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Concept VS Logos
"If you have an anointing on you, one thing God needs you to see is yourself as is a surrogate
parent. What a surrogate parent does is carry a child for another woman who cannot have a
baby. You keep wondering, “Why am I going through so much stuff? Why am I constantly
being attacked, just why?" But what God is saying is it’s because you're a surrogate. “I placed
something in you and therefore you cannot live anyway you want to live. Prior to pregnancy
you may have masturbated, you may have lied and you may have doubted, but now that you
are carrying something for Me, you cannot do what you want to do and act the way you want
to act when you are carrying My anointing. If you continue to do what you want to do while
carrying My anointing, the baby will come premature or you will abort the anointing and
therefore you will be operating as a Christian by default."

"What I want to do still comes up. The urge to sleep with people comes up! But God says, "Are
you gonna focus on the urge, or what you're impregnated with?"

"The surrogate parent has a birth date, a day when they have to deliver and bring forth that
child. That’s what God is saying. “My anointing is never ending and there are seasons when I
want to deliver something out of you. This is why I don’t want you to live like yourself because
when I’m ready to birth what I placed in you, I need you to be ready to receive what I have
placed in you."

"Religion is not salvation."

"The reason why you don’t have power over sin is because you do not have the Holy Spirit.
So, if someone is sinning and wants to know why they can’t stop, it’s because they don’t have
the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes to convict you and stop you. If you have Him and keep
making a conscious choice to ignore Him (which is rebellion) which is witchcraft."
Concerning the Illuminati:

"What they are trying to do is allow the economy to shut down completely so we can depend on
the anti-christ. They have to mess with our food and everything so we can depend on them. In
that season, the scripture that comes into play is "that man shall not live by bread alone but by
every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." They can have their food and bread,
because we shall not live by bread alone."

1 John 5:3-4

"The word tells us how to circumcise our hearts by the demonstration of our love for God. His
commandments are not burdensome. When you are burdened down you are not keeping His
commandments but your own. You've wrote your own commandments and are doing something
somewhere He told you not to do."

"If God placed his heart in you (His spirit) then His desires should become our desires if He lives
in us.”

"We overcome the world by circumcising our hearts and obeying His commandments.”

What is Holiness? It’s a terrible thing to walk around and say you’re something that you’re not:

"Holiness is being distinct and separate from the world by having fully embraced God's Holy
Spirit as your own by being nothing like the world in your actions, desires, and priorities. If you
have worldly desires, you’re not holy. If you have worldly priorities, you're not holy. If it's not of
God, you shouldn’t have any desire for it, but if you do then you have to be real with yourself
and say, "You know what, I'm not holy!“

Matthew 7:20-23
2 Thessalonians 2:3

Matthew 16:22-23 – “your mind is not on the things of God, but in the interests of man. Get
behind me actions, get behind me woman because you are an alternative god, a stumbling
block, and God didn’t approve you!

"Who was Jesus talking to in Matthew 16:22-23...Peter. Peter didn’t get offensive. God
recognized Satan in Peter so when your brothers and sisters come to say, “Get thee
behind me Satan” and they get Peter didn’t get offensive and he continued to
walk with Jesus. If you are trying to live holy and a person gets offensive, they don’t want to
walk with Jesus."

"If your proud ego can be easily be offended, Satan has already won."

"Satan's desire is to get you offended at truth. Why truth? Because the truth is God's word, so
you're really getting offended at God. Once you’re offended at truth, then the enemy will dress
up in his Sunday best suit, be the antichrist, and pamper you for your alterative alter-ego.
Everything you want, he'll send it to you.“

The accuser:

"The name Satan means accuser. He accused the Lord of evil."

"The name Lucifer means light bearer. So God created Him to be the enlightener of the

"Lucifer was originally closest to the Lord until the moment he chose to rebel."
"Lucifer corrupted his own awareness by forming a new logos. Logos is Greek for word. He
corrupted his own awareness by forming a new word or way of reasoning about the reality of
God. He separated his perception of the universal and personal aspect of God and therefore
saw darkness in the Lord as a sovereign being."

"We do this now because some of us have a luciferian complex."

