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Sustainability as Flourishing
Energy Descent, Plenitude as intro to making
list of objectives of the course
Video of Danish 100%
Compost heat video
Arduino video
Drawing of Iowa 100% Renewables
Pope Francis
Flow vs stock
• Wind and Solar hockey stick graphs
The New Hockey Sticks
Growth in World Solar Capacity
New Hockey Sticks
2005: 468 Q
Growing Demand for Energy
A Golden Thread
2500 years of solar architecture and technology
1939 MIT solar house
MIT House - Boston, 1939
Sun Alone Keeps Winter Temp Steady 72
Financed by wealthy Bostonian Godfrey Lowell Cabot, described by
Time Magazine as a man of 77 who in his old age “broods much about
The vast stores of energy in sunlight that man does not utilize”
Betz limit for wind energy
Energy In
Maximum fraction of incoming wind energy that can be converted into useful wind generator
energy is 0.59. Range is .2-.4 for practical wind turbines.
Regardless of Materials or Technology!
Total energy in moving
air entering turbine
Converted to
useful wind
turbine energy
Energy in air
leaving turbine
Energy Flow in Human History
• Low energy societies – Hunter-gatherer – first
leisure society – great gains in energy
• Energy gains for hunter gathers:
– 30-40 for energy dense roots
– 10-20 for all gathering zero to net loss for small
– Net energy return for Alaska Inuit baleen whale:
Lovins on Opportunity Cost
Fine Homebuilding, Spring 1991
Will you have a dead-end job because someone bought the wrong
light bulbs?
Lovins on Opportunity Cost
Fine Homebuilding, Spring 1991
Will you have a dead-end job because someone bought the wrong
light bulbs?
How Much Oil is There Anyway…
 2 Trillion barrels
is the equivalent
to 1.4% of the
volume of the
great lakes.
 Less than the size of
Green Bay.
How much is a gallon of ‘liquid carbon’ fuel really worth?
One Truck + 1 gal. of Diesel Fuel
 80,000 lb. truck
 5 miles (up a shallow grade)
By Hand
 1 person with 1 garden cart
= 250 lbs/load/trip
 1 person could manage 20 miles/day
or 4 loads/day (1,000 lbs.)
 Conclusion:
5 Minutes by truck
80 Days by foot & cart
Powerful Oil – ‘Black Gold’
there were
439 in
35 under
7-12 years to
build 1.
“The stone age didn’t end because we
ran out of stones….” - Saudi Oil
Economy of Scarcity Economy of Abundance
Nature’s Economy: Ecosystem Services
Man’s Economy
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with
your one wild and precious life.
Mary Oliver
How the Sustainability Revolution
Changes Everything
Sustainability Challenges
2 Degrees Safe Global Temp rise
It’s wrong to profit from wrecking the planet
It’s time to divest from fossil fuels
5 times more coal, oil, and gas in proven reserves than is safe to burn. We need to leave 80% of
it in the ground.
The fossil fuel industry wakes up every day determined to burn it all.
575 Gigatons of carbon can safely be added to the atmosphere
2795 Gigatons of carbon in proven reserves
“We need a persuasive and visionary yes
rather than a ongoing no”
- Naomi Klein, UH Manoa Feb
“Although the problems are
increasingly complex,
the solutions remain
embarrassingly simple”
- Bill Mollison
developer of Permaculture
Design Methodology
“We are charged with
designing the future,
not being victims of it”
- R Buckminster Fuller
If we get the design right, we get cascading
side benefits
If we get the design wrong, we get cascading
side effects
Sustainable Living:
A New and Better Design for Living
Solving for Pattern
"There are all kinds of solutions to any problem. Some
solutions actually make the initial problem worse, and
some solutions actually create new problems. What
you really want to look for are solutions that by their
very nature wind up having cascading benefits.”
Wendell Berry, 2005
Meet the needs of the present without diminishing
opportunities for the future
A world view with a set of supporting infrastructure,
technologies, institutions, ways of relating to each
other and to nature
John Ehrenfeld – Flourishing
Sustainability is the possibility that humans and
other life will flourish on Earth forever
Reducing unsustainability, although critical, will
not create sustainability.
Being less bad vs moving in the right direction
Being vs Having
Shallow Vs Deep Sustainability
Shallow Sustainability - Using efficiency and
substitution to ameliorate the effects of the
existing system with doing much to change
the worldview the system is based on.
Motivated primarily by economic value.
Deep Sustainability
Efficiency and substitution are in service to
radical redesign based on a worldview that
uses ecology as a metaphor rather than the
machine, holism rather than reductionism,
compliments science with many ways of
knowing, and is grounded in an
experiential and intellectual understanding
of the unity that underlies the surface
diversity of life.
Deep Sust Cont’d
• This worldview leads to a society that has an
ethic of regeneration and renewal of human
society and nature. Deep sustainability gives
priority to ethical and social values while
recognizing the necessity of economic
Sustainable Economics
Perennial Philosophy:
Transcendentalist, Huxley, Houston Smith
World’s Wisdom Traditions
These is a unity that underlies the surface diversity of life
In addition to intellectually exploring this idea, people
can directly experience this unity
This experience is common across cultures and time
To reconnect with this unity is the ultimate purpose of
Names: Being, Source, Pure Consciousness,
Higher states of consciousness
Perennial Philosphy
The first peace, which is most important, is that
which comes from within the souls of people
when they realize their relationship, their
oneness with the universe and all its powers,
and when they realize that at the center of the
universe dwells the great spirit, and that this
center is really everywhere — it is within each
of us.” Black Elk
““It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an
inescapable network of mutuality, tied together into a single garment of destiny.
Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. We are made to live together
because of the interrelated structure of reality . . . Before you finish eating
breakfast in the morning, you’ve depended on more than half the world. This is the
way our universe is structured, this is its interrelated quality. We aren’t going to
have peace on Earth until we recognize the basic fact of the interrelated structure
of all reality.” Martin Luther King
“Everything is so intimately connected with every other thing in creation that it is not
possible to distinguish completely the existence of one from the other. And the
influence of one thing on every other thing is so universal that nothing could be
considered in isolation. We have already mentioned that the universe reacts to an
individual action…Therefore, the great responsibility of right and wrong lies in the
individual him[or her]self on the level of his[or her] consciousness.”—Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi - Science of Being and Art of Living p. 219-223
Hydrological cycle
Pope Francis
and Deep Sustainability
On Care For Our Common Home – Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si
A year in the making and informed by a large team of mostly secular scientists, philosophers, and theologians,
the encyclical offers a blueprint for an entirely new way of living in the world. The Pope applies a
comprehensive and sophisticated systems analysis to explore the root causes of environmental
degradation, linking it with corrupt social structures, human failures, injustice, and inequality. He calls for a
new paradigm to address these intertwined challenges.
"Because all creatures are connected, each must be cherished with love and respect, for all of us as living
creatures are dependent on one another.”
