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0018-9162/00/$10.00 © 2000 IEEE May 2000 35
The Push to
Make Software
oftware engineering (SE) is maturing as a dis-
cipline and profession, but three decades after
the first NATO Conference on Software
Engineering, it is still not regarded as a legit-
imate, respectable engineering profession. In
1995, Gary Ford and Norman Gibbs of the Software
Engineering Institute evaluated what it means for a
profession to be mature and how SE was doing.1 Their
extensive and fascinating study found that, relative to
other fields and engineering branches, most elements
that make SE a profession were quite immature.
Five years later, SE has countless practitioners (a.k.a.
software developers), thousands of articles, dozens of
conferences and workshops, and a respectable number
of education and training programs. The computer sci-
ence (CS) and SE communities (educators, researchers,
practitioners, and professional societies) are further
along in defining a body of knowledge, code of ethics,
accreditation guidelines, and licensing programs.
But despite all this progress, SE, while recognizable, is
still immature—as evidenced by the significant gap
between vision, education, and standard practice. The
reasons are legion, but they boil down to one simple fact:
The field is still young. There just hasn’t been enough
time to gain widespread community consensus on issues,
to stabilize a core body of knowledge, and to develop a
large enough pool (several generations) of experienced
practitioners and educators. The rapid changes in this
field make the road to maturity even rougher.
Although we believe time will eventually mature SE,
a calculated push can accelerate the maturation process.
By “push,” we mean defining, accrediting, and evalu-
ating new curricula that stress CS and SE fundamentals
and practice, focus on lifelong learning and team expe-
rience, and increase the role of the professional societies
in accreditation, certification, and licensing efforts.
Although the push will not overcome all issues, it will
go far in addressing the most knotty ones.
Establishing SE programs is fraught with economic,
political, and pedagogic challenges—notably how to
divorce SE (or if it should be divorced) from existing
CS and computer engineering (CE) curricula. Any
solutions will have to come from deeper, more exten-
sive industrial-academic-professional society partner-
ships. This is key.
We have spent some time considering the reasons for
SE’s immaturity. All of us are heavily involved in both
industry and academia and have been active in profes-
sional societies that aim to promote SE as a profession.
Promotion efforts are by no means limited to the US,
but because our experience is primarily with US activ-
ities, that is our focus in this article. Our main goal is
to explore, from a multifaceted perspective, why we
are where we are now and how we can move forward.
As Table 1 shows, a mature profession must have
several key infrastructure components. In addition to
solid education programs, proper guidance from
industry and professional societies is critical to ade-
quately prepare graduates for entrance to an SE pro-
fession. Accreditation of programs and possible
certification and licensing of graduates safeguard the
quality of any education and training program and
provide assurance that graduates meet and maintain
requisite levels of knowledge and practice.
A recognized engineering profession must have an established
body of
knowledge and skill that its practitioners understand and use
After 30 years, there is still a wide gap between the best and the
software engineering practices. To close this gap, we need a
partnership among industry, academia, and professional
Gilda Pour
San Jose State
Martin L.
Michael Lutz
Institute of
36 Computer
The various infrastructure components work
together to ensure that those entering the profession
become familiar with the currently accepted body of
knowledge and that they practice it in a manner con-
sistent with the tenets of the profession. Research and
practice will evolve the body of knowledge; thus, prac-
titioners must continue to enhance their skills and
practice as they gain enough experience to specialize.
Table 1 indicates the relative maturity of each infra-
structure component, using Ford and Gibbs’ four-level
scale.1 However, the ratings do not reflect the con-
sensus or breadth of compliance on a particular com-
ponent, which tends to be low.
A major symptom of a not-quite-mature field—and
a frustrating one to address—is the wide gap between
education and practice and between best and typical
practice. Ongoing efforts in many maturity elements
are attempting to narrow these gaps.
There are many engineering and CS professional soci-
eties, but the two most clearly identified with the SE pro-
fession are the Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM) and the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS).
Recently, the two joined forces to define SE as a profes-
sion, provide a code of conduct for professionals, and
formulate appropriate criteria for accrediting SE edu-
cational programs. The Software Engineering Coor-
dinating Committee (SWECC) defines the scope of these
constituent tasks and monitors and coordinates the
working groups. SWECC membership is divided evenly
between the ACM and the IEEE CS—a balance that is
the hallmark of SWECC-commissioned activities. Table
2 lists some of SWECC’s current projects.
Although the ACM and the IEEE CS sponsor
SWECC projects, international participation has been
uncommonly strong. More important, professional
groups in other countries are beginning to take SE seri -
ously: Graduates of UK computing programs that are
accredited by the British Computer Society are eligible
for Chartered Engineer status, and licensing for grad-
uates of accredited SE programs in Australia is simi-
lar to licensing for other engineering graduates.
Canada also seems to be leaning toward similar treat-
ment of SE as a profession.
Barriers. Activities to develop a body of knowledge,
accreditation, curricula, a code of ethics, and licensing
and certification are ongoing but are proceeding rather
slowly, staffed primarily by volunteers. Although the
IEEE CS and the ACM have actively promoted pro-
fessionalism in SE since 1993, they do not agree on all
issues related to SE as a profession. Their positions on
licensing professionals and the pace of accreditation
are far apart, for example.
Table 1. How does software engineering rate on the maturity
Infrastructure component of a mature profession How software
engineering measures up*
Recognized body of knowledge IEEE-CS/ACM task force has
released a first body of knowledge report with
consensus expected to take at least 4 years (level 2-3)
Professional society/societies IEEE-CS, ACM, and SIGSOFT,
active, a specific SE society under discussion (level 2-3)
Code of ethics Recently developed for SE, but not widely
known or practiced (level 1-2)
Initial professional education system Some SE BS degrees
recently offered by CS departments and special SE depart-
ments in the US, the UK, Europe, Canada, and Australia (level
Accreditation of professional education programs to improve
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
criteria for SE are in
program quality and ensure some uniformity place, which the
Computer Science Accreditation Board (CSAB) will evolve
(level 1-2)
Skills development mechanism for professionals Several MSE
programs, certificate short courses, and so on (level 1)
entering the practice
Professional development programs to maintain currency of
Fragmented offerings—extension courses, seminars,
professional conferences,
knowledge and skills manufacturer certification programs (level
Certification of professionals administered by the profession
Limited, inconsistent, technology-based; some certificates
issued by manufacturers
(for example, Microsoft MCSE) (level 0-1)
Licensing of professionals administered by government
Recently in the US (Texas), Canada, and the UK (level 1-2)
*Level 0 = Nonexistent.
Level 1 = Ad hoc, some form of element exists, but is not
identified with the SE profession.
Level 2 = Specific, the element exists and is clearly identified
with the SE profession.
Level 3 = Maturing, the element has existed for many years, is
continually improving, and is under active stewardship of an
appropriate professional
May 2000 37
At the national level, the President’s Information
Technology Advisory Council (PITAC) report articu-
lated the urgency of SE issues, and Congress approved
money for the National Science Foundation (NSF),
but these recommendations are not coordinated with
the societies, nor do final proposals really target funds
toward SE issues. Thus, progress is limited to the rate
at which society members and leadership can change.
Possible solutions. The societies, via member involve-
ment, must strive to create a broader consensus on the
core of the SE profession. Perhaps the SE community
needs to address issues more aggressively. We could accel -
erate progress with full-time paid staff, for example,
rather than relying on the efforts of part-time volunteers.
Body of knowledge
In long-established professions, such as medicine,
law, or civil engineering, the body of knowledge was
codified as part of a long maturation process. To accel -
erate the maturation of new professions, professional
communities can consciously and explicitly define the
body of knowledge, rather than waiting for a natural
evolution. The codification proclaims what is unique
about the profession, demarcates the boundaries with
related professions, and significantly aids education,
certification, and licensing. Getting practitioners and
educators to agree on the core body of knowledge is
a key milestone in any discipline.
SWECC established the Software Engineering Body
of Knowledge (SWEBOK) project to collect and doc-
ument the state of SE practice, using a three-phase
consensus-building approach.2 So far, the SWEBOK
project has identified and is structuring many topics
that texts and SE programs cover. Area committees
are expanding and distilling the material, using pub-
lic reviews and surveys to reach consensus. The goal
is to categorize the material as core, advanced, or
research to determine what should be taught and
known at various professional development levels.
It will take at least four years to reach initial con-
sensus, with ongoing refinement and evolution. The
first two phases—strawman and stoneman—are
essentially complete, providing a basis for significant
work on model curricula and certification.
Barriers. Achieving consensus on the common core
takes time, as will agreeing on related specialties. More
time will elapse before curricula incorporate this core,
especially when state education processes are involved.
Possible solutions. Some ongoing activities are
increasing awareness and buy-in. Adding workshops
and panels at major conferences could heighten
awareness even more. Support for innovative pro-
grams can accelerate the rate of change. Also, signif-
icant industry, government, and society sponsorship
and funding can help create sponsored and widely
advertised pilot or magnet programs to help jump-
start change, as well as offer fast-track certification
programs. Neither academia nor industry will change
overnight, however. Current mind-sets must change,
which may require new blood in upper ranks.
Code of ethics and professional practice
SWECC established the Software Engineering
Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (SWCEPP)
project to develop a code that the SE community as
a whole would find acceptable. An international
effort produced a detailed add-on to the standard
engineering code of ethics, which differs across coun-
tries.3 Some decry the extra detail as unnecessary,
claiming that we already have an adequate engineer-
ing code. We agree with others who believe the extra
detail and clarity are needed, both to enhance educa-
tion and to clarify to SE educators and practitioners
that they are indeed engaged in an engineering effort
that affects society.
The ACM and the IEEE CS recently approved the
draft code, with the goal of having it recognized as
appropriate for all involved in SE. There are as yet no
Table 2. Software engineering projects jointly sponsored by the
ACM and the IEEE CS through the Software Engineering
SWECC project* Description and status as of April 2000
Software Engineering Body of Create an index to the core body
of knowledge (BOK), structure it, refine with specialist area
committees, and
Knowledge (SWEBOK) gain community consensus. — Phase
two BOK draft (Stoneman) essentially complete.
