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Meaning of
Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions,
information, or emotions by 2 or more than two persons
to create a mutual understanding.
It is the process of information sharing by words,
symbols, signs, gestures, etc.
It can be in the form of a handshake, or telephone call, or
video message, or any form of signals or sharing.
Characteristics of communication
• It’s a two way process
Its possible only when at least two persons one
sender/speaker and another receiver/listener is
• Information sharing and Understanding
It involves transfer of information and creation of
understanding between sender and receiver. Also
receiver should understand information after
receiving it, evaluate the information and give a
proper feedback.
• Verbal and non verbal
It can be with words spoken/written (verbal
communication) and in the form of gestures,
symbols, signs, pictures (non verbal).
• Circular flow
Process is circular meaning it starts from sender’s
transmission of information and ends at feedback
sent by receiver to him.
• Continuous process- It’s a regularly ongoing activity
not one time process in all organisations. Its like
blood flowing in human body.
• It’s pervasive in nature
Its done at all levels of the organisation (top level,
middle level, bottom level) and in all functional areas
like production dept., sales dept. finance dept.
marketing dept. etc.
• Goal oriented
There is a goal behind every communication i.e.
information sharing and understanding between the
sender and receiver.
Purpose/Objective of communication
• Exchange of Information-Most important purpose is this only.
Example-mgmt. wants to inform the employees about the
goals, policies, procedures, etc. This information will help
them to work efficiently and effectively.
Devices used for this can be phone, internet, memo’s and others
like notices, employee’s handbook.
For better exchange of information a proper system of
communication must be there. Information is shared both
internally and externally in case of an organisation. External
information can be about govt. policies, procedures, tax rates,
finance sources available, transportation available, etc.
• Issue of orders and instructions-
Another purpose/objective is to issue orders and
instructions. Order-formal direction to do
something and instruction- it indicates how to
complete the order.
Example- order is that all employees will be giving
biometric attendance at the gate and
instruction defines finger print scanning, face
scanning and how to switch on the biometric
machine. Both must be clearly stated and
properly communicated to all subordinates.
For effective obedience order must be written in
nature,, reasonable to obey by subordinate, and
be unambiguous(clear in terms).
• Education and training of workers
The training and education is frequently provided to employees
so that they can educate consumers about our product. This
creates better industrial relations and acceptance of new
ideas. Also it reduces resistance to change on the part of
workers for new things. Consumers are also made aware on
time by the employees regarding products.
• Advice and counselling- Managers often advice their colleagues
and subordinates on their personal and official matters. Advice
is a personal opinion of the adviser and so may be subjective
(with bias) whereas information is fact based (no bias).
Counselling is given when they are facing personal problems,
stress. Example family problems can be solved with counseling.
• Persuasion-
It means making efforts to influence their behaviour in the right
direction. Example people in marketing department are
always engaged in persuading customers to buy their
company’s products. Similarly managers persuade workers by
positive words to do well for the organisation.
• Motivation- It is the process of inspiring people to work hard
to achieve organisational goals. Contents, timing and tone of
communication exercise a great deal on their motivation
• Warning - Involves informing subordinates about
unfavourable consequences if some negligence, misbehaviour
is committed by an employee.
Importance of
communication process
1. Facilitates (i.e. helps in) planning- For forecasting sales,
planning the raising of funds accurate and timely
information is needed. This can be secured through proper
interaction and communication.
2. Basis of Decision making-Proper communication helps the
management to arrive at proper and informed decisions and
that too timely. It is through communication that
management and subordinate come closer and both can take
and participate in decisions
3. Achieves effective co-ordination
Proper communication brings unity of action. Meaning all act in
one direction i.e. achieving organisational goal only.
Organisation employs some people to create communication
between different parts of the organisation called as liaison
men(those who transmit info between 2 groups). Group
meetings also help to create communication by transfer of
knowledge, facts, ideas, understanding.
4. Creation of mutual trust and confidence-An effective
communication network helps manager to convey his ideas,
opinions, feelings, views to subordinates and latter also get
the chance to give suggestions, ideas, reactions thereby
causing mutual understanding between both.
