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Semester II Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015
Dikumpulkan: 25 Maret 2015
Disusun oleh:
Sayogyo Rahman Doko 13611046
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
1. Data TLE Satelit EAGLE-2
Satelit EAGLE-2 yang digunakan saat praktikum tracking memiliki data TLE sebagai berikut
( diakses tanggal 19 Februari 2015):
1 39436U 13066W 15047.14928216 .00023043 00000-0 18309-2 0 9996
2 39436 97.7531 123.1107 0023231 152.3770 207.8693 15.00242918 67303
Data TLE tersebut mengandung informasi orbital parameter satelit lebih lengkap yakni:
Inclination 97.7531 deg
RAAN 123.1107 deg
Eccentricity 0.0023231
Argument of Perigee 152.3770 deg
Mean anomaly 207.8693 deg
Mean motion 15.00242918 Revs/day
Melalui persamaan mean motion:
dengan nilai n dalam rad/s dan = 3.986012 x 105
didapat semimajor axis (a)= 6945 km.
2. Waktu Simulasi
Waktu simulasi ditetapkan selama 100 hari. Start Time simulasi dipilih pada tanggal 19
Februari 2015 pukul 12.00 LCLG (Local Time) yang merupakan waktu akses TLE saat
praktikum. Untuk memudahkan perhitungan rentang waktu 100 hari, maka Start Time dalam
Gregorian Date (GD) dikonversi dahulu menjadi Julian Day (JD) melalui situs Konversi dan penentuan Stop Time
Simulation dijabarkan sebagai berikut:
 Start Time = 19 Februari 2015 12:00 (GD) → 2457073 (JD)
 Stop Time = 2457073 + 100 = 2457173 (JD) → 30 Mei 2015 12:00 (GD)
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
1. Step time simulation baik MATLAB Simulink maupun STK ditetapkan sebesar 3600 s (1 jam)
untuk mempercepat jalannya simulasi dan sesuai dengan kapasitas RAM komputer/PC.
2. Harga J2 dan R ekuator Bumi (RE) di Simulink berturut-turut 1.082 x 10-3
dan 6378.145 km.
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
1. Persamaan Gerak Keplanetan Lagrange Akibat Gangguan Potensial Gravitasional Bumi
dengan diketahui bahwa , maka
2. Persamaan Penentuan Vektor r dan V dari Parameter Orbit
Bila diberikan harga parameter orbit yakni a, e, θ, Ω, ω, dan i, maka:
dengan :
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Simplified General Perturbation (SGP) 4 merupakan salah satu model matematika yang
digunakan untuk menghitung orbital state vectors dari satelit atau space debris relative terhadap
tata acuan koordinat Earth-Centered Inertial (ECI). Model ini memprediksi efek gangguan yang
disebabkan oleh bentuk Bumi, atmospheric drag, radiasi matahari, medan magnetik Bumi, serta
efek gravitasi benda ketiga seperti bulan dan matahari. Model SGP ditujuan untuk objek dekat
Bumi dengan periode orbit kurang dari 225 menit.
Hal yang perlu dicatat bahwa model SGP4 ini memiliki error sekitar 1 km pada epoch dan
bertambah sekitar 1-3 km/hari. Oleh karena itu data ini secara berkala di-update di NASA dan
NORAD akibat error tersebut.
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Grafik 1: Semi-major Axis, a (km) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Grafik 2: Eccentricity, e vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2
Grafik 3: Inclination, i (deg) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Grafik 4: Argument of Perigee, ω (deg) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2
Grafik 5: RAAN, Ω (deg) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Grafik 6: Time Past Perigee, τ (s) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2
Grafik 7: Mean Anomaly, M (deg) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Grafik 8: Position Vector, R (km) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2 (X = Kuning, Y = Merah, Z = Biru)
Grafik 9: Velocity Vector, R (km) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2 (X = Kuning, Y = Merah, Z = Biru)
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Gambar di samping merupakan tampilan animasi
orbit propagator dari satelit EAGLE-2.
Step time yang cukup besar yakni 3600 s (1 jam)
menyebabkan animasi tersebut diupdate tiap 3600 s
(waktu simulink) sehingga menyebabkan bentuk
orbit menjadi coarse. Animasi ini berhenti ketika
waktu simulasi telah mencapai 100 hari atau
8640000 detik.
Hasil simulasi Simulink di atas harus divalidasi terlebih dahulu sebelum kemudian dibandingkan
dengan STK kasus SGP4. Sehingga simulasi STK kasus J2 perlu dilakukan sebagai referensi untuk
memvalidasi akurasi perhitungan simulasi Simulink kasus J2. Tampilan grafik hasil STK kasus J2
akan ditampilkan di sini sedangkan hasil tabel akan diletakkan di lampiran.
Grafik 10: Semi-major Axis, a (km) vs time (s) STK Kasus J2
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Grafik 11: Eccentricity, e vs time (s) STK Kasus J2
Grafik 12: Inclination, RAAN, Arg. of Perigee (deg) vs time (s) STK Kasus J2
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Grafik 13: Mean Anomaly (deg) vs time (s) STK Kasus J2
Grafik 14: Time Past Perigee (s) vs time (s) STK Kasus J2
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Grafik 15: Position Vector (km) vs time (s) STK Kasus J2
Grafik 16: Velocity Vector (km) vs time (s) STK Kasus J2
Hasil simulasi STK kasus J2 ini menunjukkan setiap grafik parameter orbit dan vektor memiliki pola
yang serupa dengan hasil simulasi Simulink kasus J2. Meski demikian, dalam tampilan tabel (lampiran)
ditemukan error di berbagai parameter dan vektor dengan harga variatif. Error ini bisa muncul akibat
perbedaan error tolerance setting pada MATLAB Simulink dan STK serta dapat juga diakibatkan adanya
perbedaan ketelitian konstanta yang dipakai oleh kedua program tersebut seperti konstanta , J2, RE.
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Grafik 17: Semi-major Axis, a (km) vs time (s) STK Kasus SGP4
Grafik 18: Eccentricity, e vs time (s) STK Kasus SGP4
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Grafik 19: Inclination, RAAN, Arg. of Perigee (deg) vs time (s) STK Kasus SGP4
Grafik 20: Mean Anomaly (deg) vs time (s) STK Kasus SGP4
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Grafik 21: Time Past Perigee (s) vs time (s) STK Kasus SGP4
Grafik 22: Position Vector (km) vs time (s) STK Kasus SGP4
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Grafik 23: Velocity Vector (km) vs time (s) STK Kasus SGP4
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000
a vs Time
Simulink STK
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000
e vs Time
Simulink STK
i vs Time
Simulink STK
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000
Arg. of Perigee vs Time
Simulink STK
0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000
RAAN vs Time
Simulink STK
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000
Time Past Perigee vs Time
Simulink STK
0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000
Rx vs Time
Simulink STK
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000
Ry vs Time
Simulink STK
0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000
Rz vs Time
Simulink STK
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000
Vx vs Time
Simulink STK
0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000
Vy vs Time
Simulink STK
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000
Vz vs Time
Simulink STK
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Berbagai macam grafik di atas merupakan hasil perbandingan output model Simulik dan STK.
Analisis bentuk grafik dijelaskan sebagai berikut:
1. Untuk Orbital Parameter vs Time
Dari grafik orbital parameter (kecuali time past perigee) kasus J2, bentuk kurva hanyalah
berupa garis lurus, tidak ada osilasi/periodisasi sebab gangguan potensial gravitasional Bumi
yang didominasi J2 hanya membentuk kurva secular. Sementara untuk kurva time past perige,
bentuk periodik terjadi dikarenakan satelit senantiasa melewati perigee secara periodik.
Sementara itu, gangguan SGP4 tidak hanya dibentuk oleh gangguan potensial
gravitasional J2 saja, melainkan juga J3, J4, atmospheric drag, radiasi matahari, efek magnetik
bumi, dan efek gravitasi benda ketiga seperti matahari atau bulan.
Bentuk sekular dari kurva orbital parameter kasus SGP4 selain diakibatkan oleh J2 (orde
pertama) dan J4 (orde kedua) dapat diakibatkan oleh drag yang tiap waktu mengurangi
ketinggian dan harga a sebagaimana pada grafik a vs time terlihat trend penurunan a secara
gradual. Selain itu efek sekular juga terjadi pada semua kurva yang lain. Sedangkan gangguan
berupa radiasi matahari yang selama satu periode orbit muncul (ketika menghadap matahari)
maupun menghilang (ketika eclipse) serta gangguan efek gravitasi benda ketiga menyebabkan
bentuk kurva menjadi short periodic. Bentuk short periodic ini dapat diamati pada kurva a, e, i,
argument of perigee, dan time past perigee. Di samping itu efek magnetik bumi dan kombinasi
J3 dan J4 dapat membentuk kurva long periodic seperti yang terlihat pada kurva e, i, argument
of perigee, dan time past perigee. Kombinasi gangguan-gangguan periodik sebelumnya
menyebabkan adanya bentuk mixed periodic yang dapat terlihat di kurva a, e, i, argument of
perigee, dan time past perigee.
short periodic
short periodic
mixed periodic
long periodic
mixed periodic
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
2. Untuk Position dan Velocity Vektor vs Time
Bentuk kurva baik vektor posisi maupun vektor kecepatan antara gangguan J2 dan SGP4
tidak begitu berbeda jauh. Gangguan J2 menyebabkan kurva masing-masing komponen dari
kedua vektor tersebut memiliki bentuk short periodic yang teratur dan konstan. Di samping
itu, bentuk long-periodic yang teratur juga terlihat pada komponen vektor X dan Y sebab
terjadi perubahan RAAN yang naik secara gradual. Sedangkan komponen vektor Z tidak
memiliki long-periodic curve karena sudut inklinasi yang konstan akibat gangguan J2.
Sementara itu, gangguan SGP4 menyebabkan komponen dari vektor posisi dan kecepatan
memiliki bentuk mixed periodic yang diakibatkan oleh kurva argument of perigee yang juga
memiliki bentuk mixed periodic. SGP4 juga membentuk long periodic pada bidang XY
(komponen X dan Y) yang sama besarnya dengan long periodic akibat J2 perturbation. Hal ini
dapat dijelaskan melalui kurva RAAN yang memiliki gradient kenaikan yang sama antara kasus
J2 dan SGP4. Sementara kurva komponen Z memiliki bentuk mixed periodic yang diakibatkan
oleh kurva inklinasi kasus SGP4 yang juga berbentuk mixed periodic.
short periodic
short periodic
long periodic
long periodic
short periodic
mixed periodic
mixed periodic
long periodic
mixed periodic
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
short periodic
short periodic
short periodic
short periodic
short periodic
short periodic
long periodic long periodic
long periodic
long periodic
mixed periodic
mixed periodic
mixed periodic
mixed periodic
mixed periodic
mixed periodic
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
1. Gangguan J2 menyebabkan bentuk kurva menjadi sekular untuk parameter orbit a, e, i, ω, Ω
serta menyebabkan bentuk kurva sekular dan periodic untuk parameter τ. Sedangkan
terhadap vector posisi dan kecepatan, gangguan J2 membentuk kurva short periodic untuk
setiap komponen vector serta membentuk long-periodic untuk komponen vektor X dan Y.
2. Gangguan SGP4 menyebabkan bentuk kurva berbentuk sekular untuk semua parameter orbit,
short dan mixed periodic untuk a, e, i, ω, τ serta long periodic untuk e, i, ω, τ. Sementara itu
terhadap vektor posisi dan kecepatan, SGP4 juga menyebabkan bentuk kurva menjadi short
dan mixed periodic untuk semua komponen vektor serta long periodic untuk komponen vektor
X dan Y.
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
Bate, Roger R.; Mueller, Donald D.; White, Jerry E. 1971. Fundamental of Astrodynamics. Dowen
Publications, Inc: New York.
Modul Kuliah Astrodinamika, Bab 2: Masalah Orbit Dua Benda.
Modul Kuliah Astrodinamika Lanjut (2): The Transition Curve.
Poetro, Ridanto Eko. Handout 7: Gangguan Orbit – General Perturbation. (diakses tanggal 25 Maret 2015)
1. Orbital Parameter
Date Second a e i (deg)
Arg. Of
T Past
a e i (deg)
Arg. Of
T Past
a e i (deg)
Arg. Of
T Past
19-2-2015 12:00:00 0 6945 0.002323 97.7531 152.377 123.1107 3325.882 6945 0.002323 97.753 152.377 123.111 3325.885 6939.967 0.003836 97.821 134.201 125.978 2846.227
19-2-2015 13:00:00 3600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 152.237 123.1523 1163.599 6945 0.002323 97.753 152.237 123.152 1163.596 6950.191 0.003439 97.815 132 126.015 724.896
19-2-2015 14:00:00 7200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 152.097 123.1938 4761.27 6945 0.002323 97.753 152.097 123.194 4761.265 6941.916 0.003534 97.82 135.349 126.05 4267.306
19-2-2015 15:00:00 10800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 151.957 123.2354 2598.987 6945 0.002323 97.753 151.957 123.235 2598.975 6931.587 0.00459 97.825 111.709 126.097 2479.061
19-2-2015 16:00:00 14400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 151.8171 123.2769 436.7047 6945 0.002323 97.753 151.817 123.277 436.686 6939.857 0.002445 97.821 113.589 126.144 293.582
19-2-2015 17:00:00 18000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 151.6771 123.3185 4034.375 6945 0.002323 97.753 151.677 123.318 4034.355 6950.086 0.002787 97.815 119.133 126.181 3808.857
19-2-2015 18:00:00 21600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 151.5371 123.36 1872.093 6945 0.002323 97.753 151.537 123.36 1872.066 6941.73 0.00278 97.819 113.673 126.217 1730.554
19-2-2015 19:00:00 25200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 151.3971 123.4016 5469.763 6945 0.002323 97.753 151.397 123.402 5469.735 6931.533 0.002114 97.825 158.711 126.263 4595.665
19-2-2015 20:00:00 28800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 151.2571 123.4431 3307.481 6945 0.002323 97.753 151.257 123.443 3307.446 6939.709 0.003872 97.821 133.375 126.31 2848.884
19-2-2015 21:00:00 32400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 151.1171 123.4847 1145.198 6945 0.002323 97.753 151.117 123.485 1145.157 6950.123 0.003456 97.815 131.045 126.347 729.782
19-2-2015 22:00:00 36000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 150.9771 123.5262 4742.869 6945 0.002323 97.753 150.977 123.526 4742.826 6942.078 0.003542 97.819 134.13 126.383 4276.626
19-2-2015 23:00:00 39600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 150.8371 123.5678 2580.586 6945 0.002323 97.753 150.837 123.568 2580.536 6931.561 0.004597 97.825 110.897 126.429 2481.76
20-2-2015 0:00:00 43200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 150.6972 123.6093 418.3038 6945 0.002323 97.753 150.697 123.609 418.247 6939.602 0.002434 97.82 112.644 126.476 298.426
20-2-2015 1:00:00 46800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 150.5572 123.6509 4015.974 6945 0.002323 97.753 150.557 123.651 4015.916 6950.011 0.002793 97.815 118.506 126.513 3808.596
20-2-2015 2:00:00 50400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 150.4172 123.6924 1853.692 6945 0.002323 97.753 150.417 123.692 1853.627 6941.888 0.002787 97.819 113.394 126.549 1724.904
20-2-2015 3:00:00 54000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 150.2772 123.734 5451.362 6945 0.002323 97.753 150.277 123.734 5451.296 6931.513 0.002129 97.825 157.694 126.595 4601.782
20-2-2015 4:00:00 57600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 150.1372 123.7755 3289.08 6945 0.002323 97.753 150.137 123.775 3289.007 6939.458 0.003907 97.82 132.555 126.642 2851.749
20-2-2015 5:00:00 61200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.9972 123.8171 1126.797 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.997 123.817 1126.717 6950.051 0.003471 97.814 130.094 126.679 734.902
20-2-2015 6:00:00 64800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.8572 123.8586 4724.468 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.857 123.859 4724.387 6942.233 0.00355 97.819 132.93 126.715 4285.928
20-2-2015 7:00:00 68400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.7172 123.9002 2562.185 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.717 123.9 2562.097 6931.54 0.004604 97.825 110.098 126.761 2484.558
20-2-2015 8:00:00 72000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.5773 123.9417 399.903 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.577 123.942 399.808 6939.353 0.002424 97.82 111.701 126.809 303.531
20-2-2015 9:00:00 75600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.4373 123.9833 3997.574 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.437 123.983 3997.477 6949.933 0.002799 97.814 117.881 126.846 3808.594
20-2-2015 10:00:00 79200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.2973 124.0248 1835.291 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.297 124.025 1835.188 6942.04 0.002794 97.819 113.096 126.881 1719.834
20-2-2015 11:00:00 82800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.1573 124.0664 5432.962 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.158 124.066 5432.857 6931.497 0.002144 97.825 156.669 126.927 4608.319
20-2-2015 12:00:00 86400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.0173 124.1079 3270.679 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.018 124.108 3270.568 6939.213 0.003941 97.82 131.74 126.975 2854.817
20-2-2015 13:00:00 90000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 148.8773 124.1495 1108.397 6945 0.002323 97.753 148.878 124.149 1108.278 6949.975 0.003486 97.814 129.147 127.012 740.249
20-2-2015 14:00:00 93600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 148.7373 124.191 4706.067 6945 0.002323 97.753 148.738 124.191 4705.948 6942.382 0.003557 97.818 131.749 127.047 4295.219
20-2-2015 15:00:00 97200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 148.5973 124.2326 2543.785 6945 0.002323 97.753 148.598 124.232 2543.658 6931.522 0.00461 97.824 109.31 127.093 2487.461
20-2-2015 16:00:00 100800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 148.4574 124.2741 381.5021 6945 0.002323 97.753 148.458 124.274 381.369 6939.11 0.002415 97.82 110.76 127.141 308.906
20-2-2015 17:00:00 104400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 148.3174 124.3157 3979.173 6945 0.002323 97.753 148.318 124.316 3979.038 6949.851 0.002806 97.814 117.257 127.178 3808.867
20-2-2015 18:00:00 108000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 148.1774 124.3572 1816.89 6945 0.002323 97.753 148.178 124.357 1816.749 6942.185 0.002802 97.818 112.781 127.213 1715.352
20-2-2015 19:00:00 111600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 148.0374 124.3988 5414.561 6945 0.002323 97.753 148.038 124.399 5414.418 6931.484 0.002157 97.824 155.637 127.259 4615.257
20-2-2015 20:00:00 115200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 147.8974 124.4403 3252.278 6945 0.002323 97.753 147.898 124.44 3252.129 6938.975 0.003973 97.82 130.932 127.307 2858.083
20-2-2015 21:00:00 118800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 147.7574 124.4819 1089.996 6945 0.002323 97.753 147.758 124.482 1089.839 6949.896 0.003501 97.814 128.205 127.344 745.816
20-2-2015 22:00:00 122400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 147.6174 124.5234 4687.666 6945 0.002323 97.753 147.618 124.523 4687.509 6942.524 0.003565 97.818 130.586 127.38 4304.5
20-2-2015 23:00:00 126000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 147.4774 124.565 2525.384 6945 0.002323 97.753 147.478 124.565 2525.219 6931.506 0.004617 97.824 108.534 127.425 2490.475
21-2-2015 0:00:00 129600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 147.3375 124.6065 363.1012 6945 0.002323 97.753 147.338 124.606 362.93 6938.875 0.002407 97.82 109.82 127.473 314.563
21-2-2015 1:00:00 133200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 147.1975 124.6481 3960.772 6945 0.002323 97.753 147.198 124.648 3960.599 6949.767 0.002813 97.814 116.633 127.511 3809.431
21-2-2015 2:00:00 136800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 147.0575 124.6896 1798.489 6945 0.002323 97.753 147.058 124.69 1798.31 6942.324 0.00281 97.818 112.446 127.546 1711.459
21-2-2015 3:00:00 140400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 146.9175 124.7312 5396.16 6945 0.002323 97.753 146.918 124.731 5395.979 6931.473 0.00217 97.824 154.6 127.591 4622.578
21-2-2015 4:00:00 144000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 146.7775 124.7727 3233.877 6945 0.002323 97.753 146.778 124.773 3233.69 6938.743 0.004005 97.82 130.131 127.639 2861.544
21-2-2015 5:00:00 147600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 146.6375 124.8143 1071.595 6945 0.002323 97.753 146.638 124.814 1071.4 6949.815 0.003514 97.814 127.268 127.677 751.599
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
21-2-2015 6:00:00 151200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 146.4975 124.8558 4669.265 6945 0.002323 97.753 146.498 124.856 4669.07 6942.659 0.003572 97.817 129.442 127.712 4313.778
21-2-2015 7:00:00 154800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 146.3575 124.8974 2506.983 6945 0.002323 97.753 146.358 124.897 2506.78 6931.494 0.004623 97.824 107.77 127.758 2493.606
21-2-2015 8:00:00 158400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 146.2176 124.9389 344.7003 6945 0.002323 97.753 146.218 124.939 344.491 6938.646 0.002399 97.82 108.88 127.805 320.508
21-2-2015 9:00:00 162000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 146.0776 124.9805 3942.371 6945 0.002323 97.753 146.078 124.98 3942.16 6949.679 0.002821 97.813 116.008 127.843 3810.3
21-2-2015 10:00:00 165600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 145.9376 125.022 1780.088 6945 0.002323 97.753 145.938 125.022 1779.871 6942.456 0.002818 97.817 112.093 127.878 1708.16
21-2-2015 11:00:00 169200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 145.7976 125.0636 5377.759 6945 0.002323 97.753 145.798 125.063 5377.54 6931.465 0.002182 97.824 153.559 127.924 4630.269
21-2-2015 12:00:00 172800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 145.6576 125.1051 3215.476 6945 0.002323 97.753 145.658 125.105 3215.251 6938.518 0.004035 97.82 129.336 127.972 2865.195
21-2-2015 13:00:00 176400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 145.5176 125.1467 1053.194 6945 0.002323 97.753 145.518 125.147 1052.961 6949.731 0.003527 97.813 126.337 128.009 757.592
21-2-2015 14:00:00 180000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 145.3776 125.1882 4650.864 6945 0.002323 97.753 145.378 125.188 4650.631 6942.788 0.003579 97.817 128.316 128.044 4323.055
21-2-2015 15:00:00 183600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 145.2376 125.2298 2488.582 6945 0.002323 97.753 145.238 125.23 2488.341 6931.484 0.004629 97.823 107.016 128.09 2496.858
21-2-2015 16:00:00 187200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 145.0977 125.2713 326.2994 6945 0.002323 97.753 145.098 125.271 326.052 6938.424 0.002393 97.819 107.94 128.138 326.752
21-2-2015 17:00:00 190800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 144.9577 125.3129 3923.97 6945 0.002323 97.753 144.958 125.313 3923.721 6949.59 0.002828 97.813 115.383 128.175 3811.488
21-2-2015 18:00:00 194400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 144.8177 125.3544 1761.687 6945 0.002323 97.753 144.818 125.354 1761.432 6942.581 0.002826 97.817 111.721 128.21 1705.456
21-2-2015 19:00:00 198000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 144.6777 125.396 5359.358 6945 0.002323 97.753 144.678 125.396 5359.101 6931.458 0.002193 97.823 152.514 128.256 4638.314
21-2-2015 20:00:00 201600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 144.5377 125.4375 3197.076 6945 0.002323 97.753 144.538 125.437 3196.812 6938.299 0.004064 97.819 128.549 128.304 2869.034
21-2-2015 21:00:00 205200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 144.3977 125.4791 1034.793 6945 0.002323 97.753 144.398 125.479 1034.522 6949.645 0.003539 97.813 125.411 128.341 763.79
21-2-2015 22:00:00 208800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 144.2577 125.5207 4632.464 6945 0.002323 97.753 144.258 125.52 4632.192 6942.91 0.003585 97.817 127.208 128.377 4332.337
21-2-2015 23:00:00 212400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 144.1177 125.5622 2470.181 6945 0.002323 97.753 144.118 125.562 2469.902 6931.475 0.004635 97.823 106.272 128.422 2500.239
22-2-2015 0:00:00 216000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 143.9778 125.6038 307.8986 6945 0.002323 97.753 143.978 125.604 307.613 6938.208 0.002387 97.819 107 128.47 333.302
22-2-2015 1:00:00 219600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 143.8378 125.6453 3905.569 6945 0.002323 97.753 143.838 125.645 3905.282 6949.499 0.002836 97.813 114.755 128.508 3813.006
22-2-2015 2:00:00 223200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 143.6978 125.6869 1743.287 6945 0.002323 97.753 143.698 125.687 1742.993 6942.7 0.002835 97.817 111.33 128.543 1703.346
22-2-2015 3:00:00 226800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 143.5578 125.7284 5340.957 6945 0.002323 97.753 143.558 125.728 5340.662 6931.454 0.002203 97.823 151.466 128.588 4646.703
22-2-2015 4:00:00 230400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 143.4178 125.77 3178.675 6945 0.002323 97.753 143.418 125.77 3178.373 6938.087 0.004092 97.819 127.768 128.636 2873.059
22-2-2015 5:00:00 234000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 143.2778 125.8115 1016.392 6945 0.002323 97.753 143.278 125.811 1016.083 6949.557 0.003551 97.813 124.492 128.674 770.19
22-2-2015 6:00:00 237600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 143.1378 125.8531 4614.063 6945 0.002323 97.753 143.138 125.853 4613.753 6943.025 0.003592 97.816 126.118 128.709 4341.628
22-2-2015 7:00:00 241200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.9978 125.8946 2451.78 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.999 125.894 2451.463 6931.469 0.004642 97.823 105.539 128.754 2503.752
22-2-2015 8:00:00 244800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.8579 125.9362 289.4977 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.859 125.936 289.174 6937.999 0.002381 97.819 106.059 128.802 340.164
22-2-2015 9:00:00 248400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.7179 125.9777 3887.168 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.719 125.978 3886.843 6949.407 0.002844 97.813 114.124 128.84 3814.866
22-2-2015 10:00:00 252000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.5779 126.0193 1724.886 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.579 126.019 1724.554 6942.812 0.002844 97.816 110.921 128.875 1701.831
22-2-2015 11:00:00 255600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.4379 126.0608 5322.556 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.439 126.061 5322.223 6931.45 0.002213 97.823 150.415 128.92 4655.425
22-2-2015 12:00:00 259200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.2979 126.1024 3160.274 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.299 126.102 3159.934 6937.882 0.004119 97.819 126.995 128.969 2877.266
22-2-2015 13:00:00 262800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.1579 126.1439 997.9913 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.159 126.144 997.644 6949.468 0.003562 97.812 123.578 129.006 776.787
22-2-2015 14:00:00 266400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.0179 126.1855 4595.662 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.019 126.185 4595.314 6943.134 0.003599 97.816 125.045 129.041 4350.933
22-2-2015 15:00:00 270000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 141.8779 126.227 2433.379 6945 0.002323 97.753 141.879 126.227 2433.024 6931.463 0.004648 97.822 104.816 129.087 2507.404
22-2-2015 16:00:00 273600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 141.738 126.2686 271.0968 6945 0.002323 97.753 141.739 126.268 270.735 6937.797 0.002377 97.819 105.116 129.135 347.346
22-2-2015 17:00:00 277200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 141.598 126.3101 3868.767 6945 0.002323 97.753 141.599 126.31 3868.404 6949.314 0.002852 97.812 113.489 129.173 3817.08
22-2-2015 18:00:00 280800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 141.458 126.3517 1706.485 6945 0.002323 97.753 141.459 126.351 1706.115 6942.918 0.002853 97.816 110.493 129.208 1700.91
22-2-2015 19:00:00 284400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 141.318 126.3932 5304.155 6945 0.002323 97.753 141.319 126.393 5303.784 6931.448 0.002221 97.822 149.364 129.253 4664.469
22-2-2015 20:00:00 288000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 141.178 126.4348 3141.873 6945 0.002323 97.753 141.179 126.435 3141.495 6937.683 0.004145 97.819 126.23 129.301 2881.653