Software Engineering Code of Create an expanded and detailed
code of SE ethics for educators and practitioners based on a
shorter engineering
Ethics and Professional code of ethics. Provide case studies and
training materials to help rapidly educate community. — Final
Practice (SWCEPP) submitted for approval.
Software Engineering Education Define model accreditation
criteria and sample curricula consistent with SWEBOK for BS
and other SE education
Project (SWEEP) programs. — SWECC approved accreditation
guidelines in December 1998.
* More details and current status of key activities are described
in the IEEE Software special issue on professional software
engineering (Nov./Dec.
1999) and at
38 Computer
formal consequences for professionals who violate the
code. In other professions, a licensing board hears
accusations and can recommend disbarment (as in the
legal profession) or some other sanction. The code
could also be used in legal proceedings to determine
whether or not a software engineer has acted in accor-
dance with professional norms and the accepted body
of knowledge.
Barriers. Awareness is the biggest problem. Many
of those involved in SE still have not heard of the draft
code or SWCEPP and are confused about how it
affects them. Only a handful of schools yet teach SE
ethics and professional practice.
Possible solutions. We need to have more articles and
studies at key conferences, active industrial lobbying,
wider-spread accreditation. Most of all, we need to
allow time for awareness and practice to grow. We
can then begin self-monitoring.
Education and accreditation
Many fledgling undergraduate SE programs exist
in the US and abroad,2,4 and we expect to see more in
the next few years. The sidebar “Elements of a Good
Software Engineering Program” describes what con-
stitutes an effective program. Common to all pro-
grams is the recognition that SE is fundamentally
different from CS and CE. The sidebar “The Case for
Software Engineering Independence” describes some
of these differences.
The Software Engineering Education Project
(SWEEP)4 provides a detailed set of guidelines for SE
programs that will eventually seek accreditation.
SWECC officially adopted the SWEEP accreditation
guidelines in December 1998. Also in 1998, the
Computer Science Accreditation Board started a formal
integration of its operations and criteria with the
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology—
A comprehensive un-
dergraduate SE pro-
gram builds on a
traditional CS program, incorporating
various components adapted from typical
engineering education programs. It has
eight main elements:
• CS fundamentals provide the core
technical knowledge and skills about
software and hardware artifacts and
techniques to address key technical
problems. These include programming
languages, modeling, formalisms,
mechanisms, databases, operating sys-
tems, networking, algorithms, pro-
gramming, and distributed systems.
• SE fundamentals provide the core
technical knowledge and process skills
and tools to create, manage, and main-
tain software and documentation and
deal with complexity and human
error. These include software process
discipline, life-cycle models, software
metrics and economics, architecture,
design methods and skills, design
inspections, testing, configuration
management, and standards.
• Engineering practice and ethics pro-
vide an understanding of general sys-
tems principles, economic and
functional trade-offs, the implication
of building artifacts for use, and how
engineers serve society and balance
their responsibilities to their employ-
ers, their customers, and society.
• Effective communication and team-
work skills provide knowledge and
skills in working with diverse human
beings—from peers to management
and customers.
• Experience in an application domain
that exposes students to real-world
problems. This element is key to
grounding and consolidating core
knowledge and skills in a particular
• A significant team project exposes stu-
dents to issues such as requirements
change, project management, config-
uration management, use of tools,
and team dynamics. The project is
typically run under somewhat con-
trolled conditions in a laboratory or
studio setting and can be completed
in assigned time, with mentors ori-
ented to the educational experience.
• Experience in some industrial setting,
perhaps through a required internship
or co-op program, provides even more
exposure to real-world issues, people,
pragmatics, and the vagaries of real
projects under real-time pressure.
• Tools for effective lifetime learning,
including experiences that rehearse
how to seek, evaluate, and use infor-
mation not directly provided by
assigned texts and lectures. For
example, projects might require stu-
dents to find information on the Web
or in the library, evaluate and inte-
grate possibly conflicting materials,
and attend and report on a confer-
ence and a tutorial. Students might
also participate in an ongoing “jour-
nal club” or “research seminar,”
where they would read, analyze, and
compare many papers.
Because software technologies crop up
quickly and because IT’s role is constantly
changing, any SE program must empha-
size lifelong learning. Numerous phe-
nomena and issues (open source, the Web,
component- and service-oriented com-
puting) will affect SE, and SE profession-
als must be able to understand and
evaluate those effects.
Also, different parts of software con-
struction require a different mix of skills:
For some segments, a laboratory-style
team project is important (do an experi-
ment, measure it, evaluate it); in others a
studio approach is better (do creative
work in some medium under the watch-
ful eye of a mentor or instructor).
Elements of a Good Software Engineering Program
May 2000 39
a merger that will unify the criteria and process used to
accredit SE programs. SWEEP will use the accreditation
guidelines as a specification to design one or more model
curricula for SE, leveraging the initial work of SWEBOK
and the Computer Curriculum 2001 task force (recently
formed by the IEEE CS and the ACM to review and
upgrade the 1991 computing curricula), among others.
In other countries, the development of undergradu-
ate SE programs is even further along. Australia and
the UK, for example, established initial programs in the
early 1990s. As a result, both countries have accredi -
tation criteria for SE programs, and graduates have
equal professional standing with those in more tradi-
tional engineering disciplines. India’s software indus-
try is also growing rapidly, in large part because of the
disciplined engineering approaches used in Indian firms.
Barriers. Establishing SE in undergraduate (or even
graduate) curricula is rarely straightforward. Several
educational institutions, including the Rochester
Institute of Technology (RIT), have successfully estab-
lished an undergraduate SE program, but one model
is unlikely to work for all institutions. The California
state university system, for example, must ensure that
appropriate two-year programs are in place in paral-
lel with introducing the four-year degree.5
A critical problem is finding faculty interested in
and capable of teaching SE because few CS faculty
have enough real-world SE experience. Teaching SE
Many institutions tend
to think of software
engineering (SE) as just
a kind of computer science (CS) or com-
puter engineering (CE). This leads to
problems because the disciplines differ in
both focus and approach: SE studies soft-
ware; CS and CE study primarily hard-
ware, algorithms, and languages. CS and
CE develop knowledge; SE applies that
knowledge to engineer high-quality soft-
ware systems. The IEEE Standard 610.12
definition of software engineering states:
(1) The application of a systematic,
disciplined, quantifiable approach to
the development, operation, and main-
tenance of software; that is, the appli-
cation of engineering to software, and
(2) The study of approaches as in (1).
This definition focuses on acquiring and
applying technical standards, but does not
address ethical standards.
Learning and building
The ACM/IEEE CS Task Force on the
Core of CS for Computing defines the com-
puting discipline as “the systematic study
of algorithmic processes that describe and
transform information: their theory, analy-
sis, design, efficiency, implementation, and
application.” Thus, the scientific question
underlying all of computing is “What can
be (efficiently) automated?”1
Software engineers and computer sci-
entists have fundamentally different goals.
As David Parnas says, “Scientists learn sci-
ence plus the scientific methods needed to
extend it,” and “Engineers learn science
plus the methods needed to apply it.”2
Debates about the relationship between
SE and CS date back to the late 1970s,
when Anthony Wasserman and Peter
Freeman3 identified five key areas that
provide the foundation for SE: computer
science, management, communication
skills, problem solving, and design
methodology. Mary Shaw,4 Bill Wulf,5
and Parnas2 highlight the intimate con-
nections between (software) science and
engineering, and discuss the costs and
benefits of separating computing into dis-
tinct science and engineering disciplines.
Despite the political and emotional rea-
sons to claim that SE should be just a part
of CS and CE, the strong differences in the
goals and style of education—and the
need for professional software engi-
neers—motivate distinct SE programs.
Art and science
There is some controversy about what
kind of engineering discipline SE actually
is and how it differs from CS. Distinct fac-
tions in the software community believe
that creating software is primarily an
artistic endeavor; others consider it more
mathematical, while others believe that
process and method are key. But both art
and science are at the core of engineering,
as attested to by this quote from Henry
Petroski, a noted civil and environmental
engineer and author of the acclaimed “To
Engineer is Human”:6
The conception of a new structure can
involve as much a leap of the imagina-
tion and as much synthesis of experi-
ence and knowledge as any artist is
required to bring to his/her canvas or
paper. Once the design is completed, it
must be analyzed by the engineer as sci-
entist in as rigorous an application of
the scientific method as any scientist
must make.
1. P.J. Denning et al., “Computing as a Disci-
pline,” Comm. ACM, Jan. 1989, pp. 9-23.
2. D.L. Parnas, “Software Engineering Pro-
grams Are Not Computer Science Pro-
grams,” IEEE Software, Nov./Dec. 1999,
pp. 19-30.
3. A.I. Wasserman and P. Freeman, “Soft-
ware Engineering Concepts and Com-
puter Science, Curricula,” Computer,
June 1977, pp. 85-91.
4. M. Shaw, “Prospects for an Engineering
Discipline of Software,” IEEE Software,
Nov. 1990, pp. 15-24.
5. W.A. Wulf, “Are We Scientists or Engi-
neers?” ACM Comp. Surveys, Mar. 1995,
pp. 55-57.
6. H. Petroski, To Engineer Is Human: The
Role of Failure in Successful Design, Vin-
tage Books, N.Y., 1992, p. 40.
The Case for Software Engineering Independence
40 Computer
requires competence in SE life-cycle processes
and so on—things that do not “feel like” CS.
Compounding the problem is the tradition of
basing faculty hiring on the applicants’ research.
Typical systems- or theory-oriented colleagues
see SE research and practice as fuzzy, decrying
the lack of evidence that SE principles and tech-
niques actually work. SE research that could
validate efficacy, such as metrics, management,
teams, processes, or methods typically involve
social-science-like experiments, which bothers
many traditional CS researchers. As a result,
new or prospective SE faculty often face skep-
tical or even hostile colleagues.
Another sensitive issue is the independence of the
SE program from CS, CE, or any other department.6
Many institutions resist SE independence, remember-
ing the battle over the EE-CS split. The concern is that
SE is an attractive combination of engineering and CS,
and that traditional programs will lose resources and
students as a consequence.
