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A Biblical ,Medical ,Scientific and Historical View
-Antonio Bernard

Part 12
Are Persons born Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual or Transgendered ?
“There have been big claims of course. In 1991, a homosexual neuroscientist
called Simon LeVay conducted a study showing small differences in the anterior
hypothalamus region of heterosexual and homosexual male brains -basically the
heterosexual’s hypothalamus, on average, was much larger. The newspapers at
the time pounced on the data, claiming that brain size had been scientifically
proven to dictate sexual preference. But it wasn’t true."
-THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
“The wider scientific community pored over the data, ran their own
tests and discovered a problem -all of LeVay’s gay participants were
found to have HIV/ AIDS, and this disease is known to shrink the size of
the hypothalamus by decreasing levels of testosterone production."
-THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
“Indeed, there are a number of factors that cause changes to the size of the
hypothalamus. Ruth Hubbard, a Professor of Biology at Harvard University, and George
Wald, a Nobel Prize winner in Physiology and Medicine, after conducting studies of their
own, completely rubbished LeVay's findings saying, "there was no way to tell anything
about an individual's sexual orientation by looking at his hypothalamus."
-THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
LeVay later said in 2011 that his findings had simply been misinterpreted by
the press: "It's important to stress what I didn't find. I did not prove that
homosexuality is genetic, or find a genetic cause for being gay. I didn't show
that gay men are born that way, the most common mistake people make in
interpreting my work. Nor did I locate a gay centre in the brain."
-THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
“Soon after LeVay in 1993, came a homosexual geneticist called Dean Hamer. He
published a paper in Science magazine stating that genetic markers on the X
chromosome could influence the development of same-sex attraction in men. Basically,
he was claiming that homosexuality is coded into some people through their DNA and
they have as much control over it as they do over the colour of their hair or eyes.”
-THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
“While ‘gay gene’ headlines made for sensational newspaper sales, the wider scientific community
was again quick to point out that his whole study was fatally flawed. A Canadian team tried to
replicate Hamer's findings and came up with completely different results. They said at the time, ‘It is
unclear why our results are so discrepant from Hamer’s original study. Because our study was larger
than that of Hamer et al., we certainly had adequate power to detect a genetic effect as large as was
reported in that study. Nonetheless, our data do not support the presence of a gene of large effect
influencing sexual orientation at position Xq28 (284: 667).’”
-THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
They continued, ‘These results do not support an X-linked gene underlying male homosexuality.’ As
quickly as Hamer's theory had come to prominence, it too had been completely refuted. By 2012,
scientists had largely become exasperated with brains and genes, so they changed tack. They
proposed that perhaps sexual preference was dictated by variations in hormone levels that
foetuses are exposed to in the womb. As usual, the media jumped on the idea and ran
some sensational headlines. And as usual, the data wasn’t as conclusive as it
first appeared. Liberals began tiring of the disappointments.
-THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
The Problematic Hunt for a ‘Gay Gene’

Another week, another study declaring the hunt for the ‘gay gene’ over.
Why are we so hung up on a biological answer for homosexuality?
Liberals began tiring of the disappointments. Samantha Allen, writing for
The Daily Beast in September 2014, said, "The popular media, once so easily
convinced by LeVay that homosexuality resulted from brain size and by
Hamer that homosexuality was genetic, promptly changed its tune to declare
that homosexuality was now epigenetic.
Hooray? If it's hard to get excited about these studies, it's because, at this
point, biological explanations for homosexuality are like iPhones -a new one
comes out every year."
Today, there is still absolutely no
conclusive scientific proof that anyone is
born gay –all studies have proven
completely futile.
“There is a clear consensus among scientists that a gay
gene does not exist. Complex psychosocial behaviors, such
as sexual orientation, cannot be directly traced to the
activity of a single gene or even a group of genes.”
—Douglas A. Abbott and A. Dean Byrd, “Encouraging Heterosexuality”,page 21
“Over the last decade, studies of twins have
provided some of the strongest numerical evidence
that ‘our genes do not make us do it.’ ... In a
nutshell, if you take pairs of identical twins in
which one twin is homosexual, the identical
co-twin (a monozygotic [MZ] twin) is usually
not homosexual.
“That means, given that identical twins are always
genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be
genetically dictated. No one is born gay. The
predominant things that create homosexuality in
one identical twin and not in the other have to be
post-birth factors.”
—Dr. Neil and Briar Whitehead, “My Genes Made Me Do It!”
A British study that found only 20 percent of the homosexual twins in their
research had a gay co-twin, leading the researchers to conclude that “genetic
factors are an insufficient explanation of the development of sexual
orientation.” -Joe Dallas, op. cit., and King and McDonald, “Homosexuals Who Are
Twins,” The British Journal of Psychiatry, March 1992, Vol. 160, p. 40
Dr. Neil Whitehead has reviewed more than 10,000 studies on homosexuality.
Working with his wife, author and journalist Briar Whitehead, they explained:
“This means that for every nine sets of male identical (MZ) twins, one of whom
is homosexual, the other is homosexual only one time in nine, or 11% of the
time, which is not very much. That is, identical twins usually differ.”
-Neil and Briar Whitehead, op. cit., p 177, (02 01 2016)..
“…If genetic influence were expressed in these data, MZ twins (monozygotic
means twins formed from a single fertilized egg that splits into to embryos)
should have the highest concordance for same-sex erotic preference, and
unrelated and half-siblings the lowest. Table 5 is based on pairs in which at least
one respondent reports a same-sex romantic attraction (N=527 pairs)..”
--Opposite sex twins and adolescents same-sex attraction" by Peter Bearman and Hannah Bruckner, Institute for Social and
Economic Research and Policy, 2001.
“…there is no evidence for strong genetic influence on same-sex preference in
this sample. Among MZ twins, 6.7 % are concordant. DZ twin (dizygotic means
twins formed from two separate eggs that were not formed from the same initial
egg) pairs are 7.2% concordant. Full-siblings are 5.5 % concordant. Clearly, the
observed concordance rates do not correspond to degrees of genetic similarity. ”
--Opposite sex twins and adolescents same-sex attraction" by Peter Bearman and Hannah Bruckner, Institute for Social and
Economic Research and Policy, 2001.
“ None of the comparisons between MZ twins and others in table 5 are
even remotely significant17. If same-sex romantic attraction has a genetic
component, it is massively overwhelmed by other factors. As argued
above, it is more likely that any genetic influence, if present, can only be
expressed in specific and circumscribed social structures. ”
--Opposite sex twins and adolescents same-sex attraction" by Peter Bearman and Hannah Bruckner, Institute for Social and
Economic Research and Policy, 2001.
Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) stated in its article titled "Frequently Asked
Questions: About Homosexuality," published on its website (accessed Aug. 31, 2017):
"Many ex-gays will tell you that at one point in their life they thought they were 'born gay.' The
reality is that no scientific evidence has established a genetic cause for homosexuality or found a
'gay gene.' There is no DNA or medical test to determine if a person is homosexual. Sexual
orientation is a matter of self-affirmation and public declaration. 'Gay' is a self-chosen identity.”
Aug. 31, 2017 - Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) 
“From an evolutionary perspective, same-sex attraction is clearly
non-adaptive because homosexual individuals do not reproduce.
Various theories have been proposed to offset the reproductive
disadvantage; for example, that homosexual males contribute to the
reproductive success of their sisters by being nurturing uncles. But
this hypothesis is not scientifically well supported.”

-J. Michael Bailey et al., “Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science,”
Psychological Science in the Public Interest 17, no. 2 (2016).”
Stanton L. Jones of Wheaton College reports on a large
identical twin study using the Swedish Twin Registry.
Among the seventy-one pairs of identical male twins of
whom at least one twin identified as homosexual, in only
seven cases (9.8 percent) did the second twin also
identify as homosexual, which is not considered
statistically significant:
Stanton L. Jones, PHD.
Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Core Studies
“Recent studies show that familial, cultural, and other
environmental factors contribute to same-sex attraction.
Broken families, absent fathers, older mothers, and being
born and living in urban settings all are associated with
homosexual experience or attraction.”

(Jones, “Same-Sex Science”)
Stanton L. Jones, PHD.
Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Core Studies
“Even that most despised of hypothesized causal
contributors, childhood sexual abuse, has recently received
significant empirical validation as a partial contributor
from a sophisticated thirty-year longitudinal study
published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. . . .”

(Jones, “Same-Sex Science”)
Stanton L. Jones, PHD.
Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Core Studies
“. . . . To say that psychological and environmental
variables play a part in causation does not mean that
biology does not, rather just not to the extent that
many gay-affirming scholars claim.”