22-2-2015 21:00:00 291600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 141.038 126.4763 979.5904 6945 0.002323 97.753 141.039 126.476 979.205 6949.378 0.003572 97.812 122.671 129.339 783.578
22-2-2015 22:00:00 295200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 140.898 126.5179 4577.261 6945 0.002323 97.753 140.899 126.518 4576.875 6943.236 0.003605 97.815 123.989 129.374 4360.255
22-2-2015 23:00:00 298800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 140.758 126.5594 2414.978 6945 0.002323 97.753 140.759 126.559 2414.585 6931.459 0.004654 97.822 104.103 129.419 2511.198
23-2-2015 0:00:00 302400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 140.6181 126.601 252.6959 6945 0.002323 97.753 140.619 126.601 252.296 6937.602 0.002373 97.819 104.171 129.467 354.852
23-2-2015 1:00:00 306000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 140.4781 126.6425 3850.366 6945 0.002323 97.753 140.479 126.642 3849.965 6949.22 0.00286 97.812 112.851 129.505 3819.656
23-2-2015 2:00:00 309600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 140.3381 126.6841 1688.084 6945 0.002323 97.753 140.339 126.684 1687.676 6943.017 0.002862 97.815 110.046 129.54 1700.579
23-2-2015 3:00:00 313200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 140.1981 126.7256 5285.755 6945 0.002323 97.753 140.199 126.725 5285.345 6931.446 0.002229 97.822 148.31 129.585 4673.829
23-2-2015 4:00:00 316800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 140.0581 126.7672 3123.472 6945 0.002323 97.753 140.059 126.767 3123.056 6937.49 0.004169 97.818 125.472 129.633 2886.221
23-2-2015 5:00:00 320400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 139.9181 126.8087 961.1895 6945 0.002323 97.753 139.919 126.808 960.766 6949.287 0.003582 97.812 121.771 129.671 790.559
23-2-2015 6:00:00 324000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 139.7781 126.8503 4558.86 6945 0.002323 97.753 139.779 126.85 4558.436 6943.331 0.003611 97.815 122.95 129.706 4369.601
23-2-2015 7:00:00 327600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 139.6381 126.8918 2396.578 6945 0.002323 97.753 139.639 126.892 2396.146 6931.455 0.00466 97.822 103.398 129.751 2515.139
23-2-2015 8:00:00 331200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 139.4982 126.9334 234.2951 6945 0.002323 97.753 139.499 126.933 233.857 6937.413 0.002371 97.818 103.224 129.799 362.687
23-2-2015 9:00:00 334800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 139.3582 126.9749 3831.966 6945 0.002323 97.753 139.359 126.975 3831.526 6949.125 0.002868 97.812 112.208 129.838 3822.605
23-2-2015 10:00:00 338400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 139.2182 127.0165 1669.683 6945 0.002323 97.753 139.219 127.016 1669.237 6943.109 0.002871 97.815 109.581 129.872 1700.836
23-2-2015 11:00:00 342000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 139.0782 127.058 5267.354 6945 0.002323 97.753 139.079 127.058 5266.906 6931.444 0.002235 97.821 147.256 129.917 4683.498
23-2-2015 12:00:00 345600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 138.9382 127.0996 3105.071 6945 0.002323 97.753 138.939 127.099 3104.617 6937.304 0.004192 97.818 124.721 129.966 2890.966
23-2-2015 13:00:00 349200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 138.7982 127.1411 942.7886 6945 0.002323 97.753 138.799 127.141 942.327 6949.195 0.003592 97.811 120.877 130.004 797.726
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
23-2-2015 14:00:00 352800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 138.6582 127.1827 4540.459 6945 0.002323 97.753 138.659 127.182 4539.997 6943.42 0.003617 97.815 121.927 130.039 4378.974
23-2-2015 15:00:00 356400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 138.5182 127.2242 2378.177 6945 0.002323 97.753 138.519 127.224 2377.707 6931.451 0.004666 97.821 102.703 130.083 2519.232
23-2-2015 16:00:00 360000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 138.3783 127.2658 215.8942 6945 0.002323 97.753 138.379 127.265 215.418 6937.23 0.002369 97.818 102.275 130.132 370.856
23-2-2015 17:00:00 363600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 138.2383 127.3073 3813.565 6945 0.002323 97.753 138.239 127.307 3813.087 6949.03 0.002876 97.811 111.56 130.17 3825.933
23-2-2015 18:00:00 367200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 138.0983 127.3489 1651.282 6945 0.002323 97.753 138.099 127.349 1650.798 6943.196 0.00288 97.815 109.097 130.205 1701.679
23-2-2015 19:00:00 370800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 137.9583 127.3904 5248.953 6945 0.002323 97.753 137.959 127.39 5248.467 6931.443 0.002241 97.821 146.202 130.25 4693.47
23-2-2015 20:00:00 374400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 137.8183 127.432 3086.67 6945 0.002323 97.753 137.819 127.432 3086.178 6937.125 0.004215 97.818 123.979 130.298 2895.888
23-2-2015 21:00:00 378000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 137.6783 127.4735 924.3878 6945 0.002323 97.753 137.679 127.473 923.888 6949.104 0.003601 97.811 119.991 130.336 805.077
23-2-2015 22:00:00 381600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 137.5383 127.5151 4522.058 6945 0.002323 97.753 137.539 127.515 4521.557 6943.503 0.003623 97.814 120.92 130.371 4388.379
23-2-2015 23:00:00 385200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 137.3983 127.5566 2359.776 6945 0.002323 97.753 137.399 127.556 2359.268 6931.448 0.004672 97.821 102.017 130.416 2523.481
24-2-2015 0:00:00 388800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 137.2584 127.5982 197.4933 6945 0.002323 97.753 137.259 127.598 196.979 6937.054 0.002367 97.818 101.323 130.464 379.361
24-2-2015 1:00:00 392400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 137.1184 127.6397 3795.164 6945 0.002323 97.753 137.119 127.639 3794.648 6948.935 0.002884 97.811 110.906 130.502 3829.651
24-2-2015 2:00:00 396000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 136.9784 127.6813 1632.881 6945 0.002323 97.753 136.979 127.681 1632.359 6943.275 0.002888 97.814 108.596 130.537 1703.104
24-2-2015 3:00:00 399600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 136.8384 127.7228 5230.552 6945 0.002323 97.753 136.84 127.723 5230.028 6931.441 0.002246 97.821 145.147 130.582 4703.741
24-2-2015 4:00:00 403200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 136.6984 127.7644 3068.269 6945 0.002323 97.753 136.7 127.764 3067.739 6936.951 0.004236 97.818 123.244 130.63 2900.987
24-2-2015 5:00:00 406800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 136.5584 127.8059 905.9869 6945 0.002323 97.753 136.56 127.806 905.449 6949.012 0.00361 97.811 119.112 130.669 812.61
24-2-2015 6:00:00 410400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 136.4184 127.8475 4503.657 6945 0.002323 97.753 136.42 127.847 4503.118 6943.579 0.003629 97.814 119.93 130.703 4397.82
24-2-2015 7:00:00 414000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 136.2784 127.889 2341.375 6945 0.002323 97.753 136.28 127.889 2340.829 6931.445 0.004679 97.821 101.339 130.748 2527.89
24-2-2015 8:00:00 417600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 136.1385 127.9306 179.0924 6945 0.002323 97.753 136.14 127.93 178.54 6936.884 0.002367 97.817 100.369 130.796 388.205
24-2-2015 9:00:00 421200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.9985 127.9722 3776.763 6945 0.002323 97.753 136 127.972 3776.209 6948.841 0.002893 97.811 110.246 130.835 3833.763
24-2-2015 10:00:00 424800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.8585 128.0137 1614.48 6945 0.002323 97.753 135.86 128.013 1613.92 6943.349 0.002897 97.814 108.077 130.87 1705.106
24-2-2015 11:00:00 428400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.7185 128.0553 5212.151 6945 0.002323 97.753 135.72 128.055 5211.589 6931.439 0.00225 97.82 144.093 130.914 4714.308
24-2-2015 12:00:00 432000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.5785 128.0968 3049.868 6945 0.002323 97.753 135.58 128.096 3049.3 6936.784 0.004255 97.817 122.516 130.963 2906.262
24-2-2015 13:00:00 435600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.4385 128.1384 887.586 6945 0.002323 97.753 135.44 128.138 887.01 6948.921 0.003618 97.811 118.241 131.001 820.32
24-2-2015 14:00:00 439200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.2985 128.1799 4485.257 6945 0.002323 97.753 135.3 128.18 4484.679 6943.648 0.003634 97.813 118.955 131.036 4407.302
24-2-2015 15:00:00 442800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.1585 128.2215 2322.974 6945 0.002323 97.753 135.16 128.221 2322.39 6931.441 0.004685 97.82 100.669 131.08 2532.461
24-2-2015 16:00:00 446400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.0186 128.263 160.6915 6945 0.002323 97.753 135.02 128.263 160.101 6936.721 0.002367 97.817 99.412 131.129 397.387
24-2-2015 17:00:00 450000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 134.8786 128.3046 3758.362 6945 0.002323 97.753 134.88 128.304 3757.77 6948.747 0.002901 97.81 109.579 131.167 3838.278
24-2-2015 18:00:00 453600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 134.7386 128.3461 1596.08 6945 0.002323 97.753 134.74 128.346 1595.481 6943.416 0.002906 97.813 107.54 131.202 1707.683
24-2-2015 19:00:00 457200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 134.5986 128.3877 5193.75 6945 0.002323 97.753 134.6 128.387 5193.15 6931.436 0.002253 97.82 143.038 131.247 4725.169
24-2-2015 20:00:00 460800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 134.4586 128.4292 3031.468 6945 0.002323 97.753 134.46 128.429 3030.861 6936.623 0.004274 97.817 121.797 131.295 2911.713
24-2-2015 21:00:00 464400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 134.3186 128.4708 869.1851 6945 0.002323 97.753 134.32 128.47 868.571 6948.83 0.003625 97.81 117.377 131.334 828.207
24-2-2015 22:00:00 468000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 134.1786 128.5123 4466.856 6945 0.002323 97.753 134.18 128.512 4466.24 6943.712 0.00364 97.813 117.995 131.368 4416.83
24-2-2015 23:00:00 471600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 134.0386 128.5539 2304.573 6945 0.002323 97.753 134.04 128.553 2303.951 6931.436 0.004692 97.82 100.008 131.413 2537.2
25-2-2015 0:00:00 475200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 133.8987 128.5954 142.2907 6945 0.002323 97.753 133.9 128.595 141.662 6936.563 0.002368 97.817 98.453 131.461 406.91
25-2-2015 1:00:00 478800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 133.7587 128.637 3739.961 6945 0.002323 97.753 133.76 128.637 3739.331 6948.654 0.002909 97.81 108.906 131.5 3843.201
25-2-2015 2:00:00 482400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 133.6187 128.6785 1577.679 6945 0.002323 97.753 133.62 128.678 1577.042 6943.477 0.002915 97.813 106.987 131.534 1710.83
25-2-2015 3:00:00 486000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 133.4787 128.7201 5175.349 6945 0.002323 97.753 133.48 128.72 5174.711 6931.432 0.002255 97.82 141.984 131.579 4736.323
25-2-2015 4:00:00 489600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 133.3387 128.7616 3013.067 6945 0.002323 97.753 133.34 128.761 3012.422 6936.468 0.004292 97.817 121.086 131.627 2917.339
25-2-2015 5:00:00 493200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 133.1987 128.8032 850.7842 6945 0.002323 97.753 133.2 128.803 850.132 6948.741 0.003633 97.81 116.521 131.666 836.267
25-2-2015 6:00:00 496800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 133.0587 128.8447 4448.455 6945 0.002323 97.753 133.06 128.844 4447.801 6943.769 0.003645 97.813 117.051 131.701 4426.407
25-2-2015 7:00:00 500400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 132.9187 128.8863 2286.172 6945 0.002323 97.753 132.92 128.886 2285.512 6931.431 0.004699 97.82 99.354 131.745 2542.107
25-2-2015 8:00:00 504000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 132.7788 128.9278 123.8898 6945 0.002323 97.753 132.78 128.927 123.223 6936.412 0.00237 97.817 97.491 131.794 416.771
25-2-2015 9:00:00 507600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 132.6388 128.9694 3721.56 6945 0.002323 97.753 132.64 128.969 3720.892 6948.562 0.002917 97.81 108.225 131.832 3848.538
25-2-2015 10:00:00 511200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 132.4988 129.0109 1559.278 6945 0.002323 97.753 132.5 129.01 1558.603 6943.532 0.002924 97.813 106.416 131.867 1714.543
25-2-2015 11:00:00 514800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 132.3588 129.0525 5156.948 6945 0.002323 97.753 132.36 129.052 5156.272 6931.427 0.002257 97.819 140.929 131.911 4747.77
25-2-2015 12:00:00 518400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 132.2188 129.094 2994.666 6945 0.002323 97.753 132.22 129.094 2993.983 6936.319 0.004308 97.817 120.382 131.96 2923.142
25-2-2015 13:00:00 522000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 132.0788 129.1356 832.3834 6945 0.002323 97.753 132.08 129.135 831.693 6948.652 0.00364 97.81 115.673 131.998 844.5
25-2-2015 14:00:00 525600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 131.9388 129.1771 4430.054 6945 0.002323 97.753 131.94 129.177 4429.362 6943.82 0.00365 97.812 116.122 132.033 4436.038
25-2-2015 15:00:00 529200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 131.7988 129.2187 2267.771 6945 0.002323 97.753 131.8 129.218 2267.073 6931.424 0.004706 97.819 98.708 132.077 2547.187
25-2-2015 16:00:00 532800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 131.6589 129.2602 105.4889 6945 0.002323 97.753 131.66 129.26 104.784 6936.268 0.002373 97.816 96.526 132.126 426.97
25-2-2015 17:00:00 536400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 131.5189 129.3018 3703.159 6945 0.002323 97.753 131.52 129.301 3702.453 6948.471 0.002925 97.809 107.537 132.165 3854.294
25-2-2015 18:00:00 540000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 131.3789 129.3433 1540.877 6945 0.002323 97.753 131.38 129.343 1540.164 6943.581 0.002932 97.812 105.829 132.199 1718.817
25-2-2015 19:00:00 543600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 131.2389 129.3849 5138.547 6945 0.002323 97.753 131.24 129.384 5137.833 6931.421 0.002257 97.819 139.875 132.244 4759.513
25-2-2015 20:00:00 547200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 131.0989 129.4264 2976.265 6945 0.002323 97.753 131.1 129.426 2975.544 6936.176 0.004323 97.816 119.686 132.292 2929.121
25-2-2015 21:00:00 550800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 130.9589 129.468 813.9825 6945 0.002323 97.753 130.96 129.468 813.254 6948.564 0.003646 97.809 114.832 132.331 852.902
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
25-2-2015 22:00:00 554400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 130.8189 129.5095 4411.653 6945 0.002323 97.753 130.82 129.509 4410.923 6943.866 0.003655 97.812 115.207 132.366 4445.726
25-2-2015 23:00:00 558000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 130.6789 129.5511 2249.371 6945 0.002323 97.753 130.681 129.551 2248.634 6931.416 0.004713 97.819 98.07 132.41 2552.441
26-2-2015 0:00:00 561600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 130.539 129.5926 87.08801 6945 0.002323 97.753 130.541 129.592 86.345 6936.129 0.002377 97.816 95.559 132.458 437.503
26-2-2015 1:00:00 565200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 130.399 129.6342 3684.759 6945 0.002323 97.753 130.401 129.634 3684.014 6948.382 0.002933 97.809 106.842 132.497 3860.473
26-2-2015 2:00:00 568800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 130.259 129.6757 1522.476 6945 0.002323 97.753 130.261 129.675 1521.725 6943.623 0.00294 97.812 105.226 132.532 1723.649
26-2-2015 3:00:00 572400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 130.119 129.7173 5120.147 6945 0.002323 97.753 130.121 129.717 5119.394 6931.413 0.002256 97.819 138.82 132.576 4771.553
26-2-2015 4:00:00 576000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 129.979 129.7588 2957.864 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.981 129.758 2957.105 6936.039 0.004337 97.816 118.998 132.625 2935.278
26-2-2015 5:00:00 579600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 129.839 129.8004 795.5816 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.841 129.8 794.815 6948.478 0.003652 97.809 114 132.663 861.472
26-2-2015 6:00:00 583200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 129.699 129.8419 4393.252 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.701 129.841 4392.484 6943.905 0.00366 97.811 114.307 132.698 4455.476
26-2-2015 7:00:00 586800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 129.559 129.8835 2230.97 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.561 129.883 2230.195 6931.407 0.00472 97.818 97.439 132.742 2557.872
26-2-2015 8:00:00 590400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 129.4191 129.925 68.68714 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.421 129.925 67.906 6935.996 0.002381 97.816 94.59 132.791 448.368
26-2-2015 9:00:00 594000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 129.2791 129.9666 3666.358 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.281 129.966 3665.575 6948.294 0.00294 97.809 106.138 132.83 3867.08
26-2-2015 10:00:00 597600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 129.1391 130.0081 1504.075 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.141 130.008 1503.286 6943.66 0.002949 97.811 104.606 132.864 1729.034
26-2-2015 11:00:00 601200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.9991 130.0497 5101.746 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.001 130.049 5100.955 6931.404 0.002255 97.818 137.765 132.908 4783.894
26-2-2015 12:00:00 604800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.8591 130.0912 2939.463 6945 0.002323 97.753 128.861 130.091 2938.665 6935.908 0.00435 97.816 118.317 132.957 2941.614
26-2-2015 13:00:00 608400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.7191 130.1328 777.1807 6945 0.002323 97.753 128.721 130.132 776.376 6948.394 0.003658 97.809 113.177 132.996 870.21
26-2-2015 14:00:00 612000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.5791 130.1743 4374.851 6945 0.002323 97.753 128.581 130.174 4374.045 6943.938 0.003664 97.811 113.421 133.031 4465.291
26-2-2015 15:00:00 615600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.4391 130.2159 2212.569 6945 0.002323 97.753 128.441 130.215 2211.756 6931.396 0.004728 97.818 96.816 133.075 2563.482
26-2-2015 16:00:00 619200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.2992 130.2574 50.28626 6945 0.002323 97.753 128.301 130.257 49.467 6935.869 0.002387 97.816 93.619 133.123 459.56
26-2-2015 17:00:00 622800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.1592 130.299 3647.957 6945 0.002323 97.753 128.161 130.298 3647.136 6948.208 0.002948 97.809 105.426 133.162 3874.119
26-2-2015 18:00:00 626400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.0192 130.3406 1485.674 6945 0.002323 97.753 128.021 130.34 1484.847 6943.691 0.002957 97.811 103.971 133.197 1734.968
26-2-2015 19:00:00 630000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 127.8792 130.3821 5083.345 6945 0.002323 97.753 127.881 130.382 5082.516 6931.392 0.002252 97.818 136.71 133.241 4796.542
26-2-2015 20:00:00 633600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 127.7392 130.4237 2921.062 6945 0.002323 97.753 127.741 130.423 2920.226 6935.783 0.004362 97.815 117.644 133.289 2948.129
26-2-2015 21:00:00 637200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 127.5992 130.4652 758.7798 6945 0.002323 97.753 127.601 130.465 757.937 6948.311 0.003663 97.808 112.361 133.328 879.112
26-2-2015 22:00:00 640800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 127.4592 130.5068 4356.45 6945 0.002323 97.753 127.461 130.506 4355.606 6943.965 0.003669 97.811 112.549 133.363 4475.175
26-2-2015 23:00:00 644400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 127.3192 130.5483 2194.168 6945 0.002323 97.753 127.321 130.548 2193.317 6931.384 0.004736 97.818 96.2 133.407 2569.271
27-2-2015 0:00:00 648000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 127.1793 130.5899 31.88538 6945 0.002323 97.753 127.181 130.589 31.028 6935.748 0.002393 97.815 92.646 133.456 471.074
27-2-2015 1:00:00 651600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 127.0393 130.6314 3629.556 6945 0.002323 97.753 127.041 130.631 3628.697 6948.124 0.002955 97.808 104.706 133.495 3881.593
27-2-2015 2:00:00 655200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 126.8993 130.673 1467.273 6945 0.002323 97.753 126.901 130.672 1466.408 6943.716 0.002965 97.811 103.32 133.529 1741.447
27-2-2015 3:00:00 658800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 126.7593 130.7145 5064.944 6945 0.002323 97.753 126.761 130.714 5064.077 6931.379 0.002249 97.818 135.653 133.573 4809.501
27-2-2015 4:00:00 662400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 126.6193 130.7561 2902.661 6945 0.002323 97.753 126.621 130.756 2901.787 6935.663 0.004372 97.815 116.978 133.622 2954.826
27-2-2015 5:00:00 666000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 126.4793 130.7976 740.379 6945 0.002323 97.753 126.481 130.797 739.498 6948.23 0.003669 97.808 111.554 133.661 888.179
27-2-2015 6:00:00 669600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 126.3393 130.8392 4338.049 6945 0.002323 97.753 126.341 130.839 4337.167 6943.987 0.003673 97.81 111.69 133.695 4485.131
27-2-2015 7:00:00 673200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 126.1993 130.8807 2175.767 6945 0.002323 97.753 126.201 130.88 2174.878 6931.369 0.004744 97.817 95.591 133.739 2575.242
27-2-2015 8:00:00 676800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 126.0594 130.9223 13.4845 6945 0.002323 97.753 126.061 130.922 12.589 6935.633 0.0024 97.815 91.673 133.788 482.903
27-2-2015 9:00:00 680400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 125.9194 130.9638 3611.155 6945 0.002323 97.753 125.921 130.963 3610.258 6948.043 0.002963 97.808 103.977 133.827 3889.505
27-2-2015 10:00:00 684000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 125.7794 131.0054 1448.873 6945 0.002323 97.753 125.781 131.005 1447.969 6943.735 0.002972 97.81 102.653 133.862 1748.468
27-2-2015 11:00:00 687600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 125.6394 131.0469 5046.543 6945 0.002323 97.753 125.641 131.046 5045.638 6931.363 0.002245 97.817 134.595 133.906 4822.779
27-2-2015 12:00:00 691200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 125.4994 131.0885 2884.261 6945 0.002323 97.753 125.501 131.088 2883.348 6935.549 0.004381 97.815 116.32 133.954 2961.705
27-2-2015 13:00:00 694800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 125.3594 131.13 721.9781 6945 0.002323 97.753 125.361 131.129 721.059 6948.151 0.003673 97.808 110.756 133.993 897.41
27-2-2015 14:00:00 698400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 125.2194 131.1716 4319.649 6945 0.002323 97.753 125.221 131.171 4318.728 6944.002 0.003677 97.81 110.846 134.028 4495.163
27-2-2015 15:00:00 702000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 125.0794 131.2131 2157.366 6945 0.002323 97.753 125.081 131.213 2156.439 6931.352 0.004752 97.817 94.989 134.072 2581.396
27-2-2015 16:00:00 705600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 124.9395 131.2547 5755.037 6945 0.002323 97.753 124.941 131.254 5754.108 6935.524 0.002408 97.815 90.699 134.121 495.041
27-2-2015 17:00:00 709200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 124.7995 131.2962 3592.754 6945 0.002323 97.753 124.801 131.296 3591.819 6947.963 0.00297 97.808 103.24 134.16 3897.859
27-2-2015 18:00:00 712800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 124.6595 131.3378 1430.472 6945 0.002323 97.753 124.661 131.337 1429.53 6943.749 0.00298 97.81 101.972 134.194 1756.026
27-2-2015 19:00:00 716400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 124.5195 131.3793 5028.142 6945 0.002323 97.753 124.521 131.379 5027.199 6931.345 0.00224 97.817 133.534 134.238 4836.385
27-2-2015 20:00:00 720000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 124.3795 131.4209 2865.86 6945 0.002323 97.753 124.382 131.42 2864.909 6935.44 0.00439 97.814 115.669 134.287 2968.769
27-2-2015 21:00:00 723600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 124.2395 131.4624 703.5772 6945 0.002323 97.753 124.242 131.462 702.62 6948.074 0.003678 97.807 109.966 134.326 906.802
27-2-2015 22:00:00 727200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 124.0995 131.504 4301.248 6945 0.002323 97.753 124.102 131.503 4300.289 6944.012 0.00368 97.81 110.015 134.36 4505.273
27-2-2015 23:00:00 730800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 123.9595 131.5455 2138.965 6945 0.002323 97.753 123.962 131.545 2138 6931.334 0.004761 97.817 94.394 134.404 2587.732
28-2-2015 0:00:00 734400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 123.8196 131.5871 5736.636 6945 0.002323 97.753 123.822 131.586 5735.669 6935.42 0.002416 97.814 89.724 134.453 507.48
28-2-2015 1:00:00 738000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 123.6796 131.6286 3574.353 6945 0.002323 97.753 123.682 131.628 3573.38 6947.886 0.002977 97.807 102.493 134.492 3906.656
28-2-2015 2:00:00 741600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 123.5396 131.6702 1412.071 6945 0.002323 97.753 123.542 131.67 1411.091 6943.757 0.002988 97.809 101.276 134.527 1764.118
28-2-2015 3:00:00 745200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 123.3996 131.7117 5009.741 6945 0.002323 97.753 123.402 131.711 5008.76 6931.324 0.002233 97.816 132.471 134.57 4850.328
28-2-2015 4:00:00 748800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 123.2596 131.7533 2847.459 6945 0.002323 97.753 123.262 131.753 2846.47 6935.338 0.004397 97.814 115.026 134.619 2976.02
28-2-2015 5:00:00 752400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 123.1196 131.7948 685.1763 6945 0.002323 97.753 123.122 131.794 684.181 6948 0.003682 97.807 109.185 134.658 916.356
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
28-2-2015 6:00:00 756000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 122.9796 131.8364 4282.847 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.982 131.836 4281.85 6944.017 0.003684 97.809 109.197 134.693 4515.464
28-2-2015 7:00:00 759600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 122.8396 131.8779 2120.564 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.842 131.877 2119.561 6931.312 0.004769 97.816 93.807 134.737 2594.252
28-2-2015 8:00:00 763200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 122.6997 131.9195 5718.235 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.702 131.919 5717.23 6935.322 0.002426 97.814 88.75 134.785 520.212
28-2-2015 9:00:00 766800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 122.5597 131.961 3555.952 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.562 131.96 3554.941 6947.811 0.002984 97.807 101.738 134.825 3915.898
28-2-2015 10:00:00 770400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 122.4197 132.0026 1393.67 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.422 132.002 1392.652 6943.759 0.002995 97.809 100.565 134.859 1772.741
28-2-2015 11:00:00 774000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 122.2797 132.0441 4991.34 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.282 132.043 4990.321 6931.301 0.002226 97.816 131.405 134.903 4864.619
28-2-2015 12:00:00 777600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 122.1397 132.0857 2829.058 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.142 132.085 2828.031 6935.24 0.004402 97.814 114.389 134.952 2983.46
28-2-2015 13:00:00 781200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.9997 132.1272 666.7754 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.002 132.127 665.742 6947.928 0.003685 97.807 108.412 134.991 926.072
28-2-2015 14:00:00 784800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.8597 132.1688 4264.446 6945 0.002323 97.753 121.862 132.168 4263.411 6944.016 0.003687 97.809 108.392 135.025 4525.74
28-2-2015 15:00:00 788400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.7197 132.2103 2102.163 6945 0.002323 97.753 121.722 132.21 2101.122 6931.289 0.004778 97.816 93.226 135.069 2600.955
28-2-2015 16:00:00 792000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.5798 132.2519 5699.834 6945 0.002323 97.753 121.582 132.251 5698.791 6935.229 0.002436 97.814 87.777 135.118 533.227
