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Building Digital Marketing
Measurement Systems
Russ Merz, Ph.D.
Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
Research Scientist and Analytics Consultant
The	Center	for	Digital	Engagement	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
§  Why	do	Digital	Marketers	Need	Measurement	
§  How	Are	Measurement	Systems	Built?		
§  What	are	the	Important	Parts	of	Each	Stage	in	the	
§  What	is	the	Role	of	Digital	MarkeKng	Technology?	
The	Center	for	Digital	Engagement	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
“If	you	don’t	measure	it,	you	can’t	manage	it”	
•  OK,	everybody	has	heard	this	trite	phrase,…is	it	true?		
•  If	it	is,	then	it	is	only	a	necessary	condiKon,	not	a	sufficient	one…because,	
“What	you	choose	to	measure	has	a	huge	influence	on	the	nature	of	your	
•  Sounds	good,	but	is	it?		
•  SomeKmes	managers	will	measure	the	things	they	manage,	which	might	be		good,	
but	only	if	they	are	measuring	the	right	things?		
•  If	they	aren’t,	then	they	will	become	what	they	measure	and	probably	make	bad	
decisions…so	then,	
“What	you	choose	to	measure,	and	the	quality	of	the	measures	used,	affects	
the	financial	yield	of	your	management	efforts	and	your	business”	
•  Now	this	sounds	beTer	because	quality	measures	are	Ked	to	an	outcome…but,		
•  Do	you	know	how	to	do	it?		
Why	do	Digital	Marketers	Need	
Measurement	Systems?	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
How	Are	Measurement	Systems	Built?	
The	process	for	building	digital	markeKng	measurement	systems	(DMMS)	can	be	
summarized	in	terms	of	four	key	steps:		
Design Develop DeployDiagnose
The	goal	here	is	to	
understand	how	the	
business	is	using	
digital	markeKng	to	
achieve	desired	
•  What	is	the	digital	
markeKng	strategy	
•  What	assumpKons	are	
being	made?		
•  How	are	acKons	and	
results	currently	
•  Who	are	the	audiences?	
•  What	are	the	SWOTs?		
Revise	and	modify	the	
exisKng	measurement	
system	by:		
•  IdenKfying	business	
goals	for	each	digital	
markeKng	strategy,		
•  Mapping	goals	to	KPIs,	
•  Se[ng	target	
performance	levels	for	
each	KPI	metric,		
•  Specifying	how	KPIs	are	
related	(“cause	and	
•  Determine	how	metrics	
will	be	sourced	and	
•  PrioriKzing	audience	
Implement	the	
measurement	plan	by:	
•  CollecKng	the	relevant	
metrics	from	data	
•  Organizing	and	
classifying	metrics	
according	to	role	in	data	
•  ConducKng	iniKal	
analysis	required	by	
•  Assess	reliability	and	
make	changes	as	needed,	
•  Perform	analysis	by	
segments	as	needed.		
Report	findings	and	
communicate	insights	
•  Making	formal	
presentaKons	of	the	
results	to	key	
•  CreaKng	customized	
manager	tools	such	as	
dashboards,	scorecards,	
or	calculators,	
•  Showing	how	results	can	
be	used	to	improve	
decision	making,	
•  IdenKfy	areas	for	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
Diagnose	the	Digital	MarkeKng	Strategy	
A	good	starKng	point	for	diagnosing	the	digital	markeKng	strategy	of	a	business	is	to		
compare	the	business’s	strategy	against	a	norma&ve	model	like	the	generic	version	below.	
Use	the	comparison	to	idenKfy	what	is	present,	and	what	is	missing,	from	the	digital	
markeKng	strategy	being	evaluated.	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
Diagnose	the	Digital	MarkeKng	Strategy	
TIP:	Some	templates	for	various	
types	of	digital	markeKng	
strategy	models	can	be	found	in	
digital	publicaKons.	They	can	be	
useful	as	starKng	points	for	
For	example,	this	framework	
from	Search	Engine	Watch	
presents	a	systemaKc	plan	for	
building	a	social	media	strategy	
measurement	plan.		
