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Leadership Journal
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PMIN 702: Advanced Ministry Administration
Regent University
Fall 2018
Table of Contents
I. Emotional Health Check-Up
II. Genogram - Looking Back in order to go Forward
III. APEST Assessment
IV. Leading out of Marriage or Singleness
V. Establishing a Rule of Life
VI. Principles of Rest – Sabbath Keeping
VII. Making Plans and Decisions God’s Way
VIII. Working with Teams
IX. Understanding Power and Establishing Boundaries
X. Endings and New Beginnings
XI. Final Observations about Emotional Health and Leadership
Section 1
Week #1 h- Emotional Health Check-Up
“The emotionally unhealthy leader is someone who operates in a
continuous state of emotional and spiritual deficit, lacking
emotional maturity” and often substituting their “doing for
God” in place of “being with God.” (Scazzero, EHL, 25) These
leaders minister from an empty cup, rather than from an
overflowing saucer.
1. Complete the assessment, “How Healthy Is Your
Use the following scale:
5 = Always true of me
4 = Frequently true of me
3 = Occasionally true of me
2 = Rarely true of me
1 = Never true of me
__5___ 1. I take sufficient time to experience and process
difficult emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness.
_____ 2. I am able to identify how issues from my family of
origin impact my relationships and leadership—both negatively
and positively.
___5__ 3. (If married): The way I spend my time and energy
reflects the value that my marriage—not ministry—is my first
priority as a leader.
(If single): The way I spend my time and energy
reflects the value that living out a healthy singleness—not
ministry—is my first priority as a leader.
__5___ 4. (If married): I experience a direct connection
between my oneness with Jesus and oneness with my spouse.
(If single): I experience a direct connection between
my oneness with Jesus and closeness with my friends and
___4__ 5. No matter how busy I am, I consistently practice the
spiritual disciplines of solitude and silence.
__4___ 6. I regularly read Scripture and pray in order to enjoy
communion with God and not just in service of ministry tasks.
___1__ 7. I practice Sabbath—a weekly twenty-four-hour
period in which I stop my work, rest, and delight in God’s many
__1___ 8. I view Sabbath as a spiritual discipline that is
essential for both my personal life and my leadership.
___5__ 9. I take time to practice prayerful discernment when
making ministry plans and decisions.
___4__ 10. I measure the success of planning and decision-
making primarily in terms of discerning and doing God’s will
(rather than exclusively by measures such as attendance growth,
excellence in programming, or expanded impact in the world).
___4__ 11. With those who report to me, I consistently devote
a portion of my supervision time to help them in their inner life
with God and to accomplish their ministry goals.
__5___ 12. I do not avoid difficult conversations with team
members about their performance or behavior.
___2__ 13. I feel comfortable talking about the use of power in
connection with my role and that of others.
___5__ 14. I have articulated and established healthy
boundaries in relationships that have overlapping roles (for
example, with friends and family who are also employees or key
volunteers, etc.).
___4__ 15. Instead of avoiding endings and losses, I embrace
them and see them as a fundamental part of the way God works.
__3___ 16. I am able to prayerfully and thoughtfully let go of
initiatives, volunteers, or programs when they aren’t working
well, doing so with compassion and right motives.
Answer the following questions:
1. What did you learn about yourself from the assessment? I
learned from this assessment that I am, to an extent, an
emotional healthy leader; I realized the I do exhibit emotional
maturity in some of the listing on the emotional health check-
up. Which areas ofleadership require more focus and attention?
I do not view sabbath as a spiritual discipline that is essential
for both my personal life and my leadership. What areas are
youcomfortable with? I am comfortable with taking sufficient
time to experience and process difficult emotions such as anger,
fear, and sadness.
2. Scazzero mentions four unhealthy commandments of church
leadership. Which ones, ifany, have been difficult to overcome?
It’s not a success Unless It’s Bigger and Better. What has been
modeled for you? After Scazzero crucible ministerial
experience, he surface as an emotionally Healthy Leader.
3. Prayerfully begin to consider how you can start the process
of changing those values that are not producing healthy
leadership qualities in your life and ministry. (See pages 44-45
on Learning and Changing)
Section 2
Week #2 – Genogram
“Your shadow is the accumulation of untamed emotions, less-
than-pure motives and thoughts that, while largely unconscious,
strongly influence and shape your behaviors. It is the damaged
but mostly hidden version of who you are.” (Scazzero, EHL, 55)
In order to understand the shadows in your life, it is often very
helpful to create a genogram of your family. Using the
following worksheet, diagram your family. Also, see Appendix
3 on page 313 for a template.
Your genogram (completed diagram) and the answers to the
questions on the worksheet are to be included on this page.
Take a step back and consider your genogram. Answer the
following questions:
1. What might be one or two insights you are becoming aware
of in terms of how your family (or others) impacted who you are
2. What are one or two specific ways this may be impacting
your leadership in ministry?
Section 3
APEST Assessment
Go To: to take the APEST survey
Record the results of the APEST Assessment in this section.
