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12 Archetypes. 1
12 Jungian Archetypes in Personality and
Take The Free Archetype Quiz
Below you will find the full list of the twelve archetypes of personality, along with a brief description
of their typical traits.
Individualogist has developed a method of identifying your personality archetype with a high degree
of accuracy through your collective unconscious.
Take The Free Archetype Quiz
What Are Archetypes?
The origins of the word "archetype" can be traced back to the days of ancient Greece, with its
definition referring to "original pattern". That definition accurately describes the application of
archetypes, as we use it to identify the original patterns of personalities, beliefs, and motivations.
Renowned psychologist Carl Jung first developed the 12 Jungian archetypes as a framework for
understanding fundamental human motivations and the operations of the human mind, or what we
also know as the human psyche and collective unconscious. Within each archetype lies profound
insights into our thoughts, our emotions, and our actions.
The 12 Jungian archetypes are known to conjure a combination of mental images and emotional
attachments, with each archetype having its own unique set of personality traits, meanings, and
values. It is no wonder that archetypes are used in such a wide variety of applications; literature,
mythology, branding, spirituality, psychology, and of course, personality.
With that said, anything that evokes imagery and emotions could be an archetype. However, these
imageries and emotions would hold different meanings depending on the individual encountering
them in their collective unconscious. That explains why Carl Jung defined only 12 personality
archetypes that have remained constant, which we now know as the Jungian archetypes.
Take The Free Archetype Quiz
What Is The Collective Unconscious?
According to Carl Jung, Jungian archetypes are images and concepts derived from the collective
unconscious. Archetypes appear in dreams, literature, art, and religion and have universal meanings
across civilizations.
As per Jung (1947), symbols from many cultures are often extremely similar since they arose from
archetypes that are shared by the entire human race and are part of our subconscious mind.
Our primal history, according to Jung, becomes the foundation of the collective unconscious, leading
and affecting current conduct. Jung claims to have identified a huge number of archetypes, but he
focused on four in particular.
The Persona
The persona (or mask) is the face we show to the outside world. It hides our true selves, and Jung
calls it the "conformity" archetype. This is a person's public face or role that they present to others
as someone other than who they truly are.
The Anima/Animus
The anima/animus is another archetype. "Anima/animus" is the polar opposite of our biological sex,
i.e., males' unconscious feminine side and females' masculine inclinations.
By virtue of millennia of cohabitation, each sex has adopted the attitudes and behaviors of the other.
A woman's mind contains male components, while a man's psyche comprises feminine elements.
The Shadow
The shadow comes next. This is the aspect of our character that is animalistic. It's where both our
innovative and detrimental energy come from. It's possible that Jung's archetypes indicate
characteristics that once had intrinsic worth, which would fit with the theory of evolution.
The Self
Lastly, there is the self, which gives experience a sense of oneness. Every individual's ultimate goal,
according to Jung, is to reach a sense of selfhood, and Jung is heading toward a more humanist
perspective in this regard.
Click Here to Take the Free Archetype Quiz
Before we look into the 12 Jungian archetypes of personality, it is vital that we first establish each of
their cardinal orientations. The 12 archetypes are divided into 4 cardinal orientations. These
orientations represent the archetype’s focus - the one single mission that the archetype wishes to
fulfill. By understanding these 4 orientations, you'll gain a much better grasp of the hidden
motivations and self-perceiving dynamics of each personality archetype.
Take The Free Archetype Quiz
How do we experience Jungian archetypes?
We experience the Jungian archetypes as energies. As we have established, archetypes are
expressed through intangible elements such as evoking emotions and conjuring imagery - elements
that are intangible, but we somehow feel its presence in our collective unconscious. Sometimes we
feel overwhelmed with certain energies, but feel unable to accurately describe them.