Each creature has its own purpose. None is superfluous. ...The ultimate purpose of other creatures is not to be
found in us. Rather, all creatures are moving forward with us and through us towards a common point of
arrival, which is God.”
The notion of the common good also extends to future generations... We can no longer speak of sustainable
development apart from intergenerational solidarity. We can no longer view reality in a purely utilitarian
way, in which efficiency and productivity are entirely geared to our individual benefit. Intergenerational
solidarity is not optional, but rather a basic question of justice, since the world we have received also
belongs to those who will follow us” (para. 159).
“Rivers, polluted for decades, have been cleaned up; native woodlands have been restored; landscapes have
been beautified… advances have been made in the production of non-polluting energy and in the
improvement of public transportation” (para. 58). “At the same time we can note the rise of a false or
superficial ecology which bolsters complacency and a cheerful recklessness.” These superficial ecologists
argue that “apart from a few obvious signs of pollution and deterioration, things do not look that serious,
and the planet could continue as it is for some time. Such evasiveness serves as a license to carrying on
with our present lifestyles and models of production and consumption” (Sec 59).
Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley’s top ten priority problems in
the world’s quest for sustainability:
10. Population
Terrorism and War
Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley’s top ten priority problems in
the world’s quest for sustainability:
10. Population
9. Democracy
Terrorism and War
Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley’s top ten priority problems in
the world’s quest for sustainability:
10. Population
9. Democracy
8. Education
Terrorism and War
Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley’s top ten priority problems in
the world’s quest for sustainability:
10. Population
9. Democracy
8. Education
7. Disease Democracy
Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley’s top ten priority problems in
the world’s quest for sustainability:
10. Population
9. Democracy
8. Education
7. Disease
6. Terrorism and War
5. Poverty
4. Environment
3. Food
2. Water
1. Energy
Why is Energy #1?
• Abundant, available, affordable, clean, efficient and secure energy
would enable the resolution of all of the other problems.
• We need energy for sustainability.
• We need energy to maintain order in the world’s systems because of
the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics:
– While energy is conserved, as it is transformed, it loses it’s usefulness, a concept
called Entropy. It takes energy from outside the system to overcome the effects
of entropy and continually recreate order and structure.
– Only through a flow of high quality energy into the system (and a corresponding
flow of less quality energy out) can order and structure be created. A constant
flow of energy is required to maintain complex structure.
– Nature and society on Earth are able to produce order and structure only through
their ability to acquire energy. Solar energy is the only place we can get this
outside source of high quality energy in the long term.
• Nature uses the plant photosynthesis to acquire energy for all living things.
• Society uses energy systems - mostly the stored fossil energy from those plants
millions of years ago to acquire energy for civilization.
Sustainability, Entropy, Energy
Energy is Essential for Sustainability
• 1st law – energy is neither created nor
destroyed – it is eternally cycled from one
form to another
• 2nd law – energy loses useful each time it is
transformed – same quantity of energy but it
can no longer do the same kinds of work.
Energy is Essential for Sustainability
• Examples
– Coffee
– Car Engine
– Leaky tire
• Materials Cycle
• Energy flows from source to sink
Energy is Essential for Sustainability
• For Sustainability: We need a continuous
source of high quality energy to offset the
effects of entropy, we need solar energy
Sustainability: Regeneration and
The human body and spirit are subject to their
own laws of entropy and are in need of
renewal and regeneration
Parabola Video
The Economy of Nature
Economy of Abundance Within Limits vs Economy of Scarcity
Can power this
The Renewable Energy
Revolution is Here
Add stunning progress
Show ad on stealing grease from
Obama Solar Quote
On Saturday, May 26, 2012 Germany got 40% of it’s energy from solar.
On Sunday, May 11, 2014, Germany got 75% of it’s energy from renewables.
Energiewende, the innovative public policy around renewables has created 400,000 jobs in
“More people work in the solar industry in the US than work for Google, Facebook, Twitter and
Apple combined” Vice President Joe Biden, Sept 2015
Solar Potential
Germany vs Iowa
Germany (Berlin): 883 kwh per kw
Total Solar Installed in Germany: 38,359 mw
Des Moines Iowa : 1300 kwh per kw
Total capacity Iowa Electric grid in Iowa: 10,000 mw
Hilo, Hawaii 1300 kwh/kw
Kauai 1469 kwh/kw
On August 31, 2014, during daytime hours, 57% of
power on Kauai was from renewable sources.
Once Anahola goes on-line, solar will approach 80%
of the energy demand on some days. At some
times solar output may exceed demand. Kauai is a
laboratory for the world on 100% renewable
The Next Generation
Photo of my house
Prairiewoods 10 KW
Sky Factory 54 kw, 79,000 kwh
Sky Factory Solar
FEC 800 kw 1,000,000 kwh
2015 – 900 KW addition
We’ll see it on our field trip
Cost of energy from the latest array at Farmers Electric Coop:
7 cents for 10 years
0 for next 10 years
Ave cost for 20 years: 3.5 cents kwh (ignores time value of money)
Wind Power cost: 4 cents per kwh
What we pay retail: 15 cents
Ave cost of new coal plant electricity: 9.5 – 14 cents
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
From 5% to 25% in Just 6 Years!
Predictions call for 40% by 2020
% Iowa Electrical Energy
from Wind
5 Times Increase in Wind Energy Production in 6 years
Distributed Energy
Centralized Energy
Richard Perez IRENEW video
Portugal at 58% Renewable Energy
for 2013
(First half of 2013 was 75%)
Pop 10.4 million
By 2020, Renewables will account for 35,000 jobs
Costa Rica 100% Powered by Renewable
Energy for the 1st 75 days of 2015
Pop: 4.8 Million Annual % Renewables: 88%
Renewables allowed a 12% reduction in energy prices
“We are declaring peace with nature,” Costa Rican ambassador Mario Fernández Silva
Denmark – 100% Renewables (!)
The most progressive utility in the US:
Farmers Electric Coop, Kalona Iowa?
• Students at Kalona Solar Garden with manger
Warren Mckenna
261 Miles Per Gallon - Tank is only 2 gallons
Electric Transportation: Nissan Leaf
• Nissan Leaf Example
Assume 12,000 miles per year
Leaf gets 5.4 miles per kwh, 2300 kwh per year
Cost for electricity at 12 cents (40 cents on Kauai) /kwh:$271
Equivalent cost for gas @$3/gallon: $1200
Cost of PV panels to produce this much annual energy: $1600
Cost of system: $4600
Like having 70 cent per gallon gasoline
But Consider Design Again:
The better car makes the worse city
The surprising sustainability of city living
Going beyond individual initiative
Richard Register
Sustainable Living Department Distinguished Scholar
Ecocity Design
Strategies for transitioning to ecocities
The Need to Change
(aka the obligatory hockey stick graph)
The new hockey sticks
Ideal Energy Video
Ideal Energy Installing Solar Panels on the Public Library
Mark Jacobson’s 100% Renewable
Energy Plan
Source Diversity
Wind and Solar Have Same Annual Output
Monthly Wind and Solar - Fairfield
Storage in electric cars
Each Leaf has a 24 kwh battery and electronics
capable of producing a 80 kw.