Possible solutions. Sometimes a partnership with CE,
industrial engineering, management, or business can
provide the ideal SE instructional team. An interdis-
ciplinary program that incorporates the strengths of
both CS and CE can result in a more stable and har-
monious environment for both students and faculty.7
Industry and NSF advocacy and funding of SE pro-
grams, projects, or chairs can help increase interest
and respect. If industry demanded a more standard,
comprehensive, and accredited SE education program
(as it does for other engineering professions) and was
willing to invest in developing such a program (not
just an SE training program to address a programmer
shortage), more institutions would comply.
In several regions, local industry does work closely
with local educational institutions to help motivate and
drive change, but for the most part, industry support
and encouragement is still lacking. In all US cases of suc-
cessful industry support, the program resulted from a
small, motivated contingent of faculty who established
credibility with the upper administration. Examples are
RIT’s co-op program,7 the University of Utah, Georgia
Tech, and the University of California at Santa Cruz.
A challenge to proponents of these programs, as well
as to researchers, will be to prove that students of these
programs produce better systems more economically,
relative to untrained students. Anecdotal evidence from
the RIT co-op program is encouraging, but it is only a
small step in the right direction. True validation of this
hypothesis will require cooperative work between
academia and industry to gather and analyze data.
Skills development
SE has many facets, and different training will be
required for different software roles and specialties,
including, but not limited to, architect, system engi-
neer, design engineer, test engineer, quality engineer,
maintenance engineer, programmer, and technician.
Different problem domains will surely require differ-
ent specialist skills; consider the difference in content
and scale between architecting and developing the user
interface (UI) subsystem for a large-scale, multiuser
computer game versus a UI system for a reactor or air-
plane controller. Even more different are the skills
needed for UI design versus those for database or oper -
ating system development.8 Programmers must know
specific languages and associated tools, and be famil -
iar with the skills needed to apply coding guidelines
and standards. A senior software engineer must have
both broad technical knowledge of CS and SE princi-
ples and be able to apply technical and managerial
practices that cover everything from project feasibil -
ity to product delivery and ongoing support.
Just as chemical and electrical engineering are
treated as distinct fields within “physical engineering,”
so we could distinguish, educate, and certify well-
understood, distinct specialties in SE, such as compil -
ers, databases, and operating systems.8
Barriers. SE covers a vast range of subdisciplines,
and some senior members of the field propose that
“SE for _____” is how we should move forward.
However, there is yet no consensus on the core areas,
nor on which parts of the core apply to which sub-
disciplines. Some core guidelines, such as design and
code inspections, are probably good for all parts of
SE, but some faculty are adamant that good practices
like code inspections do not belong in CS. This makes
it hard to find a place for these practices if the insti -
tution does not endorse a separate degree for SE.
Possible solutions. SWEBOK and SWEEP will help
distinguish core, advanced, and special areas and
define which curricula contain which parts. This incre-
mental strategy will help support an initial consensus
and then broaden that consensus as the experience
base widens. We must agree on the body of knowl-
edge and drive model curricula that incorporate core
elements and meet accreditation guidelines. We need
more effort than current part-time volunteers can pro-
vide to make this happen. Greater industry involve-
ment will garner interest, help shape programs, and
provide skilled practitioners, along with opportuni-
ties to study real-world problems. Fortunately, the
SWEBOK project has significant industrial sponsor-
Lifelong, self-directed education is also important. In
a world of free agents and contractors, software engi-
neers must pick up—on their own—many of their spe-
cialty skills. Commercial certification (MCSE and
Cisco CCIE or CCNA, for example) is valuable, and
classes from university extension or private institutions
are key to keeping skills current and marketable.9
A challenge to
proponents of
accredited SE
education programs
is proving that their
graduates produce
better systems more
May 2000 41
Licensing and certification
Licensing and certification is a significant (but not
essential) aspect of an engineer’s professional stature.
Society increasingly depends on software for a wide
variety of mission- and life-critical systems. Concerns
are escalating about liability and contracts that call for
a certified level of expertise in the software profes-
sional. The furor over Y2K has certainly raised aware-
ness of the potential impact of SE design decisions.
The degree of licensing in practice varies from pro-
fession to profession. Licensing seems to pertain mostly
to those who must sign off on a contracted deliverable
or who do bonded private consulting. Most engineers
who work for companies are not legally required to be
licensed, though many civil and electrical engineers will
do so to help advance their careers.
Accreditation, licensing, and certification mecha-
nisms together aim to protect the public’s health,
safety, and welfare by providing some assurance that
a practitioner is competent in the certified or licensed
specialty. Licensing also protects members of the pro-
fession, both by limiting the number of professionals
so licensed and by establishing norms that protect
individuals and groups in some liability suits. The leg-
islative bodies of all 50 states and the US territories
have created statutes that require an engineer per-
forming work for the general public to be licensed by
the state or territory in which the work is being per-
formed. The laws require licensing applicants to meet
certain standards of education and work experience
and to pass a series of examinations.
Barriers. The SE community has mixed opinions
about whether professional licensing at this time is a
good idea.10,11 Does it make sense to license software
engineers before making an SE body of knowledge
available? The ACM recommended against licensing
on the basis of advice from a blue-ribbon ACM com-
mittee. This is largely a political issue—people are
afraid of being controlled, of limiting access to a scarce
labor pool, and of legislating best practices.
Many feel that licensing is premature given the
SWEBOK’s current state and the absence of corre-
sponding accredited education programs. They doubt
what SE practice can actually guarantee. Their con-
cern is that best current SE practices do not result in
systems with the same reliability and safety that other
engineering disciplines produce.
Possible solutions. The Texas State Board of Engineering
Licensing uses an equivalency process to award a profes-
sional SE license without examination.12 Following its law
and tradition, Texas requires licensing only for engineers
whose services are publicly available. Still, the ramifica-
tions of any licensing have led to serious debates within
the computing community, which will take time to resolve.
Many believe that other states eventually will follow
Texas. But regardless of the outcome, society and lawsuits
will dictate that we proceed incrementally, starting
in safety-critical industries. Many believe that start-
ing licensing now will at least improve the state of
the practice and reduce error. Licensing efforts are
also under way outside the US, including in the UK
and Canada (British Columbia and Ontario).
A common theme in solutions to SE maturity
barriers is to involve industry more in SE teach-
ing and research. To do so, we need proactivity
on both sides. A deep, sustained partnership will
encourage the development of more effective SE edu-
cation programs and ensure that university research
will have more access to and influence on industrial-
scale development. We get the best of both worlds:
industrial involvement and advice and academia’s
long-term view of what makes a quality education.
This emphasis on the long-term view is what differ-
entiates the partnership in education from a training
The partnership should focus on helping universities
arrive at the appropriate balance between fundamen-
tal knowledge and its engineering application. Because
many large companies have had to mount significant
SE training programs—in large part because of the
dearth of SE education in college, they should be more
than willing to assist in nurturing SE programs that
emphasize developing core skills. Increased collabora-
tion has many immediate benefits, such as reduced train-
ing costs for companies and more focused SE research
for institutions. Increased collaboration between acad-
emia, engineering institutes, and industry would sub-
stantially reduce serious mismatches in expectations.
Indeed, effective industry involvement is not trivial.
Goals and investments must match—typically, acade-
mia wants to train in fundamentals and lifelong learn-
ing, while industry focuses on acquiring skills to fill an
immediate need.
The sidebar “Building a Strong Industrial-Academic
Partnership Now” lists some steps each side can take
right away to begin forging this partnership.
oftware engineering is an emerging profession
that will greatly mature within the next decade.
The SE community must define, accredit, and
evaluate new curricula, stressing lifelong learning, sig-
nificant team experience, and practical theory and fun-
damentals. We must also address the lack of con-
sistency among the undergraduate SE programs that
do exist. Educators do not yet agree on the core ele-
ments to teach; without systematic accreditation and
licensing, there is less pressure to quickly adapt pro-
grams to increase consistency and incorporate new
knowledge and skills. Academia is slow to incorporate
practices that work well (for example, inspections).
Involving industry
more in SE teaching
and research
requires proactivity
on both sides.
42 Computer
Too often, it disdains considering the gap between best
and current practices—a significant education and
research issue. Industry, on the other hand, is far too
slow to adopt practices validated by research and expe-
rience or to invest in reducing the practices gap.
Society and industry have tolerated the consequent
poor quality and practice because of the shortage of
trained practitioners and the dearth of experienced man-
agers who can recognize and sell good practice. The lack
of a mature infrastructure and the influence of societal
and business pressure make the widespread recognition
and adoption of best practice slow and sporadic.
Unfortunately, even if initial professional education more
quickly tracked the emerging body of knowledge, many
areas deemed critical would still be excluded. Internet-
based e-commerce technology, for example, is moving
so rapidly that only a handful of institutions have tried
to offer it—even industry has a hard time keeping up.
Industrial-academic partnerships in education and
research will enable practitioners to learn and hone a
broader range of skills and practices. The efforts we
have described will significantly drive the maturation
of SE as a profession, but we will need to sustain and
build on them to bring SE closer to its ultimate goal
of respectability. ✸
We greatly appreciate the excellent suggestions by
colleagues who reviewed an earlier draft of this arti -
cle: Patricia Collins, Paula Hawthorn, Robert Kessler,
Joe Podolsky, and Anthony Wasserman.
1. G. Ford and N.E. Gibbs, “A Mature Profession of Soft-
ware Engineering,” Tech. Report CMU/SEI-96-TR-004,
Software Eng. Inst., Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh,
2. P. Bourque et al., “The Guide to the Software Engineer-
ing Body of Knowledge,” IEEE Software, Nov./Dec.
1999, pp. 35-44.
3. D. Gotterbarn, “How the New Software Engineering
Code of Ethics Affects You,” IEEE Software, Nov./Dec.
1999, pp. 58-64.
4. G.L. Engel, “Program Criteria for Software Engineering
Accreditation Programs,” IEEE Software, Nov./Dec.
1999, pp. 31-34.
5. G. Pour and A. Hambaba, “An Undergraduate Software
and Information Engineering Curriculum under Devel-
opment at San Jose State University,” Proc. Frontiers in
Education (FIE) Conf., IEEE CS Press, Los Alamitos,
Calif., 1999, CD-ROM.
6. D.L. Parnas, “Software Engineering Programs Are Not
Computer Science Programs,” IEEE Software,
Nov./Dec. 1999, pp. 19-30.
