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Microsoft Azure Data Storage
Bipin Sinhaa
Innovate, Collaborate & Accelerate
• Azure Storage – Introduction
• VM(Disk) Storage
• Bob Storage
• Table Storage
• CosmoDB
• Queue
• Page Storage
• Storage Encryption
Introduction to Store Storage
Azure VM Storage
Azure VM Storage
VM Storage Type
Azure Managed Disks is an elastic disk storage
system that is offered as an alternative to the
current storage account-based system. Managed
Disks eliminates the complexity of storage accounts and
offers a simple scalable and highly available solution for
creating and managing disks .It store the .VHD files in
Page Blobs.
Simple: Abstract storage accounts from customers
Better Performance: Storage accounts limits does nit apply
Big Scale : Up to 20,000 disk per region per subscription.
Encryption: Support VM level disk encryption, secure data
at rest
Secure- No public access to underlying blob
Azure Managed Disk for VM Storage
Unmanaged disk also store the .VHD files in
Page Blobs.
Management : Disk created and managed by
Proper Sizing Storage accounts limited to 20,000
Sparse Storage (Standard): Only pay for actual
data then the size
Manage by customer
Unmanage Storage Accounts
Azure Unmanaged Disk for VM Storage
Managed Vs Unmanaged Disk
Storage Accounts
General-purpose v2 accounts
General-purpose v2 storage accounts
support the latest Azure Storage
features and incorporate all of the
functionality of general-purpose v1 and
Blob storage accounts. General-purpose
v2 storage accounts support these Azure
Storage services:
•Blobs (all types: Block, Append, Page)
General-purpose v1 accounts
General-purpose v1 accounts provide
access to all Azure Storage services,
but may not have the latest features
or the lowest per gigabyte pricing.
General-purpose v1 storage accounts
support these Azure Storage services:
•Blobs (all types)
Blob storage accounts
A Blob storage account is a
specialized storage account for
storing unstructured object data
as block blobs. Blob storage
accounts provide the same
durability, availability, scalability,
and performance features that are
available with general-purpose v2
storage accounts. Blob storage
accounts support storing block
blobs and append blobs, but not
page blobs.
Types of Storage Accounts
•Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and may contain numbers and lowercase letters only.
•Your storage account name must be unique within Azure. No two storage accounts can have the same name
account type
access tiers
model1 Encryption2
purpose V2
Blob, File,
Queue, Table,
and Disk
Hot, Cool,
purpose V1
Blob, File,
Queue, Table,
and Disk
Blob storage Blob (block
blobs and
append blobs
Standard Hot, Cool,
• All storage accounts are encrypted using Storage Service Encryption (SSE)
• The Archive tier is available at level of an individual blob only, not at the storage account level. Only block blobs and append blobs can be archived
• Zone-redundant storage (ZRS) is available only for standard general-purpose v2 storage accounts.
Types of Storage Accounts- Comparison
Performance tiers
General-purpose storage
accounts may be
configured for either of
the following
performance tiers:
•A standard
performance tier for
storing blobs, files,
tables, queues, and
Azure virtual machine
•A premium
performance tier for
storing unmanaged
virtual machine disks
LRS- Local Redundant Storage – 3 Copies in single DC
ZRS- Zonal Redundant Storage – 3 copies in different DCs in same region or different region
GRS- Geo Redundant Storage – 6 Copies . 3 in LRS and 3 in DCs in different geo regions. Geo-
redundant storage (GRS) replicates your data to a secondary region that is hundreds of miles
away from the primary region. If your storage account has GRS enabled, then your data is
durable even in the case of a complete regional outage or a disaster in which the primary
region is not recoverable.
RA GRS- Read Access Geo Redundant Storage – 6 copies same as GRS but 3 copies in
different geo DC also have read access. Read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS)
maximizes availability for your storage account, by providing read-only access to the data in
the secondary location, in addition to the replication across two regions provided by GRS.
Storage Accounts- Performance tiers and Replication
Storage account endpoints
A storage account provides a unique namespace in Azure for your data. Every object that you store in Azure Storage
has an address that includes your unique account name. The combination of the account name and the Azure
Storage service endpoint forms the endpoints for your storage account.