Answer the following questions:
1. How do you see this ministry gift operating in your life?
2. How can you best steward the gift that God has given you?
Section 4
Week #3 – Embracing and Understanding my
Marriage/Singleness in Ministry
The way we handle our relationships reveals a great deal about
our values. We can have really good values and still not have
great relationships, especially when we use our relationships to
fulfill our values. This week, we begin to look at marriage or
singleness as a vocation or calling and our leadership as a
reflection of that understanding.
1. If you are married, complete the assessment on page 88 of the
EML. If you are single, complete the assessment on page 89 of
the EML. What did you learn about yourself from your
2. After reading chapter 3, how has your view of ministry and
marriage or ministry and singleness expanded? What impact
will these insights have on your life?
3. Take some time to pray for your spouse if you are married
(see prayer on page 112) or to pray as a single person (see
prayer on page 113). May God increase our capacity to love –
ask Him to bring transformation to the areas of your life that are
lacking in the ability to reflect His love.
Section 5
Week #4 – Establishing a Rule of Life
“It is possible to build a church, an organization, or a team by
relying only on our gifts and talents. We can serve Christ in our
own energy. We can expand a ministry without thing much of
Jesus or relying on Him in the process. We can preach truths we
don’t live. And if our efforts prove successful, few people will
notice or take issue with he gaps between who we are and what
we do.” (Scazzero, EML, 117)
1. Complete the assessment, “How Healthy is Your Experience
of Loving Union with God?” Did you learn anything about
yourself that was surprising? What area(s) expose your greatest
challenges when it comes to loving God?
2. This chapter invites us to make a paradigm shift in the way
we typically think of leading. We are encouraged to lead out of
our being, rather than our doing. A way to do this is to create a
Rule of Life based on values that will cause us to acknowledge
God in everything we think, speak, and do. Complete the Rule
of Life Worksheet below to determine your own Rule of Life at
this time and place in your journey. Make sure your rule
includes some joy, play, and fun.
You may use this diagram, create one of your own, or simply
make lists for each section.
Answer the following questions:
· Write down everything you currently do that nurtures your
spirit and fills you with delight. Don’t limit yourself to typical
spiritual activities.
· Write down the activities you need to avoid, that pull you
away from remaining anchored in Christ. What things impact
your spirit negatively?
· What are the “have to’s” in this season of your life that impact
your rhythms?
3. My Rule of Life in this season of my journey is . . .
Section 6
Week #5 – Sabbath Keeping
Sabbath keeping is not something we earn for having completed
our work. It is God’s invitation to step into His space where the
work is done and rest can begin. It is a reminder of the rhythm
of God’s grace in our lives. His grace always comes before our
work. Too often ministry leaders allow work to run over every
area of life, which disrupts the rhythms of grace that God
intended for all creation.
1. Complete the assessment, “How Healthy is Your Practice of
Sabbath Delight?” on pages 149-150. What did you learn about
yourself through this exercise?
2. What makes it hard for you to rest – intentionally and
purposefully set aside time for Sabbath keeping?
3. Make a list of what you will and will not do as a part keeping
the Sabbath.
On Sabbath, I will . . .
On Sabbath, I will not . . .
4. During the remainder of this class, make an effort to set aside
time to participate in Sabbath keeping. Include those things that
bring you delight like enjoying people, places, and activities.
Make space for rest and contemplation as well. At the end of the
session, write about your experience in a paragraph.
Section 7
Week #6 – Making Plans and Decisions God’s Way (Chapter 6)
Christian leaders often make plans based on what they believe
is best and then proceed to ask God to bless their plans. We can
find the process of waiting on God not only for His will but also
for His perfect timing to be exhausting! . The reality is the only
way to know God’s plan is to listen to His voice and obey His
1. Complete the assessment, “How Healthy is Your Practice of
Planning and Decision Making?” on pages 179-180. What did
you learn about yourself through this assessment? What areas
need improvement?
2. Our goal, when planning and making decisions, is to remain
in a state of indifference – meaning we are completely open to
the will of God, having let go of our attachments to any
particular outcome. How do you think you could better prepare
your heart – both personally and as a team – to be more open to
the will of God?
3. How can you begin to see your limits as a gift from God that
He is using in your life?
4. As you look at the four characteristics of emotionally healthy
planning and decision-making, which do you think God is
inviting you to embrace more fully?
· To define success as radically doing God’s will
· To create a space for heart preparation
· To pray for prudence
· To look for God in our limits
Section 8
Week #6 - Working with Teams (Chapter 7)
“. . . I did something I never thought I’d do. I set aside all of
my ministry and church-growth goals and, for the next two and
half years, focused on molding a cohesive leadership team. I
made it my number one priority . . . It changed everything. So
much so that to this day I consider maintaining the unity of our
board and our staff as one of my most important leadership
priorities, far ahead of other worthy goals – including
evangelism, church growth, and community outreach – because
without unity, everything else falls apart.” (Larry Osborne,
Sticky Teams, 25)
1. Complete the assessment, “How Healthy is Your Practice of
Culture and Team Building” on pages 214-215. If you are
currently not leading a team, but serve on a team, answer the
questions as a team member. What did you learn about yourself
through this exercise?
