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Risk and Financial Portfolio
Analytics: A Technical
Oleksandr Romanko, Ph.D.
Senior Research Analyst, Risk Analytics – Business Analytics, IBM
Adjunct Professor, University of Toronto
Toronto SMAC Meetup
January 15, 2015
© 2015 IBM Corporation2
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Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks
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individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here.
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About me
Dr. Oleksandr Romanko
 Senior Research Analyst, Quantitative Research at Risk Analytics,
Business Analytics, IBM, with the company since 2010
 Ph.D. in Computer Science from McMaster University
 Author of over 10 papers and reports
 Adjunct professor at University of Toronto
and lecturer at McMaster University
 Research areas:
 business analytics, operational research, optimization, finance
 portfolio optimization, multi-objective optimization
 market and credit risk modeling and optimization
 numerical methods for risk management
 design of numerical algorithms and their software implementation
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Making the world work better – pioneering the science
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IBM Centennial: 100 Years of Innovation
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 Analytics Jobs
Created by: Dennis Buttera
© 2015 IBM Corporation
Data science
© 2015 IBM Corporation
 Business Analytics
© 2015 IBM Corporation
Predictive Analytics
What will happen?
Descriptive Analytics
What has happened?
Prescriptive Analytics
What should we do?
What is analytics?
Data Insight Action
Business Value
Analytics is the scientific process of deriving insights from
data in order to make decisions
© 2015 IBM Corporation12
History of analytics
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© 2015 IBM Corporation14
Applications of big data analytics
Homeland Security
FinanceSmarter Healthcare Multi-channel
Traffic Control
Trading Analytics Fraud and Risk
Log Analysis
Search Quality
Retail: Churn, NBO
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 Cloud
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© 2015 IBM Corporation17
© 2015 IBM Corporation
 Applied Statistics
© 2015 IBM Corporation
What kind of data are we dealing with?
 Types of data
• Quantitative
• Categorical (ordered, unordered)
 Data collection
• Independent observations (one observation per subject)
• Dependent observations (repeated observation of the same subject, relationships
within groups, relationships over time or space)
 Type of data drives the direction of your analysis
• How to plot
• How to summarize
• How to draw inferences and conclusions
• How to issue predictions
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Quantitative data
 Examples: financial return, temperature, age, income
 Quick check: “Does it makes sense to calculate an average?”
 Appropriate summary statistics:
– Mean and Median
– Standard Deviation
– Percentiles
 More advanced predictive methods: Regression, Time Series Analysis, …
 Plot your data!
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Summarizing quantitative data
 One-number summaries
– Mean
Average, obtained by summing all observations and dividing by the number of obs.
– Median
The center value, below and above which you will find 50% of the observations.
 Summarizing your data with one number may not tell the whole story:
Median = 19.8 Median = 19.8 Median = 10.5
© 2015 IBM Corporation22
Flaw of averages
“Plans based on
average assumptions
are wrong on average”
Average depth 3 ft
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“Most observations fall within ±2 standard
deviations of the mean.”
Standard deviation
If the data is normally distributed
95 % of observations
Standard Deviation = 4.2
~95% of observations
between 11.4 and 28.2
© 2015 IBM Corporation
Descriptive statistics - example
 Random sample of 5000 customers of a credit card company
Amount spent on
primary card last
Debt to income
ratio (x100)
Valid 5000 5000
Missing 0 0
Mean 1683.7340 9.9578
Median 1690.0670 8.8000
Std. Deviation 210.26680 6.42317
Minimum .00 .00
Maximum 2482.72 43.10
© 2015 IBM Corporation
 Generalizations of the median (50th percentile).
 The pth is the data point below which p percent of the observations fall.
 Often used to compare a single observation to a general population.
 Examples:
– Standardized test scores
If you scored in the 93th percentile, your score was higher than that of 93% of test
– Finance and risk management
If your portfolio value-at-risk 95% is $10M, your portfolio loss will not exceed $10M
with probability 95%.
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Percentiles - example
 Percentiles can be another way of describing how spread out data values are.
