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Chapter 1 - Defining Terrorism
Article Title:
Chapter 1 of the text goes into much detail about defining
terrorism and the types of terrorism.
What exactly constitutes terrorism and why does it seem so
complicated to define? This article
from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, 2021) defines
terrorism as a "contested term, with
no set definition for the concept or broad agreement among
academic experts on its usage "
(para. 1). Is it really that difficult to define? It’s a word and as
such it should just be in any old
dictionary or textbook glossary and boom there's the definition.
Is it more complicated than that?
To answer my own question, yes, it is very complicated. But at
least I’m not alone in the
complicatedness of defining terrorism as it seems like the FBI is
having problems too. The article
notes that “the recent spate of extremist attacks in the United
States and Europe have highlighted
the difficulty of defining what constitutes ‘terrorism’” (FBI,
2021, para. 2). Here, The FBI
focuses on recent examples extremism to attempt to answer the
question, even giving the readers
an account of some of the recent terroristic attacks and how the
relate to terrorism and
extremism. By the end of the article the question remains
unclear and unanswered, making this
task of defining terrorism that much more confusing.
The pro of this article is that there were some real-world
examples. These help show the
complicated nature of defining terrorism.
The article would have been more interesting if there were some
frontline details, like the
definition from the FBI’s perspective, especially given it’s the
leading legal enforcement
mechanism in the country.
Words: 270
Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2021). What We Investigate:
Terrorism. Retrieved from
Commented [JW1]: When citing from a webpage, you
must count the paragraphs and include a para. citation.
Commented [JW2]: Note how the quote within a quote
" ' ' "
And note the citation here follows the quote since the
source was not mentioned before the quote.
Title of Paper in Bold Centered
Student Name
American Public University
COURSE####: Course Title
Instructor Name
Due Date
Repeat the Title – Level 1 Header
Hit the tab key one time to begin the main body of the paper.
The paragraphs of the main document are indented. The
computer will wrap your text for you based upon the margin
settings established by this document template. It is not
necessary for you to hit the Enter or return key at the end of a
line of text. Only hit the enter key (one time) when you reach
the end of a paragraph.
Then hit the tab key to indent and then continue typing the
paper. In APA any source that you use in your paper must have
an in-text citation. In APA these citations include the author’s
last name and the year of the publication in parentheses (Name,
Level 2 Header use: Flush Left, Bold, Title Case Heading
Sub-section your essay using sub-headers in the same
sequence you introduced your topic in your lead paragraph, your
Level 3 Header use: Flush Left, Bold Italic, Title Case Heading
The more lengthy or complex your essay, the potential for using
additional Level Headers; notice the subtle difference. One tip
for any submission, always double-check the font choice is
consistent throughout the essay.
Begin to summarize the main points of your topic in three to
five sentences. The conclusion of your paper should re-phrase
the points of what your reader should be left remembering,
nothing new, concise and to the point.
Lastname, C. (2008). Title of the source without caps except
Proper Nouns or: First word after colon.
The Journal or Publication Italicized and Capped,
Vol#(Issue#), Page numbers.
Organizational Development Annotated Bibliography
American Public University
Course: Name
David, F. R., Creek, S. A., & David, F. R. (2019). What is the
key to effective SWOT analysis, including AQCD factors. SAM
Advanced Management Journal, 84(1), 25-35.
David et al. (2019) research are essential to understand the
effectiveness of SWOT analysis as a tool for organizational
development. The authors used a mixed-method approach to
analyze the data from a case study of an organization in the
United States. This approach included a quantitative survey and
an in-depth interview with the organization’s director. Through
this approach, the authors sought to determine the factors
contributing to the success of the SWOT analysis. The authors
found that the most critical factor contributing to the success of
SWOT analysis was the inclusion of AQCD factors. AQCD
stands for “Analysis of Quality, Cost, and Delivery,” which
refers to assessing the quality of the organization’s products
and services, the cost of providing them, and their delivery. The
authors found that AQCD factors were essential for a successful
SWOT analysis as they provided an in-depth understanding of
the organization’s strengths and weaknesses. The article’s
findings are helpful for my research as it gives insight into how
a SWOT analysis can be used for organizational development.
The article’s discussion of the importance of AQCD factors for
a successful SWOT analysis provides an understanding of the
complexities of corporate growth. Additionally, the report
provides valuable insight into using a mixed-method approach
to evaluate the effectiveness of an organization’s SWOT
The main limitations of this article are that the sample size was
small and the research was limited to one case study. Despite
the limitations, this article will be helpful in my research on
organizational development as it provides valuable insight into
using SWOT analysis and its potential for improving an
organization’s growth. The article’s discussion of the
importance of AQCD factors for a successful SWOT analysis
provides an understanding of the complexities of organizational
development. Additionally, the paper provides valuable insight
into using a mixed-method approach to evaluate the
effectiveness of an organization’s SWOT analysis. By
understanding the importance of AQCD factors and the
usefulness of a mixed-method approach, researchers can better
understand the complexities of organizational development.
Haveman, H. A., & Wetts, R. (2019). Organizational theory:
From classical sociology to the 1970s.
Sociology Compass,
13(3), e12627.
