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April, 30th 2019
SEO Meetup Event
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device today
Why We’re Talking...
Typically, companies turn to us when they are:
Frustrated because they have been toying around with social media and SEO, and seeing little
return for their effort.
Anxious because they’re spending money to create content, run ads, or rank on search engines,
and are not getting the engagement they want, or the leads they were hoping for.
Overwhelmed because SEO and social media seem to change so quickly that it seems
impossible to keep up or know where to spend time, energy and budget.
Annoyed because they’ve been burned by some snake oil salesman SEO or social media
consultant that promised the sun, the moon, and the stars with a first page ranking and a
campaign that goes viral...only to find themselves with some Facebook likes and comments a
bunch of excuses, and no idea how to tie anything back to a business objective.
If any of this sounds like you, then let continue...
Google’s shift to actually being algorithmically driven
Google is widely regarded as the algorithm but in reality up
until late in 2018, Google relied on thousands of "manual
quality raters" (humans trained according to G's standards
and preferences) to manually review and "grade" search
results pages.
On August 1, 2018, for the first time Google changed the
weights used to score and rank websites in search results to
rely primarily on their machine-learning based algorithm
called RankBrain.
Today’s Agenda.
● Organic search ( 2019 )
● Persona
● Analytics and Technical
● Keyword Research
● On Page
● Content Marketing
● Project Planning - Putting it All
Google & Organic Search in 2019
The impact has been significant across the internet
Thousands of sites were immediately
affected, both positively and negatively.
The deduced focus of this update was
Google’s “clean-up” of rankings that
were acquired or established from URLs
who didn’t “deserve” them.
Google’s shift to actually being algorithmically driven
Hummingbird (2013)
● Was a complete overhaul of the core algorithm.
● Google’s changing approach from keyword-oriented
searches to intent-oriented searches
RankBrain Algorithm (has 2 main jobs)
1. Understanding search queries (keywords)
2. Measuring how people interact with the results (user
Query Intent (August 2018 - Present)
● Google’s full shift to RankBrain to provide the best
results based on user’s true search intent
This represents some big changes
● The old adage of long-form content is better
● We found that in many cases, actually
reducing the content of pages led to
improved rankings.
● Not because shorter is the new better, but
because to answer a commercial query, a
page shouldn't include informational
Looking forward into 2019
● This means that now, more than ever
before, content tone and voice are factors
when it comes to ranking.
● Subjective opinions are being graded and
scored, and in many cases losing to
objective facts.
● Topics must be clearly and comprehensively
considered when designing content.
Hello Quantum.
If you don't have time to do it right, when will you
have time to do it over?“
— Jhon Wooden
Hall of Fame Basketball Coach
SEO Focus Areas
On-Page Information
Analytics &
Building a Persona
Select the most valuable pages on your website
(homepage, solutions, and products) and did the
1. Onboarding Questions
2. Google Analytics
3. Email or CRM Data
4. Instagram, Youtube & ITunes
5. Facebook Audience Insights
LinkedIn is a great platform for B2B sales, but the truth is
people don’t always show their true self there. It’s a
business platform, so people tend to present a more
professional version of themselves.
Building a Persona
GA has built in demographic reporting, where we get
valuable customer data such as their affinity interests,
location, age and gender
There’s a handful of reports that will be useful to you, all
located under Audience in GA:
● Age report
● Gender report
● Locations report
● Affinity interests report
● Device report (mobile usage)
Check your conversion reporting and layer on segments
like mobile, age and gender to understand the identify of
who is converting on your website (aka, your customer).
Building a Persona - Instagram
Instagram can be tricky to use, you need to find the right
accounts to analyze.
● Click 5 - 10 pictures and look at the engagement (
See who is engaging with the content )
● If the page / users don’t fit your audience find
other relevant pages and continue to search for
your ideal user
● Entrepreneur David Meltzer was featured. We
know what our potential users want to see.
○ His video content performs very well, this
is definitely a medium this audience prefers
○ He has a popular podcast where he
features other similar entrepreneurs
○ He’s into holistic approaches to business,
including things like meditation and
Building a Persona - Youtube
YouTube is a great audience analytics tool for B2B —
mainly because lots of B2B video content have been
created there and more get published every day
● Look through video content published by the
biggest publishers
● Get a feel of the type of people following their
● Dig into each video and see what they’re talking
about to get an idea about what your audience
● Type of clothes, tone, terminology
Building a Persona - P dcast
Your aim is to find useful data about your audience by answering questions like:
● What influencers do they follow?
● What are their most DL podcasts and why?
● What topics get the most DLs?
● Which podcasts do they pay the most attention to and why?
In the end, you should be able to deduce major information about who your audience is, what gets their attention the
most, and what doesn’t.
Building a Persona - Facebook Audience Insights
Once you gather all your audience insights, you need to
input them in Facebook Insights so it shows you more in-
depth data about your audience(s).
Facebook Insights is a tool provided by Facebook to
provide audience data to advertisers.
● How many people in the US (or any other country)
pay attention to XYZ topic.
● What’s their age range?
● What pages do they like on Facebook?
● What activities do they engage in?
For some reason we don’t hear many SEO
consultants or even agencies talking about this.
Geospatial Information Systems
Hundreds of thousands of organizations in
virtually every field are using GIS to make
maps that communicate, perform analysis,
share information, and solve complex
problems around the world. This is
changing the way the world works.
● Identify Problems
● Monitor Change
● Perform Forecasting
● Set Priorities
● Understand Trends
Persona Insights - Using GIS
GIS For Personas
Maps, data, and spatial analysis provide genuine insight into the factors at work in an area. From income and
spending trends to employment, education, crime and demographic shifts, uncover the secrets hidden in your market.
Identify patterns for a competitive advantage. Let me run you through why this is powerful...
GIS For Personas
Download The Tapestry Segmentation Infographic
Analytics Insights - User Journey
All of this helps you understand exactly who you are talking to. Use all of this data to create personas so that
you can move forward and tailor your keyword strategy the right way.
Analytics & Technical
In order to get the most out of any SEO
endeavour, you need to make sure your data is
sound and reliable.
Google Tag Manager. End to end setup,
tag migration, optimization and ongoing
Google Analytics. Audit, goal setup,
custom event tracking, enhanced
eCommerce setup.
Consider creating an itemized checklist of issues
and recommended action for all of the platforms
listed above. Our team is also capable to execute
all the necessary changes.
Analytics Audit + Implementation
Google Search Console is the most important SEO
tool - it tells us a lot about your website’s health in
regards to how Google wants it formatted. For that
reason, we do a standalone GSC audit to uncover all
issues and suggestions, including:
● Schema review
● Sitemap check
● Robots.txt review
● Messages, issues, warnings
● Past link disavows and link penalty
Our team will deliver an itemized checklist of issues
and recommended action. Our team is also capable
to execute all the necessary changes.
Analytics - Search Console Audit + Implementations
After setting up and cleaning your analytics data,
get insights from it.
PPC If you don’t have much data on your
target audience consider running a small
PPC campaign for data gathering.
Web 2.0 Analytics Data If you have
access to other sources of data, use it.
Utilize GIS Geospatial Information
Systems can be extremely powerful for
targeting + save you money
Conduct A Survey A valuable way to get
data so that you can understand your
customer. You can literally ask people what
they like.
Analytics Insights
It’s vital that your business understand the impact
of SEO services. Consider “benchmarking” your
site which will give you a snapshot of your data.
Our custom report includes:
● Organic traffic insights from Google
● Indexation and sitemap status checks from
Google Search Console
● Existing keyword rankings (branded and
non branded)
● Current backlink profile analysis
Analytics - Benchmarking Analysis
Google Data Studio
Turning Analytics into Business Intelligence
BI is essentially turning unstructured data into informed
1. Collect information on customer journey
2. Collect sales information
3. Evaluate efficiency of advertising channels
4. Re-Evaluate advertising budget
5. Measure efficiency of advertising channels
based on their influence on the customer journey
inside the sales funnel
Some of the terms associated with BI
● #All_touchpoints
● #Decison_making
● #Purchases
● #Sales_Funnels
● #Confirmed_Orders
● #Sales_Sequences
● #LTV
● #Offline
● #Online
● #Cross_device
● #Revenue
● #Order_Status
● #Order_Completion_Rate
Introduction to Data Pipelines
Introduction to Data Pipelines
Introduction to Data Pipelines
1. All touchpoints / all sessions you can capture
2. All devices
3. Online & Offline
4. Comprehensive Funnel
5. Not-biased attribution
Introduction to Data Pipelines
Attribution model: An attribution model is the rule, or set of rules, that determines how credit for sales and conversions is
assigned to touchpoints in conversion paths
In order to capture any hidden issues with your website as a solopreneur or small business, you should run a technical
audit from a paid tool, checking the site for:
● Accessibility / findability hindrances
● URL structure, site architecture and navigation
● Page titles, metas and on page content
● Hidden canonical and noindex tags
● Page status codes (301, 302, 404, etc)
● Crawl rate analysis
Technical SEO Audit + Implementation
In order to capture any hidden issues with your website,
run a full technical audit using multiple tools, checking
the site for:
● Accessibility / findability hindrances
● URL structure, site architecture and navigation
● Page titles, metas and on page content
● Hidden canonical and noindex tags
● Page status codes (301, 302, 404, etc)
● Crawl rate analysis
Our technical audit results in a detailed report with the
recommended course of actions for all found issues.
Technical SEO Audit + Implementation
Website Quality
Search engines send traffic to websites they deem as high quality. That
means a few things:
1. Sites that are coded and structured according to their
webmaster guidelines.
2. Sites that are popular, i.e. getting mentioned across the web.
3. Sites that satisfy searcher intent through relevant and quality
Having low quality pages, content, poor structure and lack of web
mentions causes Google to lose trust in your website and crawl, index
and rank it less and less over time.
We assess quality of your website by looking at a number of different
data inputs, including inbound links, titles, content depth, sales from
organic traffic, keyword rankings and more.