"Although darkness and evil only existed as concepts in original consciousness, Lucifer
believed that it had already manifested. God told Lucifer of evil, but it wasn’t real (it hadn’t
manifested yet). But Lucifer believed that it was real because it was a concept in his mind, so
he manifested it. He accused God of not being sovereign because the concept was in His mind
and he was created to be the enlightener...and that’s what we do. We have a concept in our
conscious and God says it’s not reality, but we manifest it."

"Lucifer believed that evil had already manifested since he saw that Heaven was in an imperfect
state. Heaven wasn’t perfect. Lucifer had the concept and wanted to be God and bring forth the
concept, so he said, “Let there be evil.” God was saying, “Wait a minute, I'm getting the
government together! Why are you manifesting a concept in your conscious that I haven’t
brought to pass yet?“

"As a divine aspect of God, Lucifer believed that he was being inspired and empowered by the
original consciousness to oppose the sovereignty of the Lord and make right the faulty of the
order of divinity. He thought he was bringing order to the government by his conscious and his

"Lucifer may have fallen in the eyes of the Most High, but he hasn’t lost the gift. God says, "I
know you know you've got the gift, so go ahead and use it and bring all your concepts to pass.
But even still it’s going to work out for My good.”
"Lucifer still lives according to his purpose by seeking expression of the gift. God doesn’t
need to create another being to do the work He created Lucifer to do. He created Lucifer to do
something but Lucifer came up with his own concept and that’s our battle. God created you to
do something but you're coming up with your own concept so therefore you’re manifesting
something against the sovereignty of God."

"When you have your own concept, God includes what you want as a part of His plan."

"Everything is created with a purpose that only it can fulfill. You were created with a purpose
that only you can fulfill."

"Even the work of evil is turned into good by the all knowing wisdom of the Most High. God is
wise and efficient in using His resources."

"There is an invisible war going on now between two sides in the entire universe and all
levels of reality. Nothing is gained from fighting your enemy unless they have something
really good for you. So if you're my enemy and you have nothing good for me, then your job
is to pull out anything bad if it’s something left in me. Sometimes enemies don’t want to fight,
they just want to prove that you’re not who you say you are."

"The best fight for Christians to try and win is the fight of awareness against the principalities
of Satan. Why? Because when you become aware of the principalities of Satan, you get a
chance to receive the tools and knowledge that they possess. The enemy doesn’t want you to
know what he knows. As long as you do what you want to do, you will never gain his

"The enemy shows you how he works, but the reason why you can’t see it is because you fall
for the job. You get hired so you can never know the tools."
"All warfare deception. Satan’s art of war is to use all kinds of means to confuse, weaken,
and destroy the conscious of God's people."

"The greatest weapon of destruction is not physical devastation but ignorance and suppression
against the soul."

"Knowledge is power and the more or less it is possessed by either side, the more or less power
that side can handle."

"Satan aims to hide his gift from the church. That’s why they don’t want you to confess your sins
in the church.”

“Satan hides his gift from the church and shares it only with the rest of the world."

"Satan is really a gift. Don’t do what he sends to set you up but find out how he does what he
does. Don’t do what he does, but figure out how he does it."

"All Satan wants is for Christians to be as stupid as they can."

"Satan’s problem with God is because a concept came to Him he blamed God for giving him a

"Satan causes the church to persecute, reject, and even kill those Christians that try to share truth
by labeling them a cult, heretics, and even being on Satan’s side. Occult means hidden or secret.
So the enemy knows you've tapped into the truth and he's against you, so now he's against you
because you know what he knows.“

"God is saying, "Don’t get twisted off of the lies, pay attention to what Satan does and learn from
him, stop running from him. You only have to run from him is if he's using you because he knows
when he comes you'll fall for his tricks and you’re not smart enough to be labeled as
an occultist."
"The reason why Satan is a gift is because the light that Satan has was originally God's. His
knowledge is from God so to deny Satan is to deny God. You shouldn’t be submitting to Satan, but
when he shows up learn from him. When he shows up, realize that he's showing up as light because
God made Him."

"Satan is a being that has brought light and darkness (the absence of light). If Satan has light and
God is the source of light, then somehow God is in Satan...but people won't tell you that."

"With Satan, embrace whatever light he brings, not the darkness."

"Good and evil existed only as a concept in the universal mind, but it only manifested when Lucifer
misaligned himself with Lord. The stuff in our life is only a concept that manifests when we misalign
ourselves from God."

