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Research Methods in Psychology
The Effectiveness of Psychodynamic Therapy on
Childhood Abused Victims.
Annotate Bibliography
Nickel, R., & Egle, U. T. (2005). Influence of childhood
adversities and defense styles on the 1-year follow-up of
psychosomatic- psychotherapeutic inpatient
treatment. Psychotherapy Research, 15(4), 483-494.
This study was conducted to examine childhood abused victims'
quality of life before treatment, and after treatment. A
multimodal psychodynamic group concept was used to treat 138
patients for an average of 80.4 days. In order, to properly
develop a comparison, clinical examiners interviewed each
patient before the start to their in-patient program to diagnose
each individual, and have therapy goals for them. The
questionnaires that were used to measure quality of life targeted
the patient's social life health, general health, emotional and
physical functioning. The patients were all re-assessed after one
year had passed by, to examine any changes in their quality of
life. It was revealed that the patients' mental quality of life had
improved by more than one standard deviation. Their physical
quality of life improved just less than one standard deviation.
Baker, V., & Sheldon, H. (2007). 'The Light at the End of the
Tunnel': Issues of Hope and Loss in Endings with Survivors
Groups. Group Analysis, 40(3), 404-416.
In this article, a previous study was mentioned in which
childhood abuse survivors were treated for 20 sessions. The
authors of this article agreed that 20 sessions of treatment for
childhood abuse survivors isn't enough for them to develop a
secure attachment to the group. This study explores whether
childhood abuse victims can benefit from treatment by being
treated for a longer period. Seven group members of ages 23-55
were treated for 52 sessions, over a period of 13 months. All of
the members in this group are women, and they had all been
sexually abused in their childhood by a family member. They
followed a psychodynamic, time-limited closed group therapy,
in which they all benefited somewhat. However, many of the
members expressed anxiety of leting go, and not being able to
move on after the group ended.
Foa, E. (2009). Psychodynamic Therapy for Child Trauma.
Retrieved from
The authors of this article discuss the efficacy of
pyshcodynamic methods on childhood abuse victims, by
presenting the results of five randomized controled trials. The
population involved in these randomized controled trials were :
preschoolers that were exposed to domestic violance, abused
infant and sexually abused girls. Three of these randomized
controled trials focused on a child-parent therapy, using a
relationship-based intervention. The goal to these three
randomzied trials was to strengthen the parent-child relationship
to lead to a long term healthy child development. Another
randomized trial treated sexually abused girls individually.
Lastly, the fifth randomized controled trial focused on treating
malnourised abused children in foster care, by using the
intervention Attachment aand Behavioral Catch-up (ABC) The
forster care children received 30 sessions of this treatment,
while the other trials invoved 50 weekly trials. All togther, the
results demonstrated that psychodynamic methods plays a
positive effect in: improving abused children's parent-child
relationship, reducing stress levels, changings thoughts about
themselves, and changing attachment classifications.
Strangio, A. M., Rinaldi, L., Monniello, G., Sisti, L. G., Waure,
C. D., & Janiri, L. (2017, February 08). The Effect of Abuse
History on Adolescent Patients with Feeding and Eating
Disorders Treated through Psychodynamic Therapy:
Comorbidities and Outcome. Retrieved October 08, 2017, from
In this comparative study, the author comapres the outcome of
psychodynamic methods on childhood abuse victims with eating
disoders versus the outcome of these methods on patients with
eating disorders, but no history of childhood abuse. The author
first assessed 26 adolescent patients using questionnaires such
as the Dissociative Experiences Scale, Global Assesment of
Functioning, and CTQ Self Control.The CTQ Self Control was
used to divide the patients into two groups: those with a
childhood abuse history, and those without. The results from the
CTQ Self Control demonstrated that 42.3% of these patients had
experienced childhood abuse.The patients underwent a 12month
period of psychodynamic therapy, and were re-assesed after
therapy. In summary, all patients improved from psychodynamic
therapy. However, improvements were much less evident in
patients that had a history of childhood abuse. The patients with
a childhood abuse history continued having high levels of
depression, anxiety, eating disorders, guilt, and substance abuse
dependence. The authors admited that the limits to their study
was their small sample size.
Peleikis, D. (2005). Current Mental Health in Women with
Childhood Sexual Abuse who had Outpatient Psychotherapy.
European Psychiatry: the Journal of the Association of
European Psychiatrists, 20(3), 260.
