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           Understanding Religious Worldviews

                         By Mariyosh J, GEMS Bihar
Listen to the Audio

  • Who is he?
  • Write down the words that he uses to
    describe God
  • What is/are the basis of his beliefs?
• Who is he?
• Write down the words that he uses to
  describe God
• What is/are the basis of his beliefs?
Components of Gandhi’s speech

 • mysterious power
 • unseen power
 • It transcends the senses
 • I do not realize the presence of God - the King of
 • Sir J. C. Bose proved that even matter is life
 • Law and the law-giver are one
 • a living power that is changeless, that holds all
   together, that creates, dissolves and recreates
“in the midst of death life persists, in the
midst of untruth truth persists, in the midst of
darkness light persists. Hence I gather that
God is life, truth, light. He is love. He is the
supreme Good. But He is no God who merely
satisfies the intellect, if He ever does. God to
be God must rule the heart and transform it.”
Listen to the Audio

  •   Who is he?
  •   What is it that he claims?
  •   What is the word that he frequently uses?
  •   What is/are the basis of his beliefs?
• Who is he?
• What is it that he claims?
• What is the word that he frequently
• What is/are the basis of his beliefs?
Components of King’s speech
 •   All men are created equal
 •   Table of brotherhood
 •   Freedom and justice
 •   Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address by saying "Five score years
 •   "It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their
     captivity.” Psalm 30:5
 •   "No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until
     justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty
     stream.” Amos 5:24.
 •   "I have a dream that every valley shall be exalted...” Isaiah 40:4-5
 •   opening lines of Shakespeare's "Richard III”, "this sweltering
     summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until
     there is an invigorating autumn..."
•   Abandoned by parents
•   Left to be adopted
•   Working at apple farm
•   Selling used Coco-Cola bottles
•   Ate meals provided by “ISKCON”
    (Hare Krishnas)
•   Usage of Psychedelic drugs
•   Trip to India
•   Conversion to Zen Buddhism
•   Fan of Beatles
• ISKCON – Vegetarianism – PFA –
  TM (emptying the mind)
• Christian – Non vegetarianism –
  Meditating the Bible

• Vivekananda defines education
  as ‘the manifestation of the
  perfection already in man.’
• CS Lewis – Education without
  values, as useful as it is, seems
  rather to make man a more
  clever devil.
What is it that influences their
   thoughts & decisions?
What is a Worldview?

   A worldview is "an interpretive framework”-
   much like a pair of glasses-through which you
   view everything.

   Everyone bases his or her decisions and
   actions on a worldview.

   A worldview is a set of beliefs that underlie
   and shape all human thought and action.

  The term “Worldview” was first used by
  Immanuel Kant in the 18th century; he used a
  German term “Weltanschauung” which
  means “a way of looking at the world.”
Our worldview determines our

   –Our life goals
   –What we think will make us happy
   –How we spend our money
   –How we treat others

     Adapted from Colson & Warren’s Wide Angle: Framing Your Worldview
Hidden Worldviews

 • All around us:
    – Canon: “Image is everything.”
        • Image is more important than substance
    – Sprite: “Thirst is everything. Obey your thirst”
        • Follow after your desires.
    – Volkswagen: “Jaded is overrated. Dare to be
        • Material possessions can bring happiness
• All Worldviews are not equal

There are:
  – Good Worldview vs. Bad Worldview
  – Accurate Worldview vs. Inaccurate
“I am absolutely convinced that the gas
chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and
Maidanek were ultimately prepared not in
some ministry or other in Berlin, but rather at
the desks and in lecture halls of nihilistic
scientists and philosophers.”

[Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live without God?, p.25]
The questions that form a worldview

  •   Where did I come from? (Origin)
  •   How do I separate good from bad? (Morality)
  •   What is my life’s meaning? (Purpose)
  •   What’s going to happen to me when I die?

