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A Christian view on eco-social justice: Living
             Carbon Neutral Lives

” 4 P´s ACTION”
Acting on social and
environmental needs:
Planting and Producing to
Protect the Planet =
planting         producing        protect         planet
           and               to             the

                 “FOR PEACE – 4P´S”

It is difficult for people to grasp just how extreme our ecological
crises really are. Problems such as climate change, loss of species,
water shortages--are a type of problem that human beings have
never faced before, because the problems are global. Personal
behavior has never before had global weather consequences.

Therefore, there is no historical precedence in this type of problem
solving to help us form useful responses. In understanding these
problems there are three realities that need to be understood:

1. Our ecological crises are enormous and quickly getting worse.

2. These problems are urgent and time is running out.

3. There are alternatives, and a better future is possible.
Our Ecological Crises are Enormous

Scientific research now demonstrates that global warming is real,
catastrophic, and created by humans. Yet, even though scientists
know global warming is happening, they cannot say exactly how
much it will warm, or how fast it will warm, or what the local
effects will be. These issues will depend on how soon we convert to
renewable energy, as well as what chain reactions are set off by the

The 2001 report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change, (IPCC) presented models that could establish
statistically that global warming is happening and humans are
largely responsible for it
Our Ecological Crises are Enormous
 Dr Pachauri, head of the IPCC, concluded his findings in January 2005: quot;Climate
change is for real. We have just a small window of opportunity and it is closing
rather rapidly. There is not a moment to lose. We are risking the ability of the
human race to survive.“

In addition to global warming, species extinctions have reached catastrophic
proportions. In the history of the Earth, there have been five mass extinctions; the
last one was the dinosaurs. Biologists are calling what is happening now, the sixth
mass extinction, and they are warning that we could lose more than 25 percent of
the species on Earth by the end of this century, creating unknown cascading
effects throughout entire ecosystems.

Worldwide, there are severe shortages of water. The world now drains more
from rivers and aquifers than is returned by the Earth’s annual rain and snow fall.
We are drawing down underground aquifers faster than they can be replenished,
and many major rivers are so over-tapped that for part of the year, they run dry
before they get to the sea.Therefore, these water shortages will cause food
shortages. Water shortages also threaten the lives of all the Earth’s plants and
Our Ecological Crises are Enormous

No matter how fast we respond, the world will soon be radically
different, perhaps in as little as one decade.

If we commit to a worldwide crash program to convert to
renewable energy and planting trees to capture the CO2, the
change could be less disruptive. If we cannot create the political
will for radical change, then at some point, the world will hit a
brick wall as the global weather system spirals out of control.

We need to begin by accepting that the Earth is finite. The Earth’s
carbon cycle and hydrological cycle have limits. We must learn to
live within the Earth’s limits or we will overrun our environment,
and cause massive ecological collapse.
Our Ecological Crises are Urgent

Many of those who realize how serious our ecological crises are, do not realize
how urgent they are. Our response needs to be total and immediate.

On January 25, 2005, the International Panel Climate Change (IPCC) Taskforce
issued a new report called Meeting The Climate Challenge. The report says,
“With climate change, there is an ecological time bomb ticking away. . .” They
say that the point of no return with global warming may be reached in as little
as 10 years (or less) with widespread drought, crop failure and water shortages.

The debate over global warming is no longer over whether or not it is
happening; it is now over the degree of urgency and the scale of the problem.

 The National Academy of Sciences concluded recently that global warming
could cause environmental collapse suddenly and without warning. The longer
we wait, the fewer options we will have and the more we risk creating
catastrophic consequences.
Environmental       Advocacy        Is
An    Adequate          Scale      of
                                         In every community, concerned
This urgency means that the needed
                                         individuals and organizations are
response must be on an adequate
                                         working to contribute solutions to
                                         this crisis. Their work helps to raise
                                         awareness and create a political
“... mobilization of resources within    base.
a matter of months demonstrates
that a country and, indeed, the
                                         We cannot measure progress in
world can restructure its economy
                                         small, incremental victories as a
quickly if it is convinced of the need
                                         result of our intense individualism.
to do so.” (Plan B: Rescuing a Planet
                                         Gelbspan says this enormous
under Stress & a Civilization in
                                         disconnect between the severity of
Trouble, Lester Brown )
                                         problem     and      the    minimalist
                                         responses     result     from     the
                                         “seductiveness      of     easy—and
Alternatives are Possible

Creating solutions requires a total system response.

Ecology now is also a system of social, economic, and political thought that
sees environmental destruction as only one more symptom (along with
poverty and the unequal distribution of wealth and power) of our entire
unhealthy modern world-view and belief system.

None of our current theories are adequate to deal with the enormity of our
ecological crises.

“… the environmental establishment is inherently incapable of truly
addressing the climate challenge in all its magnitude because we cannot
achieve a rapid, world-wide transition to clean energy within our current
market-based economic structure. If one honestly acknowledges the scale and
urgency of the problem, it becomes clear that it cannot be effectively
addressed without major structural changes to global economic dynamics.”
Ross Gelbspan
Creating a new Worldview or “frame”

Sustainable economics does not include free trade and globalization. The
politics is not focused on the rights of autonomous individuals, but rather the
needs of sustainable communities. It also is not afraid of religious language--not
in the sense of requiring obedience to a set of rules--but in terms of naming the
Earth as sacred and pursuing the values of care, mutuality, and equity (both
nationally and globally).

This ecological worldview is a moral vision based on a nurturant morality and
an ethics of care, centering on empathy and responsibility. This includes creating
a moral politics and a moral economy, with the requirements of the Earth, and
democratic, equality at the center.