Additional resources:
● Google’s Quality Score (Moz)
A proprietary report that pulls in data from dozens of sources
allowing us to understand the quality of each page on your
● Google Analytics. Organic traffic data, traffic changes,
sales, leads and conversions from organic traffic.
● Google Search Console. Organic CTR, impressions and a
full list of your Sitemap.xml file.
● Screaming Frog. Page depth, status code, type title, meta,
word count and complete list of website URLs.
● SEMRush. Keyword rankings and volume for all the pages
on your site.
● Ahrefs. Backlinks volume and quality.
This data is crosswalked at the URL level, where we make a
detailed decision about what to do with every page on your
Website Quality Audit
Underpinning this audit are a few classic Google Sheets formulas:
● IMPORTXML, which pulls in URLs from your sitemaps
name()='url']/*[local-name() ='loc']")
● QUERY, which filters out only the columns you’ll need from
those CSV exports above
=query('CSV Import'!A1:G,"select G, A, D, B where G != '' and B <=
30 and D >= 300 order by D desc",1)
● VLOOKUP, which is used to aggregate data on a URL-level
=vlookup('CSV Import'!A1:Z, Aggregation!B3, 4, 0)
So the first step is to process your raw data imports using
QUERY, removing any unneeded columns.
After that, you’re ready to use VLOOKUP to pull in metrics for
each of the URLs present in your sitemaps.
Website Quality Audit - How It Works
An XML Sitemap helps your site to inform search engines about the URLs available for crawling. Depending on your site,
you may have multiple sitemaps (for images, video, site sections, etc)
Website Quality Audit: Manual / XML
Your Sitemap will only return the URLs that are included - SF will return every URL on your server. This is important as we
will use it to discover errant pages that we don’t realize exist.
Website Quality Audit: Manual / Screaming Frog
Links are one of the top ranking factors in Google’s algorithm, we need to understand how many links each page on your
website has.
Website Quality Audit: Manual / Link Data
SEMRush is a tool that lets us check the keyword rankings of all the pages on your website. We use SEMRush data to tell
us the “top” keyword of every page on your website (plus the ranking and search volume).
Website Quality Audit: Manual / KW Data
● Organic sessions over the last 12 months
● Organic sales over the last 12 months (if ecommerce site)
● $ conversion value over the last 12 months (if ecommerce
● Goal conversion rate over the last 12 months
● If that page is losing traffic over the last month (tool
calculates it)
Website Quality Audit: Manual / Analytics
Website Quality Audit: Manual / GSC
● Impressions in the SERPS over the
last 360 days
● Clicks from Google over the last
360 days
● SERP Click Through Rate over the
last 360 days
Data Science
Most of the sites / businesses that need SEO will not
even need to delve into the realm of an enterprise level
technical SEO audit.
Focus. Not everything on your site needs to be
fixed at once.
Implementation Matrix. Based off of the data
that we have gathered from very large
enterprise level audits. We can show you exactly
what you need to tackle first.
Project Planning You need to be able to map
your way ahead when it comes to this stuff. Let
us give you that ability.
Implementation Matrix
Quick Insight
San Antonio's population is ~57% Hispanic (, 2016 ).
● Based on this stat alone, there may be enough potential
customers to warrant Spanish content and proper hreflang
Take Away
● If targeting the Spanish speaking portion of the population,
specifically in San Antonio, is a part of your goals as a
business then implementing a proper international
strategy on the site will be an important factor.
Technical Audit Sample
Generally sites will have similar issues. Using the technical tirage approach to Technical SEO you can come up with
some extremely clever ways to out market your competitors.
I’ll show you an example of great ideas you can implement from each section.
Technical Audit Sample
Lessons Learned
We’re giving you the quick wins that came from the
data of the audit. For free.
● We have created a checklist approach to
technical issues that tests approximately 111
metrics from large businesses with huge
marketing budgets.
Technical Audit Quick Wins
Keyword Research
We have an SOP for every single process in our SEO
strategy. That’s just how any business should operate.
● Small Business. KW research is vital to the success
of any web property.
● List of KW Finding Sites:
○ Infinite Suggest
○ LSI Graph
○ Answer The Public
○ Term Explorer
○ Jaaxy
○ LongTail Pro
○ Keyword Finder
○ Soovle
○ Moz Keyword Explorer
○ Google Trends
Keyword Research— Small Sites / Blogs
Download the KW SOP
“Keyword research” is the process of identifying the ideal
search queries we want people to discover your website
with. “Ideal” keywords have the following characteristics:
We don’t do KW research for every page on the
site only the pages that target valuable keywords to
the business
Finding the “Secondary KWs” for every page
● The secondary keywords should
semantically support the main purpose of
the page.
● These keywords should NOT just be
variations of the main keyword, but instead
support the Main KW.
Primary: Black shoelaces -
Secondary: 54” inch black laces (and other size variations), Black replacement
shoelaces, high quality black laces, black shoelaces for basketball sneakers, Nike
Air Max black laces
Keyword Research— The Right Way
Check the Domain Rating and URL Rating of the top results.
We use this data at the end of the analysis to formulate an
accurate and realistic scenario of the opportunity that each
page have to rank for the targeted keyword:
Check the Link Velocity Check the # of links going
to the page to see if you can compete.
Assess the ‘Content Type’ understand if Google is
ranking blog posts, product pages, Amazon listings,
YouTube videos, etc for your main keywords
To crosswalk, we wrote a formula to return “opportunity”
scores for each keyword and page. This formula contain the
following variables:
1. DR Average: Domain Authority average across top
3 results.
2. UR Average: Page Authority average across top 3
3. Link Average: Referring domain average across top
3 results.
Keyword Research— The Right Way
Keyword Research— The Right Way
*Select the most valuable pages on your website (homepage, solutions, and products) and did the following:
1. Review each page manually to identify to “Main KW”. This is the keyword that represents the overall context of the page, aka the root.
2. Find 2 - 4 supporting (NOT synonym) keywords to add additional long tails.
3. Find the total search volume of these keywords.
4. Analyze the top 10 SERP results and link count for each keyword. This helps to understand the intent of the search and the type of
content we should create for that keyword.
1. Keywords based on existing website assets. Using the pages on your website we found the optimal keywords (based on
volume and competition) that each page should be targeting. We also performed industry research into these pages pages to find
additional keywords.
2. Keywords based on competitive gaps. A competitive analysis of your direct competitors and industry leaders, we find the
keywords driving the most traffic to their website and create a “gap” analysis of those keywords NOT included on your site. We
will then determine the best way to rank for these keywords, either with content or new landing pages.
How do we find keywords for each page?
The “primary” keyword is the focus keyword for that page. “Secondary”
keywords are long tails and semantics that support the “primary” keyword
and give the page additional opportunity to rank for more keywords.
1. Scrape existing keyword rankings for each page. If your website
has some authority, Google will index it for a large number of
keywords. We begin by using these keywords to create a “topical”
overview for what the page is (and should be) about.
2. For pages with no keyword rankings, manually assign keywords.
We do so by analyzing what that page is about and what a
searcher would use to find that page. Then, we use Ahrefs and
SEMRush to verify volume of those keywords.
3. Find “secondary” keywords using Google suggested search.
Through a long process of trial and error, we find long tails by
using Google’s suggested search engine to tell us what people
are also searching for when looking for our “primary” keyword.
Mapping keywords by intent (journey stage)
“Intent” refers to what the searcher is really looking for when using
keywords. It is important because it tells us the right type of content to
rank for that query. We map intent based on 5 “journey stages” that map
for a keyword funnel”
1. Customer. Keywords that your current customer based is looking for - this is
generally support based or usage queries (i.e. how to use “product” or service).
2. Consider. Already aware of the options and looking to convert.
3. Discover. Coming across your product or service offerings for the first time.
4. Awareness. In the market for a solution, but have no idea who you are or what
you sell.
5. Attention. Very high level searches, topically related, but not purchase intent
The goal is to scrape as much of the SERPs as possible, even for the high level attention
based keywords that don’t drive conversions. The more free, organic exposure we can
get your brand, the better.
5. Attention
4. Awareness
3. Discover
2. Consider
1. Customer
Analysis of each keyword.
We analyze the top 10 search results ranking for each of your “primary” keywords. We do so because we need to understand if your page has a
legitimate shot of ranking for that keyword. If not, we determine the proper way ahead to capture that traffic. For each “primary” keyword we:
1. Scrape the top 10 results in Google.
2. Check the number of links pointing to each of those results. This helps us understand how competitive / many links the top results have.
3. Assess the “content type” of each result. We need to understand if Google is ranking blog posts, product pages, Amazon listings, YouTube
videos, etc for your main keywords. This helps us understand what Google wants to show for your keywords. The result helps us to better
understand the intent behind each search and the type of content we should be optimizing to rank for that keyword.
What Type of Sites Dominate the
Top 3 content type SERP
results for the main keyword
selected for your
Top 3 content type SERP
results for the
Lead Generation pages
What Type of Sites Dominate the
Top 3 content type for the
Product pages analyzed.
Crosswalk against your metrics.
With the data on your competitors, we crosswalk it against your site’s metrics:
1. Current ranking of that keyword.
2. Current number of referring domains to that keyword’s page.
3. Your domain authority.
To crosswalk information, we wrote a formula to return “opportunity” scores for each keyword and page. These scores help us to prioritize the
next steps:
1. How many links to build to that page
2. How often to build links to that page
3. The necessary “on page” corrections to make.
Improving your current pages provides a quick turn around in traffic. Long term growth comes from the consistent
creation of high quality, well targeted pages on your website.
Our content gap report identifies where there are opportunities for improvement in order to rank for more high value
The document details how to rank for keywords NOT currently on your website and the type of page / content to
create in order to do so.
SEO Content Gap Analysis For NEW Page Creation
Site architecture via
Using a Data Science studio we can take all of the KW data from
sites like SEMRush, aHREFS & Screaming Frog
Dataiku We use a data science studio that lets us apply
automated machine learning to our KW research process.
