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Division: 157
2,3And We gave Moses the Scripture and made the Scripture for the Israelites –
those who descended from the people whom We saved by boarding to the vessel
along with Noah –not to adopt any of my subordinates as their Waqil [an
entity/authority that arranges all creatures pursuant to a schedule and maintains and
implements this schedule]. Surely, Noah was a grateful servant of Mine who was
praying much for the blessings he had been given.
4And We dictated to Israelites in the Scripture/the destiny that: “You will
surely make mischief in the world twice/be defeated and rise again majestically”.
5And when the first one is due, We sent upon you Our mighty servants and they
wandered among the houses, searching. And this was a promise that must have been
fulfilled. 6Then We made you prevail against Our mighty servants and bestowed you
with wealth and sons. And made you have more in terms of those useful.
- 7If you do good, you do if for yourselves and if you do evil, you do it for
yourselves too. – And when the time for devastation comes, We will send Our
mighty servants upon you to do evil to you, enter the mesjid/Bayt Al-Maqdis as they
did for the first time, demolish and destroy the places they take. 8It is hoped that your
Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] would help you. And if
you turned away We also turned away. And We made Jahannah [Hell] a prison that
encloses for those who consciously deny the Divinity of Allah and the fact that He is
Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer].
(50/17; Al-Isra/2-8)
Division: 158
9,10Surely, the Qur’an guides people to the most righteous and the most sound
and brings the good tidings that a grand reward will be for those believers who do
corrective deeds and that We will be planning a burning punishment for those who
do not believe in Akhirat [Afterlife].
(50/17; Al-Isra/9-10)
Division: 159
11And man invites the evil as he invites the good. And man is always hasty.
12And We made the night and the day two evidence/signs. Then We erased the
evidence/sign of the night and brought the evidence/sign of the day as a light that
makes you see to seek for the blessings from your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the
Nurturer, the Sustainer] and to be able to count and calculate years. And We
explained and expounded everything in detail.
13,14And We wrapped around the neck of each man permanently what they shall
get for what they do. And We will bring upon him the account of his deeds which he
will find open on the Day of Akhirat: “Read your own account! It will be enough for
you today as your own accountant!”.
15Whoever finds the guided path, will have found that path for himself. And
whoever goes astray from it, will have gone against his own good. And no bearer of
burden will bear others’ burden. And We have never cast our wrath unless We sent a
messenger beforehand.
16And when We wish to manipulate/destroy a land, We command wealthy and
powerful seniors of the people of that land to follow the truth, lead their people to the
righteous path and then they go astray from the truth and the righteous path. And
then the Word185 is fulfilled upon them and We destroy them once and for all.
17And We manipulated/destroyed many generations after Noah. And sufficient
is your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer], who is always
aware of and sees the best the sins of His servants.
18And whoever desires for this world that passes quickly, We will make it pass
quickly for those who desire it. Then We prepare Jahannah [Hell] for them so that
they shall enter there condemned and banished. 19Whoever desires for Akhirat
[Afterlife] and does good deeds and makes his best efforts that suit for Akhirat
[Afterlife], rewarded shall be those. 20For all of them; for those who desire for the
mortal world and those who desire for Akhirat [Afterlife] alike will be the blessings
of their Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. Blessings of their
Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] are not limited.
21See how We bestowed more wealth upon some of them! Surely, Akhirat
[Afterlife] is at the Highest level and the most exalted in wealth.
22Do not adopt/worship another god with Allah! Or you will be left condemned
and alone.
(50/17; Al-Isra/11-22)
Division: 160
23,24And your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] has
decreed that you not to worship anyone but Him, and to heal-make your parents
beautiful. Should one of them or both attain old ages while living with you, do not
say “ah!” upon them, do not rebuke them; be sensitive to them. And utter both of
them noble compliments. And descend your wings of humbleness for them out of
your mercy. And say: “O my Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the
Sustainer]! Have mercy upon them as they raised me when I was a little child”.
25Your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] knows well
what is in your hearts. If you do righteous deeds, He surely will forgive those who
turn to Him properly.
26,27Give your relatives; those poor ones who were evacuated from their land,
paupers and wayfarers their rights. And do not waste/spend for the evil. – Surely
those who waste/spend for the evil are brothers of the devils. Satan is ungrateful to
his Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] –
28And if you will not help your relatives, those poor people and wayfarers by
seeking for a mercy you expect from your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the
Nurturer, the Sustainer], then speak gently and say compliments to them.
29And do not let your hand be tied to your neck/be not cheap, but do not waste
as well. Otherwise, you will be condemned and repented.
30Surely, your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]
expands or shrinks His blessings for whichever servant He pleases. Surely, He knows
the best about His servants, He sees the best.
31And do not kill your children for the fear of poverty. We will give them and
you blessings/We will nurture them and you. Killing them is surely a severe sin.
32And do not commit adultery/keep away from the paths that may lead you to
adultery. It surely is an abomination and an evil path.
33And do not kill a soul who is made haram [forbidden by Islamic Law] by
Allah unless it is necessary by right. And for whoever is killed unjustly, We have
given an authority to his relatives. Let him not exceed in killing. – Surely, the one
who is killed/his relatives who are to defend his rights are supported. –
34Do not approach the possessions of an orphan – unless in the best way – until
he reaches the puberty. Fulfill all promises you have made/your covenants. Indeed,
any promise that is given is a liability.
35When you measure, measure fully and use a proper weigh. This indeed is
better and more proper in consequence/implementation.
36And do not covet for anything about which you have no knowledge at all!
Surely, ear, eyes, heart; they all are liable for this.
37And do not walk on the earth with arrogance and glory! You surely cannot
split the earth open nor reach for the mountains.
38All these evil deeds are not welcome in the eye of your Rabb [the Lord, the
Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer].
39And these commandments/principles stated above are some of those laws,
rules and principles made to forbid you from committing wrong deeds revealed to
you and to preclude chaos. Do not adopt any other idol186 with Allah. Otherwise, you
will be thrown into Jahannah [Hell], condemned and banished.
(50/17; Al-Isra/23-39)
Division: 161
41Surely, We have diversified/explained in many different ways in the Qur’an
for them to make up their minds. And these explanations have only increased their
45When you recite-teach the Qur’an, We draw an invisible/concealed curtain
between you and those who do not believe Akhirat [Afterlife].
46And We have placed scabs upon their hearts that prevent them from
understanding, and impaired their hearing. And when your utter the name of your
Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] in the Qur’an as “the One
and the Only”, they step back “fleeing with hatred”.
47We know very well why they heed to you when they listen, and that those
who associate Allah with others; who act against their own good say in their secret
conversations: “You are following none but a man who is possessed”. 48Look what
kind of examples they give about you! Thus they have fallen into perversion! Now
they are not able to find a way.187
(50/17; Al-Isra/41, 45-48)
Division: 162
42Say: “If there had been any other deities with Allah, those deities would seek
for a path to Allah, the Owner of the greatest throne.188”.