28-2-2015 17:00:00 795600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.4398 132.2934 3537.552 6945 0.002323 97.753 121.442 132.293 3536.502 6947.739 0.002991 97.807 100.973 135.157 3925.588
28-2-2015 18:00:00 799200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.2998 132.335 1375.269 6945 0.002323 97.753 121.302 132.334 1374.212 6943.755 0.003002 97.809 99.84 135.192 1781.89
28-2-2015 19:00:00 802800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.1598 132.3765 4972.94 6945 0.002323 97.753 121.162 132.376 4971.882 6931.276 0.002218 97.816 130.335 135.235 4879.27
28-2-2015 20:00:00 806400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.0198 132.4181 2810.657 6945 0.002323 97.753 121.022 132.417 2809.592 6935.148 0.004407 97.813 113.759 135.284 2991.092
28-2-2015 21:00:00 810000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 120.8798 132.4596 648.3746 6945 0.002323 97.753 120.882 132.459 647.303 6947.859 0.003689 97.806 107.648 135.323 935.948
28-2-2015 22:00:00 813600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 120.7398 132.5012 4246.045 6945 0.002323 97.753 120.742 132.501 4244.972 6944.009 0.00369 97.808 107.6 135.358 4536.102
28-2-2015 23:00:00 817200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 120.5998 132.5427 2083.763 6945 0.002323 97.753 120.602 132.542 2082.683 6931.263 0.004787 97.816 92.652 135.402 2607.842
1-3-2015 0:00:00 820800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 120.4599 132.5843 5681.433 6945 0.002323 97.753 120.462 132.584 5680.352 6935.142 0.002447 97.813 86.805 135.45 546.515
1-3-2015 1:00:00 824400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 120.3199 132.6258 3519.151 6945 0.002323 97.753 120.322 132.625 3518.063 6947.669 0.002997 97.806 100.199 135.49 3935.727
1-3-2015 2:00:00 828000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 120.1799 132.6674 1356.868 6945 0.002323 97.753 120.182 132.667 1355.773 6943.747 0.003009 97.808 99.101 135.524 1791.563
1-3-2015 3:00:00 831600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 120.0399 132.709 4954.539 6945 0.002323 97.753 120.042 132.708 4953.443 6931.247 0.002209 97.815 129.259 135.568 4894.295
1-3-2015 4:00:00 835200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 119.8999 132.7505 2792.256 6945 0.002323 97.753 119.902 132.75 2791.153 6935.062 0.00441 97.813 113.136 135.617 2998.918
1-3-2015 5:00:00 838800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 119.7599 132.7921 629.9737 6945 0.002323 97.753 119.762 132.791 628.864 6947.792 0.003691 97.806 106.893 135.656 945.986
1-3-2015 6:00:00 842400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 119.6199 132.8336 4227.644 6945 0.002323 97.753 119.622 132.833 4226.533 6943.997 0.003693 97.808 106.821 135.69 4546.554
1-3-2015 7:00:00 846000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 119.4799 132.8752 2065.362 6945 0.002323 97.753 119.482 132.874 2064.244 6931.234 0.004797 97.815 92.086 135.734 2614.911
1-3-2015 8:00:00 849600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 119.34 132.9167 5663.032 6945 0.002323 97.753 119.342 132.916 5661.913 6935.061 0.002459 97.813 85.835 135.783 560.066
1-3-2015 9:00:00 853200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 119.2 132.9583 3500.75 6945 0.002323 97.753 119.202 132.958 3499.624 6947.603 0.003004 97.806 99.416 135.822 3946.316
1-3-2015 10:00:00 856800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 119.06 132.9998 1338.467 6945 0.002323 97.753 119.062 132.999 1337.334 6943.732 0.003016 97.808 98.348 135.857 1801.757
1-3-2015 11:00:00 860400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 118.92 133.0414 4936.138 6945 0.002323 97.753 118.922 133.041 4935.004 6931.216 0.002199 97.815 128.178 135.9 4909.709
1-3-2015 12:00:00 864000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 118.78 133.0829 2773.855 6945 0.002323 97.753 118.782 133.082 2772.714 6934.98 0.004413 97.813 112.52 135.949 3006.941
1-3-2015 13:00:00 867600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 118.64 133.1245 611.5728 6945 0.002323 97.753 118.642 133.124 610.425 6947.727 0.003694 97.806 106.147 135.988 956.184
1-3-2015 14:00:00 871200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 118.5 133.166 4209.243 6945 0.002323 97.753 118.502 133.165 4208.094 6943.979 0.003695 97.808 106.054 136.023 4557.097
1-3-2015 15:00:00 874800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 118.36 133.2076 2046.961 6945 0.002323 97.753 118.362 133.207 2045.805 6931.202 0.004806 97.815 91.527 136.067 2622.163
1-3-2015 16:00:00 878400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 118.2201 133.2491 5644.631 6945 0.002323 97.753 118.223 133.248 5643.474 6934.985 0.002472 97.813 84.869 136.115 573.87
1-3-2015 17:00:00 882000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 118.0801 133.2907 3482.349 6945 0.002323 97.753 118.083 133.29 3481.185 6947.539 0.00301 97.805 98.624 136.155 3957.355
1-3-2015 18:00:00 885600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 117.9401 133.3322 1320.066 6945 0.002323 97.753 117.943 133.331 1318.895 6943.712 0.003023 97.808 97.581 136.189 1812.467
1-3-2015 19:00:00 889200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 117.8001 133.3738 4917.737 6945 0.002323 97.753 117.803 133.373 4916.565 6931.182 0.002189 97.815 127.09 136.233 4925.528
1-3-2015 20:00:00 892800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 117.6601 133.4153 2755.454 6945 0.002323 97.753 117.663 133.415 2754.275 6934.904 0.004414 97.812 111.909 136.282 3015.166
1-3-2015 21:00:00 896400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 117.5201 133.4569 593.1719 6945 0.002323 97.753 117.523 133.456 591.986 6947.666 0.003696 97.805 105.409 136.321 966.543
1-3-2015 22:00:00 900000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 117.3801 133.4984 4190.842 6945 0.002323 97.753 117.383 133.498 4189.655 6943.956 0.003697 97.807 105.3 136.355 4567.733
1-3-2015 23:00:00 903600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 117.2401 133.54 2028.56 6945 0.002323 97.753 117.243 133.539 2027.366 6931.168 0.004816 97.814 90.975 136.399 2629.595
2-3-2015 0:00:00 907200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 117.1002 133.5815 5626.23 6945 0.002323 97.753 117.103 133.581 5625.035 6934.915 0.002486 97.812 83.906 136.448 587.913
2-3-2015 1:00:00 910800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 116.9602 133.6231 3463.948 6945 0.002323 97.753 116.963 133.622 3462.746 6947.478 0.003016 97.805 97.823 136.487 3968.844
2-3-2015 2:00:00 914400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 116.8202 133.6646 1301.666 6945 0.002323 97.753 116.823 133.664 1300.456 6943.687 0.00303 97.807 96.8 136.522 1823.69
2-3-2015 3:00:00 918000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 116.6802 133.7062 4899.336 6945 0.002323 97.753 116.683 133.705 4898.126 6931.145 0.002177 97.814 125.993 136.565 4941.771
2-3-2015 4:00:00 921600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 116.5402 133.7477 2737.054 6945 0.002323 97.753 116.543 133.747 2735.836 6934.834 0.004413 97.812 111.305 136.614 3023.594
2-3-2015 5:00:00 925200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 116.4002 133.7893 574.771 6945 0.002323 97.753 116.403 133.789 573.547 6947.607 0.003698 97.805 104.68 136.654 977.065
2-3-2015 6:00:00 928800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 116.2602 133.8308 4172.442 6945 0.002323 97.753 116.263 133.83 4171.216 6943.928 0.003699 97.807 104.559 136.688 4578.465
2-3-2015 7:00:00 932400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 116.1202 133.8724 2010.159 6945 0.002323 97.753 116.123 133.872 2008.927 6931.131 0.004826 97.814 90.43 136.732 2637.208
2-3-2015 8:00:00 936000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.9803 133.9139 5607.83 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.983 133.913 5606.596 6934.85 0.0025 97.812 82.948 136.78 602.184
2-3-2015 9:00:00 939600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.8403 133.9555 3445.547 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.843 133.955 3444.307 6947.42 0.003022 97.805 97.012 136.82 3980.784
2-3-2015 10:00:00 943200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.7003 133.997 1283.265 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.703 133.996 1282.017 6943.656 0.003036 97.807 96.006 136.854 1835.424
2-3-2015 11:00:00 946800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.5603 134.0386 4880.935 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.563 134.038 4879.687 6931.105 0.002164 97.814 124.888 136.898 4958.458
2-3-2015 12:00:00 950400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.4203 134.0801 2718.653 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.423 134.079 2717.397 6934.769 0.004412 97.812 110.707 136.947 3032.231
2-3-2015 13:00:00 954000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.2803 134.1217 556.3702 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.283 134.121 555.108 6947.551 0.003699 97.805 103.959 136.986 987.749
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
2-3-2015 14:00:00 957600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.1403 134.1632 4154.041 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.143 134.162 4152.777 6943.894 0.0037 97.807 103.83 137.021 4589.295
2-3-2015 15:00:00 961200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.0003 134.2048 1991.758 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.003 134.204 1990.488 6931.091 0.004836 97.814 89.892 137.064 2644.999
2-3-2015 16:00:00 964800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 114.8604 134.2463 5589.429 6945 0.002323 97.753 114.863 134.246 5588.157 6934.79 0.002515 97.812 81.994 137.113 616.671
2-3-2015 17:00:00 968400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 114.7204 134.2879 3427.146 6945 0.002323 97.753 114.723 134.287 3425.868 6947.365 0.003029 97.804 96.192 137.152 3993.173
2-3-2015 18:00:00 972000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 114.5804 134.3294 1264.864 6945 0.002323 97.753 114.583 134.329 1263.578 6943.62 0.003043 97.806 95.2 137.187 1847.665
2-3-2015 19:00:00 975600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 114.4404 134.371 4862.534 6945 0.002323 97.753 114.443 134.37 4861.248 6931.062 0.002151 97.813 123.771 137.23 4975.61
2-3-2015 20:00:00 979200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 114.3004 134.4125 2700.252 6945 0.002323 97.753 114.303 134.412 2698.958 6934.709 0.004409 97.811 110.114 137.279 3041.081
2-3-2015 21:00:00 982800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 114.1604 134.4541 537.9693 6945 0.002323 97.753 114.163 134.453 536.669 6947.498 0.0037 97.804 103.247 137.319 998.596
2-3-2015 22:00:00 986400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 114.0204 134.4956 4135.64 6945 0.002323 97.753 114.023 134.495 4134.338 6943.855 0.003701 97.806 103.113 137.353 4600.224
2-3-2015 23:00:00 990000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 113.8804 134.5372 1973.357 6945 0.002323 97.753 113.883 134.536 1972.049 6931.049 0.004846 97.813 89.362 137.397 2652.966
3-3-2015 0:00:00 993600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 113.7405 134.5787 5571.028 6945 0.002323 97.753 113.743 134.578 5569.718 6934.736 0.002531 97.811 81.047 137.446 631.361
3-3-2015 1:00:00 997200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 113.6005 134.6203 3408.745 6945 0.002323 97.753 113.603 134.619 3407.429 6947.313 0.003035 97.804 95.363 137.485 4006.011
3-3-2015 2:00:00 1000800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 113.4605 134.6618 1246.463 6945 0.002323 97.753 113.463 134.661 1245.139 6943.579 0.00305 97.806 94.38 137.519 1860.409
3-3-2015 3:00:00 1004400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 113.3205 134.7034 4844.133 6945 0.002323 97.753 113.323 134.703 4842.809 6931.016 0.002136 97.813 122.643 137.563 4993.251
3-3-2015 4:00:00 1008000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 113.1805 134.7449 2681.851 6945 0.002323 97.753 113.183 134.744 2680.519 6934.654 0.004405 97.811 109.527 137.612 3050.147
3-3-2015 5:00:00 1011600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 113.0405 134.7865 519.5684 6945 0.002323 97.753 113.043 134.786 518.23 6947.447 0.0037 97.804 102.544 137.651 1009.609
3-3-2015 6:00:00 1015200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 112.9005 134.828 4117.239 6945 0.002323 97.753 112.903 134.827 4115.899 6943.81 0.003701 97.806 102.408 137.686 4611.254
3-3-2015 7:00:00 1018800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 112.7605 134.8696 1954.956 6945 0.002323 97.753 112.763 134.869 1953.61 6931.003 0.004857 97.813 88.84 137.729 2661.109
3-3-2015 8:00:00 1022400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 112.6206 134.9111 5552.627 6945 0.002323 97.753 112.623 134.91 5551.279 6934.687 0.002548 97.811 80.107 137.778 646.241
3-3-2015 9:00:00 1026000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 112.4806 134.9527 3390.344 6945 0.002323 97.753 112.483 134.952 3388.99 6947.264 0.003041 97.804 94.525 137.818 4019.295
3-3-2015 10:00:00 1029600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 112.3406 134.9942 1228.062 6945 0.002323 97.753 112.343 134.993 1226.7 6943.532 0.003057 97.806 93.548 137.852 1873.652
3-3-2015 11:00:00 1033200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 112.2006 135.0358 4825.733 6945 0.002323 97.753 112.203 135.035 4824.37 6930.967 0.002121 97.813 121.5 137.896 5011.407
3-3-2015 12:00:00 1036800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 112.0606 135.0774 2663.45 6945 0.002323 97.753 112.064 135.076 2662.08 6934.604 0.0044 97.811 108.944 137.944 3059.436
3-3-2015 13:00:00 1040400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 111.9206 135.1189 501.1675 6945 0.002323 97.753 111.924 135.118 499.791 6947.4 0.0037 97.803 101.848 137.984 1020.789
3-3-2015 14:00:00 1044000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 111.7806 135.1605 4098.838 6945 0.002323 97.753 111.784 135.16 4097.46 6943.76 0.003701 97.805 101.715 138.018 4622.386
3-3-2015 15:00:00 1047600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 111.6406 135.202 1936.556 6945 0.002323 97.753 111.644 135.201 1935.171 6930.955 0.004867 97.813 88.326 138.062 2669.424
3-3-2015 16:00:00 1051200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 111.5007 135.2436 5534.226 6945 0.002323 97.753 111.504 135.243 5532.84 6934.644 0.002566 97.81 79.174 138.111 661.297
3-3-2015 17:00:00 1054800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 111.3607 135.2851 3371.944 6945 0.002323 97.753 111.364 135.284 3370.551 6947.218 0.003047 97.803 93.678 138.15 4033.024
3-3-2015 18:00:00 1058400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 111.2207 135.3267 1209.661 6945 0.002323 97.753 111.224 135.326 1208.261 6943.48 0.003063 97.805 92.703 138.184 1887.391
3-3-2015 19:00:00 1062000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 111.0807 135.3682 4807.332 6945 0.002323 97.753 111.084 135.367 4805.931 6930.914 0.002105 97.812 120.343 138.228 5030.104
3-3-2015 20:00:00 1065600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 110.9407 135.4098 2645.049 6945 0.002323 97.753 110.944 135.409 2643.641 6934.56 0.004393 97.81 108.367 138.277 3068.951
3-3-2015 21:00:00 1069200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 110.8007 135.4513 482.7666 6945 0.002323 97.753 110.804 135.45 481.352 6947.355 0.0037 97.803 101.162 138.316 1032.137
3-3-2015 22:00:00 1072800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 110.6607 135.4929 4080.437 6945 0.002323 97.753 110.664 135.492 4079.021 6943.704 0.0037 97.805 101.034 138.351 4633.622
3-3-2015 23:00:00 1076400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 110.5207 135.5344 1918.155 6945 0.002323 97.753 110.524 135.534 1916.732 6930.904 0.004878 97.812 87.819 138.394 2677.91
4-3-2015 0:00:00 1080000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 110.3808 135.576 5515.825 6945 0.002323 97.753 110.384 135.575 5514.401 6934.606 0.002585 97.81 78.25 138.443 676.516
4-3-2015 1:00:00 1083600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 110.2408 135.6175 3353.543 6945 0.002323 97.753 110.244 135.617 3352.112 6947.175 0.003053 97.803 92.822 138.483 4047.194
4-3-2015 2:00:00 1087200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 110.1008 135.6591 1191.26 6945 0.002323 97.753 110.104 135.658 1189.822 6943.422 0.00307 97.805 91.846 138.517 1901.621
4-3-2015 3:00:00 1090800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 109.9608 135.7006 4788.931 6945 0.002323 97.753 109.964 135.7 4787.492 6930.859 0.002088 97.812 119.167 138.561 5049.374
4-3-2015 4:00:00 1094400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 109.8208 135.7422 2626.648 6945 0.002323 97.753 109.824 135.741 2625.202 6934.521 0.004386 97.81 107.794 138.609 3078.7
4-3-2015 5:00:00 1098000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 109.6808 135.7837 464.3658 6945 0.002323 97.753 109.684 135.783 462.913 6947.313 0.003699 97.803 100.483 138.649 1043.656
4-3-2015 6:00:00 1101600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 109.5408 135.8253 4062.036 6945 0.002323 97.753 109.544 135.824 4060.582 6943.643 0.003699 97.805 100.365 138.683 4644.964
4-3-2015 7:00:00 1105200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 109.4008 135.8668 1899.754 6945 0.002323 97.753 109.404 135.866 1898.293 6930.849 0.004888 97.812 87.321 138.727 2686.563
4-3-2015 8:00:00 1108800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 109.2609 135.9084 5497.424 6945 0.002323 97.753 109.264 135.907 5495.962 6934.573 0.002604 97.81 77.336 138.776 691.884
4-3-2015 9:00:00 1112400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 109.1209 135.9499 3335.142 6945 0.002323 97.753 109.124 135.949 3333.673 6947.135 0.003059 97.803 91.959 138.815 4061.802
4-3-2015 10:00:00 1116000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.9809 135.9915 1172.859 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.984 135.991 1171.383 6943.359 0.003077 97.805 90.978 138.85 1916.338
4-3-2015 11:00:00 1119600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.8409 136.033 4770.53 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.844 136.032 4769.053 6930.801 0.00207 97.812 117.973 138.893 5069.247
4-3-2015 12:00:00 1123200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.7009 136.0746 2608.247 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.704 136.074 2606.763 6934.487 0.004377 97.81 107.224 138.942 3088.687
4-3-2015 13:00:00 1126800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.5609 136.1161 445.9649 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.564 136.115 444.474 6947.274 0.003697 97.802 99.812 138.981 1055.349
4-3-2015 14:00:00 1130400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.4209 136.1577 4043.635 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.424 136.157 4042.143 6943.577 0.003698 97.804 99.708 139.016 4656.412
4-3-2015 15:00:00 1134000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.2809 136.1992 1881.353 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.284 136.198 1879.854 6930.792 0.004899 97.811 86.831 139.06 2695.383
4-3-2015 16:00:00 1137600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.141 136.2408 5479.023 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.144 136.24 5477.523 6934.546 0.002624 97.809 76.431 139.108 707.388
4-3-2015 17:00:00 1141200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.001 136.2823 3316.741 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.004 136.281 3315.234 6947.098 0.003065 97.802 91.087 139.148 4076.843
4-3-2015 18:00:00 1144800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 107.861 136.3239 1154.458 6945 0.002323 97.753 107.864 136.323 1152.944 6943.291 0.003084 97.804 90.098 139.182 1931.536
4-3-2015 19:00:00 1148400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 107.721 136.3654 4752.129 6945 0.002323 97.753 107.724 136.364 4750.613 6930.74 0.002052 97.811 116.757 139.226 5089.759
4-3-2015 20:00:00 1152000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 107.581 136.407 2589.847 6945 0.002323 97.753 107.584 136.406 2588.324 6934.459 0.004366 97.809 106.659 139.275 3098.919
4-3-2015 21:00:00 1155600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 107.441 136.4485 427.564 6945 0.002323 97.753 107.444 136.448 426.035 6947.237 0.003695 97.802 99.149 139.314 1067.218
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
4-3-2015 22:00:00 1159200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 107.301 136.4901 4025.235 6945 0.002323 97.753 107.304 136.489 4023.704 6943.505 0.003696 97.804 99.062 139.348 4667.968
4-3-2015 23:00:00 1162800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 107.161 136.5316 1862.952 6945 0.002323 97.753 107.164 136.531 1861.415 6930.732 0.00491 97.811 86.349 139.392 2704.365
5-3-2015 0:00:00 1166400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 107.0211 136.5732 5460.623 6945 0.002323 97.753 107.024 136.572 5459.084 6934.524 0.002645 97.809 75.538 139.441 723.015
5-3-2015 1:00:00 1170000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 106.8811 136.6147 3298.34 6945 0.002323 97.753 106.884 136.614 3296.795 6947.064 0.003071 97.802 90.207 139.48 4092.312
5-3-2015 2:00:00 1173600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 106.7411 136.6563 1136.058 6945 0.002323 97.753 106.744 136.655 1134.505 6943.217 0.003092 97.804 89.207 139.515 1947.209
5-3-2015 3:00:00 1177200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 106.6011 136.6978 4733.728 6945 0.002323 97.753 106.604 136.697 4732.174 6930.676 0.002033 97.811 115.517 139.558 5110.946
5-3-2015 4:00:00 1180800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 106.4611 136.7394 2571.446 6945 0.002323 97.753 106.464 136.738 2569.885 6934.436 0.004354 97.809 106.096 139.607 3109.404
5-3-2015 5:00:00 1184400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 106.3211 136.7809 409.1631 6945 0.002323 97.753 106.324 136.78 407.596 6947.204 0.003692 97.802 98.494 139.647 1079.268
5-3-2015 6:00:00 1188000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 106.1811 136.8225 4006.834 6945 0.002323 97.753 106.184 136.821 4005.265 6943.428 0.003693 97.804 98.428 139.681 4679.635
5-3-2015 7:00:00 1191600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 106.0411 136.864 1844.551 6945 0.002323 97.753 106.044 136.863 1842.976 6930.67 0.004921 97.811 85.876 139.725 2713.507
5-3-2015 8:00:00 1195200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 105.9012 136.9056 5442.222 6945 0.002323 97.753 105.905 136.905 5440.645 6934.508 0.002666 97.808 74.657 139.774 738.75
5-3-2015 9:00:00 1198800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 105.7612 136.9471 3279.939 6945 0.002323 97.753 105.765 136.946 3278.356 6947.033 0.003077 97.801 89.32 139.813 4108.204
5-3-2015 10:00:00 1202400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 105.6212 136.9887 1117.657 6945 0.002323 97.753 105.625 136.988 1116.066 6943.138 0.003099 97.804 88.305 139.847 1963.353
5-3-2015 11:00:00 1206000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 105.4812 137.0302 4715.327 6945 0.002323 97.753 105.485 137.029 4713.735 6930.609 0.002013 97.811 114.251 139.891 5132.847
5-3-2015 12:00:00 1209600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 105.3412 137.0718 2553.045 6945 0.002323 97.753 105.345 137.071 2551.446 6934.418 0.004341 97.808 105.537 139.94 3120.149
5-3-2015 13:00:00 1213200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 105.2012 137.1133 390.7622 6945 0.002323 97.753 105.205 137.112 389.157 6947.173 0.003689 97.801 97.846 139.979 1091.502
5-3-2015 14:00:00 1216800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 105.0612 137.1549 3988.433 6945 0.002323 97.753 105.065 137.154 3986.826 6943.345 0.003689 97.803 97.806 140.014 4691.412
5-3-2015 15:00:00 1220400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 104.9212 137.1964 1826.15 6945 0.002323 97.753 104.925 137.195 1824.537 6930.604 0.004932 97.81 85.411 140.057 2722.806
5-3-2015 16:00:00 1224000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 104.7813 137.238 5423.821 6945 0.002323 97.753 104.785 137.237 5422.206 6934.498 0.002689 97.808 73.789 140.106 754.58
5-3-2015 17:00:00 1227600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 104.6413 137.2795 3261.538 6945 0.002323 97.753 104.645 137.279 3259.917 6947.004 0.003084 97.801 88.425 140.146 4124.512
5-3-2015 18:00:00 1231200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 104.5013 137.3211 1099.256 6945 0.002323 97.753 104.505 137.32 1097.627 6943.053 0.003107 97.803 87.393 140.18 1979.959
5-3-2015 19:00:00 1234800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 104.3613 137.3626 4696.926 6945 0.002323 97.753 104.365 137.362 4695.296 6930.539 0.001992 97.81 112.956 140.224 5155.504
5-3-2015 20:00:00 1238400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 104.2213 137.4042 2534.644 6945 0.002323 97.753 104.225 137.403 2533.007 6934.406 0.004327 97.808 104.979 140.272 3131.162
5-3-2015 21:00:00 1242000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 104.0813 137.4457 372.3614 6945 0.002323 97.753 104.085 137.445 370.718 6947.144 0.003685 97.801 97.205 140.312 1103.924
5-3-2015 22:00:00 1245600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 103.9413 137.4873 3970.032 6945 0.002323 97.753 103.945 137.486 3968.387 6943.257 0.003685 97.803 97.195 140.346 4703.303
5-3-2015 23:00:00 1249200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 103.8013 137.5289 1807.749 6945 0.002323 97.753 103.805 137.528 1806.098 6930.536 0.004943 97.81 84.956 140.39 2732.258
6-3-2015 0:00:00 1252800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 103.6614 137.5704 5405.42 6945 0.002323 97.753 103.665 137.569 5403.767 6934.492 0.002712 97.808 72.934 140.439 770.493
6-3-2015 1:00:00 1256400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 103.5214 137.612 3243.137 6945 0.002323 97.753 103.525 137.611 3241.478 6946.979 0.003091 97.801 87.525 140.478 4141.228
6-3-2015 2:00:00 1260000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 103.3814 137.6535 1080.855 6945 0.002323 97.753 103.385 137.652 1079.188 6942.963 0.003115 97.803 86.47 140.512 1997.021
6-3-2015 3:00:00 1263600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 103.2414 137.6951 4678.525 6945 0.002323 97.753 103.245 137.694 4676.857 6930.467 0.001971 97.81 111.629 140.556 5178.961
6-3-2015 4:00:00 1267200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 103.1014 137.7366 2516.243 6945 0.002323 97.753 103.105 137.736 2514.568 6934.399 0.004311 97.808 104.423 140.605 3142.451
6-3-2015 5:00:00 1270800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 102.9614 137.7782 353.9605 6945 0.002323 97.753 102.965 137.777 352.279 6947.119 0.00368 97.8 96.571 140.644 1116.539
6-3-2015 6:00:00 1274400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 102.8214 137.8197 3951.631 6945 0.002323 97.753 102.825 137.819 3949.948 6943.163 0.003681 97.803 96.595 140.679 4715.307
6-3-2015 7:00:00 1278000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 102.6814 137.8613 1789.349 6945 0.002323 97.753 102.685 137.86 1787.659 6930.466 0.004953 97.81 84.51 140.723 2741.862
6-3-2015 8:00:00 1281600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 102.5415 137.9028 5387.019 6945 0.002323 97.753 102.545 137.902 5385.328 6934.493 0.002735 97.807 72.094 140.771 786.476
6-3-2015 9:00:00 1285200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 102.4015 137.9444 3224.737 6945 0.002323 97.753 102.405 137.943 3223.039 6946.956 0.003097 97.8 86.618 140.811 4158.344
6-3-2015 10:00:00 1288800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 102.2615 137.9859 1062.454 6945 0.002323 97.753 102.265 137.985 1060.749 6942.867 0.003124 97.802 85.539 140.845 2014.531
6-3-2015 11:00:00 1292400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 102.1215 138.0275 4660.125 6945 0.002323 97.753 102.125 138.026 4658.418 6930.392 0.00195 97.809 110.268 140.889 5203.267
6-3-2015 12:00:00 1296000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.9815 138.069 2497.842 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.985 138.068 2496.129 6934.397 0.004294 97.807 103.869 140.938 3154.027
6-3-2015 13:00:00 1299600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.8415 138.1106 335.5596 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.845 138.109 333.84 6947.095 0.003675 97.8 95.944 140.977 1129.353
