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Essay on My Family History
My Family History
Family history is very important to an individual. By knowing where you come from, you can have
a better perspective of your life. Having a clear understanding of your family background allows you
to better appreciate the things that you would normally take for granted. The house, the car, and the
average clothing may look better when one sees the sacrifices their family has made. They will see
that their family has worked very hard just so their family can experience the better things in life. A
persons roots and origin is one of the most important things to explore. It alone can bring you closer
to self–discovery.
There are two sides to a person's family and one side of my family more content...
One of these is that on Thanksgiving everybody comes together to my parents' house in New Jersey
for a huge feast. On Christmas only my mother and the children (me and my brother) travel to Illinois
to spend a week with my grandparents. On New Years Eve we all get together at my parents'
house in New Jersey and toast to the New Year with champagne and apple cider. During Labor
Day weekend all of my family travels to South Jersey to my grandfathers' condo. We usually
spend all of our time on the beach and barbequing, except on Sunday when we go to church. After
all, my grandfather is a minister. One of our biggest family traditions is going back to Puerto
Rico. Every year my mother and I travel back to Puerto Rico for a portion of our summer
vacation. Now that I am older I travel there more often and stay there much longer. My father never
joins because he doesn't like my mothers side of the father too much and he thinks that we when we
speak Spanish we are all plotting against him. Of course that's not true though. My bother doesn't
speak Spanish so he doesn't like to go either. I guess that tradition is one that belongs solely to my
mother and I.
The role of the people in family basically stayed the same for most of the generations with a little
change in the later generations. Earlier the males were the only ones that worked in the family and
the wife stayed at home and took care of the house and
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Opening to a Horror Story Essay
Opening to a Horror Story
They told him the house was haunted. They told him the house was strange. Five families had
moved in, and never made it out. Alive anyway. He had already survived two days with his family.
His second night in his new home, what could possibly happen?
A whispered name.
The boy stirs in his sleep. A pale, vaporous moon lights the room. Shadows are deep. He twists his
head, turning towards the window so that his face becomes a soft mask, unblemished, colourless.
But the boy's dream is troubled; beneath his lids, his eyes dart to and fro.
The whispered name:
Its sound is distant.
The boy frowns; yet the voice is within his own slumber, more content...
He stands at the door, as if fearing to touch. But he is puzzled. More– he is curious. He twists the
handle, the metal's coldness leaping along his arm like iced energy released from a source. The
shock is mild against the damp chill of his own body. He pulls the door open and the darkness
beyond is more dense; it seems to swell into the bedroom, a waxing shadow. He shrinks away,
reluctant to allow contact with this fresh darkness.
His vision adjusts, and the inkiness scatters as if weakened by its own sudden growth. He advances
again, passing through the doorway to stand shivering on the landing overlooking the staircase. To
descend this would be like sinking into the blackest of all pits, for darkness down there appears final.
Still the hushed whisper urges:
He listens for a moment more, perhaps wishing that the minor voice would also rouse his sleeping
parents. There is no sound from their room; grief has exhausted their bodies as well as their spirit.
He stares into the centre of the darkness below, terribly compelled to descend.
The fingers of one hand slide against the wall, as he does so, their tips rippling over the textured
wall paper. Disbelief mingles with the fascination and the fear. Small lights– caught from who
knows where? At the foot of
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This book showed the struggle between rich and poor. The two main groups of the story were the
Socs and the greasers. The Socs are in the upper class while the greasers are the poor ones that
dislike the Socs because they have more money, better cars, and act like they are better than the
greasers. The Outsiders is a good story by S.E. Hinton that shows the struggles of growing up
Hinton did a fine job with the character development, the plot, and the theme with a few flaws. The
Outsiders is a book that changed the style of young adult writers because it went off from the genre
that young adult writer were using during that time period. The reader sees the everyday problems
that teenagers were going through, "I can't take much more content...
The fact that all three boys were still moving on without their parents showed that they had a lot
of heart. The two main divisions were between the Greasers and the Socs, and this rivalry led to
many conflicts in the book. Hinton illustrates the divisions and fighting in this quote, "They
caught him and one of them had a lot of rings on his hand that's what had cut Johnny up so badly"
(Hinton 33). Johnny was attacked by four Socs when he was playing with a football at the park.
There are many times in the book where Socs attacked Greasers that were walking alone. Howard
explains the divisions and violence of the gangs in this quote, "Tulsa was one of many American
cities that had seen an increasing division between social classes since World War II, and the
animosity between Greasers and Socs gangs illustrated the extent to which this division between
social classes had permeated society" (Howard 28). The Greasers were seen as the poor outcast
while the Socs were the popular one with all the money. The Socs provoke the Greasers by saying
hurtful things and attacking them so both gangs feel the need to fight to prove that they are better.
Hinton did a good job of portraying the violence and building up to these points and this keeps the
reader interested in the book. There are many critics and parents who were outraged about the
violence that takes place in the book. This quote by Hinton demonstrates the harsh violence, "I
ducked and
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Saturn Essay
Saturn is one of the most interesting planets in the solar system. It is the sixth planet in the solar
system, and is most famous for its stunning array of rings. It is a very easy planet to pick out in
the sky because it is one of the brightest lights in the shy. It also has a very faint greenish color that
makes it stand out from the rest of the objects in the sky ("Astronomy for Kids"). Saturn is the second
largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter being the only planet that is bigger. It also has at least
eighteen moons, more than any other planet in the solar system. There have been three voyages to
this extraordinary planet, and one is still in process today. The Pioneer II traveled to Saturn in
September of 1979, more content...
Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is the only planet that is larger. The
gas giant is 72 thousand miles in diameter, almost ten times the size of Earth. In spite of its huge
size, though, Saturn weighs very little. It is a very light gas planet. Saturn is the least dense planet in
the solar system–– so light, in fact, that it would float in water. This planet is mostly composed of
hydrogen and helium, like Jupiter, but it is much less dense. The combination of its light weight
and fast rotation causes Saturn to spread out, or oblate, its center. Since Saturn is a gas planet, it
does not have a solid surface. Spacecraft are unable to land on this type of surface. The clouds that
are seen when looking at Saturn are just the top layer of a very deep layer that covers a center of
liquid hydrogen. The clouds are blown by constant winds that reach speeds up to one thousand miles
per hour at the equator of the planet ("Great Space Place").
The rings of Saturn are more spectacular than those of any other planet. Although this planet's
rings are very wide, extending from the top of its atmosphere to well beyond the orbits of its
closest moons, they are very thin, measuring no more than a few kilometers (about a mile) in
thickness ("Great Space Place"). The Pioneer 11 flyby made several discoveries about the rings. The
rings are made of
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How effective are the opening chapters in Great Expectations and Jane
In my essay i will be explaining and comparing the opening paragraphs of "Great Expectations" ang
"Jane Eyre". The author of "Great
Expectations" is Charles Dickens (1812–70). Dickens was a middle class man who was well known
and wealthy. He had his own magazine, called
"All the year round", in which he published "Great Expectations" over a period of 59 weeks; one
chapter a week was published his magazine.
He wrote it in 1860 and it was published between December 1860 and
August 1861.
"Jane Eyre" was published in 1847 and written by Charlotte Bronte but under the name of Currer
Bell because it was hard for a women in the
Victorian times to more content...
After this Jane retaliated and called him a "wicked and cruel boy" then they broke out into a fight.
Mrs Reed saw this fight and instructed her servant to put Jane into the "red room".