40Has your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] given
you sons purposedly and taken female angels for Himself? You are surely speaking
dreadful words.
43Exalted is Allah, with a glory above of what they say, He is the Most
44All the Heavens/the space, the earth and all that lies between them are
manifestations that exonerate Allah from all deficiencies. There is nothing that fails
to exonerate Allah from all deficiencies, praising Him. But, you do not understand
how they exonerate Allah from all deficiencies. Surely, He is One Who treats gently,
the Most Forgiving.
(50/17; Al-Isra/42, 40, 43-44)
Division: 163
49And they say: Shall we be resurrected with a new creation when we become a
pile of bones and crumbled into dust?”
50-52Say: “No matter if you are stone or iron. Or any other creature that grows
within your hearts”. Then they shall say: “Who will resurrect us?”. Say: “The One
Who created you from nothing in the first places”. Then they shall wag their heads
and say: “When will it happen?” Say: “It is expected to come soon! On the day He
will gather/resurrect you, you will praise Him and follow His call and you will think
that you have stayed for a short time”.
(50/17; Al-Isra/49-52)
Division: 164
53Do, tell my servants to say which is the best. Indeed, Devil will bring conflict
among them. Surely, Satan is blatantly an enemy to man.
54Your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] knows the
best. He may show mercy upon you for your repentance if He wishes so or punish
you. We have not sent you upon them as a waqil [the one who protects and supports
and implements].
55And your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] knows
the best about those who are in the Heavens and on the Earth. And surely, We
bestowed upon some of Our prophets more than other prophets. And We gave David
the Psalms.
56Say: “Gather those subordinates of Allah which you allege are deities. You
will see that they are not capable of taking away your troubles or relieving you.
57Here are the things you allege are deities; which of them seeks the chance to
pray to be close to their Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]
and hope for His mercy and fear from His wrath? Truly, severe is the wrath of your
Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer].
58And there is no city that We have not manipulated/destroyed or punished
with a severe wrath before the Day of Qiyamat. This is manifested in the Scripture.
59And what prevented Us from sending evidence/signs is that those before you
denied them. And We clearly and explicitly assigned Thamud the duty of
establishing social relief institutions189 but they acted unjustly because of it. And We
send those evident/signs only to scare.
60And We told you: “Surely, your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer,
the Sustainer] encompasses all humans”. And We made that image that We showed
you clearly and the craving for gold and wealth that We banned in the Qur’an190 only
for testing. And We scare them but it only increases their transgression.
(50/17; Al-Isra/53-60)
Division: 165
61And when We said to the forces of the nature;191 “Prostrate and surrender to
Adam; the one who is informed” and all but Iblis;the capacity of thinking192
prostrated and surrendered. He said: “Should I prostrate to the one whom You
created from clay; substance?”.
62Iblis said: “Do You see the one whom You honored above me? I swear, if
You give me respite until the Day of Qiyamat, I will make all but few of his
descendants my subjects”.
63-65Allah said: “Go! Let it be known, whoever of them follows you, a
sufficient punishment will be yours in Jahannah [Hell]. Debilitate any of them you
can with your voice. Assault upon them with your horsemen and infantrymen! Be a
partner to their wealth and children!193 And give promises to them”. – And Devil
promises nothing but deception. – Surely, for My servants; no force is against them”.
– Your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] is enough as the
One Who creates all creature pursuant to a schedule and maintains and implements
that schedule. –
66Your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] is the One
Who make ships float over the seas for you to seek for His blessings. Surely, He is
the Most Merciful towards you.
67And when you suffer a danger at the sea, those who you worship vanish, He,
on the other hand, does not vanish. And when He disembarks and saves you, you
turn away. And man is truly ungrateful!
68Are you safe from being buried by Him or from the storms He sends upon
you? Them you will not be able to find anyone who creates all creature pursuant to a
schedule and maintains and implements that schedule.
69Or are you safe from being sent back to sea by Him and those storms He
sends upon you thus drowning for not being grateful? Then you will not be able to
find a protector against Us for what We do to you.
70And surely, We honored mankind and made them glorious and board them
unto vehicles on the land and at the sea and gave them blessings from clean and
tasteful food. And We honored them above many of those whom We created.
71On that day, We will gather all people along with their leaders. And on that
day, whoever is given his records in his right hand will read his own record and they
shall not be treated unjustly; not even as the wick of a lamp or the filament of a seed.
72Whoever blind in this world will be blind in Akhirat [Afterlife] as well. And
he will be more astray from the path.
Division: 166
73They almost led you astray from what We revealed to you and made you utter
the name of others attributing to Us thus made you do wrong and burn in fire. In that
case, they would adopt you as their close friend/a leader who had left his mark.
74And had We not made you sound, you would have inclined to them a little.
75In that case, We would make you taste the double of life and death. Then you
would not be able to find a helper against Us.
76,77And they shall try to drive you out of this land/your land. But they shall
also stay so little after you pursuant to Our law/implementation that We sent with
Our messengers before you. – You will not see any change in Our implementation. –
78Serve the Salat [Support others financially and spiritually; institutionalize and
maintain the enlightening of the community] from dusk till dawn and ensure that it is
performed and taught by the day.194 Because recitation-teaching of it by the day
worth seeing.
79And by the night. Also, additionally for you, perform salat by night! It is
expected that your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] will
take you to a good position.
80And say: “O my Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]!
Make me enter righteously and exit righteously. And give me a helping strength from
81And say: “When the truth has come, superstition has vanished. Surely,
superstition will perish”.
(50/17; Al-Isra/73-81)
Division: 167
82And We send down of the Qur’an which are cure and mercy upon those
believers. And this only increases the destruction of those who associate Allah with
others; who act against their own good.
83And when We bestow upon man Our blessings, he turns away. And when
trouble hits him, he becomes desperate.
84Say: “Everyone acts in accordance with his disposition. In this case, your
Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] knows the best who
follows the righteous path”.
85And they ask you about what was revealed195 to you. Say: “Wahy
[Revelation] is an affair of my Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the
Sustainer]. And you are granted nothing but a little piece of knowledge”.
86And surely, We can terminate what We have revealed to you; then you
cannot find anyone against Us who creates all creature pursuant to a schedule and
maintains and implements that schedule.
87We have not done this as a mercy from your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher,
the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. Surely, His blessings for you is great.
88Say: “Surely, even though all the mankind, from the past and the future,
gather together and help each other to fabricate a scripture like this Qur’an, they
surely cannot make it happen”.
89And surely, We gave diverse examples in this Qur’an for the humanity. Yet,
many of them avoided to see/denied the truth.