6-3-2015 14:00:00 1303200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.7015 138.1521 3933.23 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.705 138.151 3931.509 6943.063 0.003675 97.802 96.006 141.011 4727.428
6-3-2015 15:00:00 1306800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.5615 138.1937 1770.948 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.565 138.193 1769.22 6930.392 0.004964 97.809 84.073 141.055 2751.613
6-3-2015 16:00:00 1310400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.4216 138.2352 5368.618 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.425 138.234 5366.889 6934.499 0.00276 97.807 71.269 141.104 802.516
6-3-2015 17:00:00 1314000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.2816 138.2768 3206.336 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.285 138.276 3204.6 6946.936 0.003105 97.8 85.706 141.143 4175.85
6-3-2015 18:00:00 1317600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.1416 138.3183 1044.053 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.145 138.317 1042.31 6942.766 0.003133 97.802 84.599 141.178 2032.478
6-3-2015 19:00:00 1321200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.0016 138.3599 4641.724 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.005 138.359 4639.979 6930.314 0.001928 97.809 108.869 141.222 5228.469
6-3-2015 20:00:00 1324800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 100.8616 138.4014 2479.441 6945 0.002323 97.753 100.865 138.4 2477.69 6934.401 0.004275 97.807 103.314 141.27 3165.898
6-3-2015 21:00:00 1328400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 100.7216 138.443 317.1587 6945 0.002323 97.753 100.725 138.442 315.401 6947.074 0.003669 97.8 95.322 141.31 1142.372
6-3-2015 22:00:00 1332000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 100.5816 138.4845 3914.829 6945 0.002323 97.753 100.585 138.483 3913.07 6942.958 0.003668 97.802 95.428 141.344 4739.667
6-3-2015 23:00:00 1335600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 100.4416 138.5261 1752.547 6945 0.002323 97.753 100.445 138.525 1750.781 6930.317 0.004974 97.809 83.646 141.388 2761.509
7-3-2015 0:00:00 1339200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 100.3017 138.5676 5350.217 6945 0.002323 97.753 100.305 138.567 5348.45 6934.511 0.002784 97.806 70.46 141.437 818.601
7-3-2015 1:00:00 1342800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 100.1617 138.6092 3187.935 6945 0.002323 97.753 100.165 138.608 3186.16 6946.919 0.003112 97.799 84.789 141.476 4193.738
7-3-2015 2:00:00 1346400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 100.0217 138.6507 1025.652 6945 0.002323 97.753 100.025 138.65 1023.871 6942.659 0.003142 97.802 83.651 141.51 2050.854
7-3-2015 3:00:00 1350000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 99.88169 138.6923 4623.323 6945 0.002323 97.753 99.885 138.691 4621.54 6930.234 0.001905 97.809 107.43 141.554 5254.619
7-3-2015 4:00:00 1353600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 99.7417 138.7338 2461.04 6945 0.002323 97.753 99.745 138.733 2459.251 6934.411 0.004256 97.806 102.76 141.603 3178.075
7-3-2015 5:00:00 1357200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 99.60171 138.7754 298.7578 6945 0.002323 97.753 99.606 138.774 296.962 6947.055 0.003662 97.799 94.706 141.642 1155.603
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
7-3-2015 6:00:00 1360800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 99.46173 138.8169 3896.428 6945 0.002323 97.753 99.466 138.816 3894.631 6942.847 0.003661 97.801 94.861 141.677 4752.027
7-3-2015 7:00:00 1364400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 99.32174 138.8585 1734.146 6945 0.002323 97.753 99.326 138.857 1732.342 6930.239 0.004984 97.808 83.229 141.721 2771.547
7-3-2015 8:00:00 1368000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 99.18175 138.9 5331.816 6945 0.002323 97.753 99.186 138.899 5330.011 6934.529 0.00281 97.806 69.668 141.769 834.72
7-3-2015 9:00:00 1371600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 99.04176 138.9416 3169.534 6945 0.002323 97.753 99.046 138.94 3167.721 6946.903 0.00312 97.799 83.868 141.809 4211.994
7-3-2015 10:00:00 1375200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 98.90178 138.9831 1007.251 6945 0.002323 97.753 98.906 138.982 1005.432 6942.546 0.003152 97.801 82.695 141.843 2069.647
7-3-2015 11:00:00 1378800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 98.76179 139.0247 4604.922 6945 0.002323 97.753 98.766 139.024 4603.101 6930.152 0.001883 97.808 105.946 141.887 5281.77
7-3-2015 12:00:00 1382400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 98.6218 139.0662 2442.639 6945 0.002323 97.753 98.626 139.065 2440.812 6934.426 0.004234 97.806 102.205 141.936 3190.571
7-3-2015 13:00:00 1386000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 98.48181 139.1078 280.357 6945 0.002323 97.753 98.486 139.107 278.523 6947.038 0.003655 97.799 94.096 141.975 1169.051
7-3-2015 14:00:00 1389600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 98.34183 139.1493 3878.028 6945 0.002323 97.753 98.346 139.148 3876.192 6942.73 0.003653 97.801 94.305 142.009 4764.51
7-3-2015 15:00:00 1393200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 98.20184 139.1909 1715.745 6945 0.002323 97.753 98.206 139.19 1713.903 6930.159 0.004994 97.808 82.822 142.053 2781.723
7-3-2015 16:00:00 1396800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 98.06185 139.2324 5313.416 6945 0.002323 97.753 98.066 139.231 5311.572 6934.552 0.002836 97.806 68.894 142.102 850.861
7-3-2015 17:00:00 1400400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 97.92186 139.274 3151.133 6945 0.002323 97.753 97.926 139.273 3149.282 6946.891 0.003128 97.799 82.944 142.141 4230.607
7-3-2015 18:00:00 1404000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 97.78188 139.3155 988.8505 6945 0.002323 97.753 97.786 139.314 986.993 6942.428 0.003163 97.801 81.733 142.176 2088.845
7-3-2015 19:00:00 1407600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 97.64189 139.3571 4586.521 6945 0.002323 97.753 97.646 139.356 4584.662 6930.068 0.00186 97.808 104.414 142.22 5309.979
7-3-2015 20:00:00 1411200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 97.5019 139.3986 2424.239 6945 0.002323 97.753 97.506 139.397 2422.373 6934.447 0.004212 97.805 101.648 142.268 3203.397
7-3-2015 21:00:00 1414800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 97.36191 139.4402 261.9561 6945 0.002323 97.753 97.366 139.439 260.084 6947.023 0.003646 97.798 93.49 142.307 1182.726
7-3-2015 22:00:00 1418400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 97.22193 139.4817 3859.627 6945 0.002323 97.753 97.226 139.481 3857.753 6942.607 0.003644 97.801 93.76 142.342 4777.119
7-3-2015 23:00:00 1422000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 97.08194 139.5233 1697.344 6945 0.002323 97.753 97.086 139.522 1695.464 6930.076 0.005004 97.808 82.425 142.386 2792.034
8-3-2015 0:00:00 1425600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 96.94195 139.5648 5295.015 6945 0.002323 97.753 96.946 139.564 5293.133 6934.582 0.002862 97.805 68.138 142.435 867.015
8-3-2015 1:00:00 1429200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 96.80196 139.6064 3132.732 6945 0.002323 97.753 96.806 139.605 3130.843 6946.88 0.003136 97.798 82.017 142.474 4249.564
8-3-2015 2:00:00 1432800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 96.66198 139.6479 970.4497 6945 0.002323 97.753 96.666 139.647 968.554 6942.304 0.003174 97.801 80.764 142.508 2108.436
8-3-2015 3:00:00 1436400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 96.52199 139.6895 4568.12 6945 0.002323 97.753 96.526 139.688 4566.223 6929.981 0.001837 97.808 102.831 142.552 5339.3
8-3-2015 4:00:00 1440000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 96.382 139.731 2405.838 6945 0.002323 97.753 96.386 139.73 2403.934 6934.474 0.004187 97.805 101.089 142.601 3216.566
8-3-2015 5:00:00 1443600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 96.24201 139.7726 243.5552 6945 0.002323 97.753 96.246 139.771 241.645 6947.01 0.003637 97.798 92.889 142.64 1196.636
8-3-2015 6:00:00 1447200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 96.10203 139.8141 3841.226 6945 0.002323 97.753 96.106 139.813 3839.314 6942.478 0.003634 97.8 93.225 142.675 4789.856
8-3-2015 7:00:00 1450800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 95.96204 139.8557 1678.943 6945 0.002323 97.753 95.966 139.854 1677.025 6929.992 0.005013 97.807 82.038 142.719 2802.477
8-3-2015 8:00:00 1454400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 95.82205 139.8973 5276.614 6945 0.002323 97.753 95.826 139.896 5274.694 6934.617 0.002889 97.805 67.4 142.767 883.17
8-3-2015 9:00:00 1458000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 95.68206 139.9388 3114.331 6945 0.002323 97.753 95.686 139.938 3112.404 6946.871 0.003145 97.798 81.089 142.806 4268.85
8-3-2015 10:00:00 1461600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 95.54208 139.9804 952.0488 6945 0.002323 97.753 95.546 139.979 950.115 6942.174 0.003186 97.8 79.791 142.841 2128.405
8-3-2015 11:00:00 1465200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 95.40209 140.0219 4549.719 6945 0.002323 97.753 95.406 140.021 4547.784 6929.893 0.001814 97.807 101.194 142.885 5369.79
8-3-2015 12:00:00 1468800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 95.2621 140.0635 2387.437 6945 0.002323 97.753 95.266 140.062 2385.495 6934.507 0.004162 97.805 100.527 142.934 3230.093
8-3-2015 13:00:00 1472400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 95.12211 140.105 225.1543 6945 0.002323 97.753 95.126 140.104 223.206 6946.999 0.003627 97.797 92.291 142.973 1210.791
8-3-2015 14:00:00 1476000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.98213 140.1466 3822.825 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.986 140.145 3820.875 6942.343 0.003622 97.8 92.7 143.007 4802.726
8-3-2015 15:00:00 1479600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.84214 140.1881 1660.542 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.846 140.187 1658.586 6929.906 0.005022 97.807 81.662 143.052 2813.05
8-3-2015 16:00:00 1483200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.70215 140.2297 5258.213 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.706 140.228 5256.255 6934.658 0.002917 97.804 66.682 143.1 899.317
8-3-2015 17:00:00 1486800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.56216 140.2712 3095.93 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.566 140.27 3093.965 6946.864 0.003154 97.797 80.16 143.139 4288.451
8-3-2015 18:00:00 1490400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.42218 140.3128 933.6479 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.426 140.312 931.676 6942.038 0.003198 97.8 78.814 143.174 2148.737
8-3-2015 19:00:00 1494000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.28219 140.3543 4531.318 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.286 140.353 4529.345 6929.803 0.001791 97.807 99.498 143.218 5401.504
8-3-2015 20:00:00 1497600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.1422 140.3959 2369.036 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.146 140.395 2367.056 6934.545 0.004135 97.804 99.96 143.266 3243.993
8-3-2015 21:00:00 1501200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.00221 140.4374 206.7535 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.006 140.436 204.767 6946.989 0.003616 97.797 91.696 143.305 1225.2
8-3-2015 22:00:00 1504800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 93.86223 140.479 3804.424 6945 0.002323 97.753 93.866 140.478 3802.436 6942.202 0.00361 97.8 92.185 143.34 4815.733
8-3-2015 23:00:00 1508400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 93.72224 140.5205 1642.141 6945 0.002323 97.753 93.726 140.519 1640.147 6929.819 0.005031 97.807 81.297 143.384 2823.749
9-3-2015 0:00:00 1512000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 93.58225 140.5621 5239.812 6945 0.002323 97.753 93.586 140.561 5237.816 6934.706 0.002945 97.804 65.984 143.433 915.448
9-3-2015 1:00:00 1515600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 93.44226 140.6036 3077.53 6945 0.002323 97.753 93.447 140.602 3075.526 6946.859 0.003163 97.797 79.231 143.472 4308.351
9-3-2015 2:00:00 1519200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 93.30228 140.6452 915.247 6945 0.002323 97.753 93.307 140.644 913.237 6941.896 0.003211 97.8 77.833 143.506 2169.416
9-3-2015 3:00:00 1522800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 93.16229 140.6867 4512.918 6945 0.002323 97.753 93.167 140.685 4510.906 6929.712 0.001769 97.806 97.741 143.551 5434.497
9-3-2015 4:00:00 1526400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 93.0223 140.7283 2350.635 6945 0.002323 97.753 93.027 140.727 2348.617 6934.59 0.004107 97.804 99.388 143.599 3258.281
9-3-2015 5:00:00 1530000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 92.88231 140.7698 188.3526 6945 0.002323 97.753 92.887 140.769 186.328 6946.98 0.003604 97.797 91.103 143.638 1239.875
9-3-2015 6:00:00 1533600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 92.74233 140.8114 3786.023 6945 0.002323 97.753 92.747 140.81 3783.997 6942.055 0.003597 97.799 91.68 143.673 4828.881
9-3-2015 7:00:00 1537200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 92.60234 140.8529 1623.741 6945 0.002323 97.753 92.607 140.852 1621.707 6929.73 0.005039 97.806 80.943 143.717 2834.573
9-3-2015 8:00:00 1540800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 92.46235 140.8945 5221.411 6945 0.002323 97.753 92.467 140.893 5219.377 6934.759 0.002973 97.803 65.306 143.766 931.555
9-3-2015 9:00:00 1544400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 92.32236 140.936 3059.129 6945 0.002323 97.753 92.327 140.935 3057.087 6946.855 0.003173 97.796 78.304 143.804 4328.532
9-3-2015 10:00:00 1548000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 92.18238 140.9776 896.8462 6945 0.002323 97.753 92.187 140.976 894.798 6941.748 0.003225 97.799 76.851 143.839 2190.423
9-3-2015 11:00:00 1551600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 92.04239 141.0191 4494.517 6945 0.002323 97.753 92.047 141.018 4492.467 6929.619 0.001747 97.806 95.92 143.883 5468.819
9-3-2015 12:00:00 1555200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 91.9024 141.0607 2332.234 6945 0.002323 97.753 91.907 141.059 2330.178 6934.641 0.004077 97.803 98.81 143.932 3272.976
9-3-2015 13:00:00 1558800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 91.76241 141.1022 169.9517 6945 0.002323 97.753 91.767 141.101 167.889 6946.972 0.003592 97.796 90.512 143.97 1254.828
AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046)
9-3-2015 14:00:00 1562400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 91.62243 141.1438 3767.622 6945 0.002323 97.753 91.627 141.142 3765.558 6941.901 0.003582 97.799 91.184 144.005 4842.176
9-3-2015 15:00:00 1566000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 91.48244 141.1853 1605.34 6945 0.002323 97.753 91.487 141.184 1603.268 6929.64 0.005046 97.806 80.6 144.05 2845.518
9-3-2015 16:00:00 1569600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 91.34245 141.2269 5203.01 6945 0.002323 97.753 91.347 141.226 5200.938 6934.819 0.003001 97.803 64.65 144.098 947.63
9-3-2015 17:00:00 1573200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 91.20246 141.2684 3040.728 6945 0.002323 97.753 91.207 141.267 3038.648 6946.853 0.003184 97.796 77.38 144.137 4348.978
9-3-2015 18:00:00 1576800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 91.06248 141.31 878.4453 6945 0.002323 97.753 91.067 141.309 876.359 6941.593 0.00324 97.799 75.868 144.172 2211.741
9-3-2015 19:00:00 1580400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 90.92249 141.3515 4476.116 6945 0.002323 97.753 90.927 141.35 4474.028 6929.526 0.001725 97.806 94.03 144.216 5504.516
9-3-2015 20:00:00 1584000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 90.7825 141.3931 2313.833 6945 0.002323 97.753 90.787 141.392 2311.739 6934.698 0.004046 97.803 98.224 144.265 3288.095
9-3-2015 21:00:00 1587600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 90.64251 141.4346 151.5508 6945 0.002323 97.753 90.647 141.433 149.45 6946.966 0.003578 97.796 89.922 144.303 1270.072
9-3-2015 22:00:00 1591200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 90.50253 141.4762 3749.221 6945 0.002323 97.753 90.507 141.475 3747.119 6941.741 0.003566 97.799 90.696 144.338 4855.622
9-3-2015 23:00:00 1594800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 90.36254 141.5177 1586.939 6945 0.002323 97.753 90.367 141.516 1584.829 6929.548 0.005053 97.805 80.268 144.382 2856.582
10-3-2015 0:00:00 1598400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 90.22255 141.5593 5184.609 6945 0.002323 97.753 90.227 141.558 5182.499 6934.885 0.003029 97.802 64.015 144.431 963.665
10-3-2015 1:00:00 1602000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 90.08256 141.6008 3022.327 6945 0.002323 97.753 90.087 141.6 3020.209 6946.851 0.003195 97.796 76.459 144.47 4369.668
10-3-2015 2:00:00 1605600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 89.94258 141.6424 860.0444 6945 0.002323 97.753 89.947 141.641 857.92 6941.433 0.003256 97.799 74.885 144.504 2233.35
10-3-2015 3:00:00 1609200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 89.80259 141.6839 4457.715 6945 0.002323 97.753 89.807 141.683 4455.589 6929.431 0.001705 97.805 92.071 144.549 5541.625
10-3-2015 4:00:00 1612800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 89.6626 141.7255 2295.432 6945 0.002323 97.753 89.667 141.724 2293.3 6934.761 0.004014 97.802 97.63 144.597 3303.659
10-3-2015 5:00:00 1616400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 89.52261 141.767 133.1499 6945 0.002323 97.753 89.527 141.766 131.011 6946.959 0.003563 97.795 89.332 144.636 1285.621
10-3-2015 6:00:00 1620000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 89.38263 141.8086 3730.82 6945 0.002323 97.753 89.387 141.807 3728.68 6941.575 0.003549 97.798 90.218 144.671 4869.228
10-3-2015 7:00:00 1623600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 89.24264 141.8501 1568.538 6945 0.002323 97.753 89.247 141.849 1566.39 6929.456 0.005059 97.805 79.948 144.715 2867.763
10-3-2015 8:00:00 1627200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 89.10265 141.8917 5166.209 6945 0.002323 97.753 89.107 141.89 5164.06 6934.957 0.003058 97.802 63.401 144.764 979.656
10-3-2015 9:00:00 1630800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 88.96266 141.9332 3003.926 6945 0.002323 97.753 88.967 141.932 3001.77 6946.85 0.003206 97.795 75.542 144.802 4390.586
10-3-2015 10:00:00 1634400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 88.82268 141.9748 841.6435 6945 0.002323 97.753 88.827 141.973 839.481 6941.266 0.003273 97.798 73.904 144.837 2255.229
10-3-2015 11:00:00 1638000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 88.68269 142.0163 4439.314 6945 0.002323 97.753 88.687 142.015 4437.15 6929.336 0.001686 97.805 90.04 144.882 5580.176
10-3-2015 12:00:00 1641600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 88.5427 142.0579 2277.032 6945 0.002323 97.753 88.547 142.057 2274.861 6934.83 0.00398 97.802 97.026 144.93 3319.689
10-3-2015 13:00:00 1645200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 88.40271 142.0994 114.7491 6945 0.002323 97.753 88.407 142.098 112.572 6946.954 0.003547 97.795 88.741 144.968 1301.49
10-3-2015 14:00:00 1648800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 88.26273 142.141 3712.42 6945 0.002323 97.753 88.267 142.14 3710.241 6941.402 0.00353 97.798 89.747 145.003 4883
10-3-2015 15:00:00 1652400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 88.12274 142.1825 1550.137 6945 0.002323 97.753 88.127 142.181 1547.951 6929.364 0.005065 97.805 79.639 145.048 2879.06
10-3-2015 16:00:00 1656000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.98275 142.2241 5147.808 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.987 142.223 5145.621 6935.036 0.003087 97.801 62.81 145.096 995.597
10-3-2015 17:00:00 1659600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.84276 142.2657 2985.525 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.847 142.264 2983.331 6946.85 0.003218 97.795 74.632 145.135 4411.71
10-3-2015 18:00:00 1663200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.70278 142.3072 823.2426 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.707 142.306 821.042 6941.094 0.003291 97.798 72.926 145.17 2277.356
10-3-2015 19:00:00 1666800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.56279 142.3488 4420.913 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.567 142.347 4418.711 6929.24 0.001667 97.804 87.937 145.214 5620.186
10-3-2015 20:00:00 1670400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.4228 142.3903 2258.631 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.427 142.389 2256.422 6934.906 0.003945 97.801 96.411 145.263 3336.206
10-3-2015 21:00:00 1674000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.28281 142.4319 96.34818 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.288 142.43 94.133 6946.948 0.003531 97.794 88.147 145.301 1317.695
10-3-2015 22:00:00 1677600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.14283 142.4734 3694.019 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.148 142.472 3691.802 6941.222 0.00351 97.798 89.284 145.336 4896.947
10-3-2015 23:00:00 1681200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.00284 142.515 1531.736 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.008 142.514 1529.512 6929.271 0.005069 97.804 79.342 145.381 2890.471
11-3-2015 0:00:00 1684800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 86.86285 142.5565 5129.407 6945 0.002323 97.753 86.868 142.555 5127.182 6935.121 0.003116 97.801 62.242 145.429 1011.483
11-3-2015 1:00:00 1688400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 86.72286 142.5981 2967.124 6945 0.002323 97.753 86.728 142.597 2964.892 6946.851 0.00323 97.794 73.73 145.468 4433.02
11-3-2015 2:00:00 1692000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 86.58288 142.6396 804.8418 6945 0.002323 97.753 86.588 142.638 802.603 6940.914 0.003309 97.798 71.953 145.502 2299.708
11-3-2015 3:00:00 1695600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 86.44289 142.6812 4402.512 6945 0.002323 97.753 86.448 142.68 4400.272 6929.145 0.001651 97.804 85.76 145.547 5661.657
11-3-2015 4:00:00 1699200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 86.3029 142.7227 2240.23 6945 0.002323 97.753 86.308 142.721 2237.983 6934.988 0.003908 97.801 95.782 145.596 3353.236
11-3-2015 5:00:00 1702800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 86.16291 142.7643 77.9473 6945 0.002323 97.753 86.168 142.763 75.694 6946.942 0.003513 97.794 87.551 145.634 1334.255
11-3-2015 6:00:00 1706400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 86.02293 142.8058 3675.618 6945 0.002323 97.753 86.028 142.804 3673.363 6941.036 0.003489 97.797 88.827 145.669 4911.078
11-3-2015 7:00:00 1710000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 85.88294 142.8474 1513.335 6945 0.002323 97.753 85.888 142.846 1511.073 6929.177 0.005073 97.804 79.057 145.714 2901.995
11-3-2015 8:00:00 1713600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 85.74295 142.8889 5111.006 6945 0.002323 97.753 85.748 142.887 5108.743 6935.213 0.003144 97.8 61.696 145.762 1027.31
11-3-2015 9:00:00 1717200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 85.60296 142.9305 2948.723 6945 0.002323 97.753 85.608 142.929 2946.453 6946.851 0.003243 97.794 72.836 145.8 4454.496
11-3-2015 10:00:00 1720800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 85.46298 142.972 786.4409 6945 0.002323 97.753 85.468 142.971 784.164 6940.728 0.003329 97.797 70.986 145.835 2322.262
11-3-2015 11:00:00 1724400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 85.32299 143.0136 4384.111 6945 0.002323 97.753 85.328 143.012 4381.833 6929.05 0.001636 97.804 83.512 145.88 5704.573
11-3-2015 12:00:00 1728000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 85.183 143.0551 2221.829 6945 0.002323 97.753 85.188 143.054 2219.544 6935.077 0.003871 97.8 95.139 145.928 3370.804
11-3-2015 13:00:00 1731600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 85.04301 143.0967 59.54642 6945 0.002323 97.753 85.048 143.095 57.254 6946.936 0.003494 97.794 86.95 145.966 1351.187
11-3-2015 14:00:00 1735200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 84.90303 143.1382 3657.217 6945 0.002323 97.753 84.908 143.137 3654.924 6940.843 0.003466 97.797 88.377 146.001 4925.404
11-3-2015 15:00:00 1738800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 84.76304 143.1798 1494.934 6945 0.002323 97.753 84.768 143.178 1492.634 6929.084 0.005075 97.803 78.784 146.046 2913.631
11-3-2015 16:00:00 1742400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 84.62305 143.2213 5092.605 6945 0.002323 97.753 84.628 143.22 5090.304 6935.312 0.003173 97.8 61.173 146.095 1043.076
11-3-2015 17:00:00 1746000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 84.48306 143.2629 2930.322 6945 0.002323 97.753 84.488 143.261 2928.014 6946.851 0.003256 97.793 71.951 146.133 4476.117
11-3-2015 18:00:00 1749600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 84.34308 143.3044 768.04 6945 0.002323 97.753 84.348 143.303 765.725 6940.536 0.00335 97.797 70.026 146.168 2344.993
11-3-2015 19:00:00 1753200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 84.20309 143.346 4365.711 6945 0.002323 97.753 84.208 143.345 4363.394 6928.955 0.001623 97.803 81.194 146.213 8.889
11-3-2015 20:00:00 1756800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 84.0631 143.3875 2203.428 6945 0.002323 97.753 84.068 143.386 2201.105 6935.173 0.003832 97.8 94.481 146.261 3388.937
11-3-2015 21:00:00 1760400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 83.92311 143.4291 41.14554 6945 0.002323 97.753 83.928 143.428 38.815 6946.93 0.003475 97.793 86.344 146.299 1368.513
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Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
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Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
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Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
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Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
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Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
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Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut
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Laporan Tugas 2 - Astrodinamika Lanjut

  • 2. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 2 BAB 1 PENDAHULUAN A. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND OBJECTIVE (DR&O) 1. Data TLE Satelit EAGLE-2 Satelit EAGLE-2 yang digunakan saat praktikum tracking memiliki data TLE sebagai berikut ( diakses tanggal 19 Februari 2015): EAGLE 2 1 39436U 13066W 15047.14928216 .00023043 00000-0 18309-2 0 9996 2 39436 97.7531 123.1107 0023231 152.3770 207.8693 15.00242918 67303 Data TLE tersebut mengandung informasi orbital parameter satelit lebih lengkap yakni: Inclination 97.7531 deg RAAN 123.1107 deg Eccentricity 0.0023231 Argument of Perigee 152.3770 deg Mean anomaly 207.8693 deg Mean motion 15.00242918 Revs/day Melalui persamaan mean motion: dengan nilai n dalam rad/s dan = 3.986012 x 105 km3 /s2 didapat semimajor axis (a)= 6945 km. 2. Waktu Simulasi Waktu simulasi ditetapkan selama 100 hari. Start Time simulasi dipilih pada tanggal 19 Februari 2015 pukul 12.00 LCLG (Local Time) yang merupakan waktu akses TLE saat praktikum. Untuk memudahkan perhitungan rentang waktu 100 hari, maka Start Time dalam Gregorian Date (GD) dikonversi dahulu menjadi Julian Day (JD) melalui situs Konversi dan penentuan Stop Time Simulation dijabarkan sebagai berikut:  Start Time = 19 Februari 2015 12:00 (GD) → 2457073 (JD)  Stop Time = 2457073 + 100 = 2457173 (JD) → 30 Mei 2015 12:00 (GD)
  • 3. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 3 B. ASUMSI 1. Step time simulation baik MATLAB Simulink maupun STK ditetapkan sebesar 3600 s (1 jam) untuk mempercepat jalannya simulasi dan sesuai dengan kapasitas RAM komputer/PC. 2. Harga J2 dan R ekuator Bumi (RE) di Simulink berturut-turut 1.082 x 10-3 dan 6378.145 km.