7. M.J. Lutz and J.F. Naveda, “The Road Less Traveled: A
Baccalaureate Degree in Software Engineering, ” Proc.
28th SIGCSE Technical Symp. Computer Science Edu-
ation, ACM Press, New York, 1997, pp. 287-291.
Companies and acad-
emic institutions can
take several immedi-
ate steps to align their expectations for the
software engineering profession.
If you are in industry:
• Develop relationships with selected
universities and SE faculty.
• Provide support for development of
educational programs rather than just
training programs. This means prepar-
ing students for an SE career, not just
a job. You could offer guest lectures
and mentoring, for example, or par-
ticipate on an SE advisory board.
• Provide input to the schools on how
their graduates fare in industry.
• Create more exciting and education-
ally aligned internship programs.
• Provide financial support. This is im-
portant, not only because of its direct
value, but also because it is a measure
of respect. Even if you can’t fund a
big project, you can fund a small col-
laborative research project and invite
the faculty and students to work with
you. Be sure to provide access to real
data and project records. Sanitize the
data and records to remove confi-
dential information as needed or
work under nondisclosure agree-
ments. Work closely with academic
colleagues to help them produce val-
ued publications that respect your
company’s need for confidentiality.
• Help clarify and articulate your com-
pany’s position on longer-term pro-
fessional training versus short-term
skills acquisition and how this affects
your relationship with educational
If you are in academia:
• Convince your colleagues of the effi-
cacy of good SE practice. Show them
that a project with good design,
construction, quality assurance, and
so on is better than a thrown-together
• Explain the implications and opportu-
nities of accreditation and licensing and
what effect they could have on expecta-
tions for a CS/SE degree. Teach an ethics
module. Include information about the
Software Engineering Coordination
Committee (SWECC) and its projects.
• Integrate some SE into any software
course you teach, and help your col-
leagues, especially those building
large systems, inject some SE princi-
ples into their projects. Be sure to
note any successes, however small.
• Have your SE project classes help the
software efforts of non-SE colleagues.
• Include industrial SE practitioners as an
advisory board and as guest lecturers.
• Advocate required industrial intern-
ships for students. Monitor the
results and benefits.
• Take minisabbaticals in industry, even
if the hosting corporation isn’t fund-
ing it. Invite industry experts in for a
sabbatical, a mini-sabbatical, or to be
a “software artist in residence” to
inspire and mentor students and staff.
• Develop and offer collaborative edu-
cational programs with colleagues in
computer engineering, business man-
agement, or industrial engineering.
Building a Strong Industrial-Academic Partnership Now
8. M. Jackson, “Will There Ever Be Software Engineering,”
IEEE Software, Jan./Feb. 1998, pp. 36-39.
9. A. Wasserman, “Software Processes and Software Pro-
fessionals in the 21st Century,” Cutter IT J., Sept. 1999,
pp. 17-23.
10. M.L. Griss, “Letter from the SIGSOFT Executive Com-
mittee,” ACM SIGSOFT Software Eng. Notes, Sept.
1998, pp. 1-2.
11. J.R. Speed, “What Do You Mean I Can’t Call Myself a
Software Engineer?” IEEE Software, Nov./Dec. 1999,
pp. 45-50.
12. D.J. Bagert, “Texas Board Votes to License Software
Engineers,” ACM SIGSOFT Software Eng. Notes, Sept.
1998, p. 7.
Gilda Pour is a professor of software and informa-
tion engineering at San Jose State University, where
she helped develop a software and information engi-
neering curriculum. She develops and teaches courses
in object-oriented and component-based software
engineering and distributed object computing in both
industry and academia. Her industrial and research
experience is in object-oriented component-based
enterprise software engineering, with current empha-
sis on automated generation of Web-based enterprise
applications. Pour received a PhD in computer sci-
ence/software engineering from the University of
Massachusetts. Contact her at [email protected]
Martin L. Griss is principal laboratory scientist for soft-
ware engineering at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories,
where he has researched software engineering processes
and systems, systematic software reuse, object-oriented
development, and component-based software engi-
neering. He created and led the first HP corporate reuse
program and participated in the development and exe-
cution of the HP corporate software initiative. Griss
received a PhD in physics from the University of Illi-
nois. He is an adjunct professor at the University of Utah
and a member of the ACM SIGSOFT Executive Com-
mittee and SWEEP. Contact him at [email protected]
Michael Lutz is Motorola professor of software engi-
neering at the Rochester Institute of Technology,
where he heads RIT’s undergraduate software engi-
neering program. His interests in software architec-
ture, software design, and lightweight formal methods
led to development of core software engineering
courses in these areas. Lutz earned an MS in computer
science from the State University of New York at Buf-
falo. He is a member of the editorial board of Com-
puter and of the IEEE CS Educational Activities
Board. Contact him at [email protected]
May 2000 43
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Legal status of software engineering
Capers Jones
Poware Productivity Research
s the term “software engineering” a misnomer? That
question has long been debated within the computer
science, programming, and software engineering
community. Naysayers point to the software activity’s
large trial-and-error component and its notable lack of
solid intellectual and ethical underpinnings. On the affir-
mative side, ACM and the IEEE Computer Society recently
joined forces to move software engineering toward pro-
fessional status.
Barry Boehm, TRW professor of software engineering
at USC and an ACM member of the IEEE CS/ACM task
force, summarized some new-and serious-implications
of the debate in the September 1994 Software Engineering
Technical Council Newsletter.
Currently, software engineering is not one of the 36
engineering professions
recognized and licensed in
the United States. This situ-
ation is more serious than
you might think, because
48 states have laws on their
books that prohibit anyone
T ennessee now actively
prohibits the use
of “software
who is not licensed from
using the term “engineer”
engineering” in
in describing his occupa-
tion and work.
As Boehm points out,
these laws are beginning to
be enforced. The state of
literature and
Texas has forced universities to stop offering master’s
degrees in software engineering. Tennessee now actively
prohibits the use of “software engineering” in business lit-
erature and advertising. New Jersey considered, but did
not pass, a regulation that would have required licensing
of all software professionals employed within the state.
(The fact that this regulation would essentially have shut
down all software businesses and forced them to leave the
state was eventually recognized.)
This legal phenomenon affects all of us involved in soft-
ware. It makes us vulnerable to the probability of increas-
ingly onerous rules and regulations passed by
well-meaning-but clumsy and often ill-informed-leg-
islative bodies. Consider, for example, the hazardous situ-
ation now faced by computer and software consultants. As
a result of legislation and regulations to determine who is
or is not an employee, many software consultants have
come close to losing their ability to practice independently.
What makes an engineering profession?
Let’s consider some of the attributes of the recognized
engineering professions, such as electrical engineering,
mechanical engineering, and civil engineering. What do
they have that software engineering lacks? Also, what
characteristics do the nonengineering professions, such as
medicine and law, have that make them true professions
instead of mere occupations?
In the broadest sense, the factors associated with rec-
ognized engineering professions and other formal profes-
sions include
l a well-defined body of knowledge, and often many sub-
sets of more specialized knowledge;
l academic curricula that transfer the body of knowledge
to students well enough so that a significant percentage
can pass qualifying examinations;
l qualifying examinations that certify at least minimal
competence for general practice of the profession;
l a formal set of subspecialties, each with a substantial
body of knowledge and some form of certification, often
created by accreditation boards within each specialty;
l continuing education for those within the profession to
maintain currency in the overall profession and their
chosen subspecialty;
l a code of ethical responsibilities for those engaged in
the profession and its specialties;
l strong professional associations capable of creating qual-
ifying examinations and certifying specialties in con-
junction with state and other governmental agencies;
l a recognized canon of standard practices for common
conditions, against which claims of professional mal-
practice can be evaluated;
l methods for monitoring and dealing with instances of
professional malpractice, and a formal mechanism for
decertifying those found guilty of professional mal-
practice; and
l liability insurance coverage for professionals that pro-
tects them and their employers from a portion of the
financial consequences of losing law suits for profes-
sional malpractice.
To a greater or lesser degree, the software community
fails to meet any of these criteria. However, IEEE Computer
Society and ACM task forces are exploring these topics with
the idea of making software engineering the 37th engi-
neering profession, perhaps by the end of the century.
Following the path of the medical profession
A very instructive book, which I recommend to task
force members a n d a n y o n e else interested in creating a
highly regarded profession, is Paul Starr’s The Social
Transformation ofAmerican Medicine (Basic Books, N e w
York, 1982).
It’s b e e n only 1 5 0 years or so since medical practice
faced challenges similar to those software faces today: It
was a n amorphous a n d fragmented community with
many questionable a n d unproven practices, a n d academic
training s p a n n e d every possibility from state of the art to
totally inept. In fact, it was just over 1 0 0 years a g o that
Johns Hopkins University took the unprecedented step of
requiring medical students to have college degrees as a
precondition for admission.
In every drive toward professionalism, there are com-
peting forces a n d p o w e r groups with vested interests. At
the very minimum, there are universities, professional
associations, legislative bodies, the profession’s knowl -
e d g e workers, the knowledge workers’ employers, a n d of
course the clients the knowledge workers serve. To this
basic set, w e can also a d d insurance companies a n d attor -
neys w h o specialize in providing services to the profes-
sion’s members a n d enterprises.
Each participant has its o w n vested interests, so com-
petition a n d politics are the order of the day. However, for
any occupation to succeed to the same d e g r e e as medical
practice, a strong professional association must emerge to
s h a p e events.
In particular, the profes-
sional association must
have a strong voice in
establishing basic acade-
mic curricula (individual
universities are too chaotic
a n d d o n ’t grasp the big pic-
ture); in establishing
licensing or accreditation
criteria (legislatures will
botch it up), a n d in moni-
toring a n d eliminating
malpractice (otherwise,
liability insurance will b e
unobtainable). A related
but more subtle topic is the
role of professional associ-
ations in minimizing com-
T he professional association
must have a
strong voice in
establishing basic
curricula, in
licensing or
criteria, and in
monitoring and
petition from nonmembers w h o lack accreditation.
Right now, software engineering is in about the same
condition as medical practice was in the 1890s. Software
is already a n important topic, but the practice of creating
software is undisciplined a n d often “unprofessional” in
any serious use of the term. Academic training is spotty,
a n d the thought of qualifying examinations and/or licens-
ing remains highly unpalatable.