(Jones, “Same-Sex Science”)
Stanton L. Jones, PHD.
Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Core Studies
Ben Carson
"CHRIS CUOMO: You think they [people] have control over their sexuality?
BEN CARSON: Absolutely.
CHRIS CUOMO: You think being gay is a choice?
BEN CARSON: Absolutely... Because a lot of people who go into prison, go
into prison straight, and when they come out, they're gay. So, did
something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself
that question.” - Mar. 4, 2015 - Ben Carson, MD
Ben Carson, MD, Professor Emeritus of
Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University,
stated during a Mar. 4, 2015 interview conducted
by host of New Day Chris Cuomo on CNN:
Lawrence S. Mayer, MB, PhD &
Paul R. McHugh, MD
Lawrence S. Mayer, MB, PhD, a scholar in residence in the Department of
Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and Paul R.
McHugh, MD, a Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, state in the Fall 2016 special
report, “Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological,
and Social Science,” published in The New Atlantis:
“Epidemiological studies show a rather modest association between genetic factors
and sexual attractions or behaviors, but do not provide significant evidence pointing
to particular genes. There is also evidence for other hypothesized biological causes
of homosexual behaviors, attractions, or identity — such as the influence of
hormones on prenatal development — but that evidence, too, is limited.”
Lawrence S. Mayer, MB, PhD &
Paul R. McHugh, MD
“Studies of the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals have found
some differences, but have not demonstrated that these differences are
inborn rather than the result of environmental factors that influenced
both psychological and neurobiological traits.”
Lawrence S. Mayer, MB, PhD &
Paul R. McHugh, MD
“One environmental factor that appears to be correlated with non-heterosexuality is
childhood sexual abuse victimization, which may also contribute to the higher rates of
poor mental health outcomes among non-heterosexual subpopulations, compared to the
general population. Overall, the evidence suggests some measure of fluidity in patterns
of sexual attraction and behavior — contrary to the 'born that way' notion that
oversimplifies the vast complexity of human sexuality.”
Lawrence S. Mayer, MB, PhD &
Paul R. McHugh, MD
“If there were reputable scientific evidence
that some people were born homosexual, I
would have no problem accepting this. After
all, my theology tells me that as human
beings, we are all created in God's image
and yet we are a fallen race…”
-Michael Brown, PhD, host of the syndicated talk radio
program The Line of Fire, stated in his Sep. 8, 2014 article
for Charisma News titled "No One Is Born Gay":
Michael Brown, PhD 
“…and so all of us carry aspects of that fallen
nature to the core of our being, and that could
theoretically include homosexuality. But the fact
is that there is simply no reputable scientific
evidence that anyone is born gay...”
-Michael Brown, PhD, host of the syndicated talk radio
program The Line of Fire, stated in his Sep. 8, 2014 article
for Charisma News titled "No One Is Born Gay":
Michael Brown, PhD 
“Why then do we constantly hear about
people being born gay? First, it has worked
wonders for gay activism; second, many gays
and lesbians believe it to be true, since as far
back as they can remember, they felt
that they were different.”
-Michael Brown, PhD, host of the syndicated talk radio
program The Line of Fire, stated in his Sep. 8, 2014 article
for Charisma News titled "No One Is Born Gay":
Michael Brown, PhD 
“ …But political expediency and
personal feelings do not change the
facts, and those facts remain the same:
There is no clear scientific evidence
that anyone is born gay.”
-Michael Brown, PhD, host of the syndicated talk radio
program The Line of Fire, stated in his Sep. 8, 2014 article
for Charisma News titled "No One Is Born Gay":
Michael Brown, PhD 
“I must be quite blunt here. The notion that
people are 'born gay' is nothing less than The
Big Lie of the entire homosexual movement.
Science has not proven that there is a 'gay
gene' or that people are 'born gay.’ ”
Peter Sprigg, MDiv 
Peter Sprigg, MDiv, Vice President for Policy at the Family Research
Council, wrote the following statements in his book Outrage: How
Gay Activists and Liberal Judges Are Trashing Democracy to
Redefine Marriage, published in 2004:
“Research designed to prove that gays
and lesbians are 'born that way' has
come up empty--there is no scientific
evidence that being gay or lesbian is
genetically determined.”
John R. Diggs, Jr., MD
John R. Diggs, Jr., MD, practicing internist at Wing Medical Center
wrote the following statement in his article "The Health Risks of Gay
Sex," published online in 2002 by the Corporate Resource Council:
"The stages of psycho-social development toward adult heterosexuality are
clearly demarcated, known and understood by developmental psychologists,
and are so obviously learned that heterosexuality is clearly not genetically
mandated. Surveys of adult homosexuals show conspicuous deficits in
several of these developmental stages - showing that homosexuality
is cultural and environmental rather than genetic."
"The most credible research to date on homosexuality - and research
conducted years ago - demonstrate that no one is 'born gay.' The homosexual
is suffering from a developmental problem, which frequently starts out in
childhood as gender confusion, family dysfunction, or molestation... There is
hope for homosexuals through developing a relationship with Jesus Christ,
through both religious and secular counseling programs, and through
support groups that provide accountability for those struggling with
same-sex attractions and self-destructive behaviors."
“[I]n nature, procreation is the single, relentless
rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were
designed for reproduction. Penis fits vagina: no
fancy linguistic game-playing can change that
biologic fact... No one is 'born gay.' The idea is
ridiculous... Thus homosexuality, in my view,
is an adaptation, not an inborn trait.”
Camille Paglia
-Camille Paglia, PhD, University Professor of Humanities
& Media Studies at the University of the Arts, stated in her
1994 book titled Vamps and Tramps: New Essays:
-“Gender Ideology Harms Children” , The American College of Pediatricians -
“Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: “XY”
and “XX” are genetic markers of male and female, respectively
– not genetic markers of a disorder. The norm for human
design is to be conceived either male or female.”
What Determines Sex?
-“Gender Ideology Harms Children” , The American College of Pediatricians -
“Human sexuality is binary by design with the obvious
purpose being the reproduction and flourishing of our
species. This principle is self-evident.”
What Determines Sex?
In a brochure, the American Psychological Association states:
“Although much research has examined the possible
genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural
influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged
that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation
is determined by any particular factor or factors.”
-“Answers to Your Questions: For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation &
Homosexuality,” 2008,
“Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man
upright; but they have sought out many inventions.”
“But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.”

Mark 10:6 (kjv)
-Ecclesiastes 7:29 King James Version (KJV)
“Those who are unwilling to correct their own way of life
appear to want to correct nature itself instead.”
Pelagius (The Letters of Pelagius and his Followers by B. R. Rees, p. 39,
published by The Boydell Press).”
“No homosexual is born – he learns his sin!”
Winkie Pratney, (Youth Aflame, Bethany House, pg. 121)
“Homosexuals often cover and excuse their evil acts of perversion
by saying that they were born homosexual. And if the teaching is
true …homosexuals are right to say they were born homosexuals.
For they were born homosexuals if they were born sinners. Also
they are right to excuse their evil actions of perversion.”
Alfred T. Overstreet (Over One Hundred Texts From The Bible That Show That Babies Are Not Born Sinners, pg. 8)
“No homosexual is born – he learns his sin!”
Winkie Pratney, (Youth Aflame, Bethany House, pg. 121)
“For is they were born sinners, they were born homosexuals; and if
they were born homosexuals they can no more be blamed for their evil
acts of perversion than the brute beasts can be blamed for being born
brute beasts. Likewise the alcoholic cannot be blamed for his drinking
if it true that he was born with the ‘disease of alcoholism’.”
“No homosexual is born – he learns his sin!”
Winkie Pratney, (Youth Aflame, Bethany House, pg. 121)
Alfred T. Overstreet (Over One Hundred Texts From The Bible That Show That Babies Are Not Born Sinners, pg. 8)
“No homosexual is born – he learns his sin!”
Winkie Pratney, (Youth Aflame, Bethany House, pg. 121)
Alfred T. Overstreet (Over One Hundred Texts From The Bible That Show That Babies Are Not Born Sinners, pg. 8)
“ In fact the murderer, the rapist, and all other sinners have a perfect
and legitimate excuse for all their sins if they were born with a sinful
nature. But God never excuses the murderer or the drunkard or the
rapist or the homosexual or any other sinner for his sins. For
God created al men with a good nature. ”
“All sin is a corruption of man’s nature, it is a perversion of man’s
nature. It is rebellion against our nature – it is rebellion against the ‘law
of God written in our hearts’ and against the God who has written his
law in our hearts. No man is born a sinner. No man is born with the
‘disease of alcoholism’. No man is born a homosexual.”
Alfred T. Overstreet (Over One Hundred Texts From The Bible That Show That Babies Are Not Born Sinners, pg. 8)
“No homosexual is born – he learns his sin!”
Winkie Pratney, (Youth Aflame, Bethany House, pg. 121)
"If anyone is truly
religious, he is a man of
God; but if he is irreligious,
he is a man of the devil,
made such, not by nature,
but by his own choice.”

Ignatius (Ante-Nicene Fathers,
Volume One, p. 61)
“The Scriptures...emphasize the freedom of the will. They condemn those who
sin, and approve those who do right... We are responsible for being bad and
worthy of being cast outside. For it is not the nature in us that is the cause of the
evil; rather, it is the voluntary choice that works evil.” -Origen (A Dictionary of Early
Christian Beliefs by David Bercot, p. 289, published by Hendrickson Publishers)
"If a man were created evil, he would not deserve
punishment, since he was not evil of himself, being unable
to do anything else than what he was made for.” 