  • 4. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 4 BAB 2 DASAR TEORI A. J2 PERTURBATION 1. Persamaan Gerak Keplanetan Lagrange Akibat Gangguan Potensial Gravitasional Bumi dengan diketahui bahwa , maka 2. Persamaan Penentuan Vektor r dan V dari Parameter Orbit Bila diberikan harga parameter orbit yakni a, e, θ, Ω, ω, dan i, maka: , dengan :
  • 5. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 5 B. SIMPLIFIED GENERAL PERTURBATION (SGP) 4 Simplified General Perturbation (SGP) 4 merupakan salah satu model matematika yang digunakan untuk menghitung orbital state vectors dari satelit atau space debris relative terhadap tata acuan koordinat Earth-Centered Inertial (ECI). Model ini memprediksi efek gangguan yang disebabkan oleh bentuk Bumi, atmospheric drag, radiasi matahari, medan magnetik Bumi, serta efek gravitasi benda ketiga seperti bulan dan matahari. Model SGP ditujuan untuk objek dekat Bumi dengan periode orbit kurang dari 225 menit. Hal yang perlu dicatat bahwa model SGP4 ini memiliki error sekitar 1 km pada epoch dan bertambah sekitar 1-3 km/hari. Oleh karena itu data ini secara berkala di-update di NASA dan NORAD akibat error tersebut.
  • 6. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 6 BAB 3 SIMULASI MODEL SIMULINK KASUS J2 A. MODEL SIMULINK ORBITAL PROPAGATOR (OP) J2 SECULAR PERTURBATION B. HASIL SIMULASI SIMULINK KASUS J2 Grafik 1: Semi-major Axis, a (km) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2
  • 7. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 7 Grafik 2: Eccentricity, e vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2 Grafik 3: Inclination, i (deg) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2
  • 8. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 8 Grafik 4: Argument of Perigee, ω (deg) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2 Grafik 5: RAAN, Ω (deg) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2
  • 9. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 9 Grafik 6: Time Past Perigee, τ (s) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2 Grafik 7: Mean Anomaly, M (deg) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2
  • 10. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 10 Grafik 8: Position Vector, R (km) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2 (X = Kuning, Y = Merah, Z = Biru) Grafik 9: Velocity Vector, R (km) vs time (s) SIMULINK Kasus J2 (X = Kuning, Y = Merah, Z = Biru)
  • 11. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 11 Gambar di samping merupakan tampilan animasi orbit propagator dari satelit EAGLE-2. Step time yang cukup besar yakni 3600 s (1 jam) menyebabkan animasi tersebut diupdate tiap 3600 s (waktu simulink) sehingga menyebabkan bentuk orbit menjadi coarse. Animasi ini berhenti ketika waktu simulasi telah mencapai 100 hari atau 8640000 detik. C. VALIDASI HASIL SIMULINK DENGAN STK UNTUK KASUS J2 Hasil simulasi Simulink di atas harus divalidasi terlebih dahulu sebelum kemudian dibandingkan dengan STK kasus SGP4. Sehingga simulasi STK kasus J2 perlu dilakukan sebagai referensi untuk memvalidasi akurasi perhitungan simulasi Simulink kasus J2. Tampilan grafik hasil STK kasus J2 akan ditampilkan di sini sedangkan hasil tabel akan diletakkan di lampiran. Grafik 10: Semi-major Axis, a (km) vs time (s) STK Kasus J2
  • 12. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 12 Grafik 11: Eccentricity, e vs time (s) STK Kasus J2 Grafik 12: Inclination, RAAN, Arg. of Perigee (deg) vs time (s) STK Kasus J2
  • 13. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 13 Grafik 13: Mean Anomaly (deg) vs time (s) STK Kasus J2 Grafik 14: Time Past Perigee (s) vs time (s) STK Kasus J2
  • 14. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 14 Grafik 15: Position Vector (km) vs time (s) STK Kasus J2 Grafik 16: Velocity Vector (km) vs time (s) STK Kasus J2 Hasil simulasi STK kasus J2 ini menunjukkan setiap grafik parameter orbit dan vektor memiliki pola yang serupa dengan hasil simulasi Simulink kasus J2. Meski demikian, dalam tampilan tabel (lampiran) ditemukan error di berbagai parameter dan vektor dengan harga variatif. Error ini bisa muncul akibat perbedaan error tolerance setting pada MATLAB Simulink dan STK serta dapat juga diakibatkan adanya perbedaan ketelitian konstanta yang dipakai oleh kedua program tersebut seperti konstanta , J2, RE.
  • 15. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 15 BAB 4 SIMULASI STK KASUS SGP4 A. HASIL SIMULASI STK UNTUK KASUS SGP4 Grafik 17: Semi-major Axis, a (km) vs time (s) STK Kasus SGP4 Grafik 18: Eccentricity, e vs time (s) STK Kasus SGP4
  • 16. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 16 Grafik 19: Inclination, RAAN, Arg. of Perigee (deg) vs time (s) STK Kasus SGP4 Grafik 20: Mean Anomaly (deg) vs time (s) STK Kasus SGP4
  • 17. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 17 Grafik 21: Time Past Perigee (s) vs time (s) STK Kasus SGP4 Grafik 22: Position Vector (km) vs time (s) STK Kasus SGP4
  • 18. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 18 Grafik 23: Velocity Vector (km) vs time (s) STK Kasus SGP4
  • 19. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 19 BAB 5 ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN HASIL SIMULINK KASUS J2 DENGAN HASIL STK KASUS SGP4 A. PERBANDINGAN HASIL SIMULINK KASUS J2 DENGAN STK KASUS SGP4 6915 6920 6925 6930 6935 6940 6945 6950 6955 0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000 km s a vs Time Simulink STK
  • 20. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 20 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000 s e vs Time Simulink STK 97.66 97.68 97.7 97.72 97.74 97.76 97.78 97.8 97.82 97.84 deg s i vs Time Simulink STK
  • 21. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 21 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000 deg s Arg. of Perigee vs Time Simulink STK 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000 deg s RAAN vs Time Simulink STK
  • 22. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 22 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000 s s Time Past Perigee vs Time Simulink STK -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000 km s Rx vs Time Simulink STK
  • 23. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 23 -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000 km s Ry vs Time Simulink STK -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000 km s Rz vs Time Simulink STK
  • 24. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 24 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000 km s Vx vs Time Simulink STK -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000 km s Vy vs Time Simulink STK
  • 25. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 25 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000 km s Vz vs Time Simulink STK
  • 26. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 26 B. ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN (COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS) Berbagai macam grafik di atas merupakan hasil perbandingan output model Simulik dan STK. Analisis bentuk grafik dijelaskan sebagai berikut: 1. Untuk Orbital Parameter vs Time Dari grafik orbital parameter (kecuali time past perigee) kasus J2, bentuk kurva hanyalah berupa garis lurus, tidak ada osilasi/periodisasi sebab gangguan potensial gravitasional Bumi yang didominasi J2 hanya membentuk kurva secular. Sementara untuk kurva time past perige, bentuk periodik terjadi dikarenakan satelit senantiasa melewati perigee secara periodik. Sementara itu, gangguan SGP4 tidak hanya dibentuk oleh gangguan potensial gravitasional J2 saja, melainkan juga J3, J4, atmospheric drag, radiasi matahari, efek magnetik bumi, dan efek gravitasi benda ketiga seperti matahari atau bulan. Bentuk sekular dari kurva orbital parameter kasus SGP4 selain diakibatkan oleh J2 (orde pertama) dan J4 (orde kedua) dapat diakibatkan oleh drag yang tiap waktu mengurangi ketinggian dan harga a sebagaimana pada grafik a vs time terlihat trend penurunan a secara gradual. Selain itu efek sekular juga terjadi pada semua kurva yang lain. Sedangkan gangguan berupa radiasi matahari yang selama satu periode orbit muncul (ketika menghadap matahari) maupun menghilang (ketika eclipse) serta gangguan efek gravitasi benda ketiga menyebabkan bentuk kurva menjadi short periodic. Bentuk short periodic ini dapat diamati pada kurva a, e, i, argument of perigee, dan time past perigee. Di samping itu efek magnetik bumi dan kombinasi J3 dan J4 dapat membentuk kurva long periodic seperti yang terlihat pada kurva e, i, argument of perigee, dan time past perigee. Kombinasi gangguan-gangguan periodik sebelumnya menyebabkan adanya bentuk mixed periodic yang dapat terlihat di kurva a, e, i, argument of perigee, dan time past perigee. secular short periodic short periodic mixed periodic long periodic mixed periodic
  • 27. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 27 2. Untuk Position dan Velocity Vektor vs Time Bentuk kurva baik vektor posisi maupun vektor kecepatan antara gangguan J2 dan SGP4 tidak begitu berbeda jauh. Gangguan J2 menyebabkan kurva masing-masing komponen dari kedua vektor tersebut memiliki bentuk short periodic yang teratur dan konstan. Di samping itu, bentuk long-periodic yang teratur juga terlihat pada komponen vektor X dan Y sebab terjadi perubahan RAAN yang naik secara gradual. Sedangkan komponen vektor Z tidak memiliki long-periodic curve karena sudut inklinasi yang konstan akibat gangguan J2. Sementara itu, gangguan SGP4 menyebabkan komponen dari vektor posisi dan kecepatan memiliki bentuk mixed periodic yang diakibatkan oleh kurva argument of perigee yang juga memiliki bentuk mixed periodic. SGP4 juga membentuk long periodic pada bidang XY (komponen X dan Y) yang sama besarnya dengan long periodic akibat J2 perturbation. Hal ini dapat dijelaskan melalui kurva RAAN yang memiliki gradient kenaikan yang sama antara kasus J2 dan SGP4. Sementara kurva komponen Z memiliki bentuk mixed periodic yang diakibatkan oleh kurva inklinasi kasus SGP4 yang juga berbentuk mixed periodic. short periodic short periodic secular long periodic long periodic short periodic mixed periodic mixed periodic long periodic mixed periodic
  • 28. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 28 short periodic short periodic short periodic short periodic short periodic short periodic long periodic long periodic long periodic long periodic mixed periodic mixed periodic mixed periodic mixed periodic mixed periodic mixed periodic
  • 29. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 29 BAB 6 PENUTUP A. KESIMPULAN 1. Gangguan J2 menyebabkan bentuk kurva menjadi sekular untuk parameter orbit a, e, i, ω, Ω serta menyebabkan bentuk kurva sekular dan periodic untuk parameter τ. Sedangkan terhadap vector posisi dan kecepatan, gangguan J2 membentuk kurva short periodic untuk setiap komponen vector serta membentuk long-periodic untuk komponen vektor X dan Y. 2. Gangguan SGP4 menyebabkan bentuk kurva berbentuk sekular untuk semua parameter orbit, short dan mixed periodic untuk a, e, i, ω, τ serta long periodic untuk e, i, ω, τ. Sementara itu terhadap vektor posisi dan kecepatan, SGP4 juga menyebabkan bentuk kurva menjadi short dan mixed periodic untuk semua komponen vektor serta long periodic untuk komponen vektor X dan Y.
  • 30. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 30 DAFTAR PUSTAKA Bate, Roger R.; Mueller, Donald D.; White, Jerry E. 1971. Fundamental of Astrodynamics. Dowen Publications, Inc: New York. Modul Kuliah Astrodinamika, Bab 2: Masalah Orbit Dua Benda. Modul Kuliah Astrodinamika Lanjut (2): The Transition Curve. Poetro, Ridanto Eko. Handout 7: Gangguan Orbit – General Perturbation. (diakses tanggal 25 Maret 2015)
  • 31. LAMPIRAN A. TABEL HASIL SIMULASI SIMULINK KASUS J2, SIMULASI STK KASUS J2, DAN SIMULASI STK KASUS SGP4 1. Orbital Parameter TIME SIMULINK – J2 CASE STK – J2 CASE STK – SGP4 CASE Date Second a e i (deg) Arg. Of Perigee (deg) RAAN (deg) T Past Perigee (s) a e i (deg) Arg. Of Perigee (deg) RAAN (deg) T Past Perigee (s) a e i (deg) Arg. Of Perigee (deg) RAAN (deg) T Past Perigee (s) 19-2-2015 12:00:00 0 6945 0.002323 97.7531 152.377 123.1107 3325.882 6945 0.002323 97.753 152.377 123.111 3325.885 6939.967 0.003836 97.821 134.201 125.978 2846.227 19-2-2015 13:00:00 3600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 152.237 123.1523 1163.599 6945 0.002323 97.753 152.237 123.152 1163.596 6950.191 0.003439 97.815 132 126.015 724.896 19-2-2015 14:00:00 7200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 152.097 123.1938 4761.27 6945 0.002323 97.753 152.097 123.194 4761.265 6941.916 0.003534 97.82 135.349 126.05 4267.306 19-2-2015 15:00:00 10800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 151.957 123.2354 2598.987 6945 0.002323 97.753 151.957 123.235 2598.975 6931.587 0.00459 97.825 111.709 126.097 2479.061 19-2-2015 16:00:00 14400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 151.8171 123.2769 436.7047 6945 0.002323 97.753 151.817 123.277 436.686 6939.857 0.002445 97.821 113.589 126.144 293.582 19-2-2015 17:00:00 18000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 151.6771 123.3185 4034.375 6945 0.002323 97.753 151.677 123.318 4034.355 6950.086 0.002787 97.815 119.133 126.181 3808.857 19-2-2015 18:00:00 21600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 151.5371 123.36 1872.093 6945 0.002323 97.753 151.537 123.36 1872.066 6941.73 0.00278 97.819 113.673 126.217 1730.554 19-2-2015 19:00:00 25200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 151.3971 123.4016 5469.763 6945 0.002323 97.753 151.397 123.402 5469.735 6931.533 0.002114 97.825 158.711 126.263 4595.665 19-2-2015 20:00:00 28800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 151.2571 123.4431 3307.481 6945 0.002323 97.753 151.257 123.443 3307.446 6939.709 0.003872 97.821 133.375 126.31 2848.884 19-2-2015 21:00:00 32400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 151.1171 123.4847 1145.198 6945 0.002323 97.753 151.117 123.485 1145.157 6950.123 0.003456 97.815 131.045 126.347 729.782 19-2-2015 22:00:00 36000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 150.9771 123.5262 4742.869 6945 0.002323 97.753 150.977 123.526 4742.826 6942.078 0.003542 97.819 134.13 126.383 4276.626 19-2-2015 23:00:00 39600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 150.8371 123.5678 2580.586 6945 0.002323 97.753 150.837 123.568 2580.536 6931.561 0.004597 97.825 110.897 126.429 2481.76 20-2-2015 0:00:00 43200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 150.6972 123.6093 418.3038 6945 0.002323 97.753 150.697 123.609 418.247 6939.602 0.002434 97.82 112.644 126.476 298.426 20-2-2015 1:00:00 46800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 150.5572 123.6509 4015.974 6945 0.002323 97.753 150.557 123.651 4015.916 6950.011 0.002793 97.815 118.506 126.513 3808.596 20-2-2015 2:00:00 50400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 150.4172 123.6924 1853.692 6945 0.002323 97.753 150.417 123.692 1853.627 6941.888 0.002787 97.819 113.394 126.549 1724.904 20-2-2015 3:00:00 54000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 150.2772 123.734 5451.362 6945 0.002323 97.753 150.277 123.734 5451.296 6931.513 0.002129 97.825 157.694 126.595 4601.782 20-2-2015 4:00:00 57600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 150.1372 123.7755 3289.08 6945 0.002323 97.753 150.137 123.775 3289.007 6939.458 0.003907 97.82 132.555 126.642 2851.749 20-2-2015 5:00:00 61200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.9972 123.8171 1126.797 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.997 123.817 1126.717 6950.051 0.003471 97.814 130.094 126.679 734.902 20-2-2015 6:00:00 64800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.8572 123.8586 4724.468 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.857 123.859 4724.387 6942.233 0.00355 97.819 132.93 126.715 4285.928 20-2-2015 7:00:00 68400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.7172 123.9002 2562.185 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.717 123.9 2562.097 6931.54 0.004604 97.825 110.098 126.761 2484.558 20-2-2015 8:00:00 72000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.5773 123.9417 399.903 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.577 123.942 399.808 6939.353 0.002424 97.82 111.701 126.809 303.531 20-2-2015 9:00:00 75600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.4373 123.9833 3997.574 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.437 123.983 3997.477 6949.933 0.002799 97.814 117.881 126.846 3808.594 20-2-2015 10:00:00 79200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.2973 124.0248 1835.291 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.297 124.025 1835.188 6942.04 0.002794 97.819 113.096 126.881 1719.834 20-2-2015 11:00:00 82800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.1573 124.0664 5432.962 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.158 124.066 5432.857 6931.497 0.002144 97.825 156.669 126.927 4608.319 20-2-2015 12:00:00 86400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 149.0173 124.1079 3270.679 6945 0.002323 97.753 149.018 124.108 3270.568 6939.213 0.003941 97.82 131.74 126.975 2854.817 20-2-2015 13:00:00 90000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 148.8773 124.1495 1108.397 6945 0.002323 97.753 148.878 124.149 1108.278 6949.975 0.003486 97.814 129.147 127.012 740.249 20-2-2015 14:00:00 93600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 148.7373 124.191 4706.067 6945 0.002323 97.753 148.738 124.191 4705.948 6942.382 0.003557 97.818 131.749 127.047 4295.219 20-2-2015 15:00:00 97200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 148.5973 124.2326 2543.785 6945 0.002323 97.753 148.598 124.232 2543.658 6931.522 0.00461 97.824 109.31 127.093 2487.461 20-2-2015 16:00:00 100800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 148.4574 124.2741 381.5021 6945 0.002323 97.753 148.458 124.274 381.369 6939.11 0.002415 97.82 110.76 127.141 308.906 20-2-2015 17:00:00 104400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 148.3174 124.3157 3979.173 6945 0.002323 97.753 148.318 124.316 3979.038 6949.851 0.002806 97.814 117.257 127.178 3808.867 20-2-2015 18:00:00 108000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 148.1774 124.3572 1816.89 6945 0.002323 97.753 148.178 124.357 1816.749 6942.185 0.002802 97.818 112.781 127.213 1715.352 20-2-2015 19:00:00 111600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 148.0374 124.3988 5414.561 6945 0.002323 97.753 148.038 124.399 5414.418 6931.484 0.002157 97.824 155.637 127.259 4615.257 20-2-2015 20:00:00 115200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 147.8974 124.4403 3252.278 6945 0.002323 97.753 147.898 124.44 3252.129 6938.975 0.003973 97.82 130.932 127.307 2858.083 20-2-2015 21:00:00 118800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 147.7574 124.4819 1089.996 6945 0.002323 97.753 147.758 124.482 1089.839 6949.896 0.003501 97.814 128.205 127.344 745.816 20-2-2015 22:00:00 122400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 147.6174 124.5234 4687.666 6945 0.002323 97.753 147.618 124.523 4687.509 6942.524 0.003565 97.818 130.586 127.38 4304.5 20-2-2015 23:00:00 126000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 147.4774 124.565 2525.384 6945 0.002323 97.753 147.478 124.565 2525.219 6931.506 0.004617 97.824 108.534 127.425 2490.475 21-2-2015 0:00:00 129600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 147.3375 124.6065 363.1012 6945 0.002323 97.753 147.338 124.606 362.93 6938.875 0.002407 97.82 109.82 127.473 314.563 21-2-2015 1:00:00 133200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 147.1975 124.6481 3960.772 6945 0.002323 97.753 147.198 124.648 3960.599 6949.767 0.002813 97.814 116.633 127.511 3809.431 21-2-2015 2:00:00 136800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 147.0575 124.6896 1798.489 6945 0.002323 97.753 147.058 124.69 1798.31 6942.324 0.00281 97.818 112.446 127.546 1711.459 21-2-2015 3:00:00 140400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 146.9175 124.7312 5396.16 6945 0.002323 97.753 146.918 124.731 5395.979 6931.473 0.00217 97.824 154.6 127.591 4622.578 21-2-2015 4:00:00 144000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 146.7775 124.7727 3233.877 6945 0.002323 97.753 146.778 124.773 3233.69 6938.743 0.004005 97.82 130.131 127.639 2861.544 21-2-2015 5:00:00 147600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 146.6375 124.8143 1071.595 6945 0.002323 97.753 146.638 124.814 1071.4 6949.815 0.003514 97.814 127.268 127.677 751.599
  • 32. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 32 21-2-2015 6:00:00 151200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 146.4975 124.8558 4669.265 6945 0.002323 97.753 146.498 124.856 4669.07 6942.659 0.003572 97.817 129.442 127.712 4313.778 21-2-2015 7:00:00 154800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 146.3575 124.8974 2506.983 6945 0.002323 97.753 146.358 124.897 2506.78 6931.494 0.004623 97.824 107.77 127.758 2493.606 21-2-2015 8:00:00 158400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 146.2176 124.9389 344.7003 6945 0.002323 97.753 146.218 124.939 344.491 6938.646 0.002399 97.82 108.88 127.805 320.508 21-2-2015 9:00:00 162000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 146.0776 124.9805 3942.371 6945 0.002323 97.753 146.078 124.98 3942.16 6949.679 0.002821 97.813 116.008 127.843 3810.3 21-2-2015 10:00:00 165600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 145.9376 125.022 1780.088 6945 0.002323 97.753 145.938 125.022 1779.871 6942.456 0.002818 97.817 112.093 127.878 1708.16 21-2-2015 11:00:00 169200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 145.7976 125.0636 5377.759 6945 0.002323 97.753 145.798 125.063 5377.54 6931.465 0.002182 97.824 153.559 127.924 4630.269 21-2-2015 12:00:00 172800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 145.6576 125.1051 3215.476 6945 0.002323 97.753 145.658 125.105 3215.251 6938.518 0.004035 97.82 129.336 127.972 2865.195 21-2-2015 13:00:00 176400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 145.5176 125.1467 1053.194 6945 0.002323 97.753 145.518 125.147 1052.961 6949.731 0.003527 97.813 126.337 128.009 757.592 21-2-2015 14:00:00 180000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 145.3776 125.1882 4650.864 6945 0.002323 97.753 145.378 125.188 4650.631 6942.788 0.003579 97.817 128.316 128.044 4323.055 21-2-2015 15:00:00 183600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 145.2376 125.2298 2488.582 6945 0.002323 97.753 145.238 125.23 2488.341 6931.484 0.004629 97.823 107.016 128.09 2496.858 21-2-2015 16:00:00 187200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 145.0977 125.2713 326.2994 6945 0.002323 97.753 145.098 125.271 326.052 6938.424 0.002393 97.819 107.94 128.138 326.752 21-2-2015 17:00:00 190800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 144.9577 125.3129 3923.97 6945 0.002323 97.753 144.958 125.313 3923.721 6949.59 0.002828 97.813 115.383 128.175 3811.488 21-2-2015 18:00:00 194400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 144.8177 125.3544 1761.687 6945 0.002323 97.753 144.818 125.354 1761.432 6942.581 0.002826 97.817 111.721 128.21 1705.456 21-2-2015 19:00:00 198000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 144.6777 125.396 5359.358 6945 0.002323 97.753 144.678 125.396 5359.101 6931.458 0.002193 97.823 152.514 128.256 4638.314 21-2-2015 20:00:00 201600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 144.5377 125.4375 3197.076 6945 0.002323 97.753 144.538 125.437 3196.812 6938.299 0.004064 97.819 128.549 128.304 2869.034 21-2-2015 21:00:00 205200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 144.3977 125.4791 1034.793 6945 0.002323 97.753 144.398 125.479 1034.522 6949.645 0.003539 97.813 125.411 128.341 763.79 21-2-2015 22:00:00 208800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 144.2577 125.5207 4632.464 6945 0.002323 97.753 144.258 125.52 4632.192 6942.91 0.003585 97.817 127.208 128.377 4332.337 21-2-2015 23:00:00 212400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 144.1177 125.5622 2470.181 6945 0.002323 97.753 144.118 125.562 2469.902 6931.475 0.004635 97.823 106.272 128.422 2500.239 22-2-2015 0:00:00 216000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 143.9778 125.6038 307.8986 6945 0.002323 97.753 143.978 125.604 307.613 6938.208 0.002387 97.819 107 128.47 333.302 22-2-2015 1:00:00 219600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 143.8378 125.6453 3905.569 6945 0.002323 97.753 143.838 125.645 3905.282 6949.499 0.002836 97.813 114.755 128.508 3813.006 22-2-2015 2:00:00 223200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 143.6978 125.6869 1743.287 6945 0.002323 97.753 143.698 125.687 1742.993 6942.7 0.002835 97.817 111.33 128.543 1703.346 22-2-2015 3:00:00 226800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 143.5578 125.7284 5340.957 6945 0.002323 97.753 143.558 125.728 5340.662 6931.454 0.002203 97.823 151.466 128.588 4646.703 22-2-2015 4:00:00 230400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 143.4178 125.77 3178.675 6945 0.002323 97.753 143.418 125.77 3178.373 6938.087 0.004092 97.819 127.768 128.636 2873.059 22-2-2015 5:00:00 234000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 143.2778 125.8115 1016.392 6945 0.002323 97.753 143.278 125.811 1016.083 6949.557 0.003551 97.813 124.492 128.674 770.19 22-2-2015 6:00:00 237600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 143.1378 125.8531 4614.063 6945 0.002323 97.753 143.138 125.853 4613.753 6943.025 0.003592 97.816 126.118 128.709 4341.628 22-2-2015 7:00:00 241200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.9978 125.8946 2451.78 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.999 125.894 2451.463 6931.469 0.004642 97.823 105.539 128.754 2503.752 22-2-2015 8:00:00 244800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.8579 125.9362 289.4977 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.859 125.936 289.174 6937.999 0.002381 97.819 106.059 128.802 340.164 22-2-2015 9:00:00 248400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.7179 125.9777 3887.168 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.719 125.978 3886.843 6949.407 0.002844 97.813 114.124 128.84 3814.866 22-2-2015 10:00:00 252000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.5779 126.0193 1724.886 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.579 126.019 1724.554 6942.812 0.002844 97.816 110.921 128.875 1701.831 22-2-2015 11:00:00 255600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.4379 126.0608 5322.556 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.439 126.061 5322.223 6931.45 0.002213 97.823 150.415 128.92 4655.425 22-2-2015 12:00:00 259200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.2979 126.1024 3160.274 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.299 126.102 3159.934 6937.882 0.004119 97.819 126.995 128.969 2877.266 22-2-2015 13:00:00 262800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.1579 126.1439 997.9913 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.159 126.144 997.644 6949.468 0.003562 97.812 123.578 129.006 776.787 22-2-2015 14:00:00 266400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 142.0179 126.1855 4595.662 6945 0.002323 97.753 142.019 126.185 4595.314 6943.134 0.003599 97.816 125.045 129.041 4350.933 22-2-2015 15:00:00 270000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 141.8779 126.227 2433.379 6945 0.002323 97.753 141.879 126.227 2433.024 6931.463 0.004648 97.822 104.816 129.087 2507.404 22-2-2015 16:00:00 273600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 141.738 126.2686 271.0968 6945 0.002323 97.753 141.739 126.268 270.735 6937.797 