These moral values are inherent in our approaches to our ecological problems.
These values include our mutual responsibility for how we live in the world,
our commitment to each other, the right of everyone to an adequate minimum,
and the sanctity of the Earth. It also includes the practical realization that we
are destroying the Earth’s ability to support life (our own and that of other
Social Systems Can Change                    Just as climate systems can change
                                               abruptly, social systems can also
  Quickly                                      change suddenly—either for the
                                               better, or for the worse. Any system
  We already have the technical                can hit a threshold, causing the
  solutions we need; we just have to           system to suddenly reorganize and
  agree to use them. However, the              jump to an entirely new level--one
  problems are fundamentally         not       that cannot revert to the previous
  technical, but are conceptual.               level.

  Creating the needed changes can              We may not be able to avoid all
  bring a message of hope. We really           the destructive impacts. Yet, if we
  are capable of making a profound             act now, the solutions available will
  positive shift in our thinking over the      reduce these negative impacts, and
  next few years.                              in the process, we will create a
                                               more humane, equitable world.

This involves redefining our concepts of success, and increasing the growing
commitment to breaking free of consumerism. It also means learning new skills such
as the skills of dialogue, and renewing our commitment to each other and to the
natural world.
The Ecological Crisis is a Spiritual Crisis

The primary issue in our ecological crises is a re-definition and clarification of our
values, beliefs and behaviors--which is inherently a religious process.

However, if religious communities are to lead in this social transformation, the
God proclaimed in a political argument must be democratic in method (non-
authoritarian) as well as pluralistic in content (capable of working with all

The religious message should affirm the reality of the sacred or the language of
the Spirit, which can inspire compassion and cooperation.

This requires rethinking everything—including the very nature of faith. This effort
focuses on a sense of the Earth as sacred, an idea that can both include and
transcend all religions. This allows the needs of the Earth to create a natural
shared value system, and become the new measure of our values. By advocating
ecological issues jointly, all religions become more effective in creating change
The Ecological Crisis is a Spiritual Crisis

 Now, to address our ecological crises, we need to measure morality by our collective
behavior and the frequent unintended, yet immoral, consequences. Economic growth
has reached a dead-end and we can no longer achieve salvation through material
progress, and being enslaved to a materialistic definition of the world has left us
spiritually impoverished.

To pull away from materialism and consumerism, we need to find non-material forms
of fulfillment, and shift our spiritual focus from individual salvation to planetary
salvation This will require us to see the planet as one global interrelated community of
people, animals, and plants.

Choosing the values of life and care, and overcoming materialism, requires that we
respect the mystery in human life and resist the secularization of experience. Even
though our culture is completely secularized—the sacred has not disappeared. We
need to recognize and name concepts of the sacred so that they can again determine
social action.

Our future depends on how creative we can be together, and how quickly we can
Consequences of global warming

                                    Global Warming will alter
Global Warming will
                                    the oceans.
Change Weather Patterns.

                                    The entire ecosystem of the
 The warming should create an
                                    North Sea is in a state of
overall trend toward both
increased and increased             collapse, “record sea
evaporation. Where                  temperatures are killing off
precipitation is greater than
                                    the plankton on which all
evaporation, there will be
                                    life in the sea depends,
floods. Where evaporation is
                                    because they underpin the
greater than precipitation, there
                                    entire marine food chain.
will be droughts. The increased
warming and the unpredictable       Fish stocks and sea bird
changes will greatly impact
                                    populations have
Consequences of global warming
                                       Global Warming Will Cause Ice
Global Warming will
                                       to Melt and Seas to Rise
Change Ecosystems and
In addition to habitat loss from       The ice sheets in the two poles and
urban sprawl and pollution,            Greenland, and in mountain glaciers
warming will also be a major           around the world, are melting. If the
factor. “A quarter of all species of   sea level rises in the range expected
plants and land animals, or more       by the IPCC, many island nations, as
than a million in all, could be        well as all low-lying coastal areas, will
driven to extinction.” Massive         be under water. The affects of sea-
extinctions have occurred five         level along the coast will cause
times during the earth's history.      flooding, erosion, and saltwater
The last one was the extinction of     intrusion into aquifers and freshwater
the dinosaurs, 65 million years        habitats.
ago. Scientists are calling what is
occurring now, the sixth mass
Consequences of global warming
Global Warming will Change
Weather, Creating more Extreme
Storms.                                        Global Warming will be at
                                               public health issue .
As the atmosphere warms, the climate
not only becomes hotter but more               Warming will increase the
unstable, creating more extreme                spread of infectious diseases,
precipitation events.                          and heat stress, and also
                                               malnutrition because of its
                                               impact on agriculture.
Global Warming could Create
Abrupt Warming.
A recent report by the National Academy of
Sciences, Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable
Surprises, said “Large, abrupt climate
                                               Global Warming may
changes have repeatedly affected much or
                                               Create Abrupt Cooling.
all of the earth, … Available evidence
suggests that abrupt climate changes are not
                                               Global warming could, in as
only possible but likely in the future,
                                               little as a few years, trigger
potentially with large impacts on ecosystems
                                               abrupt cooling in Europe.
and societies.”
A Christian view on eco-social justice