High Performance Models Remember that technical
audit? These methods came from that. We’ve found that
using Random Forests & XGBoost algorithms work best
for this type of dataset.
Compare Since KW data is public use these machine
learning algorithms to compare why your site isn't
ranking and why your competitors are.
Keyword Research— Machine Learning
Machine Learning - Other SEO Uses
Using a Data Science studio we can take all of the KW data from sites like SEMRush,
aHREFS & Screaming Frog
1. Finding rankin opportunities
2. Title Tag Optimization
3. KW Opportunity gaps
4. Client Reports
5. Finding Common Question Opportunities
6. Content Creation
7. Log File Analysis
8. Parsing Text Into Entities
9. GSC Data Analysis
10. Rich Customer Understanding
11. Traffic Positions
On Page Improvements
Based on the results of the keyword matrix, we know
every keyword that should be included on your website.
The next step is to act - we do so by mapping those
keywords to existing pages on your website and drawing
out improvements to existing pages on your site.
Recommendations include:
● Rewritten page titles, meta descriptions and H2 -
H6 tags
● Use of multimedia to improve page quality
● Rewritten body text with improved keyword
targeting and semantics
● Internal and external links to include on the page
“On Page” Improvements For Existing Pages
Title tags: these are the clickable headlines Google shows for a given result. They should contain your main
keyword, convince user to click on it, and be under 55 characters. Title tags are HUGE on page ranking factors.
● Visiting each page manually and checking the page template source code to verify that the <title> tag is
placed within the </head> tag.
● Identifying of any missing or duplicated titles across pages.
● Verifying that the main keyword is currently being used in the title.
● Looking at Google Search Console Search Appearance and identifying any "Long title tags" over 70 pixels.
● Identify any URLs with titles below 30 characters.
“On Page” Improvements - Title Tags
Meta Description tags: these are short page descriptions that should summarize the page content in 156 characters.
They tell the user what content they can expect to find when they click on the result. Search engines display these
under the title tag.
● Visiting each page manually and checking the page template source code to verify that the <meta> tag is
placed within the </head> tag.
● Identifying any missing or duplicated meta description across pages.
● Identifying any meta description with over 156 and/or below 70 characters.
“On Page” Improvements - Meta Descriptions
<h1> tags, are generally found at the top of the page and display the page heading (may be different from the title tag). They
tell Google about important content on the page. This is a good place to work on secondary keywords different from the main
keyword in the title tag.
● Visiting each page manually and checking the page template source code to verify that H1 tags are being used as a
complement to the page's title. H1s are a great way to add in secondary keywords to support the page's argument.
● Identifying if there’s any H1 duplicated and reused across pages.
● Checking the page template source code to verify that the site is using H2 - H6s tags properly in key landing pages (i.e.
in proper order, using keywords, breaking up content logically, etc). These tags are used throughout the page to
reinforce the semantics (meaning) of the content.
“On Page” Improvements - Page Headings
A snippet of code (HTML) located in the <header> tag that instructs search engines what your page is about. These
markups come in different forms (local business, video, etc) and should be used based on your website and content
type. It makes it easier for Googlebot to get to the meat of what your page is about without having to read complex
● Putting the landing page manually into Google's Structured Data Testing Tool (GSC), and checking what type of
structure data makrupts (i.e.schema) is the client currently leveraging and if there are any errors with the current
● Using Google Tag Manager we check if the markups are properly setup using JSON LD and implemented in the
● Manually reviewing each site section from the Website Quality Audit and recommending the structure data
markups needed.
● Using google Search Console we verify if Rich Cards and being use and if the site have AMP page setup
properly. If sites doesn’t have any of this but they are eligible, then we recommend the appropriate setup.
“On Page” Improvements - Structured Data
● Visit the website and look at some of the example Schemas and the different types of markup
examples of those. Also, consider joining the community and joining the community mail list. There
are Schema extensions which will make schema grow, and being part of the community gives you a chance to be
part of that, and to learn about how it happens.
“On Page” Improvements - Structured Data (Cont)
When doing a on-page assessment is to, literally, go through each of the selected pages and manually analyzing what’s
currently ON the page regarding body content; which besides titles, metas and h1s, should include *keyword density,
subheadings structure, word count, semantic keywords, images, internal links, etc., against the top 3 SERP on Google
based on the page main keyword.
1. Google the main keyword on incognito mode.
1. Pay attention to the top ranking sites BUT exclude ads and highly authoritative websites such as Wikipedia,
Amazon, national newspapers, or major media portals like Yahoo! Answers, Quora, Forbes, Inc, etc.
1. Choose at least 3 related sites to compare with. These should be the sites that are currently engaging with your
shared target audience online. Begin by observing their content structure.
“On Page” Body Recommendations
Microsoft was recently granted a patent about related
Inventors: Dmitry Zhiyanov, Deqing Chen and Yan Ke
Assignee: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC
US Patent: 10,248,732
Granted: April 2, 2019
Filed: October 26, 2015
● We see knowledge panels in both Google and
Bing when a query contains an Entity. Google
attempts to identify entities in queries, because
Google’s Paul Haahr told us that they do in a
presentation at SMX West 2016 in “How Google
Works: A Google Ranking Engineer’s Story”
Working Entities Into Sites
Page Speed
Based on the results of the keyword matrix, we know
every keyword that should be included on your website.
The next step is to act - we do so by mapping those
keywords to existing pages on your website and drawing
out improvements to existing pages on your site.
Recommendations include:
● Rewritten page titles, meta descriptions and H2 -
H6 tags
● Use of multimedia to improve page quality
● Rewritten body text with improved keyword
targeting and semantics
● Internal and external links to include on the page
Download the Page Speed Analysis SOP
Google's UX Playbook(s)
What guides our methodology behind optimizing sites in
regards to on-page elements. ( Insert quiet emoji ) Google.
● Access to classified Google UX Playbooks give us
the best practices for a plethora of different niches
○ Healthcare
○ Lead Gen
○ Real Estate
○ Auto
○ News and Content
○ Retail
○ Travel
● Shows us the sites that are “best in class” & how to
optimize the funnel for the user at each step
through the funnel with case studies
● For really competitive niches Google always
recommends *A/B Split testing
*Example of enterprise level solutions to A/B split testing
A/B Split Testing SEO Example
Meta tags & Titles Testing
Example: Ecommerce: Let’s imagine we’re working with a health /
supplement brand like GNC.
● Hypothesis- adding “FREE Shipping today only” into the meta
description will increase CTR of keywords ranking between
position 2 and 6.
● Test- change 50% of meta descriptions to include the words
FREE Shipping at the end.
○ Shop for high density Whey Protein Powder by GNC. Vegan,
multiple flavors and delicious. Enjoy FREE Shipping today only.
● Control- leave 50% of meta descriptions as is, ensuring that
the rest of the naming nomenclature is consistent
○ Shop for high density Whey Protein Powder by GNC. Vegan,
multiple flavors and delicious.
● Measure- use the report to measure the ranking changes and
CTR changes of the test and control pages over a 3 month period,
pulling the data every 15 days (6 reporting periods)
Content Marketing &
Effective Content Marketing
There is a process to content marketing success, and while it may
seem intuitive, you might be surprised at how few people and
brands follow through on each step.
Great content is the product of listening. When you understand
what your audience wants or what questions they need answers
to, you’ll have a much easier time creating content. From there, it
is an ongoing learning process. Once you learn what the audience
wants, you create it. Once it has been created, you need to
promote it to get it in front of the right audience and ensure that
you’ll get enough data back to know if the content accomplished
the desired objective. From there, you need to analyze and
measure the results and determine what changes need to be
Then the entire process starts all over again.
Content Marketing is a long term play, not a short term cash grab.
Take the time to do the research and do the work.
The Social Blueprint Handbook
The Social Blueprint Handbook
The model of the funnel is a way to visualize the various stages your audience goes
through before becoming a loyal customer. It’s important that when you get in front of
your audience, that you have the content and messaging that is appropriate to the
stage of the funnel they are in.
Awareness: At this stage, you are simply trying to gain visibility in front of the
audience. You are not asking them to do anything. The goal is to generate impressions
with your brand messaging embedded.
Consideration: At this stage of the funnel, you’re trying to convince potential customer
that you are the right choice. This involves content to differentiate, and provide social
proof to move the prospect through the funnel.
Choice: At this stage, is when you introduce the “ask.” It’s where you make a sales
offer, or ask someone to book an appointment. This is where leads convert to
opportunities and sales.
Nurture: Once someone has become a customer, the work has just begun. It’s
important to do everything in your power to generate loyal and repeat business.
The Funnel
The Social Blueprint Handbook
The Funnel
Content type Details Funnel Stages
Social post
A short, generally light-hearted, post that is sole objective is to get people
to see and recognize your brand or product. It talks about top level
information and does not have a call-to-action.
Short Video
A short (less than 3 minute) video, generally built around a singular, narrow
(specific) topic. It could be an interview expert, press video, commercial, gif,
explainer video, review, testimonial, or Q&A video. These are generally
served best to use as content for social media (video plays very well on
Facebook and Instagram, especially in ads).
Long video
An in depth (longer form) video, generally built around a complex subject
that requires explaining. It could be an interview, webinar, presentation,
training or web series. These videos are great to integrate into blog posts
or resource guides, but also play very well when uploaded to YouTube and
promoted to your audience (email list especially).
The Social Blueprint Handbook
The Funnel
Content type Details Funnel Stages
Blog post
Any written piece of content published for free on your website. It could a
simple post, expert guide, white paper, case study, review, etc.
An audio form of content that is typically in a conversational-interview style.
It is meant to explore new or trending ideas, different perspectives, or in-
depth commentary.
This is a topically specific form of an Expert Guide for those very
competitive topics within in an industry. It is best to break resources out
from the blog and create a page silo structure targeting resources.
The Social Blueprint Handbook
The Funnel
Content type Details Funnel Stages
Lead Magnet/
Gated content
A piece of content that requires a form of opt (social share, follow, email) in
to receive the item. This could be a template, white paper, training, ebook,
giveaway, etc.