      Christianity satisfactorily answers all 4 of the
      “Big” questions of life!
Many Worldviews

 •   Atheism          •   Pantheism
 •   Existentialism   •   Polytheism
 •   Hedonism         •   Postmodernism
 •   Humanism         •   Pragmatism
 •   Materialism      •   Socialism
 •   Nihilism         •   Theism
All worldviews might seem to say the same

   'All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to
                                JESUS, Matthew 7:12

            'Blessed is he who preferreth his brother before himself.'
                        BAHA'ULLAH, Tablets of Baha'ullah, 71

          'Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.'
                                UDANA-VARGA, 5:18

            'Do unto other what you would have them do unto you.'
                                 Analects 15:23
  'This is the sum of duty: do naught unto others which
             would cause you pain if done to you.'
                    Mahabharata 5:1517

'No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother
             that which he desires for himself.'

  'In happiness and suffering, in joy and grief, we should
        regard all creatures as we regard our own self.'
             LORD MAHAVIRA, 24th Tirthankara
'What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowman. That is the
                law: all the rest is commentary.'
                      Talmud, Shabbat 31a

                      Native American
            'Respect for all life is the foundation.'
                    The Great Law of Peace

'Don't create enmity with anyone as God is within everyone.'
            Guru Arjan Devji 259, Guru Granth Sahib

 'That nature only is good when it shall not do unto another
             whatever is not good for its own self.'
                      Dadistan-i-Dinik, 94:5
Worldview of major religions

  • Islam - the five pillars
  • Buddhism - the four noble truths
  • Atheism - all that is, is natural and nothing
  • Christianity - is built on the existence of the
    Triune God who has created us and from
    whom all our imperatives of belief and
    practice emerge.
Religious Views of Jesus
                            God or Man?                      Who Jesus Was                                   Jesus' Purpose                                             Happened?
Traditional (Nicene)                                        Second person of the Trinity, incarnation
                         Both: "fully God and fully man."                                                  Die for the sins of humanity.                    Yes
Christianity                                                of God, Son of God, Savior.

                                                            A divine being, but created by God and
Arianism                 A created divine being.
                                                            inferior to Father. Son of God. Savior.
                                                                                                           To save humanity from sin.                       Yes

                                                            A "manifestation of God" and prophet.
                                                                                                           To reveal God's will as part of progressive
Baha'i Faith             Man                                Since superseded by Muhammad and
                                                                                                           revelation to humanity.
                                                                                                                                                            Only spiritually.

                                                            Wise and enlightened man who taught            To teach humanity wisdom and the way to
Buddhism                 Man
                                                            similar things to the Buddha.                  enlightenment.
                                                                                                                                                            Not addressed

                                                            Wise man especially attuned to the divine      To teach humanity, heal, and overcome
Christian Science        Man
                                                            Christ.                                        death.

                                                            Son of God but human, because mother
                                                                                                           To show God's love for humanity and
Christadelphians         Man (or half-man, half-God).       was human Mary. Lived a sinless life and
                                                                                                           redeem humanity from sin.
                                                            died sacrificial death.

                                                                                                                                                            Most Gnostics reject that Christ died at
                                                                                                           To rescue humanity from the material
Gnosticism               God                                Divine being sent from the supreme God.
                                                                                                           world by revealing true knowledge.
                                                                                                                                                            all. The human Jesus was ordinary and
                                                                                                                                                            did not resurrect.

                                                            Incarnation of God akin to Krishna, or
Hinduism                 Views vary
                                                            wise man.
                                                                                                           Not addressed                                    Not addressed

                                                            True prophet sent by God, but                  To reveal God's will in a progressive
Islam                    Man
                                                            superseded by Muhammad.                        revelation that ended with Muhammad.

                                                            Son of God, Word of God, God's first           Teach about God, provide a model for
Jehovah's Witnesses      An archangel
                                                            creation, Archangel Michael.                   right living, die sacrificially for human sin.

                                                            Son of God, Savior, originally one of the
                                                                                                           To teach about God, provide a model for
Mormonism (LDS)          Man                                spirit beings that all humans used to be.
                                                                                                           living, die sacrificially for sin.
                                                            Has a physical body.