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
Design	the	Measurement	System	
Aher	the	digital	markeKng	strategy	model	is	mapped	out,	then	the	next	step	is	to	designate	
the	measurement	tac&cs	to	be	used.	Here’s	an	example	of	an	approach	primarily	intended	
for	public	relaKons	pracKKoners	developed	by	the	Associa&on	for	the	Measurement	and	
Evalua&on	of	Communica&on	(AMEC:	It		consists	of	the	five	
communicaKon	effects	shown	below.	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
Examples	of	Metrics	that	can	be	used	for	each	model	stage	and	type	of	media.	
Social	Media	Metrics	 Website	Metrics	
Design	the	Measurement	System	Design
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
TIP:	Use	a	worksheet	to	organize	your	planning.	Here’s	a	useful	one	from	AMEC.	
Design	the	Measurement	System	Design
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
•  AnalyKcs	are	metrics	and	models	that	
provide	acKonable	insight.	
•  Metrics	are	measurements	
represenKng	performance	levels	of	
important	variables	to	an	
organizaKon	(KPIs).	They	are	used	to	
monitor	situaKons	and	diagnose	
problems.	The	dashboard	in	your	car	
is	an	analogy.	
•  Models	are	tools	that	combine	
metrics	to	aid	managers	in	making	
decisions.	They	simplify	and	
represent	the	real	world	along	a	
dimension	of	interest	(e.g.	customer	
experience).	An	analogy	might	be	a	
GPS	system	in	your	car.		
•  Both	Metrics	and	Models	are	needed	
for	Insight.		
(Measures,	KPIs)	
(Decision	Tools)	
AcKonable	Insight	
AnalyKcs-Based	Measurement	Systems	
Combine	Metrics	with	Models	to	Generate	
AcKonable	Insights	for	BeOer	Decision	Making	
Metrics	+	Models	=	Insight	
Design	the	Measurement	System	Develop
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016	
Adapted	from:	Sorger,	Stephan	(2013)	MarkeKng	
AnalyKcs:	Strategic	Models	and	Metrics
•  Can	be	“Hard”	(observable/countable)	
ü  Financials,	units	sold,	clicks,	page	
views,	bounce	rates,	etc.	
•  Can	be	“Soh”	(unobservable)	
ü  Measures	on	a	survey	
ü  Scaled	
–  Nominal/Categorical	(e.g.,	gender)	
–  Ordinal	(GT	or	LT)	
–  Interval	
–  RaKo	
ü  Open-ended	
•  Ohen	Displayed	in	Dashboards	
ü  Grouped	and	Color	coded	
ü  AutomaKcally	updated	
•  Provide	performance	insight	
ü  Monitored	and	tracked	
•  Have	Different	“Styles”	
ü  Verbal		
ü  Pictorial	
ü  MathemaKcal	
•  Have	Different	“Forms”	
ü  DescripKve/ComparaKve	
ü  PredicKve	
ü  NormaKve	
•  Can	be	“Built”	with		
ü  InducKve	methods	(data	determines	
theory),	or,	
ü  DeducKve	methods	(theory	
determines	data)	
•  Require	at	least,		
ü  One	dependent	and	one	independent	
variable	[	Y	=	ƒ(X)	]	
Necessary,	But	Not	Sufficient	 Required	for	Decision-Making	Value	
Design	the	Measurement	System	Develop
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016	
Adapted	from:	Sorger,	Stephan	(2013)	MarkeKng	
AnalyKcs:	Strategic	Models	and	Metrics
Design	the	Measurement	System	Develop
TIP:	The	value	of	the	
insight	created	from	the	
measurement	system	is	
largely	a	funcKon	of	the	
types	of	models	used.	
Measurement	systems	
that	integrate	metrics	
into	wholisKc	views	of	
strategy	performance	
are	more	useful	for	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
The	integraKon	of	metrics	has	gone	
through	at	least	three	phases	of	
ü  Phase	1:		Dials	on	a	Dashboard—good,	
but	not	true	integraKon,	it	only	
integrates	metrics	by	presenKng	them	
side	by	side.	
ü  Phase	2:	Trend	line	comparisons—
beOer,	because	it	incorporates	a	
temporal	perspecKve	of	changes	in	
metric	values.	