20% of passenger vehicles were like the Leaf:
Capacity of those vehicles:
25,700 MW
Equivalent to 42 big coal plants
Iowa has 5 large coal plants and 15 smaller ones
Compressed air energy storage
270 MW project studied by
Iowa Association of
Municipal Utilities
Would be used 5-6 hours
per day, 5 days per week
Original site wasn’t
Compost Heat
Can we do this?
What is the level of response
• 4 days after Pearl Harbor, auto industry ordered to stop
production of civilian vehicles
– Fuel rationed at 4 gallons per week per car, dropping to 2 gallons in
– 35 mph speed limit, break it and loose your fuel and tire rations
– Backed by marketing campaign
• Military spending
– 1940: 1.9 % of GDP
– 1943: 32% of GDP
– GDP increased by 75%
• Campaigns to reduce meat consumption, for recycling, gardening
• Dramatic increases in the level of taxation
• England transition to feeding itself from backyard gardens in 1
Poster exercise
News from the SL Department
• Building Update Systems operational this fall:
Net Zero energy for all energy use
(10 kw wind, 11 kw solar)
Passive Solar
Solar thermal (750 sq feet, 5,000
gallon tank)
Geothermal heating/cooling
Earth Plasters
Rain Garden
Rainwater harvesting
On site sewage treatment
Greenhouse plantings
Stepped Pyramids on Corners
Certifications applied for:
LEED: platinum (gold)
Living Building Challenge: 6 or 7 out of
8 petals
Maharishi Sthapatya Ved
Bau Biology
None obtained yet
Grid Tie Solar
Off-Grid Design (future)
Show Emonitor
Still to Come
Off grid energy
More aesthetic features (Veranda screens)
Edible landscaping/perennials planting
Finishing certificate process
Second Energy Course Next Block
– SL E-201 Energy Technology – Solar, Wind,
Flowing Water, Biomass, geothermal etc
Go deep into the details of the energy resource and
the technology
Learn System Design
Visit Boulder
National Renewable Energy Lab
National Wind Power Test Facility
Masters Program
Launched This Fall 2015!
Focus on sustainable community development
Hawaii 2015
University of Sustainable Living
Jerry Konanui
The Hawaiian Vandana Shiva
MUM SL Alumni
Ben Katz and Robbie Fox
Ben katz
Plentitude Fundamentals
Juliet Schor
1. A New Allocation of Time – less industrial work, more time for
working outside of the BAU economy and for social relations.
2. Self-provision - or make, grow, or do things for oneself. Includes new
forms of hi-tech making.
3. True Materialism – it is only when we take the materiality of the
world seriously that we can appreciate and preserve the resources on
which spending depends.
4. restore investments in one another and our communities. While
social bonds are not typically thought of in economic terms, these
connections, which scholars call social capital, are a form of wealth
that is every bit as important as money or material goods.
Work and spend less, create and connect more.
SL Department Makerspace
Makerspace orientation
Course Objectives
1. Argue for widespread adoption of renewables
2. Evaluate the viability of proposed energy technologies and programs
3. Describe the range of renewable energy technology
4. Describe the characteristics of the major renewable energy resources
(sun, wind, flowing water, biomass, geothermal)
5. Evaluate feasibility of meeting energy needs with renewable energy
6. Calculate quantities of energy available from renewable sources
7. Evaluate energy requirements
8. Evaluate suitability of renewable energy technology to meet energy
9. Understand the the importance of policy in the adoption of renewable
10. Understand the fundamental role that energy plays in the
sustainability revolution
Guest Speakers
Ethan Hughes, Possibility Alliance
Troy Van Beek/Brian Robbins
Norm Olson
Rich Dana
John Ikerd
Field Trip
Friday, November 13
Iowa City Area
Yoderville Biodiesel Coop
Farmers Electric Coop
Coal/Biomass boiler at UI
Huge wind turbine and training program at
Kirkwood Community College
Meet with David Osterberg
Iowa City Coop
Daily Schedule
• FLIP Classroom – review lecture in the evening, projects and
exercises in the classroom
• Classroom– projects, labs, guest speakers, calculation exercises
• Basic Electricity Lab
• Real projects in the community
• Saturday – Team work, review
We’ll be going on a field trip to the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids area (Friday
November 13)
Lateness Policy
• We are allocating a lot of time to hands on
projects, so classroom time is especially valuable.
Everyone’s contribution is important.
• Unexcused absences, lateness
– 1 point from your final grade for each 20 cumulative
minutes late for class. Maximum of 2 points per
session, 3 points per day.
– Be sure Molly logs your attendance every day.
• Arrange your appointments etc after or before
Four Season Harvest
"I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a
source of power! I hope we don't have to wait till oil and
coal run out before we tackle that.”
- Thomas Edison (1931 in a letter to Henry Ford)
This presentation prepared on solar powered computers
Fossil Fuel Spill - Disaster
Solar Energy Spill
Just Another Nice Day in Iowa
Live by the sun love by the moon
“Someday, after we have mastered the
winds, the waves, the tide and gravity, we
shall harness for God the energies of love.
Then for the second time in the history of the
world, man will have discovered fire.”
- Teilhard de Chardin
Snyder quote
A New Story
The changes we need to make for sustainability
– stronger, more vibrant communities, rich
social connections, a sense of purpose and
meaning, less industrial work, renewable
energy, ecocities, coproducing and making,
organic local foods, connection to nature and
to our own inner being - are also the changes
we need to create a better world, the world of
our best dreams and aspirations.
Valerie and Eliot
Beverly, Massachusetts
Passive Solar House
• Uncle Elmer
• Dad’s Boat
1957 – The Uncle Elmer
Hampden, Maine 1982-1997
Elements Power Company/Maine Energy Partner
Souadabsacook Stream Hydro Plant
Generated 700,000 - 1,000,000 kwh per year
Passive Solar/Superinsulated * Composting Toilet * Rainwater harvesting * solar hot water * Interior
constructed wetland to treat waste water * Local Lumber * Captured waste heat from generator
Hampden, Maine
Superinsulated house, 1986
R-40 double stud walls, R-60 roof
Carrizo Plains, Ca
San Diego, California
1993 - 1997
Hawaii Slides
Surya Nagar Farm Hawaii
Kaimu, Big Island
Surya Nagar Farm
Climate responsive buildings
Sustainable Living Coalition
Future Campus:
SEED Center
Sustainability Education Enterprise
Sustainability Education and Enterprise Development
(SEED) Center
Abundance Ecovillage
• Picture of sign
New photo with sunset
Local Economy:
36 in rain =
1,000,000 gallons per acre
Go Green Commission
Energy Revolving Loan Fund
• Dr Barry Butler Photo
Dr Barry Butler, Former Head of the US
Solar Thermal Program
Ideal Energy
MUM Graduates and Students – Founded by Troy Van Beek
Design and Consulting
Equipment Installation
Energy Audits and Efficiency Work
Construction and Project Development/Management
Media Production
Successfully executed Sustain Angoon project in Angoon, Alaska
Over$1,000,000 in PV panels sold in last 8 months in Fairfield
Ideal Energy
Sky Factory Solar
“There is in all
things …
a hidden
- Thomas Merton,
trappist monk and
Construction process slides?