Justin Martyr (First Apology Chap. 43)
“Sinners have corrupted themselves (Gen. 6:12; Exo. 32:7; Deut. 9:12; Deut.
32:5; Jdg. 2:19; Hos. 9:9) and have perverted their own way (Jer. 3:21).
“The Bible declares that men, having been created upright and in the
image of God, have corrupted themselves and sinned against the good
nature that God created them with.” Alfred T. Overstreet (Over One Hundred
Texts From The Bible That Show That Babies Are Not Born Sinners, pg. 3).
Homosexuals are considered those who abuse themselves with mankind (1
Cor. 6:9). They are abusing what God has given them, using for evil what
God meant for good.
“Sin... A failing to hit the mark... a misdirection of our faculties.” Gordon
Olson (Holiness & Sin, pg. 30).
“Obedience [and disobedience] results
from a decision of the mind, not the
substance of the body.”
Pelagius (The Letters of Pelagius and his Followers
by B. R. Rees, p. 90, published by The Boydell Press)
Know ye that the LORD he is God:
it is he that hath made us, and
not we ourselves -Psalm 100:3
“God is the author of our metaphysical nature (Gen. 4:1; Ex.
4:11; Isa. 27:11; 43:7; 49:5; 64:8; Jer. 1:5; Ps. 95:6; 139:13-14,
16; Ecc. 7:29; Job 10:8-11; 31:15; 35:10; Jn. 1:3).
“Those who do not do it [good] will receive the just judgment of God, because
they had not work good when they had it in their power to do so. But if some
had been made by nature bad, and others good, these latter would not be
deserving of praise for being good, for they were created that way. Nor would
the former be reprehensible, for that is how they were made.”
Irenaeus (A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs by David Bercot,
p. 287, published by Hendrickson Publishers)
“However, all men are of the same nature. They are all able
to hold fast and to go what is good. On the other hand, they
have the power to cast good from them and not to do it.”

Irenaeus (A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs by David Bercot, p. 287, published by Hendrickson Publishers)
Neuroplasticity &
“Our life is what our
thoughts make it.”
Marcus Aurelius
Change Your Thinking and Change Your Life.
“And be not conformed to this
world: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and
perfect, will of God.”
-Romans 12:2 (KJV)
Neuroplasticity & Epigenetics
"As time goes by, science provides more and more evidence that
your brain is malleable and continually changing in response to
your lifestyle, physiology, and environment. This concept is called
neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity—meaning, you are literally
reforming your brain with each passing day. It used to be thought that
your brain was static, except during some critical developmental
periods, but today, we know this isn’t true." -By Dr. Mercola
Neuroplasticity & Epigenetics
"Your brain possesses the remarkable ability to reorganize
pathways, create new connections and, in some cases, even
create new neurons throughout your entire lifetime. Our views of
the nature of the brain have changed in a similar way as our views
of DNA. It used to be thought that DNA did not change—in other
words, you’re stuck with what you’re born with." -By Dr. Mercola
Neuroplasticity & Epigenetics
"This, too, has been disproven by researchers like Bruce Lipton,
who have introduced an entirely new branch of biological science
called epigenetics. Your DNA changes continuously based on your
experiences, emotions, and environment." -By Dr. Mercola
Neuroplasticity & Epigenetics
"The point is, you have much more control over your body, mind,
and brain than you might think. If you can mold and shape your
brain, you are not entirely at the mercy of your genetics or the
neural pathways you brought into this world or formed
as a child—and this is great news!" -By Dr. Mercola
A. Experiences - fears, insecurity, ridicule
B. Perceptions of One’s Self- this is usually an
area of great need of pastoral care.
C. Abuse, Pornography, Molestation,
Exhibitions - at least half of the people have
been sinned against by sexual abuse, Incest &
D. Seductions- Verbal, and/or physical sexual
E. Breakdown of The Family- Mother/Father
absence through divorce, death or other
circumstances can cause distorted versions of
family. Children raised by homosexual parents
or parents involved with with multiple
partners can greatly influence the early
development and erode a sense of identity.
Experimentation in homosexual behaviour is
encouraged especially among young women.
Lesbianism has been“friends with benefits”in
order to discourage the fear of pregnancy and
G. GANG ACTIVY- Some gangs have perverse
initiation rites for entry.
H. Many incarcerated in male prisons have been
forced to engage in homosexual behaviour.
Rape is common. In female prisons,
Lesbianism is encouraged. We see evidence of
this in slogans such as“gay for the stay”and
“two is better than one”. This happens for the
purpose of protection and comfort .
“Homosexuality Is a Misguided
Search For Love and Affection
in Sexual Behavior that Is
Contrary to Nature.”
“Generally, as is the case, more so after the sexual
revolution, gay men enter the lifestyle while in their late
teens or early twenties. At that age, there are plenty of
opportunities to express oneself and to experiment. This
newfound power can be heady at first; for instance, you
were once the kid that no one wanted on their team, or the
boy with the overly critical and unloving father, or the
scared child that someone touched.”
Joseph Sciambra
An ex-homosexual man called Joseph Sciambra wrote
this piece about his time in the lifestyle:
“Suddenly, you are with people who have largely gone
through the same thing, though almost never admitting it;
instead, everyone plays out the trauma of youth in a bizarre
ceremony of re-enactment as healing. Now, you can dance
into the throng, feel their warm bodies next to you, and
imagine that you are finally part of the group.”
Joseph Sciambra
An ex-homosexual man called Joseph Sciambra wrote
this piece about his time in the lifestyle:
“Older men, who want you to call them daddy, ask you out; and
that moment of shame and embarrassment from your childhood
doesn't seem strange or horrifying anymore, because you can
live it over again and draw pleasure from it under what you think
are your own terms. Although I observed a genuine affection
between [gay men], it was akin to the instant camaraderie

which indelibly links all horror survivors.”
Joseph Sciambra
An ex-homosexual man called Joseph Sciambra wrote
this piece about his time in the lifestyle:
“For, this was the characteristic that I witnessed in
every same-sex couple: a bond of suffering enkindled
by their shared memories of a childhood gone wrong:
failed parents, tales of bullied boys and lonely

nights spent crying out for love.”
Joseph Sciambra
An ex-homosexual man called Joseph Sciambra wrote
this piece about his time in the lifestyle:
“ It was a marriage forged through experience —of
coming out, finding an introductory pride and hope in
the gay lifestyle, then, seeing it dashed by the reality
of collective gay self-centeredness and its propensity
towards meaningless sex. They flee it, and by doing
so, reveal its inherent dysfunction.”
Joseph Sciambra
An ex-homosexual man called Joseph Sciambra wrote
this piece about his time in the lifestyle:
“Firstly, they’re harming
themselves. British studies have
discovered that homosexuals are
50% more likely to suffer from
depression and to engage in
substance abuse than the rest of
the population. The risk of suicide
rises by over 200% if an individual
has engaged in a homosexual
Gay people will die much earlier than heterosexuals as a
direct result of their lifestyle -in developed countries the
average age of death of a gay person is early 50s or, if they
have contracted AIDS, in their 40s.
This is in contrast to heterosexuals whose
average life expectancy in developed countries is
currently around the mid to upper 70s.This is an
average gap of over 20 years.
For the 6,574 homosexual deaths, the median age of death if AIDS was the
cause was thirty-nine irrespective of whether or not the individual had a Long
Time Sexual Partner [LTSP], 1 percent died old. For those 829 who died of
non-AIDS causes the median age of death was forty-two (41 for those
315 with a LTSP and 43 for those 514 without) and <9 percent died old.
-Paul Cameron, William Playfair, and Stephen Wellum, “The Longevity of Homosexuals:
Before and After the AIDS Epidemic,” Omega Journal of Death and Dying 29, 3 (1994): 249–72
The median age of death for gay men and
women without AIDS is in the early 40s

-Paul Cameron, William Playfair, and Stephen Wellum, “The Longevity of Homosexuals: Before
and After the AIDS Epidemic,” Omega Journal of Death and Dying 29, 3 (1994): 249–72
Sodomy and other same-sex practices belong to the culture
of death : They cannot result in the creation of new life.
They contradict nature. They invite or hasten death by
resulting physical and mental disease.”
The “Culture of Death”
A study by The Journal of Sex Research revealed the
staggering promiscuity inherent within the gay community.
It discovered, "the modal range for number of sexual
partners was 101-500.” As much as a sixth of homosexuals
reported having between 500-1000 partners.
A further sixth reported having over 1000 sexual
partners. The vast majority of homosexual men (79%)
said that over half of their sexual partners have been
complete strangers. There is also a massively high rate
of infidelity among homosexual men even within so-
called committed relationships.
43% of white male homosexuals had sex with 500
or more partners, and 28% had 1,000 or more sex
partners (1/2 were strangers for 79% of the 28%)

– A. P. Bell and M. S. Weinberg, 

Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women (New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1978), pp. 308
Fidelity amongst heterosexual married
women is 85%, in heterosexual married men
it is 75.5%. Contrast this with homosexual
males where the fidelity rate is just 4.5%!
Again, this is a huge gap.
HIV/AIDS and Homosexuals :
These statistics clearly speak of decadence at the least, and perhaps even more so
of sheer brokenness and despair. The rampant infidelity leads to more disease.
Homosexual men are up to 86 times more likely to be diagnosed with HIV than
other men and up to 77 times as likely than women.

“Even though homosexual men make up
2% of the US population, they account
for 61% of HIV infection. Furthermore,
homosexuals are the only risk group in
which HIV infections have been
increasing steadily. The lifestyle is
incredibly disease prone.

-(Center for Disease Control,
Furthermore, because men are not designed for men and
women are not designed for women, they simply don't
complement each other well. 

– David Island and Patrick Letellier, Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered
Gay Men and Domestic Violence (New York: Haworth Press, 1991), p. 14.
“The incidence of domestic violence among gay men is
nearly double that in the heterosexual population.”

