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Strategy Pt 4: Final Paper for Bing Productions
Henry J Bing
Full Sail University
May 9th
, 2022
Conducting marketing research is essential to developing a marketing strategy. It helps you to
begin to build a foundation upon which a true marketing plan can be built, and further analysis to
that same point is not only pivotal but necessary to ever-changing creative endeavors in an ever-
changing world.
In this paper, I will be conducting research to build an effective digital marketing strategy
for my film company, Bing Productions. As new companies arise, the need for a true marketing
plan presents itself as a critical juncture to others answering several questions: Who are you?
What do you do? What can you offer me that I can’t get anywhere else from someone else? This
method of overview and research will ultimately begin to be developed through twelve primary
sections. Business Concept Overview, Competitive Analysis, Target Markey, and Digital
Properties and Keyword Strategies are the first four. Utilization of campaign objectives,
marketing channels, content strategy, and mockups are the next four, and finally the last four will
include utilization of an integrated marketing strategy, campaign budgeting, KPIs, and Analytics.
Combining all twelve of these sections together will not only help evaluate this campaign’s
potential performance, but simultaneously help coordinate it in an effective and efficient manner.
Strategy Pt 4: Final Paper for Bing Productions
Section 1: Business Concept Overview
The goal I am working towards in the areas of overview and research is creating a film
production company called Bing Productions. The mission of Bing Productions will be to
entertain, inspire, and illustrate the power of storytelling and creativity to make a positive impact
by challenging audiences around the world. We will strive to tell compelling stories of cinematic
quality and create immersive experiences for audiences by committing to the core values of
creativity, art, and technology. The goal here is to demonstrate the company’s digital marketing
strategy, and to identify competition as well as the strengths and weakness of that marketing
strategy. Positive stories are not often told, so by delivering our product in this fashion we will
be a refreshing and innovative method that will allow us to reach a broader audience through a
direct-to-consumer model.
• Here is the Bing Productions Business Model Canvas:
• The Business Location for Bing Productions will be Atlanta, Georgia with the business
being based out of Orlando, FL. It will be an online business that can travel where
necessary, as a Florida LLC Is allowed to operate in evert state as a legal business per the
Constitution. “This is protected under the full faith credit clause” (
• The type of marketing used will be a mix of Business to Consumer and Business to
• The Specific Products/services offered from Bing Productions will be short film creation,
feature film creation, script-writing services, and content creation through social media,
as well as social media management of that content. The pricing for these services will be
as follows: Short Films - $5k to 7k, Feature Films pricing: available upon request (case
by case basis), 30min Script Analysis - $100, 60 min Script Analysis - $200, Script
Breakdown - $100, Content Creation – pricing available upon request (case by case
basis), Social Media Management – pricing available upon request (case by case basis).
These services and pricing are what will make us unique to consumers, as well as our ability
to both meet their needs online and travel as necessary.
Section 2: Competitive Analysis
For a Competitive Analysis, I have conducted research to identify three potential
competitors, evaluating their marketing efforts through chars identifying the components of
traditional and digital marketing channels, social media platform effectiveness, along with their
marketing strategy strengths and weaknesses.
Company #1: Boss Up Productions L.L.C.
Home Page:
Channel Strengths Weaknesses
Website - The information in the
services offered section near the
bottom lists things thoroughly
and efficiently
- Client testimonials
speak to the strong work of the
company’s founder
- The colors of red, black,
and white are consistent
- The founder has strong
philanthropic ties to the
community and to Warner Media
- It shows a small sneak peek
at some short films, but offers no
potential release dates or further
information on both the technical and
creative side
- The founder has a link to her
own website inside the company’s
website, which can confuse a
consumer as to which is the true focus
- The founder is listed
everywhere on the website, which
further adds to confusion
- The top logo lacks a clean
quality, and instead presents as grainy
SEO - The phrase “Boss UP”,
while not totally unique, does
show up quickly on a Google
- It shows up first
- According to,
there are only three organic keywords
- There isn’t much traffic to
the website
- There are no paid keywords
Instagram - It presents as a
professional film company
- The logo and even
colors in the photos are
consistent with the website
- semi-relevant hashtags
are used throughout
- There is more confusion here
based on the posts as to whether or
not the company and its
services/products are the focus, or the
- The page has 5,080 followers
but the amount of likes averages to 5
or 6 per post
Company #2: Beverly Boy Productions
Home Page:
Channel Strengths Weaknesses
Website - The website reads as
very professional
- Client testimonials are
- They present
themselves as a very
professional production with a
strong history and solid work
behind their name
- They clearly present the
process they would present a
client from pre-production to
- It can read as a bit cluttered
- The information, while more
than enough, could read as
- Structure and organization
could be added to make the website
appear a bit cleaner
- On their work page, all pre-
existing work and behind the scenes
as well as client testimonials is
presents as a multi-spectrum line with
no pictures, so a client could be
forgiven if they were a bit confused
by this
SEO - The phrase “Beverly
Boy Productions” is surely a
unique one
- They have a monthly
volume of 900, which is
impressive, with 840 estimated
clicks according to
- The name, when in a search
engine, could confuse people as to
them being based in Beverly Hills
versus in Florida
Instagram - It presents as a
professional film company
- There is great behind
the scenes content here with a
clear presentation of the work
- The page has 2,665 followers
but the amount of likes seems to vary
greatly depending on the content
and the production involved in it
as well
Company #3: MJJ Entertainment
Home Page:
Channel Strengths Weaknesses
Website - The website reads as
very professional and very
minimal with a clean
- Contact info is clearly
listed along with social media
- The services section
lists efficiently the true extent of
their production quality abilities
- With this website I find it
hard to capture any weaknesses, as
their presentation is clean, previse,
and to the point
SEO - There are only three
similar keywords
- Upon a Google search,
they show up first
- They have a monthly
volume of 44, with the same
number of estimated clicks
- The name, when it appears in
the similar keywords category on, does show that there could
be other variations of their companies
name out there, which could add to
the confusion
Instagram - It presents as a
professional film company
- There is a page that says MJJ
Entertainment, LLC that hasn’t been
touched since 2018
- The link on the website leads
to the Instagram of mjordanpictures,
with an entirely different website.