2. What elements of team culture do you intentionally cultivate
with your team? Which elements do you need to develop further
and how do you plan to incorporate these elements? If you are
currently not leading a team, what elements need to be
cultivated in the team you are serving on in order to create a
healthy culture? What suggestions do you have for these
elements to become a part of the culture of your team?
3. Using the Ladder of Integrity below, choose an event from
your life that could have been improved if you had used this
tool. Take the time to write out your responses in conclusion to
each of the 10 statements. Can you see how using this tool
might be helpful in all of your relationships?
10. I hope and look forward to . . .
9. I think my honest sharing will benefit our relationship by . . .
8. The most important thing I want you to know is . . .
7. One thing I could do to improve the situation is . . .
6. I am willing/not willing to . . .
5. This issue is important to me because I value . . . and I
violate that value when . . .
4. My feelings about this are . . . (What my reaction tells me
about me is . . .)
3. My need in this issue is . . .
2. My part in this is . . .
1. Right now this issue on my is . . . (I’m anxious in talking
about his because . . .)
Section 9
Week #7– Understanding Power and Establishing Boundaries
“Few leaders have an awareness of, let alone reflect on, the
nature of their God-given power. Pastors, staff leaders, ministry
directors, board members, small group leaders, long-term
members, donors, parents, musicians in the worship band – we
all have power. The problem is that we do not understand
where that power comes from, nor do we understand how to
exercise it responsibly.” (Scazzero, EHL, 243)
1. Complete the assessment, “How Healthy is Your Use of
Power and Wise Boundaries?” on pages 247-248. What did you
learn about yourself through this exercise?
2. “A good test of a person’s character is how they deal with
adversity. But the best test of a leader’s character is how they
deal with power.” (Scazzero, EHL, 248) Using the following 6
categories, make an inventory of your power. Use the questions
by each category on page 249 to guide you as you work through
this inventory.
· Positional Power –
· Personal Power –
· “God factor” Power –
· Projected Power –
· Relational Power –
· Cultural Power –
3. Name one “dual relationship” that you have and one or two
ways you can build safeguards into that relationship.
4. Identify one past experience where you have failed to set a
wise boundary with another in your leadership. How might you
do it differently today in light of what you have learned from
this chapter?
Section 10
Week #8 – Endings and New Beginnings
“Embracing endings in order to receive new beginnings is one
of the fundamental tasks of the spiritual life – and this is
especially true for Christian leaders.” (Scazzero, EHL, 270)
1. Complete the assessment, “How Healthy is Your Practice of
Endings and New Beginnings?” on pages 273-274. What did you
learn about yourself through this exercise?
Understanding Endings and New Beginnings
Endings and transitions to new beginnings are poorly handled in
our ministries, organizations, and teams for at least four
1. We accept the broader culture’s view of endings as failure
and try to avoid them at all cost.
2. We treat endings as signs of failure rather than opportunities
for something new.
3. We view endings as disconnected from our spiritual
formation in Jesus.
4. We disconnect endings from our family-of-origin issues.
In healthy endings and new beginnings, we move through four
1. We accept that endings are a death.
2. We recognize that endings and waiting in the “in-between”
will often take longer than we think.
3. We view endings and waiting as inextricably linked to our
personal maturing in Christ.
4. We affirm that endings and waiting are the gateway to new
2. How has your family of origin, your life experience, and/or
your church background shaped your view of endings?
3. How have you been able to incorporate grieving into the
endings you have experienced?
4. What do you need to let go of in your personal life and/or
your leadership, and what new beginning might be standing
backstage waiting to make its entrance?
Section 11
Final Reflections
Observations about Emotional Health and Leadership
Love of God
New laws for Handgun Licensing Program
(Formerly known as
Concealed Handgun Licensing)
Summary of new laws passed in the 84th Regular Legislative
Session that impact Handgun Licensing.
Open Carry
House Bill 910Effective: January 1, 2016
Caption: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed
to carry a handgun to openly carry a holstered handgun;
creating criminal offense.
General information:
· Authorizes individuals to obtain a license to openly carry a
handgun in the same places that allow the licensed carrying of a
concealed handgun with some exceptions. (See “Exceptions”
below for more information.)
· Unconcealed handguns, loaded or unloaded, must be carried in
a shoulder or belt holster.
· Individuals who hold a valid CHL may continue to carry with
valid existing license.
· A separate license will not be required to open carry. No
additional fee will be required.
· Individuals currently licensed will not be required to attend
additional training. Training curriculum for new applicants will
be updated to reflect the new training requirements related to
the use of restraint holsters and methods to ensure the secure
carrying of openly carried handguns. The new curriculum will
be required for all classes beginning January 1, 2016.
· The eligibility criteria to obtain a license to carry do not
· The department has updated the website and training materials
to reference License to Carry (LTC) instead of Concealed
Handgun License (CHL).
· Changes to the laminated license have been implemented. For
examples of licenses currently in circulation, see: LTC sample.