Theosophy                Man                                Great teacher.                                                                                  No

                                                            Great teacher, faith-healer, "incarnation of   To demonstrate God's love for humanity           No official teaching; most do not believe
Unitarian Universalism   Man
                                                            God's love."                                   and teach about justice and compassion.          physical resurrection.
Why to know a person’s worldview?
 Acts 17:16-28

   “.... I see/perceive that in all things you are
   very religious.....” – I see what it is that you
   actually believe
   “one of your poets…..”

   The goal for us in understanding the other
   person’s worldview is to get the other person
   to the Triune God. To communicate the Truth.
What stops people from becoming
 1.   Intellectual Barriers to Faith
 2.   The historical associations of Christianity
 3.   The problem of Relevance
 4.   Misunderstanding the nature of Christianity
 5.   The hunger for absolute certainty
 6.   Prior commitment to another belief system
 7.   The problem of personal integrity
 8.   A sense of guilt or inadequacy
                        - “Bridge Building” by Alister McGrath
Hindu Worldview

 • Hinduism is diverse; no single doctrine (or set
   of beliefs)
 • Spirit is understood within two main
   – the individual self, or soul (the atman)
   – the Supreme Self, or God (the paramatman).
 • Three main truths which form the basis for
   theological discussion – matter, soul, God
• Almost all Hindus believe that the real self
  (atman) is distinct from the temporary body
  made of matter (prakriti)

• The eternal soul identifies with matter and is
  entrapped by maya (illusion)

• Impelled by lust, greed, anger, etc., he
  undergoes samsara (the cycle of repeated birth
  and death)

• Each soul creates its unique destiny according to
  the law of karma (the universal law of action and
• Under the influence of eternal time and the
  three gunas (material qualities) he moves
  throughout the creation, sometimes going to
  higher planets, sometimes moving in human
  society, and at other times entering the lower

• The goal of most Hindus is moksha, liberation
  from this perpetual cycle, through re-
  identification with the
  eternal brahman (Supreme)
• Hinduism accepts different paths towards this
  common goal (union with God).

• It stresses strict adherence to universal
  principles through the practice of
  one's dharma (ordained duty) as revealed
  through authorised holy books and usually
  received through the guru (spiritual mentor).
Speaking Tree: This morning (5th Nov 2011)
Key Concept                              Key Questions
1. The Atman (the Soul)              Who are we? What is the real self?

2. Reincarnation and Samsara         What happens after death, before birth?

3.The Law of Karma                   Why is there suffering?

4. Prakriti (Matter) and Guna        How does the world work?

5. Maya (Illusion)                   Why do we get into difficulty in this world?

6. moksha (Liberation)               What is the goal of life?

7. God (Brahman/Ishvara)             Is there a God? If so, what is He/She like?

8. Dharma (religious duties)         Which is the right way to act?

9. One Goal, Different Paths         How can we explain Hindu diversity?

10. Scripture and Guru (Authority)   How are the teachings preserved?

11 .Time                             When did it all start and when will it finish?

12. Creation                         How and why was this world made?
Witnessing to Hindus

 • Treat Hindus with respect by asking and
   patiently listening as they explain their religion
 • Care for them
 • Have a humble spirit
 • Use stories to explain Jesus' forgiveness
 • Keep the personhood of God in mind
 • Carefully emphasize the exclusivity of Jesus
 • Be patient, Be prayerful
Paul’s style of evangelism @
workplace among Hindus
  Upanishad Prayer                     Based on Gayatri Mantra
  Asatho Maa Sad Gamaya
  Thamaso Maa Jyothir Gamaya
  Mrithyor Maa Amritham Gamaya