Whether it’s the Hero’s energies driving us to discipline our minds and go after what we want, or
Sage’s energies urging us to ponder upon things at a more profound level, or perhaps the Jester’s
energies influencing us to inject humor into serious situations. Don’t we all need to avoid the
unintended negative consequences strategy? These are all examples of how we experience Jungian
archetypes as energies.
It would be far too simplistic to say that each individual’s personality is merely made up of only one
archetype. After all, human beings are far more complex than that when it comes to their collective
unconscious. Typically, there can be several archetypes to form the core of our personalities and to
develop ordinary solid virtues.
However, only one archetype tends to have the greatest amount of influence or dominance in our
personality. It is through identifying our primary personality archetype that we are able to define
exactly which archetypal energy is governing our thoughts, feelings, and personalities. By doing
that, we open ourselves up to understanding the hidden constructs of psyche and personality.
Here is a detailed overview of the 12 archetypes and their most iconic personality traits and
motivations in our collective unconscious:
The 12 Jungian Archetype
The Caregiver
Learn More About The Caregiver
The Caregiver is a compassionate altruist whose selflessness comes unparalleled in a person’s
human psyche. They're always willing to help the people around them, be it friends, strangers, or
sometimes even foes. Their generosity inspires everyone around them and fills receivers with an
immense amount of gratitude.
Slogan: The simple act of caring is heroic
Deepest Desire: To care and protect those around you
Goal: To administer aid and help wherever possible
Fear: Ingratitude, being taken for granted, and selfishness
Strategy: Perform acts of kindness for others
Weaknesses: Being exploited for selfish reasons
Talents: Compassion, sympathy, empathy, generosity
Other Names: The Altruist, The Helper, The Supporter, The Saint
The Creator
Learn More About The Creator
The Creator archetype associates itself with being completely and entirely original. Their greatest
pride lies in their ability to be creative when it comes to everyday life and achieving the goals that
they've set for themselves. Creators are constantly paving ways for others to follow, anything to
develop artistic control.
Slogan: You are the creator of your own reality
Deepest Desire: To innovate and create things of long-lasting value
Goal: To achieve the outcome of one’s vision
Fear: Achieving unsatisfactory results, executing poorly
Strategy: Skill enhancement and perfection
Weaknesses: Spending too much time on perfectionism
Talents: Creativity, innovation, imagination
Other Names: The Artist, The Inventor, The Innovator
The Explorer
Learn More About The Explorer
Think of the Explorer as an adventurer who wants to make his mark in the world and discover new
lands. The Explorer archetype has high regard for his or her freedom. Sitting still for even just a
short period of time can cause them to feel jittery, uneasy, and restless. They crave adventure and
they feed on new experiences involving basic human motivations.
Slogan: Life is an adventure
Deepest Desire: Having the freedom to discover oneself through travel and adventure
Goal: To live a life worth living
Fear: Being trapped, not having freedom, inner emptiness
Strategy: Escape reality and seek new experiences
Weaknesses: Aimless wandering, not fitting in with others
Talents: Independence, being true to oneself
Other Names: The Seeker, The Wanderer
The Hero
Learn More About The Hero
This Jungian archetype is known as the Hero. They thrive on bravado and seek every opportunity to
display their formidable sense of courage in their human psyche. Individuals who identify with this
archetype tend to feel the need to prove their worth by performing courageous acts with their fight
talent. It's one of the defining attributes of a typical hero archetype, and what differentiates it from
the 12 Jungian archetypes.
Slogan: When there’s a will, there’s a way
Deepest Desire: Proving one’s worth through acts of bravery and courage
Goal: Mastering oneself in a way that can impact the world
Fear: Being perceived as weak, vulnerable, or fearful
Strategy: Become as strong and capable as possible
Weaknesses: Arrogance and overestimating one’s abilities
Talents: Courage, bravery, discipline
Other Names: The Warrior, The Crusader
The Innocent
Learn More About The Innocent
The Innocent archetype is typically naive and easily impressed by anything and everything, making
them brilliant audiences for performances. However, their naivety is not what defines them. The
Innocent archetype is best defined by its sheer positivity and optimism.