The article by Haveman & Wetts (2019) provides an overview
of the development of organizational theory from its roots in
classical sociology to the 1970s. The authors use a variety of
historical and sociological sources to illustrate the effect of
organizational theory, including the works of early sociologists
such as Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. The article covers
various topics, including the emergence of bureaucracy,
leadership’s role, technology’s impact, and the relationship
between organizations and their environment. This article is
highly relevant to my research topic as it provides an overview
of the development of organizational theory over time. The
main limitation of the article is that it needs to provide a
detailed analysis of the various ideas instead of focusing on the
broader trends in the development of the field. The authors
conclude that organizational theory has become increasingly
complex and multifaceted and has been influenced by various
forces. This article will form the basis of my research as it
provides an overview of the development of organizational
theory and outlines the different approaches that have shaped
the field. Furthermore, it will provide context for my research
and be an invaluable source of information to help inform my
Lubis, F. R., & Hanum, F. (2020, December). Organizational
culture. In
2nd Yogyakarta International Conference on
Educational Management/Administration and Pedagogy
(YICEMAP 2019) (pp. 88-91). Atlantis Press.
Organizational culture is an essential factor in determining
organizational performance. In their article, Lubis and Hanum
(2020) explore the effects of corporate culture on organizational
performance in the Indonesian context. The authors use a
combination of theoretical and empirical research to examine
how organizational culture impacts organizational performance.
They note that corporate culture can have both positive and
negative effects. For example, in the Indonesian context, a solid
hierarchical organizational culture can lead to high levels of
employee satisfaction, motivation and commitment, increasing
organizational performance. On the other hand, a culture of
mistrust or hostility among employees can lead to decreased
motivation and performance levels. The authors conclude that
organizational culture significantly affects performance and
should be considered when developing corporate growth and
strategies. They suggest that organizational leaders should
create a culture of respect and trust, allowing employees to feel
valued and empowered and leading to higher motivation and
performance levels. The authors recommend that organizational
leaders strive for a culture of openness, enabling employees to
share ideas and take the initiative. Such an environment will
foster innovation, creativity, and collaboration, which have all
been shown to lead to higher performance levels.
Neebe, K. (2020). Sustainability at Walmart: Success over the
long haul.
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance,
32(2), 64-71.
Neebe’s (2020) article on the sustainability of Walmart is a
comprehensive and highly relevant piece of research for my
research topic. The article examines all aspects of Walmart’s
sustainability, from its corporate responsibility to its human
resources and environmental policies. Neebe employs various
research methods, including interviews, surveys and
observation, to gain insight into Walmart’s strategies, business
practices and the decisions that have contributed to its success.
The article is highly relevant to my research topic, as it
provides an in-depth overview of Walmart’s sustainability
practices, which can be used to identify key strategies that
could be applied to other organizations. The main limitation of
this article is that it primarily focuses on Walmart, so it may not
apply to other organizations. Nevertheless, the article provides
valuable insight into Walmart’s sustainability practices, which
can be used to identify strategies for other organizations. For
example, Neebe’s research reveals that Walmart’s commitment
to sustainability has been critical to its success and that other
organizations should consider following its example. This could
be through investing in renewable energy, minimizing waste and
developing more sustainable supply chains. Walmart’s human
resource practices, such as providing benefits and investing in
training, could be used as a model for other organizations.
Najeemdeen, I. S. (2018). Perceived organizational culture and
perceived organizational support on work engagement. In
Perceived organizational culture and perceived
organizational support on work engagement: Najeemdeen,
Iliyasu Shiyanbade.
Najeemdeen’s (2018) research is highly relevant to my research
on organizational development, as it comprehensively examines
the effect of perceived organizational culture and perceived
administrative support on work engagement. This research
found that perceived organizational culture and perceived
organizational support were significantly associated with work
engagement, indicating that both factors are important for
increasing employee satisfaction and productivity. The study
was conducted on a sample of 304 employees in Nigeria, using
an online survey to measure the participants’ responses to the
questions posed. The study found that perceived organizational
culture had a direct and significant effect on work engagement,
while perceived administrative support indirectly affected work
engagement via its impact on perceived corporate culture. This
finding suggests that organizations should strive to create an
environment of support and recognition for their employees, as
this will lead to increased work engagement. The study was also
limited by its sample size, as the results may not accurately
represent the general population. Despite this limitation, the
study provides valuable insight into the importance of perceived
organizational culture and perceived organizational support in
increasing work engagement. The study is helpful for my
research on organizational development, as it provides insight
into the effect of perceived organizational culture and perceived
organizational support on work engagement. Najeemdeen’s
conclusion is that perceived organizational culture and
perceived organizational support are important factors
influencing work engagement in organizations. Therefore,
organizations should strive to create an environment of support
and recognition for their employees, leading to increased work
engagement and, consequently, greater productivity and
Organizational Development Research Outline
Student Name
American Public University
MGMT603: Organizational Development
Due Date
Organizational Development Research Outline
Definition of organizational culture
Lubis and Hanum (2020) state that a company's culture consists
of its employees' commonly held assumptions about how things
should be done in the workplace.
Overview of the importance of organizational culture
Organizational culture is a potent force that may have a
significant influence on employee involvement, efficiency, and
morale. It is essential for organizations to understand and
appreciate the importance of developing a strong and positive
culture, in order to create a productive and successful work
Statement of the problem/Thesis
This paper will examine the influence of Walmart Inc.'s
corporate culture on its productivity and examine ways in which
the company can improve its organizational culture in order to
improve performance and productivity.
II. The Organization
Overview of the organization
The organization selected for this research project is Walmart
Inc. Among the most successful firms in the US, Walmart
is also the world's most popular retailer (Neebe, 2020).
Worldwide, Walmart runs its trademark low-priced department
and warehouse shops. To help people live comfortably on less
money is Walmart's core purpose.
III. Literature Review
Theoretical foundations of organizational culture
Weber argued that organizations were made up of distinct
cultures, and that the structure and experiences of the
organization were based on the beliefs and values of its
members (Haveman & Wetts, 2019). It is the invisible force that
guides the behavior and actions of the corporation’s personnel,
and is shaped by the corporation’s values, goals, and
Organizational culture is composed of several components,
including values, beliefs, norms, symbols, and artifacts. Values
are the beliefs and ideas that guide the behavior of the
organization's members, while beliefs are the accepted truths or
assumptions of the organization (Haveman & Wetts, 2019).