  Lead me from untruth to truth;
  Lead me from darkness to light;
  Lead me from death to immortality.
The Muslim Worldview
The Quran and the Sunnah - Islamic guidance. The Sunnah records the
    sayings and doings of Muhammad. The seven fundamental beliefs of
    every Muslim in the world:
1. God - Muslims lay great stress on the unity of God. “He is singular –
    without anything like him: Separate – having no equal.”
2. Angels (and other spiritual beings – Jinn and Demons)
3. Holy Books (Revealed books of God) - There are hundreds of these –
    “the Books of the Prophets”. The four major Holy Books are The Torah –
    the books of Moses; The Zabur – the Psalms of David; The Injil – given
    to Jesus; and The Quran – given to Muhammad .
4. Prophets - 25 are mentioned in the Quran. There are six Major
    Prophets: Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.
5. The resurrection and the last day - The resurrection of the body
    followed by judgement based on the concept of balance of good versus
    bad deeds.
6. They believe in life after death
7. They believe in predestination i.e. divine measurement & control of
    human affairs
Witnessing to Muslims - Some practical tips

  • Depend on God's Word and God's Spirit
  • Use Your Mind and Heart to know them
    I. Their book. Become familiar with the Quran.
    II. Their culture. Study their way of life and try to
    understand it.
    III. Their religion. Acquaint yourself with Islam.
    IV. Their history. They boast in their history. It is a
    part of them.
Witnessing to Muslims - Some practical tips

  •   Be a Credible Messenger
  •   Never belittle Muhammad or the Quran
  •   Use familiar forms of worship
  •   Speak their language. To help Muslims hear the
      gospel and understand it, we must speak their
      language. This language is Allah for ‘God’, Isa for
      ‘Jesus’, AlMasih for ‘Christ’, masjed for ‘place of
      worship’, subhan Allah for ‘praise be to
      God’, bismellah for ‘in the name of God’, and
      other similar expressions.
Witnessing to Muslims - Some practical tips

  • Give your personal testimony
  • Talk about the “forgiveness” of sins
  • Jesus coming as the final judge
  • Encourage them to study the Bible (Quran: bits &
  • Play the role of a supporting friend & give a supportive
                      S – Should
                      L – Love
                      A – All
                      M – Muslims
Communicating the Truth

 • Identification —How can you identify with
   your listener?
 • Translation —How can you translate your
   message into their idiom?
 • Persuasion —What about your story is
 • Justification —Why do you believe what you
Why do people still reject the gospel?

   The human problem is not finiteness or
   smallness, but fallenness and sinfulness

   Sin involves an evasion of the truth

   Sin has ultimately contributed to intellectual
   confusion and moral evil

                         - Ravi Zacharias, Establishing a worldview
Understanding – Effect

• 1 Peter 3:15
  Read – P.R.O.F.I.T-Mantra for Workplace Evangelism
• Revelation 3:14-18
• Deonicious Areopagatos

  If you understand the worldview of the person
  you are speaking to, you will have an effect.

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Amar, Akbar, Anthony_Understanding Religious Worlviews

