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07050 Topic: Art
Number of Pages: 3 (Double Spaced)
Number of sources: 3
Writing Style: APA
Type of document: Essay
Academic Level:High School
Category: Art
Language Style: English (U.S.)
Order Instructions: Attached
Transcript: Art Analysis PaperThis video is preparing you for
one of your major grades this semester: an ar t analysis
paper.Everything is under this week's content already that you
need, and I'm giving you ample time to prepare for this. In this
week's video, we're going through a step-by-step process of how
to write this paper, and also how to encounter art more fully in
general. The goal of a formal analysis is to explain the formal
elements of a work of art, but also to consider the background
and content of said work. In your paper, you'll be both
interpreting a work of art and considering the formal elements.
The frst step is a pretty obvious one. There's a topic list posted
under the Analysis folder, labeled step 1. You'll choose one of
these to write about. Also consider,do you want to write
positive criticism or negative? Either is acceptable, and
sometimes it's more fun to discuss why you dislike an artwork
and why you think the worth of it is invalid. So once you've
chosen your piece from the list, it's time to get started. This is
all the information you'll need for your introduction. You
ABSOLUTELY need to state the title, artist, date/period, and
medium of the piece. This is also a good place to start
discussing the artist or people who made the piece. If it's a work
from an older period, you may not have an artist to discuss.
That's fne. Instead you'll cover the people who made or
commissioned the piece. You're giving it context. Art is never
made in a vacuum. It's made in reaction to the world and values
around it. This is also why it is important to consider why it
was made, and who for. Was it created for a funeral? Was it
commissioned by a cardinal or king? Is it meant to delight or
intimidate? These are important questions to be able to answer.
The example I chose to walk us through this process is Apollo
and Daphne. I just gave you the title. Now I'll offer the rest of
the basic information: It was created by Bernini, made between
1622-1625 out of marble. It stands 96 inches tall. Notice how I
italicized the title of the piece? Unless it's a building, all work
titles should be italicized. Always. I'm also going into a bit of
Bernini's life here, talking about when he worked, where he was
from, and why he made this piece. This piece was commissioned
by the Cardinal Borghese of the Vatican during the Barque
period. Think this is strange for a catholic cardinal to have a
Greek myth in his home? The reasoning behind it can be found
with this quote: “Those who love to pursue feeting forms of
pleasure, in the end fnd only leaves and bitter berries in their
hands.” The sculpture depicts the Greek myth of Apollo, the god
of light, and Daphne, a wood nymph. Apollo fell in love with
Daphne due to Cupid's arrow, and would not listen to her deny
him. As he pursued her, she called to her father (a river god) for
help, and to spare her the love of Apollo, she was turned into a
laurel tree. This sculptor depicts the climax of that myth. This
is the type of context you should be including in your paper, or
any time you decide to truly consider a work of art. We live in
the age of smartphones and Google at our fngertips. You can
research a work of art at any time in your life!
After discussing the context and background of the piece, you'll
want to go into the composition and formal elements. This is
where the information we've already discussed comes in. First,
what is the piece? Is it a sculpture? Was is it made of? What
colors are used? Is it reliant on location or specifc presentation?
This may take some research to answer. Next, you'll choose
some key elements to the work. What are some of the main
visual elements used to make the piece successful? How does
the artist put those together (design principles)? For this piece,
movement is a strong element. The piece would not seem as
dynamic if Bernini had not sculpted the fgures mid-action.
Apollo is not running after a woman or weeping near a tree.
Instead, he almost catches Daphne as her arms, hair and legs
begin to transform. This sense of action and movement is part
of what makes the piece so successful. Another part is texture.
Looking closer at the faces of the fgures, notice how much care
has gone into the detail of the leaves, skin, and hair. Everything
would feel different, and the skin is so smooth it almost seems
like it would be pliable to the touch. It also helps with the
narrative, bits of leaves and branches attached all over her form,
even in her hair. This is also where you'll bring your criticism
in. Is the piece successful or unsuccessful? What makes it one
or the other? What did the artist intend by making this piece?
Was s/he successful withthis intent? Again, this is where
research comes in. Often, you can fnd exactly what the artist
intended the piece for. Why is the piece still important? Why
did you choose it? Note for this, when I say why did you choose
it, I DO NOT want you to state “I chose this piece because....”.