    Presbyterians to Live Carbon Neutral Lives

217th General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church, USA, held
June 15 – 22, 2006 in
Birmingham, Alabama adopted
the following recommendation
for Presbyterians to Live Carbon
Neutral Lives
Direct the Advisory
Committee on Social
Witness Policy to
make a study of                                    Finds    that
                          Finds     that   the
personal responsibility                          the urgency,
                          Christian mandate
and carbon-neutrality                            injustice, and
                          to care for creation
available      as     a                          seriousness of
                          and the biblical
Working Paper on the                             this issue calls
                          promise of the
website     of     the                           us           as
                          restoration of right
Presbyterian Church                              Christians to
(U.S.A.) as soon as                              act NOW and
                          between        God,
possible, in order to                            to act boldly
                          human beings, and
share its concrete,                              to lead the
                          the rest of creation
effective action steps                           way          in
                          impels and inspires
for Presbyterians to                             reducing our
                          us to act to reduce
take to reduce their                             energy usage.
                          our energy usage.
energy consumption.
Strongly    urges     all
                             Directs the General      Calls upon all
Presbyterians         to
                            Assembly Council to       Presbyterians to
immediately make a
                            assign             the    take this seriously,
bold     witness      by
                            appropriate staff to      to pray asking for
aspiring to live carbon
neutral lives. (Carbon      inform              all   God’s forgiveness
neutrality requires our     Presbyterians,            and guidance, to
energy consumption
                            governing      bodies,    study this issue, to
that releases carbon
                            and churches of the       calculate      your
dioxide     into     the
                            urgent need for them      carbon emissions,
atmosphere            be
reduced and carbon          to     reduce    their    to educate others,
offsets purchased to        energy consumption        and to use less
compensate for those
                            and the injustice of      energy, striving to
carbon emissions that
                            our current energy        make your life
could       not       be
                            practices       while     carbon neutral.
                            ACSWP completes its
It is the consensus of the            A    growing    number     of
scientific community    that          scientists now suggest that we
human activity is rapidly             have perhaps only a decade’s
changing     the     natural          grace period to reduce our
environment in measurable             energy usage before these
ways through the destructive          devastating effects start to
effects of climate change             become irreversible.
(commonly     called  global

                                      We Americans are champion
Global climate change is
                                      energy consumers, using 40
predominantly caused by our
                                      percent of the world’s oil and
burning of fossil fuels, like coal,
                                      emitting 25 percent of the
oil, and natural gas, which emit
                                      world’s greenhouse gases,
greenhouse        gases,       and
                                      even though we are less then
accelerating      faster      then
                                      5 percent of the world’s
predicted just a few years ago        population.
Prompt action and leadership by
 We have the knowledge,
                                individuals,       organizations,
skills, and resources to
                                communities,      states,     and
reduce       our     energy     countries can keep global climate
consumption and switch to       change from becoming much
alternative energy sources      worse.
that are less harmful to the
                                Previous General Assemblies
                                passed overtures, resolutions,
                                and policies addressing our
                                unjust energy practices, calling
                                us to develop frugal lifestyles
                                reducing       our       energy
                                consumption; and urging the
The president of the United
                                United States to sign the Kyoto
States has called upon the      Treaty and to lead in reducing
nation    to    reduce    its   carbon emissions to combat
dependence on fossil fuels.     global warming
Results so far

A recent Presbyterian Panel survey indicates that
majorities of us believe our energy consumption
contributes to global climate change; most agree
that energy conservation reflects values of the
Christian Reformed faith. Yet less than 50 percent
of us have taken even the simplest steps to reduce
our energy consumption.
Ecological justice

“The fight for justice must be integrated with the fight for life in all its forms.”
James Cone

This very dynamic is why the environmental movement often refers to itself as an
“ecological justice” (eco-justice) movement—so that it becomes clear that
environmental issues are inextricably tied up with issues of human justice. The
reverse is also true. Issues of human justice invariably have a connection with our
human degradation of the Earth. For example, in our economic system we treat
both people and natural resources as commodities to be exploited for economic

The Bible knows well this connection between human justice and the state of the
land. When there was economic exploitation of the rich by the poor, Isaiah wrote,
“The earth dries up and withers. The world languishes and withers. The earth lies
polluted under its inhabitants, for they have transgressed laws, violated the
statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse devours the land” (Is
24:4-7; see also Joel 2:2-20).
Making eco-justice decisions

Norms for decisions that address eco-justice issues:

Sustainability :provide for long-range needs of humans and long-
range preservation of nature

Sufficiency :grant all forms of life the right to share in the goods of

Participation :involve all people and represent all life forms in
decisions that affect their well-being

Solidarity :recognize the kinship of all life forms and assist those
who suffer most from environmental degradation
An Evangelical Declaration
           on the Care of Creation

The Earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof Psalm

As followers of Jesus Christ, committed to the full
authority of the Scriptures, and aware of the ways
we have degraded creation, we believe that biblical
faith is essential to the solution of our ecological
Because we worship and honor the Creator, we seek to cherish and care for
the creation.

Because we have sinned, we have failed in our stewardship of creation.
Therefore we repent of the way we have polluted, distorted, or destroyed so
much of the Creator's work.

Because in Christ God has healed our alienation from God and extended to us
the first fruits of the reconciliation of all things, we commit ourselves to
working in the power of the Holy Spirit to share the Good News of Christ in
word and deed, to work for the reconciliation of all people in Christ, and to
extend Christ's healing to suffering creation.

Because we await the time when even the groaning creation will be restored
to wholeness, we commit ourselves to work vigorously to protect and heal
that creation for the honor and glory of the Creator---whom we know dimly
through creation. We and our children face a growing crisis in the health of
the creation in which we are embedded, and through which, by God's grace,
we are sustained. Yet we continue to degrade that creation
These degradations of creation can be summed up as 1)
land degradation; 2) deforestation; 3) species extinction; 4)
water degradation; 5) global toxification; 6) the alteration of
atmosphere; 7) human and cultural degradation.

