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Decoding Revelation:
10. The Name and Mark of the Beast
by Dr. Dieter Thom
The Name and Mark of the Beast
There are only three references, all in the Book of Revelation, to ‘The Mark of the
Beast’. The first Scripture clearly links the ones having ‘the mark of the beast’ (in the
original Greek) to “the ones worshiping its image”. They are one and the same.
“1 Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go and
pour out the bowls of the wrath of God on the earth.” 2 So the first went and poured
out his bowl upon the earth, and a foul and loathsome sore came upon the men who
had the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image.” (Rev.
16:1&2). The second passage gives us more detail.
15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of
the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the
beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and
that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the
beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has
understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a
man: His number is 666. (Rev. 13:15-18)
NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

The Name and Mark of the Beast
From these passages we can deduce:
 Those who will not worship the image of the beast are killed.
 The worshippers of the image are given a mark on the right hand or forehead.
 Only worshippers are permitted to buy and sell, presumably with money, though other

people could probably still use bartering or other forms of currency.

 There are three possible ways (all the same) of showing yourself to be a worshipper of the

 Have the mark (probably some kind of permanent tattoo).
 Have his name (not just his initials or title).
 Have the number of his name (definitely calculated in languages).
 Hence the equation: The Mark = His Name = The Number of His Name

 Wisdom is demonstrated through calculating the number of the beast:
 It is the number of a man.
 The number is 666.
NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

The Name and Mark of the Beast
This brings us to the third and final Scripture.
19 And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies,
gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and
against His army. 20 Then the beast was captured, and with him the
false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived
those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped
his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with
brimstone. (Rev. 19:19&20)
There is a lot of speculation about the meaning of the number of the
beast. Everyone from the Roman Caesars, Roman Catholic popes to
modern leaders like Napoleon, Hitler and George Bush have had their
names calculated as representing 666. English had not been formed by
this time and was unknown. It is pointless doing calculations in English
or other modern languages.
NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

The Name and Mark of the Beast
Clearly, the beast whose number is referred to is the First Beast of
Revelation, not the Second. The Second Beast is also called ‘The False
Prophet’. As we have seen, the First Beast is the leader of Europe, the
President of the European Union, the successor of the Holy Roman
Emperor. Western Europe has always been known as the Latin Kingdom,
since the crowning of Charlemagne in 800AD by the Pope. The Holy Roman
Empire had the full name Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. The
word ‘German’ is Deutsch in German, which comes from Teutsch, the name
also given to the Teutonic (German) Knights. Teutsch refers to the followers
of Teuton (Germanic) or Teitan (Greek) or Titan (English). Hence, the
Germans were the ancient followers of the Sun god and god of war: Titan.
The Sun god or Solar deity has always been considered the chief and most
powerful of the gods in pagan religions all over the world. The pagan festival
of the Birth of the Unconquered Sun (Dies Natalis Solis Invicti or Sol Invictus)
was celebrated on 25 December in the Roman Empire as the most important
celebration of the year.
NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

The Names of the Sun God
The name of the Sun god (and god of war)
in different European cultures throughout
history includes:
 Scandanavia – Odin
 Germany – Wotan or Woden
 Greece – Helios or Titan
 Babylon – Saturn
NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

Calculating 666
How does one go about doing this calculation of 666? There were
four dominant languages in use in the Near East in Biblical times:
Greek, Latin, Chaldean and Hebrew.
In Greek
The New Testament was written in Koine Greek, the common
language of the people around the Mediterranean. Here is Revelation
chapter 13 in the Received, Majority and Byzantine Koine Greek
17 και ινα μη τις δυνηται αγορασαι η πωλησαι ει μη ο εχων το
χαραγμα η το ονομα του θηριου η τον αριθμον του ονοματος
αυτου 18 ωδε η σοφια εστιν ο εχων τον νουν ψηφισατω τον
αριθμον του θηριου αριθμος γαρ ανθρωπου εστιν και ο
αριθμος αυτου χξς.
NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

Calculating 666
In Koine Greek Isopsephy each letter represents a number.
Hence a name could be calculated as representing a number,
and so the term ‘666’ looked like this:
Capital Letters
Small Letters

Exercise: Write these letters on someone’s forehead and let them
look in the mirror. What English word do you see every time you
look in the mirror? Interesting, isn’t it? Is there something here?
Maybe not. It is not a name, just letters, maybe initials.
NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

Irenaeus (the pupil of Polycarp, the pupil of the Apostle John, who wrote
the Revelation) understood 666 to possibly refer to the Koine Greek
word ‘Lateinos’ (Latin kingdom).