Your opinion is obvious without you having to state it in frst
person. Instead, discuss the details that drewyou to your choice.
Clearly, because we're still discussing a piece that was made in
1625, this piece was successful and did leave quite an
impression. The details ar e breathtaking, particularly in the
hair and facial expressions. The fact that this sculpture was
created in the round, or able to be viewed from all directions, is
very impressive, and also helps to give the viewer a true sense
of suspense and movement. The sculpture does not merely show
a part of a story, but gives us a full sense of it, making the
viewer consider how the fgures got into that position and
revealing a very obvious conclusion. Last, you'll need to come
to a conclusion. Your entire paper should have a purpose and a
point, not just a list of these requirements. Use th e conclusion
to summarize your fndings, and bring your point to a close.
Have you made any new observations while writing the paper?
This would be a good place to mention them. The due dates for
this paper are already in the calendar. I have broken the work up
into sections: your list of sources and an outline, your rough
draft, and your fnal draft. Each of these has a different deadline,
but if you follow this, it should be a guaranteed A. There are
several course files in the analysis folder that you should find
helpful. This includesa “How- To” sheet that offers an outline, a
break down of what your paper should include, and some
helpful sources. I also have a sample paper that I've written for
your reference. If you're feeling a bit lost, skim through my
paper and see how I've written my analysis. Also, keep in mind
that if your piece is more contemporary or abstract,you may
need to focus more on the formal elements than any symbolism
or narrative. So that's it! Remember that there is a mandatory
word count, and you need to have your paper formatted
correctly, including a title page and works cited. Without the
works cited, you will lose a lot of points, so make sure you
include it. Let me know if you have any questions!
Lone Star CollegeArt AppreciationArt Analysis Paper
ChoicesBelow are several choices for your final art analysis
paper. Choose oneand follow the format in the instructional
.pdf. Remember that you need at least three sources(not
Wikipedia) for your paper. If you’re researching any of these
and find that too difficult, you may want to switch topics. As
usual, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or
concerns. 1.Christ the RedeLone Star CollegeArt
AppreciationArt Analysis Paper ChoicesBelow are several
choices for your final art analysis paper. Choose oneand follow
the format in the instructional .pdf. Remember that you need at
least three sources(not Wikipedia) for your paper. If you’re
researching any of these and find that too difficult, you may
want to switch topics. As usual, please feel free to reach out if
you have any questions or concerns. 1.Christ the Redeemer by
Paul Landowski2.Tian Tan Buddha3.Moses by
Michelangelo4.Savannah Bird Girl by Sylvia Shaw5.Nike of
Samothrace. Ancient Greece.6.The Terracotta Army.7.Guernica
by PabloPicasso.8.Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol.9.No.
1 (1950) Lavendar Mist by Jackson Pollock10.Nighthawks by
Edward Hopper11.School of Athens by Raphael12.Portrait of
Adele Block-BauerIby Gustav Klimt13.Sky Ladder by Cai Guo-
Qiang14.Blue Mosque. Istanbul.15.Gone by Kara Walker16.The
Builders by Jacob Lawrence17.Sunflower Seeds by Ai
WeiWei18.Pink Mosque. Shiraz.19.Soundsuits by Nick Cave
(pick a couple to discuss in your paper)20.Skyscape by James
Turrellemer by Paul Landowski2.Tian Tan Buddha3.Moses by
Michelangelo4.Savannah Bird Girl by Sylvia Shaw5.Nike of
Samothrace. Ancient Greece.6.The Terracotta Army.7.Guernica
by PabloPicasso.8.Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol.9.No.
1 (1950) Lavendar Mist by Jackson Pollock10.Nighthawks by
Edward Hopper11.School of Athens by Raphael12.Portrait of
Adele Block-BauerIby Gustav Klimt13.Sky Ladder by Cai Guo-
Qiang14.Blue Mosque. Istanbul.15.Gone by Kara Walker16.The
Builders by Jacob Lawrence17.Sunflower Seeds by Ai
WeiWei18.Pink Mosque. Shiraz.19.Soundsuits by Nick Cave
(pick a couple to discuss in your paper)20.Skyscape by James
Star CollegeArt AppreciationArt Analysis Paper ChoicesBelow
are several choices for your final art
analysis paper. Choose oneand follow the format in the
instructional .pdf. Remember that you need at
least three sources(not Wikipedia) for your paper. If yo
u’re researching any of these and find that too
difficult, you may want to switch topics. As usual, please feel
free to reach out if you have any questions
or concerns.
the Rede
Lone Star CollegeArt AppreciationArt Analysis Paper
ChoicesBelow are
several choices for your final art analysis paper. Choose oneand
follow the format in the i
nstructional .pdf.