  • 1.
  • 2. Amar, Akbar, Anthony Bimla, Banu, Beulah Understanding Religious Worldviews By Mariyosh J, GEMS Bihar
  • 3. Listen to the Audio • Who is he? • Write down the words that he uses to describe God • What is/are the basis of his beliefs?
  • 4.
  • 5. • Who is he? • Write down the words that he uses to describe God • What is/are the basis of his beliefs?
  • 6. Components of Gandhi’s speech • mysterious power • unseen power • It transcends the senses • I do not realize the presence of God - the King of Kings • Sir J. C. Bose proved that even matter is life • Law and the law-giver are one • a living power that is changeless, that holds all together, that creates, dissolves and recreates
  • 7. “in the midst of death life persists, in the midst of untruth truth persists, in the midst of darkness light persists. Hence I gather that God is life, truth, light. He is love. He is the supreme Good. But He is no God who merely satisfies the intellect, if He ever does. God to be God must rule the heart and transform it.”
  • 8. Listen to the Audio • Who is he? • What is it that he claims? • What is the word that he frequently uses? • What is/are the basis of his beliefs?
  • 9.
  • 10. • Who is he? • What is it that he claims? • What is the word that he frequently uses? • What is/are the basis of his beliefs?
  • 11. Components of King’s speech • All men are created equal • Table of brotherhood • Freedom and justice • Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address by saying "Five score years ago..." • "It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.” Psalm 30:5 • "No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.” Amos 5:24. • "I have a dream that every valley shall be exalted...” Isaiah 40:4-5 • opening lines of Shakespeare's "Richard III”, "this sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn..."
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  • 13.
  • 14. Abandoned by parents • Left to be adopted • Working at apple farm • Selling used Coco-Cola bottles • Ate meals provided by “ISKCON” (Hare Krishnas) • Usage of Psychedelic drugs • Trip to India • Conversion to Zen Buddhism • Fan of Beatles
  • 15. • ISKCON – Vegetarianism – PFA – TM (emptying the mind) • Christian – Non vegetarianism – Meditating the Bible • Vivekananda defines education as ‘the manifestation of the perfection already in man.’ • CS Lewis – Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil.
  • 16. What is it that influences their thoughts & decisions?
  • 18. What is a Worldview? A worldview is "an interpretive framework”- much like a pair of glasses-through which you view everything. Everyone bases his or her decisions and actions on a worldview. A worldview is a set of beliefs that underlie and shape all human thought and action.
  • 19. “Worldview” The term “Worldview” was first used by Immanuel Kant in the 18th century; he used a German term “Weltanschauung” which means “a way of looking at the world.”
  • 20. Our worldview determines our –Decisions –Our life goals –What we think will make us happy –How we spend our money –How we treat others Adapted from Colson & Warren’s Wide Angle: Framing Your Worldview
  • 21. Hidden Worldviews • All around us: – Canon: “Image is everything.” • Image is more important than substance – Sprite: “Thirst is everything. Obey your thirst” • Follow after your desires. – Volkswagen: “Jaded is overrated. Dare to be happy.” • Material possessions can bring happiness
  • 22. • All Worldviews are not equal There are: – Good Worldview vs. Bad Worldview – Accurate Worldview vs. Inaccurate Worldview
  • 23. “I am absolutely convinced that the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Maidanek were ultimately prepared not in some ministry or other in Berlin, but rather at the desks and in lecture halls of nihilistic scientists and philosophers.” [Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live without God?, p.25]
  • 24. The questions that form a worldview • Where did I come from? (Origin) • How do I separate good from bad? (Morality) • What is my life’s meaning? (Purpose) • What’s going to happen to me when I die? (Destiny) Christianity satisfactorily answers all 4 of the “Big” questions of life!
  • 25. Many Worldviews • Atheism • Pantheism • Existentialism • Polytheism • Hedonism • Postmodernism • Humanism • Pragmatism • Materialism • Socialism • Nihilism • Theism
  • 26. All worldviews might seem to say the same thing Christianity 'All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.' JESUS, Matthew 7:12 Baha'i 'Blessed is he who preferreth his brother before himself.' BAHA'ULLAH, Tablets of Baha'ullah, 71 Buddhism 'Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.' UDANA-VARGA, 5:18 Confucianism 'Do unto other what you would have them do unto you.' Analects 15:23