Email Marketing
A written form on content that is geared towards 1) providing value to your
list, or 2) driving sales.
Sales Offer,
Promotion, or
Contact Form
A hard call to action. Choice
Content Ideas
Whenever you’re building a content plan, it helps to have some reference materials.
To the right, you’ll see a big list of various types of content. By using these as your
starting point, you can fit your product or service into these various categories.
One thing that can be very helpful is to plot all of your content ideas in a giant list, and
then begin adding context and notes on everything from the keywords and headings
used, to the content voice and specific emotions you’re trying to evoke.
The Social Blueprint Handbook Content Upgrade / Resource
Discount Or Promotion
Product Or Service Spotlight
Answer To FAQ
Behind The Scenes (at the company or events)
Holiday Or Special (Timely) Event
Employee Spotlight: Stories/Advice/Quotes
Strategic Partner Spotlight: Stories/Advice/Quotes
Customer Spotlight: Stories/Advice/Quotes
Breaking News
Industry News, Events or Insights
Recommend Tool Or Resource
Thank You Customers
Industry Content
Repurposed Old Content
Expert or Link Round-up
Contest Or Giveaway
Fact Or Statistic
Building Content for Virality
The Social Blueprint Handbook
It’s no surprise that content that evokes an emotion is going to
be more shareable.
That said, there is actually a good amount of research to back
up this claim. Jonah Berger’s book Contagious: Why Things
Catch On explores the various emotional states that lead people
to share content to their networks.
Derek Halpern of Social Triggers has also explored the concept
and broken it down into 7 emotions arranged by emotional and
arousal levels.
The higher the arousal level and the higher the emotion, the
more likely people are to share to their networks.
When planning your content, consider the various aspects of
content that influence people to spread it virally.
Complete a full audit of your content
● Current keyword rankings and search volume (if any).
● Organic traffic to that page (last 12 months), conversions,
impressions in Google and click through rate in Google.
● Word count, date published, page title and indexation.
With this data, we identified:
● “Hub” and “spoke” topics of each page.
● A specific action to take on that page (i.e. update the text,
target with links, 301 redirect and more).
● Detailed notes about how to improve the quality of that
page (if applicable).
Content Production: Content Audit
We use a “hub” and “spoke” model for building content strategies:
● Hub - the topics that are core to the business operations.
These topics must easily map back to your product’s
● Spoke - the topics that support the hub and explore all
possible options for traffic and engagement.
We came up with what we believe should be the “hub” topics for
your blog (next slide). Your blog has well over 500 posts on it - we
went through and manually came up with what we believed the
“hub” and “spoke” topics were for each post. We used this insights
to determine what to do with the post (i.e. if the post was clearly
outside the hub, we don’t need it and should 301 redirect into
another post).
Content Production: Hub & Spoke
We believe the best “hub” opportunity is around professionals.
The best “spokes” off of these are deep diving into specific
professions, namely articles about “reviews” and guides to ORM
for that specific profession.
These topics have the most conversion value to the business.
● Business professionals have a budget and their reputation
is critical to their success
● These topics have a deeper funnel intent by nature.
Someone looking for information on these topics is most
likely negatively impacted by negative attacks and is highly
likely to become a lead.
Content Production: Hub & Spoke
Doctors Can
Can Improve
Doctors Can
Can Manage
Can Improve
Can Manage
Can Manage
Can Improve
Content Production: Approval
● Content approval: Next to each is the potential search traffic of each per month. These figures were calculated by
taking 10% of the total monthly search volume of each collection of keywords. This is a conservative traffic
estimate for a page one result on Google.
A content calendar is the most effective way to plan
and monitor content creation. It not only dictates what
/ when content goes live, but documents audience,
stage in funnel and promotional strategies.
We will build a calendar to leverage the research of
previous deliverables to ensure we’re creating
engaging, relevant, highly searched content that will
rank quickly in organic search.
This calendar is tracked in a live environment in
Google Sheets, allowing us to collaborate ideas,
schedules and writers in real time.
Content Strategy: Editorial Calendar &
When your publishing content there are a series of important
steps that you need to go through before you ever put
anything on your site.
● Outlining
● Drafting
● Draft Writing
● Client Approval
● Draft Editing
● Images
● Posting
● Client Approval
Understand the difference between copywriting, copy
editing, and proofreading
Outline Example
Content Production: Organization
The goal isn’t to just publish content, it’s to create content
that will actually be consumed.
Remember to stay consistent with:
● Outline, draft and final post.
● Custom post headers, branded images and custom
graphics to accent the post.
● Perfect SEO titles, URLs, metas, links, styling and
● Submit your article to GSC immediately after making it
live on your site
Content Production: New Pages & Copywriting
Modern SEO software for content teams. Enterprise solutions to writing effective content. Expensive? Yes, but
worth it.
Content Production: ClearScope
Content Production: Normal
Content Production: Experiential Example 1
Content Production: Experiential Example 2
Content Production: Experiential Example 3
Content Production: Ebook Example
Content Production: Micro Content
It’s not enough to just publish new pages on your site, we
also want to get it in front of as many relevant people as
We use US based writers to manually promote your
articles on:
● Quora
● Reddit
● Niche forums
● Blog comments
● Google+ communities ( No longer exists )
● Facebook Groups
These tactics are not only a great way to get extra traffic
to your site, but they provide valuable links that show
Google your site is being actively talked about on the
Content Promotion: Organic
Inbound links pointing to your website are the #1 ranking factor with
search engines. To acquire these links, we use 100% “white hat”
tactics, based on research and outreach.
Our process focuses on finding relevant, authority website and
blogs using a variety of tactics. The main types of links we target
1. Guest posts
2. Resource pages
3. Broken link building
The links we build are from relevant and trustworthy websites that
we share openly with you via Google Sheets.
Link Prospecting and Outreach
How you should be Link Prospecting
Search Engine Operators
Take the search engine operators our link prospectors use to
find opportunities
What does 100% white hat mean exactly? It’s the methodology behind how the links are acquired.
While we do conduct manual outreach, we have a link database with 5000+ sources that we have contacted and worked
with in the past. It’s constantly being updated. Most of our outreach isn’t done cold.
Link Database
What does 100% white hat mean exactly? It’s the methodology behind how the links are acquired.
While we do conduct manual outreach, we ensure that our links are quality. The anchor text profile must also be natural as
Let me prove to you that this outreach at scale works
Link Quality
Project Management
Potential Timelines
If Marketing were a sport, a proposed
timeline would be the game plan.
You can prepare all you want, you can plan
months in advance - but reality often has
other plans. You aren’t going to simply
perform all of your plays in order, regardless
of the situation that arises.
Like any great coach we may plan ahead,
but we also know how to adapt our game
plan to deal with reality.
Project Management— Tying it all Together
“Why is it a ‘potential’ timeline?”
Digital Marketing is a moving target - and so are your business goals.
For that reason we simply can’t be sure of exactly what needs to be done for your site 6, 9 or 12 months from now without
first spending time working on it.
The timeline in the previous slide is our standard SEO plan based on our accumulated knowledge of digital marketing
campaigns. It serves as a base plan, but it’s designed to be flexible.
For that reason, we begin in month 1 with essential deliverables designed to:
1. Gain a full understanding of the issues and opportunities present on your site
2. Fully comprehend your current and target market
Once we’ve done so, we are able to develop a strategic 12 month plan with our newfound knowledge.
This plan will be formatted to fit your budget and will be presented to you at the end of Month 1 of this engagement.
Project Management— Tying it all Together
Building a project plan.
A project plan details everything you need to execute a campaign and stay on track.
Using a project management system.
Whether it’s Asana, Sheets, Basecamp, Trello - you need a platform to help you stay on top of things.
Load balancing resources.
As you scale, you want to make sure you’re allocating hours across the job properly to maintain profitability and not burning your your staff.
Project Management— Tying it all Together
Building a project plan.
A project plan details everything you need to execute a campaign and stay on track.
Using a project management system.
Whether it’s Asana, Sheets, Basecamp, Trello - you need a platform to help you stay on top of things.
Load balancing resources.
As you scale, you want to make sure you’re allocating hours across the job properly to maintain profitability and not burning your your staff.
Project Management— Sample Project Plan
An advanced team of consultants,
Hello Quantum.
Who we are...
Hello Quantum (“Quantum”) is a Digital Consultancy / Agency focused on driving revenue growth.
I am fiercely competitive, obsessively organized, and extraordinarily passionate. I strive to work with companies
looking to drive more traffic, convert more sales, and dominate their competitors.
Link BuildingSocialStrategy
Web DevInfluencers Email Marketing
Email Automation
What We Do
To get top rankings, we need
“buzz” around your site. We build
ongoing content promotion
campaigns to build a buzz,
inbound links and social shares.
Content is the cornerstone of a
great digital marketing campaign
- it opens up limitless traffic
opportunities. We will build a
targeted content marketing
campaign for your site.
Great Marketers are driven by
data. Better data means better
decisions. We use data to
optimize campaigns around
your business objectives.
No two campaigns are alike.
Using the right data and
insights, we build a custom
strategy for your business
that details everything
needed for growth.
How We Approach Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing
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My next meetup is going to be about Local SEO. Expect the same or even better quality.

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Executing SEO The Proper Way | Quantum

  • 1. PREPARED FOR April, 30th 2019 SEO Meetup Event
  • 2. If you have an android device today
  • 3. Why We’re Talking... Typically, companies turn to us when they are: Frustrated because they have been toying around with social media and SEO, and seeing little return for their effort. Anxious because they’re spending money to create content, run ads, or rank on search engines, and are not getting the engagement they want, or the leads they were hoping for. Overwhelmed because SEO and social media seem to change so quickly that it seems impossible to keep up or know where to spend time, energy and budget. Annoyed because they’ve been burned by some snake oil salesman SEO or social media consultant that promised the sun, the moon, and the stars with a first page ranking and a campaign that goes viral...only to find themselves with some Facebook likes and comments a bunch of excuses, and no idea how to tie anything back to a business objective. If any of this sounds like you, then let continue...