For example, if your general-purpose storage account is named mystorageaccount, then the default endpoints for
that account are:
Blob storage:
Table storage:
Queue storage:
Azure Files:
Storage Account Endpoints
The URL for accessing an object in a storage account is constructed by appending the object's location in the storage account
to the endpoint. For example, a blob address might have this format:
Simple Interface to
store and retrieve
large amount of
unstructured data
like files, images,
videos, etc
No SQLDatastore
Used for storing
structured, non-
relational data.
A queue contains
many messages.
Decouple frontend
role from backend.
Persistent standard
and premium storage
for IaaS VM built on
PageBlobs .
SMB 3.0 access to
azure storage. Map
to file share . Lift and
shift legacy apps.
Azure Import/Export
Ship data in hard disk drive to azure datacentre
High Performance data uploads , downloads
and copy
Azure Storage Offerings
Abstraction of Storage
• Blobs – Simple Interface to
store and retrieve files in
• Data Sharing : Share
documents , picture, video ,
music etc.
• Big Data : Store rwa
• Backups-Data and device
• Disks– Network mounted
durables disks for VMs in
• Data Sharing : Share documents
, picture, video , music etc.
• Mounted disks and VHDs
stored in Azure Blobs
• Move on-premised applications
to cloud
• Tables– Massively scalable and
extremely easy to use NoSQL
system that auto scales
• Store users information,
device information and any
type of metadata for your
• Queues– Reliable messaging
• Decouple components/roles
• Web role to worker role
• Allow roles to scale
• Implement scheduling of
asynchronous tasks
• Building process/workflows
Abstraction of Storage
Accessing Windows Storage Via Explorer
Cloud storage studio by Cerebrata
Azure Storage Explorer by Neudistic
CloudXplorer by ClumsyLeaf
CloudBerry Explorer by Cloudberry Lab
How the Azure Storage Used by Microsoft
Xbox: Uses Blobs, Tables and Queues for cloud game saves, Xbox Music, Xbox live
Skype: Uses Blobs, Tables and Queues for Skype video messages and to keep
metadata to allow skype clients to connect with each other.
Bing: Uses Blobs, Tables and Queues to provide a near real time ingestion engine
that consume Twitter and Facebook feeds, indexes them which is the folded inti Bing
SkyDrive: Uses Blobs to store pictures , documents , video, files etc.
Blob Storage
Blob Storage
Simple Interface to store and retrieve large amount of
unstructured data like files, images, videos, etc .
A single blob can be hundreds of gigabytes in size, and
a single storage account can contain up to 200TB of
Azure Storage supports three types of blobs:
Block blobs store text and binary data, up to about 4.7
TB. Block blobs are made up of blocks of data that can
be managed individually.
Append blobs are made up of blocks like block blobs,
but are optimized for append operations. Append
blobs are ideal for scenarios such as logging data from
virtual machines.
Page blobs store random access files up to 8 TB in size.
Page blobs store the virtual hard drive (VHD) files serve
as disks for Azure virtual machines
Blob Storage is designed for :
• Serving images or documents
directly to a browser.
• Storing files for distributed access.
• Streaming video and audio.
• Writing to log files.
• Storing data for backup and
restore, disaster recovery, and
• Storing data for analysis by an on-
premises or Azure-hosted service.
Blob Storage
Blob Storage Resources
Blob storage offers three types of resources:
•The storage account- A storage account provides a unique
namespace in Azure for your data. Every object that you store in
Azure Storage has an address that includes your unique account
name. An account can have many Blob Containers
•A container in the storage account-A container organizes a set
of blobs, similar to a directory in a file system. A storage account
can include an unlimited number of containers, and a container
can store an unlimited number of blobs. Sharing policies are set
at the container level, where a container can be set to private or
to be publicly accessible
•A blob in a container
 The Hot access tier, which is optimized for frequent access of objects in the storage account. Accessing data in the
Hot tier is most cost-effective, while storage costs are somewhat higher.
 The Cool access tier, which is optimized for storing large amounts of data that is infrequently accessed and stored
for at least 30 days. Storing data in the Cool tier is more cost-effective, but accessing that data may be somewhat
more expensive than accessing data in the Hot tier.
 The Archive tier, which is available only for individual block blobs. The Archive tier is optimized for data that can
tolerate several hours of retrieval latency and will remain in the Archive tier for at least 180 days. The Archive tier
is the most cost-effective option for storing data, but accessing that data is more expensive than accessing data in
the Hot or Cool tiers.
