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NRCP Conference
         San Antonio, Texas
      February 29 - March 3, 2012

    Presenter: Dr. Ashleigh Molloy

Copyright Transformation Education Institute 2012
Session Objectives
   To understand the expectations needed to be
    a successful 21st Century Para
   To be more culturally competent
   To become knowledgeable about the
    generational differences among students and
    their parents
   To comprehend the concept of change and
    its impact on the role of a para
Greetings from Lindsey Molloy

   Hello everyone, my name is Lindsey, Dr. Ash is my dad.
          Enjoy yourself, happy learning. Goodbye.
Generational Analysis
Baby Boomers (Practitioners)
Born between 1946 and 1964

Well established in their careers and hold positions of power and authority (law firm
leaders, corporate executives, etc.). 70% of law firm partners are Baby Boomers
Boomers have more educational and financial opportunities than previous generations.

      Extremely hard-working and motivated by position, perks, and prestige
      Long work weeks and define themselves by their professional accomplishments
      Likely to criticize younger generations for a lack of work ethic and commitment to
       the workplace
      Confident and self-reliant
      Grew up in an era of reforms and believe they can change the world
      Question established authority systems and challenged the status quo

lTheyprefer “face time” at the office and may criticize younger generations for working
remotely (tech gadgets)
Generation X
(Gen X or MTV Generation)
   People born from 1965-1982

   Characteristics/Traits/Profile:
     Have cultural perspectives and political experiences that were shaped by
      series of events including:
       Chernobyl disaster

       Election of George H. Bush, Bill Clinton

       1987 stock market collapse

       AIDS epidemic

     Saw the introduction of

       home computers

       video games

       Cable television and the Internet
Generation X
        (Gen X or MTV Generation)
   Compared to previous generation:
        Represents a more heterogeneous generation, exhibiting great variety of diversity in such
         aspects as race, class, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.

        Gen X tend to ignore leaders and opt to work for more long term institutional and
         systematic change through economic, media, and consumer action.
        Gen X are highly educated holding the highest educational levels, considered the
         smartest generation

        Prefers to work more (male and female) while choosing to have fewer or no kids, works
         60-plus hours a week, strong career ambitions. More likely to have children later in life
         because increase in females choosing to have a career over starting a family.
        Gen X will not match their parents income earning, working on average about nine years
         longer than anticipated (delaying retirement)

        Higher divorce rates than previous generations
        Having been through major economic crisis of the past 30 years, Gen X-ers are more
         resilient to face the uncertain future.
Generation Y

   Born 1980s to around 1990s

   AKA:
     Millennial Generation (or Millennials)

     Generation Next, Next Generation

     Generation Me (increasing narcissism during teen and early
      twenties years)
     Boomerang or Peter Pan Generation

       Delaying some rites of passage into adulthood, longer than
         previous generations; living with parents for longer periods

   Echo Boomers (due to significant birth rates through 1980s-1990s)
Generation Y

Have  smaller families
An increased use and familiarity with communications, media, and digital

Increase in neoliberal approach to politics and economics
Grew up with more protection and comfort than previous generation. Also
known as the trophy generation where mere participation warrants for trophies,
awards, and praises. Parents of gen Y-ers are described as “helicopter parents”
always hovering over their children to protect and provide them.

Gen  Y are closer to parents than previous generations; Gen Y-ers never truly
rebelled against their parents, unlike prior generations
Prefers and are more dependent on team-work

Greater sense of entitlement, narcissism and rejection of social conventions
(more culturally liberal)
Generation Y

Largely   shaped by 9/11 events and ongoing economic difficulties
      High unemployment with increase debt loads made Gen Y-ers
       rallied for occupied movements in developed and urban centers

Gen  Y has a lower level of religiosity compared to older generations
and are more likely to be skeptical of religious institutions

Gen   Y tend to choose urban, or gentrified areas to live than suburbs

Gen Y-ers adapted well to technological advances and are the largest
consumers of it (computers, wireless technology, smart phones, etc.)
Generation Z
Internet generation aka:
Net generation

Generation 9/11

Born during mid-1990s to present
    Born and raised after the Cold war era and fall of Soviet union

    Differs from Gen Y by that Gen Z were born completely into an era
       of mass technology and globalization.
    Grown up with the World Wide Web

    They are highly connected

        Lifelong use of communications and media technologies such
          as instant messaging, text messaging, online social media sites
          such as Facebook, Youtube, etc., mp3 players, mobile phones,
          smartphone, computer technologies
        Nicknamed “digital natives”
      Are known for curating online at a rapid pace: sharing thoughts and
       observations on variety of media, topics and products.
Cultural Sensitivity
   A recognition that there are difference between cultures reflected in the ways
    that different groups communicate and relate to one another
   A culturally sensitive person would understand other countries’ traditions and
    ways of life, or attempt to learn and apply new understandings. They attempt
    to be free from prejudices and preconceptions about other cultures.