5. Motivation of employees
6. Building morale(spirit/cheerfulness) of employees-
By addressing the employees’ grievances, managers can build
the morale and confidence in the organisation in their minds.
It creates mutual trust, faith and satisfaction in the minds of
the employees. It satisfies their social needs, creates
confidence in the manager’s ability and promotes loyalty.
7. Facilitates effective control- it helps the manager to measure
and evaluate the performance of their subordinates and
provide them feedback on their performance. Thus he can
control them by seeing the difference between expected and
actual performance and asking them to correct it.
Communication Process
Communication Process elements
• Sender- Sender is the source of message. He is the one who feels
the need to communicate his thoughts or certain ideas. He tries to
create an understanding in the mind of the receiver through his
• Encoding of the message-It is the process by which sender
translates his thoughts/ideas into appropriate message using the
shared medium. Encoding uses certain codes, symbols, signs, that
may be verbal or non verbal. They can be physical gestures as well.
• Communication Channel and medium- The communicator uses a
channel to communicate hi message to the target audience. It
includes the medium also through which the message passes. Air,
sound, sight are the channel and loudspeakers, tv, projectors are
the medium. The receiver must be kept in mind while selecting the
channel and medium.
• Receiver- He is the person to whom the message is to be
communicated. The one who receives and tries to understand
the message. He makes the communication process complete
via his feedback.
• Decoding- Once the message reaches the receiver, it needs to
be understood as it may have certain symbols, signs, gestures.
Decoding is the process of comprehending the meaning and
sense of the message. Decoding depends upon the skills of
the receiver as encoding quality depends upon the sender.
• Feedback-Reaction or response of the receiver sent towards
sender is called as feedback. Feedback may be as simple as a
phone call or as complex as written letter or affidavit on a law
• Noise- It refers to interference and disturbance in the
communication process. It causes a barrier to the
communication process as receiver might not understand the
sender’s original message and sender might not even hear his
own voice while communicating. Noise can arise in the
communication medium, channel of communication, or even
in the message if typical signs are used in encoding. It can be
internal which can be controlled and external which cannot be
1. Clarity of thought, expression and content is required; careful
planning of what to communicate must be there; meaning of
message must be same for both the sender and receiver; use
language without any technical jargon and unfamiliar words must
be avoided; use small precise and short sentences for better clarity.
Complex sentences and content must be addressed in simple
slogans, themes, stereotypes that have simplicity.
Important considerations in clarity are :
a) Choose precise, concrete, clear and familiar simple words,
b) Construct effective sentences and paragraphs.
Example- Avoid words like “demonstrate” use words like “show”, avoid
phrases like “at the present moment”, use “now” instead, avoid
words like “facilitate” use “help”.
2.Conciseness means being brief and sender must be able to say his
message in the fewest words possible and that too without
compromising with other C’s. It means only relevant detail must be
there no info overload. This will saves time of both parties. This
means the message is complete in nature but not wordy and no
repetition be allowed. This contributes to emphasis, eliminates
unnecessary words. A letter of two pages may seem short and a
letter of 10 lines may seem too long depending upon context of
Example- Avoid sentences like “we beg to acknowledge the receipt of”
instead use Thank you for your communication”. Avoid “due to the
fact that” and use the word “because”.
3.Completeness- Consider the receiver and convey all the facts and
figures to them; incomplete message causes confusions, delays,
misunderstandings, cause receiver guessing.
Example when a factory supervisor instructs the workers he should
specify the size, quality, color, packing all the things not just one.
Complete messages bring the desire results, avoid costs like complex
suits, make better goodwill in the eyes of the receiver, and answer
all the questions and also give extra which is desirable. While
replying to a letter of the customer/client, the respondent must
answer all the questions and each must be answered in at least 1
paragraph each.
4.Concreteness means message and content is specific not vague or
general. It means specific facts and proper words must be used to
create concreteness. It is necessary for oral communication as
tables graphs and diagrams cannot be made in an oral message.
Concreteness will always cause correct interpretation of the
message. Facts must be used in the message as much as possible as
it causes credibility in the communication. For better concreteness
use active not passive voice, vivid and image building words.