This article examines the strength of psychodynamic therapy on
sexually abused girls, by re-evaluating patients that had receive
this form of therapy, at least a year ago. A sample of 56 patients
were involved in this study, and they were examined at a mean
of 5.1 years after terminating treatment. The following methods
were used to examine the patients menal and functional health:
Clinical assessment interviews, the Global assessment of
functioning scale, Davidson Trauma scale, The Dissociative
Experience scale, and The Symptom Check List. Results
determined that there was a significant high rate of mental
disorders, mainly PTSD, depression, and phobic disorders. Out
of 56 patients, only 2 women appeared healthy on all measures.
In conclusion, the patients long-term status was characterized as
poor mental health with a consideration of a functional
Price, J. L., Hilsenroth, M. J., Callahan, K. L., Petretic-Jackson,
P. A., & Bonge, D. (2004). A pilot study of psychodynamic
psychotherapy for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 11(6), 378-391.
The aim of this article is to discuss the efficacy of
psychodynamic treatment on adult survivors of childhood abuse,
by presenting the results of an open trial of individual short-
term therapy. In this study, 27 patients were seen for individual
pscyhodynamic therapy, and were categorized according to
presence or absence of childhood sexual abuse. This resulted in
having 12 patients in the study with a history of childhood
abuse, and 15 patients without a history of childhood abuse. The
short-term treatment for patients involved one, or two times a
week sessions for 6 months. The assessment battery was used to
evaluate patients before treatment and after treatment, and the
therapeutic alliance was used in therapy. The results from post-
treatment revealed that patients with a childhood abuse history
significantly improved, compared to the patients without a
childhood abuse history. The authors concluded that childhood
sexual abused survivors respond well to a short-term
psychodynamic treatment.
Long-Term Course in Female Survivors of Childhood Abuse
after Psychodynamically Oriented, Trauma-Specific Inpatient
Treatment: A Naturalistic Two-Year Follow-Up. (n.d.).
Retrieved October 08, 2017, from http://www.vr-
The focus of this study is to examine the durability of
psychodynamic therapy by analyzing the assessments that were
performed before treatment, at discharge, and two years later
after treatment.The study consisted of 43 female participants
that had all received inpatient treatment, and the data for this
study was collected two years after the treatment. The authors
used phone-interviews, and pencil questionnaires to collect data
for the two year follow-up. The following assessments were also
used as well: Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Dissociative
Experiences scale, Beck Depression Inventory Scale, and the
Inventory Life Changing Events questionnaire. The data
collected from the two year follow-up revealed significant
improvements in symptoms of PTSD, and depression. Their
ability of self soothing also improved. The authors concluded
that inpatient psychodynamic therapy leads to a long-term time
of reduced symptoms for women that are childhood abuse
Evaluation of an Outpatient Intervention for Women With
Severe Depression and a History of Childhood Trauma. (n.d.).
Retrieved October 08, 2017,
In this article, a three month outpatient intervention was
conducted to examine the effectiveness of a three month
psychodynamic intervention for women with depression, and a
history of childhood abuse. Lambert's Outcome Questionnaire,
and the Post-traumatic Stress Treatment Outcome scale were
used in the study to examine 87 women . These questionnaires
rated the patient's functional health, psychiatric symptoms,
symptoms of post traumatic stress, and interpersonal
relationships. The Lambert's questionnaires revealed a
significant improvement in the patients' interpersonal
relationships, and functional health. The Post-traumatic Stress
Treatment Outcome scale revealed a significant improvement in
the paatients' symptoms of post traumatic stress. The authors
conclude that an outpatient psychodynamic intervention is
effective in reducing patients' symptoms of PSD, and
depression, when having a history of childhood abuse.
Literature Review with Hypothesis Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to give students an
opportunity to demonstrate both knowledge of APA writing
style and the ability to write a coherent paper using a mix of
their own ideas and previous research.
Instructions: (Note: if you have completed an annotated
bibliography, these first 4 paragraphs will have essentially been
done with that assignment).
*First, pick a topic that directly relates to (or can relate to)
psychology that you find particularly interesting. For example,
say you are really interested in the topic of exercise and how it
can improve your mental health. This is a broad topic so you
would want to narrow it down to specific variables.
*Narrow your topic by identifying specific variables that you
think might be related to each other with regard to your topic.
For example, with regard to the topic of exercise, you might
narrow it down to more specific variables like “cardiovascular
exercise,” “stress,” and “well-being.” You may be able to do
this right away if you have your own ideas, but you can also
first do a literature search (see the last page of these
instructions) using only your topic to see what has already been
*After you have narrowed your topic, do a literature search on
your specific variables. To keep things simple, you should try to
narrow down your idea to two variables. After you familiarize
yourself with the existing research, try to come up with your
own, original prediction regarding how, why, or under what
circumstances these variables are related. Your prediction needs
to be original, not something that you find in your literature
search. For example, say your prediction/hypothesis is that the
time of day that a person does cardiovascular exercise (variable
1 = time of exercise) is related to the amount of stress that is
alleviated (variable 2 = amount of stress relief). You may have
a specific prediction like this in mind but find that your idea has
already been investigated and published (yes, this is
frustrating!). However, in that case you can find the most recent
article reporting that specific hypothesis and look towards the
end or conclusion of that article. Here you can typically find
suggestions for future research.