90-93And they say: “We will not believe you unless you cause a spring to gush
out from the ground. Or you must have a garden with dates and grapes. You must
cause rivers to flow among them. Or you must make the Heavens fall upon us in
pieces or bring Allah and angels before us. Or you must have a house ornamented
with gold or you must levitate up to the Heavens. But we will never believe that you
levitate until you send down a scripture which we recite and teach”. Then say:
“Exonerated is your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] from
all deficiencies. I am nothing but a man, a messenger!”.
94And when the guidance/the Qur’an arrives to mankind, it prevents them from
believing and say “Has Allah sent a human as His messenger?”.
95Say: “If there were angels walking on earth in peace, We would certainly
have sent them down from the Heavens as messengers”.
96Say: “Sufficient is Allah as a witness between you and me. Surely, He knows
the best what is within His servants’ hearts, their secret side, He sees the best.
97,98And whomever Allah guides, he will find the righteous path. And
whomever Allah leads astray, he will never find a helper, a protector, a guide from
among those subordinates of Allah. And We will gather them on the Day of Qiyamat
[the Day of Resurrection], blind and deaf, on their faces. Jahannah [Hell] is where
they shall arrive. When the fire of Jahannah [Hell] starts to subside, We will agitate
its blazing fire again. This will be their punishment for their denial of Our
Ayat/evidence/signs saying: “Shall we be resurrected with a new creation even after
we turn into a pile of bones and scatter into dust?”.
99Did they not see that Allah, the One Who created the Heavens and the Earth,
is capable of creating their kinsmen, the humans, and He predetermined a respite for
them to spend off? So those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating
others with Allah, always avoided the truth/tried to cover it.
100Say: “If you had the treasures of mercy of my Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher,
the Nurturer, the Sustainer], you would have spared them lest it would be depleted;
you would have avoided to give it to the people. Then, man is always miserly”.
(50/17; Al-Isra/82-100)
Division: 168
101And surely, We gave Moses nine; many manifest Ayat [evidence/sign]196 –
ask Israelites about it - . When Moses came to them and the Pharaoh said to him: “O
Moses! I certainly know that you are possessed”.
102Moses said: “You surely know that Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the
Nurturer, the Sustainer] of all universes has sent down these Ayat as evidence. And I
certainly believe that you are doomed”.
103Then, the Pharaoh wanted to drive Moses and Israelites out of Egypt but We
drowned him and all his men in the water.
104And then We said to Israelites: “Dwell on this land! And when the promise
for Akhirat [Afterlife] is fulfilled, We will gather you together”.
(50/17; Al-Isra/101-104)
Division: 169
105And only with the truth We have sent down the Qur’an, and the truth it has
descended. And We have made you a messenger only as a Warner and a Bringer of
good tidings.
106And We have divided the Qur’an into divisions to allow you to recite and
teach it in accordance with the expectations and We have sent it down continuously!
107,108Say: “Whether you believe in the Qur’an or not; those who were given
the knowledge before; when the Qur’an is recited to them, they surrendered and
prostrated on their chins. And they say: “Exonerated is our Rabb [the Lord, the
Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] from all deficiencies. And the promise of our
Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] will certainly be
109And they prostrate upon their chins, crying. And the Qur’an increases their
110Say: “Call Him Allah or call Him Rahman. Whatever name you call Him, all
the beautiful names belong to Him. Do not serve your Salat [Support others
financially and spiritually; strive to enlighten the community] openly nor secretly;
find a way between”.
111And say: “All praise be upon Allah, Who begets no children, Who has no
partners in possession and in His rule, Who does not need a helper for being helpless;
no one can be praised”. And glorify Allah continuously!
(50/17; Al-Isra/105-111)
185 See Footnote No. 77
186 See Footnote No. 50
187 For integrity of content, the Ayat 45-48 have been rearranged as a continuation from
the Ayah 41; and the Ayah 40 has been rearranged as a continuation fromthe Ayah 42.
188 See Footnote No. 37
189 See Footnote No. 121
190 This image that was shown to our Prophet; 1) is the image that our Prophet saw on the
last cedar during the occurrence of the first revelation on the night mentioned in the Surah Al-Isra/1,
according to the Official Mushaf, details of which are explained in the Surah An-Najm; 2) is the
image, in which our Prophet saw his entrance to Mecca; this image is mentioned in the Surah Al-
Fath/27. It should be remembered that the images mentioned herein are not those scenes “that are seen
in one’s dreams” but are the images “that are seen during daydreaming”.
The Cursed Tree is the tree that must be “stayed away, isolated”, and what actually meant is
“gold, property”. Then, as we mentioned about the surah Sad (see Al-Tabyeen al-Qur’an; vol.2, pp.
444), the word curse means “to banish, to deprive of the good and benefits, to cast away a member of
the family or lineage”. The tree that is banned to Adam (Al-Ar’af/19, Division 69) is actually “gold,
wealth, property” (see Al-Tabyeen al-Qur’an; vol. 2, pp. 534).
Likewise, it is stated in the Qur’an (Official Mushaf: Al-Anfal/28, At-Taghabun/15, Az-
Zumar/49) that it is an incitement for the mankind and it is commanded to avoid it and not to become
obsessed with it.
191 See Footnote No. 56
192 See Footnote No. 39
193 Iblis does not need to make an effort to become a partner of man in his properties and
children. Individuals make him their partner of themselves and in their properties and children by
serving Iblis, wasting their properties for the cause of Iblis, preventing their children to receive
education thus making them ignorant. Father of child who is not educated in the appropriate way
becomes a half-Iblis and it is inevitable for that child to become an immoral tyrant or a person who
associates others with Allah serving to the cause of Iblis.
These matters can be found in the Official Mushaf: An-Nisa/118-119, Al-Ma’idah/103,
Sad/82-83, Al-An’am/136, Al-Baqara/268 and Al-Isra/31.
194 These are the first Ayat that regulate the times to serve salat [spiritual and financial
support]. While being not contained in a Meccan Surah, these Ayat belong to the Medinan period. As
we emphasized above, purpose of salat [spiritual and financial support] is to support an individual
spiritually and financially thus making him a person who is beneficial to himself and the community
alike. Especially, since the spiritual aspects of salat allow people to become a mature person, our Rabb
[the Lord, the Nurturer, the Cherisher, the Sustainer] showed how He cares about education-training,
which is the way to fulfill this important purpose, by commanding salat to be performed even under
the attack of enemies. What is mentioned within the abovementioned Ayat is the spiritual aspects of
salat. Therefore, salat is requested to be performed in predetermined intervals thus ensuring that the
spiritual nourishment of man is satisfied. Being a duty for the believers that must be served in
predetermined intervals, “Salat” is aimed towards the sustaining of faith of Allah within the mind of
man. Therefore, serving salat [establishing and sustaining a spiritual and financial support] is an
important duty for man. This duty is required to be performed in predetermined intervals within a day
[morning, evening and night] due to this importance it bears. Commanding that salat must be served,
Allah explicitly stated when to serve salat in the Surat Al-Isra/78-79 and Hud/114. When considered
carefully, it can be realized that the statements given in Had/114 and Al-Isra/78-79 are same and set
forth the times to serve salat. However, these intervals are expressed in various stylistic manners using
different terms in accordance with the general literary form of the Qur’an. The point that should be
considered here is that all these different terms are actually synonyms. Consequently, regulation of the
intervals on which salat is to be performed is made according to then-current geographical and social
conditions of Arabia and, in our opinion, appropriate salat times may be reorganized for different
geographic and social environments.