  • 4. Google’s shift to actually being algorithmically driven Google is widely regarded as the algorithm but in reality up until late in 2018, Google relied on thousands of "manual quality raters" (humans trained according to G's standards and preferences) to manually review and "grade" search results pages. On August 1, 2018, for the first time Google changed the weights used to score and rank websites in search results to rely primarily on their machine-learning based algorithm called RankBrain.
  • 5. Today’s Agenda. ● Organic search ( 2019 ) ● Persona ● Analytics and Technical ● Keyword Research ● On Page ● Content Marketing ● Project Planning - Putting it All Together
  • 6. Google & Organic Search in 2019
  • 7. The impact has been significant across the internet Thousands of sites were immediately affected, both positively and negatively. The deduced focus of this update was Google’s “clean-up” of rankings that were acquired or established from URLs who didn’t “deserve” them.
  • 8. Google’s shift to actually being algorithmically driven Hummingbird (2013) ● Was a complete overhaul of the core algorithm. ● Google’s changing approach from keyword-oriented searches to intent-oriented searches RankBrain Algorithm (has 2 main jobs) 1. Understanding search queries (keywords) 2. Measuring how people interact with the results (user satisfaction) Query Intent (August 2018 - Present) ● Google’s full shift to RankBrain to provide the best results based on user’s true search intent
  • 9. This represents some big changes ● The old adage of long-form content is better died. ● We found that in many cases, actually reducing the content of pages led to improved rankings. ● Not because shorter is the new better, but because to answer a commercial query, a page shouldn't include informational content.
  • 10. Looking forward into 2019 ● This means that now, more than ever before, content tone and voice are factors when it comes to ranking. ● Subjective opinions are being graded and scored, and in many cases losing to objective facts. ● Topics must be clearly and comprehensively considered when designing content.
  • 11. Hello Quantum. If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?“ — Jhon Wooden Hall of Fame Basketball Coach
  • 12. SEO Focus Areas On-Page Information Architecture Optimized Content Local Search Keyword Strategy Attribution Tracking Analytics & Reporting Link Building
  • 14. Building a Persona Analyze Select the most valuable pages on your website (homepage, solutions, and products) and did the following: 1. Onboarding Questions 2. Google Analytics 3. Email or CRM Data 4. Instagram, Youtube & ITunes 5. Facebook Audience Insights LinkedIn is a great platform for B2B sales, but the truth is people don’t always show their true self there. It’s a business platform, so people tend to present a more professional version of themselves.
  • 15. Building a Persona Analyze GA has built in demographic reporting, where we get valuable customer data such as their affinity interests, location, age and gender There’s a handful of reports that will be useful to you, all located under Audience in GA: ● Age report ● Gender report ● Locations report ● Affinity interests report ● Device report (mobile usage) Check your conversion reporting and layer on segments like mobile, age and gender to understand the identify of who is converting on your website (aka, your customer).
  • 16. Building a Persona - Instagram Analyze Instagram can be tricky to use, you need to find the right accounts to analyze. ● Click 5 - 10 pictures and look at the engagement ( See who is engaging with the content ) ● If the page / users don’t fit your audience find other relevant pages and continue to search for your ideal user ● Entrepreneur David Meltzer was featured. We know what our potential users want to see. ○ His video content performs very well, this is definitely a medium this audience prefers ○ He has a popular podcast where he features other similar entrepreneurs ○ He’s into holistic approaches to business, including things like meditation and exercise
  • 17. Building a Persona - Youtube Analyze YouTube is a great audience analytics tool for B2B — mainly because lots of B2B video content have been created there and more get published every day ● Look through video content published by the biggest publishers ● Get a feel of the type of people following their videos ● Dig into each video and see what they’re talking about to get an idea about what your audience wants ● Type of clothes, tone, terminology
  • 18. Building a Persona - P dcast Analyze Your aim is to find useful data about your audience by answering questions like: ● What influencers do they follow? ● What are their most DL podcasts and why? ● What topics get the most DLs? ● Which podcasts do they pay the most attention to and why? In the end, you should be able to deduce major information about who your audience is, what gets their attention the most, and what doesn’t.
  • 19. Building a Persona - Facebook Audience Insights Analyze Once you gather all your audience insights, you need to input them in Facebook Insights so it shows you more in- depth data about your audience(s). Facebook Insights is a tool provided by Facebook to provide audience data to advertisers. ● How many people in the US (or any other country) pay attention to XYZ topic. ● What’s their age range? ● What pages do they like on Facebook? ● What activities do they engage in?
  • 20. For some reason we don’t hear many SEO consultants or even agencies talking about this. Geospatial Information Systems Hundreds of thousands of organizations in virtually every field are using GIS to make maps that communicate, perform analysis, share information, and solve complex problems around the world. This is changing the way the world works. ● Identify Problems ● Monitor Change ● Perform Forecasting ● Set Priorities ● Understand Trends Persona Insights - Using GIS Analyze
  • 21. GIS For Personas Analyze Maps, data, and spatial analysis provide genuine insight into the factors at work in an area. From income and spending trends to employment, education, crime and demographic shifts, uncover the secrets hidden in your market. Identify patterns for a competitive advantage. Let me run you through why this is powerful...
  • 24. GIS For Personas Analyze Download The Tapestry Segmentation Infographic
  • 25. Analytics Insights - User Journey Analyze All of this helps you understand exactly who you are talking to. Use all of this data to create personas so that you can move forward and tailor your keyword strategy the right way.
  • 27. In order to get the most out of any SEO endeavour, you need to make sure your data is sound and reliable. Google Tag Manager. End to end setup, tag migration, optimization and ongoing management. Google Analytics. Audit, goal setup, custom event tracking, enhanced eCommerce setup. Consider creating an itemized checklist of issues and recommended action for all of the platforms listed above. Our team is also capable to execute all the necessary changes. CLICK HERE TO VIEW SAMPLE AUDIT. Analytics Audit + Implementation Analyze
  • 28. Google Search Console is the most important SEO tool - it tells us a lot about your website’s health in regards to how Google wants it formatted. For that reason, we do a standalone GSC audit to uncover all issues and suggestions, including: ● Schema review ● Sitemap check ● Robots.txt review ● Messages, issues, warnings ● Past link disavows and link penalty Our team will deliver an itemized checklist of issues and recommended action. Our team is also capable to execute all the necessary changes. CLICK HERE TO VIEW SAMPLE AUDIT. Analyze Analytics - Search Console Audit + Implementations
  • 29. After setting up and cleaning your analytics data, get insights from it. PPC If you don’t have much data on your target audience consider running a small PPC campaign for data gathering. Web 2.0 Analytics Data If you have access to other sources of data, use it. Utilize GIS Geospatial Information Systems can be extremely powerful for targeting + save you money Conduct A Survey A valuable way to get data so that you can understand your customer. You can literally ask people what they like. Analytics Insights Analyze Survey
  • 30. It’s vital that your business understand the impact of SEO services. Consider “benchmarking” your site which will give you a snapshot of your data. Our custom report includes: ● Organic traffic insights from Google Analytics ● Indexation and sitemap status checks from Google Search Console ● Existing keyword rankings (branded and non branded) ● Current backlink profile analysis CLICK HERE TO VIEW SAMPLE REPORT. Analytics - Benchmarking Analysis Analyze Google Data Studio
  • 31. Turning Analytics into Business Intelligence BI is essentially turning unstructured data into informed decisions. 1. Collect information on customer journey 2. Collect sales information 3. Evaluate efficiency of advertising channels 4. Re-Evaluate advertising budget 5. Measure efficiency of advertising channels based on their influence on the customer journey inside the sales funnel Some of the terms associated with BI ● #All_touchpoints ● #Decison_making ● #Purchases ● #Sales_Funnels ● #Confirmed_Orders ● #Sales_Sequences ● #LTV ● #Offline ● #Online ● #Cross_device ● #Revenue ● #Order_Status ● #Order_Completion_Rate
  • 32. Introduction to Data Pipelines VS
  • 33. Introduction to Data Pipelines
  • 34. Introduction to Data Pipelines 1. All touchpoints / all sessions you can capture 2. All devices 3. Online & Offline 4. Comprehensive Funnel 5. Not-biased attribution
  • 35. Introduction to Data Pipelines Attribution model: An attribution model is the rule, or set of rules, that determines how credit for sales and conversions is assigned to touchpoints in conversion paths
  • 36. In order to capture any hidden issues with your website as a solopreneur or small business, you should run a technical audit from a paid tool, checking the site for: ● Accessibility / findability hindrances ● URL structure, site architecture and navigation ● Page titles, metas and on page content ● Hidden canonical and noindex tags ● Page status codes (301, 302, 404, etc) ● Crawl rate analysis Analyze Technical SEO Audit + Implementation
  • 37. In order to capture any hidden issues with your website, run a full technical audit using multiple tools, checking the site for: ● Accessibility / findability hindrances ● URL structure, site architecture and navigation ● Page titles, metas and on page content ● Hidden canonical and noindex tags ● Page status codes (301, 302, 404, etc) ● Crawl rate analysis Our technical audit results in a detailed report with the recommended course of actions for all found issues. TAKE MY TECHNICAL AUDIT SCORECARD Analyze Technical SEO Audit + Implementation
  • 38. Analyze Website Quality Search engines send traffic to websites they deem as high quality. That means a few things: 1. Sites that are coded and structured according to their webmaster guidelines. 2. Sites that are popular, i.e. getting mentioned across the web. 3. Sites that satisfy searcher intent through relevant and quality content. Having low quality pages, content, poor structure and lack of web mentions causes Google to lose trust in your website and crawl, index and rank it less and less over time. We assess quality of your website by looking at a number of different data inputs, including inbound links, titles, content depth, sales from organic traffic, keyword rankings and more. Additional resources: ● Google’s Quality Score (Moz)
  • 39. A proprietary report that pulls in data from dozens of sources allowing us to understand the quality of each page on your website. ● Google Analytics. Organic traffic data, traffic changes, sales, leads and conversions from organic traffic. ● Google Search Console. Organic CTR, impressions and a full list of your Sitemap.xml file. ● Screaming Frog. Page depth, status code, type title, meta, word count and complete list of website URLs. ● SEMRush. Keyword rankings and volume for all the pages on your site. ● Ahrefs. Backlinks volume and quality. This data is crosswalked at the URL level, where we make a detailed decision about what to do with every page on your website. Analyze Website Quality Audit
  • 40. Underpinning this audit are a few classic Google Sheets formulas: ● IMPORTXML, which pulls in URLs from your sitemaps =importxml("","//*[local- name()='url']/*[local-name() ='loc']") ● QUERY, which filters out only the columns you’ll need from those CSV exports above =query('CSV Import'!A1:G,"select G, A, D, B where G != '' and B <= 30 and D >= 300 order by D desc",1) ● VLOOKUP, which is used to aggregate data on a URL-level =vlookup('CSV Import'!A1:Z, Aggregation!B3, 4, 0) So the first step is to process your raw data imports using QUERY, removing any unneeded columns. After that, you’re ready to use VLOOKUP to pull in metrics for each of the URLs present in your sitemaps. VIEW A SAMPLE QUALITY AUDIT Analyze Website Quality Audit - How It Works
  • 41. An XML Sitemap helps your site to inform search engines about the URLs available for crawling. Depending on your site, you may have multiple sitemaps (for images, video, site sections, etc) Analyze Website Quality Audit: Manual / XML
  • 42. Your Sitemap will only return the URLs that are included - SF will return every URL on your server. This is important as we will use it to discover errant pages that we don’t realize exist. Analyze Website Quality Audit: Manual / Screaming Frog
  • 43. Links are one of the top ranking factors in Google’s algorithm, we need to understand how many links each page on your website has. Analyze Website Quality Audit: Manual / Link Data
  • 44. SEMRush is a tool that lets us check the keyword rankings of all the pages on your website. We use SEMRush data to tell us the “top” keyword of every page on your website (plus the ranking and search volume). Analyze Website Quality Audit: Manual / KW Data
  • 45. ● Organic sessions over the last 12 months ● Organic sales over the last 12 months (if ecommerce site) ● $ conversion value over the last 12 months (if ecommerce site) ● Goal conversion rate over the last 12 months ● If that page is losing traffic over the last month (tool calculates it) Analyze Website Quality Audit: Manual / Analytics
  • 46. Analyze Website Quality Audit: Manual / GSC ● Impressions in the SERPS over the last 360 days ● Clicks from Google over the last 360 days ● SERP Click Through Rate over the last 360 days
  • 47. Analyze Data Science Most of the sites / businesses that need SEO will not even need to delve into the realm of an enterprise level technical SEO audit. Focus. Not everything on your site needs to be fixed at once. Implementation Matrix. Based off of the data that we have gathered from very large enterprise level audits. We can show you exactly what you need to tackle first. Project Planning You need to be able to map your way ahead when it comes to this stuff. Let us give you that ability.