Access tiers for block blob data
Archive Access tiers for block blob data
Table Storage
Table Storage
• Azure Table storage is a service that stores structured NoSQL data in the
cloud, providing a key/attribute store with a schemaless design.
• Because Table storage is schemaless it's easy to adapt your data as the
needs of your application evolve.
• Access to Table storage data is fast and cost-effective for many types of
applications, and is typically lower in cost than traditional SQL for
similar volumes of data
Table Storage Components
Storage Account – All access to Windows Azure Storage is done through a storage
account. This is the highest level of the namespace for accessing tables. An account
can have many Tables
Table: A table is a collection of entities. Tables don't enforce a schema on entities,
which means a single table can contain entities that have different sets of properties.
Entity: An entity is a set of properties, similar to a database row. An entity in Azure
Storage can be up to 1MB in size. An entity contains a set of properties. Each table
has two properties, “PartitionKey and RowKey”, which form the unique key for the
Properties: A property is a name-value pair. An entity can hold up to 255 properties.
Each entity also has three system properties that specify a partition key, a row key,
and a timestamp.
PartitionKey – The first key property of every table.
The system uses this key to automatically distribute
and load balance the table’s entities over many
RowKey – A second key property for the table. This is
the unique ID of the entity within the partition it
belongs to. The PartitionKey combined with the
RowKey uniquely identifies an entity in a table.
Timestamp – Every entity has a version maintained by
the system. This is used for optimistic concurrency.
Table Storage Properties
How to Partition
Schema of Table
CosmoDB- NoSQL
No data is is born relational, it’s born
dirty and messy, in whatever shape or
structure it’s created.
NoSQL databases used by companies
such as Facebook, Google and
Amazon as they working with big data
problems and/or real time web
applications. This set of technology is
coined “Not Only SQL” since they
might support a SQL syntax for
retrieving data.
The Azure Tables are
extremely scalable
and cheap, but if you
start querying on
any other attributes
then you start
running into
NoSQL - How It Store the data
CosmoDB- Introduction
Azure Cosmos DB
is a globally
database service
that supports
document, key-
value, wide-
column, and
graph databases.
CosmoDB -Turnkey global distribution
The Database is hosted in US
region while the users are in
different regions . This add
latency and delay . In
application like stock market it is
big problem.
One possible solutions is
to use the read only copy
to different regions and
aloo the users to read it,
but this also lead to
inconsistency because of
sync dely.
Another solutions is
to use the eventual
commit where data
cannot be read until
it commit to all
CosmoDB Consistency- A situational scenario
No single machine
Server Side
GB to PB Storage
Pay by the hour ,
throughput cost
Support for
request per
second or minute
CosmoDB Abstract
Turnkey global distribution
• Cosmos DB enables you to build highly
responsive and highly available
applications worldwide.
• Cosmos DB transparently replicates your
data wherever your users are, so your
users can interact with a replica of the data
nearest to them.
• Cosmos DB allows you to add or remove
any of the Azure regions to your Cosmos
account at any time, with a click of a
Always On
Cosmos DB provides 99.999% high
availability for both reads and
writes. Cosmos DB also provides you
with the ability to programmatically
(or via Portal) invoke the regional
failover of your Cosmos account.
This capability helps you ensure that
while a Cosmos database may
automatically failover if there is a
regional disaster.
Guaranteed low latency worldwide
Cosmos DB guarantees less than 10-
ms latencies for both, reads and
(indexed) writes at the 99th
percentile, all around the world.
Cosmos DB is available in all Azure
regions worldwide, including 54+
regions in public cloud, Azure China
21Vianet, Azure Germany, Azure
Government, and Azure
Government for Department of
Defense (DoD).
CosmoDB Advantage
CosmoDB Components
It stores the data in JSON. It’s massively scalable but
fully query-able by all parts of JSON tree.
CosmoDB - Structure
The Azure portal has three explorers that can be
used to manipulate collection.
Document Explorer – It allows you to add, update
and delete documents from a collection.
Query Explorer - Allows you to select document
data from the collection using a SQL like syntax.
Script Explorer- Allows you to define JavaScript
objects to support advanced functionality
CosmoDB –Azure Portal Explorer
Azure Queue
It’s all about a collection that has two primary
methods: enqueue (to insert new items to the queue at
the bottom) and dequeue (to get the top most item from
the queue).