= 666

However, although this works out quite conveniently, and it certainly
reflects the early church’s persecution by the Roman (Latin) ‘beast’, it is
not the number of a man, nor his name. This certainly does not help the
Preterist position (which says it was one or all of the Roman Caesars), it
simply shows that Irenaeus believed that it would be a Latin Kingdom,
which Western Europe has been for two millennia.
NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

The name ‘Teitan’ or ‘Titan’ was further identified by Irenaeus (2nd
century), Victorinus of Pettau (3rd century), Andrew of Caesarea (563 –
637), and Arethas of Caesarea (860 – 932) as a likely name of the
Antichrist. It certainly has significant historical precedence.








= 666

The Chaldean (Babylonian) equivalent of Teitan, which is Saturn or Stur,
calculated according to the Chaldean numbering system (which is quite
complex) is:






= 666

NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

The Two Babylons (1858, pp. 176, 180-2)
To those who were initiated the god was revealed; to all else he was hidden. Now, the name Saturn in
Chaldee [Babylonian] is pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar knows, consists only of
four letters, thus - Stur. This name contains exactly the Apocalyptic number 666:
S = 060; T = 400; U = 006; R = 200.
It was long ago noticed by Irenaeus, about the end of the second century, that the name Teitan
contained the Mystic number 666; and he gave it as his opinion that Teitan was “by far the most
probable name" of the beast from the sea.
Though the name Teitan was originally derived from Chaldee, yet it became thoroughly naturalised in
the Greek language. Therefore, to give the more abundant evidence on this important subject, the
Spirit of God seems to have ordered it, that the number of Teitan should be found according to the
Greek computation, while that of Satur is found by the Chaldee.
The grounds of his opinion, as stated by him, do not carry much weight; but the opinion itself he may
have derived from others who had better and more valid reasons for their belief on this subject. Now,
on inquiry, it will actually be found, that while Saturn was the name of the visible head, Teitan was the
name of the invisible head of the beast. Teitan is just the Chaldean form of Sheitan, the very name by
which Satan has been called from time immemorial by the Devil-worshippers of Kurdistan; and from
Armenia or Kurdistan, this Devil worship embodied in the Chaldean Mysteries came westward to Asia
Minor, and thence to Etruria and Rome.
NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

The Two Babylons (1858, pp. 176, 180-2)
The learned reader has no need of examples in proof of this frequent Chaldean transformation of the
Sh or S into T; but for the common reader, the following may be adduced: Hebrew, Shekel, to weigh,
becomes Tekel in Chaldee; Hebrew, Shabar, to break - Chaldee, Tabar; Hebrew, Seraphim - Chaldee,
Teraphim, the Babylonian counterfeit of the Divine Cherubim or Seraphim; Hebrew, Asar, to be rich-Chaldee, Atar; Hebrew, Shani, second - Chaldee, Tanin, etc.
That Teitan was actually known by the classic nations of antiquity to be Satan, or the spirit of
wickedness, and originator of moral evil, we have the following proofs:
The history of Teitan and his brethren, as given in Homer and Hesiod, the two earliest of all the
Greek writers, although later legends are obviously mixed up with it, is evidently the exact
counterpart of the Scriptural account of Satan and his angels. Homer says, that "all the gods of
Tartarus," or Hell, "were called Teitans." Hesiod tells us how these Teitans, or "gods of hell," came
to have their dwelling there. The chief of them having committed a certain act of wickedness against his
father, the supreme god of heaven, with the sympathy of many others of the "sons of heaven," that
father "called them all by an opprobrious name, Teitans," pronounced a curse upon them, and then,
in consequence of that curse, they were "cast down to hell," and "bound in chains of darkness" in the
abyss. While this is the earliest account of Teitan and his followers among the Greeks, we find that, in
the Chaldean system, Teitan was just a synonym for Typhon, the malignant Serpent or Dragon,
who was universally regarded as the Devil, or author of all wickedness. It was Typhon, according to
the Pagan version of the story, that killed Tammuz, and cut him in pieces; but Lactantius, who was
thoroughly acquainted with the subject, upbraids his Pagan countrymen for "worshipping a child torn
in pieces by the Teitans." It is undeniable, then, that Teitan, in Pagan belief, was identical with the
Dragon, or Satan.
NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