  • 49. Analyze Quick Insight San Antonio's population is ~57% Hispanic (, 2016 ). ● Based on this stat alone, there may be enough potential customers to warrant Spanish content and proper hreflang implementation
  • 50. Analyze Take Away ● If targeting the Spanish speaking portion of the population, specifically in San Antonio, is a part of your goals as a business then implementing a proper international strategy on the site will be an important factor.
  • 51. Analyze Technical Audit Sample Generally sites will have similar issues. Using the technical tirage approach to Technical SEO you can come up with some extremely clever ways to out market your competitors. I’ll show you an example of great ideas you can implement from each section.
  • 53. Analyze Lessons Learned We’re giving you the quick wins that came from the data of the audit. For free. ● We have created a checklist approach to technical issues that tests approximately 111 metrics from large businesses with huge marketing budgets. Technical Audit Quick Wins
  • 55. We have an SOP for every single process in our SEO strategy. That’s just how any business should operate. ● Small Business. KW research is vital to the success of any web property. ● List of KW Finding Sites: ○ Infinite Suggest ○ LSI Graph ○ Answer The Public ○ Term Explorer ○ Jaaxy ○ LongTail Pro ○ Keyword Finder ○ Soovle ○ Moz Keyword Explorer ○ Google Trends Keyword Research— Small Sites / Blogs Download the KW SOP
  • 56. “Keyword research” is the process of identifying the ideal search queries we want people to discover your website with. “Ideal” keywords have the following characteristics: We don’t do KW research for every page on the site only the pages that target valuable keywords to the business Finding the “Secondary KWs” for every page ● The secondary keywords should semantically support the main purpose of the page. ● These keywords should NOT just be variations of the main keyword, but instead support the Main KW. Example: Primary: Black shoelaces - Secondary: 54” inch black laces (and other size variations), Black replacement shoelaces, high quality black laces, black shoelaces for basketball sneakers, Nike Air Max black laces Keyword Research— The Right Way
  • 57. Check the Domain Rating and URL Rating of the top results. We use this data at the end of the analysis to formulate an accurate and realistic scenario of the opportunity that each page have to rank for the targeted keyword: Check the Link Velocity Check the # of links going to the page to see if you can compete. Assess the ‘Content Type’ understand if Google is ranking blog posts, product pages, Amazon listings, YouTube videos, etc for your main keywords To crosswalk, we wrote a formula to return “opportunity” scores for each keyword and page. This formula contain the following variables: 1. DR Average: Domain Authority average across top 3 results. 2. UR Average: Page Authority average across top 3 results. 3. Link Average: Referring domain average across top 3 results. Keyword Research— The Right Way
  • 58. Keyword Research— The Right Way *Select the most valuable pages on your website (homepage, solutions, and products) and did the following: 1. Review each page manually to identify to “Main KW”. This is the keyword that represents the overall context of the page, aka the root. 2. Find 2 - 4 supporting (NOT synonym) keywords to add additional long tails. 3. Find the total search volume of these keywords. 4. Analyze the top 10 SERP results and link count for each keyword. This helps to understand the intent of the search and the type of content we should create for that keyword. 1. Keywords based on existing website assets. Using the pages on your website we found the optimal keywords (based on volume and competition) that each page should be targeting. We also performed industry research into these pages pages to find additional keywords. 2. Keywords based on competitive gaps. A competitive analysis of your direct competitors and industry leaders, we find the keywords driving the most traffic to their website and create a “gap” analysis of those keywords NOT included on your site. We will then determine the best way to rank for these keywords, either with content or new landing pages.
  • 59. How do we find keywords for each page? The “primary” keyword is the focus keyword for that page. “Secondary” keywords are long tails and semantics that support the “primary” keyword and give the page additional opportunity to rank for more keywords. 1. Scrape existing keyword rankings for each page. If your website has some authority, Google will index it for a large number of keywords. We begin by using these keywords to create a “topical” overview for what the page is (and should be) about. 2. For pages with no keyword rankings, manually assign keywords. We do so by analyzing what that page is about and what a searcher would use to find that page. Then, we use Ahrefs and SEMRush to verify volume of those keywords. 3. Find “secondary” keywords using Google suggested search. Through a long process of trial and error, we find long tails by using Google’s suggested search engine to tell us what people are also searching for when looking for our “primary” keyword.
  • 60. Mapping keywords by intent (journey stage) “Intent” refers to what the searcher is really looking for when using keywords. It is important because it tells us the right type of content to rank for that query. We map intent based on 5 “journey stages” that map for a keyword funnel” 1. Customer. Keywords that your current customer based is looking for - this is generally support based or usage queries (i.e. how to use “product” or service). 2. Consider. Already aware of the options and looking to convert. 3. Discover. Coming across your product or service offerings for the first time. 4. Awareness. In the market for a solution, but have no idea who you are or what you sell. 5. Attention. Very high level searches, topically related, but not purchase intent related. The goal is to scrape as much of the SERPs as possible, even for the high level attention based keywords that don’t drive conversions. The more free, organic exposure we can get your brand, the better. 5. Attention Consideration 4. Awareness 3. Discover 2. Consider 1. Customer
  • 61. Analysis of each keyword. We analyze the top 10 search results ranking for each of your “primary” keywords. We do so because we need to understand if your page has a legitimate shot of ranking for that keyword. If not, we determine the proper way ahead to capture that traffic. For each “primary” keyword we: 1. Scrape the top 10 results in Google. 2. Check the number of links pointing to each of those results. This helps us understand how competitive / many links the top results have. 3. Assess the “content type” of each result. We need to understand if Google is ranking blog posts, product pages, Amazon listings, YouTube videos, etc for your main keywords. This helps us understand what Google wants to show for your keywords. The result helps us to better understand the intent behind each search and the type of content we should be optimizing to rank for that keyword.
  • 62. What Type of Sites Dominate the SERPs? Top 3 content type SERP results for the main keyword selected for your Homepage. Top 3 content type SERP results for the Lead Generation pages analyzed.
  • 63. What Type of Sites Dominate the SERPs? Top 3 content type for the Product pages analyzed.
  • 64. Crosswalk against your metrics. With the data on your competitors, we crosswalk it against your site’s metrics: 1. Current ranking of that keyword. 2. Current number of referring domains to that keyword’s page. 3. Your domain authority. To crosswalk information, we wrote a formula to return “opportunity” scores for each keyword and page. These scores help us to prioritize the next steps: 1. How many links to build to that page 2. How often to build links to that page 3. The necessary “on page” corrections to make.