Slogan: Live life with full optimism
Deepest Desire: To realize one’s sense of paradise
Goal: To attain true happiness
Fear: Breaking the rules and being punished
Strategy: To do what’s morally and ethically right
Weaknesses: Being perceived as boring or naive
Talents: Unbreakable sense of optimism and having great faith
Other Names: The Utopian, The Traditionalist
The Jester
Learn More About The Jester
The Jester is a jungian archetype that lives for the moment. Nothing pleases them more than
experiencing emotions to the maximum. The Jester is the one with an infectious laugh and a bag full
of jokes. “Fun” is the Jester's middle name, and it has an insatiable desire for as much of it as
Slogan: Life can be fun
Deepest Desire: To live in the moment with full enjoyment
Goal: Lightening up the world through humor and laughter
Fear: Being bored or being perceived as boring
Strategy: To inject humor and appreciate the little things in life
Weaknesses: Thoughtlessness, lacking seriousness
Talents: Infecting a room with laughter and being the center of attention
Other Names: The Joker, The Trickster
The Lover
Learn More About The Lover
At first glance, the title “Lover” might come as a surprise to some. However, the Lover archetype is
associated less with romance and sexuality and has more to do with commitment and faithfulness.
The Lover archetype revolves vastly around emotions, feelings, and sensuality.
Slogan: Love makes the world go round
Deepest Desire: To love and be loved
Goal: Being in a relationship with people and the things they love
Fear: Rejection, being unwanted, loneliness
Strategy: To become as emotionally and physically attractive as possible
Weaknesses: Losing sense of oneself, trying too hard to please
Talents: Being fully committed and expressing oneself with a deep passion
Other Names: The Partner, The Sensualist
The Magician
Learn More About The Magician
The Magician archetype can be described to be somewhat aloof when it comes to forming personal
connections. Their deep connections with the universe make them difficult to understand. Magicians
tend to have a strong belief in their dreams, their abilities, and themselves in general.
Slogan: Some want it to happen, some wish it to happen, I make it happen
Deepest Desire: To attain knowledge of the world
Goal: Seeing dreams and visions to fruition
Fear: Not foreseeing negative consequences
Strategy: Have a vision and see it through
Weaknesses: Becoming manipulative of others
Talents: Discovering win-win situations and making deals
Other Names: The Visionary, The Inventor
The Member
Learn More About The Member
The Member is one of the most interesting Jungian archetypes in society. They're essentially the
building blocks of this world and are the ones who restore faith in humanity using their vast
knowledge of human behavior. One of the most distinct attributes about a Member is his or her
ability to blend into any group thinkable.
Slogan: Everyone is created equal
Deepest Desire: To build lasting connections with others
Goal: Belonging to a tight-knitted community
Fear: Being left out or sticking out like a sore thumb
Strategy: Remain grounded in values and principles
Weaknesses: Forging superficial relationships, being taken advantage of
Talents: Empathy, authenticity, realism
Other Names: The Everyman, The Realist
The Outlaw
Learn More About The Outlaw
The Outlaw archetype is best described to be free-minded and free-spirited. Nothing stands in their
way and nothing controls their desires with their crime talent. They're the true representation of
what it really means to be the captain of your own ship, requiring a lot of psychological
Slogan: Rules are meant to be broken
Deepest Desire: To start a revolution or power-shifting movement
Goal: Destroying the things that are not working in the world
Fear: Being powerless or ineffective in one’s efforts
Strategy: To pave new ways through disruption or destruction
Weaknesses: Being negatively influenced and committing criminal activities
Talents: Inspiring action through freedom and outrage
Other Names: The Rebel, The Revolutionary
The Ruler
Learn More About The Ruler
Leading is arguably the most distinctive trait of a ruler. While others tend to avoid playing the role
of a leader, Rulers are absolutely comfortable with volunteering to take charge. It's important to
note that it's not the desire to lead that defines the Ruler archetype, but the actual quality of
leadership that they're able to provide.