*If you absolutely cannot think of a topic to begin with, you
may pick one from the list provided at the end of these
instructions. However, you still must come up with your own,
original hypothesis/prediction using the topics provided.
*You must use at least 10 different peer-reviewed empirical
sources in your literature review. The very best place to begin
compiling these 10 sources is with your annotated bibliography,
upon which you will have already received feedback from your
instructor. If, after instructor review, your annotated
bibliography provides the 10 required sources, you will simply
use these for your paper (you may include more sources if
appropriate). If your instructor review resulted in fewer than 10
suitable sources, you will need to conduct further research.
When reviewing past work done on your research topic, be sure
that you are selecting and reading literature that is relevant to
your particular topic. Find articles, books and other peer-
reviewed, empirical resources that are closely tied to what you
want to investigate.
What to include in your literature review:
1. The problem being investigated (the research idea/topic)
a. Introduce the topic
b. Discuss the significance or importance of the topic (i.e., why
is it important to study this particular topic; why should others
care that you conduct this study)
c. Give your prediction. Briefly describe your thoughts and
expectations as to how these concepts (variables) are related.
2. Relevant past research
a. Discuss findings of relevant studies. Do not describe in detail
the participants and procedures of these studies; you need to
focus on the findings of each of your sources and integrate them
together to provide support for your original prediction (hint:
the findings of studies are almost always articulated in the
abstract). Most findings can be described in a few sentences, at
most. Examples:
i. Langberg, Dvorsky, and Evans (2013) studied the relationship
between executive function and academic performance in
children with ADHD. Their results illustrated that children
with ADHD were rated lower on scales of planning and
organization, as well as attention, and that their parents
additionally rated these children higher on scales of
ii. Laughter stimulates creativity as well as resourcefulness in
the classroom (Cueva et al., 2006), but perhaps more
importantly, it motivates students, captures attention, and
sparks interest in the curriculum (Lei et al., 2010).
b. Organize your paper and past research around the arguments
you are making as to why the concepts are related (see writing
hints below).
3. Concluding thoughts
a. Restate how and why you think these concepts (variables) are
b. Restate your original prediction.
Writing hints and things to keep in mind:
If you are including past literature that is irrelevant or only
loosely tied to your topic, your literature review will lack focus
and will most likely be disorganized and incoherent. In
addition, don’t string together one summary after another. Your
literature review should be organized, and previous research
should be integrated together in some logical way. Read the
literature review sections (from the beginning up to the Methods
section) of the articles used in the article review assignment or
the articles you find during your literature search to get an idea
of how authors write a literature review.
Many students tend to focus too much on the individual articles
they have selected, so they just end up summarizing one article
after another with no integration whatsoever. Often, the main
ideas of the articles are unrelated, so the literature review ends
up very disorganized and disconnected. Rather than focusing
your attention on the articles, think about your topic and the
arguments that can be used to support your claims. Then find
articles and research findings that support those arguments.
Research support for each argument can come from a single
article or several different articles.
For example, let’s say that you are doing your research proposal
on sleep (variable 1) and test performance (variable 2), and you
think that the more sleep a person gets the night before an
exam, the better he/she will perform on that exam the next day.
You think this because (1) the person gets rest not only
physically but mentally as well, so he/she is better able to think
through the exam, leading to better performance, and (2) the
person is well-rested, leading to less anxiety, which leads to
increased performance. These two reasons as to why having a
full night’s sleep leads to better test performance would be your
arguments. After you have come up with these arguments, you
would then find past research that supports each one of these
(e.g., maybe research has linked rest to anxiety and anxiety to
performance but has never made the connection that you are
predicting: rest to performance). So as you can see, this will
hopefully lead to a more organized, integrated paper.
Remember that you will need to cite at least 10 sources to
support your claims. Be sure that you use sources that are
scholarly, empirical, and peer-reviewed (i.e., journal articles,
books, textbooks, etc.). Avoid websites (including Wikipedia!),
magazines, etc.
Formatting guidelines:
· An excellent source for APA formatting is The Owl at Purdue
APA Writing Lab:
· Use APA style guidelines
· Typed, 12-pt Times New Roman font, double-spacing, and 1-
inch margins all around)
· Correct APA style formatting (e.g., headings, titles, citations,
references, etc.)