  • 27. Hinduism 'This is the sum of duty: do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you.' Mahabharata 5:1517 Islam 'No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.' SUNNAH Jainism 'In happiness and suffering, in joy and grief, we should regard all creatures as we regard our own self.' LORD MAHAVIRA, 24th Tirthankara
  • 28. Judaism 'What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowman. That is the law: all the rest is commentary.' Talmud, Shabbat 31a Native American 'Respect for all life is the foundation.' The Great Law of Peace Sikhism 'Don't create enmity with anyone as God is within everyone.' Guru Arjan Devji 259, Guru Granth Sahib Zoroastrianism 'That nature only is good when it shall not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self.' Dadistan-i-Dinik, 94:5
  • 29. Worldview of major religions • Islam - the five pillars • Buddhism - the four noble truths • Atheism - all that is, is natural and nothing supernatural • Christianity - is built on the existence of the Triune God who has created us and from whom all our imperatives of belief and practice emerge.
  • 30. Religious Views of Jesus Resurrection God or Man? Who Jesus Was Jesus' Purpose Happened? Traditional (Nicene) Second person of the Trinity, incarnation Both: "fully God and fully man." Die for the sins of humanity. Yes Christianity of God, Son of God, Savior. A divine being, but created by God and Arianism A created divine being. inferior to Father. Son of God. Savior. To save humanity from sin. Yes A "manifestation of God" and prophet. To reveal God's will as part of progressive Baha'i Faith Man Since superseded by Muhammad and revelation to humanity. Only spiritually. Baha'u'llah. Wise and enlightened man who taught To teach humanity wisdom and the way to Buddhism Man similar things to the Buddha. enlightenment. Not addressed Wise man especially attuned to the divine To teach humanity, heal, and overcome Christian Science Man Christ. death. Yes Son of God but human, because mother To show God's love for humanity and Christadelphians Man (or half-man, half-God). was human Mary. Lived a sinless life and redeem humanity from sin. Yes died sacrificial death. Most Gnostics reject that Christ died at To rescue humanity from the material Gnosticism God Divine being sent from the supreme God. world by revealing true knowledge. all. The human Jesus was ordinary and did not resurrect. Incarnation of God akin to Krishna, or Hinduism Views vary wise man. Not addressed Not addressed True prophet sent by God, but To reveal God's will in a progressive Islam Man superseded by Muhammad. revelation that ended with Muhammad. No Son of God, Word of God, God's first Teach about God, provide a model for Jehovah's Witnesses An archangel creation, Archangel Michael. right living, die sacrificially for human sin. Yes Son of God, Savior, originally one of the To teach about God, provide a model for Mormonism (LDS) Man spirit beings that all humans used to be. living, die sacrificially for sin. Yes Has a physical body. Theosophy Man Great teacher. No Great teacher, faith-healer, "incarnation of To demonstrate God's love for humanity No official teaching; most do not believe Unitarian Universalism Man God's love." and teach about justice and compassion. physical resurrection.
  • 31. Why to know a person’s worldview? Acts 17:16-28 “.... I see/perceive that in all things you are very religious.....” – I see what it is that you actually believe “one of your poets…..” The goal for us in understanding the other person’s worldview is to get the other person to the Triune God. To communicate the Truth.
  • 32.
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  • 38. What stops people from becoming Christians? 1. Intellectual Barriers to Faith 2. The historical associations of Christianity 3. The problem of Relevance 4. Misunderstanding the nature of Christianity 5. The hunger for absolute certainty 6. Prior commitment to another belief system 7. The problem of personal integrity 8. A sense of guilt or inadequacy - “Bridge Building” by Alister McGrath
  • 39. Hindu Worldview • Hinduism is diverse; no single doctrine (or set of beliefs) • Spirit is understood within two main categories – the individual self, or soul (the atman) – the Supreme Self, or God (the paramatman). • Three main truths which form the basis for theological discussion – matter, soul, God
  • 40. • Almost all Hindus believe that the real self (atman) is distinct from the temporary body made of matter (prakriti) • The eternal soul identifies with matter and is entrapped by maya (illusion) • Impelled by lust, greed, anger, etc., he undergoes samsara (the cycle of repeated birth and death) • Each soul creates its unique destiny according to the law of karma (the universal law of action and reaction)