This could confuse consumers
Section 3: Target Market
Two customer segments, both primary and secondary, that will buy the products/services
of Bing Productions are independent filmmakers. The primary customer segment will be
filmmakers in general, with the secondary customer segment being specifically screenwriters.
Customer Segment 1: Directors and Producers
• Demographic: The city of Atlanta is home to 498,715 people ( The
filmmaker statistics there, by gender, are also 71.8% male and 28.2% female
( Additionally, there are several listings of filmmakers and film
companies in Atlanta as well, including,,
• Geographic: Geographically, Atlanta Georgia has become a bustling hub for the
film industry today, with it even being named the Hollywood of the South
( (Dockterman, 2018) The Georgia Film Office also actively
works to bring film and television productions to Georgia, with Atlanta being a
central hub for filming. (
• Interests and Hobbies: Interests and hobbies of filmmakers include things like
gaining technical expertise, learning more about written and visual storytelling,
becoming more decisive, and learning more about on-set communication.
( Overall, this is something that could be used by Bing Productions in
regard to overview and research, as it can tie well into a potential marketing
campaign towards young and up and coming filmmakers.
• Behaviors: Many aspiring filmmakers, especially film directors, need personal
attributes such as stress-tolerance, flexibility, time efficiency, and effective
communication and storytelling skills. ( This is something
Bing Productions could utilize as well, by offering potential teaching services to
young filmmakers and even established ones that aim to further their knowledge
through hands-on, on-set experience in film production on our team.
Customer Segment 2: Screenwriters
• Demographic: In addition to the filmmaker demographics already available in the
Atlanta area, The Atlanta Screenwriters Group exists in that area and has become
one of the largest screenwriter groups in the Southeast. (
Atlanta is also listed as the top 20 place for screenwriters to work if they don’t
want to or can’t afford to live in California or New York
• Geographic: Geographically, Atlanta is still listed as the “Hollywood of the East
and South.” ( Major production companies exist there,
as well as event and screenwriting festivals too, so servicing the screenwriters in
the area with additional experience in script treatments, outlines, etc. is something
Bing Productions can do.
• Interests and Hobbies: The interests of filmmakers are many, but specifically for
screenwriters their hobbies and interests are gaining more knowledge of the
English language, better written communication skills, and a background in
storytelling and character creation/development. Bing Productions can assist in
these areas through my expertise, as I won the Course Directors Award in
Advanced Fiction Writing as well as having a certificate in Advanced Fiction
• Behaviors: The behaviors of screenwriters are the same. They write always and
seek to tell their own stories in a creative and artistic fashion. The mission of Bing
Productions is to enable others to tell their own stories and to do so by committing
to the core values or art and creativity. In this sense, we can utilize the knowledge
of the basis behaviors of screenwriters in marketing to further express the mission
of the company through commercials and social media content in a direct-to-
consumer fashion.
Section 4: Digital Properties and Keyword Strategy
In regard to the digital properties that will belong to Bing productions, the primary ones
of importance would be a domain name, social media accounts, any external e-commerce
accounts, and mailing and subscription listings as well.
• The domain name does step into the realm of trademark, and in regard to the
name Bing it is very familiar, as I have found most associate my last name with
either Chandler from “Friends” or sometimes the search engine Bing. That being
said, at this point in my particular film career, a lot of people associate me with
that brand name. The keyword “Productions” would further serve to associate us
primarily with filmmaking as well. Productions is suggestive of development and
filmmaking and describes in and of itself a company that creates scripts for
production and handles film production in and of itself.
• That being said, a concern could be that is already in use.
Therefore, I would use, as this would help to differentiate my
company from a similar domain name.
• In regard to social media accounts, we would primarily reside on Instagram,
Facebook, and YouTube, where we can pay for paid advertisement to further
demonstrate our direct-to-consumer model of business, which could be furthered
by word of mouth as well.
• We would have no external e-commerce accounts, as our services would be
offered online and not through a service like Amazon.
• Our mailing and subscription listings would also go to
In regard to the official website, I would design it utilizing Adobe Portfolio or
for prime optimization, as well as using a minimalistic design for more of a clean and
professional look. I would reference MJJ Entertainment from earlier as a good visual reference
how I will build it and how clean the design of it would be. Additionally, there will be different
tabs, showcasing the upcoming projects from ones that have already been established, and there
will be “Meet Our Team” page for those would be involved with the company in different
capacities, whether it be on a freelance schedule or a permeant one. Small things like this will
help to optimize landing pages.
All in all, utilizing the name “Bing”, even for the website, does present a struggle for
branding that could potentially become an issue down the road if the trademark for Bing
Productions isn’t established before the company is created. There also is an inherent issue with
Bing already being a company/search engine. To prevent some confusion, we will try to curtail
this by utilizing SEO words and techniques to optimize the website ( (Sickler,
2019). Here are five long tail phrases that could be used to search for my company:
• Script-writing production company – This phrase would link people to the fact
that we are a production company that offers scriptwriting services and offers to
teach them as well as sell them.