0.002377 97.819 105.116 129.135 347.346 22-2-2015 17:00:00 277200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 141.598 126.3101 3868.767 6945 0.002323 97.753 141.599 126.31 3868.404 6949.314 0.002852 97.812 113.489 129.173 3817.08 22-2-2015 18:00:00 280800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 141.458 126.3517 1706.485 6945 0.002323 97.753 141.459 126.351 1706.115 6942.918 0.002853 97.816 110.493 129.208 1700.91 22-2-2015 19:00:00 284400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 141.318 126.3932 5304.155 6945 0.002323 97.753 141.319 126.393 5303.784 6931.448 0.002221 97.822 149.364 129.253 4664.469 22-2-2015 20:00:00 288000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 141.178 126.4348 3141.873 6945 0.002323 97.753 141.179 126.435 3141.495 6937.683 0.004145 97.819 126.23 129.301 2881.653 22-2-2015 21:00:00 291600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 141.038 126.4763 979.5904 6945 0.002323 97.753 141.039 126.476 979.205 6949.378 0.003572 97.812 122.671 129.339 783.578 22-2-2015 22:00:00 295200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 140.898 126.5179 4577.261 6945 0.002323 97.753 140.899 126.518 4576.875 6943.236 0.003605 97.815 123.989 129.374 4360.255 22-2-2015 23:00:00 298800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 140.758 126.5594 2414.978 6945 0.002323 97.753 140.759 126.559 2414.585 6931.459 0.004654 97.822 104.103 129.419 2511.198 23-2-2015 0:00:00 302400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 140.6181 126.601 252.6959 6945 0.002323 97.753 140.619 126.601 252.296 6937.602 0.002373 97.819 104.171 129.467 354.852 23-2-2015 1:00:00 306000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 140.4781 126.6425 3850.366 6945 0.002323 97.753 140.479 126.642 3849.965 6949.22 0.00286 97.812 112.851 129.505 3819.656 23-2-2015 2:00:00 309600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 140.3381 126.6841 1688.084 6945 0.002323 97.753 140.339 126.684 1687.676 6943.017 0.002862 97.815 110.046 129.54 1700.579 23-2-2015 3:00:00 313200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 140.1981 126.7256 5285.755 6945 0.002323 97.753 140.199 126.725 5285.345 6931.446 0.002229 97.822 148.31 129.585 4673.829 23-2-2015 4:00:00 316800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 140.0581 126.7672 3123.472 6945 0.002323 97.753 140.059 126.767 3123.056 6937.49 0.004169 97.818 125.472 129.633 2886.221 23-2-2015 5:00:00 320400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 139.9181 126.8087 961.1895 6945 0.002323 97.753 139.919 126.808 960.766 6949.287 0.003582 97.812 121.771 129.671 790.559 23-2-2015 6:00:00 324000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 139.7781 126.8503 4558.86 6945 0.002323 97.753 139.779 126.85 4558.436 6943.331 0.003611 97.815 122.95 129.706 4369.601 23-2-2015 7:00:00 327600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 139.6381 126.8918 2396.578 6945 0.002323 97.753 139.639 126.892 2396.146 6931.455 0.00466 97.822 103.398 129.751 2515.139 23-2-2015 8:00:00 331200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 139.4982 126.9334 234.2951 6945 0.002323 97.753 139.499 126.933 233.857 6937.413 0.002371 97.818 103.224 129.799 362.687 23-2-2015 9:00:00 334800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 139.3582 126.9749 3831.966 6945 0.002323 97.753 139.359 126.975 3831.526 6949.125 0.002868 97.812 112.208 129.838 3822.605 23-2-2015 10:00:00 338400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 139.2182 127.0165 1669.683 6945 0.002323 97.753 139.219 127.016 1669.237 6943.109 0.002871 97.815 109.581 129.872 1700.836 23-2-2015 11:00:00 342000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 139.0782 127.058 5267.354 6945 0.002323 97.753 139.079 127.058 5266.906 6931.444 0.002235 97.821 147.256 129.917 4683.498 23-2-2015 12:00:00 345600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 138.9382 127.0996 3105.071 6945 0.002323 97.753 138.939 127.099 3104.617 6937.304 0.004192 97.818 124.721 129.966 2890.966 23-2-2015 13:00:00 349200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 138.7982 127.1411 942.7886 6945 0.002323 97.753 138.799 127.141 942.327 6949.195 0.003592 97.811 120.877 130.004 797.726
  • 33. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 33 23-2-2015 14:00:00 352800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 138.6582 127.1827 4540.459 6945 0.002323 97.753 138.659 127.182 4539.997 6943.42 0.003617 97.815 121.927 130.039 4378.974 23-2-2015 15:00:00 356400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 138.5182 127.2242 2378.177 6945 0.002323 97.753 138.519 127.224 2377.707 6931.451 0.004666 97.821 102.703 130.083 2519.232 23-2-2015 16:00:00 360000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 138.3783 127.2658 215.8942 6945 0.002323 97.753 138.379 127.265 215.418 6937.23 0.002369 97.818 102.275 130.132 370.856 23-2-2015 17:00:00 363600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 138.2383 127.3073 3813.565 6945 0.002323 97.753 138.239 127.307 3813.087 6949.03 0.002876 97.811 111.56 130.17 3825.933 23-2-2015 18:00:00 367200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 138.0983 127.3489 1651.282 6945 0.002323 97.753 138.099 127.349 1650.798 6943.196 0.00288 97.815 109.097 130.205 1701.679 23-2-2015 19:00:00 370800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 137.9583 127.3904 5248.953 6945 0.002323 97.753 137.959 127.39 5248.467 6931.443 0.002241 97.821 146.202 130.25 4693.47 23-2-2015 20:00:00 374400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 137.8183 127.432 3086.67 6945 0.002323 97.753 137.819 127.432 3086.178 6937.125 0.004215 97.818 123.979 130.298 2895.888 23-2-2015 21:00:00 378000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 137.6783 127.4735 924.3878 6945 0.002323 97.753 137.679 127.473 923.888 6949.104 0.003601 97.811 119.991 130.336 805.077 23-2-2015 22:00:00 381600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 137.5383 127.5151 4522.058 6945 0.002323 97.753 137.539 127.515 4521.557 6943.503 0.003623 97.814 120.92 130.371 4388.379 23-2-2015 23:00:00 385200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 137.3983 127.5566 2359.776 6945 0.002323 97.753 137.399 127.556 2359.268 6931.448 0.004672 97.821 102.017 130.416 2523.481 24-2-2015 0:00:00 388800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 137.2584 127.5982 197.4933 6945 0.002323 97.753 137.259 127.598 196.979 6937.054 0.002367 97.818 101.323 130.464 379.361 24-2-2015 1:00:00 392400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 137.1184 127.6397 3795.164 6945 0.002323 97.753 137.119 127.639 3794.648 6948.935 0.002884 97.811 110.906 130.502 3829.651 24-2-2015 2:00:00 396000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 136.9784 127.6813 1632.881 6945 0.002323 97.753 136.979 127.681 1632.359 6943.275 0.002888 97.814 108.596 130.537 1703.104 24-2-2015 3:00:00 399600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 136.8384 127.7228 5230.552 6945 0.002323 97.753 136.84 127.723 5230.028 6931.441 0.002246 97.821 145.147 130.582 4703.741 24-2-2015 4:00:00 403200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 136.6984 127.7644 3068.269 6945 0.002323 97.753 136.7 127.764 3067.739 6936.951 0.004236 97.818 123.244 130.63 2900.987 24-2-2015 5:00:00 406800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 136.5584 127.8059 905.9869 6945 0.002323 97.753 136.56 127.806 905.449 6949.012 0.00361 97.811 119.112 130.669 812.61 24-2-2015 6:00:00 410400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 136.4184 127.8475 4503.657 6945 0.002323 97.753 136.42 127.847 4503.118 6943.579 0.003629 97.814 119.93 130.703 4397.82 24-2-2015 7:00:00 414000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 136.2784 127.889 2341.375 6945 0.002323 97.753 136.28 127.889 2340.829 6931.445 0.004679 97.821 101.339 130.748 2527.89 24-2-2015 8:00:00 417600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 136.1385 127.9306 179.0924 6945 0.002323 97.753 136.14 127.93 178.54 6936.884 0.002367 97.817 100.369 130.796 388.205 24-2-2015 9:00:00 421200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.9985 127.9722 3776.763 6945 0.002323 97.753 136 127.972 3776.209 6948.841 0.002893 97.811 110.246 130.835 3833.763 24-2-2015 10:00:00 424800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.8585 128.0137 1614.48 6945 0.002323 97.753 135.86 128.013 1613.92 6943.349 0.002897 97.814 108.077 130.87 1705.106 24-2-2015 11:00:00 428400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.7185 128.0553 5212.151 6945 0.002323 97.753 135.72 128.055 5211.589 6931.439 0.00225 97.82 144.093 130.914 4714.308 24-2-2015 12:00:00 432000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.5785 128.0968 3049.868 6945 0.002323 97.753 135.58 128.096 3049.3 6936.784 0.004255 97.817 122.516 130.963 2906.262 24-2-2015 13:00:00 435600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.4385 128.1384 887.586 6945 0.002323 97.753 135.44 128.138 887.01 6948.921 0.003618 97.811 118.241 131.001 820.32 24-2-2015 14:00:00 439200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.2985 128.1799 4485.257 6945 0.002323 97.753 135.3 128.18 4484.679 6943.648 0.003634 97.813 118.955 131.036 4407.302 24-2-2015 15:00:00 442800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.1585 128.2215 2322.974 6945 0.002323 97.753 135.16 128.221 2322.39 6931.441 0.004685 97.82 100.669 131.08 2532.461 24-2-2015 16:00:00 446400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 135.0186 128.263 160.6915 6945 0.002323 97.753 135.02 128.263 160.101 6936.721 0.002367 97.817 99.412 131.129 397.387 24-2-2015 17:00:00 450000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 134.8786 128.3046 3758.362 6945 0.002323 97.753 134.88 128.304 3757.77 6948.747 0.002901 97.81 109.579 131.167 3838.278 24-2-2015 18:00:00 453600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 134.7386 128.3461 1596.08 6945 0.002323 97.753 134.74 128.346 1595.481 6943.416 0.002906 97.813 107.54 131.202 1707.683 24-2-2015 19:00:00 457200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 134.5986 128.3877 5193.75 6945 0.002323 97.753 134.6 128.387 5193.15 6931.436 0.002253 97.82 143.038 131.247 4725.169 24-2-2015 20:00:00 460800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 134.4586 128.4292 3031.468 6945 0.002323 97.753 134.46 128.429 3030.861 6936.623 0.004274 97.817 121.797 131.295 2911.713 24-2-2015 21:00:00 464400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 134.3186 128.4708 869.1851 6945 0.002323 97.753 134.32 128.47 868.571 6948.83 0.003625 97.81 117.377 131.334 828.207 24-2-2015 22:00:00 468000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 134.1786 128.5123 4466.856 6945 0.002323 97.753 134.18 128.512 4466.24 6943.712 0.00364 97.813 117.995 131.368 4416.83 24-2-2015 23:00:00 471600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 134.0386 128.5539 2304.573 6945 0.002323 97.753 134.04 128.553 2303.951 6931.436 0.004692 97.82 100.008 131.413 2537.2 25-2-2015 0:00:00 475200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 133.8987 128.5954 142.2907 6945 0.002323 97.753 133.9 128.595 141.662 6936.563 0.002368 97.817 98.453 131.461 406.91 25-2-2015 1:00:00 478800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 133.7587 128.637 3739.961 6945 0.002323 97.753 133.76 128.637 3739.331 6948.654 0.002909 97.81 108.906 131.5 3843.201 25-2-2015 2:00:00 482400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 133.6187 128.6785 1577.679 6945 0.002323 97.753 133.62 128.678 1577.042 6943.477 0.002915 97.813 106.987 131.534 1710.83 25-2-2015 3:00:00 486000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 133.4787 128.7201 5175.349 6945 0.002323 97.753 133.48 128.72 5174.711 6931.432 0.002255 97.82 141.984 131.579 4736.323 25-2-2015 4:00:00 489600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 133.3387 128.7616 3013.067 6945 0.002323 97.753 133.34 128.761 3012.422 6936.468 0.004292 97.817 121.086 131.627 2917.339 25-2-2015 5:00:00 493200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 133.1987 128.8032 850.7842 6945 0.002323 97.753 133.2 128.803 850.132 6948.741 0.003633 97.81 116.521 131.666 836.267 25-2-2015 6:00:00 496800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 133.0587 128.8447 4448.455 6945 0.002323 97.753 133.06 128.844 4447.801 6943.769 0.003645 97.813 117.051 131.701 4426.407 25-2-2015 7:00:00 500400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 132.9187 128.8863 2286.172 6945 0.002323 97.753 132.92 128.886 2285.512 6931.431 0.004699 97.82 99.354 131.745 2542.107 25-2-2015 8:00:00 504000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 132.7788 128.9278 123.8898 6945 0.002323 97.753 132.78 128.927 123.223 6936.412 0.00237 97.817 97.491 131.794 416.771 25-2-2015 9:00:00 507600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 132.6388 128.9694 3721.56 6945 0.002323 97.753 132.64 128.969 3720.892 6948.562 0.002917 97.81 108.225 131.832 3848.538 25-2-2015 10:00:00 511200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 132.4988 129.0109 1559.278 6945 0.002323 97.753 132.5 129.01 1558.603 6943.532 0.002924 97.813 106.416 131.867 1714.543 25-2-2015 11:00:00 514800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 132.3588 129.0525 5156.948 6945 0.002323 97.753 132.36 129.052 5156.272 6931.427 0.002257 97.819 140.929 131.911 4747.77 25-2-2015 12:00:00 518400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 132.2188 129.094 2994.666 6945 0.002323 97.753 132.22 129.094 2993.983 6936.319 0.004308 97.817 120.382 131.96 2923.142 25-2-2015 13:00:00 522000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 132.0788 129.1356 832.3834 6945 0.002323 97.753 132.08 129.135 831.693 6948.652 0.00364 97.81 115.673 131.998 844.5 25-2-2015 14:00:00 525600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 131.9388 129.1771 4430.054 6945 0.002323 97.753 131.94 129.177 4429.362 6943.82 0.00365 97.812 116.122 132.033 4436.038 25-2-2015 15:00:00 529200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 131.7988 129.2187 2267.771 6945 0.002323 97.753 131.8 129.218 2267.073 6931.424 0.004706 97.819 98.708 132.077 2547.187 25-2-2015 16:00:00 532800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 131.6589 129.2602 105.4889 6945 0.002323 97.753 131.66 129.26 104.784 6936.268 0.002373 97.816 96.526 132.126 426.97 25-2-2015 17:00:00 536400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 131.5189 129.3018 3703.159 6945 0.002323 97.753 131.52 129.301 3702.453 6948.471 0.002925 97.809 107.537 132.165 3854.294 25-2-2015 18:00:00 540000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 131.3789 129.3433 1540.877 6945 0.002323 97.753 131.38 129.343 1540.164 6943.581 0.002932 97.812 105.829 132.199 1718.817 25-2-2015 19:00:00 543600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 131.2389 129.3849 5138.547 6945 0.002323 97.753 131.24 129.384 5137.833 6931.421 0.002257 97.819 139.875 132.244 4759.513 25-2-2015 20:00:00 547200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 131.0989 129.4264 2976.265 6945 0.002323 97.753 131.1 129.426 2975.544 6936.176 0.004323 97.816 119.686 132.292 2929.121 25-2-2015 21:00:00 550800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 130.9589 129.468 813.9825 6945 0.002323 97.753 130.96 129.468 813.254 6948.564 0.003646 97.809 114.832 132.331 852.902
  • 34. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 34 25-2-2015 22:00:00 554400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 130.8189 129.5095 4411.653 6945 0.002323 97.753 130.82 129.509 4410.923 6943.866 0.003655 97.812 115.207 132.366 4445.726 25-2-2015 23:00:00 558000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 130.6789 129.5511 2249.371 6945 0.002323 97.753 130.681 129.551 2248.634 6931.416 0.004713 97.819 98.07 132.41 2552.441 26-2-2015 0:00:00 561600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 130.539 129.5926 87.08801 6945 0.002323 97.753 130.541 129.592 86.345 6936.129 0.002377 97.816 95.559 132.458 437.503 26-2-2015 1:00:00 565200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 130.399 129.6342 3684.759 6945 0.002323 97.753 130.401 129.634 3684.014 6948.382 0.002933 97.809 106.842 132.497 3860.473 26-2-2015 2:00:00 568800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 130.259 129.6757 1522.476 6945 0.002323 97.753 130.261 129.675 1521.725 6943.623 0.00294 97.812 105.226 132.532 1723.649 26-2-2015 3:00:00 572400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 130.119 129.7173 5120.147 6945 0.002323 97.753 130.121 129.717 5119.394 6931.413 0.002256 97.819 138.82 132.576 4771.553 26-2-2015 4:00:00 576000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 129.979 129.7588 2957.864 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.981 129.758 2957.105 6936.039 0.004337 97.816 118.998 132.625 2935.278 26-2-2015 5:00:00 579600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 129.839 129.8004 795.5816 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.841 129.8 794.815 6948.478 0.003652 97.809 114 132.663 861.472 26-2-2015 6:00:00 583200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 129.699 129.8419 4393.252 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.701 129.841 4392.484 6943.905 0.00366 97.811 114.307 132.698 4455.476 26-2-2015 7:00:00 586800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 129.559 129.8835 2230.97 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.561 129.883 2230.195 6931.407 0.00472 97.818 97.439 132.742 2557.872 26-2-2015 8:00:00 590400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 129.4191 129.925 68.68714 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.421 129.925 67.906 6935.996 0.002381 97.816 94.59 132.791 448.368 26-2-2015 9:00:00 594000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 129.2791 129.9666 3666.358 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.281 129.966 3665.575 6948.294 0.00294 97.809 106.138 132.83 3867.08 26-2-2015 10:00:00 597600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 129.1391 130.0081 1504.075 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.141 130.008 1503.286 6943.66 0.002949 97.811 104.606 132.864 1729.034 26-2-2015 11:00:00 601200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.9991 130.0497 5101.746 6945 0.002323 97.753 129.001 130.049 5100.955 6931.404 0.002255 97.818 137.765 132.908 4783.894 26-2-2015 12:00:00 604800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.8591 130.0912 2939.463 6945 0.002323 97.753 128.861 130.091 2938.665 6935.908 0.00435 97.816 118.317 132.957 2941.614 26-2-2015 13:00:00 608400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.7191 130.1328 777.1807 6945 0.002323 97.753 128.721 130.132 776.376 6948.394 0.003658 97.809 113.177 132.996 870.21 26-2-2015 14:00:00 612000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.5791 130.1743 4374.851 6945 0.002323 97.753 128.581 130.174 4374.045 6943.938 0.003664 97.811 113.421 133.031 4465.291 26-2-2015 15:00:00 615600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.4391 130.2159 2212.569 6945 0.002323 97.753 128.441 130.215 2211.756 6931.396 0.004728 97.818 96.816 133.075 2563.482 26-2-2015 16:00:00 619200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.2992 130.2574 50.28626 6945 0.002323 97.753 128.301 130.257 49.467 6935.869 0.002387 97.816 93.619 133.123 459.56 26-2-2015 17:00:00 622800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.1592 130.299 3647.957 6945 0.002323 97.753 128.161 130.298 3647.136 6948.208 0.002948 97.809 105.426 133.162 3874.119 26-2-2015 18:00:00 626400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 128.0192 130.3406 1485.674 6945 0.002323 97.753 128.021 130.34 1484.847 6943.691 0.002957 97.811 103.971 133.197 1734.968 26-2-2015 19:00:00 630000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 127.8792 130.3821 5083.345 6945 0.002323 97.753 127.881 130.382 5082.516 6931.392 0.002252 97.818 136.71 133.241 4796.542 26-2-2015 20:00:00 633600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 127.7392 130.4237 2921.062 6945 0.002323 97.753 127.741 130.423 2920.226 6935.783 0.004362 97.815 117.644 133.289 2948.129 26-2-2015 21:00:00 637200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 127.5992 130.4652 758.7798 6945 0.002323 97.753 127.601 130.465 757.937 6948.311 0.003663 97.808 112.361 133.328 879.112 26-2-2015 22:00:00 640800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 127.4592 130.5068 4356.45 6945 0.002323 97.753 127.461 130.506 4355.606 6943.965 0.003669 97.811 112.549 133.363 4475.175 26-2-2015 23:00:00 644400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 127.3192 130.5483 2194.168 6945 0.002323 97.753 127.321 130.548 2193.317 6931.384 0.004736 97.818 96.2 133.407 2569.271 27-2-2015 0:00:00 648000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 127.1793 130.5899 31.88538 6945 0.002323 97.753 127.181 130.589 31.028 6935.748 0.002393 97.815 92.646 133.456 471.074 27-2-2015 1:00:00 651600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 127.0393 130.6314 3629.556 6945 0.002323 97.753 127.041 130.631 3628.697 6948.124 0.002955 97.808 104.706 133.495 3881.593 27-2-2015 2:00:00 655200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 126.8993 130.673 1467.273 6945 0.002323 97.753 126.901 130.672 1466.408 6943.716 0.002965 97.811 103.32 133.529 1741.447 27-2-2015 3:00:00 658800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 126.7593 130.7145 5064.944 6945 0.002323 97.753 126.761 130.714 5064.077 6931.379 0.002249 97.818 135.653 133.573 4809.501 27-2-2015 4:00:00 662400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 126.6193 130.7561 2902.661 6945 0.002323 97.753 126.621 130.756 2901.787 6935.663 0.004372 97.815 116.978 133.622 2954.826 27-2-2015 5:00:00 666000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 126.4793 130.7976 740.379 6945 0.002323 97.753 126.481 130.797 739.498 6948.23 0.003669 97.808 111.554 133.661 888.179 27-2-2015 6:00:00 669600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 126.3393 130.8392 4338.049 6945 0.002323 97.753 126.341 130.839 4337.167 6943.987 0.003673 97.81 111.69 133.695 4485.131 27-2-2015 7:00:00 673200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 126.1993 130.8807 2175.767 6945 0.002323 97.753 126.201 130.88 2174.878 6931.369 0.004744 97.817 95.591 133.739 2575.242 27-2-2015 8:00:00 676800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 126.0594 130.9223 13.4845 6945 0.002323 97.753 126.061 130.922 12.589 6935.633 0.0024 97.815 91.673 133.788 482.903 27-2-2015 9:00:00 680400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 125.9194 130.9638 3611.155 6945 0.002323 97.753 125.921 130.963 3610.258 6948.043 0.002963 97.808 103.977 133.827 3889.505 27-2-2015 10:00:00 684000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 125.7794 131.0054 1448.873 6945 0.002323 97.753 125.781 131.005 1447.969 6943.735 0.002972 97.81 102.653 133.862 1748.468 27-2-2015 11:00:00 687600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 125.6394 131.0469 5046.543 6945 0.002323 97.753 125.641 131.046 5045.638 6931.363 0.002245 97.817 134.595 133.906 4822.779 27-2-2015 12:00:00 691200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 125.4994 131.0885 2884.261 6945 0.002323 97.753 125.501 131.088 2883.348 6935.549 0.004381 97.815 116.32 133.954 2961.705 27-2-2015 13:00:00 694800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 125.3594 131.13 721.9781 6945 0.002323 97.753 125.361 131.129 721.059 6948.151 0.003673 97.808 110.756 133.993 897.41 27-2-2015 14:00:00 698400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 125.2194 131.1716 4319.649 6945 0.002323 97.753 125.221 131.171 4318.728 6944.002 0.003677 97.81 110.846 134.028 4495.163 27-2-2015 15:00:00 702000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 125.0794 131.2131 2157.366 6945 0.002323 97.753 125.081 131.213 2156.439 6931.352 0.004752 97.817 94.989 134.072 2581.396 27-2-2015 16:00:00 705600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 124.9395 131.2547 5755.037 6945 0.002323 97.753 124.941 131.254 5754.108 6935.524 0.002408 97.815 90.699 134.121 495.041 27-2-2015 17:00:00 709200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 124.7995 131.2962 3592.754 6945 0.002323 97.753 124.801 131.296 3591.819 6947.963 0.00297 97.808 103.24 134.16 3897.859 27-2-2015 18:00:00 712800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 124.6595 131.3378 1430.472 6945 0.002323 97.753 124.661 131.337 1429.53 6943.749 0.00298 97.81 101.972 134.194 1756.026 27-2-2015 19:00:00 716400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 124.5195 131.3793 5028.142 6945 0.002323 97.753 124.521 131.379 5027.199 6931.345 0.00224 97.817 133.534 134.238 4836.385 27-2-2015 20:00:00 720000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 124.3795 131.4209 2865.86 6945 0.002323 97.753 124.382 131.42 2864.909 6935.44 0.00439 97.814 115.669 134.287 2968.769 27-2-2015 21:00:00 723600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 124.2395 131.4624 703.5772 6945 0.002323 97.753 124.242 131.462 702.62 6948.074 0.003678 97.807 109.966 134.326 906.802 27-2-2015 22:00:00 727200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 124.0995 131.504 4301.248 6945 0.002323 97.753 124.102 131.503 4300.289 6944.012 0.00368 97.81 110.015 134.36 4505.273 27-2-2015 23:00:00 730800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 123.9595 131.5455 2138.965 6945 0.002323 97.753 123.962 131.545 2138 6931.334 0.004761 97.817 94.394 134.404 2587.732 28-2-2015 0:00:00 734400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 123.8196 131.5871 5736.636 6945 0.002323 97.753 123.822 131.586 5735.669 6935.42 0.002416 97.814 89.724 134.453 507.48 28-2-2015 1:00:00 738000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 123.6796 131.6286 3574.353 6945 0.002323 97.753 123.682 131.628 3573.38 6947.886 0.002977 97.807 102.493 134.492 3906.656 28-2-2015 2:00:00 741600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 123.5396 131.6702 1412.071 6945 0.002323 97.753 123.542 131.67 1411.091 6943.757 0.002988 97.809 101.276 134.527 1764.118 28-2-2015 3:00:00 745200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 123.3996 131.7117 5009.741 6945 0.002323 97.753 123.402 131.711 5008.76 6931.324 0.002233 97.816 132.471 134.57 4850.328 28-2-2015 4:00:00 748800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 123.2596 131.7533 2847.459 6945 0.002323 97.753 123.262 131.753 2846.47 6935.338 0.004397 97.814 115.026 134.619 2976.02 28-2-2015 5:00:00 752400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 123.1196 131.7948 685.1763 6945 0.002323 97.753 123.122 131.794 684.181 6948 0.003682 97.807 109.185 134.658 916.356