Both "Great Expectations" and "Jane Eyre" are set in the Victorian times. Pip and Jane are both
orphans and are threatened with the use of violence. Pip is treatened with the use of mental violence
by the escaped prosoner. Where as Jane is threatened with physical violence from John Reed.
"Great Expectations" opens in the churchyard, in the late afternoon, deserted apart from Pip who
is looking at the gravestones. The churchyard is in the marsh country down by the river. The
churchyard is very dull and dingy and it is also very neglected, "black place overgrown with
nettles was the churchyard". This place is dull and probably not many people visit the graveyard.
Nobody has bothered doing any gardening which makes it a very steriotypical graveyard.
"Jane Eyre" opens in a rainy, winter's afternoon inside the Reeds house. Jane is in the breakfast
room reading a book behind a curtain
"Folds of scarlet drapery shut in my view to the right hand; to the left were the clear panes of glass".
The Reeds house is Troy Franklin
quite expensive because in Victorian times it would be very expensive to have scarlet drapery. At
the very start of the chapter it
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Nature in Literature Essay examples
Holly Stalker
Professor Loren Hoekzema
English 141–30
17 February 2015
Nature in Literature: Basho and Voltaire Nature plays a huge role in many pieces of literature, but
especially Basho's Narrow Road to the Deep North and Voltaire's Candide. There is a major
difference between the two forms of literature and how nature is incorporated into each. This
Japanese form of literature has a much lighter tone than that of the European style of literature.
You can see a calmer, more relaxed intention into the nature that is in Basho's Narrow Road to the
Deep North. On page 413 in Basho's piece, it says "As the year gradually came to an end and spring
arrived, filling the sky with mist, I longed to cross the Shirakawa Barrier, the most
more content...
In the opening paragraph on page 454, Voltaire writes "Once upon a time in Westphalia, in the castle
of Baron Thunder–ten–tronckh, there lived a young boy whom nature had endowed with the
gentlest of dispositions." This opening sentence makes you believe that it could have a similar
feel to Basho's story. When you reach page 460, there is a line that says "While he was presenting
his argument, the air grew thick, the winds blew from the four corners of the earth, and the ship
was assailed by the most terrible storm, within sight of the port of Lisbon." This passage not only
shows you that the nature of the story is a lot more dramatic, but it also shows you that Voltaire is
more focused on the weather instead of the landscape. There is a dramatic earthquake and a storm
that destroys the ship that they are on. Page 461 says "Whirlwinds of flame and ash covered the
streets and public squares: houses disintegrated, roofs were upended upon foundations, and
foundations crumbled." Voltaire writing this in his passage just shows the reader how awful and
destructive the earthquake actually was. While you understand that they encountered a massive
destructive earthquake, they do actually see some light at the end of all the horrible events. On
page 467, it says "'All will be well,' was Candide's reply. 'Already the sea in this new world is better
than those we have in Europe. It's
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The Beauty And Cosmetics Industry Essay
The beauty and cosmetics industry is one of the largest sectors worldwide. Due to the many
products, opinions are divided on their performances and potential side– effects. When it comes to
hair and beauty, you cannot afford to get it wrong. Online blogs on hair and beauty is a great place
to keep up with the trends, learning about new styles and learning about new products. In this article,
we will discuss the top hair and beauty blogs that you should visit.
Christina's blog is truly informative. It's a one stop hair advice blog. There are tutorials, tricks on
doing your hair and all this is delivered in a warm setting where your hair needs are scrutinized
keenly and necessary advice provided. She does her hair and hence has adequate knowhow on hair.
With Nikki, it's all about that personal one on one knowledge sharing. She offers newsletters, emails
and thus offering you a chance to learn from the experts on styling right where you are. She offers a
chance for you to join the– Styling community and learn; kudos Nikki.
When it comes to advice on beauty products, Bella does an exquisite job on the blog. There is
information on hair products like hair conditioners and shampoos to ensure ideal maintenance and
care for your hair at all times. Information, in the cosmetic industry is an invaluable tool in hair and
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Introductory Paragraph Analysis
Introductory Paragraph
Hunger. Emptiness. Death. In the novel Night by Elie wiesel speaks about hunger as something all
jews were used to, empty and deprived of nutrition they were already dead. Hunger consumes all
hope and love that people have with one another.
Body Paragraph 1
In Night, hunger devours most relationships within the vile gates of auschwitz, for example when
Elie Wiesel was on the train cart he witnessed a son kill his own father for some crust "Meir, my
little Meir! Don't you recognize me... You're killing your father... I have bread... for you too..." (pg
101). From hunger a son betrayed his own father only to fill his stomach, in the end they both died
due to their desire to contain hunger. When Elie talks about how he didn't recognize
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Introductory Paragraph On Abortion
Introductory Paragraph Abortion shouldn't be something that someone should have to think about.
It should be a no brainer answer to the child's parents. One should not ever have to make the
decision of if they want a child to live or not to live. Society has misjudged this cruel topic,
overthought this cruel topic, and blown this cruel topic out of proportion. No child should have to
be so called, "murdered" for the lack of responsibility of his or her parents. The bible states abortion
is murder, and that murder is wrong, and illegal. Abortion should be illegal due to the negative
impacts of killing a human being. The Bible is completely at odds with the worldview of those who
support abortion. The Bible never mentions the practice of abortion, but those wanting to shape their
lives around the Bible should find the practice both absurd and inacceptable. The Bible teaches that
pregnancy is a good thing and children are a blessing (Jones). The Bible states... Don't you see that
children are God's best gift? The fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior's fistful of more content...
"Approximately 3,000 Americans lost their lives as a result of the destruction of the World Trade
Center towers on 9/11. Every single day, more than 3,000 American babies are killed by abortion"
(Snyder). This fact is sickening, and compares two different situations. The destruction of the
World Trade Center towers did not happen by choice, and people did not die by choice. This event
was viewed as tragic for the US, and lots of people were killed. The same number of people killed on
this one day happens to also be the same number of abortions that happen every single day. This
means that if 3000 abortions happen every day then a little over 1,000,000 babies are killed every
year. There is no difference from people being killed in 9/11 to babies being killed in the
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Essay about The Life of William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was a very talented man known for his various works of literature. His works
include poems, plays, and sonnets. His works are then broken down into tragedies, comedies, and
histories. Shakespeare left this world centuries ago, but his writings continue to live throughout the
world today. He has greatly impacted the world of literature and his existence will forever be
remembered. In 1564, William Shakespeare was born in Stratford–upon–Avon (Hazell 32). It seems
that Shakespeare's career began around the year 1592. This was a tough time for playwrights and
actors. There was an outbreak of the bubonic plague which caused concerns for those wanting to
watch because of being surrounded by those more content...
Along with being translated into every language, Shakespeare's words reach and are accepted by
multiple races and cultures (McMillan). A reason William Shakespeare is accepted by multiple
races could be the fact that he does not ignore the issues and "tensions" between them and instead
makes light of them by including them in his plays such as Othello and The Merchant of Venice.
He addresses the struggles between different colors and religions. He never takes a designated side;
he simply tells a story which is what has helped him be so well accepted ("Race – Introduction").
Not only has Shakespeare related to his audiences through racial aspects, but also through
common emotional experiences. Shakespeare used his words and made them speak to his
audiences using emotional feelings that anyone would naturally feel (McMillan). His works can
be classified into three main categories: tragedies, histories, and comedies ("William Shakespeare"
656). Each of these categories has characters that the audience can relate to somehow. With
Shakespeare's tragedies, his characters are noble heroes that are looked up to that are all facing
tragedy. His histories obviously tell the stories of events that have happened for people to relate to.