Example: 5-Number Summary
Minimum – 25th percentile – Median – 50th percentile - Maximum
Amount spent on
primary card last
Debt to income
ratio (x100)
Minimum .00 .00
25 1567.4658 5.1250
50 1690.0670 8.8000
75 1814.5430 13.5000
Maximum 2482.72 43.10
© 2015 IBM Corporation
Distributions: Normal distribution
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© 2015 IBM Corporation
© 2015 IBM Corporation30
Estimate of the probability distribution of global mean temperature resulting
from a doubling of CO2 relative to its pre-industrial value, made from
100000 simulations
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 Simulation Modeling
© 2015 IBM Corporation32
Sums of random variables
 For any random variable and a constant
 Expectation of the sum of two random variables is equal to the sum of
and, therefore
 Example: expected return of a portfolio
 For the variance
© 2015 IBM Corporation33
Sums of random variables
 How to compute the
probability distribution of the
sum of random variables?
 We cannot add PDFs or
 The formula involves non-
trivial integration and is
known as convolution:
 Use simulation to evaluate
such complex integrals
© 2015 IBM Corporation34
Sums of random variables
© 2015 IBM Corporation35
Simulation modeling – example 1
 We want to invest $1000 in the US stock market for 1 year:
 Invest into the S&P 500 market index (index fund)
 Value of investment at the end of year 1:
 Market return over the time period [0,1) is
 Generate scenarios for the market return over the year and compute
 decide on the number of scenarios and the set of scenarios for
 generate scenarios
 use historic scenarios
 draw randomly from historic scenarios (bootstrapping)
 draw random numbers from the assumed distribution (Monte Carlo)
 visualize and analyze the approximate probability distribution of
 In our example we assume that the return of the market over the next year
follow Normal distribution
© 2015 IBM Corporation36
Simulation modeling – example 1
 Between 1977 and 2007, S&P 500 returned 8.79% per year on average with a
standard deviation of 14.65%
 Generate 100 scenarios for the market return over the next year (draw
100 random numbers from a Normal distribution with mean 8.79% and standard
deviation of 14.65%):
 Compute and plot
Number of values 100
Mean $ 1,087.90
Std Deviation $ 146.15
Skewness 0.0034442
Kurtosis 2.871695
Mode $ 1,118.96
5% Perc $ 837.40
95% Perc $ 1,324.00
Minimum $ 708.81
Maximum $ 1,458.52
© 2015 IBM Corporation37
Simulation modeling – example 1 in Matlab
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Value at time 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Simulated Value Paths
v0 = 1000; % initial capital
Ns = 100; % number of scenarios
% Generate Normal random variables
r01 = normrnd(0.0879, 0.1465, Ns, 1);
% Distribution of value at the end of year 1
v1 = (1 + r01) * v0;
% Plot a histogram of the distribution of outcomes for v1
[frequencyCounts, binLocations] = hist(v1, 10);
bar(binLocations, frequencyCounts);
% Plot simulated paths over time
time = 0:1:1;
plot(time,[v0*ones(100,1) v1],'Linewidth',2);
© 2015 IBM Corporation38
Why use simulation?
 Example 1 illustrates very basic Monte Carlo simulation system
 Simulation allows us to evaluate (approximately) a function of a random variable
 in example 1 the function is simple
 given distribution of , in some cases we can compute distribution of in closed
form, e.g., if followed a Normal distribution, then also follows a Normal
distribution with mean and standard deviation
 if was not Normally distributed, or if the output variable were a more complex
function of the input variable , it would be difficult and practically impossible to
derive the probability distribution of from the probability distribution of
 Other advantages of simulation:
 simulation enables visualizing probability distribution resulting from compounding
probability distributions of multiple input variables (example 2)
 simulation allows incorporating correlations between input variables (example 3)
 simulation is a low-cost tool for checking the effect of changing a strategy on an output
variable of interest (example 4)
 Next, we extend example 1 to illustrate such situations
© 2015 IBM Corporation39
Simulation modeling – example 2
 You are planning for retirement and decide to invest in the market for the next
30 years (instead of only the next year as in example 1). Your initial capital is
 Assume that every year your investment returns from investing into the
S&P 500 will follow a Normal distribution with the mean and standard deviation
as in example 1.
 Value of investment after 30 years:
 The return over 30 years will depend on the realization of 30 random variables
 Observations:
 sum of Normal random variables is Normal
 here we have multiplication of Normal random variables, is it Normal?