Slogan: A true leader is hated by most, and respected by all
Deepest Desire: To have absolute power and control
Goal: Developing prosperous communities and families
Fear: Chaos or losing power to someone else
Strategy: To lead others to victory, prosperity, and success
Weaknesses: Being overly authoritarian, not delegating
Talents: Natural ability to lead, exercising responsibility for one’s actions
Other Names: The Leader, The King
The Sage
Learn More About The Sage
The Sage archetype is highly dedicated when it comes to seeking knowledge and wisdom. If the
Sage were a vehicle, then information would be its fuel. Practically everything that they experience
in life is a lesson for them, as they're able to identify the obscure meanings behind every event in
their lives.
Slogan: Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes
Deepest Desire: To discover the truth behind everything
Goal: Understanding the world through careful analysis and wisdom
Fear: Being misled or ignorant
Strategy: Uncovering wisdom and knowledge through self-reflection
Weaknesses: Never taking action and being overly obsessed with details
Talents: Possessing great wisdom and intelligence, giving sound advice
Other Names: The Scholar, The Philosopher
The Next Step
We have gone through an exhaustive list of the twelve jungian archetypes, and understood the 4
cardinal orientations. Now what? Well, now that you've been introduced to each of the archetypes,
you can use this page as a guide for understanding your own motivations and the motivations of
By looking at the 12 archetypes and understanding which particular one dominates our
personalities, we begin to realize what is truly important to us, giving us a fighting chance to
return to our roots and original callings. We are reminded of our unique purpose, and when we dive
even deeper, we begin to understand the direction we must head toward.
Whether it's striving to achieve certain goals you have set out for yourself, knowing why you behave
in a certain way when it comes to certain situations, or becoming aware of your emotions, the 12
Jungian archetypes can give you a profound level of self-awareness and self-understanding. But in
order to do that, you must first identify your archetype by taking the Free Archetype quiz.
Click Here to Take the Free Archetype Quiz
Don’t know your archetype? the hidden secrets of your personality by taking our free quiz

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12 Archetype,1 Destiny

  • 1. 12 Archetypes. 1 Destiny 12 Jungian Archetypes in Personality and Psychology Take The Free Archetype Quiz Below you will find the full list of the twelve archetypes of personality, along with a brief description of their typical traits. Individualogist has developed a method of identifying your personality archetype with a high degree of accuracy through your collective unconscious. Take The Free Archetype Quiz What Are Archetypes? The origins of the word "archetype" can be traced back to the days of ancient Greece, with its definition referring to "original pattern". That definition accurately describes the application of archetypes, as we use it to identify the original patterns of personalities, beliefs, and motivations. Renowned psychologist Carl Jung first developed the 12 Jungian archetypes as a framework for understanding fundamental human motivations and the operations of the human mind, or what we also know as the human psyche and collective unconscious. Within each archetype lies profound insights into our thoughts, our emotions, and our actions.