ü  Phase	3:	Quan:fied	Rela:onships—
best,	because	it	computes	a	
mathemaKcal	value	for	the	“cause	and	
effect”	relaKonship	between	metrics.	
Satisfaction, On-Line Purchase Intentions and Revenues over Time
Weekly Revenue Dates
Lagged %ChngPOL Lagged %ChngSAT %ChngREV
Design	the	Measurement	System	Develop
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
Design	the	Measurement	System	Develop
The	central	tasks	in	designing	a	measurement	system	are:	(1)	determining	the	metrics	to	
be	used,	(2)	idenKfying	the	role	of	the	metrics,	and	(3)	specifying	the	“cause	and	effect”	
pathways	between	the	metrics	(if	any).	This	“hypotheKcal	model”	forms	the	basis	for	the	
development	of	the	measurement	system.	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
Example:	A	soh	drink	brand	wanted	to	know	if	the	
traffic	generated	by	the	a	branded	“naKve	ad”	based	
website	as	measured	by	Google	AnalyKcs	would	
affect	the	volume	of	social	media	conversaKons	
related	to	the	“NaKve	Ad”,	across	a	specified	Kme	
DescripKve	Analysis	of	the	Data:	The	
correlaKon	matrix	showed	the	direcKon	of	the	
relaKonships	between	the	predictor	and	target		
variable	sets.		
Design	the	Measurement	System	Develop
PredicKve	Modeling	Results:	The	results	
supported	the	hypothesized	relaKonships	
between	the	branded	“naKve	ad”	campaign	
and	social	media	conversa&ons	related	to	
the	campaign.		
•  The	results	demonstrated	a	significant	
impact	of	Google	AnalyKcs	metrics	onto	
all	three	sets	of	brand	related	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
Design	the	Measurement	System	Develop
Example:	XXX	soda	wanted	to	know	if	social	media	
conversaKon	topics	related	to	the	psychographic	
characterisKcs	of	potenKal	XXX	users	could	predict	
(1)	XXX	brand	related	conversaKons,	and	(2)	XXX	
website	traffic,	using	120	4-hour	Kme	periods.	
PredicKve	Modeling	Results:	The	results	
showed	that	the	psychographic	topics	
were	predicKve	of	the	specific	XXX	brand	
related	conversaKons,	and	moderately	
predicKve	of	website	traffic.	In	addiKon,	
XXX	brand	conversaKons	were	are	also	
jointly	predicKve	of	website	traffic.		
DescripKve	StaKsKcs:	The	summary	
staKsKcs	of	the	data	used	in	the	analysis	
show	relaKve	sizes	of	the	counts	for	
each	metric.	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016	
Design	the	Measurement	System	Deploy
Deploying	the	measurement	system	is	the	structuring	and	organiza&on	of	the	metrics	and	
modeling	results	so	that	they	facilitate	digital	markeKng	decision	making.		
ü  Transforming	data	to	informa&on	is	sufficient	for	monitoring	performance	levels.		
ü  But,	if	the	measurement	system	will	be	used	for	prioriKzing	changes	and	allocaKng	resources,	then	
knowledge	about	how	changes	in	one	or	more	metrics	affects	another	metric	is	necessary.	
ü  Thus	the	managerial	uses	of	the	measurement	system	determine	the	type	of	deployment.	
Raw	Data	
about	Cause	
and	Effect	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
Dashboards	are	useful	tools	for	
presenKng	descripKve	or	comparaKve	
analysis	results.	
ü  Dashboards	are	basically	reporKng	
and	monitoring	tools	that	allow	the	
display	of	various	website	metrics	or	
Key	Performance	Indicators	(KPIs).	
ü  They	do	not	show	the	user	how	
changes	in	one	metric	effects	
changes	in	another	metric.	
ü  It	is	up	to	the	user	to	make	
connecKons	between	metrics	based	
on	observaKon	rather	than	
quanKtaKve	methods.	
ü  There	are	many	vendors	providing	
SaaS	based	dashboards	that	allow	
you	to	decide	what	to	display,	when	
the	metrics	are	displayed,	and	how	
the	metrics	are	organized	by	using	
special	widgets.	