– David Island and Patrick Letellier, Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered
Gay Men and Domestic Violence (New York: Haworth Press, 1991), p. 14.
A 2014 study by Northwestern University involving 30,000
participants revealed as much. Richard Carroll, a psychologist and
co-author of the report said, "One of our startling findings was
that rates of domestic violence among same-sex couples is pretty
consistently higher than for opposite sex couples."
http:// newscenter/ stories/ 2014 /09/ domestic-violence-
A Previous studies have suggested that as many as 75% of
the homosexual population will experience domestic
violence at some point in their lives.
http:// newscenter/ stories/ 2014 /09/ domestic-violence-
The Problematic Hunt for a ‘Gay Gene’

Another week, another study declaring the hunt for the ‘gay gene’ over.
Why are we so hung up on a biological answer for homosexuality?
Samantha Allen writes, "... as homosexuality approaches a critical mass of
cultural acceptance, more and more people are comfortable challenging the
dominant “born that way” narrative.
In 2012, Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon caused a stir when she told
The New York Times that her lesbianism is a “choice.” When she faced
pushback for this statement from the LGBT community, Nixon held her
ground saying, “Why can’t it be a choice? Why is that any less legitimate? It
seems we’re ceding this point to bigots who are demanding it, and I don’t
think they should define the terms of the debate.”
The Problematic Hunt for a ‘Gay Gene’

Another week, another study declaring the hunt for the ‘gay gene’ over.
Why are we so hung up on a biological answer for homosexuality?
Simon Copland of The Guardian agrees, noting that lesbian and gay people
should refuse the nature-or-nurture dialectic and demand respect regardless
of how homosexuality comes about. To accept these terms, Copland rightly
argues, would be to constrain both the freedom of LGBT politics and the
fluidity of sexuality itself. After all, it’s not 1996 anymore.
In 2014, the “gay gene” simply doesn’t matter. The science behind it is
narrow and inconclusive. Its rhetorical potential—if it ever had any—has
been thoroughly exhausted.
The Problematic Hunt for a ‘Gay Gene’

Another week, another study declaring the hunt for the ‘gay gene’ over.
Why are we so hung up on a biological answer for homosexuality?
And, at this point, continuing to pursue a genetic explanation for
homosexuality could more harm than it does good. It doesn’t matter
whether or not you were “born this way,” what matters is being accepted the
way you are, however you got there.”
The New Scientist published an article in November 2014 that said
something similar: "Ultimately, what causes homosexuality doesn't matter as
much as the fact that homosexual people exist, and have always existed, in
every society on earth. In the words of the activists: some people are gay.
Get over it."
The Problematic Hunt for a ‘Gay Gene’

Another week, another study declaring the hunt for the ‘gay gene’ over.
Why are we so hung up on a biological answer for homosexuality?
Samantha Allen writes, " the magic bullet for the acceptance of
homosexuality seems to be the act of knowing an actual gay or lesbian
person, not reading a study that suggests the possibility of a shared genetic
marker on the Xq28 region of the X chromosome.
While the percentage of Americans who believe that homosexuality is innate
has only ticked upward 11 percent since 1997, the percent of Americans
who know a gay or lesbian person has increased more than 35 percentage
points over that time, according to the same Gallup poll. ."
The Problematic Hunt for a ‘Gay Gene’

Another week, another study declaring the hunt for the ‘gay gene’ over.
Why are we so hung up on a biological answer for homosexuality?
Samantha Allen writes, "In terms of promoting LGBT equality, then, it
doesn’t seem to matter as much whether or not people believe that gay
people are “born that way” as it does that they simply know someone
who is currently gay, no matter how they were born. Friendship is
the trump card in the movement for equality, not etiology."
Culture has accepted homosexuality, not because of facts, but in spite of
them. The bottom line for our Liberal generation was, ‘I know a gay person and
they seem nice. I saw a gay comedian on TV and he seemed funny. I saw a
heart-tugging storyline of a gay person experiencing marginalisation on a soap
opera and I felt compassionate.’ And that was enough to win their support.
The brain was turned off. As ever, this eventually leads to absurdities.
In February 2015, the world's first three-way-same-sex marriage
took place in Thailand. The three men, describing themselves as a
'throuple' spoke about their 'fairytale ceremony' saying, "Some
people may not agree and are probably amazed by our decision,
but we believe many people do understand and accept our
choice... in the 21st Century... Love is love, after all."
“…throuplehood is more or less a permanent domestic
arrangement. The three men work together, raise dogs
together, sleep together, miss one another…and, in general,
exemplify a modern, adult relationship. Except
that there are three of them.”

– Molly Young, “He & He & He,” New York Magazine, July 29, 2012,
But Of course it is. If love is love, then why not three men together? Indeed, why not ten? Why not a
man and a zebra? Why not a zebra and a lamppost? Why not a pedophile and His child. If “Love makes
a family or a relationship”. Then there is no reason that mere consenting adult love has to be
permanent or limited to two persons, much less sexually excessive, There not even a reason why

the love has to stop with two consenting adults why can’t it be one consenting adult and one 

consenting minor under age child. After all if love is love why not remove all restricted limitations ?

On 5 May 2018, the University of Würzburg in
Germany held an event with the theme of
“Future Societys” [sic] that featured Mirjam
Heine, a medical student who gave what
would become a controversial presentation
on the subject of “Why our perception of
pedophilia has to change.”
In her talk, Heine told the story of a 19-year-
old Jonas, a Munich law student who is
sexually attracted to girls aged six to 12 years
old. “But since he’s aware of the
consequences for the children, he has
never given in to his sexual drive.”
She cited the tenth revision of the International
Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health
Problems (ICD 10) for the description of pedophilia as
the “sexual preference for preadolescent children”
and pointed to unspecified research that differentiates
between child sexual abusers and pedophiles.
Heine’s most controversial comments rocketed across
the Internet when websites ran reports of them under
headlines such as “TEDx Speaker: Pedophilia Is an
Unchangeable Orientation,” which led some viewers
to believe Heine had condoned “an illegal and harmful
practice.” Although Heine did make a comment about
pedophilia’s being an “unchangeable sexual
orientation,” it was offered in a fuller context
which we’ve transcribed here:
“Let me very clear here. Abusing children is
wrong without any doubt. But a pedophile
who doesn’t abuse children has done
nothing wrong. I want to quickly summarize
where we are at the moment.
According to current research, pedophilia is
an unchangeable sexual orientation, just like
for example heterosexuality. No one chooses
to be a pedophile. No one can cease being
one. The difference between pedophilia and
other sexual orientations is that living out
this sexual orientation will end in a disaster.”
• For 30 years, NAMBLA has been the
primary voice testifying to the benevolent
aspects of man/boy love.
• NAMBLA has been, and continues to be, a
beacon of moral support for all individuals
who feel a natural love for boys.
• Through our web site and publications,
NAMBLA provides a public forum for a
diverse range of viewpoints supporting
sexual liberation and youth liberation.
• NAMBLA is the only organization that
specifically supports incarcerated
individuals who identify as boy lovers or
who otherwise agree with our aims.
“I have seen the results of these fanciful views of God, in apostasy,
spiritualism, free loveism. The free love tendencies of these teachings
were so concealed that it was difficult to present them in their real
character. Until the Lord presented it to me, I knew not what to call
it, but I was instructed to call it unholy spiritual love.”
—Letter 230, 1903. 5BIO 303.4.
“It is true that spiritualism is now changing its form and, veiling some
of its more objectionable features, is assuming a Christian guise. But
its utterances from the platform and the press have been before the
public for many years, and in these its real character stands revealed.
These teachings cannot be denied or hidden. ”
—The Great Controversy 557.2
“Even in its present form, so far from being more worthy of toleration
than formerly, it is really a more dangerous, because a more subtle,
deception. While it formerly denounced Christ and the Bible, it now
professes to accept both. But the Bible is interpreted in a manner
that is pleasing to the unrenewed heart, while its solemn
and vital truths are made of no effect. ”
—The Great Controversy 558.1
“Love is dwelt upon as the chief attribute of God, but it is degraded to
a weak sentimentalism, making little distinction between good and
evil. God's justice, His denunciations of sin, the requirements of
His holy law, are all kept out of sight. The people are taught
to regard the Decalogue as a dead letter.”
—The Great Controversy 558.1
“Pleasing, bewitching fables captivate the senses and lead men to
reject the Bible as the foundation of their faith. Christ is as verily
denied as before; but Satan has so blinded the eyes of the
people that the deception is not discerned.”
—The Great Controversy 558.1
1940s “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law ”—Aleister Crowley
1960s “Do your own thing”—Hippies and Yuppies
1980s “Free-Love, Have sex with whoever you want”—Sexual Revolution
2000s “God knows my heart”—Millennials
“If there were no other evidence of the real character of spiritualism, it
should be enough for the Christian that the spirits make no difference
between righteousness and sin, between the noblest and purest of the
apostles of Christ and the most corrupt of the servants of Satan. ”
—The Great Controversy 556.3
“By representing the basest of men as in heaven, and highly exalted
there, Satan says to the world: “No matter how wicked you are; no
matter whether you believe or disbelieve God and the Bible.
Live as you please; heaven is your home.”
—The Great Controversy 556.3
The spiritualist teachers virtually declare: “Everyone that doeth evil is
good in the sight of the Lord, and He delighteth in them; or, Where is
the God of judgment?” Malachi 2:17. Saith the word of God: “Woe
unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness
for light, and light for darkness.” Isaiah 5:20.
—The Great Controversy 556.3
Part 12
-Antonio Bernard ,

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12. THE GAY GENES -Are Persons born Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgendered ?