© 2015 IBM Corporation40
Simulation modeling – example 2
 Between 1977 and 2007, S&P 500 returned 8.79% per year on average with a
standard deviation of 14.65%
 Simulate 30 columns of 100 observations each of single period returns:
 Compute and plot
Number of values 5000
Mean $ 12,587.62
Std Deviation $ 10,948.39
Skewness 3.349066
Kurtosis 28.24214
Mode $ 4,458.97
5% Perc $ 2,655.55
95% Perc $ 32,481.38
Minimum $ 609.75
Maximum $194,355.00
© 2015 IBM Corporation41
Simulation modeling – example 2 in Matlab
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
x 10
Value after 30 years
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
x 10
Simulated Value Paths
v0 = 1000; % initial capital
Ns = 100; % number of scenarios
% Generate Normal random variables
r_speriod30 = normrnd(0.0879, 0.1465, Ns, 30);
% Distribution of value at the end of year 30
v30 = v0 * prod(1 + r_speriod30, 2);
% Plot a histogram of the distribution of outcomes for v30
[frequencyCounts, binLocations] = hist(v30, 10); bar(binLocations, frequencyCounts);
% Plot simulated paths over time
time = 0:1:30; v_t = v0*ones(Ns,1);
for(t=1:30) v_t = [v_t v0 * prod(1 + r_speriod30(:,1:t), 2)]; end
© 2015 IBM Corporation42
Simulation modeling – example 2 in Matlab
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
x 10
Value after 30 years
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
x 10
Simulated Value Paths
v0 = 1000; % initial capital
Ns = 5000; % number of scenarios
% Generate Normal random variables
r_speriod30 = normrnd(0.0879, 0.1465, Ns, 30);
% Distribution of value at the end of year 30
v30 = v0 * prod(1 + r_speriod30, 2);
% Plot a histogram of the distribution of outcomes for v30
[frequencyCounts, binLocations] = hist(v30, 100); bar(binLocations, frequencyCounts);
% Plot simulated paths over time
time = 0:1:30; v_t = v0*ones(Ns,1);
for(t=1:30) v_t = [v_t v0 * prod(1 + r_speriod30(:,1:t), 2)]; end
© 2015 IBM Corporation43
Simulation modeling – example 3
 You are planning for retirement and decide to invest in the market for the next
30 years. Your initial capital is
 You have an opportunity to invest in stocks and Treasury bonds:
 allocate 50% of your capital to the stock market (S&P 500 index fund) today
 allocate 50% of your capital to bonds today
 Assume that every year your investment returns from investing into the
S&P 500 and Treasury bonds will follow a Normal distribution with the mean
and standard deviation as in example 2 (for S&P 500), mean 4% and standard
deviation 7% for bonds. Assume correlation -0.2 between the stock market and
the Treasury bond market.
 Covariance matrix:
 Value of investment after 30 years:
© 2015 IBM Corporation44
Simulation modeling – example 3
 Simulate 30 years of 100 observations each of single period correlated returns:
 Compute and plot
Number of values 5000
Mean $ 7,892.80
Std Deviation $ 5,233.10
Skewness 2.921482
Kurtosis 20.48869
Mode $ 5,050.96
5% Perc $ 2,951.82
95% Perc $17,457.43
Minimum $ 1,408.63
Maximum $79,729.34
© 2015 IBM Corporation45
Simulation modeling – example 3 in Matlab
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
x 10
Value after 30 years
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
x 10
Simulated Value Paths
v0 = 1000; % initial capital
Ns = 5000; % number of scenarios
mu = [0.0879; 0.04]; % expected return
sigma = [0.1465^2, -0.0021; -0.0021, 0.07^2]; % covariance matrix
% Generate correlated Normal random variables
stockRet = ones(Ns,1);
bondsRet = ones(Ns,1);
for iYear = 1:30
scenarios = mvnrnd(mu, sigma, Ns);
stockRet = stockRet .* (1 + scenarios(:,1));
bondsRet = bondsRet .* (1 + scenarios(:,2));
% Distribution of value at the end of year 30
v30 = 0.5*v0*stockRet + 0.5*v0*bondsRet;
© 2015 IBM Corporation46
Simulation modeling – example 4
 Using scenario generation procedure from example 3 for decision-making
 Compare portfolios:
 50-50 portfolio allocation in stocks and bonds (Strategy A)
 30-70 portfolio allocation in stocks and bonds (Strategy B)
 Compute and plot
Number of values 5000
Mean $ 1,865.13
Std Deviation $ 2,214.87
Skewness 3.506451
Kurtosis 40.18968
Mode $ 687.75
5% Perc $ -254.41
95% Perc $ 6,027.23
Minimum $-1,829.78
Maximum $45,972.08
© 2015 IBM Corporation
 Mean-Variance
Portfolio Selection
© 2015 IBM Corporation48
Measuring risk and portfolio selection
 Consider n assets with random returns:
 proportion invested in asset i
 exp. return and standard dev. of
the return of asset i
 variance-covariance matrix
 Portfolio expected return and variance:
 Set of admissible portfolios:
Portfolio Return ( )
(standard deviation)
Portfolio return distribution ( ) is assumed to be Gaussian (Normal)
 Consider n assets with random returns:
 proportion of total funds invested in asset i
 expected return and standard deviation of
the return of asset i
 correlation coefficient of i’s and j’s returns
 vector of expected returns
 variance-covariance matrix (PSD)
 Expected return and variance of the resulting portfolio:
 Set of admissible portfolios:
Portfolio selection
© 2015 IBM Corporation50
Portfolio selection
A feasible portfolio x is efficient if it has:
 maximal expected return among all portfolios with the same variance,
 minimum variance among all portfolios with the same expected return.