· Papers should be 5-6 full pages long (body only – title page,
abstract, and reference page not included in page count).
· You must use at least 10 different sources in your paper.
Remember that for every source cited in your literature review,
there must be a corresponding entry in the reference section
(and vice versa).
What to include in your assignment submission:
· Title page (see [email protected] and/or Smith & Davis, 2016,
p. 184-185)
· Abstract (see [email protected] and/or Smith & Davis, 2016,
p. 185)
· Literature review (see these instructions, [email protected],
Smith & Davis, 2016, p. 186-187)
· Reference page (see [email protected] and/or Smith & Davis,
2016, p. 192-194)
· First page of each article that you cite in your literature
Submission guidelines:
· You must submit a copy of your paper using the
assignment link in Blackboard by 11:59 PM on the due date.
General writing guidelines:
Imagine that the person reading your paper is an educated
person, familiar with psychology, but not with any of the
specific theories or concepts you mention. Anytime you
introduce something new (i.e., a theory, concept, methodology,
measure), explain it in general terms. You can then give an
example if you would like, but do not use an example as a
substitute for a general explanation.
Try to adopt an outside perspective when you read over your
paper. Make sure that your ideas are arranged logically and that
your sentences make sense. Reading out loud can help you
catch grammatical errors. Remember, your professor cannot
read minds – you could understand something perfectly, but it
also must make sense on paper. If possible, ask someone else to
read it and give you feedback before you turn it in.
Review – APA Style Citations:
As you draw on outside sources and material, make sure that
you cite your sources appropriately. Follow these guidelines
for citing:
· When you copy someone else (i.e., textbook, lecture, article,
website) word for word, put quotation marks around the copied
parts, and include the author last name(s), year of publication,
and page number in parentheses. For example: Social
comparison theory is “the idea that we learn about our own
abilities and attitudes by comparing ourselves to other people”
(Aronson, Wilson, & Akert, 2005, p. 155).
· Copying word for word and not citing correctly is plagiarism.
Avoid this at all costs.
· Try not to use more than one or two direct quotes in your
paper (preferably none). Direct quotes do not demonstrate an
understanding of the concepts. The paper, because it is a
review of the literature, should be almost entirely paraphrased:
you are putting others’ ideas into your own words and then
citing them correctly. This means that there should be a
citation after every sentence or two that is stating someone
else’s idea or findings. When you paraphrase, define and
explain concepts using your own words to get full credit. It’s
hard to paraphrase when you have the book or lecture notes in
front of you. Read, make sure you understand, then put the
material aside and come up with your own way of stating things.
Check your sources to make sure you did not accidentally
memorize the original wording. Check your definition against
what it says in the book to make sure that your explanation is
· When you paraphrase (put someone else’s ideas into your own
words), simply include author last name(s) and year of
publication in parentheses. For example: Social comparison
theory states that people sometimes come to know themselves
by evaluating their own characteristics and skills relative to
those of others (Aronson, Wilson, & Akert, 2005).
Topic Option 1: Attempts at persuasion are all around us.
There are a lot of things that can be included in a persuasive
communication that try to change our attitudes (e.g., the source
of the message, the information given in the message, the
characteristics of the audience). Select one of these areas and
identify specific concepts that are related to persuasion.
Explain how and why these can lead to persuasion, then come
up with a unique hypothesis based on the research.
For example, let’s say you select the source of the message and
persuasion as the topic of your literature review. What are
some characteristics, attributes, or traits of the person
delivering the message that can influence persuasion? Once
you’ve isolated two or three, explain how and why these can
lead to persuasion. Then give me an original hypothesis.
Topic Option 2:Individuals and groups make judgments and
decisions all the time. Select a situation in which an important
decision must be made by an individual or a group (e.g., the
individual decision regarding what career to pursue or a group
decision by a jury regarding a verdict), then identify specific
characteristics or traits of the person or situation that might
relate to the decision and decision-making process. Explain
how and why these can lead to different judgments and
decisions, and then formulate a hypothesis based on the
For example, you would first choose either the individual or the
group decision-making experience. Then you would think about
what factors (e.g., personality traits, characteristics of the
situation, how a group interacts) can influence how a decision is
made and what decision a person is likely to make. Isolate two
or three factors and explain how and why these can influence or
be associated with an important decision, then come up with an
original hypothesis.
Topic Option 3: Many things can influence academic
achievement (e.g., social support, classroom instruction,
personality characteristics). Select one of these areas and
identify specific concepts that are related to academic
achievement. Explain how and why these can lead to these
things can lead to success in the academic domain, then come
up with a unique hypothesis based on the research.