· Information regarding signage is available in the Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQs) found on the department’s website
at: FAQs
· Open carry is not permitted by a license holder regardless of
whether the handgun is holstered:
· on the premises of an institution of higher education or private
or independent institution of higher education
· on any public or private driveway, street, sidewalk or
walkway, parking lot, parking garage or other parking area of
an institution of higher education or private or independent
institution of higher education
· by an individual who is acting as a personal protection officer
under Chapter 1702, Occupations Code and is not wearing a
Campus Carry
Senate Bill 11Effective: August 1, 2016
Caption: Relating to the carrying of handguns on the campuses
of and certain other locations associated with institutions of
higher education; providing a criminal penalty.
· Authorizes a license holder to carry a concealed handgun on or
about the license holder’s person while the license holder is on
the campus of an institution of higher education or private or
independent institution of higher education in this state. Open
carrying of handguns is still prohibited at these locations.
· Authorizes an institution of higher education or private or
independent institution of higher education in this state to
establish rules, regulation, or other provisions concerning the
storage of handguns in dormitories or other residential facilities
that are owned or leased and operated by the institution and
located on the campus of the institution.
· Requires the president or other chief executive officer of an
institution of higher education in this state to establish
reasonable rules, regulations, or other provisions regarding the
carrying of concealed handguns by license holders on the
campus or on specific premises located on the campus.
· Authorizes posting of a sign under Penal Code Section 30.06
with respect to any portion of a premises on which license
holders may not carry.
· The effective date of this law for a public junior college is
August 1, 2017
Are you Aware of SB11
(202 total surveyed)
Aware of SB11
YES NO 76 126
Being briefed on SB11, do you agree or disagree? (202 total
Being briefed on SB11, do you agree or disagree?
Agree Disagree 85 117
Should licensed faculty be allowed to carry on campus?
(202 total surveyed)
Should licensed faculty be allowed to carry on campus?
Yes No 128 74
Should licensed students be allowed to carry on campus? (202
total surveyed)
Should licensed students be allowed to carry on campus? (All
Yes No 59 153
Should licensed Visitors be allowed to carry on campus? (202
Should licensed Visitors be allowed to carry on campus? (All
Visitors- Yes Visitors- No 24 178
If licensed how likely are you to carry on campus?
(202 total surveyed)
If licensed how likely are you to carry on campus? (All
Very Likely Not Likely Don't know 32 143 27
Gun Control in the United States
NILOA Charrette Assignment
El Centro College
Dallas, Texas
Submitted by: Cindy Brown, Ceaser Espinoza, Rahime Howard,
Karen Mongo, Eduardo Morales, Mike Ogbeide, and Angela
Think About These
Events in the United States…
Columbine High School Shooting
On April 20, 1999 two students of the high school, Eric Harris
and Dylan Klebold, killed 12 students and 1 teacher, and injured
21 others in an attack on the school with shot guns, hand guns,
and knives.
The shooters committed suicide on site after the attacks.
The motive for the attack remains unclear.
Virginia Tech
On April 16, 2007, mentally ill Virginia Tech student Seung-Hi
Cho, 23, opened fire on the campus, killing 32 students and
faculty and wounding 17, before committing suicide.
Shooting at Political
Meet and Greet
On January 8, 2011, 22 year old paranoid schizophrenic, Jared
Lee Loughner, killed 6 people and wounded 11 at a political
meet and greet at a Tuscon, Arizona grocery store.
Representative Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head and
Loughner is serving life in prison.
His has stated his disliked Gifford and her political views.
Aurora, Colorado
Movie Theater Shooting
On July 20, 2012, mentally ill gunman James Holmes, killed 12
people and injured 70 during a midnight movie in Aurora,
Holmes was arrested outside the theater minutes after the
The motive for the massacre is unclear.
He is currently serving 12 life sentences for the deaths he
caused and 3,318 year for the attempted murders.
Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting in Newtown, CT.
On December 14, 2012, autistic gunman Adam Lanza, 20, killed
his mother at their home, stole her guns, then proceeded to
Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he killed 26 people –
including 20 first grade children, injured 2, and then committed
The motive is unknown.
Shooting at Church
in Charleston, S.C.
Gunman Dylann Roof prayed with parishioners in a prayer
group at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church – a
historic black church – prior to killing 9 people and injuring 3
in the group and church.
Roof is a believed to be a white supremacist and said his motive
was to ignite a race war.
He is awaiting a 2016 trial.
Umpqua Community
College Shooting
On October 1, 2015, student Christopher Harper-Mercer, 26,
shot and killed 9 people and injured 9 others on the campus of
Umpqua Community College during the school day.
His motive for the shooting is unclear. Some media outlets
have reported he suffered from depression and battled mental
The latest happenings as of 2/14/18
18 SCHOOL SHOOTINGS SINCE JAN. 1, 2018.Everytown for
Gun Safety says this is the 18th school shooting in 2018 --
which includes shootings where guns were fired accidentally
and no one was injured. Three were in Texas. including one
where a teen at Italy High School shot and wounded a girl over
a breakup. There have been more than 300 school shootings
since 2013. That's an average of one per week. -FOX NEWS 26
What does the Constitution say?
The Second Amendment
of the United States Constitution:
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a
free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall
not be infringed.”
What do you say?
Credit for Images
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Slide 5 – Mugshot photo from US Marshal’s Service.
