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When there is a conflict between
the heart and the brain,
let the heart be followed
Aman of intellect can turn in to a devil,
but never a manof heart.
We are suffering from our own karma. It is not the fault of God.
What we do is our own fault, nothing else. Why should God be
We came to enjoy; we are being enjoyed. We came to rule; we are
being ruled. We came to work; we are being worked.All the time,
we find that.And this comes into every detail of our life.
We reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate. None
else has the blame, none has the praise.
What is the use of talking of one’s mistakes to the world? They
cannot thereby be undone. For what one has done one must suffer;
one must try and do better. The world sympathizes only with the
strong and the powerful.
We must be bright and cheerful. Long faces do not make religion.
Religion should be the most joyful thing in the world, because it is
the best.
Work and worship are necessary to take away the veil, to lift off
the bondage and illusion.
Why are people so afraid? The answer is that they have made
themselves helpless and dependent on others. We are so lazy, we
do not want to do anything ourselves. We want a Personal God, a
Savior or a Prophet to do everything for us.
Whenever we attain a higher vision, the lower vision disappears
of itself.
What the world wants today is twenty men and women who can
dare to stand in the street yonder and say that they possess nothing
but God. Who will go? Why should one fear? If this is true, what
else could matter? If it is not true, what do our lives matter?
What do you gain in heaven? You become gods, drink nectar, and get
rheumatism. There is less misery there than on earth, but also less
Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on
your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your
own destiny.All the strength and succor you want is within
yourselves. Therefore, make your own future.
Stand as a rock; you are indestructible. You are the Self, the God of
the universe.
The essence of Vedanta is that there is but one Being and that
every soul is that Being in full, not a part of that Being.
Truth, purity and unselfishness—wherever these are present, there is
no power below or above the sun to crush the possessor thereof.
Equipped with these, one individual is able to face the whole
universe in opposition.
Religion is not a theoretical need
but a practicalnecessity.
Renunciation does not mean simply
dispassion for the world. It means
dispassion for the world and
also longing for God.
There is no
misery where there is no want.
The secret of life is not
enjoyment, but education
through experience.
Every new thought must create
Renunciation is the withdrawal
of mind from
other things and concentrating it on God.
Every man who thinks ahead of
his time is sure to be misunderstood.
In this short life there is no time
for the exchange of compliments.
Do not wait to cross the river
when the water has all rundown.
The greatest sin is fear.
Better the scolding of the wise than the
adulation of the fools.
If you love God's creation more than God,
You will be disillusioned.
Everything can be sacrificed for truth,
but truth can't be sacrificed for anything.
God has become man,
man will become god again.
If it is impossible to attain
perfection here and now,
There is no proof that we can attain
perfection in any other life.
That part of the
Vedas which agrees with reason is the
Vedas, and nothing else.
If you want to do anything evil,
do it before the eyes of your superiors
Happiness presents itself
before man,wearing the
crown of sorrow on its head.
If one is a slave to his passions
and desires, one cannot feel the
pure joy of real freedom
If you can't attain salvation in this life,
What proof is there that you can
attain it in the life or lives to come?
Never mind if your contribution is
only a mite,
your help only a little, blades of
grass united into a rope will
hold in confinement the
maddest of elephants.
It is man that becomes the god.
The cow never tells a lie,stone never steals
Cow remians a cow, stone remains stone
Man steals and man tells a lie, and again
When even man never hears the
cries of the fool, do you think God will?
Strength is life, weakness is death.
Never are the wants of a beggar fulfilled.
which one can stand on one's own feet.
We want the education by
which character is formed,
strength of mind is increased,
the intellect is expanded, and by
Let the heart be opened first,
and all else will follow of itself.
Tell the man his defaults directly
but praise his virtues before others.
Activity is lifeand inactivity is death.
Salvation is not achieved by
inactivity but by spiritual activities.
Even the least work done for
others awakens the power within.
New things have to be learned,
have to be introduced and worked out,
But is that to be done by sweeping away
all that is old, just because it is old?
The man who says he has
nothing more to learn is already
at his last grasp
As long as I live, so do I learn.
No one can save a person who
hires a carriage to go from one
street to another, and then complain
of diabetes.
By the control of the subconscious mind
You get control over the conscious.
It is the constant struggle against
nature that constitutes human progress,
not conformity with it.
The very essence of education is
concentration of mind,
not the collecting of facts.
As we get further and further away
from sense- pleasures,
―knowledge for the sake of knowledge‖
becomes the supreme pleasure of mind
All the power is within you; you can do
anything and everything. Believe in that;
don’t believe that you are weak. Stand up
and express the divinity with in you
It is through the
many that we reach the one.
The soul is the circle of which the
circumference is nowhere,
But the center is the body.
God is a circle whose circumference is
nowhere, but whose center is everywhere.
The body itself is the biggest disease
If any one of you believes what I teach,
I will be sorry.
I will only be too glad if I can excite in
you the power of thinking for yourselves
When the world is the end
And god the means to attain that end,
that is material.
When God is the end and the world is
only the means to attain that end,
Spirituality has began
The fear of God is the beginning
of religion,
but the love of God is the end of
Do not give up ! Things will give you up
The sage is often ignorant of
physical science because he reads the
Wrong book – the book within;
and the scientist is too often ignorant of
religion, because he reads the
wrong book- the book without.
Always first learn to be a servant, and
then you will be fit to be a master. Avoid
this jealousy, and you will do great works
that have yet to be done
Experience is the only source of
Do one thing at a time and while
doing it put your whole soul into
it to the exclusion of all else.
Where there is life , there will be death,
so get away from life if you want to get
rid of death
Records of great spiritual men of the past do
us no good,what ever except
that they urge us onward to do the same
to experience religion ourselves.
We may read all the Bibles of the world,
But that will not give us religion
The brave alone can afford to be sincere
The balance is so nice that if
you disturb the equilibrium of one atom,
the whole world will come to an end.
Save the spiritual store in your body by
observing continence.
The wicked see in Godwickedness.
The virtuous see in him virtue.
When good nectar is unattainable,
It is no reason why we shoud eat poision
Love to enemies is not possible
for ordinary men
Everything that comes from India take as
true, until you cogent reasons for
disbelieving it,
Everything that come from Europe
Takes as false until
find cogent reasons for believing it.
Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take
the whole responsibility on your own
shoulders, & know that you are the
creator of your own destiny
They alone live who live for others,
rest are more dead then alive
Arise!Awake!And stop not till
the goal is reached
To be good and to do good - that is the
whole of religion
Strength is life, Weakness is death
The benefit of Yoga is that we
learn to control instead of being
Never talk about the faults of others,
No matter how bad they may be.
All quarrels and disputations concerning
Religion simply shows that religion is not
You must not criticize others,
you must criticize yourself.
What you have inside you is
what you see in others.
Our business is to verify not to swallow.
How can that be
loveless which causes love in me?
You cannot judge a man by his faults.
You must believe in yourself and
Then you will believe in god
If you are pure, if you are strong you,
one man, is equal to the whole world.
Mother Represents colorless love
that knows no barter,love that never dies
We trust the man in the street, but there
is one being in the universe we never
trust and that is God
My motto is to learn whatever good things
I may come across any where
The secret of religion lies not
in theories but in practice.
Neither money pays, nor name pays, nor
fame, nor learning; it is CHARACTER
that cleave through adamantine walls of
Seek for the highest,aim at the highest
and you shall reach the highest
There is an ocean of difference between
idleness and renunciation.
The self-seeking
man who is looking after personal
comforts and leading a lazy life,
there is no room for him in hell
Hope is the greatest of all miseries,
The highest bliss lies in giving up hope.
No one ever succeeded in
keeping society in good humor
and at the same time did the great work
Know that talking ill ofothers in private
is a sin.
ThisAtman is not to be attained by one
who is weak.
Whatever fosters materiality is no work
Why look up to men for approbation,
look up to God.
He who knows how to obey
knows how to command.
Want of sympathy and lack of energy
are at the root of all misery.
India is the only place where,
with all its faults, the soul finds its
freedom, its God.
What ever you think, that you will be. If
you think yourself weak, weak you will be;
if you think yourself strong; strong you will
It is the heart that conquers,
not the brain.
All the strength is in you, have
faith in it.
The body must go no mistake about that. It is
better to wear out than to rust out.
In every attempt there are many
obstacles to cope with,
but gradually the path becomes smooth
One must raise oneself by one's
own exertions.
Both attachment and detachment
perfectly developed make a man great
And happy.
Where there is struggle, where there is
there is a sign of life, there consciousness
is manifested
Isn't it man that makes money?
Where did you ever hear of money
Making man?
He who always speculates as to
what awaits him in future, accomplishes
nothing whatsoever
Fear is one of the worst enemies.
If one intends to really find truth,
one must not cling to comfort.
We manufacture our own heaven
and can make a heaven even in hell
The satisfaction of desire only increases it,
As oil poured on fire makes it burn more
Both happiness and misery are chains,
the one golden,
the other iron,
But both are equally strong to bind us
The world is neither true nor untrue,
it is a shadow of truth.
Let us get rid of the little 'I' and
Let only the great ’I’live in us.
Concentration of the mind is the
source of all knowledge.
Keep your thoughts on virtue;
what we think we become
What we are, we see outside, for
the world is our mirror.
Resist not evil.
Face it! You are higher than evil.
Anything we do ourselves,
That is the only thing we do.-----
Be cautious now and do not bow,
however sweet the chains .
Anything that brings spiritual,
mental or physical weakness, touch
it not with the toes of your feet
Everything that has selfishness
for its basis,
competition as its right hand,
and enjoyment as its goal ,
Must die soonner or later
This is a battlefield, fight your way out.
Make your life a manifestation of will
strengthened by renunciation.
Stand and die in your own strength;
if there is any sin in the world, it is
weakness; avoid all weakness, for
weakness is sin, weakness is death
Be the witness,never learn to react
The Hindus believe that a man is a soul
and has a body,
while Western people believe
he is a body and possesses a soul.
Of all the scriptures of the
world, it is the Vedas alone
which declare that the study of
the Vedas is secondary.
I find that
whenever I have made a mistake
in my life, it has always been because self
entered into the calculation.
Never forget that a man is
made great and perfect as much
by his faults as by his virtues.
If a bad time comes, what of it?
The pendulum must
swing back to the other side.
But that is no better.
The thing to do is to stop it
This world is our friend when we
are its slaves and no more.
Whatever others think or do,
lower not your standard of
purity, morality,and love of God.
The road to the God is the
roughest and steepest in the universe.
through a thousand stumbles.
Eating, drinking, dressing, and society
Character has to be established
nonsense are not things to throw a life
He who is always afraid of
loss always loses.
But unless one does the thing
actually, nothing is learnt.
Any amount of theoretical
knowledge one may have;
Don't yield to sorrow;
everything is in God's hands.
In our moments of anguish,
gates barred for ever seem to
open and let in many a flood of light.
Every bit of pleasure will
bring its quota of pain, if not
with compound interest.
If one gets one blow,
one must return ten
With redoubled fury,
then only one is a man.
Don't let egoism to enter your minds,
And let love never depart from your hearts.
It is a land of dreams, it does not matter
Whether one enjoys or weeps,
They are but dreams and as such,
Must break sooner or later
He whose joy is only in himself,
whose desires are only in himself
He has learnt his lessons
I have worked for this world,
Mary, all my life, and it does not
give me a piece of bread without
taking a pound of flesh
Devotion to the mother is the
root of all welfare.
Face the brutes. That is a lesson for all life—face the
terrible, face it boldly. Like the monkeys, the hardships
of life fall back when we cease to flee before them.
It is religion, the inquiry into the beyond,
That makes the difference between man
And animal
Dare to be free, dare to go as far
as your thought leads, and dare
to carry that out in your life
Every idea that strengthens you
must be taken up and every
thought that weakens you must be rejected
The same fire that cooks a meal for us
May burn a child and it is no fault of the
Fire if it does so,
The difference lies in the way in which it is used
Whatever you think, that you will be
The moment you quarrel , you are not
Going God ward, you are going backward
Towards the brutes
First learn to obey,
The command will come by itself.
If there is any sin in the world,
It is weakness
Avoid all weakness,for weakness is sin,
Weakness is death
The earth is enjoyed by heroes —this‖ is the unfailing truth.