If the software engineering community cannot rise to
the level of becoming a recognized profession a n d engi -
neering discipline, w e face a n uncertain future with ever-
mounting prospects of unfriendly legislation a n d harmful
government actions.
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0018-916200$10.00 © 2000 IEEE May 2000 35C O V E R F E

  • 1. 0018-9162/00/$10.00 © 2000 IEEE May 2000 35 C O V E R F E A T U R E The Push to Make Software Engineering Respectable S oftware engineering (SE) is maturing as a dis- cipline and profession, but three decades after the first NATO Conference on Software Engineering, it is still not regarded as a legit- imate, respectable engineering profession. In 1995, Gary Ford and Norman Gibbs of the Software Engineering Institute evaluated what it means for a profession to be mature and how SE was doing.1 Their extensive and fascinating study found that, relative to other fields and engineering branches, most elements that make SE a profession were quite immature. Five years later, SE has countless practitioners (a.k.a. software developers), thousands of articles, dozens of conferences and workshops, and a respectable number of education and training programs. The computer sci- ence (CS) and SE communities (educators, researchers, practitioners, and professional societies) are further along in defining a body of knowledge, code of ethics, accreditation guidelines, and licensing programs.
  • 2. But despite all this progress, SE, while recognizable, is still immature—as evidenced by the significant gap between vision, education, and standard practice. The reasons are legion, but they boil down to one simple fact: The field is still young. There just hasn’t been enough time to gain widespread community consensus on issues, to stabilize a core body of knowledge, and to develop a large enough pool (several generations) of experienced practitioners and educators. The rapid changes in this field make the road to maturity even rougher. Although we believe time will eventually mature SE, a calculated push can accelerate the maturation process. By “push,” we mean defining, accrediting, and evalu- ating new curricula that stress CS and SE fundamentals and practice, focus on lifelong learning and team expe- rience, and increase the role of the professional societies in accreditation, certification, and licensing efforts. Although the push will not overcome all issues, it will go far in addressing the most knotty ones. Establishing SE programs is fraught with economic, political, and pedagogic challenges—notably how to divorce SE (or if it should be divorced) from existing CS and computer engineering (CE) curricula. Any solutions will have to come from deeper, more exten- sive industrial-academic-professional society partner- ships. This is key. We have spent some time considering the reasons for SE’s immaturity. All of us are heavily involved in both industry and academia and have been active in profes- sional societies that aim to promote SE as a profession. Promotion efforts are by no means limited to the US, but because our experience is primarily with US activ-
  • 3. ities, that is our focus in this article. Our main goal is to explore, from a multifaceted perspective, why we are where we are now and how we can move forward. WHAT MAKES A PROFESSION MATURE? As Table 1 shows, a mature profession must have several key infrastructure components. In addition to solid education programs, proper guidance from industry and professional societies is critical to ade- quately prepare graduates for entrance to an SE pro- fession. Accreditation of programs and possible certification and licensing of graduates safeguard the quality of any education and training program and provide assurance that graduates meet and maintain requisite levels of knowledge and practice. A recognized engineering profession must have an established body of knowledge and skill that its practitioners understand and use consistently. After 30 years, there is still a wide gap between the best and the typical software engineering practices. To close this gap, we need a deeper partnership among industry, academia, and professional societies. Gilda Pour San Jose State University Martin L. Griss Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
  • 4. Michael Lutz Rochester Institute of Technology 36 Computer The various infrastructure components work together to ensure that those entering the profession become familiar with the currently accepted body of knowledge and that they practice it in a manner con- sistent with the tenets of the profession. Research and practice will evolve the body of knowledge; thus, prac- titioners must continue to enhance their skills and practice as they gain enough experience to specialize. Table 1 indicates the relative maturity of each infra- structure component, using Ford and Gibbs’ four-level scale.1 However, the ratings do not reflect the con- sensus or breadth of compliance on a particular com- ponent, which tends to be low. A major symptom of a not-quite-mature field—and a frustrating one to address—is the wide gap between education and practice and between best and typical practice. Ongoing efforts in many maturity elements are attempting to narrow these gaps. PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES There are many engineering and CS professional soci- eties, but the two most clearly identified with the SE pro- fession are the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS).
  • 5. Recently, the two joined forces to define SE as a profes- sion, provide a code of conduct for professionals, and formulate appropriate criteria for accrediting SE edu- cational programs. The Software Engineering Coor- dinating Committee (SWECC) defines the scope of these constituent tasks and monitors and coordinates the working groups. SWECC membership is divided evenly between the ACM and the IEEE CS—a balance that is the hallmark of SWECC-commissioned activities. Table 2 lists some of SWECC’s current projects. Although the ACM and the IEEE CS sponsor SWECC projects, international participation has been uncommonly strong. More important, professional groups in other countries are beginning to take SE seri - ously: Graduates of UK computing programs that are accredited by the British Computer Society are eligible for Chartered Engineer status, and licensing for grad- uates of accredited SE programs in Australia is simi- lar to licensing for other engineering graduates. Canada also seems to be leaning toward similar treat- ment of SE as a profession. Barriers. Activities to develop a body of knowledge, accreditation, curricula, a code of ethics, and licensing and certification are ongoing but are proceeding rather slowly, staffed primarily by volunteers. Although the IEEE CS and the ACM have actively promoted pro- fessionalism in SE since 1993, they do not agree on all issues related to SE as a profession. Their positions on licensing professionals and the pace of accreditation are far apart, for example. Table 1. How does software engineering rate on the maturity scale?
  • 6. Infrastructure component of a mature profession How software engineering measures up* Recognized body of knowledge IEEE-CS/ACM task force has released a first body of knowledge report with consensus expected to take at least 4 years (level 2-3) Professional society/societies IEEE-CS, ACM, and SIGSOFT, active, a specific SE society under discussion (level 2-3) Code of ethics Recently developed for SE, but not widely known or practiced (level 1-2) Initial professional education system Some SE BS degrees recently offered by CS departments and special SE depart- ments in the US, the UK, Europe, Canada, and Australia (level 1-2) Accreditation of professional education programs to improve Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) criteria for SE are in program quality and ensure some uniformity place, which the Computer Science Accreditation Board (CSAB) will evolve (level 1-2) Skills development mechanism for professionals Several MSE programs, certificate short courses, and so on (level 1) entering the practice Professional development programs to maintain currency of Fragmented offerings—extension courses, seminars, professional conferences, knowledge and skills manufacturer certification programs (level 1) Certification of professionals administered by the profession Limited, inconsistent, technology-based; some certificates
  • 7. issued by manufacturers (for example, Microsoft MCSE) (level 0-1) Licensing of professionals administered by government Recently in the US (Texas), Canada, and the UK (level 1-2) authorities *Level 0 = Nonexistent. Level 1 = Ad hoc, some form of element exists, but is not identified with the SE profession. Level 2 = Specific, the element exists and is clearly identified with the SE profession. Level 3 = Maturing, the element has existed for many years, is continually improving, and is under active stewardship of an appropriate professional body. May 2000 37 At the national level, the President’s Information Technology Advisory Council (PITAC) report articu- lated the urgency of SE issues, and Congress approved money for the National Science Foundation (NSF), but these recommendations are not coordinated with the societies, nor do final proposals really target funds toward SE issues. Thus, progress is limited to the rate at which society members and leadership can change. Possible solutions. The societies, via member involve- ment, must strive to create a broader consensus on the core of the SE profession. Perhaps the SE community needs to address issues more aggressively. We could accel - erate progress with full-time paid staff, for example, rather than relying on the efforts of part-time volunteers.
  • 8. Body of knowledge In long-established professions, such as medicine, law, or civil engineering, the body of knowledge was codified as part of a long maturation process. To accel - erate the maturation of new professions, professional communities can consciously and explicitly define the body of knowledge, rather than waiting for a natural evolution. The codification proclaims what is unique about the profession, demarcates the boundaries with related professions, and significantly aids education, certification, and licensing. Getting practitioners and educators to agree on the core body of knowledge is a key milestone in any discipline. SWECC established the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) project to collect and doc- ument the state of SE practice, using a three-phase consensus-building approach.2 So far, the SWEBOK project has identified and is structuring many topics that texts and SE programs cover. Area committees are expanding and distilling the material, using pub- lic reviews and surveys to reach consensus. The goal is to categorize the material as core, advanced, or research to determine what should be taught and known at various professional development levels. It will take at least four years to reach initial con- sensus, with ongoing refinement and evolution. The first two phases—strawman and stoneman—are essentially complete, providing a basis for significant work on model curricula and certification. Barriers. Achieving consensus on the common core takes time, as will agreeing on related specialties. More
  • 9. time will elapse before curricula incorporate this core, especially when state education processes are involved. Possible solutions. Some ongoing activities are increasing awareness and buy-in. Adding workshops and panels at major conferences could heighten awareness even more. Support for innovative pro- grams can accelerate the rate of change. Also, signif- icant industry, government, and society sponsorship and funding can help create sponsored and widely advertised pilot or magnet programs to help jump- start change, as well as offer fast-track certification programs. Neither academia nor industry will change overnight, however. Current mind-sets must change, which may require new blood in upper ranks. Code of ethics and professional practice SWECC established the Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (SWCEPP) project to develop a code that the SE community as a whole would find acceptable. An international effort produced a detailed add-on to the standard engineering code of ethics, which differs across coun- tries.3 Some decry the extra detail as unnecessary, claiming that we already have an adequate engineer- ing code. We agree with others who believe the extra detail and clarity are needed, both to enhance educa- tion and to clarify to SE educators and practitioners that they are indeed engaged in an engineering effort that affects society. The ACM and the IEEE CS recently approved the draft code, with the goal of having it recognized as appropriate for all involved in SE. There are as yet no
  • 10. Table 2. Software engineering projects jointly sponsored by the ACM and the IEEE CS through the Software Engineering Coordinating Committee. SWECC project* Description and status as of April 2000 Software Engineering Body of Create an index to the core body of knowledge (BOK), structure it, refine with specialist area committees, and Knowledge (SWEBOK) gain community consensus. — Phase two BOK draft (Stoneman) essentially complete. Software Engineering Code of Create an expanded and detailed code of SE ethics for educators and practitioners based on a shorter engineering Ethics and Professional code of ethics. Provide case studies and training materials to help rapidly educate community. — Final draft Practice (SWCEPP) submitted for approval. Software Engineering Education Define model accreditation criteria and sample curricula consistent with SWEBOK for BS and other SE education Project (SWEEP) programs. — SWECC approved accreditation guidelines in December 1998. * More details and current status of key activities are described in the IEEE Software special issue on professional software engineering (Nov./Dec. 1999) and at 38 Computer
  • 11. formal consequences for professionals who violate the code. In other professions, a licensing board hears accusations and can recommend disbarment (as in the legal profession) or some other sanction. The code could also be used in legal proceedings to determine whether or not a software engineer has acted in accor- dance with professional norms and the accepted body of knowledge. Barriers. Awareness is the biggest problem. Many of those involved in SE still have not heard of the draft code or SWCEPP and are confused about how it affects them. Only a handful of schools yet teach SE ethics and professional practice. Possible solutions. We need to have more articles and studies at key conferences, active industrial lobbying, wider-spread accreditation. Most of all, we need to allow time for awareness and practice to grow. We can then begin self-monitoring. Education and accreditation Many fledgling undergraduate SE programs exist in the US and abroad,2,4 and we expect to see more in the next few years. The sidebar “Elements of a Good Software Engineering Program” describes what con- stitutes an effective program. Common to all pro- grams is the recognition that SE is fundamentally different from CS and CE. The sidebar “The Case for Software Engineering Independence” describes some of these differences. The Software Engineering Education Project (SWEEP)4 provides a detailed set of guidelines for SE programs that will eventually seek accreditation.