Design	the	Measurement	System	Deploy
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
Key	Success	Indicator	(KSI)	"What	if"	Calculator
Change PW Online Subscriptions
72423 979 Activity Cost Savings
235,375.64$ Change PW 3.25$
5,248.41$ Newsletter Enrollments 2.75$
Online Registrations Online Purchase Plan CSI 2,446.92$ Online Subscriptions 2.50$
175000 2537 0.88 2,836.65$ Balance Transfers 4.25$
Weekly Enrollments Resulting from
245,907.63$ Weekly Total Savings less call center
and mail service
1909 667
Newsletter Account Transfers
Enter the desired
values in the blue
When	knowledge	is	needed	to	inform	the	decision	maker	about	how	changes	in	metric	
performance	is	needed	then	“what	if”	tools	can	be	built	to	embody	the	analysis	results.	
ü  For	instance	this	online	banking	client	wanted	to	know	what	total	customer	service	
cost	savings	would	be	realized	under	different	online	registraKon	scenarios	and	with	
different	cost	savings	per	online	acKon.	
Design	the	Measurement	System	Deploy
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
Based	on	the	modeling	
results	a	“what	if”	
calculaKon	tool	was	built	for	
an	ecommerce	client.	
ü  It	demonstrates	the	
changes	in	conversion	
levels	that	can	occur	with	
changes	in	website	
customer	saKsfacKon.	
ü  The	examples	show	the	
effects	of	a	5	point	gain	in	
saKsfacKon	(65	to	70)	on	
the	rest	of	the	variables	in	
the	causal	network.		
Design	the	Measurement	System	Deploy
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
The	Role	of	MarkeKng	Technology	in	DMMS		
Back-End	Data	
Refining	or	
User	Interface	
Can	the	capabiliKes	to	build	out	a	digital	markeKng	measurement	system	(DMMS)	be	
purchased	off-the-shelf	from	a	vendor?	
ü  The	recent	explosion	in	the	number	of	marke&ng	technology	providers	allow	companies	to	create	
a	so-called	marke&ng	stack	to	provide	the	basic	components	of	a	digital	markeKng	measurement	
ü  Three	basic	sub-plavorms	would	be	needed	and	can	be	purchased	from	various	vendors.	
Cloud-based	data	
storage	and	
processing	tools;	
in	PaaS,	IaaS,	
Data	analysis	and	
modeling	tools;	
R,	SAS,	SPSS,	etc.	
in	SaaP	form	
ReporKng	and	
tools;	Excel,	
iDashboard,	in	
SaaP	form	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
MarkeKng	Technology	Landscape	
Unfortunately,	this	will	not	be	an	easy	task	given	the	mindboggling	number	of	vendors.	
According	to	ScoT	Brinker	at	,	as	of	March	2016	there	are	currently	3874	
markeKng	technology	(MarTech)	soluKons1—expanding	from	only	150	in	2011!		
Source:	hIp://	
1	SoluKons	do	not	equal	companies,	some	companies	are	in	mulKple	categories.	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
MarkeKng	Technology	Landscape	
They	can	be	roughly	organized	into	six	MarTech	capability	categories,	each	with	a	
number	of	sub-categories—represenKng	a	overwhelming	number	of	players	and	choices.	
Source:	hIp://	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016
Summary	and	QuesKons	
This	presentaKon	has	aTempted	to	provide	you	with	a	brief	overview	of	a	generic	process	
for	building	out	a	digital	markeKng	measurement	system	(DMMS).	
•  The	process	as	described	is	composed	of	four	basic	stages:	
ü  Diagnoses—the	determinaKon	of	the	underlying	digital	markeKng	strategy	model	to	be	
ü  Design—the	idenKficaKon	of	the	metrics	necessary	for	understanding	how	well	the	strategy	is	
ü  Develop—the	applicaKon	of	analysis	tools	for	calculaKng	the	values	of	the	metrics,	and	
impacts	of	those	metrics,	related	to	key	outcomes	expected	from	the	digital	markeKng	
strategy	measured;	and,	
ü  Deploy—the	idenKficaKon	of	appropriate	presentaKon	methods	for	insuring	appropriate	levels	
of	communicaKon	and	usage	of	the	DMMS	by	decision	makers.	
Any	QuesKons?	
©		Russ	Merz,	Ph.	D.,	2016

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