Storage QUEUE
Microsoft Azure Queues are a ready-to-use service
that loosely connects components or applications
through the cloud.
Azure Queues are a part of the Storage Service that
unites Blobs, Tables and Queues under one storage
There are two queue technologies
available in Microsoft Azure: Azure
Queues and Service Bus Queues. The
latter is newer and has a focus on
publish/subscribe mechanisms (i.e. the
ability to receive messages without
having to poll the queue) and integration
with the WCF communication stack. On
the other hand, Azure Queues are faster
and more applicable when storing more
than 5 GB of messages in a queue.
Azure Queues are queues located in the Microsoft cloud which you can use
for exchanging messages between components either in the cloud or on
A message typically represents a task created by someone (“producer”)
that has to be processed by someone else (“consumer”).
Each message has a small body and some attributes, such as time-to-live,
which you can use for configuring your service. As Azure ensures that a
dequeued message is invisible to other listeners, you could imagine many
producers and many consumers as well as one-to-one scenarios.
The main architectural benefit is loose coupling
Storage QUEUE- Architecture
There are two options available at this stage:
1. you can either connect with the storage account name and storage
account key
[everyone who gets the name/key credentials has full access to all operations in
your storage account. Those people can use that access to add and delete queues,
read and write messages, and even access blob and table storages]
2. With a temporary token.
[create a temporary token that is valid for a particular queue, and limited by
functionality and time. Obviously, this way you can give someone restricted access
(e.g. read-only) for a specific time period (e.g. 5 minutes from now), and maintain
much tighter control over who has access to your application.]
Storage QUEUE- Security
Storage QUEUE- Example
Azure FileShare
Azure FileShare
Azure FileShare -Advantages
Azure Storage Encryption
Storage Service Encryption (SSE)
Azure VM Disk Encryption
Index A- Sample Diagram
Index B- Azure Data Store
Thank You
Innovate, Collaborate & Accelerate

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  • 1. Build,SkillandEnableBuild,SkillandEnable Microsoft Azure Data Storage Bipin Sinhaa Innovate, Collaborate & Accelerate
  • 2. Build,SkillandEnable Topics • Azure Storage – Introduction • VM(Disk) Storage • Bob Storage • Table Storage • CosmoDB • Queue • Page Storage • Storage Encryption
  • 7. Build,SkillandEnable Azure Managed Disks is an elastic disk storage system that is offered as an alternative to the current storage account-based system. Managed Disks eliminates the complexity of storage accounts and offers a simple scalable and highly available solution for creating and managing disks .It store the .VHD files in Page Blobs. Simple: Abstract storage accounts from customers Better Performance: Storage accounts limits does nit apply Big Scale : Up to 20,000 disk per region per subscription. Encryption: Support VM level disk encryption, secure data at rest Secure- No public access to underlying blob Azure Managed Disk for VM Storage
  • 8. Build,SkillandEnable Unmanaged disk also store the .VHD files in Page Blobs. Management : Disk created and managed by customers Proper Sizing Storage accounts limited to 20,000 IOPs Sparse Storage (Standard): Only pay for actual data then the size Manage by customer Unmanage Storage Accounts Azure Unmanaged Disk for VM Storage
  • 11. Build,SkillandEnable General-purpose v2 accounts General-purpose v2 storage accounts support the latest Azure Storage features and incorporate all of the functionality of general-purpose v1 and Blob storage accounts. General-purpose v2 storage accounts support these Azure Storage services: •Blobs (all types: Block, Append, Page) •Files •Disks •Queues •Tables General-purpose v1 accounts General-purpose v1 accounts provide access to all Azure Storage services, but may not have the latest features or the lowest per gigabyte pricing. General-purpose v1 storage accounts support these Azure Storage services: •Blobs (all types) •Files •Disks •Queues •Tables Blob storage accounts A Blob storage account is a specialized storage account for storing unstructured object data as block blobs. Blob storage accounts provide the same durability, availability, scalability, and performance features that are available with general-purpose v2 storage accounts. Blob storage accounts support storing block blobs and append blobs, but not page blobs. Types of Storage Accounts •Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and may contain numbers and lowercase letters only. •Your storage account name must be unique within Azure. No two storage accounts can have the same name
