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Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PáginaPJC Sterck 5
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PáginaPJC Sterck 6
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PáginaPJC Sterck 7
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PáginaPJC Sterck 8
with applied
common sense.
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PáginaPJC Sterck 10
The objective of an elevator pitch
is to create enough interest and
intrigue so as to earn the
opportunity to present your
whole idea.
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PáginaPJC Sterck 11
As defined in the Recommendation
of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 18 December 2006 on
Key Competences for Lifelong
Learning (2006/962/EC):
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PáginaPJC Sterck 12
Communication in foreign languages broadly
shares the main skill dimensions of communication
in the mother tongue: it is based on the ability to
understand, express and interpret concepts,
thoughts, feelings, facts and opinions in both oral
and written form (listening, speaking, reading and
writing) in an appropriate range of societal and
cultural contexts (in education and training,
work, home and leisure)…
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PáginaPJC Sterck 13
Essential knowledge, skills and
attitudes related to this
Competence in foreign languages requires knowledge of vocabulary and
functional grammar and an awareness of the main types of verbal
interaction and registers of language. Knowledge of societal
conventions, and the cultural aspect and variability of languages is
important. Essential skills for communication in foreign languages consist
of the ability to understand spoken messages, to initiate, sustain and
conclude conversations and to read, understand and produce texts
appropriate to the individual’s needs. Individuals should also be able to use
aids appropriately, and learn languages also informally as part of lifelong
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PáginaPJC Sterck 14
A positive attitude involves the
appreciation of cultural diversity,
and an interest and curiosity in
languages and intercultural
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
1.- Practica
tu Pitch.
2.- KISS
PJC Sterck Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 902 023 101 | e-mail:
3.- No leas
un guión.
4.- Magia
potagia, la
PJC Sterck página
10 slides in a
pitch deck
No more than 20
No text smaller than
30 points
S { V
Guy Kawasaki
10, 20, 30 Rule
10 20 30
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 22
Pitch Deck
1.- The Problem
•Grade your audience’s handicap on the

•Make sure everybody understands and feels
the problem.
•Use the right analogies and metafores.
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 23
Pitch Deck
2.- Your Solution
•Even if it might look amazing, nobody has
come up with a solution to this problem. But
there is one!
•Explain your solution in words anybody can
•It must be a heroic rescue of our audience
from the deep dark problem you have made
them encounter.
•Here it comes, present a demo, a picture, a
video or a fiscal object.
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 24
Pitch Deck
3.- Business Model
•Is it viable?
• Use numbers carefully, representing is
more important than presenting.
•Size the problem (Market)
•Size the solution (potential)
•Identify the income (price)
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 25
Pitch Deck
4.- Underlying Magic - Technology
•Talk through the virtues of your solution
and make sure everybody can understand.
•Enfasise the aspects that make your the best

•The magic that makes it work, be feasible,
reliable and scalable.
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 26
Pitch Deck
5.- Marketing & Sales
•La pericia a la hora de crear un plan de
implementación de nuestra solución es tan
importante o más que la solución en sí.
•Hay que cuantificar el coste, el tiempo y el
efecto deseado en la comunicación de este
producto o servicio: “cost to market”.
•Asegúrate de expresar que el plan de marketing
va acorde a la financiación y crecimiento en
ventas estimadas.
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 27
Pitch Deck
6.- Competitors
• The solution is not that unique.
• Identify your competitors.
• Why compete?
• What is your Unique Selling Point?
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 28
Pitch Deck
7.- The Team
•Who makes this possible?
•Identify the members of the team that are present
(We all feel more confortable with people we
have once seen).
•Tell their story, their previous achievements and
demonstrate how proud you are to have them on
your team.
•investors are more interested in talent than they
are in ideas. for most savvy investors the team is
the decision maker.
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 29
Pitch Deck
8.- Projections and milestones
•“Hockey Stick”
•What are the main goals on your timeline? Break
even, market acquisition, prototype?
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 30
Pitch Deck
9.- Status and timeline
•What has already been achieved
•Be realistic, these are the commitments you will
be asked to achieve!
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 31
Pitch Deck
10.- Summary and Call to Action
•Remind the audience of the problem, the solution
and the opportunity you are offering them
•What is the next thing they must do?
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
5.- Respetar
la cultura
6.- Inspirate
en otros
PJC Sterck Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 902 023 101 | e-mail:
Elevator pitch
7.- cuenta
tu historia
en su
PJC Sterck página
Burgers made from rat meat
Explosive silicone implants
I’ve seen the King, he’s alive!
Chinese people don’t die,
they are fed as sweet and
sour pork...
Urban legends
Viral stories you want to tell
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página
Three act structure, setup,
confrontation and resolution.