William Shakespeare's comedies have characters that many find irresistible. And lastly, the women
in his plays can also be relatable. We can all
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Building A House
The process of building a house is a very complex and difficult task. In the following paragraphs, I
will be explaining the many different steps that are required to build a house.
The first thing in building a house is selecting a lot and lot preparation. The land has to be cleared
of trees and brush and graded to ensure a level building area. This process is usually called
excavating and grading. This is usually a very fast process but can be costly depending on the job.
Also the land has to perk which means the land is not too wet and is safe for a structure and allows
a septic tank to be installed that will function properly.
The next step is to have the land surveyed. When the more content...
When the framing crew is finished, the framing has to be inspected and passed before the next
process can begin.
The next process is for the electricians and plumbers to begin. The electricians will completely wire
the house while the plumbers will only put in the first stage of pipes. The reason for not completely
plumbing is because the showers, sinks, and toilets are the very last items to be installed.
After the wiring and preliminary plumbing are complete, insulation and installing the windows on
the house are done. Using a good insulation and good windows will help reduce the heating and
cooling costs of the homeowner. This is a step in building a house that you should spare no expense.
The insulation and windows will pay for themselves in the long run.
Next, the builder will be hanging sheetrock. The sheetrock is the base interior wall covering. After
the sheetrock is hung, the painting or wallcovering can be done. Once painting is completed, the
carpet installation or other floor coverings can be installed. This is self–explanatory.
Inside trim will also be done during this phase. This includes various molding and window casings
and other items to be done to the specifications of the homeowner.
Then builders will move to the outside of the house. The boxing and siding crews will start on the
exterior of the house. Here you have to choose whether you want vinyl siding or one of the many of
the other kinds of siding on the market today. There
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Essay on The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson
Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" is a story littered with warnings and subtext about the dangers a
submissive society can pose. While the opening is deceptively cheery and light Jackson uses an
array of symbols and ominous syntax to help create the apprehensive and grim tone the story ends
with. Her portrayal of the town folk as blindly following tradition represents the world during World
War II when people's failure to not mindlessly accept and heed authority lead to disastrous
consequences. . Shirley Jackson uses a large array of techniques to help convey the idea that
recklessly following and accepting traditions and orders can lead to disastrous consequences.
The opening paragraphs of the story contain a light and carefree more content...
As Tessie's protests continue and the Hutchinson family prepares to draw again the sense of
apprehension is one again mounting, this time fearing for whoever wins yet still not knowing
what their "prize" will be. "The crowd was quiet. A girl whispered, 'I hope it's not Nancy'", the
silence and fear of the crowds manifests in the reader as the three children and their parents all draw
slips of paper. Tessie "wins"the lottery and when the narrator explains "although the villagers had
forgotten the ritual, and lost they original black box, they still remembered to use stones" (6) its
suddenly shockingly clear to the readers what the winner is to receive. The drastic switch from a
light and cheerful tone with talk of the beautiful day and children playing to the closing like of "and
they were upon her" (7) is in part why this story is so effective. The unforeseen sinister end of the
story makes the revelation of the tradition much more shocking and unsettling than had the reader
known from the beginning what the outcome would be. Jackson very effectively builds a sense of
apprehension and foreboding as she slowly cues the reader into the reality of the situation.
"The Lottery" has many symbols that help create the sinister and somber tone of the story. The
black box from which the papers are drawn as well as the black dot on the paper are both symbolic
of death. Black is a universally accepted
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Loneliness Essay
To be lonely is an easy thing, being alone is another matter entirely. To understand this, first one
must understand the difference between loneliness and being alone. To be alone means that your
are not in the company of anyone else. You are one. But loneliness can happen anytime, anywhere.
You can be lonely in a crowd, lonely with friends, lonely with family. You can even be lonely
while with loved ones. For feeling lonely, is in essence a feeling of being alone. As thought you
were one and you feel as though you will always be that way. Loneliness can be one of the most
destructive feelings humans are capable of feeling. For loneliness can lead to depression, suicide,
and even to raging out and hurting friends and/ more content...
Generally almost all loneliness can be traced back to low or below "average" self–esteem.
Chronically lonely people will usually have low opinions of themselves. They may think of
themselves as unintelligent, unattractive, broken, unwanted, not worthy of good things, no good,
unable to do anything right, and/or socially isolated. Unlike many other emotionally hurting people,
the chronically lonely usually know what is wrong, but like many others they don't believe they can
do anything to fix it, or, circling back to the low self–esteem, they may also believe they are not
worth of happiness.
It takes the strong support of a good friend(s) or other loved one(s) to help the lonely conquer their
feelings. Simply trying to counteract the low self–esteem verbally will not do it, though, for in their
down state, they will see the person as just trying to be nice or spare their feelings. The lonely
must be shown in more subtle, yet clear ways that they are not the useless person they perceive
themselves to be. For example, with a person who feels particularly unloved and unwanted,
someone close to them should try to take a little extra time to spend with that person and try to set
aside a little extra time to talk to the person.
Nothing special needs to be said or done, simply spending time, willing and without having been
asked, allows the lonely one to see that they are loved. That they are worthy of being associated with
and that there are
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Great Gatsby Opening Paragraph Essay
The excerpt from the text, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, begins by providing great detail
through use of adjectives. The opening paragraph has an almost dream–like quality, using phrases
and words such as "summer nights" "music" "champagne and the stars". These descriptions
provide a great idea as to how the neighbour lives (he is quite clearly an animated merrymaker)
who throws a multitude of parties. The narrator in this text is first person, giving the reader the
effect of almost being within the story. We travel through the house with the omnipresent narrator,
seeing the frivolous food laden tables and a whole orchestra set to entertain the guests for the entire
evening. The use of this omnipresence forces the reader to truly imagine the setting, with ornate
decorations and an abundance if splendour. The audience gets a view of the lavish lifestyle of the
neighbour, while also getting a peek at what it is like to be on the outside looking in, a theme we
discover in the first more content...
The era was famed for its wealth, opulence and parties (Exactly what the neighbour appears to
have and do). The short paragraphs serve to represent his fast paced lifestyle, the details flying
past, as his nights do through all his partying. The vocabulary used is quite specialized, using a
multitude of adjectives giving an insight on the life of the neighbour. The author has cleverly,
through his use of adjectives, made the reader feel the summer atmosphere, and feel the carefree
attitude of all the partygoers. This method of using such detailed description forces the reader to
feel intrigued, and to want to read on and learn more. These adjectives embody a visual form, and
they are occasionally comparative 'Lights grow brighter', 'Laughter is easier minute by minute',
'More swiftly'
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Essay about Prejudice
Missing Formatting
In today's world, there are many social issues, like poverty, vandalism and unemployment.
However, prejudice has become the most dramatic one. Prejudging people for their appearance is a
common practice that humans perform. People are not only ridiculed for their color, but also by
their religion, sex or age. Therefore, I consider that racism, ageism and sexism are the three major
problems in our society and we need to cease them immediately. Much of our world's history were
based upon racism. In the 1600's, white men used Africans as slaves and treated them as they were
not human. "Colored" people were not even allowed to use the same drinking fountains as white
people. Fortunately, in the last three decades, more content...