Organizational culture in large businesses
Types of cultures
Organizations can have either a strong or a weak culture. A
strong culture is one in which the organization's values, beliefs,
and norms are deeply embedded in the organization's culture
and are widely shared by its members.
Impact on organizational success
Organizational culture has a significant impact on a firm's
capability to realize its goals. Najeemdeen (2018) illustrates
that a strong organizational culture can lead to increased
employee engagement, improved performance, and higher
Tools for assessing and developing organizational
Surveys are a useful tool for assessing an organization's culture.
Surveys can be used to measure the levels of employee
engagement, performance, and morale, as well as the
organization's values, beliefs, and norms.
Interviews are another useful tool for assessing an
organization's culture. Interviews can be used to gain a deeper
understanding of an organization's values, beliefs, and norms,
as well as the experiences of its members.
IV. Program Development
Establishing objectives
The objective of this program is to design, develop, implement,
and maintain a program that will improve the organizational
culture of Walmart Inc. in order to improve performance and
Program design
The program will focus on training and development,
communication, and performance management. The program
will include several components, including training and
development, communication, and performance management.
The activities of the program will include surveys, interviews,
and other activities that will help to assess and improve the
organization's culture.
C. Findings
· The program aims to improve the organizational culture of
Walmart Inc. by addressing the organization's values, beliefs,
and norms, as well as the experiences of its members.
· The program will include training and development,
communication, and performance management activities in
order to assess and improve the organization's culture.
· Theories of organizational development will be used to help
guide the program design and implementation. Analyzing
organizational culture will allow for better decision making and
improved performance.
· Surveys, interviews, and focus groups will be used to assess
and evaluate the effectiveness of the program.
V. Conclusion
Summary of key points
This research paper has explored the bearing of organizational
culture on Walmart’s performance, and examined ways in which
the company can improve its organizational culture in order to
improve performance and productivity. The paper has discussed
the theoretical foundations of organizational culture, the types
of cultures that exist in large businesses, and the tools that can
be used to assess and develop organizational culture. The paper
has also discussed the program design, implementation, and
evaluation that will be used to improve the organizational
culture of Walmart Inc.
i. It is recommended that Walmart Inc. develop, implement, and
maintain a program that will assess and improve the
organization's culture in order to improve performance and
ii. The program should include training and development,
communication, and performance management activities, and
should be evaluated on an ongoing basis in order to ensure that
it is achieving its desired outcomes.
iii. Through a PESTEL and a SWOT analysis, Walmart Inc. can
gain a better understanding of the external and internal factors
that are influencing its organizational culture, and use this
information to inform their program design and implementation.
Political factors such as changes in government regulations and
economic factors such as changes in the market can have a
significant impact on the organization's culture (David et al.,
VI. References
David, F. R., Creek, S. A., & David, F. R. (2019). What is the
key to effective SWOT analysis, including AQCD factors.
SAM Advanced Management Journal,
84(1), 25-35.
Haveman, H. A., & Wetts, R. (2019). Organizational theory:
From classical sociology to the 1970s.
Sociology Compass,
13(3), e12627.
Lubis, F. R., & Hanum, F. (2020, December). Organizational
culture. In
2nd Yogyakarta International Conference on
Educational Management/Administration and Pedagogy
(YICEMAP 2019) (pp. 88-91). Atlantis Press.
Neebe, K. (2020). Sustainability at Walmart: Success over the
long haul.
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance,
32(2), 64-71.
Najeemdeen, I. S. (2018). Perceived organizational culture and
perceived organizational support on work engagement. In
Perceived organizational culture and perceived
organizational support on work engagement: Najeemdeen,
Iliyasu Shiyanbade.
Assignment: Research Paper - Part I
Your final research paper will be based on
Organization Development. You may use some of the
readings assigned in the class and expand on a particular topic.
In order to complete this task,
you will need to write the first half of your final paper.
To be successful, a minimum of five (5) pages of substantive
content toward your final paper must be submitted in APA
Chapter 12: Structure for Managing Emergency Response
Article Name:
“Florida officials seek tourism boost after Alberto blows
Article Review:
The Emergency Operations Center should be the most important
building of any community.
This is where all the knowledge and nuts and bolts to keep the
safety, economy, and welfare of
all the citizens and dynamics of a city or county, flowing. Every
part of our country has its own
hazards, from California and earthquakes, wildfires and tsunami
threats, to hurricanes, tornadoes,
and floods in the South and Midwest. Every EOC has its own
set of emergency plans based on
the threat assessment.
I bring up economy because you see it every storm season,
disasters blow in and everyone flees,
including the tourists which would have spurred the economy
but now are gone, and so is the
economy. Disasters not only pull down the economy, and the
lack of needed tourism, but then is
the increased cost of preparing, mitigating, and recovery of
disasters and emergencies. Hurricane
season started in the south, and now Florida is trying to pull
back in tourists in between storms. I
understand that, but I also see a risk involved. According to one
source, “As winds and rains let
up from Subtropical Storm Alberto, Florida officials Tuesday
were quickly spinning ways to
draw tourists to areas that may have missed out on Memorial
Day crowds” (Turner, 2018, para.