Remember that you need at least three sources(not Wikipedia)
for your paper. If you’re researching any
of these and find that too difficult, you may want to switch
topics. As usual, please fee
l free to reach out if
you have any questions
or concerns.
the Redeemer by Paul
Bird Girl by Sylvia
of Samothrace. Ancient
Soup Cans by Andy
Warhol.9.No. 1 (1950) Lavendar Mist by Jackson
by Edward
Athens by
of Adele Block
BauerIby Gustav
Ladder by Cai
by Kara
s by Jacob
Seeds by Ai
by Nick Cave (pick a
couple to discuss in your paper)20.Skyscape by James Turrell
by Paul
Bird Girl by Sylvia
of Samothrace. Ancient
Soup Cans by Andy
Warhol.9.No. 1 (1950) Lavendar Mist by Jackson
by Edward
Athens by
of Adele Block
BauerIby Gustav
Ladder by Cai
by Kara
Builders by Jacob
Seeds by Ai
by Nick Cave (pick a
couple to discuss in your paper)20.Skyscape by James Turrel
Lone Star CollegeArt AppreciationArt Analysis Paper
ChoicesBelow are several choices for your final art
analysis paper. Choose oneand follow the format in the
instructional .pdf. Remember that you need at
least three sources(not Wikipedia) for your paper. If you’re
researching any of these and find that too
difficult, you may want to switch topics. As usual, please feel
free to reach out if you have any questions
or concerns. 1.Christ the RedeLone Star CollegeArt
AppreciationArt Analysis Paper ChoicesBelow are
several choices for your final art analysis paper. Choose oneand
follow the format in the instructional .pdf.
Remember that you need at least three sources(not Wikipedia)
for your paper. If you’re researching any
of these and find that too difficult, you may want to switch
topics. As usual, please feel free to reach out if
you have any questions or concerns. 1.Christ the Redeemer by
Paul Landowski2.Tian Tan
Buddha3.Moses by Michelangelo4.Savannah Bird Girl by Sylvia
Shaw5.Nike of Samothrace. Ancient
Greece.6.The Terracotta Army.7.Guernica by
PabloPicasso.8.Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy
Warhol.9.No. 1 (1950) Lavendar Mist by Jackson
Pollock10.Nighthawks by Edward Hopper11.School of
Athens by Raphael12.Portrait of Adele Block-BauerIby Gustav
Klimt13.Sky Ladder by Cai Guo-
Qiang14.Blue Mosque. Istanbul.15.Gone by Kara Walker16.The
Builders by Jacob
Lawrence17.Sunflower Seeds by Ai WeiWei18.Pink Mosque.
Shiraz.19.Soundsuits by Nick Cave (pick a
couple to discuss in your paper)20.Skyscape by James
Turrellemer by Paul Landowski2.Tian Tan
Buddha3.Moses by Michelangelo4.Savannah Bird Girl by Sylvia
Shaw5.Nike of Samothrace. Ancient
Greece.6.The Terracotta Army.7.Guernica by
PabloPicasso.8.Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy
Warhol.9.No. 1 (1950) Lavendar Mist by Jackson
Pollock10.Nighthawks by Edward Hopper11.School of
Athens by Raphael12.Portrait of Adele Block-BauerIby Gustav
Klimt13.Sky Ladder by Cai Guo-
Qiang14.Blue Mosque. Istanbul.15.Gone by Kara Walker16.The
Builders by Jacob
Lawrence17.Sunflower Seeds by Ai WeiWei18.Pink Mosque.