Many of these degradations are signs that we are pressing
against the finite limits God has set for creation. With continued
population growth, these degradations will become more
severe. Our responsibility is not only to bear and nurture
children, but to nurture their home on earth

We recognize that human poverty is both a cause and a
consequence of environmental degradation.
Many concerned people, convinced that environmental problems are more spiritual than
technological, are exploring the world's ideologies and religions in search of non-Christian
spiritual resources for the healing of the earth. As followers of Jesus Christ, we believe that
the Bible calls us to respond in four ways:

First, God calls us to confess and repent of attitudes which devalue creation, and which
twist or ignore biblical revelation to support our misuse of it. Forgetting that quot;the earth is
the Lord's,quot; we have often simply used creation and forgotten our responsibility to care
for it.

Second, our actions and attitudes toward the earth need to proceed from the center of
our faith, and be rooted in the fullness of God's revelation in Christ and the Scriptures. We
resist both ideologies which would presume the Gospel has nothing to do with the care of
non-human creation and also ideologies which would reduce the Gospel to nothing more
than the care of that creation.

Third, we seek carefully to learn all that the Bible tells us about the Creator, creation, and
the human task. In our life and words we declare that full good news for all creation
which is still waiting quot;with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God,quot; (Rom.

Fourth, we seek to understand what creation reveals about God's divinity, sustaining
presence, and everlasting power, and what creation teaches us of its God-given order and
the principles by which it works.
Thus we call on all those who are committed
to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to
affirm the following principles of biblical
faith, and to seek ways of living out these
principles in our personal lives, our
churches, and society.
The cosmos, in all its beauty, wildness, and life-giving bounty, is the
work of our personal and loving Creator.

Our creating God is prior to and other than creation, yet intimately
involved with it, upholding each thing in its freedom, and all things in
relationships of intricate complexity. God is transcendent, while
lovingly sustaining each creature; and immanent, while wholly other
than creation and not to be confused with it.

God the Creator is relational in very nature, revealed as three persons
in One. Likewise, the creation which God intended is a symphony of
individual creatures in harmonious relationship.

The Creator's concern is for all creatures. God declares all creation
quot;goodquot; (Gen. 1:31); promises care in a covenant with all creatures
(Gen. 9:9-17); delights in creatures which have no human apparent
usefulness (Job 39-41); and wills, in Christ, quot;to reconcile all things to
himselfquot; (Col.1:20).
Men, women, and children, have a unique responsibility to the Creator; at the
same time we are creatures, shaped by the same processes and embedded in the
same systems of physical, chemical, and biological interconnections which sustain
other creatures.

Men, women, and children, created in God's image, also have a unique
responsibility for creation. Our actions should both sustain creation's fruitfulness
and preserve creation's powerful testimony to its Creator.

Our God-given , stewardly talents have often been warped from their intended
purpose: that we know, name, keep and delight in God's creatures; that we
nourish civilization in love, creativity and obedience to God; and that we offer
creation and civilization back in praise to the Creator. We have ignored our
creaturely limits and have used the earth with greed, rather than care.

The earthly result of human sin has been a perverted stewardship, a patchwork of
garden and wasteland in which the waste is increasing. quot;There is no faithfulness, no
love, no acknowledgment of God in the land...Because of this the land mourns,
and all who live in it waste awayquot; (Hosea 4:1,3). Thus, one consequence of our
misuse of the earth is an unjust denial of God's created bounty to other human
beings, both now and in the future.
God's purpose in Christ is to heal and bring to wholeness not only persons
but the entire created order. quot;For God was pleased to have all his fullness
dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether
things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood shed
on the crossquot; (Col. 1:19-20).

In Jesus Christ, believers are forgiven, transformed and brought into God's
kingdom. quot;If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creationquot; (II Cor. 5:17). The
presence of the kingdom of God is marked not only by renewed fellowship
with God, but also by renewed harmony and justice between people, and by
renewed harmony and justice between people and the rest of the created
world. quot;You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and
the hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap
their handsquot; (Isa. 55:12).

We believe that in Christ there is hope, not only for men, women and
children, but also for the rest of creation which is suffering from
the consequences of human sin.
Therefore we call upon all Christians to reaffirm that all creation
is God's; that God created it good; and that God is renewing it
in Christ.

We encourage deeper reflection on the substantial biblical and
theological teaching which speaks of God's work of redemption
in terms of the renewal and completion of God's purpose in

We seek a deeper reflection on the wonders of God's creation
and the principles by which creation works. We also urge a
careful consideration of how our corporate and individual
actions respect and comply with God's ordinances for creation.

We encourage Christians to incorporate the extravagant
creativity of God into their lives by increasing the nurturing role
of beauty and the arts in their personal, ecclesiastical, and social
We urge individual Christians and churches to be centers of creation's care and
renewal, both delighting in creation as God's gift, and enjoying it as God's provision,
in ways which sustain and heal the damaged fabric of the creation which God has
entrusted to us.

We recall Jesus' words that our lives do not consist in the abundance of our
possessions, and therefore we urge followers of Jesus to resist the allure of
wastefulness and overconsumption by making personal lifestyle choices that express
humility, forbearance, self restraint and frugality.

We call on all Christians to work for godly, just, and sustainable economies which
reflect God's sovereign economy and enable men, women and children to flourish
along with all the diversity of creation. We recognize that poverty forces people to
degrade creation in order to survive; therefore we support the development of just,
free economies which empower the poor and create abundance without diminishing
creation's bounty.

We commit ourselves to work for responsible public policies which embody the
principles of biblical stewardship of creation.
We invite Christians--individuals, congregations and organizations--to join
with us in this evangelical declaration on the environment, becoming
a covenant people in an ever-widening circle of biblical care for creation.

We call upon Christians to listen to and work with all those who
are concerned about the healing of creation, with an eagerness both to learn
from them and also to share with them our conviction that the God whom all
people sense in creation (Acts 17:27) is known fully only in the Word made
flesh in Christ the living God who made and sustains all things.