  • 2. The 12 Jungian archetypes are known to conjure a combination of mental images and emotional attachments, with each archetype having its own unique set of personality traits, meanings, and values. It is no wonder that archetypes are used in such a wide variety of applications; literature, mythology, branding, spirituality, psychology, and of course, personality. With that said, anything that evokes imagery and emotions could be an archetype. However, these imageries and emotions would hold different meanings depending on the individual encountering them in their collective unconscious. That explains why Carl Jung defined only 12 personality archetypes that have remained constant, which we now know as the Jungian archetypes. Take The Free Archetype Quiz What Is The Collective Unconscious? According to Carl Jung, Jungian archetypes are images and concepts derived from the collective unconscious. Archetypes appear in dreams, literature, art, and religion and have universal meanings across civilizations. As per Jung (1947), symbols from many cultures are often extremely similar since they arose from archetypes that are shared by the entire human race and are part of our subconscious mind. Our primal history, according to Jung, becomes the foundation of the collective unconscious, leading and affecting current conduct. Jung claims to have identified a huge number of archetypes, but he focused on four in particular. The Persona The persona (or mask) is the face we show to the outside world. It hides our true selves, and Jung calls it the "conformity" archetype. This is a person's public face or role that they present to others as someone other than who they truly are. The Anima/Animus The anima/animus is another archetype. "Anima/animus" is the polar opposite of our biological sex, i.e., males' unconscious feminine side and females' masculine inclinations. By virtue of millennia of cohabitation, each sex has adopted the attitudes and behaviors of the other. A woman's mind contains male components, while a man's psyche comprises feminine elements. The Shadow The shadow comes next. This is the aspect of our character that is animalistic. It's where both our innovative and detrimental energy come from. It's possible that Jung's archetypes indicate characteristics that once had intrinsic worth, which would fit with the theory of evolution. The Self Lastly, there is the self, which gives experience a sense of oneness. Every individual's ultimate goal, according to Jung, is to reach a sense of selfhood, and Jung is heading toward a more humanist perspective in this regard.
  • 3. Click Here to Take the Free Archetype Quiz Cardinal Orientations Before we look into the 12 Jungian archetypes of personality, it is vital that we first establish each of their cardinal orientations. The 12 archetypes are divided into 4 cardinal orientations. These orientations represent the archetype’s focus - the one single mission that the archetype wishes to fulfill. By understanding these 4 orientations, you'll gain a much better grasp of the hidden motivations and self-perceiving dynamics of each personality archetype.
  • 4. Take The Free Archetype Quiz How do we experience Jungian archetypes? We experience the Jungian archetypes as energies. As we have established, archetypes are expressed through intangible elements such as evoking emotions and conjuring imagery - elements that are intangible, but we somehow feel its presence in our collective unconscious. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed with certain energies, but feel unable to accurately describe them. Whether it’s the Hero’s energies driving us to discipline our minds and go after what we want, or Sage’s energies urging us to ponder upon things at a more profound level, or perhaps the Jester’s energies influencing us to inject humor into serious situations. Don’t we all need to avoid the
  • 5. unintended negative consequences strategy? These are all examples of how we experience Jungian archetypes as energies. It would be far too simplistic to say that each individual’s personality is merely made up of only one archetype. After all, human beings are far more complex than that when it comes to their collective unconscious. Typically, there can be several archetypes to form the core of our personalities and to develop ordinary solid virtues. However, only one archetype tends to have the greatest amount of influence or dominance in our personality. It is through identifying our primary personality archetype that we are able to define exactly which archetypal energy is governing our thoughts, feelings, and personalities. By doing that, we open ourselves up to understanding the hidden constructs of psyche and personality. Here is a detailed overview of the 12 archetypes and their most iconic personality traits and motivations in our collective unconscious: The 12 Jungian Archetype The Caregiver Learn More About The Caregiver The Caregiver is a compassionate altruist whose selflessness comes unparalleled in a person’s human psyche. They're always willing to help the people around them, be it friends, strangers, or sometimes even foes. Their generosity inspires everyone around them and fills receivers with an immense amount of gratitude. Slogan: The simple act of caring is heroic Deepest Desire: To care and protect those around you Goal: To administer aid and help wherever possible Fear: Ingratitude, being taken for granted, and selfishness Strategy: Perform acts of kindness for others Weaknesses: Being exploited for selfish reasons Talents: Compassion, sympathy, empathy, generosity
