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A Biblical ,Medical ,Scientific and Historical View
-Antonio Bernard

Part 1
“When the religion of Christ is most held in contempt, when his law is
most despised, then should our zeal be the warmest and our courage
the most unflinching. To STAND in DEFENCE of TRUTH and
this will be our test.” RH January 11, 1887, par. 2
“At this time we must gather WARMTH from
the COLDNESS of others, COURAGE from
their COWARDICE, and LOYALTY from
their TREASON . The nation will be on
the side of the great rebel leader.”
RH January 11, 1887, par. 2

Dr. Joseph
Daniel Unwin
Pitirim Sorokin
Dr. Carle
Arnold Toynbee
A Storm of Wickedness is Raging Across America
“There is a storm raging across America. Alcoholism, drug abuse, teen pregnancy,
abortion, homosexuality, school violence, child abuse, pornography, rape, robbery
and murder pervade our nation. America is drowning in wickedness and immorality. By all
measures, this storm threatens to erode the moral and political foundations of America.”
Atheism’s Assault...
“From the rise of divorce, the breakdown of the family and the re-definition of marriage itself, to the rampant
increase of internet pornography and the growing danger of pedophilia, we are witnessing American culture
fragment at an alarming rate. Why has there been such an outbreak of sexually deviant and sexually destructive
acts? Why can we not pull ourselves together as a nation and rise above this unraveling of our moral fabric?
What will the future hold if we cannot reverse this trend and right our world?"

--- The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or
The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
“I think we can find some answers in Dr. Unwin’s work, even though it was
written two generations ago. Like a prophet on the biblical stage, Unwin’s
message rings out to us today. Will we heed his words and find healing or will
we continue our race to the ocean, lemming-like and filled with fury and
futility? It is time for a change of direction"

--- The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or
The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
“If the British anthropologist J.D. Unwin is correct in his assessment of society, this
present generation in the Western world may be the last one. In his book, Sex and
Culture, professor Unwin studied 80 “uncivilized” cultures and compared his results
with 16 “civilized” cultures extending over the last 4,000 years."

--- The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or
The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
“He found that when strict heterosexual monogamy was practiced the society attained its greatest cultural energy,
especially in the Arts, Sciences and Technology; but as people rebelled against the prohibitions placed upon them and
demanded more sexual opportunities, there was a consequent loss of their creative energy which resulted in the
decline and eventual destruction of the civilization. Remarkably, He did not find any exception to this trend.” 

--The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
“Dr. Unwin concluded that the fabric that holds a society together is sexual in nature. When life-
long heterosexual monogamous relationship is practiced, the focus is on the nurture of the family
and energy is expended to protect, plan for and build up the individual family unit. This extends to
the entire society and produces a strong society focused on preserving the strength of the family. ” 

--The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
“However, He found that when sexual opportunities opened the door to pre-marital, post-marital and homosexual
relationships, the social energy always dissipated as the individual focused more on self-gratification rather than
societal good. In the end, the energy level reached such a low point that destruction from within, through anarchy, or
destruction from without, through despotism or from an invading force with greater social energy, was inevitable ” 

--The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
“…and I found in my study that history is cyclic, and
everywhere in the world you find this pattern in ancient
times: that as a culture begins to decline, you have an
efflorescence (flowering) of transgender phenomena.
This is a symptom of cultural collapse.”

-S. Dorman, “Paglia: ‘Transgender Mania’ is a Symptom of West’s
Cultural Collapse,” (Nov. 3, 2015).
The Transgender
“When the traditional family values of a nation or society
begins to breakdown, moral decay rapidly follows ”

“ The Greek myth, as Plato (d. 348/347) presents it in the
symposium, looks different: Our natural makeup now is
different from what it once was. Originally there were three
kinds of complete human beings, spherical creatures,
some consisting of a man and a man, others of a woman
and a woman, and finally the heterosexual ones made up of
a man and a woman. As a punishment from the gods these
spherical humans were sliced in half. The Greek myth
speaks of the heterosexual half with scorn... .”
Page 321-323
HOMOSEXUALITY“ After a brief reference to lesbians, the myth got on to speak
of ‘those who are parts of a whole man’ and thus ‘pusue
males…such boys and youth are the very best f their kind,
being by nature the most manly.’ So the practice described
as an unnatural vice by Christianity, which has sent many
homosexuals to the stake in the course of its history , is
characterised by Greek myth as natural. Celibatarian
churchmen ‘averse to marriage and procreation’ would have
been regarded by the Greeks as classic examples of the
homosexual species.”
Page 321-323
“Then certain philosophers of the
Epicureans, and of the Stoics,
encountered him.”
The Epicureans derived their name
from Epicurus, who lived about 300
years before Christ. “They denied that
the world was created by God, and that
the gods exercised any care or
providence over human affairs, and
also the immortality of the soul.
[They denied all future existence.].”
SITI September 20, 1883, p. 413.10
{ E. J. Waggoner, The Signs of the Times,September 20, 1883, p. 413.10.}
“One of the distinguishing doctrines of
Epicurus was that pleasure was the
summum bonum, or chief good, and
that virtue was to be practiced only as it
contributed to pleasure.” It is easy to see
to what practices such doctrines would lead.
The Stoics believed that the universe
was created by God, but that all things
were fixed by fate; that even God was
under the dominion of fate.” SITI
September 20, 1883, p. 413.10
{ E. J. Waggoner,The Signs of the Times,September 20, 1883, p. 413.10.}
“The gratification of the sensual
appetites, and of the most unnatural
lusts, was openly taught and allowed.
Aristippus maintained that it was lawful
for a wise man to steal, commit adultery,
and sacrilege, when opportunity offered;
for that none of these actions were
naturally evil, setting aside the vulgar
opinion, which was introduced by silly
and illiterate people; and that a wise man
might publicly gratify his libidinous
propensities.” FACC 14.1
"In classical antiquity, writers such as Herodotus,[1] Plato,[2] Xenophon,[3]
Athenaeus[4] and many others explored aspects of homosexuality in
Greece. The most widespread and socially significant form of same-sex
sexual relations in ancient Greece was between adult men and
pubescent or adolescent boys, known as pederasty..."
Tatian suggests that even the pagans may have endorsed the Christian
program, the citizens of Rome excepted: ‘Pederasty is condemned by the
barbarians. however, by the Romans it is honored with certain
privileges. In fact, they try to collect herds of boys, like grazing horses.”
Athenagoras professes shock at various pagan excesses: ‘They
do not abstain even from males, males with males committing
shocking abominations, outraging all the noblest and
comeliest bodies in all sorts of ways.’
“Homosexuality in Greece and Rome”
“In ancient Greece and Rome (as we saw in chapter 2),
male-male sex was considered morally acceptable when
it involved a higher-status male dominating a lower-
status male. To be the receptive partner was considered
a sign of humiliation. Same-sex relationships were
thus a way to prove one’s virility.”
“Homosexuality in Greece and Rome”
“Women were, after all, already a lower caste. But
penetration of another male was a means of
subjugating him, of dishonoring his maleness by
treating him as a female, thereby demonstrating
one’s own superiority. As a result, writes Sarah
Ruden, “society pressured a man into sexual
brutality toward other males.”
“Homosexuality in Greece and Rome”
“Greek and Roman men, in
public, would threaten bitter
enemies with rape.”
“Homosexuality in Greece and Rome”
Parents had to guard their sons carefully. Ruden
describes a father hovering around his son’s workplace,
concerned to protect him from seduction or abduction.
It was also normal, she writes, “for a family of any
standing to dedicate one slave to a son’s protection,
especially on the otherwise unsupervised walk
to and from school.”
“Homosexuality in Greece and Rome”
“household slaves normally were less respected as
outlets for bodily functions than were the
household toilets, and that a sanctioned role of
slave boys was anal sex with free adults.”
“Homosexuality in Greece and Rome”
“Ancient culture thus gives a concrete
historical example of the social chaos that
results when sexuality is untethered from
marriage and family.”
“Homosexuality in Greece and Rome”
In the ancient world, virtually no sexual activity
was considered immoral in itself, as long as it was
practiced in “moderation.” The early church had to
muster the courage to stand against a culture in
which there were few limits on sexual behavior.
“Homosexuality in Greece and Rome”
From the beginning, Christians have not defended
“traditional values.” They have stood for truth against
prevailing cultural norms.The early church may have
been “on the wrong side of history.” But that’s
why it changed history.”
“Professor Westermarck has observed that 'among the Greeks of early days marriage was
evidently a union of great stability, although in later times it became extremely easy and
frequent'. That, indeed, is the gist of the matter, but the significant fact is that each separate
group of Hellenes was energetic while it preserved its rigorous customs and that, after its
sexual opportunity had been extended, each group rapidly declined.”
“When first they appeared in the historical arena, the Hellenes were
absolutely monogamous. Marriage was a lifelong union, contracted
for the supply of legitimate offspring of the male blood. It was only
by the procreation of legitimate children that the tradition and
ritual of the domestic hearth could be perpetuated.”
“The Achaeans flourished, and then declined, as the Cretans had flourished, and
then declined. Later the Athenians displayed an even greater energy; in their turn
they flourished, and then declined. In each case, as time went on, the method of
regulating the relations between the sexes was altered; the position of women in
any group at any time was a reflection of the method which prevailed at
that time. ….'the Greeks' the position of women deteriorated.”
“By the end of the fifth century, however, the old customs had disappeared,
the sexual opportunity of both sexes being extended. There was no compulsory
continence; sexual desires could be satisfied in a direct manner ,Divorce became easy
and common; paederasty appeared; the men possessed mistresses as well as wives; the
women broke bounds, con-soling themselves with both wine and clandestine love-affairs.
The energy of the Athenians declined. Three generations later the once vigorous city, torn
by dissension, was subject to a foreign master.” -SEX AND CULTURE BY J. D. UNWIN, M.C., Ph.D.
Ben Carson: Gay Marriage To Blame For
‘Dramatic Fall of the Roman Empire’