We make this declaration knowing that until Christ returns to reconcile all
things, we are called to be faithful stewards of God's good garden, our earthly
Action plan
Policy: We seek to change the systems that foster the degradation of creation
and to rectify the injustices that result from it. And we seek to alert our
members to environmental legislation that protects creation and to encourage
their active participation in the development of public policy. We encourage
members to participate in civic activities that foster environmental health. We
seek to let our care for creation be known to others.

Goals: To promote eco-justice and care for creation beyond the walls of the
church through hands-on involvement, political advocacy, publicity,
conferences, websites, and publications.

Actions: suggested actions to take to fulfill these commitments:

    Ecological justice in local, regional, national, and global issues
    Invest in the future of Earth community. Urge the endowment committee to invest
   your congregational endowment and other funds in social justice

SOS SEMI-ARID –Social CarbonNeutral
Planting & Producing
    to Protect the


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Christian Living Carbon Neutral Presbyterian

  • 1. A Christian view on eco-social justice: Living Carbon Neutral Lives ” 4 P´s ACTION” Acting on social and environmental needs: Planting and Producing to Protect the Planet = FOR PEACE
  • 2. planting producing protect planet and to the “FOR PEACE – 4P´S”
  • 3. CREATING A SHARED MORAL VISION It is difficult for people to grasp just how extreme our ecological crises really are. Problems such as climate change, loss of species, water shortages--are a type of problem that human beings have never faced before, because the problems are global. Personal behavior has never before had global weather consequences. Therefore, there is no historical precedence in this type of problem solving to help us form useful responses. In understanding these problems there are three realities that need to be understood: 1. Our ecological crises are enormous and quickly getting worse. 2. These problems are urgent and time is running out. 3. There are alternatives, and a better future is possible.
  • 4. Our Ecological Crises are Enormous Scientific research now demonstrates that global warming is real, catastrophic, and created by humans. Yet, even though scientists know global warming is happening, they cannot say exactly how much it will warm, or how fast it will warm, or what the local effects will be. These issues will depend on how soon we convert to renewable energy, as well as what chain reactions are set off by the warming. The 2001 report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC) presented models that could establish statistically that global warming is happening and humans are largely responsible for it
  • 5. Our Ecological Crises are Enormous Dr Pachauri, head of the IPCC, concluded his findings in January 2005: quot;Climate change is for real. We have just a small window of opportunity and it is closing rather rapidly. There is not a moment to lose. We are risking the ability of the human race to survive.“ In addition to global warming, species extinctions have reached catastrophic proportions. In the history of the Earth, there have been five mass extinctions; the last one was the dinosaurs. Biologists are calling what is happening now, the sixth mass extinction, and they are warning that we could lose more than 25 percent of the species on Earth by the end of this century, creating unknown cascading effects throughout entire ecosystems. Worldwide, there are severe shortages of water. The world now drains more from rivers and aquifers than is returned by the Earth’s annual rain and snow fall. We are drawing down underground aquifers faster than they can be replenished, and many major rivers are so over-tapped that for part of the year, they run dry before they get to the sea.Therefore, these water shortages will cause food shortages. Water shortages also threaten the lives of all the Earth’s plants and animals.
  • 6. Our Ecological Crises are Enormous No matter how fast we respond, the world will soon be radically different, perhaps in as little as one decade. If we commit to a worldwide crash program to convert to renewable energy and planting trees to capture the CO2, the change could be less disruptive. If we cannot create the political will for radical change, then at some point, the world will hit a brick wall as the global weather system spirals out of control. We need to begin by accepting that the Earth is finite. The Earth’s carbon cycle and hydrological cycle have limits. We must learn to live within the Earth’s limits or we will overrun our environment, and cause massive ecological collapse.
  • 7. Our Ecological Crises are Urgent Many of those who realize how serious our ecological crises are, do not realize how urgent they are. Our response needs to be total and immediate. On January 25, 2005, the International Panel Climate Change (IPCC) Taskforce issued a new report called Meeting The Climate Challenge. The report says, “With climate change, there is an ecological time bomb ticking away. . .” They say that the point of no return with global warming may be reached in as little as 10 years (or less) with widespread drought, crop failure and water shortages. The debate over global warming is no longer over whether or not it is happening; it is now over the degree of urgency and the scale of the problem. The National Academy of Sciences concluded recently that global warming could cause environmental collapse suddenly and without warning. The longer we wait, the fewer options we will have and the more we risk creating catastrophic consequences.
  • 8. Environmental Advocacy Is An Adequate Scale of Inadequate Response In every community, concerned This urgency means that the needed individuals and organizations are response must be on an adequate working to contribute solutions to scale. this crisis. Their work helps to raise awareness and create a political “... mobilization of resources within base. a matter of months demonstrates that a country and, indeed, the We cannot measure progress in world can restructure its economy small, incremental victories as a quickly if it is convinced of the need result of our intense individualism. to do so.” (Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Gelbspan says this enormous under Stress & a Civilization in disconnect between the severity of Trouble, Lester Brown ) problem and the minimalist responses result from the “seductiveness of easy—and illusory—solutions.”
  • 9. Alternatives are Possible Creating solutions requires a total system response. Ecology now is also a system of social, economic, and political thought that sees environmental destruction as only one more symptom (along with poverty and the unequal distribution of wealth and power) of our entire unhealthy modern world-view and belief system. None of our current theories are adequate to deal with the enormity of our ecological crises. “… the environmental establishment is inherently incapable of truly addressing the climate challenge in all its magnitude because we cannot achieve a rapid, world-wide transition to clean energy within our current market-based economic structure. If one honestly acknowledges the scale and urgency of the problem, it becomes clear that it cannot be effectively addressed without major structural changes to global economic dynamics.” Ross Gelbspan