195 See Footnote No. 54
196 See Footnote No. 170

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Daniel 4 2

What's hot (20)

096 surah ar-ra’ad (the thunder)
096  surah ar-ra’ad (the thunder)096  surah ar-ra’ad (the thunder)
096 surah ar-ra’ad (the thunder)
070 surah an-nahl (the bee)
070  surah an-nahl (the bee)070  surah an-nahl (the bee)
070 surah an-nahl (the bee)
055 surah al-an’am (the cattle)
055  surah al-an’am (the cattle)055  surah al-an’am (the cattle)
055 surah al-an’am (the cattle)
041 surah ya-sin
041  surah ya-sin041  surah ya-sin
041 surah ya-sin
Deception ( truth and lies) YHVVH
Deception ( truth and lies) YHVVHDeception ( truth and lies) YHVVH
Deception ( truth and lies) YHVVH
087 surah al-baqara (the heifer)
087  surah al-baqara (the heifer)087  surah al-baqara (the heifer)
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014 ibrahim ( abraham )
014   ibrahim ( abraham )014   ibrahim ( abraham )
014 ibrahim ( abraham )
025 al-furqan (the criterion )
025   al-furqan (the criterion )025   al-furqan (the criterion )
025 al-furqan (the criterion )
What is his name (YHVVH)
What is his name (YHVVH)What is his name (YHVVH)
What is his name (YHVVH)
089 surah ali-imran (the family of imran)
089  surah ali-imran (the family of imran)089  surah ali-imran (the family of imran)
089 surah ali-imran (the family of imran)
060 surah al-mu’min (the believer)
060  surah al-mu’min (the believer)060  surah al-mu’min (the believer)
060 surah al-mu’min (the believer)
035 fatir ( the orignator )
035   fatir ( the orignator )035   fatir ( the orignator )
035 fatir ( the orignator )
Selected verses from the quran
Selected verses from the quranSelected verses from the quran
Selected verses from the quran
039 surah al-a’raf (groups of ayat revealed division by division)
039  surah al-a’raf (groups of ayat revealed division by division)039  surah al-a’raf (groups of ayat revealed division by division)
039 surah al-a’raf (groups of ayat revealed division by division)
13 primary source pack isaiah 53 & tradition history
13 primary source pack  isaiah 53 & tradition history13 primary source pack  isaiah 53 & tradition history
13 primary source pack isaiah 53 & tradition history
043 az-zukhruf ( the gold adornment )
043   az-zukhruf ( the gold adornment )043   az-zukhruf ( the gold adornment )
043 az-zukhruf ( the gold adornment )
013 ar-ra'd ( the thunder )
013   ar-ra'd ( the thunder )013   ar-ra'd ( the thunder )
013 ar-ra'd ( the thunder )
Deuteronomy 8-9, Our righteousness; shema; Fathers discipline; today; Word of...
Deuteronomy 8-9, Our righteousness; shema; Fathers discipline; today; Word of...Deuteronomy 8-9, Our righteousness; shema; Fathers discipline; today; Word of...
Deuteronomy 8-9, Our righteousness; shema; Fathers discipline; today; Word of...
Daniel 4 2
Daniel 4 2Daniel 4 2
Daniel 4 2

Similar to 050 surah al-isra (the night journey)

042 surah al-furqan (distinguishing between the good and the evil, beauty an...
042  surah al-furqan (distinguishing between the good and the evil, beauty an...042  surah al-furqan (distinguishing between the good and the evil, beauty an...
042 surah al-furqan (distinguishing between the good and the evil, beauty an...
074 surah al-mu’minun (the believers)
074  surah al-mu’minun (the believers)074  surah al-mu’minun (the believers)
074 surah al-mu’minun (the believers)
059 surah az-zumar (the throngs)
059  surah az-zumar (the throngs)059  surah az-zumar (the throngs)
059 surah az-zumar (the throngs)
056 surah as-saffat (those who set in ranks)
056  surah as-saffat (those who set in ranks)056  surah as-saffat (those who set in ranks)
056 surah as-saffat (those who set in ranks)
094 surah al-hadid (the iron strong vision)
094  surah al-hadid (the iron strong vision)094  surah al-hadid (the iron strong vision)
094 surah al-hadid (the iron strong vision)
048 surah an-naml (the ants)
048  surah an-naml (the ants)048  surah an-naml (the ants)
048 surah an-naml (the ants)
075 surah al-sajdah (the prostration)
075  surah al-sajdah (the prostration)075  surah al-sajdah (the prostration)
075 surah al-sajdah (the prostration)
044 surah maryam (mary)
044  surah maryam (mary)044  surah maryam (mary)
044 surah maryam (mary)
057 surah luqman (luqman)
057  surah luqman (luqman)057  surah luqman (luqman)
057 surah luqman (luqman)
102 surah an-nur (the light)
102  surah an-nur (the light)102  surah an-nur (the light)
102 surah an-nur (the light)
034 saba ( sheba )
034   saba ( sheba )034   saba ( sheba )
034 saba ( sheba )
The Chosen One
084 surah ar-rum (the romans)
084  surah ar-rum (the romans)084  surah ar-rum (the romans)
084 surah ar-rum (the romans)
The holy qur’an surah al kahf - the cave-18
The holy qur’an  surah al kahf - the cave-18The holy qur’an  surah al kahf - the cave-18
The holy qur’an surah al kahf - the cave-18Xenia Y
039 az-zumar ( the groups )
039   az-zumar ( the groups )039   az-zumar ( the groups )
039 az-zumar ( the groups )
The Chosen One
103 surah al-hajj (the pilgrimage)
103  surah al-hajj (the pilgrimage)103  surah al-hajj (the pilgrimage)
103 surah al-hajj (the pilgrimage)
ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم
ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريمترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم
ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم
045 surah ta-ha
045  surah ta-ha045  surah ta-ha
045 surah ta-ha
Christianity 1
Christianity 1Christianity 1
Christianity 1
Meanings of the holy qur’an
Meanings of the holy qur’anMeanings of the holy qur’an
Meanings of the holy qur’an
Noor Al Islam
Joshua 21
Joshua 21Joshua 21

Similar to 050 surah al-isra (the night journey) (20)

042 surah al-furqan (distinguishing between the good and the evil, beauty an...