“As a Bible-believing Christian,
you might imagine that I would not
be a proponent of gay marriage,”
Carson wrote in his book, America
the Beautiful.
Ben Carson: Gay Marriage To Blame For
‘Dramatic Fall of the Roman Empire’

“I believe God loves homosexuals as much
as he loves everyone, but if we can redefine
marriage as between two men or two
women or any other way based on social
pressures as opposed to between a man
and a woman, we will continue to redefine
it in any way that we wish, which is a
slippery slope with a disastrous ending,
as witnessed in the dramatic fall of the
Roman Empire.”
“Gay marriage was—surprise!—alive and well in Rome, celebrated even and
especially by select emperors, a spin-off of the general cultural affirmation of
Roman homosexuality. Gay marriage was, along with homosexuality, something the
first Christians faced as part of the pagan moral darkness of their time.”
Gay Marriage and Homosexuality were part of Moral Landscape in Ancient Rome
“What Christians are fighting against today, then, is not yet another sexual
innovation peculiar to our “enlightened age,” but the return to pre-Christian, pagan
sexual morality. So, what was happening in ancient Rome? Homosexuality was just
as widespread among the Romans as it was among the Greeks (a sign of which is
that it was condoned even by the stolid Stoics). ”
Gay Marriage and Homosexuality were part of Moral Landscape in Ancient Rome
“The Romans had adopted the pederasty of the Greeks (aimed, generally, at boys
between the ages of 12 to 18). There was nothing shameful about such sexual
relations among Romans, if the boy was not freeborn. Slaves, both male and female,
were considered property, and that included sexual property.But the Romans also
extended homosexuality to adult men, even adult free men.”
Gay Marriage and Homosexuality were part of Moral Landscape in Ancient Rome
“Both concubinage and prostitution were completely acceptable; pornography and
sexually explicit entertainment and speech were entirely normalized; the provision
of sex by both male and female slaves was considered a duty by masters”
Gay Marriage and Homosexuality were part of Moral Landscape in Ancient Rome
“Romans generally tolerated a wide variety of sexual practices.
Prostitution, concubinage, masturbation, and homosexual
relations all carried no social or moral opprobrium”
(Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe by Brundage , p. 44). ”
However, perhaps the most concrete evidence of the early
Roman Empire’s tolerance of homosexuality comes from the
written law. In the early Empire, same-sex relations were
definitely legal; institutionalized same-sex relationships were
actually becoming more common just as long-term, different-sex
marriages were growing in popularity.
“By the time of the early Empire...many homosexual relationships
were permanent and exclusive. Among the lower classes informal
unions like that of Giton and Encolpius may have predominated, but
marriages between males or between females were legal and
familiar among the upper classes...[B]y the time of the early
Empire references to gay marriages are commonplace.”
( Christians, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality by Boswell ,p.82)
“The biographer of Elagabalus maintains that after the
emperor’s marriage to an athlete from Smyrna, any male who
wished to advance at the imperial court either had to have a
husband or pretend that he did...marriage took place under the
same law that regulated marriage between men and women”
( Christians, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality by Boswell ,p.82)
“Thus, same-sex marriages were legal and commonplace across
social classes prior to the emergence of Christianity in the Roman
Empire. Strict distinctions between how the genders were treated,
as well as the overt repression of homosexual relationships were
conspicuously absent in the early Roman Empire. Boswell even
provides a comprehensive statement that”
( Christians, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality by Boswell ,p.87)
“...Roman society was strikingly different from the nations which
eventually grew out of it in that none of its laws, strictures, or
taboos regulating love or sexuality was intended to penalize gay
people or their people were in a strict sense a
minority, but neither they nor their contemporaries regarded their
inclinations as harmful, bizarre, immoral, or threatening...”
( Christians, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality by Boswell ,p.87)
at Athens and Rome patosraotia [sodomy] was a very common and habitual
thing, needs no proof to one who has read the Greek and Latin classics,
especially the amatory poets, to any considerable extent. Plutarch tells us
that Solon practiced it; and Diogenes Laertius says the same of the stoic
Zeno. Need we be surprised, then, if the same horrible vice was frequent in
the more barbarous parts of Greece and the Roman Empire?” FACC 11.1
“It is of such depravity as this that the apostle accuses the heathen. And
justly; for even their philosophers and the best educated among them, stood
chargeable with such an accusation. For example; both the Epicureans and
the Stoics allowed and defended patosraotia [sodomy] and incest,
numbering these horrid crimes…FACC 13.2
This was the state of morals, not alone of the lower, uneducated classes, but
of the philosophers,—those who instructed the youth in “virtue.” FACC 14.1
Thus theft, as is well known, was permitted in Egypt and in Sparta; Plato taught the
expediency and lawfulness of exposing children in particular cases; and Aristotle, also, of
abortion. The exposure of infants, and the putting to death of children who were weak or
imperfect in form, was allowed at Sparta by Lycurgus; at Athens, the great seat and
nursery of philosophers, the women were treated and disposed of as slaves, and it was
enacted that ‘infants, which appeared to be maimed, should either be killed or exposed;’
and that ‘the Athenians might lawfully invade and enslave any people, who, in their
opinion, were fit to be made slaves.’ ” FACC 14.1
The infamous traffic in human blood was permitted to its utmost extent; and,
on certain occasions, the owners of slaves had full permission to kill them....
Customary swearing was commended, if not by the precepts, yet by the
example of the best moralists among the heathen philosophers, particularly
Socrates, Plato, Seneca, and the Emperor Julian....” FACC 14.1
Nevertheless it is a fact that the nations did forget God; and Romans 1:22-32 is an
accurate description of their condition in consequence. The truthfulness of this
description is attested by the heathen themselves. They deified the most profligate
men and women, and worshiped vice instead of virtue. Their gods were male and
female, and mythology, i. e., the history of the gods, is little else than a record of
licentiousness. The Baal and Ashtoreth of the Canaanites, were the Jupiter and
Venus of the Romans and Greeks, and every heathen nation had gods
corresponding to them. ” FACC 10.2
The temples erected to them were magnificent brothels, and their
priestesses were prostitutes. Licentiousness was not simply allowed, but
it was commanded as an act of religion. Among the Babylonians it is said
that, “once at least in her life, every woman was obliged to prostitute
herself in the temple of Bel.”—American Cyclopedia, art. Babylon.