  • 10. Creating a new Worldview or “frame” Sustainable economics does not include free trade and globalization. The politics is not focused on the rights of autonomous individuals, but rather the needs of sustainable communities. It also is not afraid of religious language--not in the sense of requiring obedience to a set of rules--but in terms of naming the Earth as sacred and pursuing the values of care, mutuality, and equity (both nationally and globally). This ecological worldview is a moral vision based on a nurturant morality and an ethics of care, centering on empathy and responsibility. This includes creating a moral politics and a moral economy, with the requirements of the Earth, and democratic, equality at the center. These moral values are inherent in our approaches to our ecological problems. These values include our mutual responsibility for how we live in the world, our commitment to each other, the right of everyone to an adequate minimum, and the sanctity of the Earth. It also includes the practical realization that we are destroying the Earth’s ability to support life (our own and that of other species).
  • 11. Social Systems Can Change Just as climate systems can change abruptly, social systems can also Quickly change suddenly—either for the better, or for the worse. Any system We already have the technical can hit a threshold, causing the solutions we need; we just have to system to suddenly reorganize and agree to use them. However, the jump to an entirely new level--one problems are fundamentally not that cannot revert to the previous technical, but are conceptual. level. Creating the needed changes can We may not be able to avoid all bring a message of hope. We really the destructive impacts. Yet, if we are capable of making a profound act now, the solutions available will positive shift in our thinking over the reduce these negative impacts, and next few years. in the process, we will create a more humane, equitable world. This involves redefining our concepts of success, and increasing the growing commitment to breaking free of consumerism. It also means learning new skills such as the skills of dialogue, and renewing our commitment to each other and to the natural world.
  • 12. The Ecological Crisis is a Spiritual Crisis The primary issue in our ecological crises is a re-definition and clarification of our values, beliefs and behaviors--which is inherently a religious process. However, if religious communities are to lead in this social transformation, the God proclaimed in a political argument must be democratic in method (non- authoritarian) as well as pluralistic in content (capable of working with all religions). The religious message should affirm the reality of the sacred or the language of the Spirit, which can inspire compassion and cooperation. This requires rethinking everything—including the very nature of faith. This effort focuses on a sense of the Earth as sacred, an idea that can both include and transcend all religions. This allows the needs of the Earth to create a natural shared value system, and become the new measure of our values. By advocating ecological issues jointly, all religions become more effective in creating change
  • 13. The Ecological Crisis is a Spiritual Crisis Now, to address our ecological crises, we need to measure morality by our collective behavior and the frequent unintended, yet immoral, consequences. Economic growth has reached a dead-end and we can no longer achieve salvation through material progress, and being enslaved to a materialistic definition of the world has left us spiritually impoverished. To pull away from materialism and consumerism, we need to find non-material forms of fulfillment, and shift our spiritual focus from individual salvation to planetary salvation This will require us to see the planet as one global interrelated community of people, animals, and plants. Choosing the values of life and care, and overcoming materialism, requires that we respect the mystery in human life and resist the secularization of experience. Even though our culture is completely secularized—the sacred has not disappeared. We need to recognize and name concepts of the sacred so that they can again determine social action. Our future depends on how creative we can be together, and how quickly we can learn.
  • 14. Consequences of global warming Global Warming will alter Global Warming will the oceans. Change Weather Patterns. The entire ecosystem of the The warming should create an North Sea is in a state of overall trend toward both increased and increased collapse, “record sea evaporation. Where temperatures are killing off precipitation is greater than the plankton on which all evaporation, there will be life in the sea depends, floods. Where evaporation is because they underpin the greater than precipitation, there entire marine food chain. will be droughts. The increased warming and the unpredictable Fish stocks and sea bird changes will greatly impact populations have agriculture. slumped.”
  • 15. Consequences of global warming Global Warming Will Cause Ice Global Warming will to Melt and Seas to Rise Change Ecosystems and Habitat. In addition to habitat loss from The ice sheets in the two poles and urban sprawl and pollution, Greenland, and in mountain glaciers warming will also be a major around the world, are melting. If the factor. “A quarter of all species of sea level rises in the range expected plants and land animals, or more by the IPCC, many island nations, as than a million in all, could be well as all low-lying coastal areas, will driven to extinction.” Massive be under water. The affects of sea- extinctions have occurred five level along the coast will cause times during the earth's history. flooding, erosion, and saltwater The last one was the extinction of intrusion into aquifers and freshwater the dinosaurs, 65 million years habitats. ago. Scientists are calling what is occurring now, the sixth mass extinction.
  • 16. Consequences of global warming Global Warming will Change Weather, Creating more Extreme Storms. Global Warming will be at public health issue . As the atmosphere warms, the climate not only becomes hotter but more Warming will increase the unstable, creating more extreme spread of infectious diseases, precipitation events. and heat stress, and also malnutrition because of its impact on agriculture. Global Warming could Create Abrupt Warming. A recent report by the National Academy of Sciences, Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises, said “Large, abrupt climate Global Warming may changes have repeatedly affected much or Create Abrupt Cooling. all of the earth, … Available evidence suggests that abrupt climate changes are not Global warming could, in as only possible but likely in the future, little as a few years, trigger potentially with large impacts on ecosystems abrupt cooling in Europe. and societies.”
  • 17. A Christian view on eco-social justice Presbyterians to Live Carbon Neutral Lives 217th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, USA, held June 15 – 22, 2006 in Birmingham, Alabama adopted the following recommendation for Presbyterians to Live Carbon Neutral Lives