In Latin
Latin was the language of the Roman Empire (at the time of the early church) and the
Holy Roman Empire. The first six primary Roman numerals in Latin (IVXLCD) also
represent letters, and they add up to (yes, you guessed it) a total of 666.
Note:V and U were often used interchangeably. Hence, DUX could be written DVX.
Victorinus of Pettau, identified Diclux, the Latin equivalent of Teitan, as a possibility.
500 1
In the twentieth century, there have been two modern candidates for the 666.
One alternative name could be: The Leader (English - The Duke ) (German - Der
Fuhrer) (Latin - Il Duce)
Interestingly this title was given to both Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, the Fascist
leaders of Nazi Germany and Italy.
NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

Other Languages
666 is also the number of SVRT, the Hebrew word for the
Sun. It occurs in Revelation xiii. 18
60 6
200 400 = 666
Athanasius Kircher the Jesuit states that the ancient Egyptians
associated numbers to the planets, with the sun (Sol) as
follows: 6, 36, 111, 666

NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

The letters in the many variations
of the name of Titan, the Sun god
and god of War, add up to 666 in
five different ancient languages:
Koine Greek = Teitan,
Chaldean (Babylonian) = Saturn
Latin = Dic Lux
Hebrew = SVR, and
Egyptian = Sol (Sun)
using the relevant numbering
system in each language. This is
quite a convincing argument. The
mark of the beast could eventually
look something like this.
NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

 In the next presentations we will examine in more detail

each of these end time events according to the outlines that
we have seen in these two pairs of cycles.
 The next issue is the Battle of Armageddon.

NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.