Be a hero.Always say, ―I have no fear.
Atremendous stream is flowing toward the ocean, carrying us all
along with it; and though like straws and scraps of paper we may
at times float aimlessly about, in the long run we are sure to join
the Ocean of Life and Bliss.
All knowledge that the world has ever received comes from the
mind; the infinite library of the universe is in our own mind.
In other countries great priests try to
trace their descent to some king,
But here the greatest Kings would trace
Their descent to some ancient priest
We as Vedantists, know for certain
That there is no power in the universe to
To injure us unless we first injure ourselves.
Faith, faith, faith in ourselves,
Faith, faith in the – God
This is the secret of greatness
To have the ideal is one thing,
and to apply it practically to the
Details of daily life is quite another thing
One ounce of practice is worth twenty
thousand tons of big talk.
Let not your work produce results for you,
and at the same time may you be never without
Religion is not in books ,nor in theories,
Nor in dogmas, nor in talking,
not even in reasoning.
It is being and becoming
This atman is not to reached by too much talk,
not even by the
highest intellect, no,
Not even by the study of veds themselves
Whoever has dared to touch our
literature has felt the bondage, and is
there bound for ever.
If you have assimilated five ideas and made
Them your life and character,
You have more education than any man who
Has got by heart whole library
Fill the brain with high thoughts, highest ideals, place them day
and night before you, and out of that will come great work.
Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is unrighteousness, fear is
wrong life.All the negative thoughts and ideas that are in the world
have proceeded from this evil spirit of fear.
Do not look back upon what has been done. Go ahead!
Desire, ignorance, and inequality—this is the trinity of bondage.
First, believe in the world—that there is meaning behind
If superstition enters, the brain is gone.
There cannot be friendship without equality.
The weak have no place here, in this life or any other life.
Weakness leads to slavery. Weakness leads to all kinds of misery,
physical and mental. Weakness is death.
The first sign that you are becoming religious is that you are
becoming cheerful.
Superstition is our great enemy, but bigotry is worse.
Stand as a rock; you are indestructible. You are the Self, the God
of the universe.
Put God behind everything—human beings, animals, food, and
work. Make this a habit
Mind you, this is life's experience: if you really want the good of
others, the whole universe may stand against you and cannot hurt
you. It must crumble before your power of the Lord Himself in
you if you are sincere and really unselfish.
It is the cheerful mind that is persevering. It is the strong mind
that hews its way through a thousand difficulties.
Have faith in Guru, in his teachings, and in the surety that you can
get free. Think day and night that this universe is zero, only God is.
Have intense desire to get free.
God is not to be reached by the weak. Never be weak. You have
infinite strength within you. How else will you conquer anything?
How else will you come to God?
Come out into the broad light of day, come out from the little
narrow paths, for how can the infinite soul rest content to live and
die in small ruts?
Books are infinite in number and time is short. The secret of
knowledge is to take what is essential. Take that and try to live up
to it.
Be strong! Don’t talk of ghosts and devils. We are the living devils.
The sign of life is strength and growth. The sign of death is
weakness. Whatever is weak, avoid! It is death. If it is strength, go
down into hell and get hold of it! There is salvation only for the
Be brave! Be strong! Be fearless! Once you have taken up the
spiritual life, fight as long as there is any life in you. Even though
you know you are going to be killed, fight till you ―are killed.‖
Don’t die of fright. Die fighting. Don’t go down till you are
knocked down.
Astrology and all these mystical things are generally signs of a
weak mind; therefore as soon as they are becoming prominent in
our minds, we should see a physician, take good food, and rest.
Are you unselfish? That is the question. If you are, you will be
perfect without reading a single religious book, without going into
a single church or temple.
Him I call a Mahatma ("great soul") whose heart bleeds for the
poor, otherwise he is a Duratma ("wicked soul"). Let us unite our
wills in continued prayer for their good.
All truth is eternal. Truth is nobody’s property; no race, no
individual can lay any exclusive claim to it. Truth is the nature of
all souls.
No good comes out of the man
Who day night thinks he is nobody
Follies there are,weakness there must be,
But remember your real nature
Always – that is the only way to cure the
Weakness,that is the only way to cure the
Everything in this life is fraught with fear.
It is renunciation alone that makes one
The true man is he who is strong
As streangth itself and possesses a woman’s
Verily, these three are rare to obtain and
Come only through the
Grace of God –human birth,
Desire to obtain Moksha,
And the company of the
Great – souled ones.
Why should you feel ashamed to
Take the name of Hindu , which is your
greatest and most glorious possession
This religion is so great that even a little
of it brings a great amount of it
Don't believe what others say unless you
yourselves know it to be true
Rise at the expense of another?
I did not come to earth for that.
Show your power by suffering
Our misery comes, not from work but
by our getting attached to something
The man who can’t believe in himself,
How can you expect him to believe in anything
It is better to do something;
never mind if it proves to be wrong,
It is better then doing nothing.
If we can't follow the ideal, let us confess
Our weakness, but not degrade it;
Let not any try to pull it down.
If a man possesses everything that
is under the sun and does not possess
Spirituality , what avails it?
First form character ,
First earn spirituality
And results will come of themselves.
If we sit down and lament over the
imperfection of our bodies and minds,
we profit nothing;
It is the heroic endeavor to subduce
adverse circumstances that carries our
spirit upwards
Truth, purity and unselfishness – wherever
these are present,
There is no power below or above the sun
to crush the possessor thereof.
No claim is made by the doer of great deeds,
Only by lazy worthless fools.
To know God is to become God
Bring in the light; the darkness will vanish
of itself
Ours not to question why, ours but to do and
Education is the manifestation of the
Perfection already in man,
Religion is the manifestation of the divinity
already in man.
Conscious efforts lead the way to
Super-conscious illumination.
Who commits mistakes, the path of truth is
attainable by him only.
He, the brave alone,can deny the self
And if this Maya is so beautiful,think of
the wondrous beauty of the reality behind it.
For one thing we may be grateful;
This life is not eternal.
When the mind tries to think of anything else,
give it a hard blow, so that it may turn around and
think of God.
If I am impure, that is also of my
own making and that very thing
shows that I can be pure if I will.