Tolerance, inter-cultural dialogue and respect for diversity are more
   essential than ever in a world where peoples are becoming more and
   more closely interconnected.
        -Kofi Annan, Former Secretary-General of the United Nations

Diversity (multiculturalism):
 It is an ideology that promotes the instutionalisation of communities containing
   multiple cultures.
Student Profile
   Education Identification re Assistance
     Designation: i.e. Autism, Down Syndrome etc

   Contributing Factors of Diversity

       Para needs to be
        sensitive as he/she
        develops competency
Diversity in Thinking
Racial Background

   Black
   Hispanic
   Asian
   Native American
   Pacific Islanders
Formula for Being a 21st
Century Para
   Need to understand characteristics of students and of
   Culturally sensitive
   Respect for Diversity
   Awareness of 21st century skills required by students
   Utilize current research methods in their work with
   Avail of ongoing professional development ex: NRC
   Take care of your health and wellness
   Communicator
21st Century Media
 Competent technological skills
`(programs that accommodate)

       World Wide Web
       Mobile Phones
       Text Messaging
       Social Media
21st Century Skills
                                  Basic skills
Reads, writes, performs arithmetic and mathematical operations, listens and speaks
Locates, understands, and interprets written information in pose and in document
   Communicates thoughts, ideas, information, and creates documents such as
        letters, directions, manuals, reports, graphs, and flow charts
                         Arithmetic / Mathematics
  Performa basic computations and approaches practical problems by choosing
           appropriately from a variety of mathematical techniques
 Receives, attends to, and interprets, and responds to verbal messages and other
                   Organizes ideas and communicates orally
21st Century Skills
                               Personal qualities

 Displays responsibility, self esteem, sociability, self-management, integrity, and
      Exerts a high level of effort and perseveres toward goal attainment
        Believes in own self-worth and maintains a positive view of self
Demonstrates understanding, friendliness, adaptability, empathy, and politeness
                              in group settings
Assess self accurately, sets personal goals, monitors progress and exhibits self-
                        Chooses ethical course of action
21st Century Skills
                                       Thinking skills
 Thinks critically, makes decisions, solves problems, visualizes, knows how to learn and reason

                                   Knowing How to Learn
      Uses efficient learning techniques to acquire and apply new knowledge and skills

                                      Decision Making
Specifies goals and constraints, generates alternatives, considers risks, evaluates and chooses
                                       best alternative
                                    Problem Solving
               Recognizes problems, devises and implements a plan of action

                           Seeing Things in the Mind’s Eye
     Organizes and processes symbols, pictures, graphs, objects, and other information

                                     Creative Thinking
                                     Generates new ideas
  Discovers a rule or principle underlying the relationship between two or more objects ad
                              applies in when solving a problem
Cultural Lenses

A                                              C
The uni-cultural lens (Unity and University)   (Isolation and Fortification)
                                               Fortifies the specific needs, values, and
Focuses on unitive vision                      worldwide of one’s own cultural group in
“Our way and your way (we) are ONE”            contrast to other cultural groups.
                                               “Our way is NOT your way and we need to
                                               KEEP IT THAT WAY”

                                               THE PLURI-CULTURAL LENS
(Uniformity and Dominance)                     (Diversity and Collaboration)
Focuses on strategies of assimilation          Focuses on the needs, values and worldwide
“Our way is the ONLY way.”                     of EACH cultural group in collaboration with
                                               other cultural groups
                                               “Our way is NOT your way and that’s OKAY”