Heathenism “had made lust into a religion, and the worship of its gods a
school of vice, penetrating all classes of society.” FACC 10.2
“The imputation is, that in apostatizing from the true God, and betaking
themselves to the worship of idols, they had at the same time been the devoted
slaves of lust; which indeed seems here also, by implication, to be assigned as
the reason or ground of their apostasy. Everyone knows, moreover, that among
almost all the various forms of heathenism, impurity has been either a direct or
indirect service in its pretended religious duties. Witness the shocking law
among the Babylonians, that every woman should prostitute herself, at least
once, before the shrine of their Venus. ” FACC 12.1
“It is needless to say, that the worshipers of Venus in Greece and Rome
practiced such rites; or that the mysteries of heathenism, of which Paul
says ‘it is a shame even to speak,’ allowed a still greater latitude of
indulgence. Nor is it necessary to describe the obscene and bloody rites
practiced in Hindostan, in the South Sea and the Sandwich Islands, and
generally among the heathen. Polytheism and idolatry have nearly
always been a religion of obscenity and blood.” FACC 12.1
“It is imperative to note that in Greek mythology, it is believed that ―the cult of
‘Aphroditus’ worshippers cross-dressed; men wore women's clothing and women
dressed in men's clothing with false beards.This god is the ―combination of the
male and female characteristics ―in one divinity and being associated with the
moon, both of which were considered to have fertilizing powers, was regarded as
having an influence over the entire animal and vegetable creation.”
Freese, John Henry (1911). "Aphrodite". In Chisholm, Hugh. Encyclopædia Britannica 2 (11th ed.). Cambridge
University Press. p. 166. . (quoted from
“The androgyne, the
homosexual, the pervert
had a symbolic value and
were considered in ancient
civilization to be privileged
of the ardhanarishvara”
-THE PHALLUS: Sacred Symbol of Male Creative
Power by Alain Danielou
“The practice of homosexuality in the Roman Empire had
increased during the early years until the Romans accepted and
adopted the pederasty of the Greeks (fornication with boys ages
12 to 18). Though at first the acts were considered acceptable
only if the boy was a slave, the Romans eventually extended their
tolerance of homosexual acts to adult men, both free and slave.
Same-sex marriage, once unthinkable, was not far behind.”
-Nero and Roman Emperors Partook in Same-Sex "Marriage": Depraved Practices
Were Banned by Theodosian Code, By Craig Turner http:// ,March 25, 2013
“In A.D. 67 Nero ordered Sporus, a free man, to be castrated
and then married to him. He allowed the boy to take the role of
"bride" while Nero played the "groom." After extravagant public
ceremonies that were celebrated in both Greece and Rome,
they lived together as supposed "husband" and "wife."
-Nero and Roman Emperors Partook in Same-Sex "Marriage": Depraved Practices
Were Banned by Theodosian Code, By Craig Turner http:// ,March 25, 2013
According to Tacitus, Nero engaged in "every filthy, depraved
act, licit or illicit." During his reign he captured Christians and,
after fixing them to stakes, burned them in his garden at night
for a source of light. He is known for numerous brutal
executions, including that of his own mother. He
committed suicide in June of 68.”
-Nero and Roman Emperors Partook in Same-Sex "Marriage": Depraved Practices
Were Banned by Theodosian Code, By Craig Turner http:// ,March 25, 2013
Another emperor who "married" men was Elagabalus, who
ascended the throne in A.D. 218 after a substantial bribe was
offered by his powerful grandmother. He married a total of five
women. The second marriage was consummated after
he had his bride's previous husband executed.
-Nero and Roman Emperors Partook in Same-Sex "Marriage": Depraved Practices
Were Banned by Theodosian Code, By Craig Turner http:// ,March 25, 2013
“His desires for his wives, however, were muted in comparison with
his liking for men and boys. Elagabalus himself preferred to be the
woman in the relationship, having the hairs plucked from his body to
simulate femininity while at the same time wearing a wig and
applying makeup. He is reputed to have offered his physician large
sums of money if the doctor could change him into a woman.”
-Nero and Roman Emperors Partook in Same-Sex "Marriage": Depraved Practices Were Banned by
Theodosian Code, By Craig Turner ,March 25, 2013
Historians have always acknowledged that the
gradual normalisation of homosexuality within the
Roman Empire was a sign of its moray decay.
“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

— Proverbs 14:34  
“My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are
righteousness.”— Psalm 119:172 
CHRISTIANITY & MARRIAGE ?When Judaism demanded that all sexual activity be channeled into marriage,
it changed the world. The BIBLE’s prohibition of non-marital sex quite
simply made the creation of Western civilization possible.
“Societies that did not place boundaries around sexuality were stymied in their
development. The subsequent dominance of the Western world can largely be
attributed to the sexual revolution initiated by Judaism and later carried forward by
Christianity. This revolution consisted of forcing the sexual genie into the marital
bottle. It ensured that sex no longer dominated society, heightened male-female love
and sexuality (and thereby almost alone created the possibility of love and eroticism
within marriage), and began the arduous task of elevating the status of women.” 

- Judaism's Sexual Revolution: Why Judaism Rejected Homosexuality ,DENNIS PRAGER
“It is probably impossible for us, who live thousands of years after Judaism began
this process, to perceive the extent to which undisciplined sex can dominate
man's life and the life of society. Throughout the ancient world, and up to the
recent past in many parts of the world, sexuality infused virtually all of society. ” 

- Judaism's Sexual Revolution: Why Judaism Rejected Homosexuality ,DENNIS PRAGER
“Human sexuality, especially male sexuality, is polymorphous, or utterly wild (far
more so than animal sexuality). Men have had sex with women and with men; with
little girls and young boys; with a single partner and in large groups; with total
strangers and immediate family members; and with a variety of domesticated animals.
They have achieved orgasm with inanimate objects such as leather, shoes, and other
pieces of clothing, through urinating and defecating on each other (interested readers
can see a photograph of the former at select art museums exhibiting the works of the
photographer Robert Mapplethorpe); by dressing in women's garments;…”

- Judaism's Sexual Revolution: Why Judaism Rejected Homosexuality ,DENNIS PRAGER
“…by watching other human beings being tortured; by fondling children of either sex;
by listening to a woman's disembodied voice (e.g., "phone sex"); and, of course, by
looking at pictures of bodies or parts of bodies. There is little, animate or inanimate,
that has not excited some men to orgasm. Of course, not all of these practices have
been condoned by societies — parent-child incest and seducing another's man's wife
have rarely been countenanced — but many have, and all illustrate what the
unchanneled, or in Freudian terms, the "un-sublimated," sex drive can lead to.”