1). The Governor of Florida visited an EOC to thank them for a
job well done for this first storm
as he was questioned about tourism efforts. He said, “The
Legislature gave us $76 million again
this year (for visit Florida), and part of that money is to work
on when we have something like
this, to let people know we’re back open for business” (Turner,
2018, para. 5). The EOC is the
hub and is excellent at tracking emergency and disaster
situations before they happen, when
possible, and that success is shown by minimal loss of life and
When greed steps in, that is when you see tourism take a back
seat, but most who have been
through the big storms know those risks, and you see a good
attitude with the Governor of
Florida in this article who knows what his State is facing. It
shows a good leader also who shows
appreciation to those he knows keeps the public safe.
WC 375
Turner, J. (2018, May 30). Florida officials seek tourism boost
after Alberto blows through.
Florida Division of Emergency Management. Retrieved from
Criteria No
O Points
Emerging (F
through D range)
12 points
Satisfactory (C
14 points
Proficient (B Range)
16 points
Exemplary (A Range)
20 points
Thesis and Ideas:
Explores the
appropriate topic based
on chapters read in the
week and displays
college level thinking
Submits the correct
number of Journal
Student did
not submit
Work does not
meet assignment
shows little or no
understanding of
partially meets
expectations with
minimal depth;
demonstrates a
understanding of
the assignment
Assignment meets
expectations with
all components
being addressed;
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate
and apply key
Assignment exceeds
expectations with
exceptional depth;
presents all
requirements of the
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate,
apply and synthesize
key assignment
O Points
Emerging (F
through D range)
12 points
Satisfactory (C
14 points
Proficient B Range
16 points
Exemplary (A Range
20 points
information and
communicates it
through student’s own
thoughts and words.
Student did
not submit
Work does not
meet assignment
shows little or no
understanding of
partially meets
expectations with
minimal depth;
demonstrates a
understanding of
the assignment
Assignment meets
expectations with
all components
being addressed;
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate
and apply key
Assignment exceeds
expectations with
exceptional depth;
presents all
requirements of the
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate,
apply and synthesize
key assignment
Criteria No
O Points
Emerging (F
through D range)
12 points
Satisfactory (C
14 points
Proficient (B Range)
16 points
Exemplary (A Range)
20 points
Evidence critical and
analytical skills
Student did
not submit
Work does not
meet assignment
shows little or no
understanding of
partially meets
expectations with
minimal depth;
demonstrates a
understanding of
the assignment
Assignment meets
expectations with
all components
being addressed;
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate
and apply key
Assignment exceeds
expectations with
exceptional depth;
presents all
requirements of the
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate,
apply and synthesize
key assignment
Criteria No
0 Points
Emerging (F
through D range)
12 points
Satisfactory (C
14 points
Proficient B Range
16 points
Exemplary (A Range)
20 points
Research: Appropriate
use of scholarly sources
Student did
not submit
Work does not
meet assignment
shows little or no
understanding of
partially meets
expectations with
minimal depth;
demonstrates a
understanding of
the assignment
Assignment meets
expectations with
all components
being addressed;
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate
and apply key
Assignment exceeds
expectations with
exceptional depth;
presents all
requirements of the
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate,
apply and synthesize
Criteria No
0 Points
Emerging (F
through D range)
6 points
Satisfactory (C
7 points
Proficient B Range
8 points
Exemplary (A Range)
10 points
Organization: Writing
demonstrates well-
developed body that
evidences each
element from the
thesis in succinct
paragraphs and each
Student did
not submit
Work does not
meet assignment
shows little or no
understanding of
partially meets
expectations with
minimal depth;
demonstrates a
understanding of
Assignment meets
expectations with
all components
being addressed;
demonstrates the
ability to evaluate
Assignment exceeds
expectations with
exceptional depth;
presents all
requirements of the
demonstrates the
paragraph supports the
the assignment
and apply key
ability to evaluate,
apply and synthesize
Criteria No
0 Points
Emerging (F
through D range)
6 points
Satisfactory (C
7 points
Proficient (B Range)
8 points
Exemplary (A Range)
10 points
Used APA formatted
citations and
references and used
correct structural
Student did
not submit
No attempt at APA
formatting when
using references
APA is attempted
with numerous
Using APA format
accurately; errors
are noticeable
Using APA format
proficiently, text is
basically error free
Overall Score
Emerging (F-D) Satisfactory
(C Range)
Proficient (B
Exemplary (A
Research & Report
For your Journal Assignment, you should find
two articles that relates to the material covered in your
reading this week:
· CHAPTER 1: Cyberspace: The New Frontier for Policing</li
· CHAPTER 2: Definitions of Cyber Terrorism
· CHAPTER 3: New and Emerging Threats of Cyber Crime and
· CHAPTER 4: Police Investigation Processes: Practical Tools
and Techniques for Tackling Cyber Crimes
· CHAPTER 5: Cyber Specifications: Capturing User
Requirements for Cyber-Security Investigations
Use any peer reviewed resources (
government websites) to find an article that discusses
the same topic. Then write in an APA review of the article. You
should submit
two of these. Submit them in the same document.
· Complete two article reviews.
· Each review shouold have a minimum of 250-350 words.
· Each review should explain the significance of the article and
relate it to your reading this week.
· Each review should end with your opinion on the pros or cons
of the article being reviewed.
Note: Do NOT use any articles older than 5 years.
This field is always changing, so you should be using current
information (no older than five years).
Note: Do NOT simply cut-and-paste from a website or
from an article. Yes, you should be sources to find the
information for this journal assignment, but do not simply cut-
and-paste someone else's words. As you review the article, put
it in your own words. Be sure to cite in APA. If you copy and
paste, you will NOT get credit for doing this. Your reviews
must be your own words, thoughts, and analysis.