Shiraz.19.Soundsuits by Nick Cave (pick a
couple to discuss in your paper)20.Skyscape by James Turrell
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07050 Topic ArtNumber of Pages 3 (Double Spaced)Number o.docx

  • 1. 07050 Topic: Art Number of Pages: 3 (Double Spaced) Number of sources: 3 Writing Style: APA Type of document: Essay Academic Level:High School Category: Art Language Style: English (U.S.) Order Instructions: Attached Transcript: Art Analysis PaperThis video is preparing you for one of your major grades this semester: an ar t analysis paper.Everything is under this week's content already that you need, and I'm giving you ample time to prepare for this. In this week's video, we're going through a step-by-step process of how to write this paper, and also how to encounter art more fully in general. The goal of a formal analysis is to explain the formal elements of a work of art, but also to consider the background and content of said work. In your paper, you'll be both interpreting a work of art and considering the formal elements. The frst step is a pretty obvious one. There's a topic list posted under the Analysis folder, labeled step 1. You'll choose one of
  • 2. these to write about. Also consider,do you want to write positive criticism or negative? Either is acceptable, and sometimes it's more fun to discuss why you dislike an artwork and why you think the worth of it is invalid. So once you've chosen your piece from the list, it's time to get started. This is all the information you'll need for your introduction. You ABSOLUTELY need to state the title, artist, date/period, and medium of the piece. This is also a good place to start discussing the artist or people who made the piece. If it's a work from an older period, you may not have an artist to discuss. That's fne. Instead you'll cover the people who made or commissioned the piece. You're giving it context. Art is never made in a vacuum. It's made in reaction to the world and values around it. This is also why it is important to consider why it was made, and who for. Was it created for a funeral? Was it commissioned by a cardinal or king? Is it meant to delight or intimidate? These are important questions to be able to answer. The example I chose to walk us through this process is Apollo and Daphne. I just gave you the title. Now I'll offer the rest of the basic information: It was created by Bernini, made between 1622-1625 out of marble. It stands 96 inches tall. Notice how I italicized the title of the piece? Unless it's a building, all work titles should be italicized. Always. I'm also going into a bit of Bernini's life here, talking about when he worked, where he was from, and why he made this piece. This piece was commissioned by the Cardinal Borghese of the Vatican during the Barque period. Think this is strange for a catholic cardinal to have a Greek myth in his home? The reasoning behind it can be found with this quote: “Those who love to pursue feeting forms of pleasure, in the end fnd only leaves and bitter berries in their hands.” The sculpture depicts the Greek myth of Apollo, the god of light, and Daphne, a wood nymph. Apollo fell in love with Daphne due to Cupid's arrow, and would not listen to her deny him. As he pursued her, she called to her father (a river god) for help, and to spare her the love of Apollo, she was turned into a laurel tree. This sculptor depicts the climax of that myth. This
  • 3. is the type of context you should be including in your paper, or any time you decide to truly consider a work of art. We live in the age of smartphones and Google at our fngertips. You can research a work of art at any time in your life! After discussing the context and background of the piece, you'll want to go into the composition and formal elements. This is where the information we've already discussed comes in. First, what is the piece? Is it a sculpture? Was is it made of? What colors are used? Is it reliant on location or specifc presentation? This may take some research to answer. Next, you'll choose some key elements to the work. What are some of the main visual elements used to make the piece successful? How does the artist put those together (design principles)? For this piece, movement is a strong element. The piece would not seem as dynamic if Bernini had not sculpted the fgures mid-action. Apollo is not running after a woman or weeping near a tree. Instead, he almost catches Daphne as her arms, hair and legs begin to transform. This sense of action and movement is part of what makes the piece so successful. Another part is texture. Looking closer at the faces of the fgures, notice how much care has gone into the detail of the