For example, let’s say you select personality characteristics and
academic achievement as the topic of your literature review.
What are some personality characteristics that might influence
academic achievement? Once you’ve isolated two or three,
explain how and why these can lead to academic success. Then
give me an original hypothesis.

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  • 1. Research Methods in Psychology The Effectiveness of Psychodynamic Therapy on Childhood Abused Victims. Annotate Bibliography Nickel, R., & Egle, U. T. (2005). Influence of childhood adversities and defense styles on the 1-year follow-up of psychosomatic- psychotherapeutic inpatient treatment. Psychotherapy Research, 15(4), 483-494. doi:10.1080/10503300500091660 This study was conducted to examine childhood abused victims' quality of life before treatment, and after treatment. A multimodal psychodynamic group concept was used to treat 138 patients for an average of 80.4 days. In order, to properly develop a comparison, clinical examiners interviewed each patient before the start to their in-patient program to diagnose each individual, and have therapy goals for them. The questionnaires that were used to measure quality of life targeted the patient's social life health, general health, emotional and physical functioning. The patients were all re-assessed after one year had passed by, to examine any changes in their quality of life. It was revealed that the patients' mental quality of life had improved by more than one standard deviation. Their physical quality of life improved just less than one standard deviation. Baker, V., & Sheldon, H. (2007). 'The Light at the End of the Tunnel': Issues of Hope and Loss in Endings with Survivors Groups. Group Analysis, 40(3), 404-416. doi:10.1177/0533316407081759 In this article, a previous study was mentioned in which childhood abuse survivors were treated for 20 sessions. The authors of this article agreed that 20 sessions of treatment for childhood abuse survivors isn't enough for them to develop a secure attachment to the group. This study explores whether
  • 2. childhood abuse victims can benefit from treatment by being treated for a longer period. Seven group members of ages 23-55 were treated for 52 sessions, over a period of 13 months. All of the members in this group are women, and they had all been sexually abused in their childhood by a family member. They followed a psychodynamic, time-limited closed group therapy, in which they all benefited somewhat. However, many of the members expressed anxiety of leting go, and not being able to move on after the group ended. Foa, E. (2009). Psychodynamic Therapy for Child Trauma. Retrieved from 2.pdf The authors of this article discuss the efficacy of pyshcodynamic methods on childhood abuse victims, by presenting the results of five randomized controled trials. The population involved in these randomized controled trials were : preschoolers that were exposed to domestic violance, abused infant and sexually abused girls. Three of these randomized controled trials focused on a child-parent therapy, using a relationship-based intervention. The goal to these three randomzied trials was to strengthen the parent-child relationship to lead to a long term healthy child development. Another randomized trial treated sexually abused girls individually. Lastly, the fifth randomized controled trial focused on treating malnourised abused children in foster care, by using the intervention Attachment aand Behavioral Catch-up (ABC) The forster care children received 30 sessions of this treatment, while the other trials invoved 50 weekly trials. All togther, the results demonstrated that psychodynamic methods plays a positive effect in: improving abused children's parent-child relationship, reducing stress levels, changings thoughts about themselves, and changing attachment classifications. Strangio, A. M., Rinaldi, L., Monniello, G., Sisti, L. G., Waure, C. D., & Janiri, L. (2017, February 08). The Effect of Abuse
  • 3. History on Adolescent Patients with Feeding and Eating Disorders Treated through Psychodynamic Therapy: Comorbidities and Outcome. Retrieved October 08, 2017, from ull In this comparative study, the author comapres the outcome of psychodynamic methods on childhood abuse victims with eating disoders versus the outcome of these methods on patients with eating disorders, but no history of childhood abuse. The author first assessed 26 adolescent patients using questionnaires such as the Dissociative Experiences Scale, Global Assesment of Functioning, and CTQ Self Control.The CTQ Self Control was used to divide the patients into two groups: those with a childhood abuse history, and those without. The results from the CTQ Self Control demonstrated that 42.3% of these patients had experienced childhood abuse.The patients underwent a 12month period of psychodynamic therapy, and were re-assesed after therapy. In summary, all patients improved from psychodynamic therapy. However, improvements were much less evident in patients that had a history of childhood abuse. The patients with a childhood abuse history continued having high levels of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, guilt, and substance abuse dependence. The authors admited that the limits to their study was their small sample size. Peleikis, D. (2005). Current Mental Health in Women with Childhood Sexual Abuse who had Outpatient Psychotherapy. European Psychiatry: the Journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists, 20(3), 260. This article examines the strength of psychodynamic therapy on sexually abused girls, by re-evaluating patients that had receive this form of therapy, at least a year ago. A sample of 56 patients were involved in this study, and they were examined at a mean of 5.1 years after terminating treatment. The following methods were used to examine the patients menal and functional health: Clinical assessment interviews, the Global assessment of
