooioolopr€foerce shdes [ortu.loo @rr) lpa];6;t2% DebeDiues O,OO,OoO
le m Le. p,!e o, de corp"n)
",m.s e,.,ro .. 2000.000
r-., o *, --* *o. a u. *.,,.; ",t;;
fl:dh#fi li,".i
"., "
,r,, mFohp&r,1tr re5000 j" o.acie..compuk.,e""s.-";"i;:;;;;":i:..."i."
r, tuum.nE rha ,n orde,o r,&ce & *peq;n -Itu. ,j e..ompdr .;;;;," ;;.; -tor,r or Rs 10.00.000 beens t4oo. ;ha,
"t,l b" ,1. .".ili ;;,;.;; ;".*;ijavemtse co$ ofapjEt" lhis Inecus decsion
r'.1o ," n- r: p* +r" i"*._'
iistuJr E qpecled h ucreae drvidei nn
o*t.. no. r".ito o n. ro. p.,
e"- -" '" pne or
-* 'il;l;j::
.. Wbal is Eccouting rare of retud?
b. Ilod lhe following data .ompule ihe duarior of tE operEling oycle
iii,- ,"-.
s ,91)*'
Asme 360 days per,€e for compurarionst puloe'
0 The dah elatins to rwo @mp&ies ee s given below :
CodDtuv A (onbmvB
capib tui.oopoo tu iroioo '$&t"
l2%Debe ues Rs.4,00,000 Rs.6,50,000(-)'( @,1-.r
OLrpLr luirs ffitrb 60.000 t.,olJo ;-)o..Sel'ine pnce per sr R.Ji] tuXO. r.r;,,rjedcoq.perMu Rs?.00.000 R..j4,OO,O00 _,1:'
Vuiable @qr per @r tu.., Rs7, r,l .6,, .
Yq m Fquircd ro .acula.e Lfie ope.dLing kflasa.-finoc,4 er,ae. ou g"a*t_.
D.nerer' beMeD Fir4 md seo1daryru[e,. . {' To" - _ ;0rM,,^,
eremenB ot sood co?o are go!e@!e
"t-. ,r:: ro" u*r,
A lomp v is cobidenns $e ,eoteem*, e niri mhine bi(n is ob"otqe dd
umble to meet 1he rapidly rising demd lor iis lroduct. The comldy is faced with tso
aftedrtives: (L-
i To bu) VdLh neA s,hicb n sinild @ rhe RjqLins M. dine *brch cos Rr ?j laiis.
nt'to Bo r Ior Mrcine B wtu.1 r more epesrle md hs mLcb 8tarer.apary "t "r
Thecahr0nos froo !he,e m.htu"4aa&rlorr r o
Yed V(hiie' - M&hine B
Ar lhe rd ol his calcdlarions. hoqevnLhe 6r tuce mmager is M,bte to a e
6lo whicn mrhin.i. re.nmmen.r
YoL re r.qliEd ro frde tbAe.atcllf,ons trJ in lhe i8r$eFot.o,
nmagn abour rhe poposed in!esmenr
of capiLd is 10%. Ihe tuoce nege! rries to evaluale the nachine by
r7 -l+
t5 ?L
a. Wlat is meet by slable divided policy? @ Msrk)
b. You onp&y ha bought a Rs.l?1L00 pie ofequipnol2 yed ago. Its prpsnt book
value is tuj7Q00.It @ be sold 6&y 6. Rs.125,000 (before ta&o. HosBd, iftep! n
will l6t five ilorc yqs md prcduce flpecled 6h @lentrea@i ofexpmse, b.flrF des
of Pd.2!,000 tor sch of $e ffve r!4. A r.plenent Mchire cosrs Rs.t,80,Ot)0-sd is
exp.ctdd to pbdn@ c6h flows (tefoie kas) oi RS.28,(]OI] for e&h of the neal irve yees.
SrEighl-line deprcialion for 5 y€ds 6 b€ ployed for botb rhe rew ed rhe old nachine.
Ur ra{ Ele is 35% ed ihe fim requi@d rare of retM is 10%. tunnemoe dsu€ rhar
neither nachine h6 salltge yalu in five yea6.
Detemine the Ei*et csh flo% for each alteMnve.
c. Discss lhe faetors innuencins the woMns epiral rcquircdents of a fm.
a. Diflerentiare b€rween money ndket &d cariial ddket. (0r Mrrk,
b. Foilowing infomarion is availEble ieladns to nsk frce iate (R, 6d m&er Etum (R-)
Rr C/,)
6 1 ll
On tne basis of the above infomarion find ou1 the cost of equiry capiBl on the basis of
cAlM given that rhe beta facror h 0.861 (07 MrrD
c. Eplain i.e factoB a{fecling dividend policy. O0Mrrk)
Hoitage Camenl Ltd. ii a fdou-manufactuer ol Cmots. Tt msaser of
the compey is pspaing its *orki6 capiial foecd aor lhe nexr yea. ASd c;tully
screening all the docurcnts, he collecred ihe tollo*ins infomaiion.
?rod@tion duins de pre ou yed 6 n0,060 uirs. Tlre sms I*el of &rviry is
intended 1o be Fairtalned duing cureDt y.d=e expeord ranos of cosr 10 seuins p;ce
Raw matedsls 40%
- J_ l' 2l]oo
Oyefieads 20%
The las mren,lsordiMilJ Ena'n:n qrores tor i moDds befoe orodudior. Fve.! Mi.
olp_odLioi, Rnciro ir ln( proes, to, 2 motrLhs : s 6*med b
-be oi]oo""
mv mal6ial, r,ags md ovedeads. Iilished goods ,emain in w@hou$ for 3 ndnrhs.
. rdi alBned b neoi*J.r, 4 months .or he ddre ot the oel,veq ot roq adrnd . dd
n.dr o debiqis'1i {ftr$s oor rheoareordnpd cn
Ih; er6bGJta$tJtu( b be neto .5 tu.roo.doo -as in payrelr or @se, .s hdr
month. Lag payndt ofexloses is also halfm:nfi selli price"is Rs.lo ps"mit. Boln
pnducdon od elB e h . Esule cyclc. Male a provision of t0% for 6nting@y
Assuming y.u6elf ro be lhe finoce nmger for Heribge Csment Lld. esdmale lhe
sorkins capital requiEnenrs of the mnpMy (10 Mark)
3 6fl
b. Explain the difeEnt appoaches lo fDedng mrkine capiral Equnmenr'
c. Di$uss ihe wioB f&toB Elevar in plming rhe capitsl sfucrue of a im.
a. what is trading aniqulr? ($rbrkr)
b. Whal h fimn.lal modeling, what are the diilere tyIcs ofn.a.cial nDdeli (07r!rl,
c The toinagemen(olAlla ltd. has called for a statemcnt showins the rorkirF capiftlnceded
lo frnance a level af:tctiaity of3.00,000 unils ofouiput ror rhc ycar. The cost strudure for
rhe coDpanyt pndtrd. for the ab
i) Pasi e&erience indicales rhal rav mrenah are held in stock on an aterage tnr nvo
ii) Work-iD-lrogres (100 percenl completc in regard (i dalmah and 50 percent for
labour and ove read9 will approxinately be ro halfa monrh Droduction
iii) Fi.ished goodsrenain in Narehonse on an alerdec ror a month.
iv) Supplies ofmterials exrend a months cfedit.
!) Two tuirhsoEdit isallowedto debtoA. calculatio n o f debtos roybe made atselling
vi) Anininumcashbalanceof Rs.25,000 Gcpecied to bemalntaincd
!ii) The prodndion pancm n assumed to be even durine tne rrear.
Preparc rnc sbtemenr showine, rbe rvorking capnaL reqnirenenr olthe company O0viikt
a wh a nnancial ensineerinx?
b. what n stable dividend policy? Why
c. Afln Ltd. ias Rs2,00,000 ro inven
should a ftm lollow such
rPolicY? (o7Nlrrks)
areunJer.onridcrxil.n Th.