                              Through the Looking Glass Lens by Ricky Manalo, CSP
Think outside the box
Paraprofessional Role
Paraeducators need to work at their positive relationship with their teacher/partner.
     Being an effective partner isn’t always easy, but it is worth the effort
Articulate your needs. Be sure that your teacher/partner is the first to hear of your
     frustrations, concerns and discomfort with your duties.
Respect the lines of authority and leadership in your classroom assignments. Do
     your best to be an extension of the teacher/ partner(s) to whom you are assigned.
Team is not spelled with an “I.” Be conscious of using the word “we” when referring
     to successes in the classroom.
Now is the time to deal with issues in your teacher/partner relationship. Don’t let little
     things grow into unsolvable problems.
Encourage your teacher/partner by looking for and illuminating the best in their
     performances. Be sure to do it in front of their peers.
Reach for the stars. If you continually strive to have the best partnership possible,
     you will always be heading in the right direction.
Student success always be the purpose of your partnership. Measure your input to
     partnership discussions by its benefit to students.
Hear what your partner is saying. Being a good listener means that you listen to
     understand what your partner is communicating.
Initiative is a respected characteristic in partnerships. It’s important that you be a
     self-starter and not wait to be directed.
Planning for an effective partnership is important. You need to be a proactive
     participant in building a successful and mutually respectful partnership.
Questions for reflection by Paras
in a 21st century classroom

Did you see…
 Community Building,

 Sense of Belonging,

 Positive Self-esteem,

 Effective Social Skills,

 Cooperative Learning,

 Positive Attitudes for Learning,

 Solid Foundation for Future Endeavors,

 Differentiated and Appropriate Instruction?
Planning for 21 Century

Team work is essential
Helping 21st century students
address complex thinking tasks
   In order to prepare students effectively for 21st Century learning,
    schools need to fortify students with ability to “know how to act
    on information, know what questions to ask… and be able to
    think critically about content and origin. (Costa, 2000).” Costa
    describes a constellation of dispositions (or attitudes), referred to
    as the Habits of Mind, that provide a useful framework to
    describe these behaviours that shape effective inquiry and
    encourage independent learning.
   A concern mentioned by many school personnel is the lack of
    persistence that many students demonstrate, especially when
    engaged in complex thinking tasks. Students are quick to give up
    if an answer is not readily apparent and students can seem
    easily frustrated when the answer is not discovered in quick
Education for the 21st Century
   Nurture a respectful, inclusive, and interactive classroom/school ethos (e.g. shared
    understanding of the classrooms norms, student voice, seating arrangements, use of wall/
    visual space, global citizenship imagery);

   Infuse learner-centered and culturally responsive independent and interactive teaching
    and learning approaches that align with learning goals (e.g., independent and
    collaborative learning structures, deliberative dialogue, media literacy);

   Embed authentic performance tasks (e.g., creating displays on children’s rights, creating
    peace building programs, creating a student newspaper addressing global issues);

   Draw on globally-oriented learning resources to assist students in understanding a “larger
    picture” of themselves in the world in relation to their local circumstances (e.g. a variety of
    sources and media, comparative and diverse perspectives);

   Make use of assessment and evaluation strategies that align with the learning goals and
    forms of instruction used to support learning (e.g., reflection and self-assessment, peer
    feedback, teacher assessment, journals, portfolios);

   Offer opportunities for students to experience learning in varied contexts including the
    classroom, whole school activities, and in one’s communities, from the local to the global
    (e.g., community participation; international e-exchanges; virtual communities); and
   Foreground the teacher as a role model (e.g., up to date on current events, community
    involvement, practicing environmental and equity standards).
Teaching and learning practices
associated with global citizenship

                                   performance tasks

             Learner-centered                          Respectful, inclusive,
               and culturally                             and interactive
                 responsive                             classroom/school
                teaching and                                   ethos
             learning practices
       Teacher(s) as role
            model                                              School/community/
                                                               world as classroom

                           Aligned              Globally oriented
                       assessment and               learning
                         evaluation                resources
The Future awaits
Dr. Ash’s “Para Feel Good”
           To keep you from drowning in everyday chores.

                             Candy Kiss
          To remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug

        To remind you to pick out the good qualities in others

                            Chewing Gum
        To remind you to stick with it, and you can accomplish

                             Sweet Tart
         To help you accept and appreciate the differences in

      To remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it’s okay.
Dr. Ash’s “Para Feel Good” Kit
                                Tea Bag
           To remind you to relax daily and go over your list of

            To help you remember that suffering is part of life.

              To remember to button your lip when needed.

                                Band Aid
          To remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone

                               Rubber Band
          To remind you to be flexible, things might not always go
                  the way you want, but it will work out.