The most popular watched sport in America, NBA basketball, is played by over 87% of the
African decent. Nevertheless, racism is still a issue that will never completely go away. Ageism
is also a worrying problem in our society. Though many people think that this is not a serious
problem, people are being harassed about their age everyday, whether they are "too young" or
"too old". I have dealt with this problem myself, as many other teenagers have. When I walk into
some stores, I am asked to leave my purse at the counter and I am often followed around by
employees. They watch every move I make to make sure that I will not steal anything. I know that
theft is a dilemma that many businesses have to deal with , but when it gets to the point of being
untrusted due to your age, it is completely ridiculous and inappropriate. Men and women have
never been equal in the world and that is what we call sexism. For example, if a man and a woman
who have the same knowledge ask for the same job, the boss will probably pick the man. Even
though they both get the job, the man will maybe have a better salary than the woman. People
always believe that men work better than women but no one can give a satisfying explication to
support that thought. Fortunately, sexism is decreasing constantly but it will never diminish to the
point of complete equality. We can never judge someone by their
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My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay
I believe that life is a learning experience and being able to recognize our own strengths and
weaknesses can help us become better individuals in anything we choose to do, whether it is
positive abilities and skills that can help achieve our goals or negative personal areas that need
improvement. Knowing yourself and what you can do, can help you recognize and overcome your
weaknesses. One of my greatest strengths at work that I have recognized would have to be my
ability to be a well–organized individual. I tend to write what I have to do down on paper and
prioritize what is more important to least important. In doing this, it helps me organize and
accomplish my work and meet deadlines that are important. A personal more
I am certain that because of my strengths, I am good at what I do however; I do have weaknesses
that I have to overcome and improve. My personal weakness at work is lack of leadership.
Currently I am in a position in which I do not possess the title of management. As a result, I
basically feel that I do not have to show leadership or take initiative to take on the responsibilities
of a manager when in reality, I am not. One of my weaknesses at home is time management. This
is a weakness that I have had to struggle with since my daughter was born. It is hard for me to try
to juggle being a full time single parent, working a full time job and attending school full time. I
always feel that there is never enough time to accomplish my tasks whether it is household
chores, work related or assignments for school. Most importantly I have to make sure that I am
readily available for my child at all times. In a Learning team, presentation skills are very
important. I would have to say that Presentation Skills would be one of my personal weaknesses
in the Learning team. It is difficult for me at times to stand up in front of a room full of people
and present a project or conduct some sort of meeting. In order to do so, you have to have
confidence that what you?re talking about is accurate and the motivation to actually get up do it.
My biggest fear of a presentation would be tripping and falling on my face or
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Muir and Wordsworth Essay
Lesson 06.09 Assessment
Thesis Statement, Opening Paragraph, evidence & conclusion REVISED
While both poets Muir and Wordsworth wrote about the happy feelings that they have towards
nature the beautiful outdoors or what some people may say Mother Nature, some of which the
feelings are the same and some that are different as they speak of the different plants.
In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks." – John Muir Nature does not only
show the beauty of the Earth, but it shows the beauty within us. So then, is it not easy to say that
both of these authors have great beauty within them? After reading both "Calypso Borealis," –John
Muir and "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" –William Wordsworth, I can boldly state more
Muir creatively informs the reader just how much the main character truly loves nature. The same
marvel and beauty is shared in the poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud." After a long climb over
a high hill he finds his reward a valley shining with a huge field of daffodils. "Besides the lakes,
beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze." As Wordsworth explains the scene. As each
scene pops out of the poem, a new addition to the painting in your mind appears each time. The
painting may vary from person to person, but I believe the same sense of awe is present with every
mind. The portions cited are just the beginning of these two works; enough to splash your mind with
colors and emotions, but later parts are what truly makes them worth reading.
"Calypso Borealis" turns from revelation to a desperate situation. Weary and empty, the main
character prepares to spend the night in the wet swamp, in a tree nest. Just as the sun was about to
set, the future very unpredictable, when "Everything seemed most dangerous and discouraging",
the story continues, "I found beautiful Calypso on the mossy bank of stream." Overwhelmed by
the purity and beauty of the Calypso, he collapses by the flower and cries. This rather quick change
of pace I what kept me reading, and the fact the Calypso was so beautiful it made the main character
break down in tears. Imagine finding the glorious treasure you've been seeking the entire time. The
change of tone from depressing to
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Essay about My Business Idea
My Business Idea
In my coursework I intend to start my own business. I will devise my own business plan which
outlines my business proposal and the key aspects, during this I will need to seek good business
advice on the necessary steps I will have to make. As I go through the coursework I will show
evidence, examples and explain how businesses are set up, what types of businesses there are and
their similarities, the kind of targets businesses set for themselves and also the different objectives of
different stakeholders. For my business I plan to sell toys and other game products that educate
young children under the age of 11.
Starting up a business is difficult and risky. Anyone setting up needs to consider:
В· more content...
Most people though have to research their product. Businesses also have to decide how the product
is to be made.
No businesses can be set up without finance. Most people who start their own business
underestimate the amount of money they will need to set up. They are often UNCAPITALISED
and this causes problems as the business expands. Some businesses have the potential to be highly
profitable but fail because they run out of cash at a crucial early stage in the life of the business. So
it is very important to work out how much money is needed to start the business and to identify
where the money will come from.
Identifying the sources of help
Most new businesses don not survive for more than three years of trading. However, their chance of
success is much greater if those setting up the business have received help from experts before the
launch. Many new businesses turn to Business Link or to their local
TEC. They can identify any grants, loans or benefits that are available from government or from
bodies like the Prince's Trust. They can also organise training in setting up small businesses that is
so often vital to the survival of the business.
The business plan
Drawing up a business plan is very important. The business plan sets out how the business is to be
set up and
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Essay on Introduction: Antigone and Creon
Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus, the king that married his own mother, Locaste and unwittingly
killed his father, Laios. When he learned what he had done, he blinded himself and left Thebes,
voluntarily went into self–style exile and died over there. Antigone and Ismene are siblings, the only
surviving children of Oedipus. The other two brothers Polyneices and Eteocles quarreled and killed
each other in a battle when Polyneices returned to assault Thebes, then Creon, Antigone uncle
became the king of Thebes being the only heir in line to the throne. Creon ordered Polyneices be left
to rot unburied on the battle field as a traitor but Antigone could not see reason to let her brothers
body rot unburied. more content...
She valued family pride over the authority of the king. Leaving the dead unburied is against the
natural laws of the gods, she then chose to disobey the Kings law by attempt to bury her brother,
Polyneices. But I will bury him; and if I must die Literature for Composition 462.55
Creon on the other hand, though he installed himself as king, he then put himself in a position to
have known better the laws of the gods. Perhaps, this could have been one of the snares in the
process that awaits any unqualified person who tries to be king. A true heir to the thrown should
have in–depth knowledge about the community law and the laws of the gods; therefore, he would
have guided against either avoiding making laws that runs contrary to the laws of the gods or by
putting himself in an uncompromised position. He could have been briefed of most of the rules
and regulation as a formal process before a prince is allowed to ascend the thrown. In absence of
that, the office he occupied justify that he knows the law. I am aware of course, that no ruler can
expect complete loyalty from his subjects until he has been tested in office. (Literature for
Affinity for disobedience
Laws are made, whether written or unwritten to
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Descriptive Essay On Dystopia
Dystopian Setting
The city that once had homed thousands and been the most economically successful country ever,
was now a contaminated wasteland. The land looked dry, destroyed and lonely. The morning
breeze felt like crying sorrows, and the grey deceitful sky awed down at us. In the deepest corner of
despair lies dystopia where hope dies. As someone looks through the eyes of the devil, they see his
utopia. Only visible by the dim light of the moon was the great wall. Beyond the wall? No one knew.