70.000 3
D 50.000 t5,000
50.000 t2,000
RanI the a!o!e projech on
ii) Pioftrb,litr indexme rod.
b. Wnat hrelevant cash flor?Also mertiontlrconceproli..renentalcash uoNs.
c Whrt are rhe morives hehi mer".''
10"" preler en.e share
I 00 000
t0.00 000
Thc con olcqrir: catnalolrhc c.n!!n_! rcLine,l ern rr! oo A. urrer..tJ
7 b. The relev.nt financialinfomation for ABC Lrd. for the year etuied 3I" Decenber.2OI3 is
I -20t1
24 12
wlar nrhe lengrnolopealingcycle d the cash cyclc? A$me 365 days io a yed
oo Mrrs)
A company n considerin8 an investmnl proposalto install a ney milling conrol ar a con oI
Rs.50.000. The facility has a life expectancy of5 yeaE and no salsge ulue. The tax mre is
35 penent. Atue the nm uses srBight line depEciarion and dE saDe is altowed tur rax
puAoses. Tbe esrimated cash nows before dcpreciation and lax (CFBI nom the inveshent
l r2.769
5 un,l85
ii) Alerase Ere of renm.
iii) Nel Presenl valuc (NPV) ar l0 percent dncoutmte md
iv) Pmlitabihy irdex at l0 percent dncount nte. e0 M,rrt
Third Semester MBA Degree
.lii : r
Examidation- D€c.2014/.1ad.2015
a whrt is the inrponmce olslratesy inbusines?
b w e in dekil rhe poc{s oisrraregic nanagemenr.
c Whal ..e-the l.veh of $mr.gic mdaeenEnr? Enablish
conir,ny slrulely aDd ns business nodel
i. Explain nnmcixl and eDlegi. obrecdesota
b Explain lhe koro rard md
c. Etlxin Michell ! Pofteas nre lorccs inodcl
Not.t '1. Ahstr.t ar! fHR E E full qaesno"s lron Pafr A.
2. Pa B ann ?att C arc tonptlsot!.
(0r lvl3rk,
(07 rrr'rk,
the relarionship between a
finn Yiln e)siltles. (0r lkrk$
ils vaious pebpectir€s. (07 NI.rkO
o a. ompetltile dnrlyr i and ili idph.alions on
a wh doy.u undeEtandbyrhe tenn PlsTanrlysis"l (03Mr n
b Whal a,t KSFS? Discuss veiouslwes olKSFs. (07n.*,
r. whar dr. rhe rdt61ry domi)ut econonic Iralls accordine ro Mi.herl Poner? Explar silh
uexonlleol0nylddu(ryollour.hoice. (totur*,
a. Dcli.eraluechain turdbcnchmrkirE (0r rr ,
b. ]ial do you unde^rdJ by.onpelen.ej core conpeEnce and disrinctive compelencel
Lrphinwirhheb olexaorples OrNr,rk,
c Erplaii CIi 9 cell Dlamin! model o0Nhrk,
a. whai are rhe ldvanrager olajoi vcnrure? (rD NI! ,
b. Explain the geneic nrategE! adopred atbusines level. (0? Nfilk,
c whar ar.lhe vlious oprions lbrenterin8 and comperins in loreigrDarkes? Explain.
r Deire n rdgi. codrol
b According to you as a mmagenrenr noie$ional. hd i
corporatc so.ial ft spo.sibililyl
c lhal arc the unoN chalknges in dniegy in]phnr.frarion?
a. Thnh rbout-,ourpost smduatejob search as a strategic dccision. How sould rhe nodel oi
slrarcgic tueagenenl, be helpful to you in enti&i.s urd securins tte rost promisins
b. "TIc issu* rhar toxnagcs.onfonl *hcnconducdig rhe sbuleen ianagencnr pr.ccs qill
d,llir auco i4 ro nle conpetilive etrvnounents dren nmr lacc, ihe iltenal stEngll1s and
wexkne$cs rhey po$e$ i lhc rNNbcrololhcrbusineses theirnrmop.rale". Discuss
l2tB r.)t
Dr Sukumar inhenred hn lkhcr's Dey s lxb in Delhi in lgg5 Tlll100l. he o!rned rt labs ir
the NationalCapitalRegion flCR) Hr anlbnion sas ro rum il iDio a Narional chlr The
nunber incEased ro 7 in l00l acros rhc counlry. lncludi.g the r.!uisition ofplxrinnn lxb
in Muhbai. The nunber is likel_v tu Eo tu 50 rrilhh ? I !ea$ lion 2l xltresdnr lnrusion
oaRs.23 crcEs lor a 269/0 stake br- ohrdr.apn,lhas irs g.o nmle:y
The lrb *nh a Evenue olRs75 crcres is anong top 6ree l&s in lidia ith
Ai|nlic (Rs.77 core, and Prcific (Rs.55 crorct. Yer ils markel shtre is .nly 29r, or
Rs.3,500 crores ma(et. The rop 3 fims .ommantl only 691 as againn 40 4s.ri, by then
There are about20.000 b 1,00,000 stand alone labs e.Baged in rourine talhological busnlr$
in rrdia. with i; syster orrnandarory li.ensing and Egslmtion. Thal is nhy Dr. suktrnr'
has nor gone 6r acquislion orlonr yenrures. He doe nor find rrnv crlsring oboeroies
neetin8qualily sla.dads.Hissix hbshave beenrccredncd iaronrllj- here on rnin.v Ldge
hospilals halc nol dhnght of accedilalior. T[c college ot parholognc
accEdihtionofDey lab $ould help ii 1o rcach clienrsoulside India
lr Dey hb, $e bio{hemnq and blood iesline cquipnents aE srnn,zcd e er}, da!.
bd coding and aulonared regisrralion ofpati.irs do nor low ant ldcni! inlx upi ten
rourine tesh aE conducled wilh hisnly sophisicar.d sysretos Technicll expefsc cnrbles
$en to can] our 1650 vari.ryoftc$s. S0Ncday repoit aft availabl. lirr sonples reachirg
by I p m md br- 7 an ner dr) tur$tuples nor 500.olLe.lion c.Dnes locd.d acros rLe
counlry. Thcir rcchnicirns woik rou.d rhc.lockl unLike conrr.rilo6. HoDr senrc.s rnr
collecrion dd repofiins is also alailable.
TleE n a hug! unudlizcd capaciry. Now n is lryinC 1o lop other segmm6.20ol" ofrs tolrl
busines.dne! thousl its han hbo.rtoy Nhich acts as aElerencc lab lorninny leading
a Whar do you unddutMd bl rhe rem virionl Nhar rision Dr.Srkutuar h. ar dre rirne ot
inheriraiceofDe]hb)Hmnteenaclieved? (oshrrr)
b. Iorgrosth.trhalbusinessstdregyhasbeenalopledbyDrSukumar? (0srkit,
c Whar a lhe ma*ethg slraleayolDr. Suktrmarro orcnake irs conpetitor? (0s Nri{,
d lnyouropinionwharcotrldbcrhcbiggesrweakressinDrSukuhalsbusinesrnrarcgy'l
.. whai do you nean by coQoole Coyemsnce?
b Explain rhe diferenr sources of lons tem tunds.
c. Exphinthe objcctives ollinancial management.
2012Second Semester MBA Degree Examination, December
Financial Management
Max. M ks:100 et an! FOUR quenions,fron QNd I to O No.7.
2.Q.No. a is .ohpulsoty.
5.00,000 1,00,000
6.00,000 1,50,000
6.50,000 1.25,000
c. XYZ lld.. is a establishcd cohpany which rcqunes a turrhe! sun ofRs 30,0(].0().) for ns
expansion sdhene. Ap{t liom thc oiiginalequiy capit olRs l0,l)O,ol)O otRs tOO each.