• Compelling Stories of Cinematic Quality – This phrase is built into Bing
Productions’’ mission statement. It would be an easy way for a search engine to
find the website.
• Positive Impact Production Company Atlanta Georgia – This phrase would help
to play on the geographical location of the production company, striving to add
more keywords to be creative.
• Core Values of Creativity, Art, and Technology – these are the core values of
Bing Productions and would also be a good target for a search engine to find that
phrase in any articles we may be published in or any kind of advertisement as
• Short film services – this would work for a good SEO phrase due to the nature of
Bing Productions creating short films and working with clients to create those
based off my relevant experience.
I believe that all of these different components, from business concept overview to digital
properties and keyword strategies, forms a conducive market research outline in order to being
developing an effective digital marketing strategy. By using key concepts and strategies, with
digital properties, Bing Productions has a solid foundation to market effectively and efficiently in
a competitive field. Through a unique hands-on approach of an interdisciplinary experience,
which is my own unique bachelor’s degree, combined with current marketing strategies, we will
successfully create products and services that can truly inspire and benefit our future clients.
Section 5: Campaign Objective
The campaign’s objective is to prompt the sales of Bing Productions’ services and to
promote Bing Productions as a whole over the course of the campaign. Additionally, this will
allow us to connect with our audience by maintaining our focus of the core values of creativity,
art, innovation, inspiration, and technology. A strategy of this regard, when successfully
implemented, will allow incorporate the different formats and distribution methods into a
successful marketing campaign.
Section 6: Marketing Channels
Bing Productions will be using three digital marketing channels to promote sales and
create success by using Instagram, YouTube, and Digital PR. While traditional marketing
channels could prove useful, as a start-up company Bing Productions would do well to utilize its
funding on digital marketing due to the low influx of revenue it will receive from its consumer
base, as those base needs adequate time to grow. Additionally, the analytics are measurable
through digital platforms and advanced targeting and automation make it easy to reach a target
audience (
Digital Platform 1: Instagram
The Instagram marketing campaign will allow us to create a professional business page
and let our content be seen directly by our consumers. Utilization of Instagram’s ability to boost
its posts will allow Bing Productions to not only reach our intended audiences through targeted
marketing, but also review analytics of each post as well. The first four months will be dedicated
to promoting our brand and the services we offer while highlighting why those services are
important to screenwriters and filmmakers. We will integrate behind the scenes work in the
following quarter of four months, showcasing Bing Productions in a different light. The next four
months will continue to promote the brand with a mix of behind-the-scenes content, and the final
four will bring with it an emphasis on the experiences of our customers throughout the year.
Team members will be highlighted, company infrastructure will be explored, and optimization
will be utilized to make sure we are reaching the audience we want, with audience engagement
being the ultimate goal.
I believe using Instagram to promote this business will prove a successful campaign
venture, as Instagram is one of the best social media platforms for customer engagement.
(Alexis, 2020). Not only does it allow us to target specific demographics and locations, it also
allows sponsored ads to show in other users’ feeds, giving us easy accessibility to our consumer
base. The role of hashtags will also prove beneficial, as exposure and engagement can be
encouraged through these on relevant posts to organically grow the company (Hedau 2021).
Jan. - April May - August Sept. - December
We will focus on
brand awareness
and building a
client base of
screenwriters, and
We will focus on
showcasing our
team and our
We will focus on
throughout the year
and highlight
testimonials and
upcoming projects
Call to
This will direct
people to our
website in our bio.
This will direct
people to our
website in our bio.
This will direct
people to our
website in our bio.
Brand Awareness
Services Offered to
both consumers
who are business
and those who are
sole proprietorships
Brand Awareness
Core Values (This
will show people
who we are and
why we do what
we do – to inspire
others and stay
committed to our
core values)
Brand Awareness
previous clients and
their testimonials)
Future Plans (This
will entice our
potential consumer
base further by
showcasing the
experiences others
have had with us.)
Digital Platform 2: YouTube
YouTube will be utilized as the second digital marketing platform. A space that
has been successfully built out for content creators, YouTube is the second-largest search engine
in the world ( It has become a space where people can not only
advertise, but also thrive by one again focusing on a direct-to-consumer model of putting our
videos to a large audience base. It’s reach alone makes it a unique venture. Another good reason
for investing in a YouTube Channel as a digital platform is because paid advertisements on
YouTube will cost this startup company less money than traditional marketing methods, saving
capital for other areas where it will be needed.
All throughout the year, Bing Productions will utilize its YouTube Channel to connect
with its audience by leveraging the advantage of direct-to-consumer content creation. We will
focus on behind-the-scenes and create in house content. This method will allow our potential
client base to get to know the company better, see us operate behind-the-scenes through YouTube
vlogs, and to truly see our mission statement in effect through passionate debate and discussion
about industry topics and discussions through a three day a week recap show where we will
discuss the latest news/updates in the world of film, television, streaming from the major
entertainment trades such as Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, etc. We will also dissect existing,
popular screenplays and films and talk about character development, direction, and overall
storytelling. This will not only allow us to diversify and show our expertise on the subject matter,
but it will also show that we keep up to date with industry standard practices and connect our
services to those same principles. Creative industries grow and change over time, so we will as
Jan. - December
The focus will be on brand awareness, our services offered, behind-the-scenes of who
we are and why/how we do what we do, a look at our previous works before Bing
Productions, a recap show of the latest entertainment industry news
Call to
This will redirect people to our website and services offered.