• Soren with earth blocks
• Ideal Energy working on building
South Africa
$2 per Day Ecovillage Project
MUM Daily Load Curve
Off Campus Study 2014-15
Office of Global Development
Dec 27 – January 17
Deposit Due Oct 15
July 18 – August 8
Deposit Due March 15
Off Campus Study 2014-15
Office of Global Development
Leanne’s Yurt
Iowa Wind Generation 2013
Energy per month
Graph of wind installations in Iowa
On Saturday, May 26, 2012 Germany got 40% of it’s energy from solar.
On Sunday, May 11 2014, Germany got 75% of it’s energy from
IOWA is at 25% wind, up from 0 in 2004
In 2014, 75% of all new energy added to the grid was solar
Solar in US is up 120 times since 2003
Portugal at 58% Renewables for 2013
(First half of 2013 was 75%)
By 2020, Renewables will account for 35,000 jobs
Energy and Sustainability
SL E-101
Maharishi University of Management
Fall 2015
This presentation prepared on solar powered computers
Energy and Sustainability
Energy and Order
“To the best of our knowledge, the sun is
the only star proven to grow vegetables”
-Phillip Scherer. 1973
Energy for Regeneration and Renewal
Wholeness of the Course
Introduction and Overview
Add nature of paradigm shifts
Start with potato clock
Future Scenarios Exercise – people move around Dave Jacke
Energy flowing everywhere
Solar/fuel cell
It’s why anything happens
Neither created or destroyed, it changes form in a particular and peculiar direction
Intimate link between the expression/development of order and intelligence and energy
Entropy, anti-entropy – primacy of sunlight
Limits to efficency and perpetual motion machines – give carnot example
Energy flows in nature
Nature’s Economy Poster
Trophic level
Atmispheric electricity
Energy flows in =the human economy
Primacy of design
Energy and Sustainbaility
Primacy of renewable energy for sustainability
Tour of technologies and demos
Solar electric
The Need to Change
(aka the obligatory hockey stick graph)
Electric Transportation: Nissan Leaf
• Nissan Leaf Example
Assume 12,000 miles per year
Leaf gets 5.4 miles per kwh, 2300 kwh per year
Cost for electrictity at 12 cents/kwh:$271
Equivalent cost for gas @$3/gallon: $1200
Like having 70 cent per gallon gasoline
261 Miles Per Gallon - Tank is only 2 gallons
September 1, 2012: $92
per Barrel
Price of Oil in the News
“We need a persuasive and visionary yes
rather than a ongoing no”
- Naomi Klein, UH Manoa Feb
Oberlin Lewis Center
Perennial Philosophy
• The first peace, which is most important, is
that which comes from within the souls of
people when they realize their relationship,
their oneness with the universe and all its
powers, and when they realize that at the
center of the universe dwells the great spirit,
and that this center is really everywhere — it
is within each of us.” Black Elk
Wind and Solar Have Same Annual Output
Monthly Wind and Solar - Fairfield
Cardiff, Ca 1993
Source Diversity
Wind and Solar Have Same Annual Output
Monthly Wind and Solar - Fairfield
Price Per Watt of Solar Electric (PV) Panels
August 2013 Cost: 80 cents per watt…
be careful what you wish for!
Main Points
Energy is essential for sustainability
There is a deep, fundamental, and somewhat
mysterious connection between energy and the
development of order, structure, and intelligence.
It’s how Intelligence becomes intelligent.
Solar Energy is the source of high quality energy for
creating and maintaining order and structure on
Solar energy (and all its forms) is abundant and
delivered wirelessly, democratically, and for free
everywhere on earth.
Fresh Organic Food – Even in Winter
Off Season Gardening
Energy and Sustainability
SL E-101
Course Overview
Course Structure
• Theory
• Application
• Team projects
• Labs
• Field trip
• Guest speakers
• Career Skills/ Citizenship skills
– Collaborative work using the internet
– Teamwork
– Public speaking
– Digital media
– Writing
Course Objectives
Energy and Sustainability Fundamentals
• Understand the physics of energy and power. Be able to perform simple
calculations and to convert units of energy from one measure to another -
ex convert British Thermal Units (BTU) to kilowatt-hours (kwh)
• Understand the laws of thermodynamics, with emphasis on the wide
ranging practical consequences of the second law.
• Get an introduction through selected readings, video, and audio to some of
the leading thinkers and doers in energy and beyond-sustainable,
regenerative design.
• Understand and be able to discuss ecosystem services and the flows of
energy involved in the provision of ecosystem services.
• Understand the broad outlines of the flow of energy in the human
economy, including typical efficiencies of conversion, transport, and end
• Understand and be able to discuss the role of energy in the natural world.
• Understand the primary role of solar energy in the support of life and the
development of form, complexity, and intelligence on Earth
Objectives cont’d
Energy Technology
• Understand the concept of energy efficiency.
• Understand the concept of eco-effectiveness and contrast with
• Understand the primacy of design in energy use.
• Understand energy flow in buildings.
• Understand the basic technologies for using renewable energy in
the human economy and their theoretical upper limit efficiencies.
• Be able to design simple solar and wind energy systems
• Get hands-on experience in a variety of renewable energy
technologies, including photovoltaics, wind power, and more.
Objectives cont’d
Policy, Equity and Justice Issues
• Be able to discuss the social, cultural, political, and
economic aspects (including justice issues)
regarding the widespread implementation of
• Introduction to public policy regarding renewable
• Discuss the effect of patterns of human settlement
on energy use
Objectives cont’d
General Education Objectives
• Get experience in digital media and open-
source collaboration through the
development of wikis that document
your group projects and individual work.
• Writing with blogs
• Working in Teams
Team Projects
2-3 person teams – most afternoons
Project Mentors: Lonnie Gamble, Rich Dana
Grading and Assignments
• Readings on Sakai
• Explain Sakai use
• Set up a Sakai account
1   introduction and overview -  Energy 101 fall 2015
1   introduction and overview -  Energy 101 fall 2015

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  • 1. Add Sustainability as Flourishing Energy Descent, Plenitude as intro to making list of objectives of the course Video of Danish 100% Compost heat video Arduino video Drawing of Iowa 100% Renewables Pope Francis Substiutabily Flow vs stock
  • 2. • Wind and Solar hockey stick graphs The New Hockey Sticks
  • 3. Growth in World Solar Capacity New Hockey Sticks
  • 4.