  • 6. Other Names: The Altruist, The Helper, The Supporter, The Saint The Creator Learn More About The Creator The Creator archetype associates itself with being completely and entirely original. Their greatest pride lies in their ability to be creative when it comes to everyday life and achieving the goals that they've set for themselves. Creators are constantly paving ways for others to follow, anything to develop artistic control. Slogan: You are the creator of your own reality Deepest Desire: To innovate and create things of long-lasting value Goal: To achieve the outcome of one’s vision Fear: Achieving unsatisfactory results, executing poorly Strategy: Skill enhancement and perfection Weaknesses: Spending too much time on perfectionism Talents: Creativity, innovation, imagination Other Names: The Artist, The Inventor, The Innovator The Explorer Learn More About The Explorer
  • 7. Think of the Explorer as an adventurer who wants to make his mark in the world and discover new lands. The Explorer archetype has high regard for his or her freedom. Sitting still for even just a short period of time can cause them to feel jittery, uneasy, and restless. They crave adventure and they feed on new experiences involving basic human motivations. Slogan: Life is an adventure Deepest Desire: Having the freedom to discover oneself through travel and adventure Goal: To live a life worth living Fear: Being trapped, not having freedom, inner emptiness Strategy: Escape reality and seek new experiences Weaknesses: Aimless wandering, not fitting in with others Talents: Independence, being true to oneself Other Names: The Seeker, The Wanderer The Hero Learn More About The Hero This Jungian archetype is known as the Hero. They thrive on bravado and seek every opportunity to display their formidable sense of courage in their human psyche. Individuals who identify with this archetype tend to feel the need to prove their worth by performing courageous acts with their fight talent. It's one of the defining attributes of a typical hero archetype, and what differentiates it from the 12 Jungian archetypes. Slogan: When there’s a will, there’s a way Deepest Desire: Proving one’s worth through acts of bravery and courage Goal: Mastering oneself in a way that can impact the world Fear: Being perceived as weak, vulnerable, or fearful Strategy: Become as strong and capable as possible Weaknesses: Arrogance and overestimating one’s abilities Talents: Courage, bravery, discipline Other Names: The Warrior, The Crusader
  • 8. The Innocent Learn More About The Innocent The Innocent archetype is typically naive and easily impressed by anything and everything, making them brilliant audiences for performances. However, their naivety is not what defines them. The Innocent archetype is best defined by its sheer positivity and optimism. Slogan: Live life with full optimism Deepest Desire: To realize one’s sense of paradise Goal: To attain true happiness Fear: Breaking the rules and being punished Strategy: To do what’s morally and ethically right Weaknesses: Being perceived as boring or naive Talents: Unbreakable sense of optimism and having great faith Other Names: The Utopian, The Traditionalist The Jester Learn More About The Jester The Jester is a jungian archetype that lives for the moment. Nothing pleases them more than
  • 9. experiencing emotions to the maximum. The Jester is the one with an infectious laugh and a bag full of jokes. “Fun” is the Jester's middle name, and it has an insatiable desire for as much of it as possible. Slogan: Life can be fun Deepest Desire: To live in the moment with full enjoyment Goal: Lightening up the world through humor and laughter Fear: Being bored or being perceived as boring Strategy: To inject humor and appreciate the little things in life Weaknesses: Thoughtlessness, lacking seriousness Talents: Infecting a room with laughter and being the center of attention Other Names: The Joker, The Trickster The Lover Learn More About The Lover At first glance, the title “Lover” might come as a surprise to some. However, the Lover archetype is associated less with romance and sexuality and has more to do with commitment and faithfulness. The Lover archetype revolves vastly around emotions, feelings, and sensuality. Slogan: Love makes the world go round Deepest Desire: To love and be loved Goal: Being in a relationship with people and the things they love Fear: Rejection, being unwanted, loneliness Strategy: To become as emotionally and physically attractive as possible Weaknesses: Losing sense of oneself, trying too hard to please Talents: Being fully committed and expressing oneself with a deep passion Other Names: The Partner, The Sensualist The Magician
  • 10. Learn More About The Magician The Magician archetype can be described to be somewhat aloof when it comes to forming personal connections. Their deep connections with the universe make them difficult to understand. Magicians tend to have a strong belief in their dreams, their abilities, and themselves in general. Slogan: Some want it to happen, some wish it to happen, I make it happen Deepest Desire: To attain knowledge of the world Goal: Seeing dreams and visions to fruition Fear: Not foreseeing negative consequences Strategy: Have a vision and see it through Weaknesses: Becoming manipulative of others Talents: Discovering win-win situations and making deals Other Names: The Visionary, The Inventor The Member Learn More About The Member The Member is one of the most interesting Jungian archetypes in society. They're essentially the building blocks of this world and are the ones who restore faith in humanity using their vast knowledge of human behavior. One of the most distinct attributes about a Member is his or her ability to blend into any group thinkable.