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10. The Mark of the Beast

  • 1. Decoding Revelation: 10. The Name and Mark of the Beast by Dr. Dieter Thom
  • 2. The Name and Mark of the Beast There are only three references, all in the Book of Revelation, to ‘The Mark of the Beast’. The first Scripture clearly links the ones having ‘the mark of the beast’ (in the original Greek) to “the ones worshiping its image”. They are one and the same. “1 Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go and pour out the bowls of the wrath of God on the earth.” 2 So the first went and poured out his bowl upon the earth, and a foul and loathsome sore came upon the men who had the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image.” (Rev. 16:1&2). The second passage gives us more detail. 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Rev. 13:15-18) NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013
  • 3. The Name and Mark of the Beast From these passages we can deduce:  Those who will not worship the image of the beast are killed.  The worshippers of the image are given a mark on the right hand or forehead.  Only worshippers are permitted to buy and sell, presumably with money, though other people could probably still use bartering or other forms of currency.  There are three possible ways (all the same) of showing yourself to be a worshipper of the beast:  Have the mark (probably some kind of permanent tattoo).  Have his name (not just his initials or title).  Have the number of his name (definitely calculated in languages).  Hence the equation: The Mark = His Name = The Number of His Name  Wisdom is demonstrated through calculating the number of the beast:  It is the number of a man.  The number is 666. NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013
  • 4. The Name and Mark of the Beast This brings us to the third and final Scripture. 19 And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. 20 Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. (Rev. 19:19&20) There is a lot of speculation about the meaning of the number of the beast. Everyone from the Roman Caesars, Roman Catholic popes to modern leaders like Napoleon, Hitler and George Bush have had their names calculated as representing 666. English had not been formed by this time and was unknown. It is pointless doing calculations in English or other modern languages. NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013
  • 5. The Name and Mark of the Beast Clearly, the beast whose number is referred to is the First Beast of Revelation, not the Second. The Second Beast is also called ‘The False Prophet’. As we have seen, the First Beast is the leader of Europe, the President of the European Union, the successor of the Holy Roman Emperor. Western Europe has always been known as the Latin Kingdom, since the crowning of Charlemagne in 800AD by the Pope. The Holy Roman Empire had the full name Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. The word ‘German’ is Deutsch in German, which comes from Teutsch, the name also given to the Teutonic (German) Knights. Teutsch refers to the followers of Teuton (Germanic) or Teitan (Greek) or Titan (English). Hence, the Germans were the ancient followers of the Sun god and god of war: Titan. The Sun god or Solar deity has always been considered the chief and most powerful of the gods in pagan religions all over the world. The pagan festival of the Birth of the Unconquered Sun (Dies Natalis Solis Invicti or Sol Invictus) was celebrated on 25 December in the Roman Empire as the most important celebration of the year. NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013
  • 6. The Names of the Sun God The name of the Sun god (and god of war) in different European cultures throughout history includes:  Scandanavia – Odin  Germany – Wotan or Woden  Greece – Helios or Titan  Babylon – Saturn NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013
  • 7. Calculating 666 How does one go about doing this calculation of 666? There were four dominant languages in use in the Near East in Biblical times: Greek, Latin, Chaldean and Hebrew. In Greek The New Testament was written in Koine Greek, the common language of the people around the Mediterranean. Here is Revelation chapter 13 in the Received, Majority and Byzantine Koine Greek Text: 17 και ινα μη τις δυνηται αγορασαι η πωλησαι ει μη ο εχων το χαραγμα η το ονομα του θηριου η τον αριθμον του ονοματος αυτου 18 ωδε η σοφια εστιν ο εχων τον νουν ψηφισατω τον αριθμον του θηριου αριθμος γαρ ανθρωπου εστιν και ο αριθμος αυτου χξς. NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013
  • 8. Calculating 666 In Koine Greek Isopsephy each letter represents a number. Hence a name could be calculated as representing a number, and so the term ‘666’ looked like this: Capital Letters Small Letters Exercise: Write these letters on someone’s forehead and let them look in the mirror. What English word do you see every time you look in the mirror? Interesting, isn’t it? Is there something here? Maybe not. It is not a name, just letters, maybe initials. NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013
  • 9. LATEINOS Irenaeus (the pupil of Polycarp, the pupil of the Apostle John, who wrote the Revelation) understood 666 to possibly refer to the Koine Greek word ‘Lateinos’ (Latin kingdom). L 30 A 1 T 300 E 5 I 10 N 50 O 70 S 200 = 666 However, although this works out quite conveniently, and it certainly reflects the early church’s persecution by the Roman (Latin) ‘beast’, it is not the number of a man, nor his name. This certainly does not help the Preterist position (which says it was one or all of the Roman Caesars), it simply shows that Irenaeus believed that it would be a Latin Kingdom, which Western Europe has been for two millennia. NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013