  • 4. functioning scale, Davidson Trauma scale, The Dissociative Experience scale, and The Symptom Check List. Results determined that there was a significant high rate of mental disorders, mainly PTSD, depression, and phobic disorders. Out of 56 patients, only 2 women appeared healthy on all measures. In conclusion, the patients long-term status was characterized as poor mental health with a consideration of a functional impairment. Price, J. L., Hilsenroth, M. J., Callahan, K. L., Petretic-Jackson, P. A., & Bonge, D. (2004). A pilot study of psychodynamic psychotherapy for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 11(6), 378-391. doi:10.1002/cpp.421 The aim of this article is to discuss the efficacy of psychodynamic treatment on adult survivors of childhood abuse, by presenting the results of an open trial of individual short- term therapy. In this study, 27 patients were seen for individual pscyhodynamic therapy, and were categorized according to presence or absence of childhood sexual abuse. This resulted in having 12 patients in the study with a history of childhood abuse, and 15 patients without a history of childhood abuse. The short-term treatment for patients involved one, or two times a week sessions for 6 months. The assessment battery was used to evaluate patients before treatment and after treatment, and the therapeutic alliance was used in therapy. The results from post- treatment revealed that patients with a childhood abuse history significantly improved, compared to the patients without a childhood abuse history. The authors concluded that childhood sexual abused survivors respond well to a short-term psychodynamic treatment. Long-Term Course in Female Survivors of Childhood Abuse after Psychodynamically Oriented, Trauma-Specific Inpatient Treatment: A Naturalistic Two-Year Follow-Up. (n.d.). Retrieved October 08, 2017, from http://www.vr-
  • 5. U The focus of this study is to examine the durability of psychodynamic therapy by analyzing the assessments that were performed before treatment, at discharge, and two years later after treatment.The study consisted of 43 female participants that had all received inpatient treatment, and the data for this study was collected two years after the treatment. The authors used phone-interviews, and pencil questionnaires to collect data for the two year follow-up. The following assessments were also used as well: Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Dissociative Experiences scale, Beck Depression Inventory Scale, and the Inventory Life Changing Events questionnaire. The data collected from the two year follow-up revealed significant improvements in symptoms of PTSD, and depression. Their ability of self soothing also improved. The authors concluded that inpatient psychodynamic therapy leads to a long-term time of reduced symptoms for women that are childhood abuse survivors. Evaluation of an Outpatient Intervention for Women With Severe Depression and a History of Childhood Trauma. (n.d.). Retrieved October 08, 2017, from 7.936 In this article, a three month outpatient intervention was conducted to examine the effectiveness of a three month psychodynamic intervention for women with depression, and a history of childhood abuse. Lambert's Outcome Questionnaire, and the Post-traumatic Stress Treatment Outcome scale were used in the study to examine 87 women . These questionnaires rated the patient's functional health, psychiatric symptoms, symptoms of post traumatic stress, and interpersonal relationships. The Lambert's questionnaires revealed a significant improvement in the patients' interpersonal relationships, and functional health. The Post-traumatic Stress
  • 6. Treatment Outcome scale revealed a significant improvement in the paatients' symptoms of post traumatic stress. The authors conclude that an outpatient psychodynamic intervention is effective in reducing patients' symptoms of PSD, and depression, when having a history of childhood abuse. Literature Review with Hypothesis Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to give students an opportunity to demonstrate both knowledge of APA writing style and the ability to write a coherent paper using a mix of their own ideas and previous research. Instructions: (Note: if you have completed an annotated bibliography, these first 4 paragraphs will have essentially been done with that assignment). *First, pick a topic that directly relates to (or can relate to) psychology that you find particularly interesting. For example, say you are really interested in the topic of exercise and how it can improve your mental health. This is a broad topic so you would want to narrow it down to specific variables. *Narrow your topic by identifying specific variables that you think might be related to each other with regard to your topic. For example, with regard to the topic of exercise, you might narrow it down to more specific variables like “cardiovascular exercise,” “stress,” and “well-being.” You may be able to do this right away if you have your own ideas, but you can also first do a literature search (see the last page of these instructions) using only your topic to see what has already been published. *After you have narrowed your topic, do a literature search on
  • 7. your specific variables. To keep things simple, you should try to narrow down your idea to two variables. After you familiarize yourself with the existing research, try to come up with your own, original prediction regarding how, why, or under what circumstances these variables are related. Your prediction needs to be original, not something that you find in your literature search. For example, say your prediction/hypothesis is that the time of day that a person does cardiovascular exercise (variable 1 = time of exercise) is related to the amount of stress that is alleviated (variable 2 = amount of stress relief). You may have a specific prediction like this in mind but find that your idea has already been investigated and published (yes, this is frustrating!). However, in that case you can find the most recent article reporting that specific hypothesis and look towards the end or conclusion of that article. Here you can typically find suggestions for future research. *If you absolutely cannot think of a topic to begin with, you may pick one from the list provided at the end of these instructions. However, you still must come up with your own, original hypothesis/prediction using the topics provided. *You must use at least 10 different peer-reviewed empirical sources in your literature review. The very best place to begin compiling these 10 sources is with your annotated bibliography, upon which you will have already received feedback from your instructor. If, after instructor review, your annotated bibliography provides the 10 required sources, you will simply use these for your paper (you may include more sources if appropriate). If your instructor review resulted in fewer than 10 suitable sources, you will need to conduct further research. When reviewing past work done on your research topic, be sure that you are selecting and reading literature that is relevant to your particular topic. Find articles, books and other peer- reviewed, empirical resources that are closely tied to what you want to investigate.