Brand Awareness
Brand Identity
Digital Platform 3: Digital PR (Micro-Influencers)
Digital PR will be optimized in the campaign, particular through the use of Influencers. Growing
a small business is hard, but utilization of the Influencer market in Quarters 3 and 4 of the year
will not only let us partner with different bases of potential consumers but also improve our
follower growth on Instagram and YouTube by boosting engagement and building a sense of
community. (Canning, 2019).
Targeting specific micro-influencers will be key, as building trust with our customers is
key. A 2018 Launch metrics study found that 46% of professionals will achieve better results
when working specifically with micro-influencers with a smaller audience and following
(Staffwriter, 2022) Another study listed how nearly half of its polled influencers would work for
free for a brand they love. While Bing Productions would ultimately be a new brand, leveraging
our team’s past works/achievements and education would be an enticing way to bring them
onboard to the process in order to being to foster that love for the brand of storytelling we
achieve to create.
Digital PR
Quarter 3 (April-June) Quarter 4 (October – December)
We will focus on brand awareness and
building a client base of both current and
future storytellers, screenwriters, and
We will focus on brand awareness and
building a client base of both current and
future storytellers, screenwriters, and
Call to
This will redirect people to our website. This will redirect people to our website.
Brand Awareness
Brand Identity
Brand Awareness
Brand Identity
Section 7: Content Strategy
Section 8: Mockups
Instagram: Sponsored Post
YouTube: Audience Engagement Recap Show
Digital PR: Micro-Influencer, YouTube Video, Influencer’s graphic talking about
Section 9: Integrated Marketing Strategy
The use of integrated marketing communications concerning Bing Productions
will be optimized through digital media platforms in unique and creative ways. We will work to
build our audience’s trust and let them know that not only are we creating content that they will
love, but we’re also giving them opportunities to grow as creatives themselves. We will bring
together messages and media in a cohesive fashion by doing our weekly show on Monday’s,
Wednesdays, and Fridays on our YouTube Channel, and every day before and after the show we
will post about it on our company’s Instagram page. Additionally, we will have a link to our
website on every post, encouraging young artists to venture there and sign up for classes where
we can dissect their screenplays and short film ideas and help them analyze things like character
development, direction, and storytelling as a whole. No traditional marketing methods will be
utilized in the first year, as we will work first to build a successful client base and influx of
capital for the company.
Section 10: Campaign Budget
Due to the fact that Bing Productions will be a startup company, revenue will
slowly come in during the first year. In any small business’ first year, only three to five percent of
the estimated budget will be allocated to marketing. (“RevLocal, 2019) A lot of our capital will
be allocated to promotion of our services, and utilization of Instagram’s ability to boost posts will
allow us to optimize social media use on that platform for maximum audience engagement.
Using that feature will allow us to target specific demographics and locations while showing up
in other Instagram user’s feeds. Hashtags will bring everything together, and through that we will
hope to see income come in through posts that promote sign-ups for storytelling and
scriptwriting classes, one-on-one sessions, and more.
Paid advertising will help us realize our campaign objective in this capacity. In
2021, Instagram cost $.40-$0.70 a click (DeFazio, 2022). Advanced targeting data helps to
complete a comprehensive demographic and geographical search for potential clients, and with
the platform also comes high engagement rates of 38% or more coming from video ads alone,
such as traditional posts of Instagram Stories
YouTube Ads will be used as well in the budget for the campaign, with the next
portion of the budget going towards that ad placement. The average cost of reaching 100,000
views on YouTube is $2,000, with the average cost-per-view broken down to $0.010-$0.030
(Geyser, 2022). By that math, if we want to reach at least 3,000 per video in the first year on
YouTube, we will end up spending $90 per video, meaning $540 in one month if we use
advertising for half of our monthly amount of videos.
Finally, in consideration to advertising costs with micro-influencers, that will
fluctuate on a case-by-case basis. Other factors to consider will be number of subscribers, video
views, average video watch time, and type of influencer campaign (
Established metrics tell us that the micro-influencer aspect of digital marketing can present itself
as cost-effective, and it gives along with that approach the ability to reach a broad audience.
Brand and products will be the true determining factors when considering what influencers to
partner with.
Section 11: KPIs
• Objective: to promote Bing Productions’ services and classes while informing clients
about our mission, who we are, what we do, and what we’ve done to prove why they can
trust us
• Goal: To build trust/clientele from up-and-coming screenwriters and filmmakers
• KPIs: Followers, views, comments, and post and website interaction
• Target: bi-monthly increase of 50 followers
• Objective: to increase awareness of Bing Productions services
• Goal: to drive traffic to website and prompt sales
• KPI: Views, comments, channel subscribers, clicks to website
• Target: bi-monthly increase of 20 followers, at least three comments on every video, and
at least 40 unique website clicks a month starting in month number three
Digital Micro-Influencers
• Objective: to build relationships with micro-influencers and their followers
• Goal: promoting Bing Productions’ services/gaining the trust of micro-influencers
• KPI: increase to website/inquiries about services offered
• Target: 40 unique website clicks a month for every micro-influencer
Section 12: Analytics
In regard to Bing Productions measurement of the campaign’s success, for the first year
we will opt to utilize analytics built into our social media platforms. Both Instagram and
YouTube make it possible to track the number of estimated revenues, playback, view count,
unique viewers watched, and website interaction (Mercer, 2019). This will allow us to accurately
judge the KPI in addition to giving us an easily accessible way to monitor them weekly and let us
know which one is giving us the best results towards achieving both the individual channels’
goals and objectives, but the goal/objective of Bing Productions as a whole in its first year.