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  • 1. Chapter: Chapter 1 - Defining Terrorism Article Title: “Terrorism” Chapter 1 of the text goes into much detail about defining terrorism and the types of terrorism. What exactly constitutes terrorism and why does it seem so complicated to define? This article from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, 2021) defines terrorism as a "contested term, with no set definition for the concept or broad agreement among academic experts on its usage " (para. 1). Is it really that difficult to define? It’s a word and as such it should just be in any old dictionary or textbook glossary and boom there's the definition. Is it more complicated than that? To answer my own question, yes, it is very complicated. But at least I’m not alone in the complicatedness of defining terrorism as it seems like the FBI is having problems too. The article notes that “the recent spate of extremist attacks in the United States and Europe have highlighted the difficulty of defining what constitutes ‘terrorism’” (FBI, 2021, para. 2). Here, The FBI focuses on recent examples extremism to attempt to answer the question, even giving the readers an account of some of the recent terroristic attacks and how the relate to terrorism and extremism. By the end of the article the question remains
  • 2. unclear and unanswered, making this task of defining terrorism that much more confusing. The pro of this article is that there were some real-world examples. These help show the complicated nature of defining terrorism. The article would have been more interesting if there were some frontline details, like the definition from the FBI’s perspective, especially given it’s the leading legal enforcement mechanism in the country. Words: 270 Reference Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2021). What We Investigate: Terrorism. Retrieved from Commented [JW1]: When citing from a webpage, you must count the paragraphs and include a para. citation. Commented [JW2]: Note how the quote within a quote appears: " ' ' " And note the citation here follows the quote since the source was not mentioned before the quote.
  • 3. Running head: GUIDED IMAGERY AND PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION 2 2 Title of Paper in Bold Centered Student Name American Public University COURSE####: Course Title Instructor Name Due Date Repeat the Title – Level 1 Header Hit the tab key one time to begin the main body of the paper. The paragraphs of the main document are indented. The computer will wrap your text for you based upon the margin settings established by this document template. It is not necessary for you to hit the Enter or return key at the end of a line of text. Only hit the enter key (one time) when you reach the end of a paragraph. Then hit the tab key to indent and then continue typing the paper. In APA any source that you use in your paper must have an in-text citation. In APA these citations include the author’s last name and the year of the publication in parentheses (Name,
  • 4. Year). Level 2 Header use: Flush Left, Bold, Title Case Heading Sub-section your essay using sub-headers in the same sequence you introduced your topic in your lead paragraph, your thesis. Level 3 Header use: Flush Left, Bold Italic, Title Case Heading The more lengthy or complex your essay, the potential for using additional Level Headers; notice the subtle difference. One tip for any submission, always double-check the font choice is consistent throughout the essay. Conclusion Begin to summarize the main points of your topic in three to five sentences. The conclusion of your paper should re-phrase the points of what your reader should be left remembering, nothing new, concise and to the point. References Lastname, C. (2008). Title of the source without caps except Proper Nouns or: First word after colon. The Journal or Publication Italicized and Capped, Vol#(Issue#), Page numbers. Organizational Development Annotated Bibliography Name American Public University Course: Name
  • 5. Professor Date David, F. R., Creek, S. A., & David, F. R. (2019). What is the key to effective SWOT analysis, including AQCD factors. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 84(1), 25-35. 8e6a92710c5/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=40946 David et al. (2019) research are essential to understand the effectiveness of SWOT analysis as a tool for organizational development. The authors used a mixed-method approach to analyze the data from a case study of an organization in the United States. This approach included a quantitative survey and an in-depth interview with the organization’s director. Through this approach, the authors sought to determine the factors contributing to the success of the SWOT analysis. The authors found that the most critical factor contributing to the success of SWOT analysis was the inclusion of AQCD factors. AQCD stands for “Analysis of Quality, Cost, and Delivery,” which refers to assessing the quality of the organization’s products and services, the cost of providing them, and their delivery. The authors found that AQCD factors were essential for a successful SWOT analysis as they provided an in-depth understanding of the organization’s strengths and weaknesses. The article’s findings are helpful for my research as it gives insight into how
  • 6. a SWOT analysis can be used for organizational development. The article’s discussion of the importance of AQCD factors for a successful SWOT analysis provides an understanding of the complexities of corporate growth. Additionally, the report provides valuable insight into using a mixed-method approach to evaluate the effectiveness of an organization’s SWOT analysis. The main limitations of this article are that the sample size was small and the research was limited to one case study. Despite the limitations, this article will be helpful in my research on organizational development as it provides valuable insight into using SWOT analysis and its potential for improving an organization’s growth. The article’s discussion of the importance of AQCD factors for a successful SWOT analysis provides an understanding of the complexities of organizational development. Additionally, the paper provides valuable insight into using a mixed-method approach to evaluate the effectiveness of an organization’s SWOT analysis. By understanding the importance of AQCD factors and the usefulness of a mixed-method approach, researchers can better understand the complexities of organizational development. Haveman, H. A., & Wetts, R. (2019). Organizational theory: From classical sociology to the 1970s. Sociology Compass, 13(3), e12627. The article by Haveman & Wetts (2019) provides an overview of the development of organizational theory from its roots in classical sociology to the 1970s. The authors use a variety of historical and sociological sources to illustrate the effect of organizational theory, including the works of early sociologists such as Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. The article covers various topics, including the emergence of bureaucracy, leadership’s role, technology’s impact, and the relationship between organizations and their environment. This article is