"Lucifer perceived that evil was manifested in the Lord and claimed sovereignty for himself. Lucifer
was saying the Lord was evil because he made him and the concept of his. But God said, “If I did
make evil I made it for my purpose.” But Lucifer didn’t have wisdom concerning the logos, or God's
word concerning evil."

"A portion of the work that Satan is doing in this world is according to what the Lord created him to
do, therefore Satan is doing God's work. The other portion of his work is against God. If you're not
against God, the enemy has nothing for you to do. The only way he can get you to do something is
if you are personally against God."

"The reason why the enemy is out of place is because we don’t put him back in his place.“

"Satan seeks to bring enlightenment to all, but yet denies the Lord's rightful place as the Most High

"Satan can only do what he was created to do."
"If you are walking in holiness, anything the enemy tries to bring to you will fail. Just don’t allow him
to allow you to go against God."

"Those who are the wisest learn from anything whether good or evil because the whole universe is a
teacher. Satan is a teacher. He teaches you what to do and what not to do. He teaches you when to
pray. When he comes, say "thank you, you've taught me how to pray." Now you're in an occult
because you've been enlightened. How did you know that was a time to pray? I brought that so you
could complain."

"The evil part of Satan we are supposed to learn from not repeat it."

"All Satan is saying is, "This is my personal illusion because, guess what? I don’t have the logos
concerning the conception of what has appeared before you. I don’t know the word concerning this.
I'm just creating a concept of your conscious. There’s really a word because God didn’t say that
concerning that."

"If you want to be victorious as you can be in this divine war, you must learn from your enemy. Who
are these people he keeps sending in my life to get me off course? What does he keep trying to use
to frustrate me?"

"Do not deny yourself from receiving something that is good for you just because it comes from a
particular channel. When Satan starts using people to act as a jackass, don’t deny yourself. Learn
from that fool! Don’t get yourself upset, learn from them. This is how you stop being afraid of Satan
and blaming everything on him."

"Whatever gift we receive as children of God we should receive it as from God as He is the source of
all things."
The law of attraction:

"The law of attraction works according to the principle of vibration."

"Everything vibrates and vibration is energy."

"Energy attracts energy that is of the same rate of vibration."

"Energy attracts like energy. All energy you give out is the energy that you will get."

"The Law of attraction is you drawing into your life whatever you focus on and emotionalize."

"You attract everything and anything that you hold in your mind...whether you want it or not. If
you want to be loved, you're gonna attract love."

"Anything that you hold in your mind whether wanted or unwanted, you attract it because you're
gonna focus on it and become emotionally attached to it."

"Simply by observing, your reality is created."

"When you focus on something and concentrate on it, you will give attention to it and all of your

"When you give attention to something, you give it mental life for it to exist. That’s why the more
you place your mind on something the more it lives."

"When you do not pay attention to something, it ceases to exist over time."

"The more you focus, the more emotion you put into it. The more attractive and stronger your
vibration becomes and that's when it begins to manifest."
Let's look at it based upon value:

"When you appreciate something the value goes up. If you appreciate Jesus more, He'll be worth
more to you."

"Bless the little and the little becomes a lot."

"When you don't appreciate what God has given you, it loses its value and is no longer worth

"Focus your mind and will on positive and detach from negative."

"What you focus and give your attention to, that’s what you are really blessing. That’s what you
have given your blessings. So some of you all are really giving your blessings to negativity."

"So when you neglect and withhold attention from something, you are cursing it."

"The fact that you are thinking about something or crying about something, you are giving it your

"When you acknowledge that God is the One at work in the good that you experience, you start to
experience His operations even more. If evil shows up and you say that it was God, you won't
keep experiencing His goodness because He says, "You keep giving Satan credit for what I'm

"What you appreciate becomes more significant. This is why giving God glory increases glory in
your life."

"What you focus on, you magnify. The more you focus on Jesus, the bigger He gets."
"The law of attraction attracts by creating and creates by attracting. It pulls what you focus on to
you, or it pulls together the fields to manifest it for you. So if you act depressed, it’s gonna go
get depression for you. If you act broke, it’s gonna get poverty for you."

"Your inner world, what’s in you, defines your outer world. So what’s in you defines what comes
out of you."