Example-Avoid statements like “goods are being soon dispatched”, “This
piece of jewellery is inexpensive”; Correct statement is “Goods will be
dispatched on 22nd July”, “this diamond ring costs only Rs. 3900”
Avoid opinions as they are subjective means their meanings differ
5.Correctness means information must have right level of language, accuracy
of facts, figures and words. The information must be verified as incorrect
information causes loss of credibility. Transmission of incorrect
information hinders decision making process and also spoils the image of
the firm communicating the message. To convey correct messages, avoid
grammatical errors, and transmit only when you are sure of the accuracy,
grammar and correctness of the message.
6. Courtesy- This stems up from the sincerely you-attitude. It means
politeness plus using socially accepted manners while communicating.
Politeness grows out of respect and concern for others. It means sender
must say his things with force and assertiveness i.e. confidence and
positivity but without being dominant and rude to others. The receiver
must also listen patiently and respect the other person. Sender should
begin all communication with a suitable salutation like Sir or something
according to the status of the receiver/reader. No discrimination on the
basis of race, religion, caste, creed, etc. should be there on the part of the
Example- Avoid sentences like “You must have been ignorant of the fact……..”
rather use sentences like “Perhaps you are not aware of the fact”, Avoid
“You failed to send us the goods”, rather use “We did not receive the goods”.
Always thank the other person for his/her favour, apologise for omission,
avoid irritating expressions and avoid discriminatory words and expressions.
7. Consideration- Sender should have empathy for the receiver
and receiver must have empathy for the sender. Both should
try to think from the perspective of other person and
accordingly communicate so that message gets properly
communicated and understood causing mutual
understanding. Socio-psychological background of the
receiver must be understood by the sender before he begins
to communicate. He should adopt a humane approach
towards the receiver.
For being considerate use “We” instead of I as former includes
both the sender and receiver in one sentence, show the
audience that they will benefit if they listen and emphasize
positive facts.
The C’s Desired way
Conciseness Please submit the travel bills on the
afternoon of every Saturday.
Clarity You are kindly requested to submit the
travel bills by the Saturday Afternoon
every week.
Courtesy You are kindly requested to submit the
travel bills.
Concreteness Please submit the travel bills by every
Consideration As soon as you Submit the travel bills we
will send you the approval.
Completeness and Correctness Please submit the travel bills by 3 pm
every Saturday in the personnel dept.
1.Speed- A good communication network must
have fast transmission of information. It should
consider urgency of information.
2. Clarity of message( given in 7c)
3. Creation of impression-It should create a
positive impression in the mind of the receiver.
4.Two way traffic or feedback- Sender should
get feedback from the receiver to judge the
effectiveness of his communication. It can
flow upward and downward both. Its an
opportunity for critique and suggestions
5. Credibility- Receiver must have confidence on
sender. Sender should have high knowledge
on the subject matter to look credible
6. Completeness –(one of the 7C’s)
7. Content- Message must have meaning and
relevance to the receiver. Content determines
the response of the audience.
8. Accuracy- Medium of transmission must wok
properly and correct and accurate information
must be delivered. Written medium is better
than oral.
9. Economy-Communication system must be
cheaper and economical in working without
sacrificing efficiency of communication.
10.Secrecy- Some info must be kept confidential
not to be leaked from the communication
network to the non-intended users. If it
happens it will hamper the communication
11.Safety- The communication network must be
safe. Information must be reliable, clearly
communicated, and data should not be
1. It means accurate perception/understanding of
what is being communicated by the sender.
2. It is a process involving-hearing, understanding,
retaining and recalling.
3. Effective listening means the listener is listening
to the speaker with full intent, emotional
depth, sentiment, intellectually and trying to
gain something from the communication
Effective Listening
• Significance of good listening
1. It’s a major ingredient of communication, it enables to give feedback.
2. It’s a key to better human relations AND CUSTOMER RELATIONS;
teamwork is encouraged for example if we listen to worker’s complaints
related to hygienic conditions and /or timings and take appropriate action
they will be satisfied with the organisation.
3. Attentive listener encourages speaker more like if listener nods it means he
is attentive and encourages speaker to involve him as well.
4. A good listener himself learns more like students learn by listening the
5. He is able to distinguish facts from opinions. Opinions are personal but
facts are real and involve evidences like %age, source, etc which can be
judged after listening only.