Stretching away from the wall was a humongous bridge that towered the wall. Standing tall on the
bridge was a tower, which had two circles that almost looked like eyes. Those mysterious, creepy
and dangerous looking eyes stared down at the city giving away a haunting look.
The reek of death hangs in the air throughout the land. Filling the mouths of those who lived in this
abandoned land was the taste of burnt garlic. The screams and cries of terror undistinguishable
between beast and human fill the ears of the last ones living. The sky, which was lit by the glow of
fires, is grey and empty. Decaying bodies more content...
As I walked, the air of this haunted, dreadful and sorrowful land had sucked the life out of
everything and roared as humanity began to disappear. As I carried on walking, I noticed that the
small fraction of light was getting smaller and smaller, until it had been engulfed into a think
black ash like smoke. Aggressively, the wind walked past the building with its cruddy feeling,
blowing away all signs of life. Deeper and deeper into the land was a burning car door. The fire
roared and crackled. The roaring and crackling of the burning car door merged with the aggressive
air and created the loudest sounds ever heard on land. Growing darker, the skies made me feel
nauseous. The fear of not waking up if a human fell asleep towered
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Opening Paragraphs For Essays

  • 1. Essay on My Family History My Family History Family history is very important to an individual. By knowing where you come from, you can have a better perspective of your life. Having a clear understanding of your family background allows you to better appreciate the things that you would normally take for granted. The house, the car, and the average clothing may look better when one sees the sacrifices their family has made. They will see that their family has worked very hard just so their family can experience the better things in life. A persons roots and origin is one of the most important things to explore. It alone can bring you closer to self–discovery. There are two sides to a person's family and one side of my family more content... One of these is that on Thanksgiving everybody comes together to my parents' house in New Jersey for a huge feast. On Christmas only my mother and the children (me and my brother) travel to Illinois to spend a week with my grandparents. On New Years Eve we all get together at my parents' house in New Jersey and toast to the New Year with champagne and apple cider. During Labor Day weekend all of my family travels to South Jersey to my grandfathers' condo. We usually spend all of our time on the beach and barbequing, except on Sunday when we go to church. After all, my grandfather is a minister. One of our biggest family traditions is going back to Puerto Rico. Every year my mother and I travel back to Puerto Rico for a portion of our summer vacation. Now that I am older I travel there more often and stay there much longer. My father never joins because he doesn't like my mothers side of the father too much and he thinks that we when we speak Spanish we are all plotting against him. Of course that's not true though. My bother doesn't speak Spanish so he doesn't like to go either. I guess that tradition is one that belongs solely to my mother and I. The role of the people in family basically stayed the same for most of the generations with a little change in the later generations. Earlier the males were the only ones that worked in the family and the wife stayed at home and took care of the house and Get more content on
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  • 4. This book showed the struggle between rich and poor. The two main groups of the story were the Socs and the greasers. The Socs are in the upper class while the greasers are the poor ones that dislike the Socs because they have more money, better cars, and act like they are better than the greasers. The Outsiders is a good story by S.E. Hinton that shows the struggles of growing up Hinton did a fine job with the character development, the plot, and the theme with a few flaws. The Outsiders is a book that changed the style of young adult writers because it went off from the genre that young adult writer were using during that time period. The reader sees the everyday problems that teenagers were going through, "I can't take much more content... The fact that all three boys were still moving on without their parents showed that they had a lot of heart. The two main divisions were between the Greasers and the Socs, and this rivalry led to many conflicts in the book. Hinton illustrates the divisions and fighting in this quote, "They caught him and one of them had a lot of rings on his hand that's what had cut Johnny up so badly" (Hinton 33). Johnny was attacked by four Socs when he was playing with a football at the park. There are many times in the book where Socs attacked Greasers that were walking alone. Howard explains the divisions and violence of the gangs in this quote, "Tulsa was one of many American cities that had seen an increasing division between social classes since World War II, and the animosity between Greasers and Socs gangs illustrated the extent to which this division between social classes had permeated society" (Howard 28). The Greasers were seen as the poor outcast while the Socs were the popular one with all the money. The Socs provoke the Greasers by saying hurtful things and attacking them so both gangs feel the need to fight to prove that they are better. Hinton did a good job of portraying the violence and building up to these points and this keeps the reader interested in the book. There are many critics and parents who were outraged about the violence that takes place in the book. This quote by Hinton demonstrates the harsh violence, "I ducked and Get more content on
  • 5. Saturn Essay Saturn Saturn is one of the most interesting planets in the solar system. It is the sixth planet in the solar system, and is most famous for its stunning array of rings. It is a very easy planet to pick out in the sky because it is one of the brightest lights in the shy. It also has a very faint greenish color that makes it stand out from the rest of the objects in the sky ("Astronomy for Kids"). Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter being the only planet that is bigger. It also has at least eighteen moons, more than any other planet in the solar system. There have been three voyages to this extraordinary planet, and one is still in process today. The Pioneer II traveled to Saturn in September of 1979, more content... Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is the only planet that is larger. The gas giant is 72 thousand miles in diameter, almost ten times the size of Earth. In spite of its huge size, though, Saturn weighs very little. It is a very light gas planet. Saturn is the least dense planet in the solar system–– so light, in fact, that it would float in water. This planet is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium, like Jupiter, but it is much less dense. The combination of its light weight and fast rotation causes Saturn to spread out, or oblate, its center. Since Saturn is a gas planet, it does not have a solid surface. Spacecraft are unable to land on this type of surface. The clouds that are seen when looking at Saturn are just the top layer of a very deep layer that covers a center of liquid hydrogen. The clouds are blown by constant winds that reach speeds up to one thousand miles per hour at the equator of the planet ("Great Space Place"). The rings of Saturn are more spectacular than those of any other planet. Although this planet's rings are very wide, extending from the top of its atmosphere to well beyond the orbits of its closest moons, they are very thin, measuring no more than a few kilometers (about a mile) in thickness ("Great Space Place"). The Pioneer 11 flyby made several discoveries about the rings. The rings are made of Get more content on
  • 6. How effective are the opening chapters in Great Expectations and Jane Eyre? In my essay i will be explaining and comparing the opening paragraphs of "Great Expectations" ang "Jane Eyre". The author of "Great Expectations" is Charles Dickens (1812–70). Dickens was a middle class man who was well known and wealthy. He had his own magazine, called "All the year round", in which he published "Great Expectations" over a period of 59 weeks; one chapter a week was published his magazine. He wrote it in 1860 and it was published between December 1860 and August 1861. "Jane Eyre" was published in 1847 and written by Charlotte Bronte but under the name of Currer Bell because it was hard for a women in the Victorian times to more content... After this Jane retaliated and called him a "wicked and cruel boy" then they broke out into a fight. Mrs Reed saw this fight and instructed her servant to put Jane into the "red room". Both "Great Expectations" and "Jane Eyre" are set in the Victorian times. Pip and Jane are both orphans and are threatened with the use of violence. Pip is treatened with the use of mental violence by the escaped prosoner. Where as Jane is threatened with physical violence from John Reed. "Great Expectations" opens in the churchyard, in the late afternoon, deserted apart from Pip who is looking at the gravestones. The churchyard is in the marsh country down by the river. The churchyard is very dull and dingy and it is also very neglected, "black place overgrown with nettles was the churchyard". This place is dull and probably not many people visit the graveyard. Nobody has bothered doing any gardening which makes it a very steriotypical graveyard. "Jane Eyre" opens in a rainy, winter's afternoon inside the Reeds house. Jane is in the breakfast room reading a book behind a curtain "Folds of scarlet drapery shut in my view to the right hand; to the left were the clear panes of glass". The Reeds house is Troy Franklin quite expensive because in Victorian times it would be very expensive to have scarlet drapery. At the very start of the chapter it Get more content on