  • 1. A Biblical ,Medical ,Scientific and Historical View -Antonio Bernard THE LGBT MOVEMENT Part 12
  • 2. THE GAY GENES ? Are Persons born Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgendered ?
  • 3. “There have been big claims of course. In 1991, a homosexual neuroscientist called Simon LeVay conducted a study showing small differences in the anterior hypothalamus region of heterosexual and homosexual male brains -basically the heterosexual’s hypothalamus, on average, was much larger. The newspapers at the time pounced on the data, claiming that brain size had been scientifically proven to dictate sexual preference. But it wasn’t true." -THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
  • 4. “The wider scientific community pored over the data, ran their own tests and discovered a problem -all of LeVay’s gay participants were found to have HIV/ AIDS, and this disease is known to shrink the size of the hypothalamus by decreasing levels of testosterone production." -THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
  • 5. “Indeed, there are a number of factors that cause changes to the size of the hypothalamus. Ruth Hubbard, a Professor of Biology at Harvard University, and George Wald, a Nobel Prize winner in Physiology and Medicine, after conducting studies of their own, completely rubbished LeVay's findings saying, "there was no way to tell anything about an individual's sexual orientation by looking at his hypothalamus." -THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
  • 6. LeVay later said in 2011 that his findings had simply been misinterpreted by the press: "It's important to stress what I didn't find. I did not prove that homosexuality is genetic, or find a genetic cause for being gay. I didn't show that gay men are born that way, the most common mistake people make in interpreting my work. Nor did I locate a gay centre in the brain." -THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
  • 7. “Soon after LeVay in 1993, came a homosexual geneticist called Dean Hamer. He published a paper in Science magazine stating that genetic markers on the X chromosome could influence the development of same-sex attraction in men. Basically, he was claiming that homosexuality is coded into some people through their DNA and they have as much control over it as they do over the colour of their hair or eyes.” -THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
  • 8. “While ‘gay gene’ headlines made for sensational newspaper sales, the wider scientific community was again quick to point out that his whole study was fatally flawed. A Canadian team tried to replicate Hamer's findings and came up with completely different results. They said at the time, ‘It is unclear why our results are so discrepant from Hamer’s original study. Because our study was larger than that of Hamer et al., we certainly had adequate power to detect a genetic effect as large as was reported in that study. Nonetheless, our data do not support the presence of a gene of large effect influencing sexual orientation at position Xq28 (284: 667).’” -THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
  • 9. They continued, ‘These results do not support an X-linked gene underlying male homosexuality.’ As quickly as Hamer's theory had come to prominence, it too had been completely refuted. By 2012, scientists had largely become exasperated with brains and genes, so they changed tack. They proposed that perhaps sexual preference was dictated by variations in hormone levels that foetuses are exposed to in the womb. As usual, the media jumped on the idea and ran some sensational headlines. And as usual, the data wasn’t as conclusive as it first appeared. Liberals began tiring of the disappointments. -THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
  • 10. The Problematic Hunt for a ‘Gay Gene’ Another week, another study declaring the hunt for the ‘gay gene’ over. Why are we so hung up on a biological answer for homosexuality? Liberals began tiring of the disappointments. Samantha Allen, writing for The Daily Beast in September 2014, said, "The popular media, once so easily convinced by LeVay that homosexuality resulted from brain size and by Hamer that homosexuality was genetic, promptly changed its tune to declare that homosexuality was now epigenetic. Hooray? If it's hard to get excited about these studies, it's because, at this point, biological explanations for homosexuality are like iPhones -a new one comes out every year."
  • 11. Today, there is still absolutely no conclusive scientific proof that anyone is born gay –all studies have proven completely futile.
  • 12. “There is a clear consensus among scientists that a gay gene does not exist. Complex psychosocial behaviors, such as sexual orientation, cannot be directly traced to the activity of a single gene or even a group of genes.” —Douglas A. Abbott and A. Dean Byrd, “Encouraging Heterosexuality”,page 21 NO GAY GENE
  • 13. “Over the last decade, studies of twins have provided some of the strongest numerical evidence that ‘our genes do not make us do it.’ ... In a nutshell, if you take pairs of identical twins in which one twin is homosexual, the identical co-twin (a monozygotic [MZ] twin) is usually not homosexual. “That means, given that identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. No one is born gay. The predominant things that create homosexuality in one identical twin and not in the other have to be post-birth factors.” —Dr. Neil and Briar Whitehead, “My Genes Made Me Do It!”
  • 14. A British study that found only 20 percent of the homosexual twins in their research had a gay co-twin, leading the researchers to conclude that “genetic factors are an insufficient explanation of the development of sexual orientation.” -Joe Dallas, op. cit., and King and McDonald, “Homosexuals Who Are Twins,” The British Journal of Psychiatry, March 1992, Vol. 160, p. 40
  • 15. Dr. Neil Whitehead has reviewed more than 10,000 studies on homosexuality. Working with his wife, author and journalist Briar Whitehead, they explained: “This means that for every nine sets of male identical (MZ) twins, one of whom is homosexual, the other is homosexual only one time in nine, or 11% of the time, which is not very much. That is, identical twins usually differ.” -Neil and Briar Whitehead, op. cit., p 177, (02 01 2016)..
  • 16. “…If genetic influence were expressed in these data, MZ twins (monozygotic means twins formed from a single fertilized egg that splits into to embryos) should have the highest concordance for same-sex erotic preference, and unrelated and half-siblings the lowest. Table 5 is based on pairs in which at least one respondent reports a same-sex romantic attraction (N=527 pairs)..” --Opposite sex twins and adolescents same-sex attraction" by Peter Bearman and Hannah Bruckner, Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy, 2001.
  • 17. “…there is no evidence for strong genetic influence on same-sex preference in this sample. Among MZ twins, 6.7 % are concordant. DZ twin (dizygotic means twins formed from two separate eggs that were not formed from the same initial egg) pairs are 7.2% concordant. Full-siblings are 5.5 % concordant. Clearly, the observed concordance rates do not correspond to degrees of genetic similarity. ” --Opposite sex twins and adolescents same-sex attraction" by Peter Bearman and Hannah Bruckner, Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy, 2001.
  • 18. “ None of the comparisons between MZ twins and others in table 5 are even remotely significant17. If same-sex romantic attraction has a genetic component, it is massively overwhelmed by other factors. As argued above, it is more likely that any genetic influence, if present, can only be expressed in specific and circumscribed social structures. ” --Opposite sex twins and adolescents same-sex attraction" by Peter Bearman and Hannah Bruckner, Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy, 2001.
  • 19. Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) stated in its article titled "Frequently Asked Questions: About Homosexuality," published on its website (accessed Aug. 31, 2017): "Many ex-gays will tell you that at one point in their life they thought they were 'born gay.' The reality is that no scientific evidence has established a genetic cause for homosexuality or found a 'gay gene.' There is no DNA or medical test to determine if a person is homosexual. Sexual orientation is a matter of self-affirmation and public declaration. 'Gay' is a self-chosen identity.” Aug. 31, 2017 - Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) 
  • 20. “From an evolutionary perspective, same-sex attraction is clearly non-adaptive because homosexual individuals do not reproduce. Various theories have been proposed to offset the reproductive disadvantage; for example, that homosexual males contribute to the reproductive success of their sisters by being nurturing uncles. But this hypothesis is not scientifically well supported.” -J. Michael Bailey et al., “Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science,” Psychological Science in the Public Interest 17, no. 2 (2016).” EVOLUTIONIST ALSO REJECTS HOMOSEXUALITY
  • 21. Stanton L. Jones of Wheaton College reports on a large identical twin study using the Swedish Twin Registry. Among the seventy-one pairs of identical male twins of whom at least one twin identified as homosexual, in only seven cases (9.8 percent) did the second twin also identify as homosexual, which is not considered statistically significant: Stanton L. Jones, PHD. Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Core Studies
  • 22. “Recent studies show that familial, cultural, and other environmental factors contribute to same-sex attraction. Broken families, absent fathers, older mothers, and being born and living in urban settings all are associated with homosexual experience or attraction.” (Jones, “Same-Sex Science”) Stanton L. Jones, PHD. Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Core Studies
  • 23. “Even that most despised of hypothesized causal contributors, childhood sexual abuse, has recently received significant empirical validation as a partial contributor from a sophisticated thirty-year longitudinal study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. . . .” (Jones, “Same-Sex Science”) Stanton L. Jones, PHD. Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Core Studies
  • 24. “. . . . To say that psychological and environmental variables play a part in causation does not mean that biology does not, rather just not to the extent that many gay-affirming scholars claim.” (Jones, “Same-Sex Science”) Stanton L. Jones, PHD. Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Core Studies
  • 25.
  • 26. Ben Carson "CHRIS CUOMO: You think they [people] have control over their sexuality? BEN CARSON: Absolutely. CHRIS CUOMO: You think being gay is a choice? BEN CARSON: Absolutely... Because a lot of people who go into prison, go into prison straight, and when they come out, they're gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question.” - Mar. 4, 2015 - Ben Carson, MD Ben Carson, MD, Professor Emeritus of Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University, stated during a Mar. 4, 2015 interview conducted by host of New Day Chris Cuomo on CNN:
  • 27.
  • 28. Lawrence S. Mayer, MB, PhD & Paul R. McHugh, MD Lawrence S. Mayer, MB, PhD, a scholar in residence in the Department of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and Paul R. McHugh, MD, a Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, state in the Fall 2016 special report, “Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Science,” published in The New Atlantis:
  • 29. “Epidemiological studies show a rather modest association between genetic factors and sexual attractions or behaviors, but do not provide significant evidence pointing to particular genes. There is also evidence for other hypothesized biological causes of homosexual behaviors, attractions, or identity — such as the influence of hormones on prenatal development — but that evidence, too, is limited.” Lawrence S. Mayer, MB, PhD & Paul R. McHugh, MD
  • 30. “Studies of the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals have found some differences, but have not demonstrated that these differences are inborn rather than the result of environmental factors that influenced both psychological and neurobiological traits.” Lawrence S. Mayer, MB, PhD & Paul R. McHugh, MD
  • 31. “One environmental factor that appears to be correlated with non-heterosexuality is childhood sexual abuse victimization, which may also contribute to the higher rates of poor mental health outcomes among non-heterosexual subpopulations, compared to the general population. Overall, the evidence suggests some measure of fluidity in patterns of sexual attraction and behavior — contrary to the 'born that way' notion that oversimplifies the vast complexity of human sexuality.” Lawrence S. Mayer, MB, PhD & Paul R. McHugh, MD
  • 32. “If there were reputable scientific evidence that some people were born homosexual, I would have no problem accepting this. After all, my theology tells me that as human beings, we are all created in God's image and yet we are a fallen race…” -Michael Brown, PhD, host of the syndicated talk radio program The Line of Fire, stated in his Sep. 8, 2014 article for Charisma News titled "No One Is Born Gay": Michael Brown, PhD 
  • 33. “…and so all of us carry aspects of that fallen nature to the core of our being, and that could theoretically include homosexuality. But the fact is that there is simply no reputable scientific evidence that anyone is born gay...” -Michael Brown, PhD, host of the syndicated talk radio program The Line of Fire, stated in his Sep. 8, 2014 article for Charisma News titled "No One Is Born Gay": Michael Brown, PhD 
  • 34. “Why then do we constantly hear about people being born gay? First, it has worked wonders for gay activism; second, many gays and lesbians believe it to be true, since as far back as they can remember, they felt that they were different.” -Michael Brown, PhD, host of the syndicated talk radio program The Line of Fire, stated in his Sep. 8, 2014 article for Charisma News titled "No One Is Born Gay": Michael Brown, PhD 
  • 35. “ …But political expediency and personal feelings do not change the facts, and those facts remain the same: There is no clear scientific evidence that anyone is born gay.” -Michael Brown, PhD, host of the syndicated talk radio program The Line of Fire, stated in his Sep. 8, 2014 article for Charisma News titled "No One Is Born Gay": Michael Brown, PhD 
  • 36. “I must be quite blunt here. The notion that people are 'born gay' is nothing less than The Big Lie of the entire homosexual movement. Science has not proven that there is a 'gay gene' or that people are 'born gay.’ ” Peter Sprigg, MDiv  Peter Sprigg, MDiv, Vice President for Policy at the Family Research Council, wrote the following statements in his book Outrage: How Gay Activists and Liberal Judges Are Trashing Democracy to Redefine Marriage, published in 2004:
  • 37. “Research designed to prove that gays and lesbians are 'born that way' has come up empty--there is no scientific evidence that being gay or lesbian is genetically determined.” John R. Diggs, Jr., MD John R. Diggs, Jr., MD, practicing internist at Wing Medical Center wrote the following statement in his article "The Health Risks of Gay Sex," published online in 2002 by the Corporate Resource Council:
  • 38. "The stages of psycho-social development toward adult heterosexuality are clearly demarcated, known and understood by developmental psychologists, and are so obviously learned that heterosexuality is clearly not genetically mandated. Surveys of adult homosexuals show conspicuous deficits in several of these developmental stages - showing that homosexuality is cultural and environmental rather than genetic."
  • 39. "The most credible research to date on homosexuality - and research conducted years ago - demonstrate that no one is 'born gay.' The homosexual is suffering from a developmental problem, which frequently starts out in childhood as gender confusion, family dysfunction, or molestation... There is hope for homosexuals through developing a relationship with Jesus Christ, through both religious and secular counseling programs, and through support groups that provide accountability for those struggling with same-sex attractions and self-destructive behaviors."
  • 40. “[I]n nature, procreation is the single, relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction. Penis fits vagina: no fancy linguistic game-playing can change that biologic fact... No one is 'born gay.' The idea is ridiculous... Thus homosexuality, in my view, is an adaptation, not an inborn trait.” Camille Paglia -Camille Paglia, PhD, University Professor of Humanities & Media Studies at the University of the Arts, stated in her 1994 book titled Vamps and Tramps: New Essays:
  • 41. -“Gender Ideology Harms Children” , The American College of Pediatricians - “Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: “XY” and “XX” are genetic markers of male and female, respectively – not genetic markers of a disorder. The norm for human design is to be conceived either male or female.” What Determines Sex?
  • 42. -“Gender Ideology Harms Children” , The American College of Pediatricians - “Human sexuality is binary by design with the obvious purpose being the reproduction and flourishing of our species. This principle is self-evident.” What Determines Sex?
  • 43.
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  • 51. In a brochure, the American Psychological Association states: “Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors.” -“Answers to Your Questions: For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality,” 2008,
  • 52. “Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.” “But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.” Mark 10:6 (kjv) -Ecclesiastes 7:29 King James Version (KJV)
  • 53. “Those who are unwilling to correct their own way of life appear to want to correct nature itself instead.” Pelagius (The Letters of Pelagius and his Followers by B. R. Rees, p. 39, published by The Boydell Press).” “No homosexual is born – he learns his sin!” Winkie Pratney, (Youth Aflame, Bethany House, pg. 121)
  • 54. “Homosexuals often cover and excuse their evil acts of perversion by saying that they were born homosexual. And if the teaching is true …homosexuals are right to say they were born homosexuals. For they were born homosexuals if they were born sinners. Also they are right to excuse their evil actions of perversion.” Alfred T. Overstreet (Over One Hundred Texts From The Bible That Show That Babies Are Not Born Sinners, pg. 8) “No homosexual is born – he learns his sin!” Winkie Pratney, (Youth Aflame, Bethany House, pg. 121)
  • 55. “For is they were born sinners, they were born homosexuals; and if they were born homosexuals they can no more be blamed for their evil acts of perversion than the brute beasts can be blamed for being born brute beasts. Likewise the alcoholic cannot be blamed for his drinking if it true that he was born with the ‘disease of alcoholism’.” “No homosexual is born – he learns his sin!” Winkie Pratney, (Youth Aflame, Bethany House, pg. 121) Alfred T. Overstreet (Over One Hundred Texts From The Bible That Show That Babies Are Not Born Sinners, pg. 8)
  • 56. “No homosexual is born – he learns his sin!” Winkie Pratney, (Youth Aflame, Bethany House, pg. 121) Alfred T. Overstreet (Over One Hundred Texts From The Bible That Show That Babies Are Not Born Sinners, pg. 8) “ In fact the murderer, the rapist, and all other sinners have a perfect and legitimate excuse for all their sins if they were born with a sinful nature. But God never excuses the murderer or the drunkard or the rapist or the homosexual or any other sinner for his sins. For God created al men with a good nature. ”
  • 57. “All sin is a corruption of man’s nature, it is a perversion of man’s nature. It is rebellion against our nature – it is rebellion against the ‘law of God written in our hearts’ and against the God who has written his law in our hearts. No man is born a sinner. No man is born with the ‘disease of alcoholism’. No man is born a homosexual.” Alfred T. Overstreet (Over One Hundred Texts From The Bible That Show That Babies Are Not Born Sinners, pg. 8) “No homosexual is born – he learns his sin!” Winkie Pratney, (Youth Aflame, Bethany House, pg. 121)
  • 58. "If anyone is truly religious, he is a man of God; but if he is irreligious, he is a man of the devil, made such, not by nature, but by his own choice.” Ignatius (Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume One, p. 61)
  • 59. “The Scriptures...emphasize the freedom of the will. They condemn those who sin, and approve those who do right... We are responsible for being bad and worthy of being cast outside. For it is not the nature in us that is the cause of the evil; rather, it is the voluntary choice that works evil.” -Origen (A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs by David Bercot, p. 289, published by Hendrickson Publishers)
  • 60. "If a man were created evil, he would not deserve punishment, since he was not evil of himself, being unable to do anything else than what he was made for.” Justin Martyr (First Apology Chap. 43)
  • 61. “Sinners have corrupted themselves (Gen. 6:12; Exo. 32:7; Deut. 9:12; Deut. 32:5; Jdg. 2:19; Hos. 9:9) and have perverted their own way (Jer. 3:21). “The Bible declares that men, having been created upright and in the image of God, have corrupted themselves and sinned against the good nature that God created them with.” Alfred T. Overstreet (Over One Hundred Texts From The Bible That Show That Babies Are Not Born Sinners, pg. 3). NO ONE IS BORN A HOMOSEXUAL OR A TRANSGENDER
  • 62. Homosexuals are considered those who abuse themselves with mankind (1 Cor. 6:9). They are abusing what God has given them, using for evil what God meant for good. “Sin... A failing to hit the mark... a misdirection of our faculties.” Gordon Olson (Holiness & Sin, pg. 30).