Mean-variance optimization (Markowitz, 1952):
Alternative formulations
Solving for all the values of V, R, or  gives efficient portfolios:
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Portfolio selection
Portfolio optimization problem – efficient frontier:
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Portfolio selection
Extensions of mean-variance model: introduce transaction costs
 Mean-variance portfolio optimization problem – two
© 2015 IBM Corporation53
Portfolio selection
 Mean-variance portfolio optimization problem – efficient
frontier and portfolio composition:
© 2015 IBM Corporation54
© 2015 IBM Corporation55
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Risk and financial portfolio analytics - A technical Introduction

  • 1. Risk and Financial Portfolio Analytics: A Technical Introduction Oleksandr Romanko, Ph.D. Senior Research Analyst, Risk Analytics – Business Analytics, IBM Adjunct Professor, University of Toronto Toronto SMAC Meetup January 15, 2015
  • 2. © 2015 IBM Corporation2 Please note: IBM Risk Analytics statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM’s sole discretion. Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision. The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract. The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion. Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user's job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here.
  • 3. © 2015 IBM Corporation3 About me Dr. Oleksandr Romanko  Senior Research Analyst, Quantitative Research at Risk Analytics, Business Analytics, IBM, with the company since 2010  Ph.D. in Computer Science from McMaster University  Author of over 10 papers and reports  Adjunct professor at University of Toronto and lecturer at McMaster University  Research areas:  business analytics, operational research, optimization, finance  portfolio optimization, multi-objective optimization  market and credit risk modeling and optimization  numerical methods for risk management  design of numerical algorithms and their software implementation
  • 4. © 2015 IBM Corporation4 Making the world work better – pioneering the science 2008 19731969 1981
  • 5. © 2015 IBM Corporation5 IBM Centennial: 100 Years of Innovation
  • 6. © 2015 IBM Corporation  Analytics Jobs
  • 8.
  • 9. © 2015 IBM Corporation Data science 9
  • 10. © 2015 IBM Corporation  Business Analytics
  • 11. © 2015 IBM Corporation Predictive Analytics What will happen? Descriptive Analytics What has happened? Prescriptive Analytics What should we do? What is analytics? Data Insight Action DecideAnalyze Business Value 11 Analytics is the scientific process of deriving insights from data in order to make decisions
  • 12. © 2015 IBM Corporation12 History of analytics
  • 13. © 2015 IBM Corporation13 Movies
  • 14. © 2015 IBM Corporation14 Applications of big data analytics Homeland Security FinanceSmarter Healthcare Multi-channel sales Telecom Manufacturing Traffic Control Trading Analytics Fraud and Risk Log Analysis Search Quality Retail: Churn, NBO
  • 15. © 2015 IBM Corporation  Cloud
  • 16. © 2015 IBM Corporation16 Bluemix
  • 17. © 2015 IBM Corporation17 Bluemix
  • 18. © 2015 IBM Corporation  Applied Statistics
  • 19. © 2015 IBM Corporation What kind of data are we dealing with?  Types of data • Quantitative • Categorical (ordered, unordered)  Data collection • Independent observations (one observation per subject) • Dependent observations (repeated observation of the same subject, relationships within groups, relationships over time or space)  Type of data drives the direction of your analysis • How to plot • How to summarize • How to draw inferences and conclusions • How to issue predictions 19
  • 20. © 2015 IBM Corporation Quantitative data  Examples: financial return, temperature, age, income  Quick check: “Does it makes sense to calculate an average?”  Appropriate summary statistics: – Mean and Median – Standard Deviation – Percentiles  More advanced predictive methods: Regression, Time Series Analysis, …  Plot your data! 20
  • 21. © 2015 IBM Corporation Summarizing quantitative data  One-number summaries – Mean Average, obtained by summing all observations and dividing by the number of obs. – Median The center value, below and above which you will find 50% of the observations.  Summarizing your data with one number may not tell the whole story: 21 Median = 19.8 Median = 19.8 Median = 10.5