Tne dneclos havc rhe follo*in-s plan for exp sion :
i) whole lmount to be raised though equity shares.
ii) Rs l0,00,000inequnyshaesand balance amunr i. 8y0 deb.nruEs.
iii),^ll in dehentures @ 8%.
i!) Rs 10,00,000 in l2% prelerence slEes md balance inequny.
The expected EBIl is Rs 8,00,000 and td mre is 50%. Amlyse rhe oplions lnd
select the besl option 00MrL!)
a. whal do r.u meanbrco$ofcapirai?
b. lhc fbllorins inlornation is dvailable for Ssacal Lld..
Avenle io(l of mq mrreridl rnLl slores
Ave*ge {ork in pmcess i.lentor}
A€raec nnished soods invenlory
eraAe accounrs re!enabb
Alehse accounls payable 180
Aveiage nw nEterial and sroEs purchased on dedir lDd
Aveage Bort h proce$ value olraw mie als
Acrase costolsoods sold Dr dav
calculalc duration olopcmting cvcle.
c. The Balancc sheerolABC companyisrllen below:
EauitvcaDnal(Rs l0 Der share) 90.000 1.2i,000
1.20.000 75.000
The Company's rolal aset tmover ratio is l, ih litdoperaling co$ is
uri,ble operatingcosr is50% ofsales. The lncofte lA lale is 50%, You
ir Cd.(ula'.'neirlle'.rr npeolleeEse..-orrhe.omoalJ.
il Deiemri.erhe likelr levelofEBlT ifEPS isRs 2.
a. Whar do you mean b) capial nructue? (03 Mrl,
b. DifeEntiaie het$€en priMry mtukfi and sccondary Miker (0r Mrrl,
c. Unired Indust es Lrd., has an investme budget o{ Rs I00 lakhs tbr 2005 2006. h has
shon listed rxo prcjech A and B rner conpleting lhe mrket and technical appraisals. lhe
manaecFcir lo conplele ilmncial appmisals belore mking rhe i.veslmenrs. Fufthcr
paniculas resardins thd t*o poiect m sivenbelo*:
Average annual cdh unflo{s bcfoe depieciation 21
Thd rhk fie mtio is 6% md the
c. Exllain the fados delemininC
The conpmy ibllorvs sraighr line me$od ofcbdgins depreciarion. us rd
are Equned b calcutale payback period and lnteml rate ol rcturn olthe
olAnnuityofRe. I for ten yea^ at dineEnt discounl ntes n gilen below:
a. Whardoyouneanby hrex mekell @rM,ikt
b. XYZ Ltd., hds R l0 crore bonds outstanding. Bank deposit eens 10% p.r lhc bonds rill
be redeemcd atci l5 yeas lor $hicn puryose lhe company whhcs ro create a sinking rund
How touch anount should he deposned lo the sinling tund each year so thar XYZ Lid..
$ould have in fie sinling iund Rs 10 cores 10 retire its e.rne issue orBonds? (07 M,rkt
c. Explain ile Jndors eolerning capilal st4rclurc decision. o0nrrik)
l0 ll 12 14
A uilvalue for l0 reas 5.6502
. Dislineuish bctsccn dive^ifilble and non diveBifiable iisli.
b. Caiculatc lhe expeded rate oldum lnr eeh secuity using CAPM,
b. What is srab le di! idend po lic],? Explain. @7Mrrks)
c. As a financial analyst ofa l&ge eleclonics company. Yon are rquned 10 dcrcmrnrc ine
seiehred average cosr ofcapiral ofthe.omplny usins luket lalue weigtG. The tbllowins
Tbe conpany s presenl book
Drbenrures(R5 100 pcr debemure)
Preleren(e shares (Rs 100 ner shrre)
EquiN sh es(Rs l0 Dersharc) Rs l0-00.000
All rhes sccLunies se loded in the clpnal mdkets. Reccd prices are I
Debentures Rs ll0 per debenture, preferencc shms Rs I20 per sbae md equiq shues
Anicip.tcd exedll firancins opponunities tre l
i) Rs 100 pd debenlue E,leemable al par ; l0 years naturily 1l% coupon rare l%
noalarion cosr . sale pricc Rs 100.
ij) Rs 100 preae.ence shaEs redeenable at par I l0 yeds mlurity 12% divide.d rere. t%
floalation cost. sale price Rs 100.
iii) Equity shares Rs 2 p.r sharc floararioncosrs. sale price Rs 22
ln addiiion, the dilidend expected on the equiry shaE ar the end ol the )€ar is Rs 2 pcr
share tlhe anticipared grouh Ete individendsis 7% and the nm has the pmcrice olpaying
all iis etuninss in the fonnofdilidcnds.lhe coQoore tax rarc is is%. (o M,rri
a. Ojus enterpriss is delemining lhe cash now br a prcjcct involrine the crsh tlo* for a
projcct inlolling rcplacebent old old machine by a new @chine. The old nachine
bouehl a few yem aeo hd a booklalue ofRs 11,00,000 &d it can be sold !o Ealize !DosL
!d sahase value olRs i,00,000. lt has a rcmilins lifc olfive yeais aller qhich ns net
san€se value is e&ecEd lo be Rs 1,60,000. lr is being depftciared annually at a Ele ol2t%
under rhe *rirren dosn lalue nrethod Tne NorkiDe capilal required irr $e old rachine h
Rs 4.00.000. The new machine costs lts 16,00,000. lr n expecled to Etch a ner salvagc
zlue orRs 8-00,000 aner 5 yeas whcn il villno longer be Equned. 1he deprcciation nle
alplicable 10 ir is 2s% under wiuen down value merlod. The ]rer trorking c$nal rcquncd
frx the ne{ mchine is Rs i,00.000, The new mchine is cxpccrcd to bring a saving.l
Rs 3,00,000 mually i. manu&cturins cosls (other $an dcticcialion), The rax rare
applicable torhc lirm is 40%. Find the ilcremenral altei t cash io{s,$ocided Nirh rhe
cost of cquirr and debr conpone"t, .f ir,
f", dif1i,..1r;[i:T)r
Debt as a oo aE. orrohlcaonJL
6r rhe company. Td ralc is 50%.SuEeest lhe besr debl : equi|,

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  • 1. - I2MBA2I S€cond Semester NIBA Degree Examination. Dec.20l4/Jan.2015 Business covernment and Society Tnne: 3 hrs Max. Marks:too nte: l. tht!.,a t tHRt rf qu.non.JrontQ-o-t t,,Q-t-o- 2.qNo-7ah.l O,-o.8 aru 0t41t1tu4. a Define corporare eovemnce. (03 r'rkt b. Dntinguishbc$eenbillofexchaneoxndprorrissorynores (0?rrrk, .. -Busincss aM gov$inent dotuinate the sEat ma$ olpeople " Explain q,nh the neh ol doninrnce model OoMrrk, a i Dclirc brllofcxch.nle b. LplaDbasic $eps o1 en!noDrnental audiriN. c C.hcaLly explain countervailue fo.ces modcl.lBGS Elanonship. a Lhrt is coroorare socialresponsibllnrl b LxplainlhepoNerdimcnsioDsolbusiness. b. hat are rhe benclits olqold colpoBre eolermnce? . _Ce.tam bctds nalie Ihe emplolcc ro ihii* and act i. unethical was- ycs, eplain rcots oluncihical beha!iour. Nhxr do you by Aovernmcntl Biry ou he dnbluish berveen agr.cmcnr and conrmd Eaplain in detail seven(erenlimnhdnr orbusines. ErplaiD.oiioBle !o enran.c oblieft o.s ii) I u a I pDDerrl i(hc itPR, NIr. Kirn promis.s his son Raman ro get him a bike ifhe get n nr eram Rasan got the Dnk iD caan butMr.Krandid.!rbnrgrhebikeforRaaan Can Ranran brnrq anacrion in 'e..-., nenr 'l're b. 'x b!.,eansolnaudobrainedlion Y s cheque fforldd.nor neeotiabte a.rleoriicashed dl d ba.lorherthx. rhe drrNee bank Y $red rhcbank torco.e$ion. h rhcbank lable ror conlcrionl (05 Ntrrkt c rvlrnoj agrees to pny Suns| Rs 1000 and in consideDrion Surrsh lgEes ro ear 20 mneos Nrhin nve.rinures k aa id contmdlllycano Slate the reasons (0sNturrr, d. X drr a cheque payable to Y .r on ordel llnlirrtunarctv $as losr and ,y: o.s.d Lb..tL 'r). ro! .dre' p:). .. .; c-eq.e. t. rtc b"rL. dis.hxrscd liom liabiLny) whar rill be tlE consequcn..s ia rhe daiers si{natures kre