  • 5. 2005: 468 Q Growing Demand for Energy
  • 6. A Golden Thread 2500 years of solar architecture and technology 1939 MIT solar house
  • 7. MIT House - Boston, 1939 Sun Alone Keeps Winter Temp Steady 72 Financed by wealthy Bostonian Godfrey Lowell Cabot, described by Time Magazine as a man of 77 who in his old age “broods much about The vast stores of energy in sunlight that man does not utilize”
  • 8. Betz limit for wind energy Thermal Energy In Maximum fraction of incoming wind energy that can be converted into useful wind generator energy is 0.59. Range is .2-.4 for practical wind turbines. Regardless of Materials or Technology! Total energy in moving air entering turbine Converted to useful wind turbine energy Energy in air leaving turbine
  • 9. Energy Flow in Human History • Low energy societies – Hunter-gatherer – first leisure society – great gains in energy • Energy gains for hunter gathers: – 30-40 for energy dense roots – 10-20 for all gathering zero to net loss for small mammals – Net energy return for Alaska Inuit baleen whale: 2000
  • 10. Lovins on Opportunity Cost Fine Homebuilding, Spring 1991 Will you have a dead-end job because someone bought the wrong light bulbs?
  • 12. Lovins on Opportunity Cost Fine Homebuilding, Spring 1991 Will you have a dead-end job because someone bought the wrong light bulbs?
  • 14.
  • 15. 15 How Much Oil is There Anyway…  2 Trillion barrels is the equivalent to 1.4% of the volume of the great lakes.  Less than the size of Green Bay.
  • 16. 16 How much is a gallon of ‘liquid carbon’ fuel really worth? One Truck + 1 gal. of Diesel Fuel  80,000 lb. truck  5 miles (up a shallow grade) By Hand  1 person with 1 garden cart = 250 lbs/load/trip  1 person could manage 20 miles/day or 4 loads/day (1,000 lbs.)  Conclusion: 5 Minutes by truck 80 Days by foot & cart Powerful Oil – ‘Black Gold’
  • 17. 17
  • 18. 18 2005 Worldwide, there were 439 in operation. 35 under construction. 7-12 years to build 1.
  • 19.
  • 20. “The stone age didn’t end because we ran out of stones….” - Saudi Oil Minister Economy of Scarcity Economy of Abundance Nature’s Economy: Ecosystem Services Man’s Economy
  • 21. Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life. Mary Oliver
  • 22. How the Sustainability Revolution Changes Everything
  • 23. Sustainability Challenges 2 Degrees Safe Global Temp rise It’s wrong to profit from wrecking the planet It’s time to divest from fossil fuels 5 times more coal, oil, and gas in proven reserves than is safe to burn. We need to leave 80% of it in the ground. The fossil fuel industry wakes up every day determined to burn it all. 575 Gigatons of carbon can safely be added to the atmosphere 2795 Gigatons of carbon in proven reserves
  • 24. “We need a persuasive and visionary yes rather than a ongoing no” - Naomi Klein, UH Manoa Feb 2015
  • 25. “Although the problems are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple” - Bill Mollison developer of Permaculture Design Methodology
  • 26. “We are charged with designing the future, not being victims of it” - R Buckminster Fuller
  • 27.
  • 28. If we get the design right, we get cascading side benefits If we get the design wrong, we get cascading side effects Sustainable Living: A New and Better Design for Living
  • 29. Solving for Pattern "There are all kinds of solutions to any problem. Some solutions actually make the initial problem worse, and some solutions actually create new problems. What you really want to look for are solutions that by their very nature wind up having cascading benefits.” Wendell Berry, 2005
  • 30.
  • 31. Sustainability Meet the needs of the present without diminishing opportunities for the future A world view with a set of supporting infrastructure, technologies, institutions, ways of relating to each other and to nature
  • 32. John Ehrenfeld – Flourishing Sustainability is the possibility that humans and other life will flourish on Earth forever Reducing unsustainability, although critical, will not create sustainability. Being less bad vs moving in the right direction SUSTAINABILITY AS FLOURISHING Being vs Having
  • 33.
  • 34. Shallow Vs Deep Sustainability Shallow Sustainability - Using efficiency and substitution to ameliorate the effects of the existing system with doing much to change the worldview the system is based on. Motivated primarily by economic value.
  • 35. Deep Sustainability Efficiency and substitution are in service to radical redesign based on a worldview that uses ecology as a metaphor rather than the machine, holism rather than reductionism, compliments science with many ways of knowing, and is grounded in an experiential and intellectual understanding of the unity that underlies the surface diversity of life.
  • 36. Deep Sust Cont’d • This worldview leads to a society that has an ethic of regeneration and renewal of human society and nature. Deep sustainability gives priority to ethical and social values while recognizing the necessity of economic viability.
  • 38. Perennial Philosophy: Transcendentalist, Huxley, Houston Smith World’s Wisdom Traditions These is a unity that underlies the surface diversity of life In addition to intellectually exploring this idea, people can directly experience this unity This experience is common across cultures and time To reconnect with this unity is the ultimate purpose of life Names: Being, Source, Pure Consciousness, Higher states of consciousness
  • 39. Perennial Philosphy The first peace, which is most important, is that which comes from within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the great spirit, and that this center is really everywhere — it is within each of us.” Black Elk
  • 40. ““It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied together into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. We are made to live together because of the interrelated structure of reality . . . Before you finish eating breakfast in the morning, you’ve depended on more than half the world. This is the way our universe is structured, this is its interrelated quality. We aren’t going to have peace on Earth until we recognize the basic fact of the interrelated structure of all reality.” Martin Luther King “Everything is so intimately connected with every other thing in creation that it is not possible to distinguish completely the existence of one from the other. And the influence of one thing on every other thing is so universal that nothing could be considered in isolation. We have already mentioned that the universe reacts to an individual action…Therefore, the great responsibility of right and wrong lies in the individual him[or her]self on the level of his[or her] consciousness.”—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - Science of Being and Art of Living p. 219-223
  • 42. Pope Francis and Deep Sustainability On Care For Our Common Home – Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si A year in the making and informed by a large team of mostly secular scientists, philosophers, and theologians, the encyclical offers a blueprint for an entirely new way of living in the world. The Pope applies a comprehensive and sophisticated systems analysis to explore the root causes of environmental degradation, linking it with corrupt social structures, human failures, injustice, and inequality. He calls for a new paradigm to address these intertwined challenges. "Because all creatures are connected, each must be cherished with love and respect, for all of us as living creatures are dependent on one another.” Each creature has its own purpose. None is superfluous. ...The ultimate purpose of other creatures is not to be found in us. Rather, all creatures are moving forward with us and through us towards a common point of arrival, which is God.” The notion of the common good also extends to future generations... We can no longer speak of sustainable development apart from intergenerational solidarity. We can no longer view reality in a purely utilitarian way, in which efficiency and productivity are entirely geared to our individual benefit. Intergenerational solidarity is not optional, but rather a basic question of justice, since the world we have received also belongs to those who will follow us” (para. 159). “Rivers, polluted for decades, have been cleaned up; native woodlands have been restored; landscapes have been beautified… advances have been made in the production of non-polluting energy and in the improvement of public transportation” (para. 58). “At the same time we can note the rise of a false or superficial ecology which bolsters complacency and a cheerful recklessness.” These superficial ecologists argue that “apart from a few obvious signs of pollution and deterioration, things do not look that serious, and the planet could continue as it is for some time. Such evasiveness serves as a license to carrying on with our present lifestyles and models of production and consumption” (Sec 59).