042  surah al-furqan (distinguishing between the good and the evil, beauty an...042  surah al-furqan (distinguishing between the good and the evil, beauty an...
042 surah al-furqan (distinguishing between the good and the evil, beauty an...
074 surah al-mu’minun (the believers)
074  surah al-mu’minun (the believers)074  surah al-mu’minun (the believers)
074 surah al-mu’minun (the believers)
059 surah az-zumar (the throngs)
059  surah az-zumar (the throngs)059  surah az-zumar (the throngs)
059 surah az-zumar (the throngs)
056 surah as-saffat (those who set in ranks)
056  surah as-saffat (those who set in ranks)056  surah as-saffat (those who set in ranks)
056 surah as-saffat (those who set in ranks)
094 surah al-hadid (the iron strong vision)
094  surah al-hadid (the iron strong vision)094  surah al-hadid (the iron strong vision)
094 surah al-hadid (the iron strong vision)
048 surah an-naml (the ants)
048  surah an-naml (the ants)048  surah an-naml (the ants)
048 surah an-naml (the ants)
075 surah al-sajdah (the prostration)
075  surah al-sajdah (the prostration)075  surah al-sajdah (the prostration)
075 surah al-sajdah (the prostration)
044 surah maryam (mary)
044  surah maryam (mary)044  surah maryam (mary)
044 surah maryam (mary)
057 surah luqman (luqman)
057  surah luqman (luqman)057  surah luqman (luqman)
057 surah luqman (luqman)
102 surah an-nur (the light)
102  surah an-nur (the light)102  surah an-nur (the light)
102 surah an-nur (the light)
034 saba ( sheba )
034   saba ( sheba )034   saba ( sheba )
034 saba ( sheba )
084 surah ar-rum (the romans)
084  surah ar-rum (the romans)084  surah ar-rum (the romans)
084 surah ar-rum (the romans)
The holy qur’an surah al kahf - the cave-18
The holy qur’an  surah al kahf - the cave-18The holy qur’an  surah al kahf - the cave-18
The holy qur’an surah al kahf - the cave-18
039 az-zumar ( the groups )
039   az-zumar ( the groups )039   az-zumar ( the groups )
039 az-zumar ( the groups )
103 surah al-hajj (the pilgrimage)
103  surah al-hajj (the pilgrimage)103  surah al-hajj (the pilgrimage)
103 surah al-hajj (the pilgrimage)
ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم
ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريمترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم
ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم
045 surah ta-ha
045  surah ta-ha045  surah ta-ha
045 surah ta-ha
Christianity 1
Christianity 1Christianity 1
Christianity 1
Meanings of the holy qur’an
Meanings of the holy qur’anMeanings of the holy qur’an
Meanings of the holy qur’an
Joshua 21
Joshua 21Joshua 21
Joshua 21


Qur'an in English
Qur'an in EnglishQur'an in English
Qur'an in English
Qur'an in english
Qur'an in englishQur'an in english
Qur'an in english
Qur'an in english
Qur'an in englishQur'an in english
Qur'an in english
Qur an-in-english-hakki-yilmaz
Qur an-in-english-hakki-yilmazQur an-in-english-hakki-yilmaz
Qur an-in-english-hakki-yilmaz
Necm necm-meal-hakki-yilmaz yedek
Necm necm-meal-hakki-yilmaz yedekNecm necm-meal-hakki-yilmaz yedek
Necm necm-meal-hakki-yilmaz yedek
114. nasr suresi
114. nasr suresi114. nasr suresi
114. nasr suresi
113. tevbe suresi
113. tevbe suresi113. tevbe suresi
113. tevbe suresi
112. maide suresi
112. maide suresi112. maide suresi
112. maide suresi
111. fetih suresi
111. fetih suresi111. fetih suresi
111. fetih suresi
110. cuma suresi
110. cuma suresi110. cuma suresi
110. cuma suresi
109. saff suresi
109. saff suresi109. saff suresi
109. saff suresi
108. teğabün suresi
108. teğabün suresi108. teğabün suresi
108. teğabün suresi
107. tahrim suresi
107. tahrim suresi107. tahrim suresi
107. tahrim suresi
106. hucurat suresi
106. hucurat suresi106. hucurat suresi
106. hucurat suresi
105. mücadele suresi
105. mücadele suresi105. mücadele suresi
105. mücadele suresi
104. münafikun suresi
104. münafikun suresi104. münafikun suresi
104. münafikun suresi
103. hacc suresi
103. hacc suresi103. hacc suresi
103. hacc suresi
102. nur suresi
102. nur suresi102. nur suresi
102. nur suresi
101. haşr suresi
101. haşr suresi101. haşr suresi
101. haşr suresi

More from TEBYİN-ÜL-KUR’AN (20)

Qur'an in English
Qur'an in EnglishQur'an in English
Qur'an in English
Qur'an in english
Qur'an in englishQur'an in english
Qur'an in english
Qur'an in english
Qur'an in englishQur'an in english
Qur'an in english
Qur an-in-english-hakki-yilmaz
Qur an-in-english-hakki-yilmazQur an-in-english-hakki-yilmaz
Qur an-in-english-hakki-yilmaz
Necm necm-meal-hakki-yilmaz yedek
Necm necm-meal-hakki-yilmaz yedekNecm necm-meal-hakki-yilmaz yedek
Necm necm-meal-hakki-yilmaz yedek
114. nasr suresi
114. nasr suresi114. nasr suresi
114. nasr suresi
113. tevbe suresi
113. tevbe suresi113. tevbe suresi
113. tevbe suresi
112. maide suresi
112. maide suresi112. maide suresi
112. maide suresi
111. fetih suresi
111. fetih suresi111. fetih suresi
111. fetih suresi
110. cuma suresi
110. cuma suresi110. cuma suresi
110. cuma suresi
109. saff suresi
109. saff suresi109. saff suresi
109. saff suresi
108. teğabün suresi
108. teğabün suresi108. teğabün suresi
108. teğabün suresi
107. tahrim suresi
107. tahrim suresi107. tahrim suresi
107. tahrim suresi
106. hucurat suresi
106. hucurat suresi106. hucurat suresi
106. hucurat suresi
105. mücadele suresi
105. mücadele suresi105. mücadele suresi
105. mücadele suresi
104. münafikun suresi
104. münafikun suresi104. münafikun suresi
104. münafikun suresi
103. hacc suresi
103. hacc suresi103. hacc suresi
103. hacc suresi
102. nur suresi
102. nur suresi102. nur suresi
102. nur suresi
101. haşr suresi
101. haşr suresi101. haşr suresi
101. haşr suresi

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050 surah al-isra (the night journey)

  • 1. 1 SURAH AL-ISRA (THE NIGHT JOURNEY) MECCAN PERIOD Division: 157 2,3And We gave Moses the Scripture and made the Scripture for the Israelites – those who descended from the people whom We saved by boarding to the vessel along with Noah –not to adopt any of my subordinates as their Waqil [an entity/authority that arranges all creatures pursuant to a schedule and maintains and implements this schedule]. Surely, Noah was a grateful servant of Mine who was praying much for the blessings he had been given. 4And We dictated to Israelites in the Scripture/the destiny that: “You will surely make mischief in the world twice/be defeated and rise again majestically”. 5And when the first one is due, We sent upon you Our mighty servants and they wandered among the houses, searching. And this was a promise that must have been fulfilled. 6Then We made you prevail against Our mighty servants and bestowed you with wealth and sons. And made you have more in terms of those useful. - 7If you do good, you do if for yourselves and if you do evil, you do it for yourselves too. – And when the time for devastation comes, We will send Our mighty servants upon you to do evil to you, enter the mesjid/Bayt Al-Maqdis as they did for the first time, demolish and destroy the places they take. 8It is hoped that your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] would help you. And if you turned away We also turned away. And We made Jahannah [Hell] a prison that encloses for those who consciously deny the Divinity of Allah and the fact that He is Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. (50/17; Al-Isra/2-8) Division: 158 9,10Surely, the Qur’an guides people to the most righteous and the most sound and brings the good tidings that a grand reward will be for those believers who do corrective deeds and that We will be planning a burning punishment for those who do not believe in Akhirat [Afterlife]. (50/17; Al-Isra/9-10) Division: 159 11And man invites the evil as he invites the good. And man is always hasty.