  • 2. I2MBA2I CNe St d!: Angel cd fraNlacluire conpany opcned 6ooking for difercd nodeh of jts proud sball car Mega in late 2010. Thc co.snmer response Nas ordr'hetmins. Mosr ot rhe bookings verc for the AC modek. DLE and DIX. The DLE modetacconnrcd toi morethan ?0 perceft ofrhe bookings. Angel has plamed to mmence delivery of the venicles by earty 2011. Howeler, delivery schedules for rhe AC models wer upset because olsonc probleB on the roll our ffmi. Accordi.s lo a report iI tbe Eco,Biz tincs dated Il Marcn 2011. Angelofliciak attilbulcd the delay to no d ava i lab ility of an co ndnio. ine kits. Ankel !id. supplies AC kirs the DLE vesion and Delras is the vendor for the DLx vosion. Incidenlally, Ankel is aho tl[ AC supplier ro Maruti Udyog trd. Ansetoiiciah allegedthatAnUervasbein8pressurcdbyrheconrpetitorrodehythcsupptyofkns.,,tfthis contibues, Nc xill be rorced k ask Dcltas to supply kits tur rhc Dt! version roo'. a co nrpany o fiic ial said. a wh did Algel and rr.elJin rhe oroblen,..rpptvn.obtcn,rorA( [n']1 ,0!trr, 0. llte,'.srrorJbont'esLDD'ers'e.''o'rlorrhe.rnarer,uirkrln c. Evalnate tbe edricalis cs inmlrcd inthdcass. (0s uarkt d. Irlouwere tle CEO ofrhis compan]. ho w rvould yo u h! Dd le th n si$aiion? (0s tu,rkn
  • 3. ; a2 2i 7' -"i ? second Seme.ler MBA Dcgree Eaminaiion. June 2012 Financial Manasement .. what arerhc 'oLcs orfimn.itr Drillior in l0l0 whar uar rhe compouM grorh mr. in tulcntus, . BrienJ explainrh. tactoB aff.dins rhe polic. rinra. t. A,|wet 4t9i FoLtR lult qzeslio s Ircn ano.l to Q.No.7. 2. Qnatio Nt. tl i: to ,?ubo.-. 3. Pt a tFt tuhlestaot h. Proitet. L Show wotkhtk ttx.s wheNwt ,kcssna. i) lltou deposir Rs.l0.000 roday ai 60/0 nr olimerey. in ho! irn) !cr6 {ill rhis i) Strppose lou coDpanr- cLrienrlt hrs 5000 emplolees and this nuhbs is expeded io gros br- 5% pn r-ear How rnai! enplor"ees silLrou.coinpant have in l0 )€a61 iil) Phoei x lmitd had reveitres ofRs.loo million in 2000 which in ersed ro Rs 1000 !hat do vou ,nern 6! riorer ,nar(er't l-lxplainrhc {lifiare approrcher to 6nan.iDg *o ng cipital rcqunci1en6. The PQRcompaiy has the folldsinc capilal nructurc Il'rN1rrch20ll: Ihe dEres ofthe company sclh tor 120. It is crp.crcd rlft $mlan), il pay ncxr )! a dividerd ofll per shares ryhich ilLsrcrv ar 7% lo,tv.r A$umc 50% tar rate. You a.e i) CdDrpuie a weighted ave€ee con ol.apitalb.scd on rh! eisriigcrpil.Linrlurc ii) Cohptrt the ne seightd avemge con olcapnd ilfi. cor"nr,a cs ar addir.nrl ol ilo lakh dcbr by hsuing 15% dlbentrfts rhis ouid resuh ln inc,aasi,rg the erpecrcd dividend ro l:l and leaw the gm rarc und,lngcd, 6ui rh. f.icc ofshar. Ordi,r.r] sha,$ (r.00.000 share, What ls capitaL nruciure? Whar 0.e the major astrmptions of clpihL nrudure l tortrhd, ErpLaiirhedillerenrrr-p.soliivcnmcnrevaludioftechniqus. OrNhrk, BrielJ- erplaitr the Indian Financial Slsqn
  • 4. IOMBA23 whlt is copnal budgcting? Discusrheelemenhofgoodcop (0, !h!k, 'lhe slected financialdall lirr X. Y and Z comp.nics tbr rhe tear endcd M.rch 3l mc.s Variable expenses !! 3 perceDtagc ol salcs DOL DFL 6 2 1 Pren e node {aenen^ for ri Z.ompanies :0,000 What are marlet value*.ighha hool value *eights? Exp la in the orsan izotio n of finaDce tuDclio n Thcconofc4iiaLn l2% C,lcularerlrlbLlowing, iil) Intemal rrre offttum iv) Modified inrenrlarcof dun Descibe thc SEBI guideli'r!on ESOP o eil,l Ltd has curetrtly an onlinary shares oa ll00 ca.h. ThE nanagenont maiorcxPansion prc8mmme, rhmu8h oE i) EnrLelr tbrouxh odituq shrres (03y.rks) 107 v5rk9 share capital o1125 lakh! conskting of25000 is plainins to rrilc rno E lr0 la(hs ro llmncc ot lour posible fi nancial plans, ii) ll0lakhsrhrotr-sh odinarr shares aitl a l0lakhs in 3% loneiem loan iii) 15 hkhsthroushordlnarlsharesand ll5l hs tlrc€h 9% loan (LT) ir) ll0 hkhs fircugh ordimry shmcs and {10lakhs tluough prctirrenc. Irith 5% The companyt erpected errnings before inleEn and hles (EBI'j) rvill he l3 tikhs. Astrmiry , .oe.rate rii d.or50%. d.rcnnln. rhe trPS itr erh ,ltemarive and cornnrenr. RhichdrcrMrivc h be{ od shy'l (ro }h6, a. Uhardo you fro.n b) CAPM? Mentbn rny tro aduntqesolCAPM. b. lvhalareobjedne5otfinancialmlmgemenrl