  • 65. Improving your current pages provides a quick turn around in traffic. Long term growth comes from the consistent creation of high quality, well targeted pages on your website. Our content gap report identifies where there are opportunities for improvement in order to rank for more high value keywords. The document details how to rank for keywords NOT currently on your website and the type of page / content to create in order to do so. SEO Content Gap Analysis For NEW Page Creation
  • 67. Using a Data Science studio we can take all of the KW data from sites like SEMRush, aHREFS & Screaming Frog Dataiku We use a data science studio that lets us apply automated machine learning to our KW research process. High Performance Models Remember that technical audit? These methods came from that. We’ve found that using Random Forests & XGBoost algorithms work best for this type of dataset. Compare Since KW data is public use these machine learning algorithms to compare why your site isn't ranking and why your competitors are. Keyword Research— Machine Learning
  • 68. Machine Learning - Other SEO Uses Using a Data Science studio we can take all of the KW data from sites like SEMRush, aHREFS & Screaming Frog 1. Finding rankin opportunities 2. Title Tag Optimization 3. KW Opportunity gaps 4. Client Reports 5. Finding Common Question Opportunities 6. Content Creation 7. Log File Analysis 8. Parsing Text Into Entities 9. GSC Data Analysis 10. Rich Customer Understanding 11. Traffic Positions
  • 70. Based on the results of the keyword matrix, we know every keyword that should be included on your website. The next step is to act - we do so by mapping those keywords to existing pages on your website and drawing out improvements to existing pages on your site. Recommendations include: ● Rewritten page titles, meta descriptions and H2 - H6 tags ● Use of multimedia to improve page quality ● Rewritten body text with improved keyword targeting and semantics ● Internal and external links to include on the page CLICK HERE TO VIEW “ON PAGE” REPORT “On Page” Improvements For Existing Pages
  • 71. Title tags: these are the clickable headlines Google shows for a given result. They should contain your main keyword, convince user to click on it, and be under 55 characters. Title tags are HUGE on page ranking factors. ● Visiting each page manually and checking the page template source code to verify that the <title> tag is placed within the </head> tag. ● Identifying of any missing or duplicated titles across pages. ● Verifying that the main keyword is currently being used in the title. ● Looking at Google Search Console Search Appearance and identifying any "Long title tags" over 70 pixels. ● Identify any URLs with titles below 30 characters. “On Page” Improvements - Title Tags
  • 72. Meta Description tags: these are short page descriptions that should summarize the page content in 156 characters. They tell the user what content they can expect to find when they click on the result. Search engines display these under the title tag. ● Visiting each page manually and checking the page template source code to verify that the <meta> tag is placed within the </head> tag. ● Identifying any missing or duplicated meta description across pages. ● Identifying any meta description with over 156 and/or below 70 characters. “On Page” Improvements - Meta Descriptions
  • 73. <h1> tags, are generally found at the top of the page and display the page heading (may be different from the title tag). They tell Google about important content on the page. This is a good place to work on secondary keywords different from the main keyword in the title tag. ● Visiting each page manually and checking the page template source code to verify that H1 tags are being used as a complement to the page's title. H1s are a great way to add in secondary keywords to support the page's argument. ● Identifying if there’s any H1 duplicated and reused across pages. ● Checking the page template source code to verify that the site is using H2 - H6s tags properly in key landing pages (i.e. in proper order, using keywords, breaking up content logically, etc). These tags are used throughout the page to reinforce the semantics (meaning) of the content. “On Page” Improvements - Page Headings
  • 74. A snippet of code (HTML) located in the <header> tag that instructs search engines what your page is about. These markups come in different forms (local business, video, etc) and should be used based on your website and content type. It makes it easier for Googlebot to get to the meat of what your page is about without having to read complex code. ● Putting the landing page manually into Google's Structured Data Testing Tool (GSC), and checking what type of structure data makrupts (i.e.schema) is the client currently leveraging and if there are any errors with the current setup. ● Using Google Tag Manager we check if the markups are properly setup using JSON LD and implemented in the tool. ● Manually reviewing each site section from the Website Quality Audit and recommending the structure data markups needed. ● Using google Search Console we verify if Rich Cards and being use and if the site have AMP page setup properly. If sites doesn’t have any of this but they are eligible, then we recommend the appropriate setup. “On Page” Improvements - Structured Data
  • 75. ● Visit the website and look at some of the example Schemas and the different types of markup examples of those. Also, consider joining the community and joining the community mail list. There are Schema extensions which will make schema grow, and being part of the community gives you a chance to be part of that, and to learn about how it happens. “On Page” Improvements - Structured Data (Cont)
  • 76. When doing a on-page assessment is to, literally, go through each of the selected pages and manually analyzing what’s currently ON the page regarding body content; which besides titles, metas and h1s, should include *keyword density, subheadings structure, word count, semantic keywords, images, internal links, etc., against the top 3 SERP on Google based on the page main keyword. 1. Google the main keyword on incognito mode. 1. Pay attention to the top ranking sites BUT exclude ads and highly authoritative websites such as Wikipedia, Amazon, national newspapers, or major media portals like Yahoo! Answers, Quora, Forbes, Inc, etc. 1. Choose at least 3 related sites to compare with. These should be the sites that are currently engaging with your shared target audience online. Begin by observing their content structure. “On Page” Body Recommendations
  • 77. Microsoft was recently granted a patent about related entities: Inventors: Dmitry Zhiyanov, Deqing Chen and Yan Ke Assignee: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC US Patent: 10,248,732 Granted: April 2, 2019 Filed: October 26, 2015 ● We see knowledge panels in both Google and Bing when a query contains an Entity. Google attempts to identify entities in queries, because Google’s Paul Haahr told us that they do in a presentation at SMX West 2016 in “How Google Works: A Google Ranking Engineer’s Story” Working Entities Into Sites Source:
  • 78. Page Speed Based on the results of the keyword matrix, we know every keyword that should be included on your website. The next step is to act - we do so by mapping those keywords to existing pages on your website and drawing out improvements to existing pages on your site. Recommendations include: ● Rewritten page titles, meta descriptions and H2 - H6 tags ● Use of multimedia to improve page quality ● Rewritten body text with improved keyword targeting and semantics ● Internal and external links to include on the page CLICK HERE TO VIEW “PAGE SPEED” REPORT Download the Page Speed Analysis SOP
  • 79. Google's UX Playbook(s) What guides our methodology behind optimizing sites in regards to on-page elements. ( Insert quiet emoji ) Google. ● Access to classified Google UX Playbooks give us the best practices for a plethora of different niches ○ Healthcare ○ Lead Gen ○ Real Estate ○ Auto ○ News and Content ○ Retail ○ Travel ● Shows us the sites that are “best in class” & how to optimize the funnel for the user at each step through the funnel with case studies ● For really competitive niches Google always recommends *A/B Split testing *Example of enterprise level solutions to A/B split testing
  • 80. A/B Split Testing SEO Example Meta tags & Titles Testing Example: Ecommerce: Let’s imagine we’re working with a health / supplement brand like GNC. ● Hypothesis- adding “FREE Shipping today only” into the meta description will increase CTR of keywords ranking between position 2 and 6. ● Test- change 50% of meta descriptions to include the words FREE Shipping at the end. ○ Shop for high density Whey Protein Powder by GNC. Vegan, multiple flavors and delicious. Enjoy FREE Shipping today only. ● Control- leave 50% of meta descriptions as is, ensuring that the rest of the naming nomenclature is consistent ○ Shop for high density Whey Protein Powder by GNC. Vegan, multiple flavors and delicious. ● Measure- use the report to measure the ranking changes and CTR changes of the test and control pages over a 3 month period, pulling the data every 15 days (6 reporting periods)
  • 82. Effective Content Marketing There is a process to content marketing success, and while it may seem intuitive, you might be surprised at how few people and brands follow through on each step. Great content is the product of listening. When you understand what your audience wants or what questions they need answers to, you’ll have a much easier time creating content. From there, it is an ongoing learning process. Once you learn what the audience wants, you create it. Once it has been created, you need to promote it to get it in front of the right audience and ensure that you’ll get enough data back to know if the content accomplished the desired objective. From there, you need to analyze and measure the results and determine what changes need to be made. Then the entire process starts all over again. Content Marketing is a long term play, not a short term cash grab. Take the time to do the research and do the work. The Social Blueprint Handbook
  • 83. Consideration AWARENESS (COLD) CONSIDERATION (WARM) CHOICE (HOT) NURTURE (CUSTOMER) $$$ The Social Blueprint Handbook The model of the funnel is a way to visualize the various stages your audience goes through before becoming a loyal customer. It’s important that when you get in front of your audience, that you have the content and messaging that is appropriate to the stage of the funnel they are in. Awareness: At this stage, you are simply trying to gain visibility in front of the audience. You are not asking them to do anything. The goal is to generate impressions with your brand messaging embedded. Consideration: At this stage of the funnel, you’re trying to convince potential customer that you are the right choice. This involves content to differentiate, and provide social proof to move the prospect through the funnel. Choice: At this stage, is when you introduce the “ask.” It’s where you make a sales offer, or ask someone to book an appointment. This is where leads convert to opportunities and sales. Nurture: Once someone has become a customer, the work has just begun. It’s important to do everything in your power to generate loyal and repeat business. The Funnel
  • 84. The Social Blueprint Handbook The Funnel Content type Details Funnel Stages Social post A short, generally light-hearted, post that is sole objective is to get people to see and recognize your brand or product. It talks about top level information and does not have a call-to-action. Awareness Consideration Short Video A short (less than 3 minute) video, generally built around a singular, narrow (specific) topic. It could be an interview expert, press video, commercial, gif, explainer video, review, testimonial, or Q&A video. These are generally served best to use as content for social media (video plays very well on Facebook and Instagram, especially in ads). Awareness Consideration Choice Long video An in depth (longer form) video, generally built around a complex subject that requires explaining. It could be an interview, webinar, presentation, training or web series. These videos are great to integrate into blog posts or resource guides, but also play very well when uploaded to YouTube and promoted to your audience (email list especially). Consideration Choice
  • 85. The Social Blueprint Handbook The Funnel Content type Details Funnel Stages Blog post Any written piece of content published for free on your website. It could a simple post, expert guide, white paper, case study, review, etc. Awareness Consideration Podcast An audio form of content that is typically in a conversational-interview style. It is meant to explore new or trending ideas, different perspectives, or in- depth commentary. Awareness Consideration Resource This is a topically specific form of an Expert Guide for those very competitive topics within in an industry. It is best to break resources out from the blog and create a page silo structure targeting resources. Consideration
  • 86. The Social Blueprint Handbook The Funnel Content type Details Funnel Stages Lead Magnet/ Gated content A piece of content that requires a form of opt (social share, follow, email) in to receive the item. This could be a template, white paper, training, ebook, giveaway, etc. Consideration Email Marketing A written form on content that is geared towards 1) providing value to your list, or 2) driving sales. Consideration Choice Sales Offer, Promotion, or Contact Form A hard call to action. Choice
  • 87. Content Ideas Whenever you’re building a content plan, it helps to have some reference materials. To the right, you’ll see a big list of various types of content. By using these as your starting point, you can fit your product or service into these various categories. One thing that can be very helpful is to plot all of your content ideas in a giant list, and then begin adding context and notes on everything from the keywords and headings used, to the content voice and specific emotions you’re trying to evoke. TAKE MY CONTENT IDEAS PROCESSES The Social Blueprint Handbook Content Upgrade / Resource Discount Or Promotion Quote Product Or Service Spotlight Testimonial Question Answer To FAQ Behind The Scenes (at the company or events) Holiday Or Special (Timely) Event Employee Spotlight: Stories/Advice/Quotes Strategic Partner Spotlight: Stories/Advice/Quotes Customer Spotlight: Stories/Advice/Quotes Breaking News Industry News, Events or Insights Recommend Tool Or Resource Thank You Customers Meme Industry Content Repurposed Old Content Expert or Link Round-up Training Slides Contest Or Giveaway Fact Or Statistic
  • 88. Building Content for Virality The Social Blueprint Handbook It’s no surprise that content that evokes an emotion is going to be more shareable. That said, there is actually a good amount of research to back up this claim. Jonah Berger’s book Contagious: Why Things Catch On explores the various emotional states that lead people to share content to their networks. Derek Halpern of Social Triggers has also explored the concept and broken it down into 7 emotions arranged by emotional and arousal levels. The higher the arousal level and the higher the emotion, the more likely people are to share to their networks. When planning your content, consider the various aspects of content that influence people to spread it virally.