"We have our circumstances because of the way we feel. How you feel really controls the way
you think."

Proverbs 4:23

"Emotions also have the power to create what you want. When your emotions create what you
want, then you find within yourself what it feels like it wants to have. You feel like what your
emotions say feel, then you will begin to manifest the thing you want. The energy in motion will
work to pull you to the thing you want while also pulling the thing you want towards you."

Let's look at energy:

"If you express joy to God in return you will get more joy. Express love to God, you'll get more
love. Express appreciation to God, you'll get more appreciation."

"Sometimes seeing people express joy and appreciation is all the thanks in the world you need."
"Being joyful, content and happy, your emotions will give you those things for your life. Your
emotions work by what you attract."
"If something is in your life, but you feel as if you don't have it or are lacking it, very soon
it will slip away and you will lose it because you will begin to manifest your feelings. Your
feelings will bring about the manifestation. For example: you have a great friendship with
someone who brings joy and comfort to your life, but somehow you start having these
negative ideas that the friendship will not last long and whatever good you experience
tends to just go away. This thinking will generate negative energy that will influence the
events to cause the thing to fall apart because you are feeling it,’s you! You are your
own problem. Everything that’s going with you, you are creating it by your feelings,
emotions, and energy."

"Feelings prompt you to express something and then you will draw the energy of it."

"Express how you feel. But in expressing how you feel always tell the truth."

"If a feeling is going to lead you to truth, then you're going to get a truth result. If you see
someone for five minutes and say you love them, you're driven by emotion. If you love
yourself, you'll wait. Why rush to be hurt?"

"The day only changes when you go on how you feel, not the logos. No matter what, it’s a
good day."

"The enemy wants you to follow your feelings and emotions concerning it, get away from
them because what you feel isn't gonna be the outcome of what you're gonna get."
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Concept Vs. Logos