  • 10. TEITAN The name ‘Teitan’ or ‘Titan’ was further identified by Irenaeus (2nd century), Victorinus of Pettau (3rd century), Andrew of Caesarea (563 – 637), and Arethas of Caesarea (860 – 932) as a likely name of the Antichrist. It certainly has significant historical precedence. Sum T 300 E 5 I 10 T 300 A 1 N 50 = 666 The Chaldean (Babylonian) equivalent of Teitan, which is Saturn or Stur, calculated according to the Chaldean numbering system (which is quite complex) is: Sum S 60 T 400 U 6 R 200 = 666 NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013
  • 11. The Two Babylons (1858, pp. 176, 180-2) To those who were initiated the god was revealed; to all else he was hidden. Now, the name Saturn in Chaldee [Babylonian] is pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar knows, consists only of four letters, thus - Stur. This name contains exactly the Apocalyptic number 666: S = 060; T = 400; U = 006; R = 200. It was long ago noticed by Irenaeus, about the end of the second century, that the name Teitan contained the Mystic number 666; and he gave it as his opinion that Teitan was “by far the most probable name" of the beast from the sea. Though the name Teitan was originally derived from Chaldee, yet it became thoroughly naturalised in the Greek language. Therefore, to give the more abundant evidence on this important subject, the Spirit of God seems to have ordered it, that the number of Teitan should be found according to the Greek computation, while that of Satur is found by the Chaldee. The grounds of his opinion, as stated by him, do not carry much weight; but the opinion itself he may have derived from others who had better and more valid reasons for their belief on this subject. Now, on inquiry, it will actually be found, that while Saturn was the name of the visible head, Teitan was the name of the invisible head of the beast. Teitan is just the Chaldean form of Sheitan, the very name by which Satan has been called from time immemorial by the Devil-worshippers of Kurdistan; and from Armenia or Kurdistan, this Devil worship embodied in the Chaldean Mysteries came westward to Asia Minor, and thence to Etruria and Rome. NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013
  • 12. The Two Babylons (1858, pp. 176, 180-2) The learned reader has no need of examples in proof of this frequent Chaldean transformation of the Sh or S into T; but for the common reader, the following may be adduced: Hebrew, Shekel, to weigh, becomes Tekel in Chaldee; Hebrew, Shabar, to break - Chaldee, Tabar; Hebrew, Seraphim - Chaldee, Teraphim, the Babylonian counterfeit of the Divine Cherubim or Seraphim; Hebrew, Asar, to be rich-Chaldee, Atar; Hebrew, Shani, second - Chaldee, Tanin, etc. That Teitan was actually known by the classic nations of antiquity to be Satan, or the spirit of wickedness, and originator of moral evil, we have the following proofs: The history of Teitan and his brethren, as given in Homer and Hesiod, the two earliest of all the Greek writers, although later legends are obviously mixed up with it, is evidently the exact counterpart of the Scriptural account of Satan and his angels. Homer says, that "all the gods of Tartarus," or Hell, "were called Teitans." Hesiod tells us how these Teitans, or "gods of hell," came to have their dwelling there. The chief of them having committed a certain act of wickedness against his father, the supreme god of heaven, with the sympathy of many others of the "sons of heaven," that father "called them all by an opprobrious name, Teitans," pronounced a curse upon them, and then, in consequence of that curse, they were "cast down to hell," and "bound in chains of darkness" in the abyss. While this is the earliest account of Teitan and his followers among the Greeks, we find that, in the Chaldean system, Teitan was just a synonym for Typhon, the malignant Serpent or Dragon, who was universally regarded as the Devil, or author of all wickedness. It was Typhon, according to the Pagan version of the story, that killed Tammuz, and cut him in pieces; but Lactantius, who was thoroughly acquainted with the subject, upbraids his Pagan countrymen for "worshipping a child torn in pieces by the Teitans." It is undeniable, then, that Teitan, in Pagan belief, was identical with the Dragon, or Satan. NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013
  • 13. In Latin Latin was the language of the Roman Empire (at the time of the early church) and the Holy Roman Empire. The first six primary Roman numerals in Latin (IVXLCD) also represent letters, and they add up to (yes, you guessed it) a total of 666. I V X L C D 1 5 10 50 100 500 = 666 Note:V and U were often used interchangeably. Hence, DUX could be written DVX. Victorinus of Pettau, identified Diclux, the Latin equivalent of Teitan, as a possibility. D I C L V X 500 1 100 50 5 10 = 666 In the twentieth century, there have been two modern candidates for the 666. One alternative name could be: The Leader (English - The Duke ) (German - Der Fuhrer) (Latin - Il Duce) I L D V C X 1 50 500 5 100 10 = 666 Interestingly this title was given to both Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, the Fascist leaders of Nazi Germany and Italy. NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013
  • 14. Other Languages Hebrew 666 is also the number of SVRT, the Hebrew word for the Sun. It occurs in Revelation xiii. 18 S V R T 60 6 200 400 = 666 Egyptian Athanasius Kircher the Jesuit states that the ancient Egyptians associated numbers to the planets, with the sun (Sol) as follows: 6, 36, 111, 666 NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013
  • 15. Summary The letters in the many variations of the name of Titan, the Sun god and god of War, add up to 666 in five different ancient languages: Koine Greek = Teitan, Chaldean (Babylonian) = Saturn Latin = Dic Lux Hebrew = SVR, and Egyptian = Sol (Sun) using the relevant numbering system in each language. This is quite a convincing argument. The mark of the beast could eventually look something like this. NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013
  • 16. Conclusion  In the next presentations we will examine in more detail each of these end time events according to the outlines that we have seen in these two pairs of cycles.  The next issue is the Battle of Armageddon. NKJV Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. 11/30/2013