  • 7. Nature in Literature Essay examples Holly Stalker Professor Loren Hoekzema English 141–30 17 February 2015 Nature in Literature: Basho and Voltaire Nature plays a huge role in many pieces of literature, but especially Basho's Narrow Road to the Deep North and Voltaire's Candide. There is a major difference between the two forms of literature and how nature is incorporated into each. This Japanese form of literature has a much lighter tone than that of the European style of literature. You can see a calmer, more relaxed intention into the nature that is in Basho's Narrow Road to the Deep North. On page 413 in Basho's piece, it says "As the year gradually came to an end and spring arrived, filling the sky with mist, I longed to cross the Shirakawa Barrier, the most more content... In the opening paragraph on page 454, Voltaire writes "Once upon a time in Westphalia, in the castle of Baron Thunder–ten–tronckh, there lived a young boy whom nature had endowed with the gentlest of dispositions." This opening sentence makes you believe that it could have a similar feel to Basho's story. When you reach page 460, there is a line that says "While he was presenting his argument, the air grew thick, the winds blew from the four corners of the earth, and the ship was assailed by the most terrible storm, within sight of the port of Lisbon." This passage not only shows you that the nature of the story is a lot more dramatic, but it also shows you that Voltaire is more focused on the weather instead of the landscape. There is a dramatic earthquake and a storm that destroys the ship that they are on. Page 461 says "Whirlwinds of flame and ash covered the streets and public squares: houses disintegrated, roofs were upended upon foundations, and foundations crumbled." Voltaire writing this in his passage just shows the reader how awful and destructive the earthquake actually was. While you understand that they encountered a massive destructive earthquake, they do actually see some light at the end of all the horrible events. On page 467, it says "'All will be well,' was Candide's reply. 'Already the sea in this new world is better than those we have in Europe. It's Get more content on
  • 8. The Beauty And Cosmetics Industry Essay INTRODUCTION The beauty and cosmetics industry is one of the largest sectors worldwide. Due to the many products, opinions are divided on their performances and potential side– effects. When it comes to hair and beauty, you cannot afford to get it wrong. Online blogs on hair and beauty is a great place to keep up with the trends, learning about new styles and learning about new products. In this article, we will discuss the top hair and beauty blogs that you should visit. Christina's blog is truly informative. It's a one stop hair advice blog. There are tutorials, tricks on doing your hair and all this is delivered in a warm setting where your hair needs are scrutinized keenly and necessary advice provided. She does her hair and hence has adequate knowhow on hair. With Nikki, it's all about that personal one on one knowledge sharing. She offers newsletters, emails and thus offering you a chance to learn from the experts on styling right where you are. She offers a chance for you to join the– Styling community and learn; kudos Nikki. When it comes to advice on beauty products, Bella does an exquisite job on the blog. There is information on hair products like hair conditioners and shampoos to ensure ideal maintenance and care for your hair at all times. Information, in the cosmetic industry is an invaluable tool in hair and beauty. For Get more content on
  • 9. Introductory Paragraph Analysis Introductory Paragraph Hunger. Emptiness. Death. In the novel Night by Elie wiesel speaks about hunger as something all jews were used to, empty and deprived of nutrition they were already dead. Hunger consumes all hope and love that people have with one another. Body Paragraph 1 In Night, hunger devours most relationships within the vile gates of auschwitz, for example when Elie Wiesel was on the train cart he witnessed a son kill his own father for some crust "Meir, my little Meir! Don't you recognize me... You're killing your father... I have bread... for you too..." (pg 101). From hunger a son betrayed his own father only to fill his stomach, in the end they both died due to their desire to contain hunger. When Elie talks about how he didn't recognize Get more content on
  • 10. Introductory Paragraph On Abortion Introductory Paragraph Abortion shouldn't be something that someone should have to think about. It should be a no brainer answer to the child's parents. One should not ever have to make the decision of if they want a child to live or not to live. Society has misjudged this cruel topic, overthought this cruel topic, and blown this cruel topic out of proportion. No child should have to be so called, "murdered" for the lack of responsibility of his or her parents. The bible states abortion is murder, and that murder is wrong, and illegal. Abortion should be illegal due to the negative impacts of killing a human being. The Bible is completely at odds with the worldview of those who support abortion. The Bible never mentions the practice of abortion, but those wanting to shape their lives around the Bible should find the practice both absurd and inacceptable. The Bible teaches that pregnancy is a good thing and children are a blessing (Jones). The Bible states... Don't you see that children are God's best gift? The fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior's fistful of more content... "Approximately 3,000 Americans lost their lives as a result of the destruction of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11. Every single day, more than 3,000 American babies are killed by abortion" (Snyder). This fact is sickening, and compares two different situations. The destruction of the World Trade Center towers did not happen by choice, and people did not die by choice. This event was viewed as tragic for the US, and lots of people were killed. The same number of people killed on this one day happens to also be the same number of abortions that happen every single day. This means that if 3000 abortions happen every day then a little over 1,000,000 babies are killed every year. There is no difference from people being killed in 9/11 to babies being killed in the Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about The Life of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was a very talented man known for his various works of literature. His works include poems, plays, and sonnets. His works are then broken down into tragedies, comedies, and histories. Shakespeare left this world centuries ago, but his writings continue to live throughout the world today. He has greatly impacted the world of literature and his existence will forever be remembered. In 1564, William Shakespeare was born in Stratford–upon–Avon (Hazell 32). It seems that Shakespeare's career began around the year 1592. This was a tough time for playwrights and actors. There was an outbreak of the bubonic plague which caused concerns for those wanting to watch because of being surrounded by those more content... Along with being translated into every language, Shakespeare's words reach and are accepted by multiple races and cultures (McMillan). A reason William Shakespeare is accepted by multiple races could be the fact that he does not ignore the issues and "tensions" between them and instead makes light of them by including them in his plays such as Othello and The Merchant of Venice. He addresses the struggles between different colors and religions. He never takes a designated side; he simply tells a story which is what has helped him be so well accepted ("Race – Introduction"). Not only has Shakespeare related to his audiences through racial aspects, but also through common emotional experiences. Shakespeare used his words and made them speak to his audiences using emotional feelings that anyone would naturally feel (McMillan). His works can be classified into three main categories: tragedies, histories, and comedies ("William Shakespeare" 656). Each of these categories has characters that the audience can relate to somehow. With Shakespeare's tragedies, his characters are noble heroes that are looked up to that are all facing tragedy. His histories obviously tell the stories of events that have happened for people to relate to. William Shakespeare's comedies have characters that many find irresistible. And lastly, the women in his plays can also be relatable. We can all Get more content on