Stand and die in your own strength;
If there is any sin in the world,
It is weakness;
Avoid all weakness,for weakness is sin,
I do not know whether I succeed or not,
but it is a great thing to take up a grand ideal in life and
then give up one’s whole life to it
To succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous
will. "I will rink the ocean," says the persevering soul, "at my will
mountains will crumble up." Have that sort of energy, that sort of
will, work hard, and you will reach the goal.
In the west, they are trying to solve the
Problem how much a man can possess,
And we are trying here to solve the problem
on how little a man can live
It is the change of the soul itself for
the better that alone will cure the
evils of the world
Teach yourself, teach every one
his real nature, call upon the sleeping
Soul and see how it awakes
Power will come, glory will come,
Goodness will come,purity will come,
And everything that is excellent will
come,when this sleeping soul is roused to
self conscious activity
You have done well; only try to do better
Work out the salvation of this land and of
The whole world , each one of you thinking that
The entire burden is on your shoulders.
Let not the fire die out
Is it such a bad choice in this world to think
Not of matter but of spirit,not of man but of God?
If you attempt to get the secular knowledge
Without religion,I tell you plainly,vain is your
Anything that makes you weak physically,
Intellectually, and spiritually, reject as poison;
There is no life in it,it cannot be true
To talk of evil and misery is nonsense, because they do not exist
outside. If I am immune against all anger, I never feel angry. If I
am proof against all hatred, I never feel hatred.
Love opens the most impossible gates;
The gate to all the secrets of the universe.
Never let curses rise on your lips.
Feel that you are great and you
become great.
You can't help anyone , you can only serve
the children of the lord , serve the
Lord himself, if you have the privilege
The moment you fear you are nobody.
It is fear that is the great cause of misery in the
Struggle for that grace
If a man goes towards what is false,
It is because he can’t get what is true
Knowledge is the finding of unity in Diversity, and
the highest point in every science is reached when
it finds the underlying unity in all variety
Obey the scriptures until you are not
Strong enough to do without them.
Watch people do their most common
these are indeed the things that will tell you
the real character of a great person.
Until a man becomes prophet,
Religion is a mockery
Be not in despair, The way despair not;
arise, awake, and find the ideal, yet the goal
is very difficult, like walking on the blade of
a razor
Death is better than a vegetating ignorant life,
It is better to die on the battlefield than to
live a life of defeat
When you find yourseleves suffering,
Blame yourselves, and try to do better
The highest direction is that
which takes us to God;
Every other direction is lower
Understand my words in their
True spirit and apply yourselves to work
In their light.
I want the why of everything.
I leave the how to children.
Your country requires heroes;
be heroes;
your duty is to go on working, and then
everything will follow of itself
Take up one idea, make that one idea your
life, think of it, dream of it, live of it, let the
brain, muscle, nerves, every part of your
body be full of that idea and just leave
every other idea alone. This is the way
great spiritual giants are produced, others
are mere talking machines
You must have an iron will if you would
cross the ocean. You must be strong enough
to pierce mountains
Nature wants us to react, to return blow
for blow, cheating for cheating, lie for lie,
to hit back with all our might, then it
requires a super divine power not hit back,
to keep control, to be unattached
Misery comes through attachment, not
through work.As soon as we identify
ourselves with work we do, we feel
miserable; but if we don’t identify ourselves
with it, we do not feel that misery
―Are you unselfish? That is the question. If
you are, you will be perfect without reading
a single religious book, without going into a
single church or temple.‖
Three things are necessary to make
every man great, every nation great
1. Conviction of the powers of
2. Absence of jealousy and
3. Helping all who are trying to be
and do good
The greatest sin is to think yourself
To be good and to do good - that is the whole of
Arise!Awake!And stop not till the goal is
They alone live who live for others, rest are
more dead then alive
All the power is within you; you can do
anything and everything. Believe in that; don’t
believe that you are weak. Stand up and express
the divinity with in you
What ever you think, that you will be. If you
think yourself weak, weak you will be; if you
think yourself strong; strong you will be
He is an atheist who does not believe in
himself. The old religion said that he was an
atheist who does not believe in God. The new
religion says that he is an atheist who does not
believe in himself
Help if you can; if you cannot, fold your
hands and stand by and see things go on.
Do not injure, if you cannot render help

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Quotes of swami vivekananda

  • 2. When there is a conflict between the heart and the brain, let the heart be followed 2
  • 3. Aman of intellect can turn in to a devil, but never a manof heart. 3
  • 4. We are suffering from our own karma. It is not the fault of God. What we do is our own fault, nothing else. Why should God be blamed? 4
  • 5. We came to enjoy; we are being enjoyed. We came to rule; we are being ruled. We came to work; we are being worked.All the time, we find that.And this comes into every detail of our life. 5
  • 6. We reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate. None else has the blame, none has the praise. 6
  • 7. What is the use of talking of one’s mistakes to the world? They cannot thereby be undone. For what one has done one must suffer; one must try and do better. The world sympathizes only with the strong and the powerful. 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. We must be bright and cheerful. Long faces do not make religion. Religion should be the most joyful thing in the world, because it is the best. 9
  • 10. Work and worship are necessary to take away the veil, to lift off the bondage and illusion. 10
  • 11. Why are people so afraid? The answer is that they have made themselves helpless and dependent on others. We are so lazy, we do not want to do anything ourselves. We want a Personal God, a Savior or a Prophet to do everything for us. 11
  • 12. Whenever we attain a higher vision, the lower vision disappears of itself. 12
  • 13. What the world wants today is twenty men and women who can dare to stand in the street yonder and say that they possess nothing but God. Who will go? Why should one fear? If this is true, what else could matter? If it is not true, what do our lives matter? 13
  • 14. What do you gain in heaven? You become gods, drink nectar, and get rheumatism. There is less misery there than on earth, but also less truth. 14
  • 15. Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny.All the strength and succor you want is within yourselves. Therefore, make your own future. 15