  • 22. © 2015 IBM Corporation22 Flaw of averages “Plans based on average assumptions are wrong on average” Average depth 3 ft
  • 23. © 2015 IBM Corporation “Most observations fall within ±2 standard deviations of the mean.” Standard deviation  23 If the data is normally distributed 95 % of observations Standard Deviation = 4.2 ~95% of observations between 11.4 and 28.2
  • 24. © 2015 IBM Corporation Descriptive statistics - example  Random sample of 5000 customers of a credit card company 24 Amount spent on primary card last month Debt to income ratio (x100) N Valid 5000 5000 Missing 0 0 Mean 1683.7340 9.9578 Median 1690.0670 8.8000 Std. Deviation 210.26680 6.42317 Minimum .00 .00 Maximum 2482.72 43.10
  • 25. © 2015 IBM Corporation Percentiles  Generalizations of the median (50th percentile).  The pth is the data point below which p percent of the observations fall.  Often used to compare a single observation to a general population.  Examples: – Standardized test scores If you scored in the 93th percentile, your score was higher than that of 93% of test takers. – Finance and risk management If your portfolio value-at-risk 95% is $10M, your portfolio loss will not exceed $10M with probability 95%. 25
  • 26. © 2015 IBM Corporation Percentiles - example  Percentiles can be another way of describing how spread out data values are. Example: 5-Number Summary Minimum – 25th percentile – Median – 50th percentile - Maximum 26 Amount spent on primary card last month Debt to income ratio (x100) Minimum .00 .00 Percentiles 25 1567.4658 5.1250 50 1690.0670 8.8000 75 1814.5430 13.5000 Maximum 2482.72 43.10
  • 27. © 2015 IBM Corporation Distributions: Normal distribution 27
  • 28. © 2015 IBM Corporation Distributions 28
  • 29. © 2015 IBM Corporation Distributions 29
  • 30. © 2015 IBM Corporation30 Distributions Estimate of the probability distribution of global mean temperature resulting from a doubling of CO2 relative to its pre-industrial value, made from 100000 simulations
  • 31. © 2015 IBM Corporation  Simulation Modeling
  • 32. © 2015 IBM Corporation32 Sums of random variables  For any random variable and a constant  Expectation of the sum of two random variables is equal to the sum of expectations and, therefore  Example: expected return of a portfolio  For the variance
  • 33. © 2015 IBM Corporation33 Sums of random variables  How to compute the probability distribution of the sum of random variables?  We cannot add PDFs or PMFs  The formula involves non- trivial integration and is known as convolution:  Use simulation to evaluate such complex integrals
  • 34. © 2015 IBM Corporation34 Sums of random variables
  • 35. © 2015 IBM Corporation35 Simulation modeling – example 1  We want to invest $1000 in the US stock market for 1 year:  Invest into the S&P 500 market index (index fund)  Value of investment at the end of year 1:  Market return over the time period [0,1) is  Generate scenarios for the market return over the year and compute  decide on the number of scenarios and the set of scenarios for  generate scenarios  use historic scenarios  draw randomly from historic scenarios (bootstrapping)  draw random numbers from the assumed distribution (Monte Carlo)  visualize and analyze the approximate probability distribution of  In our example we assume that the return of the market over the next year follow Normal distribution
  • 36. © 2015 IBM Corporation36 Simulation modeling – example 1  Between 1977 and 2007, S&P 500 returned 8.79% per year on average with a standard deviation of 14.65%  Generate 100 scenarios for the market return over the next year (draw 100 random numbers from a Normal distribution with mean 8.79% and standard deviation of 14.65%):  Compute and plot Number of values 100 Mean $ 1,087.90 Std Deviation $ 146.15 Skewness 0.0034442 Kurtosis 2.871695 Mode $ 1,118.96 5% Perc $ 837.40 95% Perc $ 1,324.00 Minimum $ 708.81 Maximum $ 1,458.52