  • 12. BUILDING A HOUSE Essay Building A House The process of building a house is a very complex and difficult task. In the following paragraphs, I will be explaining the many different steps that are required to build a house. The first thing in building a house is selecting a lot and lot preparation. The land has to be cleared of trees and brush and graded to ensure a level building area. This process is usually called excavating and grading. This is usually a very fast process but can be costly depending on the job. Also the land has to perk which means the land is not too wet and is safe for a structure and allows a septic tank to be installed that will function properly. The next step is to have the land surveyed. When the more content... When the framing crew is finished, the framing has to be inspected and passed before the next process can begin. The next process is for the electricians and plumbers to begin. The electricians will completely wire the house while the plumbers will only put in the first stage of pipes. The reason for not completely plumbing is because the showers, sinks, and toilets are the very last items to be installed. After the wiring and preliminary plumbing are complete, insulation and installing the windows on the house are done. Using a good insulation and good windows will help reduce the heating and cooling costs of the homeowner. This is a step in building a house that you should spare no expense. The insulation and windows will pay for themselves in the long run. Next, the builder will be hanging sheetrock. The sheetrock is the base interior wall covering. After the sheetrock is hung, the painting or wallcovering can be done. Once painting is completed, the carpet installation or other floor coverings can be installed. This is self–explanatory. Inside trim will also be done during this phase. This includes various molding and window casings and other items to be done to the specifications of the homeowner. Then builders will move to the outside of the house. The boxing and siding crews will start on the exterior of the house. Here you have to choose whether you want vinyl siding or one of the many of the other kinds of siding on the market today. There Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" is a story littered with warnings and subtext about the dangers a submissive society can pose. While the opening is deceptively cheery and light Jackson uses an array of symbols and ominous syntax to help create the apprehensive and grim tone the story ends with. Her portrayal of the town folk as blindly following tradition represents the world during World War II when people's failure to not mindlessly accept and heed authority lead to disastrous consequences. . Shirley Jackson uses a large array of techniques to help convey the idea that recklessly following and accepting traditions and orders can lead to disastrous consequences. The opening paragraphs of the story contain a light and carefree more content... As Tessie's protests continue and the Hutchinson family prepares to draw again the sense of apprehension is one again mounting, this time fearing for whoever wins yet still not knowing what their "prize" will be. "The crowd was quiet. A girl whispered, 'I hope it's not Nancy'", the silence and fear of the crowds manifests in the reader as the three children and their parents all draw slips of paper. Tessie "wins"the lottery and when the narrator explains "although the villagers had forgotten the ritual, and lost they original black box, they still remembered to use stones" (6) its suddenly shockingly clear to the readers what the winner is to receive. The drastic switch from a light and cheerful tone with talk of the beautiful day and children playing to the closing like of "and they were upon her" (7) is in part why this story is so effective. The unforeseen sinister end of the story makes the revelation of the tradition much more shocking and unsettling than had the reader known from the beginning what the outcome would be. Jackson very effectively builds a sense of apprehension and foreboding as she slowly cues the reader into the reality of the situation. "The Lottery" has many symbols that help create the sinister and somber tone of the story. The black box from which the papers are drawn as well as the black dot on the paper are both symbolic of death. Black is a universally accepted Get more content on
  • 14. Loneliness Essay To be lonely is an easy thing, being alone is another matter entirely. To understand this, first one must understand the difference between loneliness and being alone. To be alone means that your are not in the company of anyone else. You are one. But loneliness can happen anytime, anywhere. You can be lonely in a crowd, lonely with friends, lonely with family. You can even be lonely while with loved ones. For feeling lonely, is in essence a feeling of being alone. As thought you were one and you feel as though you will always be that way. Loneliness can be one of the most destructive feelings humans are capable of feeling. For loneliness can lead to depression, suicide, and even to raging out and hurting friends and/ more content... Generally almost all loneliness can be traced back to low or below "average" self–esteem. Chronically lonely people will usually have low opinions of themselves. They may think of themselves as unintelligent, unattractive, broken, unwanted, not worthy of good things, no good, unable to do anything right, and/or socially isolated. Unlike many other emotionally hurting people, the chronically lonely usually know what is wrong, but like many others they don't believe they can do anything to fix it, or, circling back to the low self–esteem, they may also believe they are not worth of happiness. It takes the strong support of a good friend(s) or other loved one(s) to help the lonely conquer their feelings. Simply trying to counteract the low self–esteem verbally will not do it, though, for in their down state, they will see the person as just trying to be nice or spare their feelings. The lonely must be shown in more subtle, yet clear ways that they are not the useless person they perceive themselves to be. For example, with a person who feels particularly unloved and unwanted, someone close to them should try to take a little extra time to spend with that person and try to set aside a little extra time to talk to the person. Nothing special needs to be said or done, simply spending time, willing and without having been asked, allows the lonely one to see that they are loved. That they are worthy of being associated with and that there are Get more content on
  • 15. Great Gatsby Opening Paragraph Essay The excerpt from the text, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, begins by providing great detail through use of adjectives. The opening paragraph has an almost dream–like quality, using phrases and words such as "summer nights" "music" "champagne and the stars". These descriptions provide a great idea as to how the neighbour lives (he is quite clearly an animated merrymaker) who throws a multitude of parties. The narrator in this text is first person, giving the reader the effect of almost being within the story. We travel through the house with the omnipresent narrator, seeing the frivolous food laden tables and a whole orchestra set to entertain the guests for the entire evening. The use of this omnipresence forces the reader to truly imagine the setting, with ornate decorations and an abundance if splendour. The audience gets a view of the lavish lifestyle of the neighbour, while also getting a peek at what it is like to be on the outside looking in, a theme we discover in the first more content... The era was famed for its wealth, opulence and parties (Exactly what the neighbour appears to have and do). The short paragraphs serve to represent his fast paced lifestyle, the details flying past, as his nights do through all his partying. The vocabulary used is quite specialized, using a multitude of adjectives giving an insight on the life of the neighbour. The author has cleverly, through his use of adjectives, made the reader feel the summer atmosphere, and feel the carefree attitude of all the partygoers. This method of using such detailed description forces the reader to feel intrigued, and to want to read on and learn more. These adjectives embody a visual form, and they are occasionally comparative 'Lights grow brighter', 'Laughter is easier minute by minute', 'More swiftly' Get more content on
  • 16. Essay about Prejudice Missing Formatting In today's world, there are many social issues, like poverty, vandalism and unemployment. However, prejudice has become the most dramatic one. Prejudging people for their appearance is a common practice that humans perform. People are not only ridiculed for their color, but also by their religion, sex or age. Therefore, I consider that racism, ageism and sexism are the three major problems in our society and we need to cease them immediately. Much of our world's history were based upon racism. In the 1600's, white men used Africans as slaves and treated them as they were not human. "Colored" people were not even allowed to use the same drinking fountains as white people. Fortunately, in the last three decades, more content... The most popular watched sport in America, NBA basketball, is played by over 87% of the African decent. Nevertheless, racism is still a issue that will never completely go away. Ageism is also a worrying problem in our society. Though many people think that this is not a serious problem, people are being harassed about their age everyday, whether they are "too young" or "too old". I have dealt with this problem myself, as many other teenagers have. When I walk into some stores, I am asked to leave my purse at the counter and I am often followed around by employees. They watch every move I make to make sure that I will not steal anything. I know that theft is a dilemma that many businesses have to deal with , but when it gets to the point of being untrusted due to your age, it is completely ridiculous and inappropriate. Men and women have never been equal in the world and that is what we call sexism. For example, if a man and a woman who have the same knowledge ask for the same job, the boss will probably pick the man. Even though they both get the job, the man will maybe have a better salary than the woman. People always believe that men work better than women but no one can give a satisfying explication to support that thought. Fortunately, sexism is decreasing constantly but it will never diminish to the point of complete equality. We can never judge someone by their Get more content on