  • 2. 2 12And We made the night and the day two evidence/signs. Then We erased the evidence/sign of the night and brought the evidence/sign of the day as a light that makes you see to seek for the blessings from your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] and to be able to count and calculate years. And We explained and expounded everything in detail. 13,14And We wrapped around the neck of each man permanently what they shall get for what they do. And We will bring upon him the account of his deeds which he will find open on the Day of Akhirat: “Read your own account! It will be enough for you today as your own accountant!”. 15Whoever finds the guided path, will have found that path for himself. And whoever goes astray from it, will have gone against his own good. And no bearer of burden will bear others’ burden. And We have never cast our wrath unless We sent a messenger beforehand. 16And when We wish to manipulate/destroy a land, We command wealthy and powerful seniors of the people of that land to follow the truth, lead their people to the righteous path and then they go astray from the truth and the righteous path. And then the Word185 is fulfilled upon them and We destroy them once and for all. 17And We manipulated/destroyed many generations after Noah. And sufficient is your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer], who is always aware of and sees the best the sins of His servants. 18And whoever desires for this world that passes quickly, We will make it pass quickly for those who desire it. Then We prepare Jahannah [Hell] for them so that they shall enter there condemned and banished. 19Whoever desires for Akhirat [Afterlife] and does good deeds and makes his best efforts that suit for Akhirat [Afterlife], rewarded shall be those. 20For all of them; for those who desire for the mortal world and those who desire for Akhirat [Afterlife] alike will be the blessings of their Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. Blessings of their Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] are not limited. 21See how We bestowed more wealth upon some of them! Surely, Akhirat [Afterlife] is at the Highest level and the most exalted in wealth. 22Do not adopt/worship another god with Allah! Or you will be left condemned and alone. (50/17; Al-Isra/11-22) Division: 160
  • 3. 3 23,24And your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] has decreed that you not to worship anyone but Him, and to heal-make your parents beautiful. Should one of them or both attain old ages while living with you, do not say “ah!” upon them, do not rebuke them; be sensitive to them. And utter both of them noble compliments. And descend your wings of humbleness for them out of your mercy. And say: “O my Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]! Have mercy upon them as they raised me when I was a little child”. 25Your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] knows well what is in your hearts. If you do righteous deeds, He surely will forgive those who turn to Him properly. 26,27Give your relatives; those poor ones who were evacuated from their land, paupers and wayfarers their rights. And do not waste/spend for the evil. – Surely those who waste/spend for the evil are brothers of the devils. Satan is ungrateful to his Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] – 28And if you will not help your relatives, those poor people and wayfarers by seeking for a mercy you expect from your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer], then speak gently and say compliments to them. 29And do not let your hand be tied to your neck/be not cheap, but do not waste as well. Otherwise, you will be condemned and repented. 30Surely, your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] expands or shrinks His blessings for whichever servant He pleases. Surely, He knows the best about His servants, He sees the best. 31And do not kill your children for the fear of poverty. We will give them and you blessings/We will nurture them and you. Killing them is surely a severe sin. 32And do not commit adultery/keep away from the paths that may lead you to adultery. It surely is an abomination and an evil path. 33And do not kill a soul who is made haram [forbidden by Islamic Law] by Allah unless it is necessary by right. And for whoever is killed unjustly, We have given an authority to his relatives. Let him not exceed in killing. – Surely, the one who is killed/his relatives who are to defend his rights are supported. – 34Do not approach the possessions of an orphan – unless in the best way – until he reaches the puberty. Fulfill all promises you have made/your covenants. Indeed, any promise that is given is a liability. 35When you measure, measure fully and use a proper weigh. This indeed is better and more proper in consequence/implementation.
  • 4. 4 36And do not covet for anything about which you have no knowledge at all! Surely, ear, eyes, heart; they all are liable for this. 37And do not walk on the earth with arrogance and glory! You surely cannot split the earth open nor reach for the mountains. 38All these evil deeds are not welcome in the eye of your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. 39And these commandments/principles stated above are some of those laws, rules and principles made to forbid you from committing wrong deeds revealed to you and to preclude chaos. Do not adopt any other idol186 with Allah. Otherwise, you will be thrown into Jahannah [Hell], condemned and banished. (50/17; Al-Isra/23-39) Division: 161 41Surely, We have diversified/explained in many different ways in the Qur’an for them to make up their minds. And these explanations have only increased their hatred. 45When you recite-teach the Qur’an, We draw an invisible/concealed curtain between you and those who do not believe Akhirat [Afterlife]. 46And We have placed scabs upon their hearts that prevent them from understanding, and impaired their hearing. And when your utter the name of your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] in the Qur’an as “the One and the Only”, they step back “fleeing with hatred”. 47We know very well why they heed to you when they listen, and that those who associate Allah with others; who act against their own good say in their secret conversations: “You are following none but a man who is possessed”. 48Look what kind of examples they give about you! Thus they have fallen into perversion! Now they are not able to find a way.187 (50/17; Al-Isra/41, 45-48) Division: 162 42Say: “If there had been any other deities with Allah, those deities would seek for a path to Allah, the Owner of the greatest throne.188”.