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  • 1. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Strategy Pt 4: Final Paper for Bing Productions Henry J Bing Full Sail University May 9th , 2022
  • 2. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Abstract Conducting marketing research is essential to developing a marketing strategy. It helps you to begin to build a foundation upon which a true marketing plan can be built, and further analysis to that same point is not only pivotal but necessary to ever-changing creative endeavors in an ever- changing world. In this paper, I will be conducting research to build an effective digital marketing strategy for my film company, Bing Productions. As new companies arise, the need for a true marketing plan presents itself as a critical juncture to others answering several questions: Who are you? What do you do? What can you offer me that I can’t get anywhere else from someone else? This method of overview and research will ultimately begin to be developed through twelve primary sections. Business Concept Overview, Competitive Analysis, Target Markey, and Digital Properties and Keyword Strategies are the first four. Utilization of campaign objectives, marketing channels, content strategy, and mockups are the next four, and finally the last four will include utilization of an integrated marketing strategy, campaign budgeting, KPIs, and Analytics. Combining all twelve of these sections together will not only help evaluate this campaign’s potential performance, but simultaneously help coordinate it in an effective and efficient manner.
  • 3. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Strategy Pt 4: Final Paper for Bing Productions Section 1: Business Concept Overview The goal I am working towards in the areas of overview and research is creating a film production company called Bing Productions. The mission of Bing Productions will be to entertain, inspire, and illustrate the power of storytelling and creativity to make a positive impact by challenging audiences around the world. We will strive to tell compelling stories of cinematic quality and create immersive experiences for audiences by committing to the core values of creativity, art, and technology. The goal here is to demonstrate the company’s digital marketing strategy, and to identify competition as well as the strengths and weakness of that marketing strategy. Positive stories are not often told, so by delivering our product in this fashion we will be a refreshing and innovative method that will allow us to reach a broader audience through a direct-to-consumer model. • Here is the Bing Productions Business Model Canvas: • The Business Location for Bing Productions will be Atlanta, Georgia with the business being based out of Orlando, FL. It will be an online business that can travel where necessary, as a Florida LLC Is allowed to operate in evert state as a legal business per the Constitution. “This is protected under the full faith credit clause” ( • The type of marketing used will be a mix of Business to Consumer and Business to Business. • The Specific Products/services offered from Bing Productions will be short film creation, feature film creation, script-writing services, and content creation through social media, as well as social media management of that content. The pricing for these services will be
  • 4. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER as follows: Short Films - $5k to 7k, Feature Films pricing: available upon request (case by case basis), 30min Script Analysis - $100, 60 min Script Analysis - $200, Script Breakdown - $100, Content Creation – pricing available upon request (case by case basis), Social Media Management – pricing available upon request (case by case basis). These services and pricing are what will make us unique to consumers, as well as our ability to both meet their needs online and travel as necessary. Section 2: Competitive Analysis For a Competitive Analysis, I have conducted research to identify three potential competitors, evaluating their marketing efforts through chars identifying the components of
  • 5. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER traditional and digital marketing channels, social media platform effectiveness, along with their marketing strategy strengths and weaknesses. Company #1: Boss Up Productions L.L.C. Home Page: Channel Strengths Weaknesses Website - The information in the services offered section near the bottom lists things thoroughly and efficiently - Client testimonials speak to the strong work of the company’s founder - The colors of red, black, and white are consistent throughout - The founder has strong philanthropic ties to the community and to Warner Media - It shows a small sneak peek at some short films, but offers no potential release dates or further information on both the technical and creative side - The founder has a link to her own website inside the company’s website, which can confuse a consumer as to which is the true focus - The founder is listed everywhere on the website, which further adds to confusion - The top logo lacks a clean quality, and instead presents as grainy SEO - The phrase “Boss UP”, while not totally unique, does show up quickly on a Google search - It shows up first - According to, there are only three organic keywords - There isn’t much traffic to the website - There are no paid keywords Instagram - It presents as a professional film company - The logo and even colors in the photos are consistent with the website branding - semi-relevant hashtags are used throughout - There is more confusion here based on the posts as to whether or not the company and its services/products are the focus, or the founder - The page has 5,080 followers but the amount of likes averages to 5 or 6 per post
  • 6. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Company #2: Beverly Boy Productions Home Page: Channel Strengths Weaknesses Website - The website reads as very professional - Client testimonials are present - They present themselves as a very professional production with a strong history and solid work behind their name - They clearly present the process they would present a client from pre-production to deliverables - It can read as a bit cluttered - The information, while more than enough, could read as overwhelming - Structure and organization could be added to make the website appear a bit cleaner - On their work page, all pre- existing work and behind the scenes as well as client testimonials is presents as a multi-spectrum line with no pictures, so a client could be forgiven if they were a bit confused by this SEO - The phrase “Beverly Boy Productions” is surely a unique one - They have a monthly volume of 900, which is impressive, with 840 estimated clicks according to - The name, when in a search engine, could confuse people as to them being based in Beverly Hills versus in Florida Instagram - It presents as a professional film company - There is great behind the scenes content here with a clear presentation of the work - The page has 2,665 followers but the amount of likes seems to vary greatly depending on the content posted