  • 12. SWECC officially adopted the SWEEP accreditation guidelines in December 1998. Also in 1998, the Computer Science Accreditation Board started a formal integration of its operations and criteria with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology— A comprehensive un- dergraduate SE pro- gram builds on a traditional CS program, incorporating various components adapted from typical engineering education programs. It has eight main elements: • CS fundamentals provide the core technical knowledge and skills about software and hardware artifacts and techniques to address key technical problems. These include programming languages, modeling, formalisms, mechanisms, databases, operating sys- tems, networking, algorithms, pro- gramming, and distributed systems. • SE fundamentals provide the core technical knowledge and process skills and tools to create, manage, and main- tain software and documentation and deal with complexity and human error. These include software process discipline, life-cycle models, software metrics and economics, architecture, design methods and skills, design inspections, testing, configuration management, and standards.
  • 13. • Engineering practice and ethics pro- vide an understanding of general sys- tems principles, economic and functional trade-offs, the implication of building artifacts for use, and how engineers serve society and balance their responsibilities to their employ- ers, their customers, and society. • Effective communication and team- work skills provide knowledge and skills in working with diverse human beings—from peers to management and customers. • Experience in an application domain that exposes students to real-world problems. This element is key to grounding and consolidating core knowledge and skills in a particular area. • A significant team project exposes stu- dents to issues such as requirements change, project management, config- uration management, use of tools, and team dynamics. The project is typically run under somewhat con- trolled conditions in a laboratory or studio setting and can be completed in assigned time, with mentors ori- ented to the educational experience. • Experience in some industrial setting,
  • 14. perhaps through a required internship or co-op program, provides even more exposure to real-world issues, people, pragmatics, and the vagaries of real projects under real-time pressure. • Tools for effective lifetime learning, including experiences that rehearse how to seek, evaluate, and use infor- mation not directly provided by assigned texts and lectures. For example, projects might require stu- dents to find information on the Web or in the library, evaluate and inte- grate possibly conflicting materials, and attend and report on a confer- ence and a tutorial. Students might also participate in an ongoing “jour- nal club” or “research seminar,” where they would read, analyze, and compare many papers. Because software technologies crop up quickly and because IT’s role is constantly changing, any SE program must empha- size lifelong learning. Numerous phe- nomena and issues (open source, the Web, component- and service-oriented com- puting) will affect SE, and SE profession- als must be able to understand and evaluate those effects. Also, different parts of software con- struction require a different mix of skills: For some segments, a laboratory-style
  • 15. team project is important (do an experi- ment, measure it, evaluate it); in others a studio approach is better (do creative work in some medium under the watch- ful eye of a mentor or instructor). Elements of a Good Software Engineering Program May 2000 39 a merger that will unify the criteria and process used to accredit SE programs. SWEEP will use the accreditation guidelines as a specification to design one or more model curricula for SE, leveraging the initial work of SWEBOK and the Computer Curriculum 2001 task force (recently formed by the IEEE CS and the ACM to review and upgrade the 1991 computing curricula), among others. In other countries, the development of undergradu- ate SE programs is even further along. Australia and the UK, for example, established initial programs in the early 1990s. As a result, both countries have accredi - tation criteria for SE programs, and graduates have equal professional standing with those in more tradi- tional engineering disciplines. India’s software indus- try is also growing rapidly, in large part because of the disciplined engineering approaches used in Indian firms. Barriers. Establishing SE in undergraduate (or even graduate) curricula is rarely straightforward. Several educational institutions, including the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), have successfully estab- lished an undergraduate SE program, but one model
  • 16. is unlikely to work for all institutions. The California state university system, for example, must ensure that appropriate two-year programs are in place in paral- lel with introducing the four-year degree.5 A critical problem is finding faculty interested in and capable of teaching SE because few CS faculty have enough real-world SE experience. Teaching SE Many institutions tend to think of software engineering (SE) as just a kind of computer science (CS) or com- puter engineering (CE). This leads to problems because the disciplines differ in both focus and approach: SE studies soft- ware; CS and CE study primarily hard- ware, algorithms, and languages. CS and CE develop knowledge; SE applies that knowledge to engineer high-quality soft- ware systems. The IEEE Standard 610.12 definition of software engineering states: (1) The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and main- tenance of software; that is, the appli- cation of engineering to software, and (2) The study of approaches as in (1). This definition focuses on acquiring and applying technical standards, but does not address ethical standards. Learning and building
  • 17. The ACM/IEEE CS Task Force on the Core of CS for Computing defines the com- puting discipline as “the systematic study of algorithmic processes that describe and transform information: their theory, analy- sis, design, efficiency, implementation, and application.” Thus, the scientific question underlying all of computing is “What can be (efficiently) automated?”1 Software engineers and computer sci- entists have fundamentally different goals. As David Parnas says, “Scientists learn sci- ence plus the scientific methods needed to extend it,” and “Engineers learn science plus the methods needed to apply it.”2 Debates about the relationship between SE and CS date back to the late 1970s, when Anthony Wasserman and Peter Freeman3 identified five key areas that provide the foundation for SE: computer science, management, communication skills, problem solving, and design methodology. Mary Shaw,4 Bill Wulf,5 and Parnas2 highlight the intimate con- nections between (software) science and engineering, and discuss the costs and benefits of separating computing into dis- tinct science and engineering disciplines. Despite the political and emotional rea- sons to claim that SE should be just a part of CS and CE, the strong differences in the
  • 18. goals and style of education—and the need for professional software engi- neers—motivate distinct SE programs. Art and science There is some controversy about what kind of engineering discipline SE actually is and how it differs from CS. Distinct fac- tions in the software community believe that creating software is primarily an artistic endeavor; others consider it more mathematical, while others believe that process and method are key. But both art and science are at the core of engineering, as attested to by this quote from Henry Petroski, a noted civil and environmental engineer and author of the acclaimed “To Engineer is Human”:6 The conception of a new structure can involve as much a leap of the imagina- tion and as much synthesis of experi- ence and knowledge as any artist is required to bring to his/her canvas or paper. Once the design is completed, it must be analyzed by the engineer as sci- entist in as rigorous an application of the scientific method as any scientist must make. References 1. P.J. Denning et al., “Computing as a Disci- pline,” Comm. ACM, Jan. 1989, pp. 9-23.