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1Leadership Journal graphicAll font appearing in .docx

  • 1. 1 Leadership Journal <graphic> <All font appearing in blue are instructions and should be deleted before journal is submitted> <Your Name> PMIN 702: Advanced Ministry Administration Regent University Fall 2018 5 Table of Contents I. Emotional Health Check-Up
  • 2. II. Genogram - Looking Back in order to go Forward III. APEST Assessment IV. Leading out of Marriage or Singleness V. Establishing a Rule of Life VI. Principles of Rest – Sabbath Keeping VII. Making Plans and Decisions God’s Way VIII. Working with Teams IX. Understanding Power and Establishing Boundaries X. Endings and New Beginnings XI. Final Observations about Emotional Health and Leadership ii Section 1 Week #1 h- Emotional Health Check-Up “The emotionally unhealthy leader is someone who operates in a continuous state of emotional and spiritual deficit, lacking emotional maturity” and often substituting their “doing for God” in place of “being with God.” (Scazzero, EHL, 25) These leaders minister from an empty cup, rather than from an overflowing saucer.
  • 3. 1. Complete the assessment, “How Healthy Is Your Leadership?” Use the following scale: 5 = Always true of me 4 = Frequently true of me 3 = Occasionally true of me 2 = Rarely true of me 1 = Never true of me __5___ 1. I take sufficient time to experience and process difficult emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness. _____ 2. I am able to identify how issues from my family of origin impact my relationships and leadership—both negatively and positively. ___5__ 3. (If married): The way I spend my time and energy reflects the value that my marriage—not ministry—is my first priority as a leader. (If single): The way I spend my time and energy reflects the value that living out a healthy singleness—not ministry—is my first priority as a leader. __5___ 4. (If married): I experience a direct connection between my oneness with Jesus and oneness with my spouse. (If single): I experience a direct connection between my oneness with Jesus and closeness with my friends and family. ___4__ 5. No matter how busy I am, I consistently practice the spiritual disciplines of solitude and silence. __4___ 6. I regularly read Scripture and pray in order to enjoy communion with God and not just in service of ministry tasks. ___1__ 7. I practice Sabbath—a weekly twenty-four-hour period in which I stop my work, rest, and delight in God’s many gifts. __1___ 8. I view Sabbath as a spiritual discipline that is essential for both my personal life and my leadership. ___5__ 9. I take time to practice prayerful discernment when making ministry plans and decisions.
  • 4. ___4__ 10. I measure the success of planning and decision- making primarily in terms of discerning and doing God’s will (rather than exclusively by measures such as attendance growth, excellence in programming, or expanded impact in the world). ___4__ 11. With those who report to me, I consistently devote a portion of my supervision time to help them in their inner life with God and to accomplish their ministry goals. __5___ 12. I do not avoid difficult conversations with team members about their performance or behavior. ___2__ 13. I feel comfortable talking about the use of power in connection with my role and that of others. ___5__ 14. I have articulated and established healthy boundaries in relationships that have overlapping roles (for example, with friends and family who are also employees or key volunteers, etc.). ___4__ 15. Instead of avoiding endings and losses, I embrace them and see them as a fundamental part of the way God works. __3___ 16. I am able to prayerfully and thoughtfully let go of initiatives, volunteers, or programs when they aren’t working well, doing so with compassion and right motives. Answer the following questions: 1. What did you learn about yourself from the assessment? I learned from this assessment that I am, to an extent, an emotional healthy leader; I realized the I do exhibit emotional maturity in some of the listing on the emotional health check- up. Which areas ofleadership require more focus and attention? I do not view sabbath as a spiritual discipline that is essential for both my personal life and my leadership. What areas are youcomfortable with? I am comfortable with taking sufficient time to experience and process difficult emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness. 2. Scazzero mentions four unhealthy commandments of church leadership. Which ones, ifany, have been difficult to overcome? It’s not a success Unless It’s Bigger and Better. What has been
  • 5. modeled for you? After Scazzero crucible ministerial experience, he surface as an emotionally Healthy Leader. 3. Prayerfully begin to consider how you can start the process of changing those values that are not producing healthy leadership qualities in your life and ministry. (See pages 44-45 on Learning and Changing) Section 2 Week #2 – Genogram “Your shadow is the accumulation of untamed emotions, less- than-pure motives and thoughts that, while largely unconscious, strongly influence and shape your behaviors. It is the damaged but mostly hidden version of who you are.” (Scazzero, EHL, 55) In order to understand the shadows in your life, it is often very helpful to create a genogram of your family. Using the following worksheet, diagram your family. Also, see Appendix 3 on page 313 for a template. Your genogram (completed diagram) and the answers to the questions on the worksheet are to be included on this page. Take a step back and consider your genogram. Answer the following questions: 1. What might be one or two insights you are becoming aware of in terms of how your family (or others) impacted who you are today?