6. Listener also understands, evaluate results properly and give proper
inferences like in conferences related to research, seminars, etc conclusion
can be derived only after you listen.
7.Helps in taking instructions correctly without any errors like when
employee listens carefully to the production in charge's instructions
about the concerned product, lesser defects will be there in a lot of
product especially if it has processes involved.
8.Solve customer’s complaints more effectively like if a customer
complaints about the product malfunctioning then only after listening
carefully we can solve his problem by giving him knowledge on the
phone to restart the device or we can visit his premise to look more
customer friendly This happens in TV sets, DTH box and other types of
digital devices.
9.From 95% of communication, 45% is of listening
10.An essential management and leadership skill; Leader can make
followers only when he listens to other people as well.
11.Good listening helps you to take better decisions and make better
policies in organization like if we listen to employee’s grievances
related to the quality of food served, we can take the decision to
penalize the canteen in charge or renew the contract, Listening to
juniors give seniors some valuable suggestion that becomes a rule
like Biometric attendance to avoid proxies.
Hearing vs. Listening
• HEARING IS A Physiological Process of simply
receiving in the form of audio signals or
vibrations without understanding their
meaning and literal sense. It is natural, passive
and narrow in perspective.
• BUT listening varies from hearing as apart
from hearing it includes interpretation of the
sound signals, understanding their literal
meaning, and judging the message. It is skill
based, wider in perspective, and active not
passive like hearing.
Types Of Listening
Attentive Listening-it is in real sense effective
listening. Here the listener pays full attention
to what is being said by the speaker.
Pretending listening- Here no listening in
literal sense is done by the listener. Only acting
to listen is done. Only hearing is on.
Selective listening-Selecting the desired part
of the message and ignoring the undesired one
according to the listener’s beliefs, value system
and understanding level.
Types Of Listening
 EMPATHETIC LISTENING-It involves listening the
speaker with full intent, emotional depth, intellectually
and sentimentally. It means fitting into the shoes of the
sender and thinking like him.
benefit of the speaker. Listener wants him to achieve
his(speaker’s) goal by showing full support to him in the
process of communication. Two questions are rooted in
1. What does the speaker want the most?
2. How can listener help the speaker achieve his goal?
Types Of Listening (Continued).
(Meaning of synergy is-whole is greater than
parts). It creates a unity of minds and heart for both
the parties and thus relieves the speaker from the
stress he faces while communicating.
Intuitive Listening- a higher travel bills of learning
like the previous one which involves the listener to
have a focused and intuitive mind.
Barriers to Active Listening
Drifting away from what is being said.
Counter the speaker by continuous arguments
Criticizing the speaker on the way message is
Listening only facts not understanding emotions.
0verreacting to certain words and ideas.
Withdrawing attention and daydreaming
Hear only what listener expects to hear-Preconceived
notions about speaker create distractions
Assuming in advance the subject matter of
communication by the listener
1. Marginal Listening-This type of listening occurs
when pace of speaker is slow. The listener will
stray while speaker is still communicating. This
is only hearing no understanding is involved.
2. Evaluative Listening-In this type the listener
evaluates the speaker while the speaker is
communicating the message. Wrong
evaluation might cause argument in the
communication and wrong inferences.
Listener having empathy for the sender tries to understand
his(sender’s) viewpoint while communication is going
on. This is effective level of communication. In this
level listener projects himself in the position of the
speaker itself. Listener does not need to agree he
needs to understand the speaker.
Tips for effective listening
• Eye contact-It’s an evidence of synergistic listening.
It shows concern and full interest to speaker.
Gestures like raised eyebrows, critical smile,
negative shake make communication effective..
• Remove distractions-if you create distractions that
means you don’t want to listen to the sender;
evidence of disinterest; sources of distraction are:
daydreaming, outside environment, the speaker’s
ascent, mannerism.
• Be patient
• Avoid arguments
• Don’t Over talk
Developing listening skills
• Concentration and Upright
• Empathy
• Appreciation
• Note taking
• Evaluation
• Focus on the message and
resisting distractions

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1. intro, importance, purpose of communication, process, and 7c's.pptx

  • 1. Meaning of communication Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions, information, or emotions by 2 or more than two persons to create a mutual understanding. It is the process of information sharing by words, symbols, signs, gestures, etc. It can be in the form of a handshake, or telephone call, or video message, or any form of signals or sharing.