  • 12. Build,SkillandEnable Storage account type Supported services Supported performance tiers Supported access tiers Replication options Deployment model1 Encryption2 General- purpose V2 Blob, File, Queue, Table, and Disk Standard, Premium Hot, Cool, Archive 3 LRS, ZRS 4 , GRS, RA-GRS Resource Manager Encrypted General- purpose V1 Blob, File, Queue, Table, and Disk Standard, Premium N/A LRS, GRS, RA- GRS Resource Manager, Classic Encrypted Blob storage Blob (block blobs and append blobs only) Standard Hot, Cool, Archive 3 LRS, GRS, RA- GRS Resource Manager Encrypted • All storage accounts are encrypted using Storage Service Encryption (SSE) • The Archive tier is available at level of an individual blob only, not at the storage account level. Only block blobs and append blobs can be archived • Zone-redundant storage (ZRS) is available only for standard general-purpose v2 storage accounts. Types of Storage Accounts- Comparison
  • 13. Build,SkillandEnable Performance tiers General-purpose storage accounts may be configured for either of the following performance tiers: •A standard performance tier for storing blobs, files, tables, queues, and Azure virtual machine disks. •A premium performance tier for storing unmanaged virtual machine disks only. Replication/Redundancy LRS- Local Redundant Storage – 3 Copies in single DC ZRS- Zonal Redundant Storage – 3 copies in different DCs in same region or different region GRS- Geo Redundant Storage – 6 Copies . 3 in LRS and 3 in DCs in different geo regions. Geo- redundant storage (GRS) replicates your data to a secondary region that is hundreds of miles away from the primary region. If your storage account has GRS enabled, then your data is durable even in the case of a complete regional outage or a disaster in which the primary region is not recoverable. RA GRS- Read Access Geo Redundant Storage – 6 copies same as GRS but 3 copies in different geo DC also have read access. Read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS) maximizes availability for your storage account, by providing read-only access to the data in the secondary location, in addition to the replication across two regions provided by GRS. Storage Accounts- Performance tiers and Replication
  • 14. Build,SkillandEnable Storage account endpoints A storage account provides a unique namespace in Azure for your data. Every object that you store in Azure Storage has an address that includes your unique account name. The combination of the account name and the Azure Storage service endpoint forms the endpoints for your storage account. For example, if your general-purpose storage account is named mystorageaccount, then the default endpoints for that account are: Blob storage: Table storage: Queue storage: Azure Files: Storage Account Endpoints The URL for accessing an object in a storage account is constructed by appending the object's location in the storage account to the endpoint. For example, a blob address might have this format:
  • 15. Build,SkillandEnable Blobs Simple Interface to store and retrieve large amount of unstructured data like files, images, videos, etc Tables No SQLDatastore Used for storing structured, non- relational data. Queues A queue contains many messages. Decouple frontend role from backend. Disks Persistent standard and premium storage for IaaS VM built on PageBlobs . Files SMB 3.0 access to azure storage. Map to file share . Lift and shift legacy apps. Azure Import/Export Ship data in hard disk drive to azure datacentre AZCopy High Performance data uploads , downloads and copy Azure Storage Offerings
  • 16. Build,SkillandEnable Abstraction of Storage • Blobs – Simple Interface to store and retrieve files in cloud. • Data Sharing : Share documents , picture, video , music etc. • Big Data : Store rwa data/logs • Backups-Data and device Backup • Disks– Network mounted durables disks for VMs in Azure • Data Sharing : Share documents , picture, video , music etc. • Mounted disks and VHDs stored in Azure Blobs • Move on-premised applications to cloud • Tables– Massively scalable and extremely easy to use NoSQL system that auto scales • Store users information, device information and any type of metadata for your service. • Queues– Reliable messaging system • Decouple components/roles • Web role to worker role communication • Allow roles to scale independently • Implement scheduling of asynchronous tasks • Building process/workflows
  • 18. Build,SkillandEnable Accessing Windows Storage Via Explorer Cloud storage studio by Cerebrata Azure Storage Explorer by Neudistic CloudXplorer by ClumsyLeaf CloudBerry Explorer by Cloudberry Lab
  • 19. Build,SkillandEnable How the Azure Storage Used by Microsoft Xbox: Uses Blobs, Tables and Queues for cloud game saves, Xbox Music, Xbox live etc Skype: Uses Blobs, Tables and Queues for Skype video messages and to keep metadata to allow skype clients to connect with each other. Bing: Uses Blobs, Tables and Queues to provide a near real time ingestion engine that consume Twitter and Facebook feeds, indexes them which is the folded inti Bing search SkyDrive: Uses Blobs to store pictures , documents , video, files etc.