  • 17. My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay I believe that life is a learning experience and being able to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses can help us become better individuals in anything we choose to do, whether it is positive abilities and skills that can help achieve our goals or negative personal areas that need improvement. Knowing yourself and what you can do, can help you recognize and overcome your weaknesses. One of my greatest strengths at work that I have recognized would have to be my ability to be a well–organized individual. I tend to write what I have to do down on paper and prioritize what is more important to least important. In doing this, it helps me organize and accomplish my work and meet deadlines that are important. A personal more content... I am certain that because of my strengths, I am good at what I do however; I do have weaknesses that I have to overcome and improve. My personal weakness at work is lack of leadership. Currently I am in a position in which I do not possess the title of management. As a result, I basically feel that I do not have to show leadership or take initiative to take on the responsibilities of a manager when in reality, I am not. One of my weaknesses at home is time management. This is a weakness that I have had to struggle with since my daughter was born. It is hard for me to try to juggle being a full time single parent, working a full time job and attending school full time. I always feel that there is never enough time to accomplish my tasks whether it is household chores, work related or assignments for school. Most importantly I have to make sure that I am readily available for my child at all times. In a Learning team, presentation skills are very important. I would have to say that Presentation Skills would be one of my personal weaknesses in the Learning team. It is difficult for me at times to stand up in front of a room full of people and present a project or conduct some sort of meeting. In order to do so, you have to have confidence that what you?re talking about is accurate and the motivation to actually get up do it. My biggest fear of a presentation would be tripping and falling on my face or Get more content on
  • 18. Muir and Wordsworth Essay Lesson 06.09 Assessment Thesis Statement, Opening Paragraph, evidence & conclusion REVISED While both poets Muir and Wordsworth wrote about the happy feelings that they have towards nature the beautiful outdoors or what some people may say Mother Nature, some of which the feelings are the same and some that are different as they speak of the different plants. In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks." – John Muir Nature does not only show the beauty of the Earth, but it shows the beauty within us. So then, is it not easy to say that both of these authors have great beauty within them? After reading both "Calypso Borealis," –John Muir and "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" –William Wordsworth, I can boldly state more content... Muir creatively informs the reader just how much the main character truly loves nature. The same marvel and beauty is shared in the poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud." After a long climb over a high hill he finds his reward a valley shining with a huge field of daffodils. "Besides the lakes, beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze." As Wordsworth explains the scene. As each scene pops out of the poem, a new addition to the painting in your mind appears each time. The painting may vary from person to person, but I believe the same sense of awe is present with every mind. The portions cited are just the beginning of these two works; enough to splash your mind with colors and emotions, but later parts are what truly makes them worth reading. "Calypso Borealis" turns from revelation to a desperate situation. Weary and empty, the main character prepares to spend the night in the wet swamp, in a tree nest. Just as the sun was about to set, the future very unpredictable, when "Everything seemed most dangerous and discouraging", the story continues, "I found beautiful Calypso on the mossy bank of stream." Overwhelmed by the purity and beauty of the Calypso, he collapses by the flower and cries. This rather quick change of pace I what kept me reading, and the fact the Calypso was so beautiful it made the main character break down in tears. Imagine finding the glorious treasure you've been seeking the entire time. The change of tone from depressing to Get more content on
  • 19. Essay about My Business Idea My Business Idea In my coursework I intend to start my own business. I will devise my own business plan which outlines my business proposal and the key aspects, during this I will need to seek good business advice on the necessary steps I will have to make. As I go through the coursework I will show evidence, examples and explain how businesses are set up, what types of businesses there are and their similarities, the kind of targets businesses set for themselves and also the different objectives of different stakeholders. For my business I plan to sell toys and other game products that educate young children under the age of 11. Starting up a business is difficult and risky. Anyone setting up needs to consider: В· more content... Most people though have to research their product. Businesses also have to decide how the product is to be made. Finance ======= No businesses can be set up without finance. Most people who start their own business underestimate the amount of money they will need to set up. They are often UNCAPITALISED and this causes problems as the business expands. Some businesses have the potential to be highly profitable but fail because they run out of cash at a crucial early stage in the life of the business. So it is very important to work out how much money is needed to start the business and to identify where the money will come from. Identifying the sources of help =============================== Most new businesses don not survive for more than three years of trading. However, their chance of success is much greater if those setting up the business have received help from experts before the launch. Many new businesses turn to Business Link or to their local TEC. They can identify any grants, loans or benefits that are available from government or from bodies like the Prince's Trust. They can also organise training in setting up small businesses that is so often vital to the survival of the business. The business plan ================= Drawing up a business plan is very important. The business plan sets out how the business is to be
  • 20. set up and Get more content on
  • 21. Essay on Introduction: Antigone and Creon INTRODUCTION Antigone Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus, the king that married his own mother, Locaste and unwittingly killed his father, Laios. When he learned what he had done, he blinded himself and left Thebes, voluntarily went into self–style exile and died over there. Antigone and Ismene are siblings, the only surviving children of Oedipus. The other two brothers Polyneices and Eteocles quarreled and killed each other in a battle when Polyneices returned to assault Thebes, then Creon, Antigone uncle became the king of Thebes being the only heir in line to the throne. Creon ordered Polyneices be left to rot unburied on the battle field as a traitor but Antigone could not see reason to let her brothers body rot unburied. more content... She valued family pride over the authority of the king. Leaving the dead unburied is against the natural laws of the gods, she then chose to disobey the Kings law by attempt to bury her brother, Polyneices. But I will bury him; and if I must die Literature for Composition 462.55 Creon on the other hand, though he installed himself as king, he then put himself in a position to have known better the laws of the gods. Perhaps, this could have been one of the snares in the process that awaits any unqualified person who tries to be king. A true heir to the thrown should have in–depth knowledge about the community law and the laws of the gods; therefore, he would have guided against either avoiding making laws that runs contrary to the laws of the gods or by putting himself in an uncompromised position. He could have been briefed of most of the rules and regulation as a formal process before a prince is allowed to ascend the thrown. In absence of that, the office he occupied justify that he knows the law. I am aware of course, that no ruler can expect complete loyalty from his subjects until he has been tested in office. (Literature for Composition.464.17) Affinity for disobedience Laws are made, whether written or unwritten to Get more content on
  • 22. Descriptive Essay On Dystopia Dystopian Setting The city that once had homed thousands and been the most economically successful country ever, was now a contaminated wasteland. The land looked dry, destroyed and lonely. The morning breeze felt like crying sorrows, and the grey deceitful sky awed down at us. In the deepest corner of despair lies dystopia where hope dies. As someone looks through the eyes of the devil, they see his utopia. Only visible by the dim light of the moon was the great wall. Beyond the wall? No one knew. Stretching away from the wall was a humongous bridge that towered the wall. Standing tall on the bridge was a tower, which had two circles that almost looked like eyes. Those mysterious, creepy and dangerous looking eyes stared down at the city giving away a haunting look. The reek of death hangs in the air throughout the land. Filling the mouths of those who lived in this abandoned land was the taste of burnt garlic. The screams and cries of terror undistinguishable between beast and human fill the ears of the last ones living. The sky, which was lit by the glow of fires, is grey and empty. Decaying bodies more content... As I walked, the air of this haunted, dreadful and sorrowful land had sucked the life out of everything and roared as humanity began to disappear. As I carried on walking, I noticed that the small fraction of light was getting smaller and smaller, until it had been engulfed into a think black ash like smoke. Aggressively, the wind walked past the building with its cruddy feeling, blowing away all signs of life. Deeper and deeper into the land was a burning car door. The fire roared and crackled. The roaring and crackling of the burning car door merged with the aggressive air and created the loudest sounds ever heard on land. Growing darker, the skies made me feel nauseous. The fear of not waking up if a human fell asleep towered Get more content on