leaves, skin, and hair. Everything would feel different, and the skin is so smooth it almost seems like it would be pliable to the touch. It also helps with the narrative, bits of leaves and branches attached all over her form, even in her hair. This is also where you'll bring your criticism in. Is the piece successful or unsuccessful? What makes it one or the other? What did the artist intend by making this piece? Was s/he successful withthis intent? Again, this is where research comes in. Often, you can fnd exactly what the artist intended the piece for. Why is the piece still important? Why did you choose it? Note for this, when I say why did you choose it, I DO NOT want you to state “I chose this piece because....”. Your opinion is obvious without you having to state it in frst person. Instead, discuss the details that drewyou to your choice. Clearly, because we're still discussing a piece that was made in
  • 4. 1625, this piece was successful and did leave quite an impression. The details ar e breathtaking, particularly in the hair and facial expressions. The fact that this sculpture was created in the round, or able to be viewed from all directions, is very impressive, and also helps to give the viewer a true sense of suspense and movement. The sculpture does not merely show a part of a story, but gives us a full sense of it, making the viewer consider how the fgures got into that position and revealing a very obvious conclusion. Last, you'll need to come to a conclusion. Your entire paper should have a purpose and a point, not just a list of these requirements. Use th e conclusion to summarize your fndings, and bring your point to a close. Have you made any new observations while writing the paper? This would be a good place to mention them. The due dates for this paper are already in the calendar. I have broken the work up into sections: your list of sources and an outline, your rough draft, and your fnal draft. Each of these has a different deadline, but if you follow this, it should be a guaranteed A. There are several course files in the analysis folder that you should find helpful. This includesa “How- To” sheet that offers an outline, a break down of what your paper should include, and some helpful sources. I also have a sample paper that I've written for your reference. If you're feeling a bit lost, skim through my paper and see how I've written my analysis. Also, keep in mind that if your piece is more contemporary or abstract,you may need to focus more on the formal elements than any symbolism or narrative. So that's it! Remember that there is a mandatory word count, and you need to have your paper formatted correctly, including a title page and works cited. Without the works cited, you will lose a lot of points, so make sure you include it. Let me know if you have any questions! Lone Star CollegeArt AppreciationArt Analysis Paper ChoicesBelow are several choices for your final art analysis paper. Choose oneand follow the format in the instructional .pdf. Remember that you need at least three sources(not
  • 5. Wikipedia) for your paper. If you’re researching any of these and find that too difficult, you may want to switch topics. As usual, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 1.Christ the RedeLone Star CollegeArt AppreciationArt Analysis Paper ChoicesBelow are several choices for your final art analysis paper. Choose oneand follow the format in the instructional .pdf. Remember that you need at least three sources(not Wikipedia) for your paper. If you’re researching any of these and find that too difficult, you may want to switch topics. As usual, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 1.Christ the Redeemer by Paul Landowski2.Tian Tan Buddha3.Moses by Michelangelo4.Savannah Bird Girl by Sylvia Shaw5.Nike of Samothrace. Ancient Greece.6.The Terracotta Army.7.Guernica by PabloPicasso.8.Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol.9.No. 1 (1950) Lavendar Mist by Jackson Pollock10.Nighthawks by Edward Hopper11.School of Athens by Raphael12.Portrait of Adele Block-BauerIby Gustav Klimt13.Sky Ladder by Cai Guo- Qiang14.Blue Mosque. Istanbul.15.Gone by Kara Walker16.The Builders by Jacob Lawrence17.Sunflower Seeds by Ai WeiWei18.Pink Mosque. Shiraz.19.Soundsuits by Nick Cave (pick a couple to discuss in your paper)20.Skyscape by James Turrellemer by Paul Landowski2.Tian Tan Buddha3.Moses by Michelangelo4.Savannah Bird Girl by Sylvia Shaw5.Nike of Samothrace. Ancient Greece.6.The Terracotta Army.7.Guernica by PabloPicasso.8.Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol.9.No. 1 (1950) Lavendar Mist by Jackson Pollock10.Nighthawks by Edward Hopper11.School of Athens by Raphael12.Portrait of Adele Block-BauerIby Gustav Klimt13.Sky Ladder by Cai Guo- Qiang14.Blue Mosque. Istanbul.15.Gone by Kara Walker16.The Builders by Jacob Lawrence17.Sunflower Seeds by Ai WeiWei18.Pink Mosque. Shiraz.19.Soundsuits by Nick Cave (pick a couple to discuss in your paper)20.Skyscape by James Turrell Lone