  • 7. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER and the production involved in it as well Company #3: MJJ Entertainment Home Page: Channel Strengths Weaknesses Website - The website reads as very professional and very minimal with a clean presentation - Contact info is clearly listed along with social media - The services section lists efficiently the true extent of their production quality abilities - With this website I find it hard to capture any weaknesses, as their presentation is clean, previse, and to the point SEO - There are only three similar keywords - Upon a Google search, they show up first - They have a monthly volume of 44, with the same number of estimated clicks - The name, when it appears in the similar keywords category on, does show that there could be other variations of their companies name out there, which could add to the confusion Instagram - It presents as a professional film company - There is a page that says MJJ Entertainment, LLC that hasn’t been touched since 2018 - The link on the website leads to the Instagram of mjordanpictures, with an entirely different website. This could confuse consumers
  • 9. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Section 3: Target Market Two customer segments, both primary and secondary, that will buy the products/services of Bing Productions are independent filmmakers. The primary customer segment will be filmmakers in general, with the secondary customer segment being specifically screenwriters. Customer Segment 1: Directors and Producers • Demographic: The city of Atlanta is home to 498,715 people ( The filmmaker statistics there, by gender, are also 71.8% male and 28.2% female ( Additionally, there are several listings of filmmakers and film companies in Atlanta as well, including,, etc. • Geographic: Geographically, Atlanta Georgia has become a bustling hub for the film industry today, with it even being named the Hollywood of the South ( (Dockterman, 2018) The Georgia Film Office also actively works to bring film and television productions to Georgia, with Atlanta being a central hub for filming. ( • Interests and Hobbies: Interests and hobbies of filmmakers include things like gaining technical expertise, learning more about written and visual storytelling, becoming more decisive, and learning more about on-set communication. ( Overall, this is something that could be used by Bing Productions in regard to overview and research, as it can tie well into a potential marketing campaign towards young and up and coming filmmakers. • Behaviors: Many aspiring filmmakers, especially film directors, need personal attributes such as stress-tolerance, flexibility, time efficiency, and effective
  • 10. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER communication and storytelling skills. ( This is something Bing Productions could utilize as well, by offering potential teaching services to young filmmakers and even established ones that aim to further their knowledge through hands-on, on-set experience in film production on our team. Customer Segment 2: Screenwriters • Demographic: In addition to the filmmaker demographics already available in the Atlanta area, The Atlanta Screenwriters Group exists in that area and has become one of the largest screenwriter groups in the Southeast. ( Atlanta is also listed as the top 20 place for screenwriters to work if they don’t want to or can’t afford to live in California or New York ( • Geographic: Geographically, Atlanta is still listed as the “Hollywood of the East and South.” ( Major production companies exist there, as well as event and screenwriting festivals too, so servicing the screenwriters in the area with additional experience in script treatments, outlines, etc. is something Bing Productions can do. • Interests and Hobbies: The interests of filmmakers are many, but specifically for screenwriters their hobbies and interests are gaining more knowledge of the English language, better written communication skills, and a background in storytelling and character creation/development. Bing Productions can assist in these areas through my expertise, as I won the Course Directors Award in Advanced Fiction Writing as well as having a certificate in Advanced Fiction Writing.
  • 11. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER • Behaviors: The behaviors of screenwriters are the same. They write always and seek to tell their own stories in a creative and artistic fashion. The mission of Bing Productions is to enable others to tell their own stories and to do so by committing to the core values or art and creativity. In this sense, we can utilize the knowledge of the basis behaviors of screenwriters in marketing to further express the mission of the company through commercials and social media content in a direct-to- consumer fashion.
  • 12. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Section 4: Digital Properties and Keyword Strategy In regard to the digital properties that will belong to Bing productions, the primary ones of importance would be a domain name, social media accounts, any external e-commerce accounts, and mailing and subscription listings as well. • The domain name does step into the realm of trademark, and in regard to the name Bing it is very familiar, as I have found most associate my last name with either Chandler from “Friends” or sometimes the search engine Bing. That being said, at this point in my particular film career, a lot of people associate me with that brand name. The keyword “Productions” would further serve to associate us primarily with filmmaking as well. Productions is suggestive of development and filmmaking and describes in and of itself a company that creates scripts for production and handles film production in and of itself. • That being said, a concern could be that is already in use. Therefore, I would use, as this would help to differentiate my company from a similar domain name. • In regard to social media accounts, we would primarily reside on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, where we can pay for paid advertisement to further demonstrate our direct-to-consumer model of business, which could be furthered by word of mouth as well. • We would have no external e-commerce accounts, as our services would be offered online and not through a service like Amazon. • Our mailing and subscription listings would also go to
  • 13. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER In regard to the official website, I would design it utilizing Adobe Portfolio or for prime optimization, as well as using a minimalistic design for more of a clean and professional look. I would reference MJJ Entertainment from earlier as a good visual reference how I will build it and how clean the design of it would be. Additionally, there will be different tabs, showcasing the upcoming projects from ones that have already been established, and there will be “Meet Our Team” page for those would be involved with the company in different capacities, whether it be on a freelance schedule or a permeant one. Small things like this will help to optimize landing pages. All in all, utilizing the name “Bing”, even for the website, does present a struggle for branding that could potentially become an issue down the road if the trademark for Bing Productions isn’t established before the company is created. There also is an inherent issue with Bing already being a company/search engine. To prevent some confusion, we will try to curtail this by utilizing SEO words and techniques to optimize the website ( (Sickler, 2019). Here are five long tail phrases that could be used to search for my company: • Script-writing production company – This phrase would link people to the fact that we are a production company that offers scriptwriting services and offers to teach them as well as sell them. • Compelling Stories of Cinematic Quality – This phrase is built into Bing Productions’’ mission statement. It would be an easy way for a search engine to find the website. • Positive Impact Production Company Atlanta Georgia – This phrase would help to play on the geographical location of the production company, striving to add more keywords to be creative.