  • 8. What to include in your literature review: 1. The problem being investigated (the research idea/topic) a. Introduce the topic b. Discuss the significance or importance of the topic (i.e., why is it important to study this particular topic; why should others care that you conduct this study) c. Give your prediction. Briefly describe your thoughts and expectations as to how these concepts (variables) are related. 2. Relevant past research a. Discuss findings of relevant studies. Do not describe in detail the participants and procedures of these studies; you need to focus on the findings of each of your sources and integrate them together to provide support for your original prediction (hint: the findings of studies are almost always articulated in the abstract). Most findings can be described in a few sentences, at most. Examples: i. Langberg, Dvorsky, and Evans (2013) studied the relationship between executive function and academic performance in children with ADHD. Their results illustrated that children with ADHD were rated lower on scales of planning and organization, as well as attention, and that their parents additionally rated these children higher on scales of hyperactivity. ii. Laughter stimulates creativity as well as resourcefulness in the classroom (Cueva et al., 2006), but perhaps more importantly, it motivates students, captures attention, and sparks interest in the curriculum (Lei et al., 2010). b. Organize your paper and past research around the arguments you are making as to why the concepts are related (see writing hints below). 3. Concluding thoughts a. Restate how and why you think these concepts (variables) are related. b. Restate your original prediction.
  • 9. Writing hints and things to keep in mind: If you are including past literature that is irrelevant or only loosely tied to your topic, your literature review will lack focus and will most likely be disorganized and incoherent. In addition, don’t string together one summary after another. Your literature review should be organized, and previous research should be integrated together in some logical way. Read the literature review sections (from the beginning up to the Methods section) of the articles used in the article review assignment or the articles you find during your literature search to get an idea of how authors write a literature review. Many students tend to focus too much on the individual articles they have selected, so they just end up summarizing one article after another with no integration whatsoever. Often, the main ideas of the articles are unrelated, so the literature review ends up very disorganized and disconnected. Rather than focusing your attention on the articles, think about your topic and the arguments that can be used to support your claims. Then find articles and research findings that support those arguments. Research support for each argument can come from a single article or several different articles. For example, let’s say that you are doing your research proposal on sleep (variable 1) and test performance (variable 2), and you think that the more sleep a person gets the night before an exam, the better he/she will perform on that exam the next day. You think this because (1) the person gets rest not only physically but mentally as well, so he/she is better able to think through the exam, leading to better performance, and (2) the person is well-rested, leading to less anxiety, which leads to increased performance. These two reasons as to why having a full night’s sleep leads to better test performance would be your arguments. After you have come up with these arguments, you would then find past research that supports each one of these
  • 10. (e.g., maybe research has linked rest to anxiety and anxiety to performance but has never made the connection that you are predicting: rest to performance). So as you can see, this will hopefully lead to a more organized, integrated paper. Remember that you will need to cite at least 10 sources to support your claims. Be sure that you use sources that are scholarly, empirical, and peer-reviewed (i.e., journal articles, books, textbooks, etc.). Avoid websites (including Wikipedia!), magazines, etc. Formatting guidelines: · An excellent source for APA formatting is The Owl at Purdue APA Writing Lab: · Use APA style guidelines · Typed, 12-pt Times New Roman font, double-spacing, and 1- inch margins all around) · Correct APA style formatting (e.g., headings, titles, citations, references, etc.) · Papers should be 5-6 full pages long (body only – title page, abstract, and reference page not included in page count). · You must use at least 10 different sources in your paper. Remember that for every source cited in your literature review, there must be a corresponding entry in the reference section (and vice versa). What to include in your assignment submission: · Title page (see [email protected] and/or Smith & Davis, 2016, p. 184-185) · Abstract (see [email protected] and/or Smith & Davis, 2016, p. 185) · Literature review (see these instructions, [email protected], Smith & Davis, 2016, p. 186-187) · Reference page (see [email protected] and/or Smith & Davis, 2016, p. 192-194)