  • 89. Complete a full audit of your content ● Current keyword rankings and search volume (if any). ● Organic traffic to that page (last 12 months), conversions, impressions in Google and click through rate in Google. ● Word count, date published, page title and indexation. With this data, we identified: ● “Hub” and “spoke” topics of each page. ● A specific action to take on that page (i.e. update the text, target with links, 301 redirect and more). ● Detailed notes about how to improve the quality of that page (if applicable). Content Production: Content Audit
  • 90. We use a “hub” and “spoke” model for building content strategies: ● Hub - the topics that are core to the business operations. These topics must easily map back to your product’s functionality. ● Spoke - the topics that support the hub and explore all possible options for traffic and engagement. We came up with what we believe should be the “hub” topics for your blog (next slide). Your blog has well over 500 posts on it - we went through and manually came up with what we believed the “hub” and “spoke” topics were for each post. We used this insights to determine what to do with the post (i.e. if the post was clearly outside the hub, we don’t need it and should 301 redirect into another post). Content Production: Hub & Spoke Hub Topic Spoke Topic Spoke Topic Spoke Topic Spoke Topic Spoke Topic Spoke Topic Spoke Topic Spoke Topic
  • 91. We believe the best “hub” opportunity is around professionals. The best “spokes” off of these are deep diving into specific professions, namely articles about “reviews” and guides to ORM for that specific profession. These topics have the most conversion value to the business. ● Business professionals have a budget and their reputation is critical to their success ● These topics have a deeper funnel intent by nature. Someone looking for information on these topics is most likely negatively impacted by negative attacks and is highly likely to become a lead. Content Production: Hub & Spoke Business Professionals How Doctors Can Improve Online Reputation How Lawyers Can Improve Online Reputation How Doctors Can Manage Negative Online Reviews How Lawyers Can Manage Negative Online Reviews How Realtors Can Improve Online Reputation How Realtors Can Manage Negative Online Reviews How Dentists Can Manage Negative Online Reviews How Dentists Can Improve Online Reputation
  • 92. Content Production: Approval ● Content approval: Next to each is the potential search traffic of each per month. These figures were calculated by taking 10% of the total monthly search volume of each collection of keywords. This is a conservative traffic estimate for a page one result on Google. CLICK HERE TO VIEW SAMPLE TOPIC APPROVAL
  • 93. A content calendar is the most effective way to plan and monitor content creation. It not only dictates what / when content goes live, but documents audience, stage in funnel and promotional strategies. We will build a calendar to leverage the research of previous deliverables to ensure we’re creating engaging, relevant, highly searched content that will rank quickly in organic search. This calendar is tracked in a live environment in Google Sheets, allowing us to collaborate ideas, schedules and writers in real time. CLICK HERE TO VIEW SAMPLE CALENDAR. Content Strategy: Editorial Calendar & Management
  • 94. When your publishing content there are a series of important steps that you need to go through before you ever put anything on your site. ● Outlining ● Drafting ● Draft Writing ● Client Approval ● Draft Editing ● Images ● Posting ● Client Approval Understand the difference between copywriting, copy editing, and proofreading Outline Example Content Production: Organization
  • 95. The goal isn’t to just publish content, it’s to create content that will actually be consumed. Remember to stay consistent with: ● Outline, draft and final post. ● Custom post headers, branded images and custom graphics to accent the post. ● Perfect SEO titles, URLs, metas, links, styling and structure. ● Submit your article to GSC immediately after making it live on your site Content Production: New Pages & Copywriting
  • 96. Modern SEO software for content teams. Enterprise solutions to writing effective content. Expensive? Yes, but worth it. Content Production: ClearScope
  • 103. It’s not enough to just publish new pages on your site, we also want to get it in front of as many relevant people as possible. We use US based writers to manually promote your articles on: ● Quora ● Reddit ● Niche forums ● Blog comments ● Google+ communities ( No longer exists ) ● Facebook Groups These tactics are not only a great way to get extra traffic to your site, but they provide valuable links that show Google your site is being actively talked about on the web. Content Promotion: Organic
  • 104. Inbound links pointing to your website are the #1 ranking factor with search engines. To acquire these links, we use 100% “white hat” tactics, based on research and outreach. Our process focuses on finding relevant, authority website and blogs using a variety of tactics. The main types of links we target are: 1. Guest posts 2. Resource pages 3. Broken link building The links we build are from relevant and trustworthy websites that we share openly with you via Google Sheets. Link Prospecting and Outreach
  • 105. How you should be Link Prospecting
  • 106. Search Engine Operators Take the search engine operators our link prospectors use to find opportunities
  • 107. What does 100% white hat mean exactly? It’s the methodology behind how the links are acquired. While we do conduct manual outreach, we have a link database with 5000+ sources that we have contacted and worked with in the past. It’s constantly being updated. Most of our outreach isn’t done cold. Link Database
  • 108. What does 100% white hat mean exactly? It’s the methodology behind how the links are acquired. While we do conduct manual outreach, we ensure that our links are quality. The anchor text profile must also be natural as well. Let me prove to you that this outreach at scale works Link Quality
  • 109.
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  • 114. If Marketing were a sport, a proposed timeline would be the game plan. You can prepare all you want, you can plan months in advance - but reality often has other plans. You aren’t going to simply perform all of your plays in order, regardless of the situation that arises. Like any great coach we may plan ahead, but we also know how to adapt our game plan to deal with reality.
  • 115. Project Management— Tying it all Together “Why is it a ‘potential’ timeline?” Digital Marketing is a moving target - and so are your business goals. For that reason we simply can’t be sure of exactly what needs to be done for your site 6, 9 or 12 months from now without first spending time working on it. The timeline in the previous slide is our standard SEO plan based on our accumulated knowledge of digital marketing campaigns. It serves as a base plan, but it’s designed to be flexible. For that reason, we begin in month 1 with essential deliverables designed to: 1. Gain a full understanding of the issues and opportunities present on your site 2. Fully comprehend your current and target market Once we’ve done so, we are able to develop a strategic 12 month plan with our newfound knowledge. This plan will be formatted to fit your budget and will be presented to you at the end of Month 1 of this engagement.
  • 116. Project Management— Tying it all Together Building a project plan. A project plan details everything you need to execute a campaign and stay on track. Using a project management system. Whether it’s Asana, Sheets, Basecamp, Trello - you need a platform to help you stay on top of things. Load balancing resources. As you scale, you want to make sure you’re allocating hours across the job properly to maintain profitability and not burning your your staff.
  • 117. Project Management— Tying it all Together Building a project plan. A project plan details everything you need to execute a campaign and stay on track. Using a project management system. Whether it’s Asana, Sheets, Basecamp, Trello - you need a platform to help you stay on top of things. Load balancing resources. As you scale, you want to make sure you’re allocating hours across the job properly to maintain profitability and not burning your your staff.
  • 119. An advanced team of consultants, Hello Quantum.
  • 120. Who we are... Hello Quantum (“Quantum”) is a Digital Consultancy / Agency focused on driving revenue growth. I am fiercely competitive, obsessively organized, and extraordinarily passionate. I strive to work with companies looking to drive more traffic, convert more sales, and dominate their competitors. Me
  • 121. Design Search/SEO Content Link BuildingSocialStrategy Web DevInfluencers Email Marketing Email Automation What We Do
  • 122. To get top rankings, we need “buzz” around your site. We build ongoing content promotion campaigns to build a buzz, inbound links and social shares. Content is the cornerstone of a great digital marketing campaign - it opens up limitless traffic opportunities. We will build a targeted content marketing campaign for your site. Great Marketers are driven by data. Better data means better decisions. We use data to optimize campaigns around your business objectives. No two campaigns are alike. Using the right data and insights, we build a custom strategy for your business that details everything needed for growth. How We Approach Digital Marketing AnalyzePromote PlanCreate Integrated Digital Marketing Process
  • 123. Want Access to The Presentation? If this hasn’t been insightful / value adding don’t scan the QR code
  • 124. Join Me My next meetup is going to be about Local SEO. Expect the same or even better quality.