  • 6. 2. What are one or two specific ways this may be impacting your leadership in ministry? Section 3 APEST Assessment Go To: to take the APEST survey Record the results of the APEST Assessment in this section. Answer the following questions: 1. How do you see this ministry gift operating in your life? 2. How can you best steward the gift that God has given you? Section 4 Week #3 – Embracing and Understanding my Marriage/Singleness in Ministry
  • 7. The way we handle our relationships reveals a great deal about our values. We can have really good values and still not have great relationships, especially when we use our relationships to fulfill our values. This week, we begin to look at marriage or singleness as a vocation or calling and our leadership as a reflection of that understanding. 1. If you are married, complete the assessment on page 88 of the EML. If you are single, complete the assessment on page 89 of the EML. What did you learn about yourself from your responses? 2. After reading chapter 3, how has your view of ministry and marriage or ministry and singleness expanded? What impact will these insights have on your life? 3. Take some time to pray for your spouse if you are married (see prayer on page 112) or to pray as a single person (see prayer on page 113). May God increase our capacity to love – ask Him to bring transformation to the areas of your life that are lacking in the ability to reflect His love. Section 5
  • 8. Week #4 – Establishing a Rule of Life “It is possible to build a church, an organization, or a team by relying only on our gifts and talents. We can serve Christ in our own energy. We can expand a ministry without thing much of Jesus or relying on Him in the process. We can preach truths we don’t live. And if our efforts prove successful, few people will notice or take issue with he gaps between who we are and what we do.” (Scazzero, EML, 117) 1. Complete the assessment, “How Healthy is Your Experience of Loving Union with God?” Did you learn anything about yourself that was surprising? What area(s) expose your greatest challenges when it comes to loving God? 2. This chapter invites us to make a paradigm shift in the way we typically think of leading. We are encouraged to lead out of our being, rather than our doing. A way to do this is to create a Rule of Life based on values that will cause us to acknowledge God in everything we think, speak, and do. Complete the Rule of Life Worksheet below to determine your own Rule of Life at this time and place in your journey. Make sure your rule includes some joy, play, and fun. You may use this diagram, create one of your own, or simply make lists for each section. Answer the following questions: · Write down everything you currently do that nurtures your spirit and fills you with delight. Don’t limit yourself to typical spiritual activities. · Write down the activities you need to avoid, that pull you away from remaining anchored in Christ. What things impact your spirit negatively? · What are the “have to’s” in this season of your life that impact your rhythms? 3. My Rule of Life in this season of my journey is . . .
  • 9. Section 6 Week #5 – Sabbath Keeping Sabbath keeping is not something we earn for having completed our work. It is God’s invitation to step into His space where the work is done and rest can begin. It is a reminder of the rhythm of God’s grace in our lives. His grace always comes before our work. Too often ministry leaders allow work to run over every area of life, which disrupts the rhythms of grace that God
  • 10. intended for all creation. 1. Complete the assessment, “How Healthy is Your Practice of Sabbath Delight?” on pages 149-150. What did you learn about yourself through this exercise? 2. What makes it hard for you to rest – intentionally and purposefully set aside time for Sabbath keeping? 3. Make a list of what you will and will not do as a part keeping the Sabbath. On Sabbath, I will . . . On Sabbath, I will not . . . 4. During the remainder of this class, make an effort to set aside time to participate in Sabbath keeping. Include those things that bring you delight like enjoying people, places, and activities. Make space for rest and contemplation as well. At the end of the session, write about your experience in a paragraph. Section 7 Week #6 – Making Plans and Decisions God’s Way (Chapter 6) Christian leaders often make plans based on what they believe is best and then proceed to ask God to bless their plans. We can find the process of waiting on God not only for His will but also for His perfect timing to be exhausting! . The reality is the only way to know God’s plan is to listen to His voice and obey His Word. 1. Complete the assessment, “How Healthy is Your Practice of Planning and Decision Making?” on pages 179-180. What did you learn about yourself through this assessment? What areas
  • 11. need improvement? 2. Our goal, when planning and making decisions, is to remain in a state of indifference – meaning we are completely open to the will of God, having let go of our attachments to any particular outcome. How do you think you could better prepare your heart – both personally and as a team – to be more open to the will of God? 3. How can you begin to see your limits as a gift from God that He is using in your life? 4. As you look at the four characteristics of emotionally healthy planning and decision-making, which do you think God is inviting you to embrace more fully? · To define success as radically doing God’s will · To create a space for heart preparation · To pray for prudence · To look for God in our limits Section 8 Week #6 - Working with Teams (Chapter 7) “. . . I did something I never thought I’d do. I set aside all of my ministry and church-growth goals and, for the next two and half years, focused on molding a cohesive leadership team. I made it my number one priority . . . It changed everything. So much so that to this day I consider maintaining the unity of our board and our staff as one of my most important leadership priorities, far ahead of other worthy goals – including evangelism, church growth, and community outreach – because without unity, everything else falls apart.” (Larry Osborne,
  • 12. Sticky Teams, 25) 1. Complete the assessment, “How Healthy is Your Practice of Culture and Team Building” on pages 214-215. If you are currently not leading a team, but serve on a team, answer the questions as a team member. What did you learn about yourself through this exercise? 2. What elements of team culture do you intentionally cultivate with your team? Which elements do you need to develop further and how do you plan to incorporate these elements? If you are currently not leading a team, what elements need to be cultivated in the team you are serving on in order to create a healthy culture? What suggestions do you have for these elements to become a part of the culture of your team? 3. Using the Ladder of Integrity below, choose an event from your life that could have been improved if you had used this tool. Take the time to write out your responses in conclusion to each of the 10 statements. Can you see how using this tool might be helpful in all of your relationships? 10. I hope and look forward to . . . 9. I think my honest sharing will benefit our relationship by . . . 8. The most important thing I want you to know is . . . 7. One thing I could do to improve the situation is . . . 6. I am willing/not willing to . . . 5. This issue is important to me because I value . . . and I violate that value when . . . 4. My feelings about this are . . . (What my reaction tells me about me is . . .) 3. My need in this issue is . . . 2. My part in this is . . . 1. Right now this issue on my is . . . (I’m anxious in talking about his because . . .) Section 9