AudienceCharacters: protagonist and
How to tell a story
Elements in a story
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página
Summary of main points, emphasizing the most important points.
Telling a story based on a personal experience, narrative or anecdote to
reinforce any idea impressively.
The action resource. (motivate the audience to act).
Look for emotional impact.
Telling your story
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
8.- Practica
8.- Practica
8.- Practica
aun Mas
8.- Practica
hasta que
tu pareja…
9.- compite
con tus
9.- compite
con tus
10.- Se tu
PJC Sterck página
Great product or service
Be Passionate
Guy Kawasaki
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
11.- Se la
posible de
ti mismo!
11.- Se la
versión más
de ti mismo!
Mi LOGO PáginaPablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
“El propósito de tu pitch es vender, no enseñar. Tu trabajo
es entusiasmar, no educar”. – Bill Reichert, Garage
Technology Ventures
Don’t extend it more than strictly necessary
Mantén tu pitch corto, fácil de entender y con algo que
enganche. Un high-concept pitch efectivo o datos
estadísticos extraordinarios sobre tu negocio.
Mi LOGO PáginaPablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
Es imprescindible que conectes emocionalmente con tu
audiencia, que la conmuevas. La gente no sólo actúa
apoyándose en información y estadísticas sino impulsada
por sus emociones.
Sé apasionado: Si no parece que tú estás emocionado con
el proyecto, nadie lo estará. No tengas miedo de mostrar
tu entusiasmo.
FOR watching
PJC Sterck página 64
Guy Kawasaki
extraordinary product
Ability to
.com Price
Perceived Value
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
Tell a
PJC Sterck página
“This nation should commit itself to
achieving the goal, before the
decade is out, of landing a man on
the moon and returning him safely
to the earth.”
John F. Kennedy
Great ideas
can be told in a single frase.
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página
Protagonist or hero
The hero in your story might be your idea, the solution
to the problem you have presented, could be your brand,
your team or even your technology.
Antagonist or vilan
Could be characterised as the problem that we are going
to resolve or the solution that was being used until now,
could be the reason why your idea is so necessary.
Independent Press
Jessica SMITH
New Times Magazine
Telling your story
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página
presentation, title,
main objective,
development. We
use graphs, diagrams
and images.
conclusions, call to
action, questions
(Q & A).
Three scene structure
Telling your story
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
We are all atracted by passionate
people, people who transmit energy.
You might know who they are but,
do you know what moves them?
PJC Sterck página
The objective is to crear sufficient
interest so as to want to explore our
business plan in greater depth, the final
reward will be investment or resources.
Intrigue, ROI potential, potential to
change the world.
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 72
Investors: Tips
1.Make them feel the pain
2.They must believe in the solution
3.Prove that you can do it better than anybody else
4.Demonstrate that you understand the risk for the
5.Don’t get into too much detail when talking
numbers, if they are interested, they will ask.
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 73
Investor Questions
1.What is your business about?
2.Which are the barriers to entry for competitors?
3.Who are the large companies in your sector and why don’t
they do this?
4.What do you need the money for?
5.When will the money run out, break even or before?
6.Have you got clients? Have you spoken to potentials?
7.What is your marketing strategy?
8.What are the nuts and bolts (eg. programming language)?
9.How well does your business scale?
10.Who is your team, what is your background?
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página
The main objective might be a sale,
create an individual relashionship with a
member in the audience, achieve
permission or a subscription for a future
contact (Permission marketing).
Intrigue, commitment, satisfaction.
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 75
Audience clients
Seth Godin: Tribe Theory
Early adopters
Early & late majority
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página
The objective is to motivate through
Pride, belonging, personal achievement.
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 77
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 78
Steps in persuasion
Collin Theriot
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 79
Who needs what?
& partners
Equity ROI
Clients Sales Satisfaction Converse
Staff Leadership Pride
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
PJC Sterck página 80
Converts are those who have interacted for being
investors, partners, suppliers, customers or
employees who are not only convinced by our
presentation but also will echo it.
These are our most valuable allies, our:
Pablo Caño Sterck
Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
The tool we use to emphasise our
presentation, on which we support our
speech and with which we demonstrate
what we are saying.

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16. Comunícate para vender las ideas en otros mercados - Pablo Caño

  • 1. This is here so you don’t know what is next
  • 3.