  • 5. 5 40Has your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] given you sons purposedly and taken female angels for Himself? You are surely speaking dreadful words. 43Exalted is Allah, with a glory above of what they say, He is the Most Glorious. 44All the Heavens/the space, the earth and all that lies between them are manifestations that exonerate Allah from all deficiencies. There is nothing that fails to exonerate Allah from all deficiencies, praising Him. But, you do not understand how they exonerate Allah from all deficiencies. Surely, He is One Who treats gently, the Most Forgiving. (50/17; Al-Isra/42, 40, 43-44) Division: 163 49And they say: Shall we be resurrected with a new creation when we become a pile of bones and crumbled into dust?” 50-52Say: “No matter if you are stone or iron. Or any other creature that grows within your hearts”. Then they shall say: “Who will resurrect us?”. Say: “The One Who created you from nothing in the first places”. Then they shall wag their heads and say: “When will it happen?” Say: “It is expected to come soon! On the day He will gather/resurrect you, you will praise Him and follow His call and you will think that you have stayed for a short time”. (50/17; Al-Isra/49-52) Division: 164 53Do, tell my servants to say which is the best. Indeed, Devil will bring conflict among them. Surely, Satan is blatantly an enemy to man. 54Your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] knows the best. He may show mercy upon you for your repentance if He wishes so or punish you. We have not sent you upon them as a waqil [the one who protects and supports and implements]. 55And your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] knows the best about those who are in the Heavens and on the Earth. And surely, We bestowed upon some of Our prophets more than other prophets. And We gave David the Psalms.
  • 6. 6 56Say: “Gather those subordinates of Allah which you allege are deities. You will see that they are not capable of taking away your troubles or relieving you. 57Here are the things you allege are deities; which of them seeks the chance to pray to be close to their Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] and hope for His mercy and fear from His wrath? Truly, severe is the wrath of your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. 58And there is no city that We have not manipulated/destroyed or punished with a severe wrath before the Day of Qiyamat. This is manifested in the Scripture. 59And what prevented Us from sending evidence/signs is that those before you denied them. And We clearly and explicitly assigned Thamud the duty of establishing social relief institutions189 but they acted unjustly because of it. And We send those evident/signs only to scare. 60And We told you: “Surely, your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] encompasses all humans”. And We made that image that We showed you clearly and the craving for gold and wealth that We banned in the Qur’an190 only for testing. And We scare them but it only increases their transgression. (50/17; Al-Isra/53-60) Division: 165 61And when We said to the forces of the nature;191 “Prostrate and surrender to Adam; the one who is informed” and all but Iblis;the capacity of thinking192 prostrated and surrendered. He said: “Should I prostrate to the one whom You created from clay; substance?”. 62Iblis said: “Do You see the one whom You honored above me? I swear, if You give me respite until the Day of Qiyamat, I will make all but few of his descendants my subjects”. 63-65Allah said: “Go! Let it be known, whoever of them follows you, a sufficient punishment will be yours in Jahannah [Hell]. Debilitate any of them you can with your voice. Assault upon them with your horsemen and infantrymen! Be a partner to their wealth and children!193 And give promises to them”. – And Devil promises nothing but deception. – Surely, for My servants; no force is against them”. – Your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] is enough as the One Who creates all creature pursuant to a schedule and maintains and implements that schedule. –
  • 7. 7 66Your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] is the One Who make ships float over the seas for you to seek for His blessings. Surely, He is the Most Merciful towards you. 67And when you suffer a danger at the sea, those who you worship vanish, He, on the other hand, does not vanish. And when He disembarks and saves you, you turn away. And man is truly ungrateful! 68Are you safe from being buried by Him or from the storms He sends upon you? Them you will not be able to find anyone who creates all creature pursuant to a schedule and maintains and implements that schedule. 69Or are you safe from being sent back to sea by Him and those storms He sends upon you thus drowning for not being grateful? Then you will not be able to find a protector against Us for what We do to you. 70And surely, We honored mankind and made them glorious and board them unto vehicles on the land and at the sea and gave them blessings from clean and tasteful food. And We honored them above many of those whom We created. 71On that day, We will gather all people along with their leaders. And on that day, whoever is given his records in his right hand will read his own record and they shall not be treated unjustly; not even as the wick of a lamp or the filament of a seed. 72Whoever blind in this world will be blind in Akhirat [Afterlife] as well. And he will be more astray from the path. (50/17;Al-Isra/61-72) Division: 166 73They almost led you astray from what We revealed to you and made you utter the name of others attributing to Us thus made you do wrong and burn in fire. In that case, they would adopt you as their close friend/a leader who had left his mark. 74And had We not made you sound, you would have inclined to them a little. 75In that case, We would make you taste the double of life and death. Then you would not be able to find a helper against Us. 76,77And they shall try to drive you out of this land/your land. But they shall also stay so little after you pursuant to Our law/implementation that We sent with Our messengers before you. – You will not see any change in Our implementation. –
  • 8. 8 78Serve the Salat [Support others financially and spiritually; institutionalize and maintain the enlightening of the community] from dusk till dawn and ensure that it is performed and taught by the day.194 Because recitation-teaching of it by the day worth seeing. 79And by the night. Also, additionally for you, perform salat by night! It is expected that your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] will take you to a good position. 80And say: “O my Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]! Make me enter righteously and exit righteously. And give me a helping strength from Yourself”. 81And say: “When the truth has come, superstition has vanished. Surely, superstition will perish”. (50/17; Al-Isra/73-81) Division: 167 82And We send down of the Qur’an which are cure and mercy upon those believers. And this only increases the destruction of those who associate Allah with others; who act against their own good. 83And when We bestow upon man Our blessings, he turns away. And when trouble hits him, he becomes desperate. 84Say: “Everyone acts in accordance with his disposition. In this case, your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] knows the best who follows the righteous path”. 85And they ask you about what was revealed195 to you. Say: “Wahy [Revelation] is an affair of my Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. And you are granted nothing but a little piece of knowledge”. 86And surely, We can terminate what We have revealed to you; then you cannot find anyone against Us who creates all creature pursuant to a schedule and maintains and implements that schedule. 87We have not done this as a mercy from your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer]. Surely, His blessings for you is great. 88Say: “Surely, even though all the mankind, from the past and the future, gather together and help each other to fabricate a scripture like this Qur’an, they surely cannot make it happen”.