- Judaism's Sexual Revolution: Why Judaism Rejected Homosexuality ,DENNIS PRAGER
Among the consequences of the unchanneled sex drive is the sexualization
of everything — including religion. Unless the sex drive is appropriately
harnessed (not squelched — which leads to its own destructive
consequences), higher religion could not have developed. Thus, the first thing
Judaism did was to de-sexualize God: "In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth" by his will, not through any sexual behavior.
This was an utterly radical break with all other religions, and it alone
changed human history. The gods of virtually all civilizations engaged in
sexual relations. In the Near East, the Babylonian god Ishtar seduced a
man, Gilgamesh, the Babylonian hero. In Egyptian religion, the god Osiris
had sexual relations with his sister, the goddess Isis, and she conceived
the god Horus. In Canaan, El, the chief god, had sex with Asherah.
In Hindu belief, the god Krishna was sexually active, having had many
wives and pursuing Radha; the god Samba, son of Krishna, seduced
mortal women and men. In Greek beliefs, Zeus married Hera, chased
women, abducted the beautiful young male, Ganymede, and masturbated
at other times; Poseidon married Amphitrite, pursued Demeter, and raped
Tantalus. In Rome, the gods sexually pursued both men and women.
The subsequent dominance of the Western world can largely be attributed to the
sexual revolution initiated by Judaism and later carried forward by Christianity.
This revolution consisted of forcing the sexual genie into the marital bottle. Given
the sexual activity of the gods, it is not surprising that the religions themselves
were replete with all forms of sexual activity. In the ancient Near Fast and
elsewhere, virgins were deflowered by priests prior to engaging in relations with
their husbands, and sacred or ritual prostitution was almost universal.
Psychiatrist and sexual historian Norman Sussman describes the situation thus:
"Male and female prostitutes, serving temporarily or permanently and performing
heterosexual, homosexual oral-genital, bestial, and other forms of sexual
activities, dispense their favors in behalf of the temple." Throughout the ancient
Near East, from very early times, anal intercourse formed a part of goddess
worship. In ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Canaan, annual ceremonial
intercourse took place between the king and a priestess.
Women prostitutes had intercourse with male worshippers in the sanctuaries and
temples of ancient Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Cyprus, Corinth, Carthage, Sicily,
Egypt, Libya, West Africa, and ancient and modern India. In ancient Israel itself,
there were repeated attempts to re-introduce temple prostitution, resulting in
repeated Jewish wars against cultic sex.
In India until this century, certain Hindu cults have required intercourse
between monks and nuns, and wives would have intercourse with priests who
represent the god. Until it was made illegal in 1948, when India gained
independence, Hindu temples in many parts of India had both women and boy
prostitutes. In the fourteenth century, the Chinese found homosexual Tibetan
religious rites practiced at the court of a Mongol emperor. In Sri Lanka through
this century, Buddhist worship of the goddess Pattini has involved priests
dressed as women, and the consort of the goddess is symbolically castrated.
The Bible records that the Judean king Asa "put away the qdeshim
[temple male prostitutes] out of the land"; that his successor, Jehosaphat
“put away out of the land ...the remnant of the qdeshim that remained in
the days of his father Asa"; and that later, King Josiah, in his religious
reforms, "broke down the houses of the qdeshim."
“The Blessing of Monogamy”
As columnist Rod Dreher writes, “Christianity, as
articulated by Paul, worked a cultural revolution,
restraining and channeling male eros, elevating the status
of both women and of the human body, and infusing
marriage—and marital sexuality—with love.”
“To Each His Own”
Christianity was radical because it channeled male
sexual desire into marriage as the only acceptable outlet.
“Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage
bed kept pure” (Heb. 13:4). As a consequence,
Christianity greatly elevated the status of women while
protecting everyone else from being treated as fair game
for sexual seduction or predation.
“To Each His Own”
The principle is enshrined in the Ten Commandments:
“You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife” (Exod. 20:17)
—or his slaves or his children or himself.”
“Judaism placed controls on sexual activity. It
could no longer dominate religion and social life.
It was to be sanctified — which in Hebrew means
"separated" — from the world and placed in the
home, in the bed of husband and wife.”
“ Judaism's restricting of sexual
behavior was one of the essential
elements that enabled society to
progress. Along with ethical
monotheism, the revolution begun
by the Torah when it declared war
on the sexual practices of the
world wrought the most far-
reaching changes in history.” 

- Judaism's Sexual Revolution: Why Judaism Rejected Homosexuality ,DENNIS PRAGER
“Dr. Unwin concluded that the fabric that holds a society together is sexual in nature. When life-
long heterosexual monogamous relationship is practiced, the focus is on the nurture of the family
and energy is expended to protect, plan for and build up the individual family unit. This extends to
the entire society and produces a strong society focused on preserving the strength of the family. ” 

--The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
“He found that when strict heterosexual monogamy was practiced the society attained its greatest cultural energy,
especially in the Arts, Sciences and Technology; but as people rebelled against the prohibitions placed upon them and
demanded more sexual opportunities, there was a consequent loss of their creative energy which resulted in the
decline and eventual destruction of the civilization. Remarkably, He did not find any exception to this trend.” 

--The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
“However, He found that when sexual opportunities opened the door to pre-marital, post-marital
and homosexual relationships, the social energy always dissipated as the individual focused more
on self-gratification rather than societal good. In the end, the energy level reached such a low
point that destruction from within, through anarchy, or destruction from without, through
despotism or from an invading force with greater social energy, was inevitable ” 

--The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
“When Marriage has received Christ's blessing, and it is to be regarded as a sacred
institution. True religion does not counterwork the Lord's plans. God ordained that
man and woman should be united in holy wedlock, to raise up families that, crowned
with honour, would be symbols of the family in heaven. And at the beginning of His
public ministry Christ gave His decided sanction to the institution that
had been sanctioned in Eden.” -BEcho August 28, 1899, par.
“Thus He declared to all that He will not refuse His presence on
marriage occasions, and that marriage, when joined with purity and
holiness, truth and righteousness, is one of the greatest blessings
ever given to the human family.” -BEcho August 28, 1899, par.
“Priests and popes have made laws forbidding people to marry, and secluding them in
monasteries. These laws and restrictions were devised by Satan to place men and women
in unnatural positions. Thus Satan has tempted human beings to disregard the law of
marriage as a thing unholy, but at the same time he has opened the door for the
indulgence of human passion. Thus have come into existence some of the greatest evils
which curse our world,—adultery, fornication, and the murder of innocent
children born out of wedlock.” -BEcho August 28, 1899, par.
A Storm of Wickedness is Raging Across the World
“It should not take us by surprise that abortion is now the new normal. With a
rise in Feminism, transgenderism ,Homosexual and destruction of the biblical
Christian view of marriage and the family, abortion was inevitable.”
'Promiscuous intercourse between the sexes allowed for abortion to become inevitable'. Why raise a
child when all you wanted was just sex thus If a girl became pregnant before marriage she was
encouraged to employ some method of abortion. No social condemnation, however, was incurred either
by the father or by the mother of the child, and promiscuous intercourses before marriage was
permitted in ancients cultures before their final collapses take for example the licentiousness of the
greeks and the Romans. Hence as there is a rise in Feminism, Transgenderism ,Homosexuality and a
destruction of the biblical view of marriage and the family, abortion will inevitable follow.
Part 1
-Antonio Bernard ,

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1.The LGBT Movement - Homosexuality Impact on Sex and Culture