  • 14. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER • Core Values of Creativity, Art, and Technology – these are the core values of Bing Productions and would also be a good target for a search engine to find that phrase in any articles we may be published in or any kind of advertisement as well. • Short film services – this would work for a good SEO phrase due to the nature of Bing Productions creating short films and working with clients to create those based off my relevant experience. I believe that all of these different components, from business concept overview to digital properties and keyword strategies, forms a conducive market research outline in order to being developing an effective digital marketing strategy. By using key concepts and strategies, with digital properties, Bing Productions has a solid foundation to market effectively and efficiently in a competitive field. Through a unique hands-on approach of an interdisciplinary experience, which is my own unique bachelor’s degree, combined with current marketing strategies, we will successfully create products and services that can truly inspire and benefit our future clients.
  • 15. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Section 5: Campaign Objective The campaign’s objective is to prompt the sales of Bing Productions’ services and to promote Bing Productions as a whole over the course of the campaign. Additionally, this will allow us to connect with our audience by maintaining our focus of the core values of creativity, art, innovation, inspiration, and technology. A strategy of this regard, when successfully implemented, will allow incorporate the different formats and distribution methods into a successful marketing campaign.
  • 16. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Section 6: Marketing Channels Bing Productions will be using three digital marketing channels to promote sales and create success by using Instagram, YouTube, and Digital PR. While traditional marketing channels could prove useful, as a start-up company Bing Productions would do well to utilize its funding on digital marketing due to the low influx of revenue it will receive from its consumer base, as those base needs adequate time to grow. Additionally, the analytics are measurable through digital platforms and advanced targeting and automation make it easy to reach a target audience ( Digital Platform 1: Instagram The Instagram marketing campaign will allow us to create a professional business page and let our content be seen directly by our consumers. Utilization of Instagram’s ability to boost its posts will allow Bing Productions to not only reach our intended audiences through targeted marketing, but also review analytics of each post as well. The first four months will be dedicated to promoting our brand and the services we offer while highlighting why those services are important to screenwriters and filmmakers. We will integrate behind the scenes work in the following quarter of four months, showcasing Bing Productions in a different light. The next four months will continue to promote the brand with a mix of behind-the-scenes content, and the final four will bring with it an emphasis on the experiences of our customers throughout the year. Team members will be highlighted, company infrastructure will be explored, and optimization will be utilized to make sure we are reaching the audience we want, with audience engagement being the ultimate goal. I believe using Instagram to promote this business will prove a successful campaign venture, as Instagram is one of the best social media platforms for customer engagement.
  • 17. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER (Alexis, 2020). Not only does it allow us to target specific demographics and locations, it also allows sponsored ads to show in other users’ feeds, giving us easy accessibility to our consumer base. The role of hashtags will also prove beneficial, as exposure and engagement can be encouraged through these on relevant posts to organically grow the company (Hedau 2021). Instagram Time span: Jan. - April May - August Sept. - December Focuses on: We will focus on brand awareness and building a client base of storytellers, screenwriters, and filmmakers. We will focus on behind-the-scenes content, showcasing our team and our process. We will focus on consumer experiences throughout the year and highlight testimonials and upcoming projects Call to action: This will direct people to our website in our bio. This will direct people to our website in our bio. This will direct people to our website in our bio. Supports: Brand Awareness & Services Offered to both consumers who are business and those who are sole proprietorships Brand Awareness & Core Values (This will show people who we are and why we do what we do – to inspire others and stay committed to our core values) Brand Awareness (Showcasing previous clients and their testimonials) & Future Plans (This will entice our potential consumer base further by showcasing the positive experiences others have had with us.) Digital Platform 2: YouTube
  • 18. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER YouTube will be utilized as the second digital marketing platform. A space that has been successfully built out for content creators, YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world ( It has become a space where people can not only advertise, but also thrive by one again focusing on a direct-to-consumer model of putting our videos to a large audience base. It’s reach alone makes it a unique venture. Another good reason for investing in a YouTube Channel as a digital platform is because paid advertisements on YouTube will cost this startup company less money than traditional marketing methods, saving capital for other areas where it will be needed. All throughout the year, Bing Productions will utilize its YouTube Channel to connect with its audience by leveraging the advantage of direct-to-consumer content creation. We will focus on behind-the-scenes and create in house content. This method will allow our potential client base to get to know the company better, see us operate behind-the-scenes through YouTube vlogs, and to truly see our mission statement in effect through passionate debate and discussion about industry topics and discussions through a three day a week recap show where we will discuss the latest news/updates in the world of film, television, streaming from the major entertainment trades such as Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, etc. We will also dissect existing, popular screenplays and films and talk about character development, direction, and overall storytelling. This will not only allow us to diversify and show our expertise on the subject matter, but it will also show that we keep up to date with industry standard practices and connect our services to those same principles. Creative industries grow and change over time, so we will as well. YouTube Time span: Jan. - December