                 To remind you that you are worth a mint.
Song -The Para Rose of Texas
T hank You

                  Dr. Ash
             Transformation Education

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21st Century Para-added

  • 1. NRCP Conference San Antonio, Texas February 29 - March 3, 2012 Presenter: Dr. Ashleigh Molloy Copyright Transformation Education Institute 2012
  • 2. Session Objectives  To understand the expectations needed to be a successful 21st Century Para  To be more culturally competent  To become knowledgeable about the generational differences among students and their parents  To comprehend the concept of change and its impact on the role of a para
  • 3. Greetings from Lindsey Molloy Hello everyone, my name is Lindsey, Dr. Ash is my dad. Enjoy yourself, happy learning. Goodbye.
  • 5. Baby Boomers (Practitioners) Overview Born between 1946 and 1964 Well established in their careers and hold positions of power and authority (law firm leaders, corporate executives, etc.). 70% of law firm partners are Baby Boomers Boomers have more educational and financial opportunities than previous generations. Characteristics: F.Work-centric:  Extremely hard-working and motivated by position, perks, and prestige  Long work weeks and define themselves by their professional accomplishments  Likely to criticize younger generations for a lack of work ethic and commitment to the workplace G.Independent:  Confident and self-reliant  Grew up in an era of reforms and believe they can change the world  Question established authority systems and challenged the status quo lTheyprefer “face time” at the office and may criticize younger generations for working remotely (tech gadgets)
  • 6. Generation X (Gen X or MTV Generation)  People born from 1965-1982  Characteristics/Traits/Profile:  Have cultural perspectives and political experiences that were shaped by series of events including:  Chernobyl disaster  Election of George H. Bush, Bill Clinton  1987 stock market collapse  AIDS epidemic  Saw the introduction of  home computers  video games  Cable television and the Internet
  • 7. Generation X (Gen X or MTV Generation)  Compared to previous generation:  Represents a more heterogeneous generation, exhibiting great variety of diversity in such aspects as race, class, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.  Gen X tend to ignore leaders and opt to work for more long term institutional and systematic change through economic, media, and consumer action.  Gen X are highly educated holding the highest educational levels, considered the smartest generation  Prefers to work more (male and female) while choosing to have fewer or no kids, works 60-plus hours a week, strong career ambitions. More likely to have children later in life because increase in females choosing to have a career over starting a family.  Gen X will not match their parents income earning, working on average about nine years longer than anticipated (delaying retirement)  Higher divorce rates than previous generations  Having been through major economic crisis of the past 30 years, Gen X-ers are more resilient to face the uncertain future.
  • 8. Generation Y  Born 1980s to around 1990s  AKA:  Millennial Generation (or Millennials)  Generation Next, Next Generation  Generation Me (increasing narcissism during teen and early twenties years)  Boomerang or Peter Pan Generation  Delaying some rites of passage into adulthood, longer than previous generations; living with parents for longer periods  Echo Boomers (due to significant birth rates through 1980s-1990s)
  • 9. Generation Y Characteristics/Traits/Profile: Have smaller families An increased use and familiarity with communications, media, and digital technologies Increase in neoliberal approach to politics and economics Grew up with more protection and comfort than previous generation. Also known as the trophy generation where mere participation warrants for trophies, awards, and praises. Parents of gen Y-ers are described as “helicopter parents” always hovering over their children to protect and provide them. Gen Y are closer to parents than previous generations; Gen Y-ers never truly rebelled against their parents, unlike prior generations Prefers and are more dependent on team-work Greater sense of entitlement, narcissism and rejection of social conventions (more culturally liberal)
  • 10. Generation Y Influences: Largely shaped by 9/11 events and ongoing economic difficulties  High unemployment with increase debt loads made Gen Y-ers rallied for occupied movements in developed and urban centers Gen Y has a lower level of religiosity compared to older generations and are more likely to be skeptical of religious institutions Gen Y tend to choose urban, or gentrified areas to live than suburbs Gen Y-ers adapted well to technological advances and are the largest consumers of it (computers, wireless technology, smart phones, etc.)