  • 2. Characteristics of communication • It’s a two way process Its possible only when at least two persons one sender/speaker and another receiver/listener is there. • Information sharing and Understanding It involves transfer of information and creation of understanding between sender and receiver. Also receiver should understand information after receiving it, evaluate the information and give a proper feedback.
  • 3. • Verbal and non verbal It can be with words spoken/written (verbal communication) and in the form of gestures, symbols, signs, pictures (non verbal). • Circular flow Process is circular meaning it starts from sender’s transmission of information and ends at feedback sent by receiver to him. • Continuous process- It’s a regularly ongoing activity not one time process in all organisations. Its like blood flowing in human body.
  • 4. • It’s pervasive in nature Its done at all levels of the organisation (top level, middle level, bottom level) and in all functional areas like production dept., sales dept. finance dept. marketing dept. etc. • Goal oriented There is a goal behind every communication i.e. information sharing and understanding between the sender and receiver.
  • 5. Purpose/Objective of communication • Exchange of Information-Most important purpose is this only. Example-mgmt. wants to inform the employees about the goals, policies, procedures, etc. This information will help them to work efficiently and effectively. Devices used for this can be phone, internet, memo’s and others like notices, employee’s handbook. For better exchange of information a proper system of communication must be there. Information is shared both internally and externally in case of an organisation. External information can be about govt. policies, procedures, tax rates, finance sources available, transportation available, etc.
  • 6. • Issue of orders and instructions- Another purpose/objective is to issue orders and instructions. Order-formal direction to do something and instruction- it indicates how to complete the order. Example- order is that all employees will be giving biometric attendance at the gate and instruction defines finger print scanning, face scanning and how to switch on the biometric machine. Both must be clearly stated and properly communicated to all subordinates. For effective obedience order must be written in nature,, reasonable to obey by subordinate, and be unambiguous(clear in terms).
  • 7. • Education and training of workers The training and education is frequently provided to employees so that they can educate consumers about our product. This creates better industrial relations and acceptance of new ideas. Also it reduces resistance to change on the part of workers for new things. Consumers are also made aware on time by the employees regarding products. • Advice and counselling- Managers often advice their colleagues and subordinates on their personal and official matters. Advice is a personal opinion of the adviser and so may be subjective (with bias) whereas information is fact based (no bias). Counselling is given when they are facing personal problems, stress. Example family problems can be solved with counseling.
  • 8. • Persuasion- It means making efforts to influence their behaviour in the right direction. Example people in marketing department are always engaged in persuading customers to buy their company’s products. Similarly managers persuade workers by positive words to do well for the organisation. • Motivation- It is the process of inspiring people to work hard to achieve organisational goals. Contents, timing and tone of communication exercise a great deal on their motivation levels. • Warning - Involves informing subordinates about unfavourable consequences if some negligence, misbehaviour is committed by an employee.
  • 9. Importance of communication process 1. Facilitates (i.e. helps in) planning- For forecasting sales, planning the raising of funds accurate and timely information is needed. This can be secured through proper interaction and communication. 2. Basis of Decision making-Proper communication helps the management to arrive at proper and informed decisions and that too timely. It is through communication that management and subordinate come closer and both can take and participate in decisions
  • 10. 3. Achieves effective co-ordination Proper communication brings unity of action. Meaning all act in one direction i.e. achieving organisational goal only. Organisation employs some people to create communication between different parts of the organisation called as liaison men(those who transmit info between 2 groups). Group meetings also help to create communication by transfer of knowledge, facts, ideas, understanding. 4. Creation of mutual trust and confidence-An effective communication network helps manager to convey his ideas, opinions, feelings, views to subordinates and latter also get the chance to give suggestions, ideas, reactions thereby causing mutual understanding between both.