  • 19. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Focuses on: The focus will be on brand awareness, our services offered, behind-the-scenes of who we are and why/how we do what we do, a look at our previous works before Bing Productions, a recap show of the latest entertainment industry news Call to action: This will redirect people to our website and services offered. Supports: Brand Awareness & Brand Identity & Objectives Digital Platform 3: Digital PR (Micro-Influencers) Digital PR will be optimized in the campaign, particular through the use of Influencers. Growing a small business is hard, but utilization of the Influencer market in Quarters 3 and 4 of the year will not only let us partner with different bases of potential consumers but also improve our follower growth on Instagram and YouTube by boosting engagement and building a sense of community. (Canning, 2019). Targeting specific micro-influencers will be key, as building trust with our customers is key. A 2018 Launch metrics study found that 46% of professionals will achieve better results when working specifically with micro-influencers with a smaller audience and following (Staffwriter, 2022) Another study listed how nearly half of its polled influencers would work for free for a brand they love. While Bing Productions would ultimately be a new brand, leveraging our team’s past works/achievements and education would be an enticing way to bring them onboard to the process in order to being to foster that love for the brand of storytelling we achieve to create. Digital PR Time span: Quarter 3 (April-June) Quarter 4 (October – December)
  • 20. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Focuses on: We will focus on brand awareness and building a client base of both current and future storytellers, screenwriters, and filmmakers. We will focus on brand awareness and building a client base of both current and future storytellers, screenwriters, and filmmakers. Call to action: This will redirect people to our website. This will redirect people to our website. Supports: Brand Awareness & Brand Identity & Objective Brand Awareness & Brand Identity & Objective
  • 21. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Section 7: Content Strategy
  • 22. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Section 8: Mockups Instagram: Sponsored Post YouTube: Audience Engagement Recap Show
  • 23. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Digital PR: Micro-Influencer, YouTube Video, Influencer’s graphic talking about screenwriting
  • 24. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Section 9: Integrated Marketing Strategy The use of integrated marketing communications concerning Bing Productions will be optimized through digital media platforms in unique and creative ways. We will work to build our audience’s trust and let them know that not only are we creating content that they will love, but we’re also giving them opportunities to grow as creatives themselves. We will bring together messages and media in a cohesive fashion by doing our weekly show on Monday’s, Wednesdays, and Fridays on our YouTube Channel, and every day before and after the show we will post about it on our company’s Instagram page. Additionally, we will have a link to our website on every post, encouraging young artists to venture there and sign up for classes where we can dissect their screenplays and short film ideas and help them analyze things like character development, direction, and storytelling as a whole. No traditional marketing methods will be utilized in the first year, as we will work first to build a successful client base and influx of capital for the company.
  • 25. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Section 10: Campaign Budget Due to the fact that Bing Productions will be a startup company, revenue will slowly come in during the first year. In any small business’ first year, only three to five percent of the estimated budget will be allocated to marketing. (“RevLocal, 2019) A lot of our capital will be allocated to promotion of our services, and utilization of Instagram’s ability to boost posts will allow us to optimize social media use on that platform for maximum audience engagement. Using that feature will allow us to target specific demographics and locations while showing up in other Instagram user’s feeds. Hashtags will bring everything together, and through that we will hope to see income come in through posts that promote sign-ups for storytelling and scriptwriting classes, one-on-one sessions, and more. Paid advertising will help us realize our campaign objective in this capacity. In 2021, Instagram cost $.40-$0.70 a click (DeFazio, 2022). Advanced targeting data helps to complete a comprehensive demographic and geographical search for potential clients, and with the platform also comes high engagement rates of 38% or more coming from video ads alone, such as traditional posts of Instagram Stories YouTube Ads will be used as well in the budget for the campaign, with the next portion of the budget going towards that ad placement. The average cost of reaching 100,000 views on YouTube is $2,000, with the average cost-per-view broken down to $0.010-$0.030 (Geyser, 2022). By that math, if we want to reach at least 3,000 per video in the first year on YouTube, we will end up spending $90 per video, meaning $540 in one month if we use advertising for half of our monthly amount of videos. Finally, in consideration to advertising costs with micro-influencers, that will fluctuate on a case-by-case basis. Other factors to consider will be number of subscribers, video
  • 26. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER views, average video watch time, and type of influencer campaign ( Established metrics tell us that the micro-influencer aspect of digital marketing can present itself as cost-effective, and it gives along with that approach the ability to reach a broad audience. Brand and products will be the true determining factors when considering what influencers to partner with.
  • 27. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Section 11: KPIs Instagram • Objective: to promote Bing Productions’ services and classes while informing clients about our mission, who we are, what we do, and what we’ve done to prove why they can trust us • Goal: To build trust/clientele from up-and-coming screenwriters and filmmakers • KPIs: Followers, views, comments, and post and website interaction • Target: bi-monthly increase of 50 followers YouTube • Objective: to increase awareness of Bing Productions services • Goal: to drive traffic to website and prompt sales • KPI: Views, comments, channel subscribers, clicks to website • Target: bi-monthly increase of 20 followers, at least three comments on every video, and at least 40 unique website clicks a month starting in month number three Digital Micro-Influencers • Objective: to build relationships with micro-influencers and their followers • Goal: promoting Bing Productions’ services/gaining the trust of micro-influencers • KPI: increase to website/inquiries about services offered • Target: 40 unique website clicks a month for every micro-influencer
  • 28. STRATEGY PT 4: FINAL PAPER Section 12: Analytics In regard to Bing Productions measurement of the campaign’s success, for the first year we will opt to utilize analytics built into our social media platforms. Both Instagram and YouTube make it possible to track the number of estimated revenues, playback, view count, unique viewers watched, and website interaction (Mercer, 2019). This will allow us to accurately judge the KPI in addition to giving us an easily accessible way to monitor them weekly and let us know which one is giving us the best results towards achieving both the individual channels’ goals and objectives, but the goal/objective of Bing Productions as a whole in its first year.
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