  • 16. Stand as a rock; you are indestructible. You are the Self, the God of the universe. 16
  • 17. The essence of Vedanta is that there is but one Being and that every soul is that Being in full, not a part of that Being. 17
  • 18. Truth, purity and unselfishness—wherever these are present, there is no power below or above the sun to crush the possessor thereof. Equipped with these, one individual is able to face the whole universe in opposition. 18
  • 19. Religion is not a theoretical need but a practicalnecessity. 19
  • 20. Renunciation does not mean simply dispassion for the world. It means dispassion for the world and also longing for God. 20
  • 21. There is no misery where there is no want. 21
  • 22. The secret of life is not enjoyment, but education through experience. 22
  • 23. Every new thought must create opposition. 23
  • 24. Renunciation is the withdrawal of mind from other things and concentrating it on God. 24
  • 25. Every man who thinks ahead of his time is sure to be misunderstood. 25
  • 26. In this short life there is no time for the exchange of compliments. 26
  • 27. Do not wait to cross the river when the water has all rundown. 27
  • 28. The greatest sin is fear. 28
  • 29. Better the scolding of the wise than the adulation of the fools. 29
  • 30. If you love God's creation more than God, You will be disillusioned. 30
  • 31. Everything can be sacrificed for truth, but truth can't be sacrificed for anything. 31
  • 32. God has become man, man will become god again. 32
  • 33. If it is impossible to attain perfection here and now, There is no proof that we can attain perfection in any other life. 33
  • 34. That part of the Vedas which agrees with reason is the Vedas, and nothing else. 19 34
  • 35. If you want to do anything evil, do it before the eyes of your superiors 35
  • 36. Happiness presents itself before man,wearing the crown of sorrow on its head. 36
  • 37. If one is a slave to his passions and desires, one cannot feel the pure joy of real freedom 37
  • 38. If you can't attain salvation in this life, What proof is there that you can attain it in the life or lives to come? 38
  • 39. Never mind if your contribution is only a mite, your help only a little, blades of grass united into a rope will 39
  • 40. hold in confinement the maddest of elephants. 40
  • 41. It is man that becomes the god. The cow never tells a lie,stone never steals but Cow remians a cow, stone remains stone Man steals and man tells a lie, and again 41
  • 42. When even man never hears the cries of the fool, do you think God will? 42
  • 43. Strength is life, weakness is death. 43
  • 44. Never are the wants of a beggar fulfilled. 44
  • 45. which one can stand on one's own feet. We want the education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by 45
  • 46. Let the heart be opened first, and all else will follow of itself. 46
  • 47. Tell the man his defaults directly but praise his virtues before others. 47
  • 48. Activity is lifeand inactivity is death. 48
  • 49. Salvation is not achieved by inactivity but by spiritual activities. 49
  • 50. Even the least work done for others awakens the power within. 50
  • 51. New things have to be learned, have to be introduced and worked out, But is that to be done by sweeping away all that is old, just because it is old? 51
  • 52. The man who says he has nothing more to learn is already at his last grasp 37 52
  • 53. As long as I live, so do I learn. 53
  • 54. No one can save a person who hires a carriage to go from one street to another, and then complain of diabetes. 54
  • 55. By the control of the subconscious mind You get control over the conscious. 55
  • 56. It is the constant struggle against nature that constitutes human progress, not conformity with it. 56
  • 57. The very essence of education is concentration of mind, not the collecting of facts. 57
  • 58. As we get further and further away from sense- pleasures, ―knowledge for the sake of knowledge‖ becomes the supreme pleasure of mind 58
  • 59. All the power is within you; you can do anything and everything. Believe in that; don’t believe that you are weak. Stand up and express the divinity with in you 59
  • 60. It is through the many that we reach the one. 60
  • 61. The soul is the circle of which the circumference is nowhere, But the center is the body. God is a circle whose circumference is nowhere, but whose center is everywhere. 61
  • 62. The body itself is the biggest disease 62
  • 63. If any one of you believes what I teach, I will be sorry. I will only be too glad if I can excite in you the power of thinking for yourselves 63
  • 64. When the world is the end And god the means to attain that end, that is material. When God is the end and the world is only the means to attain that end, Spirituality has began 64
  • 65. The fear of God is the beginning of religion, but the love of God is the end of religion 65
  • 66. Do not give up ! Things will give you up 66
  • 67. The sage is often ignorant of physical science because he reads the Wrong book – the book within; and the scientist is too often ignorant of religion, because he reads the wrong book- the book without. 67
  • 68. Always first learn to be a servant, and then you will be fit to be a master. Avoid this jealousy, and you will do great works that have yet to be done 68
  • 69. Experience is the only source of knowledge. 69
  • 70. Do one thing at a time and while doing it put your whole soul into it to the exclusion of all else. 70
  • 71. Where there is life , there will be death, so get away from life if you want to get rid of death 71
  • 72. Records of great spiritual men of the past do us no good,what ever except that they urge us onward to do the same to experience religion ourselves. 72
  • 73. We may read all the Bibles of the world, But that will not give us religion 73
  • 74. The brave alone can afford to be sincere 74
  • 75. The balance is so nice that if you disturb the equilibrium of one atom, the whole world will come to an end. 75
  • 76. Save the spiritual store in your body by observing continence. 76
  • 77. The wicked see in Godwickedness. The virtuous see in him virtue. 77
  • 78. When good nectar is unattainable, It is no reason why we shoud eat poision 78
  • 79. Love to enemies is not possible for ordinary men 79
  • 80. Everything that comes from India take as true, until you cogent reasons for disbelieving it, Everything that come from Europe Takes as false until find cogent reasons for believing it. 80
  • 81. Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, & know that you are the creator of your own destiny 81
  • 82. They alone live who live for others, rest are more dead then alive 82
  • 83. Arise!Awake!And stop not till the goal is reached 83
  • 84. To be good and to do good - that is the whole of religion 84
  • 85. Strength is life, Weakness is death 85
  • 86. The benefit of Yoga is that we learn to control instead of being controlled 86
  • 87. Never talk about the faults of others, No matter how bad they may be. 87
  • 88. All quarrels and disputations concerning Religion simply shows that religion is not present 88
  • 89. You must not criticize others, you must criticize yourself. 89