  • 11. 5. Motivation of employees 6. Building morale(spirit/cheerfulness) of employees- By addressing the employees’ grievances, managers can build the morale and confidence in the organisation in their minds. It creates mutual trust, faith and satisfaction in the minds of the employees. It satisfies their social needs, creates confidence in the manager’s ability and promotes loyalty. 7. Facilitates effective control- it helps the manager to measure and evaluate the performance of their subordinates and provide them feedback on their performance. Thus he can control them by seeing the difference between expected and actual performance and asking them to correct it.
  • 13. Communication Process elements • Sender- Sender is the source of message. He is the one who feels the need to communicate his thoughts or certain ideas. He tries to create an understanding in the mind of the receiver through his communication. • Encoding of the message-It is the process by which sender translates his thoughts/ideas into appropriate message using the shared medium. Encoding uses certain codes, symbols, signs, that may be verbal or non verbal. They can be physical gestures as well. • Communication Channel and medium- The communicator uses a channel to communicate hi message to the target audience. It includes the medium also through which the message passes. Air, sound, sight are the channel and loudspeakers, tv, projectors are the medium. The receiver must be kept in mind while selecting the channel and medium.
  • 14. • Receiver- He is the person to whom the message is to be communicated. The one who receives and tries to understand the message. He makes the communication process complete via his feedback. • Decoding- Once the message reaches the receiver, it needs to be understood as it may have certain symbols, signs, gestures. Decoding is the process of comprehending the meaning and sense of the message. Decoding depends upon the skills of the receiver as encoding quality depends upon the sender. • Feedback-Reaction or response of the receiver sent towards sender is called as feedback. Feedback may be as simple as a phone call or as complex as written letter or affidavit on a law suit
  • 15. • Noise- It refers to interference and disturbance in the communication process. It causes a barrier to the communication process as receiver might not understand the sender’s original message and sender might not even hear his own voice while communicating. Noise can arise in the communication medium, channel of communication, or even in the message if typical signs are used in encoding. It can be internal which can be controlled and external which cannot be controlled.
  • 16. 7 C’S OF COMMUNICATION 1. Clarity of thought, expression and content is required; careful planning of what to communicate must be there; meaning of message must be same for both the sender and receiver; use language without any technical jargon and unfamiliar words must be avoided; use small precise and short sentences for better clarity. Complex sentences and content must be addressed in simple slogans, themes, stereotypes that have simplicity. Important considerations in clarity are : a) Choose precise, concrete, clear and familiar simple words, b) Construct effective sentences and paragraphs. Example- Avoid words like “demonstrate” use words like “show”, avoid phrases like “at the present moment”, use “now” instead, avoid words like “facilitate” use “help”.
  • 17. 2.Conciseness means being brief and sender must be able to say his message in the fewest words possible and that too without compromising with other C’s. It means only relevant detail must be there no info overload. This will saves time of both parties. This means the message is complete in nature but not wordy and no repetition be allowed. This contributes to emphasis, eliminates unnecessary words. A letter of two pages may seem short and a letter of 10 lines may seem too long depending upon context of communication Example- Avoid sentences like “we beg to acknowledge the receipt of” instead use Thank you for your communication”. Avoid “due to the fact that” and use the word “because”. 3.Completeness- Consider the receiver and convey all the facts and figures to them; incomplete message causes confusions, delays, misunderstandings, cause receiver guessing. Example when a factory supervisor instructs the workers he should specify the size, quality, color, packing all the things not just one.