  • 37. © 2015 IBM Corporation37 Simulation modeling – example 1 in Matlab 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 0 5 10 15 20 25 Value at time 1 Frequency 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Time Value Simulated Value Paths v0 = 1000; % initial capital Ns = 100; % number of scenarios % Generate Normal random variables r01 = normrnd(0.0879, 0.1465, Ns, 1); % Distribution of value at the end of year 1 v1 = (1 + r01) * v0; % Plot a histogram of the distribution of outcomes for v1 [frequencyCounts, binLocations] = hist(v1, 10); bar(binLocations, frequencyCounts); % Plot simulated paths over time time = 0:1:1; plot(time,[v0*ones(100,1) v1],'Linewidth',2);
  • 38. © 2015 IBM Corporation38 Why use simulation?  Example 1 illustrates very basic Monte Carlo simulation system  Simulation allows us to evaluate (approximately) a function of a random variable  in example 1 the function is simple  given distribution of , in some cases we can compute distribution of in closed form, e.g., if followed a Normal distribution, then also follows a Normal distribution with mean and standard deviation  if was not Normally distributed, or if the output variable were a more complex function of the input variable , it would be difficult and practically impossible to derive the probability distribution of from the probability distribution of  Other advantages of simulation:  simulation enables visualizing probability distribution resulting from compounding probability distributions of multiple input variables (example 2)  simulation allows incorporating correlations between input variables (example 3)  simulation is a low-cost tool for checking the effect of changing a strategy on an output variable of interest (example 4)  Next, we extend example 1 to illustrate such situations
  • 39. © 2015 IBM Corporation39 Simulation modeling – example 2  You are planning for retirement and decide to invest in the market for the next 30 years (instead of only the next year as in example 1). Your initial capital is still  Assume that every year your investment returns from investing into the S&P 500 will follow a Normal distribution with the mean and standard deviation as in example 1.  Value of investment after 30 years:  The return over 30 years will depend on the realization of 30 random variables  Observations:  sum of Normal random variables is Normal  here we have multiplication of Normal random variables, is it Normal?
  • 40. © 2015 IBM Corporation40 Simulation modeling – example 2  Between 1977 and 2007, S&P 500 returned 8.79% per year on average with a standard deviation of 14.65%  Simulate 30 columns of 100 observations each of single period returns:  Compute and plot Number of values 5000 Mean $ 12,587.62 Std Deviation $ 10,948.39 Skewness 3.349066 Kurtosis 28.24214 Mode $ 4,458.97 5% Perc $ 2,655.55 95% Perc $ 32,481.38 Minimum $ 609.75 Maximum $194,355.00
  • 41. © 2015 IBM Corporation41 Simulation modeling – example 2 in Matlab 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x 10 4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Value after 30 years Frequency 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x 10 4 Time Value Simulated Value Paths v0 = 1000; % initial capital Ns = 100; % number of scenarios % Generate Normal random variables r_speriod30 = normrnd(0.0879, 0.1465, Ns, 30); % Distribution of value at the end of year 30 v30 = v0 * prod(1 + r_speriod30, 2); % Plot a histogram of the distribution of outcomes for v30 [frequencyCounts, binLocations] = hist(v30, 10); bar(binLocations, frequencyCounts); % Plot simulated paths over time time = 0:1:30; v_t = v0*ones(Ns,1); for(t=1:30) v_t = [v_t v0 * prod(1 + r_speriod30(:,1:t), 2)]; end plot(time,v_t,'Linewidth',2);
  • 42. © 2015 IBM Corporation42 Simulation modeling – example 2 in Matlab 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 x 10 4 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Value after 30 years Frequency 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 x 10 4 Time Value Simulated Value Paths v0 = 1000; % initial capital Ns = 5000; % number of scenarios % Generate Normal random variables r_speriod30 = normrnd(0.0879, 0.1465, Ns, 30); % Distribution of value at the end of year 30 v30 = v0 * prod(1 + r_speriod30, 2); % Plot a histogram of the distribution of outcomes for v30 [frequencyCounts, binLocations] = hist(v30, 100); bar(binLocations, frequencyCounts); % Plot simulated paths over time time = 0:1:30; v_t = v0*ones(Ns,1); for(t=1:30) v_t = [v_t v0 * prod(1 + r_speriod30(:,1:t), 2)]; end plot(time,v_t,'Linewidth',2);