  • 21. Build,SkillandEnable Blob Storage Simple Interface to store and retrieve large amount of unstructured data like files, images, videos, etc . A single blob can be hundreds of gigabytes in size, and a single storage account can contain up to 200TB of blobs. Azure Storage supports three types of blobs: Block blobs store text and binary data, up to about 4.7 TB. Block blobs are made up of blocks of data that can be managed individually. Append blobs are made up of blocks like block blobs, but are optimized for append operations. Append blobs are ideal for scenarios such as logging data from virtual machines. Page blobs store random access files up to 8 TB in size. Page blobs store the virtual hard drive (VHD) files serve as disks for Azure virtual machines
  • 22. Build,SkillandEnable Blob Storage is designed for : • Serving images or documents directly to a browser. • Storing files for distributed access. • Streaming video and audio. • Writing to log files. • Storing data for backup and restore, disaster recovery, and archiving. • Storing data for analysis by an on- premises or Azure-hosted service. Blob Storage
  • 23. Build,SkillandEnable Blob Storage Resources Blob storage offers three types of resources: •The storage account- A storage account provides a unique namespace in Azure for your data. Every object that you store in Azure Storage has an address that includes your unique account name. An account can have many Blob Containers •A container in the storage account-A container organizes a set of blobs, similar to a directory in a file system. A storage account can include an unlimited number of containers, and a container can store an unlimited number of blobs. Sharing policies are set at the container level, where a container can be set to private or to be publicly accessible •A blob in a container
  • 24. Build,SkillandEnable  The Hot access tier, which is optimized for frequent access of objects in the storage account. Accessing data in the Hot tier is most cost-effective, while storage costs are somewhat higher.  The Cool access tier, which is optimized for storing large amounts of data that is infrequently accessed and stored for at least 30 days. Storing data in the Cool tier is more cost-effective, but accessing that data may be somewhat more expensive than accessing data in the Hot tier.  The Archive tier, which is available only for individual block blobs. The Archive tier is optimized for data that can tolerate several hours of retrieval latency and will remain in the Archive tier for at least 180 days. The Archive tier is the most cost-effective option for storing data, but accessing that data is more expensive than accessing data in the Hot or Cool tiers. Access tiers for block blob data
  • 27. Build,SkillandEnable Table Storage • Azure Table storage is a service that stores structured NoSQL data in the cloud, providing a key/attribute store with a schemaless design. • Because Table storage is schemaless it's easy to adapt your data as the needs of your application evolve. • Access to Table storage data is fast and cost-effective for many types of applications, and is typically lower in cost than traditional SQL for similar volumes of data
  • 28. Build,SkillandEnable Table Storage Components Storage Account – All access to Windows Azure Storage is done through a storage account. This is the highest level of the namespace for accessing tables. An account can have many Tables Table: A table is a collection of entities. Tables don't enforce a schema on entities, which means a single table can contain entities that have different sets of properties. Entity: An entity is a set of properties, similar to a database row. An entity in Azure Storage can be up to 1MB in size. An entity contains a set of properties. Each table has two properties, “PartitionKey and RowKey”, which form the unique key for the entity Properties: A property is a name-value pair. An entity can hold up to 255 properties. Each entity also has three system properties that specify a partition key, a row key, and a timestamp.
  • 29. Build,SkillandEnable PartitionKey – The first key property of every table. The system uses this key to automatically distribute and load balance the table’s entities over many servers. RowKey – A second key property for the table. This is the unique ID of the entity within the partition it belongs to. The PartitionKey combined with the RowKey uniquely identifies an entity in a table. Timestamp – Every entity has a version maintained by the system. This is used for optimistic concurrency. Table Storage Properties
  • 33. Build,SkillandEnable CosmoDB- NoSQL No data is is born relational, it’s born dirty and messy, in whatever shape or structure it’s created. NoSQL databases used by companies such as Facebook, Google and Amazon as they working with big data problems and/or real time web applications. This set of technology is coined “Not Only SQL” since they might support a SQL syntax for retrieving data. The Azure Tables are extremely scalable and cheap, but if you start querying on any other attributes then you start running into problems.