  • 18. Complete messages bring the desire results, avoid costs like complex suits, make better goodwill in the eyes of the receiver, and answer all the questions and also give extra which is desirable. While replying to a letter of the customer/client, the respondent must answer all the questions and each must be answered in at least 1 paragraph each. 4.Concreteness means message and content is specific not vague or general. It means specific facts and proper words must be used to create concreteness. It is necessary for oral communication as tables graphs and diagrams cannot be made in an oral message. Concreteness will always cause correct interpretation of the message. Facts must be used in the message as much as possible as it causes credibility in the communication. For better concreteness use active not passive voice, vivid and image building words. Example-Avoid statements like “goods are being soon dispatched”, “This piece of jewellery is inexpensive”; Correct statement is “Goods will be dispatched on 22nd July”, “this diamond ring costs only Rs. 3900” Avoid opinions as they are subjective means their meanings differ
  • 19. 5.Correctness means information must have right level of language, accuracy of facts, figures and words. The information must be verified as incorrect information causes loss of credibility. Transmission of incorrect information hinders decision making process and also spoils the image of the firm communicating the message. To convey correct messages, avoid grammatical errors, and transmit only when you are sure of the accuracy, grammar and correctness of the message. 6. Courtesy- This stems up from the sincerely you-attitude. It means politeness plus using socially accepted manners while communicating. Politeness grows out of respect and concern for others. It means sender must say his things with force and assertiveness i.e. confidence and positivity but without being dominant and rude to others. The receiver must also listen patiently and respect the other person. Sender should begin all communication with a suitable salutation like Sir or something according to the status of the receiver/reader. No discrimination on the basis of race, religion, caste, creed, etc. should be there on the part of the sender. Example- Avoid sentences like “You must have been ignorant of the fact……..” rather use sentences like “Perhaps you are not aware of the fact”, Avoid “You failed to send us the goods”, rather use “We did not receive the goods”. Always thank the other person for his/her favour, apologise for omission, avoid irritating expressions and avoid discriminatory words and expressions.
  • 20. 7. Consideration- Sender should have empathy for the receiver and receiver must have empathy for the sender. Both should try to think from the perspective of other person and accordingly communicate so that message gets properly communicated and understood causing mutual understanding. Socio-psychological background of the receiver must be understood by the sender before he begins to communicate. He should adopt a humane approach towards the receiver. For being considerate use “We” instead of I as former includes both the sender and receiver in one sentence, show the audience that they will benefit if they listen and emphasize positive facts.
  • 21. EXAMPLES OF 7 C’S The C’s Desired way Conciseness Please submit the travel bills on the afternoon of every Saturday. Clarity You are kindly requested to submit the travel bills by the Saturday Afternoon every week. Courtesy You are kindly requested to submit the travel bills. Concreteness Please submit the travel bills by every Saturday. Consideration As soon as you Submit the travel bills we will send you the approval. Completeness and Correctness Please submit the travel bills by 3 pm every Saturday in the personnel dept.
  • 22. PRINICIPLES OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION 1.Speed- A good communication network must have fast transmission of information. It should consider urgency of information. 2. Clarity of message( given in 7c) 3. Creation of impression-It should create a positive impression in the mind of the receiver.
  • 23. 4.Two way traffic or feedback- Sender should get feedback from the receiver to judge the effectiveness of his communication. It can flow upward and downward both. Its an opportunity for critique and suggestions 5. Credibility- Receiver must have confidence on sender. Sender should have high knowledge on the subject matter to look credible 6. Completeness –(one of the 7C’s)
  • 24. 7. Content- Message must have meaning and relevance to the receiver. Content determines the response of the audience. 8. Accuracy- Medium of transmission must wok properly and correct and accurate information must be delivered. Written medium is better than oral. 9. Economy-Communication system must be cheaper and economical in working without sacrificing efficiency of communication.
  • 25. 10.Secrecy- Some info must be kept confidential not to be leaked from the communication network to the non-intended users. If it happens it will hamper the communication process. 11.Safety- The communication network must be safe. Information must be reliable, clearly communicated, and data should not be hacked.
  • 26. MEANING OF LISTENING 1. It means accurate perception/understanding of what is being communicated by the sender. 2. It is a process involving-hearing, understanding, retaining and recalling. 3. Effective listening means the listener is listening to the speaker with full intent, emotional depth, sentiment, intellectually and trying to gain something from the communication process.
  • 27. Effective Listening • Significance of good listening 1. It’s a major ingredient of communication, it enables to give feedback. 2. It’s a key to better human relations AND CUSTOMER RELATIONS; teamwork is encouraged for example if we listen to worker’s complaints related to hygienic conditions and /or timings and take appropriate action they will be satisfied with the organisation. 3. Attentive listener encourages speaker more like if listener nods it means he is attentive and encourages speaker to involve him as well. 4. A good listener himself learns more like students learn by listening the lecturer. 5. He is able to distinguish facts from opinions. Opinions are personal but facts are real and involve evidences like %age, source, etc which can be judged after listening only. 6. Listener also understands, evaluate results properly and give proper inferences like in conferences related to research, seminars, etc conclusion can be derived only after you listen.