  • 13. Week #7– Understanding Power and Establishing Boundaries “Few leaders have an awareness of, let alone reflect on, the nature of their God-given power. Pastors, staff leaders, ministry directors, board members, small group leaders, long-term members, donors, parents, musicians in the worship band – we all have power. The problem is that we do not understand where that power comes from, nor do we understand how to exercise it responsibly.” (Scazzero, EHL, 243) 1. Complete the assessment, “How Healthy is Your Use of Power and Wise Boundaries?” on pages 247-248. What did you learn about yourself through this exercise? 2. “A good test of a person’s character is how they deal with adversity. But the best test of a leader’s character is how they deal with power.” (Scazzero, EHL, 248) Using the following 6 categories, make an inventory of your power. Use the questions by each category on page 249 to guide you as you work through this inventory. · Positional Power – · Personal Power – · “God factor” Power – · Projected Power – · Relational Power – · Cultural Power – 3. Name one “dual relationship” that you have and one or two ways you can build safeguards into that relationship. 4. Identify one past experience where you have failed to set a wise boundary with another in your leadership. How might you do it differently today in light of what you have learned from this chapter? Section 10
  • 14. Week #8 – Endings and New Beginnings “Embracing endings in order to receive new beginnings is one of the fundamental tasks of the spiritual life – and this is especially true for Christian leaders.” (Scazzero, EHL, 270) 1. Complete the assessment, “How Healthy is Your Practice of Endings and New Beginnings?” on pages 273-274. What did you learn about yourself through this exercise? Understanding Endings and New Beginnings Endings and transitions to new beginnings are poorly handled in our ministries, organizations, and teams for at least four reasons: 1. We accept the broader culture’s view of endings as failure and try to avoid them at all cost. 2. We treat endings as signs of failure rather than opportunities for something new. 3. We view endings as disconnected from our spiritual formation in Jesus. 4. We disconnect endings from our family-of-origin issues. In healthy endings and new beginnings, we move through four phases: 1. We accept that endings are a death. 2. We recognize that endings and waiting in the “in-between” will often take longer than we think. 3. We view endings and waiting as inextricably linked to our personal maturing in Christ. 4. We affirm that endings and waiting are the gateway to new beginnings. 2. How has your family of origin, your life experience, and/or your church background shaped your view of endings? 3. How have you been able to incorporate grieving into the
  • 15. endings you have experienced? 4. What do you need to let go of in your personal life and/or your leadership, and what new beginning might be standing backstage waiting to make its entrance? Section 11 Final Reflections Observations about Emotional Health and Leadership Love of God
  • 16. Relationships Prayer Work Rest Citation: New laws for Handgun Licensing Program (Formerly known as Concealed Handgun Licensing) Summary of new laws passed in the 84th Regular Legislative Session that impact Handgun Licensing. Open Carry House Bill 910Effective: January 1, 2016 Caption: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a holstered handgun; creating criminal offense. General information: · Authorizes individuals to obtain a license to openly carry a handgun in the same places that allow the licensed carrying of a
  • 17. concealed handgun with some exceptions. (See “Exceptions” below for more information.) · Unconcealed handguns, loaded or unloaded, must be carried in a shoulder or belt holster. · Individuals who hold a valid CHL may continue to carry with valid existing license. · A separate license will not be required to open carry. No additional fee will be required. · Individuals currently licensed will not be required to attend additional training. Training curriculum for new applicants will be updated to reflect the new training requirements related to the use of restraint holsters and methods to ensure the secure carrying of openly carried handguns. The new curriculum will be required for all classes beginning January 1, 2016. · The eligibility criteria to obtain a license to carry do not change. · The department has updated the website and training materials to reference License to Carry (LTC) instead of Concealed Handgun License (CHL). · Changes to the laminated license have been implemented. For examples of licenses currently in circulation, see: LTC sample. Signage: · Information regarding signage is available in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) found on the department’s website at: FAQs Exceptions: · Open carry is not permitted by a license holder regardless of whether the handgun is holstered: · on the premises of an institution of higher education or private or independent institution of higher education · on any public or private driveway, street, sidewalk or walkway, parking lot, parking garage or other parking area of an institution of higher education or private or independent institution of higher education · by an individual who is acting as a personal protection officer under Chapter 1702, Occupations Code and is not wearing a
  • 18. uniform Campus Carry Senate Bill 11Effective: August 1, 2016 Caption: Relating to the carrying of handguns on the campuses of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education; providing a criminal penalty. · Authorizes a license holder to carry a concealed handgun on or about the license holder’s person while the license holder is on the campus of an institution of higher education or private or independent institution of higher education in this state. Open carrying of handguns is still prohibited at these locations. · Authorizes an institution of higher education or private or independent institution of higher education in this state to establish rules, regulation, or other provisions concerning the storage of handguns in dormitories or other residential facilities that are owned or leased and operated by the institution and located on the campus of the institution. · Requires the president or other chief executive officer of an institution of higher education in this state to establish reasonable rules, regulations, or other provisions regarding the carrying of concealed handguns by license holders on the campus or on specific premises located on the campus. · Authorizes posting of a sign under Penal Code Section 30.06 with respect to any portion of a premises on which license holders may not carry. · The effective date of this law for a public junior college is August 1, 2017
  • 19. Are you Aware of SB11 (202 total surveyed) Aware of SB11 YES NO 76 126 Being briefed on SB11, do you agree or disagree? (202 total surveyed) Being briefed on SB11, do you agree or disagree? Agree Disagree 85 117 Should licensed faculty be allowed to carry on campus? (202 total surveyed) Should licensed faculty be allowed to carry on campus?