  • 34. Build,SkillandEnable NoSQL - How It Store the data
  • 35. Build,SkillandEnable CosmoDB- Introduction Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service that supports document, key- value, wide- column, and graph databases.
  • 37. Build,SkillandEnable The Database is hosted in US region while the users are in different regions . This add latency and delay . In application like stock market it is big problem. One possible solutions is to use the read only copy to different regions and aloo the users to read it, but this also lead to inconsistency because of sync dely. Another solutions is to use the eventual commit where data cannot be read until it commit to all database. CosmoDB Consistency- A situational scenario
  • 38. Build,SkillandEnable No single machine bottleneck. Server Side partition Management GB to PB Storage selectable throughput Automatic Document expiration Pay by the hour , customized throughput cost Support for request per second or minute CosmoDB Abstract
  • 39. Build,SkillandEnable Turnkey global distribution • Cosmos DB enables you to build highly responsive and highly available applications worldwide. • Cosmos DB transparently replicates your data wherever your users are, so your users can interact with a replica of the data nearest to them. • Cosmos DB allows you to add or remove any of the Azure regions to your Cosmos account at any time, with a click of a button. Always On Cosmos DB provides 99.999% high availability for both reads and writes. Cosmos DB also provides you with the ability to programmatically (or via Portal) invoke the regional failover of your Cosmos account. This capability helps you ensure that while a Cosmos database may automatically failover if there is a regional disaster. Guaranteed low latency worldwide Cosmos DB guarantees less than 10- ms latencies for both, reads and (indexed) writes at the 99th percentile, all around the world. Cosmos DB is available in all Azure regions worldwide, including 54+ regions in public cloud, Azure China 21Vianet, Azure Germany, Azure Government, and Azure Government for Department of Defense (DoD). CosmoDB Advantage
  • 41. Build,SkillandEnable It stores the data in JSON. It’s massively scalable but fully query-able by all parts of JSON tree. CosmoDB - Structure
  • 42. Build,SkillandEnable The Azure portal has three explorers that can be used to manipulate collection. Document Explorer – It allows you to add, update and delete documents from a collection. Query Explorer - Allows you to select document data from the collection using a SQL like syntax. Script Explorer- Allows you to define JavaScript objects to support advanced functionality CosmoDB –Azure Portal Explorer
  • 44. Build,SkillandEnable It’s all about a collection that has two primary methods: enqueue (to insert new items to the queue at the bottom) and dequeue (to get the top most item from the queue). Storage QUEUE Microsoft Azure Queues are a ready-to-use service that loosely connects components or applications through the cloud. Azure Queues are a part of the Storage Service that unites Blobs, Tables and Queues under one storage account. There are two queue technologies available in Microsoft Azure: Azure Queues and Service Bus Queues. The latter is newer and has a focus on publish/subscribe mechanisms (i.e. the ability to receive messages without having to poll the queue) and integration with the WCF communication stack. On the other hand, Azure Queues are faster and more applicable when storing more than 5 GB of messages in a queue.
  • 45. Build,SkillandEnable Azure Queues are queues located in the Microsoft cloud which you can use for exchanging messages between components either in the cloud or on premise. A message typically represents a task created by someone (“producer”) that has to be processed by someone else (“consumer”). Each message has a small body and some attributes, such as time-to-live, which you can use for configuring your service. As Azure ensures that a dequeued message is invisible to other listeners, you could imagine many producers and many consumers as well as one-to-one scenarios. The main architectural benefit is loose coupling Storage QUEUE- Architecture
  • 46. Build,SkillandEnable There are two options available at this stage: 1. you can either connect with the storage account name and storage account key [everyone who gets the name/key credentials has full access to all operations in your storage account. Those people can use that access to add and delete queues, read and write messages, and even access blob and table storages] 2. With a temporary token. [create a temporary token that is valid for a particular queue, and limited by functionality and time. Obviously, this way you can give someone restricted access (e.g. read-only) for a specific time period (e.g. 5 minutes from now), and maintain much tighter control over who has access to your application.] Storage QUEUE- Security