  • 35. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 35 28-2-2015 6:00:00 756000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 122.9796 131.8364 4282.847 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.982 131.836 4281.85 6944.017 0.003684 97.809 109.197 134.693 4515.464 28-2-2015 7:00:00 759600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 122.8396 131.8779 2120.564 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.842 131.877 2119.561 6931.312 0.004769 97.816 93.807 134.737 2594.252 28-2-2015 8:00:00 763200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 122.6997 131.9195 5718.235 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.702 131.919 5717.23 6935.322 0.002426 97.814 88.75 134.785 520.212 28-2-2015 9:00:00 766800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 122.5597 131.961 3555.952 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.562 131.96 3554.941 6947.811 0.002984 97.807 101.738 134.825 3915.898 28-2-2015 10:00:00 770400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 122.4197 132.0026 1393.67 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.422 132.002 1392.652 6943.759 0.002995 97.809 100.565 134.859 1772.741 28-2-2015 11:00:00 774000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 122.2797 132.0441 4991.34 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.282 132.043 4990.321 6931.301 0.002226 97.816 131.405 134.903 4864.619 28-2-2015 12:00:00 777600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 122.1397 132.0857 2829.058 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.142 132.085 2828.031 6935.24 0.004402 97.814 114.389 134.952 2983.46 28-2-2015 13:00:00 781200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.9997 132.1272 666.7754 6945 0.002323 97.753 122.002 132.127 665.742 6947.928 0.003685 97.807 108.412 134.991 926.072 28-2-2015 14:00:00 784800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.8597 132.1688 4264.446 6945 0.002323 97.753 121.862 132.168 4263.411 6944.016 0.003687 97.809 108.392 135.025 4525.74 28-2-2015 15:00:00 788400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.7197 132.2103 2102.163 6945 0.002323 97.753 121.722 132.21 2101.122 6931.289 0.004778 97.816 93.226 135.069 2600.955 28-2-2015 16:00:00 792000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.5798 132.2519 5699.834 6945 0.002323 97.753 121.582 132.251 5698.791 6935.229 0.002436 97.814 87.777 135.118 533.227 28-2-2015 17:00:00 795600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.4398 132.2934 3537.552 6945 0.002323 97.753 121.442 132.293 3536.502 6947.739 0.002991 97.807 100.973 135.157 3925.588 28-2-2015 18:00:00 799200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.2998 132.335 1375.269 6945 0.002323 97.753 121.302 132.334 1374.212 6943.755 0.003002 97.809 99.84 135.192 1781.89 28-2-2015 19:00:00 802800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.1598 132.3765 4972.94 6945 0.002323 97.753 121.162 132.376 4971.882 6931.276 0.002218 97.816 130.335 135.235 4879.27 28-2-2015 20:00:00 806400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 121.0198 132.4181 2810.657 6945 0.002323 97.753 121.022 132.417 2809.592 6935.148 0.004407 97.813 113.759 135.284 2991.092 28-2-2015 21:00:00 810000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 120.8798 132.4596 648.3746 6945 0.002323 97.753 120.882 132.459 647.303 6947.859 0.003689 97.806 107.648 135.323 935.948 28-2-2015 22:00:00 813600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 120.7398 132.5012 4246.045 6945 0.002323 97.753 120.742 132.501 4244.972 6944.009 0.00369 97.808 107.6 135.358 4536.102 28-2-2015 23:00:00 817200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 120.5998 132.5427 2083.763 6945 0.002323 97.753 120.602 132.542 2082.683 6931.263 0.004787 97.816 92.652 135.402 2607.842 1-3-2015 0:00:00 820800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 120.4599 132.5843 5681.433 6945 0.002323 97.753 120.462 132.584 5680.352 6935.142 0.002447 97.813 86.805 135.45 546.515 1-3-2015 1:00:00 824400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 120.3199 132.6258 3519.151 6945 0.002323 97.753 120.322 132.625 3518.063 6947.669 0.002997 97.806 100.199 135.49 3935.727 1-3-2015 2:00:00 828000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 120.1799 132.6674 1356.868 6945 0.002323 97.753 120.182 132.667 1355.773 6943.747 0.003009 97.808 99.101 135.524 1791.563 1-3-2015 3:00:00 831600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 120.0399 132.709 4954.539 6945 0.002323 97.753 120.042 132.708 4953.443 6931.247 0.002209 97.815 129.259 135.568 4894.295 1-3-2015 4:00:00 835200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 119.8999 132.7505 2792.256 6945 0.002323 97.753 119.902 132.75 2791.153 6935.062 0.00441 97.813 113.136 135.617 2998.918 1-3-2015 5:00:00 838800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 119.7599 132.7921 629.9737 6945 0.002323 97.753 119.762 132.791 628.864 6947.792 0.003691 97.806 106.893 135.656 945.986 1-3-2015 6:00:00 842400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 119.6199 132.8336 4227.644 6945 0.002323 97.753 119.622 132.833 4226.533 6943.997 0.003693 97.808 106.821 135.69 4546.554 1-3-2015 7:00:00 846000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 119.4799 132.8752 2065.362 6945 0.002323 97.753 119.482 132.874 2064.244 6931.234 0.004797 97.815 92.086 135.734 2614.911 1-3-2015 8:00:00 849600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 119.34 132.9167 5663.032 6945 0.002323 97.753 119.342 132.916 5661.913 6935.061 0.002459 97.813 85.835 135.783 560.066 1-3-2015 9:00:00 853200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 119.2 132.9583 3500.75 6945 0.002323 97.753 119.202 132.958 3499.624 6947.603 0.003004 97.806 99.416 135.822 3946.316 1-3-2015 10:00:00 856800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 119.06 132.9998 1338.467 6945 0.002323 97.753 119.062 132.999 1337.334 6943.732 0.003016 97.808 98.348 135.857 1801.757 1-3-2015 11:00:00 860400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 118.92 133.0414 4936.138 6945 0.002323 97.753 118.922 133.041 4935.004 6931.216 0.002199 97.815 128.178 135.9 4909.709 1-3-2015 12:00:00 864000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 118.78 133.0829 2773.855 6945 0.002323 97.753 118.782 133.082 2772.714 6934.98 0.004413 97.813 112.52 135.949 3006.941 1-3-2015 13:00:00 867600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 118.64 133.1245 611.5728 6945 0.002323 97.753 118.642 133.124 610.425 6947.727 0.003694 97.806 106.147 135.988 956.184 1-3-2015 14:00:00 871200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 118.5 133.166 4209.243 6945 0.002323 97.753 118.502 133.165 4208.094 6943.979 0.003695 97.808 106.054 136.023 4557.097 1-3-2015 15:00:00 874800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 118.36 133.2076 2046.961 6945 0.002323 97.753 118.362 133.207 2045.805 6931.202 0.004806 97.815 91.527 136.067 2622.163 1-3-2015 16:00:00 878400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 118.2201 133.2491 5644.631 6945 0.002323 97.753 118.223 133.248 5643.474 6934.985 0.002472 97.813 84.869 136.115 573.87 1-3-2015 17:00:00 882000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 118.0801 133.2907 3482.349 6945 0.002323 97.753 118.083 133.29 3481.185 6947.539 0.00301 97.805 98.624 136.155 3957.355 1-3-2015 18:00:00 885600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 117.9401 133.3322 1320.066 6945 0.002323 97.753 117.943 133.331 1318.895 6943.712 0.003023 97.808 97.581 136.189 1812.467 1-3-2015 19:00:00 889200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 117.8001 133.3738 4917.737 6945 0.002323 97.753 117.803 133.373 4916.565 6931.182 0.002189 97.815 127.09 136.233 4925.528 1-3-2015 20:00:00 892800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 117.6601 133.4153 2755.454 6945 0.002323 97.753 117.663 133.415 2754.275 6934.904 0.004414 97.812 111.909 136.282 3015.166 1-3-2015 21:00:00 896400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 117.5201 133.4569 593.1719 6945 0.002323 97.753 117.523 133.456 591.986 6947.666 0.003696 97.805 105.409 136.321 966.543 1-3-2015 22:00:00 900000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 117.3801 133.4984 4190.842 6945 0.002323 97.753 117.383 133.498 4189.655 6943.956 0.003697 97.807 105.3 136.355 4567.733 1-3-2015 23:00:00 903600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 117.2401 133.54 2028.56 6945 0.002323 97.753 117.243 133.539 2027.366 6931.168 0.004816 97.814 90.975 136.399 2629.595 2-3-2015 0:00:00 907200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 117.1002 133.5815 5626.23 6945 0.002323 97.753 117.103 133.581 5625.035 6934.915 0.002486 97.812 83.906 136.448 587.913 2-3-2015 1:00:00 910800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 116.9602 133.6231 3463.948 6945 0.002323 97.753 116.963 133.622 3462.746 6947.478 0.003016 97.805 97.823 136.487 3968.844 2-3-2015 2:00:00 914400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 116.8202 133.6646 1301.666 6945 0.002323 97.753 116.823 133.664 1300.456 6943.687 0.00303 97.807 96.8 136.522 1823.69 2-3-2015 3:00:00 918000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 116.6802 133.7062 4899.336 6945 0.002323 97.753 116.683 133.705 4898.126 6931.145 0.002177 97.814 125.993 136.565 4941.771 2-3-2015 4:00:00 921600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 116.5402 133.7477 2737.054 6945 0.002323 97.753 116.543 133.747 2735.836 6934.834 0.004413 97.812 111.305 136.614 3023.594 2-3-2015 5:00:00 925200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 116.4002 133.7893 574.771 6945 0.002323 97.753 116.403 133.789 573.547 6947.607 0.003698 97.805 104.68 136.654 977.065 2-3-2015 6:00:00 928800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 116.2602 133.8308 4172.442 6945 0.002323 97.753 116.263 133.83 4171.216 6943.928 0.003699 97.807 104.559 136.688 4578.465 2-3-2015 7:00:00 932400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 116.1202 133.8724 2010.159 6945 0.002323 97.753 116.123 133.872 2008.927 6931.131 0.004826 97.814 90.43 136.732 2637.208 2-3-2015 8:00:00 936000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.9803 133.9139 5607.83 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.983 133.913 5606.596 6934.85 0.0025 97.812 82.948 136.78 602.184 2-3-2015 9:00:00 939600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.8403 133.9555 3445.547 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.843 133.955 3444.307 6947.42 0.003022 97.805 97.012 136.82 3980.784 2-3-2015 10:00:00 943200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.7003 133.997 1283.265 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.703 133.996 1282.017 6943.656 0.003036 97.807 96.006 136.854 1835.424 2-3-2015 11:00:00 946800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.5603 134.0386 4880.935 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.563 134.038 4879.687 6931.105 0.002164 97.814 124.888 136.898 4958.458 2-3-2015 12:00:00 950400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.4203 134.0801 2718.653 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.423 134.079 2717.397 6934.769 0.004412 97.812 110.707 136.947 3032.231 2-3-2015 13:00:00 954000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.2803 134.1217 556.3702 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.283 134.121 555.108 6947.551 0.003699 97.805 103.959 136.986 987.749
  • 36. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 36 2-3-2015 14:00:00 957600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.1403 134.1632 4154.041 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.143 134.162 4152.777 6943.894 0.0037 97.807 103.83 137.021 4589.295 2-3-2015 15:00:00 961200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 115.0003 134.2048 1991.758 6945 0.002323 97.753 115.003 134.204 1990.488 6931.091 0.004836 97.814 89.892 137.064 2644.999 2-3-2015 16:00:00 964800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 114.8604 134.2463 5589.429 6945 0.002323 97.753 114.863 134.246 5588.157 6934.79 0.002515 97.812 81.994 137.113 616.671 2-3-2015 17:00:00 968400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 114.7204 134.2879 3427.146 6945 0.002323 97.753 114.723 134.287 3425.868 6947.365 0.003029 97.804 96.192 137.152 3993.173 2-3-2015 18:00:00 972000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 114.5804 134.3294 1264.864 6945 0.002323 97.753 114.583 134.329 1263.578 6943.62 0.003043 97.806 95.2 137.187 1847.665 2-3-2015 19:00:00 975600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 114.4404 134.371 4862.534 6945 0.002323 97.753 114.443 134.37 4861.248 6931.062 0.002151 97.813 123.771 137.23 4975.61 2-3-2015 20:00:00 979200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 114.3004 134.4125 2700.252 6945 0.002323 97.753 114.303 134.412 2698.958 6934.709 0.004409 97.811 110.114 137.279 3041.081 2-3-2015 21:00:00 982800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 114.1604 134.4541 537.9693 6945 0.002323 97.753 114.163 134.453 536.669 6947.498 0.0037 97.804 103.247 137.319 998.596 2-3-2015 22:00:00 986400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 114.0204 134.4956 4135.64 6945 0.002323 97.753 114.023 134.495 4134.338 6943.855 0.003701 97.806 103.113 137.353 4600.224 2-3-2015 23:00:00 990000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 113.8804 134.5372 1973.357 6945 0.002323 97.753 113.883 134.536 1972.049 6931.049 0.004846 97.813 89.362 137.397 2652.966 3-3-2015 0:00:00 993600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 113.7405 134.5787 5571.028 6945 0.002323 97.753 113.743 134.578 5569.718 6934.736 0.002531 97.811 81.047 137.446 631.361 3-3-2015 1:00:00 997200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 113.6005 134.6203 3408.745 6945 0.002323 97.753 113.603 134.619 3407.429 6947.313 0.003035 97.804 95.363 137.485 4006.011 3-3-2015 2:00:00 1000800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 113.4605 134.6618 1246.463 6945 0.002323 97.753 113.463 134.661 1245.139 6943.579 0.00305 97.806 94.38 137.519 1860.409 3-3-2015 3:00:00 1004400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 113.3205 134.7034 4844.133 6945 0.002323 97.753 113.323 134.703 4842.809 6931.016 0.002136 97.813 122.643 137.563 4993.251 3-3-2015 4:00:00 1008000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 113.1805 134.7449 2681.851 6945 0.002323 97.753 113.183 134.744 2680.519 6934.654 0.004405 97.811 109.527 137.612 3050.147 3-3-2015 5:00:00 1011600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 113.0405 134.7865 519.5684 6945 0.002323 97.753 113.043 134.786 518.23 6947.447 0.0037 97.804 102.544 137.651 1009.609 3-3-2015 6:00:00 1015200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 112.9005 134.828 4117.239 6945 0.002323 97.753 112.903 134.827 4115.899 6943.81 0.003701 97.806 102.408 137.686 4611.254 3-3-2015 7:00:00 1018800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 112.7605 134.8696 1954.956 6945 0.002323 97.753 112.763 134.869 1953.61 6931.003 0.004857 97.813 88.84 137.729 2661.109 3-3-2015 8:00:00 1022400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 112.6206 134.9111 5552.627 6945 0.002323 97.753 112.623 134.91 5551.279 6934.687 0.002548 97.811 80.107 137.778 646.241 3-3-2015 9:00:00 1026000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 112.4806 134.9527 3390.344 6945 0.002323 97.753 112.483 134.952 3388.99 6947.264 0.003041 97.804 94.525 137.818 4019.295 3-3-2015 10:00:00 1029600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 112.3406 134.9942 1228.062 6945 0.002323 97.753 112.343 134.993 1226.7 6943.532 0.003057 97.806 93.548 137.852 1873.652 3-3-2015 11:00:00 1033200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 112.2006 135.0358 4825.733 6945 0.002323 97.753 112.203 135.035 4824.37 6930.967 0.002121 97.813 121.5 137.896 5011.407 3-3-2015 12:00:00 1036800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 112.0606 135.0774 2663.45 6945 0.002323 97.753 112.064 135.076 2662.08 6934.604 0.0044 97.811 108.944 137.944 3059.436 3-3-2015 13:00:00 1040400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 111.9206 135.1189 501.1675 6945 0.002323 97.753 111.924 135.118 499.791 6947.4 0.0037 97.803 101.848 137.984 1020.789 3-3-2015 14:00:00 1044000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 111.7806 135.1605 4098.838 6945 0.002323 97.753 111.784 135.16 4097.46 6943.76 0.003701 97.805 101.715 138.018 4622.386 3-3-2015 15:00:00 1047600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 111.6406 135.202 1936.556 6945 0.002323 97.753 111.644 135.201 1935.171 6930.955 0.004867 97.813 88.326 138.062 2669.424 3-3-2015 16:00:00 1051200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 111.5007 135.2436 5534.226 6945 0.002323 97.753 111.504 135.243 5532.84 6934.644 0.002566 97.81 79.174 138.111 661.297 3-3-2015 17:00:00 1054800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 111.3607 135.2851 3371.944 6945 0.002323 97.753 111.364 135.284 3370.551 6947.218 0.003047 97.803 93.678 138.15 4033.024 3-3-2015 18:00:00 1058400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 111.2207 135.3267 1209.661 6945 0.002323 97.753 111.224 135.326 1208.261 6943.48 0.003063 97.805 92.703 138.184 1887.391 3-3-2015 19:00:00 1062000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 111.0807 135.3682 4807.332 6945 0.002323 97.753 111.084 135.367 4805.931 6930.914 0.002105 97.812 120.343 138.228 5030.104 3-3-2015 20:00:00 1065600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 110.9407 135.4098 2645.049 6945 0.002323 97.753 110.944 135.409 2643.641 6934.56 0.004393 97.81 108.367 138.277 3068.951 3-3-2015 21:00:00 1069200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 110.8007 135.4513 482.7666 6945 0.002323 97.753 110.804 135.45 481.352 6947.355 0.0037 97.803 101.162 138.316 1032.137 3-3-2015 22:00:00 1072800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 110.6607 135.4929 4080.437 6945 0.002323 97.753 110.664 135.492 4079.021 6943.704 0.0037 97.805 101.034 138.351 4633.622 3-3-2015 23:00:00 1076400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 110.5207 135.5344 1918.155 6945 0.002323 97.753 110.524 135.534 1916.732 6930.904 0.004878 97.812 87.819 138.394 2677.91 4-3-2015 0:00:00 1080000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 110.3808 135.576 5515.825 6945 0.002323 97.753 110.384 135.575 5514.401 6934.606 0.002585 97.81 78.25 138.443 676.516 4-3-2015 1:00:00 1083600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 110.2408 135.6175 3353.543 6945 0.002323 97.753 110.244 135.617 3352.112 6947.175 0.003053 97.803 92.822 138.483 4047.194 4-3-2015 2:00:00 1087200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 110.1008 135.6591 1191.26 6945 0.002323 97.753 110.104 135.658 1189.822 6943.422 0.00307 97.805 91.846 138.517 1901.621 4-3-2015 3:00:00 1090800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 109.9608 135.7006 4788.931 6945 0.002323 97.753 109.964 135.7 4787.492 6930.859 0.002088 97.812 119.167 138.561 5049.374 4-3-2015 4:00:00 1094400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 109.8208 135.7422 2626.648 6945 0.002323 97.753 109.824 135.741 2625.202 6934.521 0.004386 97.81 107.794 138.609 3078.7 4-3-2015 5:00:00 1098000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 109.6808 135.7837 464.3658 6945 0.002323 97.753 109.684 135.783 462.913 6947.313 0.003699 97.803 100.483 138.649 1043.656 4-3-2015 6:00:00 1101600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 109.5408 135.8253 4062.036 6945 0.002323 97.753 109.544 135.824 4060.582 6943.643 0.003699 97.805 100.365 138.683 4644.964 4-3-2015 7:00:00 1105200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 109.4008 135.8668 1899.754 6945 0.002323 97.753 109.404 135.866 1898.293 6930.849 0.004888 97.812 87.321 138.727 2686.563 4-3-2015 8:00:00 1108800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 109.2609 135.9084 5497.424 6945 0.002323 97.753 109.264 135.907 5495.962 6934.573 0.002604 97.81 77.336 138.776 691.884 4-3-2015 9:00:00 1112400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 109.1209 135.9499 3335.142 6945 0.002323 97.753 109.124 135.949 3333.673 6947.135 0.003059 97.803 91.959 138.815 4061.802 4-3-2015 10:00:00 1116000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.9809 135.9915 1172.859 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.984 135.991 1171.383 6943.359 0.003077 97.805 90.978 138.85 1916.338 4-3-2015 11:00:00 1119600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.8409 136.033 4770.53 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.844 136.032 4769.053 6930.801 0.00207 97.812 117.973 138.893 5069.247 4-3-2015 12:00:00 1123200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.7009 136.0746 2608.247 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.704 136.074 2606.763 6934.487 0.004377 97.81 107.224 138.942 3088.687 4-3-2015 13:00:00 1126800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.5609 136.1161 445.9649 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.564 136.115 444.474 6947.274 0.003697 97.802 99.812 138.981 1055.349 4-3-2015 14:00:00 1130400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.4209 136.1577 4043.635 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.424 136.157 4042.143 6943.577 0.003698 97.804 99.708 139.016 4656.412 4-3-2015 15:00:00 1134000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.2809 136.1992 1881.353 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.284 136.198 1879.854 6930.792 0.004899 97.811 86.831 139.06 2695.383 4-3-2015 16:00:00 1137600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.141 136.2408 5479.023 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.144 136.24 5477.523 6934.546 0.002624 97.809 76.431 139.108 707.388 4-3-2015 17:00:00 1141200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 108.001 136.2823 3316.741 6945 0.002323 97.753 108.004 136.281 3315.234 6947.098 0.003065 97.802 91.087 139.148 4076.843 4-3-2015 18:00:00 1144800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 107.861 136.3239 1154.458 6945 0.002323 97.753 107.864 136.323 1152.944 6943.291 0.003084 97.804 90.098 139.182 1931.536 4-3-2015 19:00:00 1148400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 107.721 136.3654 4752.129 6945 0.002323 97.753 107.724 136.364 4750.613 6930.74 0.002052 97.811 116.757 139.226 5089.759 4-3-2015 20:00:00 1152000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 107.581 136.407 2589.847 6945 0.002323 97.753 107.584 136.406 2588.324 6934.459 0.004366 97.809 106.659 139.275 3098.919 4-3-2015 21:00:00 1155600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 107.441 136.4485 427.564 6945 0.002323 97.753 107.444 136.448 426.035 6947.237 0.003695 97.802 99.149 139.314 1067.218
  • 37. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 37 4-3-2015 22:00:00 1159200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 107.301 136.4901 4025.235 6945 0.002323 97.753 107.304 136.489 4023.704 6943.505 0.003696 97.804 99.062 139.348 4667.968 4-3-2015 23:00:00 1162800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 107.161 136.5316 1862.952 6945 0.002323 97.753 107.164 136.531 1861.415 6930.732 0.00491 97.811 86.349 139.392 2704.365 5-3-2015 0:00:00 1166400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 107.0211 136.5732 5460.623 6945 0.002323 97.753 107.024 136.572 5459.084 6934.524 0.002645 97.809 75.538 139.441 723.015 5-3-2015 1:00:00 1170000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 106.8811 136.6147 3298.34 6945 0.002323 97.753 106.884 136.614 3296.795 6947.064 0.003071 97.802 90.207 139.48 4092.312 5-3-2015 2:00:00 1173600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 106.7411 136.6563 1136.058 6945 0.002323 97.753 106.744 136.655 1134.505 6943.217 0.003092 97.804 89.207 139.515 1947.209 5-3-2015 3:00:00 1177200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 106.6011 136.6978 4733.728 6945 0.002323 97.753 106.604 136.697 4732.174 6930.676 0.002033 97.811 115.517 139.558 5110.946 5-3-2015 4:00:00 1180800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 106.4611 136.7394 2571.446 6945 0.002323 97.753 106.464 136.738 2569.885 6934.436 0.004354 97.809 106.096 139.607 3109.404 5-3-2015 5:00:00 1184400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 106.3211 136.7809 409.1631 6945 0.002323 97.753 106.324 136.78 407.596 6947.204 0.003692 97.802 98.494 139.647 1079.268 5-3-2015 6:00:00 1188000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 106.1811 136.8225 4006.834 6945 0.002323 97.753 106.184 136.821 4005.265 6943.428 0.003693 97.804 98.428 139.681 4679.635 5-3-2015 7:00:00 1191600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 106.0411 136.864 1844.551 6945 0.002323 97.753 106.044 136.863 1842.976 6930.67 0.004921 97.811 85.876 139.725 2713.507 5-3-2015 8:00:00 1195200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 105.9012 136.9056 5442.222 6945 0.002323 97.753 105.905 136.905 5440.645 6934.508 0.002666 97.808 74.657 139.774 738.75 5-3-2015 9:00:00 1198800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 105.7612 136.9471 3279.939 6945 0.002323 97.753 105.765 136.946 3278.356 6947.033 0.003077 97.801 89.32 139.813 4108.204 5-3-2015 10:00:00 1202400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 105.6212 136.9887 1117.657 6945 0.002323 97.753 105.625 136.988 1116.066 6943.138 0.003099 97.804 88.305 139.847 1963.353 5-3-2015 11:00:00 1206000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 105.4812 137.0302 4715.327 6945 0.002323 97.753 105.485 137.029 4713.735 6930.609 0.002013 97.811 114.251 139.891 5132.847 5-3-2015 12:00:00 1209600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 105.3412 137.0718 2553.045 6945 0.002323 97.753 105.345 137.071 2551.446 6934.418 0.004341 97.808 105.537 139.94 3120.149 5-3-2015 13:00:00 1213200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 105.2012 137.1133 390.7622 6945 0.002323 97.753 105.205 137.112 389.157 6947.173 0.003689 97.801 97.846 139.979 1091.502 5-3-2015 14:00:00 1216800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 105.0612 137.1549 3988.433 6945 0.002323 97.753 105.065 137.154 3986.826 6943.345 0.003689 97.803 97.806 140.014 4691.412 5-3-2015 15:00:00 1220400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 104.9212 137.1964 1826.15 6945 0.002323 97.753 104.925 137.195 1824.537 6930.604 0.004932 97.81 85.411 140.057 2722.806 5-3-2015 16:00:00 1224000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 104.7813 137.238 5423.821 6945 0.002323 97.753 104.785 137.237 5422.206 6934.498 0.002689 97.808 73.789 140.106 754.58 5-3-2015 17:00:00 1227600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 104.6413 137.2795 3261.538 6945 0.002323 97.753 104.645 137.279 3259.917 6947.004 0.003084 97.801 88.425 140.146 4124.512 5-3-2015 18:00:00 1231200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 104.5013 137.3211 1099.256 6945 0.002323 97.753 104.505 137.32 1097.627 6943.053 0.003107 97.803 87.393 140.18 1979.959 5-3-2015 19:00:00 1234800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 104.3613 137.3626 4696.926 6945 0.002323 97.753 104.365 137.362 4695.296 6930.539 0.001992 97.81 112.956 140.224 5155.504 5-3-2015 20:00:00 1238400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 104.2213 137.4042 2534.644 6945 0.002323 97.753 104.225 137.403 2533.007 6934.406 0.004327 97.808 104.979 140.272 3131.162 5-3-2015 21:00:00 1242000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 104.0813 137.4457 372.3614 6945 0.002323 97.753 104.085 137.445 370.718 6947.144 0.003685 97.801 97.205 140.312 1103.924 5-3-2015 22:00:00 1245600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 103.9413 137.4873 3970.032 6945 0.002323 97.753 103.945 137.486 3968.387 6943.257 0.003685 97.803 97.195 140.346 4703.303 5-3-2015 23:00:00 1249200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 103.8013 137.5289 1807.749 6945 0.002323 97.753 103.805 137.528 1806.098 6930.536 0.004943 97.81 84.956 140.39 2732.258 6-3-2015 0:00:00 1252800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 103.6614 137.5704 5405.42 6945 0.002323 97.753 103.665 137.569 5403.767 6934.492 0.002712 97.808 72.934 140.439 770.493 6-3-2015 1:00:00 1256400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 103.5214 137.612 3243.137 6945 0.002323 97.753 103.525 137.611 3241.478 6946.979 0.003091 97.801 87.525 140.478 4141.228 6-3-2015 2:00:00 1260000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 103.3814 137.6535 1080.855 6945 0.002323 97.753 103.385 137.652 1079.188 6942.963 0.003115 97.803 86.47 140.512 1997.021 6-3-2015 3:00:00 1263600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 103.2414 137.6951 4678.525 6945 0.002323 97.753 103.245 137.694 4676.857 6930.467 0.001971 97.81 111.629 140.556 5178.961 