  • 11. Generation Z Internet generation aka: Net generation Generation 9/11 Born during mid-1990s to present  Born and raised after the Cold war era and fall of Soviet union  Differs from Gen Y by that Gen Z were born completely into an era of mass technology and globalization. Traits  Grown up with the World Wide Web  They are highly connected  Lifelong use of communications and media technologies such as instant messaging, text messaging, online social media sites such as Facebook, Youtube, etc., mp3 players, mobile phones, smartphone, computer technologies  Nicknamed “digital natives”  Are known for curating online at a rapid pace: sharing thoughts and observations on variety of media, topics and products.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. Cultural Sensitivity  A recognition that there are difference between cultures reflected in the ways that different groups communicate and relate to one another  A culturally sensitive person would understand other countries’ traditions and ways of life, or attempt to learn and apply new understandings. They attempt to be free from prejudices and preconceptions about other cultures. Tolerance, inter-cultural dialogue and respect for diversity are more essential than ever in a world where peoples are becoming more and more closely interconnected. -Kofi Annan, Former Secretary-General of the United Nations Diversity (multiculturalism):  It is an ideology that promotes the instutionalisation of communities containing multiple cultures.
  • 15. Student Profile  Education Identification re Assistance  Designation: i.e. Autism, Down Syndrome etc  Contributing Factors of Diversity  Para needs to be sensitive as he/she develops competency
  • 17. Racial Background  Black  Hispanic  Asian  Native American  Pacific Islanders
  • 18. Formula for Being a 21st Century Para  Need to understand characteristics of students and of themselves  Culturally sensitive  Respect for Diversity  Awareness of 21st century skills required by students  Utilize current research methods in their work with students  Avail of ongoing professional development ex: NRC Conference  Take care of your health and wellness  Communicator
  • 19.
  • 20. 21st Century Media  Competent technological skills `(programs that accommodate)  World Wide Web  Mobile Phones  Text Messaging  Social Media
  • 21. 21st Century Skills Basic skills Reads, writes, performs arithmetic and mathematical operations, listens and speaks well Reading Locates, understands, and interprets written information in pose and in document Writing Communicates thoughts, ideas, information, and creates documents such as letters, directions, manuals, reports, graphs, and flow charts Arithmetic / Mathematics Performa basic computations and approaches practical problems by choosing appropriately from a variety of mathematical techniques Listening Receives, attends to, and interprets, and responds to verbal messages and other cues Speaking Organizes ideas and communicates orally
  • 22. 21st Century Skills Personal qualities Displays responsibility, self esteem, sociability, self-management, integrity, and honesty Responsibility Exerts a high level of effort and perseveres toward goal attainment Self-Esteem Believes in own self-worth and maintains a positive view of self Sociability Demonstrates understanding, friendliness, adaptability, empathy, and politeness in group settings Self-Management Assess self accurately, sets personal goals, monitors progress and exhibits self- control Integrity/Honesty Chooses ethical course of action
  • 23. 21st Century Skills Thinking skills Thinks critically, makes decisions, solves problems, visualizes, knows how to learn and reason Knowing How to Learn Uses efficient learning techniques to acquire and apply new knowledge and skills Decision Making Specifies goals and constraints, generates alternatives, considers risks, evaluates and chooses best alternative Problem Solving Recognizes problems, devises and implements a plan of action Seeing Things in the Mind’s Eye Organizes and processes symbols, pictures, graphs, objects, and other information Creative Thinking Generates new ideas Reasoning Discovers a rule or principle underlying the relationship between two or more objects ad applies in when solving a problem
  • 24. Cultural Lenses A C THE SINGLE CULTURAL LENS THE SILO-CULTURAL LENS The uni-cultural lens (Unity and University) (Isolation and Fortification) Fortifies the specific needs, values, and Focuses on unitive vision worldwide of one’s own cultural group in “Our way and your way (we) are ONE” contrast to other cultural groups. “Our way is NOT your way and we need to KEEP IT THAT WAY” B THE MONO-CULTURAL LENS D THE PLURI-CULTURAL LENS (Uniformity and Dominance) (Diversity and Collaboration) Focuses on strategies of assimilation Focuses on the needs, values and worldwide “Our way is the ONLY way.” of EACH cultural group in collaboration with other cultural groups “Our way is NOT your way and that’s OKAY” Through the Looking Glass Lens by Ricky Manalo, CSP