  • 7. highly relevant to my research topic as it provides an overview of the development of organizational theory over time. The main limitation of the article is that it needs to provide a detailed analysis of the various ideas instead of focusing on the broader trends in the development of the field. The authors conclude that organizational theory has become increasingly complex and multifaceted and has been influenced by various forces. This article will form the basis of my research as it provides an overview of the development of organizational theory and outlines the different approaches that have shaped the field. Furthermore, it will provide context for my research and be an invaluable source of information to help inform my analysis. Lubis, F. R., & Hanum, F. (2020, December). Organizational culture. In 2nd Yogyakarta International Conference on Educational Management/Administration and Pedagogy (YICEMAP 2019) (pp. 88-91). Atlantis Press. 19/125949878 Organizational culture is an essential factor in determining organizational performance. In their article, Lubis and Hanum (2020) explore the effects of corporate culture on organizational performance in the Indonesian context. The authors use a combination of theoretical and empirical research to examine how organizational culture impacts organizational performance. They note that corporate culture can have both positive and negative effects. For example, in the Indonesian context, a solid hierarchical organizational culture can lead to high levels of employee satisfaction, motivation and commitment, increasing organizational performance. On the other hand, a culture of mistrust or hostility among employees can lead to decreased motivation and performance levels. The authors conclude that organizational culture significantly affects performance and should be considered when developing corporate growth and strategies. They suggest that organizational leaders should
  • 8. create a culture of respect and trust, allowing employees to feel valued and empowered and leading to higher motivation and performance levels. The authors recommend that organizational leaders strive for a culture of openness, enabling employees to share ideas and take the initiative. Such an environment will foster innovation, creativity, and collaboration, which have all been shown to lead to higher performance levels. Neebe, K. (2020). Sustainability at Walmart: Success over the long haul. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 32(2), 64-71. Neebe’s (2020) article on the sustainability of Walmart is a comprehensive and highly relevant piece of research for my research topic. The article examines all aspects of Walmart’s sustainability, from its corporate responsibility to its human resources and environmental policies. Neebe employs various research methods, including interviews, surveys and observation, to gain insight into Walmart’s strategies, business practices and the decisions that have contributed to its success. The article is highly relevant to my research topic, as it provides an in-depth overview of Walmart’s sustainability practices, which can be used to identify key strategies that could be applied to other organizations. The main limitation of this article is that it primarily focuses on Walmart, so it may not apply to other organizations. Nevertheless, the article provides valuable insight into Walmart’s sustainability practices, which can be used to identify strategies for other organizations. For example, Neebe’s research reveals that Walmart’s commitment to sustainability has been critical to its success and that other organizations should consider following its example. This could be through investing in renewable energy, minimizing waste and developing more sustainable supply chains. Walmart’s human resource practices, such as providing benefits and investing in training, could be used as a model for other organizations.
  • 9. Najeemdeen, I. S. (2018). Perceived organizational culture and perceived organizational support on work engagement. In Perceived organizational culture and perceived organizational support on work engagement: Najeemdeen, Iliyasu Shiyanbade. archiv/bitstream/11159/2510/1/1037068858.pdf Najeemdeen’s (2018) research is highly relevant to my research on organizational development, as it comprehensively examines the effect of perceived organizational culture and perceived administrative support on work engagement. This research found that perceived organizational culture and perceived organizational support were significantly associated with work engagement, indicating that both factors are important for increasing employee satisfaction and productivity. The study was conducted on a sample of 304 employees in Nigeria, using an online survey to measure the participants’ responses to the questions posed. The study found that perceived organizational culture had a direct and significant effect on work engagement, while perceived administrative support indirectly affected work engagement via its impact on perceived corporate culture. This finding suggests that organizations should strive to create an environment of support and recognition for their employees, as this will lead to increased work engagement. The study was also limited by its sample size, as the results may not accurately represent the general population. Despite this limitation, the study provides valuable insight into the importance of perceived organizational culture and perceived organizational support in increasing work engagement. The study is helpful for my research on organizational development, as it provides insight into the effect of perceived organizational culture and perceived organizational support on work engagement. Najeemdeen’s conclusion is that perceived organizational culture and perceived organizational support are important factors influencing work engagement in organizations. Therefore, organizations should strive to create an environment of support
  • 10. and recognition for their employees, leading to increased work engagement and, consequently, greater productivity and satisfaction. 2 Organizational Development Research Outline Student Name American Public University MGMT603: Organizational Development Professor Due Date Organizational Development Research Outline I. Introduction A. Definition of organizational culture Lubis and Hanum (2020) state that a company's culture consists of its employees' commonly held assumptions about how things should be done in the workplace. B.