  • 43. © 2015 IBM Corporation43 Simulation modeling – example 3  You are planning for retirement and decide to invest in the market for the next 30 years. Your initial capital is  You have an opportunity to invest in stocks and Treasury bonds:  allocate 50% of your capital to the stock market (S&P 500 index fund) today  allocate 50% of your capital to bonds today  Assume that every year your investment returns from investing into the S&P 500 and Treasury bonds will follow a Normal distribution with the mean and standard deviation as in example 2 (for S&P 500), mean 4% and standard deviation 7% for bonds. Assume correlation -0.2 between the stock market and the Treasury bond market.  Covariance matrix:  Value of investment after 30 years:
  • 44. © 2015 IBM Corporation44 Simulation modeling – example 3  Simulate 30 years of 100 observations each of single period correlated returns:  Compute and plot Number of values 5000 Mean $ 7,892.80 Std Deviation $ 5,233.10 Skewness 2.921482 Kurtosis 20.48869 Mode $ 5,050.96 5% Perc $ 2,951.82 95% Perc $17,457.43 Minimum $ 1,408.63 Maximum $79,729.34
  • 45. © 2015 IBM Corporation45 Simulation modeling – example 3 in Matlab 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x 10 4 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Value after 30 years Frequency 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x 10 4 Time Value Simulated Value Paths v0 = 1000; % initial capital Ns = 5000; % number of scenarios mu = [0.0879; 0.04]; % expected return sigma = [0.1465^2, -0.0021; -0.0021, 0.07^2]; % covariance matrix % Generate correlated Normal random variables stockRet = ones(Ns,1); bondsRet = ones(Ns,1); for iYear = 1:30 scenarios = mvnrnd(mu, sigma, Ns); stockRet = stockRet .* (1 + scenarios(:,1)); bondsRet = bondsRet .* (1 + scenarios(:,2)); end % Distribution of value at the end of year 30 v30 = 0.5*v0*stockRet + 0.5*v0*bondsRet;
  • 46. © 2015 IBM Corporation46 Simulation modeling – example 4  Using scenario generation procedure from example 3 for decision-making  Compare portfolios:  50-50 portfolio allocation in stocks and bonds (Strategy A)  30-70 portfolio allocation in stocks and bonds (Strategy B)  Compute and plot Number of values 5000 Mean $ 1,865.13 Std Deviation $ 2,214.87 Skewness 3.506451 Kurtosis 40.18968 Mode $ 687.75 5% Perc $ -254.41 95% Perc $ 6,027.23 Minimum $-1,829.78 Maximum $45,972.08
  • 47. © 2015 IBM Corporation  Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection
  • 48. © 2015 IBM Corporation48 Measuring risk and portfolio selection  Consider n assets with random returns:  proportion invested in asset i  exp. return and standard dev. of the return of asset i  variance-covariance matrix  Portfolio expected return and variance:  Set of admissible portfolios: Portfolio Return ( ) Probabilitydensity 0 Variance (standard deviation) Mean return Portfolio return distribution ( ) is assumed to be Gaussian (Normal)
  • 49.  Consider n assets with random returns:  proportion of total funds invested in asset i  expected return and standard deviation of the return of asset i  correlation coefficient of i’s and j’s returns  vector of expected returns  variance-covariance matrix (PSD)  Expected return and variance of the resulting portfolio:  Set of admissible portfolios: Portfolio selection 49
  • 50. © 2015 IBM Corporation50 Portfolio selection A feasible portfolio x is efficient if it has:  maximal expected return among all portfolios with the same variance,  minimum variance among all portfolios with the same expected return. Mean-variance optimization (Markowitz, 1952): Alternative formulations Solving for all the values of V, R, or  gives efficient portfolios:
  • 51. © 2015 IBM Corporation51 Portfolio selection Portfolio optimization problem – efficient frontier:
  • 52. © 2015 IBM Corporation52 Portfolio selection Extensions of mean-variance model: introduce transaction costs  Mean-variance portfolio optimization problem – two objectives:
  • 53. © 2015 IBM Corporation53 Portfolio selection  Mean-variance portfolio optimization problem – efficient frontier and portfolio composition:
  • 54. © 2015 IBM Corporation54 Questions
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