  • 4. PáginaPJC Sterck 4 COMUNÍCATE PARA VENDER LAS IDEAS EN OTROS MERCADOS Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 5. PáginaPJC Sterck 5 COMUNiCATE, PARA VENDER LAS IDEAS EN OTROS MERCADOS Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 6. PáginaPJC Sterck 6 “COMUNiCATE”, PARA VENDER LAS IDEAS EN OTROS MERCADOS Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 7. PáginaPJC Sterck 7 “COMUNiCATE”, PARA VENDER LAS IDEAS EN OTROS MERCADOS Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 8. PáginaPJC Sterck 8 COMUNiCATE IDEAS with applied common sense. Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 10. PáginaPJC Sterck 10 The objective of an elevator pitch is to create enough interest and intrigue so as to earn the opportunity to present your whole idea. Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 11. PáginaPJC Sterck 11 COMMUNICATION IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES As defined in the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (2006/962/EC): Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 12. PáginaPJC Sterck 12 Definition: Communication in foreign languages broadly shares the main skill dimensions of communication in the mother tongue: it is based on the ability to understand, express and interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts and opinions in both oral and written form (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in an appropriate range of societal and cultural contexts (in education and training, work, home and leisure)… Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 13. PáginaPJC Sterck 13 Essential knowledge, skills and attitudes related to this competence: Competence in foreign languages requires knowledge of vocabulary and functional grammar and an awareness of the main types of verbal interaction and registers of language. Knowledge of societal conventions, and the cultural aspect and variability of languages is important. Essential skills for communication in foreign languages consist of the ability to understand spoken messages, to initiate, sustain and conclude conversations and to read, understand and produce texts appropriate to the individual’s needs. Individuals should also be able to use aids appropriately, and learn languages also informally as part of lifelong learning. Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail: as
  • 14. PáginaPJC Sterck 14 A positive attitude involves the appreciation of cultural diversity, and an interest and curiosity in languages and intercultural communication. Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail: as
  • 17.
  • 18. PJC Sterck Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 902 023 101 | e-mail:
  • 19. 3.- No leas un guión. x 9V
  • 21. PJC Sterck página slides 10 slides in a pitch deck minutes No more than 20 minutes points No text smaller than 30 points S { V 21 Guy Kawasaki 10, 20, 30 Rule 10 20 30 Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 22. PJC Sterck página 22 Pitch Deck 1.- The Problem •Grade your audience’s handicap on the theme.
 •Make sure everybody understands and feels the problem. •Use the right analogies and metafores. Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 23. PJC Sterck página 23 Pitch Deck 2.- Your Solution •Even if it might look amazing, nobody has come up with a solution to this problem. But there is one! •Explain your solution in words anybody can understand. •It must be a heroic rescue of our audience from the deep dark problem you have made them encounter. •Here it comes, present a demo, a picture, a video or a fiscal object. Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 24. PJC Sterck página 24 Pitch Deck 3.- Business Model •Is it viable? • Use numbers carefully, representing is more important than presenting. •Size the problem (Market) •Size the solution (potential) •Identify the income (price) Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 25. PJC Sterck página 25 Pitch Deck 4.- Underlying Magic - Technology •Talk through the virtues of your solution and make sure everybody can understand. •Enfasise the aspects that make your the best solution.
 •The magic that makes it work, be feasible, reliable and scalable. Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 26. PJC Sterck página 26 Pitch Deck 5.- Marketing & Sales •La pericia a la hora de crear un plan de implementación de nuestra solución es tan importante o más que la solución en sí. •Hay que cuantificar el coste, el tiempo y el efecto deseado en la comunicación de este producto o servicio: “cost to market”. •Asegúrate de expresar que el plan de marketing va acorde a la financiación y crecimiento en ventas estimadas. Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 27. PJC Sterck página 27 Pitch Deck 6.- Competitors • The solution is not that unique. • Identify your competitors. • Why compete? • What is your Unique Selling Point? Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 28. PJC Sterck página 28 Pitch Deck 7.- The Team •Who makes this possible? •Identify the members of the team that are present (We all feel more confortable with people we have once seen). •Tell their story, their previous achievements and demonstrate how proud you are to have them on your team. •investors are more interested in talent than they are in ideas. for most savvy investors the team is the decision maker. Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 29. PJC Sterck página 29 Pitch Deck 8.- Projections and milestones •“Hockey Stick” •What are the main goals on your timeline? Break even, market acquisition, prototype? Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 30. PJC Sterck página 30 Pitch Deck 9.- Status and timeline •What has already been achieved •Be realistic, these are the commitments you will be asked to achieve! Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 31. PJC Sterck página 31 Pitch Deck 10.- Summary and Call to Action •Remind the audience of the problem, the solution and the opportunity you are offering them •What is the next thing they must do? Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 36.