  • 11. Overview of the importance of organizational culture Organizational culture is a potent force that may have a significant influence on employee involvement, efficiency, and morale. It is essential for organizations to understand and appreciate the importance of developing a strong and positive culture, in order to create a productive and successful work environment. C. Statement of the problem/Thesis This paper will examine the influence of Walmart Inc.'s corporate culture on its productivity and examine ways in which the company can improve its organizational culture in order to improve performance and productivity. II. The Organization A. Overview of the organization The organization selected for this research project is Walmart Inc. Among the most successful firms in the US, Walmart is also the world's most popular retailer (Neebe, 2020). Worldwide, Walmart runs its trademark low-priced department and warehouse shops. To help people live comfortably on less money is Walmart's core purpose. III. Literature Review A. Theoretical foundations of organizational culture i. History Weber argued that organizations were made up of distinct cultures, and that the structure and experiences of the organization were based on the beliefs and values of its members (Haveman & Wetts, 2019). It is the invisible force that guides the behavior and actions of the corporation’s personnel, and is shaped by the corporation’s values, goals, and experiences. ii. Components
  • 12. Organizational culture is composed of several components, including values, beliefs, norms, symbols, and artifacts. Values are the beliefs and ideas that guide the behavior of the organization's members, while beliefs are the accepted truths or assumptions of the organization (Haveman & Wetts, 2019). B. Organizational culture in large businesses i. Types of cultures Organizations can have either a strong or a weak culture. A strong culture is one in which the organization's values, beliefs, and norms are deeply embedded in the organization's culture and are widely shared by its members. ii. Impact on organizational success Organizational culture has a significant impact on a firm's capability to realize its goals. Najeemdeen (2018) illustrates that a strong organizational culture can lead to increased employee engagement, improved performance, and higher morale. C. Tools for assessing and developing organizational culture i. Surveys Surveys are a useful tool for assessing an organization's culture. Surveys can be used to measure the levels of employee engagement, performance, and morale, as well as the organization's values, beliefs, and norms. ii. Interviews Interviews are another useful tool for assessing an organization's culture. Interviews can be used to gain a deeper understanding of an organization's values, beliefs, and norms, as well as the experiences of its members. IV. Program Development
  • 13. A. Establishing objectives The objective of this program is to design, develop, implement, and maintain a program that will improve the organizational culture of Walmart Inc. in order to improve performance and productivity. B. Program design The program will focus on training and development, communication, and performance management. The program will include several components, including training and development, communication, and performance management. The activities of the program will include surveys, interviews, and other activities that will help to assess and improve the organization's culture. C. Findings · The program aims to improve the organizational culture of Walmart Inc. by addressing the organization's values, beliefs, and norms, as well as the experiences of its members. · The program will include training and development, communication, and performance management activities in order to assess and improve the organization's culture. · Theories of organizational development will be used to help guide the program design and implementation. Analyzing organizational culture will allow for better decision making and improved performance. · Surveys, interviews, and focus groups will be used to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the program. V. Conclusion A. Summary of key points This research paper has explored the bearing of organizational culture on Walmart’s performance, and examined ways in which the company can improve its organizational culture in order to improve performance and productivity. The paper has discussed the theoretical foundations of organizational culture, the types
  • 14. of cultures that exist in large businesses, and the tools that can be used to assess and develop organizational culture. The paper has also discussed the program design, implementation, and evaluation that will be used to improve the organizational culture of Walmart Inc. B. Recommendations i. It is recommended that Walmart Inc. develop, implement, and maintain a program that will assess and improve the organization's culture in order to improve performance and productivity. ii. The program should include training and development, communication, and performance management activities, and should be evaluated on an ongoing basis in order to ensure that it is achieving its desired outcomes. iii. Through a PESTEL and a SWOT analysis, Walmart Inc. can gain a better understanding of the external and internal factors that are influencing its organizational culture, and use this information to inform their program design and implementation. Political factors such as changes in government regulations and economic factors such as changes in the market can have a significant impact on the organization's culture (David et al., 2019).
  • 15. VI. References David, F. R., Creek, S. A., & David, F. R. (2019). What is the key to effective SWOT analysis, including AQCD factors. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 84(1), 25-35. 8e6a92710c5/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=40946 Haveman, H. A., & Wetts, R. (2019). Organizational theory: From classical sociology to the 1970s. Sociology Compass, 13(3), e12627. Lubis, F. R., & Hanum, F. (2020, December). Organizational culture. In 2nd Yogyakarta International Conference on Educational Management/Administration and Pedagogy (YICEMAP 2019) (pp. 88-91). Atlantis Press. 19/125949878 Neebe, K. (2020). Sustainability at Walmart: Success over the long haul. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 32(2), 64-71. Najeemdeen, I. S. (2018). Perceived organizational culture and perceived organizational support on work engagement. In Perceived organizational culture and perceived organizational support on work engagement: Najeemdeen, Iliyasu Shiyanbade. archiv/bitstream/11159/2510/1/1037068858.pdf
  • 16. Assignment: Research Paper - Part I Instructions Your final research paper will be based on Organization Development. You may use some of the readings assigned in the class and expand on a particular topic. In order to complete this task, you will need to write the first half of your final paper. To be successful, a minimum of five (5) pages of substantive content toward your final paper must be submitted in APA format Chapter 12: Structure for Managing Emergency Response Article Name: “Florida officials seek tourism boost after Alberto blows through” Article Review: The Emergency Operations Center should be the most important building of any community. This is where all the knowledge and nuts and bolts to keep the safety, economy, and welfare of all the citizens and dynamics of a city or county, flowing. Every part of our country has its own