  • 90. What you have inside you is what you see in others. 90
  • 91. Our business is to verify not to swallow. 91
  • 92. How can that be loveless which causes love in me? 92
  • 93. You cannot judge a man by his faults. 93
  • 94. You must believe in yourself and Then you will believe in god 94
  • 95. If you are pure, if you are strong you, one man, is equal to the whole world. 95
  • 96. Mother Represents colorless love that knows no barter,love that never dies 96
  • 97. We trust the man in the street, but there is one being in the universe we never trust and that is God 97
  • 98. My motto is to learn whatever good things I may come across any where 98
  • 99. The secret of religion lies not in theories but in practice. 99
  • 100. 81 Neither money pays, nor name pays, nor fame, nor learning; it is CHARACTER that cleave through adamantine walls of difference 100
  • 101. Seek for the highest,aim at the highest and you shall reach the highest 101
  • 102. There is an ocean of difference between idleness and renunciation. 102
  • 103. The self-seeking man who is looking after personal comforts and leading a lazy life, there is no room for him in hell 103
  • 104. Hope is the greatest of all miseries, The highest bliss lies in giving up hope. 104
  • 105. No one ever succeeded in keeping society in good humor and at the same time did the great work 86 105
  • 106. Know that talking ill ofothers in private is a sin. 106
  • 107. ThisAtman is not to be attained by one who is weak. 107
  • 108. Whatever fosters materiality is no work 108
  • 109. Why look up to men for approbation, look up to God. 109
  • 110. He who knows how to obey knows how to command. 110
  • 111. Want of sympathy and lack of energy are at the root of all misery. 111
  • 112. India is the only place where, with all its faults, the soul finds its freedom, its God. 112
  • 113. What ever you think, that you will be. If you think yourself weak, weak you will be; if you think yourself strong; strong you will be 113
  • 114. It is the heart that conquers, not the brain. 114
  • 115. All the strength is in you, have faith in it. 115
  • 116. The body must go no mistake about that. It is better to wear out than to rust out. 116
  • 117. In every attempt there are many obstacles to cope with, but gradually the path becomes smooth 117
  • 118. One must raise oneself by one's own exertions. 118
  • 119. Both attachment and detachment perfectly developed make a man great And happy. 119
  • 120. Where there is struggle, where there is rebellion, there is a sign of life, there consciousness is manifested 120
  • 121. Isn't it man that makes money? Where did you ever hear of money Making man? 121
  • 122. He who always speculates as to what awaits him in future, accomplishes nothing whatsoever 122
  • 123. Fear is one of the worst enemies. 123
  • 124. If one intends to really find truth, one must not cling to comfort. 124
  • 125. We manufacture our own heaven and can make a heaven even in hell 125
  • 126. The satisfaction of desire only increases it, As oil poured on fire makes it burn more fiercely 126
  • 127. Both happiness and misery are chains, the one golden, the other iron, But both are equally strong to bind us 127
  • 128. The world is neither true nor untrue, it is a shadow of truth. 128
  • 129. Let us get rid of the little 'I' and Let only the great ’I’live in us. 129
  • 130. Concentration of the mind is the source of all knowledge. 130
  • 131. Keep your thoughts on virtue; what we think we become 131
  • 132. What we are, we see outside, for the world is our mirror. 132
  • 133. Resist not evil. Face it! You are higher than evil. 133
  • 134. Anything we do ourselves, That is the only thing we do.----- 134
  • 135. Be cautious now and do not bow, however sweet the chains . 135
  • 136. Anything that brings spiritual, mental or physical weakness, touch it not with the toes of your feet 136
  • 137. Everything that has selfishness for its basis, competition as its right hand, and enjoyment as its goal , Must die soonner or later 137
  • 138. This is a battlefield, fight your way out. Make your life a manifestation of will strengthened by renunciation. 138
  • 139. Stand and die in your own strength; if there is any sin in the world, it is weakness; avoid all weakness, for weakness is sin, weakness is death 139
  • 140. Be the witness,never learn to react 140
  • 141. The Hindus believe that a man is a soul and has a body, while Western people believe he is a body and possesses a soul. 141
  • 142. Of all the scriptures of the world, it is the Vedas alone which declare that the study of the Vedas is secondary. 142
  • 143. I find that whenever I have made a mistake in my life, it has always been because self entered into the calculation. 143
  • 144. Never forget that a man is made great and perfect as much by his faults as by his virtues. 144
  • 145. If a bad time comes, what of it? The pendulum must swing back to the other side. But that is no better. The thing to do is to stop it 145
  • 146. This world is our friend when we are its slaves and no more. 146
  • 147. Whatever others think or do, lower not your standard of purity, morality,and love of God. 147
  • 148. The road to the God is the roughest and steepest in the universe. 148
  • 149. through a thousand stumbles. Eating, drinking, dressing, and society Character has to be established 149
  • 150. nonsense are not things to throw a life upon. 150
  • 151. He who is always afraid of loss always loses. 151
  • 152. But unless one does the thing actually, nothing is learnt. Any amount of theoretical knowledge one may have; 152
  • 153. Don't yield to sorrow; everything is in God's hands. 153
  • 154. In our moments of anguish, gates barred for ever seem to open and let in many a flood of light. 154
  • 155. Every bit of pleasure will bring its quota of pain, if not with compound interest. 155
  • 156. If one gets one blow, one must return ten With redoubled fury, then only one is a man. 156
  • 157. Don't let egoism to enter your minds, And let love never depart from your hearts. 157
  • 158. It is a land of dreams, it does not matter Whether one enjoys or weeps, They are but dreams and as such, Must break sooner or later 158
  • 159. He whose joy is only in himself, whose desires are only in himself He has learnt his lessons 159
  • 160. I have worked for this world, Mary, all my life, and it does not give me a piece of bread without taking a pound of flesh 160
  • 161. Devotion to the mother is the root of all welfare. 161
  • 162. Face the brutes. That is a lesson for all life—face the terrible, face it boldly. Like the monkeys, the hardships of life fall back when we cease to flee before them. 162
  • 163. It is religion, the inquiry into the beyond, That makes the difference between man And animal 163
  • 164. Dare to be free, dare to go as far as your thought leads, and dare to carry that out in your life 164
  • 165. Every idea that strengthens you must be taken up and every thought that weakens you must be rejected 165
  • 166. The same fire that cooks a meal for us May burn a child and it is no fault of the Fire if it does so, The difference lies in the way in which it is used 166