  • 5. 3 tOMBA23 c Youi comllny has boughr a 1t.25.300 price ofequipnsnr 2 leas ago llsprescm boo[ volue ls t37 000.It... hc sold lodar for r1,25.000 (GtnE iar) Hdrere, ifke|t ii ri[ Ian five more !ea6 ! prodtrce evccrcd cash reloues (nel otexpcis., bclore racs ot 120.000 Ior each olrhe five )c.(. A replarqncnL ma.hinc con I t.80,000 anl is !pecred ro pmdu.e cash aol (bebre tore, ofllS.000loreachotrhe nexr five ]eam. Snaieht tine deprecixrion for 5lcrEcan be cmployed aor borh the nely {d drcod ma.htne. rhe k rak is 15"/o .nd rhc nrms Equired ol rerm is t07o. Funhffrnore rs{me that ncirhcr mdchinc h! sasgc viltre ln ine1e!6. Detcmine tlr rclclan! cash nors lbr ca.h alternarile. Casestudr: A profom. $r shectofa.ompan] providcs rlE lotto$iig panicu a6: El.m.nlsot.on Amounlpsrunir(I) Selli'rCpilcc Thetirllosingtu herpani.ula^rrervailable i) Rr! mt$ in nock on an .verage tor one monrh ii) Rarv materiak aft in proce$ on an av$.ge lor halla hoith. iii) Fi"khed eoods xre in nock otr an avorase lbrone 'nonrhiv) Credil rlloRed by supplie6 n one monrh. v) Lag in prlme oluge! n r+treeks. vi) Lag in paymEit ofovenr.ds ioie mo h. 'il) +T' outpur is soLd aga tr$ cash vili) Cmh in hand and at batrk is crpecred ro I'e 125,000. ir) Credii xllo$ed h cuno'ncr N. d. hs You arc requned to prcpare ! (lieNnr shosi'rg theNorking capnatn.edcd le!el of .crivityoll.01.000 unirs olprdddion. You may astrme lhlt prcdu.tioi is caricd otr evenlr- rhotrghoui rhe !err. ov.rheadsaccnE similarl) i,rd alimc p&lod of.l Neeks nequivatent ro a Drnrh. 30
  • 6. t Second Semesler MB4 Degree Exahioaaioo. Dec Financlal Management A.No.71. Ans*el ah, Fout lutt qu.sttons f.M ONo.l to 2. Qaestion No. I is coi,palso,! 3- Ase oftine eatu. tables is pemiuz.l. ! :f, i*' ,l 39 ai 1E ;i iz EA 55 , Distingnisn ooney mdkel Irom capiral nartet.- 0 Erplain the role of fmnce neagets in lhe curent economic $endio.O wtar do you ner oy '.rm Ll m.nasemenr? t, vrite a note on corporale gov.mmce in India. (0? M,k) i) If you delosir Rs,8000 loday al 3% rate of inreiesl, ia how amy yem Nill rhis aho@t double, under Rule ?2 dd Rule 69? ii) Mr.XwillinveslRs.5000atrheendofeactydarlor6yeds.Calculaieiktut@value if intcrest rare is 12% per annum iii) An employee is about to reliE. IIis enployei has otrered him lwo posl Etnenenl options: mualpensionoaRs 100004long she liles edalmpsm paynent of Rr.60000 il cmployee expecrs 1o live for 15 yeds ud 6te ofi erest l5%. Wlich alternaiive should he select? 110 Mrk) a. rrba. 's ! apibl nructe' ,torvrk, b .n cd l) evrld.pol'r rd -ealrl mdi!$of aorCeizrj.n t!io-vrk, c Acodp y has sales ofRs.5,00,000, varisble cost ofRs.3,00,000, fired cosl ofRs.1,00.000 and lonC tem loms of Rs.4,00.000 al l0% rate of ifie&sl, Calculale lhe opealing, financial and conbiled leverase. a. whai do you oean ESOI? b. Explain rhe laotors aEecling dividend policy ofe org&iation c. PEpae d eslimale oi worring cEpitll requirDenl fod 1ir rbilo$ing Prcjcded amual sal$ 100000 uils Selling! @!s dn Rs I Percentase of nel prc6l to sales 25% Average credil period aUowed lo custoDers 8 weeks Avemge clcdil pcriod allow.d by supplios 4 weeks AeaCe qo.k holo ing .n rems ol sal$ requi"n"lr I)w-.. ' ALl, w 10"" lo-.onrn8encres.20.000 ui6:old on.dn. b. Explain ihe vaiou cunent ssels tnocing polioies. c rYZLld.ha Lhe tollowin8book clre copikl:hcM: tu. lciore, Equry caDilal Ghd6 of Rs.lo eeh) 15 12% lrefelence capilal (sntres of Rs. I 00 each) I Rerained emings 20 ll.s% Debentues (Rs.l00 each) l0 ll%Temloans 125 I .f2
  • 7. IOMBA23 The rcxl expected divid.nd on equir, shes is Rs.3.60 per shmi ihe divideid per share is exp.cted io srcw al the rale of ?%. The odket pnce per snd€ is R3.40. Pref*nce shds re'lemabt rner l0 y@ is crendy selling at Rs.75 per shm. D.b.nn&s EdeeD.ble afi.r six y@s de sellirg al Rs,80 per debonne. TIe in@ne l ofrhe coopey is 40%. Calculare WACC, using booli lalue rciCiris, (r0 Mrrk) a Dislirrquish {Gl bdker &om,omoo.r.$ mrlei. -t b. what is NPv? llow h it suledor olo o$d €chniques? c Ass@i.g that a nm pays lq at 50%, onpure rhe sfte! ld cosr of copilal, in the i) A pepetual bond sold ai ptr, coupon nte of inteEsl being 7% ii) A len yetr 8% Rs. 1000 6ond, sold al Rs.950 less 4% udeMiling comBission. iii) Rs.100 pe lalue, pEfelence share sold at Rs.100 with a 9% dividend ed redenptioD price of Rs.l 10, ila cohpey redeees i. 5 yeds. iv) An ordinary shde selling st s cuEent ndket pne ol Rs.120 md paying a cude dividend of Rr.9 per shEre, vhich is eapecte d to sow al a rate of 8%. (r 0 M sl!') Wlar do you n@by loEx ddket? € Wnte a nole on capiral asset pricing nodel. An invesor hol& rbe fouo*ins .onfoli 0.6 1.0 12 Rs.1,00.000 Rs.1,80.000 what h tne expected 61e of rtm on his poftfolio, expecled retuh on ha*el porfolio is 15%? iltte risl Eee k 6 ptEent md lne x I 2 3 5 3000 4000 5000 7000 2000 3000 4000 8000 I rd. is consid.nng a @w prcject, for th. Eoubcrue of pocket video emcs, capilal expendnuie ol Rs.600 b$s ed vorkins capilal of Rs 150 lakhs. The rhe plmi is for an amual !rcducrion ol 12 htn uiis ed capeny uilizalion 2 5 6 tl33 90 100 2 al2 The aveEge price p* uir .f the pmdnci k exlected 10 be Rs200, netting a contribulion of 40%. ahe mual fixed cosls. excluding depreciation, ee esliaated to be Rs.480 ia$s per mB ftoa the thiid ye& o.*aids; fo! the fitrt and second ycar it would be Rs,240 laltu and Rs.369 iatls 6!eoti!ely. Tle avBase rate of deFeciatioh for ld purposes h 33.33% otr capitll assers. Td nle 35% cosl ofinc capnal is 15%. At rhe end of rhe lhird y€ar. e additional investnent ofRs.100 latls rould 6e reqnired for the wolkine capilal, Teminal value ofthe lixcd a$els may bc lalen as 10,/0 and lor cE€nt assets 100%. Advise usingN?v (r0 Mrrkr)