  • 43. Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley’s top ten priority problems in the world’s quest for sustainability: 10. Population Democracy Education Disease Terrorism and War Poverty Environment Food Water Energy
  • 44. Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley’s top ten priority problems in the world’s quest for sustainability: 10. Population 9. Democracy Disease Terrorism and War Poverty Environment Water Education
  • 45. Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley’s top ten priority problems in the world’s quest for sustainability: 10. Population 9. Democracy 8. Education Democracy Disease Terrorism and War Poverty Environment Water
  • 46. Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley’s top ten priority problems in the world’s quest for sustainability: 10. Population 9. Democracy 8. Education 7. Disease Democracy Poverty Environment Water
  • 47. Nobel Laureate Richard Smalley’s top ten priority problems in the world’s quest for sustainability: 10. Population 9. Democracy 8. Education 7. Disease 6. Terrorism and War 5. Poverty 4. Environment 3. Food 2. Water 1. Energy
  • 48. Why is Energy #1? • Abundant, available, affordable, clean, efficient and secure energy would enable the resolution of all of the other problems. • We need energy for sustainability. • We need energy to maintain order in the world’s systems because of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: – While energy is conserved, as it is transformed, it loses it’s usefulness, a concept called Entropy. It takes energy from outside the system to overcome the effects of entropy and continually recreate order and structure. – Only through a flow of high quality energy into the system (and a corresponding flow of less quality energy out) can order and structure be created. A constant flow of energy is required to maintain complex structure. – Nature and society on Earth are able to produce order and structure only through their ability to acquire energy. Solar energy is the only place we can get this outside source of high quality energy in the long term. • Nature uses the plant photosynthesis to acquire energy for all living things. • Society uses energy systems - mostly the stored fossil energy from those plants millions of years ago to acquire energy for civilization.
  • 50. Energy is Essential for Sustainability • 1st law – energy is neither created nor destroyed – it is eternally cycled from one form to another • 2nd law – energy loses useful each time it is transformed – same quantity of energy but it can no longer do the same kinds of work.
  • 51. Energy is Essential for Sustainability • Examples – Coffee – Car Engine – Leaky tire • Materials Cycle • Energy flows from source to sink
  • 52. Energy is Essential for Sustainability • For Sustainability: We need a continuous source of high quality energy to offset the effects of entropy, we need solar energy
  • 53. Sustainability: Regeneration and Renewal The human body and spirit are subject to their own laws of entropy and are in need of renewal and regeneration
  • 55. The Economy of Nature Economy of Abundance Within Limits vs Economy of Scarcity
  • 56.
  • 58. The Renewable Energy Revolution is Here Add stunning progress Show ad on stealing grease from Notes
  • 60. Germany On Saturday, May 26, 2012 Germany got 40% of it’s energy from solar. On Sunday, May 11, 2014, Germany got 75% of it’s energy from renewables. Energiewende, the innovative public policy around renewables has created 400,000 jobs in Germany “More people work in the solar industry in the US than work for Google, Facebook, Twitter and Apple combined” Vice President Joe Biden, Sept 2015
  • 61.
  • 62. Solar Potential Germany vs Iowa Germany (Berlin): 883 kwh per kw Total Solar Installed in Germany: 38,359 mw Des Moines Iowa : 1300 kwh per kw Total capacity Iowa Electric grid in Iowa: 10,000 mw Hilo, Hawaii 1300 kwh/kw Kauai 1469 kwh/kw
  • 63.
  • 64. Kauai On August 31, 2014, during daytime hours, 57% of power on Kauai was from renewable sources. ( Once Anahola goes on-line, solar will approach 80% of the energy demand on some days. At some times solar output may exceed demand. Kauai is a laboratory for the world on 100% renewable energy.
  • 65.
  • 69.
  • 70. 2012 Sky Factory 54 kw, 79,000 kwh
  • 71. Sky Factory Solar • er_embedded&v=WSWr3GiFKhA
  • 72. 2014 FEC 800 kw 1,000,000 kwh
  • 73. 2015 – 900 KW addition We’ll see it on our field trip Cost of energy from the latest array at Farmers Electric Coop: 7 cents for 10 years 0 for next 10 years Ave cost for 20 years: 3.5 cents kwh (ignores time value of money) Wind Power cost: 4 cents per kwh What we pay retail: 15 cents Ave cost of new coal plant electricity: 9.5 – 14 cents From:
  • 74. Iowa 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 From 5% to 25% in Just 6 Years! Predictions call for 40% by 2020 % Iowa Electrical Energy from Wind 5 Times Increase in Wind Energy Production in 6 years
  • 75.
  • 78. Portugal at 58% Renewable Energy for 2013 (First half of 2013 was 75%) Pop 10.4 million By 2020, Renewables will account for 35,000 jobs CostaCostaCosta
  • 79. Costa Rica 100% Powered by Renewable Energy for the 1st 75 days of 2015 Pop: 4.8 Million Annual % Renewables: 88% Renewables allowed a 12% reduction in energy prices “We are declaring peace with nature,” Costa Rican ambassador Mario Fernández Silva
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 82. Denmark – 100% Renewables (!)
  • 83. The most progressive utility in the US: Farmers Electric Coop, Kalona Iowa? • Students at Kalona Solar Garden with manger Warren Mckenna
  • 84.
  • 85.
  • 86. VW XL-1 261 Miles Per Gallon - Tank is only 2 gallons
  • 87. Electric Transportation: Nissan Leaf • Nissan Leaf Example Assume 12,000 miles per year Leaf gets 5.4 miles per kwh, 2300 kwh per year Cost for electricity at 12 cents (40 cents on Kauai) /kwh:$271 Equivalent cost for gas @$3/gallon: $1200 Cost of PV panels to produce this much annual energy: $1600 Cost of system: $4600 Like having 70 cent per gallon gasoline
  • 88. But Consider Design Again: The better car makes the worse city The surprising sustainability of city living Going beyond individual initiative Richard Register Sustainable Living Department Distinguished Scholar
  • 91.
  • 92. The Need to Change (aka the obligatory hockey stick graph)
  • 93. The new hockey sticks
  • 94.
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  • 97.
  • 99. Ideal Energy Installing Solar Panels on the Public Library
  • 100.
  • 101. Mark Jacobson’s 100% Renewable Energy Plan
  • 102.
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  • 106.