  • 1. Concept VS Logos "If you have an anointing on you, one thing God needs you to see is yourself as is a surrogate parent. What a surrogate parent does is carry a child for another woman who cannot have a baby. You keep wondering, “Why am I going through so much stuff? Why am I constantly being attacked, just why?" But what God is saying is it’s because you're a surrogate. “I placed something in you and therefore you cannot live anyway you want to live. Prior to pregnancy you may have masturbated, you may have lied and you may have doubted, but now that you are carrying something for Me, you cannot do what you want to do and act the way you want to act when you are carrying My anointing. If you continue to do what you want to do while carrying My anointing, the baby will come premature or you will abort the anointing and therefore you will be operating as a Christian by default." "What I want to do still comes up. The urge to sleep with people comes up! But God says, "Are you gonna focus on the urge, or what you're impregnated with?" "The surrogate parent has a birth date, a day when they have to deliver and bring forth that child. That’s what God is saying. “My anointing is never ending and there are seasons when I want to deliver something out of you. This is why I don’t want you to live like yourself because when I’m ready to birth what I placed in you, I need you to be ready to receive what I have placed in you." "Religion is not salvation." "The reason why you don’t have power over sin is because you do not have the Holy Spirit. So, if someone is sinning and wants to know why they can’t stop, it’s because they don’t have the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes to convict you and stop you. If you have Him and keep making a conscious choice to ignore Him (which is rebellion) which is witchcraft."
  • 2. Concerning the Illuminati: "What they are trying to do is allow the economy to shut down completely so we can depend on the anti-christ. They have to mess with our food and everything so we can depend on them. In that season, the scripture that comes into play is "that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." They can have their food and bread, because we shall not live by bread alone." 1 John 5:3-4 "The word tells us how to circumcise our hearts by the demonstration of our love for God. His commandments are not burdensome. When you are burdened down you are not keeping His commandments but your own. You've wrote your own commandments and are doing something somewhere He told you not to do." "If God placed his heart in you (His spirit) then His desires should become our desires if He lives in us.” "We overcome the world by circumcising our hearts and obeying His commandments.” What is Holiness? It’s a terrible thing to walk around and say you’re something that you’re not: "Holiness is being distinct and separate from the world by having fully embraced God's Holy Spirit as your own by being nothing like the world in your actions, desires, and priorities. If you have worldly desires, you’re not holy. If you have worldly priorities, you're not holy. If it's not of God, you shouldn’t have any desire for it, but if you do then you have to be real with yourself and say, "You know what, I'm not holy!“ Matthew 7:20-23
  • 3. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Matthew 16:22-23 – “your mind is not on the things of God, but in the interests of man. Get behind me actions, get behind me woman because you are an alternative god, a stumbling block, and God didn’t approve you! "Who was Jesus talking to in Matthew 16:22-23...Peter. Peter didn’t get offensive. God recognized Satan in Peter so when your brothers and sisters come to say, “Get thee behind me Satan” and they get Peter didn’t get offensive and he continued to walk with Jesus. If you are trying to live holy and a person gets offensive, they don’t want to walk with Jesus." "If your proud ego can be easily be offended, Satan has already won." "Satan's desire is to get you offended at truth. Why truth? Because the truth is God's word, so you're really getting offended at God. Once you’re offended at truth, then the enemy will dress up in his Sunday best suit, be the antichrist, and pamper you for your alterative alter-ego. Everything you want, he'll send it to you.“ The accuser: "The name Satan means accuser. He accused the Lord of evil." "The name Lucifer means light bearer. So God created Him to be the enlightener of the universe.“ "Lucifer was originally closest to the Lord until the moment he chose to rebel."
  • 4. "Lucifer corrupted his own awareness by forming a new logos. Logos is Greek for word. He corrupted his own awareness by forming a new word or way of reasoning about the reality of God. He separated his perception of the universal and personal aspect of God and therefore saw darkness in the Lord as a sovereign being." "We do this now because some of us have a luciferian complex." "Although darkness and evil only existed as concepts in original consciousness, Lucifer believed that it had already manifested. God told Lucifer of evil, but it wasn’t real (it hadn’t manifested yet). But Lucifer believed that it was real because it was a concept in his mind, so he manifested it. He accused God of not being sovereign because the concept was in His mind and he was created to be the enlightener...and that’s what we do. We have a concept in our conscious and God says it’s not reality, but we manifest it." "Lucifer believed that evil had already manifested since he saw that Heaven was in an imperfect state. Heaven wasn’t perfect. Lucifer had the concept and wanted to be God and bring forth the concept, so he said, “Let there be evil.” God was saying, “Wait a minute, I'm getting the government together! Why are you manifesting a concept in your conscious that I haven’t brought to pass yet?“ "As a divine aspect of God, Lucifer believed that he was being inspired and empowered by the original consciousness to oppose the sovereignty of the Lord and make right the faulty of the order of divinity. He thought he was bringing order to the government by his conscious and his concept." "Lucifer may have fallen in the eyes of the Most High, but he hasn’t lost the gift. God says, "I know you know you've got the gift, so go ahead and use it and bring all your concepts to pass. But even still it’s going to work out for My good.”