  • 41. • Under the influence of eternal time and the three gunas (material qualities) he moves throughout the creation, sometimes going to higher planets, sometimes moving in human society, and at other times entering the lower species. • The goal of most Hindus is moksha, liberation from this perpetual cycle, through re- identification with the eternal brahman (Supreme)
  • 42. • Hinduism accepts different paths towards this common goal (union with God). • It stresses strict adherence to universal principles through the practice of one's dharma (ordained duty) as revealed through authorised holy books and usually received through the guru (spiritual mentor).
  • 43. Speaking Tree: This morning (5th Nov 2011)
  • 44.
  • 45. Key Concept Key Questions 1. The Atman (the Soul) Who are we? What is the real self? 2. Reincarnation and Samsara What happens after death, before birth? 3.The Law of Karma Why is there suffering? 4. Prakriti (Matter) and Guna How does the world work? 5. Maya (Illusion) Why do we get into difficulty in this world? 6. moksha (Liberation) What is the goal of life? 7. God (Brahman/Ishvara) Is there a God? If so, what is He/She like? 8. Dharma (religious duties) Which is the right way to act? 9. One Goal, Different Paths How can we explain Hindu diversity? 10. Scripture and Guru (Authority) How are the teachings preserved? 11 .Time When did it all start and when will it finish? 12. Creation How and why was this world made?
  • 46. Witnessing to Hindus • Treat Hindus with respect by asking and patiently listening as they explain their religion • Care for them • Have a humble spirit • Use stories to explain Jesus' forgiveness • Keep the personhood of God in mind • Carefully emphasize the exclusivity of Jesus • Be patient, Be prayerful
  • 47. Paul’s style of evangelism @ workplace among Hindus Upanishad Prayer Based on Gayatri Mantra Asatho Maa Sad Gamaya Thamaso Maa Jyothir Gamaya Mrithyor Maa Amritham Gamaya Lead me from untruth to truth; Lead me from darkness to light; Lead me from death to immortality.
  • 48. The Muslim Worldview The Quran and the Sunnah - Islamic guidance. The Sunnah records the sayings and doings of Muhammad. The seven fundamental beliefs of every Muslim in the world: 1. God - Muslims lay great stress on the unity of God. “He is singular – without anything like him: Separate – having no equal.” 2. Angels (and other spiritual beings – Jinn and Demons) 3. Holy Books (Revealed books of God) - There are hundreds of these – “the Books of the Prophets”. The four major Holy Books are The Torah – the books of Moses; The Zabur – the Psalms of David; The Injil – given to Jesus; and The Quran – given to Muhammad . 4. Prophets - 25 are mentioned in the Quran. There are six Major Prophets: Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. 5. The resurrection and the last day - The resurrection of the body followed by judgement based on the concept of balance of good versus bad deeds. 6. They believe in life after death 7. They believe in predestination i.e. divine measurement & control of human affairs
  • 49. Witnessing to Muslims - Some practical tips • Depend on God's Word and God's Spirit • Use Your Mind and Heart to know them I. Their book. Become familiar with the Quran. II. Their culture. Study their way of life and try to understand it. III. Their religion. Acquaint yourself with Islam. IV. Their history. They boast in their history. It is a part of them.
  • 50. Witnessing to Muslims - Some practical tips • Be a Credible Messenger • Never belittle Muhammad or the Quran • Use familiar forms of worship • Speak their language. To help Muslims hear the gospel and understand it, we must speak their language. This language is Allah for ‘God’, Isa for ‘Jesus’, AlMasih for ‘Christ’, masjed for ‘place of worship’, subhan Allah for ‘praise be to God’, bismellah for ‘in the name of God’, and other similar expressions.
  • 51. Witnessing to Muslims - Some practical tips • Give your personal testimony • Talk about the “forgiveness” of sins • Jesus coming as the final judge • Encourage them to study the Bible (Quran: bits & pieces) • Play the role of a supporting friend & give a supportive community I–I S – Should L – Love A – All M – Muslims
  • 52. Communicating the Truth • Identification —How can you identify with your listener? • Translation —How can you translate your message into their idiom? • Persuasion —What about your story is persuasive? • Justification —Why do you believe what you believe?
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  • 55. Why do people still reject the gospel? The human problem is not finiteness or smallness, but fallenness and sinfulness Sin involves an evasion of the truth Sin has ultimately contributed to intellectual confusion and moral evil - Ravi Zacharias, Establishing a worldview
  • 56. Understanding – Effect • 1 Peter 3:15 Read – P.R.O.F.I.T-Mantra for Workplace Evangelism • Revelation 3:14-18 • Deonicious Areopagatos If you understand the worldview of the person you are speaking to, you will have an effect.