  • 8. tr l) B 4 3 i9 l0MBA2-1 Semesrer MBA Dcgree Examination. Financial Management 20lt ! -*; ;:E ::+ 5i !}; .:.t €- :! v Timo:3 hrs M .Marks:1oo Note: 1. A,Ntmt FOUR| qz.stioa hone-t to g-_. z. g-tt is.onputsoa, 3. pt/ tabtes tur b. ptor ed. 1 a. wnai is rioe vduo ot monevz b . A: Lmr hr " deoo.jr... jo be de a-Jedr ,",. r," -,.""r" _" " i:,Xt:(ohpo@ded ulJ tl I de i^o ro wrLl dmw tu sooo """r.* ri."..*,"" o/olr0 sir )em! rrom now u4Dl s de si7e.r ,lc Jee /so deposl ,nar q:rt prodl.e I' l'nq.o( he ersrr ,a,f or tr.nre.helr wtucr r. epec.ed ,,,H-c2t00?a inde" ky ohetueo. 1krern.2,op.a. r,[e" d orte o depo n , rh o, R.. I too ro lnen rccer.e ,elrr oflr 80oa.pnpdu.tJ sto,,a,ooe" o. **p,.A i,,1. ",.-"i.r"l"ll.; ,l6'o wrr.ulede,a,ol!Ldee.. 1ea,e 0,,n,c,d,. s!0. . _ - ". -;"ri;;], c rpam rhe di,Iere ryls oflnanciat de ron lh finar'.almrn"semenr. "arot'rrerbj(r**",fftr,l:; 2 a. |rhar k co*otcaDjEl, b. Srocl c,ndr M.rpr*d rtu o. ,8oo dd a sbdard tr drio,., ,r," .,""_,rJ XJ:.ep(red rc'-r ot j oo ed a quddro o",.arion o. ro,. the@neta.ior beNeen rne &"s o(ts F 0 2r I )ou bn d ponloti. v here Jou pdr rO!o o. )ou ;;;;;,; ;;;;;;:;.;wrrar s rheetp(ttd Ehrn Md st&dedd*Dl,.; f... n.,.r..-i,g,",r."."p,,. "*;;)J;'.,1,' : II;i"f.rr,,, Eqliry shres t I o,0oo sh@s ofRs.1oo .&h) - tohoooioolopr€foerce shdes [ortu.loo @rr) lpa];6;t2% DebeDiues O,OO,OoO le m Le. p,!e o, de corp"n) ",m.s e,.,ro .. 2000.000 r-., o *, --* *o. a u. *.,,.; ",t;; ;.;,:. ".. fl:dh#fi li,".i ":,,'' "., " ., ,r,, mFohp&r,1tr re5000 j" o.acie..compuk.,e""s.-";"i;:;;;;":i:..."i." r, tuum.nE rha ,n orde,o r,&ce & *peq;n -Itu. ,j e..ompdr .;;;;," ;;.; -tor,r or Rs 10.00.000 beens t4oo. ;ha, "t,l b" ,1. .".ili ;;,;.;; ;".*;ijavemtse co$ ofapjEt" lhis Inecus decsion r'.1o ," n- r: p* +r" i"*._' iistuJr E qpecled h ucreae drvidei nn o*t.. no. r".ito o n. ro. p., ' e"- -" '" pne or 'qury -* 'il;l;j::
  • 9. .. Wbal is Eccouting rare of retud? b. Ilod lhe following data .ompule ihe duarior of tE operEling oycle 1OMBA23 5,PMrl-.1, iii,- ,"-. 1t:Zi 7"r'Xl s ,91)*' ,iq:-,,,,h l9P*.J$<5u (xs) 20,000 14,000 21,000. 2!!00 1,40.000 1,60.000 32,000 r6.000 (tu) 21,004 18,000 24,000 1,35,000- 1,80,000 2,00.000 50,000 18,000 Asme 360 days per,€e for compurarionst puloe' 0 The dah elatins to rwo @mp&ies ee s given below : CodDtuv A (onbmvB capib tui.oopoo tu iroioo '$&t" l2%Debe ues Rs.4,00,000 Rs.6,50,000(-)'( @,1-.r OLrpLr luirs ffitrb 60.000 t.,olJo ;-)o..Sel'ine pnce per sr R.Ji] tuXO. r.r;,,rjedcoq.perMu Rs?.00.000 R..j4,OO,O00 _,1:' Vuiable @qr per @r tu.., Rs7, r,l .6,, . Yq m Fquircd ro .acula.e Lfie ope.dLing kflasa.-finoc,4 er,ae. ou g"a*t_. D.nerer' beMeD Fir4 md seo1daryru[e,. . {' To" - _ ;0rM,,^, DiscEs 'be eremenB ot sood co?o are go!e@!e "t-. ,r:: ro" u*r, A lomp v is cobidenns $e ,eoteem*, e niri mhine bi(n is ob"otqe dd umble to meet 1he rapidly rising demd lor iis lroduct. The comldy is faced with tso aftedrtives: (L- i To bu) VdLh neA s,hicb n sinild @ rhe RjqLins M. dine *brch cos Rr ?j laiis. nt'to Bo r Ior Mrcine B wtu.1 r more epesrle md hs mLcb 8tarer.apary "t "r Thecahr0nos froo !he,e m.htu"4aa&rlorr r o Yed V(hiie' - M&hine B Ar lhe rd ol his calcdlarions. hoqevnLhe 6r tuce mmager is M,bte to a e 6lo whicn mrhin.i. re.nmmen.r YoL re r.qliEd ro frde tbAe.atcllf,ons trJ in lhe i8r$eFot.o, nmagn abour rhe poposed in!esmenr 2.f1 -3r _cosl of capiLd is 10%. Ihe tuoce nege! rries to evaluale the nachine by 1 2 3 5 5- r7 -l+ t5 ?L D PV-
  • 10. .6 IOMBA23 a. Wlat is meet by slable divided policy? @ Msrk) b. You onp&y ha bought a Rs.l?1L00 pie ofequipnol2 yed ago. Its prpsnt book value is tuj7Q00.It @ be sold 6&y 6. Rs.125,000 (before ta&o. HosBd, iftep! n will l6t five ilorc yqs md prcduce flpecled 6h @lentrea@i ofexpmse, b.flrF des of Pd.2!,000 tor sch of $e ffve r!4. A r.plenent Mchire cosrs Rs.t,80,Ot)0-sd is exp.ctdd to pbdn@ c6h flows (tefoie kas) oi RS.28,(]OI] for e&h of the neal irve yees. SrEighl-line deprcialion for 5 y€ds 6 b€ ployed for botb rhe rew ed rhe old nachine. Ur ra{ Ele is 35% ed ihe fim requi@d rare of retM is 10%. tunnemoe dsu€ rhar neither nachine h6 salltge yalu in five yea6. Detemine the Ei*et csh flo% for each alteMnve. c. Discss lhe faetors innuencins the woMns epiral rcquircdents of a fm. a. Diflerentiare b€rween money ndket &d cariial ddket. (0r Mrrk, b. Foilowing infomarion is availEble ieladns to nsk frce iate (R, 6d m&er Etum (R-) Rr C/,) t6t4 253 112t 4826 591 6 1 ll On tne basis of the above infomarion find ou1 the cost of equiry capiBl on the basis of cAlM given that rhe beta facror h 0.861 (07 MrrD c. Eplain i.e factoB a{fecling dividend policy. O0Mrrk) Hoitage Camenl Ltd. ii a fdou-manufactuer ol Cmots. Tt msaser of the compey is pspaing its *orki6 capiial foecd aor lhe nexr yea. ASd c;tully screening all the docurcnts, he collecred ihe tollo*ins infomaiion. ?rod@tion duins de pre ou yed 6 n0,060 uirs. Tlre sms I*el of &rviry is intended 1o be Fairtalned duing cureDt y.d=e expeord ranos of cosr 10 seuins p;ce Raw matedsls 40% - J_ l' 2l]oo Oyefieads 20% The las mren,lsordiMilJ Ena'n:n qrores tor i moDds befoe orodudior. Fve.! Mi. olp_odLioi, Rnciro ir ln( proes, to, 2 motrLhs : s 6*med b -be oi]oo"" mv mal6ial, r,ags md ovedeads. Iilished goods ,emain in w@hou$ for 3 ndnrhs. . rdi alBned b neoi*J.r, 4 months .or he ddre ot the oel,veq ot roq adrnd . dd n.dr o debiqis'1i {ftr$s oor rheoareordnpd cn Ih; er6bGJta$tJtu( b be neto .5 tu.roo.doo -as in payrelr or @se, .s hdr month. Lag payndt ofexloses is also halfm:nfi selli price"is Rs.lo ps"mit. Boln pnducdon od elB e h . Esule cyclc. Male a provision of t0% for 6nting@y Assuming y.u6elf ro be lhe finoce nmger for Heribge Csment Lld. esdmale lhe sorkins capital requiEnenrs of the mnpMy (10 Mark) 3 6fl b. Explain the difeEnt appoaches lo fDedng mrkine capiral Equnmenr' _ c. Di$uss ihe wioB f&toB Elevar in plming rhe capitsl sfucrue of a im. I ( a r