  • 107. Source Diversity 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 KWh Wind and Solar Have Same Annual Output Monthly Wind and Solar - Fairfield Wind Solar
  • 108. Storage in electric cars Each Leaf has a 24 kwh battery and electronics capable of producing a 80 kw. 20% of passenger vehicles were like the Leaf: Capacity of those vehicles: 25,700 MW Equivalent to 42 big coal plants Iowa has 5 large coal plants and 15 smaller ones
  • 109. Compressed air energy storage 270 MW project studied by Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities Would be used 5-6 hours per day, 5 days per week Original site wasn’t suitable
  • 111.
  • 112. Can we do this? What is the level of response needed? • WW II PREP STATISTCS • 4 days after Pearl Harbor, auto industry ordered to stop production of civilian vehicles – Fuel rationed at 4 gallons per week per car, dropping to 2 gallons in 1944 – 35 mph speed limit, break it and loose your fuel and tire rations – Backed by marketing campaign • Military spending – 1940: 1.9 % of GDP – 1943: 32% of GDP – GDP increased by 75% • Campaigns to reduce meat consumption, for recycling, gardening • Dramatic increases in the level of taxation • England transition to feeding itself from backyard gardens in 1 year
  • 114.
  • 115.
  • 116. News from the SL Department • Building Update Systems operational this fall: Net Zero energy for all energy use (10 kw wind, 11 kw solar) Passive Solar Solar thermal (750 sq feet, 5,000 gallon tank) Geothermal heating/cooling Earth Plasters Rain Garden Rainwater harvesting On site sewage treatment Greenhouse plantings Stepped Pyramids on Corners (MSV) Certifications applied for: LEED: platinum (gold) Living Building Challenge: 6 or 7 out of 8 petals Maharishi Sthapatya Ved Bau Biology None obtained yet
  • 117.
  • 120.
  • 122. Still to Come Off grid energy More aesthetic features (Veranda screens) Edible landscaping/perennials planting Finishing certificate process
  • 123. Second Energy Course Next Block Coming – SL E-201 Energy Technology – Solar, Wind, Flowing Water, Biomass, geothermal etc Go deep into the details of the energy resource and the technology Learn System Design Visit Boulder National Renewable Energy Lab National Wind Power Test Facility
  • 124. Masters Program Launched This Fall 2015! Focus on sustainable community development
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  • 131.
  • 132. Hawaii 2015 University of Sustainable Living
  • 133. Jerry Konanui The Hawaiian Vandana Shiva
  • 134. MUM SL Alumni Ben Katz and Robbie Fox
  • 136.
  • 137.
  • 138. Plentitude Fundamentals Juliet Schor 1. A New Allocation of Time – less industrial work, more time for working outside of the BAU economy and for social relations. 2. Self-provision - or make, grow, or do things for oneself. Includes new forms of hi-tech making. 3. True Materialism – it is only when we take the materiality of the world seriously that we can appreciate and preserve the resources on which spending depends. 4. restore investments in one another and our communities. While social bonds are not typically thought of in economic terms, these connections, which scholars call social capital, are a form of wealth that is every bit as important as money or material goods. Work and spend less, create and connect more.
  • 141. Course Objectives 1. Argue for widespread adoption of renewables 2. Evaluate the viability of proposed energy technologies and programs 3. Describe the range of renewable energy technology 4. Describe the characteristics of the major renewable energy resources (sun, wind, flowing water, biomass, geothermal) 5. Evaluate feasibility of meeting energy needs with renewable energy 6. Calculate quantities of energy available from renewable sources 7. Evaluate energy requirements 8. Evaluate suitability of renewable energy technology to meet energy demands 9. Understand the the importance of policy in the adoption of renewable energy. 10. Understand the fundamental role that energy plays in the sustainability revolution
  • 142. Guest Speakers Ethan Hughes, Possibility Alliance Troy Van Beek/Brian Robbins Norm Olson Rich Dana John Ikerd
  • 143. Field Trip Friday, November 13 Iowa City Area Yoderville Biodiesel Coop Farmers Electric Coop Coal/Biomass boiler at UI Huge wind turbine and training program at Kirkwood Community College Meet with David Osterberg Iowa City Coop
  • 144. Daily Schedule • FLIP Classroom – review lecture in the evening, projects and exercises in the classroom • Classroom– projects, labs, guest speakers, calculation exercises • Basic Electricity Lab • Real projects in the community • Saturday – Team work, review We’ll be going on a field trip to the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids area (Friday November 13)
  • 145. Lateness Policy • We are allocating a lot of time to hands on projects, so classroom time is especially valuable. Everyone’s contribution is important. • Unexcused absences, lateness – 1 point from your final grade for each 20 cumulative minutes late for class. Maximum of 2 points per session, 3 points per day. – Be sure Molly logs your attendance every day. • Arrange your appointments etc after or before class
  • 146. Four Season Harvest "I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait till oil and coal run out before we tackle that.” - Thomas Edison (1931 in a letter to Henry Ford) This presentation prepared on solar powered computers
  • 147. Fossil Fuel Spill - Disaster
  • 148. Solar Energy Spill Just Another Nice Day in Iowa
  • 149.
  • 150.
  • 151. Live by the sun love by the moon
  • 152.
  • 153. “Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tide and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. Then for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” - Teilhard de Chardin
  • 155. A New Story The changes we need to make for sustainability – stronger, more vibrant communities, rich social connections, a sense of purpose and meaning, less industrial work, renewable energy, ecocities, coproducing and making, organic local foods, connection to nature and to our own inner being - are also the changes we need to create a better world, the world of our best dreams and aspirations.
  • 157. 1956 Beverly, Massachusetts Passive Solar House South North West
  • 158. • Uncle Elmer • Dad’s Boat 1957 – The Uncle Elmer
  • 159. Hampden, Maine 1982-1997 Elements Power Company/Maine Energy Partner Souadabsacook Stream Hydro Plant Generated 700,000 - 1,000,000 kwh per year Passive Solar/Superinsulated * Composting Toilet * Rainwater harvesting * solar hot water * Interior constructed wetland to treat waste water * Local Lumber * Captured waste heat from generator *
  • 160. Hampden, Maine Superinsulated house, 1986 R-40 double stud walls, R-60 roof
  • 164. Surya Nagar Farm Hawaii Kaimu, Big Island
  • 165.
  • 166.
  • 167.
  • 168. Surya Nagar Farm Climate responsive buildings
  • 169.
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  • 174.
  • 175. Sustainable Living Coalition Future Campus: SEED Center Sustainability Education Enterprise
  • 176. Sustainability Education and Enterprise Development (SEED) Center
  • 177.
  • 178.
  • 179. Abundance Ecovillage • Picture of sign New photo with sunset
  • 180.
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  • 182.