  • 1. A Biblical ,Medical ,Scientific and Historical View -Antonio Bernard THE LGBT MOVEMENT Part 1
  • 2.
  • 3. “When the religion of Christ is most held in contempt, when his law is most despised, then should our zeal be the warmest and our courage the most unflinching. To STAND in DEFENCE of TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS when the MAJORITY FORSAKES US , to FIGHT the BATTLES of the LORD when CHAMPIONS ARE FEW ,— this will be our test.” RH January 11, 1887, par. 2
  • 4. “At this time we must gather WARMTH from the COLDNESS of others, COURAGE from their COWARDICE, and LOYALTY from their TREASON . The nation will be on the side of the great rebel leader.” RH January 11, 1887, par. 2
  • 5.
  • 6. SEX AND CULTURE FAMILY BREAK DOWN AND THE DECLINE OF CIVILIZATION Dr. Joseph Daniel Unwin Pitirim Sorokin Dr. Carle Zimmerman Arnold Toynbee
  • 7.
  • 8. A Storm of Wickedness is Raging Across America “There is a storm raging across America. Alcoholism, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, abortion, homosexuality, school violence, child abuse, pornography, rape, robbery and murder pervade our nation. America is drowning in wickedness and immorality. By all measures, this storm threatens to erode the moral and political foundations of America.”
  • 9. Atheism’s Assault... “From the rise of divorce, the breakdown of the family and the re-definition of marriage itself, to the rampant increase of internet pornography and the growing danger of pedophilia, we are witnessing American culture fragment at an alarming rate. Why has there been such an outbreak of sexually deviant and sexually destructive acts? Why can we not pull ourselves together as a nation and rise above this unraveling of our moral fabric? What will the future hold if we cannot reverse this trend and right our world?" --- The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
  • 10. “I think we can find some answers in Dr. Unwin’s work, even though it was written two generations ago. Like a prophet on the biblical stage, Unwin’s message rings out to us today. Will we heed his words and find healing or will we continue our race to the ocean, lemming-like and filled with fury and futility? It is time for a change of direction" --- The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
  • 11. “If the British anthropologist J.D. Unwin is correct in his assessment of society, this present generation in the Western world may be the last one. In his book, Sex and Culture, professor Unwin studied 80 “uncivilized” cultures and compared his results with 16 “civilized” cultures extending over the last 4,000 years." --- The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
  • 12. SEX AND CULTURE “He found that when strict heterosexual monogamy was practiced the society attained its greatest cultural energy, especially in the Arts, Sciences and Technology; but as people rebelled against the prohibitions placed upon them and demanded more sexual opportunities, there was a consequent loss of their creative energy which resulted in the decline and eventual destruction of the civilization. Remarkably, He did not find any exception to this trend.” --The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
  • 13. SEX AND CULTURE “Dr. Unwin concluded that the fabric that holds a society together is sexual in nature. When life- long heterosexual monogamous relationship is practiced, the focus is on the nurture of the family and energy is expended to protect, plan for and build up the individual family unit. This extends to the entire society and produces a strong society focused on preserving the strength of the family. ” --The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
  • 14. SEX AND CULTURE “However, He found that when sexual opportunities opened the door to pre-marital, post-marital and homosexual relationships, the social energy always dissipated as the individual focused more on self-gratification rather than societal good. In the end, the energy level reached such a low point that destruction from within, through anarchy, or destruction from without, through despotism or from an invading force with greater social energy, was inevitable ” --The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
  • 15.
  • 16. “…and I found in my study that history is cyclic, and everywhere in the world you find this pattern in ancient times: that as a culture begins to decline, you have an efflorescence (flowering) of transgender phenomena. This is a symptom of cultural collapse.”
 -S. Dorman, “Paglia: ‘Transgender Mania’ is a Symptom of West’s Cultural Collapse,” (Nov. 3, 2015). The Transgender Revolution
  • 17. “When the traditional family values of a nation or society begins to breakdown, moral decay rapidly follows ” — SEX AND CULTURE
  • 18. HOMOSEXUALITY “ The Greek myth, as Plato (d. 348/347) presents it in the symposium, looks different: Our natural makeup now is different from what it once was. Originally there were three kinds of complete human beings, spherical creatures, some consisting of a man and a man, others of a woman and a woman, and finally the heterosexual ones made up of a man and a woman. As a punishment from the gods these spherical humans were sliced in half. The Greek myth speaks of the heterosexual half with scorn... .” Page 321-323 PLATO
  • 19. HOMOSEXUALITY“ After a brief reference to lesbians, the myth got on to speak of ‘those who are parts of a whole man’ and thus ‘pusue males…such boys and youth are the very best f their kind, being by nature the most manly.’ So the practice described as an unnatural vice by Christianity, which has sent many homosexuals to the stake in the course of its history , is characterised by Greek myth as natural. Celibatarian churchmen ‘averse to marriage and procreation’ would have been regarded by the Greeks as classic examples of the homosexual species.” Page 321-323 PLATO
  • 20. “Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoics, encountered him.” The Epicureans derived their name from Epicurus, who lived about 300 years before Christ. “They denied that the world was created by God, and that the gods exercised any care or providence over human affairs, and also the immortality of the soul. [They denied all future existence.].” SITI September 20, 1883, p. 413.10 { E. J. Waggoner, The Signs of the Times,September 20, 1883, p. 413.10.}
  • 21. “One of the distinguishing doctrines of Epicurus was that pleasure was the summum bonum, or chief good, and that virtue was to be practiced only as it contributed to pleasure.” It is easy to see to what practices such doctrines would lead. The Stoics believed that the universe was created by God, but that all things were fixed by fate; that even God was under the dominion of fate.” SITI September 20, 1883, p. 413.10 { E. J. Waggoner,The Signs of the Times,September 20, 1883, p. 413.10.}
  • 22. “The gratification of the sensual appetites, and of the most unnatural lusts, was openly taught and allowed. Aristippus maintained that it was lawful for a wise man to steal, commit adultery, and sacrilege, when opportunity offered; for that none of these actions were naturally evil, setting aside the vulgar opinion, which was introduced by silly and illiterate people; and that a wise man might publicly gratify his libidinous propensities.” FACC 14.1
  • 23. "In classical antiquity, writers such as Herodotus,[1] Plato,[2] Xenophon,[3] Athenaeus[4] and many others explored aspects of homosexuality in Greece. The most widespread and socially significant form of same-sex sexual relations in ancient Greece was between adult men and pubescent or adolescent boys, known as pederasty..."
  • 24. Tatian suggests that even the pagans may have endorsed the Christian program, the citizens of Rome excepted: ‘Pederasty is condemned by the barbarians. however, by the Romans it is honored with certain privileges. In fact, they try to collect herds of boys, like grazing horses.”
  • 25. Athenagoras professes shock at various pagan excesses: ‘They do not abstain even from males, males with males committing shocking abominations, outraging all the noblest and comeliest bodies in all sorts of ways.’
  • 26. “Homosexuality in Greece and Rome” “In ancient Greece and Rome (as we saw in chapter 2), male-male sex was considered morally acceptable when it involved a higher-status male dominating a lower- status male. To be the receptive partner was considered a sign of humiliation. Same-sex relationships were thus a way to prove one’s virility.”
  • 27. “Homosexuality in Greece and Rome” “Women were, after all, already a lower caste. But penetration of another male was a means of subjugating him, of dishonoring his maleness by treating him as a female, thereby demonstrating one’s own superiority. As a result, writes Sarah Ruden, “society pressured a man into sexual brutality toward other males.”
  • 28. “Homosexuality in Greece and Rome” “Greek and Roman men, in public, would threaten bitter enemies with rape.”
  • 29. “Homosexuality in Greece and Rome” Parents had to guard their sons carefully. Ruden describes a father hovering around his son’s workplace, concerned to protect him from seduction or abduction. It was also normal, she writes, “for a family of any standing to dedicate one slave to a son’s protection, especially on the otherwise unsupervised walk to and from school.”