  • 18. Direct the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy to make a study of Finds that Finds that the personal responsibility the urgency, Christian mandate and carbon-neutrality injustice, and to care for creation available as a seriousness of and the biblical Working Paper on the this issue calls promise of the website of the us as restoration of right Presbyterian Church Christians to relationships (U.S.A.) as soon as act NOW and between God, possible, in order to to act boldly human beings, and share its concrete, to lead the the rest of creation effective action steps way in impels and inspires for Presbyterians to reducing our us to act to reduce take to reduce their energy usage. our energy usage. energy consumption.
  • 19. Strongly urges all Directs the General Calls upon all Presbyterians to Assembly Council to Presbyterians to immediately make a assign the take this seriously, bold witness by appropriate staff to to pray asking for aspiring to live carbon neutral lives. (Carbon inform all God’s forgiveness neutrality requires our Presbyterians, and guidance, to energy consumption governing bodies, study this issue, to that releases carbon and churches of the calculate your dioxide into the urgent need for them carbon emissions, atmosphere be reduced and carbon to reduce their to educate others, offsets purchased to energy consumption and to use less compensate for those and the injustice of energy, striving to carbon emissions that our current energy make your life could not be practices while carbon neutral. eliminated.) ACSWP completes its work
  • 20. It is the consensus of the A growing number of scientific community that scientists now suggest that we human activity is rapidly have perhaps only a decade’s changing the natural grace period to reduce our environment in measurable energy usage before these ways through the destructive devastating effects start to effects of climate change become irreversible. (commonly called global warming) We Americans are champion Global climate change is energy consumers, using 40 predominantly caused by our percent of the world’s oil and burning of fossil fuels, like coal, emitting 25 percent of the oil, and natural gas, which emit world’s greenhouse gases, greenhouse gases, and even though we are less then accelerating faster then 5 percent of the world’s predicted just a few years ago population.
  • 21. Prompt action and leadership by We have the knowledge, individuals, organizations, skills, and resources to communities, states, and reduce our energy countries can keep global climate consumption and switch to change from becoming much alternative energy sources worse. that are less harmful to the environment.) Previous General Assemblies passed overtures, resolutions, and policies addressing our unjust energy practices, calling us to develop frugal lifestyles reducing our energy consumption; and urging the The president of the United United States to sign the Kyoto States has called upon the Treaty and to lead in reducing nation to reduce its carbon emissions to combat dependence on fossil fuels. global warming
  • 22. Results so far A recent Presbyterian Panel survey indicates that majorities of us believe our energy consumption contributes to global climate change; most agree that energy conservation reflects values of the Christian Reformed faith. Yet less than 50 percent of us have taken even the simplest steps to reduce our energy consumption.
  • 23. Ecological justice “The fight for justice must be integrated with the fight for life in all its forms.” James Cone This very dynamic is why the environmental movement often refers to itself as an “ecological justice” (eco-justice) movement—so that it becomes clear that environmental issues are inextricably tied up with issues of human justice. The reverse is also true. Issues of human justice invariably have a connection with our human degradation of the Earth. For example, in our economic system we treat both people and natural resources as commodities to be exploited for economic gain. The Bible knows well this connection between human justice and the state of the land. When there was economic exploitation of the rich by the poor, Isaiah wrote, “The earth dries up and withers. The world languishes and withers. The earth lies polluted under its inhabitants, for they have transgressed laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse devours the land” (Is 24:4-7; see also Joel 2:2-20).
  • 24. Making eco-justice decisions Norms for decisions that address eco-justice issues: Sustainability :provide for long-range needs of humans and long- range preservation of nature Sufficiency :grant all forms of life the right to share in the goods of creation Participation :involve all people and represent all life forms in decisions that affect their well-being Solidarity :recognize the kinship of all life forms and assist those who suffer most from environmental degradation
  • 25. An Evangelical Declaration on the Care of Creation The Earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof Psalm 24:1 As followers of Jesus Christ, committed to the full authority of the Scriptures, and aware of the ways we have degraded creation, we believe that biblical faith is essential to the solution of our ecological problems.
  • 26. Because we worship and honor the Creator, we seek to cherish and care for the creation. Because we have sinned, we have failed in our stewardship of creation. Therefore we repent of the way we have polluted, distorted, or destroyed so much of the Creator's work. Because in Christ God has healed our alienation from God and extended to us the first fruits of the reconciliation of all things, we commit ourselves to working in the power of the Holy Spirit to share the Good News of Christ in word and deed, to work for the reconciliation of all people in Christ, and to extend Christ's healing to suffering creation. Because we await the time when even the groaning creation will be restored to wholeness, we commit ourselves to work vigorously to protect and heal that creation for the honor and glory of the Creator---whom we know dimly through creation. We and our children face a growing crisis in the health of the creation in which we are embedded, and through which, by God's grace, we are sustained. Yet we continue to degrade that creation
  • 27. These degradations of creation can be summed up as 1) land degradation; 2) deforestation; 3) species extinction; 4) water degradation; 5) global toxification; 6) the alteration of atmosphere; 7) human and cultural degradation. Many of these degradations are signs that we are pressing against the finite limits God has set for creation. With continued population growth, these degradations will become more severe. Our responsibility is not only to bear and nurture children, but to nurture their home on earth We recognize that human poverty is both a cause and a consequence of environmental degradation.
  • 28. Many concerned people, convinced that environmental problems are more spiritual than technological, are exploring the world's ideologies and religions in search of non-Christian spiritual resources for the healing of the earth. As followers of Jesus Christ, we believe that the Bible calls us to respond in four ways: First, God calls us to confess and repent of attitudes which devalue creation, and which twist or ignore biblical revelation to support our misuse of it. Forgetting that quot;the earth is the Lord's,quot; we have often simply used creation and forgotten our responsibility to care for it. Second, our actions and attitudes toward the earth need to proceed from the center of our faith, and be rooted in the fullness of God's revelation in Christ and the Scriptures. We resist both ideologies which would presume the Gospel has nothing to do with the care of non-human creation and also ideologies which would reduce the Gospel to nothing more than the care of that creation. Third, we seek carefully to learn all that the Bible tells us about the Creator, creation, and the human task. In our life and words we declare that full good news for all creation which is still waiting quot;with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God,quot; (Rom. 8:19). Fourth, we seek to understand what creation reveals about God's divinity, sustaining presence, and everlasting power, and what creation teaches us of its God-given order and the principles by which it works.