6-3-2015 4:00:00 1267200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 103.1014 137.7366 2516.243 6945 0.002323 97.753 103.105 137.736 2514.568 6934.399 0.004311 97.808 104.423 140.605 3142.451 6-3-2015 5:00:00 1270800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 102.9614 137.7782 353.9605 6945 0.002323 97.753 102.965 137.777 352.279 6947.119 0.00368 97.8 96.571 140.644 1116.539 6-3-2015 6:00:00 1274400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 102.8214 137.8197 3951.631 6945 0.002323 97.753 102.825 137.819 3949.948 6943.163 0.003681 97.803 96.595 140.679 4715.307 6-3-2015 7:00:00 1278000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 102.6814 137.8613 1789.349 6945 0.002323 97.753 102.685 137.86 1787.659 6930.466 0.004953 97.81 84.51 140.723 2741.862 6-3-2015 8:00:00 1281600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 102.5415 137.9028 5387.019 6945 0.002323 97.753 102.545 137.902 5385.328 6934.493 0.002735 97.807 72.094 140.771 786.476 6-3-2015 9:00:00 1285200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 102.4015 137.9444 3224.737 6945 0.002323 97.753 102.405 137.943 3223.039 6946.956 0.003097 97.8 86.618 140.811 4158.344 6-3-2015 10:00:00 1288800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 102.2615 137.9859 1062.454 6945 0.002323 97.753 102.265 137.985 1060.749 6942.867 0.003124 97.802 85.539 140.845 2014.531 6-3-2015 11:00:00 1292400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 102.1215 138.0275 4660.125 6945 0.002323 97.753 102.125 138.026 4658.418 6930.392 0.00195 97.809 110.268 140.889 5203.267 6-3-2015 12:00:00 1296000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.9815 138.069 2497.842 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.985 138.068 2496.129 6934.397 0.004294 97.807 103.869 140.938 3154.027 6-3-2015 13:00:00 1299600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.8415 138.1106 335.5596 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.845 138.109 333.84 6947.095 0.003675 97.8 95.944 140.977 1129.353 6-3-2015 14:00:00 1303200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.7015 138.1521 3933.23 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.705 138.151 3931.509 6943.063 0.003675 97.802 96.006 141.011 4727.428 6-3-2015 15:00:00 1306800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.5615 138.1937 1770.948 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.565 138.193 1769.22 6930.392 0.004964 97.809 84.073 141.055 2751.613 6-3-2015 16:00:00 1310400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.4216 138.2352 5368.618 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.425 138.234 5366.889 6934.499 0.00276 97.807 71.269 141.104 802.516 6-3-2015 17:00:00 1314000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.2816 138.2768 3206.336 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.285 138.276 3204.6 6946.936 0.003105 97.8 85.706 141.143 4175.85 6-3-2015 18:00:00 1317600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.1416 138.3183 1044.053 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.145 138.317 1042.31 6942.766 0.003133 97.802 84.599 141.178 2032.478 6-3-2015 19:00:00 1321200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 101.0016 138.3599 4641.724 6945 0.002323 97.753 101.005 138.359 4639.979 6930.314 0.001928 97.809 108.869 141.222 5228.469 6-3-2015 20:00:00 1324800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 100.8616 138.4014 2479.441 6945 0.002323 97.753 100.865 138.4 2477.69 6934.401 0.004275 97.807 103.314 141.27 3165.898 6-3-2015 21:00:00 1328400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 100.7216 138.443 317.1587 6945 0.002323 97.753 100.725 138.442 315.401 6947.074 0.003669 97.8 95.322 141.31 1142.372 6-3-2015 22:00:00 1332000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 100.5816 138.4845 3914.829 6945 0.002323 97.753 100.585 138.483 3913.07 6942.958 0.003668 97.802 95.428 141.344 4739.667 6-3-2015 23:00:00 1335600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 100.4416 138.5261 1752.547 6945 0.002323 97.753 100.445 138.525 1750.781 6930.317 0.004974 97.809 83.646 141.388 2761.509 7-3-2015 0:00:00 1339200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 100.3017 138.5676 5350.217 6945 0.002323 97.753 100.305 138.567 5348.45 6934.511 0.002784 97.806 70.46 141.437 818.601 7-3-2015 1:00:00 1342800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 100.1617 138.6092 3187.935 6945 0.002323 97.753 100.165 138.608 3186.16 6946.919 0.003112 97.799 84.789 141.476 4193.738 7-3-2015 2:00:00 1346400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 100.0217 138.6507 1025.652 6945 0.002323 97.753 100.025 138.65 1023.871 6942.659 0.003142 97.802 83.651 141.51 2050.854 7-3-2015 3:00:00 1350000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 99.88169 138.6923 4623.323 6945 0.002323 97.753 99.885 138.691 4621.54 6930.234 0.001905 97.809 107.43 141.554 5254.619 7-3-2015 4:00:00 1353600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 99.7417 138.7338 2461.04 6945 0.002323 97.753 99.745 138.733 2459.251 6934.411 0.004256 97.806 102.76 141.603 3178.075 7-3-2015 5:00:00 1357200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 99.60171 138.7754 298.7578 6945 0.002323 97.753 99.606 138.774 296.962 6947.055 0.003662 97.799 94.706 141.642 1155.603
  • 38. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 38 7-3-2015 6:00:00 1360800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 99.46173 138.8169 3896.428 6945 0.002323 97.753 99.466 138.816 3894.631 6942.847 0.003661 97.801 94.861 141.677 4752.027 7-3-2015 7:00:00 1364400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 99.32174 138.8585 1734.146 6945 0.002323 97.753 99.326 138.857 1732.342 6930.239 0.004984 97.808 83.229 141.721 2771.547 7-3-2015 8:00:00 1368000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 99.18175 138.9 5331.816 6945 0.002323 97.753 99.186 138.899 5330.011 6934.529 0.00281 97.806 69.668 141.769 834.72 7-3-2015 9:00:00 1371600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 99.04176 138.9416 3169.534 6945 0.002323 97.753 99.046 138.94 3167.721 6946.903 0.00312 97.799 83.868 141.809 4211.994 7-3-2015 10:00:00 1375200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 98.90178 138.9831 1007.251 6945 0.002323 97.753 98.906 138.982 1005.432 6942.546 0.003152 97.801 82.695 141.843 2069.647 7-3-2015 11:00:00 1378800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 98.76179 139.0247 4604.922 6945 0.002323 97.753 98.766 139.024 4603.101 6930.152 0.001883 97.808 105.946 141.887 5281.77 7-3-2015 12:00:00 1382400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 98.6218 139.0662 2442.639 6945 0.002323 97.753 98.626 139.065 2440.812 6934.426 0.004234 97.806 102.205 141.936 3190.571 7-3-2015 13:00:00 1386000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 98.48181 139.1078 280.357 6945 0.002323 97.753 98.486 139.107 278.523 6947.038 0.003655 97.799 94.096 141.975 1169.051 7-3-2015 14:00:00 1389600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 98.34183 139.1493 3878.028 6945 0.002323 97.753 98.346 139.148 3876.192 6942.73 0.003653 97.801 94.305 142.009 4764.51 7-3-2015 15:00:00 1393200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 98.20184 139.1909 1715.745 6945 0.002323 97.753 98.206 139.19 1713.903 6930.159 0.004994 97.808 82.822 142.053 2781.723 7-3-2015 16:00:00 1396800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 98.06185 139.2324 5313.416 6945 0.002323 97.753 98.066 139.231 5311.572 6934.552 0.002836 97.806 68.894 142.102 850.861 7-3-2015 17:00:00 1400400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 97.92186 139.274 3151.133 6945 0.002323 97.753 97.926 139.273 3149.282 6946.891 0.003128 97.799 82.944 142.141 4230.607 7-3-2015 18:00:00 1404000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 97.78188 139.3155 988.8505 6945 0.002323 97.753 97.786 139.314 986.993 6942.428 0.003163 97.801 81.733 142.176 2088.845 7-3-2015 19:00:00 1407600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 97.64189 139.3571 4586.521 6945 0.002323 97.753 97.646 139.356 4584.662 6930.068 0.00186 97.808 104.414 142.22 5309.979 7-3-2015 20:00:00 1411200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 97.5019 139.3986 2424.239 6945 0.002323 97.753 97.506 139.397 2422.373 6934.447 0.004212 97.805 101.648 142.268 3203.397 7-3-2015 21:00:00 1414800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 97.36191 139.4402 261.9561 6945 0.002323 97.753 97.366 139.439 260.084 6947.023 0.003646 97.798 93.49 142.307 1182.726 7-3-2015 22:00:00 1418400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 97.22193 139.4817 3859.627 6945 0.002323 97.753 97.226 139.481 3857.753 6942.607 0.003644 97.801 93.76 142.342 4777.119 7-3-2015 23:00:00 1422000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 97.08194 139.5233 1697.344 6945 0.002323 97.753 97.086 139.522 1695.464 6930.076 0.005004 97.808 82.425 142.386 2792.034 8-3-2015 0:00:00 1425600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 96.94195 139.5648 5295.015 6945 0.002323 97.753 96.946 139.564 5293.133 6934.582 0.002862 97.805 68.138 142.435 867.015 8-3-2015 1:00:00 1429200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 96.80196 139.6064 3132.732 6945 0.002323 97.753 96.806 139.605 3130.843 6946.88 0.003136 97.798 82.017 142.474 4249.564 8-3-2015 2:00:00 1432800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 96.66198 139.6479 970.4497 6945 0.002323 97.753 96.666 139.647 968.554 6942.304 0.003174 97.801 80.764 142.508 2108.436 8-3-2015 3:00:00 1436400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 96.52199 139.6895 4568.12 6945 0.002323 97.753 96.526 139.688 4566.223 6929.981 0.001837 97.808 102.831 142.552 5339.3 8-3-2015 4:00:00 1440000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 96.382 139.731 2405.838 6945 0.002323 97.753 96.386 139.73 2403.934 6934.474 0.004187 97.805 101.089 142.601 3216.566 8-3-2015 5:00:00 1443600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 96.24201 139.7726 243.5552 6945 0.002323 97.753 96.246 139.771 241.645 6947.01 0.003637 97.798 92.889 142.64 1196.636 8-3-2015 6:00:00 1447200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 96.10203 139.8141 3841.226 6945 0.002323 97.753 96.106 139.813 3839.314 6942.478 0.003634 97.8 93.225 142.675 4789.856 8-3-2015 7:00:00 1450800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 95.96204 139.8557 1678.943 6945 0.002323 97.753 95.966 139.854 1677.025 6929.992 0.005013 97.807 82.038 142.719 2802.477 8-3-2015 8:00:00 1454400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 95.82205 139.8973 5276.614 6945 0.002323 97.753 95.826 139.896 5274.694 6934.617 0.002889 97.805 67.4 142.767 883.17 8-3-2015 9:00:00 1458000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 95.68206 139.9388 3114.331 6945 0.002323 97.753 95.686 139.938 3112.404 6946.871 0.003145 97.798 81.089 142.806 4268.85 8-3-2015 10:00:00 1461600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 95.54208 139.9804 952.0488 6945 0.002323 97.753 95.546 139.979 950.115 6942.174 0.003186 97.8 79.791 142.841 2128.405 8-3-2015 11:00:00 1465200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 95.40209 140.0219 4549.719 6945 0.002323 97.753 95.406 140.021 4547.784 6929.893 0.001814 97.807 101.194 142.885 5369.79 8-3-2015 12:00:00 1468800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 95.2621 140.0635 2387.437 6945 0.002323 97.753 95.266 140.062 2385.495 6934.507 0.004162 97.805 100.527 142.934 3230.093 8-3-2015 13:00:00 1472400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 95.12211 140.105 225.1543 6945 0.002323 97.753 95.126 140.104 223.206 6946.999 0.003627 97.797 92.291 142.973 1210.791 8-3-2015 14:00:00 1476000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.98213 140.1466 3822.825 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.986 140.145 3820.875 6942.343 0.003622 97.8 92.7 143.007 4802.726 8-3-2015 15:00:00 1479600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.84214 140.1881 1660.542 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.846 140.187 1658.586 6929.906 0.005022 97.807 81.662 143.052 2813.05 8-3-2015 16:00:00 1483200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.70215 140.2297 5258.213 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.706 140.228 5256.255 6934.658 0.002917 97.804 66.682 143.1 899.317 8-3-2015 17:00:00 1486800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.56216 140.2712 3095.93 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.566 140.27 3093.965 6946.864 0.003154 97.797 80.16 143.139 4288.451 8-3-2015 18:00:00 1490400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.42218 140.3128 933.6479 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.426 140.312 931.676 6942.038 0.003198 97.8 78.814 143.174 2148.737 8-3-2015 19:00:00 1494000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.28219 140.3543 4531.318 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.286 140.353 4529.345 6929.803 0.001791 97.807 99.498 143.218 5401.504 8-3-2015 20:00:00 1497600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.1422 140.3959 2369.036 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.146 140.395 2367.056 6934.545 0.004135 97.804 99.96 143.266 3243.993 8-3-2015 21:00:00 1501200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 94.00221 140.4374 206.7535 6945 0.002323 97.753 94.006 140.436 204.767 6946.989 0.003616 97.797 91.696 143.305 1225.2 8-3-2015 22:00:00 1504800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 93.86223 140.479 3804.424 6945 0.002323 97.753 93.866 140.478 3802.436 6942.202 0.00361 97.8 92.185 143.34 4815.733 8-3-2015 23:00:00 1508400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 93.72224 140.5205 1642.141 6945 0.002323 97.753 93.726 140.519 1640.147 6929.819 0.005031 97.807 81.297 143.384 2823.749 9-3-2015 0:00:00 1512000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 93.58225 140.5621 5239.812 6945 0.002323 97.753 93.586 140.561 5237.816 6934.706 0.002945 97.804 65.984 143.433 915.448 9-3-2015 1:00:00 1515600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 93.44226 140.6036 3077.53 6945 0.002323 97.753 93.447 140.602 3075.526 6946.859 0.003163 97.797 79.231 143.472 4308.351 9-3-2015 2:00:00 1519200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 93.30228 140.6452 915.247 6945 0.002323 97.753 93.307 140.644 913.237 6941.896 0.003211 97.8 77.833 143.506 2169.416 9-3-2015 3:00:00 1522800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 93.16229 140.6867 4512.918 6945 0.002323 97.753 93.167 140.685 4510.906 6929.712 0.001769 97.806 97.741 143.551 5434.497 9-3-2015 4:00:00 1526400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 93.0223 140.7283 2350.635 6945 0.002323 97.753 93.027 140.727 2348.617 6934.59 0.004107 97.804 99.388 143.599 3258.281 9-3-2015 5:00:00 1530000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 92.88231 140.7698 188.3526 6945 0.002323 97.753 92.887 140.769 186.328 6946.98 0.003604 97.797 91.103 143.638 1239.875 9-3-2015 6:00:00 1533600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 92.74233 140.8114 3786.023 6945 0.002323 97.753 92.747 140.81 3783.997 6942.055 0.003597 97.799 91.68 143.673 4828.881 9-3-2015 7:00:00 1537200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 92.60234 140.8529 1623.741 6945 0.002323 97.753 92.607 140.852 1621.707 6929.73 0.005039 97.806 80.943 143.717 2834.573 9-3-2015 8:00:00 1540800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 92.46235 140.8945 5221.411 6945 0.002323 97.753 92.467 140.893 5219.377 6934.759 0.002973 97.803 65.306 143.766 931.555 9-3-2015 9:00:00 1544400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 92.32236 140.936 3059.129 6945 0.002323 97.753 92.327 140.935 3057.087 6946.855 0.003173 97.796 78.304 143.804 4328.532 9-3-2015 10:00:00 1548000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 92.18238 140.9776 896.8462 6945 0.002323 97.753 92.187 140.976 894.798 6941.748 0.003225 97.799 76.851 143.839 2190.423 9-3-2015 11:00:00 1551600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 92.04239 141.0191 4494.517 6945 0.002323 97.753 92.047 141.018 4492.467 6929.619 0.001747 97.806 95.92 143.883 5468.819 9-3-2015 12:00:00 1555200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 91.9024 141.0607 2332.234 6945 0.002323 97.753 91.907 141.059 2330.178 6934.641 0.004077 97.803 98.81 143.932 3272.976 9-3-2015 13:00:00 1558800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 91.76241 141.1022 169.9517 6945 0.002323 97.753 91.767 141.101 167.889 6946.972 0.003592 97.796 90.512 143.97 1254.828
  • 39. AE5032 Astrodinamika Lanjut Tugas 2 Sayogyo RD (13611046) 39 9-3-2015 14:00:00 1562400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 91.62243 141.1438 3767.622 6945 0.002323 97.753 91.627 141.142 3765.558 6941.901 0.003582 97.799 91.184 144.005 4842.176 9-3-2015 15:00:00 1566000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 91.48244 141.1853 1605.34 6945 0.002323 97.753 91.487 141.184 1603.268 6929.64 0.005046 97.806 80.6 144.05 2845.518 9-3-2015 16:00:00 1569600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 91.34245 141.2269 5203.01 6945 0.002323 97.753 91.347 141.226 5200.938 6934.819 0.003001 97.803 64.65 144.098 947.63 9-3-2015 17:00:00 1573200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 91.20246 141.2684 3040.728 6945 0.002323 97.753 91.207 141.267 3038.648 6946.853 0.003184 97.796 77.38 144.137 4348.978 9-3-2015 18:00:00 1576800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 91.06248 141.31 878.4453 6945 0.002323 97.753 91.067 141.309 876.359 6941.593 0.00324 97.799 75.868 144.172 2211.741 9-3-2015 19:00:00 1580400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 90.92249 141.3515 4476.116 6945 0.002323 97.753 90.927 141.35 4474.028 6929.526 0.001725 97.806 94.03 144.216 5504.516 9-3-2015 20:00:00 1584000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 90.7825 141.3931 2313.833 6945 0.002323 97.753 90.787 141.392 2311.739 6934.698 0.004046 97.803 98.224 144.265 3288.095 9-3-2015 21:00:00 1587600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 90.64251 141.4346 151.5508 6945 0.002323 97.753 90.647 141.433 149.45 6946.966 0.003578 97.796 89.922 144.303 1270.072 9-3-2015 22:00:00 1591200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 90.50253 141.4762 3749.221 6945 0.002323 97.753 90.507 141.475 3747.119 6941.741 0.003566 97.799 90.696 144.338 4855.622 9-3-2015 23:00:00 1594800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 90.36254 141.5177 1586.939 6945 0.002323 97.753 90.367 141.516 1584.829 6929.548 0.005053 97.805 80.268 144.382 2856.582 10-3-2015 0:00:00 1598400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 90.22255 141.5593 5184.609 6945 0.002323 97.753 90.227 141.558 5182.499 6934.885 0.003029 97.802 64.015 144.431 963.665 10-3-2015 1:00:00 1602000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 90.08256 141.6008 3022.327 6945 0.002323 97.753 90.087 141.6 3020.209 6946.851 0.003195 97.796 76.459 144.47 4369.668 10-3-2015 2:00:00 1605600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 89.94258 141.6424 860.0444 6945 0.002323 97.753 89.947 141.641 857.92 6941.433 0.003256 97.799 74.885 144.504 2233.35 10-3-2015 3:00:00 1609200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 89.80259 141.6839 4457.715 6945 0.002323 97.753 89.807 141.683 4455.589 6929.431 0.001705 97.805 92.071 144.549 5541.625 10-3-2015 4:00:00 1612800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 89.6626 141.7255 2295.432 6945 0.002323 97.753 89.667 141.724 2293.3 6934.761 0.004014 97.802 97.63 144.597 3303.659 10-3-2015 5:00:00 1616400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 89.52261 141.767 133.1499 6945 0.002323 97.753 89.527 141.766 131.011 6946.959 0.003563 97.795 89.332 144.636 1285.621 10-3-2015 6:00:00 1620000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 89.38263 141.8086 3730.82 6945 0.002323 97.753 89.387 141.807 3728.68 6941.575 0.003549 97.798 90.218 144.671 4869.228 10-3-2015 7:00:00 1623600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 89.24264 141.8501 1568.538 6945 0.002323 97.753 89.247 141.849 1566.39 6929.456 0.005059 97.805 79.948 144.715 2867.763 10-3-2015 8:00:00 1627200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 89.10265 141.8917 5166.209 6945 0.002323 97.753 89.107 141.89 5164.06 6934.957 0.003058 97.802 63.401 144.764 979.656 10-3-2015 9:00:00 1630800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 88.96266 141.9332 3003.926 6945 0.002323 97.753 88.967 141.932 3001.77 6946.85 0.003206 97.795 75.542 144.802 4390.586 10-3-2015 10:00:00 1634400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 88.82268 141.9748 841.6435 6945 0.002323 97.753 88.827 141.973 839.481 6941.266 0.003273 97.798 73.904 144.837 2255.229 10-3-2015 11:00:00 1638000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 88.68269 142.0163 4439.314 6945 0.002323 97.753 88.687 142.015 4437.15 6929.336 0.001686 97.805 90.04 144.882 5580.176 10-3-2015 12:00:00 1641600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 88.5427 142.0579 2277.032 6945 0.002323 97.753 88.547 142.057 2274.861 6934.83 0.00398 97.802 97.026 144.93 3319.689 10-3-2015 13:00:00 1645200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 88.40271 142.0994 114.7491 6945 0.002323 97.753 88.407 142.098 112.572 6946.954 0.003547 97.795 88.741 144.968 1301.49 10-3-2015 14:00:00 1648800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 88.26273 142.141 3712.42 6945 0.002323 97.753 88.267 142.14 3710.241 6941.402 0.00353 97.798 89.747 145.003 4883 10-3-2015 15:00:00 1652400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 88.12274 142.1825 1550.137 6945 0.002323 97.753 88.127 142.181 1547.951 6929.364 0.005065 97.805 79.639 145.048 2879.06 10-3-2015 16:00:00 1656000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.98275 142.2241 5147.808 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.987 142.223 5145.621 6935.036 0.003087 97.801 62.81 145.096 995.597 10-3-2015 17:00:00 1659600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.84276 142.2657 2985.525 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.847 142.264 2983.331 6946.85 0.003218 97.795 74.632 145.135 4411.71 10-3-2015 18:00:00 1663200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.70278 142.3072 823.2426 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.707 142.306 821.042 6941.094 0.003291 97.798 72.926 145.17 2277.356 10-3-2015 19:00:00 1666800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.56279 142.3488 4420.913 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.567 142.347 4418.711 6929.24 0.001667 97.804 87.937 145.214 5620.186 10-3-2015 20:00:00 1670400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.4228 142.3903 2258.631 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.427 142.389 2256.422 6934.906 0.003945 97.801 96.411 145.263 3336.206 10-3-2015 21:00:00 1674000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.28281 142.4319 96.34818 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.288 142.43 94.133 6946.948 0.003531 97.794 88.147 145.301 1317.695 10-3-2015 22:00:00 1677600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.14283 142.4734 3694.019 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.148 142.472 3691.802 6941.222 0.00351 97.798 89.284 145.336 4896.947 10-3-2015 23:00:00 1681200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 87.00284 142.515 1531.736 6945 0.002323 97.753 87.008 142.514 1529.512 6929.271 0.005069 97.804 79.342 145.381 2890.471 11-3-2015 0:00:00 1684800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 86.86285 142.5565 5129.407 6945 0.002323 97.753 86.868 142.555 5127.182 6935.121 0.003116 97.801 62.242 145.429 1011.483 11-3-2015 1:00:00 1688400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 86.72286 142.5981 2967.124 6945 0.002323 97.753 86.728 142.597 2964.892 6946.851 0.00323 97.794 73.73 145.468 4433.02 11-3-2015 2:00:00 1692000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 86.58288 142.6396 804.8418 6945 0.002323 97.753 86.588 142.638 802.603 6940.914 0.003309 97.798 71.953 145.502 2299.708 11-3-2015 3:00:00 1695600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 86.44289 142.6812 4402.512 6945 0.002323 97.753 86.448 142.68 4400.272 6929.145 0.001651 97.804 85.76 145.547 5661.657 11-3-2015 4:00:00 1699200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 86.3029 142.7227 2240.23 6945 0.002323 97.753 86.308 142.721 2237.983 6934.988 0.003908 97.801 95.782 145.596 3353.236 11-3-2015 5:00:00 1702800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 86.16291 142.7643 77.9473 6945 0.002323 97.753 86.168 142.763 75.694 6946.942 0.003513 97.794 87.551 145.634 1334.255 11-3-2015 6:00:00 1706400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 86.02293 142.8058 3675.618 6945 0.002323 97.753 86.028 142.804 3673.363 6941.036 0.003489 97.797 88.827 145.669 4911.078 11-3-2015 7:00:00 1710000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 85.88294 142.8474 1513.335 6945 0.002323 97.753 85.888 142.846 1511.073 6929.177 0.005073 97.804 79.057 145.714 2901.995 11-3-2015 8:00:00 1713600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 85.74295 142.8889 5111.006 6945 0.002323 97.753 85.748 142.887 5108.743 6935.213 0.003144 97.8 61.696 145.762 1027.31 11-3-2015 9:00:00 1717200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 85.60296 142.9305 2948.723 6945 0.002323 97.753 85.608 142.929 2946.453 6946.851 0.003243 97.794 72.836 145.8 4454.496 11-3-2015 10:00:00 1720800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 85.46298 142.972 786.4409 6945 0.002323 97.753 85.468 142.971 784.164 6940.728 0.003329 97.797 70.986 145.835 2322.262 11-3-2015 11:00:00 1724400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 85.32299 143.0136 4384.111 6945 0.002323 97.753 85.328 143.012 4381.833 6929.05 0.001636 97.804 83.512 145.88 5704.573 11-3-2015 12:00:00 1728000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 85.183 143.0551 2221.829 6945 0.002323 97.753 85.188 143.054 2219.544 6935.077 0.003871 97.8 95.139 145.928 3370.804 11-3-2015 13:00:00 1731600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 85.04301 143.0967 59.54642 6945 0.002323 97.753 85.048 143.095 57.254 6946.936 0.003494 97.794 86.95 145.966 1351.187 11-3-2015 14:00:00 1735200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 84.90303 143.1382 3657.217 6945 0.002323 97.753 84.908 143.137 3654.924 6940.843 0.003466 97.797 88.377 146.001 4925.404 11-3-2015 15:00:00 1738800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 84.76304 143.1798 1494.934 6945 0.002323 97.753 84.768 143.178 1492.634 6929.084 0.005075 97.803 78.784 146.046 2913.631 11-3-2015 16:00:00 1742400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 84.62305 143.2213 5092.605 6945 0.002323 97.753 84.628 143.22 5090.304 6935.312 0.003173 97.8 61.173 146.095 1043.076 11-3-2015 17:00:00 1746000 6945 0.002323 97.7531 84.48306 143.2629 2930.322 6945 0.002323 97.753 84.488 143.261 2928.014 6946.851 0.003256 97.793 71.951 146.133 4476.117 11-3-2015 18:00:00 1749600 6945 0.002323 97.7531 84.34308 143.3044 768.04 6945 0.002323 97.753 84.348 143.303 765.725 6940.536 0.00335 97.797 70.026 146.168 2344.993 11-3-2015 19:00:00 1753200 6945 0.002323 97.7531 84.20309 143.346 4365.711 6945 0.002323 97.753 84.208 143.345 4363.394 6928.955 0.001623 97.803 81.194 146.213 8.889 11-3-2015 20:00:00 1756800 6945 0.002323 97.7531 84.0631 143.3875 2203.428 6945 0.002323 97.753 84.068 143.386 2201.105 6935.173 0.003832 97.8 94.481 146.261 3388.937 11-3-2015 21:00:00 1760400 6945 0.002323 97.7531 83.92311 143.4291 41.14554 6945 0.002323 97.753 83.928 143.428 38.815 6946.93 0.003475 97.793 86.344 146.299 1368.513