  • 63. “Obedience [and disobedience] results from a decision of the mind, not the substance of the body.” NO GAY GENES Pelagius (The Letters of Pelagius and his Followers by B. R. Rees, p. 90, published by The Boydell Press)
  • 64. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves -Psalm 100:3 “God is the author of our metaphysical nature (Gen. 4:1; Ex. 4:11; Isa. 27:11; 43:7; 49:5; 64:8; Jer. 1:5; Ps. 95:6; 139:13-14, 16; Ecc. 7:29; Job 10:8-11; 31:15; 35:10; Jn. 1:3).
  • 65. “Those who do not do it [good] will receive the just judgment of God, because they had not work good when they had it in their power to do so. But if some had been made by nature bad, and others good, these latter would not be deserving of praise for being good, for they were created that way. Nor would the former be reprehensible, for that is how they were made.” Irenaeus (A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs by David Bercot, p. 287, published by Hendrickson Publishers)
  • 66. “However, all men are of the same nature. They are all able to hold fast and to go what is good. On the other hand, they have the power to cast good from them and not to do it.” Irenaeus (A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs by David Bercot, p. 287, published by Hendrickson Publishers)
  • 67.
  • 69. “Our life is what our thoughts make it.” Marcus Aurelius Change Your Thinking and Change Your Life.
  • 70. “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” -Romans 12:2 (KJV)
  • 71. Neuroplasticity & Epigenetics "As time goes by, science provides more and more evidence that your brain is malleable and continually changing in response to your lifestyle, physiology, and environment. This concept is called neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity—meaning, you are literally reforming your brain with each passing day. It used to be thought that your brain was static, except during some critical developmental periods, but today, we know this isn’t true." -By Dr. Mercola
  • 72. Neuroplasticity & Epigenetics "Your brain possesses the remarkable ability to reorganize pathways, create new connections and, in some cases, even create new neurons throughout your entire lifetime. Our views of the nature of the brain have changed in a similar way as our views of DNA. It used to be thought that DNA did not change—in other words, you’re stuck with what you’re born with." -By Dr. Mercola
  • 73. Neuroplasticity & Epigenetics "This, too, has been disproven by researchers like Bruce Lipton, who have introduced an entirely new branch of biological science called epigenetics. Your DNA changes continuously based on your experiences, emotions, and environment." -By Dr. Mercola
  • 74. Neuroplasticity & Epigenetics "The point is, you have much more control over your body, mind, and brain than you might think. If you can mold and shape your brain, you are not entirely at the mercy of your genetics or the neural pathways you brought into this world or formed as a child—and this is great news!" -By Dr. Mercola
  • 75. 1.EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT A. Experiences - fears, insecurity, ridicule B. Perceptions of One’s Self- this is usually an area of great need of pastoral care. 2. CHILDHOOD SEXUAL DISTORTIONS C. Abuse, Pornography, Molestation, Exhibitions - at least half of the people have been sinned against by sexual abuse, Incest & Rape D. Seductions- Verbal, and/or physical sexual abuse. CAUSES OF HOMOSEXUALITY
  • 76. 3. FAMILY BACKGROUND E. Breakdown of The Family- Mother/Father absence through divorce, death or other circumstances can cause distorted versions of family. Children raised by homosexual parents or parents involved with with multiple partners can greatly influence the early development and erode a sense of identity. CAUSES OF HOMOSEXUALITY
  • 77. 4. PEER PRESSURE F. NEW SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE- Experimentation in homosexual behaviour is encouraged especially among young women. Lesbianism has been“friends with benefits”in order to discourage the fear of pregnancy and abortion. G. GANG ACTIVY- Some gangs have perverse initiation rites for entry. CAUSES OF HOMOSEXUALITY
  • 78. 5. PRISON LIFE H. Many incarcerated in male prisons have been forced to engage in homosexual behaviour. Rape is common. In female prisons, Lesbianism is encouraged. We see evidence of this in slogans such as“gay for the stay”and “two is better than one”. This happens for the purpose of protection and comfort . CAUSES OF HOMOSEXUALITY
  • 79. “Homosexuality Is a Misguided Search For Love and Affection in Sexual Behavior that Is Contrary to Nature.”
  • 80. “Generally, as is the case, more so after the sexual revolution, gay men enter the lifestyle while in their late teens or early twenties. At that age, there are plenty of opportunities to express oneself and to experiment. This newfound power can be heady at first; for instance, you were once the kid that no one wanted on their team, or the boy with the overly critical and unloving father, or the scared child that someone touched.” Joseph Sciambra An ex-homosexual man called Joseph Sciambra wrote this piece about his time in the lifestyle:
  • 81. “Suddenly, you are with people who have largely gone through the same thing, though almost never admitting it; instead, everyone plays out the trauma of youth in a bizarre ceremony of re-enactment as healing. Now, you can dance into the throng, feel their warm bodies next to you, and imagine that you are finally part of the group.” Joseph Sciambra An ex-homosexual man called Joseph Sciambra wrote this piece about his time in the lifestyle:
  • 82. “Older men, who want you to call them daddy, ask you out; and that moment of shame and embarrassment from your childhood doesn't seem strange or horrifying anymore, because you can live it over again and draw pleasure from it under what you think are your own terms. Although I observed a genuine affection between [gay men], it was akin to the instant camaraderie which indelibly links all horror survivors.” Joseph Sciambra An ex-homosexual man called Joseph Sciambra wrote this piece about his time in the lifestyle:
  • 83. “For, this was the characteristic that I witnessed in every same-sex couple: a bond of suffering enkindled by their shared memories of a childhood gone wrong: failed parents, tales of bullied boys and lonely nights spent crying out for love.” Joseph Sciambra An ex-homosexual man called Joseph Sciambra wrote this piece about his time in the lifestyle:
  • 84. “ It was a marriage forged through experience —of coming out, finding an introductory pride and hope in the gay lifestyle, then, seeing it dashed by the reality of collective gay self-centeredness and its propensity towards meaningless sex. They flee it, and by doing so, reveal its inherent dysfunction.” Joseph Sciambra An ex-homosexual man called Joseph Sciambra wrote this piece about his time in the lifestyle:
  • 85. “Firstly, they’re harming themselves. British studies have discovered that homosexuals are 50% more likely to suffer from depression and to engage in substance abuse than the rest of the population. The risk of suicide rises by over 200% if an individual has engaged in a homosexual lifestyle.” (
  • 86. Gay people will die much earlier than heterosexuals as a direct result of their lifestyle -in developed countries the average age of death of a gay person is early 50s or, if they have contracted AIDS, in their 40s.
  • 87. This is in contrast to heterosexuals whose average life expectancy in developed countries is currently around the mid to upper 70s.This is an average gap of over 20 years.
  • 88. For the 6,574 homosexual deaths, the median age of death if AIDS was the cause was thirty-nine irrespective of whether or not the individual had a Long Time Sexual Partner [LTSP], 1 percent died old. For those 829 who died of non-AIDS causes the median age of death was forty-two (41 for those 315 with a LTSP and 43 for those 514 without) and <9 percent died old. -Paul Cameron, William Playfair, and Stephen Wellum, “The Longevity of Homosexuals: Before and After the AIDS Epidemic,” Omega Journal of Death and Dying 29, 3 (1994): 249–72
  • 89. The median age of death for gay men and women without AIDS is in the early 40s
 -Paul Cameron, William Playfair, and Stephen Wellum, “The Longevity of Homosexuals: Before and After the AIDS Epidemic,” Omega Journal of Death and Dying 29, 3 (1994): 249–72
  • 90. Sodomy and other same-sex practices belong to the culture of death : They cannot result in the creation of new life. They contradict nature. They invite or hasten death by resulting physical and mental disease.” The “Culture of Death”
  • 91. A study by The Journal of Sex Research revealed the staggering promiscuity inherent within the gay community. It discovered, "the modal range for number of sexual partners was 101-500.” As much as a sixth of homosexuals reported having between 500-1000 partners.
  • 92. A further sixth reported having over 1000 sexual partners. The vast majority of homosexual men (79%) said that over half of their sexual partners have been complete strangers. There is also a massively high rate of infidelity among homosexual men even within so- called committed relationships.
  • 93. 43% of white male homosexuals had sex with 500 or more partners, and 28% had 1,000 or more sex partners (1/2 were strangers for 79% of the 28%)
 – A. P. Bell and M. S. Weinberg, 
 Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978), pp. 308
  • 94. Fidelity amongst heterosexual married women is 85%, in heterosexual married men it is 75.5%. Contrast this with homosexual males where the fidelity rate is just 4.5%! Again, this is a huge gap.
  • 95. HIV/AIDS and Homosexuals : These statistics clearly speak of decadence at the least, and perhaps even more so of sheer brokenness and despair. The rampant infidelity leads to more disease. Homosexual men are up to 86 times more likely to be diagnosed with HIV than other men and up to 77 times as likely than women. 
 “Even though homosexual men make up 2% of the US population, they account for 61% of HIV infection. Furthermore, homosexuals are the only risk group in which HIV infections have been increasing steadily. The lifestyle is incredibly disease prone. 
 -(Center for Disease Control, HIVIncidencePressRelease.html)
  • 96. Furthermore, because men are not designed for men and women are not designed for women, they simply don't complement each other well. 
 – David Island and Patrick Letellier, Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and Domestic Violence (New York: Haworth Press, 1991), p. 14.
  • 97. “The incidence of domestic violence among gay men is nearly double that in the heterosexual population.”
 – David Island and Patrick Letellier, Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and Domestic Violence (New York: Haworth Press, 1991), p. 14.
  • 98. A 2014 study by Northwestern University involving 30,000 participants revealed as much. Richard Carroll, a psychologist and co-author of the report said, "One of our startling findings was that rates of domestic violence among same-sex couples is pretty consistently higher than for opposite sex couples." http:// newscenter/ stories/ 2014 /09/ domestic-violence- likely-more-frequent-for-samesex-couples.html