  • 29. Thus we call on all those who are committed to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to affirm the following principles of biblical faith, and to seek ways of living out these principles in our personal lives, our churches, and society.
  • 30. The cosmos, in all its beauty, wildness, and life-giving bounty, is the work of our personal and loving Creator. Our creating God is prior to and other than creation, yet intimately involved with it, upholding each thing in its freedom, and all things in relationships of intricate complexity. God is transcendent, while lovingly sustaining each creature; and immanent, while wholly other than creation and not to be confused with it. God the Creator is relational in very nature, revealed as three persons in One. Likewise, the creation which God intended is a symphony of individual creatures in harmonious relationship. The Creator's concern is for all creatures. God declares all creation quot;goodquot; (Gen. 1:31); promises care in a covenant with all creatures (Gen. 9:9-17); delights in creatures which have no human apparent usefulness (Job 39-41); and wills, in Christ, quot;to reconcile all things to himselfquot; (Col.1:20).
  • 31. Men, women, and children, have a unique responsibility to the Creator; at the same time we are creatures, shaped by the same processes and embedded in the same systems of physical, chemical, and biological interconnections which sustain other creatures. Men, women, and children, created in God's image, also have a unique responsibility for creation. Our actions should both sustain creation's fruitfulness and preserve creation's powerful testimony to its Creator. Our God-given , stewardly talents have often been warped from their intended purpose: that we know, name, keep and delight in God's creatures; that we nourish civilization in love, creativity and obedience to God; and that we offer creation and civilization back in praise to the Creator. We have ignored our creaturely limits and have used the earth with greed, rather than care. The earthly result of human sin has been a perverted stewardship, a patchwork of garden and wasteland in which the waste is increasing. quot;There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land...Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste awayquot; (Hosea 4:1,3). Thus, one consequence of our misuse of the earth is an unjust denial of God's created bounty to other human beings, both now and in the future.
  • 32. God's purpose in Christ is to heal and bring to wholeness not only persons but the entire created order. quot;For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood shed on the crossquot; (Col. 1:19-20). In Jesus Christ, believers are forgiven, transformed and brought into God's kingdom. quot;If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creationquot; (II Cor. 5:17). The presence of the kingdom of God is marked not only by renewed fellowship with God, but also by renewed harmony and justice between people, and by renewed harmony and justice between people and the rest of the created world. quot;You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their handsquot; (Isa. 55:12). We believe that in Christ there is hope, not only for men, women and children, but also for the rest of creation which is suffering from the consequences of human sin.
  • 33. Therefore we call upon all Christians to reaffirm that all creation is God's; that God created it good; and that God is renewing it in Christ. We encourage deeper reflection on the substantial biblical and theological teaching which speaks of God's work of redemption in terms of the renewal and completion of God's purpose in creation. We seek a deeper reflection on the wonders of God's creation and the principles by which creation works. We also urge a careful consideration of how our corporate and individual actions respect and comply with God's ordinances for creation. We encourage Christians to incorporate the extravagant creativity of God into their lives by increasing the nurturing role of beauty and the arts in their personal, ecclesiastical, and social patterns.
  • 34. We urge individual Christians and churches to be centers of creation's care and renewal, both delighting in creation as God's gift, and enjoying it as God's provision, in ways which sustain and heal the damaged fabric of the creation which God has entrusted to us. We recall Jesus' words that our lives do not consist in the abundance of our possessions, and therefore we urge followers of Jesus to resist the allure of wastefulness and overconsumption by making personal lifestyle choices that express humility, forbearance, self restraint and frugality. We call on all Christians to work for godly, just, and sustainable economies which reflect God's sovereign economy and enable men, women and children to flourish along with all the diversity of creation. We recognize that poverty forces people to degrade creation in order to survive; therefore we support the development of just, free economies which empower the poor and create abundance without diminishing creation's bounty. We commit ourselves to work for responsible public policies which embody the principles of biblical stewardship of creation.
  • 35. We invite Christians--individuals, congregations and organizations--to join with us in this evangelical declaration on the environment, becoming a covenant people in an ever-widening circle of biblical care for creation. We call upon Christians to listen to and work with all those who are concerned about the healing of creation, with an eagerness both to learn from them and also to share with them our conviction that the God whom all people sense in creation (Acts 17:27) is known fully only in the Word made flesh in Christ the living God who made and sustains all things. We make this declaration knowing that until Christ returns to reconcile all things, we are called to be faithful stewards of God's good garden, our earthly home.
  • 36. Action plan Policy: We seek to change the systems that foster the degradation of creation and to rectify the injustices that result from it. And we seek to alert our members to environmental legislation that protects creation and to encourage their active participation in the development of public policy. We encourage members to participate in civic activities that foster environmental health. We seek to let our care for creation be known to others. Goals: To promote eco-justice and care for creation beyond the walls of the church through hands-on involvement, political advocacy, publicity, conferences, websites, and publications. Actions: suggested actions to take to fulfill these commitments: Ecological justice in local, regional, national, and global issues Invest in the future of Earth community. Urge the endowment committee to invest your congregational endowment and other funds in social justice SOCIAL CARBON NEUTRAL: AN OPTION IN BRAZIL
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