  • 19. 2. D.L. Parnas, “Software Engineering Pro- grams Are Not Computer Science Pro- grams,” IEEE Software, Nov./Dec. 1999, pp. 19-30. 3. A.I. Wasserman and P. Freeman, “Soft- ware Engineering Concepts and Com- puter Science, Curricula,” Computer, June 1977, pp. 85-91. 4. M. Shaw, “Prospects for an Engineering Discipline of Software,” IEEE Software, Nov. 1990, pp. 15-24. 5. W.A. Wulf, “Are We Scientists or Engi- neers?” ACM Comp. Surveys, Mar. 1995, pp. 55-57. 6. H. Petroski, To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design, Vin- tage Books, N.Y., 1992, p. 40. The Case for Software Engineering Independence 40 Computer requires competence in SE life-cycle processes and so on—things that do not “feel like” CS. Compounding the problem is the tradition of basing faculty hiring on the applicants’ research. Typical systems- or theory-oriented colleagues see SE research and practice as fuzzy, decrying the lack of evidence that SE principles and tech-
  • 20. niques actually work. SE research that could validate efficacy, such as metrics, management, teams, processes, or methods typically involve social-science-like experiments, which bothers many traditional CS researchers. As a result, new or prospective SE faculty often face skep- tical or even hostile colleagues. Another sensitive issue is the independence of the SE program from CS, CE, or any other department.6 Many institutions resist SE independence, remember- ing the battle over the EE-CS split. The concern is that SE is an attractive combination of engineering and CS, and that traditional programs will lose resources and students as a consequence. Possible solutions. Sometimes a partnership with CE, industrial engineering, management, or business can provide the ideal SE instructional team. An interdis- ciplinary program that incorporates the strengths of both CS and CE can result in a more stable and har- monious environment for both students and faculty.7 Industry and NSF advocacy and funding of SE pro- grams, projects, or chairs can help increase interest and respect. If industry demanded a more standard, comprehensive, and accredited SE education program (as it does for other engineering professions) and was willing to invest in developing such a program (not just an SE training program to address a programmer shortage), more institutions would comply. In several regions, local industry does work closely with local educational institutions to help motivate and drive change, but for the most part, industry support
  • 21. and encouragement is still lacking. In all US cases of suc- cessful industry support, the program resulted from a small, motivated contingent of faculty who established credibility with the upper administration. Examples are RIT’s co-op program,7 the University of Utah, Georgia Tech, and the University of California at Santa Cruz. A challenge to proponents of these programs, as well as to researchers, will be to prove that students of these programs produce better systems more economically, relative to untrained students. Anecdotal evidence from the RIT co-op program is encouraging, but it is only a small step in the right direction. True validation of this hypothesis will require cooperative work between academia and industry to gather and analyze data. Skills development SE has many facets, and different training will be required for different software roles and specialties, including, but not limited to, architect, system engi- neer, design engineer, test engineer, quality engineer, maintenance engineer, programmer, and technician. Different problem domains will surely require differ- ent specialist skills; consider the difference in content and scale between architecting and developing the user interface (UI) subsystem for a large-scale, multiuser computer game versus a UI system for a reactor or air- plane controller. Even more different are the skills needed for UI design versus those for database or oper - ating system development.8 Programmers must know specific languages and associated tools, and be famil - iar with the skills needed to apply coding guidelines and standards. A senior software engineer must have both broad technical knowledge of CS and SE princi-
  • 22. ples and be able to apply technical and managerial practices that cover everything from project feasibil - ity to product delivery and ongoing support. Just as chemical and electrical engineering are treated as distinct fields within “physical engineering,” so we could distinguish, educate, and certify well- understood, distinct specialties in SE, such as compil - ers, databases, and operating systems.8 Barriers. SE covers a vast range of subdisciplines, and some senior members of the field propose that “SE for _____” is how we should move forward. However, there is yet no consensus on the core areas, nor on which parts of the core apply to which sub- disciplines. Some core guidelines, such as design and code inspections, are probably good for all parts of SE, but some faculty are adamant that good practices like code inspections do not belong in CS. This makes it hard to find a place for these practices if the insti - tution does not endorse a separate degree for SE. Possible solutions. SWEBOK and SWEEP will help distinguish core, advanced, and special areas and define which curricula contain which parts. This incre- mental strategy will help support an initial consensus and then broaden that consensus as the experience base widens. We must agree on the body of knowl- edge and drive model curricula that incorporate core elements and meet accreditation guidelines. We need more effort than current part-time volunteers can pro- vide to make this happen. Greater industry involve- ment will garner interest, help shape programs, and provide skilled practitioners, along with opportuni- ties to study real-world problems. Fortunately, the SWEBOK project has significant industrial sponsor-
  • 23. ship. Lifelong, self-directed education is also important. In a world of free agents and contractors, software engi- neers must pick up—on their own—many of their spe- cialty skills. Commercial certification (MCSE and Cisco CCIE or CCNA, for example) is valuable, and classes from university extension or private institutions are key to keeping skills current and marketable.9 A challenge to proponents of accredited SE education programs is proving that their graduates produce better systems more economically. May 2000 41 Licensing and certification Licensing and certification is a significant (but not essential) aspect of an engineer’s professional stature. Society increasingly depends on software for a wide variety of mission- and life-critical systems. Concerns are escalating about liability and contracts that call for a certified level of expertise in the software profes- sional. The furor over Y2K has certainly raised aware- ness of the potential impact of SE design decisions.
  • 24. The degree of licensing in practice varies from pro- fession to profession. Licensing seems to pertain mostly to those who must sign off on a contracted deliverable or who do bonded private consulting. Most engineers who work for companies are not legally required to be licensed, though many civil and electrical engineers will do so to help advance their careers. Accreditation, licensing, and certification mecha- nisms together aim to protect the public’s health, safety, and welfare by providing some assurance that a practitioner is competent in the certified or licensed specialty. Licensing also protects members of the pro- fession, both by limiting the number of professionals so licensed and by establishing norms that protect individuals and groups in some liability suits. The leg- islative bodies of all 50 states and the US territories have created statutes that require an engineer per- forming work for the general public to be licensed by the state or territory in which the work is being per- formed. The laws require licensing applicants to meet certain standards of education and work experience and to pass a series of examinations. Barriers. The SE community has mixed opinions about whether professional licensing at this time is a good idea.10,11 Does it make sense to license software engineers before making an SE body of knowledge available? The ACM recommended against licensing on the basis of advice from a blue-ribbon ACM com- mittee. This is largely a political issue—people are afraid of being controlled, of limiting access to a scarce labor pool, and of legislating best practices. Many feel that licensing is premature given the SWEBOK’s current state and the absence of corre-
  • 25. sponding accredited education programs. They doubt what SE practice can actually guarantee. Their con- cern is that best current SE practices do not result in systems with the same reliability and safety that other engineering disciplines produce. Possible solutions. The Texas State Board of Engineering Licensing uses an equivalency process to award a profes- sional SE license without examination.12 Following its law and tradition, Texas requires licensing only for engineers whose services are publicly available. Still, the ramifica- tions of any licensing have led to serious debates within the computing community, which will take time to resolve. Many believe that other states eventually will follow Texas. But regardless of the outcome, society and lawsuits will dictate that we proceed incrementally, starting in safety-critical industries. Many believe that start- ing licensing now will at least improve the state of the practice and reduce error. Licensing efforts are also under way outside the US, including in the UK and Canada (British Columbia and Ontario). A SUSTAINED PARTNERSHIP A common theme in solutions to SE maturity barriers is to involve industry more in SE teach- ing and research. To do so, we need proactivity on both sides. A deep, sustained partnership will encourage the development of more effective SE edu- cation programs and ensure that university research will have more access to and influence on industrial- scale development. We get the best of both worlds: industrial involvement and advice and academia’s long-term view of what makes a quality education. This emphasis on the long-term view is what differ-
  • 26. entiates the partnership in education from a training exercise. The partnership should focus on helping universities arrive at the appropriate balance between fundamen- tal knowledge and its engineering application. Because many large companies have had to mount significant SE training programs—in large part because of the dearth of SE education in college, they should be more than willing to assist in nurturing SE programs that emphasize developing core skills. Increased collabora- tion has many immediate benefits, such as reduced train- ing costs for companies and more focused SE research for institutions. Increased collaboration between acad- emia, engineering institutes, and industry would sub- stantially reduce serious mismatches in expectations. Indeed, effective industry involvement is not trivial. Goals and investments must match—typically, acade- mia wants to train in fundamentals and lifelong learn- ing, while industry focuses on acquiring skills to fill an immediate need. The sidebar “Building a Strong Industrial-Academic Partnership Now” lists some steps each side can take right away to begin forging this partnership. S oftware engineering is an emerging profession that will greatly mature within the next decade. The SE community must define, accredit, and evaluate new curricula, stressing lifelong learning, sig- nificant team experience, and practical theory and fun- damentals. We must also address the lack of con- sistency among the undergraduate SE programs that
  • 27. do exist. Educators do not yet agree on the core ele- ments to teach; without systematic accreditation and licensing, there is less pressure to quickly adapt pro- grams to increase consistency and incorporate new knowledge and skills. Academia is slow to incorporate practices that work well (for example, inspections). Involving industry more in SE teaching and research requires proactivity on both sides. 42 Computer Too often, it disdains considering the gap between best and current practices—a significant education and research issue. Industry, on the other hand, is far too slow to adopt practices validated by research and expe- rience or to invest in reducing the practices gap. Society and industry have tolerated the consequent poor quality and practice because of the shortage of trained practitioners and the dearth of experienced man- agers who can recognize and sell good practice. The lack of a mature infrastructure and the influence of societal and business pressure make the widespread recognition and adoption of best practice slow and sporadic. Unfortunately, even if initial professional education more quickly tracked the emerging body of knowledge, many areas deemed critical would still be excluded. Internet- based e-commerce technology, for example, is moving
  • 28. so rapidly that only a handful of institutions have tried to offer it—even industry has a hard time keeping up. Industrial-academic partnerships in education and research will enable practitioners to learn and hone a broader range of skills and practices. The efforts we have described will significantly drive the maturation of SE as a profession, but we will need to sustain and build on them to bring SE closer to its ultimate goal of respectability. ✸ Acknowledgments We greatly appreciate the excellent suggestions by colleagues who reviewed an earlier draft of this arti - cle: Patricia Collins, Paula Hawthorn, Robert Kessler, Joe Podolsky, and Anthony Wasserman. References 1. G. Ford and N.E. Gibbs, “A Mature Profession of Soft- ware Engineering,” Tech. Report CMU/SEI-96-TR-004, Software Eng. Inst., Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, 1996. 2. P. Bourque et al., “The Guide to the Software Engineer- ing Body of Knowledge,” IEEE Software, Nov./Dec. 1999, pp. 35-44. 3. D. Gotterbarn, “How the New Software Engineering Code of Ethics Affects You,” IEEE Software, Nov./Dec. 1999, pp. 58-64. 4. G.L. Engel, “Program Criteria for Software Engineering Accreditation Programs,” IEEE Software, Nov./Dec.
  • 29. 1999, pp. 31-34. 5. G. Pour and A. Hambaba, “An Undergraduate Software and Information Engineering Curriculum under Devel- opment at San Jose State University,” Proc. Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conf., IEEE CS Press, Los Alamitos, Calif., 1999, CD-ROM. 6. D.L. Parnas, “Software Engineering Programs Are Not Computer Science Programs,” IEEE Software, Nov./Dec. 1999, pp. 19-30. 7. M.J. Lutz and J.F. Naveda, “The Road Less Traveled: A Baccalaureate Degree in Software Engineering, ” Proc. 28th SIGCSE Technical Symp. Computer Science Edu- ation, ACM Press, New York, 1997, pp. 287-291. Companies and acad- emic institutions can take several immedi- ate steps to align their expectations for the software engineering profession. If you are in industry: • Develop relationships with selected universities and SE faculty. • Provide support for development of educational programs rather than just training programs. This means prepar- ing students for an SE career, not just a job. You could offer guest lectures and mentoring, for example, or par- ticipate on an SE advisory board.