  • 11. · First page of each article that you cite in your literature review Submission guidelines: · You must submit a copy of your paper using the assignment link in Blackboard by 11:59 PM on the due date. General writing guidelines: Imagine that the person reading your paper is an educated person, familiar with psychology, but not with any of the specific theories or concepts you mention. Anytime you introduce something new (i.e., a theory, concept, methodology, measure), explain it in general terms. You can then give an example if you would like, but do not use an example as a substitute for a general explanation. Try to adopt an outside perspective when you read over your paper. Make sure that your ideas are arranged logically and that your sentences make sense. Reading out loud can help you catch grammatical errors. Remember, your professor cannot read minds – you could understand something perfectly, but it also must make sense on paper. If possible, ask someone else to read it and give you feedback before you turn it in. Review – APA Style Citations: As you draw on outside sources and material, make sure that you cite your sources appropriately. Follow these guidelines for citing: · When you copy someone else (i.e., textbook, lecture, article, website) word for word, put quotation marks around the copied parts, and include the author last name(s), year of publication, and page number in parentheses. For example: Social comparison theory is “the idea that we learn about our own abilities and attitudes by comparing ourselves to other people” (Aronson, Wilson, & Akert, 2005, p. 155).
  • 12. · Copying word for word and not citing correctly is plagiarism. Avoid this at all costs. · Try not to use more than one or two direct quotes in your paper (preferably none). Direct quotes do not demonstrate an understanding of the concepts. The paper, because it is a review of the literature, should be almost entirely paraphrased: you are putting others’ ideas into your own words and then citing them correctly. This means that there should be a citation after every sentence or two that is stating someone else’s idea or findings. When you paraphrase, define and explain concepts using your own words to get full credit. It’s hard to paraphrase when you have the book or lecture notes in front of you. Read, make sure you understand, then put the material aside and come up with your own way of stating things. Check your sources to make sure you did not accidentally memorize the original wording. Check your definition against what it says in the book to make sure that your explanation is accurate. · When you paraphrase (put someone else’s ideas into your own words), simply include author last name(s) and year of publication in parentheses. For example: Social comparison theory states that people sometimes come to know themselves by evaluating their own characteristics and skills relative to those of others (Aronson, Wilson, & Akert, 2005). TOPIC OPTIONS Topic Option 1: Attempts at persuasion are all around us.
  • 13. There are a lot of things that can be included in a persuasive communication that try to change our attitudes (e.g., the source of the message, the information given in the message, the characteristics of the audience). Select one of these areas and identify specific concepts that are related to persuasion. Explain how and why these can lead to persuasion, then come up with a unique hypothesis based on the research. For example, let’s say you select the source of the message and persuasion as the topic of your literature review. What are some characteristics, attributes, or traits of the person delivering the message that can influence persuasion? Once you’ve isolated two or three, explain how and why these can lead to persuasion. Then give me an original hypothesis. Topic Option 2:Individuals and groups make judgments and decisions all the time. Select a situation in which an important decision must be made by an individual or a group (e.g., the individual decision regarding what career to pursue or a group decision by a jury regarding a verdict), then identify specific characteristics or traits of the person or situation that might relate to the decision and decision-making process. Explain how and why these can lead to different judgments and decisions, and then formulate a hypothesis based on the research. For example, you would first choose either the individual or the group decision-making experience. Then you would think about what factors (e.g., personality traits, characteristics of the situation, how a group interacts) can influence how a decision is made and what decision a person is likely to make. Isolate two or three factors and explain how and why these can influence or be associated with an important decision, then come up with an original hypothesis. Topic Option 3: Many things can influence academic
  • 14. achievement (e.g., social support, classroom instruction, personality characteristics). Select one of these areas and identify specific concepts that are related to academic achievement. Explain how and why these can lead to these things can lead to success in the academic domain, then come up with a unique hypothesis based on the research. For example, let’s say you select personality characteristics and academic achievement as the topic of your literature review. What are some personality characteristics that might influence academic achievement? Once you’ve isolated two or three, explain how and why these can lead to academic success. Then give me an original hypothesis.