  • 5. "Lucifer still lives according to his purpose by seeking expression of the gift. God doesn’t need to create another being to do the work He created Lucifer to do. He created Lucifer to do something but Lucifer came up with his own concept and that’s our battle. God created you to do something but you're coming up with your own concept so therefore you’re manifesting something against the sovereignty of God." "When you have your own concept, God includes what you want as a part of His plan." "Everything is created with a purpose that only it can fulfill. You were created with a purpose that only you can fulfill." "Even the work of evil is turned into good by the all knowing wisdom of the Most High. God is wise and efficient in using His resources." "There is an invisible war going on now between two sides in the entire universe and all levels of reality. Nothing is gained from fighting your enemy unless they have something really good for you. So if you're my enemy and you have nothing good for me, then your job is to pull out anything bad if it’s something left in me. Sometimes enemies don’t want to fight, they just want to prove that you’re not who you say you are." "The best fight for Christians to try and win is the fight of awareness against the principalities of Satan. Why? Because when you become aware of the principalities of Satan, you get a chance to receive the tools and knowledge that they possess. The enemy doesn’t want you to know what he knows. As long as you do what you want to do, you will never gain his knowledge.“ "The enemy shows you how he works, but the reason why you can’t see it is because you fall for the job. You get hired so you can never know the tools."
  • 6. "All warfare deception. Satan’s art of war is to use all kinds of means to confuse, weaken, and destroy the conscious of God's people." "The greatest weapon of destruction is not physical devastation but ignorance and suppression against the soul." "Knowledge is power and the more or less it is possessed by either side, the more or less power that side can handle." "Satan aims to hide his gift from the church. That’s why they don’t want you to confess your sins in the church.” “Satan hides his gift from the church and shares it only with the rest of the world." "Satan is really a gift. Don’t do what he sends to set you up but find out how he does what he does. Don’t do what he does, but figure out how he does it." "All Satan wants is for Christians to be as stupid as they can." "Satan’s problem with God is because a concept came to Him he blamed God for giving him a conscious." "Satan causes the church to persecute, reject, and even kill those Christians that try to share truth by labeling them a cult, heretics, and even being on Satan’s side. Occult means hidden or secret. So the enemy knows you've tapped into the truth and he's against you, so now he's against you because you know what he knows.“ "God is saying, "Don’t get twisted off of the lies, pay attention to what Satan does and learn from him, stop running from him. You only have to run from him is if he's using you because he knows when he comes you'll fall for his tricks and you’re not smart enough to be labeled as an occultist."
  • 7. "The reason why Satan is a gift is because the light that Satan has was originally God's. His knowledge is from God so to deny Satan is to deny God. You shouldn’t be submitting to Satan, but when he shows up learn from him. When he shows up, realize that he's showing up as light because God made Him." "Satan is a being that has brought light and darkness (the absence of light). If Satan has light and God is the source of light, then somehow God is in Satan...but people won't tell you that." "With Satan, embrace whatever light he brings, not the darkness." "Good and evil existed only as a concept in the universal mind, but it only manifested when Lucifer misaligned himself with Lord. The stuff in our life is only a concept that manifests when we misalign ourselves from God." "Lucifer perceived that evil was manifested in the Lord and claimed sovereignty for himself. Lucifer was saying the Lord was evil because he made him and the concept of his. But God said, “If I did make evil I made it for my purpose.” But Lucifer didn’t have wisdom concerning the logos, or God's word concerning evil." "A portion of the work that Satan is doing in this world is according to what the Lord created him to do, therefore Satan is doing God's work. The other portion of his work is against God. If you're not against God, the enemy has nothing for you to do. The only way he can get you to do something is if you are personally against God." "The reason why the enemy is out of place is because we don’t put him back in his place.“ "Satan seeks to bring enlightenment to all, but yet denies the Lord's rightful place as the Most High God." "Satan can only do what he was created to do."
  • 8. "If you are walking in holiness, anything the enemy tries to bring to you will fail. Just don’t allow him to allow you to go against God." "Those who are the wisest learn from anything whether good or evil because the whole universe is a teacher. Satan is a teacher. He teaches you what to do and what not to do. He teaches you when to pray. When he comes, say "thank you, you've taught me how to pray." Now you're in an occult because you've been enlightened. How did you know that was a time to pray? I brought that so you could complain." "The evil part of Satan we are supposed to learn from not repeat it." "All Satan is saying is, "This is my personal illusion because, guess what? I don’t have the logos concerning the conception of what has appeared before you. I don’t know the word concerning this. I'm just creating a concept of your conscious. There’s really a word because God didn’t say that concerning that." "If you want to be victorious as you can be in this divine war, you must learn from your enemy. Who are these people he keeps sending in my life to get me off course? What does he keep trying to use to frustrate me?" "Do not deny yourself from receiving something that is good for you just because it comes from a particular channel. When Satan starts using people to act as a jackass, don’t deny yourself. Learn from that fool! Don’t get yourself upset, learn from them. This is how you stop being afraid of Satan and blaming everything on him." "Whatever gift we receive as children of God we should receive it as from God as He is the source of all things."