  • 11. I2MBA25 a. what is trading aniqulr? ($rbrkr) b. Whal h fimn.lal modeling, what are the diilere tyIcs ofn.a.cial nDdeli (07r!rl, c The toinagemen(olAlla ltd. has called for a statemcnt showins the rorkirF capiftlnceded lo frnance a level af:tctiaity of3.00,000 unils ofouiput ror rhc ycar. The cost strudure for rhe coDpanyt pndtrd. for the ab i) Pasi e&erience indicales rhal rav mrenah are held in stock on an aterage tnr nvo ii) Work-iD-lrogres (100 percenl completc in regard (i dalmah and 50 percent for labour and ove read9 will approxinately be ro halfa monrh Droduction iii) Fi.ished goodsrenain in Narehonse on an alerdec ror a month. iv) Supplies ofmterials exrend a months cfedit. !) Two tuirhsoEdit isallowedto debtoA. calculatio n o f debtos roybe made atselling vi) Anininumcashbalanceof Rs.25,000 Gcpecied to bemalntaincd !ii) The prodndion pancm n assumed to be even durine tne rrear. Preparc rnc sbtemenr showine, rbe rvorking capnaL reqnirenenr olthe company O0viikt a wh a nnancial ensineerinx? b. what n stable dividend policy? Why c. Afln Ltd. ias Rs2,00,000 ro inven should a ftm lollow such (03illrrk, rPolicY? (o7Nlrrks) areunJer.onridcrxil.n Th. 70.000 3 30.000 D 50.000 t5,000 50.000 t2,000 RanI the a!o!e projech on ii) Pioftrb,litr indexme rod. b. Wnat hrelevant cash flor?Also mertiontlrconceproli..renentalcash uoNs. c Whrt are rhe morives hehi mer".'' 10"" preler en.e share 'apiral I 00 000 t.00.000 t0.00 000 Thc con olcqrir: catnalolrhc c.n!!n_! rcLine,l ern rr! oo A. urrer..tJ
  • 12. I2MBA25 7 b. The relev.nt financialinfomation for ABC Lrd. for the year etuied 3I" Decenber.2OI3 is I -20t1 24 24 12 l4 112 wlar nrhe lengrnolopealingcycle d the cash cyclc? A$me 365 days io a yed oo Mrrs) A company n considerin8 an investmnl proposalto install a ney milling conrol ar a con oI Rs.50.000. The facility has a life expectancy of5 yeaE and no salsge ulue. The tax mre is 35 penent. Atue the nm uses srBight line depEciarion and dE saDe is altowed tur rax puAoses. Tbe esrimated cash nows before dcpreciation and lax (CFBI nom the inveshent (FBT(tu.) 10.000 10.692 l r2.769 8,462 5 un,l85 ii) Alerase Ere of renm. iii) Nel Presenl valuc (NPV) ar l0 percent dncoutmte md iv) Pmlitabihy irdex at l0 percent dncount nte. e0 M,rrt
  • 13. 12MBA.]1 1 / 2a ,i ia z) a: '-- Third Semester MBA Degree Strategic '. .lii : r Examidation- D€c.2014/.1ad.2015 Manasement PART_A a whrt is the inrponmce olslratesy inbusines? b w e in dekil rhe poc{s oisrraregic nanagemenr. c Whal ..e-the l.veh of $mr.gic mdaeenEnr? Enablish conir,ny slrulely aDd ns business nodel i. Explain nnmcixl and eDlegi. obrecdesota b Explain lhe koro rard md c. Etlxin Michell ! Pofteas nre lorccs inodcl Not.t '1. Ahstr.t ar! fHR E E full qaesno"s lron Pafr A. 2. Pa B ann ?att C arc tonptlsot!. (0r lvl3rk, (07 rrr'rk, the relarionship between a (r0Mrrrt finn Yiln e)siltles. (0r lkrk$ ils vaious pebpectir€s. (07 NI.rkO o a. ompetltile dnrlyr i and ili idph.alions on (l0llark, a wh doy.u undeEtandbyrhe tenn PlsTanrlysis"l (03Mr n b Whal a,t KSFS? Discuss veiouslwes olKSFs. (07n.*, r. whar dr. rhe rdt61ry domi)ut econonic Iralls accordine ro Mi.herl Poner? Explar silh uexonlleol0nylddu(ryollour.hoice. (totur*, a. Dcli.eraluechain turdbcnchmrkirE (0r rr , b. ]ial do you unde^rdJ by.onpelen.ej core conpeEnce and disrinctive compelencel Lrphinwirhheb olexaorples OrNr,rk, c Erplaii CIi 9 cell Dlamin! model o0Nhrk, a. whai are rhe ldvanrager olajoi vcnrure? (rD NI! , b. Explain the geneic nrategE! adopred atbusines level. (0? Nfilk, c whar ar.lhe vlious oprions lbrenterin8 and comperins in loreigrDarkes? Explain. (r0Nl,rk, r Deire n rdgi. codrol b According to you as a mmagenrenr noie$ional. hd i corporatc so.ial ft spo.sibililyl c lhal arc the unoN chalknges in dniegy in]phnr.frarion? a. Thnh rbout-,ourpost smduatejob search as a strategic dccision. How sould rhe nodel oi slrarcgic tueagenenl, be helpful to you in enti&i.s urd securins tte rost promisins b. "TIc issu* rhar toxnagcs.onfonl *hcnconducdig rhe sbuleen ianagencnr pr.ccs qill d,llir auco i4 ro nle conpetilive etrvnounents dren nmr lacc, ihe iltenal stEngll1s and wexkne$cs rhey po$e$ i lhc rNNbcrololhcrbusineses theirnrmop.rale". Discuss o0hrl, 1g
  • 14. l2tB r.)t PART C Dr Sukumar inhenred hn lkhcr's Dey s lxb in Delhi in lgg5 Tlll100l. he o!rned rt labs ir the NationalCapitalRegion flCR) Hr anlbnion sas ro rum il iDio a Narional chlr The nunber incEased ro 7 in l00l acros rhc counlry. lncludi.g the r.!uisition ofplxrinnn lxb in Muhbai. The nunber is likel_v tu Eo tu 50 rrilhh ? I !ea$ lion 2l xltresdnr lnrusion oaRs.23 crcEs lor a 269/0 stake br- ohrdr.apn,lhas irs g.o nmle:y The lrb *nh a Evenue olRs75 crcres is anong top 6ree l&s in lidia ith Ai|nlic (Rs.77 core, and Prcific (Rs.55 crorct. Yer ils markel shtre is .nly 29r, or Rs.3,500 crores ma(et. The rop 3 fims .ommantl only 691 as againn 40 4s.ri, by then There are about20.000 b 1,00,000 stand alone labs e.Baged in rourine talhological busnlr$ in rrdia. with i; syster orrnandarory li.ensing and Egslmtion. Thal is nhy Dr. suktrnr' has nor gone 6r acquislion orlonr yenrures. He doe nor find rrnv crlsring oboeroies neetin8qualily sla.dads.Hissix hbshave beenrccredncd iaronrllj- here on rnin.v Ldge hospilals halc nol dhnght of accedilalior. T[c college ot parholognc accEdihtionofDey lab $ould help ii 1o rcach clienrsoulside India lr Dey hb, $e bio{hemnq and blood iesline cquipnents aE srnn,zcd e er}, da!. -rhe bd coding and aulonared regisrralion ofpati.irs do nor low ant ldcni! inlx upi ten rourine tesh aE conducled wilh hisnly sophisicar.d sysretos Technicll expefsc cnrbles $en to can] our 1650 vari.ryoftc$s. S0Ncday repoit aft availabl. lirr sonples reachirg by I p m md br- 7 an ner dr) tur$tuples nor 500.olLe.lion c.Dnes locd.d acros rLe counlry. Thcir rcchnicirns woik rou.d rhc.lockl unLike conrr.rilo6. HoDr senrc.s rnr collecrion dd repofiins is also alailable. TleE n a hug! unudlizcd capaciry. Now n is lryinC 1o lop other segmm6.20ol" ofrs tolrl busines.dne! thousl its han hbo.rtoy Nhich acts as aElerencc lab lorninny leading hospillh.NewndgilabsaEbeinebuillroercmnprcclinicalandmulti.ceDneclinicalrrk a Whar do you unddutMd bl rhe rem virionl Nhar rision Dr.Srkutuar h. ar dre rirne ot inheriraiceofDe]hb)Hmnteenaclieved? (oshrrr) b. Iorgrosth.trhalbusinessstdregyhasbeenalopledbyDrSukumar? (0srkit, c Whar a lhe ma*ethg slraleayolDr. Suktrmarro orcnake irs conpetitor? (0s Nri{, d lnyouropinionwharcotrldbcrhcbiggesrweakressinDrSukuhalsbusinesrnrarcgy'l (0s:l,it,