  • 26. Paraprofessional Role Paraeducators need to work at their positive relationship with their teacher/partner. Being an effective partner isn’t always easy, but it is worth the effort Articulate your needs. Be sure that your teacher/partner is the first to hear of your frustrations, concerns and discomfort with your duties. Respect the lines of authority and leadership in your classroom assignments. Do your best to be an extension of the teacher/ partner(s) to whom you are assigned. Team is not spelled with an “I.” Be conscious of using the word “we” when referring to successes in the classroom. Now is the time to deal with issues in your teacher/partner relationship. Don’t let little things grow into unsolvable problems. Encourage your teacher/partner by looking for and illuminating the best in their performances. Be sure to do it in front of their peers. Reach for the stars. If you continually strive to have the best partnership possible, you will always be heading in the right direction. Student success always be the purpose of your partnership. Measure your input to partnership discussions by its benefit to students. Hear what your partner is saying. Being a good listener means that you listen to understand what your partner is communicating. Initiative is a respected characteristic in partnerships. It’s important that you be a self-starter and not wait to be directed. Planning for an effective partnership is important. You need to be a proactive participant in building a successful and mutually respectful partnership.
  • 27. Questions for reflection by Paras in a 21st century classroom Did you see…  Community Building,  Sense of Belonging,  Positive Self-esteem,  Effective Social Skills,  Cooperative Learning,  Positive Attitudes for Learning,  Solid Foundation for Future Endeavors,  Differentiated and Appropriate Instruction?
  • 28. Planning for 21 Century st Success
  • 29. Team work is essential
  • 30. Helping 21st century students address complex thinking tasks  In order to prepare students effectively for 21st Century learning, schools need to fortify students with ability to “know how to act on information, know what questions to ask… and be able to think critically about content and origin. (Costa, 2000).” Costa describes a constellation of dispositions (or attitudes), referred to as the Habits of Mind, that provide a useful framework to describe these behaviours that shape effective inquiry and encourage independent learning.  A concern mentioned by many school personnel is the lack of persistence that many students demonstrate, especially when engaged in complex thinking tasks. Students are quick to give up if an answer is not readily apparent and students can seem easily frustrated when the answer is not discovered in quick fashion.
  • 31. Education for the 21st Century Citizens  Nurture a respectful, inclusive, and interactive classroom/school ethos (e.g. shared understanding of the classrooms norms, student voice, seating arrangements, use of wall/ visual space, global citizenship imagery);  Infuse learner-centered and culturally responsive independent and interactive teaching and learning approaches that align with learning goals (e.g., independent and collaborative learning structures, deliberative dialogue, media literacy);  Embed authentic performance tasks (e.g., creating displays on children’s rights, creating peace building programs, creating a student newspaper addressing global issues);  Draw on globally-oriented learning resources to assist students in understanding a “larger picture” of themselves in the world in relation to their local circumstances (e.g. a variety of sources and media, comparative and diverse perspectives);  Make use of assessment and evaluation strategies that align with the learning goals and forms of instruction used to support learning (e.g., reflection and self-assessment, peer feedback, teacher assessment, journals, portfolios);  Offer opportunities for students to experience learning in varied contexts including the classroom, whole school activities, and in one’s communities, from the local to the global (e.g., community participation; international e-exchanges; virtual communities); and  Foreground the teacher as a role model (e.g., up to date on current events, community involvement, practicing environmental and equity standards).
  • 32. Teaching and learning practices associated with global citizenship education Authentic performance tasks Learner-centered Respectful, inclusive, and culturally and interactive responsive classroom/school teaching and ethos learning practices TEACHING AND LEARNING PRACTICES Teacher(s) as role model School/community/ world as classroom Aligned Globally oriented assessment and learning evaluation resources
  • 34. Dr. Ash’s “Para Feel Good” Kit Lifesaver To keep you from drowning in everyday chores. Candy Kiss To remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug everyday. Toothpick To remind you to pick out the good qualities in others Chewing Gum To remind you to stick with it, and you can accomplish anything. Sweet Tart To help you accept and appreciate the differences in others. Eraser To remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it’s okay.
  • 35. Dr. Ash’s “Para Feel Good” Kit Tea Bag To remind you to relax daily and go over your list of blessings. Nail To help you remember that suffering is part of life. Button To remember to button your lip when needed. Band Aid To remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone else’s. Rubber Band To remind you to be flexible, things might not always go the way you want, but it will work out. Mint To remind you that you are worth a mint.
  • 36. Song -The Para Rose of Texas
  • 37.
  • 38. T hank You Gracias Dr. Ash Transformation Education Institute

Editor's Notes

  1. video
  2. Kitos, merci and sunshine gang