  • 9. The law of attraction: "The law of attraction works according to the principle of vibration." "Everything vibrates and vibration is energy." "Energy attracts energy that is of the same rate of vibration." "Energy attracts like energy. All energy you give out is the energy that you will get." "The Law of attraction is you drawing into your life whatever you focus on and emotionalize." "You attract everything and anything that you hold in your mind...whether you want it or not. If you want to be loved, you're gonna attract love." "Anything that you hold in your mind whether wanted or unwanted, you attract it because you're gonna focus on it and become emotionally attached to it." "Simply by observing, your reality is created." "When you focus on something and concentrate on it, you will give attention to it and all of your energy." "When you give attention to something, you give it mental life for it to exist. That’s why the more you place your mind on something the more it lives." "When you do not pay attention to something, it ceases to exist over time." "The more you focus, the more emotion you put into it. The more attractive and stronger your vibration becomes and that's when it begins to manifest."
  • 10. Let's look at it based upon value: "When you appreciate something the value goes up. If you appreciate Jesus more, He'll be worth more to you." "Bless the little and the little becomes a lot." "When you don't appreciate what God has given you, it loses its value and is no longer worth anything." "Focus your mind and will on positive and detach from negative." "What you focus and give your attention to, that’s what you are really blessing. That’s what you have given your blessings. So some of you all are really giving your blessings to negativity." "So when you neglect and withhold attention from something, you are cursing it." "The fact that you are thinking about something or crying about something, you are giving it your blessing." "When you acknowledge that God is the One at work in the good that you experience, you start to experience His operations even more. If evil shows up and you say that it was God, you won't keep experiencing His goodness because He says, "You keep giving Satan credit for what I'm doing." "What you appreciate becomes more significant. This is why giving God glory increases glory in your life." "What you focus on, you magnify. The more you focus on Jesus, the bigger He gets."
  • 11. "The law of attraction attracts by creating and creates by attracting. It pulls what you focus on to you, or it pulls together the fields to manifest it for you. So if you act depressed, it’s gonna go get depression for you. If you act broke, it’s gonna get poverty for you." "Your inner world, what’s in you, defines your outer world. So what’s in you defines what comes out of you." "We have our circumstances because of the way we feel. How you feel really controls the way you think." Proverbs 4:23 "Emotions also have the power to create what you want. When your emotions create what you want, then you find within yourself what it feels like it wants to have. You feel like what your emotions say feel, then you will begin to manifest the thing you want. The energy in motion will work to pull you to the thing you want while also pulling the thing you want towards you." Let's look at energy: "If you express joy to God in return you will get more joy. Express love to God, you'll get more love. Express appreciation to God, you'll get more appreciation." "Sometimes seeing people express joy and appreciation is all the thanks in the world you need." "Being joyful, content and happy, your emotions will give you those things for your life. Your emotions work by what you attract."
  • 12. "If something is in your life, but you feel as if you don't have it or are lacking it, very soon it will slip away and you will lose it because you will begin to manifest your feelings. Your feelings will bring about the manifestation. For example: you have a great friendship with someone who brings joy and comfort to your life, but somehow you start having these negative ideas that the friendship will not last long and whatever good you experience tends to just go away. This thinking will generate negative energy that will influence the events to cause the thing to fall apart because you are feeling it,’s you! You are your own problem. Everything that’s going with you, you are creating it by your feelings, emotions, and energy." "Feelings prompt you to express something and then you will draw the energy of it." "Express how you feel. But in expressing how you feel always tell the truth." "If a feeling is going to lead you to truth, then you're going to get a truth result. If you see someone for five minutes and say you love them, you're driven by emotion. If you love yourself, you'll wait. Why rush to be hurt?" "The day only changes when you go on how you feel, not the logos. No matter what, it’s a good day." "The enemy wants you to follow your feelings and emotions concerning it, get away from them because what you feel isn't gonna be the outcome of what you're gonna get."
  • 13. I AM Global Ministries 4333 Charles Crossing Drive White Plains, MD 20695 You can enjoy more revelation knowledge by attending our next Sunday Service, May 13th @ 5pm. Hope to see you there! To order this message on DVD or CD at no charge to you, including free shipping & handling: Request # BS041912 If you need transportation this Thursday, or would like to access our other resources, please contact us via: Website – Facebook - Email – Twitter – Iamglobalchurch Telephone – 202.705.9902 We are now available on the iTunes store! To download our services to your computer or iPod for free, go to the iTunes store and search iamglobalministries. If you desire a prophetic word by way of the Holy Spirit, you can send an email to I AM is GHOP. The Gospel House of Praise, also known as GHOP, is a subsidiary of I AM Global Ministries. Held every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month, GHOP is a Christian café where all ages are welcome to enjoy singers, poets, rappers, as well as theatrical works! For more information and to check the upcoming schedule, visit,