  • 17. hazards, from California and earthquakes, wildfires and tsunami threats, to hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods in the South and Midwest. Every EOC has its own set of emergency plans based on the threat assessment. I bring up economy because you see it every storm season, disasters blow in and everyone flees, including the tourists which would have spurred the economy but now are gone, and so is the economy. Disasters not only pull down the economy, and the lack of needed tourism, but then is the increased cost of preparing, mitigating, and recovery of disasters and emergencies. Hurricane season started in the south, and now Florida is trying to pull back in tourists in between storms. I understand that, but I also see a risk involved. According to one source, “As winds and rains let up from Subtropical Storm Alberto, Florida officials Tuesday were quickly spinning ways to draw tourists to areas that may have missed out on Memorial Day crowds” (Turner, 2018, para. 1). The Governor of Florida visited an EOC to thank them for a job well done for this first storm as he was questioned about tourism efforts. He said, “The
  • 18. Legislature gave us $76 million again this year (for visit Florida), and part of that money is to work on when we have something like this, to let people know we’re back open for business” (Turner, 2018, para. 5). The EOC is the hub and is excellent at tracking emergency and disaster situations before they happen, when possible, and that success is shown by minimal loss of life and property. When greed steps in, that is when you see tourism take a back seat, but most who have been through the big storms know those risks, and you see a good attitude with the Governor of Florida in this article who knows what his State is facing. It shows a good leader also who shows appreciation to those he knows keeps the public safe. WC 375 Turner, J. (2018, May 30). Florida officials seek tourism boost after Alberto blows through. Florida Division of Emergency Management. Retrieved from afterAlbertoblows through
  • 19. Criteria No Submission: O Points Emerging (F through D range) 12 points Satisfactory (C Range) 14 points Proficient (B Range) 16 points Exemplary (A Range) 20 points Criterion score 20/20 Thesis and Ideas: Explores the appropriate topic based on chapters read in the week and displays college level thinking
  • 20. Submits the correct number of Journal articles. Student did not submit the assignment Work does not meet assignment expectations; shows little or no understanding of assignment concepts Assignment partially meets expectations with minimal depth; demonstrates a limited understanding of the assignment concepts Assignment meets expectations with all components being addressed; demonstrates the ability to evaluate and apply key assignments
  • 21. Assignment exceeds expectations with exceptional depth; presents all requirements of the assignment; demonstrates the ability to evaluate, apply and synthesize key assignment concepts 20/20 Criteria No Submission: O Points Emerging (F through D range) 12 points Satisfactory (C Range) 14 points Proficient B Range
  • 22. 16 points Exemplary (A Range 20 points Criterion score 20/20 Comprehension: Synthesizes information and communicates it through student’s own thoughts and words. Student did not submit the assignment Work does not meet assignment expectations; shows little or no understanding of assignment concepts Assignment partially meets expectations with minimal depth; demonstrates a
  • 23. limited understanding of the assignment concepts Assignment meets expectations with all components being addressed; demonstrates the ability to evaluate and apply key assignments Assignment exceeds expectations with exceptional depth; presents all requirements of the assignment; demonstrates the ability to evaluate, apply and synthesize key assignment concepts 20/20 Criteria No Submission: O Points Emerging (F through D range)
  • 24. 12 points Satisfactory (C Range) 14 points Proficient (B Range) 16 points Exemplary (A Range) 20 points 20/20 Evidence critical and analytical skills Student did not submit the assignment Work does not meet assignment expectations; shows little or no understanding of assignment concepts
  • 25. Assignment partially meets expectations with minimal depth; demonstrates a limited understanding of the assignment concepts Assignment meets expectations with all components being addressed; demonstrates the ability to evaluate and apply key assignments Assignment exceeds expectations with exceptional depth; presents all requirements of the assignment; demonstrates the ability to evaluate, apply and synthesize key assignment concepts 20/20 Criteria No Submission:
  • 26. 0 Points Emerging (F through D range) 12 points Satisfactory (C Range) 14 points Proficient B Range 16 points Exemplary (A Range) 20 points 20/20 Research: Appropriate use of scholarly sources Student did not submit the assignment Work does not meet assignment expectations; shows little or no understanding of assignment concepts
  • 27. Assignment partially meets expectations with minimal depth; demonstrates a limited understanding of the assignment concepts Assignment meets expectations with all components being addressed; demonstrates the ability to evaluate and apply key assignments Assignment exceeds expectations with exceptional depth; presents all requirements of the assignment; demonstrates the ability to evaluate, apply and synthesize key 20/20 Criteria No Submission: 0 Points
  • 28. Emerging (F through D range) 6 points Satisfactory (C Range) 7 points Proficient B Range 8 points Exemplary (A Range) 10 points 10/10 Organization: Writing demonstrates well- developed body that evidences each element from the thesis in succinct paragraphs and each Student did not submit the assignment Work does not meet assignment expectations; shows little or no understanding of
  • 29. assignment concepts Assignment partially meets expectations with minimal depth; demonstrates a limited understanding of Assignment meets expectations with all components being addressed; demonstrates the ability to evaluate Assignment exceeds expectations with exceptional depth; presents all requirements of the assignment; demonstrates the 10/10 paragraph supports the thesis. the assignment concepts
  • 30. and apply key assignments ability to evaluate, apply and synthesize key Criteria No Submission 0 Points Emerging (F through D range) 6 points Satisfactory (C Range) 7 points Proficient (B Range) 8 points Exemplary (A Range) 10 points 10/10 Used APA formatted citations and references and used correct structural formatting Student did
  • 31. not submit the assignment No attempt at APA formatting when using references APA is attempted with numerous errors Using APA format accurately; errors are noticeable Using APA format proficiently, text is basically error free Overall Score Emerging (F-D) Satisfactory (C Range) Proficient (B range) Exemplary (A range)
  • 32. Research & Report For your Journal Assignment, you should find two articles that relates to the material covered in your reading this week: · CHAPTER 1: Cyberspace: The New Frontier for Policing</li · CHAPTER 2: Definitions of Cyber Terrorism · CHAPTER 3: New and Emerging Threats of Cyber Crime and Terrorism · CHAPTER 4: Police Investigation Processes: Practical Tools and Techniques for Tackling Cyber Crimes · CHAPTER 5: Cyber Specifications: Capturing User Requirements for Cyber-Security Investigations Use any peer reviewed resources ( government websites) to find an article that discusses the same topic. Then write in an APA review of the article. You should submit two of these. Submit them in the same document. Requirements: · Complete two article reviews. · Each review shouold have a minimum of 250-350 words. · Each review should explain the significance of the article and relate it to your reading this week. · Each review should end with your opinion on the pros or cons of the article being reviewed. · Note: Do NOT use any articles older than 5 years. This field is always changing, so you should be using current information (no older than five years). · Note: Do NOT simply cut-and-paste from a website or from an article. Yes, you should be sources to find the information for this journal assignment, but do not simply cut-
  • 33. and-paste someone else's words. As you review the article, put it in your own words. Be sure to cite in APA. If you copy and paste, you will NOT get credit for doing this. Your reviews must be your own words, thoughts, and analysis.