  • 37. PJC Sterck Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 902 023 101 | e-mail: Elevator pitch
  • 38. 7.- cuenta tu historia en su contexto x 9V
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44. PJC Sterck página Burgers made from rat meat Explosive silicone implants I’ve seen the King, he’s alive! Chinese people don’t die, they are fed as sweet and sour pork... 44 Urban legends Viral stories you want to tell Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 45. PJC Sterck página 321 Three act structure, setup, confrontation and resolution. AudienceCharacters: protagonist and antagonist. 45 How to tell a story Elements in a story Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 46. PJC Sterck página Summary of main points, emphasizing the most important points. Telling a story based on a personal experience, narrative or anecdote to reinforce any idea impressively. The action resource. (motivate the audience to act). Look for emotional impact. 46 Telling your story Outcome Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 56. PJC Sterck página Likabile Trustworthynes Great product or service 56 Be Passionate Guy Kawasaki Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 58. 11.- Se la versión más apasionada de ti mismo! x 9V
  • 60. Mi LOGO PáginaPablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail: i [ 60 Tips Sell “El propósito de tu pitch es vender, no enseñar. Tu trabajo es entusiasmar, no educar”. – Bill Reichert, Garage Technology Ventures Don’t extend it more than strictly necessary Mantén tu pitch corto, fácil de entender y con algo que enganche. Un high-concept pitch efectivo o datos estadísticos extraordinarios sobre tu negocio.
  • 61. Mi LOGO PáginaPablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail: ! ! 61 Tips Conect Es imprescindible que conectes emocionalmente con tu audiencia, que la conmuevas. La gente no sólo actúa apoyándose en información y estadísticas sino impulsada por sus emociones. Inspire Sé apasionado: Si no parece que tú estás emocionado con el proyecto, nadie lo estará. No tengas miedo de mostrar tu entusiasmo.
  • 63.
  • 64. PJC Sterck página 64 Guy Kawasaki extraordinary product Stupid Ability to offer something unique .com Price X Perceived Value Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 66. PJC Sterck página “This nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.” John F. Kennedy 66 Great ideas can be told in a single frase. Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 67. PJC Sterck página Protagonist or hero The hero in your story might be your idea, the solution to the problem you have presented, could be your brand, your team or even your technology. Antagonist or vilan Could be characterised as the problem that we are going to resolve or the solution that was being used until now, could be the reason why your idea is so necessary. LUke Independent Press Jessica SMITH New Times Magazine 67 Telling your story Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 68. PJC Sterck página 15% Personal presentation, title, main objective, scope. 70% Exposure development. We use graphs, diagrams and images. 15% Summary, conclusions, call to action, questions (Q & A). IntroducTION PLOT OUTCOME 68 Three scene structure Telling your story Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 69. Be passionate We are all atracted by passionate people, people who transmit energy. K # IV
  • 70. Your Audience You might know who they are but, do you know what moves them? b III
  • 71. PJC Sterck página Objectives The objective is to crear sufficient interest so as to want to explore our business plan in greater depth, the final reward will be investment or resources. Values Intrigue, ROI potential, potential to change the world. 71 Audience Investors Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 72. PJC Sterck página 72 Audience Investors: Tips 1.Make them feel the pain 2.They must believe in the solution 3.Prove that you can do it better than anybody else 4.Demonstrate that you understand the risk for the investor 5.Don’t get into too much detail when talking numbers, if they are interested, they will ask. Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 73. PJC Sterck página 73 Audience Investor Questions 1.What is your business about? 2.Which are the barriers to entry for competitors? 3.Who are the large companies in your sector and why don’t they do this? 4.What do you need the money for? 5.When will the money run out, break even or before? 6.Have you got clients? Have you spoken to potentials? 7.What is your marketing strategy? 8.What are the nuts and bolts (eg. programming language)? 9.How well does your business scale? 10.Who is your team, what is your background? Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 74. PJC Sterck página Objectives The main objective might be a sale, create an individual relashionship with a member in the audience, achieve permission or a subscription for a future contact (Permission marketing). Values Intrigue, commitment, satisfaction. 74 Audience Clients Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 75. PJC Sterck página 75 Audience clients Seth Godin: Tribe Theory Innovators Early adopters Early & late majority Laggards Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 76. PJC Sterck página Objectives The objective is to motivate through leadership. VALUES Pride, belonging, personal achievement. 76 Audience Staff Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 77. PJC Sterck página 77 Audience Needs Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 78. PJC Sterck página 78 Steps in persuasion Collin Theriot Possibility Potential Demonstration Pursuit Pleasure Converse Novice Passion Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 79. PJC Sterck página 79 Audience Who needs what? Investors & partners Equity ROI Clients Sales Satisfaction Converse Staff Leadership Pride Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 80. PJC Sterck página 80 Audience Evangelists Converts are those who have interacted for being investors, partners, suppliers, customers or employees who are not only convinced by our presentation but also will echo it. These are our most valuable allies, our: Evangelists Pablo Caño Sterck Teléfono: 639 15 36 91 | e-mail:
  • 81. Pitch Deck: Powerpoint The tool we use to emphasise our presentation, on which we support our speech and with which we demonstrate what we are saying. x 9V