  • 9. 9 89And surely, We gave diverse examples in this Qur’an for the humanity. Yet, many of them avoided to see/denied the truth. 90-93And they say: “We will not believe you unless you cause a spring to gush out from the ground. Or you must have a garden with dates and grapes. You must cause rivers to flow among them. Or you must make the Heavens fall upon us in pieces or bring Allah and angels before us. Or you must have a house ornamented with gold or you must levitate up to the Heavens. But we will never believe that you levitate until you send down a scripture which we recite and teach”. Then say: “Exonerated is your Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] from all deficiencies. I am nothing but a man, a messenger!”. 94And when the guidance/the Qur’an arrives to mankind, it prevents them from believing and say “Has Allah sent a human as His messenger?”. 95Say: “If there were angels walking on earth in peace, We would certainly have sent them down from the Heavens as messengers”. 96Say: “Sufficient is Allah as a witness between you and me. Surely, He knows the best what is within His servants’ hearts, their secret side, He sees the best. 97,98And whomever Allah guides, he will find the righteous path. And whomever Allah leads astray, he will never find a helper, a protector, a guide from among those subordinates of Allah. And We will gather them on the Day of Qiyamat [the Day of Resurrection], blind and deaf, on their faces. Jahannah [Hell] is where they shall arrive. When the fire of Jahannah [Hell] starts to subside, We will agitate its blazing fire again. This will be their punishment for their denial of Our Ayat/evidence/signs saying: “Shall we be resurrected with a new creation even after we turn into a pile of bones and scatter into dust?”. 99Did they not see that Allah, the One Who created the Heavens and the Earth, is capable of creating their kinsmen, the humans, and He predetermined a respite for them to spend off? So those who do wrong; act against their own good by associating others with Allah, always avoided the truth/tried to cover it. 100Say: “If you had the treasures of mercy of my Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer], you would have spared them lest it would be depleted; you would have avoided to give it to the people. Then, man is always miserly”. (50/17; Al-Isra/82-100) Division: 168
  • 10. 10 101And surely, We gave Moses nine; many manifest Ayat [evidence/sign]196 – ask Israelites about it - . When Moses came to them and the Pharaoh said to him: “O Moses! I certainly know that you are possessed”. 102Moses said: “You surely know that Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] of all universes has sent down these Ayat as evidence. And I certainly believe that you are doomed”. 103Then, the Pharaoh wanted to drive Moses and Israelites out of Egypt but We drowned him and all his men in the water. 104And then We said to Israelites: “Dwell on this land! And when the promise for Akhirat [Afterlife] is fulfilled, We will gather you together”. (50/17; Al-Isra/101-104) Division: 169 105And only with the truth We have sent down the Qur’an, and the truth it has descended. And We have made you a messenger only as a Warner and a Bringer of good tidings. 106And We have divided the Qur’an into divisions to allow you to recite and teach it in accordance with the expectations and We have sent it down continuously! 107,108Say: “Whether you believe in the Qur’an or not; those who were given the knowledge before; when the Qur’an is recited to them, they surrendered and prostrated on their chins. And they say: “Exonerated is our Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] from all deficiencies. And the promise of our Rabb [the Lord, the Cherisher, the Nurturer, the Sustainer] will certainly be fulfilled”. 109And they prostrate upon their chins, crying. And the Qur’an increases their humility. 110Say: “Call Him Allah or call Him Rahman. Whatever name you call Him, all the beautiful names belong to Him. Do not serve your Salat [Support others financially and spiritually; strive to enlighten the community] openly nor secretly; find a way between”. 111And say: “All praise be upon Allah, Who begets no children, Who has no partners in possession and in His rule, Who does not need a helper for being helpless; no one can be praised”. And glorify Allah continuously!
  • 11. 11 (50/17; Al-Isra/105-111) 185 See Footnote No. 77 186 See Footnote No. 50 187 For integrity of content, the Ayat 45-48 have been rearranged as a continuation from the Ayah 41; and the Ayah 40 has been rearranged as a continuation fromthe Ayah 42. 188 See Footnote No. 37 189 See Footnote No. 121 190 This image that was shown to our Prophet; 1) is the image that our Prophet saw on the last cedar during the occurrence of the first revelation on the night mentioned in the Surah Al-Isra/1, according to the Official Mushaf, details of which are explained in the Surah An-Najm; 2) is the image, in which our Prophet saw his entrance to Mecca; this image is mentioned in the Surah Al- Fath/27. It should be remembered that the images mentioned herein are not those scenes “that are seen in one’s dreams” but are the images “that are seen during daydreaming”. The Cursed Tree is the tree that must be “stayed away, isolated”, and what actually meant is “gold, property”. Then, as we mentioned about the surah Sad (see Al-Tabyeen al-Qur’an; vol.2, pp. 444), the word curse means “to banish, to deprive of the good and benefits, to cast away a member of the family or lineage”. The tree that is banned to Adam (Al-Ar’af/19, Division 69) is actually “gold, wealth, property” (see Al-Tabyeen al-Qur’an; vol. 2, pp. 534). Likewise, it is stated in the Qur’an (Official Mushaf: Al-Anfal/28, At-Taghabun/15, Az- Zumar/49) that it is an incitement for the mankind and it is commanded to avoid it and not to become obsessed with it. 191 See Footnote No. 56 192 See Footnote No. 39 193 Iblis does not need to make an effort to become a partner of man in his properties and children. Individuals make him their partner of themselves and in their properties and children by serving Iblis, wasting their properties for the cause of Iblis, preventing their children to receive education thus making them ignorant. Father of child who is not educated in the appropriate way becomes a half-Iblis and it is inevitable for that child to become an immoral tyrant or a person who associates others with Allah serving to the cause of Iblis. These matters can be found in the Official Mushaf: An-Nisa/118-119, Al-Ma’idah/103, Sad/82-83, Al-An’am/136, Al-Baqara/268 and Al-Isra/31. 194 These are the first Ayat that regulate the times to serve salat [spiritual and financial support]. While being not contained in a Meccan Surah, these Ayat belong to the Medinan period. As we emphasized above, purpose of salat [spiritual and financial support] is to support an individual spiritually and financially thus making him a person who is beneficial to himself and the community alike. Especially, since the spiritual aspects of salat allow people to become a mature person, our Rabb
  • 12. 12 [the Lord, the Nurturer, the Cherisher, the Sustainer] showed how He cares about education-training, which is the way to fulfill this important purpose, by commanding salat to be performed even under the attack of enemies. What is mentioned within the abovementioned Ayat is the spiritual aspects of salat. Therefore, salat is requested to be performed in predetermined intervals thus ensuring that the spiritual nourishment of man is satisfied. Being a duty for the believers that must be served in predetermined intervals, “Salat” is aimed towards the sustaining of faith of Allah within the mind of man. Therefore, serving salat [establishing and sustaining a spiritual and financial support] is an important duty for man. This duty is required to be performed in predetermined intervals within a day [morning, evening and night] due to this importance it bears. Commanding that salat must be served, Allah explicitly stated when to serve salat in the Surat Al-Isra/78-79 and Hud/114. When considered carefully, it can be realized that the statements given in Had/114 and Al-Isra/78-79 are same and set forth the times to serve salat. However, these intervals are expressed in various stylistic manners using different terms in accordance with the general literary form of the Qur’an. The point that should be considered here is that all these different terms are actually synonyms. Consequently, regulation of the intervals on which salat is to be performed is made according to then-current geographical and social conditions of Arabia and, in our opinion, appropriate salat times may be reorganized for different geographic and social environments. 195 See Footnote No. 54 196 See Footnote No. 170