  • 30. • Provide input to the schools on how their graduates fare in industry. • Create more exciting and education- ally aligned internship programs. • Provide financial support. This is im- portant, not only because of its direct value, but also because it is a measure of respect. Even if you can’t fund a big project, you can fund a small col- laborative research project and invite the faculty and students to work with you. Be sure to provide access to real data and project records. Sanitize the data and records to remove confi- dential information as needed or work under nondisclosure agree- ments. Work closely with academic colleagues to help them produce val- ued publications that respect your company’s need for confidentiality. • Help clarify and articulate your com- pany’s position on longer-term pro- fessional training versus short-term skills acquisition and how this affects your relationship with educational institutions. If you are in academia: • Convince your colleagues of the effi- cacy of good SE practice. Show them
  • 31. that a project with good design, construction, quality assurance, and so on is better than a thrown-together project. • Explain the implications and opportu- nities of accreditation and licensing and what effect they could have on expecta- tions for a CS/SE degree. Teach an ethics module. Include information about the Software Engineering Coordination Committee (SWECC) and its projects. • Integrate some SE into any software course you teach, and help your col- leagues, especially those building large systems, inject some SE princi- ples into their projects. Be sure to note any successes, however small. • Have your SE project classes help the software efforts of non-SE colleagues. • Include industrial SE practitioners as an advisory board and as guest lecturers. • Advocate required industrial intern- ships for students. Monitor the results and benefits. • Take minisabbaticals in industry, even if the hosting corporation isn’t fund- ing it. Invite industry experts in for a sabbatical, a mini-sabbatical, or to be a “software artist in residence” to
  • 32. inspire and mentor students and staff. • Develop and offer collaborative edu- cational programs with colleagues in computer engineering, business man- agement, or industrial engineering. Building a Strong Industrial-Academic Partnership Now 8. M. Jackson, “Will There Ever Be Software Engineering,” IEEE Software, Jan./Feb. 1998, pp. 36-39. 9. A. Wasserman, “Software Processes and Software Pro- fessionals in the 21st Century,” Cutter IT J., Sept. 1999, pp. 17-23. 10. M.L. Griss, “Letter from the SIGSOFT Executive Com- mittee,” ACM SIGSOFT Software Eng. Notes, Sept. 1998, pp. 1-2. 11. J.R. Speed, “What Do You Mean I Can’t Call Myself a Software Engineer?” IEEE Software, Nov./Dec. 1999, pp. 45-50. 12. D.J. Bagert, “Texas Board Votes to License Software Engineers,” ACM SIGSOFT Software Eng. Notes, Sept. 1998, p. 7. Gilda Pour is a professor of software and informa- tion engineering at San Jose State University, where she helped develop a software and information engi- neering curriculum. She develops and teaches courses in object-oriented and component-based software engineering and distributed object computing in both
  • 33. industry and academia. Her industrial and research experience is in object-oriented component-based enterprise software engineering, with current empha- sis on automated generation of Web-based enterprise applications. Pour received a PhD in computer sci- ence/software engineering from the University of Massachusetts. Contact her at [email protected] Martin L. Griss is principal laboratory scientist for soft- ware engineering at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, where he has researched software engineering processes and systems, systematic software reuse, object-oriented development, and component-based software engi- neering. He created and led the first HP corporate reuse program and participated in the development and exe- cution of the HP corporate software initiative. Griss received a PhD in physics from the University of Illi- nois. He is an adjunct professor at the University of Utah and a member of the ACM SIGSOFT Executive Com- mittee and SWEEP. Contact him at [email protected] Michael Lutz is Motorola professor of software engi- neering at the Rochester Institute of Technology, where he heads RIT’s undergraduate software engi- neering program. His interests in software architec- ture, software design, and lightweight formal methods led to development of core software engineering courses in these areas. Lutz earned an MS in computer science from the State University of New York at Buf- falo. He is a member of the editorial board of Com- puter and of the IEEE CS Educational Activities Board. Contact him at [email protected] May 2000 43 Our members write important IT standards,
  • 34. including IEEE 802.3, the standard for Ethernet, the most widely deployed LAN. But technology networks are not the only kind of standards developed here. GrGrow ow YYour Carour Career eer Find Out How @Find Out How @ standards/ Set Set IndustrIndustryy StandarStandardsds Did You Know? Right now, over 200 Working Groups are drafting IEEE standards. Did You Know? Right now, over 200 Working Groups are
  • 35. drafting IEEE standards. Legal status of software engineering Capers Jones Poware Productivity Research s the term “software engineering” a misnomer? That question has long been debated within the computer science, programming, and software engineering community. Naysayers point to the software activity’s large trial-and-error component and its notable lack of solid intellectual and ethical underpinnings. On the affir- mative side, ACM and the IEEE Computer Society recently joined forces to move software engineering toward pro- fessional status. Barry Boehm, TRW professor of software engineering at USC and an ACM member of the IEEE CS/ACM task force, summarized some new-and serious-implications of the debate in the September 1994 Software Engineering Technical Council Newsletter. Currently, software engineering is not one of the 36 engineering professions recognized and licensed in the United States. This situ- ation is more serious than you might think, because 48 states have laws on their books that prohibit anyone
  • 36. T ennessee now actively prohibits the use of “software who is not licensed from using the term “engineer” engineering” in business in describing his occupa- tion and work. As Boehm points out, these laws are beginning to be enforced. The state of literature and advertising. Texas has forced universities to stop offering master’s degrees in software engineering. Tennessee now actively prohibits the use of “software engineering” in business lit- erature and advertising. New Jersey considered, but did not pass, a regulation that would have required licensing of all software professionals employed within the state. (The fact that this regulation would essentially have shut down all software businesses and forced them to leave the state was eventually recognized.) This legal phenomenon affects all of us involved in soft- ware. It makes us vulnerable to the probability of increas- ingly onerous rules and regulations passed by well-meaning-but clumsy and often ill-informed-leg- islative bodies. Consider, for example, the hazardous situ- ation now faced by computer and software consultants. As
  • 37. a result of legislation and regulations to determine who is or is not an employee, many software consultants have come close to losing their ability to practice independently. Computer What makes an engineering profession? Let’s consider some of the attributes of the recognized engineering professions, such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and civil engineering. What do they have that software engineering lacks? Also, what characteristics do the nonengineering professions, such as medicine and law, have that make them true professions instead of mere occupations? In the broadest sense, the factors associated with rec- ognized engineering professions and other formal profes- sions include l a well-defined body of knowledge, and often many sub- sets of more specialized knowledge; l academic curricula that transfer the body of knowledge to students well enough so that a significant percentage can pass qualifying examinations; l qualifying examinations that certify at least minimal competence for general practice of the profession; l a formal set of subspecialties, each with a substantial body of knowledge and some form of certification, often created by accreditation boards within each specialty; l continuing education for those within the profession to maintain currency in the overall profession and their
  • 38. chosen subspecialty; l a code of ethical responsibilities for those engaged in the profession and its specialties; l strong professional associations capable of creating qual- ifying examinations and certifying specialties in con- junction with state and other governmental agencies; l a recognized canon of standard practices for common conditions, against which claims of professional mal- practice can be evaluated; l methods for monitoring and dealing with instances of professional malpractice, and a formal mechanism for decertifying those found guilty of professional mal- practice; and l liability insurance coverage for professionals that pro- tects them and their employers from a portion of the financial consequences of losing law suits for profes- sional malpractice. To a greater or lesser degree, the software community fails to meet any of these criteria. However, IEEE Computer Society and ACM task forces are exploring these topics with the idea of making software engineering the 37th engi- neering profession, perhaps by the end of the century. Following the path of the medical profession A very instructive book, which I recommend to task force members a n d a n y o n e else interested in creating a highly regarded profession, is Paul Starr’s The Social
  • 39. Transformation ofAmerican Medicine (Basic Books, N e w York, 1982). It’s b e e n only 1 5 0 years or so since medical practice faced challenges similar to those software faces today: It was a n amorphous a n d fragmented community with many questionable a n d unproven practices, a n d academic training s p a n n e d every possibility from state of the art to totally inept. In fact, it was just over 1 0 0 years a g o that Johns Hopkins University took the unprecedented step of requiring medical students to have college degrees as a precondition for admission. In every drive toward professionalism, there are com- peting forces a n d p o w e r groups with vested interests. At the very minimum, there are universities, professional associations, legislative bodies, the profession’s knowl - e d g e workers, the knowledge workers’ employers, a n d of course the clients the knowledge workers serve. To this basic set, w e can also a d d insurance companies a n d attor - neys w h o specialize in providing services to the profes- sion’s members a n d enterprises. Each participant has its o w n vested interests, so com- petition a n d politics are the order of the day. However, for any occupation to succeed to the same d e g r e e as medical practice, a strong professional association must emerge to s h a p e events. In particular, the profes- sional association must have a strong voice in establishing basic acade- mic curricula (individual universities are too chaotic a n d d o n ’t grasp the big pic-
  • 40. ture); in establishing licensing or accreditation criteria (legislatures will botch it up), a n d in moni- toring a n d eliminating malpractice (otherwise, liability insurance will b e unobtainable). A related but more subtle topic is the role of professional associ- ations in minimizing com- T he professional association must have a strong voice in establishing basic academic curricula, in establishing licensing or accreditation criteria, and in monitoring and eliminating malpractice. petition from nonmembers w h o lack accreditation. Right now, software engineering is in about the same condition as medical practice was in the 1890s. Software is already a n important topic, but the practice of creating software is undisciplined a n d often “unprofessional” in any serious use of the term. Academic training is spotty, a n d the thought of qualifying examinations and/or licens- ing remains highly unpalatable.
  • 41. If the software engineering community cannot rise to the level of becoming a recognized profession a n d engi - neering discipline, w e face a n uncertain future with ever- mounting prospects of unfriendly legislation a n d harmful government actions. A Guided Tour of Multimedia Systems and Applications edited by Borko Furht and Milan Milenkovic Looks into the goal of fully integrating both audio a n d video so that they can b e created, edited, a n d combined with other data types to form compound objects. This book explores the techniques, standards, a n d applications behind today’s advances in multimedia systems. The five papers in the tirst chapter provide a n overview of the basic principles involved in multimedia technology a n d applications. The next chapter consists of seven papers o n multimedia compression techniques a n d standards. The next three chapters include 2 4 papers covering multimedia communication a n d synchronization, storage a n d retrieval, a n d tools a n d applications. 400 pages. Mad 1995. Sofme~: ISBN O-81 86 Tow 1. Catalog # BP07014 - hlenzbels $40.00 /List $5’0.00 SOCIETY Now Available on IEEE Computer Society On-Line l This month in Computer: Article Summaries, Binary Critic, Hot Topics, Letters to the Editor, Software
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