  • 6. Star CollegeArt AppreciationArt Analysis Paper ChoicesBelow are several choices for your final art analysis paper. Choose oneand follow the format in the instructional .pdf. Remember that you need at least three sources(not Wikipedia) for your paper. If yo u’re researching any of these and find that too difficult, you may want to switch topics. As usual, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 1.Christ the Rede Lone Star CollegeArt AppreciationArt Analysis Paper ChoicesBelow are several choices for your final art analysis paper. Choose oneand follow the format in the i nstructional .pdf. Remember that you need at least three sources(not Wikipedia) for your paper. If you’re researching any of these and find that too difficult, you may want to switch topics. As usual, please fee l free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 1.Christ the Redeemer by Paul Landowski2.Tian Tan Buddha3.Moses by Michelangelo4.Savannah
  • 7. Bird Girl by Sylvia Sh aw5.Nike of Samothrace. Ancient Greece.6.The Terracotta Army.7.Guernica by PabloPicasso.8.Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol.9.No. 1 (1950) Lavendar Mist by Jackson Pollock10.Nighthawks by Edward Hopper11.School of Athens by Raphael12.Portrait of Adele Block - BauerIby Gustav Klimt13.Sky Ladder by Cai Guo - Qiang14.Blue Mosque
  • 8. . Istanbul.15.Gone by Kara Walker16.The Builder s by Jacob Lawrence17.Sunflower Seeds by Ai WeiWei18.Pink Mosque. Shiraz.19.Soundsuits by Nick Cave (pick a couple to discuss in your paper)20.Skyscape by James Turrell emer by Paul Landowski2.Tian Tan Buddha3.Moses by Michelangelo4.Savannah Bird Girl by Sylvia Shaw5.Nike
  • 9. of Samothrace. Ancient Greece.6.The Terracotta Army.7.Guernica by PabloPicasso.8.Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol.9.No. 1 (1950) Lavendar Mist by Jackson Pollock10.Nighthawks by Edward Hopper11.School of Athens by Raphael12.Portrait of Adele Block - BauerIby Gustav Klimt13.Sky Ladder by Cai Guo -
  • 10. Qiang14.Blue Mosque. Istanbul.15.Gone by Kara Walker16.The Builders by Jacob Lawrence17.Sunflower Seeds by Ai WeiWei18.Pink Mosque. Shiraz.19.Soundsuits by Nick Cave (pick a couple to discuss in your paper)20.Skyscape by James Turrel l Lone Star CollegeArt AppreciationArt Analysis Paper ChoicesBelow are several choices for your final art analysis paper. Choose oneand follow the format in the instructional .pdf. Remember that you need at least three sources(not Wikipedia) for your paper. If you’re researching any of these and find that too difficult, you may want to switch topics. As usual, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 1.Christ the RedeLone Star CollegeArt AppreciationArt Analysis Paper ChoicesBelow are
  • 11. several choices for your final art analysis paper. Choose oneand follow the format in the instructional .pdf. Remember that you need at least three sources(not Wikipedia) for your paper. If you’re researching any of these and find that too difficult, you may want to switch topics. As usual, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 1.Christ the Redeemer by Paul Landowski2.Tian Tan Buddha3.Moses by Michelangelo4.Savannah Bird Girl by Sylvia Shaw5.Nike of Samothrace. Ancient Greece.6.The Terracotta Army.7.Guernica by PabloPicasso.8.Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol.9.No. 1 (1950) Lavendar Mist by Jackson Pollock10.Nighthawks by Edward Hopper11.School of Athens by Raphael12.Portrait of Adele Block-BauerIby Gustav Klimt13.Sky Ladder by Cai Guo- Qiang14.Blue Mosque. Istanbul.15.Gone by Kara Walker16.The Builders by Jacob Lawrence17.Sunflower Seeds by Ai WeiWei18.Pink Mosque. Shiraz.19.Soundsuits by Nick Cave (pick a couple to discuss in your paper)20.Skyscape by James Turrellemer by Paul Landowski2.Tian Tan Buddha3.Moses by Michelangelo4.Savannah Bird Girl by Sylvia Shaw5.Nike of Samothrace. Ancient Greece.6.The Terracotta Army.7.Guernica by PabloPicasso.8.Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol.9.No. 1 (1950) Lavendar Mist by Jackson Pollock10.Nighthawks by Edward Hopper11.School of Athens by Raphael12.Portrait of Adele Block-BauerIby Gustav Klimt13.Sky Ladder by Cai Guo- Qiang14.Blue Mosque. Istanbul.15.Gone by Kara Walker16.The Builders by Jacob Lawrence17.Sunflower Seeds by Ai WeiWei18.Pink Mosque. Shiraz.19.Soundsuits by Nick Cave (pick a couple to discuss in your paper)20.Skyscape by James Turrell