  • 20. Yes No 128 74 Should licensed students be allowed to carry on campus? (202 total surveyed) Should licensed students be allowed to carry on campus? (All respondents) Yes No 59 153 Should licensed Visitors be allowed to carry on campus? (202 Surveyed) Should licensed Visitors be allowed to carry on campus? (All respondents) Visitors- Yes Visitors- No 24 178 If licensed how likely are you to carry on campus? (202 total surveyed) If licensed how likely are you to carry on campus? (All respobdents) Very Likely Not Likely Don't know 32 143 27
  • 21. Gun Control in the United States NILOA Charrette Assignment El Centro College Dallas, Texas Submitted by: Cindy Brown, Ceaser Espinoza, Rahime Howard, Karen Mongo, Eduardo Morales, Mike Ogbeide, and Angela Taylor Think About These Events in the United States… Columbine High School Shooting On April 20, 1999 two students of the high school, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, killed 12 students and 1 teacher, and injured 21 others in an attack on the school with shot guns, hand guns, and knives. The shooters committed suicide on site after the attacks. The motive for the attack remains unclear. Virginia Tech Shooting On April 16, 2007, mentally ill Virginia Tech student Seung-Hi Cho, 23, opened fire on the campus, killing 32 students and
  • 22. faculty and wounding 17, before committing suicide. Shooting at Political Meet and Greet On January 8, 2011, 22 year old paranoid schizophrenic, Jared Lee Loughner, killed 6 people and wounded 11 at a political meet and greet at a Tuscon, Arizona grocery store. Representative Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head and survived. Loughner is serving life in prison. His has stated his disliked Gifford and her political views. Aurora, Colorado Movie Theater Shooting On July 20, 2012, mentally ill gunman James Holmes, killed 12 people and injured 70 during a midnight movie in Aurora, Colorado. Holmes was arrested outside the theater minutes after the attack. The motive for the massacre is unclear. He is currently serving 12 life sentences for the deaths he caused and 3,318 year for the attempted murders.
  • 23. Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting in Newtown, CT. On December 14, 2012, autistic gunman Adam Lanza, 20, killed his mother at their home, stole her guns, then proceeded to Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he killed 26 people – including 20 first grade children, injured 2, and then committed suicide. The motive is unknown. Shooting at Church in Charleston, S.C. Gunman Dylann Roof prayed with parishioners in a prayer group at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church – a historic black church – prior to killing 9 people and injuring 3 in the group and church. Roof is a believed to be a white supremacist and said his motive was to ignite a race war. He is awaiting a 2016 trial. Umpqua Community College Shooting On October 1, 2015, student Christopher Harper-Mercer, 26, shot and killed 9 people and injured 9 others on the campus of Umpqua Community College during the school day.
  • 24. His motive for the shooting is unclear. Some media outlets have reported he suffered from depression and battled mental issues. The latest happenings as of 2/14/18 18 SCHOOL SHOOTINGS SINCE JAN. 1, 2018.Everytown for Gun Safety says this is the 18th school shooting in 2018 -- which includes shootings where guns were fired accidentally and no one was injured. Three were in Texas. including one where a teen at Italy High School shot and wounded a girl over a breakup. There have been more than 300 school shootings since 2013. That's an average of one per week. -FOX NEWS 26 Houston What does the Constitution say? The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” What do you say?
  • 25. Credit for Images Slide 1 – Slide 2 – Slide 3 – Slide 3 – Slide 4 – Slide 4 – Slide 5 – Mugshot photo from US Marshal’s Service. Slide 5 – Slide 6 – Slide 6 – Slide 7 – Slide 7 – Slide 8 – Slide 8 – Slide 9 – Slide 9 – Slide 10 – Slide 13 – Slide 13 – Slide 13 – Slide 13 – Slide 13 – Slide 13 –