  • 167. Whatever you think, that you will be 167
  • 168. The moment you quarrel , you are not Going God ward, you are going backward Towards the brutes 168
  • 169. First learn to obey, The command will come by itself. 169
  • 170. If there is any sin in the world, It is weakness Avoid all weakness,for weakness is sin, Weakness is death 170
  • 171. The earth is enjoyed by heroes —this‖ is the unfailing truth. Be a hero.Always say, ―I have no fear. 171
  • 172. Atremendous stream is flowing toward the ocean, carrying us all along with it; and though like straws and scraps of paper we may at times float aimlessly about, in the long run we are sure to join the Ocean of Life and Bliss. 172
  • 173. All knowledge that the world has ever received comes from the mind; the infinite library of the universe is in our own mind. 173
  • 174. In other countries great priests try to trace their descent to some king, But here the greatest Kings would trace Their descent to some ancient priest 174
  • 175. We as Vedantists, know for certain That there is no power in the universe to To injure us unless we first injure ourselves. 175
  • 176. Faith, faith, faith in ourselves, Faith, faith in the – God This is the secret of greatness 155 176
  • 177. To have the ideal is one thing, and to apply it practically to the Details of daily life is quite another thing 177
  • 178. One ounce of practice is worth twenty thousand tons of big talk. 178
  • 179. Let not your work produce results for you, and at the same time may you be never without work. 179
  • 180. Religion is not in books ,nor in theories, Nor in dogmas, nor in talking, not even in reasoning. It is being and becoming 180
  • 181. This atman is not to reached by too much talk, no, not even by the highest intellect, no, Not even by the study of veds themselves 181
  • 182. Whoever has dared to touch our literature has felt the bondage, and is there bound for ever. 161 182
  • 183. If you have assimilated five ideas and made Them your life and character, You have more education than any man who Has got by heart whole library 183
  • 184. Fill the brain with high thoughts, highest ideals, place them day and night before you, and out of that will come great work. 184
  • 185. Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is unrighteousness, fear is wrong life.All the negative thoughts and ideas that are in the world have proceeded from this evil spirit of fear. 185
  • 186. Do not look back upon what has been done. Go ahead! 186
  • 187. 163 Desire, ignorance, and inequality—this is the trinity of bondage. 187
  • 188. 163 First, believe in the world—that there is meaning behind everything. 188
  • 189. If superstition enters, the brain is gone. 189
  • 190. There cannot be friendship without equality. 190
  • 191. The weak have no place here, in this life or any other life. Weakness leads to slavery. Weakness leads to all kinds of misery, physical and mental. Weakness is death. 191
  • 192. The first sign that you are becoming religious is that you are becoming cheerful. 192
  • 193. Superstition is our great enemy, but bigotry is worse. 193
  • 194. Stand as a rock; you are indestructible. You are the Self, the God of the universe. 194
  • 195. Put God behind everything—human beings, animals, food, and work. Make this a habit 195
  • 196. Mind you, this is life's experience: if you really want the good of others, the whole universe may stand against you and cannot hurt you. It must crumble before your power of the Lord Himself in you if you are sincere and really unselfish. 196
  • 197. It is the cheerful mind that is persevering. It is the strong mind that hews its way through a thousand difficulties. 197
  • 198. Have faith in Guru, in his teachings, and in the surety that you can get free. Think day and night that this universe is zero, only God is. Have intense desire to get free. 198
  • 199. God is not to be reached by the weak. Never be weak. You have infinite strength within you. How else will you conquer anything? How else will you come to God? 199
  • 200. Come out into the broad light of day, come out from the little narrow paths, for how can the infinite soul rest content to live and die in small ruts? 200
  • 201. Books are infinite in number and time is short. The secret of knowledge is to take what is essential. Take that and try to live up to it. 201
  • 202. Be strong! Don’t talk of ghosts and devils. We are the living devils. The sign of life is strength and growth. The sign of death is weakness. Whatever is weak, avoid! It is death. If it is strength, go down into hell and get hold of it! There is salvation only for the brave. 202
  • 203. Be brave! Be strong! Be fearless! Once you have taken up the spiritual life, fight as long as there is any life in you. Even though you know you are going to be killed, fight till you ―are killed.‖ Don’t die of fright. Die fighting. Don’t go down till you are knocked down. 203
  • 204. Astrology and all these mystical things are generally signs of a weak mind; therefore as soon as they are becoming prominent in our minds, we should see a physician, take good food, and rest. 204
  • 205. Are you unselfish? That is the question. If you are, you will be perfect without reading a single religious book, without going into a single church or temple. 205
  • 206. Him I call a Mahatma ("great soul") whose heart bleeds for the poor, otherwise he is a Duratma ("wicked soul"). Let us unite our wills in continued prayer for their good. 206
  • 207. All truth is eternal. Truth is nobody’s property; no race, no individual can lay any exclusive claim to it. Truth is the nature of all souls. 207
  • 208. No good comes out of the man Who day night thinks he is nobody 164 208
  • 209. Follies there are,weakness there must be, But remember your real nature Always – that is the only way to cure the Weakness,that is the only way to cure the Follies. 209
  • 210. Everything in this life is fraught with fear. It is renunciation alone that makes one fearless 210
  • 211. The true man is he who is strong As streangth itself and possesses a woman’s heart 211
  • 212. Verily, these three are rare to obtain and Come only through the Grace of God –human birth, Desire to obtain Moksha, And the company of the Great – souled ones. 212
  • 213. Why should you feel ashamed to Take the name of Hindu , which is your greatest and most glorious possession This religion is so great that even a little of it brings a great amount of it 213
  • 214. 214
  • 215. Don't believe what others say unless you yourselves know it to be true 215
  • 216. Rise at the expense of another? I did not come to earth for that. 216
  • 217. Show your power by suffering 217
  • 218. Our misery comes, not from work but by our getting attached to something 218
  • 219. The man who can’t believe in himself, How can you expect him to believe in anything else 219
  • 220. It is better to do something; never mind if it proves to be wrong, It is better then doing nothing. 220
  • 221. If we can't follow the ideal, let us confess Our weakness, but not degrade it; Let not any try to pull it down. 221
  • 222. If a man possesses everything that is under the sun and does not possess Spirituality , what avails it? 222