  • 15. .. whai do you nean by coQoole Coyemsnce? b Explain rhe diferenr sources of lons tem tunds. c. Exphinthe objcctives ollinancial management. IOMBA23 2012Second Semester MBA Degree Examination, December Financial Management ! 22 :, i? t1 !s i1na iE It ii :"i ; Max. M ks:100 et an! FOUR quenions,fron QNd I to O No.7. 2.Q.No. a is .ohpulsoty. 5.00,000 1,00,000 6.00,000 1,50,000 6.50,000 1.25,000 2.00.000 2.20.000 c. XYZ lld.. is a establishcd cohpany which rcqunes a turrhe! sun ofRs 30,0(].0().) for ns expansion sdhene. Ap{t liom thc oiiginalequiy capit olRs l0,l)O,ol)O otRs tOO each. Tne dneclos havc rhe follo*in-s plan for exp sion : i) whole lmount to be raised though equity shares. ii) Rs l0,00,000inequnyshaesand balance amunr i. 8y0 deb.nruEs. iii),^ll in dehentures @ 8%. i!) Rs 10,00,000 in l2% prelerence slEes md balance inequny. The expected EBIl is Rs 8,00,000 and td mre is 50%. Amlyse rhe oplions lnd select the besl option 00MrL!) a. whal do r.u meanbrco$ofcapirai? b. lhc fbllorins inlornation is dvailable for Ssacal Lld.. Rs(Million Avenle io(l of mq mrreridl rnLl slores Ave*ge {ork in pmcess i.lentor} A€raec nnished soods invenlory eraAe accounrs re!enabb Alehse accounls payable 180 Aveiage nw nEterial and sroEs purchased on dedir lDd Aveage Bort h proce$ value olraw mie als Acrase costolsoods sold Dr dav calculalc duration olopcmting cvcle. l.f1
  • 16. IOMBA23 c. The Balancc sheerolABC companyisrllen below: EauitvcaDnal(Rs l0 Der share) 90.000 1.2i,000 1.20.000 75.000 10.000 I00,000 The Company's rolal aset tmover ratio is l, ih litdoperaling co$ is uri,ble operatingcosr is50% ofsales. The lncofte lA lale is 50%, You ir Cd.(ula'.'neirlle'.rr npeolleeEse..-orrhe.omoalJ. il Deiemri.erhe likelr levelofEBlT ifEPS isRs 2. a. Whar do you mean b) capial nructue? (03 Mrl, b. DifeEntiaie het$€en priMry mtukfi and sccondary Miker (0r Mrrl, c. Unired Indust es Lrd., has an investme budget o{ Rs I00 lakhs tbr 2005 2006. h has shon listed rxo prcjech A and B rner conpleting lhe mrket and technical appraisals. lhe manaecFcir lo conplele ilmncial appmisals belore mking rhe i.veslmenrs. Fufthcr paniculas resardins thd t*o poiect m sivenbelo*: Average annual cdh unflo{s bcfoe depieciation 21 Thd rhk fie mtio is 6% md the c. Exllain the fados delemininC The conpmy ibllorvs sraighr line me$od ofcbdgins depreciarion. us rd are Equned b calcutale payback period and lnteml rate ol rcturn olthe olAnnuityofRe. I for ten yea^ at dineEnt discounl ntes n gilen below: a. Whardoyouneanby hrex mekell @rM,ikt b. XYZ Ltd., hds R l0 crore bonds outstanding. Bank deposit eens 10% p.r lhc bonds rill be redeemcd atci l5 yeas lor $hicn puryose lhe company whhcs ro create a sinking rund How touch anount should he deposned lo the sinling tund each year so thar XYZ Lid.. $ould have in fie sinling iund Rs 10 cores 10 retire its e.rne issue orBonds? (07 M,rkt c. Explain ile Jndors eolerning capilal st4rclurc decision. o0nrrik) l0 ll 12 14 A uilvalue for l0 reas 5.6502 . Dislineuish bctsccn dive^ifilble and non diveBifiable iisli. b. Caiculatc lhe expeded rate oldum lnr eeh secuity using CAPM, t.2 zuil
  • 17. IOMBA23 b. What is srab le di! idend po lic],? Explain. @7Mrrks) c. As a financial analyst ofa l&ge eleclonics company. Yon are rquned 10 dcrcmrnrc ine seiehred average cosr ofcapiral ofthe.omplny usins luket lalue weigtG. The tbllowins Tbe conpany s presenl book Drbenrures(R5 100 pcr debemure) Preleren(e shares (Rs 100 ner shrre) EquiN sh es(Rs l0 Dersharc) Rs l0-00.000 All rhes sccLunies se loded in the clpnal mdkets. Reccd prices are I Debentures Rs ll0 per debenture, preferencc shms Rs I20 per sbae md equiq shues Anicip.tcd exedll firancins opponunities tre l i) Rs 100 pd debenlue E,leemable al par ; l0 years naturily 1l% coupon rare l% noalarion cosr . sale pricc Rs 100. ij) Rs 100 preae.ence shaEs redeenable at par I l0 yeds mlurity 12% divide.d rere. t% floalation cost. sale price Rs 100. iii) Equity shares Rs 2 p.r sharc floararioncosrs. sale price Rs 22 ln addiiion, the dilidend expected on the equiry shaE ar the end ol the )€ar is Rs 2 pcr share tlhe anticipared grouh Ete individendsis 7% and the nm has the pmcrice olpaying all iis etuninss in the fonnofdilidcnds.lhe coQoore tax rarc is is%. (o M,rri CASESTUDY: a. Ojus enterpriss is delemining lhe cash now br a prcjcct involrine the crsh tlo* for a projcct inlolling rcplacebent old old machine by a new @chine. The old nachine bouehl a few yem aeo hd a booklalue ofRs 11,00,000 &d it can be sold !o Ealize !DosL !d sahase value olRs i,00,000. lt has a rcmilins lifc olfive yeais aller qhich ns net san€se value is e&ecEd lo be Rs 1,60,000. lr is being depftciared annually at a Ele ol2t% under rhe *rirren dosn lalue nrethod Tne NorkiDe capilal required irr $e old rachine h Rs 4.00.000. The new machine costs lts 16,00,000. lr n expecled to Etch a ner salvagc zlue orRs 8-00,000 aner 5 yeas whcn il villno longer be Equned. 1he deprcciation nle alplicable 10 ir is 2s% under wiuen down value merlod. The ]rer trorking c$nal rcquncd frx the ne{ mchine is Rs i,00.000, The new mchine is cxpccrcd to bring a saving.l Rs 3,00,000 mually i. manu&cturins cosls (other $an dcticcialion), The rax rare applicable torhc lirm is 40%. Find the ilcremenral altei t cash io{s,$ocided Nirh rhe cost of cquirr and debr conpone"t, .f ir, ""pir"l f", dif1i,..1r;[i:T)r Debt as a oo aE. orrohlcaonJL I6 6r rhe company. Td ralc is 50%.SuEeest lhe besr debl : equi|,