  • 11. Slogan: Everyone is created equal Deepest Desire: To build lasting connections with others Goal: Belonging to a tight-knitted community Fear: Being left out or sticking out like a sore thumb Strategy: Remain grounded in values and principles Weaknesses: Forging superficial relationships, being taken advantage of Talents: Empathy, authenticity, realism Other Names: The Everyman, The Realist The Outlaw Learn More About The Outlaw The Outlaw archetype is best described to be free-minded and free-spirited. Nothing stands in their way and nothing controls their desires with their crime talent. They're the true representation of what it really means to be the captain of your own ship, requiring a lot of psychological development. Slogan: Rules are meant to be broken Deepest Desire: To start a revolution or power-shifting movement Goal: Destroying the things that are not working in the world Fear: Being powerless or ineffective in one’s efforts Strategy: To pave new ways through disruption or destruction Weaknesses: Being negatively influenced and committing criminal activities Talents: Inspiring action through freedom and outrage Other Names: The Rebel, The Revolutionary The Ruler
  • 12. Learn More About The Ruler Leading is arguably the most distinctive trait of a ruler. While others tend to avoid playing the role of a leader, Rulers are absolutely comfortable with volunteering to take charge. It's important to note that it's not the desire to lead that defines the Ruler archetype, but the actual quality of leadership that they're able to provide. Slogan: A true leader is hated by most, and respected by all Deepest Desire: To have absolute power and control Goal: Developing prosperous communities and families Fear: Chaos or losing power to someone else Strategy: To lead others to victory, prosperity, and success Weaknesses: Being overly authoritarian, not delegating Talents: Natural ability to lead, exercising responsibility for one’s actions Other Names: The Leader, The King The Sage Learn More About The Sage The Sage archetype is highly dedicated when it comes to seeking knowledge and wisdom. If the Sage were a vehicle, then information would be its fuel. Practically everything that they experience in life is a lesson for them, as they're able to identify the obscure meanings behind every event in
  • 13. their lives. Slogan: Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes Deepest Desire: To discover the truth behind everything Goal: Understanding the world through careful analysis and wisdom Fear: Being misled or ignorant Strategy: Uncovering wisdom and knowledge through self-reflection Weaknesses: Never taking action and being overly obsessed with details Talents: Possessing great wisdom and intelligence, giving sound advice Other Names: The Scholar, The Philosopher The Next Step We have gone through an exhaustive list of the twelve jungian archetypes, and understood the 4 cardinal orientations. Now what? Well, now that you've been introduced to each of the archetypes, you can use this page as a guide for understanding your own motivations and the motivations of others. By looking at the 12 archetypes and understanding which particular one dominates our personalities, we begin to realize what is truly important to us, giving us a fighting chance to return to our roots and original callings. We are reminded of our unique purpose, and when we dive even deeper, we begin to understand the direction we must head toward. Whether it's striving to achieve certain goals you have set out for yourself, knowing why you behave in a certain way when it comes to certain situations, or becoming aware of your emotions, the 12 Jungian archetypes can give you a profound level of self-awareness and self-understanding. But in order to do that, you must first identify your archetype by taking the Free Archetype quiz. Click Here to Take the Free Archetype Quiz Don’t know your archetype? the hidden secrets of your personality by taking our free quiz now!