  • 224. First form character , First earn spirituality And results will come of themselves. 180 224
  • 225. If we sit down and lament over the imperfection of our bodies and minds, we profit nothing; It is the heroic endeavor to subduce adverse circumstances that carries our spirit upwards 225
  • 226. Truth, purity and unselfishness – wherever these are present, There is no power below or above the sun to crush the possessor thereof. 182 226
  • 227. No claim is made by the doer of great deeds, Only by lazy worthless fools. 227
  • 228. To know God is to become God 228
  • 229. Bring in the light; the darkness will vanish of itself 229
  • 230. Ours not to question why, ours but to do and die 230
  • 231. Education is the manifestation of the Perfection already in man, Religion is the manifestation of the divinity already in man. 231
  • 232. Conscious efforts lead the way to Super-conscious illumination. 232
  • 233. Who commits mistakes, the path of truth is attainable by him only. 233
  • 234. He, the brave alone,can deny the self 234
  • 235. And if this Maya is so beautiful,think of the wondrous beauty of the reality behind it. 235
  • 236. For one thing we may be grateful; This life is not eternal. 192 236
  • 237. When the mind tries to think of anything else, give it a hard blow, so that it may turn around and think of God. 237
  • 238. If I am impure, that is also of my own making and that very thing shows that I can be pure if I will. 238
  • 239. Stand and die in your own strength; If there is any sin in the world, It is weakness; Avoid all weakness,for weakness is sin, 239
  • 240. I do not know whether I succeed or not, but it is a great thing to take up a grand ideal in life and then give up one’s whole life to it 240
  • 241. To succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous will. "I will rink the ocean," says the persevering soul, "at my will mountains will crumble up." Have that sort of energy, that sort of will, work hard, and you will reach the goal. 241
  • 242. In the west, they are trying to solve the Problem how much a man can possess, And we are trying here to solve the problem on how little a man can live 242
  • 243. It is the change of the soul itself for the better that alone will cure the evils of the world 199 243
  • 244. Teach yourself, teach every one his real nature, call upon the sleeping Soul and see how it awakes 244
  • 245. Power will come, glory will come, Goodness will come,purity will come, And everything that is excellent will come,when this sleeping soul is roused to self conscious activity 245
  • 246. You have done well; only try to do better 246
  • 247. Work out the salvation of this land and of The whole world , each one of you thinking that The entire burden is on your shoulders. 247
  • 248. Let not the fire die out 204 248
  • 249. Is it such a bad choice in this world to think Not of matter but of spirit,not of man but of God? 249
  • 250. If you attempt to get the secular knowledge Without religion,I tell you plainly,vain is your attempt 250
  • 251. Anything that makes you weak physically, Intellectually, and spiritually, reject as poison; There is no life in it,it cannot be true 251
  • 252. To talk of evil and misery is nonsense, because they do not exist outside. If I am immune against all anger, I never feel angry. If I am proof against all hatred, I never feel hatred. 252
  • 253. Love opens the most impossible gates; The gate to all the secrets of the universe. 253
  • 254. Never let curses rise on your lips. 254
  • 255. Feel that you are great and you become great. 255
  • 256. You can't help anyone , you can only serve the children of the lord , serve the Lord himself, if you have the privilege 256
  • 257. The moment you fear you are nobody. It is fear that is the great cause of misery in the world 257
  • 258. Struggle for that grace 258
  • 259. If a man goes towards what is false, It is because he can’t get what is true 259
  • 260. Knowledge is the finding of unity in Diversity, and the highest point in every science is reached when it finds the underlying unity in all variety 260
  • 261. Obey the scriptures until you are not Strong enough to do without them. 261
  • 262. Watch people do their most common Actions; these are indeed the things that will tell you the real character of a great person. 262
  • 263. Until a man becomes prophet, Religion is a mockery 263
  • 264. Be not in despair, The way despair not; arise, awake, and find the ideal, yet the goal is very difficult, like walking on the blade of a razor 264
  • 265. Death is better than a vegetating ignorant life, It is better to die on the battlefield than to live a life of defeat 265
  • 266. When you find yourseleves suffering, Blame yourselves, and try to do better 266
  • 267. The highest direction is that which takes us to God; Every other direction is lower 267
  • 268. Understand my words in their True spirit and apply yourselves to work In their light. 268
  • 269. I want the why of everything. I leave the how to children. 269
  • 270. Your country requires heroes; be heroes; your duty is to go on working, and then everything will follow of itself 270
  • 271. Take up one idea, make that one idea your life, think of it, dream of it, live of it, let the brain, muscle, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way great spiritual giants are produced, others are mere talking machines 271
  • 272. You must have an iron will if you would cross the ocean. You must be strong enough to pierce mountains 272
  • 273. Nature wants us to react, to return blow for blow, cheating for cheating, lie for lie, to hit back with all our might, then it requires a super divine power not hit back, to keep control, to be unattached 273
  • 274. Misery comes through attachment, not through work.As soon as we identify ourselves with work we do, we feel miserable; but if we don’t identify ourselves with it, we do not feel that misery 274
  • 275. ―Are you unselfish? That is the question. If you are, you will be perfect without reading a single religious book, without going into a single church or temple.‖ 275
  • 276. Three things are necessary to make every man great, every nation great 1. Conviction of the powers of goodness 2. Absence of jealousy and suspicion 3. Helping all who are trying to be and do good 276
  • 277. The greatest sin is to think yourself weak 277
  • 278. To be good and to do good - that is the whole of religion 278
  • 279. Arise!Awake!And stop not till the goal is reached 279
  • 280. They alone live who live for others, rest are more dead then alive 280
  • 281. 226 All the power is within you; you can do anything and everything. Believe in that; don’t believe that you are weak. Stand up and express the divinity with in you 281
  • 282. What ever you think, that you will be. If you think yourself weak, weak you will be; if you think yourself strong; strong you will be 282
  • 283. He is an atheist who does not believe in himself. The old religion said that he was an atheist who does not believe in God. The new religion says that he is an atheist who does not believe in himself 283
  • 284. Help if you can; if you cannot, fold your hands and stand by and see things go on. Do not injure, if you cannot render help 284
  • 285. 284
  • 286. 284