  • 28. 7.Helps in taking instructions correctly without any errors like when employee listens carefully to the production in charge's instructions about the concerned product, lesser defects will be there in a lot of product especially if it has processes involved. 8.Solve customer’s complaints more effectively like if a customer complaints about the product malfunctioning then only after listening carefully we can solve his problem by giving him knowledge on the phone to restart the device or we can visit his premise to look more customer friendly This happens in TV sets, DTH box and other types of digital devices. 9.From 95% of communication, 45% is of listening 10.An essential management and leadership skill; Leader can make followers only when he listens to other people as well. 11.Good listening helps you to take better decisions and make better policies in organization like if we listen to employee’s grievances related to the quality of food served, we can take the decision to penalize the canteen in charge or renew the contract, Listening to juniors give seniors some valuable suggestion that becomes a rule like Biometric attendance to avoid proxies.
  • 29. Hearing vs. Listening • HEARING IS A Physiological Process of simply receiving in the form of audio signals or vibrations without understanding their meaning and literal sense. It is natural, passive and narrow in perspective. • BUT listening varies from hearing as apart from hearing it includes interpretation of the sound signals, understanding their literal meaning, and judging the message. It is skill based, wider in perspective, and active not passive like hearing.
  • 30. Types Of Listening Attentive Listening-it is in real sense effective listening. Here the listener pays full attention to what is being said by the speaker. Pretending listening- Here no listening in literal sense is done by the listener. Only acting to listen is done. Only hearing is on. Selective listening-Selecting the desired part of the message and ignoring the undesired one according to the listener’s beliefs, value system and understanding level.
  • 31. Types Of Listening  EMPATHETIC LISTENING-It involves listening the speaker with full intent, emotional depth, intellectually and sentimentally. It means fitting into the shoes of the sender and thinking like him.  LISTENING FOR MUTUAL CREATIVITY- It is for the benefit of the speaker. Listener wants him to achieve his(speaker’s) goal by showing full support to him in the process of communication. Two questions are rooted in it: 1. What does the speaker want the most? 2. How can listener help the speaker achieve his goal?
  • 32. Types Of Listening (Continued). THIS LISTENING IS SYNERGESTIC IN NATURE. (Meaning of synergy is-whole is greater than parts). It creates a unity of minds and heart for both the parties and thus relieves the speaker from the stress he faces while communicating. Intuitive Listening- a higher travel bills of learning like the previous one which involves the listener to have a focused and intuitive mind.
  • 33. Barriers to Active Listening Drifting away from what is being said. Counter the speaker by continuous arguments Criticizing the speaker on the way message is delivered. Listening only facts not understanding emotions. 0verreacting to certain words and ideas. Withdrawing attention and daydreaming Hear only what listener expects to hear-Preconceived notions about speaker create distractions Assuming in advance the subject matter of communication by the listener
  • 34. LEVELS OF LISTENING 1. Marginal Listening-This type of listening occurs when pace of speaker is slow. The listener will stray while speaker is still communicating. This is only hearing no understanding is involved. 2. Evaluative Listening-In this type the listener evaluates the speaker while the speaker is communicating the message. Wrong evaluation might cause argument in the communication and wrong inferences.
  • 35. 3. PROJECTIVE LISTENING- Listener having empathy for the sender tries to understand his(sender’s) viewpoint while communication is going on. This is effective level of communication. In this level listener projects himself in the position of the speaker itself. Listener does not need to agree he needs to understand the speaker.
  • 36. Tips for effective listening 1 • Eye contact-It’s an evidence of synergistic listening. It shows concern and full interest to speaker. Gestures like raised eyebrows, critical smile, negative shake make communication effective.. 2 • Remove distractions-if you create distractions that means you don’t want to listen to the sender; evidence of disinterest; sources of distraction are: daydreaming, outside environment, the speaker’s ascent, mannerism. 3,4,5 • Be patient • Avoid arguments • Don’t Over talk
  • 37. Developing listening skills • Concentration and Upright posture • Empathy • Appreciation • Note taking • Evaluation • Focus on the message and resisting distractions