  • 30. “Homosexuality in Greece and Rome” “household slaves normally were less respected as outlets for bodily functions than were the household toilets, and that a sanctioned role of slave boys was anal sex with free adults.”
  • 31. “Homosexuality in Greece and Rome” “Ancient culture thus gives a concrete historical example of the social chaos that results when sexuality is untethered from marriage and family.”
  • 32. “Homosexuality in Greece and Rome” In the ancient world, virtually no sexual activity was considered immoral in itself, as long as it was practiced in “moderation.” The early church had to muster the courage to stand against a culture in which there were few limits on sexual behavior.
  • 33. “Homosexuality in Greece and Rome” From the beginning, Christians have not defended “traditional values.” They have stood for truth against prevailing cultural norms.The early church may have been “on the wrong side of history.” But that’s why it changed history.”
  • 34. “Professor Westermarck has observed that 'among the Greeks of early days marriage was evidently a union of great stability, although in later times it became extremely easy and frequent'. That, indeed, is the gist of the matter, but the significant fact is that each separate group of Hellenes was energetic while it preserved its rigorous customs and that, after its sexual opportunity had been extended, each group rapidly declined.” -SEX AND CULTURE BY J. D. UNWIN, M.C., Ph.D.
  • 35. “When first they appeared in the historical arena, the Hellenes were absolutely monogamous. Marriage was a lifelong union, contracted for the supply of legitimate offspring of the male blood. It was only by the procreation of legitimate children that the tradition and ritual of the domestic hearth could be perpetuated.” -SEX AND CULTURE BY J. D. UNWIN, M.C., Ph.D.
  • 36. “The Achaeans flourished, and then declined, as the Cretans had flourished, and then declined. Later the Athenians displayed an even greater energy; in their turn they flourished, and then declined. In each case, as time went on, the method of regulating the relations between the sexes was altered; the position of women in any group at any time was a reflection of the method which prevailed at that time. ….'the Greeks' the position of women deteriorated.” -SEX AND CULTURE BY J. D. UNWIN, M.C., Ph.D.
  • 37. “By the end of the fifth century, however, the old customs had disappeared, the sexual opportunity of both sexes being extended. There was no compulsory continence; sexual desires could be satisfied in a direct manner ,Divorce became easy and common; paederasty appeared; the men possessed mistresses as well as wives; the women broke bounds, con-soling themselves with both wine and clandestine love-affairs. The energy of the Athenians declined. Three generations later the once vigorous city, torn by dissension, was subject to a foreign master.” -SEX AND CULTURE BY J. D. UNWIN, M.C., Ph.D.
  • 38.
  • 39. Ben Carson: Gay Marriage To Blame For ‘Dramatic Fall of the Roman Empire’ “As a Bible-believing Christian, you might imagine that I would not be a proponent of gay marriage,” Carson wrote in his book, America the Beautiful. not-exactly-edward-gibbon
  • 40. Ben Carson: Gay Marriage To Blame For ‘Dramatic Fall of the Roman Empire’ “I believe God loves homosexuals as much as he loves everyone, but if we can redefine marriage as between two men or two women or any other way based on social pressures as opposed to between a man and a woman, we will continue to redefine it in any way that we wish, which is a slippery slope with a disastrous ending, as witnessed in the dramatic fall of the Roman Empire.” exactly-edward-gibbon
  • 41. PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT “Gay marriage was—surprise!—alive and well in Rome, celebrated even and especially by select emperors, a spin-off of the general cultural affirmation of Roman homosexuality. Gay marriage was, along with homosexuality, something the first Christians faced as part of the pagan moral darkness of their time.” Gay Marriage and Homosexuality were part of Moral Landscape in Ancient Rome
  • 42. PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT “What Christians are fighting against today, then, is not yet another sexual innovation peculiar to our “enlightened age,” but the return to pre-Christian, pagan sexual morality. So, what was happening in ancient Rome? Homosexuality was just as widespread among the Romans as it was among the Greeks (a sign of which is that it was condoned even by the stolid Stoics). ” Gay Marriage and Homosexuality were part of Moral Landscape in Ancient Rome
  • 43. PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT “The Romans had adopted the pederasty of the Greeks (aimed, generally, at boys between the ages of 12 to 18). There was nothing shameful about such sexual relations among Romans, if the boy was not freeborn. Slaves, both male and female, were considered property, and that included sexual property.But the Romans also extended homosexuality to adult men, even adult free men.” Gay Marriage and Homosexuality were part of Moral Landscape in Ancient Rome
  • 44. PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT “Both concubinage and prostitution were completely acceptable; pornography and sexually explicit entertainment and speech were entirely normalized; the provision of sex by both male and female slaves was considered a duty by masters” Gay Marriage and Homosexuality were part of Moral Landscape in Ancient Rome
  • 45. PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT “Romans generally tolerated a wide variety of sexual practices. Prostitution, concubinage, masturbation, and homosexual relations all carried no social or moral opprobrium” (Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe by Brundage , p. 44). ”
  • 46. PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT However, perhaps the most concrete evidence of the early Roman Empire’s tolerance of homosexuality comes from the written law. In the early Empire, same-sex relations were definitely legal; institutionalized same-sex relationships were actually becoming more common just as long-term, different-sex marriages were growing in popularity.
  • 47. PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT “By the time of the early Empire...many homosexual relationships were permanent and exclusive. Among the lower classes informal unions like that of Giton and Encolpius may have predominated, but marriages between males or between females were legal and familiar among the upper classes...[B]y the time of the early Empire references to gay marriages are commonplace.” ( Christians, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality by Boswell ,p.82)
  • 48. PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT “The biographer of Elagabalus maintains that after the emperor’s marriage to an athlete from Smyrna, any male who wished to advance at the imperial court either had to have a husband or pretend that he did...marriage took place under the same law that regulated marriage between men and women” ( Christians, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality by Boswell ,p.82)
  • 49. PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT “Thus, same-sex marriages were legal and commonplace across social classes prior to the emergence of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Strict distinctions between how the genders were treated, as well as the overt repression of homosexual relationships were conspicuously absent in the early Roman Empire. Boswell even provides a comprehensive statement that” ( Christians, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality by Boswell ,p.87)
  • 50. PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT “...Roman society was strikingly different from the nations which eventually grew out of it in that none of its laws, strictures, or taboos regulating love or sexuality was intended to penalize gay people or their people were in a strict sense a minority, but neither they nor their contemporaries regarded their inclinations as harmful, bizarre, immoral, or threatening...” ( Christians, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality by Boswell ,p.87)
  • 51. PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT at Athens and Rome patosraotia [sodomy] was a very common and habitual thing, needs no proof to one who has read the Greek and Latin classics, especially the amatory poets, to any considerable extent. Plutarch tells us that Solon practiced it; and Diogenes Laertius says the same of the stoic Zeno. Need we be surprised, then, if the same horrible vice was frequent in the more barbarous parts of Greece and the Roman Empire?” FACC 11.1
  • 52. “It is of such depravity as this that the apostle accuses the heathen. And justly; for even their philosophers and the best educated among them, stood chargeable with such an accusation. For example; both the Epicureans and the Stoics allowed and defended patosraotia [sodomy] and incest, numbering these horrid crimes…FACC 13.2 This was the state of morals, not alone of the lower, uneducated classes, but of the philosophers,—those who instructed the youth in “virtue.” FACC 14.1 PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT
  • 53. PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT Thus theft, as is well known, was permitted in Egypt and in Sparta; Plato taught the expediency and lawfulness of exposing children in particular cases; and Aristotle, also, of abortion. The exposure of infants, and the putting to death of children who were weak or imperfect in form, was allowed at Sparta by Lycurgus; at Athens, the great seat and nursery of philosophers, the women were treated and disposed of as slaves, and it was enacted that ‘infants, which appeared to be maimed, should either be killed or exposed;’ and that ‘the Athenians might lawfully invade and enslave any people, who, in their opinion, were fit to be made slaves.’ ” FACC 14.1
  • 54. The infamous traffic in human blood was permitted to its utmost extent; and, on certain occasions, the owners of slaves had full permission to kill them.... Customary swearing was commended, if not by the precepts, yet by the example of the best moralists among the heathen philosophers, particularly Socrates, Plato, Seneca, and the Emperor Julian....” FACC 14.1 PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT
  • 55. PLATO SACROTES ARISTOLE ALEXANDER THE GREAT Nevertheless it is a fact that the nations did forget God; and Romans 1:22-32 is an accurate description of their condition in consequence. The truthfulness of this description is attested by the heathen themselves. They deified the most profligate men and women, and worshiped vice instead of virtue. Their gods were male and female, and mythology, i. e., the history of the gods, is little else than a record of licentiousness. The Baal and Ashtoreth of the Canaanites, were the Jupiter and Venus of the Romans and Greeks, and every heathen nation had gods corresponding to them. ” FACC 10.2
  • 56. The temples erected to them were magnificent brothels, and their priestesses were prostitutes. Licentiousness was not simply allowed, but it was commanded as an act of religion. Among the Babylonians it is said that, “once at least in her life, every woman was obliged to prostitute herself in the temple of Bel.”—American Cyclopedia, art. Babylon. Heathenism “had made lust into a religion, and the worship of its gods a school of vice, penetrating all classes of society.” FACC 10.2
  • 57. “The imputation is, that in apostatizing from the true God, and betaking themselves to the worship of idols, they had at the same time been the devoted slaves of lust; which indeed seems here also, by implication, to be assigned as the reason or ground of their apostasy. Everyone knows, moreover, that among almost all the various forms of heathenism, impurity has been either a direct or indirect service in its pretended religious duties. Witness the shocking law among the Babylonians, that every woman should prostitute herself, at least once, before the shrine of their Venus. ” FACC 12.1
  • 58. “It is needless to say, that the worshipers of Venus in Greece and Rome practiced such rites; or that the mysteries of heathenism, of which Paul says ‘it is a shame even to speak,’ allowed a still greater latitude of indulgence. Nor is it necessary to describe the obscene and bloody rites practiced in Hindostan, in the South Sea and the Sandwich Islands, and generally among the heathen. Polytheism and idolatry have nearly always been a religion of obscenity and blood.” FACC 12.1
  • 59. `1 “It is imperative to note that in Greek mythology, it is believed that ―the cult of ‘Aphroditus’ worshippers cross-dressed; men wore women's clothing and women dressed in men's clothing with false beards.This god is the ―combination of the male and female characteristics ―in one divinity and being associated with the moon, both of which were considered to have fertilizing powers, was regarded as having an influence over the entire animal and vegetable creation.” Freese, John Henry (1911). "Aphrodite". In Chisholm, Hugh. Encyclopædia Britannica 2 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 166. . (quoted from
  • 60. “The androgyne, the homosexual, the pervert had a symbolic value and were considered in ancient civilization to be privileged of the ardhanarishvara” -THE PHALLUS: Sacred Symbol of Male Creative Power by Alain Danielou
  • 61. “The practice of homosexuality in the Roman Empire had increased during the early years until the Romans accepted and adopted the pederasty of the Greeks (fornication with boys ages 12 to 18). Though at first the acts were considered acceptable only if the boy was a slave, the Romans eventually extended their tolerance of homosexual acts to adult men, both free and slave. Same-sex marriage, once unthinkable, was not far behind.” -Nero and Roman Emperors Partook in Same-Sex "Marriage": Depraved Practices Were Banned by Theodosian Code, By Craig Turner http:// ,March 25, 2013
  • 62. “In A.D. 67 Nero ordered Sporus, a free man, to be castrated and then married to him. He allowed the boy to take the role of "bride" while Nero played the "groom." After extravagant public ceremonies that were celebrated in both Greece and Rome, they lived together as supposed "husband" and "wife." -Nero and Roman Emperors Partook in Same-Sex "Marriage": Depraved Practices Were Banned by Theodosian Code, By Craig Turner http:// ,March 25, 2013
  • 63. According to Tacitus, Nero engaged in "every filthy, depraved act, licit or illicit." During his reign he captured Christians and, after fixing them to stakes, burned them in his garden at night for a source of light. He is known for numerous brutal executions, including that of his own mother. He committed suicide in June of 68.” -Nero and Roman Emperors Partook in Same-Sex "Marriage": Depraved Practices Were Banned by Theodosian Code, By Craig Turner http:// ,March 25, 2013
  • 64. Another emperor who "married" men was Elagabalus, who ascended the throne in A.D. 218 after a substantial bribe was offered by his powerful grandmother. He married a total of five women. The second marriage was consummated after he had his bride's previous husband executed. -Nero and Roman Emperors Partook in Same-Sex "Marriage": Depraved Practices Were Banned by Theodosian Code, By Craig Turner http:// ,March 25, 2013
  • 65. “His desires for his wives, however, were muted in comparison with his liking for men and boys. Elagabalus himself preferred to be the woman in the relationship, having the hairs plucked from his body to simulate femininity while at the same time wearing a wig and applying makeup. He is reputed to have offered his physician large sums of money if the doctor could change him into a woman.” -Nero and Roman Emperors Partook in Same-Sex "Marriage": Depraved Practices Were Banned by Theodosian Code, By Craig Turner ,March 25, 2013
  • 66. Historians have always acknowledged that the gradual normalisation of homosexuality within the Roman Empire was a sign of its moray decay. KEY POINT
  • 67.
  • 68.
  • 69. “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” — Proverbs 14:34   “My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness.”— Psalm 119:172 
  • 70. CHRISTIANITY & MARRIAGE ?When Judaism demanded that all sexual activity be channeled into marriage, it changed the world. The BIBLE’s prohibition of non-marital sex quite simply made the creation of Western civilization possible.
  • 71. “Societies that did not place boundaries around sexuality were stymied in their development. The subsequent dominance of the Western world can largely be attributed to the sexual revolution initiated by Judaism and later carried forward by Christianity. This revolution consisted of forcing the sexual genie into the marital bottle. It ensured that sex no longer dominated society, heightened male-female love and sexuality (and thereby almost alone created the possibility of love and eroticism within marriage), and began the arduous task of elevating the status of women.” 
- Judaism's Sexual Revolution: Why Judaism Rejected Homosexuality ,DENNIS PRAGER judaism-rejected-homosexuality.html
  • 72. “It is probably impossible for us, who live thousands of years after Judaism began this process, to perceive the extent to which undisciplined sex can dominate man's life and the life of society. Throughout the ancient world, and up to the recent past in many parts of the world, sexuality infused virtually all of society. ” 
 - Judaism's Sexual Revolution: Why Judaism Rejected Homosexuality ,DENNIS PRAGER why-judaism-rejected-homosexuality.html
  • 73. “Human sexuality, especially male sexuality, is polymorphous, or utterly wild (far more so than animal sexuality). Men have had sex with women and with men; with little girls and young boys; with a single partner and in large groups; with total strangers and immediate family members; and with a variety of domesticated animals. They have achieved orgasm with inanimate objects such as leather, shoes, and other pieces of clothing, through urinating and defecating on each other (interested readers can see a photograph of the former at select art museums exhibiting the works of the photographer Robert Mapplethorpe); by dressing in women's garments;…”
 - Judaism's Sexual Revolution: Why Judaism Rejected Homosexuality ,DENNIS PRAGER
  • 74. “…by watching other human beings being tortured; by fondling children of either sex; by listening to a woman's disembodied voice (e.g., "phone sex"); and, of course, by looking at pictures of bodies or parts of bodies. There is little, animate or inanimate, that has not excited some men to orgasm. Of course, not all of these practices have been condoned by societies — parent-child incest and seducing another's man's wife have rarely been countenanced — but many have, and all illustrate what the unchanneled, or in Freudian terms, the "un-sublimated," sex drive can lead to.”