  • 99. A Previous studies have suggested that as many as 75% of the homosexual population will experience domestic violence at some point in their lives. http:// newscenter/ stories/ 2014 /09/ domestic-violence- likely-more-frequent-for-samesex-couples.html
  • 100. The Problematic Hunt for a ‘Gay Gene’ Another week, another study declaring the hunt for the ‘gay gene’ over. Why are we so hung up on a biological answer for homosexuality? Samantha Allen writes, "... as homosexuality approaches a critical mass of cultural acceptance, more and more people are comfortable challenging the dominant “born that way” narrative. In 2012, Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon caused a stir when she told The New York Times that her lesbianism is a “choice.” When she faced pushback for this statement from the LGBT community, Nixon held her ground saying, “Why can’t it be a choice? Why is that any less legitimate? It seems we’re ceding this point to bigots who are demanding it, and I don’t think they should define the terms of the debate.”
  • 101. The Problematic Hunt for a ‘Gay Gene’ Another week, another study declaring the hunt for the ‘gay gene’ over. Why are we so hung up on a biological answer for homosexuality? Simon Copland of The Guardian agrees, noting that lesbian and gay people should refuse the nature-or-nurture dialectic and demand respect regardless of how homosexuality comes about. To accept these terms, Copland rightly argues, would be to constrain both the freedom of LGBT politics and the fluidity of sexuality itself. After all, it’s not 1996 anymore. In 2014, the “gay gene” simply doesn’t matter. The science behind it is narrow and inconclusive. Its rhetorical potential—if it ever had any—has been thoroughly exhausted.
  • 102. The Problematic Hunt for a ‘Gay Gene’ Another week, another study declaring the hunt for the ‘gay gene’ over. Why are we so hung up on a biological answer for homosexuality? And, at this point, continuing to pursue a genetic explanation for homosexuality could more harm than it does good. It doesn’t matter whether or not you were “born this way,” what matters is being accepted the way you are, however you got there.” The New Scientist published an article in November 2014 that said something similar: "Ultimately, what causes homosexuality doesn't matter as much as the fact that homosexual people exist, and have always existed, in every society on earth. In the words of the activists: some people are gay. Get over it."
  • 103.
  • 104. The Problematic Hunt for a ‘Gay Gene’ Another week, another study declaring the hunt for the ‘gay gene’ over. Why are we so hung up on a biological answer for homosexuality? Samantha Allen writes, " the magic bullet for the acceptance of homosexuality seems to be the act of knowing an actual gay or lesbian person, not reading a study that suggests the possibility of a shared genetic marker on the Xq28 region of the X chromosome. While the percentage of Americans who believe that homosexuality is innate has only ticked upward 11 percent since 1997, the percent of Americans who know a gay or lesbian person has increased more than 35 percentage points over that time, according to the same Gallup poll. ."
  • 105. The Problematic Hunt for a ‘Gay Gene’ Another week, another study declaring the hunt for the ‘gay gene’ over. Why are we so hung up on a biological answer for homosexuality? Samantha Allen writes, "In terms of promoting LGBT equality, then, it doesn’t seem to matter as much whether or not people believe that gay people are “born that way” as it does that they simply know someone who is currently gay, no matter how they were born. Friendship is the trump card in the movement for equality, not etiology."
  • 106. Culture has accepted homosexuality, not because of facts, but in spite of them. The bottom line for our Liberal generation was, ‘I know a gay person and they seem nice. I saw a gay comedian on TV and he seemed funny. I saw a heart-tugging storyline of a gay person experiencing marginalisation on a soap opera and I felt compassionate.’ And that was enough to win their support. The brain was turned off. As ever, this eventually leads to absurdities.
  • 107. In February 2015, the world's first three-way-same-sex marriage took place in Thailand. The three men, describing themselves as a 'throuple' spoke about their 'fairytale ceremony' saying, "Some people may not agree and are probably amazed by our decision, but we believe many people do understand and accept our choice... in the 21st Century... Love is love, after all."
  • 108. “…throuplehood is more or less a permanent domestic arrangement. The three men work together, raise dogs together, sleep together, miss one another…and, in general, exemplify a modern, adult relationship. Except that there are three of them.”
 – Molly Young, “He & He & He,” New York Magazine, July 29, 2012,
  • 109. But Of course it is. If love is love, then why not three men together? Indeed, why not ten? Why not a man and a zebra? Why not a zebra and a lamppost? Why not a pedophile and His child. If “Love makes a family or a relationship”. Then there is no reason that mere consenting adult love has to be permanent or limited to two persons, much less sexually excessive, There not even a reason why the love has to stop with two consenting adults why can’t it be one consenting adult and one consenting minor under age child. After all if love is love why not remove all restricted limitations ? “LOVE IS LOVE”
  • 110.
  • 111.
  • 112.
  • 113. On 5 May 2018, the University of Würzburg in Germany held an event with the theme of “Future Societys” [sic] that featured Mirjam Heine, a medical student who gave what would become a controversial presentation on the subject of “Why our perception of pedophilia has to change.” In her talk, Heine told the story of a 19-year- old Jonas, a Munich law student who is sexually attracted to girls aged six to 12 years old. “But since he’s aware of the consequences for the children, he has never given in to his sexual drive.”
  • 114. She cited the tenth revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD 10) for the description of pedophilia as the “sexual preference for preadolescent children” and pointed to unspecified research that differentiates between child sexual abusers and pedophiles. Heine’s most controversial comments rocketed across the Internet when websites ran reports of them under headlines such as “TEDx Speaker: Pedophilia Is an Unchangeable Orientation,” which led some viewers to believe Heine had condoned “an illegal and harmful practice.” Although Heine did make a comment about pedophilia’s being an “unchangeable sexual orientation,” it was offered in a fuller context which we’ve transcribed here:
  • 115. “Let me very clear here. Abusing children is wrong without any doubt. But a pedophile who doesn’t abuse children has done nothing wrong. I want to quickly summarize where we are at the moment. According to current research, pedophilia is an unchangeable sexual orientation, just like for example heterosexuality. No one chooses to be a pedophile. No one can cease being one. The difference between pedophilia and other sexual orientations is that living out this sexual orientation will end in a disaster.”
  • 116.
  • 117. • For 30 years, NAMBLA has been the primary voice testifying to the benevolent aspects of man/boy love. • NAMBLA has been, and continues to be, a beacon of moral support for all individuals who feel a natural love for boys. • Through our web site and publications, NAMBLA provides a public forum for a diverse range of viewpoints supporting sexual liberation and youth liberation. • NAMBLA is the only organization that specifically supports incarcerated individuals who identify as boy lovers or who otherwise agree with our aims.
  • 118. FREE LOVEISM “I have seen the results of these fanciful views of God, in apostasy, spiritualism, free loveism. The free love tendencies of these teachings were so concealed that it was difficult to present them in their real character. Until the Lord presented it to me, I knew not what to call it, but I was instructed to call it unholy spiritual love.” —Letter 230, 1903. 5BIO 303.4.
  • 119. SPIRITUALISM “It is true that spiritualism is now changing its form and, veiling some of its more objectionable features, is assuming a Christian guise. But its utterances from the platform and the press have been before the public for many years, and in these its real character stands revealed. These teachings cannot be denied or hidden. ” —The Great Controversy 557.2
  • 120. SPIRITUALISM “Even in its present form, so far from being more worthy of toleration than formerly, it is really a more dangerous, because a more subtle, deception. While it formerly denounced Christ and the Bible, it now professes to accept both. But the Bible is interpreted in a manner that is pleasing to the unrenewed heart, while its solemn and vital truths are made of no effect. ” —The Great Controversy 558.1
  • 121. SPIRITUALISM “Love is dwelt upon as the chief attribute of God, but it is degraded to a weak sentimentalism, making little distinction between good and evil. God's justice, His denunciations of sin, the requirements of His holy law, are all kept out of sight. The people are taught to regard the Decalogue as a dead letter.” —The Great Controversy 558.1
  • 122. SPIRITUALISM “Pleasing, bewitching fables captivate the senses and lead men to reject the Bible as the foundation of their faith. Christ is as verily denied as before; but Satan has so blinded the eyes of the people that the deception is not discerned.” —The Great Controversy 558.1
  • 123. 1940s “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law ”—Aleister Crowley THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION 1960s “Do your own thing”—Hippies and Yuppies 1980s “Free-Love, Have sex with whoever you want”—Sexual Revolution 2000s “God knows my heart”—Millennials TODAY “DON’T JUDGE ME”—Generation Z
  • 124. SPIRITUALISM “If there were no other evidence of the real character of spiritualism, it should be enough for the Christian that the spirits make no difference between righteousness and sin, between the noblest and purest of the apostles of Christ and the most corrupt of the servants of Satan. ” —The Great Controversy 556.3
  • 125. SPIRITUALISM “By representing the basest of men as in heaven, and highly exalted there, Satan says to the world: “No matter how wicked you are; no matter whether you believe or disbelieve God and the Bible. Live as you please; heaven is your home.” —The Great Controversy 556.3
  • 126. SPIRITUALISM The spiritualist teachers virtually declare: “Everyone that doeth evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and He delighteth in them; or, Where is the God of judgment?” Malachi 2:17. Saith the word of God: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness.” Isaiah 5:20. —The Great Controversy 556.3