  • 183. Local Economy: Water 36 in rain = 1,000,000 gallons per acre
  • 184. Go Green Commission Energy Revolving Loan Fund • Dr Barry Butler Photo Dr Barry Butler, Former Head of the US Solar Thermal Program
  • 185. z`
  • 186. Ideal Energy MUM Graduates and Students – Founded by Troy Van Beek Design and Consulting Equipment Installation Energy Audits and Efficiency Work Construction and Project Development/Management Media Production Successfully executed Sustain Angoon project in Angoon, Alaska Over$1,000,000 in PV panels sold in last 8 months in Fairfield
  • 188. Sky Factory Solar • er_embedded&v=WSWr3GiFKhA
  • 189. “There is in all things … a hidden wholeness.” - Thomas Merton, trappist monk and mystic
  • 190. Construction process slides? • Soren with earth blocks • Ideal Energy working on building
  • 191.
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  • 193.
  • 194. South Africa $2 per Day Ecovillage Project
  • 195. MUM Daily Load Curve
  • 196. Off Campus Study 2014-15 Office of Global Development
  • 197. Dec 27 – January 17 $2950 Deposit Due Oct 15
  • 198. July 18 – August 8 $2950 Deposit Due March 15
  • 199. Off Campus Study 2014-15 Office of Global Development
  • 201. Iowa Wind Generation 2013 Energy per month
  • 202.
  • 203. Graph of wind installations in Iowa
  • 204. Today On Saturday, May 26, 2012 Germany got 40% of it’s energy from solar. On Sunday, May 11 2014, Germany got 75% of it’s energy from renewable. IOWA is at 25% wind, up from 0 in 2004 In 2014, 75% of all new energy added to the grid was solar Solar in US is up 120 times since 2003
  • 205. Portugal at 58% Renewables for 2013 (First half of 2013 was 75%) By 2020, Renewables will account for 35,000 jobs
  • 206. Energy and Sustainability SL E-101 Maharishi University of Management Fall 2015 WELCOME BACK! This presentation prepared on solar powered computers
  • 208. “To the best of our knowledge, the sun is the only star proven to grow vegetables” -Phillip Scherer. 1973
  • 209. Energy for Regeneration and Renewal Wholeness of the Course NATURE AND SUSTAINABLE SOCIETIES ARE POWERED BY SOLAR ENERGY IN ALL ITS FORMS
  • 210. Introduction and Overview Add nature of paradigm shifts Start with potato clock Future Scenarios Exercise – people move around Dave Jacke Energy flowing everywhere Demos Thermoelectric Piezio Solar/fuel cell It’s why anything happens Neither created or destroyed, it changes form in a particular and peculiar direction Intimate link between the expression/development of order and intelligence and energy Entropy, anti-entropy – primacy of sunlight Limits to efficency and perpetual motion machines – give carnot example Energy flows in nature Nature’s Economy Poster Trophic level Atmispheric electricity Energy flows in =the human economy Efficiency Primacy of design Energy and Sustainbaility Primacy of renewable energy for sustainability Tour of technologies and demos Solar electric
  • 211.
  • 212.
  • 213.
  • 214. The Need to Change (aka the obligatory hockey stick graph)
  • 215.
  • 216. Electric Transportation: Nissan Leaf • Nissan Leaf Example Assume 12,000 miles per year Leaf gets 5.4 miles per kwh, 2300 kwh per year Cost for electrictity at 12 cents/kwh:$271 Equivalent cost for gas @$3/gallon: $1200 Like having 70 cent per gallon gasoline
  • 217. VW XL-1 261 Miles Per Gallon - Tank is only 2 gallons
  • 218.
  • 219. September 1, 2012: $92 per Barrel
  • 220. Price of Oil in the News
  • 221.
  • 222.
  • 223. “We need a persuasive and visionary yes rather than a ongoing no” - Naomi Klein, UH Manoa Feb 2015
  • 225. Perennial Philosophy • The first peace, which is most important, is that which comes from within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the great spirit, and that this center is really everywhere — it is within each of us.” Black Elk
  • 226. 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 KWh Wind and Solar Have Same Annual Output Monthly Wind and Solar - Fairfield Wind Solar
  • 227. 1981
  • 229. Source Diversity 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 KWh Wind and Solar Have Same Annual Output Monthly Wind and Solar - Fairfield Wind Solar
  • 230. Price Per Watt of Solar Electric (PV) Panels August 2013 Cost: 80 cents per watt… be careful what you wish for!
  • 231. Main Points Energy is essential for sustainability There is a deep, fundamental, and somewhat mysterious connection between energy and the development of order, structure, and intelligence. It’s how Intelligence becomes intelligent. Solar Energy is the source of high quality energy for creating and maintaining order and structure on Earth. Solar energy (and all its forms) is abundant and delivered wirelessly, democratically, and for free everywhere on earth.
  • 232. Fresh Organic Food – Even in Winter
  • 235.
  • 236.
  • 238. Energy and Sustainability SL E-101 Course Overview
  • 239. Course Structure • Theory • Application • Team projects • Labs • Field trip • Guest speakers • Career Skills/ Citizenship skills – Collaborative work using the internet – Teamwork – Public speaking – Digital media – Writing
  • 240. Course Objectives Energy and Sustainability Fundamentals • Understand the physics of energy and power. Be able to perform simple calculations and to convert units of energy from one measure to another - ex convert British Thermal Units (BTU) to kilowatt-hours (kwh) • Understand the laws of thermodynamics, with emphasis on the wide ranging practical consequences of the second law. • Get an introduction through selected readings, video, and audio to some of the leading thinkers and doers in energy and beyond-sustainable, regenerative design. • Understand and be able to discuss ecosystem services and the flows of energy involved in the provision of ecosystem services. • Understand the broad outlines of the flow of energy in the human economy, including typical efficiencies of conversion, transport, and end use. • Understand and be able to discuss the role of energy in the natural world. • Understand the primary role of solar energy in the support of life and the development of form, complexity, and intelligence on Earth
  • 241. Objectives cont’d Energy Technology • Understand the concept of energy efficiency. • Understand the concept of eco-effectiveness and contrast with efficiency. • Understand the primacy of design in energy use. • Understand energy flow in buildings. • Understand the basic technologies for using renewable energy in the human economy and their theoretical upper limit efficiencies. • Be able to design simple solar and wind energy systems • Get hands-on experience in a variety of renewable energy technologies, including photovoltaics, wind power, and more. .
  • 242. Objectives cont’d Policy, Equity and Justice Issues • Be able to discuss the social, cultural, political, and economic aspects (including justice issues) regarding the widespread implementation of renewables. • Introduction to public policy regarding renewable energy. • Discuss the effect of patterns of human settlement on energy use
  • 243. Objectives cont’d General Education Objectives • Get experience in digital media and open- source collaboration through the development of wikis that document your group projects and individual work. • Writing with blogs • Working in Teams
  • 244. Team Projects 2-3 person teams – most afternoons Project Mentors: Lonnie Gamble, Rich Dana
  • 245. Grading and Assignments • Readings on Sakai • Explain Sakai use • Set up a Sakai account