 - Judaism's Sexual Revolution: Why Judaism Rejected Homosexuality ,DENNIS PRAGER
  • 75. Among the consequences of the unchanneled sex drive is the sexualization of everything — including religion. Unless the sex drive is appropriately harnessed (not squelched — which leads to its own destructive consequences), higher religion could not have developed. Thus, the first thing Judaism did was to de-sexualize God: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" by his will, not through any sexual behavior.
  • 76. This was an utterly radical break with all other religions, and it alone changed human history. The gods of virtually all civilizations engaged in sexual relations. In the Near East, the Babylonian god Ishtar seduced a man, Gilgamesh, the Babylonian hero. In Egyptian religion, the god Osiris had sexual relations with his sister, the goddess Isis, and she conceived the god Horus. In Canaan, El, the chief god, had sex with Asherah.
  • 77. In Hindu belief, the god Krishna was sexually active, having had many wives and pursuing Radha; the god Samba, son of Krishna, seduced mortal women and men. In Greek beliefs, Zeus married Hera, chased women, abducted the beautiful young male, Ganymede, and masturbated at other times; Poseidon married Amphitrite, pursued Demeter, and raped Tantalus. In Rome, the gods sexually pursued both men and women.
  • 78. The subsequent dominance of the Western world can largely be attributed to the sexual revolution initiated by Judaism and later carried forward by Christianity. This revolution consisted of forcing the sexual genie into the marital bottle. Given the sexual activity of the gods, it is not surprising that the religions themselves were replete with all forms of sexual activity. In the ancient Near Fast and elsewhere, virgins were deflowered by priests prior to engaging in relations with their husbands, and sacred or ritual prostitution was almost universal.
  • 79. Psychiatrist and sexual historian Norman Sussman describes the situation thus: "Male and female prostitutes, serving temporarily or permanently and performing heterosexual, homosexual oral-genital, bestial, and other forms of sexual activities, dispense their favors in behalf of the temple." Throughout the ancient Near East, from very early times, anal intercourse formed a part of goddess worship. In ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Canaan, annual ceremonial intercourse took place between the king and a priestess.
  • 80. Women prostitutes had intercourse with male worshippers in the sanctuaries and temples of ancient Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Cyprus, Corinth, Carthage, Sicily, Egypt, Libya, West Africa, and ancient and modern India. In ancient Israel itself, there were repeated attempts to re-introduce temple prostitution, resulting in repeated Jewish wars against cultic sex.
  • 81. In India until this century, certain Hindu cults have required intercourse between monks and nuns, and wives would have intercourse with priests who represent the god. Until it was made illegal in 1948, when India gained independence, Hindu temples in many parts of India had both women and boy prostitutes. In the fourteenth century, the Chinese found homosexual Tibetan religious rites practiced at the court of a Mongol emperor. In Sri Lanka through this century, Buddhist worship of the goddess Pattini has involved priests dressed as women, and the consort of the goddess is symbolically castrated.
  • 82. The Bible records that the Judean king Asa "put away the qdeshim [temple male prostitutes] out of the land"; that his successor, Jehosaphat “put away out of the land ...the remnant of the qdeshim that remained in the days of his father Asa"; and that later, King Josiah, in his religious reforms, "broke down the houses of the qdeshim."
  • 83. “The Blessing of Monogamy” As columnist Rod Dreher writes, “Christianity, as articulated by Paul, worked a cultural revolution, restraining and channeling male eros, elevating the status of both women and of the human body, and infusing marriage—and marital sexuality—with love.”
  • 84. “To Each His Own” Christianity was radical because it channeled male sexual desire into marriage as the only acceptable outlet. “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure” (Heb. 13:4). As a consequence, Christianity greatly elevated the status of women while protecting everyone else from being treated as fair game for sexual seduction or predation.
  • 85. “To Each His Own” The principle is enshrined in the Ten Commandments: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife” (Exod. 20:17) —or his slaves or his children or himself.”
  • 86. “Judaism placed controls on sexual activity. It could no longer dominate religion and social life. It was to be sanctified — which in Hebrew means "separated" — from the world and placed in the home, in the bed of husband and wife.”
  • 87. “ Judaism's restricting of sexual behavior was one of the essential elements that enabled society to progress. Along with ethical monotheism, the revolution begun by the Torah when it declared war on the sexual practices of the world wrought the most far- reaching changes in history.” - Judaism's Sexual Revolution: Why Judaism Rejected Homosexuality ,DENNIS PRAGER SEX AND CULTURE
  • 88. SEX AND CULTURE “Dr. Unwin concluded that the fabric that holds a society together is sexual in nature. When life- long heterosexual monogamous relationship is practiced, the focus is on the nurture of the family and energy is expended to protect, plan for and build up the individual family unit. This extends to the entire society and produces a strong society focused on preserving the strength of the family. ” --The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
  • 89. SEX AND CULTURE “He found that when strict heterosexual monogamy was practiced the society attained its greatest cultural energy, especially in the Arts, Sciences and Technology; but as people rebelled against the prohibitions placed upon them and demanded more sexual opportunities, there was a consequent loss of their creative energy which resulted in the decline and eventual destruction of the civilization. Remarkably, He did not find any exception to this trend.” --The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
  • 90. SEX AND CULTURE “However, He found that when sexual opportunities opened the door to pre-marital, post-marital and homosexual relationships, the social energy always dissipated as the individual focused more on self-gratification rather than societal good. In the end, the energy level reached such a low point that destruction from within, through anarchy, or destruction from without, through despotism or from an invading force with greater social energy, was inevitable ” --The Fate of Culture In J.D. Unwin’s Sex and Culture or The Last American Generation Submitted by Daniel Janosik
  • 91. “When Marriage has received Christ's blessing, and it is to be regarded as a sacred institution. True religion does not counterwork the Lord's plans. God ordained that man and woman should be united in holy wedlock, to raise up families that, crowned with honour, would be symbols of the family in heaven. And at the beginning of His public ministry Christ gave His decided sanction to the institution that had been sanctioned in Eden.” -BEcho August 28, 1899, par.
  • 92. “Thus He declared to all that He will not refuse His presence on marriage occasions, and that marriage, when joined with purity and holiness, truth and righteousness, is one of the greatest blessings ever given to the human family.” -BEcho August 28, 1899, par.
  • 93. “Priests and popes have made laws forbidding people to marry, and secluding them in monasteries. These laws and restrictions were devised by Satan to place men and women in unnatural positions. Thus Satan has tempted human beings to disregard the law of marriage as a thing unholy, but at the same time he has opened the door for the indulgence of human passion. Thus have come into existence some of the greatest evils which curse our world,—adultery, fornication, and the murder of innocent children born out of wedlock.” -BEcho August 28, 1899, par.
  • 94. A Storm of Wickedness is Raging Across the World “It should not take us by surprise that abortion is now the new normal. With a rise in Feminism, transgenderism ,Homosexual and destruction of the biblical Christian view of marriage and the family, abortion was inevitable.”
  • 95. 'Promiscuous intercourse between the sexes allowed for abortion to become inevitable'. Why raise a child when all you wanted was just sex thus If a girl became pregnant before marriage she was encouraged to employ some method of abortion. No social condemnation, however, was incurred either by the father or by the mother of the child, and promiscuous intercourses before marriage was permitted in ancients cultures before their final collapses take for example the licentiousness of the greeks and the Romans. Hence as there is a rise in Feminism, Transgenderism ,Homosexuality and a destruction of the biblical view of marriage and the family, abortion will inevitable follow.